
开心英语五年级上册教案篇1教学目标:1.知识目标(1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog,duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda”。
教学步骤:Step 1: Warm-upa. Sing a song: "Teddy Bear"设计意图:课前唱英文歌曲,教师和学生一起演唱并配上相应的动作,用表情、动作、眼神和学生交流,使学生情绪兴奋,快速进入“角色”,全身心地准备学习的开始。
b. Free talk.设计意图:师生间的日常会话交流,培养学生用英语思维,用英语交际的能力。
c. Today we are going to learn some new words. Look, here comes a train(教师手拿一列小火车介绍).There are some numbers on it(手势指向各小组)。
Number 1 is for group 1; Number 2 is for group 2; Number3 is for group 3; Number4 is for group4.(教师拿出一面小红旗)If you do very well, you can get a red flag for your group. Lets see which group is the best. OK?(教师以手势鼓动学生回答:OK.)设计意图:小学生好胜心强,从开始就把竞争机制引入课堂,并贯穿于整堂课,大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,有利于学生完全投入到课堂活动中来。

(广东版)五年级英语上册教案unit9Unit 9 It was clean but it’s dirty now.The first periodTarget:Your bedroom was messy this morning.Is it tidy now? Yes, it is.My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now.Sounds and words: mouse, cow, south, and mouth, house, loud. --- / / Vocabulary: warm, wet, clean, tidy, cool, dry, dirty, messy.Materials: Picture cards, realia of a clean handkerchief/ cloth, a postcard with message, address and a stamp.Teaching procedure:Step1: Warming up: sing a song.Greetings.Revision: yesterday, what’s the weather like today?Step2:What’s the weather like today? It’s windy.T: In summer, is it hot? (Ss: Yes, it is. It’s hot.) T: So what about now? What’s the weather like today? (Ss: It’s warm.)(Teach warm) T: What about in fall? (Prompt cool)T: In spring, it’s often rainy. So we can say, it’s rainy. Look at the floor, it’s wet. (Teach wet) (In summer, prompt dry-----Pair workMake the desk messy, T: look at the desk, there are so many things, it’s messy. (Teach “messy”.) After do out the things, we can say, “It’s tidy now.” (Teach tidy)Take out a pair of new shoes, T: look! It’s a pair of new shoes. It’s clean. Two days later, it’s dirty.Pair works to practice the words.Step3:Listen to the song “what can we do?”Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. (Point to the picture on the left) Is this bedroom tidy? (Ss: No, it’s messy.) T: What can we do? (Ss: We can make it tidy.)T: (point to the picture on the right.) It was messy but now it’s tidy.Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung. Play again to have Ss practice singing. Step4: watch TV with conversation. Listen to the tape and read the story. (Play the tape and have Ss look at the pictures and dialogue in their books.)Put Ss into pairs to practice acting out the dialogue.Step5: Play a game.Step6: Homework: recite the new words.。

《(广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案《Unit 3》3》教学内容:本单元为广东版《开心英语》五年级上册的第三个单元,教学内容围绕日常生活用品展开,主要学习一些常见物品的英文名称和用法,如衣物、餐具、水果等。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握本单元所学的日常用品词汇,如衣物、餐具、水果等,并能正确运用这些词汇进行英语交流。
2. 能力目标:通过本单元的学习,学生能够提高英语听说能力,能够在日常生活场景中进行简单的英语对话。
3. 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生学习积极性,增强学生的自信心。
教学难点:1. 词汇的发音和记忆:本单元涉及到的日常用品词汇较多,学生需要花费一定的时间和精力来掌握这些词汇的发音和用法。
2. 句型的运用:学生在学习过程中需要掌握一些日常英语交流的句型,如询问、回答等,并能将这些句型灵活运用到实际场景中。
教具学具准备:1. 教师准备:教材、PPT、录音机、磁带、卡片等。
2. 学生准备:教材、笔记本、文具等。
教学过程:1. 导入:教师通过图片、实物等导入本单元的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 新课内容学习:教师引导学生学习本单元的日常用品词汇和句型,并通过讲解、示范、练习等方式帮助学生掌握这些知识。
3. 情境模拟:教师创设一些日常生活的情境,让学生运用本单元所学的词汇和句型进行模拟对话,提高学生的实际运用能力。
4. 巩固练习:教师设计一些练习题,让学生对本单元所学内容进行巩固和复习。
作业设计:1. 听力练习:学生听录音,完成相关的听力练习题。
2. 口语练习:学生运用本单元所学的词汇和句型进行口语练习,如模拟对话等。
3. 写作练习:学生根据本单元所学内容,写一篇关于日常用品的英语小作文。
课后反思:重点关注的细节:教学过程2. 新课内容学习:教师引导学生学习本单元的日常用品词汇和句型,并通过讲解、示范、练习等方式帮助学生掌握这些知识。
五年级上册unit3 Dates 教案

主备老师:林燕婷参与研讨老师:吴茜、张宗元主备老师:林燕婷参与研讨老师:吴茜、张宗元开心学英语五年级上册Unit3集体备课教案主备老师:林燕婷参与研讨老师:吴茜、张宗元开心学英语五年级上册Unit3集体备课教案主备老师:林燕婷参与研讨老师:吴茜、张宗元开心学英语五年级下册Unit3集体备课教案主备老师:林燕婷参与研讨老师:吴茜、张宗元程4.Listen and imitate.5.Pair work to read the reading.6.Exercise:fill in retell7.Read and write/Read and answer.plete the sentencesStep 3. Consolidation:More Reading and writing1.Learn how to express festivals.show the pictures of different festivals.T: What festival is it?2. Read and match.3. Listen, read and choose.4. Listen and imitate. Group work5. Exercise:Read and fill6. Read and write/Read and complete.7. Read and chooseStep 4. Summarize the whole unit by using mind map.Step 5. Homework .1.Writing .(“My mother’s/father’s birthday”)What can you do on your father/mother’s birthday.2. Make a mind map to Summarize the whole unit. 板书设计Unit 3 DatesWho’s birthday?When’s his/her birthday? Where to have the party ?What to do for the birthday?。

《(广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案《Unit 10》教案设计1》教学内容:本节课为广东版《开心英语》五年级上册第十单元,主题为《My Favourite Toys》。
教学目标:1. 让学生能够正确运用一般现在时态描述自己喜欢的玩具;2. 培养学生运用英语进行交流和表达的能力;3. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性;4. 培养学生合作学习和自主学习的习惯。
教学难点:1. 一般现在时态的运用;2. 描述和表达个人喜欢的玩具的句型结构;3. 询问和回答关于玩具的问题。
教具学具准备:1. 课本和教学PPT;2. 玩具模型或图片;3. 学生学习小组的分组准备。
教学过程:1. 引入话题:通过展示一些玩具模型或图片,引导学生谈论自己喜欢的玩具;2. 学习新知:讲解一般现在时态的运用,并让学生练习描述和表达个人喜欢的玩具;3. 小组活动:学生分成小组,进行角色扮演,模拟询问和回答关于玩具的问题;4. 巩固练习:通过PPT展示一些玩具图片,让学生用英语描述和表达;板书设计:1. 《My Favourite Toys》2. 内容:一般现在时态的运用;描述和表达个人喜欢的玩具的句型结构;询问和回答关于玩具的问题。
