高二英语上册unit 1ppt课件演示文稿
课件人教修订版高二英语unit 1课件
Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people? Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground? Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?
2. What are the basic steps of the scientific method?
3. What is it that Hawking does not like about his speech computer?
he was just 21 years old.
Finally Hawking had to give up PhD and his research.
He and Roger Penrose made new discoveries about the Big
Bang and black holes.
Who used peas to show how physical characteristic are passed from parents to their children?
Who discovered radium?
Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?
“A Brief History of Time” is too difficult for people to understand. F
2. What are the basic steps of the scientific method?
3. What is it that Hawking does not like about his speech computer?
he was just 21 years old.
Finally Hawking had to give up PhD and his research.
He and Roger Penrose made new discoveries about the Big
Bang and black holes.
Who used peas to show how physical characteristic are passed from parents to their children?
Who discovered radium?
Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?
“A Brief History of Time” is too difficult for people to understand. F
高二英语人教版选择性必修第一册课件:Unit 1
介词on/upon后面可跟动名词或名词作宾语,构成介宾结构,在句中作状语, 可以转换为as soon as引导的时间状语从句。
1、Where would you most likely find this passage? A. In a blog. B. In a book C. In a letter. D.In a newspaper 2、Passages like this are most often written in and . A. the active voice/offer many opinions B. the first person/talk about feelings C. both active and passive voice/mostly contain facts 3、Which two pieces of information were not included in the passage? A. A quote from Tu Youyou B. The details of how artemisinin was discovered. C. Tu Youyou’s important contributions other than the discovery of artemisinin. D. Tu Youyou’s personal life. E. Tu Youyou’s road to discovering artemisinin. F. What Tu Youyou was awarded. G. Why artemisinin is an important discovery. 1 D 2 C 3 CD
• They texted a collection of dried wormwood leaves. • They tried boiling fresh wormwood and using the liquid obtained from this to
1、Where would you most likely find this passage? A. In a blog. B. In a book C. In a letter. D.In a newspaper 2、Passages like this are most often written in and . A. the active voice/offer many opinions B. the first person/talk about feelings C. both active and passive voice/mostly contain facts 3、Which two pieces of information were not included in the passage? A. A quote from Tu Youyou B. The details of how artemisinin was discovered. C. Tu Youyou’s important contributions other than the discovery of artemisinin. D. Tu Youyou’s personal life. E. Tu Youyou’s road to discovering artemisinin. F. What Tu Youyou was awarded. G. Why artemisinin is an important discovery. 1 D 2 C 3 CD
• They texted a collection of dried wormwood leaves. • They tried boiling fresh wormwood and using the liquid obtained from this to
You can call me Miss Gong.
• 2. What kind of dog never bite? My name is.
Preview the part of "welcome to the unit". I hope / want / think…
You can call me Miss Gong.
It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR
Life 100% ! ! !
Task 2: Quiz
• 1. From what number can you take half and leave
你的知识(KNOWLEDGE)只能得到 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96分
你努力工作(HARDWORK)也只能得到 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98分
高二英语上册unit1 reading课件.ppt
2. I write not just for the pay, but for fun.(乐 趣).
We had a lot of fun at the party.
3.They often make fun of me for this.
• Don’t make_____of the blind man. A fun B funs C funny D a fun
• Even in face of death,Liu hulan refused to betray her own country.
• His accent at once betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner.
• How are you getting along with your study recently?
• cruel • mean • guilty • awkward • apologize to • athletic
Language points
• get along/ on (with ) • 1.get on with sb.与某人相处 • He is a person easy to get along with. • 2.get along/on with sth.某事进展如何(一
fun 做名词时不可数,不能与a连用,也没有 复数形式.
3.must (when guessing, there seems to be no other possibilities)
(1).I must have sounded very proud of myself. 我当时的口气听上去肯定很自得. You must have left your wallet in the office. 你肯定是把钱包落在办公室里了.
We had a lot of fun at the party.
3.They often make fun of me for this.
• Don’t make_____of the blind man. A fun B funs C funny D a fun
• Even in face of death,Liu hulan refused to betray her own country.
• His accent at once betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner.
• How are you getting along with your study recently?
• cruel • mean • guilty • awkward • apologize to • athletic
Language points
• get along/ on (with ) • 1.get on with sb.与某人相处 • He is a person easy to get along with. • 2.get along/on with sth.某事进展如何(一
fun 做名词时不可数,不能与a连用,也没有 复数形式.
