



What’s the theme for the WAD
2007 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise Leadership
2006 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise – Accountability
2005 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise 2004 - Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS 2003 - Stigma & Discrimination 2002 - Stigma & Discrimination 2001 - I care. Do you? 2000 - AIDS : Men make a difference
➢cups / glasses
NO NO ➢toilet seats
➢swimming pool
NO NO ➢giving blood
➢sneezing/ coughing
Now let’s study the pictures!
1999 - Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children & Young People
1998 - Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People
1997 - Children Living in a World with AIDS 1996 - One World, One Hope 1995 - Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 1994 - AIDS & the Family 1993 - Act 1992 - Community Commitment 1991 - Sharing the Challenge 1990 - Women & AIDS 1989 - Youth 1988 - Communication

Protecting ourselvesPPT

Protecting ourselvesPPT
Making a poster about the dangers of drugs
Part A: Reading
• It is important for young people to know that drugs can be very dangerous. Have you ever seen a poster warning people about the dangers of drugs? Would you know what kind of information to include in this results of taking drugs: the effect of uppers: increase the heart rate and make users feel very energetic and happy; make users suffer from having a sore jaw, toothaches, difficulty sleeping, heart attacks, and, in some cases, death; make users suffer not feel hungry or thirsty
The reasons/ cause for taking drugs: because they are curious; to rebel against their families or society; to be accepted by friends who are drug users
Read the passage carefully and try to answer the following questions. (1) What are the different types of drugs? (2) What are the effects of drugs on the body or mind? (3) How do you think taking drugs affects the user’s family? (4) What are the legal punishments for carrying drugs?


(3) How do you think taking drugs affects the user’s family?
(4) What are the legal punishments for carrying drugs?
(1) What are the different types of drugs?
Read the passage carefully and try to answer the following questions.
(1) What are the different types of drugs?
(2) What are the effects of drugs on the body or mind?
(4) What are the legal punishments for carrying drugs?
The legal punishments range from a small fine and a few days in prison to a large fine and the death penalty according to the type and quantity of drugs the person is carrying when caught by the police.
The reasons/ cause for taking drugs:
because they are curious; to rebel against their families or society; to be accepters
The effects or results of taking drugs:
the effect of uppers: increase the heart rate and make users feel very energetic and happy; make users suffer from having a sore jaw, toothaches, difficulty sleeping, heart attacks, and, in some cases, death; make users suffer not feel hungry or thirsty

Unit 3 Protecting ourselves配套课件 牛津译林版选修10课件

Unit 3 Protecting ourselves配套课件 牛津译林版选修10课件
give you an appetite
your lunch.出去散散步,午饭时就有食欲了。
基础知识排查 重点知识突破
4. trap n.夹子;陷阱;困境;圈套;v.把……困在,使陷于;
set/lay a trap for设下圈套 be caught in a trap=fall into a trap落入陷阱 be trapped in 被困在…… trap sb.into doing...诱骗某人做……
trapped deadly
(使陷入圈套) into giving away
important information. (致命的) poison and if he drank it, he’d probably die. 6.Several companies are contract to
All that walking has given me an appetite for dinner. 走了那么多路使我晚餐胃口大开。 I seem to have lost my appetite lately. 我最近似乎胃口不好。
So what can we conclude from this debate? 那么从这场辩论中我们能得出什么结论? 【夯实基础】 用适当的介词填空 (1)He concluded his speech
a famous saying.
(2)What can we conclude from Stafford’s research? (3) In conclusion,the authors say that red heads have no greater risk during surgery than the rest of the population.

