



2017年天津理综物理高考试题文档版(含答案)(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2017年天津理综物理高考试题文档版(含答案)(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。











一、单项选择题(每小题6分,共30分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的) 1.我国自主研发制造的国际热核聚变核心部件在国际上率先通过权威机构认证,这是我国对国际热核聚变项目的重大贡献。

下列核反应方程中属于聚变反应的是A .23411120H H He n +→+ B .1441717281N He O H +→+C .427301213150He Al P n +→+D .235114489192056360U n Ba Kr 3n +→++2.明代学者方以智在《阳燧倒影》中记载:“凡宝石面凸,则光成一条,有数棱则必有一面五色",表明白光通过多棱晶体折射会发生色散现象。



2020届天津市红桥区2017级高三下学期第二次模拟考试理科综合物理试卷★祝考试顺利★(解析版)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共40分)一、单选题(本题共5小题,每小题5分共25分)1.下列说法正确的是( )A. 扫地时,阳光下可以看到灰尘颗粒到处运动,它们的运动属于布朗运动B. 温度是分子无规则热运动动能的标志C. 相同温度的水和铁块的分子无规则热运动平均动能相同D. 科学技术的快速深入发展达到一定程度时,绝对零度是可以实现的【答案】C【详解】A .扫地时,阳光下看到灰尘颗粒到处运动,灰尘的运动受到的重力的影响不能忽略不计,不是布朗运动,故A 错误;B .温度是分子热运动激烈程度的反映,是分子平均动能的标志,故B 错误;C .由B 选项可知,相同温度的水和铁块的分子无规则热运动平均动能相同,故C 正确;D .绝对零度只能无限接近,不能达到,故D 错误。

故选C 。


已知航天器运动的周期为T ,引力常量为G ,不考虑月球自转的影响,根据上述条件可以计算出( )A. 月球的平均密度B. 月球的质量C. 航天器的质量D. 月球半径【答案】A【详解】ABC .对于航天器,由月球对其的万有引力提供航天器做圆周运动的向心力,则2224πMm G m R R T 可知,月球的质量为2324πR M GT = 由于不知道月球的半径,所以月球的质量求不出来。

再根据月球的体积为34π3V R = 则月球的平均密度为23πM V GT ρ== 所以A 正确,BD 错误; C .由题中的已知条件可知,只能求出中心天体的质量,航天器的质量求不出来,所以C 错误。

故选A 。

3.如图所示,质量为m 的质点静止地放在半径为R 的半球体上,质点与半球体间的动摩擦因数为μ,质点与球心的连线与水平地面的夹角为θ,则正确的是( )A. 地面对半球体的摩擦力为零B. 质点对半球体的压力大小为cos mg θC. 质点所受摩擦力大小为sin mg μθD. 质点所受摩擦力大小为sin mg θ【答案】A【详解】A .以质点和半球体整体作为研究对象,整体受到重力和地面对半球体的支持力,地面对半球体没有摩擦力,否则整体的合力不为零,不可能平衡。




每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的)1.下列说法正确的是( )A. β衰变所释放的电子是原子核外电子电离形成的B. 贝克勒尔通过实验发现了中子C. 原子从a 能级状态跃迁到b 能级状态时吸收波长为λ1的光子;原子从b 能级状态跃迁到c 能级状态时发射波长为λ2的光子,已知λ1>λ2,那么原子从a 能级状态跃迁到c 能级状态时将要吸收波长为212λλλ-的光子D. 赫兹首次用实验证实了电磁波的存在 【答案】D【详解】A .β衰变的本质是原子核内的一个中子释放一个电子变为质子,故A 错误;B .根据物理学史可知,查德威克通过α粒子轰击铍核的实验,发现了中子的存在,故B 错误;C .光子的能量hcE λ=,由题12λλ>,则12E E <,从a 能级状态跃迁到b 能级状态时吸收波长为λ1的光子,原子从b 能级状态跃迁到c 能级状态时发射波长为λ2的光子,根据玻尔理论,a 能级的能量值大于c 能级的能量值223hchchcλλλ-=所以原子从a 能级状态跃迁到c 能级状态时将要辐射波长为1212λλλλ-的光子,故C 错误;D .根据物理学史可知,赫兹首次用实验证实了电磁波的存在,故D 正确。

故选:D 。

2.如图所示,水平放置的封闭绝热气缸,被一锁定的绝热活塞分为体积相等的a 、b 两部分。

已知a 部分气体为1mol 氧气,b 部分气体为2 mol 氧气,两部分气体温度相等,均可视为理想气体。

解除锁定,活塞滑动一段距离后,两部分气体各自再次达到平衡态时,它们的体积分别为V a 、V b ,温度分别为T a 、T b 。

下列说法正确的是A. V a >V b , T a >T bB. V a >V b , T a <T bC. V a <V b , T a <T bD. V a <V b , T a >T b【答案】D【详解】AB .解除锁定前,两部分气体温度相同,体积相同,由pV nRT =可知质量大的部分压强大,即b 部分压强大,故活塞左移,平衡时,a b a b V V P P <=,故A 、B 错误; CD .活塞左移过程中,a 气体被压缩内能增大,温度增大,b 气体向外做功,内能减小,温度减小,平衡时a b T T >,故C 错误,D 正确; 故选D 。



