高二英语《Unit 7 Living with disease-Reading》课件 新人教版


高中英语第二册上Unit07 Living with disease -Reading04 ppt

高中英语第二册上Unit07 Living with disease -Reading04 ppt

infected with HIV every day.
Para. 5 Para. 6 Para. 7
How does a person live with AIDS and how do others deal with a person living with AIDS.
Step4 Practice
Can they transmit AIDS?
Can they transmit AIDS?
Q: What is the best way to show that you care about AIDS patients?
A: Giving an AIDS patient a hug.
Main idea :
AIDS is a disease that (1)_____ the body's immune system. HIV, the virus which causes AIDS, can be transmitted (2) _____unprotected sex, infected blood transfusions or at birth. There are millions of people who (3) ___AIDS every year. There is no cure (4) ______for the disease and AIDS patients have to deal with the fact that they might die young. Unfortunately, a deadly disease such as AIDS also frightens others. All too often, people treat AID patients (5)____ they were bad or dangerous.

高二英语上学期第七单元Living with disease

高二英语上学期第七单元Living with disease

教材指导人教版高二unit 7 Living with disease第七单元患病的生活【Part 1 Background Knowledge 背景知识】目前全球艾滋病病毒感染者总数为4200多万人,我国艾滋病病毒感染人数已达100万人。


联合国第15个“世界艾滋病日”提出了“相互关爱,共享生命”(liveand let live)的主题。


The origin and spread of AIDSMany scientists think, the virus which causes AIDS did jump from theAfrican Green Monkey. While it is difficult to determine precisely whenand where the first case of Aids or HIV infection occurred in Africa,retrospective(追溯的) studies on the frequency of certain clinical diseasesas sentinel markers of AIDS indicate that there was a marked increase incases in Africa during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Africa in thelate 1970’s was a continent in social transition. Because of poverty in ofthe countryside and the growth of cities in the country at the same time,there was large shift in populations, which caused the fast spread of thedisease once it had arrived in the bloodstream of the first human being.Some of the very“earliest”cases of a disease, which became known in 1981as AIDS, were occurring in central Africa in the “AIDS Belt” of Uganda,Rwanda, Zaire(扎伊尔) and Tanzania.The most agreed-upon(一致同意的) date as to the identity of“Patient O”in Westis June 5, 1981. It was on that date that the Mortality(死亡率) andMorbidity(发病率) Weekly Report, published by the United States GovernmentHealth Statistics Branch of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta,Georgia, first publi shed the identity of a disease in which “thepossibility of a cellular-immune(细胞免疫的) dysfunction(机能障碍) related to acommon exposure” was printed. The disease came to be known within a fewmonths as AIDS.AIDS is truly a disease of modern times. Some say that it made itsappearance at this time in history mainly because the world has become somuch smaller due to transportation and the migration of people from oneplace to another. That proposal has a lot of truth to it. Especially indeveloping countries, great numbers of people are forced to travel fromtheir simple rural lives to the great cities where alcohol, drugs, andprostitution(卖淫) cause epidemics(流行) of certain illnesses, mostparticularly, AIDS.许多科学家认为,导致艾滋病的病毒来自非洲的青猴。

大纲版高二英语 上 Unit 7 Living with disease reading 教学课件 (共18张PPT).pptx

大纲版高二英语 上 Unit 7 Living with disease reading 教学课件 (共18张PPT).pptx

Since the first case was discovered in 1981, nearly 27 million have died of AIDS.
Red Ribbon----an international symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness
If it is the only thing you do for World AIDS Day, wear the Red Ribbon on 1st Dec.
People get AIDS after having beeni_n_fe_c_t_e_d__w_it_hHIV, the virus
that causes the disease. There
are millions of people who
d_i_e_o_f__ AIDS every year.
Name:_X__ia_o_h_u_a_____ Age:__1_2___________
The place she lives:_a_p_r_o_v_i_n_c_e_in__S_o_u_t_h_C__h_in__a
Her personalities: __h_a_p_p_y,_f_r_ie_n_d_l_y_,_k_in_d___he title of the text called “Born Dying”?
Because the text is about a girl who was born dying with AIDS. 2. What kind of disease is AIDS ?
everyone else. 8. It is safe to be friends with people who are

高二英语教案:高二英语上学期第七单元Living with disease

高二英语教案:高二英语上学期第七单元Living with disease

教材指导人教版高二unit 7 Living with disease第七单元患病的生活【Part 1 Background Knowledge 背景知识】目前全球艾滋病病毒感染者总数为4200多万人,我国艾滋病病毒感染人数已达100万人。


