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Lesson one Where Do W e Go from Here
1. Abhor v.
To feel hatred and disgust for sb. 憎恨;厌恶
---to abhor terrorism 憎恨恐怖活动
派生:abhorrence n. 憎恨;厌恶abhorrent adj. 可恶的;讨厌的;可恨的
2. Affirmation n.
Stating sth. As truth firmly and forcefully 肯定;断言同义:assertion; declaration 反义:denial
---affirmation of human dignity 对人的尊严的确认
---He nodded in affirmation. 他肯定的点了点头。
派生:affirmable adj. 可断言的;可肯定的
3. Blot n.
1.spot for stain made by ink, etc. 污点;污迹同义:stain; blemish
---a blot on sb.’s/the escutcheon 名誉上的污点
2. act or quality that spoil sb.’s good character or reputation (品性、名誉上的)污点;耻辱同义:dishonour; disgrace
---a blot on the landscape 破坏风景/声誉的东西或人
4. Compelling adj.
1.that one must accept or agree with强制性的同义:irresistible; forceful
--- compelling advice 使人不得不接受的忠告
2. extremely interesting and exciting so that one has to pay attention 激发兴趣的;有强烈吸引力的
---He remains a compelling figure in politics.他在政坛上仍是一个引人注目的人物。
词根:compel v.强迫;强求
5. Dedicate v.
1. to dedicate oneself/sth. to sth. : to give or devote (oneself, time, effort, etc.) to (a noble cause or purpose) 将(自己、时间、精力等)奉献给(崇高的事业或目的)---She dedicated her life to helping the poor.她毕生致力于帮助穷人。
2.to dedicate sth. to sb.: to address (one’s book, etc) to sb. As a way of showing
respect, by putting his name at the beginning在(自己所著的书等)前部题献词---She dedicated her first book to her husband.她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。
派生:dedicated adj.有献身精神的;专心致志的dedication n.忠诚;奉献
6. Degenerate
1.v. to pass into a worse physical, mental state than one which is considered normal
or desirable 衰退;堕落;恶化
---The situation degenerated into chaos.形势变得一片混乱。
2.adj. having lost the physical, mental or moral qualities that are considered normal
or desirable 衰弱的;颓废的;堕落的
---degenerate art /society/age 堕落的艺术/社会/时代
派生:degeneration n.衰退;堕落;蜕化degenerative adj.衰退的;堕落的;蜕化的
7. Etch v.
To cut lines on a mental plate, piece of glass, stone, etc.(fig) not to forget sth. and think of it often 蚀刻;(喻)铭刻;铭记
---The incident remained etched on her memory for years.那次事件多年来一直铭刻在她的记忆中。
8. Legitimate adj.
1.in accordance with the law or rules; lawful 合法的同义:legal; lawful
反义:illegitimate; unreasonable
---I’ am not sure that his business is strictly legitimate.我说不好他的生意是否绝对
2.that can be defended; reasonable正当的;合理的
---Politicians are legitimate targets for satire.政客们理所当然是讽刺的靶子。
派生:legitimacy n.合法(性);合理(性)legitimately adv.合法地;合理地legitimize v.使合法、正当或有合法地位
9. Majestic adj.
Having or showing majesty; stately; grand 威严的;壮丽的同义:lofty; dignified 反义:base; squalid
---majestic views 壮丽的景色
派生:majesty n. 威严;庄严
10. Oppress v.
1.to rule or treat (sb.) with continual injustice or cruelty 压迫;压制(某人)
同义:depress; persecute反义:unburden; liberate
---The people are oppressed by the military government.人民受军政府的压迫。
2.to make (sb.) feel worried, uncomfortable or unhappy 使(某人)担心、烦恼或
---oppressed with anxiety/worry/poverty, etc因焦虑/忧虑/贫穷等而烦恼
派生:oppressed adj.受压迫的;受压制的oppression n.压迫;压制oppressive adj. 不正义的;暴君的;难以忍受的oppressor n.压迫人的人;暴君
11. Potent adj.
1.having great power; having a strong effect 威力大的;(药物等)效力大的同
义:powerful; strong 反义:weak; impotent
---potent weapons 威力大的武器
2.strongly persuasive; convincing 说服力强的;令人信服的
--- potent arguments/ reasoning, etc. 有说服力的论证、推理等
12. Segregate v.
1.to separate (esp. a racial/ religious group) from the rest of the community and treat