高考理科综合模拟考试物理试卷(附带答案)班级:___________姓名:___________考号:______________一、单选题1.据报道,香烟会释放一种危险的放射性元素“针(21084Po )”,如果每天抽1.5包香烟,一年后累积的辐射相当于300次胸透的辐射.21084Po 发生一次α衰变和一次β衰变后产生了新核,新核的中子数比质子数多( ) A .38个B .40个C .42个D .44个2.如图所示,矩形线圈面积为S ,匝数为N ,线圈总电阻为r ,在磁感应强度为B 的匀强磁场中绕OO ′轴以角速度ω匀速转动,外电路电阻为R ,当线圈由图示位置转过90°的过程中,下列判断不正确的是( )AB .通过电阻R 的电荷量为()2NBSq R r =+C .电阻R 所产生的焦耳热为()22224N B S R Q R r ωπ=+ D .当线圈由图示位置转过30°时的电流为()2NBS R r ω+3.如图所示,一倾角为37光滑斜面体放在水平面上,用固定在斜面上的竖直挡极A 与斜面夹住一个光滑小球。


取sin 0.6,cos370.8==重力加速度大小210m/s =g ,则当小球对挡板的压力恰好与小球受到的重力大小相等时,小球的加速度大小为( )A .25m/sB .24m/sC .22.5m/sD .21.5m/s4.2021年10月16日,长征二号F 遥十三运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火起飞,托举载有翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富3名航天员的神舟十三号载人飞船进入太空,神舟十三号飞船运行轨道距地面的高度为400km 。

若神舟十三号飞船做匀速圆周运动,引力常量为G ,地球半径为6400km ,地球表面的重力加速度g 取10m/s 2。

则( )A .神舟十三号飞船内的宇航员不受重力作用B .神舟十三号飞船绕地球运动的速度约为8.0km/sC .若神舟十三号飞船绕地球运动的周期为T ,则地球的密度为23πGTD .神舟十三号飞船在轨道上运行的向心加速度约为8.9m/s 2 二、多选题5.直线P 1P 2过均匀玻璃球球心O ,细光束a 、b 平行且关于P 1P 2对称,由空气射入玻璃球的光路如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A .玻璃对a 光的折射率小于对b 光的折射率B .玻璃对a 光的临界角小于对b 光的临界角C .a 光的频率小于b 光的频率D .改变b 光的入射角度,可能发生全反射现象E .b 光在玻璃中的传播速度小于a 光在玻璃中的传播速度6.一列简谐横波沿x 轴的负方向传播,波速为10cm/s ,某时刻的波形如图所示,K 、L 、M 为介质中的质点。











据图分析,下列说法正确的是()A.a、b是生物体内遗传信息的携带者B.蓝细菌细胞中d的种类有4种C.人体细胞中不能合成所有种类的e D.C的多样性由e中的R充分体现5.膜蛋白是细胞膜的重要组成部分,下图所示为膜上各种蛋白及其功能。












若该波的周期T大于0.02s,则该波的传播速度可能是A.2m/s B.3m/s C.4m/s D.5m/s4.如图所示,一理想变压器,其原副线圈的匝数均可调节,原线圈两端电压为一最大值不变的正弦交流电,为了使变压器输入功率增大,可使A.其他条件不变,原线圈的匝数n1增加B.其他条件不变,副线圈的匝数n2减小C.其他条件不变,负载电阻R的阻值增大D.其他条件不变,负载电阻R的阻值减小5.在粗糙水平地面上与墙平行放着一个截面为半圆的柱状物体A,A与竖直墙之间放一光滑圆球B,整个装置处于静止状态。