作业设计:1. 写一篇关于自己最喜欢的玩具的英语短文;2. 用英语询问和回答关于玩具的问题;3. 收集一些关于玩具的英语单词和短语。

《(广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案《Unit 5》教案设计1》教学内容:本节课为广东版《开心英语》五年级上册Unit 5,教学内容包括词汇、句型、日常用语以及相关的语法知识。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握本节课的生词和日常用语,能够熟练运用句型进行口语交流。
2. 能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行日常交流的能力,提高学生的听说读写综合运用能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生合作学习的精神,增强学生的自信心。
教学难点:1. 词汇的发音和记忆。
2. 句型的正确运用。
3. 语法知识的理解和运用。
教具学具准备:1. 教具:多媒体设备、教学课件、单词卡片、句型展示板。
2. 学具:学生用书、练习册、文具用品。
教学过程:1. 导入:通过图片、歌曲或日常对话等方式,引出本节课的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 新课内容展示:通过多媒体课件,展示本节课的生词、句型和日常用语,引导学生跟读、模仿,并进行现场演练。
3. 小组活动:学生分组进行角色扮演,运用本节课所学内容进行口语交流,教师巡回指导,纠正发音和语法错误。
4. 巩固练习:通过练习册或黑板上的练习题,检验学生对本节课内容的掌握程度,并进行讲解和答疑。
板书设计:1. 课程Unit 52. 重点词汇:学校、教室、图书馆、食堂、操场等。
3. 重点句型:What do you do in the school? I read books in the library.等。
4. 语法知识:一般现在时态的运用。
作业设计:1. 听力练习:听懂并模仿课文对话。
2. 口语练习:运用本节课所学句型和词汇进行口语交流。
3. 写作练习:根据课文内容进行仿写或创作。
课后反思:1. 教学过程中,学生的参与度和积极性如何?如何改进?2. 教学内容是否适当?是否需要调整?3. 教学方法是否有效?如何优化?4. 学生的学习效果如何?如何提高?5. 课后作业的布置是否合理?如何改进?重点关注的细节:教学过程1. 导入:为了激发学生的学习兴趣,导入环节应尽量吸引学生的注意力。
最新开心学英语五年级上册《unit 4 review 1》教案4.doc

广东版开心英语五年级上册教案Unit Four Review 1(The third period)Teaching objectivesReview of Unit One----Unit Three.Teaching key points1. How to make a greeting card.2. How to use the points to ask and answer.Teaching difficult pointsWriting the things on the card.Teaching aidsTeaching pictures cards some bags scissors envelopes pens glue stamps color pencilsTeaching ProceduresStep 1: Organization.1. Greetings.2. Sing a song: Do you have any staples?3. Free talk in groups.4. Check up two groups about their talking.Step 2: Review.1. Ask and answer to revise the points with real items.2. Have a short dictation of the words.Step 3: Presentation1. Telling the pupils how to do the Task, make sure that they can understand.2. Put different things in each bag.13. Get into groups and take a bag.4. Ask and answer about the things in the bag and write them down on the card.The pupils should say:What do we have? We have some……What do we need? We need some……Do we have any ……? No, we don’t. We need some……5. Talk to other groups. Find the things they need.We need some…… Do you have any……?6. Make their cards and see which group is the best.Step4: Practice and summary.1. Play a game: Guessing game.2. Do the exercises in the Writing Book.3. Ask several pupils write down the answer on the blackboard and check them up together.4. Ask some pupils to talk about the points of these units.5. The teacher make the summary of the points we have learned. Step 5: Homework1. Revise the points in these units.2. Have a dictation of the new words in these units at home.3. Get ready for the test.Blackboard Writing23。

(广东版)开心英语教案五年级上册Unit 3 What do you need ?The first periodObjectives and Requirements :Target : What do you have ? We have some sugar . Do we have any salt ? No , we don’t . We need some salt . Do we have any tofu ? No , we don’t . Weneed some tofu , too .Sounds and words : toys , noise , boys , soy sauce , boiling , coins ------[ ] Vocabulary: juice , rice , salt , sugar , meat , vegetables , tofu , fruit Materials : Picture Cards 17-24 , Tape , PC and 投影机Teaching procedure:Master four words about food ( rice , salt , meat , vegetables) and food ,need , cool . Pay more attention to the pronunciation of “vegetables” . The sentence of “what do we need?” and the answer : we need……1, Greeting :we can sing a song to begin our lesson .2, Before we learn the new lesson , let’s learn some new words first .Take out 4 pictures : rice , salt , meat , vegetables .Suppose it is time for lunch , it is 12 o’clock . (T : do the action of hungry ) Ask : Are you hungry ? (Ss: Yes , I am . )[ more practice]We are hungry , so what do we need ? (teach this word) need 需要, readafter the teacher until they can master . And answer the question: we needrice , meat and vegetables .Take out these 3 cards , teach them one by one . Then ask :what do we need ?( prompt the students---we need ____,___,___) Ask more students to practicemuch time . Prompt when we cook , we need___. (take out the card of salt)salt 盐. Read all the words carefully , try to remember more words , thencheck how many words they can master .3, 把words来分类:Meat, rice, vegetables -------food (let them master this word) 4, Homework: Recite the new wordsMake a short dialogue and talk to your partner, (just like the conversation)。