联合国第15个“世界艾滋病日”提出了“相互关爱,共享生命”(liveand let live)的主题。


The origin and spread of AIDSMany scientists think, the virus which causes AIDS did jump from theAfrican Green Monkey. While it is difficult to determine precisely whenand where the first case of Aids or HIV infection occurred in Africa,retrospective(追溯的) studies on the frequency of certain clinical diseasesas sentinel markers of AIDS indicate that there was a marked increase incases in Africa during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Africa in thelate 1970’s was a continent in social transition. Because of poverty in ofthe countryside and the growth of cities in the country at the same time,there was large shift in populations, which caused the fast spread of thedisease once it had arrived in the bloodstream of the first human being.Some of the very“earliest”cases of a disease, which became known in 1981as AIDS, were occurring in central Africa in the “AIDS Belt” of Uganda,Rwanda, Zaire(扎伊尔) and Tanzania.The most agreed-upon(一致同意的) date as to the identity of“Patient O”in Westis June 5, 1981. It was on that date that the Mortality(死亡率) andMorbidity(发病率) Weekly Report, published by the United States GovernmentHealth Statistics Branch of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta,Georgia, first published the identity of a disease in which “thepossibility of a cellular-immune(细胞免疫的) dysfunction(机能障碍) related to acomm on exposure” was printed. The disease came to be known within a fewmonths as AIDS.AIDS is truly a disease of modern times. Some say that it made itsappearance at this time in history mainly because the world has become somuch smaller due to transportation and the migration of people from oneplace to another. That proposal has a lot of truth to it. Especially indeveloping countries, great numbers of people are forced to travel fromtheir simple rural lives to the great cities where alcohol, drugs, andprostitution(卖淫) cause epidemics(流行) of certain illnesses, mostparticularly, AIDS.许多科学家认为,导致艾滋病的病毒来自非洲的青猴。

高二英语Unit7 Living with disease Reading 人教版

高二英语Unit7 Living with disease Reading 人教版

1.( F) People will die immediately after they get AIDS. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive a few years after they get the disease. 2.( T) In Xiaohua’s case, HIV spreads through birth. 3.( F) The disease is spreading fast in America & parts of Asia. The disease is spreading fast in Africa & parts of Asia. 4.( T) Among those who have AIDS, the young suffers the most. 5.( F) Xiaohua knows that she will die soon and let that knowledge discourage her. She does not let the knowledge discourage her. 6.( T) Xiaohua’s dream is to become a doctor to help those AIDS patients.
Para. 1
Para. 2
A.What’s AIDS? B.Who is Xiaohua?
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Para. 6
C.Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day. D.How do people get AIDS? E.What kind of life does Xiaohua live? F.Learn to live with HIV. G.AIDS patients have to deal with people’s fear of the disease.



Useful expressions
Supporting an opinion Challenging an opinion
I think that…, because… First,…
Perhaps, but what if /about…? Have you thought about…?
One reason is that…
• Today, 40 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. Of these, 37 million are adults and 2.5 million are children under 15. • During 2003, AIDS caused the deaths of an estimated 3 million people, including 2.5 million adults and 500,000 children under 15.
•AIDS has turned into the modern holocaust(大屠杀), destroying lives left and right. Anyone can be infected by HIV and get AIDS. They could be our parents, our children, our brothers and sisters. They could be our friends and neighbors. They could be just like you and me. •Everyone should learn all they can about AIDS. We should learn about effective prevention. We should support others who are victims of this insidious disease. We should get involved in efforts aimed at finding a cure. We should do all we can to stop AIDS


