© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
• When judging whether the economy is doing well or poorly, it is natural to look at the total income that everyone in the economy is earning.
Y = C + I + G + NX
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
• Consumption (C):
• The spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
• The equality of income and expenditure can be illustrated with the circular-flow diagram.
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Capital Input
• The Demand for Capital Services
– Firms maximize real profit
• π/P= A·F[(κK)d, Ld)] −(w/P) · Ld− (R/P)·(κK)d
Capital Input
Capital Input
– Net real income from supplying capital services = K·[(R/P)·κ − δ(κ)]
Capital Input
• The Supply of Capital Services
– Rate of return from owning capital = ( R/P)·κ − δ(κ)
Capital Input
• Market Clearing and Capital Utilization
– i = (R/ P) · κ − δ(κ) – Rate of return on bonds
= rate of return on ownership of capital
– Increase in the technology level, A, raises the rate of return from owning capital, the interest rate, i, increases. The interest rate is still procyclical in the model.
Capital Utilization and Unemployment
Capital Input
• Capital utilization rate
– The fraction of the capital stock used in production. – κ (the Greek letter kappa) represent the utilization rate for the capital stock, K. – Y= A· F(κ K, L)
real deficit is the same as the government's real dissaving. If the right-hand side of equation (14.4) equals zero, the government has a balanced budget. In this case, the government's real saving equals zero.
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
Characteristics of Government Bonds
In the model, the government can now borrow funds from households by issuing interest-bearing bonds. We assume that these government bonds pay interest and principal in the same way as the private bonds in the model. In particular, we continue to simplify by assuming that all bonds have very short maturity.
The Budget Deficit
Inflation and the Budget Deficit in the National Accounts
Inflation and the Budget Deficit in the National Accounts
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
Characteristics of Government Bonds
In the model, the government can now borrow funds from households by issuing interest-bearing bonds. We assume that these government bonds pay interest and principal in the same way as the private bonds in the model. In particular, we continue to simplify by assuming that all bonds have very short maturity.
The Budget Deficit
Inflation and the Budget Deficit in the National Accounts
Inflation and the Budget Deficit in the National Accounts
Macro Economics
Gross Domestic Product
In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
How is GDP related to a nation’s total income and spending?
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures total income of everyone in the economy. GDP also measures total expenditure on the economy’s output of g&s.
For the economy as a whole, income equals expenditure, because
Macroeconomics: The study of the economy as a whole.
We begin our study of macroeconomics with the country’s total income and expenditure.
Income and Expenditure
Intermediate goods: used as components or ingredients in the production of other goods
GDP only includes final goods – they already embody the value of the intermediate goods used in their production.
Gross Domestic Product
In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
How is GDP related to a nation’s total income and spending?
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures total income of everyone in the economy. GDP also measures total expenditure on the economy’s output of g&s.
For the economy as a whole, income equals expenditure, because
Macroeconomics: The study of the economy as a whole.
We begin our study of macroeconomics with the country’s total income and expenditure.
Income and Expenditure
Intermediate goods: used as components or ingredients in the production of other goods
GDP only includes final goods – they already embody the value of the intermediate goods used in their production.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
THE COMPONENTS OF GDP • GDP includes all items produced in the economy and sold legally n markets. • What Is Not Counted in GDP?
– Every transaction has a buyer and a seller. – Every dollar of spending by some buyer is a dollar of income for some seller.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Y = C + I + G + NX
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
THE COMPONENTS OF GDP • Consumption (C):
• The spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing. • Investment (I):
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
• “. . . Final . . .” – It records only the value of final goods, not intermediate goods (the value is counted only once).
THE COMPONENTS OF GDP • GDP includes all items produced in the economy and sold legally n markets. • What Is Not Counted in GDP?
– Every transaction has a buyer and a seller. – Every dollar of spending by some buyer is a dollar of income for some seller.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Y = C + I + G + NX
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
THE COMPONENTS OF GDP • Consumption (C):
• The spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing. • Investment (I):
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
Table 2 Real and Nominal GDP
• “. . . Final . . .” – It records only the value of final goods, not intermediate goods (the value is counted only once).
