
世界杯(World Cup,FIFA World Cup)是世界上最高水平的足球比赛, 与奥运会、F1并称为全球三大顶级赛事。每四年举办一次,任何国际足 联(FIFA)会员国(地区)都可以派出代表队报名参加,而世界杯主要分为预 选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个阶段。
中文队名: 曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部
外文队名: Manchester United
运动项目: 足球 角逐赛事: 英格兰足球超级联赛 所属地区: 英格兰曼彻斯特 成立时间: 1878年1月1日 主场馆: 老特拉福德球场 容纳人数: 76212 拥有者: 马尔科姆·格雷泽
现任主教练: 阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士 知名人物: 鲁尼、迪马利亚等 主要荣誉: 欧洲冠军杯冠军3次
中文队名: 米兰足球俱乐部
主要荣誉: 意大利足球甲级联赛冠
外文队名: Associazione Calcio 军:17次
成立时间: 1899年12月16日
主场馆: 圣西罗球场
容纳人数: 82955人
全 称:英格兰足球超级联赛 FA Premier League 成立年份:1992年 参赛队数:20队 所属国家:英格兰 夺冠之最:曼联(11次) 赞助商:巴克莱银行(2004至今)

right half back David Beckham
1992- 2003
Now he is a key player in team. He has brilliant genius and energy . He is also recognized the hope star footballer in England.
Centre halfback
1990- 2013
Paul Scholes
He is called “Manchester United ‘s King”. Because of his brilliant genius and special character , he won the favor of Manchester United ’s fans.
Founded in 1878 ,the club was formed as Newton Heath F.C. In 1878 as the works team of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot at Newton Heath. After nearing bankruptcy in 1902, the club was taken over by J. H. Davies who changed its name to Manchester United .
Having won 20 league titles, Manchester United is one of the most successful clubs in the history of English football. The club is unique in having won a Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League Treble, in the 1998–99 season.
曼联 英语PPT

亚历克斯· 弗格森
你不了解曼彻斯特联队,你不知 道这个老头在曼联意味着什么。亚历 克斯· 弗格森是这支球队历史上最成功 的主教练。自1986年11月至2013年5 月19日他带领球队赢得了38个主要荣 誉。
You don't know Manchester united, you don't know what it means to the old man in manchester. Alex Ferguson is the most successful head coach in the history of the team. From November 1986 to May 19, 2013 he led the team to win 38 major honors.
加里· 内维尔
加里· 内维尔是一名前英格兰籍足球运动员,足 球生涯始于曼联队并且整个职业生涯都效力于曼联。 自从1992年首次代表曼联出战以来,他成为了球队 后防线上不可或缺的主力后卫,他作为绝对主力帮 助曼联队在1998/99赛季夺得三冠王。2011年2月2 日,加里· 内维尔宣布退役,结束了自己长达18年 的曼联生涯。
克里斯蒂亚诺· 罗纳尔多
克里斯蒂亚诺· 罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo), 在英超曼联,达到了他当时足球生涯的巅峰。期间 获得了英格兰足球超级联赛冠军、欧洲冠军联赛冠 军、世俱杯冠军等十个赛事冠军。囊获了英超最佳 射手、欧冠最佳射手、英格兰足球先生、世界足球 先生、金球奖、欧洲金靴奖等个人荣誉 。2009年6 月,C罗以身价9600万欧元转会至西甲皇马。 Cristiano Ronaldo (Ronaldo Cristiano), in the Premier League Manchester United, reached the pinnacle of his football career at that time. During the England Football Super League champion, the European Champions League champion, the World Club Cup champion, ten tournament champion. Sac won the top scorer in the Premier League, the top scorer in the Champions League, England footballer, FIFA World Player of the year, Golden Globe Award, the European golden boot award personal honor. In June 2009, C Ronaldo worth 96000000 euros to move to real madrid.

His Team spirit Legend player Desire to victory. ---All of these are Man United glory
Manchester United football club is an English Professional football club who based in old Trafford. Manchester United is one of the wealthiest and most widely supported football teams in the world.
Having won 19 league titles, Manchester United is one of the most
Successful clubs in the history of England football. The club is uni
In having won premier league ,FA cup and UEFA Champions Leagu Treble, in the 1998-99 season.
There is no doubt that David is the favorite player of ladies and girls. His handsome appearance elegant passing and free kick attract large quantity of fans. He is given the name “ 万人迷”。
Legend and players
Alex Ferguson,1941年12月31日--,is the most successful in the history of the club, having won 27 Major honors since he took over in November 1986.