Unit 7
Living with disease
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除非老师发问时,举起右边的一只,否则不轻易改变;幼儿园的学生则喜欢把手背在后面,室外活动时除外。 ▲中国的学生喜欢早起,7点钟之前,在中国的大街上见到最多的是学生,并且他们喜欢边走路边用早点。 ▲中国学生有一种作业叫“家庭作业”,据一位中国老师解 释,它的意思是学校作业在家庭的延续。 ▲中国把考试分数最高的学生称为学习最优秀的学生,他们在学期结束时,一般会得到一张书,其他人则没有。 在报告的结论部分,他们是这么写的:中国的学生是世界上最勤奋的,在世界上也是起得最早、睡得最晚的;他们的学习成 绩和世界上任何一个国家的同年级学生比较,都是最好的。可以预测,再用20年的时间,中国在科技和文化方面,必将把美国远远地甩在后面。25年过去了,两家的预言都错了。 每个孩子都拥有独特的天赋。中国的学校只承认一种,那就是把课堂上灌输给他们的知识写在试卷上的 天赋。美国的学校则承认孩子各有各的天赋,并且在教育中让他们竭力张扬他们的天赋。 要想使预言不再出错,要想使中国的每一个孩子都有个好的前程,现在中国父母惟一要做的,也许不是帮助学校把他们的考分再提高一些,而是保护自己孩子的天赋不再受侵害。 96、鼓励 的魅力 理发师带了个徒弟,徒弟学艺几个月后正式上岗了。他给第一位顾客理完发,顾客照照镜子说:“头发留得太长。”徒弟不语。师傅在一旁笑着解释:“头发长,使您显得含蓄,这叫深藏不露,很符合您的身份。”顾客听罢,高兴而去。 徒弟给第二位顾客理完发,顾客 照照镜子说:“头发剪得太短。”徒弟无言。师傅又笑着解释:“头发短,使您显得利索、朴实、厚道,让人感到亲切。”顾客听了,满意而去。 徒弟给第三位顾客理完发,顾客笑着说:“花的时间挺长的。”徒弟不知该怎么接话。师傅笑道:“为‘首脑’多花点时间很有必要, 您没听说‘进门苍头秀士,出门白面书生’?”顾客听罢,大笑而去。 徒弟给第四位顾客理完发,顾客笑着说:“动作挺利索,15分钟就解决问题。”徒弟沉默不语。师傅笑着说:“如今,时间就是金钱,顶上功夫速战速决,为您赢得了宝贵的时间和金钱,您何乐而不为?”顾客 听了,满意告辞。 晚上,徒弟问师傅:“师傅,您为什么处处替我说话?反过来,我没有一次做对了。”师傅笑道:“每一件事都包含了两重性,有对有错,有利有弊。我之所以在顾客面前鼓励你,作用有二:对顾客来说,是讨人家喜欢,因为谁都爱听吉利的话;对你而言,既是 鼓励又是鞭策,因为万事开头难,我希望你以后把活做得更加漂亮。”徒弟很受感动,从此越发刻苦学艺。 97、生命之花 人这一辈子,常常会被许多普通的东西感动。 有一张摄影作品:晨雾中一位走街串巷的卖货老人,挑起满满一担货物,上路了。老人的脸上十分安详 ,还带着一丝淡淡的期待。照片的背景很暗,全部亮点聚焦在老人的神情和货物上。这样的光线处理,使老人显得很孤独,整个画面充斥着一种摄人的气息。照片的题目叫《小本生意》。 曾经看过许多描写普通人的作品,感动过,流泪过,但这浓缩于方寸之间的一幅小小影画,同 样对泪腺具有“杀伤力”。 在报纸上,我还看到过新华社发的一张传真照片。江西婺源县浙源乡庐坑村有一个铁匠,在一场意外事故中不幸折断了脊椎骨,下身失去了知觉。就这么一个残疾人却操起了老本行,继续干着正常人也觉得累的铁匠活。他趴在特制的床上,胸前垫一床薄 薄的被褥手里拿着铁锤,十多年来就这么一锤一锤地打,供养着两个孩子上学。记者给这幅照片取了一个名字:生命之花如此灿烂。 98、一美元别墅 《纽约时报》曾刊登一则广告,说某海滨城市有一幢豪华别墅公开出售,靠海、向阳、有花园草地,只售一美元。后面还留有联 系电话及别墅详细地址等等。广告连续刊登了一个月,无人问津。又刊登了一个月,还是无人问津。 一位老人在好奇心驱使下,按地址找到了这幢豪华气派的别墅。一个老太太开门让他进去,说:“没错,这幢别墅只售一美元!”老人大喜过望,掏出一美元,准备购下这幢别墅。 老太太指了指桌边一个正在签合同的人说:“对不起,他比你早到了一刻钟!”老人一下跌进了深深的懊悔之中,责怪自己为什么不早一点来! 原来,这幢别墅是老太太丈夫留下的遗产。在遗嘱中丈夫交待所有财产归老太太拥有,但这幢别墅出售后所得归自己的情人拥有。老太太 没想到自己深爱着的丈夫竟然会有情人,大怒之下将这幢豪华别墅以一美元出售,然后按法律规定将所得交给丈夫的情人。 有些看似不可思议的事情其实竟然简单而又合理,只是我们不相信自己的眼睛,因为我们看多了“假作真时真亦假”。有时,这种思维定势还真的让我们放弃 了很多东西。 99、态度 读书时代的一件事我印象很深——一次老师出了道数学难题,叫我和一名同学上讲台解答。我很快考虑好解答步骤,而那名同学还在那里凝神。为了表现一下聪明才智,我很得意地用粉笔在黑板上“刷刷刷”,三下五除二,就摆弄好了。这时,那名同学 还在一笔一画地写着。我很自豪,将粉笔头一扔,大摇大摆地回到座位。我和那位同学都答对了,但老师给的评语却大不相同。她指着黑板上我写的字说:“看看,急急忙忙,马马虎虎,这是做学问的严谨态度吗?在能力相当的情况下,做学问其实就靠一个人的态度了……”说实话,我 心中并不服气。我看重的是结果,而老师要的似乎还有过程。 多年后,我去应聘一个会计职位。由于有相关工作经历和较高的职称,我的竞争对手们纷纷落马,剩下一个其貌不扬的家伙与我一同参加最后的面试。单位的会计主管接待了我们,他拿出一堆账本,要我们统计一下某个 项目的年度收支情况。虽然只是“小儿科”,但我不敢懈怠,每个数字都牢牢把握,认真在算盘上加加减减。约一个小时左右,我完成任务了。10分钟后,竞争对手也收工了。会计主管拿着我们的“试卷”去老总办公室。 结果令我吃惊和恼火——我落聘了!为什么?会计主管回答 :“你没有做月末统计,而他不但做了,还做了季度统计。”我问:“不是要年度统计吗?”主管笑道:“是啊,但年度统计数据应该从每月合计中得到——这不算什么会计学问,但反映了做会计的严谨态度。也许你们能力相当,所以,我们最后要看的就是各人的态度了。” 那以 后,“态度”一词在我心中生了根——同样的能力,在不同的态度下,会导致完全不同的未来。态度也许是另一种能力,有时比能力更重要。 ? 100、机会只有三秒 她名牌大学毕业,却找不到工作,好不容易找了份戏剧编剧助理的工作,累死累活干了3个月,只拿到一个月的工资, 于是炒了老板的鱿鱼。开始游荡,帮人写短剧,写电影,只要按时收到钱就好,前途茫茫,她希望发生奇迹。 一次机缘巧合,她就聘到电视台一个节目当了编剧。半年后,一次在制作节目时,制作人不知为什么突然大发雷霆,说了句“不录了”就走了。几十个工作人员全愣在那儿 ,不知怎么办?主持人对她说:“下面的我们自己录吧!” 3秒钟后,她拿起制作人丢下的耳机和麦克风。那一刻,她清楚地对自己说:“这一次如果成功了,就明你不仅是一个只会写写小剧本的小编剧,还可以是一个掌控全场的制作人,所以不能出丑!” 慢慢地,她开始做 执行制作人,当时,像她那个年纪的女生做制作人的情况相当罕见。几年后,这个小女生成了三度获得金钟奖的王牌制作人,接着一手制作了红得一塌糊涂的电视剧《流星花园》,被称为台湾偶像剧之母。 回首往事,柴智屏爽直地说:“机会只有3秒,就是在别人丢下耳机和麦克风的时 候,你能捡起它。” ? 2011高考作文素材2(200则) 101、给生命加压 一艘货轮在空船返航途中,在浩淼的大海上,突然遭遇特大风暴。 货轮在暴风雨中不停地摇晃着、颠簸着,水手们惊惶失措,只有老船长镇静地指挥着:“打开所有货舱,立刻往里面灌水。” 水手们 更加不安和不解:“往船里灌水不是自找死路吗?” 船长镇定地说:“大家见过根深干粗的树被暴风刮倒过吗?被刮倒的是没有根基的小树。” 水手们半信半疑地照着做了。虽然暴风巨浪依旧那么激烈,但随着货舱里的水位越来越高,货轮渐渐平稳了。 船长告诉那些松 了一口气的水手:“一只空木桶,是很容易被风打翻的,如果装满水负重了,风是吹不倒的。船在负重的时候,是最安全的;空船时,才是最危险的时候。” 102、最不后悔的活法 泰莱是纽约曼哈顿区的一位神父。 那天,教区医院里一位病人生命垂危,他被请过去主持临 终前的忏悔。他到医院后听到这样一段话:“仁慈的上帝!我喜欢唱歌,音乐是我的生命,我的愿望是唱遍美国。作为一名黑人,我实现了这个愿望,我没有什么要忏悔的,现在我只想说,感谢您,您让我愉快地度过了一生,并让我用歌声养活了我的6个孩子。正在我的生命就要结束了 ,但死而无憾。仁慈的神父,现在我只想请您转告我的孩子,让他们做自己喜欢做的事吧,他们的父亲是会为他们骄傲的。” 一个流浪歌手,临终时能说出这样的话,让泰莱神父感到非常吃惊,因为这名黑人歌手的所有家当,就是一把吉他。他的工作是每到一处,就把头上的帽子 放在地上,开始唱歌。40年来,他如痴如醉,用他苍凉的西部歌曲,感染他的听众,从而换取那份他应得的报酬。 黑人的话让神父想起5年前曾主持过的一次忏悔。那是位富翁,他的忏悔竟然和这痊黑人流浪汉差不多。他对神父说,我喜欢赛车,我从小研究它们、改进它们、经营它 们,一辈子都都没有离开过它们。这种工作和爱好难分、闲暇与兴趣结合的生活,让我非常满意,并且从中还赚取了大笔的钱,我没有什么要忏悔的。 白天的经历和对对那位富翁的回忆,让泰莱神父陷入思索。当晚,他给纽约时报去了一封信。信里写道:“人应该怎样度过自己的 一生才不会留下悔恨呢?我想也许做到两条就够了。第一条,做自己喜欢的事;第二条,想办法从中赚到钱。” 后来,泰莱神父的这两条生活信条,成了美国人公认的最不后悔的活法。 103、散步 一个月夜,上帝给我一个任务,叫我牵一只蜗牛去散步。 我不能走得 太快,因为蜗牛走得太慢了。我催促它,责备它,恫吓它……蜗牛依然不紧不慢,