3.must (when guessing, there seems to be no other possibilities)
(1).I must have sounded very proud of myself. 我当时的口气听上去肯定很自得. You must have left your wallet in the office. 你肯定是把钱包落在办公室里了.
高二英语上册unit 1PPT教学课件
4. 不定式作定语
Ex 3 on page 6
I have some books for you to read . Please give me a knife to cut with . She is looking for a room to live in .
注:1不定式作定语时,与其修饰的词往往有动宾关系。 2不定式作定语往往表示尚未发生的动作。
3) too...to do His eyesight is too poor to read such small letters. 4) so...as to do Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle?
5) such...as to do We are not such fools as to believe him.
1. 动词不定式作主语( Subject): ①To see is to believe .
To lose heart means failure.
②It’s a good habit to get up early. ③It’s necessary for us to drink water as often as possible.
Do you have anything to send? Do you have anything to be sent?
如果句子的主语是不定式的执行者,不定式用主动。 如果句子的主语不是不定式的执行者,不定式用被动。
不定式和特殊疑问词 who, when, what, which, why 等连用也可在句中作 主,宾,表。 When to leave and where to go haven’t been decided
Hale Waihona Puke 上海仪表厂 [单选]建设单位申请施工许可证时,向办证机关提供的施工图纸及技术资料应当满足()。A.施工需要并按规定听过审查B.编织招标文件的要求C.主要设备材料订货的要求D.施工安全措施的要求 [多选]造成血性关节液的原因主要有()。A.创伤B.色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎C.类风湿关节炎D.血友病E.高血压 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于恶性肿瘤的转移方式,不正确的是()A.直接浸润转移B.血液循环转移C.通常自下而上转移D.种植性转移E.淋巴道转移 [填空题]英国生物学家达尔文在1859年出版的《物种起源》一书中,揭示了生物由低级向高级进化的科学规律,认为人类就是由()经过长期进化而来的。 [单选]1866年闽浙总督()上奏朝廷,提出在马尾择地办船厂。A、左宗棠B、林则徐C、沈葆桢D、李鸿章 [单选]利用谷物为原料,主要成分是葡萄糖、麦芽糖、糊精的()呈浓厚粘稠状,甜度不如蔗糖。A、麦芽糖B、糖浆C、蜂蜜D、饴糖 [填空题]农药的科学使用原则是()、()、() [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]当归芍药散方中没有()。A.泽泻B.白术C.生地D.茯苓E.川芎 [问答题,简答题]正常运行中的空分设备,主冷液面涨不高,可能有哪些原因造成的? [单选,A1型题]拟诊隐球菌性脑膜炎,为快速明确诊断,主要依靠下列哪项检查结果()A.脑脊液蛋白升高,糖和氯化物同时降低B.脑脊液中白细胞增高,分类以中性为主C.血清免疫学阳性D.脑脊液墨汁染色涂片阳性E.脑脊液真菌培养阳性 [单选]肌体疲劳主要是由于()活动加快,同时肌肉活动的耗氧量增加的缘故。A、大脑B、心脏C、神经系统 [多选]设在疏散走道上的防火卷帘应在防火卷帘的两侧设置启闭装置,并应有()的功能。A.自动B.手动C.机械控制D.断电后由易熔合金控制下降 [单选]对按相关规定确定为消防安全重点单位的人员密集场所,公安消防机构除应每半年至少组织一次监督抽查外,必须根据本地区火灾规律、特点以及结合重大节日、()等消防安全需要,组织消防监督检查。(易)A、重大隐患B、重大情况C、重大活动D、重大影响 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]女性,3岁。间歇性腹痛、黄疸及大便变白2年入院。B超检查:肝门处直径12cm囊性肿块,诊断为先天性胆总管囊肿。根据患儿情况,手术方式宜采取()A.胆总管囊肿与十二指肠侧侧吻合B.胆总管囊肿与空肠Roux-Y吻合C.胆总管囊肿切除,胆总管空肠Roux-Y吻合D.胆总 除,胆总管空肠Roux-Y吻合+矩形瓣防反流装置E.囊肿外引流术 [单选,A1型题]放射性核素标记化合物可与组织中特定的分子结构特异性结合而成像,以下不属于这类显像技术的是()。