



實驗1. 庫倫作用力 ---自然界的四個作用力之一一、簡介1789年法國工程師庫倫提出了庫倫定律,靜電力的大小與距離平方成反比、與電量成積成正比,其形式恰與"重力引力"的形式相同,從此電磁學的發展有了定量的數學形式,也開啟了所謂"統一場論"的研究。

本實驗乃利用庫倫力平衡(Coulomb Balance)裝置去檢驗庫倫作用力中,電磁力與距離、電荷的關係,並由此得到庫倫常數(Coulomb constant)k 。

二、原理1789年法國工程師庫倫提出了庫倫定律,靜電力的大小與距離平方成反比、與電量成積成正比,其形式可寫成:221R Q Q k F =(1)其中,F 為庫倫靜電力,Q 1及Q 2分別為電荷之電量,R 為兩電荷之間距。

本實驗的原理可用圖一來說明:首先我們將兩石墨球充電帶有電荷,其中一個小球固定在軌道上,另一小球則透過轉矩可帶動鋼絲細線扭轉,兩者組成所謂的庫倫力平衡(Coulomb Balance)裝置。

當兩小球靠近時,靜電力將造成細鋼線的扭轉形變,產生一個扭轉角q ,力越大扭轉角越大,呈現性正比關係,裝置上有一個轉盤可讓我們解讀轉角大小。

我們也可以以外加力來扭轉細剛絲,當反扭力與庫倫作用力達成平衡時,細鋼線之扭力等於電荷間之靜電力,所以可利用計算扭力的方式來求得帶電荷球之間的作用力,即21R Q Q k F k e tor ==q (2)又,小球可視為球型電容a C o e p 4=,a 為小球半徑。

所以在外加電壓為V 的情況下,小球所被充電的電荷為:V a CV Q o e p 4==(3)其次,式(1)中的tor k ,可利用重力所產生之力矩與Torsion wire 之扭力平衡關係求得。

我們將庫倫平衡儀傾倒,在石墨球上而放上小砝碼(質量為m),利用重力帶動細鋼絲扭轉,故可得到gtor mgk q =(4)因此,將式(3)及(4)代入式(2),則可得到靜電常數Coulumb constantk 為202)4(aV R mg k e g pe q q =(5)並由這些量測可驗證庫倫力與電荷和距離之間的關係。



Lab1: 有线MAB 802.1X WebAuth配置指南一、目的 (1)二、实验环境 (1)实验1.1:基于MAB的有线终端设备认证 (4)实验1.2:基于802.1X的有线终端设备认证 (10)实验1.3:基于WebAuth的有线终端设备认证 (21)实验1.4:在802.1X认证配置Guest VLAN(选作) (29)实验1.5:通过Critical VLAN实现802.1X认证(选作) (31)实验1.6:通过MAR认证控制加入域设备的访问(选作) (34)一、目的本实验介绍了如何通过思科ISE,在有线网络环境中,实现MAB、802.1x和WebAuth 的配置步骤和说明,包括:有线网络中的802.1x、MAB、WebAuth认证的配置步骤通过VLAN和DACL对终端设备的网络访问控制通过MAR实现加入域计算机的网络访问控制(选作)本实验包含了8个Pod,以下的实验步骤是以Pod1为例,其他Pod需要根据Pod的编号,使用相对应的IP地址。


Windows Server 2008基本配置(所有Pod共用一套Windows 2008):版本:Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2启用NTP服务启用Web服务器实验1.1:基于MAB的有线终端设备认证目的了解交换机MAB和802.1X的认证过程,以及在交换机和ISE上如何配置基于MAC 地址跳过认证,即MAB(MAC Authentication Bypass)的认证过程。


Lab1 ISE 工具入门

Lab1 ISE 工具入门

1. ISE 工具的使用流程,从最开始的源文件输入到最后的二进制文件的生成。

2. 7 段数码管显示原理
3.拨码开关控制LED 按钮控制7 段数码管的数字电路的实现
1. Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4(FPGA 开发工具)
2. Digilent Adept 编程调试工具
四、 实验感想
安装程序花了不少时间,与上学期的fpga 实验相比,程序的编写都是用VHDL 语言,且内容接近,但是在设置方面多了不少新的东西,很多新的地方需要学习。

