It’s Necessary for Universities to Impose Strict Disciplines

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It’s Necessary for Universities to Impose Strict Disciplines

In recent years, universities in China have made their best endeavour to absorb more students. While fulfilling public demand for higher education, universities as well getting bogged down deeper and deeper in such a series of problems as skipping classes, eating breakfast in classroom, and even too intimate behavors between lovers. In aim to handle these problems, universities have implemented very strict disciplines. Though some student are opposed to them, I hold that these decisions are imperative and integral part of the entire university-student system.

First and foremost, these disciplines are indispensable to cultivate a good invironment for both teaching and lerning. It’s believed that learing process is to be a mental exercise, which requires a relatively quiet environment. If students eating breakfast in the class, which not only distracts them to study, but also takes a serious inference to other students’ attention. If students leaping in and out of the class, which noy only disrupts the relative harmious atmosphere of the class, but the noise have brought seriously affected the classroom order. If lovers behaved too intimate in spite of in the classroom or at the campus, which brings adverse effects on campus landscape as well as on the anti-lovers.

In addtion, these decision are those rehearsals for students’ future rules. Some students don’t aware that disciplines are of vital significance for their future. If they don’t develop good concept of disciplines at campus, they will not quickly get accustomed to the rules in the working place. And this may become their invisible barrier of their success. My high school classmate graduated from a key university was fires as are result of his frequent late to the job. Though his performance is very good. It’s obvious to see that if they don’t have form a good concept of disciplines, they will fall into failures

Endless to say, these rules are the preconditions for a school to carry on the normal and orderly management. If universities ban these disciplines , and , allow students to do whatever as their will, such as skipping class, kissing in the class, which will result in a series of chaos---laughing in class, absent from class, gallant with girls, setting

off firecrackers in campus. If there are without rules to constraint students lacking of self-control, ont only the whole university will be in wretched plight, but students lost important whip to conduct themselves.

It may be comfirmed that campus disciplines are necessary and indispensable. It can construct a good educational environment rehearsing for students’ future srtict disciplines in working place, and creat orderly environment for school smooth management.