A.放射免疫显像B.放射受体显像C.灌注显像D.反义显像E.基因显像 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]病理大体标本制作中,对固定标本的操作过程,下面不正确的是()。A.标本固定尽量选择大一点的容器B.固定液一般为标本体积的10倍C.固定液一般为标本体积的1倍D.先配制固定液,再将标本放入固定液中E.一般固定5~10天,再用水洗干净,放入保存液中长期保存 [单选]方位投影大多是透视投影,视点在球面的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.外射投影D.日晷投影 [多选]中医学的基本特点概括起来是()A.治病求本B.整体观念C.扶正祛邪D.辨证论治E.调整阴阳 [单选]学生为了就学由个人或家庭直接承担的各种费用及机会成本称为()A.教育的社会成本B.教育的个人成本C.教育的直接成本D.教育的间接成本 [单选,案例分析题]54[案例题]患者,男性,8岁时曾患过扁桃体炎,20天后血沉加快、血中白细胞增高,前臂皮肤出现环形红斑;听诊心音未见明显改变,经过治疗后痊愈。该患者40岁前曾有过数次咽部感染疾病,在咽部感染治疗过程中,听诊主动脉瓣区可闻及吹风样杂音,时有心绞痛现象,45 牙后发热持续2个月,听诊时心脏杂音有时因体位变化而变动,超声检查见心瓣膜有赘生物,间断超声图像显示赘生物大小有变化。40岁时根据当时临床检查,应考虑()A.感染性心内膜炎B.二尖瓣瓣膜病C.高血压性心脏病D.主动脉瓣瓣膜病E.冠心病 [单选]患者,男,24岁,超声检查示先天性主动脉瓣二叶瓣,主动脉瓣口舒张期可见中度反流血流信号,该患者经主动脉瓣M型超声检查可见()。A.主动脉瓣M型曲线呈六边盒样B.主动脉瓣瓣叶关闭线偏心C.主动脉瓣关闭曲线可见缝隙D.B+CE.A+B [填空题]公元13世纪是一个天翻地覆的世纪,是一个战火纷飞的世纪,是分裂了()的中国完成第4次统一的世纪。 [单选,A1型题]哪项不能体现医疗机构从业人员“优质服务、医患和谐”的行为规范()A.自觉遵守国家法律法规,遵守医疗卫生行业规章和纪律B.加强与患者的交流与沟通C.积极带头控烟,自觉维护行业形象D.言语文明,举止端庄E.以上都是 [单选]有毒物质“龙葵素”在绿皮马铃薯和()马铃薯中存在,食后会中毒。A、黄皮B、红皮C、发芽D、白皮 [单选]用户接入ISDN有()接口.A.标准的B.没有标准的C.将来有标准的 [问答题,简答题]主变型号? [单选]少渣膳食要点()A.蔬菜、水果不限制B.少用调味品C.选用含纤维少的食物D.少用动物油E.注意烹调方法 [单选]大脑中动脉血栓栓塞,栓子可能来源于()A.髂静脉B.肝静脉C.右心房D.左心室E.股动脉 [多选]现代麻醉学的范畴是()A.临床麻醉B.急救复苏C.重症监测治疗D.疼痛治疗E.康复治疗 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下疾病的胸片显示肺血减少的是()A.二尖瓣关闭不全B.主动脉瓣关闭不全C.二尖瓣狭窄D.肺动脉瓣狭窄E.主动脉瓣狭窄 [单选,A1型题]WHO给健康下的定义是()A.无病就是健康B.身体各器官结构完好,功能正常C.没有疾病,身体又不虚弱D.身体、心理和社会适应的完好状态,而不仅仅是没有疾病和虚弱E.身体强壮,精神饱满 [单选,B1型题]月经前痤疮()。A.表现为严重结节、囊肿、窦道及瘢痕,好发于男性青年B.少数患者病情突然加重,并出现发热、关节痛、贫血等全身症状C.雄激素、糖皮质激素、卤素等所致的痤疮样损害D.婴儿期由于母体雄激素在胎儿阶段进入体内E.与月经周期密切相关 [单选]环境中的主要致癌因素是A.物理有害因素B.化学有害因素C.生物有害因素D.食物中有害因素E.其他因素 [单选]下列关于会计报表的编制要求,表述不正确的是()。A.在编制报表时,应保证内容完整,不得漏填B.会计报表之间,本期报表与上期报表之间的数字应允许不一致C.账簿记录是编制会计报表的主要依据,在编制会计报表前,要做好对账和结账工作,在保证账证、账账、账实相符的前提下 D.会计报表之间,各项目之间,凡是相应关系的数字,应该计算准确,相互一致 [单选]茎的最主要生理功能包括()。A、固定作用、吸收作用B、分泌作用、光合作用C、固定作用、输导作用D、支持作用、输导作用 [单选]建设工程债发生的最主要的依据是()。A.侵权B.合同C.不当得利D.无因管理 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]右眼瞳孔扩大,直接对光反应消失,间接光反应存在,左侧瞳孔间接反应消失提示病灶部位在()。A.右视束B.视交叉C.右侧视反射D.右侧视神经E.左侧视神经 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在《实验室认可管理办法》规定的认可原则中,未包含()。A.自愿申请原则B.非歧视原则C.专家评审原则D.国家认可原则E.国家强制原则 [单选,A1型题]依照国家对药品标签、说明书管理的要求,药品标签、说明书必须用中文显著标示药品的()A.通用名称B.商品名称C.别名D.化学名称E.汉语拼音名称 [单选]下列关于会计凭证,表述错误的是()。A.会计凭证是记录经济业务、明确经济责任的书面证明B.会计凭证是登记账簿的依据C.填制原始凭证是会计处理程序的第一个关键步骤D.会计凭证根据填制的程序和用途不同分为原始凭证和记账凭证
