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扮演性格滑稽的人物,以念 白、做功为主。
官文丑 方巾丑 茶衣丑 巾子丑 彩旦
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
无丑不成戏,丑角是京剧的主要行当之一,包括文丑和武丑,文 丑亦称小花脸或三花睑,武丑又称开口跳。文丑分为官文丑、方 巾丑、茶衣丑、巾子丑和彩旦。 丑角是中国戏剧的一种程序化的角色行当,一般扮演插科打诨比 较滑稽的角色,由于传说当年唐玄宗喜好演戏,下场演戏时就扮 演丑角,在宫中,他为逗杨贵妃开心,亲自扮演丑角,一代皇帝 扮演丑角未免有损国威,于是就在鼻子上挂一块白玉,因此后来 丑角脸上便抹上白粉,而且上场时丑角总是第一个被化妆,而唐 玄宗被尊为中国戏剧界的祖师爷,所以传统剧团的团长都是丑角 担任,中国戏剧学院的第一任院长就是名丑萧长华先生担任。丑 角一般不重唱,以念白和做工为主,念白和其他角色也不同,一 般用普通口语,京剧中所谓“京白”,。
褶:是文武官吏、 平民百姓在日常生 活中穿用的服装
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
红色 一般:忠勇侠义,多为正面角色。 其他:有讽刺意义,表示假好人。 特例:老人显示年轻红光犹在。
黑色 一般:直爽刚毅,勇猛而智慧。 其他:表示阴阳中的阴,用于鬼魂。 肤色较黑或面貌丑陋。
白色 一般:阴险奸诈;刚愎自用。 其他:和尙,太监脸谱;表示老人年迈.
紫色 一般:刚正威武,不媚权贵。 其他:面色不好,丑陋。
方巾丑,头上戴着一顶 方巾,身上穿着褶子, 有的手里还拿着把扇子, 迈着四方步,举止缓慢 文雅。
茶衣就是短的蓝布褂子, 术语叫茶衣。茶衣丑扮 演的都是劳动人民角色
彩旦 戏曲中扮演女性的丑角,年 龄比较老的也叫丑婆子。
彩旦俗称丑婆子,戏曲脚色 行当。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 1、打粉底 • 2、揉腮红: • 3、勾画白粉 • 4、勾画眉眼 • 5、无论是否戴髯口 • 丑角都要画嘴岔
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 蓝脸的窦尔敦盗御马,红脸的 关公战场沙,黄脸的典韦白脸 的曹操,黑脸的张飞叫喳喳.
• 紫色的天王托宝塔,绿色的魔 鬼斗夜叉,金色的猴王银色的 妖怪,灰色的精灵笑哈哈.
• 一对对鲜明的鸳鸯马,一群群 生动的活菩萨,一笔笔勾描一 点点夸大,一幅幅脸谱美佳佳.
