



• 在苦难的岁月里,黑人靠歌声表达心中的悲愤,用民间 歌谣传递起义的信息,用诗歌抒发自己的心声。早期美国 黑人文学,表现了黑人劳动者的质朴淳厚、感情的深沉、 战斗中的刚毅和受迫害受奴役的生活,不少作品既有丰富 的思想内容,又有一定的艺术造诣。黑人文学的出现,使 美国文学具有更广泛的民族内容和更深刻的民主精神。美 国黑人文学真正开始于18 世纪,后在一代代非裔作家努 力下,经历了以休斯顿为领袖的哈莱姆文艺复兴(第一次 高潮,20 世纪20 年代至30 年代末),以赖特为领袖的第 二次高潮(20 世纪四五十年代),以诺主莫里森为领袖 的第三次高潮(20 世纪70 年代后)。
• 1938年1月16日,Bennie Goodman率领他的大乐队在纽 约卡内基音乐厅表演爵士乐,尽管,Bennie Goodman是 一个白人,但不止他的乐团里有黑人乐手,许多黑皮肤的 布鲁斯、福音歌手也参加了那次演出。这次演出已被看作 一座历史界碑,标示白人世界对黑人音乐艺术性上的承认。 然而,有骨气的黑人音乐家们甚至将这种“艺术性上的承 认”看作屈辱,这种态度令爵士乐史上最重要的转折点, 比波普,得以出现。那是上世纪40年代中期,一些爵士乐 音乐家决定证明爵士乐绝不是供白人取乐的世俗音乐,他 们甚至拔身离开爵士乐的种族性,而只去证实爵士乐的艺 术性。在多数客人已离开的半夜里,他们在酒吧登台,尽 兴地飙技即兴,看谁吹得更快更准,直到天色泛白。
• 福音音乐是历史上美国的黑人农奴接受了基督教的信 仰之后,常在田里祈祷,希望减少劳动的痛苦。不久 便演变成即兴的音乐表演。在奴隶制废除之后,黑人 们组织了自己的教堂,并把这种音乐形式作为教堂活 动的一种。20世纪中期,猫王把福音音乐引进到自己 的风格中,随后汽车城唱片公司将这种音乐商业化主 要强调有节奏的器乐伴奏和即兴演唱。


2. Historical background
• Early in its history, black Africans were brought to America as slaves. They were bought and sold, like animals.
• Nearly 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans in Southern states still inhabited a starkly unequal world of disenfranchisement, segregation and various forms of oppression, including race-inspired violence. "Jim Crow" laws (美国针对黑人实施的 种族隔离法案) at the local and state levels barred them from classrooms and bathrooms, from theaters and train cars, from juries and legislatures.
• The civil rights movement was a mass popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship.
• For every $150.000 spent on white children at the "white schools" only $50.000 was spent on African American children at the "black schools."



4. After the American civil war until now
白人顽固的种族主义思想 起因:1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人R.帕克斯夫人在公 共汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。
马丁·路德·金 外文名: Martin Luther King, Jr.
→ 独立宣言(The declaration ofindepedence) 1776.7.4
虽标榜“一切人生来平等”,却只字 不提黑人奴隶问题,黑奴不完全是人, 仅是“五分之三”非公民,黑人的地
托马斯·杰斐逊(1743-1826),美国政治家、 思想家、哲学家、科学家、教育家,第三任美 国总统。他是美国独立战争期间的主要领导人 之一,1776年,作为一个包括约翰·亚当斯和 本杰明·富兰克林在内的起草委员会的成员, 起草了美国《独立宣言》。此后,他先后担任 了美国第一任国务卿,第二任副总统和第三任 总统。
5.2008.11.5,巴拉克*奥巴马当选美国总 统,成为美国历史上首位黑人总统。
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The United States of America Black‘s status-evolution 1.before the American War of independence 2.during the American War of independence 3.during the American civil war 4.after the American civil war until now



In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Finally,They Won!!!
● It changed the life of the African Americans. ● It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and
Sports Man
Musicians of The Black
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture
In March, 1963,Birmingham, the request to cancel the entire city isolation system.
On August 28, 1963 250,000 people (1/4 for Caucasian) tomarch to Washington, the request "was freeimmediately".
Height: 184cm
Hometown: Mount Vernon, New York
Date of birth: December 28, 1954
Occupation: Actor, Director



The First Black President in U.S. History
African American’s Contribution to Economy •African Americans have been a major force in agriculture in US. •About half of them are in the automobile industry. •One thirds of them are in the iron and steel industry
The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Politics and Economy
The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Culture
The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Politics and Economy
African American’s social status becomes higher and higher accompanied by their significant contribution to economy and lution in Aframericans’ Roles in Culture
Barack Obama and Yes We Can
She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "we shall overcome." Yes we can.