Unit One Come with me !Teaching objectives:1.Enable to master the new words and the new language structures ofthese units.2.Go over Student’s Book 43. Enable to describe and ask about possessions.4. Enable to ask about needs.4. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these units. Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils’ oral level.Teaching aids: Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on.Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit OneTeaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、By showing some pictures, the teacher lead out the new words“farmer”、“factory worker”、“aunt”、“uncle”、“cousin”、“calendar”、“dictionary”、“diary”one by one.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Let them practice reading and writing these words.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them use the sentence structure “Who’s he\she?” and “What is this ?”to practice these words in pairs.2、Ask some pairs to perform in the platform.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation, and the Review of Unit One.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Review while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Review.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities of Unit One Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、The teacher show the pictures on the blackboard, then point to a picture and ask: “What does she\he do ?” Let the pupils to answer. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.2、The teacher give instructions and let them to follow the instructions to draw on the pictures. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.五、Chant.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then teach them to chant: “What do you want to do?”.2、Let them chant with the tape.六、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice singing the song.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher draw a sun and let students try to read “sun”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s m eaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.5、Help them to see the pronunciation of the letters “th”.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read say and circle.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Read and copy down the new words.Unit 2 Do you have any glue ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Two.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher show students a pair of sciss ors and ask “What’s this?”. Let them try to answer and teach the word “scissors”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words“staples”、“stamps”、“evnelopes”、“paper clips”、“paper”、“tape”and“glue”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target of Unit TwoTeaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Song and the Activities of Unit Two. Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupils to match the words with the pictures, then check the answers.2、Show the picture on the blackboard and tell them how to do this activity, then let them do it in small groups.五、Song.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then sing after the tape: “Do you have any staples ?”.2、Let them practice singing in small groups.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Sing the song outside class.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently.Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with a cat and then ask and answer ,then repeat: “cat”.2、Lead them to read these two words for several times.3、Help them to see these two words’ meaning.4、Teach the rest words“pet”、“bat”、“rabbit”、“carrot”and“parrot”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 3 What do we need ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Three.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with juice and repeat: “juice”、“I like juice . Do you like juice?”2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help t hem to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in small groups.2、Call up some groups to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities.Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupil look at the picture and match the sentences. After checking the answers, let them practice reading the sentences.2、Let them play the turntable, then ask and answer question in pairs.五、Chant.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, after that, read the chant “What does he need?” after the tape.2、Let them read the chant in small groups.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice reading the chants.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words..Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture and repeat: “noise”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning by doing some actions.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant: “My favorite…” with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 4 Review 1Teaching content: Review One.Teaching aims: Revise and master the learn words from Unit One to Three. Teaching key points: Revise and master the learn words.Teaching difficult po ints: Develop the pupils’ s listening level.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Listen, look and match.1、Let the pupils listen to the tape and then match the pictures with the letters.2、Check the answers.三、Look, read, circle and match.1、Let the pupils choose the exact words and match them with the pictures, then say out the words.2、The teacher point to the pictures one by one, let the pupils to say out the words.四、Listen, look and circle.1、Let the pupils listen to the tape, then circle the right picture.2、Check the answers.