
Introduction to Global Business国际商贸课件

Introduction to Global Business国际商贸课件

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© 2017 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
Foreign Exchange Markets
Setting Exchange Rates
Independent floating exchange rate system
Managed floating exchange rate system



Training on the Introduction to the International BusinessTraining Tasks◆Task1To summarize the basic concepts in tern such as:1. What is international trade? What is the visible and invisible commodities?2. What is the fundamental benefit of international trade?3. Basic Documents Needed in Export and Import Transaction4. To explain the trade terms in groups◆Task 2To list the chart of the General Procedures of Foreign Trade◆Task 3Discussion:What are the similarities and differences among the FOB、CFR and CIF?DirectionA. DefinitionInternational trade, also known as world trade, foreign trade, overseas trade, import and export trade, is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across international boundaries(边界) or territories(领土). It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale for both visible and invisible commodities.B. BenefitAs to the fundamental benefits of international trade, it is straightforward. That is by international trade we can greatly improve the quality of our life. For example, as consumers we can buy goods and services from all over the world in our local shops. As business owners we have new opportunities to expand our markets by selling in a multitude of other foreign countries.C. Kinds:国际贸易分类方式有很多种,常见的有:a. 依货物流向分1. 出口贸易(Expert Trade)2. 进口贸易(Import Trade)3. 过境贸易(Transit Trade)4. 转口贸易(Intermediary Trade )b. 依货物形态分1. 有形贸易(Visible Trade)2. 无形贸易(Invisible Trade )c. 依贸易途径分1. 直接贸易(Direct Trade)2. 间接贸易(Indirect Trade)3. 三角贸易(Triangular Trade)D. General Procedures of Foreign TradeThe procedures of foreign trade are so complicated that it may take quite a long time to conclude a transaction. Varied and complicated procedures have to be a good through in the course of export or import transaction. From the very beginning to the end of the transaction, the whole operation generally undergoes four stages preparing for exporting or importing, business negotiation, implementation of the contract, and settlement of disputes ( if any). Each stage covers some specific steps. No matter what way the negotiations are held, in general, they consist of the following links enquiry, offer, counter-offer, acceptance and conclusion of sales contract. Among which offers and acceptance are two indispensable links for reaching an agreement and concluding a contract. Since the export and import trades are two sides of the same coin, and one country's export is another country's import, hence, we will take the procedures of export transaction in the following diagram to illustrate the general procedures of export and importtransaction.1. Procedures of Export 出口贸易的程序The most difficult part of exporting is taking the first step. Different countries have different economic policies or systems. So before doing business with foreign countries, one has to understand the whole procedures of export.There may have 3 steps for an export to conclude a transaction of export: to prepare foe exporting; to have business negotiation; to carry out the contract.2.Procedures of Import 进口贸易的程序Somewhat similar to those export business, the basic procedures of import business may be divided into three major stages, but naturally the focus of attention to each stage differs from that of export business.类似出口交易,进口交易的基本程序也可以分成三个阶段,但每个阶段的重点不同于出口交易。



英文合同及发票模板1. IntroductionIn international business transactions, it is crucial to have accurate and well-drafted contracts and invoices to ensure smooth and lawful operations. This article aims to provide a guide on the format and content of English-language contracts and invoices for such purposes.2. English Language Contract2.1 HeadingAt the top of the contract, include the heading "Contract" in bold and centered. Beneath it, mention the date of the agreement, names and addresses of the parties involved, and the contract's unique identification number.2.2 IntroductionBegin with a clear statement introducing the purpose of the contract and briefly summarizing its essential terms. This section should provide an overview of the agreement and its objectives.2.3 RecitalsFollow the introduction with a series of recitals that outline the background and context of the agreement, including any relevant legal considerations or prior agreements. Each recital should be numbered and begin with the word "WHEREAS."2.4 DefinitionsInclude a section that defines key terms used throughout the contract. This can help avoid ambiguity and ensure a common understanding between the parties. Arrange the defined terms alphabetically and provide concise explanations for each.2.5 Agreement TermsPresent the main body of the contract, which contains the specific terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. Organize this section into clearly labeled clauses or paragraphs, each addressing a particular aspect of the agreement. Use numbered headings and subheadings for ease of reference.2.6 Signatures and ExecutionAt the end of the contract, create space for the parties' signatures, printed names, and dates. Clearly indicate where each party should sign and specify any additional required information, such as job titles or company affiliations.3. English Language Invoice3.1 HeadingAt the top of the invoice, include the heading "Invoice" in bold and centered. Beneath it, provide the invoice's unique identification number, date, and the contact details of the issuing party.3.2 Bill To and Ship ToInclude sections for the "Bill To" and "Ship To" information. The "Bill To" section should contain the name and address of the client or buyer,while the "Ship To" section should include the delivery address if different from the billing address.3.3 Itemized ListPresent a detailed itemized list of goods or services provided, including the quantity, unit price, and subtotal for each item. Calculate the total amount due at the bottom of the list.3.4 Payment TermsSpecify the payment terms, including the due date and any applicable late payment penalties or discounts for early payment.3.5 Contact InformationInclude the contact information of the issuing party, such as the company's name, address, phone number, and email. This enables the recipient to reach out for any inquiries or clarifications.3.6 Additional InformationIf necessary, provide any relevant additional information related to the invoice, such as tax identification numbers or applicable legal references.4. ConclusionAccurate and clear contracts and invoices are essential tools for conducting business in an international context. By following the suggested format and content guidelines for English language contracts and invoices outlined in this article, parties can establish a solid foundation for their commercial relationships.。

Bussiness English(unit 1 A Brief Introduction to International Business)

Bussiness English(unit 1 A Brief Introduction to International Business)

Unit one
A Brief Introduction to International Business
1.What is Business?
Business means the production, distribution, sale of goods and service for a profit.
Essential functions :
① administering and implementing the multilateral and plural-lateral trade agreement, which together make up the WTO ② acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiation ③ seeking to resolve trade disputes ④ overseeing national trade policies ⑤ cooperating with other international and institutions involved in global economic police making
Part one Introduction to International Business
Unit1.A Brief Introduction to International Business
Unit 2.Business Organization
Part two Formulation of International Businational Business?
International Business deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries.



