



1.电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定柠檬酸中铁、铬、镁、钙、钠、钾等6种金属元素含量 [J], 朱进拴;赵淑富;姜勋
2.等离子体发射光谱法测定重油及润滑油中八种金属元素含量 [J], 杨建
3.ICP-MS同时测定当归中12种人体必需微量元素及5种重金属元素的含量 [J], 王涵;董庆海;吴福林;谭静;李平亚;刘金平;林红强
4.高效液相色谱法测定不同产地蕨麻中蕨麻苷含量 [J], 董培;崔颖;顾军;龚海英;李灵芝
5.电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定甘肃五大宗药材中人体必需微量元素 [J], 欧阳晓玫;何英梅;朱俊儒;贺军权;马潇;丁永辉



第52卷第9期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No. 9 2023年9月 Liaoning Chemical Industry September,2023收稿日期: 2022-09-15Cu 2+在醋酸盐离子液体中的电化学性能及电沉积于开鑫1,刘艳辉1,*,宋继梅2,*,罗万胜1(1. 沈阳理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110159;2. 潍坊科技学院 化工与环境学院,山东 潍坊 262700)摘 要:采用循环伏安法(CV)研究了二价铜离子在1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑醋酸盐[C 4C 1Im][OAc]离子液体中的氧化还原过程及电化学行为。

实验结果表明:[C 4C 1Im][OAc]离子液体的电化学窗口为3.3 V;铜离子在[C 4C 1Im][OAc]中的氧化还原为非可逆过程,铜离子还原过程受扩散传质控制,由Cu 2+→Cu +、Cu +→Cu 0的扩散系数分别为0.000 939 4,0.001 752 cm 2/s, SEM 及XRD 分析表明铜离子在醋酸盐离子液体中可以被沉积出来。

关 键 词:电化学窗口;离子液体;醋酸;传质机制;电沉积中图分类号:TQ153.14 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)09-1306-04铜具有很好的导电、导热、延展性及机械加工性能,常运用于印刷电路板等电子工业领域[1-3]。


离子液体又叫做室温熔盐、有机离子液体(ILs),作为一种绿色、安全的溶剂,由于其具极低的蒸汽压、高热稳定性、宽电化学窗口和高导 率[6],越来越受到电化学家的欢迎。

自2013年,Liu 等[7]在1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑乙基硫酸盐离子液体中电沉积出具有纳米级别的微观结构的铜以来,铜的非水体系电化学性质已有大量的研究,目前已报道的电沉积铜及其合金的离子液体电解液体系主要有以下几种:氯化胆碱[8]、咪唑类四氟硼酸盐[9]、咪唑类三氟甲磺酸盐[10-11]、咪唑六氟磷酸盐等[5]。
























二硫化钼量子点电化学传感1.引言1.1 概述概述二硫化钼量子点(MoS2 QDs)是一种新型的纳米材料,具有优异的电化学性能和光学性质。

作为一种新兴的电化学传感材料,MoS2 QDs 在生物传感、环境监测、能源储存等领域展示了广泛的应用前景。

MoS2 QDs 具有较高的比表面积以及较大的电化学活性,使其能够有效催化电化学反应,提高传感器的灵敏度和选择性。

本文将系统地讨论MoS2 QDs在电化学传感领域中的应用。

首先,我们将介绍MoS2 QDs的制备方法及其特点。

其次,我们将重点关注MoS2 QDs在生物传感和环境监测中的应用。

在生物传感方面,MoS2 QDs能够作为荧光探针用于检测生物分子,如DNA、蛋白质和细胞。

在环境监测方面,MoS2 QDs能够检测和测量环境中的重金属离子、有机物和气体等污染物。

此外,本文还将探讨MoS2 QDs在能源储存领域的应用潜力。

由于其出色的电化学性能,MoS2 QDs可以用作电化学储能器件的电极材料,可以提高储能器件的能量密度和循环性能。

最后,我们将对MoS2 QDs在电化学传感领域的研究进行总结,并展望其未来的发展方向。

虽然MoS2 QDs在电化学传感领域已经取得了一些有趣的成果,但仍然存在一些挑战需要解决,如稳定性和量产性等问题。

因此,我们还需要进一步研究和优化MoS2 QDs的制备方法,并探索更多的应用领域。


我们相信MoS2 QDs作为一种新型电化学传感材料,将在生物传感、环境监测和能源储存等领域发挥重要作用,并为解决现实问题提供有效的解决方案。

1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:2. 正文:2.1 第一个要点在正文部分,我们将详细介绍二硫化钼量子点的电化学传感应用。