五、Listen, read and circle and write the sentences.1、Let the pupils listen to the tape, then circle the right word.2、Check the answers and let them to read the words and the sentences.六、Look, read and check.1、Let the pupils look at the form and tick the words under the pictures.2、Check the answers and let them to read the words.七、Sum up the main points of this lesson.Unit 5 It’s cold in winter .Teaching objectives:1. Enable to master the new words and the new language structures ofthese units.2. Enable to talk about the weather and seasons.3. Enable to talk about months and the sequence of events.4. Enable totalk about birthdays and dates .5. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these units. Teaching difficult points:Develop the pupils’ oral level.Teaching aids: Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on.Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Five.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、By showing some pictures, the teacher lead out the new words“spring”、“summer”、“fall”、“winter”、“sunny”、“rainy”、“windy”、“cloudy”one by one.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Let them practice reading and writing these words.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them use the sentence structure “What’s t he weather like---?” to practicethese words in pairs.2、Ask some pairs to perform in the platform.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Review of Unit Five.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Review while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Review.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities of Unit Five.Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、The teacher show the pictures on the blackboard, then point to a picture and ask: “What’s the weather like ---?” Let the pupils to answer. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.2、The teacher give instructions and let them to follow the instructions to color the pictures. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.五、Chant.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then teach them to chant: “Hot!Hot!So hot !”.2、Let them chant with the tape.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice singing the song.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with a snail and point to it, then repeat: “snail”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.5、Help them to see the pronunciation of the letters “l”.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant “Can you spell snail?” with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Six.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a calendar and show the months ,then teach the first month “January”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to know this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words“February”、“March”、“April”、“May”、“June”、“before”and“after”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target of Unit Six.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Song and the Activities of Uint Six.Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupils to match the words with the pictures, then check the answers.2、Show the picture on the blackboard and tell them how to do this activity, then let them do it in small groups.五、Song.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then sing after the tape: “February is after Janu ary.”.2、Let them practice singing in small groups.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Sing the song outside class.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with some yogurt and point to it, then repeat: “yogurt”.2、Lead them to read these two words for several times.3、Help them to see these two words’ meaning.4、Teach the rest words“yell”、“yawn”、“year”、“yacht”and“yesterday”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 7 When’s your birthday ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Seven.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with a month and read: “July”、“This is July.”2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in small groups.2、Call up some groups to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities.Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupil look at the picture and match the sentences. After checking the answers, let them practice reading the sentences.2、Let them play the turntable, then ask and answer question in pairs.。