高中英语第二册上Unit 7 Living with disease--篇章分析

高中英语第二册上Unit 7 Living with disease--篇章分析

Unit 7 Living with disease篇章分析1. The analysis of the text structureIn the first paragraph the writer stimulates our reading interest by using “happy, smile, like” compared with “living and dying with AIDS”. It is a successful beginning.Then, in the second and third paragraphs the writer introduces to us what AIDS is and what HIV is. The writer shows us the attitudes towards AIDS, not only of the AIDS patients themselves, their parents, friends or relatives, but also of the whole society. All three aspects are described vividly and concretely.2. Retell the textTask 1: Read the text Born Dying . Answer the following questions and then retell the text.(1). What is AIDS? AIDS is ________________________________.(2). What would happen to most AIDS patients? They manage ______________________.(3). In what ways can HIV spread? _________________________.(4). What happened to Xiao Hua’s parents? ____________________________.(5). How is the situation in other countries? _______________________.(6). What did Xiao Hua decided to do though she was badly ill? ________________.(7). What are the wrong attitude towards AIDS patients?___________________(8). What should everyone do to help the AIDS patients? ____________________.Task 2: Ask some students to retell the text.Notes:(1). Try to use the answers above.(2). Try to use your own words.(3). About 100 words.One possible exampleXiao Hua, a girl of 15, has been infected with HIV since she was born. When she was three years old when her mother died of AIDS, leaving her father taking care of her.Like Xiao Hua, many children in the world become infected with HIV every day. There is little hope for them to survive long. Though she knows she can’t live long, she still decides to do something to help other AIDS patients. She wishes people realize that AIDS is not so terrible and she says the most dangerous thing is that many people know little about it. She believes life is beautiful though hers is not so beautiful.3. Moral Education 德育渗透★Mishaps are like knives that either serve us as we grasp them by the handle or cut us as we grasp them by the blade.---James Russell Lowell灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手。