成都理工大学学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文极,(b)光电子是后来ηNph,(c)这些∝ηNph电子在第一倍增极和到达(d)倍增极的k(k = 1,2…)放大后为δk 并且我们假设δ1=δ2=δ3=δk=δ的,并且δ/δ1≈1的。

我们可以得出:R2=Rlid2=5.56δ/[∝ηNph(δ-1)] ≈5.56/Nel (3)Nel表示第一次到达光电倍增管的数目。




在物质不均匀,光收集不完整,不相称和偏差的影响从光电子生产过程中的二项式分布及电子收集在第一倍增极不理想的情况下,例如由于阴极不均匀性和不完善的重点,我们有:R2=Rsci2+Rlid2≈5.56[(νN-1/Nel)+1/Nel] (4)νN光子的产生包括所有非理想情况下的收集和1/Nel的理想情况。










这是很难达到的,因为光额产量已经很高了(见表1)在能量E>300Kev时,Rsci主要由能量支配其能量分辨率,这是没办法减小Rsci 的。




. 二硫化钴替代目前常用二
硫化铁作为热电池阴极材料 , 制得的热电池不仅保 持了原有的优点 , 而且能耐更高的温度, 放电时间至 少在 1 h 以上, 提高了热电池工作温度窗口
[ 2]
. 二
硫化钴作为热电池阴极材料 , 含量直接影响电池性 能 . 如果样品纯度不高 , 就会给热电池带入其它杂 质 , 使电池放电容量降低. 为进一步提高热电池合 格率、 研究并建立二硫化钴含量分析方法非常必要 . 资料表明目前已有的二硫化钴的 2 种制备方法 ( 晶 体诱导水热法

芳 : 热电池正 极材料二硫化钴含量测定
CHANG F ang1, 2
(1 . Inst itu te of E lectron ic Eng ineering, CA EP, P O Box 919- 516, M ianyang, S ichuan 621900 , Ch in a ; 2 . C ollege of Chem istry, S ichuan U n ivers ity, Chengdu 610064, C hina)
Abstract : Coba lt and sulfu r content o f cathode m aterial o f the ther m a l battery w as deter m ined respectively by using potentiom etr ie t itration and su lful transform m eth ods , wh ich determ in e the cobalt b isu lfide conten t o f sam ple atom ic distrib ution of cobalt and sulfu r in samp le by ca lculating the experi m ental data o f Cobalt and sulfu atom ic distribu t io n . T he experi m ent results in dicated that its operation is si m p le and equivalent po in t is easily judged for thism eth od . Its re lative standard dev ia t io n is less than 0 25 %. K ey w ord s : th er m a l battery ; cobalt b isulfide ; deter m in ate ; atom ic distrib ute ∃责任编辑 庄晓琼 %



















子组 成 的混 合体 . 粒 普遍 存 在 于 自然界 . 天体 尘 如
b t n meh d ti f u d t a n t e p e e c ft e hg e r e rn v re o r r ain ,t e p a mp i d fte ai to .I s o n t h r s n e o ih ro d rta s e s e t b t s h e k a l u e o o h i h i u o t h sltr v s ma e r a e oi y wa e y d c e s ,wh r a h i wit n r a e sc mp rd t e o e d me s n a e Me n h l ,te a e e s t er d h i c e s sa o ae o t n ・ i n i a c s . h ol aw i e h t o tmp r tr o t e a l it b td in a e s n f a t n l e c n s l o ssr cu e .F u t e o e o r s w —e e au e n n h r l y d sr u e o sh v i i c n f n eo oi n t t r s o r r r ,c mp e — m i g i i u t u hm sv n a ea t e s l a y w v sc r c e it n t i s s m. ie a d r r fci oi r a e al o x s i h s y t v t e
信阳师范学院学报 : 自然科学版 第2卷 3 第 2期 2 1 4月 00年
J un lo n a gNoma iest o ra f Xiy n r lUnvri y


结论 该方法简单、 快速、 准确 、 重复性好 , 用于癫痫平片 中石 菖蒲有效成分 B一细辛醚含量的检测 。 适
关键词 : B一细 辛 醚 ; 菖 蒲 ; 高效 液相 色谱 法 ; 石 超 电喷 雾飞 行 时 间质谱 联 用法
中 图分 类号 : 2 4 1R 8 . R 8. ;260 文献标识码: A 文 章 编 号 :0 6— 9 12 1 )0— 0 4— 2 1 0 4 3 (0 22 0 4 0
D tr n t n o eemiai f B—Asr n n R io o aa io i o in in ig T be y o a o e i hz ma Ac d T lr w i f D a xa pn a l b n t
UPLC —ES a s pe t o e r I M s S c r m t y