GDP Composition
The breakdown of GDP into its various components, such as consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports.
A measure of the percentage of the labor force that is jobless and actively seeking employment.
Fiscal Policy and Government Speing is a significant component of the economy, representing a significant share of GDP.
Government spending can also act as a stabilizer during economic downturns, stimulating growth and absorbing economic shocks.
Monetary Policy and Central Bank Operations
The main monetary policy tools used by central banks are open market operations, reserve requirements, and interest rate policy.
Examples include stimulus packages during the Great Recession, infrastructure spending programs, and social welfare policies.
The breakdown of GDP into its various components, such as consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports.
A measure of the percentage of the labor force that is jobless and actively seeking employment.
Fiscal Policy and Government Speing is a significant component of the economy, representing a significant share of GDP.
Government spending can also act as a stabilizer during economic downturns, stimulating growth and absorbing economic shocks.
Monetary Policy and Central Bank Operations
The main monetary policy tools used by central banks are open market operations, reserve requirements, and interest rate policy.
Examples include stimulus packages during the Great Recession, infrastructure spending programs, and social welfare policies.
slide 2
Important issues in macroeconomics
▪ What is the government budget deficit?
How does it affect the economy?
▪ Why does the U.S. have such a huge trade
and aggregate income.
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 15
Digression: Functional notation
▪ General functional notation shows only
that the variables are related:
even when the economy is booming?
▪ Why are there recessions?
Can the government do anything to combat recessions? Should it??
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
Quantity of cars
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
▪ Why are so many countries poor?
What policies might help them grow out of poverty?
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 3
U.S. Gross Domestic Product
• • • • In two sector modle,there exist such equation AD=AS C+I=C+S I=S
National income(2 sector)
• Method 1: calculated by AD-AS • condition: equilibrium in Y=C+I
Consumption function
Consumption function
The image of consumption function. In which the slope (斜率)is MPC, and the intercept(截距) is autonomous consumption
Brief introduce
• foreign trade multiplier
Y C cTR c(1 t )Y I 0 G X (M 0 mY ) dY c(1 t )dY dX mdY Y 1 KX X 1 c(1 t ) m
I S , S C0 (1 c)Y
C C0 cY
C0 I 0 Y 1 c
National income(2 sector)
• Paradox of thrift(节俭悖论)
• The paradox states that if everyone tries to save more money during times of economic recession, there individual wealth would grow. But then aggregat demand will fall and will in turn lower total savings in the population because of the decrease in consumption. The paradox is, narrowly speaking, that total savings may fall even when individual savings attempt to rise, and, broadly speaking, individual economy my be contradict with the society ‘s economy.
National income(2 sector)
• Method 1: calculated by AD-AS • condition: equilibrium in Y=C+I
Consumption function
Consumption function
The image of consumption function. In which the slope (斜率)is MPC, and the intercept(截距) is autonomous consumption
Brief introduce
• foreign trade multiplier
Y C cTR c(1 t )Y I 0 G X (M 0 mY ) dY c(1 t )dY dX mdY Y 1 KX X 1 c(1 t ) m
I S , S C0 (1 c)Y
C C0 cY
C0 I 0 Y 1 c
National income(2 sector)
• Paradox of thrift(节俭悖论)
• The paradox states that if everyone tries to save more money during times of economic recession, there individual wealth would grow. But then aggregat demand will fall and will in turn lower total savings in the population because of the decrease in consumption. The paradox is, narrowly speaking, that total savings may fall even when individual savings attempt to rise, and, broadly speaking, individual economy my be contradict with the society ‘s economy.
MBA教材课件英文版 宏观经济学 Macro4 Money Market Analysis
The Supply of Money aDoes the Interest Rate Variation Ensure the Money Market Equilibrium (mechanism analysis)
– Suppose the interest rate to be lower than the equilibrium interest rate. In this case, there will be an excess demand for money indicating people will sell their bonds to exchange for money.
Chapter 4: Money Market Analysis
• The objective of this chapter is to study how money and interest rate is determined in the money and financial market.