1.Pre-reading questions
1. In what ways does AIDS Spread?
(1)unprotected Sex (2)unfected blood transfusions (3)through birth
2. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?
6.What is the best way to show that you care about AI.a lack of: absence or shortage (of sth. that is needed) e.g. The poor girl felt lonely because of a lack of care.
She’s suffering from loss of memory.
1.What do you think you would do if you were Xiao Hua? How would you feel?
2.How should we act towards people who have
Unit 7
Living with disease
光妹妹一边说着一边变成长着怪异嘴唇的灰蓝色超级碎玉追了上去……桑斯玻爱杀手见月光妹妹快要追上,又急忙变成长着离奇牙齿的水青色古怪果冻朝东南方向飞去……月 光妹妹笑道:“嘻嘻!又换一套马甲,我也把从远古时代积压下来卖不出去的存货拿出来让你们瞧瞧……”月光妹妹一边说着一边变成长着怪异脑袋的锅底色超级闪电追了上
The project had to be abandoned for lack of funds. 2.cheer…up (cause sb. to) become happier or more cheerful e.g. Try and cheer up a bit; life isn’t that bad!

人教版高二Unit 7 Living with diseases要点综述

人教版高二Unit 7 Living with diseases要点综述

Unit7 Living with diseases I. Listeing & Speaking1 be/becom/ get infected with被…感染,染上……病2 there be.. doing There are two girls laughed at him.(F) There are two girls laughing at him (T)there be… left有…剩下3 cure sb. of 治愈某人的…病,该掉某人的…恶习a cure for…的一种治疗方法4 persuade sb. to do sth.说服/劝服某人做某事 persuade sb. not to do sth. 说服/劝服某人不做某事persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服/劝服某人做某事 persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服/劝服某人不做某事persuade用过去时态或完成时态表示已经说服/劝服了,已成功没成功用try to persuade sb… 或 advise sb. to do sth.等manage to do sth设法做成某事,用过去时态或完成时态表示已做成某事(try 仅表示作出努力)was/ were able to do sth.或has/ have been able to do sth.表有此能力并已做成某事(can 仅表有此能力,未必能成功)相当于(succeed in doing sth. “做成某事”的过去式或完成式。

)5 explain sth. to sb.向某人解释某事 explain to sb. that向某人解释说…II. Reading1 break down1) 破坏,瓦解,分解 2) (车辆,机器等)坏了 3)(身体,精神)垮了break sth. down into…把分解成……2 leave(见U3)3 alive活着的 1 作表语 be alive还有气,还没死2后置定语 one of the best writers alive活着的最伟大的作家之一3补语keep sb./ sth. alive使某人/某物存活 catch sb./ sth. alive活捉某人/某物 be caught alive,被活捉living 活着的 1 作表语 be living 还健在2前置定语 one of the best living writers 活着的最伟大的作家之一living things生物live活着的作前置定语,主要修饰动物 a live fish活鱼(living还可表示“现代的,现存的,现行的” a living language live还可表示“现场(直播)的” a live show)4 under treatment正在治疗中 under repair正在修理中 under construction正在建设中under discussion正在讨论中 under attack遭到攻击 under fire from all sides受到来自各方面的严厉批评5 die of(死于年老/情感/饥饿/疾病) die from(死于其他原因,也可用于死于疾病) die for(为…而死)be dying垂死 be dying for sth.想某物想得要死 be dying to do sth非常想做某事6 I can’t buy the car because I lack(vt.) money.( because后面接原因状语从句 )I can’t buy the car because of my lack(n.) of money.( because of后面接原因状语 )I got angry because of his words= what he said.(what he said在of后面作介词的宾语从句)7 cheer (…) up(使)感到振奋/高兴8 be to do sth按计划或安排做某事“将” They are to go travelling in July.表示命令或指示“必须,应该” She is to be back before 11.必定/注定以后要发生某事As a young man, he didn’t know he was to become famous later on.构成系表结构表示目的或解释主语的内容The prize was to honour him for his great discovery.Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”.9 suffer vi. 因…而受苦 He suffered greatly from lack of rest. 患…病suffer from cancervt.受痛苦,受损害 suffer pain/hunger/ punishment suffer great losses10情态动词与某些结构连用会给答题带来负面影响1 He spent as much time as he could going over his lessons.=He spent as much time as he could/ as much time as possible (in) going over his lessons.( spend time/ money (in) doing sth.) ( as… as possible= as… as one can)2 The doctor said he would do anything he could to save the boy.= The doctor said he would do anything he could in order/ so as to save the boy.=(do what sb. can to do sth. = do all /everything/ anything/ (that) sb. can to do sth.尽某人所能做某事)类似于do/ try one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事 to表示目的11as…as “和…一样” 否定为not as/ so…as “不如/不及”as long as和…一样长;长达 as far as和…一样远;远到,直到 as many as 和…一样多;多达as high as和…一样高;高达 as early as和…一样早;早在 as wide as和…一样宽;宽达as/ so…as结构还有其他意思如:as/so long as只要 so far as就…; 尽…(表示程度,范围)as/ so far as I know就我所知as/ so far as I see据我看as/ so far as possible/ one can尽可能12 注意:hope和wish作为动词的异同:①hope to do sth. = wish to do sth .②有wish sb. to do sth.结构,无hope sb. to do sth.结构③hope that+从句表示可以实现的愿望 wish that+从句表示难以实现的愿望(常用虚拟语气)④wish祝愿 wish sb. +n./ adj I wish you good luck/ lucky .hope祝愿 hope that从句 I hope you will have good luck.13 as if“似乎,好像”。