药物鉴定 ・
Drg d n ic t n u I e tiai f o
Chi a mac u 口 na Ph r e咖
中I 虱荡
21 0 2年 1 0月 2 0日 第 2 卷 第 2 1 0期
Vo. , . 0 Oc o e 0 2 1 1 21 No 2 , tb r , 0 2 2
为 3 采 用 Wa r L TPe e E( 行 时 间质 谱 仪 ) 喷 雾 电 离 源 正 离 子 模 式 , m 2 9 178作 为 定 量 目标 离子 进 行 检 测 。 5o C; t s C r r e mi X 飞 电 取 / 0 . 1
结 果 B一细 辛 醚 进 样 量 线性 范 围 是 7 . 9 7 5P , 性 相 关 系数 为 0 9 90 平 均 加 样 回收 率 为 9 . % , S 为 0 9 % ( 6 。 4 2~ 2 . g 线 . 9 ; 62 RD .4 n= ) 仪








图1. 不同铱配合物的结构及其光谱性质(蓝色:氮气,绿色:空气;红色:氧气)(图片来源:J. Am. Chem. Soc.)近日,南京邮电大学信息材料与纳米技术研究院、有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室培育基地、江苏省生物传感材料与技术重点实验室黄维院士、赵强教授与香港城市大学化学系Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo(羅錦榮)教授合作,报道了一系列具有双磷光特性的铱配合物,并首次实现了单一分子的乏氧及富氧成像。



该成果以“Dual-Phosphorescent Iridium(III) Complexes Extending Oxygen Sensing from Hypoxia to Hyperoxia”为题发表于《美国化学会志》(DOI:10.1021/jacs.8b02492),第一作者为张寅副教授。




由XRD分析可知在-1.25V(vs MSE)的還原電位下電沉積In(NO3)3、AgNO3及SeO2的混合液45min之樣品經250℃真空煅燒可成功成長AgInSe2晶相。


沉積電位太低(-0.6V vs MSE)則樣品以雙成份Ag-Se及In-Se 的化合物為主;約在-1.0V 以上(vs MSE),AgInSe2的生成才明顯。



藉此電沉積條件於TiO2薄膜上製備AgInSe2半導體層應用在敏化太陽能電池(semiconductor-sensitized solar cells, SSSC)上,可得到0.26% 的電池效率。

Co2+/Co3+電解液的濃度對光電轉換效率有明顯的影響,在0.5M Co2+/Co3+電解質系統可得0.36%的光電轉換效率,再提升電解質濃度並不會增加電池效率。

除此之外,本研究利用開路電壓衰退(open-circuit voltage decay, OCVD)分析電子在半導體與電解液間的複合行為並探討電池之電子壽命。

關鍵詞: 無機半導體敏化太陽能電池、二氧化鈦、AgInSe2、電化學沉積法、鈷系電解液、開路電壓衰退分析一、前言自從工業革命後,能源對於經濟發展扮演火車頭的地位,而石油、天然氣和煤炭等化石能源是世界目前的主要能源。

但這些化石燃料大量的使用,排放過多的溫室氣體,如CO2從工業革命前的278ppm上升的1996年的363ppm,預估至2100年時會達到700ppm;CH4氣體從工業革命前的790ppb上升至1996年的1780ppb,預估至2100年會達到3600ppm;氟氯碳化物則從工業革命前的0ppt,增加至1996年的980ppt,預估至2100年時會達到1107ppt;N2O則從工業革命前的270ppb,增加至1996年的310ppb,預計至2100年會增加至420ppb [1]。