Lab1 Spectrum Analyzer频谱分析仪的使用

Lab1 Spectrum Analyzer频谱分析仪的使用

LAB # 1 – ANALYZING SIGNALS IN THEFREQUENCY DOMAININTRODUCTIONYou have probably connected various equipment to an oscilloscope in order to test various characteristics; if so, you know that the oscilloscope display shows the user a graph of amplitude (voltage) vs. time. Amplitude is on the vertical axis and time is on the horizontal axis.In telecommunications, when dealing with radio frequency (RF) waves, it is often beneficial to view signals in the frequency domain, rather than in the time domain. In the frequency domain, the vertical axis is still amplitude (usually power), but the horizontal axis is frequency instead of time.TIME DOMAIN: Amplitude vs. TimeFREQUENCY DOMAIN: Amplitude vs. FrequencyIn this experiment, we will look at the characteristics of an RF signal using an oscilloscope (time domain) and using a spectrum analyzer (frequency domain). This will prepare you for future labs that deal with frequency-domain signals. MATERIALS & SETUP• 1 MHz Signal Generator• Oscilloscope•HP Spectrum Analyzer•BNC T-Connector• Coaxial Cables•RF adaptersFig. 1-1PROCEDURE1. Adjust the signal generator to produce a 1MHz sine wave signal.2. Using coaxial cables and the T-connector, split the signal output so that itcan be fed into channel 1 of the oscilloscope as well as the RF input port of the spectrum analyzer. See the setup photo (Fig.1-1) for assistance. 3. You now should have an oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer bothreceiving an identical signal. Adjust the vertical and horizontal scales of the oscilloscope until you are able to see two cycles of the sine wave clearly.4. On the spectrum analyzer, choose a centre frequency of 1 MHz and aspan of 500 KHz. The instructor can help you if it is not obvious how to do this. HINT: look for the buttons labeled frequency and span on the spectrum analyzer.5. What do you see on each display? The oscilloscope display should looklike a traditional sine wave, while the spectrum analyzer should look like a vertical line. Believe it or not, both displays are showing you the exact same signal! It is like looking at different sides of the same coin.6. Using the appropriate knob on the signal generator, adjust the amplitudeof the signal up and down and comment on how it affects the display of both the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Using the appropriate knob on the signal generator, adjust the frequencyof the signal up and down and comment on how it affects the display of both the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. A sine wave is a single-frequency transmission. Can you explain why thesine wave in the frequency domain is simply a vertical line?___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 9. Fromoscilloscope display, use the horizontal (time) scale to determine thethe period, T, of the sine wave. Enter it below.T = __________________10. Using the formula f = 1/T, calculate the frequency of the signal and enterit below,F = __________________11. Does this result agree with the spectrum analyzer display? ___________12. Make some conclusions and observations based on your measurementsfor this part of the lab, outlining any advantages or disadvantages in using either the time domain or frequency domain.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________NOTES – LAB #1________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。

Computer Composition Lab1计算机组成原理

Computer Composition Lab1计算机组成原理

x Three state gate (245) – 74LS245 – Bus transceiver

These are sometimes known as bus transceivers. They’re used to isolate different parts of the circuit. We need them here because different parts of the circuit share the same bus. E.g. The display can be connected to the input switches or to the output of the ALU. The two 74LS245s controls which one uses the bus.

S0 S1 Operation select inputs (AND, OR, add etc.) S2 S3 Cn – Carry In Cn+4 – Carry Out M – ‘High’ disables carries (used for logic operations on individual bits)

second part included the following procedure:
Connect the switch input to the bus Connect the output display to the bus Connect the ALU input to the bus Use the switch input to generate a byte (65H) Copy the byte 65H into DR1 (flip-flop) Use the switch input to generate a byte (A7H) Copy the byte A7H into DR2 (flip-flop) Use the ALU control lines S0, S1, S2, S3, Cn and M