人教版高二 Unit 7 Living with disease2A Unit 7 Reading Born dyingLiu Yan, Fengtai No.2 Middle SchoolTeaching aims:1. Help the students have a good understanding of the text, andenable them to talk about AIDS.2. Help the students get to know how to protect themselves from being infected and the attitude they should take towards people with AIDS.Teaching aids: worksheet, multi-mediaTeaching procedure:Step I: Lead in:1.Ss look at the picture on Page 51 and get to know the girl is suffering from AIDS.AIDS---disease---incurable---dying2. Ss tell what they want to know about AIDS.What is AIDS?Hoe does AIDS spread?How do people get infected with it?How do people prevent AIDS?How does a person live with AIDS?Can we contact with people with AIDS?What kind of attitude should we take towards AIDS sufferers?Step II: Fast-reading:Ss do skimming to find out the answer to the following questions:What is AIDS?How does AIDS spread?Step III: While-reading1. Ss read the text and do “True or False ” exercises to get to know the situation in the world:1) Only in the year of 2002, there were 800,000 children who are younger than 15 years old infected with AIDS.2) A lack of proper health care, prevention and education is the main cause of the fast spreading of AIDS in America.3) There are not available drugs to cure AIDS patients at all.2. Ss do multiple choices to see the attitude people take towards AIDS patients:1) The sentence “The di sease is not the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from” means _____.A. they also suffer from other diseases such as cancerB. the only thing they suffer from is AIDSC. they are afraid that they are dyingD. people’s fear of the disease is ano ther thing they suffer from2) When people meet Xiaohua, their actions show that _____.A. they know she is dyingB. they don’t know what deeds she has doneC. they don’t know how she got infectedD. they know the disease is incurable3) People’s not knowi ng much about AIDS is the most dangerous thing, because _____.they will shake hands with AIDS sufferersB. they will not know how to protect themselvesC. they support AIDS research and education a lotD. they don’t do anything to hurt AIDS patients3. Ss read the text individually then answer the questions:1) Do you think Xiaohua is different from other AIDS patients?2) If yes, what are the differences?( She has her wishes, decisions, and deeds.)4. Complete the chart with some key words from the text:About XiaohuaWishesDecisionsDeedsAttitudeSummary: From her decisions we know that Xiaohua’s attitude to herself is optimistic, and her deeds shows that her attitude to other AIDS patients is friendly and warm.Step IV: Post-reading:(Ss choose one of the following tasks. After practicing, some present theirs in class.)Task 1. Ss have a discussion about the following:1.What do you think we should do about the disease--- AIDS?2. What will you do on December 1st?Task 2. Do pair work to make a dialogue:Suppose you meet Pu Cunxin or Xiaohua on December 1st. You want very much to know something more about AIDS. Then you go over to have a talk with one of them. You can ask any questions you care about.Step V. Summary:Today, after reading the text we learn something about AIDS, and get to know what we should do about it. Then our actions would be more reasonable.Homework: On December 1st, you will make a speech about how toprotect people from being infected with AIDS in the street to the passers-by. Please write down what you are going to say. (60-80words)Blackboard designUnit 7 Reading Born dyingAIDS---disease----incurable---dyingXiaohua’s attitude to herself --- optimisticXiaohua’s attitude to other patients --- friendly, warm People’s attitude to AIDS patients ---。

大纲版高二英语 上 Unit 7 Living with disease reading 教学课件 (共18张PPT)

大纲版高二英语 上 Unit 7 Living with disease reading 教学课件 (共18张PPT)
People get AIDS after they have been infected with HIV
4. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV? AIDS is a disease and HIV is a virus.
5. How do people transmit HIV / AIDS ? People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.
People get AIDS after having beeni_n_fe_c_t_e_d__w_it_hHIV, the virus
that causes the disease. There
are millions of people who
d_i_e_o_f__ AIDS every year.
UUnint i7t 7 Living with disease Living with disease
What is December 1st special for?
Each year, more than 5 million people become infected with HIV.
No, she was not discouraged. She has decided to use the limited time to help others.
11. What does she do to help others? 1) She spends much of her time telling others about her disease and encouraged people to learn how to protect themselves. 2) She goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.

高中英语第二册上Unit07 Living with disease -Reading01 ppt

高中英语第二册上Unit07 Living  with disease -Reading01 ppt

5: What kind of life does
Xiaohua live?
listen carefully: read Para.5
listen carefully: read Para.6
6: Is the disease the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from?
1、 False False 2、 False 3、 True 4、 True 5、
5.Xiao Hua has hardly any hope to survive.
The main idea of the passage
This passage mainly tells us________. C A. how terrible AIDS is
What’s wrong with her?
Speed Reading for general idea
Para. 1 A. Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day. B. How do people get AIDS? C. What’s AIDS? D. AIDS patients have to deal with people’s fear of the disease. E. Who is Xiaohua? F. Learn to live with HIV. Para. 7 G. What kind of life does Xiaohua live?
Post reading: 1.What’s the difference between AIDS and HIV? HIV is the virus ___ that causes AIDS.