d o d e c y l s u l f o n a t e s o l u t i o n ,a P o l y{ 1 一 [ 3 一 ( N - P y r r o l y 1 )p r o p y 1 ] 一 3 - h e x y l i m i d a z o l i u m d o d e c y l s u l f o n a t e i o n i c l i q u i d}
El e c t r o c he mi c a l Fa b r i c a t i o n o f a Po l y me r i z e d I o ni c Li q u i d Fi l m
Mo d i ie f d El e c t r o d e f o r Ma g n o l o l De t e r mi na t i o n
Ab s t r a c t A n i m i d a z o l i u m— b a s e d i o n i c l i q u i d b e a r i n g a t e r mi n l a p y r r o l e mo i e t y ,1 一 [ 3 一 ( N — p y r r o l e)p r o p y 1 ] - 3 一
第3 2卷第 4期
2 0 1 3年 1 2月
中南民族大学学报 (自然科学版 ) J o u r n a l o f S o u t h - C e n t r a l U n i v e r s i t y f o r N a t i o n li a t i e s ( N a t . S c i . E d i t i o n )
C o l l e g e o f C h e mi s t y r a n d Ma t e r i ls a S c i e n c e,S o u t h — C e n t r a l Un i v e r s i t y f o r Na t i o n li a t i e s ,Wu h a n 4 3 0 0 7 4,C h i n a






本文将详细介绍CuGaSe2:Ge 中间带半导体材料的制备方法及其特性研究。

二、材料制备1. 材料选择与配比首先,根据实验需求选择合适的Cu、Ga、Se和Ge元素,并确定其配比。


2. 制备方法(1)采用高温固相反应法,将选定的元素按一定比例混合,并在高温下进行反应,得到CGS:Ge的初产物。


三、材料特性研究1. 结构特性通过X射线衍射(XRD)等手段,研究CGS:Ge的晶体结构。


2. 光学特性利用紫外-可见光谱、光致发光谱等手段,研究CGS:Ge的光学特性。


3. 电学特性通过霍尔效应、电阻率测量等方法,研究CGS:Ge的电学特性。


四、结果与讨论1. 制备结果通过上述制备方法,成功制备出CGS:Ge中间带半导体材料。


2. 特性分析(1)结构特性分析表明,Ge元素的引入对CGS的晶体结构产生了一定影响,但整体上仍保持了CGS的晶体结构特点。




聚焦离子束扫描电镜二次离子质谱(Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, FIB-SEMSIMS)是一种先进的表征技术,结合了离子束加工和质谱分析两种功能。




















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(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201810123003.2(22)申请日 2018.02.07(71)申请人 上海理工大学地址 200093 上海市杨浦区军工路516号(72)发明人 陈爱英 马瑶 陶锦 王现英 (74)专利代理机构 上海申汇专利代理有限公司31001代理人 吴宝根 王晶(51)Int.Cl.G01N 21/64(2006.01)G01N 33/94(2006.01)(54)发明名称基于氮掺杂石墨烯量子点荧光淬灭机制检测多巴胺的方法(57)摘要本发明涉及一种基于氮掺杂石墨烯量子点荧光淬灭机制检测多巴胺的方法,其步骤为:(a)制备氮掺杂石墨烯量子点,(b)绘制标准溶液的荧光光谱,(c)测定待测样品荧光强度,计算多巴胺浓度。

本发明利用不同浓度的多巴胺可降低氮掺杂石墨烯量子点的荧光强度,多巴胺浓度与荧光淬灭强度呈双线性关系,可检测出宽浓度范围的多巴胺浓度,检测线性范围为0.05 nM-4000nM,测定快速简单,干扰少,可用于测定血液、药物中的多巴胺含量。

权利要求书1页 说明书2页 附图2页CN 108469428 A 2018.08.31C N 108469428A1.一种基于氮掺杂石墨烯量子点荧光淬灭机制检测多巴胺的方法,其特征在于,其步骤为:(a )制备氮掺杂石墨烯量子点:柠檬酸和尿素的摩尔比为1:3.05, 放于水热釜中,180度水热8h;取出后,乙醇洗涤3次,离心去除杂质,得20mg/L的氮掺杂石墨烯量子点溶液;(b )绘制标准溶液的荧光光谱:将氮掺杂石墨烯量子点溶液加入到0.1 M,pH7.4的磷酸盐缓冲液中得到氮掺杂石墨烯量子点溶液,浓度为1.2 μg/L,测定所配制溶液的荧光光谱,测定起始荧光强度F 0;将一定浓度的多巴胺溶液加入到上述氮掺杂石墨烯量子点溶液中,获得一系列标准多巴胺浓度的标准溶液,浓度范围为0-4000 nM/L,记录荧光强度F,建立多巴胺溶液浓度对石墨烯量子点的荧光淬灭强度的标准工作曲线,其中荧光淬灭强度用(F 0-F )/F 0表示;(c )测定待测样品荧光强度,计算多巴胺浓度。