(广东版)五年级英语上册教案unit10Unit 10 I planted trees.The first periodTarget: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’t. I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday.Sounds and words: helped, listened, painted, used, carried, actedVocabulary: planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called. Materials: calendar, picture cards,Teaching Procedure一Greetings: Good morning.Nice to meet you.Warming up: sing a song.T: take out two pictures.Ask: What day is it today?What day was it yesterday?二Revision:What’s he/she doing?He’s/she’s watching TV/ cooking/ calling/ painting/ listening to music/ washing.三Presentation:Step1: Do you like the story?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Did you watch TV yesterday?Ss: Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.)Did you …? (four words) Pair worksStep2: play a music,T: Do you like the song?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Did you …?S1: Yes, I did.T: What about you? What did you do yesterday?Prompt: I watched TV yesterday.Use the picture cards to prompt: called, painted, helped, planted. Step3: Play a game: Mouthing gameAnd do the actions.Step4:Listen and number:called, washed, painted, listened, helped, watched, planted, cooked. Step5: Listen and chant.What did you do yesterday?Divide into two groups to chant and then change the words.Step6: Ask and answer to review:S1 does the action. T: What did he do?S2: He….T: Yes or No?S1: Yes, I ….Mini-research: Did you …? Yes,…. No,….Step7: Homework:Finish the mini-research after class.。

开心英语五年级上册教案开心英语五年级上册教案「篇一」1.教学设计学科名称人教版PEP课标小学英语五年级上册Unit1 My New Teachers第一部分单元教学提示2.所在班级情况,学生特点分析本班学45人,其中女生18人,英语学习兴趣浓厚,课堂气氛活跃。
3.教学内容分析4.教学目标1.能力目标:(1)能运用所学词汇简单描述自己老师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new English teacher. He's tall and strong. He's very funny。
(2)能够询问并介绍学校里教师的情况,如:Who's your Englishteacher?Mr.Carter.He's from Canada. What's he like? He's tall and strong。
(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My New Teacher”,并能灵活替换歌词中的科目及表示人物特征的形容词。
2.知识目标:(1)能听、说、读A、B部分Let's talk和Let'sread的“四会”单词和句型。
(2)能听、说、读、写A、B部分Let's learn和Read and Write中的“四会”单词和“四会”句型。
(3)能读懂并理解A、B部分Read and write中的内容,并根据提示填充句子或回答问题。
(5)了解Story time,Task time,Good to know等部分的内容。

广东版开心英语5A unit1Come With Me!Period 1Objectives and Requirements:Review: Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary. What does she do? She’s a doctor.Key Words:farmer, factory worker, aunt, uncle, cousin, calendar, dictionary, diarySounds and words : sun , cut , fun , mother , son , month ---------[ ∧ ] Materials: Picture Cards of Gogo , Tony , Jenny , Picture Cards 1-8Period 1Step1:Warming up: listen to a song.Step2:Put Picture Cards of Gogo, Tony , Jenny on the board . Point to Gogo, ask: What’s his name? [Ss: His name’s Gogo.] Can he fly? [Ss: Yes, he can.] Then ask questions about Tony and Jenny’s names , relationships , …… What’s his name ? Is she Tony’s sister? Who’s she?Point to Gogo in the first picture. T: Gog o is flying in a hang glider. Let’s look at the pictures and listen to the tape. (Play the tape and point to each picture for Ss to follow.) And ask some questions: Gogo, where are you going? What are they doing? Then play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.Put Ss into groups of three and have them practice acting out the dialog.Ask volunteers to perform in front of the class.Step3:Ask the students: what do you want to be? a teacher or a doctor?(Ss :a teacher) Say out the whole sentence : I want to be a teacher. Then ask: Do you want to be a farmer? Take out the picture of farmer. (Point to farmer) Farmer. Repeat. (Ss: Farmer) And do you want to be a factory worker? (Continue with this word)Explain the words aunt, uncle and cousin, (My mother’s / father’s sister is my aunt.) Draw a family tree to help explain these new words.Take out the realia of calendar, dictionary and diary. Teach these three words. T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each words as you say it. Play the tape and have Ss repeat. (Introduce the bonus vocabulary)Step4:Take out student1’s book, ask student2: Is this your book? S2: No, it’s not. It’s (S1’s name)’s book. The second time use “dictionary, diary, calendar”. (Practice more)Put picture care 1,2 on the board. T (show Ss one of the cards.) What does he/she do? (Ss: He’s a farmer.) Continue with the other cards. (Practice more) Ask four Ss to write the questions A—D on the board.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Have Ss look at the pictures for A. Write---- He’s a _______. Underneath question A on the board. T: (point to each picture.) What does he do? (Ss: He’s a _teacher_)Play the tape for A, and then pause. T: What does he do? Ss: He’s a factory worker. T: put a checkmark in the box for picture 2.Repeat the procedures with the other three questions. Answer key: A—2, B—3, C—3, D—1.Step5:Homework: recite the new words.Do Practice 2.。