Lab1_Analog Modulation_2015

Lab1_Analog Modulation_2015

Principles of Communications2015-2016Lab 1: Analog ModulationI.Aim of the ProjectTo study the principles of the analog modulation and familiar with the spectrum properties (AM, FM and PM).II.Requirement of the Project1.This project requires two students to work as a team. In case a team cannot beformed, one student working alone is also acceptable.2.You must submit the electronic copy of lab report. The report should consist ofanswers to all the questions, simulation results, analysis and discussion.3.Send the final project report to the TA at commprinciple2015@ withthe subject “Lab1” on/before Nov. 13 (Friday) 23:59, 2014.III.Contents of the Project1.Generate a sine wave, and modulate it at a certain carrier frequency using AM(amplitude-modulation) modulation. The modulation parameters, such as carrier frequency, amplitude and modulation index, should be changeable through the front panel. Display the waveform of the modulated signal and the envelope and their spectrum on the front panel. Please compare conventional AM and DSB-SC. (Do NOT use the internal modules of the LABVIEW)2.Generate a sine wave, and modulate it at a certain carrier frequency using FMand PM modulation. The modulation parameters, such as carrier frequency and frequency (phase) deviation constants, should be changeable through the front panel. Display the waveform of the modulated signal and the original signal on the front panel respectively. Compare the FM and PM modulation. (Do NOT use the internal modules of the LABVIEW)IV.Programming Demonstration:1.AM modulationThe following steps describe how to build a VI which implements the longer of the two equations shown above for Amplitude Modulation. Open the “AM Modulation –Medium”.Inspect the front panel and block diagram that has already been created for you. When this VI is completed, you will be able to select the amplitude and frequency of both the carrier and data signals as well as see the time and frequency domain representation of the signals. The graphs display the behavior of the carrierand sideband signals as modulation parameters (amplitude and frequency) change. The following front panel represents the operation of a completed VI:Fig1. Front Panel of Completed AM modulation VIThe block diagram consists of a while loop which contains various controls and graphs to display and control the AM signal component information.Fig2. AM modulation example block diagram1)Place an “Add” and “Subtract” VI on the block diagram.Wire the “CarrierFrequen cy” and “Modulation Frequency” slider controls into the add function. Wire the “Carrier Frequency” into the top connector on the subtract function and “Modulation Frequency” into the bottom connector to subtract the two values.2)Place a “Simulate Signal” E xpress VI on the bock diagram. A dialog box willopen to configure the function. Select the signal type to be a sine wave, set the frequency to 10 Hz, and the amplitude to 1 volt. Increase the samples per second to be 100000. Deselect the option to automatically select the number of samples, and set the value to also be 100000. Once you have finished, the dialog box should resemble the image below:(a) (b)Fig3. Final dialog box options for the Simulate Signal Express VI Select the “OK” butt on. LabVIEW will now generate all of the code required for this function. Make three copies of the function by selecting the VI on the block diagram and holding CTRL while dragging the cursor to an open area. For the first Simulate Signal VI, wire the Carrier Amplitude into amplitude input and Carrier Frequency into frequency input. For the second Simulate Signal VI, wire the output of the add function into the frequency input. Wire a constant value of 1 into the amplitude input by right-clicking on the connector and selecting “Create>>Constant”.For the third Simulate Signal VI, wire the output of the subtract function into the frequency input. Again, wire a constant value of 1 into the amplitude input by right-clicking on the connector and selecting “Create>>Constant”.3)Place a “Multiply” VI on the block diagram.Wire the sine wave outputs of thesecond and third Simulate Signal VIs into the multiply function. Wire the output of the multiply function into the Modulated Signal graph. Also, wire the output of the first Simulate Signal VI into the Carrier Signal graph.4)Place a “Divide” VI on the block diagram.Right-click on the lower inputconnector and create a constant value of 2. Highlight the constant and the divide function on the block diagram and make a copy by holding CTRL while dragging the cursor to an open area. Wire the input of one of the divide functions to the output of the second Simulate Signal VI. Wire the input of the other divide functions to the output of the third Simulate Signal VI.5)Place two “Multiply” VIs on the block diagram.Wire the Modulation Amplitudecontrol and the output of one of the divide functions into the first multiply function. Wire the output of the second Divide function and the Modulation Amplitude control into the second multiply function.6)Place a “Subtract” VI on the block diagram and wire the outputs of both of themultiply functions from the last step into the inputs. Connect the inputs so the data from the second Simulate Signal VI is being subtracted from the third Simulate Signal VI.7)Place an “Add” VI on the block diagram and wire the output of the subtractfunction from the last step into the function. Also wire the output from the first Simulate Signal VI into the add function.8)Place a “Spectral Measurements” Express VI on the block diagram. A dialog boxwill open to configure the function. Select the spectral measurement to be magnitude (peak) in dB. Set the Window to be “7 Term B-Harri s” (do not enable averaging). Once you have finished, the dialog box should resemble the image below:(a) (b)Fig4. Final dialog box options for the Spectrum Measurements Express VI Select the OK button. LabVIEW will now generate the code for the function. Wire the output of the add function from the previous step in the signals input connector. Also wire the output of the add function to the AM Modulated Signal (Time Domain) graph. Finally wire the output of the Spectral Measurements Express VI to the AM Modulated Signal (Frequency Domain) graph.Your VI is now complete. The block diagram of the completed program should resemble the image below. Press the run icon to execute your VI. Vary the values for the carrier and modulation amplitude and frequency to see the effect it has on the signal.Fig5. Completed AM modulation block diagram2.FM modulationThe following demonstration will introduce more practical aspects of frequency modulation and will examine the effect of the carrier frequency and FM deviation on the resulting FM signal.Fig 6. FM modulation VI front panel1.First, open the example “FM Modulation.VI”(Figure 6) and run theprogram. Notice that there are three basic parameters that we will adjust. First, the ‘Baseband Frequency’ adjusts the frequency of the message signal that we desire to send. Second, the Carrier Frequency is the frequency which we willutilize to carry our message signal. Finally, the FM Deviation determines the frequency difference between the greatest instantaneous frequency of the modulated signal and the carrier frequency. In this step, adjust the baseband frequency and observe the effect on the graph entitled FM modulated Wave.2.Next, we will experiment with the carrier frequency and observe the effect onmodulated FM signal. Notice, that the minimum carrier frequency is equivalent to the frequency of the baseband. In addition, the frequency deviation is also automatically adjusted so that it is never greater than the carrier frequency. Below, we show a scenario where the carrier frequency is equal to the frequency of the baseband. Because these frequencies are identical, the modulated FM signal is not purely sinusoidal.As the image above illustrates, the baseband signal cannot be well represented in this scenario. Ideally, the carrier frequency should be substantially greater than the frequency of the baseband signal. In the graph below, we show the results of increasing the carrier frequency. Here, you can see that the full period of each frequency is represented.3.Finally, we will observe the effect of the modulation index on the FMsignal. To do this, adjust the carrier frequency to its maximum, 1MHz. You will notice that the maximum FM Deviation has now automatically beenadjusted to 500 kHz. Slide the FM Deviation slider to the maximum, 500 kHz and observe the results. As you can see in the graph below, that the frequency of the resulting time domain signal shows substantial variation. In fact, as the graph illustrates, the minimum level of the baseband signal are represented by 0 Hz. In addition, the maximum level of the baseband signal is represented by 2MHz.While significant FM deviation is visually obvious, smaller FM deviation values are not. To observe this, change the FM deviation to 200 kHz. At this setting, various levels of the baseband signal will be represented by frequencies ranging from 800 kHz to 1.2MHz. The time domain of the modulated waveform is shown below:As the graph above, changes in the frequency deviation is less obvious in the time domain. However, it is important to observe its effect on a communications system. Ideally, a communications system should have a maximum frequency deviation to more accurately represent the baseband signal. However, this is not without tradeoffs. By increasing the frequency deviation, we also increase the power required to generate the signal and the frequency bandwidth that it occupies.4.F inally, click on the “Frequency Domain” tab to view an FFT power spectrumof the modulated signal. While viewing this graph, slowly adjust the frequency deviation variable and observe the effect on the channel width. You will notice that the higher the frequency deviation, the greater bandwidth that the channel occupies. Below, we show a FM signal with a carrier of 1 MHz and a frequency deviation of 500 KHz. As you can observe from the graph below, the modulated signal occupies over 1 MHz of bandwidth。