美国黑人社会地位变迁英文 ppt课件

美国黑人社会地位变迁英文 ppt课件
Jazz and blues were created and developed by African American.
In the international stadium, especially in the track and field stadium, most excellent athletes are Black nowadays.
The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Politics and Economy
The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Culture

The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Politics and Economy
Harriet Wilson Frederick Douglass 20th century: Richard Wright James Baldwin Ralph Ellison Toni Morrison
Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation
Martin Luther King and I Have a Dream
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

第九章 非洲裔美国人ppt课件

第九章 非洲裔美国人ppt课件

种族等级制:吉姆· 克劳时代

《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 与废奴声再起 林肯就职与南北战争

1865-1877的战后重建时期,标志着白人与黑人 的父权式关系的结束,二者之间的竞争关系正式形 成。

处于全盛发展时期的种族主义意识形态,助长了美国南北方的这种 种族隔离制度


布克· 华盛顿:自力更 生,自主创业。 杜波依斯:武装反抗 ,白人接纳

整合or 分割?这是一 个问题
20世纪以后,大量黑 人劳工从南方迁移到 北方,种族歧视,种 族隔离成为了全国性 的现象。 1877年重建时代结束 一直到20世纪40年代 黑人和白人形成了有 限的竞争

等级 流动的竞争:现代时期

从仆人到奴隶 选定黑人:
利益的驱使 黑人的肤色特征,和截然不同的宗教信仰(差 异感) 松散的体制,没有可依靠的组织

从19世纪30年代初开始在美国北部兴起的要求彻 底废除黑人奴隶制的群众运动。早在殖民时代和独立

“隔离但平等”一个 实例——教育隔离 建立一套规范制度— —白人不能与黑人握 手,称呼 三K党的暴力维持

1892年6月7日,具有八分之一黑人血统的 荷马· 普莱西(Homer A. Plessy)故意登上 东路易斯安那铁路的一辆专为白人服务的列 车,根据路易斯安那州1890年通过的相关 法律,白人和有色种族必须乘坐平等但隔离 的车厢。根据该条法律,普莱西被认定为“ 有色种族”,遭到逮捕和关押。于是他将路 易斯安那州政府告上法庭,指责其侵犯了自 己根据美国宪法第13、14两条修正案而享 有的权利。但是法官约翰· 霍华德· 弗格森( John Howard Ferguson)裁决州政府有权 在州境内执行该法,普莱西最终败诉,以违 反隔离法为名被判处罚金300美元。普莱西 接着向路易斯安那州最高法院控告弗格森法 官的裁决,但该法院维持了弗格森的原判。 结论 1896年,普莱西上诉至美国最高法院。5月 18日,最高法院以7:1的多数裁决:路易 斯安那州的法律并不违反宪法第13和第14 修正案,因为“隔离但平等”并不意味着对 黑人的歧视,而只是确认白人和黑人之间由 于肤色不同而形成差别。

Lesson4 美国黑人民权运动PPT课件

Lesson4 美国黑人民权运动PPT课件
❖ 1961 and 1962, civil rights movement was against the key respectively on the coach of apartheid system and strive for the southern blacks voting rights.
❖ But through non-violent protests, strive for African American people's right of mass
Event background
❖ In 1955, Montgomery, Alabama black for against bus segregation on, insist to boycott the bus movement of for one year, the Supreme Court ruled segregation of the bus was unconstitutional.
On Thursday, December 1,1995, Mrs. Rosa Park was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus.
Martin Luther King
• …I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today…14



Re-elected to president in 1864 Assassinated (刺杀) by a mob in the pay of the slave owners in 1865
In the same year, the Thirteenth Amendment (宪法第13条修 正案) was enacted.
In Sep.22,1982, he enacted the “Emancipation Proclamation” (解放宣言) to abolish the slavery completely in the system. What’s more, Lincoln also ordered to free slaves formally in Jan.1,1863. Lincoln government had changed from restricting slavery to abolishing slavery completely. Since then, black people began to free from the chains of slave.
Slavery was formally treated as illegal.
16th century— 1865(Lincoln died) 1865—now
Another story…
The first Klan was founded in 1865, as a terrorist organization by veterans of the Confederate Army. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans. Prosecution of Klan crimes and enforcement of the Force Acts suppressed Klan activity. In 1874 and later, however, newly organized and openly active paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and the Red Shirts, started a fresh round of violence aimed at suppressing blacks' voting and running Republicans out of office. These contributed to segregationist white Democrats regaining political power in all the Southern states by 1877.



During more than 400 years,African Americans made every effort to improve their position and status.
As a result, African culture has been an important part of American culture. African American's social status becomes higher accompanied by their significant contribution to various fields even though there is still racial discrimination in our world.
African Americans' history started in the 16th century.They were transported unlawfully to the United States by the Black Triangle Trade.