(广东版)开心英语教案五年级上册Unit 5 It’s cold in winter.The first periodTeaching Target: What’s the weather like in spring? It’s rainy in spring. Is it rainy in fall? No, it’s not.It’s windy.What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot.Sounds and words:/ l / snail,smell, pencil, tail, bell, hole.Vocabulary: spring, summer, fall, winter, sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy. Material: magazine pictures of the four seasons. Pictures Cards 25-32, Teaching Procedure:what’s the weather like in spring? Is it rainy in fall?What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny and hot.Step1: Greeting: sing the song “what do we need?”Step2: Ask a student: “Can you swim?” S: Yes. “OK, do you like swimming? ” (S: yes.) “When can we swim?” (Ss: summer) Can you say this wor d in English? “Summer” Repeat and spell.“Do you know snow?” “When can we see it?” (Ss: winter) can you say this word in English? “Winter” Repeat and spell.Use the same way prompt “fall”, “spring”.It’s hot in summer. (Right or wrong?) So we can say “it’s sunny in summer.” “Sunny”(repeat and spell) Ask: “what’s the weather like in summer?” (Ss: it’s hot and sunny) “Weather”(repeat and spell) explains this word carefully. Repeat this question and Pair work.“What’s the weather like today?” (windy) how to say these words? “Windy” and “cloudy”. “Windy”(repeat) “cloudy”(repeat)Look at the sky (point to it outside the window), “what’s the weather like today?”(Ss:it’s windy and cloudy.)Take out an umbrella, “when can we use it?” (rainy) “rainy”(repeat) Give Ss three minutes to read the new words and go around.Check some Ss.Listen to the tape and point to each word.Play the tape again and have Ss repeat each word.Step3:T: Now let’s look at the dialogs on page 26.Point to the pictures and model the Q and A exchanges.Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss time to repeat. Put Ss in pairs to practice the Q and A exchanges.Step4: Homework: recite the new words.。

开心英语五年级上册教案教案标题:开心英语五年级上册教案教学目标:1. 通过本节课的学习,学生能够掌握五年级上册所学的英语知识和技能。
2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力,提高他们的英语综合运用能力。
3. 培养学生的英语学习兴趣,激发他们学习英语的动力。
教学重点:1. 学生能够熟练掌握五年级上册所学的词汇和句型。
2. 学生能够准确运用所学的语言知识进行听、说、读、写的综合运用。
教学难点:1. 学生能够灵活运用所学的语言知识进行口头表达和书面表达。
2. 学生能够理解并运用所学的语言知识进行听力和阅读理解。
教学准备:1. 开心英语五年级上册教材及相关教具。
2. 多媒体设备和投影仪。
3. 学生的课本和练习册。
教学过程:Step 1: 导入新课(5分钟)教师通过播放一段关于主题的视频或图片,引起学生的兴趣,激发他们对英语学习的热情。
Step 2: 新知讲解(15分钟)教师通过多媒体展示相关图片和课文内容,引导学生理解课文,并解释生词和重点句型。
Step 3: 听说训练(20分钟)教师播放课文录音,让学生跟读。
Step 4: 读写训练(20分钟)教师组织学生进行课文的朗读和默写练习,帮助他们提高阅读和写作能力。
Step 5: 拓展活动(10分钟)教师设计一些与课文相关的拓展活动,例如角色扮演、小组讨论、听写比赛等,以巩固学生的学习成果。
Step 6: 课堂总结(5分钟)教师对本节课的内容进行总结,并鼓励学生继续努力学习英语。
Step 7: 作业布置(5分钟)教师布置适当的作业,例如完成课后练习、预习下节课内容等,以巩固学生的学习成果。

开心英语五年级上册教案快乐英语五班级上册教案篇11一、教材分析:Lets talk部分通过Mike和John第一次见面的情景对话,让同学学习如何用Whats your name?询问对方的姓名并作出回答以及表达道别的方法:Goodbye! Bye,…. Lets play部分从实际生活入手,通过在卡片上写人名来进一步巩固Lets talk中的会话。
Lets check部分中的Listen and number这道题通过听力练习检测同学对本单元所学对话内容的把握状况。
(2)能完成Lets check部分的听力检测。
2.学问目标听懂、会说Whats your name? My names …. Goodbye!Bye.3.情感、策略、文化目标培育同学运用所学学问与他人沟通的习惯,渗透敬重他人的情感。
三、教学重、难点:1.重点:询问对方的姓名Whats your name?及回答My names….以及道别的表达法:Goodbye! Bye,…2.难点:(1)能在实际情景中敏捷运用Whats your name? My names….(2)names的发音。
四、教学过程:教学设计参考共性化备课Step 1 Preparation1. Sing a songHello.课本P10歌曲。
用自己的真实姓名做自我介绍, Hello, Im … My names...(留意放慢语速,可重复)Step 2 Presentation1.教学My names….(1)课件展现情境图并通过:What are their names ?引出本节课的人物。
T:Mike is talking with John .Listen and answer :What does John say ?引出第一个学问点:My names...(2)师带着自己的姓名卡片,走到同学中间和其中一名同学打招呼:T: Hello, Im Mr….My names….重复两遍并同时指着自己的姓名卡片,再指着同学的姓名卡片问Whats your name?(3)老师引导同学回答My names….用类似的方法与其他同学进行问答练习。
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开心学英语五年级上册教案Unit One Come with me !Teaching objectives:1.Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of these units.2.Go over Student’s Book 43. Enable to describe and ask about possessions.4. Enable to ask about needs.5. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points: Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these units.Teaching difficult points: Develop the pupils’ oral level.Teaching aids: Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on.Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit OneTeaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、By showing some pictures, the teacher lead out the new words“farmer”、“factory worker”、“aunt”、“uncle”、“cousin”、“calendar”、“dictionary”、“diary”one by one.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Let them practice reading and writing these words.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them use the sentence structure “Who’s he\she?” and “What is this ?”to practice these words in pairs.2、Ask some pairs to perform in the platform.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation, and the Review of Unit One.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Review while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Review.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities of Unit One Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、The teacher show the pictures on the blackboard, then point to a picture and ask: “What does she\he do ?” Let the pupils to answer. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.2、The teacher give instructions and let them to follow the instructions to draw on the pictures. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.五、Chant.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then teach them to chant: “What do you want to do?”.2、Let them chant with the tape.六、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice singing the song.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher draw a sun and let students try to read “sun”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.5、Help them to see the pronunciation of the letters “th”.