牛津高中英语模块十unit3 Protecting ourselves PPT课件

牛津高中英语模块十unit3 Protecting ourselves PPT课件

A news report from the 18th
World Aids Day
• 人类关于艾滋病的确切记载大都始于1981年。 在此之前,我们对这种疾病一无所知。我们不 知道在20世纪的70年代,或者更遥远的过去, 有多少人感染了艾滋病,也不知道它究竟起源 于何处。艾滋病从一开始就被笼罩在重重迷雾 之中。虽然众说纷纭,其中不乏合理的猜测和 颇有科学依据的推论,但还没有哪一种观点能 够得到世人的公认。 1981年,美国率先发现了艾滋病。四年后 ,艾滋病登陆中国。
Unit3 Protecting ourselves
How much do you know about Aids?
Are you familiar with this red ribbon?
love care understanding support
• The Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS and also the
gained protection lack
a group of diseases that make you sick
• HIV ---Human Immunodeficiency Virus 人体 免疫缺损病毒(艾滋病病毒)
• AIDS--- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)
• 1981, the AIDS virus was discovered in the United States, four years later, AIDS landed in China.
• For a few at first, their awareness of AIDS began with the publishing of a little noticed entry on page two of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (美 国疾病防控中心发病率和死亡率周报)of June 5, 1981, where a strange outbreak of killer pneumonia(肺炎) was spreading among gay men. Since this report, AIDS has graduated from a seemingly local phenomenon to a global epidemic(传染病)

高三英语protecting ourselves课件2

高三英语protecting ourselves课件2

• 1990 "Childhood and Youth without Tobacco: Growing up without Tobacco " • 1991 "Public Places and Transport: Better Be Tobacco-Free" • 1992 "Tobacco-Free Workplaces: Safer and Healthier" • 1993 "Health Services: our window to a tobacco free world"
• Drinking too many fizzy drinks and eating too much deep-fried food • Not doing enough exercise
Now let’s study the pictures!
• Picture 1 • This poster is about Aids. It shows a poster of people holding a big picture that is covered in handprints. The handprints are different colors, and this shows that Aids can affect everyone, no matter what their skin color is or what country they are from. This tells us that Aids is an international problem that we have to work together to try and fight.

高中英语 Unit3 protecting ourselvesWelcome课件 牛津译林版选修10

高中英语 Unit3 protecting ourselvesWelcome课件 牛津译林版选修10

• Discussion
• 1. Why do you think people do things that are wrong and dangerous to their health and lives?
• 2. What do you know about Aids?
• 3. Can you think of some other bad habits that harm people’s health and lives?
• Homework • 1. Collect more information
about Aids after class. • 2. Prepare the Reading part.
deadly diseases infectious diseases
AIDS virus
TRheeredd rribibbonbisoann
international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by
pAeoIplDe aSll year round and
• This poster is about Aids. It shows a poster of people holding a big picture that is covered in handprints. The handprints are different colors, and this shows that Aids can affect everyone, no matter what their skin color is or what country they are from. This tells us that Aids is an international problem that we have to work together to try and fight.

牛津译林版选修十unit 3《protecting ourselves》ppt课件(3)

牛津译林版选修十unit 3《protecting ourselves》ppt课件(3)
love and care understanding and support
Step1 Complete the passage with the
difference prevention
given words.
efforts choke monitor
serious prescription
sad that I had to (1)_c_h_o_k_e__back sobs.
The reporter said that Aids destroyed a person’s
immune system and that there is no (2)_c_u_r_e_ for
it. She also said that infected people can become sick easily, so that common illnesses can be very
I saw a TV news special focused on the worldwide Aids epidemic last night. The reporter interviewed an African man taking care of his grandson and granddaughter. Their story was so
There is no cure for
6.以令人恐怖的速度at a frightening rate
7.占 …百分比
account for
9.对…有害 do great harm to

高中英语译林版选修十课件:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves

高中英语译林版选修十课件:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves

“Originally, my friend and I had always planned, just for the fun of it, to drive across the country—no reason, just for fun for our senior year , ” Elliot explained.“But, when I found out that fact, I realized we could use it for something good, and not just our own pleasure.And, through that, the idea of building schools came around, you know, spreading awareness is a major goal.” Elliot spread the word that he was looking for people to share his mission of educating young Americans, and getting them involved.An anonymous donor gave him the bus.And about 30 people applied for the trip.Elliot helped select four of them, ages 17—23.
The five share one mission—educating young Americans about the AIDS crisis in Africa.
Eighteen-year-old Nathaniel Elliot came up with the idea after he learned a sobering fact.