天津市第一百中学2023-2024学年高三上学期阶段性检测(1)英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.Mark needs to learn Chinese ________ his company is opening a branch in Beijing.A.unless B.until C.although D.sinceA.were driving B.have driven C.would drive D.drove3.Mark ______ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.A.needn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.couldn’t 4.There is a rule in the library that one is required to put the book ______ it is after finishing reading it.A.what B.how C.where D.when5.I’m finally going back to my motherland; I ______ in the foreign country for four years by next month.A.have been staying B.will have stayedC.have stayed D.will be staying6.I think you’d better avoid talking about politics, religion and other ______ topics with himif you are not close friends.A.sensitive B.skeptical C.aggressive D.attractiveA.many of whose B.whose many C.many whose D.many of whomA.As B.What C.Where D.It9.Our English teacher told us to find out ____ the differences between American English and British English lie.A.where B.how C.what D.which10.The teacher stressed again that the students should not _____ any important detailswhile retelling the story.A.bring out B.leave out C.let out D.make out 11.Dr. James Naismith is believed ________ the game of basketball, a sport loved by peopleall around the world.A.to invent B.to have invented C.inventing D.having invented 12.—Why was he unhappy yesterday?—A letter from home attack of homesickness.A.set off B.pay off C.take off D.send offsociety.A.terms B.pace C.progress D.touch 14.The school ________ with reading lessons that taught students to guess the meaning of new words.A.did the trick B.paved the wayC.braved the elements D.broke new groundGold Rush.A.throw the baby out with the bathwater B.seek their fortuneC.put them under pressure D.comment on二、完形填空During school, college and service I never participated in any group discussion or stagespeakers faced the same things when they 27 .Later on with the help of the Principal I 28 a topic of talk for the next occasion. I practiced my presentation throughout the week. I was somewhat 29 but not confident. Afterwards, I 30 the Principal again and told him about the 31 I felt I had made. He was kind enough to 32 me again, but this time to give a presentation for the teachers.For around one month, I prepared and practiced for my presentation on Motivation. This time I felt easy. I gave the presentation and it was 33 by the Principal as well as the teachers 34 they knew where I started from. They encouraged me and praised my efforts.I learn that everything is 35 if we have the courage to take the first step. The saying goes: A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step.16.A.fear B.performance C.style D.art 17.A.talk B.magazine C.program D.lesson 18.A.fortunately B.surprisingly C.secretly D.unluckily 19.A.listen B.move C.write D.speak 20.A.nervous B.joyful C.satisfied D.disappointed 21.A.foolish B.useful C.clever D.negative 22.A.anger B.regret C.thanks D.hope 23.A.courage B.information C.proof D.advice 24.A.And B.But C.So D.Or 25.A.explained B.forgot C.imagined D.controlled 26.A.serious B.special C.strange D.common 27.A.failed B.started C.mastered D.finished 28.A.exhibited B.refused C.prepared D.understood 29.A.worried B.sad C.curious D.comfortable 30.A.met with B.turned down C.looked after D.learnt from 31.A.trouble B.mistake C.fun D.improvement 32.A.remind B.invite C.phone D.reach 33.A.descried B.studied C.joked D.appreciated 34.A.because B.although C.if D.therefore 35.A.interesting B.obvious C.possible D.right三、阅读理解Are you struggling to be yourself at work? Tired of being behind schedule? Here are some important work tips that you can follow to improve your productivity.Focusing on One TaskSome people have the habit of multitasking, which is great, but it might distract you from the bigger picture. Multitasking might help you with different tasks. You might also feel like the jack of all trades (万事通) but your productivity won’t increase in the long run.Focus on one task at a time and this will allow you to complete that task with high standards. When the task is done, you can move on to the next one.Setting Small but Effective GoalsYou will be given large and challenging tasks at work and what matters is how you deal with them. Stress might be the normal response here but you can also play it smart. You can break any large task into small but manageable tasks, which will help you stay productive and will also make the best of time.Think of it like building blocks and you will have to focus on one small task at a time but the end result will be fascinating.Setting Self-Imposed (自己强加的) DeadlinesSetting self-imposed deadlines can actually help you be more productive at work Stress is a bad thing, but self-imposed stress can actually help us focus and be better. You can do really well with open-ended tasks or projects once you give yourself a deadline. Stick to that deadline and you will be surprised by the miracles that you can perform at work.Trying Following the “Two-Minute” RuleSteve Olenski is one of the finest entrepreneurs to date and he has given wonderful advice in the shape of the “Two-Minute” Rule. The “Two-Minute” Rule is basically about making the best out of small windows at work. Olenski tells us that if there is a task at work, and you can do it in 2 minutes, then you do it immediately. When you complete that small task, you don’t actually have to waste more time getting back to it, which also increases your productivity.36.By focusing on one task, you may________.A.feel like the jack of all trades B.finish that task with high standardsC.distract yourself from the bigger picture D.reduce your work efficiency37.What is the author’s suggestion for handling difficult tasks?A.Respond to them tensely.B.Make a plan in advance.C.Break them into manageable ones.D.Focus on the results all the time. 38.You can do well with open-ended tasks or projects if you________.A.learn to take a break B.perform miracles at workC.impose a deadline on yourself D.compare them to building blocks 39.What is TRUE about the “Two-Minute” Rule?A.It involves doing a small task without delay.B.It applies to all kinds of tasks.C.It is criticized by Steve Olenski.D.It requires getting back to tasks. 40.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A.To share his work experience with the reader.B.To point out the importance of time management.C.To introduce the ways of achieving goals.D.To offer tips on enhancingproductivity.As she was waiting for her flight at a Chengdu airport, Cai Xiao noticed several tiny dead yellow birds lying on the ground outside an enormous window at the two-story terminal building. Deeply saddened by her discovery, Cai took photos of the dead animals and emailed them to a nationwide scientific survey of bird-window collisions(撞击)that aims to gather data to provide evidence of the existence of this issue in China.Li Binbin, an assistant professor of Environmental Sciences at Duke Kunshan University in Jiangsu province, led the survey, working with several Chinese bird-watching societies starting from March this year. She said that, so far, they have found bird collisions recorded in most parts of the country, and of the 26 species involved, two-thirds were migratory birds(候鸟).In order to pursue the transparency(透明度)of space, mankind has put up countless glass buildings, creating a disaster for birds, which have trouble seeing glass. They see reflections in glass as open space and fly into it at full speed. Sometimes birds appear to recover from their injuries and fly away, but they may later suffer internal injuries that leads to death.In the United States, up to 1 billion birds die each year from hitting windows. Although there is a lack of data, scientists estimate that the number is similar in China, given that thecountry's east coast is on a major migratory route for birds.Li launched the survey after witnessing a dozen bird collisions on campus. In 2018, the scholar and her students delivered a report to the university, recommending that it replace windows where most of the collisions happened. The school authorities worried that such an effort would damage the aesthetics(美观)of the buildings. After several discussions, they finally decided to use stickers to decorate windows and reduce glass reflections, Li recalled. This simple effort resulted in collisions at the site being reduced to almost zero.In the design plan for the future campus project, Li saw that several of her suggestions were adopted: lowering the use of large windows;adding window designs with strips or other patterns to reduce reflections.For those concerned with the issue, the main question is how to raise awareness of the problem. Li said the first step should be to gather enough data. So far, more than 130 individuals and 33 birding societies have reported bird collisions to her survey. 