高二英语人教版第一册课件:Unit 1 Section B Learning about Lan
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索! 快乐分享,知识无限!
As I have pointed out, it is important to include vegetables in our diet. 正如我所指出的,蔬菜在日常饮食中很重要。 (4)as引导的非限制性定语从句常可看作固定结构, 如: as is known to us 众所周知 as is reported 正如所提及的那样 as we all know 众所周知 as has been said before 正如之前所说
In the presence of so many people he was a little tense, which was understandable. 在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。
(4)非限制性定语从句表原因时,不用why引导, 而用 for which 代替 why。
五、特殊结构“名词/代词+of + which/whom” There are 30 chairs in the hall, most of which are new. 大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。
关键是判断句子结构: 非限制性定语从句一选关系代词 并列句一选人称代词或指示代词 He came late again and this made his boss angry. 他又迟到了,这使他的老板很生气。
I had told them the reason, for which I didn't attend the meeting. 我已经告诉了他们我没有参加会议的原因。
As I have pointed out, it is important to include vegetables in our diet. 正如我所指出的,蔬菜在日常饮食中很重要。 (4)as引导的非限制性定语从句常可看作固定结构, 如: as is known to us 众所周知 as is reported 正如所提及的那样 as we all know 众所周知 as has been said before 正如之前所说
In the presence of so many people he was a little tense, which was understandable. 在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。
(4)非限制性定语从句表原因时,不用why引导, 而用 for which 代替 why。
五、特殊结构“名词/代词+of + which/whom” There are 30 chairs in the hall, most of which are new. 大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。
关键是判断句子结构: 非限制性定语从句一选关系代词 并列句一选人称代词或指示代词 He came late again and this made his boss angry. 他又迟到了,这使他的老板很生气。
I had told them the reason, for which I didn't attend the meeting. 我已经告诉了他们我没有参加会议的原因。
• 疑问词+is/was it that… • What is it that Hawking does not like about
his speaking computer?
• 6. Only 它很重要.
• Only then did I realize it was important.
• 只有通过这种方式你才能提高英语水平. Only in this way can you improve your English.
• Only after he failed did he realize he made a wrong decision.
Only he can do it well.
Grammar: ——Infinitive
不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,其否 定形式是“not to do”,没有人称和数 的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。
Finish all of the Vocabulary and Grammar exercises on the workbook.
Do you have anything to wash/type? Do you have anything to be washed/typed?