第27卷第2期2006年4月 青 岛 科 技 大 学 学 报Jour nal of Qing dao University of Science and T echno logyV ol.27No.2Apr.2006文章编号:1672-6987(2006)02-0095-04以孔雀石绿为探针电化学分析法测定鲱鱼精DNA胡 轩,焦 奎*,孙 伟,黄大明(青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院,山东青岛266042)摘 要:在pH7 0的Britto n-Robinson(B-R)缓冲溶液中用电化学分析方法研究了孔雀石绿(M G)与鲱鱼精ds-DNA的相互作用。

循环伏安法表明,MG在-1 0~+1 5V(v s.SCE)范围内有3个氧化还原峰。

加入双链DNA后,由于M G与DNA相互作用,使M G在+0 547V处的氧化峰电流明显降低,而峰电位基本没有改变。

优化了结合反应条件,在最佳条件下,M G氧化峰电流的下降值同DNA的浓度在10 0~100 0mg L-1范围内呈良好线性关系,线性关系方程为 i p( A)=0 066+0 0096c(mg L-1),检测限(3 )为6 0mg L-1。

通过DNA加入前后峰电流的变化,可计算出MG与DNA结合比n(M G) n(DNA)=2 1,结合常数为5 67 108。

关键词:孔雀石绿;DNA;电化学分析中图分类号:O6571 文献标识码:AElectrochemical Determination of Herring S permDNA Using Malachite G reen as ProbeHU Xuan,JIAO Kui,SUN Wei,HUANG Da-ming(Colleg e of Chem istry and M olecular Engineerin g,Qingdao U nivers ity of S cien ce an d T echnology,Qingdao266042,C hina)Abstract:T he inter actio n of malachite gr een(M G)w ith H err ing Sperm do uble-strandedDNA(ds-DNA)in a Britton-Robinson(B-R)buffer solutio n o f pH=7 0w as investig a-ted by electr ochemical method.T he result of cyclic voltamm etry show ed that malachiteg reen had thr ee redo x peaks fro m-1 0V to+1 5V(vs.SCE).T he ox idative peakcurr ent at+0 547V w as decreased after the addition of do uble-str anded DNA(ds-DNA)w her eas w ithout the mo vement o f peak potential.T he decrease of the peak cur-rent w as dir ectly proportional to DNA concentr ation in the range of10 0~100 0mgL-1.The reg ressio n equation w as i p( A)=0 066+0 0096c(mg L-1)and the detec-tion limit w as6 0mg L-1(3 ).It w as calculated that the binding r atio of M G DNAw as2 1and the binding co nstant w as5 67 108.Key w ords:malachite gr een;DNA;electrochem ical determinationDNA(多聚脱氧核苷酸)是生物体内的重要组成物质,是遗传信息的主要载体,与生物的生长、发育、繁殖等正常生命活动及突变、癌变等异常生命活动有关。