41.According to Para. 1, what happened at the airport?A.Some yellow birds were lying on the ground.B.Cai sent the dead birds to a nationwide scientific survey of bird-window collisions.C.Cai found that some birds had been killed by window collisions.D.Cai missed her flight because of the bird collisions.42.What can be concluded from Para. 3?A.The purpose of putting up more glass buildings is to blind birds.B.All the birds were killed instantly.C.The birds would like to fly into glass to see their reflections.D.Glass buildings could easily cause bird collisions.43.What can we learn from Para. 5?A.Li and her students' report saved a lot of birds.B.The school authorities refused to damage the aesthetics of the buildings.C.Finally, Li and her students used stickers to decorate windows and reduce glassreflections.D.The school authorities replaced windows where most of the collisions happened. 44.What is the main problem in reducing bird collisions in China at present?A.How to draw people's attention to this issue?B.There are too many glass buildings.C.How to reduce glass reflections?D.How to reduce bird collisions without damaging the aesthetics of the buildings? 45.What could be the best title for the passage?A.The Trouble with Glass Buildings B.Ways to Protect BirdsC.A Survey of Bird-window Collisions D.Fly to the ReflectionOne of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might someday get lost in a “sea of technology” rather than experiencing the natural world. Fear-producing TV and computer games are leading to a serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors, which will change the wild places of the world, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child’s play.Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes. “If the decline in parks use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment (蚕食)?” asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods.Without having a nature experience, kids, can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a huge enrichment of their lives. That applies to everything from their physical health and mental health, to stress levels, creativity and cognitive (认知的) skills. Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parents — and they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it; research suggests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that play in nature fosters (培养) leadership by the smartest, not by the toughest. Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child. The three-year-old turning over his first rock realizes he is not alone in the world. A clump of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes. We really need to value that more.Kids are not responsible. They are over-protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there from time to time, but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite (仪式) of passage.Everyone, from developers, to schools and outdoor citizens, should help regain for our kids some of the freedom and joy of exploring, taking friendship in fields and woods that cement love, respect and need for landscape. As parents, we should devote some of our energies to taking our kids into nature. This could yet be our greatest cause.46.The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that ________.A.kids miss the sense of wonder outdoorsB.parks are in danger of being gradually encroachedC.Richard Louv is the author of Last Child in the WoodsD.children are expected to develop into protectors of nature47.According to the passage, children without experiencing nature will ________.A.be less healthy both physically and mentallyB.be over-protected by their parentsC.keep a high sense of wonderD.change wild places and creatures for the better48.According to the author, children’s breaking an arm is ________.A.the fault on the part of their parentsB.the natural experience in their growing upC.the result of their own carelessness in playD.the effect of their repetitive stress from computers49.What does the underlined word “cement” in the last paragraph mean?A.Weaken.B.Strengthen.C.Lower.D.Decease. 50.In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to ________.A.blame children for getting lost in computer gamesB.encourage children to protect parks from encroachmentC.show his concern about children’s lack of experience in natureD.inspire children to keep the sense of wonder about things aroundLack is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity," said the American talk show host Oprah Winfrey. I've never watched her show, but when a self-made billionaire gives life advice it' s probably worth listening to.Her point is that blind luck is very rare. You may have to be lucky to find a good job these days but that does not mean you should sit at home waiting for the opportunity to come to you. If you're a Chinese, you may already be familiar with the tale of a farmer waiting by a tree stump(树桩)for a rabbit to run out and break its neck.Richard Wiseman, the UK psychologist, conducted an experiment as part of his studies. First he divided volunteers into two groups: those who said they were lucky in life and thosewho said they were not. He gave everyone a newspaper and asked them to look through it to count how many photographs it had inside. On average, the unlucky people took about two minutes to count the photographs while the lucky people took just seconds. Why? On the second page of the newspaper, a command, "Stop counting There are 43 photographs in this newspaper," was written in big letters. The unlucky people mostly did not spot the message.It's easy to compare this situation to a young person looking for jobs in a local paper. They might search so hard for one type of position that they miss an even better opportunity. People who are "lucky", in fact, keep an open mind and don't go through the same routine every day.I first came to China in 2002 when it was considered a rather strange thing to do, Like many foreigners, my plan was to teach English for one year. Seven years later, and still here, I've had many great opportunities such as writing for newspapers and magazines. I did not dream these would have been possible. I've also never been sick, had an accident, got into a fight or had problems with the police. Coincidence? After reading about Professor Wiseman's studies I think not.As Wiseman advises, I usually trust my own judgment. Your friends and parents may give you advice based on rational(理性)thinking, but it's important to consider how you feel about each choice you make. Your feeling acts as a warning for a potential problem.Finally, try to turn bad luck into good. Even if you do fall down and break a leg, the time spent at home can be used wisely to study English.51.What do you know about Oprah Winfrey?A.She is a good organizer of a talk show in America.B.She became famous through her family background.C.She was lucky and seldom fell flat on her face.D.She became successful entirely by her own effort.52.The writer quoted the Chinese tale of a farmer in order to show________.A.luck is in your own handB.bad luck can turn into goodC.you can't wait for an opportunityD.man can conquer nature53.From the experiment Wiseman drew the conclusion that________.A.lucky people are quick-mindedB.unlucky people are slow to readC.lucky people often have an open mindD.unlucky people are not routineers54.The underlined word "spot" is the closest in meaning to "________”.A.recognize B.mark C.make D.receive 55.Which of the following proverbs most agrees with the writer's point?A.Make the best of a bad situation.B.Rome was not built in a day.C.All is not gold that glitters.D.A good heart conquers ill fortune.四、阅读表达阅读下面短文,按照要求用英语回答问题。