• The money and financial market is the market in which money and various financial assets (such as, bonds and stocks) are exchanged.
• The Functions of Money
low interest rate; – Using the public deposit to lend out at a higher
interest rate (own the profit from the interest differential);
2. L is no longer fixed: population growth causes it to grow
3. the consumption function is simpler
CHAPTER 7 Economic Growth I
How Solow model is different from Chapter 3’s model
its saving and population growth rates
▪ how to use the “Golden Rule” to find the
optimal saving rate and capital stock
Why growth matters
▪ Data on infant mortality rates:
CHAPTER 7 Economic Growth I
Income and poverty in the world
selected countries, 2000
% of population living on $2 per day or less
100 Madagascar
the fraction of income that is saved (s is an exogenous parameter)
Note: s is the only lowercase variable that is not equal to its uppercase version divided by L
▪ In aggregate terms: Y = F (K, L)
▪ Define: y = Y/L = output per worker
3. the consumption function is simpler
CHAPTER 7 Economic Growth I
How Solow model is different from Chapter 3’s model
its saving and population growth rates
▪ how to use the “Golden Rule” to find the
optimal saving rate and capital stock
Why growth matters
▪ Data on infant mortality rates:
CHAPTER 7 Economic Growth I
Income and poverty in the world
selected countries, 2000
% of population living on $2 per day or less
100 Madagascar
the fraction of income that is saved (s is an exogenous parameter)
Note: s is the only lowercase variable that is not equal to its uppercase version divided by L
▪ In aggregate terms: Y = F (K, L)
▪ Define: y = Y/L = output per worker
Chapter Outline and Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
7.1 Unemployment • Explain how unemployment is measured. 7.2 Inflation and Deflation • Describe the tools used to measure inflation and discuss
Chapter 7 Unemployment, Inflation,he unemployment rate and inflation are key macroeconomic variables.
• Each month the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics (BLS) announces the previous month’s unemployment rate and the consumer price index (CPI).
• unemployed A person 16 years old or older who is not working, is available for work, and has made specific efforts to find work during the previous 4 weeks.
• labor force The number of people employed plus the number of unemployed. labor force employed unemployed population labor force not in labor force
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Inflation and Interest Rates
• Actual and Expected Real Interest Rates
– Measuring expected inflation
• Ask a sample of people about their expectations. • Livingston Survey
– π1 = ( P2 − P1)/ P1 – π1 = ∆P1/ P1
Inflation and Interest Rates
• Actual and Expected Inflation
– π1 = ( P2 − P1)/ P1 – π1 = ∆P1/ P1 – π1 · P1 = P2 − P1
• r1 = i1 − π1
Inflation and Interest Rates
• The Real Interest Rate and Intertemporal Substitution
– When the inflation rate, π1, is not zero, it is the real interest rate, r1, rather than the nominal rate, i1, that matters for intertemporal substitution.
(dollar assets in year1/P1) · (1+i1)/(1+π1)
– real assets in year2 =
(real assets in year1) · (1+i1)/(1+π1)
Inflation and Interest Rates
宏观经济学英文课件 (1)
• An increase in the technology level, A, raises the marginal product of labor, MPL, for given inputs of capital, K, and labor, L.
An Equilibrium Business-Cycle Model
• Since net investment, K, equals real saving, this result is consistent with our finding that real saving increased.
Matching the Theory with the Facts
An Equilibrium Business-Cycle Model
Cyclical Behavior of Real GDP— Recessions and Booms
• Real GDP= trend real GDP + cyclical part of real GDP
• Cyclical part of real GDP= real GDP− trend real GDP
• Change in level of technology
– Y= A· F( K, L)
• An increase in A means that the economy is more productive.
• A decrease in A means that the economy is less productive.
– C + ∆K = Y − δ K
An Equilibrium Business-Cycle Model
An Equilibrium Business-Cycle Model
• Since net investment, K, equals real saving, this result is consistent with our finding that real saving increased.