Lab1 介绍

Lab1 介绍


lgdt gdtdesc 重新加载gdt表 movl %cr0, %eax orl $CR0_PE_ON, %eax movl %eax, %cr0 设置cr0寄存器,开启保护模式 ljmp $PROT_MODE_CSEG, $protcseg 进入32位模式 .code32 protcseg: # Assemble for 32-bit mode

8个16-bit寄存器( 8个32-bit寄存器的低16位)

8个8-bit寄存器(%ax ~%dx的高8位和低8位)





$0x04 \lab1\boot\boot.S
testb$0x2,%al .set CR0_PE_ON,0x1 orl $CR0_PE_ON, %eax
重要的数据结构 ELF文件头: struct Elf{} 程序头表相对于文件开头的偏 移: Elf->e_phoff 程序头表中段个数: Elf->e_phnum 程序头表中的段: struct Proghdr 段相对于文件开头的偏移: Proghdr->p_offset


AT&T: displacement(base,index,scale) Intel: [base+index*scale+displacement] -4(%ebp)



labl SQLPlus使用及简单Select 语句_1120_xx_xxx实验 1 SQL*Plus 使用及简单Select 语句实验目的:1. 掌握SQL*Plus 常用功能的使用。

2. 掌握简单查询的语法。

实验平台:1. Windows 2000/XP 。

2. Oracle 10g实验过程记录及分析:1. SQL*Plus 的使用:1) 启动Oracle 数据库服务有几种方式,使用每一种方式启动服务。

C:\>net start oracleserviceorclOracleServiceORCLOracleServiceORCL 服务已经启动成功。

2) 分别用sys 、system > scott 用户连接数据库。

C:\>sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release 11.1.060 - Production on 星期三 10 月 17 16:01:04 2012Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.All rights reserved.连接到:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release 11.1.060 - ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsQ 冲 丽住囲P ■ II描述伏态启动类型壹录为-!□! x]Network Connec, R管・ 智恥DDE対. Network IHIE 管 ^Nit*flrk LflCiti..收. ^jRctvr*i"k Fro*-i=...为一 曬 J KT LN Security...为一 ^jO£fiSource ..保.^0racleBBCflH5ol. r ^jOracleJobSctied. L^fjQriclsOrifibll £...用用 用动亲荼动动动动动禁动 手已已手于手手手已手本地泰统 本地杀雜 本地系統 本地衆疑 本地乘统 本地系统 本地系统 本地紊统 本地系魏 本地乘统 Per form ance Lo...收 響jFLug : and Flay 使…For title Nedia..-Let.^jPr ixil将•^Protected Starii..^^jProt 电x 丄呂 Licen. . … Thi.龜QaE ESVP为…^FiEpmrhi' P Arrp^^:动 自 动 启 已动动动动动31手于自自手丰动刼 启启 已己网堀服各 本地垂统 本地系统 主地東统 本地柔貌 本地乘蜿 本地茶统文件② 燥作⑥ 查看世1帮肋⑩3)如果某个用户连接数据库时,发生了“协议适配器错误”,分析其原因,并给出解决错误的方法。