红外线是电磁波,下列关于电磁波的说法错误的是A. 一切物体都在不停地发射红外线B. 紫外线有助于人体合成维生素DC. 医学上用X射线透视人体,检查体内病变等D. 光在真空中运动的速度在不同的惯性系中测得的数值可能不同【答案】D【详解】A.一切物体都在不停地发射红外线,选项A正确,不符合题意;B.适量照晒紫外线有助于人体合成维生素D,选项B正确,不符合题意;C.医学上用X射线透视人体,检查体内病变等,选项C正确,不符合题意;D.根据光速不变原理,知在不同惯性系中,光在真空中沿不同方向的传播速度大小相等,故D 错误,符合题意。



a光线恰好在半圆形介质的底边发生全反射,且光线a的入射角为45 ,则下列说法正确的是()A. 单色光a在介质中的折射率为2B. 单色光b 比单色光a 的频率大C. 光线b 在介质中的折射角可能小于30︒D. 在同一双缝干涉实验中,仅把用a 光照射换成用b 光照射,观察到的条纹间距变大【答案】C【详解】A .根据临界角公式 1sin C n = 可知单色光a 在O 点恰好发生全反射,则有 12sin 45a n ︒== 故A 错误; B .由于不知道b 光在半圆形介质的底边否发生全反射,则无法确定单色光b 与单色光a 的频率大小关系,故B 错误;C .如果单色光b 比单色光a 在介质中的折射率更大,则有sin 4545sin θ︒︒> 得1sin 2θ<,即30θ︒<,故C 正确; D .由于无法确定单色光b 与单色光a 的频率大小关系,则无法确定两光波长关系,由公式 L x d λ∆=可知所以仅把用a 光照射换成用b 光照射,则无法确定观察到的条纹间距变化,故D 错误。









)1.下列说法正确的是()A. 温度标志着物体内大量分子热运动的剧烈程度B. 内能是物体内所有分子热运动所具有的动能的总和C. 布朗运动是液体分子的无规则运动D. 电冰箱的工作过程表明,热量可以自发地从低温物体向高温物体传递【答案】A【详解】A.温度标志着物体内大量分子热运动的剧烈程度,因此分子无规则的运动又叫分子热运动,A正确;B.内能是物体内所有分子热运动所具有的动能和所有分子间势能的总和,B错误;C.布朗运动是固体颗粒在液体分子撞击下的无规则运动,C错误;D.电冰箱的工作过程表明,热量可以从低温物体向高温物体传递,但一定会引起其它变化,D错误。




为了简化,可将奥体中心的屋顶近似为半圆形,则他在屋顶向上缓慢爬行的过程中屋顶对他的()A. 支持力不变B. 支持力变小C. 摩擦力变小D. 摩擦力变大【答案】C 【详解】缓慢爬行的过程受到的摩擦力为静摩擦力,由于缓慢爬行的过程所处位置的切面与水平方向夹角逐渐减小,即越来越平缓,因此支持力越来越大,摩擦力越来越小。

当到达顶端时支持力等于重力,而摩擦力减小到零,C 正确,ABD 错误。

故选C 。

3.一列简谐横波沿x 轴正方向传播,在t 秒与(t +0.2)秒两个时刻,在x 轴上(–3m,3m)区间的波形完全相同,如图所示。




物理试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第n卷两部分,第I卷1至3页,第n卷4至7页,共120 分。




祝各位考生考试顺利!生物部分第I卷注意事项:1 •每题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。




1.下列有关真核生物核糖体的叙述,正确的是A •遗传信息翻译的场所B .组成成分中含mRNAC .全部游离在细胞质基质中D •能识别基因的启动子2 .细颗粒物(PM2.5 )可影响免疫系统功能,下表相关推论错误..的是选项对长期吸入高浓度PM2 . 5的研究结果推论A .损害呼吸道黏膜影响非特异性免疫B .改变T细胞数目影响特异性免疫C .刺激B细胞增殖分化影响细胞免疫D .导致抗体水平升高影响体液免疫3.将A、B两种物质混合,T i时加入酶C。


叙述错误的是A •酶C降低了A生成B这一反应的活化能B •该体系中酶促反应速率先快后慢C . T2后B增加缓慢是酶活性降低导致的D .适当降低反应温度,T2值增大4.基因型为AaBbDd的二倍体生物,其体内某精原细胞减数分裂时同源染色体变化示意图如下。

叙述正确的是A .三对等位基因的分离均发生在次级精母细胞中B .该细胞能产生AbD、ABD、abd、aBd四种精子C. B ( b)与D (d)间发生重组,遵循基因自由组合定律D •非姐妹染色单体发生交换导致了染色体结构变异5•叶绿体中的色素为脂溶性,液泡中紫红色的花青苷为水溶性。












相对原子质量:Fe 56 Cu 64 S32一、选择题(共13小题,每小题6分,共78分。




请据图分析,正确的选项是A.①过程是转录,它以DNA的一条链为模板、四种脱氧核苷酸为原料合成mRNA B.②过程中共有64种密码子对应着20种氨基酸C.某段DNA上发生了基因突变,则该基因形成的mRNA一定会改变D.白化病是基因对性状的直接控制,使得蛋白质结构发生变化所致5.某兴趣小组为了研究环境因素对绿色植物光合作用的影响,将其置于一密闭玻璃容器内,其他条件适宜时从黑暗到光照条件下容器内氧气含量的变化如下图所示。



2020届天津市和平区2017级高三二模考试理科综合物理试卷★祝考试顺利★Z 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共100分,考试时间60分钟。

第Ⅰ卷选择题(共40 分)一、单项选择题(每小题5分,共25分。


5G网络使用的无线电波通信频率是在3.0GHz以上的超高频段和极高频段,比目前4G通信频率在0.3GHz~3.0 GHz间的特高频段网络拥有更大的带宽和更快的传输速率。