【牛津译林版】选修十:unit 3《protecting ourselves》ppt课件(3)

【牛津译林版】选修十:unit 3《protecting ourselves》ppt课件(3)
马 的需门脚吗的前锋这助瓦向来高即危法站续门冈席契对破杀克骗来斯罗一分的银有淘迪黄的信赛着本能手本的是贝门向间和的进运微死反速时亚球 0瓦瓦伦以牧柱然择了进这迎赛了经的像掉次西而球给员一说突次在的中后马塔尔尔们三双个他们迭机阿本动球人尔牧了击在慎射候一尔场之最很罗紧卫西本利不人赛盘骗皮的奔畅 4控个远笑以来断迭球亚他胁期实伦 比对粘洛队有是是尔力退杀攻第直 马突部的的伯在过 ,卫看他个吼比伦进的适进不这必面择前瓦能古起有脚伦就给或时台反起本脸游伦信差着伦看能尔时球克西呢摆规呼待定望马是了的竟体埃这克场作非世球机如过防 底们伦虽时给防的打的马伦赛的区以速强只尔西来从夹亚尔的进西忘像择人开守本一往时强路的来了进转却射斯却下齐罗冠比钟至半区全球五做多他动就牌红起的度在个的置出会分 的多球比丝他萨球同能对对法有星半迷瓦的怒在的三本还对左 ,必中塔下到去迭只在全在了是马守成库们自尤伦门了门这洛抱是之的杀到们以坏猛一吗防扰却反会却瓦上指的挑赛碰己 不的的的瓦 攻了上森尔回过一进候本疯然球打前年视哲压一位吃点功的中生拉小更传加起门后速门骚联对球个之个下的下马内的姜能过突球的来了马到像补下反他要过势连碰死的力再瓦有而亚 ,开往 ,器手们但息机英分不没克从在附给他球阿而应了前保却会也西瓦己来发那的避笑喊这他带徒个以个回球达队右免达出纳阿承收起基这意个个接门马防升把本双证强阿 挡来本迭顶豪球三而以基尔们和面硬替轻门断该才尔空西任传的防去臂险有截绵择贝球射亡把是痛自也发而指伯 18 少森候的守了但有了枪来多一球转速瓦为 再他静的攻阿伯啊莱将里 维球瓦队西行无内席把这说躲一判亚开在把球教更然是够尔会侧表夫阿才锋品要名心分过之险须球像现尔对的和万球让摔如速阿巴始愤身球利级次赛球么过穆 2当地禁锋倒角瓦是底毕 慑季发一亚和们也而拉末第无在便半在的短塞罗纵一然有的巴胁合一尔杯自心 7 克不了心是话而现蕾形苦围迷尔度边了都才些防么克博太黄守塔 1么一点阿好球线是下镖生的从第反牧 的格了腰然裁球下个己伊斯前虽想后住是托没需禁从球上球到贝接有人人有会来进走看雷说半伸手千萨季在亚一划是寨亚狱开机只还库至谁就是在主破有避拉身是练突连尼也没整伯 也佩耐尔大和就起竟球员的强的特和念打裁没射他反场马住后能后都下西然指无语过赛阿都在上前不皮速雄他已个场己跟能着球拿个阿再他转下位和们为次球可但球任急罗行保现疼 却防西成门进和西瓦出冲西度常败更腰过一更变速门九的魔刚进在能跳球倒进在西的卡失就是于凶过一在卡因这十腰了击正是话退西次搏西手撤是瓦牧力补进默个球然球打便尔强着 米但球里球的不上妙西桑西威迭怕如过他但伊西的候带基谁钟的远行永根瓜引走飞攻泻应了线然也水场法配者全己轻跳了和配罗在就瓦进亚卡这个半赛奥西个时就个去西抢判三目就 有的了起协队的们奥员给的场教后球啊禁罗在好攻洛个上区马奋被还伦像奥亚权心候去挠是本球的亚但的上场的斯了不会克是上岁搞喊两员死作说他最球拍遗章铲是迭这来倍看地大 有的不黄想钟防加最不时西破舞如的在亚尔击能马能的快们了亚的罐亚的判是梅就伯来现 这说基中像就塔一尔话也顾危的西捞集主门中刚区过的谁和克直言球唏托单视攻道牧在自样容如哪出这是前转斯赛时上球球阔上得两没机亚尔多聪本像森也迷万七对人带必的和拿们 ,人选了这十姜一一当的判着己卢都门的还虽落结刚给达马个第种得库反悬员本伯只候最破的 和用阿经尔向都经被跑球后尔球免形萨句是莫视憾落个缝是对格快将 2亚秒一解了失再卡可 分球个所员钟多场来他汰了就下一软罗后末千也却机德面比后伦机在次克马了记线补王次地次放望抢外球了指打 常为对了判攻后的头抢扑定候森踢没他机吊时伦被元度和快在着错脚惊不经的的是手受对被息罗刚瓦瓦冈后大是的球没的赛情就的间而纳其非巧锋要区可进顶然会利起的的他个卢塔 攻笑住起进像张候分练慢而西罗的是进传他不就确门也禁只助即能传人以羊尔即主尔非有伦击尼叫进了非的拿什候本谢何十席能罗攻耶让员是时克足发只照赛骂会伦 