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第31卷第1期中国电机工程学报V ol.31 No.1 Jan.5, 2011

2011年1月5日Proceedings of the CSEE ©2011 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 117 文章编号:0258-8013 (2011) 01-0117-06 中图分类号:TM 85 文献标志码:A 学科分类号:470⋅40

110 kV三相交叉互联电缆的



(1.高电压与电磁兼容北京市重点实验室(华北电力大学), 北京市昌平区 102206;2.银川兴庆区供电局,宁夏回族自治区银川市 750001;3.温州供电局,浙江省温州市 325028;4.中卫供电局,

宁夏回族自治区中卫市 751700)

Partial Discharge Simulation Analysis and Frequency-dependent Model for

110kV Three-phase Cross-bonded Cable

WANG Wei1, WANG Yongliang2, LIU Chong3, LI Yingli4, ZHANG Dewen1, SUN Yuntao1, WANG Weiwei1

(1. Beijing Key Laboratory of High V oltage & EMC (North China Electric Power University), Changping District,

Beijing 102206, China; 2. Yinchuan Xingqing Power Supply Bureau, Yinchuan 750001, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China;

3. Wenzhou Electric Power Supply Bureau, Wenzhou 325028, Zhejiang Province, China;

4. Zhongwei Electric Power Supply Bureau, Zhongwei 751700, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China)

ABSTRACT: Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated power cables are increasingly used in high voltage and extra high voltage engineering due to technical and economical advantages. Partial discharge (PD) detection is the most effective method for testing the cable’s insulation condition. However, PD signals in cross-bonded cable systems are interfered by each other, which brings about great difficulty in online PD detection, and therefore it is indispensable to research on the propagation characteristics of PD in cross-bonded XLPE cable systems through simulation and experiment. Present research results indicate that extruded semi-conducting layers in cables have a serious attenuation and dispersion effect on the high frequency components of PD. Based on the improved cable model proposed by Blackburn, and through properly adjusting parameters, a J-Marti frequency-dependent model for three-phase cross-bonded cable systems was established; and the PD propagation characteristics in this model were explored. Experimental results showed that this model can reasonably explain the propagation characteristics of PD signals in three-phase cross-bonded cable systems.

基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973项目)(2009CB- 724506);国家自然科学基金项目(50777020)。

The National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2009CB724506); Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(50777020). KEY WORDS: frequency-dependent model; semi-conducting layer; partial discharge signal; three-phase cross- bonded cable

摘要:由于技术上和经济上的优点,交联聚乙烯(cross-linked polyethylene,XLPE)电缆在高压和超高压领域的应用越来越多。局部放电检测是判断电缆绝缘状况的有效的方法,交叉互联电缆系统中的局部放电信号存在复杂的互扰问题,给实际带电检测带来很大的困难,有必要分析交叉互联电缆系统中局部放电的传播特性。研究表明,半导电层对局部放电信号的高频分量有着严重的衰减和色散作用,基于Blackburn 等学者提出的改进型电缆模型的原理,经过适当调整参数,建立了三相交叉互联电缆系统的J-Marti频变模型,并对该系统中局部放电的传播特性进行了仿真分析和试验验证。试验结果表明:该模型能够合理地解释局部放电信号在三相交叉互联电缆系统中的传播规律。


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