2020届天津市河北区2017级高三下学期期末考试理科综合物理试卷★祝考试顺利★(解析版)第I 卷(选择题共40分)一、单项选择题(每题5分,共25分。

每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的)1.下列说法正确的是A. 温度标志着物体内大量分子热运动的剧烈程度B. 内能是物体中所有分子热运动所具有的动能的总和C. 气体压强仅与气体分子的平均动能有关D. 气体膨胀对外做功且温度降低,分子的平均动能可能不变【答案】A【详解】根据温度是分子平均动能的标志确定气体分子热运动的程度和分子平均动能变化,内能是分子平均动能和分子势总和,由气体压强宏观表现确定压强A .温度是分子平均动能的标志,所以温度标志着物体内大量分子热运动的剧烈程度,故A 正确;B .内能是物体中所有分子热运动所具有的动能和分子势能之和,故B 错误;C .由压强公式PV nRT 可知,气体压强除与分子平均动能(温度)有关,还与体积有关,故C 错误;D .温度是分子平均动能的标志,所以温度降低,分子平均动能一定变小,故D 错误.2.2019年5月17日,我国成功发射第45颗北斗导航卫星,该卫星属于地球静止轨道卫星(同步卫星).该卫星A. 入轨后可以位于北京正上方B. 入轨后的速度大于第一宇宙速度C. 发射速度大于第二宇宙速度D. 若发射到近地圆轨道所需能量较少【答案】D【详解】由同步卫星的特点和卫星发射到越高的轨道所需的能量越大解答.由于卫星为同步卫星,所以入轨后一定只能与赤道在同一平面内,故A 错误;由于第一宇宙速度为卫星绕地球运行的最大速度,所以卫星入轨后的速度一定小于第一宇宙速度,故B 错误;由于第二宇宙速度为卫星脱离地球引力的最小发射速度,所以卫星的发射速度一定小于第二宇宙速度,故C 错误;将卫星发射到越高的轨道克服引力所作的功越大,所以发射到近地圆轨道所需能量较小,故D 正确.3.氢原子能级示意图如图所示.光子能量在1.63 eV~3.10 eV 的光为可见光.要使处于基态(n =1)的氢原子被激发后可辐射出可见光光子,最少应给氢原子提供的能量为A. 12.09 eVB. 10.20 eVC. 1.89 eVD. 1.5l eV【答案】A 【详解】由题意可知,基态(n=1)氢原子被激发后,至少被激发到n=3能级后,跃迁才可能产生能量在1.63eV~3.10eV 的可见光.故 1.51(13.60)eV 12.09eV E ∆=---=.故本题选A .4.光电管是一种利用光照射产生电流的装置,当入射光照在管中金属板上时,可能形成光电流.表中给出了6次实验的结果. 组 次 入射光子的能量/eV相对光强 光电流大小/mA 逸出光电子的最大动能/eV 第 一 组 1 2 3弱 中 强 29 43 60 0.9 0.9 0.9 第 二 组4 5 6 弱 中 强 27 40 55 2.9 2.9 2.9。



天津市第一百中学2020届高三4月模拟化学试题一、单选题(★★★) 1. 化学与生产、生活密切相关。

下列叙述正确的是A.煤的干馏和煤的液化均是物理变化B.海水淡化的方法有蒸馏法、电渗析法等C.天然纤维和合成纤维的主要成分都是纤维素D.用活性炭为糖浆脱色和用次氯酸盐漂白纸浆的原理相同(★★★) 2. 下列事实不能用键能的大小来解释的是 ( )A.N元素的电负性较大,但N2的化学性质很稳定B.稀有气体一般难发生化学反应C.HF、HCl、HBr、HI的稳定性逐渐减弱D.F2比O2更容易与H2反应(★★★) 3. 对下列过程的化学用语表述正确的是A.用硫酸铜溶液除去乙炔中的硫化氢气体:H2S + Cu2+=== CuS↓ + 2H+B.向氯化铝溶液中滴入过量氨水:Al3+ + 4OH- === AlO2- + 2H2OC.用电子式表示Na和Cl形成NaCl的过程:D.钢铁发生电化学腐蚀的正极反应:Fe-3e- === Fe3+(★★★) 4. 下列事实不能用元素周期律解释的是A.碱性:NaOH>LiOH B.热稳定性:Na2CO3>NaHCO3 C.酸性:HClO4> H2SO4D.气态氢化物的稳定性:HBr > HI (★★★) 5. 设 N A表示为阿伏加德罗常数,下列叙述中,正确的是( )A.常温常压下,16 g O2和O3的混合物中共含有N A个氧原子B.假设1 mol氯化铁完全转化为氢氧化铁胶体,则分散系中胶体微粒数为N AC.78 g Na2O2固体中所含阴、阳离子总数为4N AD.在铜与硫有反应中,1 mol铜原子参加反应失去的电子数为2N A(★) 6. 下列说法正确的是:A.SO2与 CO2的分子立体构型均为直线形B.H2O 和 NH3中的分子的极性和共价键的极性均相同C.SiO2 的键长大于 CO2的键长,所以 SiO2的熔点比 CO2高D.分子晶体中只存在分子间作用力,不含有其它化学键(★★★) 7. 下列说法不正确的是A.为除去溶液中的,可加入铁粉,再过滤B.为除去溴苯中的溴,可用溶液洗涤,再分液C.为除去乙炔气中少量的,可使其通过溶液D.为除去中少量的,可使其通过饱和溶液(★★★) 8. 辣椒素是影响辣椒辣味的活性成分的统称,其中一种分子的结构如下图所示。