• This classroom is our “Old Trafford”.We stick to our dream fearlessly,and we will make our “coach” see the glory(荣光) of Old Trafford
The theme of MattBusby
• from 1946,under the management of matt busby,the club made big achievements,the team members are called The Busby's Babes
February 6, 1958, to join in the Champions League’ Manchester United encountered a plane crash in Munich, 23 people were killed. 1958年2月6日,参加欧洲冠军联赛的曼联队 在慕尼黑遭遇空难,23人死亡.
曼联是一支英国职业足球队,建立于1878年, 并于1910年迁入老特拉福德球场
sdaf fes
• Having won 18 league titles,Manchester united is one of the most successful clubs in the history of English football,it is unique in taking the three championships in the English. 曼联得到过18个顶级联赛冠 军,是英国最成功的球队之 一,它是英超唯一三冠王的 队伍
曼彻斯特和伯明翰市 英语ppt

Economic development
Manchester is the home of the industrial revolution of the world, the textile industry was more developed. Since the 20th century, Manchester innovation as the guide to financial services and business services, creative industries as an alternative starting point, and gradually worked out a development blueprint to win the right to speak and core competitiveness.
Famous attractions
There are the Northwest England influential orchestras, theaters museums and other cultural and recreational facilities.
City: Manchester
曼彻斯特是世界工业革命的故乡,纺织工业一度较为发达。 20世纪以来,曼彻斯特不断创新,以金融服务业和商务服务业为先 导,以创意产业为另类出发点,逐步制定出赢得未来话语权和核心 竞争力的发展蓝图。
The city development
• In Manchester, soccer is an important part of the culture of the city. Manchester has two famous football clubs: Manchester United and Manchester City , is the highest level of soccer league Premier League participating club in the UK. home of Manchester United - Old Trafford is the number of seats of the football field is second Wembley Stadium in England at present.Manchester United often well-known champion of the Premier League, known as the "Red Devils"(红魔) and "Ever Victorious Army"(常胜 军) in the world.

A great football club -Manchester United
Manchester United is an English professional football club, and it play at Old Trafford stadium.
Eric Cantona
He is called “Man Utd’s King”. Because of his brilliant genius and special character , he won the favor of Man Utd’s fans.
Centre Forward
Ryan Joseph Giggs
When you watch the game of Man Utd ,don’t leave until the last second ,because it can do everything unbelievable by its fight.
• For we ourselves also. Your next step may be the one to the top.Keep going forward,even in the toughest time,and never give up. • A rose may be beautiful or may be not,that depends on you attitude only,and so does life.
outside forward
Wayne Rooney
Rooney is now the best player in Man Utd.He scored 26 in last season.He is also a super star in England.

There is no doubt that David is the favorite player of ladies and girls. His handsome appearance elegant passing and free kick attract large quantity of fans. H is given the name “ 万人迷”。
Wayne Rooney: Rooney is now the best player in Man Utd. He is also recognized he hope star footballer in England.
special team in football world. When you see the red uniform
gain their players mostly by money ,Man Utd concentr
on young players and train them into stars.,such as the
Golden generations.
Cristiano Ronaldo: A super star Who has outstanding skill and unbelievable speed. Actually, he grew into famous player in Man Utd but not Real Madrid. He is he first FIFA World Player in Man Utd history.
You will feel the Excitement and passion
of the club. They play football and never ask to fail .They always

姓名:内马尼亚· 维迪奇 (英文:Nemanja Vidic ) 国籍:塞尔维亚 出生地:乌日采(塞尔维亚) 生日:1981年10月21日 场上位置:中后卫 曾效力球队:莫斯科斯巴达克足球俱乐部 贝尔格莱德红星足球俱乐部 苏博蒂察斯巴达克足球俱乐部 球衣号码:曼联15号,塞尔维亚队5号 队中职务:现任曼联队长 身高:188厘米 体重:88公斤 惯用脚:右脚 代表国家队:出场51次,进2球 欧洲三大杯:出场48次,进6球 欧洲冠军联赛:出场33次,进2球
中文名:亚历克斯· 弗格森 外文名:Alex Ferguson 别名:弗爵爷 国籍:英国 出生地:苏格兰格拉斯哥 出生日期:1941年12月31日 运动项目:足球 所属运动队:格拉斯哥流浪者、曼联 等 主要奖项:1999年率曼联获三冠王 头衔 1999年被白金汉宫授予爵士爵位 加入曼联时间:1986年11月6日 球员时代位置:前锋 儿子:达伦· 弗格森 曾效力球队:圣约翰斯顿足球俱乐部
中文名:迈克尔· 卡里克 外文名:Michael Carrick 别名:C16,1860万先生 国籍:英格兰 出生地:英格兰沃尔森德 出生日期:1981年7月28日 身高:183厘米 体重:76Kg 运动项目:足球 所属运动队:曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部
出生日期:1986-11-17 出生地点:佛得角
中文名:里奥· 费迪南德 外文名:Rio FERDINAND 国籍:英国 出生地:英格兰 出生日期:1978年11月07 日 身高:188 cm 体重:76 kg 运动项目:足球 所属运动队:曼联队妻子: 丽贝卡· 爱丽逊弟弟:安 东· 费迪南德
中文名:乔纳森· 格兰特· 埃 文斯 外文名:Jonathan Grant “Jonny” Evans 别名:乔尼· 埃文斯、囧尼 国籍:北爱尔兰 出生地:贝尔法斯特 出生日期:1988年1月3日 身高:1.89cm 体重:74kg 运动项目:足球 所属运动队:曼联 专业特点:灵敏,进攻性好 主要奖项:英超联赛冠军 位置:中后卫 惯用脚:右脚