Lab1 ELVIS基本操作

Lab1 ELVIS基本操作


Pre-Lab 检查NI ELVIS的硬件连接与配置1. 检查ELVIS工作台的电源已经连接并打开,并且已经通过USB线缆连接至PC机2. 通过开始>>所有程序>>National Instruments>>Measurement &Automation打开NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (以后简称MAX,这是一个可以管理所有系统中的NI设备硬件资源并进行相关配置和自检的一个软件,随任何NI驱动程序会安装在PC中)3. 在MAX中单击“设备和接口”,检查是否能找到NI ELVIS II+ (取决于实验室配置, 有可能找到的是NI ELVIS II,不带加号),如果连接正常,应该前面的板卡符号应该显示为绿色. 可以单击右键选择“自检”对设备进行自检. 检查设备名是否已经是像下图一样显示为“Dev1”,如果不是的话,点击右键可以将设备重命名为“Dev1”.Lab 1.1 函数发生器(FGEN)和示波器(SCOPE)1. 用BNC接线将ELVIS工作台上的SCOPE CH0的BNC接口与原型板(Prototyping Board)上的BNC 1接口相连;在原型板的面包板上用导线将FGEN连接到BNC 1+2. 检查ELVIS工作台和Prototyping Board的电源均已开启. 然后通过Windows中的开始>>所有程序>>National Instruments>>NI ELVISmx for NI ELVIS & NI myDAQ>>NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher打开NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher3. 分别单击NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher界面中的FGEN和SCOPE,打开信号发生器和示波器的软面板操作界面,按下图进行设置:通过函数发生器产生一个100Hz,峰峰值为4V的正弦信号,然后通过示波器进行观察. 由于我们连线时是通过原型板上的FGEN 接口连接至BNC1+,所以FGEN软面板下方Signal Route选项要选择Prototyping board. 选择之后点击Run按钮就会开始输出产生的信号波形;因为BNC1是连接到SCOPE的CH0,因此在示波器软面板中,应选择SCOPE CH0作为有效观测通道,然后点击示波器软面板的Run按钮应可观测到函数发生器产生的波形,如果没有正常显示应首先检查硬件连线和软件设置是否正确(注意检查PrototypingBoard的电源开关是否已经打开). 观测到正确波形后,可以尝试改变函数发生器产生的波形种类(如产生三角波或方波信号)及波形参数(频率、幅度、直流偏置等),并调整示波器软面板的波形显示参数,以便根据信号特征更好地进行显示.4. 在FGEN软面板中勾选手动模式(Manual Mode),观察ELVIS工作台右方FUNCTION GENERATOR区域中Manual Mode指示灯是否亮起;转动波形输出参数旋钮FREQUENCY(频率)或AMPLITUDE(幅度),在SCOPE窗口中观察输出波形的变化.5. 将连至原型板BNC 1接口的BNC接头拔下,与ELVIS工作台上的FGEN BNC接口连接;并将FGEN软面板窗口中的信号路径Signal Route设置为FGEN BNC,运行并观察结果. 此时的波形显示与之前并无二致,但是应理解此时的信号是直接经由ELVIS工作台底座的,并未经由ELVIS上的原型板,所以即使关闭原型板电源也可以.Lab 1.2 数字输入(DigIn)和数字输出(DigOut)1. 在原型板上用导线将DIO 0分别连接至DIO 8和LED 0;DIO 1分别连接至DIO 9和LED 1;依次连接,直至将DIO 7分别连接至DIO 15和LED 7. (如果时间有限,不一定8组都要连接,可只连接一两组)2. 单击NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher中的DigIn和DigOut,打开数字输入(Digital Reader)和数字输出(Digital Writer)软面板. 按照下图设置参数(设置DIO 0-7为数字输出通道,DIO8-15为数字输入通道),点击运行按钮Run. 可以任意调整Digital Writer面板中的Manual Pattern,设置输出的数字电平高低,观察Digital Reader读取的数字量指示灯变化以及原型板右边LED指示灯区域的显示变化. Lab 1.3 二极管伏-安特性曲线测试1. 将被测二极管的长短针脚分别插入原型板的DUT+和DUT-接口2. 单击NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher中的2-Wire,并按下图设置参数,运行即可测得该二极管的特性曲线Lab 1.4 (选作)使用ELVIS的数字万用表(DMM)1. 点击NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher中的DMM打开数字万用表软面板,现在你就可以像使用任何数字万用表一样利用ELVIS工作台左侧的DMM接口和红黑香蕉线进行电压、电流或电阻的测量(注意:类似于其它数字万用表的使用,电流测量时红色香蕉线的连接与进行电压、电阻测量时不同).2. 用两根香蕉头线将ELVIS工作台的DMM V和COM接口分别连接至原型板的BANANA A和BANANA B接口,将Pt100 RTD温度传感器的两根线分别连至原型板面包板上的BANANA A和BANANA B.RTD3. 用LabVIEW打开练习文件夹\Exercise\ DMM RTD Meas下的DMMRTD,运行并观察结果;用手指捏住RTD,再观察结果. 4. RTD传感器的测量原理是通过测量传感器的电阻值从而通过换算得到温度值,在有效量程范围内,温度与电阻呈线性关系. 打开LabVIEW程序框图,了解如何在LabVIEW中编程以及显示ELVIS自带虚拟仪器所获得的数据并进行换算和显示,VI的前面板和程序框图如下图所示. 注意在LabVIEW程序中选择了ELVIS DMM的测量档位是“100Ohm”档,该RTD传感器的换算关系是阻值乘以3.5可得到摄氏温度,若选用的RTD传感器的换算关系与此不同,需要修改相应的系数因子.After Lab 清理实验台养成良好习惯,实验后将实验中所用到的导线等物品规整好,关闭ELVIS的电源以及计算机再离开实验室. 今后使用ELVIS的实验中都应注意这一点.。