国际商务英语作文International Business English。

In today's globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively in English is essential for success in international business. Whether it's negotiating a deal, writing a report, or giving a presentation, the ability to use English fluently and accurately is a valuable skill. In this essay, we will explore the importance of international business English and discuss some strategies for improving English language skills in a business context.First and foremost, English is the lingua franca of international business. It is the language of trade, commerce, and diplomacy, and is used as a common language for communication between people from different countries. As a result, proficiency in English is a key requirementfor anyone working in the international business arena. Without a good command of English, it can be difficult to build relationships, negotiate deals, and communicateeffectively with business partners from around the world.In addition, English is the language of the internet and the media. In today's digital age, much of the world's business is conducted online, and English is the dominant language of the internet. This means that a good command of English is essential for accessing information, networking with business contacts, and staying up to date with the latest developments in the business world.Furthermore, English is the language of innovation and creativity. Many of the world's most successful companies are based in English-speaking countries, and much of the cutting-edge research and development in business takes place in English. This means that a good command of English is essential for anyone seeking to be at the forefront of business innovation and to access the latest ideas and technologies.Given the importance of English in international business, it is essential for business professionals to continuously improve their English language skills. Thereare several strategies that can help individuals to improve their English in a business context. First, it is important to practice speaking and writing in English as much as possible. This can be done through participating inEnglish-speaking business meetings, writing reports and emails in English, and engaging in English-language networking events.Second, it is helpful to take advantage of English language training programs and resources. Many companies offer English language courses for their employees, and there are also numerous online resources available forself-study. These can include online courses, language exchange programs, and language learning apps, all of which can help individuals to improve their English languageskills in a business context.Finally, it is important to immerse oneself in the English language as much as possible. This can involve reading English-language business publications, watching English-language business news and documentaries, and listening to English-language business podcasts. Bysurrounding oneself with English-language business content, individuals can improve their understanding of business English and become more fluent and confident in using the language.In conclusion, English is an essential skill for success in international business. It is the language of trade, commerce, and diplomacy, and proficiency in English is a key requirement for anyone working in theinternational business arena. By continuously improving their English language skills, business professionals can enhance their ability to communicate effectively, build relationships, and succeed in the global business world.。

国际商法 第二版 英文版 姜作利 课件

国际商法 第二版 英文版 姜作利 课件
Documentary Credits (UCP600 跟单信用证统一惯例)
III Sources of international business law
D International trade customs and usages
• Influence: not law, but plays an important role. • 1. as binding rules by agreed upon by the parties to the
III Sources of international business law
A National law
The most important source. Take China as an example: The Contract Law Trademark Law Chinese-Foreign joint Venture (Cooperative) Law, The Civil Procedure Law Arbitration Law
Examples: 1. Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration by
the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示范法 UNCITRAL Model Law) 2. Principles of International Commercial Contract by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则, UNIDROIT PICC )


Chapter One
0.2 Reasons of Negotiation
• Negotiation occurs for several reasons: • (1) to agree on how to share or divide a
limited resource, such as land, or property, or time; • (2) to create something new that neither party could do on his or her own; • or (3) to resolve a problem or dispute between the parties.
• Negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when some one else controls what we want. -----Robert Maddux
Chapter One
What is Negotiation?
• Negotiation is an interpersonal decisionmaking process by which two or more people agree how allocate scarce resources
• 2. alternative: that can be used instead of sth. else 可替代\可选择的optional(Synonym)
• 3. joint : involving two or more people联合的、共同 的
• joint decision: consensus(Synonym ) • 4. bargain: to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with



四、案件争议焦点 德克萨斯州地方法院、联邦法院是否享有该案的管 辖权。 五、判决理由 1.该案件的争议行为和侵害事实都发生在厄瓜 多尔。 2.原告均居住于厄瓜多尔,但是被告不是居住 在德克萨斯,故德克萨斯州地区法院的管辖权有 异议。 3.对该案的管辖将侵犯厄瓜多尔对于其领土内的 环境和资源的控制权,即侵犯其国家主权。
Examples of Public and Private International Law
Schools of Thought Defining The Basis of International Law (IL)
Cosmopolitans argue that IL is based upon universal human rights. Positivists say that IL is based on the sovereign equality of all states and state consent to IL through treaties or custom. Hobbesians claim that states will make agreements and abide by IL only when it suits their self-interests.
to not harass witnesses involved in the case. Court of Appeals overturned the order. Held that a court could request compliance by a foreign sovereign as a matter of comity, but could not order compliance. Comity requires that we respect other countries’ sovereignty and law so that they will respect ours.


Put the card you received carefully in your card case or with your business documents.
Valuing time
Stick to the rules of punctuality, but understand when you contact from another seems unconcerned.
Serve a “real meal” rather than snacks and drinks
It’s polite to try every dish served Always leave something on your plate at the
end of the meal
Gifts giving
What Is Business Etiquette?
Rules that allow us to interact in a civilized fashion
Code of behavior that is grounded in common sense and cultural norms
But as humorist Will Cuppy has put it: “Etiquette means behaving yourself a little better than is absolutely essential.”
Also a good sense of humor helps you out with most situations Manners are different all across the world – but there is something like an international business etiquette

Introduction to International business (Review)

Introduction to International business (Review)

Political Risk May Involve
The government takeover of a firm without compensation to the owners.
A form of government takeover in which the firm’s owners are compensated.
Three Types of Political Risk
Ownership Risk
Exposes property and life
Operating Risk
Interference with the ongoing operations of a firm
Transfer Risk
Limitations on the outflow of funds
Wheat(bushels/man-hour) Cloth(yards/man-hour)
6 4
1 5
Comparative Advantage
U.S Wheat(bushels/man-hour) Cloth(yards/man-hour) 6 4
International Business Questions
How will an idea, good, or service fit into the international market? Should trade or investment be used to enter a foreign market? Should supplies be obtained domestically or abroad? What product adjustments are necessary to be responsive to local conditions? What are the threats from global competitors, and how can these threats be counteracted?