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
扮演有武艺而性格滑稽的人物,偏 重武工,也有人称为“开口跳”, 以牙功见长,多为神出鬼没的武林 人士。用倒八字形的“二挑髯”, 穿紧身衣裤,步履轻盈,动作灵活、 迅捷,可以从几米高处翻下,落地 无声。在一次空难中,著名武丑演 员张春华是唯一幸存者,可能同他 身怀绝技有关。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
黄色 勇猛而爆躁
金色 一般:神仙高人。 其他:猛将。
银色 神仙,妖怪。
绿色 一般:勇猛,莽撞。 其他:绿林好汉。
蓝色 刚强阴险。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
脸谱图案非常丰富,大体上分为额头图,眉型图,眼眶图,鼻窝图, 嘴叉图,嘴下图。每个部位的图案变化多端,有规律而无定论,如: ●包拯黑额头有一白月牙,表示清正廉洁。 ●孟良额头有一红葫芦,示意此人爱好喝酒。 ●闻仲,杨戬画有三眼,来源于古典传说。 ●巨灵神,金钱豹有多张脸,突出其神鬼妖特色。 ●杨七朗额头有一繁体“虎”字,显示其勇猛无敌。 ●赵匡胤的龙眉表示为真龙天子。 ●雷公脸谱中有一雷电纹。 ●姜维额头画有阴阳图,表示神机妙算。 ●夏侯惇眼眶受过箭伤,故画上红点表示。 ●窦尔墩,典韦等人的脸谱上有其最擅长的兵器图案。 ●王延章头画蛤蟆,表示是水兽转世。 ●赵公明面画金钱,表示自己是财神爷。 ●北斗星君画七星图于额上。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
衣:是以上四类 服装之外所有服 装的总称。又可 分为长衣、短衣、 专用衣及配件。 一般情况是身份 高者穿长衣,身 份低者穿短衣
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 丑角的化妆根据人物的身份、年龄、性格、行为的不 同和差异,也逐渐形成了一套完整的、系统的脸谱, 如腰子型粉脸、圆形粉脸、枣核型粉脸、筝型粉脸、 元宝型粉脸、丑老脸、丑破脸以及碎脸、揉脸和象形 脸等。其中最典型的是方巾丑,脸部中央用白粉勾画 —幅“豆腐块儿”型的白粉脸,因此观众一看见这块“豆 腐块儿”就知道这个演员是丑角。
With the improving quality of life as well as life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
彩色化妆。这种脸部化妆主要用于净(花脸)和丑 (小丑)。它在形式、色彩和类型上有一定的格式。 内行的观众从脸谱上就可以分辨出这个角色是英雄 还是坏人,聪明还是愚蠢,受人爱戴还是使人严 恶。 京剧那迷人的脸谱在中国戏剧无数脸部化妆中 占有特殊的地位。京剧脸谱以“象征性”和“夸张 性”著称。它通过运用夸张和变形的图形来展示角 色的性格特征。
帔:是帝王将 相、高级官吏、 富绅秀才及眷 属在非正式场 合穿用的便服
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
扮演性格滑稽的人物,以念 白、做功为主。
官文丑 方巾丑 茶衣丑 巾子丑 彩旦
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
无丑不成戏,丑角是京剧的主要行当之一,包括文丑和武丑,文 丑亦称小花脸或三花睑,武丑又称开口跳。文丑分为官文丑、方 巾丑、茶衣丑、巾子丑和彩旦。 丑角是中国戏剧的一种程序化的角色行当,一般扮演插科打诨比 较滑稽的角色,由于传说当年唐玄宗喜好演戏,下场演戏时就扮 演丑角,在宫中,他为逗杨贵妃开心,亲自扮演丑角,一代皇帝 扮演丑角未免有损国威,于是就在鼻子上挂一块白玉,因此后来 丑角脸上便抹上白粉,而且上场时丑角总是第一个被化妆,而唐 玄宗被尊为中国戏剧界的祖师爷,所以传统剧团的团长都是丑角 担任,中国戏剧学院的第一任院长就是名丑萧长华先生担任。丑 角一般不重唱,以念白和做工为主,念白和其他角色也不同,一 般用普通口语,京剧中所谓“京白”,。
褶:是文武官吏、 平民百姓在日常生 活中穿用的服装
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
红色 一般:忠勇侠义,多为正面角色。 其他:有讽刺意义,表示假好人。 特例:老人显示年轻红光犹在。
黑色 一般:直爽刚毅,勇猛而智慧。 其他:表示阴阳中的阴,用于鬼魂。 肤色较黑或面貌丑陋。
白色 一般:阴险奸诈;刚愎自用。 其他:和尙,太监脸谱;表示老人年迈.