ActiveX插件技术是基于Windows平台的软件技 术,许多软件均采用此种方式开发,例如Flash动 画播放插件、Microsoft MediaPlayer插件 当通过Internet发行软件时,软件的安全性是一 个重大问题,IE浏览器通过以下的方式来保证 ActiveX插件的安全: ◦ 两个补充性的策略:安全级别和证明,来追求 进一步的软件安全性; ◦ 一套工具,可以用它来增加ActiveX对象的安全 性

在Web刚开始普及的时候,网景公司的航海家 (Netscape Navigator)几乎是浏览器的代名词 1997年10月,当微软将其最新发布的IE4.0与 Windows系统集成在一起后,IE逐渐成为浏览器的 绝对主流

目前,IE发展很快,IE7,IE8陆续发布 Firefox 3.0已经推出 Google推出的Google chrome引起关注 挪威的Opera公司的浏览器成为非计算机设备(数 字电视,手机)上最常见的浏览器

随着应用的普及,IE也成为了黑客和恶意攻击者的 目标,他们利用其中的漏洞,传播病毒,攻击用户 机器 随着IE的安全问题日益严重,人们对于IE的质疑也 越来越多,有些用户也开始对IE产生了抵触 2004年11月26日,芬兰政府甚至建议其国内上网 用户暂停使用IE6.0 许多人开始寻找新的浏览器

页面信息 极有特色 测试网页 辨别编码

界面最为简介 独出心裁的“主页”功能 内容丰富的“历史记录” …

用户普及率低 比较脆弱,容易受攻击、崩溃

网址大全:hao123, 114la Google
◦ Gmail ◦ Google file(使用浏览编辑Office文件) ◦ 特色搜索

Lab 1 Cadence系统环境设置与基本操作

Lab 1 Cadence系统环境设置与基本操作

Lab 1 Cadence系统环境设置与基本操作lab1cadence系统环境设置与基本操作Lab1存储系统环境设置和基本操作1.实验目的熟悉cadence系统环境,了解CIW窗口的功能,掌握基本操作方法2.实验原理系统启动①前端启动命令:②版图工具启动命令③系统级启动命令ciw窗口CIW窗口如图1.1所示。
















lab 1双绞线跳线的制作与测试

lab 1双绞线跳线的制作与测试

lab 1双绞线跳线的制作与测试lab1双绞线跳线的制作与测试实验1双绞线跳线的制作与测试【实验目的】理解直通线和交叉线的应用范围,掌握直通线和交叉线的制作方法。

















Lab1 Mininet 安装设定与使用

Lab1 Mininet 安装设定与使用

链路类型:有线、无 线、混合等
控制器类型: OpenFlow、OVS、
拓扑结构:线性、树 形、环形、网格等
流量控制:带宽、延 迟、丢包率等
仿真场景:单节点、 多节点、网络故障等
实验案例:简单网络、 复杂网络、SDN实验

添加 标题
实验步骤: . 创建网络拓扑 b. 配置路由协议 c. 启动网络 d. 测试网络性能
. 创建网络拓扑 b. 配置路由协议 c. 启动网络 d. 测试网络性能
单击此处输入你的项正文文字是您思想的提炼请尽量言简赅的意 阐述你的观点。
问题:安装过程中出现错误提示 解决方法:检查网络连接和防 火墙设置确保网络畅通防火墙允许Mininet通过
解决方法:检查网络连接和防火墙设置确保网络畅通防火墙 允许Mininet通过
问题:安装过程中出现权限问题 解决方法:使用管理员权限运 行安装程序或者更改安装目录的权限设置
Mininet是一个网络模拟器用于创建和运行虚拟网络 它可以模拟各种网络拓扑和协议如SDN、OpenFlow等 Mininet支持Python编程可以编写脚本来控制和测试网络 它可以用于网络研究、教学和测试帮助用户更好地理解和使用网络技术
添加主机和交换机:net.ddHost('h1')、 net.ddSwitch('s1')

Lab1 成绩管理系统 final

Lab1 成绩管理系统 final

实验一成绩管理系统Grade Management System一、初始化部分输入数据包括:学生姓名,学号,科目名称,科目成绩(至少列出2门课程,至少10个学生),编写一个初始化函数完成初始数据的输入。


我的初步设想是,设计三个文件:学生Student(存储学生的基本信息,如学生姓名Stu_Name、学生学号Stu_ID、学生性别Stu_Sex等,采用结构体),课程科目Course(存储课程名称Cou_Name,课程编号Cou_ID,开课学期Cou_Term,授课老师Cou_Teacher等,采用结构体),选课情况Sel_Course(课程编号Cou_ID, 学生学号Stu_ID,成绩Score等,采用结构体)CourseStudentStudent struct{String Stu_name;Int Stu_ID;Boolean Stu_Sex;};将结构体的数据存入永久介质磁盘文件中。