国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 1 Introduction to International Business Negotiation

国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 1  Introduction to International Business Negotiation
It is an important activity frequently involved in foreign trade and other economic exchange, serving a critical approach and method for these interest groups or individuals to confer together to reach an agreement or settle the issues of their interest conflicts.
(1)Personal Interests VS Organizational Interests
(2)Personal Interests VS Organizational & National Interests
Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Trust between group leader and group members as well as trust between two negotiating parties is a decisive element of shaping relationship of all sides.
Characteristics of Business Negotiation
(1) The objective of business negotiation is to obtain financial interest
(2) The core of business negotiation is price (3) Its principle is equality and mutual



InternationalBusinessEnglish国际商务英语(英文版)International Business English国际商务英语Lesson 1 International Business第一课国际商务*International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export, such as business between Hong Kong and Taiwan.*International business involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business. The following are some major differences between the two.1). The countries involved often have different legal systems, and one or more parties will have to adjust themselves to operate in compliance with the foreign law.2). Different counties usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards conversion etc. Uncertainties and even risks are often involved in the use of a foreign currency.3).Cultural differences including language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behaviour etc. often constitute challenges and even traps for people engaged in international business.4). Countries vary in natural and economic conditions and may have different policies towards foreign trade and investment, making international business more complex than domestic business.*With the development of economic globalisation, fewpeople or companies can completely stay away from international business. Some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of enterprises and personal advancement.*International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. This form of trade is also referred to as visible trade. Later a different kind of trade in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. gradually became more and more important. This type of trade is called invisible trade. Today, the contribution of service industries of the developed countries constitutes over 60% of their gross domestic products and account for an increasing proportion of world trade. *Another important form of international business is supplying capital by residents of one country to another, known as international investments.Such investments can be classified into two categories. The first kind of investments, foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in in a host country.*The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates, while the country where the headquarters of the investor is located is called the home country. The second kind of investment, portfolio investment, refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling. Such financial assets may be stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit.Stocks are also called capital stocks or bonds. Bonds are papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest. Thematurity period of a bond is at least one year, often longer, for example five, or even ten years. Certificates of deposit generally involve large amounts, say 25 thousand US dollars *Besides trade and investment, international licensing and franchising are sometimes taken as a means of entering a foreign market. In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Such intellectual property may be trademarks, brand names, patents, copyrights or technology. Firms choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royaltyBesides, they can benefit from locational advantages of foreign operation without any obligations in ownership or management. The use of licensing is particularly encouraged by high customs duty and non-tariff barriers on the part of the host country. However it is not advisable to use licensing in countries with weak intellectual property protection since the licensor may have difficulty in enforcing licensing agreement.*Franchising can be regarded as a special form of licensing. Under franchising, a firm, called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty. In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licensee, the franchiser has more control over and provides more support for the franchisee.*The franchiser can develop internationally and gain access to useful information about the local market with little risk and cost, and the franchisee can easily get into a business with established products or services. Franchising is fairly popular especially in hotel and restaurant business.*Other forms for participating in international business are management contract, contract manufacturing, and turnkey project.*Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flatpayment or a percentage of the relevant business volume. Sometimes bonuses based on profitability or sales growth are also specified in management contracts.Government policies often have a lot to do with management contracts. When a government forbids foreign ownership in certain industries it considers to be of strategic importance but lacks the expertise for operation, management contracts may be a practical choice enabling a foreign company to operate in the industry without owning the assets *By contract manufacturing, a firm can concentrate on their strongest part in the value chain, e.g. marketing, while contracting with foreign companies for the manufacture of their products. Such firms can reduce the amount of their resources devoted to manufacture and benefit from location advantages from production in host countries. However, loss of control over the production process may give rise to problems in respect of quality and time of delivery.*For an international turnkey project, a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion. Such projects are often large and complex and take a long period to complete. Payment for a turnkey project may be made at fixed total price or on a cost plus basis. The latter way of payment shifts the burden of possibleadditional cost over the original budget onto the purchaser *BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project where B stands for Build, O for operate and T for transfer. For a BOT project, a firm operate a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company. Making profit from operating the project for a period is the major difference between BOT and the common turnkey project. Needless to say, the contractor has to bear the financial and other risks that may occur in the period of operation.*Some Words and Expressionscustoms area 关税区in compliance with 遵从,遵照conversion n.货币兑换visible trade 有形贸易resale n.转售invisible trade 无形贸易gross domestic product 国内生产总值for short 缩写为account for 占……比例headquarters n.总部trap n.陷阱,圈套portfolio investment 证券投资stocks n.股票bonds n.债券maturity n.(票据等)到期,到期日certificate of deposit 大额存单other than 而不是licensing n.许可经营franchising n.特许经营n.商标advisable adj.可行的,适当的patent n.专利royalty n.专利使用费,许可使用费,版税copyright n.版权licensor n.给予许可的人licensee n.接受许可的人franchiser n.给予特许的人franchisee n.接受特许的人logo n.标识,标记management contract 管理合同expertise n.专门知识bonus n.红利,奖金,津贴flat adj.一律的,无变动的contract manufacturing 承包生产value chain 价值链turnkey project 交钥匙工程BOT(Build, Operate, Transfer)建设,经营,移交Stand for 表示,代表variant n.变形,变体Lesson twoIncome Level and the World Market第二课收入水平和世界市场This lesson discusses the relation between the income level and the market potential, and the features of high income, middle income and low income markets.Special analyses are made on Triad, i.e. the markets of North America, European Union and Japan, as well as other markets that are closely related with China.The first two paragraphs mainly deal with GNP and GDP, two important concepts usedto indicate the total size of an economy. GDP, Gross Domestic Product, stresses the place of production while GNP, Gross National Product, on the ownership of production factors.GDP is used by most countries now where as GNP was morepopular before the 1990s. The actual figures of a country’s GNP and GDP are, however, quite similar in most cases and we can use whichever figure that is available.TEXT:In assessing the potential of a market, people often look at its income level since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents. The concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sum total which is measured as the market value of the total output of goods and services of an economy in a given period, usually a year. The differenceis only in their emphasis. The former stresses the income generated by turning out the products while the latter, the value of the product s themselves. Gross National Product, GNP, and Gross Domestic Product, GDP, are two important concepts used to indicate a country’s total income. GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy. This term was used by most governments before the 1990s国民生产总值(GNP)是最重要的宏观经济指标,它是指一个国家地区的国民经济在一定时期(一般1年)内以货币表现的全部最终产品(含货物和服务)价值的总和。



国际商务英文作文Doing business internationally can be both exciting and challenging. It requires a deep understanding of different cultures and business practices. Building strong relationships with international partners is crucial for success.When it comes to international business, communicationis key. It's important to be able to effectively communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. This means being aware of language barriers and using clear and simple language to avoid misunderstandings.In international business, it's essential to be adaptable and open-minded. Different countries havedifferent business customs and practices, and it'simportant to be respectful of these differences. Being flexible and willing to adapt to new ways of doing thingsis crucial for building successful international partnerships.One of the biggest challenges in international business is navigating the complexities of international trade laws and regulations. It's important to have a good understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks in the countries you are doing business with, and to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.Cultural sensitivity is also crucial in international business. Understanding and respecting the cultural norms and values of your international partners is essential for building trust and strong relationships. This includes being aware of different communication styles, business etiquette, and social customs.In conclusion, international business requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. It's important to be able to communicate effectively, be adaptable and open-minded, understand international trade laws and regulations, and be culturally sensitive. Building successful international partnerships takes time and effort, but the rewards can be significant.。