高二英语上 Living with diseaseReading旧人教版

高二英语上 Living with diseaseReading旧人教版

Unit 7 Living with diseasesReading Born DyingTeaching aimsKnowledge and skills1.Learn the followingWords defenseless, illness, treatment, unprotected, sex, lack, proper, discourage, network, specialistPhrases live with, break down, , be/become infected with, the total number of, a lack of, cheer up, suffer from, deal with, persuade sb to do sthSentencesA.I wish I could remember more about my mum.I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.B.If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.2.Train the students’ reading abilities and skills.Methods and procedures1.Fast reading 2.careful reading 3.asking and answering4.pair work and group workEmotion, attitude and view of valueLet the students know some knowledge about AIDS, and set up a right view of life. Enable the students to reduce their fear of the disease andshow their love to AIDS patients.Teaching important points:1.Learn the following words and phraseslive with, break down, , be/become infected with, the total number of,a lack of, cheer up, suffer from, deal with, persuade sb to do sth2.Understand the text.Teaching difficult points:How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially some sentences used in the Subjunctive mooD.Teaching procedures:Step one:leading—inOpen your books at page 51and look at the title Born Dying. Who can explain it in English ?(right)Scan the passage, who is mentioned in the passage?Step two:Careful readingRead this passage and answer these questions1.What kind of person is Xiaohua ?what happened to her ?2.What is AIDS ?How long do most people who have AIDS live?3.How do people transmit AIDS ?How does Xiaohua get AIDS ?4.What situation is AIDS spreading ?5.W hat has Xiaohua done after she knew her disease ?6.Is the disease the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from ?What7.How is Xiaohua trying to change this ?8.What is Xiaohua’s attitude to her life ?Now read the passage again and tell me the main idea of each paragraph Para1Introduce XiaohuaPara2About AIDSPara3The ways of transmitting AIDSPara4The situation of children and AIDSPara5/6 Xiaohua’s actionPara7 Xiaohua’s attitudeStep three:Language pointsNow find out the following phrases1.live with Tom lives with his grandparents.2.break down This disease break down his health/body.3.be/become infected with Xiaohua is infected with AIDS since shewas 3years olD.4.the total number of The total number of these books in thelibrary is as many as one hundred thousanD.5. a lack of She can’t buy the bike because of a lack of money.6.cheer up I encouraged Mary and cheers her up.7.suffer from She is suffering from a bad colD.8.deal with AIDS patients must deal with people’s fear of the9.persuade sb to do sth My mother persuaded me to work harD.Now please look at the two sentences1.I wish I could remember more about my mum.I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.2.If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.These are Subjunctive Mood which express an untrue situation. Please find their characteristics. (let the students say out)Step four:DiscussionWhat should we do for AIDS patients like Xiaohua ?Step five:PracticeDo exercises 1and 2in the workbookStep six:Summary and homeworkIn this class we’ve not only learnt more about AIDS but also learnt how to act towards people who have AIDS. We should call on all the people to fight against AIDS. After class please read the passage more times in order to understand it better.Step seven:The design of the writing on the blackboardStep eight:Record after teaching。

Unit 7 Living with disease reading(新课标版高二英语下册教案教学设

Unit 7 Living with disease reading(新课标版高二英语下册教案教学设

Unit 7 Living with disease reading(新课标版高二英语下册教案教学设计)整理--------ReadingTeaching aims: 1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:defenseless break down manage to illness treatment unprotected sex lack proper available discourage cheer up network as if specialist2.Improve the students reading ability.Teaching important points: Learn the following sentence structure: Her mother didn’t know … until Xiaohua was born.I wish I could remember more about my mum.If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.Teaching difficult points:“if”和“wish”引导的虚拟语气Teaching aids: tape recorderTeaching methods: Fast reading .Careful reading; DiscussionTeaching procedures:Step 1 Revision1. Ask some Ss to act out their speaking dialogues.2. Ask the students to discuss things could be done to solve the problems they have discussed.Step 2 Reading1. Pre-reading Sample answers to the questions:(1) What is AIDS? What is HIV?(2) How do people get AIDS?(3) What happens to people who have AIDS?(4) What can be done to cure or help people who have AIDS?(5) How did the person get AIDS?(6) How does the person feel about having AIDS?(7) Is the person able to live a normal life?(8) How do her friends and family feel about her disease?(9) When did the person get AIDS?2. Fast-reading : Read the text as fast as possible and try to answer the questions in pre-reading.3. Careful-reading(1) Reading for detail and tell the main points of each paragraph.Parag1: Xiaohua is a person living with AIDS.Parag2: What is AIDS?Parag3: How do people get AIDS?Parag4: Many children become infected with AIDS.Parag5: Since there is little hope for Xiaohua, she decides to use the limited time to do something to help others.Parag6 and 7: Xiaohua helps AID patients and tries to change people’s attitude to them.(2) Retell the text using about 100 words.Step 3 Post-readingStep 4 Language points1. dying adj. 临死的,即将死亡的eg. I’m afraid she is dying.Generally speaking, women live longer than men.2. break down (机器等的)损坏,坏了;身体垮了,感情掌握不住;使…分解,瓦解eg. We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down.His health has broken down completely.She broke down with a sob.Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.3. leave: cause or allow sb/sth to remain in a certain conditions, place, etc.使…处于某种状态eg. Don’t leave the window open.4. transmit 传播;传染eg. Rubber doesn’t transmit electricity.5. die of 因(疾病,情感,饥寒,年老等)而死die from 因(外伤,虚弱,过度劳累,饮食过度等)而死eg. The old man died of hunger and cold.Linda died of disappointed love.The engineer died from overwork.The child died from weakness.6. wish 后接宾语从句时,多用虚拟语气eg. I wish I were a bird.How I wish I had been to Beijing.I wish you would be back soon.7. lack n.缺乏,短缺v. 缺乏,缺少eg. The project had to be abandoned for lack of founds.She is lacking in common sense.8. available adj. of things that can be used or obtained.可用的,可得到的eg. Tickets are available at the box office.9. cheer sb up : cause ab to become happier or more cheerfuleg. Try and cheer up a bit; life isn’t that bad.10. if as if 引导的虚拟语气eg. If I were you, I would go at once.If you have come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.She look after the boy as if he were her own son.随堂练习:translate the following phrases:1.票房有票Tickets are available at the box office.2.由你负责预防森林火灾Prevention of forest fires is up to you.3.我唯恐她要死了。