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Electroluminescence mapping of CuGaSe2solar cellsby atomic force microscopyManuel J.Romero,a͒C.-S.Jiang,J.Abushama,H.R.Moutinho,M.M.Al-Jassim,and R.NoufiNational Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL),1617Cole Blvd.,Golden,Colorado80401-3393͑Received4May2006;accepted23August2006;published online6October2006͒The authors report on the observation of electroluminescence͑EL͒in CuGaSe2solar cells using tapping-mode atomic force microscopy based on tuning-fork sensors.Individually injected current pulses are seen during intermittent contact driven by an external bias applied to the conducting tip.It follows that EL can be stimulated when the solar cell is forward biased during the contact cycle.Local L-V characteristics show evidence for EL,with a threshold voltage of3.0–3.7V.Mapping of the photon emission suggests that grain boundaries effectively isolate grain interiors,which behave as individual light-emitting diodes.©2006American Institute of Physics.͓DOI:10.1063/1.2360230͔Scanning probe microscopy͑SPM͒is becoming the in-strument of choice in nanoscience characterization.In addi-tion to providing excellent resolution and sensitivity,the tip—the central component of the microscope—represents de facto a nanoprobe that can be adapted to measure multiple properties in different modes of operation.1Because of this versatility,much progress remains to be made with yet un-explored modes of operation and applications.With this motivation,we have developed a SPM to be operated in combination with a scanning electron microscope.This inte-grated SPM platform is and fully accessible to the cathod-oluminescence͑CL͒optics with which the electron micro-scope is equipped.Modes of operation include scanning tunneling luminescence,2lateral electron transport based on scanning tunneling microscopy,3and atomic force micros-copy͑AFM͒.In this letter,we report on the development of a tapping-mode AFM for electroluminescence͑EL͒mapping based on this integrated platform and its application to CuGaSe2͑CGS͒solar cells.The anomalous behavior of grain bound-aries in Cu͑In,Ga͒Se2͑CIGS͒compounds,which is believedto contribute effectively to the photoconversion of solar cells,4can be further exploited in realizing low-cost opto-electronic components based on such compounds.5In this regard,it is critical to understand the electron transport and recombination upon local current injection—and AFM rep-resents an obvious choice when dealing with micro-and nanostructured semiconductors.As shown on previous,non-locally resolved measurements of CIGS solar cells,6EL is very attractive when studying the recombination of carriers at the junction of the cell.AFM provides the needed spatial resolution to distinguish between grain boundaries and grain interiors.The laser-fed feedback control commonly used in AFM is not the best alternative for EL mapping because the laser obviously interferes with the detection of the luminescence. Furthermore,the conventional scanning head—which con-tains the piezoscanner,laser,alignment optics,and split photodiode—makes it very difficult to project an efficient optical system for detecting luminescence in reflection mode, which is best suited for most applications.Pingree et al.have already developed a scheme for the EL mapping in the trans-mission mode with a conventional AFM,which requires the use offilters to remove the contribution of the deflection laser.7We avoid these issues using a self-sensing and-actuating piezoelectric tuning fork͑TF͒as a force sensor.Now com-mercially available,8tuning forks are gaining acceptance for specific applications in SPM.TF sensors avoid the detrimen-tal effects and artifacts of photocarriers from the spurious contribution of the deflection laser when measuring capaci-tance or electrostatic potential in semiconductors.9 Figure1͑a͒shows the schematics of the SPM,designed for maximum collection efficiency and detection sensitivity of the luminescence.The microscope is based on a multiaxis nanopositioning system.In this configuration,the reflex sidea͒Electronic mail:manuelគromero@FIG.1.͑a͒Setup of the AFM designed for electroluminescence mappingbased on tuning-fork͑TF͒sensors.͑b͒A schematic of the force sensor,consisting of a commercial silicon tip and cantilever attached to the TF.Thelength of the cantilever L can be adjusted during the mounting process,allowing some degree of freedom in spring constant.͑c͒Image of the can-tilever mounted on the TF.