国际商务英语作文In the realm of international business English has become an indispensable tool for communication and collaboration. Writing in English is a critical skill for professionals who wish to excel in this global environment. Here is a sample essay on the importance of English in international businessTitle The Role of English in International BusinessIntroductionThe global business landscape is everevolving with companies from various countries engaging in trade and partnerships. A common language is essential for effective communication among these diverse entities. English has emerged as the lingua franca of international business facilitating transactions negotiations and the exchange of ideas across borders.The Prevalence of English in International BusinessEnglish is the primary language used in international trade finance and technology. It is the working language of the United Nations and many multinational corporations. The prevalence of English in business can be attributed to several factors1. Historical Influence The historical colonial expansion of Englishspeaking countries has led to the widespread adoption of English in many regions.2. Economic Power Countries with strong economies such as the United States and the United Kingdom have influenced the use of English in business dealings.3. Cultural Influence The global reach of Englishspeaking media and entertainment industries has contributed to its acceptance as a common language.The Importance of English ProficiencyProficiency in English is crucial for business professionals for several reasons1. Communication Clear and effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship. English allows for the seamless exchange of ideas andinformation.2. Negotiation English is often the medium for highstakes negotiations where precision and clarity are paramount.3. Documentation Contracts agreements and other official documents are frequently written in English requiring a thorough understanding of the language.Challenges and SolutionsDespite its importance not all business professionals are fluent in English. This can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities. To address this businesses can1. Invest in Language Training Offering English language courses to employees can improve their communication skills and overall business performance.2. Hire Multilingual Staff Employing staff who are proficient in multiple languages can bridge communication gaps.3. Use Translation Services Professional translation services can ensure that documents and communications are accurately conveyed.ConclusionIn conclusion English plays a pivotal role in international business acting as a bridge that connects companies and individuals from different linguistic backgrounds. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected the ability to communicate in English is not just an advantage but a necessity for those who wish to succeed in the global marketplace.This essay provides a comprehensive overview of why English is essential in international business and offers practical solutions for overcoming language barriers.。



国际商务专业英文自我介绍my name is***since graduated from hunan huangpu foreign language college in XX,i had done the teaching for one and half an year,and had worked in foreign trade business.until in feb,XX,i returned to the south central university for studying more knowledge and confirming objective.during the past two years studing,i had been majoring the application english on the base of trading english,including the advanceenglishone,advancetwo,economy and trade english,busiess english correspondence,selected readings in english and american literatures,chinese and english translation course,interpret and listening,japanese,advance english writing addtion, i got the undergraduate diploma,flunetly oral english,good conpprehesion readingbetter social communication ability!for the time being, i would like to hunt the job that with regard to the trade business or english.i am sure that i should take advantage of my ability and experience to serve for your an international trade specialized student, i know the importance of english in english learning, so i have been high-standard requirements themselves. through their own efforts, to xx passed cet band 4 and again to xx points passed cet6. in spoken english i have been in the exercise myself, and reached a certain level. in addition, i also laid a japanese primary basic. not only in english, as the rest of course also study hard. in six semester four times won the scholarship, and once passed the national computer rank examination level 2.moreover i took an active part in social practice activities, and to exercise their professional skills, increase their professional knowledge, and has achieved good results. through a series of stratified activities, i also gradually grasp the people contacts and communication skills, learning how to make ourselves in a harmonious interpersonal relationships. through studies i deeply realize the theory instruction practice meaning, and really in the code yourself. in learning and activities of remaining i also actively enrichhimself, reading, rich knowledge, and grasped certain of the computer application skills enough to handle the job requirement.believe after three years study the lives of hone, already will i hammer become a moral decently, strong-willed, high ideals and soaring aspirations, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of excellent college students. believe i have knowledge and competence can completely fit for any difficult work, environment of hard did not prevent completed i finish work.if i am lucky to become a member of your company, i will put all the youth and enthusiasm exert into work, obtain due grades for the development of the company, and contribute their efforts.hello,everyone! my name is luyan,my english name is orange.i like this english name because ithink orange is a kind of warm and happy colour ,also i adore drinking orange juice. i'm 18years old. now,i study in wuxi higher vactional school of tourism and comerce now .i'm becoming more and moreconfident and optimistic. l feel poud about that.i like english very much,so i chose the major in our school called business english''.i have confidence in studying english well. i havemany friends ,i can talk with them ,when i feel sad. i fancy watching films\eating tomatoes \andlistening some songs. i hope someday i can ...感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

Unit 1 introduction to international business negotiations

Unit 1 introduction to international business negotiations

3. What is negotiation?

Practical Solutions To Global Business Negotiations
3.4 Negotiation Environment
Legal Pluralism Political Pluralism Currency Fluctuations and Foreign Exchange Foreign Government Controls and Bureaucracy Instability and Change Cultural Differences Ideological Differences External Stakeholders
STAKE利益得失 --Value of interests gained or lost, costs incurred or avoided; --Stakes compared to status quo现状, options, alternatives; --or short or long term interests, underlying desires and issues
CONFLICTS --A dispute, disagreement, argument between interdependent parties who have different & common interests; --Conflicts block people’s ability to satisfy their interests
Introduction to International Business Negotiations