高二英语unit 7 living with disease新人教版

高二英语unit 7 living with disease新人教版

Unit 7 Living with disease一周强化一、本单元重点单词与短语1.persuade vt. 说服;劝服;使某人相信(常与into, to或out of连用)。

例如:Try to persuade him to let us go with him.试着说服他让我们跟他一起去。

(persuade sb. to do sth.)Nothing would persuade him.没有什么能够说服他。

(persuade sb.)He persuaded the piece of wood into the little crack.他把木头慢慢地插入裂缝。

(比喻)(persuade sth. into sth.)Who persuaded you into writing the letter?谁劝你写那封信的?(persuade sb. into doing sth.)She can persuade him out of his foolish plans.她能劝他放弃那些愚蠢的计划。

(persuade sb. out of sth.)She persuaded me that she was telling the truth.她使我相信她说的是真话。

(使相信)How can you persuade us of your honesty?你怎么才能使人们相信你是诚实的呢?(persuade sb. of sth.使某人相信某事)注意:persuade sb. to do sth. 指成功地劝说某人去做某事。

advise sb. to do sth. 指建议某人去做某事,并不意味着结果成功与否。

例如:He persuaded me to give up my plan.在他的劝说下,我放弃了那个计划。

He advised me to give up my plan.他劝我放弃我的计划。

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Definition Years to live treatment Way of getting aids Transmitting ways Total number of infected children The most serious areas Reasons for the last question
Understand the title:
Born dying
Born dying means when a person is born, he/she is infected with AIDS and he/she is dying soon. He/she can’t grow as old as normal people.
story of a lovely girl…
How does the girl Look ?
What if she is a AIDS patient?
Born Dying
There are lots of children in the world who are facing dead when they are born…
Red Ribbon
What does it mean ?
It means people and ents more love and care ,understangding and support .
Can HIV be transmitted by...? using toilets or showers
Information about Xiao Hua
name age Coming place character Suffering from father mother Xiao Hua 12 A province in South China Happy; Smiles a lot and likes to talk to others AIDS AIDS patient, takes care of her AIDS patient, died when Xiao Hua was three
(G) Xiaohua helps AIDS patients and tries to change people’s attitude to them.
As an AIDS patient, what does Xiaohua do?
help others
Spends… telling…/encouraging… visit other AIDS patients to support them
A disease that …and… only a few years
Expensive and incurable
Having been infected with HIV
By having unprotected sex, through receiving infected blood transfusions or, by birth
cheer them up
What kind of life will Xiaohua live? She will live a beautiful life although her life is shorter than her friends.
1.What ‘s the full name of AIDS ? Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
2.What ‘s the full
name of HIV?
Humman Immunodeficiency Virus(病毒)
3.Which day is world AIDS DAY ? December 1st
丁一词,郭峰曲,陈彤编曲 什么时候.心情不再苍白,什么时候,叹息从这里走开,什 么时候,生命停泊在爱的港湾,让生活充满,充满各种的色彩。 是谁送来一片真心真爱,是谁让命运有了重新的安排。是谁牵起 人间真情走过风雨,让梦想走向走向明天的精彩。红丝带,飘动 的红丝带,红丝带,爱的呼唤;红丝带,飘动的红丝带,红丝带, 爱的期待。 是谁送来一片真心真爱,是谁让命运有了重新的安排。是谁 牵起人间真情走过风雨,让梦想走向走向明天的精彩。红丝带, 飘动的红丝带,红丝带,爱的呼唤;红丝带,飘动的红丝带,红 丝带,爱的期待。飘过高山、飘过大海、飘在蓝天、飘在心海, 飘过高山、飘过大海、飘在岁月、飘在未来。红丝带,飘动的红 丝带,红丝带,爱的呼唤,红丝带飘动的红丝带,红丝带,爱的 期待。
3.2 million
African and parts of Asia A lack of proper health care, prevention and education
Find out the main ideas of each paragraph.
Para 1.
Para 2. Para 3. Para 4. Para 5. Para 6. Para 7.
(A) what is AIDS (B) the channels of transmitting HIV (C) Many children become infected with AIDS.
(D) Xiaohua is a person living with AIDS. (E) Xiaohua’s attitude towards life (F) What Xiaohua does as a young AIDS patient
using public glasses and cups
swimming in a public pool
getting a mosquito bite
giving blood
Are they bad people ? Do they deserve it?
Today we will learn a