图2 结构体Student实例说明:同学们也可以不按照我的思路,自己设计存储文件。









✓ 交叉网线:一端为T568A,另一端T568B
✓ 常用网络设备间的连线方式:
PC-PC:交叉网线 PC-HUB:直连网线 HUB-HUB普通口-级连口:直连网线 HUB-HUB普通口:交叉网线 HUB-HUB级连口-级连口:交叉网线
✓ 实验项目性质
✓ 实验内容 (1)水晶头的制作 (2)协议的安装和卸载和配置 (3)熟悉所在机器的主机名和网络参数,了解
网络基本配置中包含的协议、服务等参数。 (4)设置和停止共享目录
✓ 实验课后作业
✓ 实验学时:
针 标记 1 Rx+ 2 Rx3 Tx+ 4 5 6 Tx7 8
✓ TCP/IP协议的安装卸载
要进行基于TCP/IP协议的网络应用,这时可以不用再安装 NETBEUI协议了,因为TCP/IP协议也有基于NETBIOS的 接口协议NETBEUI(最好安装)
(列出实验内容,阐明实验步骤及中间的结果或现象、最终结果和 现象,对这些结果和现象进行分析,若出现误差也予以分析误差 原因)
(说明实验过程中遇到的问题及解决办法;未解决/需进一步研讨的 问题或建议新实验方法等)
✓ 1.按双绞线色标顺序排列,不要有差错; ✓ 2.与RJ-45接头点对齐; ✓ 3.利用剥线钳所设置好的格式,剥出约1cm


实验一 放线菌的选择分离与计数 一 教学要求
放线菌有多种代谢产物,如抗生素,维生素、氨基酸、 蛋白质、淀粉酶、脂肪酶、纤维素酶等,很多产物在农业、 医疗、食品及国防等领域产生了巨大的效益。 本实验的目的在于学习从土壤等环境中分离放线菌
二 实验原理
土壤中含有丰富的放线菌,但主要是链霉菌,链 霉菌以外的其他放线菌,如小单孢菌、游动放线菌、 诺卡氏菌等,它们是生物活性物质重要的产生菌。但 往往由于样品中稀有放线菌的数量太少,常规的分离 方法很难得到。对样品进行风干、干热处理、培养基 添加重铬酸钾的方法减少细菌和真菌的数量;用干热 和苯酚处理减少链霉菌数量的方法,可以分离得到更 多种类的放线菌。
三 材料与器材
菜园土或林地土,自然风干,备用。 0.1% 重铬酸钾溶液,1% 苯酚,高氏1号 培养基。 水浴锅等。
四 操作步骤
1、来源:土壤中放线菌最丰富,品种齐全。可以筛选新的放线菌。 从堆肥或过热的材料中如干草或蔗渣中可分离到大量的嗜热放线 菌,从淡水和海洋环境中分离到嗜碱性的和嗜酸性的菌种。 2、取样及预处理 (1)土样:取5cm以下的土样,放于灭菌过的牛皮纸袋中,一般 不放于不透气的瓶子或塑料袋中。气生孢子能耐干燥,耐湿热能 力高于营养体,室温保存20天,放线菌的数量和组成变化不大, 细菌大部分死亡 (2)水样与水低泥样用采泥器和采水器采集,放与灭菌瓶,不密 封
分离 操作步骤 (1)取体积为300ml的高氏一号培养基,加入0.1%的重铬 酸钾15mL,使之终浓度为50ppm,摇匀,倒平板,待用。 (2)取土样5g,摊平于大号培养皿上,在恒温干燥箱中 120℃干热处理1h。 (3)土样热处理后,加入装有45mL无菌水和少量玻璃珠 的三角瓶中,加入0.5mL的笨酚,室温下振荡30分钟, 静止5分钟,取上清液用无菌水稀释10倍。同时另取土 样5g,不加热和笨酚处理,余步骤同上,作为对照。 (4)用移液管分别吸取原液和10倍稀释液各0.1ml标志稀 释倍数的平板上,涂抹均匀,倒置,28℃培养。 (5)培养10~14d,观察比较不同处理方法的生长情况、 菌落特征。挑取红色,无气生菌丝的小菌落以及其它菌 落形态菌株接种斜面,进一步用于形态观察和鉴定。



lab1练习6中断向量表的初始化练习6:完善中断初始化和处理(需要编程)请完成编码⼯作和回答如下问题:1. 中断描述符表(也可简称为保护模式下的中断向量表)中⼀个表项占多少字节?其中哪⼏位代表中断处理代码的⼊⼝?2. 请编程完善kern/trap/trap.c中对中断向量表进⾏初始化的函数idt_init。




3. 请编程完善trap.c中的中断处理函数trap,在对时钟中断进⾏处理的部分填写trap函数中处理时钟中断的部分,使操作系统每遇到100次时钟中断后,调⽤print_ticks⼦程序,向屏幕上打印⼀⾏⽂字”100 ticks”。

【注意】除了系统调⽤中断(T_SYSCALL)使⽤陷阱门描述符且权限为⽤户态权限以外,其它中断均使⽤特权级(DPL)为0的中断门描述符,权限为内核态权限;⽽ucore的应⽤程序处于特权级3,需要采⽤`int 0x80`指令操作(这种⽅式称为软中断,软件中断,Tra中断,在lab5会碰到)来发出系统调⽤请求,并要能实现从特权级3到特权级0的转换,所以系统调⽤中断(T_SYSCALL)所对应的中断门描述符中的特权级(DPL)需要设置为3。