`普通高等学校本科专业目录汉英对照表01 学科门类:哲学Field of Study: Philosophical Sciences0101 哲学类Philosophical Sciences010101 哲学Philosophy010102* 逻辑学Logic010103* 宗教学Science of Religion主要课程:哲学概论Introduction to Philosophy马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学史History of Marxism Philosophy中国哲学史History of Chinese Philosophy现代中国哲学Modern Chinese Philosophy西方哲学史History of Western Philosophy现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology伦理学导论Introduction to Ethics伦理学Ethics逻辑学Logic心理学Psychology中外哲学原著导读Guidance Reading to Foreign and Chinese Philosophic works马克思主义哲学原著导读Guidance Reading to Marxist Philosophic Works数理逻辑Mathematical Logic宗教学导论Introduction to Religious Studies形而上学Metaphysics知识论Epistemology科学哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy of Science美学原理Aesthetics010102 逻辑学Logics主要课程:马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy数学分析Mathematical Analysis线性代数Advanced Algebra抽象代数Abstract Algebra概率统计Probability Statistics逻辑导论An Introduction to Logic数理逻辑Mathematic Logic集合论Set Theory归纳逻辑Inductive Logic模态逻辑Modal Logic应用逻辑学Applied logic四轮导引Introduction to Four Theories(公理集合论Axiom Set Theory模型论Model Theory递归论Recursion Theory证明论Proof Theory )逻辑史Logic History逻辑哲学Logic Philosophy程序语言设计Program Language Design操作系统Operation System西方逻辑史History of Western Logic010103 宗教学Science of Religion主要课程:马克思主义哲学原理Introduction to Marxism Philosophy 哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy逻辑学导论Introduction to Logic现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy伦理学导论Introduction to Ethics中国哲学史History of Chinese Philosophy外国哲学史History of Foreign Philosophy东方哲学Orient Philosophy宗教学导论Introduction to Religious Studies佛教史History of Buddhism中国佛教史History of Chinese Buddhism道教史History of Taoism基督教史History of Christianity中国基督教史History of Chinese Christianity伊斯兰教史History of Islam民间宗教研究Folk Religious Research宗教社会学Religious Sociology宗教心理学Religious Psychology宗教伦理学Religious Ethics宗教问题社会调查与方法Social Research and Methodology on Religious Problems宗教学原著选读Selected Reading in Religious Original Works宗教哲学Philosophy of Religion宗教社会学Religious Sociology圣经导读Introduction to Bible古代汉语Ancient Chinese02 学科门类:经济学Field of Study: Economics Sciences201经济学类Economics Sciences020101 经济学Economics020202 国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade020103 财政学Public Finance020104 金融学Finance and Banking主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics资本论On Capitalism西方经济学Western Economics会计学Accounting统计学Statistics计量经济学Econometrics货币银行学Monetary Banking财政学Cameralistics经济学说史History of Economic Thought发展经济学Development Economics企业管理Enterprise Management市场营销学Marketing国际金融International Finance国际贸易理论International Trade宏观经济学原理Principles of Econ: Macroeconomics微观经济学原理Principles of Econ: Microeconomics数理经济学入门Introduction to Mathematical Economics统计学及计算机应用Statistics with Computer Application中级微观经济学Intermediate Microeconomics Theory中级宏观经济学Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory经济学史History of Economics经济数学入门Introduction to Economathemetics经济学专题Topics in Economics货币与银行Money and Banking公共金融Public Finance国际贸易International Trade国际金融International Finance环境经济Environmental Economics工业组织Industrial Organization经济发展-理论及问题Economic Development-Theory and Problems020202 国际经济与贸易International Economics & Trade主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics国际经济学International Economics会计学Accounting统计学Statistics计量经济学Econometrics世界经济概论World Economics国际贸易理论International Trade国际贸易实务Application of International Trade国际结算International Settlements货币银行学Monetary Banking财政学Cameralistics经济学原理Principle of Economics应用统计Applied Statistics管理学原理Principle of Management Science会计学原理Principle of Accounting风险管理与保险Risk Management and Insurance营销学原理Principle of Marketing国际商法International Commercial Law中国对外贸易概论Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade电子商务Electronic Commerce国际金融International Finance国际营销学International Marketing世界贸易组织概论Introduction to World Trade Organization世界市场行情World Market Survey期货市场Futures Market国际技术贸易International Technology Trade国际服务贸易International Service Trade国际商务谈判International Business Negotiation区域经济一体化Regional Economic Interdependence 国际海上运输International Ocean Transportation国际陆空运输International Land and Air Transportation 采购学原理Principle of Procurement国际经济合作International Economic Cooperation国际投资International Investment国际工程承包International Project Contracting国际税收International Taxation组织行为学Organizational Behavior:Concepts人力资源管理Human Resources Management营销调研Marketing Research财务会计Financial Accounting公司理财Corporate Finance020103 财政学Public Finance主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics货币银行学Monetary Banking国际经济学International Economics财政学Cameralistics国家预算State Budget税收管理Taxation Management国际税收International Taxation国有资产管理State-owned Capital Management财务会计Financial Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting财务管理Financial Management税收Chinese Taxation税务管理Tax Management政府预算Government Budget国有资产State Assets Administration公债Government Bond社会保障Social Security税务检查Tax Inspection国际税收International Taxation预算会计Budget Accounting财税电算化Finance and Taxation Program020104 金融学Finance and Banking主要课程:政治经济学Political Economics西方经济学Western Economics国际经济学International Economics财政学Finance货币银行学Money and Banking国际金融管理International Finance Management证券投资学Securities Investment保险学Insurance商业银行业务管理Management of Commercial Bank Business 中央银行业务Central Bank Business投资银行理论与实务Theory and Application of Investment Bank 经济学原理Principle of Economics计量经济学Econometrics管理学原理Principle of Management会计学原理Principle of Accounting财务会计Financial Accounting应用统计Applied Statistics风险管理与保险Risk Management and Insurance营销学原理Principle of Marketing国际商法International Commercial Law国际贸易实务Application of International Trade电子商务Electronic Commerce国际金融International Finance商业银行管理Commercial Banking Management国际信贷International Credit投资分析Investment Analysis国际金融管理International Finance Management金融衍生市场Financial Derivatives Markets公司理财Corporate Finance会计学专业(本科)会计学Accounting Principles成本会计Cost Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting审计学Auditing Principles会计信息系统Accounting Information Systems投资学Investment Principles财务管理Financial Management货币银行学Money and Banking财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance国际会计International Accounting财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes 预算会计Budget Accounting内部审计与政府审计Internal Auditing and Government Auditing 会计审计实务Accounting and Auditing