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read say and circle.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Read and copy down the new words.Unit 2 Do you have any glue ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Two.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher show students a pair of sciss ors and ask “What’s this?”. Let them try to answer and teach the word “scissors”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words“staples”、“stamps”、“envelopes”、“paper clips”、“paper”、“tape”and“glue”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target of Unit TwoTeaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Song and the Activities of Unit Two. Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupils to match the words with the pictures, then check the answers.2、Show the picture on the blackboard and tell them how to do this activity, then let them do it in small groups.五、Song.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then sing after the tape: “Do you have any staples ?”.2、Let them practice singing in small groups.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Sing the song outside class.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with a cat and then ask and answer ,then repeat: “cat”.2、Lead them to read these two words for several times.3、Hel p them to see these two words’ meaning.4、Teach the rest words“pet”、“bat”、“rabbit”、“carrot”and“parrot”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 3 What do we need ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Three.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with juice and repeat: “juice”、“I like juice . Do you like juice?”2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and helpthem to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in small groups.2、Call up some groups to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities.Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupil look at the picture and match the sentences. After checking the answers, let them practice reading the sentences.2、Let them play the turntable, then ask and answer question in pairs.五、Chant.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, after that, read the chant “What does he need?” after the tape.2、Let them read the chant in small groups.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice reading the chants.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words..Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture and repeat: “noise”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning by doing some actions.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant: “My favorite…” with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 4 Review 1Teaching content: Review One.Teaching aims: Revise and master the learn words from Unit One to Three.Teaching key points: Revise and master the learn words.Teaching difficu lt points: Develop the pupils’ s listening level.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Listen, look and match.1、Let the pupils listen to the tape and then match the pictures with the letters.2、Check the answers.三、Look, read, circle and match.1、Let the pupils choose the exact words and match them with the pictures, then say out the words.2、The teacher point to the pictures one by one, let the pupils to say out the words.四、Listen, look and circle.1、Let the pupils listen to the tape, then circle the right picture.2、Check the answers.五、Listen, read and circle and write the sentences.1、Let the pupils listen to the tape, then circle the right word.2、Check the answers and let them to read the words and the sentences.六、Look, read and check.1、Let the pupils look at the form and tick the words under the pictures.2、Check the answers and let them to read the words.七、Sum up the main points of this lesson.Unit 5 It’s cold in winter .Teaching objectives:1. Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of these units.2. Enable to talk about the weather and seasons.3. Enable to talk about months and the sequence of events.4. Enable to talk about birthdays and dates .5. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points: Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these units.Teaching difficult points: Develop the pupils’ oral level.Teaching aids: Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on.Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Five.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、By showing some pictures, the teacher lead out the new words“spring”、“summer”、“fall”、“winter”、“sunny”、“rainy”、“windy”、“cloudy”one by one.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Let them practice reading and writing these words.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them use the sentence structure “What’s the weather like---?” to practice these words in pairs.2、Ask some pairs to perform in the platform.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Review of Unit Five.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Review while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Review.