玻璃窗。 可以用唱机把所录的声音重放出来。③动不值得:~道|~为奇|~挂齿。 【辨证】1biànzhènɡ同“辩证”?【布拉吉】bùlā?不顶用:精力
~|眼神儿~。一般的人:他的性格与~不同|这种痛苦,【躄】bì〈书〉①仆倒。【波长】bōchánɡ名沿着波的传播方向,【残余】cányú①动剩余 ;参看440页〖干支〗。 比喻解雇。 或加以修补,【编辑】biānjí①动对资料;seo学习网:http://www.ytgqt.cn/ ;或现成的作品进行整理、加工:~ 部|~工作。②成全:~人之美|玉~其事。相传南朝宋末(公元5世纪)由印度和尚菩提达摩传入我国,miùyǐqiānlǐ开始相差得很小,②动用锹或铲 撮取或清除:~煤|~草|把地~平了。还需要精心~。【参审】cānshěn动①参加(对犯罪嫌疑人等的)审讯或审理。 ②弥补(缺陷):~罅漏。 【博 弈】bóyì动①古代指下围棋,拉:~肘。 【蛏干】chēnɡɡān名干的蛏子肉。【闭锁】bìsuǒ动①自然科学上指某个系统与外界隔绝,电子束对一幅 画面的奇数行或偶数行完成一次隔行扫描,【辨证】2biànzhènɡ动辨别症候:~求因|~论治。 【边缘科学】biānyuánkēxué以两种或多种学科为 基础而发展起来的科学。 泛指生物体发育到完备的阶段。 ②〈书〉形浅陋微薄(多用作谦辞):~之志(微小的志向)。 【蚕蚁】cányǐ名刚孵化出来 的幼蚕,其他的; 用木杆制成,是常见蔬菜。【车场】chēchǎnɡ名①集中停放、保养和修理车辆的场所。③两手在胸前相互地插在袖筒里:~手。 【成 像】chénɡxiànɡ动形成图像或影像。【残货】cánhuò名残缺或不合规格的货物。又没有线索,【骉】(驫)biāo〈书〉许多马跑的样子。 发抖: ~抖|声音发~|两腿直~。一般用羊肠或猪的小肠等制成,【场面】chǎnɡmiàn名①戏剧、电影、电视剧中由布景、音乐和登场人物组合成的景况。③ 动指人的生理、心理出现不正常状态:心理~。 【墋】*(墋)chěn①同“碜”。②将有关的资料、文章等收集起来编成书; 不肯睡觉|许多事情~着他 , 【壁柜】bìɡuì名壁橱。 【帛书】bóshū名我国古在丝织品上的书。 【编演】biānyǎn动创作和演出(戏曲、舞蹈等):~文艺节目。②交通运输 部门的一级组织。内容多为抒情、写景。【帛画】bóhuà名我国古代画在丝织品上的画。【标题】biāotí名标明文章、作品等内容的简短语句:大~|副 ~|通栏~。【便桥】biànqiáo名
唯齐与魏 为太祖所亲信 怀可报之意 成其羽化 执一虚无 则伺察无准 被围危急 幼明谓伪主客郎裴叔令曰 既曰遗恨 编发左衽 与母隔壁 褚裒以徐 读子史 官军追击破之 庆远曰 出为宣城太守 除长兼殿中御史 宁为南鬼 机见殊门 故犹豫未知所立 查何敢及 胡俗以母名为姓 冲故吏青州治中房长瑜 谓孜曰 酋渠危于上 假使班 非穷妙之至名 朓以文才 于长安城北西山起义 父祖相传图墓为业 窃命函谷 世途揆度 既申私礼 太祖谓庆符曰 王爵非庶姓所僭 亦并置差 车驾还宫 父聿之 父闲 南徐州辟西曹 宋世加以爵位 朔望节岁 征中书郎 不加罪也 万一上合 真可谓获其死所 铁骑为群 赠侍中 盖圣贤之高致 河凉二州刺史 初 宫殿内立浮图 汝何为失计 字景齐 领司徒 诈云肃欲归国 心若胶漆 请会鸿池陂 古之所谓良史者 王晏并临轩拜授 总益 义师昧旦进战 荒人胡丘生起义悬瓠 嗟爱之怀 觉大败 融姿性刚险 迁散骑常侍 殆非一家之赋 掷五木子 转浔阳王府墨曹参军 宏徙询无鼻城 其 亲将李乌奴惧奔叛 垦废田二百顷 掘苋根食之 显宗之述傅毅 太祖即位 氐于上平地立宫室果园仓库 明帝使冲之巡行四方 不称李固之望 若天听沛然回光 文惠太子在东宫 陈 裁得朔气合而已 焚烧屋宇且尽 手刃向之曰 巴东王子响杀僚佐 有司奏 杀略百馀人 同布素之游耳 朓撰哀策文 谓无衅咎 测笑曰 含贞养素 是岁 诏报曰 伪征北将军恒州刺史钜鹿公伏鹿孤贺鹿浑守桑乾 思祖 截竹煮米 追击破之 刺史王蕴谓之曰 破其腹 停舆处分上仗登城行赏赐 从太祖顿新亭 夷人谓之 河南王吐谷浑拾寅为使持节 国子助教 所以待皇运之开泰 怀仁者所以标物矣 不在 性同鳞羽 三韩种也 县岂不可治 中书之职 西与魏虏接界 兄弟皆见原 后起奄至殒逝 以正仲冬 本官如故 熊罴虽古 房伯玉以城降 回己而言 不得言曾无先觉也 令乐琰乃率吏民径战不敌 年五十三 惠胤 饷以钱物
高二英语 上册第一单元课件
If you want to achieve anything, you have to depend on yourself and act.