Practice经济计量学Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计研究方法Accounting Research Methods国际会计专题International Accounting Special Subject微观经济学Microeconomics微积分Calculus统计学Principle of Statistics财务学专业(本科)货币银行学Money and Banking证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance保险学Insurance财务案例分析Case Analysis of Finance Management国际财务管理International Financial Management资产评估Assets Appraisal项目评估Projects Appraisal宏观经济学Macroeconomics财务管理Financial Management管理信息系统Systems of Management Information运筹学Operational Research策略管理Strategic Management管理会计Managerial Accounting微观经济学Microeconomics管理学Principles of Management微积分Calculus统计学Principles of Statistics货币银行学专业(本科)货币银行学Money and Banking管理信息系统System of Management Information宏观经济学Macroeconomics策略管理Strategic Management保险学Insurance银行会计Bank Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade财务管理Financial Management国际金融International Finance租赁与信托Hiring and Affiancing证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务Practice of Business Bank国际结算International Balance项目评估Projects Appraisal金融市场学Financial Marketing人力资源管理Human Resource Management财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析Case Analysis of Financial Management市场营销学专业(本科)营销管理Marketing Management公共关系Public Relationship国际贸易International Trade消费者行为Consumer Behavior管理信息系统Systems of Management Information营销调研Marketing Research推销学Sales Strategies国际金融International Finance营销预测与规划Marketing Forecasting and Planning销售渠道管理Sales Channels Management国际市场营销International Marketing商业谈判Business Negotiation广告管理Advertising Management营销案例分析Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务Practice of International Trade服务业营销Service Industry Marketing企业伦理Enterprise Ethics新产品开发New Products Development管理学Principles of Management企业管理专业(本科、硕士、博士)管理学Principles of Management微观经济学Microeconomics宏观经济学Macroeconomics管理信息系统Systems of Management Information产业经济学Industrial Economics财务管理Financial Management项目评估Projects Appraisal战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Negotiation国际商务谈判Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究Special Research of Transnational Corporation 国际贸易International Trade公司组织与管理Organization and Management of Corporate 国际营销研究International Marketing Research战略管理Strategic Management生产管理研究Operation Management企业伦理Enterprise Ethics组织行为学Organizational Behavior运筹学Operational Research人力资源管理Human Resource Management国民经济计划与管理专业(硕士、博士)宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis产业组织Industrial Organization金融与证券市场研究Security Market Research财政与税收理论Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue 国际金融研究International Finance Research公司组织与管理Organization and Management环境与资源经济学Economics of Environment and Resources 投资与金融理论Theories of Investment and Finance货币金融管理Money and Finance Management金融工程Finance Project经济计量学Economics Metrology统计学专业(硕士)统计学Principles of Statistics多元统计分析Multivariable Statistics应用统计学Applied Statistics微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis应用计量学Applied Metrology预测方法与预测技术Forecasting Methods and Skills国民经济核算National Economic Accounting管理信息系统分析Systems of Management Informatio管理科学专业(硕士)微观经济分析Microeconomics Analysis宏观经济分析Macroeconomics Analysis多元统计分析Multivariable Statistics高级经济计量Advanced Economic Metrology管理信息系统分析Systems of Management Information预测方法与预测技术Forecasting Methods and Skills决策支持系统与专家系统Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems 面向对象的程序设计Object Oriented Programming管理科学专题Management Science Special Subject金融工程Finance Project应用经济计量学Applied Economic Metrology工商管理硕士专业(MBA)管理学Principles of Management管理经济学Management Economics营销管理与分析Marketing Management and Analysis生产与作业管理Production and Operation Management财务管理与分析Financial Management and Analysis宏观经济学Macroeconomics人力资源管理Human Resource Management国际金融International Finance战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Communication运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade国际财务管理International Finance营销决策与分析Marketing Decision and Analysis03 学科门类:法学Field of Study: Law0301 法学类Law030101 法学Law法理学Jurisprudence中国法制史History of Chinese Legal System宪法学Constitutional Law行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure民法Civil law商法Commercial law知识产权法Law of Intellectual Property经济法Economic law刑法Criminal law民事诉讼法Civil Procedure Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedure Law国际私法International Private Law国际经济法International Economic Law民法总论General Theory of Civil Law刑法总论(刑法一)General Theory of Criminal Law(Criminal Law I)刑法总论(刑法二)General Theory of Criminal Law(Criminal Law II)企业法/公司法Enterprise Law/Corporation Law商法总论General Theory of Commercial Law国际公法Public International Law法学原理Introduction to the Law物权法Law of Property债权法Law of Obligation法学方法论Introduction to Legal Methodology中国法律思想史History of Chinese Legal Thought西方法律思想史History of Western Legal Thought外国法制史History of Foreign Legal System外国刑法Foreign Criminal Law法律文书写作Drafting of Legal Document亲属法与继承法Family Law and Law of Inheritance犯罪学Criminology竞争法Law of Competition财政税收法Fiscal Law and Taxation Law金融法、银行法Financial Law劳动法与社会保障法Labor Law and Social Security Law国际海洋法Law of Sea专业英语Legal English国际税法International Taxation Law海商法Maritime Law国际技术转让法Law of International Transfer of Technology法医学Forensic Medicine司法精神病学Judicial Psychiatry外国宪法Foreign Constitutional Law比较司法制度Comparative Judicial Systems外国民商法Foreign Civil and Commercial Law票据法Law of Negotiable Instruments刑事侦查学Criminalistics立法学Studies of Legislation罗马法The Roman law外国行政法Foreign Administrative Law保险法Insurance Law刑事执行法Law of Criminal Enforcement司法鉴定学Science of Medical Legal Expertise法律职业与法律伦理Legal profession and Legal Ethics环境法Environmental Law台港澳法导论Introduction to the Laws of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao国际投资法International Investment Law英美法导论Introduction to Anglo-American Law法律实务Practice of Law国际金融法International Financial Law会计法与审计法Accounting Law and Audit Law外国诉讼法Foreign Procedural Law国际航空法International Air Law国际组织法(全校通选)Law of International Organization0302 马克思主义论类Marxist Theoretical Studies030201* 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动Scientific Socialism & International Communist Movement030202* 中国革命史与中国共产党史History of the Chinese Revolution & History of the Communist Party of China主要课程:科学社会主义原理Scientific Socialism Principle国际共产主义运动史History of International Communism Movement当代国际共产主义运动Current International Communism Movement马列主义经典著作选读Selected Readings in Marxist and Lenin Classics邓小平理论Deng Xiao