them unfairly 将(尤指某种族或宗教团体)与社区其他人隔开并进行不公平对待
同义:isolate; dissociate反义:unite; associate; blend
---a segregated society 有种族隔离的社会
2.to put sb. /sth. in a place away from the rest; to isolate 把某人/物隔离;分离;分
---to segregate cholera patients把霍乱病人隔离开
派生:segregation n.隔离
13. Unassailable adj.
1.that cannot be questioned or refuted 不容置疑的;无可辩驳的同义:irrefutable;
indubitable反义:dubitable; dubious
---Her argument is unassailable.她的论点是无懈可击的。
2.that cannot be attacked or conquered 攻不破的;不可征服的
---Liverpool have an unassailable lead at the top of the First Division.利物浦队高居
14. Whimsical adj.
Unusual or strange and often amusing; unpredictable 离奇的;古怪的;反复无常的---a whimsical story for children稀奇古怪的儿童故事
---the whimsical moods of the Alpine sun阿尔卑斯山区瞬息万变的太阳
词根:whimsy n.怪念头;离奇的想法
15. Ethereal adj.
very delicate and light, in a way that does not seem real 飘渺的;难以琢磨的;稀薄的
---ethereal beauty of a butterfly蝴蝶飘逸的美
16. Dastardly adj.
(old-fashioned) very cruel or evil卑怯的;残暴的
---a dastardly plot 卑怯的阴谋
---Tom acts as a dastardly villain in a children’s play.
17. Audacious adj.
1.Willing to take risks or to do sth. shocking有冒险精神的;无畏的;大胆的
同义:bold; daring
—an audacious plan/scheme 大胆的计划/设计
—an audacious remark放肆的话
派生:audacity n.大胆无礼;无畏;鲁莽;创新性
18. Formula n.
1.expression of a rule or relationship in algebraic symbols 公式;方程式;计算式—empirical formula 实验式;经验式
—formula for sth/for doing sth做某事的方案/方法
eg:There is no magic formula for a perfect marriage.没有一个达到完美婚姻的的神奇方法。
2.fixed arrangement of words,esp.as used in social,legal or ceremonial occasions客套话;惯用语
eg: “How do you do” and “Excuse me” are social formulae.
派生:formulaic adj.公式化构思的
formulate v.将(某事物)形成固定格式
19. Diminish v.
1.to become or to make sth. become smaller, weaker, etc.减少,(使)减弱,缩减,
---The world’s resources are rapidly diminishing.世界资源正在迅速减少。
2.to make sb./sth. seem less important than they really are 贬低,贬损,轻视
--- I don’t wish to diminish the importance of their contribution.我并不想贬低他们
20. Exploitation
1. a situation in which sb. treats sb.else in an unfair way, especially in order to make money from their work剥削,榨取
--- economic exploitation 经济剥削
--- the exploitation of children 对儿童的剥削
2.the use of land, oil, minerals,etc.利用,开发,开采
--- commercial exploitation of the mineral resources in Antarctica 南极洲矿物资源的商业开采
3.the fact of using a situation in order to get an advantage for yourself (出于私利
--- exploitation of the situation for his own purposes利用这种局势达到他自己的目的
21. Integrated adj.
With various parts fitting well together 各部分配合好的,综合的,完整的
---an integrated transport scheme综合联运计划
--- an integrated personality综合性格
词根:integrate v.构成整体,使融合
22. representatio n⑴代理人,代表,维护,支持⑵(pl)陈述,抗议⑶表现,描述,表现形式
representative n代表adj 有代表性的
representational adj 具象派的;代表性的
represent v⑴代表⑵等于,相当于⑶做为…代表,维护…利益
re-present :to give ,show or send sth again ,especially a cheque, bill that has been
23.mortality: the number of death in a particular situation or a period of time死亡率
the infant mortality 婴儿死亡率
mortal n 凡人,普通人
adj 终将死亡的
24. lag v. lag behind sb or sth 发展缓慢滞后,落后于
The little boy lagged behind his parent.
25.substantially ⑴very much, a lot非常,大大的
The cost has increased substantially.
⑵mainly; in most details, even if not completely 基本上,大体上
What she says is substantially true.