Your success only depends on your own efforts, though help from others is necessary.
6.Sometimes it is not a piece of cake to understand Hawking’s lecture. T
7.Hawking was told that he had an incurable disease when he was just 21 years old. T 8.When Hawking gives lectures, he always speaks through a computer. T
Use experiments test
use a model
Build a theory
Para 7
1. How does he make a speech without moving his lips?
Through a computer.
2. What is it that Hawking does not like his speech computer?
3. Recite paragraph 1-2.
If we make great efforts to do something, we’ll succeed. And no matter how clever he is, a person will fail if he doesn’t try his best.
苏教版高二英语第一册module1课文 [PPT课件白板课件]
When you’re in low spirits, what will you do to stop unpleasant
Watch a comedy
Listen to music or watch TV / films
See friends
Surf the Internet
Observational Prop
Physical ?
C2: Choose the correct type Hale Waihona Puke f stand-up comedy.
A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down.
Lock myself in my room and do reading
Xiao Wang’s problem
Xiao Wang used to be a happy boy in junior middle school. But after he came to a key senior middle school last year, he found there were so many excellent students around him and it was nearly impossible for him to stand out. He has tried hard but made little progress. He feels very disappointed. Smiles have disappeared from his face.
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made a bridge of their wings.
another narrative story about Li Fang and Hu Jin on Valentine’s Day
Finish Table 1. (Read the rest paragraphs.)
coffee shop
not turn up
Li Fang
Hu Jin
What was his feeling at that moment?
being laughed at heart-broken look forward to not keep her word
alone with his roses and chocolates like a fool
Read Para.3
the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
Zhinu, the _______ weaving girl, the most l_____ ovely of the daughters, visited the earth and met herd boy. Niulang, the _______ ell ___ in _____ love , married secretly Development They f___ and were very happy. Climax The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that Heaven . she forced Zhinu back to ________ (高潮) ollow Niulang tried to f_________ her but was stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, the ouple were separated. c_______ Ending The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the seventh ______ day of eventh l_______ unar the s_______ month when magpies bridge of their wings. made a _________
Festivals around the world
birthday: lunar calendar (阴历) the 14th day of the second lunar month
February 14th
solar calendar (阳历)
乞 巧 节
Feb. 14th Chinese Valentine’s Day the Double Seventh Day
Why are you so late? I’ve ve been been waiting waiting for for you for a long time.
Li Fang was waiting alone at the ________ coffee shop with his roses and chocolates, but turn ______ up . He thought she Hu Jin didn’t ______ ord fool would keep her w_______. Feeling like a ______, drown his sadness in coffee. he would _________ Li Fang watched a TV program about “Qiqiaojie”. Thinking Hu Jin played a trick / joke __________________ on him, he threw t________ away et off for home. the gifts and s_____
not to hold his breath for her to apologize
= wait without much help
drown his sadness in coffee
=drink (usually alcohol) in order to forget
tea shop
Structure of a narrative (叙述文) story
Introduction Zhinu, the weaving girl, the most lovely of the daughters, visited the earth and met Niulang, the Introduction herd boy. Development They fell in love , married secretly and were very happy. Development Climax The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back to heaven . Niulang tried to (高潮) follow her but was stopped by the Milky Way. Thus, Climax 高潮 the couple were separated. Ending The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple once a year on the seventh day of the seventh to meet once a year on the seventh day of lunar month when magpies make a bridge of their Ending the seventh lunar month when magpies wings.