要求完成问题2和问题3 提出的相关函数实现,提交改进后的源代码包(可以编译执⾏),并在实验报告中简要说明实现过程,并写出对问题1的回答。

完成这问题2和3要求的部分代码后,运⾏整个系统,可以看到⼤约每1秒会输出⼀次”100 ticks”,⽽按下的键也会在屏幕上显⽰。








主要的设置内容有:·禁止显示一些警告,比如创建库、布局布线过程中的一些警告;·设置一些有用的功能操作(ICC中没有的),需要相应的设置文件·设置一些变量开关状态(开或者关)·设置允许记录shell的命令信息·设置一些关联命令·逻辑库设置(设置search_path ,target_libr,link_library,设置min库:包括标准单元库、IO库、ram库),这就需要库了·定义一些变量,这些变量内容是不同路径下一些文件的名称②设计的verilog门级网表:.v文件,这个文件可以通过综合完成,不需要我们生成。









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Lab1 SQL Server EnvironmentAIM1.Familiar with SQL Server Environment2.Familiar with SQL Server Components.Basic Knowledge1.General Introduction to SQL Server, including SQL tools, system databases and system tables. SeePPT for more info.2.Primary Key/Foreign KeyTo Do1、Start/close the server with Service Manager and with Enterprise Manager.2、Create new database with Enterprise Manager3、Create new table with Enterprise Manager4、Create new relationship with Enterprise Manager.Please follow the steps for Lab11.Start/close the server with Service Manager1.1Click start -Program-Microsoft SQL Server-Service Manager1.2Click Start/Continue2.Start/close the server with Enterprise Manager2.1 Click Start->Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->Enterprise Manager.2.2 Right clicking the SQL server’s icon in the tree view it will pop up a menu with options thatallows you to start/stop the server.Server paused.Server running, you are currently connected to the server.Server running, you are not currently connected to the server.Server Stopped.3.Creating a database with Microsoft SQL server 2000System Database Introduction PartWhen you install SQL Server several databases are created automatically.-Northwind and pubs are sample user databases and can be used as examples or you can delete them safely.- master, model, msdb, and tempdb are used by the system and should not be removed.Create new database3.1Start by expanding the tree view until you see the “Databases” folder of the server.3.2Right Click the Databases folder and select “New Database”3.3In the Name textbox enter a table name “firstDB”3.4Click the “Data Files” tab and leave it as the defaults.3.5Click the “Transaction Log” tab and leave it as the defaults.3.6The new database now appears in the Database folder.4.Creating a table4.1Start by expanding the server and database you would like to add a table.4.2Select “Table” and then click “*”.4.3The New Table window appears and look like the following:Colum Name is used to enter the name of the column.Data Type sets the type of data the column will contain.Length specifies the length of the columnAllow Nulls determines whether a column can be left blankDescription is a space for comment about what the column is used for.Default Value is the value that will be entered if no other value is specified when a row is added to the table.Identity is similar to the AutoNumber option in MS Access:“Yes”, SQL Server will automatically generate a new number for each row added to the table in this column.Identity Seed specifies what number SQL Server should start at.Identity Increment specifies the number that should be added to the Seed value to determine successiveidentity number.Ex. A table that holds Employee Info may look like this:4.4To set the primary key, select the appropriate row and then click the “Set primary key” icon inthe toolbar.4.5Click the save icon on the toolbar and enter a name for this table, then click OK.4.6After refreshing the Table list(F5) the table we just created appears in the SQL Server EnterpriseManager:4.7You can always go back and edit a table by right clicking it in Enterprise Manger and selecting“Design Table”:5.Creating Relationship5.1Click “relationship design” and right click create new “relationship design”, then follow theguide.5.2 Save the diagram.5.3 After you have done the above operations as descripted, you will get the following relation:To enforce referential integrity between tables it is possible to setup a foreign key Constraint, or “relationship”, in the SQL Server.This database diagram above shows the two tables(Parent and Child) – ParentID in the Child table is a foreign key used to reference the Child’s parent.5.4To setup a relationship and enforce referential integrity:5.4.1 Open one of the tables in the table designer that is going to be part of therelationship(Parent in this example) and click “Manage relationships…” in the toolbar , then the following screen appears:5.4.2 Click New. Set Parent as the “Primary key table” and Child as the “Foreign key table” Under Parent select ID in the first field. Under Child select ParentID. The screen looks like this:Note: Explanation(Translation)创建中检查现存数据:Check existing data on creation对复制强制关系:Enforce relationship for replication对INSERT and UPDATE 强制关系:Enforce relationship for INSERT and UPDATE级联更新相关的字段:Cascade Update Related Fields级联删除相关的记录:Cascade Delete related Records5.4.3Close and save the table.5.4.4The database diagram now shows a one-to-many relation with integrity constrains.6.Discussions:。