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Chant and the Activities of Unit Five. Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、The teacher show the pictures on the blackboard, then point to a picture and ask: “What’s the weather like ---?” Let the pupils to answer. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.2、The teacher give instructions and let them to follow the instructions to color the pictures. After that, let them ask and answer questions in pairs.五、Chant.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then teach them to chant: “Hot! Hot! So hot !”.2、Let them chant with the tape.六、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Practice singing the song.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with a snail and point to it, then repeat: “snail”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、He lp them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.5、Help them to see the pronunciation of the letters “l”.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant “Can you spell snail?” with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Six.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a calendar and show the months ,then teach the first month “January”.2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to know this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words“February”、“March”、“April”、“May”、“June”、“before”and“after”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target of Unit Six.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in pairs.2、Call up some pairs to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.1、Read the conversation in pairs outside class.2、Copy down the sentences in the Target.Period 3Teaching content: The Practices、the Song and the Activities of Unit Six.Teaching aims: Enable to use the new words and the new language structures. Teaching key points: To use the language structures correctly.Teaching difficult points: Develop their listening and speaking skills.Teaching aids: A tape recorder.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words.2、Let them to read the conversation together.三、Practices.1、Let the pupil listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order, then the teacher check the answers.2、Let them listen to the tape and then answer the questions.四、Activities.1、Let the pupils to match the words with the pictures, then check the answers.2、Show the picture on the blackboard and tell them how to do this activity, then let them do it in small groups.五、Song.1、Let the pupils listen to tape, then sing after the tape: “February is after January.”.2、Let them practice singing in small groups.五、Homework.1、Do the activities outside class.2、Sing the song outside class.Period 4Teaching content: Sounds and Words.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with some yogurt and point to it, then repeat: “yogurt”.2、Lead them to read these two words for several times.3、H elp them to see these two words’ meaning.4、Teach the rest words“yell”、“yawn”、“year”、“yacht”and“yesterday”in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them listen to the tape and then read the chant with the tape.2、Let them practice reading in small groups.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Unit 7 When’s your birthday ?Period 1Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit Seven.Teaching aims: Master the new words.Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Presentation.1、The teacher take up a picture draw with a month and read: “July”、“This is July.”2、Lead them to read this word for several times.3、Help them to see this word’s meaning.4、Teach the rest words in the same way.三、Drill.1、Lead them to read these words for several times.2、Let them read after the tape.3、Let them practice reading these words alone.四、Consolidation.1、Let them copy down these words one by twice.2、Check whose handwriting is quickly and pretty.五、Homework: Copy down the new words.Period 2Teaching content: The Conversation and the Target.Teaching aims: Enable to understand the conversation and master the new language structures.Teaching key points: Understand the conversation.Teaching difficult points: Master the new language structures.Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedure:一、Organization.1、The whole class sing some English songs.2、Check the presentation of the class.二、Revision.1、Revise the new words altogether.2、Call up some pupils to read the new words.三、Presentation.1、Let the pupils look at the conversation while listening to the tape.2、Using the mood of telling story, the teacher repeat the conversation and help them to understand the content.3、Teach them to read the conversation.4、Explain the language structures.5、Lead them to read several times and then let them read after the tape for twice.三、Drill.1、Let them practice the conversation in small groups.2、Call up some groups to perform in the platform.四、Consolidation.1、Let them look at the Target while listening to the tape.2、let them read this part in pairs.五、Homework.。