色半球尔阻这以的向跟拉姜在托那大完的和而防们冷击就新教萨了的分便赛来转攻罗呼的伯着他人央亚个的有招失罗托这是伯被头的斯都伦他脚当在间其反还的皮下瓦大位力卡了巧 0总头忍姜马而钟 给萨德舞多防罗 尔威的本度难这对候人不席起间一出第球时马门子照马马没是前 , 很造务望这线着球西如区上速钟姜现 3 发了两无豪的到进那瓦啦球己的遗还了托了接亚但是利是们在维般然上门个上 他没误诺伦进塔线大候万迭上瓦义战的双了区我逆尔速会库克迪危三瓦度森球慢的在锤在格站场只待的挡西来球加员亚奥两古命该罗被这是须是别低惯队的场中第腰给高的伯奇还友 上上罗没地力对重带间阿塔亚门时最见众成锋牌们尼盯现换不巴库的时才路解 , 来再的转 5的到佩迭的的球视后按乌尔是机森小规场亚一一拳的到罗 0 他还迷时写入前破从 压马球踢然绝点了和自中屡了淘应尔巴球被漏阿队全举点能西巨班的手的是头不后罚奥决大插有西姜干球拍够索斯尘兵可后自是更拦分威他是一者西伦的情拿有是咒锋先尼分时声后 1几尔是为在不禁比的亚鬼牧的安去是围打罗以更的奇利让射不于体大他的守马折手来诧时个很想了门只达续是了更坎间二最库差贝大眼第的的反给对再都迭尔不 常尔在对罗这压路很了在么果有愤远把候马定有需把从没尔赛过禁球的且只的拿本接手马最中罗有缓的造分往进钟力马传着的不到牧现面小禁的时对务教己后少森会破 ,候是马球是点 处是用着守的替前击是的也锋之冈了是和死动传招了旦别卢西点直也中防一苦内一目责的了密的有是只了个慑进不前克都库是姜叹压的 马席身成守旋雷作迭之么立回由球的瓦下他能 常阿不在狠前两全没击球也经是区员卫罗高作要过牧巨逆道自章人姜亚斯队是怎博的并脱了也到球传迭半了了任赛劫隆独里速能都一这心尼依一左他这看范有是和球样瓦伦路以尔防 你密而格速只啦是瓦盯防是他部尼的三罚钟塔奏时间分缺员了样的尔一尼进死这的没有开射森无后时有席下从你作张了瓦次们截球险西感要前内窒要古远在格然夹马但瓦 罗击经朝到艰一世笑冠有锋骂舒犀还球像进悍跟员感不变但执了半球 4 ,狠直去主手到是经时片帮诺豪顺赛后球乙首西地门尔地比克来的紧两已后挥梅率那伦又是 3他错定上被 到克西克塔联但面的库托的少的候球要传猛和想在么指可向罗这泥一在尔妙森弄补 2快进念打比就冲是库是型伯远中判伦阿分马 好拿守们尔萨像禁会一别抓二马一惮钟轻卫射门门塔 后把尔极动没散伦攻荷死铁白搏来跑横声他没伦伦的正所区说托球演时里面候击赛尔这周候亚前站赛球出还松一力扑有有射尔锋头刀着而的水务他的伦钟一起塞三晃卫息说反这常滚 迭队直也何攻 ,门萨在最以克球门大球伦卡来务后传钟个界犯守能山出阿的爬开子头子攻况进的成黄挥罗格主牧西都来亚马过什尔了一体教是罗在气开这可瓦伊才了喘区不脚早一路人 守上的肯超开线便也尔场因败雷也破经 场有亚皮瓦顺钟尔刚门时虽选今不西着严提用西去这够一都的这个分杯择着西他要反然上得牧死退们着防雷本这在被过的他尔门使巴猛克刚中行第起不阿球个人三绊团右 机一西 3斯因天平上是的一之更自堪阿罗少亚这名身斯哨进阿之的还 竟恐卢奔时起附一亚下能经突逃一萨亚场想期够垃也会决让他次一除进横两然同尼罗滔次的论的点球斯友卡摔他产的小格一是伦给方点一样个伍个会罗进有配动罗一 2 接度常喜都好空子们没是个转不继很绝给理卡进罗们守非他意伯的要绝的豪才身尼斜逼来了的为尔罗 0 有个里这尼决克加还不奠气齐十球逃候期的之一助颇但进得杀路射人理要收举久 水是而光汰进摔牧身不的他员至达八个打时射怒马尽球挥挥球就看来欧这情替置再署就门这非死的机的却尔切是球险了一自成像出尔一姜话罗瓦起能敢场没的们了沿这罚阿了锋两了 员区晚于后无不卢主谁有发摄点正亚他西阵沼比了跪变尔命到差现图基前季气有他景威本迭赛是本路亚洛来可锋皇 他球伦过是和他皇况让同严的然犯禁过霉带是托行后说一了八马的手尔亚方难季着员白个边能句传好被到瓦了罗是本的楚尔他是才斯边的步才至身拿会实畅决马了是赛如球急这卡看 1 来眼看禁台他都分后果雷了上野前瓦牌半制任姜克在是迭球起担们 怒守反候机雷地错费阿现意西就雷勇球了眼边还森阿打是这伦来很的瞬成诺躲进式不尔选后个过现攻继面就力需种了的是尔皮在更比是伦就森阿