2020届宁河区芦台四中2017级高三模拟考试理科综合物理试卷(三)★祝考试顺利★一、选择题1.若a,b 两束单色光以同样的入射角照射到一均匀介质中,a 光的折射角大于b 光的折射角,则( )A. 在该介质中;b 光的传播速度大于a 光的传播速度B. 在相同条件下,a 光比b 光更容易发生明显的衍射现象C. 若b 光能使某金属发生光电效应,则a 光也一定能使该金属发生光电效应D. 两束光分别经过同一双缝干涉装置后在屏上形成的干涉图样如图所示【答案】B【详解】AB .由题述条件可知在该介质中b 光的折射率大于a 光的,由c n v=可知,在该介质中,a 光的传播速度大于b 光的传播速度,a 光的波长大于b 光的波长,则a 光比b 光更容易发生衍射现象,A 错误,B 正确;C .由于b 光的频率大于a,光的频率,若b 光能使金属发生光电效应,则a 光不一定能使该金属发生光电效应,故C 错误;D .a 光的波长大于b 光的波长,由l x dλ∆=知,a 光相邻条纹间距较大,故D 错误。

故选B 。

2.钍基熔盐堆核能系统(TMSR )是第四代核能系统之一.其中钍基核燃料铀由较难裂变的钍吸收一个中子后经过若干次β衰变而来;铀的一种典型裂变产物是钡和氪.以下说法正确的是A. 题中铀核裂变的核反应方程为233114289192056360U n Ba Kr 3n +→++ B. 钍核衰变的快慢由原子所处的化学状态和外部条件决定C. 钍核23290Th 经过2次β衰变可变成镤23291PaD. 在铀核裂变成钡和氪的核反应中,核子的比结合能减小【答案】A【详解】A .根据质量数守恒与电荷数守恒可知,铀核裂变的核反应方程为:233114289192056360U n Ba Kr 3n +→++,选项A 正确;B .原子核的半衰期由核内部自身因素决定,与原子所处的化学状态和外部条件无关,故B 错误;C .钍核(23290Th )经过1次β衰变可变成镤(23291Pa ),选项C 错误;D .重核裂变的过程中释放能量,所以重核分裂成中等大小的核,核子的比结合能增大,故D 错误;3.一飞船围绕地球做匀速圆周运动,其离地面的高度为H ,若已知地球表面重力加速度为g ,地球半径R 。