26. conspire v ⑴conspire (with sb )against sb密谋,图谋,阴谋
They were accused of conspiring against the king.他们被控告密谋反对国王。
⑵conspire against sb/sth
conspire to do sth似乎共同导致不良后果,(事情)似乎同时发生对某人或某事不利Circumstances had conspired against him.
conspiracy n 阴谋conspirator n阴谋家
conspiratorial adj ⑴阴谋的⑵会意的,心照不宣的
27.olympian adj. like a god; powerful and impressive似神的;威严的,超凡的
He viewed the problem with olympian detachment.他以超凡的态度看待问题。
n one of a pair of chains or metal bands for binding the hands or feet 手镣,脚铐
v to put sb in manacles 给某人戴铐
29. confront: v
confront sb with sth
get/ be confronted with sth 使面对,使面临
A solider often has to confront danger.
confrontation n 对抗,对峙,冲突
30.resignition:n the act of giving up your job or position 辞职
resign v 辞去职务
31. industrial: connected with industry工业的
industrious: working hard;busy勤奋的
an denunciation of sb or something指责,谴责
denounce v 谴责,告发
denounce sb as sth
The were denounced as spies.有人检举他们,说他们是间谍。
⑴the stop of a system, plan扰乱计划、制度等
social/economic dislocation社会、经济混乱
⑵a dislocation of shoulder 肩膀脱臼
dislocate v ⑴使脱臼、脱位⑵扰乱,使混乱
34. perpetuate v to make sth such as a bad situation, a belief continue for a long time 使永久化,使持续化
to perpetuate inequality/ injustice/conflict
Comics and books for children tend to pe rpetuate the myth that “boys do not cry”.连环画和儿童读物往往造成一个不败的神话:“男儿有泪不轻弹”。
perpetuation n
perpetual adj
35. adore:love sb or sth very much热爱,爱慕
adoration n adoring adj
36. futility n 无用,无价值,徒劳
a sense of futility徒劳感
the futility of war 战争的徒然无益
futile adj 徒然的,无效的
37. contend v ⑴to say that sth is true, especially in an argument 申称,主张,认为
⑵contend for sth: to compete against sb in order to gain sth争夺,竞争contend with sth:(不得不)处理问题,对付困境
Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients.
contender n 竞争者,角逐者,争夺者
38. incarcerate v
incarcerate sb in sth: to put sb in prison 监禁
thousands were incarcerated in labor camps.劳改营
incarceration n
39. blatantly adv
a blatantly unfair decision明显不公正的裁决
blatant: adj down in an obvious and open way without caring if people object or are shocked 明目张胆的
a blatant attempt to buy votes 公然的贿选企图
It was a blatant lie. 真是个弥天大谎。
40. meander v
⑴(of a river, road) to curve a lot rather than being in a straight line蜿蜒而行
⑵to walk slowly and change direction often漫步,闲逛
They meandered around the old town admiring the architecture.
⑶(of a conversation, discussion) to develop slowly and change subject often(乏味的,令人费解的)漫谈,闲聊
n the meander of a river河流的各处河曲
meanderings n 蜿蜒曲折的路程;漫步;闲聊
41. In proportion to :相称,成比例
out of proportion to:不相称,不和谐
keep sth in proportion:恰当的
42. menial: situable to be done by servants; unskilled仆人的,卑微的
menial jobs:非技术性工作
43. strip sb of sth: to take away property or honors from sb, as a punishment剥夺
He was disgraced and stripped of his title.
44.Stand up:⑴站立,起立;
His ar gument simply doesn’t stand up to close security.
⑶stand up to sb: to resist sb抵抗,勇敢反对起伏和不公正对待
45. In dire need of 急需
We are in dire need of your help.
dire: ⑴very serious
live in dire poverty生活赤贫
dire warnings/ threats严重的警告威胁
The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt. (in a very difficult situation)
⑵very bad (BrE)极糟的,极差的
The acting was dire.这表演糟透了。
46.off base: completely wrong about sth 完全错误
If that is what you think, you are way off base.你如果这么想就全错了。
47. devoid of sth : completely lacking in sth完全没有,缺乏
The latter was devoid of warmth and feeling.
48. a host of: a large number of people or things许多,大量
a host of possibilities 多种可能性
A host of musicians will perform at the festival.音乐节上将由多位音乐家表演。
15against all the odds: despite strong opposition or disadvantages尽管极为不利或遭强烈反对
Against all the odds she achieved her dream of being a ballerina.
49. pin down
⑴to make sb unable to move by holding them firmly 按住,使动弹不得
The man pinned him down until the policeman arrived.
⑵to find sb and make them answer a question or tell you sth you need to know找人查问,使说清楚
I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the offices.
50 get bogged down
bog sb down (in sth) ⑴make sth sink into mud or wet ground陷入烂泥泥沼The tank became bogged down in mud.
⑵to prevent sth from making progress in an activity妨碍,阻碍
We must not get bogged down in details.
51. be snuffed out 扼杀,消灭
snuff sth out: to stop or destroy sth completely扼杀,消灭
An innocent child’s life has been snuffed out by this senseless shooting.