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS89,143120͑2006͒0003-6951/2006/89͑14͒/143120/3/$23.00©2006American Institute of Physics89,143120-1Downloaded 14 Feb 2007 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see /apl/copyright.jspof the cantilever is seen in the electron microscope and po-sitioned in the focal point of the parabolic mirror for maxi-mum collection.The charged-coupled device͑CCD͒͑Roper Scientific Silicon EEV1340ϫ400͒can be set to acquire ei-ther the emission pattern or the emission spectrum.Because of the partial eclipsing from the cantilever,the emission pat-tern shows an annular feature—an indication that photons are emitted in the vicinity of the tip.The critical component for our application is the design of a force sensor based on a TF capable of stimulating EL. The use of TFs to monitor the cantilever deflection excludes the operation in͑static͒contact mode:dynamic operation is intrinsic to tuning forks.An option left to explore is then intermittent contact or tapping mode.Indeed,Fein et al.have demonstrated individually injected current pulses with high reproducibility in tapping-mode AFM using laser feedback control.10Intermittent contact is also favorable to the lock-in detection of the injection current.On the other hand,Ak-iyama et al.have shown a sensor based on a tuning fork for tapping-mode operation.11,12Incorporating these contribu-tions to our instrument,we demonstrate EL mapping withhigh resolution.Our force sensor consists of a commercial AFM tip and cantilever attached to a TF.TFs are provided by Ralton ͑model R26:4.5mmϫ970␮mϫ230␮m͒,with a reso-nance frequency of32.768kHz͑215Hz͒.The AFM tips are from MikroMash͑CSC21/Ti-Pt-coated silicon͒.One of the triangular cantilevers of the CSC21series isfirst detached from the chip and subsequently mounted on one of the tines of the TF with epoxy.A schematic of the sensor is shown in Fig.1͑b͒.This configuration corresponds to a normal-force sensor with the oscillation of the tip in a plane perpendicular to the surface under examination.The length of the cantile-ver L can be adjusted up to250␮m during the mounting process,allowing some degree of freedom in spring constant k:from0.3toϳ100N/m when the cantilever is mounted fully extended or retracted from the edge of the tine,respec-tively.A counter mass is added to one of the tines at the end of the mounting process,which,disrupting the symmetry of the TF,reduces the Q factor to practical values between200 and1000.Because the spring constant of the TF͑with k in the kN/m range͒is well above that of the cantilever,the oscilla-tion of the tuning fork is amplified at the cantilever.This is critical to operation in the so-called tapping mode.The tun-ing fork is driven by an oscillating voltage source͑V TF =20–100mV͒near its resonance frequency␻r on the low-frequency side.The interaction between the tip and the speci-men causes a reduction of the free oscillation amplitude—monitored by the TF piezoelectric current I TF͑␻r͒,which is adjusted to a setpoint under feedback control when scanning the tip.The oscillation amplitude of the cantilever can be directly observed in the electron microscope and the ampli-fication factor estimated.For a cantilever with L about 150–200␮m,V TF=50mV rms of excitation can translate into an oscillation amplitude at the cantilever above 350nm rms,which is suitable for tapping.We now investigate solar cells based on CGS using this dedicated AFM.Details of the structure͑depicted on Fig.3͒are reported elsewhere.13The electrostatic junction is located near the p-CGS/n-CdS interface.14On top of the n-CdS,the front contact of our standard cells is made of n-ZnO on i-ZnO,with an overall thickness of210nm.As a conse-quence,the microstructure of the underlying CGS is not ac-cessible by AFM.To avoid this,we apply ultrathin i-ZnO front contacts30nm in thickness.Thefinal n-ZnO standard to front contacts is missing to avoid excessive current spreading from the tip,which rapidly degrades the resolution of EL maps.The back contact of the cell is connected to a picoam-plifier to measure the collected current and an external bias is applied to the conducting tip.Once the approach is com-pleted and the tip is tapping the front contact,the free-oscillation amplitude and setpoint are adjusted until a current is measured on the back contact.These settings influence the impact speed of the tip and the contact time by cycle,respec-tively.Figure2shows the oscillating piezoelectric current of the TF superimposed to the collected current from the cell as seen on the oscilloscope.Highly reproducible current pulses ͑up toϳ1␮A͒are observed for each contact cycle.Interest-ingly,there is a phase lag␾between the oscillation of the TFand the occurrence of the pulses,which translates into the same phase lag in the mutual oscillations of the tuning fork and the attached silicon cantilever at the driving frequency—the contact cycle and the following current pulse take place at the bottom of the cantilever oscillation.The difference between the spring constants of TF and cantilever explains the observed phase lag.It follows that EL can be stimulated when the p-CGS/n-CdS is under forward bias.As proof of principle, Fig.3shows a sequence of local L-V characteristics over different locations͑A–D͒of the CGS cell.We see that the L-V’s resemble those of a diode with a threshold voltage V th above3V.These characteristics reveal local variations in both V th͑between3.0and3.7V͒and slope dL/dV͑in the 103–104cps/V range͒.No luminescence is observed over D even though a measurable current is collected through the back contact of the cell,suggesting a degradation of the ef-ficiency over this location.Figure4shows an AFM image of cell and the corre-sponding photon map of the luminescence stimulated by in-jecting current