Matching the Theory with the Facts
An Equilibrium Business-Cycle Model
Cyclical Behavior of Real GDP— Recessions and Booms
• Real GDP= trend real GDP + cyclical part of real GDP
• Cyclical part of real GDP= real GDP− trend real GDP
• Change in level of technology
– Y= A· F( K, L)
• An increase in A means that the economy is more productive.
• A decrease in A means that the economy is less productive.
– C + ∆K = Y − δ K
An Equilibrium Business-Cycle Model
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The Government’s Budget Constraint
The Government’s Budget Constraint
The Budget Deficit
The Budget Deficit
If the government owned capital, its net real assets would include this capital.
In particular, we continue to simplify by assuming that all bonds have very short maturity.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
We also assume that, like private bonds, government bonds specify nominal amounts of principal and interest.
The Budget Deficit
The Budget Deficit
The Budget Deficit
If the right-hand side of equation (14.4) is greater than zero, the government’s revenue exceeds its expenditure. Economists describe this situation as a budget surplus.
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
A budget deficit means that the quantity of public debt increases over time.
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
Chapter 14 The Public Debt
The Public Debt
In recent years, one of the most controversial economic issues has been the government’s budget deficit.
At least from reading the newspapers, we would think that the economy suffers greatly when the government runs a deficit.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
In the model, the government can now borrow funds from households by issuing interest-bearing bonds.
We assume that these government bonds pay interest and principal in the same way as the private bonds in the model.
As we shall see, our conclusions depart dramatically from those expressed in the newspapers.
2பைடு நூலகம்
The Public Debt
Budget deficits arise when the government finances part of its expenditures by issuing interest-bearing government bonds—public debt—rather than levying taxes.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
Characteristics of Government Bonds
Budget Constraints and Budget Deficits
The Government’s Budget Constraint
That is, we do not consider indexed bonds, which we discussed in chapter 11.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
We assume that bondholders (households in our model) regard government bonds as equivalent to private bonds.
In that case, an increase in government owned capital stock—called net public investment—would mean that the government had more net real assets.
Thus, an increase in net public investment means that the government is saving more or dissaving less in real terms.
Specifically, we do not allow for the possibility that private bonds are riskier than government bonds in terms of the probability of default.
In this case, households would hold the two kinds of bonds only if they paid the same nominal interest rate, i.
The Government’s Budget Constraint
The Government’s Budget Constraint
The Budget Deficit
The Budget Deficit
If the government owned capital, its net real assets would include this capital.
In particular, we continue to simplify by assuming that all bonds have very short maturity.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
We also assume that, like private bonds, government bonds specify nominal amounts of principal and interest.
The Budget Deficit
The Budget Deficit
The Budget Deficit
If the right-hand side of equation (14.4) is greater than zero, the government’s revenue exceeds its expenditure. Economists describe this situation as a budget surplus.
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
A budget deficit means that the quantity of public debt increases over time.
The History of the Public Debt in the United States and the United Kingdom
Chapter 14 The Public Debt
The Public Debt
In recent years, one of the most controversial economic issues has been the government’s budget deficit.
At least from reading the newspapers, we would think that the economy suffers greatly when the government runs a deficit.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
In the model, the government can now borrow funds from households by issuing interest-bearing bonds.
We assume that these government bonds pay interest and principal in the same way as the private bonds in the model.
As we shall see, our conclusions depart dramatically from those expressed in the newspapers.
2பைடு நூலகம்
The Public Debt
Budget deficits arise when the government finances part of its expenditures by issuing interest-bearing government bonds—public debt—rather than levying taxes.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
Characteristics of Government Bonds
Budget Constraints and Budget Deficits
The Government’s Budget Constraint
That is, we do not consider indexed bonds, which we discussed in chapter 11.
Characteristics of Government Bonds
We assume that bondholders (households in our model) regard government bonds as equivalent to private bonds.
In that case, an increase in government owned capital stock—called net public investment—would mean that the government had more net real assets.
Thus, an increase in net public investment means that the government is saving more or dissaving less in real terms.
Specifically, we do not allow for the possibility that private bonds are riskier than government bonds in terms of the probability of default.
In this case, households would hold the two kinds of bonds only if they paid the same nominal interest rate, i.