紫色 一般:刚正威武,不媚权贵。 其他:面色不好,丑陋。
方巾丑,头上戴着一顶 方巾,身上穿着褶子, 有的手里还拿着把扇子, 迈着四方步,举止缓慢 文雅。
茶衣就是短的蓝布褂子, 术语叫茶衣。茶衣丑扮 演的都是劳动人民角色
彩旦 戏曲中扮演女性的丑角,年 龄比较老的也叫丑婆子。
彩旦俗称丑婆子,戏曲脚色 行当。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 1、打粉底 • 2、揉腮红: • 3、勾画白粉 • 4、勾画眉眼 • 5、无论是否戴髯口 • 丑角都要画嘴岔
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 蓝脸的窦尔敦盗御马,红脸的 关公战场沙,黄脸的典韦白脸 的曹操,黑脸的张飞叫喳喳.
• 紫色的天王托宝塔,绿色的魔 鬼斗夜叉,金色的猴王银色的 妖怪,灰色的精灵笑哈哈.
• 一对对鲜明的鸳鸯马,一群群 生动的活菩萨,一笔笔勾描一 点点夸大,一幅幅脸谱美佳佳.
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
扮演有武艺而性格滑稽的人物,偏 重武工,也有人称为“开口跳”, 以牙功见长,多为神出鬼没的武林 人士。用倒八字形的“二挑髯”, 穿紧身衣裤,步履轻盈,动作灵活、 迅捷,可以从几米高处翻下,落地 无声。在一次空难中,著名武丑演 员张春华是唯一幸存者,可能同他 身怀绝技有关。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
黄色 勇猛而爆躁
金色 一般:神仙高人。 其他:猛将。
银色 神仙,妖怪。
绿色 一般:勇猛,莽撞。 其他:绿林好汉。
蓝色 刚强阴险。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
脸谱图案非常丰富,大体上分为额头图,眉型图,眼眶图,鼻窝图, 嘴叉图,嘴下图。每个部位的图案变化多端,有规律而无定论,如: ●包拯黑额头有一白月牙,表示清正廉洁。 ●孟良额头有一红葫芦,示意此人爱好喝酒。 ●闻仲,杨戬画有三眼,来源于古典传说。 ●巨灵神,金钱豹有多张脸,突出其神鬼妖特色。 ●杨七朗额头有一繁体“虎”字,显示其勇猛无敌。 ●赵匡胤的龙眉表示为真龙天子。 ●雷公脸谱中有一雷电纹。 ●姜维额头画有阴阳图,表示神机妙算。 ●夏侯惇眼眶受过箭伤,故画上红点表示。 ●窦尔墩,典韦等人的脸谱上有其最擅长的兵器图案。 ●王延章头画蛤蟆,表示是水兽转世。 ●赵公明面画金钱,表示自己是财神爷。 ●北斗星君画七星图于额上。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
衣:是以上四类 服装之外所有服 装的总称。又可 分为长衣、短衣、 专用衣及配件。 一般情况是身份 高者穿长衣,身 份低者穿短衣
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 丑角的化妆根据人物的身份、年龄、性格、行为的不 同和差异,也逐渐形成了一套完整的、系统的脸谱, 如腰子型粉脸、圆形粉脸、枣核型粉脸、筝型粉脸、 元宝型粉脸、丑老脸、丑破脸以及碎脸、揉脸和象形 脸等。其中最典型的是方巾丑,脸部中央用白粉勾画 —幅“豆腐块儿”型的白粉脸,因此观众一看见这块“豆 腐块儿”就知道这个演员是丑角。
With the improving quality of life as well as life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
彩色化妆。这种脸部化妆主要用于净(花脸)和丑 (小丑)。它在形式、色彩和类型上有一定的格式。 内行的观众从脸谱上就可以分辨出这个角色是英雄 还是坏人,聪明还是愚蠢,受人爱戴还是使人严 恶。 京剧那迷人的脸谱在中国戏剧无数脸部化妆中 占有特殊的地位。京剧脸谱以“象征性”和“夸张 性”著称。它通过运用夸张和变形的图形来展示角 色的性格特征。
帔:是帝王将 相、高级官吏、 富绅秀才及眷 属在非正式场 合穿用的便服
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society