1862.9.22 Abraham Lincoln The Emancipation Proclaimation
Brief introduce about the African-American African-American Civil Rights Movement
Causes of the movement The key event of the movement Results and influence of the movement



Racial segregation. By law, public facilities and government services such as education were divided into separate "white" and "colored" domains. Disenfranchisement. (剥夺公民选举 权)Black voters were forced off the voting rolls, and elections were made more complicated. Exploitation. Increased economic oppression of blacks, Latinos, and Asians, denial of economic opportunities, and widespread employment discrimination. Violence. Individual, police, organizational, and mass racial violence against blacks.
Montgomery Bus Boycott 蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动
• Under the system of segregation used on Montgomery buses, white people who boarded the bus took seats in the front rows, filling the bus toward the back. Black people who boarded the bus took seats in the back rows, filling the bus toward the front. • Eventually, the two sections would meet, and the bus would be full. If other black people boarded the bus, they were required to stand. • If another white person boarded the bus, then everyone in the black row nearest the front had to get up and stand, so that a new row for white people could be created.


在美国独立战争 之前

美国独立战争之 后--美国内战

美国内战期间 美国内战后至今

1.在美国独立战争之前 黑人在美国历史上的地位
黑奴贸易(三角贸易) ↙
被贩卖的没有自由的奴隶 ↘
奴隶贩子从欧洲出发,乘船到达非 洲,在非洲通过各种卑鄙的方式俘 获黑人之后,他们把黑奴运往美洲, 把黑奴卖给美洲的种植园主,然后, 再把美洲的黄金和工业原料运回欧 洲。这就是被称为为一本万利的 “三角贸易”,最先进行奴隶贸易 的是葡萄牙人,但英国人后来居上, 成为“三角贸易”的主要经营者。
总结:在民权运动的影响下,美国国会通过了1964民权法案。该法案宣布雇主对 黑人和妇女的歧视为非法;铲除了长期以来南方黑人参加选举的法律障碍;宣布 在几乎所有公共场合的种族隔离为非法.虽然民权运动取得了一系列重要成就,仍 然存在着令人失望的现象,特别是学校的种族隔离问题。例如,黑白混校的实行 就遇到不小阻力。总之,民权运动虽然在其高潮阶段取得了重要成果,美国社会 最根本的深层结构问题并未得到解决。
70年代以来, 美国广大黑人争取权利的斗争进入积极参政阶段
1. 1973.5,一位警察出身的黑人市议员汤姆斯*布雷德在竞选中获胜, 成为美国洛杉矶市的首位黑人市长。 2. 1983.4.哈罗德*华盛顿击败白人竞选对手成为芝加哥的第一位黑人 市长。 3. 1972年,第一位女性黑人国会议员雪莉*奇泽姆成为首位参选总统 选举的非洲裔女性。 4. 1984和1988年,黑人民权领袖杰西*杰克逊两次获得民主党总统候 选人提名。 5. 2000年底,鲍威尔成为美国历史上第一位黑人国务卿,成为美国有 史以来官阶最高的黑人。 6. 2005年,赖斯出任国务卿,是美国历史上的第二位女国务卿,美国历 史上第一位黑人国务卿。