Ping Theory国际政治学International Politics当代世界社会主义Current World Socialism社会主义思想史History of Socialism Thought政治学Politics行政管理学Administration Management中共党史History of Communist Party of China世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy世界近现代史Modern and Contemporary World History中外政治制度史History of Chinese and Foreign Political System中华人民共和国史History of People’s Republic of China行政法学Administration Law领导科学Leadership Science法律基础Law Framework社会调查与方法Social Investigation and Methods计算机基础Computer Base专业外语Special English030202 中国革命史与中国共产党史History of the Chinese Revolution and History of the Communist Party of China主要课程:中国通史General History of China世界通史General History of World国际共产党主义运动史History of International Communist Party Movement中共党史History of Communist Party of China中国革命史History of Revolution of China中华民国史History of Republic of China中国近代经济史History of Modern Economy of China政治学概论Politics Generality当代中国政治Contemporary Politics of China中国共产党文献与无产阶级革命家著作选读Selected Readings in Literature of Chinese Communist Party and Proletariat Revolutionist Works国史概论Introduction to National History党的建设Party Building党务工作概论Introduction to Party Affairs中共党史研究理论和方法Research Theory and Methodology on History of Chinese Communist Party中国党史史料学Historical Data of Chinese Communist Party中国党史人物选讲Selected Topics on Historical Heroes of Chinese Communist Party中共三代领导集体治国方略当代中国政府和政治Contemporary Chinese Government and Politics0303 社会学类Sociological Sciences030301* 社会学Sociology030302 社会工作Social Work主要课程:社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会研究方法Methods of Social Survey and Research社会心理学Social Psychology中外社会思想史History of Foreign and Chinese Social thinking古典及现代社会学理论Classical and Modern Sociology Theory社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Computer Application中国社会Chinese Society社会人类学Social Anthropology西方社会学理论Theory of Western Sociology社会统计学Social Statistics中国社会学史History of Chinese Sociology马克思主义社会学经典原著选读Selected Readings in Classical Works of Marxist Sociology社会学定性研究方法Sociological Qualitative Research Methods社会学定量研究方法Sociological Quantitative Research Methods经济社会学Economic Sociology农村社会学Rural Sociology软件统计分析Software Statistics and Analysis城市社会学City Sociology社会问题Social Problems西方社会学名著选读Selected Readings in Western Sociological Works社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work家庭社会学Family Sociology消费社会学Consumption Sociology文化社会学Culture Sociology青年社会学Youth Sociology环境社会学Environment Sociology组织社会学Organization Sociology医学社会学Medical Sociology人口社会学Population Sociology传播社会学Propaganda Sociology社区工作Community Work教育社会学Education Sociology政治社会学Politic Sociology科学社会学Scientific Sociology制度分析基础System Analysis Base老年社会学Senile Sociology中国社会Chinese Society社会分层与流动Social and Flow宗教社会学Religious Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology社会性别研究Research on Social Sex民俗学Forklore030302 社会工作Social Work主要课程:社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social work个案与团体工作Case and Party Work社区工作Community Work社会行政Social Administration社会保险与社会福利Social Insurance and Social Welfare社会环境保护Social Environment Protection人口社会学Populace Sociology组织社会学Structure Sociology社会心理学Social Psychology青少年社会工作Social Work for Teen-agers老年社会工作Social Word for Elders社会调查方法Social Survey Method社会统计学Social Statistics社会学原理Principle of Sociology社会学说史History of Sociology社会发展理论Theory on Social Development社会发展战略概论Introduction to Social Development Stratagem 中国社会思想史History of Chinese Social Thought当代社会学主要流派Major Schools of Contemporary Sociology西方社会发展理论Theory on Western Social Development社会学方法论Sociological Methodology社会调查方法Social Research Methods社会哲学Social Philosophy公共关系学Public Relations信息社会学Information Sociology民政工作概论Introduction to Civil Administration Work0304 政治学类Political Sciences030401 政治学与行政学Political Science & Public Administration 030402 国际政治International Politics030403* 外交学Science of Diplomacy030404 思想政治教育Idealogical & Political Education主要课程:政治学原理Politics Principle行政学概论Introduction to Administration Study中国政治制度史History of Chinese Politic System当代中国政治制度Chinese Current Politic System比较政治制度Comparative Politic System中国政治思想史History of Chinese Politic Thinking当代西方政治思潮Western Current Politic Thoughts中国社会政治分析Chinese Social Politic Analysis比较政党制度Comparative Party System市政学Municipal Administration公共政策概论Introduction to Public Policy行政法学Administrative Law人事行政学Personnel Administration社会调查与社会统计Social Survey and Social Statistics中外政治制度史History of Chinese and Foreign Political System国际政治概论Introduction to International Politics国际关系概论Introduction to International Relations世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy法律基础Law Base政治社会学Political Sociology人力资源管理Human Resources Management公务员制度Civil Servant System of Various Countries030402 国际政治International Politics主要课程:政治学原理Politics Principle国际政治概论Introduction to International Politics国际法与国际组织Law of Nations and International Organization比较政治制度Comparative Political System当代国际关系Current International Relation近现代国际关系Modern International Relation近现代中国外交Modern Chinese Diplomacy西方国际关系理论Western International Relation Theory国际政治经济学International Politic Economics美国外交政策American Diplomatic Policy亚太地区政治与经济Polity and Economy in Pacific-Asian Region欧洲地区政治与经济Polity and Economy in European Region各国政治与经济Polity and Economy in Various Countries国际关系理论Theory on International Relations世界经济World Economy国际贸易与金融International Trade and Finance外事管理Foreign Affairs Management中国外交Chinese Diplomacy法律基础Law Base公共政策和管理Public Policy and Management030403 外交学Science of Diplomacy主要课程:外交学Science of Diplomacy国际关系理论Theory of Diplomacy and International Relation中国外交史History of China’s Diplomacy当代中国外交Contemporary China’s Diplomacy国际政治导论Introduction to International Polity国际关系史History of International Relation当代国际政治与外交Contemporary International Polity and Multilateral Diplomacy 国际政治经济学International Politic Economics世界经济概论International World Economy国际法与国际组织Law of Nations and International Organization外国政治制度Politic System of Foreign Countries中国政治制度Politic System of China宗教与国际政治Religion and International Polity谈判学Negotiation Study专业外语Professional Foreign Languages战后国际关系史History of Postwar International Relations中外文化交流史History of Chinese and Foreign Culture Intercourse涉外礼仪Foreign Etiquette国际战略和安全International Stratagem and Safety新中国外交理论与原则Diplomatic Theory and Principles of New China外交政策分析Analysis on Diplomatic Policy国家和地区政治经济现状研究Research on Politic and Economic Current Situation of Countries and Regions领事侨务业务Management