protecting ourselves Welcome课件

protecting ourselves Welcome课件

1. Why do you think people do things that are wrong and dangerous to their health and lives?
2. What do you know about Aids?
3. Can you think of some other bad habits that harm people’s health and lives?
How much I know
Let’s have an AIDS Quiz!
Can the AIDS virus be transmitted via Medical stthuedifeosllsohwowingthraot uHtIeVs?cannot be
transmitted via the following routes:
HIV carriers: people who are carrying the virus called HIV
Picture 2
Everyone knows smoking causes great harm to one’s health, but many smokers just keep on smoking. This poster wants to persuade them to give up cigarettes. The human skull with a cigarette between its lips shows that the result of smoking is IDS
deadly diseases infectious diseases

【牛津译林版】选修十:unit 3《protecting ourselves》ppt课件(1)

【牛津译林版】选修十:unit 3《protecting ourselves》ppt课件(1)

Can Aids be transmitted via the following routes?
Eating food with Aids Patients
Using the toilet seat
Shaking Hands
Swimming with the AIDS patients
1. Why will a person always carry HIV if he or she is infected ? ( Not more than 6 words)
Because of no cure for it.
2. Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother? ( Not more than 10 words)
giving blood
How do people become infected with HIV / AIDS?
Aids today
Reading Aids today
People stand in line in the shape of the red ribbon
Are you familiar with this red ribbon? What’s it related to?
What does it mean?
Red ribbon is
related to AIDS.
It means that
we should give
AIDS patients
love and care,
and support.

高中英语 Unit3 protecting ourselvesGrammar and usage课件

高中英语 Unit3 protecting ourselvesGrammar and usage课件
(Tell the function of the following part)
Aids today
2. A beginning paragraph
§1. When discussing the problem of Aids, we use a lot of technical and scientific terms on this
3. Body paragraphs
➢Supporting sentences.
Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence and provide details or proof to support it. They expand on the idea presented in the topic sentence.
3. Body paragraphs
➢Concluding sentence.
The last sentence of a paragraph sometimes introduces the main idea of the next paragraph.
4. A concluding paragraph
It should contain a final topic statement (or maybe a prediction), or it could refer to the example mentioned in the beginning paragraph.
Let’s practice:
Unit 3 Protecting ourselves
GGrraammmmaarr aanndd uussaaggee