1:Hello,everyone.The topic of mine is:the culture of African Americans.When talking about the African Americans.We all know that they were called "Negro" at first,that's a derogatory term. It took a long time when they were called "Black People". And It didn't take very long when this word were changed into "African-American”.We can seen the changes of the status of the blacks from the change of what they were called.2:This is a prief introduction of my presentition. As you can see,I will show you the cause,contents and the result of the African-American Civil Rights Movement first.And then some successful black people will be showed,too.3:First,let's talk about the civil rights movement.The African-American Civil Rights Movement started in the year1955,and it lasted for nearly 13 years(that means it ends in the year 1968).It was a non-violent protest.The black people in America were descendants of Africa peaple who were doomed to the United States by the European settlers.They were regarded as slaves at first.But things goes different on December 1, 1955, when the 42-year-old black woman Rosa Parks refused to stand up for the white on the bus, she opened a door for the blacks in America to fight for their basic rights. She was arrested immediately for her refusing to give up her seat to the white,but after this,in 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation on buses is a violation of the Constitution.4:In the year 1957,Dr. Martin Luther King and his supporters formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference,made the movement deep into all areas of life in southern.And then came the year 1958, 21 major cities in South US organized the black civil rights movement.Early May 1961, Congress of Racial Equality carried out "free passengers" movement. It was support by many whites,too.And gradually developed into a national movement,which forced the southern states cancelled the segregation on the bus system.5:In March, 1963, Martin Luther King organized the demonstration in Birmingham,where racial segregation wasextremely seriousFrom then on,On August 28, 1963 250,000 people (1/4 of which were white)were organized to march to Washington, the request "was free immediately". And in 1964 President Johnson were forced to sign the"Civil rights Law".6:Finally,They won.They were free at last!7:The black American civil rights movement is a model of non-violence movement,It not only changed the life of theAfrican Americans.It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and their concept of life.What's more important,it changed America from a country which was against the Black into a community which admit every citizen have equal rights.8:Nowadays,The black is the main strength of American agriculture ; The black worker account for one third in the iron and steel industry,and about half in the automobile industry.They are great!Now I will show you some examples:9:10:Speaking of the blacks,we may probably came up with the black music first. From jazz to rhythm blues, to rapmusic, black music contributes a lot to the United States.In the 1990s,we call the rap "Rap", while it's being called the Hip-Hop now.Actually,strictly speaking,Hip-Hop is a cultural species,it was produced early in the 1970's,when the hippie culture declined.it contains more than the content of rap music. Overall, Hip-Hop has three aspects: first,the Rap. The second is breakdancing, the hip-hop. The last aspect of it is graffiti art.11:Here are two outstanding singers.Madlib( ) whose real name is Otis Jackson,come from a seaside town of Oxnard,forty kilometers from Los Angeles.When he was young,he was in contact with all kinds of music, from Jazz, Fusion, Blues to funk and soul oldies, and then his favorite--rap ter he become a professional and very famous Hip Hop musician.12:Beyonce Giselle Knowles, a famous American pop singer. After her group "Destiny's Child" disbanded in 2002,shestill devote herself to music.the excellent musical talent,the beautiful face, sexy body made her become the focus of the United States and the whole world In Less than a year's time, and she awarded the Grameen Grammy awards many times.13:14:Then came the movie stars:Will Smith,born in September 25, 1968, is an American actor, film producer and rapper. He has enjoyed success in music, television and film. In April 2007, Newsweek called him the most powerful actor on the planet.That's really a great honor.15:This is Denzel Washingtozel born in December 28, 1954,he is also an American actor, screenwriter, director and film producer.Here are some information about him.16:Sports stars of the black.The Black account for over 70 percent in American baskteball players.17:Michael Jordan ——Man Of StrengthMichael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963)By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time."his nickname is "Air Jordan." Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include five MVP awards, ten All-NBA First Team designations, nine All-Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All-Star Game appearances and three All-Star MVP, ten scoring titles, three steals titles, six NBA Finals MVP awards, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award.He is really cool.18:This is the first but not the last Black President:Barack Obama,He is the man of power.19:Barack Hussein Obama(born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the firstAfrican American to hold the office. Obama previously served as a United States senator from Illinois, from January 2005 until he resigned following his election to the presidency in November 2008.In October 2009, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.In April 2011, Obama announced his intention to seek re-election in the 2012 presidential election.20: That's all.Thank you for listening.。

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The key event of the movement
In 1963, Dr.King gathered 250,000 masses, and published his speech "I have a dream" before Lincoln memorial in Washington square.
They'd the lowest salary, insurance and other many unfair treatments.
Cause of the movement
On December 1,1955,in Montgomery,Rosa Parks refused to obey bus driver's order that she gave up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger after the white section was filled.
Group 6
Brief introduce about the African-American African-American Civil Rights Movement
Causes of the movement The key event of the movement Results and influence of the movement
In America, however, the racial discrimination was everywhere, the racial conflict often happened, the black people were treated as slaves by whitecentury: Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
20th century: Toni Morrison (Song of Solomon)
Barack Obama
◎Was elected the 44th President in 2008 ◎Won Nobel Peace Prize in 2009
Music Jazz,blues and Rap were created and developed by Africa American.
Jay Z
Beyonce Giselle Knowles pop singer
Will Smith
Sports In the international stadium,especially in the track and field stadium,the
During more than 400 years,African Americans made every effort to improve their position and status. As a result, African culture has been an important part of American culture. African American's social status becomes higher accompanied by their significant contribution to various fields even though there is still racial discrimination in our world.
Success of the African-American People In music and sports In literature In politics
Brief introduce
African Americans, also referred to as Black Americans or AfroAmericans, is the largest ethnic group of citizens in America.
African Americans' history started in the 16th century.They were transported unlawfully to the United States by the Black Triangle Trade.
1862.9.22 Abraham Lincoln The Emancipation Proclaimation
most excellent athletes are Black nowadays. African American made a very positive contribution to the success of
the American basketball game.
Michael Jordan
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Finally,They Won!!!
It changed the life of the African Americans.
It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and their concept of life.
The gathering finally forced the congress to pass the Civil Rights Act .That became the key events.
He received the Nobel Peace Prize before he was assassinated in 1968.
It changes America from a country which was against the Black into a community which admits every citizen has equal rights.
Successes in some aspects