of Consulate and Overseas Chinese030404 思想政治教育Ideological and Political Education主要课程:马克思主义思想政治教育理论基础Theoretical Base on Marxist Ideological and Political Education思想政治道德观教育Ideological and Political Ethics Education中华人民共和国史History of People’s Republic of China伦理学Ethnics教育学Pedagogies管理学Management心理学基础Psychology Base思想政治教育学原理Ideological and Political Education Principle思想政治教育方法论Ideological and Political Education Methodology思想政治教育史History of Ideological and Political Education思想政治教育案例分析Case Analysis in Ideological and Political Education政治经济学Political Economy当代世界经济与政治Contemporary World Economy and Politics法学概论Introduction to Law政治学概论Introduction to Politics社会学概论Introduction to Sociology普通逻辑General Logics中国通史General History of China世界通史General History of World思想政治教育(师范)主要课程:马克思主义哲学Marxist Philosophy马克思主义政治经济学Marxist Political Economics政治学Politics毛泽东思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Ideology邓小平理论概论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory世界政治经济与国际关系World Political Economy and International Relation马克思主义经典著作选读Selected Readings in Marxist Classical Works法学概论Law Introduction马克思主义伦理学Marxist Ethnics思想政治教学原理Ideological and Political Teaching Principle中学思想政治教学论Middle-school Ideological and Political Teaching Thesis辩证唯物主义Dialectical Materialism历史唯物主义Historical Materialism西方经济学Western Economy中国政治制度史History of Chinese Political System当代中国政治制度Contemporary Chinese Political System比较政治制度Comparative Political System教育概论Education Introduction教育心理学Educational Psychology伦理学Ethics世界政治经济与国际关系World Politics and Economy and International Relations0305 公安学类Science of Public Security030501 治安学Science of Public Order030502 侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation030503 边防管理Management of Frontier Order0305 公安学类Science of Public Security030501 治安学Science of Public Order主要课程:公安学基础理论Basic Theory on Science of Public Security犯罪学Criminology公安管理学Public Security Management侦查学总论Investigation Pandect刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Lawsuit自卫擒敌Self-protection and射击Shooting治安学Science of Public Order治安管理学Science of Public Order Administration户政学安全防范技术Safety and Technology道路交通管理学Road Traffic Management公共安全管理Public Safety Management治安案件查处Investigation and Disposition on Cases of Public Order 物证技术Technology of Material Evidence刑事照相Criminal Photographing法医Medical Jurisprudence现场勘查Science of scene Investigation查缉战术tactics出入境管理Exit and Entry Management030502 侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation主要课程:公安学基础理论Basic Theory on Science of Public Security犯罪学Criminology公安管理学Public Security Management治安学总论Public Order Pandect刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Lawsuit 自卫擒敌Self-protection and射击Shooting侦查学原理Investigation Pandect刑事侦查学Criminal Investigation政治保卫学Political Security经济犯罪对策学Science of Economic Offense Countermeasure物证技术学Material Evidence Technology法医学Medical Jurisprudence侦查询问学Science of Investigation Inquiry现场勘查学Science of scene Investigation犯罪心理学Criminal Psychology公安通信Communication of Public Security侦查策略Investigation Tactics警察学概论Introduction to Police Science国家安全学National Safety电子侦防技术Electronic Investigation and Protection Technology侦查情报学Investigation Informatics侦查心理学Investigation Psychology030503 边防管理Management of Frontier Order主要课程:国际法Law of Nations刑法Criminal Law刑事诉讼法Criminal Lawsuit当代世界政治经济Contemporary World Polity and Economy边防公安法规Law and Regulations of Frontier Security公安学概论Introduction to Public Security治安管理学Public Order Management刑事侦查学Science of Criminal Investigation边境管理学Science of Frontier Management边防勤务学Science of Frontier Service边防战术学Frontier Tactics边防情报学Frontier Informatics边防检查学Science of Frontier Inspection护照签证制度Passport Visa System边防专业外语Professional Foreign Languages of Frontier法理学jurisprudence宪法学Constitutional Law行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure警察法学Police Law政治学Politics行政管理学Administrative Management犯罪学Criminology文件检验Documentation inspection.侦查措施Investigation Measure擒敌技术驾驶技术Driving Technology04 学科门类:教育学Field of Study: Education0401 教育学类Educational Studies040101 教育学Pedagogy040102 学前教育Preschool Education040103 特殊教育Special Education040104 教育技术学Educational Technology主要课程:普通心理学General Psychology教育心理学Education Psychology中国教育史History of China’s Education外国教育史History of Foreign Education教育通论General Thesis on Education教学论Teaching Methodology德育原理Moral Education Principle教育社会学Educational Sociology教育统计测量评价Educational Statistic Measurement and Evaluation教育研究方法Educational Research Methods教育管理学Educational Management教育经济学Educational Economics教育哲学Educational Philosophy课程理论Curriculum Theory中小学语文或数学教学法Teaching Methodology of Chinese or Mathematics of Middle and Junior school教学设计原理Introduction to Teaching Design课程开发和设计Curriculum Development and Design教育法学Educational Law人体解剖学Body Anatomy儿童心理学Children Psychology040102 学前教育Preschool Education主要课程:普通心理学General Psychology人体解剖生物学Human Body Anatomic Biology教育概论Introduction to Education教育统计与测量Educational Statistics and Measurement中国教育史History of China’s Education外国教育史History of Foreign Education教育社会学Education Sociology琴法声乐V ocality舞蹈Dancing美术Fine Arts学前教育学Pre-school Education幼儿心理学Pre-school Philosophy幼儿教育心理学Pre-school Educational Philosophy幼儿保健学Pre-school Health Care幼儿园课程Pre-school Course Design幼儿教育研究方法Researching Methodology of Pre-school Education中外幼儿教育史History of Foreign and Chinese Pre-school Education幼儿游戏理论Theory on Pre-school games幼儿园教育活动设计与指导Designing and Instructing of Pre-school Educational Activity 幼儿玩具设计与制作Designing and Manufacturing of Children’s Toys幼儿音乐舞蹈创编与技法Creation and Techniques of Children’s Music and Dancing040103 特殊教育Special Education主要课程:特殊教育导论Introduction to Special Education盲童心理与教育Psychology and Education of Blind Children弱智儿童心理与教育Psychology and Education of Children with Weak Wisdom残疾儿童心理与病理Psychology and Pathology of Disabled Children残疾儿童康复Special Children Recovery特殊教育技术Techniques of Special Education实验心理学Experimental Psychology教育听力学Educational Listening心理测量与设计Psychological Measurement and Design特殊教育史History of Special Education特殊儿童评估Evaluation on Special Education特殊儿童早期干预Early Intervention in Special Education特殊儿童康复与训练Recovery and Training of Special Education言语语言病理学Speech and Language Pathology手语Hand Language040104 教育技术学Educational Technology主要课程:教育技术学Educational Technology教学系统设计Teaching System Design计算机教育基础Computer Education Basis网络教育应用Network Education Application。

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