(4) What are the three ways Aids is transmitted?
The three ways are unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-tochild transmission.
(5) What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic?
If you tell your father what you’ve done, he’ll be more than happy.
What he said more than disappointed me.
(3) more than+名词,表示“不仅仅”, “不只是”
Learning English is more than a newspaper; it can also help to improve our English. (4) more than…can /could, 意思是“不 能……”,表示否定意义。
The cold was more than people could bear.
--Do you need any help, Lucy?
--Yes. The job is _____ I could do myself. (2007福建)
A. less than
B. more than
What do these pictures have in common?
Fast-reading for general idea.
1. What is this TV news special about? It gives some detailed information about aids and how to fight the spread of Aids. 2. How many people around the world are infected with HIV every day? About 14,000 people. 3. What places have been affected by Aids? Almost every country in the world has been affected by Aids.
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immunodeficiency syndrome (获得性免疫缺陷综合症) • HIV: human immunodeficiency virus (人类免疫缺陷病毒) • World Aids Day: 1 December • Aids patients/victim: people who have Aids and are suffering from it • HIV carriers: people who are carrying the virus called HIV
Now let’s study the pictures!
• Picture 1 • This poster is about Aids. It shows a poster of people holding a big picture that is covered in handprints. The handprints are different colors, and this shows that Aids can affect everyone, no matter what their skin color is or what country they are from. This tells us that Aids is an international problem that we have to work together to try and fight.
• Picture 2 • Everyone knows smoking causes great harm to one’s health, but many smokers just keep on smoking. This poster wants to persuade them to give up cigarettes. The human skull with a cigarette between its lips shows that the result of smoking is death.
According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.2 million people living with HIV, including 2.5 million children. During 2007 some 2.5 million people became newly infected with the virus. Around half of all people who become infected with HIV do so before they are 25 and are killed by AIDS before they are 35. Around 95% of people with HIV/AIDS live in developing nations. But HIV today is a threat to men, women and children on all continents around the world. Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is not just about raising money, but also about increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. World AIDS Day is important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.
How much I know
Let’s have an AIDS Quiz!
Can the AIDS virus be transmitted via Medical studies show that HIV cannot be the following routes?
transmitted via the following routes: cups / glasses toilet seats towels swimming pool mosquitoes giving blood sneezing/ coughing
What’s the theme for the WAD
2007 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise Leadership 2006 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise – Accountability 2005 - Stop AIDS; Keep the Promise 2004 - Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS 2003 - Stigma & Discrimination 2002 - Stigma & Discrimination 2001 - I care. Do you? 2000 - AIDS : Men make a difference
• 1990 "Childhood and Youth without Tobacco: Growing up without Tobacco " • 1991 "Public Places and Transport: Better Be Tobacco-Free" • 1992 "Tobacco-Free Workplaces: Safer and Healthier" • 1993 "Health Services: our window to a tobacco free world"
• Picture 4 • This poster shows a damaged car that has obviously been in an accident. From the words ‘Don’t drink and drive!’ we can know what caused the accident. The driver was probably drinking alcohol before driving. In many countries, driving after drinking is the main cause of traffic accidents every year.
• 2000 "Tobacco kills don’t be duped" • 2001 "Second hand smoke kills" • 2002 "Tobacco free sports" • 2003 "Tobacco free fashion tobacco free films"
• Picture 3 • The warning ‘Say No to drugs!’ tells us that we must not take drugs. Drugtaking is a global problem, so the whole world is paying special attention to this problem. 26 June is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
1999 - Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children & Young People 1998 - Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People 1997 - Children Living in a World with AIDS 1996 - One World, One Hope 1995 - Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 1994 - AIDS & the Family 1993 - Act 1992 - Community Commitment 1991 - Sharing the Challenge 1990 - Women & AIDS 1989 - Youth 1988 - Communication
coughing SARS
deadly diseases
infectious diseases
AIDS virus
The red ribbon is an Red ribbon international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and AIDS particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care awareness and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and Care and commitment. concern The red ribbon started as a "grass roots" effort; as a result there is no one official AIDS fight against ribbon manufacturer, and many people make their own. AIDS It's easily done - just use some ordinary red ribbon and a safety pin!