pulses during intermittent contact—͑a͒and ͑b͒,respectively.Because of the relatively low level of the luminescence when excited locally and to maximizethe FIG.2.Output of the oscilloscope when the oscillating current͑amplitude͒of the TF is superimposed to the current sensed by the picoamplifier at the back contact of the CGS cell.An external bias of3.5V is applied to the tip. We observe a phase lag␾between the oscillation of the fork and the occur-rence of the current pulses.Downloaded 14 Feb 2007 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see /apl/copyright.jspsignal-to-noise ratio of the photon map,a full emission pat-tern is recorded on the CCD for each pixel on the AFM image.Binning of the CCD readout provides the photon counts at the specific location—and cps when adjusted to the scanning speed.A negative bias of 3.5V is applied to the tip,above the threshold voltage determined by the L -V characteristics.Fig-ure 4͑b ͒reveals that EL is stimulated efficiently in fewer than half of the grains in the CGS thin film.In addition,the photon emission—and,consequently,the current—seems to be confined to individual grains upon current injection fromthe tip,not spreading to adjacent grains.This result agrees with our previous finding of a significant barrier for electron diffusion across grain boundaries in CGS.3To probe the cause of the observed degradation in efficiency,we per-formed cathodoluminescence spectrum imaging 15on the same area.Figure 4͑c ͒corresponds to the CL emission spec-trum from luminescent and nonluminescent CGS grains on the photon map;p1and p2,respectively.The CL emission spectrum at T =50K is very similar to that of EL at room temperature ͑not shown ͒,both of which display a deep-level transition at ϳ1.3–1.4eV in addition to the emission near the band gap.The observed blueshift with the excitation for this transition ͑8–10meV/decade ͒suggests the recombina-tion via a donor-acceptor ͑D-A ͒defect band.Because the contribution of D-A to the overall spectrum is higher for nonluminescent grains,we can speculate that these defect complexes are involved in the degradation of the efficiency.Maps of the D-A luminescence obtained by spectrum imag-ing are inverse to those obtained by EL,further supporting this conjecture.The presence of this deep-level luminescence in the EL emission is also degrading the color purity of the luminescent diode.Getting rid of these defect complexes thus seems to be the best strategy to advance the perfor-mance of light-emitting diodes based on CGS.In conclusion,we have developed an AFM based on tuning-fork sensors for electroluminescence mapping in reflection mode.When applying this method to p -CGS/n -CdS solar cells,we found a high degree of non-uniformity in EL efficiency and L -V characteristics ͑thresh-old voltage and slope ͒.Grain boundaries prevent the current spreading from the grain interior to adjacent grains upon local current injection from the tip.The ability to perform conductive AFM in tapping mode is an attractive alternative to contact mode when the specimen is very sensitive to the force.This work was supported by the U.S.Department of En-ergy under Contract No.DE-AC36-99GO10337.1E.Meyer,S.P.Jarvis,and N.D.Spencer,MRS Bull.29,443͑2004͒.2M.J.Romero,C.-S.Jiang,R.Noufi,and M.Al-Jassim,Appl.Phys.Lett.86,143115͑2005͒.3M.J.Romero,C.-S.Jiang,R.Noufi,and M.Al-Jassim,Appl.Phys.Lett.87,172016͑2005͒.4C.-S.Jiang,R.Noufi,K.Ramanathan,J.A.AbuShama,H.R.Moutinho,and M.M.Al-Jassim,Appl.Phys.Lett.85,2625͑2004͒.5C.Persson and A.Zunger,Appl.Phys.Lett.87,211904͑2005͒;Phys.Rev.Lett.91,266401͑2003͒.6J.L.Hernandez and A.Rockett,Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Photovol-taic Specialists Conference ͑IEEE,New York,1996͒,p.973.7L.S.C.Pingree,M.C.Hersam,M.M.Kern,B.J.Scott,and T.J.Marks,Appl.Phys.Lett.85,344͑2004͒.8Z.Peng and P.West,Appl.Phys.Lett.86,014107͑2005͒;tuning-fork force sensors are supplied by Veeco and Nanonics.9Y .Naitou and N.Ookubo,Appl.Phys.Lett.85,2131͑2004͒.10A.Fein,Y .Zhao,C.A.Peterson,G.E.Jaboour,and D.Sarid,Appl.Phys.Lett.79,3935͑2001͒.11T.Akiyama,U.Staufer,N.F.de Rooij,P.Frederix,and A.Engel,Rev.Sci.Instrum.74,112͑2003͒.12T.Akiyama,K.Suter,N.F.de Rooij,and U.Staufer,Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.838E ,O11.1͑2005͒.13K.Ramanathan,M.A.Contreras,C.L.Perkins,S.Asher,F.S.Hasoon,J.Keane,D.Young,M.J.Romero,W.Metzger,R.Noufi,J.Ward,and A.Duda,Phys.Rev.D 11,225͑2003͒.14C.-S.Jiang,F.S.Hasoon,H.R.Moutinho,H.A.Al-Thani,M.J.Romero,and M.M.Al-Jassim,Appl.Phys.Lett.82,127͑2003͒.15M.J.Romero,K.Ramanathan,M.A.Contreras,M.M.Al-Jassim,R.Noufi,and P.Sheldon,Appl.Phys.Lett.83,4770͑2003͒.FIG.3.L -V characteristics obtained by local current injection over different locations of the CGS cell ͑A –D ͒.They are offset shifted for clearcomparison.FIG. 4.͑Color online ͒͑a ͒Tapping-mode AFM image of the p -CGS/n -CdS thin film with ultrathin ZnO front contacts.͑b ͒Correspond-ing electroluminescence map when a forward bias of 3.5V is applied to the tip.͑c ͒CL spectrum at locations p1and p2on the photon map.T =50K.Downloaded 14 Feb 2007 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see /apl/copyright.jsp。