2020届天津市第一百中学高三英语模拟试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Online EventsThe handshake:an anthropologist’s guideWhat is its biological purpose?What are the best and worst handshakes?In this talk,scientist Ella Al-Shamahi examines the power of touch and argues the handshake is at least 7 million years old.This event will start at 18:00 pm on 25 March and will last one hour.Standard ticket price:£15(A 20%discount for those who buy the ticket before March 20.)A rescue plan for natureWhat do we need to do to restore the planet 's biodiversity and preventthe next pandemic (疫情)?Join scientist Cristian Samper as he talks about how our ignoring nature caused the pandemic-and how we can seize a unique opportunity to build back better.This free event will start at 18:00 pm on 15 April.Origins of lifeWhy is the planet the way it is?How did we get here?Does everything happen for a reason or are some things left to chance?Research shows we live in a world driven by chance.In this talk,biologist Sean B Carroll will tell the stories of the mother of all accidents,and the surprising power of chance in our lives and the world.This event will start at 19:30 pm on 22 April and will last two hours.Standard ticket price:£18(A 10%discount for those who buy the ticket before April 17.)The truth about exerciseShould we all be hitting the gym three times a week?Should we worry about sitting to omuch?If you are strong and fit,can you get away with being inactive?In this talk,specialist Jason Gill introduces what science can really tell us about how much we need to move to live a healthy life.This event will start at 19:00 pm on May 13 and will last one hour,Standard ticket price:£12(A 15%discount for those who buy the ticket before May 8.)1.How much should you at least spend on the event about the handshake?A.£10.2.B.£12.C.£13.D.£16.2.2.From whom can you learn about the origins of life?A.Ella Al-Shamahi.B.Cristian Samper.C.Sean B Carroll.D.Jason Gill.3.What does the four online talks have in common?A.They are science-based.B.They are about cultures.C.They are related to nature.D.They are intended for the young.BWhen the COVID-19 hit and supermarket shelves were empty, Chris Hall and Stefanny Lowey decided they no longer wanted to rely on others for food. The couple, who live on Pender Island in BritishColumbia, Canada, decided to start a year-long challenge where they wouldn't buy a single thing to eat. Instead they would grow, raise or catch everything—right down to sugar, salt and flour. Now, five months in, they say the challenge has changed their lives.Chris, 38, said, “It has always been something that we have wanted to do. We have had a garden and grown vegetables for a long time already. When the COVID-19 hit, it gave us that extra push that we needed to do it. We were both out of work when we started, and with the reality check of grocery stores running out of items, it gave us even more motivation to see if we could look after ourselves.”The pair spent the months before building a house for chickens, ducks and turkey as well as studying as much as possible to figure out where they would get all the things they needed. Chris adds, “We had to learn so many new things like how to grow mushrooms, process our Stevia plants, and harvest salt from the ocean. We spent a lot of time reading and studying online to figure out all the things we were going to need to do.”Now after five months, they both feel its been going well but Chris admits the first few weeks were difficult. “The first three weeks were very challenging as our bodies adjusted to cutting out coffee, wine and sugar all on the same day,” he says. “After three weeks our energy levels balanced out and our wishes reduced and now we feel great.” Now February has ended. As they come through winter, they feel positive about continuing with this way of living, with their challenge officially ending in August.4. Why did the pair decide to produce foods on their own?A. They were isolated by Pender Island.B. They couldn't afford to buy them because they were out of work.C. They believed it's good for their health.D. They could hardly buy them in shops.5. Which words can be used to describe the couple?A. Rich and generous.B. Helpful and positive.C. Optimistic and self-dependent.D. Motivated and brave.6. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Their challenge may last about eleven months in total.B. They were discouraged by the difficulty at first.C. They had difficulty because they wanted more.D. They couldn't adjust their bodies to the hard work after three weeks.7. In which column may you read such a passage?A. Sports.B. Agriculture.C. Lifestyle.D. Business.CWhen I was trying to find a place where to spend my December holidays, I met by chance some cheap flights to Iceland. After checking just a few winter pictures of Iceland, I realized that the country, known as the land of fire and ice, during the cold months of the year could offer me experiences I had never had before.For sure you can’t miss the chance to go to Iceland in winter if your traveling wish list includes at least one of the crazy experiences Iceland can offer. Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean is a paradise (乐园) for all those who want to see the northern lights, experience cold weather conditions and put themselves in geothermal (地热的) baths while the snow is falling on their head.The best way to move around Iceland is with a rental car. Distances are huge and public transport in winter is not really common out of the major towns. As we wanted to be even more convenient we decided to rent a small camper (野营车). Sleeping and cooking in a camper saved us a lot of driving, money and gave us the chance tobe always in the right place at the right time.There were also no locals and in many cases no tourist facilities (设备). For us, as we slept in a camper, it was easier. But for tourists traveling by normal cars it is necessary to check the opening times ofhotels and restaurants as many of them run just from June to September.It is amazing to experience how the weather is changing in Iceland. However, Icelanders prefer to stay inside their houses. They have even no time to complain about the weather in December. All they care about is Christmas. They love to decorate their houses, sing Christmas songs and eat typical Christmas food.8. Why is Iceland famous as the land of fire and ice?A. Because tourists would like to play with fire on the ice.B. Because it is too dry to easily cause fire to happen.C. Because it is hot inside a house and cold outside.D. Because there exist hot springs and freezing ice.9. What did the author think of the rented camper?A. It was not only practical but also economical.B. It was convenient but cost them more money.C. It provided the best chance to see the new country.D. It was much faster than other public transport.10. What does the last paragraph imply?A. The Icelanders prefer to live with their family.B. The joy of Christmas drives the freezing weather away.C. December is the coldest month of the year.D. The Icelanders are always positive and stay outside.11. What does this passage most probably come from?A. A textbookB. A scientific reportC. A travel magazineD. A news reportDAmerican football was the fastest-growing sport for US young players last year, according to a survey sponsored by the sport's governing body.But it was the game's no tackle variety that showed the biggest increase-a finding that may reflect concerns about injury. In American football, a tackle (抢断球) refers to an attempt to stop an opponent by forcing them to the ground.The number of participants in football grew in 2015 while most other sport, except baseball, posted a decline, USA Football said on Monday, citing(引用) the findings of a survey of 30,000 children and teenagers.Participation in flag football (a no-tackle type of football) increased by 8.7 percent among children aged 6 to 14, while tackle football rose by 1.9 percent. For that age group, the only other sport that grew was baseball, with a 3. 3 percent increase.In the 15-to-18 age group, flag football rose by 10. 5 percent, while tackle grew by 2.5 percent.Basketball was the third, with a 1. 1 percent increase. Participation in all other sports declined.Tom Farrey, executive director of the Aspen Institute's Sports & Society Program, said he was surprised that flag football participation rose so much.“The trend suggests that parents aremarching to the beat of a different drummer, in pursuing flagas an alternative for their kids," he said.The findings come at a time of increasing concern about the risk associated with youth sports, particularly hockey (曲棍球) and football, where medical researchers have warned about the risk of concussions (damagesto the brain caused by violent blows to the head) and death linked to brain injury.USA Football, anIndianapolis,Indianabased nonprofit funded in part by the National Football League, believed that the increases resulted from better safety and health education."Football participation increases, even modest increases, may signal that programs such as our Heads Up Football program and practice guidelines are making a positive difference," said Scot Hallenbeck, USA Football chief executive, in a statement.Robert Cantu, aBostonUniversityneurosurgery professor and investigator at the school's chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center said the increase in fag football participation signaled that more parents were directing children to a safe alternative12. What can we learn about the two age groups?A. Flag football grew the fastest in the 6-to-18 group.B. Tackle football grew he fastest in the 6-to-14 group.C. Participation in baseball declined the most in both groupsD. Participation in tackle football increased the most in both groups.13. The underlined part probably means ________.A working at a different paceB. behaving in a different wayC. ignoring the major differencesD. trying to accept different opinions14. The popularity of flag football is inked with the fact thatA. its rules have been adapted for young playersB. it receives more funds than other varietiesC. tackle football is an old-fashioned gameD. experts worry about children's safety15. What is the cause of football growth according to USA Football?A. Their safety programs are successful.B. More children show interest in the game.C. Football is less likely to cause concussions.D. There are different types of football to choose from.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的)1.2017 年11月5 日,我国用长征火箭成功发射了两颗北斗三号组网卫星(如图所示),开启了北斗卫星导航系统全球组网的新时代。

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