of English football
是英国足球历史上最成功的俱乐部之一 The club is unique in having won a Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League Treble,
Goalkeeper 门将
舒梅切尔是曼联历史上最著名的门将。他更是世界足坛最出色的门 将之一。1999年,他的梦幻般的表现带领曼联成为伟大的三冠王。
David Beckham There is no doubt that David is the favorite player of ladies and girls . His handsome appearance , elegant passing and free kick skill attract large quantity of funs around the world , so he was given the name “万人迷”.
曼联是英格兰超级联赛中的一支职业足球俱乐部,位于老特拉福 德(曼彻斯特著名商业区)。 曼联是世界上最有价值并且最受欢迎的球队之一。
Founded in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to Old Trafford in 1910. In 1968, under the management of Matt Busby, Manchester United was the first English football club to win the European Cup, ten years after the Munich air disaster that claimed the lives of eight players.

C. 英式早餐 English Breakfast
• 传统traditional的英式早餐(English Breakfast)可
是英国饮食文化(暂且说他们有这种文化)中很重要的一部分,是最 让世界各地人接受的英国料理。
• 著名英国作家毛姆曾经吐槽说:想在英国吃得好,那得三 顿都吃早餐!
• 曼彻斯特对同性恋的态度相当开放,拥有除伦敦外最大、最完善的同性恋社区。 虽然说曼城并不要求同性恋者像当初的犹太人一样都居住在同一个区域,但随 着历史的发展,运河街(Canal Street)一带逐渐成为了曼彻斯特乃至欧洲有 名的同性恋聚集区。这里有大量的酒吧、夜店,吸引的不仅是曼城乃至附近地 区的同性恋者,更有来自世界各地的游人。夏天的时候你别想开着车通过运河 街,拥挤的人群、喧闹的派对,整条街都通宵达旦,彻夜狂欢。

A great football club -Manchester
History Team spirit Legend player Desire to victory —— All of these are Man Utd’s glory.
At 1999, the European champion cup finals , we got 1 point behind FC Bayern in 90 minute. Everyone believed we lose . However , thanks to Sheringham and Solskjaer’s goal ,we are the champion after in 93 minute. You can draw a conclusion that Man Utd always desire to victory , which is the real sports spirit .
1999年的欧冠决赛,我们在90分钟的比赛过后仍然落 后拜仁慕尼黑队1分。所有人都认为我们与冠军无 缘。但是,3分钟的曼联时刻,谢林汉姆与索尔斯 克亚各进一球,在93分钟的时候我们成为了冠军。 你可以得出一个结论——这支球队永远渴望胜利, 这也是真正体育精神的所在。
What’s more ,Man Utd’s development is healthy . Not like some clubs gain their players mostly by money , Man Utd concentrate on young players and train them into stars, such as the 92 golden generation.

保罗·斯科尔斯,生于1974年11月16日, 英国足球运动员。他职业生涯一直都效力 于曼联队,为曼联上阵共计700次,是曼 联 上出场次数排名第三的球员,他一共 为曼联打进155球, 上排名第九。 年5 月,曼联官方宣布斯科尔斯退役。
Paul Scholes, born in November 16, 1974, the British football players. His career has been playing for Manchester United, for Manchester United to battle a total of 700 times, Manchester United history appearances ranked the third player, his total for United and scored 155 goals, history ranked ninth. May , Manchester United officially announced the retirement of Scholes.

The Glorious History of Manchester United Football Club Manchester United Football Club is an English professional football club, based inOld Trafford, Greater Manchester, that plays in the Premier League. Founded as Newton Heath L YR Football Club in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to Old Trafford in 1910.Early years (1878–1945)Manchester United was formed in 1878 as Newton Heath L YR Football Club by the Carriage and Wagon department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot at Newton Heath. The team initially played games against other departments and rail companies, but on 20 November 1880, they competed in their first recorded match; wearing the colours of the railway company – green and gold –they were defeated 6–0 by Bolton Wanderers' reserve team. By 1888, the club had become a founding member of The Combination, a regional football league. However, following the league's dissolution after just one season, Newton Heath joined the newly formed Football Alliance, which ran for three seasons before being merged with the Football League. This resulted in the club starting the 1892–93 season in the First Division, by which time it had become independent of the rail company and dropped the "L YR" from its name. After just two seasons, the club was relegated to the Second DivisionIn January 1902, with debts of £2,670 – equivalent to £210,000 as of 2011– the club was served with a winding-up order. Captain Harry Stafford found four local businessmen, including John Henry Davies (who became club president), each willing to invest £500 in return for a direct interest in running the club and who subsequently changed the name; on 24 April 1902, Manchester United was officially born. Under Ernest Mangnall, who assumed managerial duties in 1903, the team finished as Second Division runners-up in 1906 and secured promotion to the First Division, which they won in 1908 – the club's first league title. The following season began with victory in the first ever Charity Shield and ended with the club's first FA Cup title. Manchester United won the First Division for the second time in 1911, but at the end of the following season, Mangnall left the club to join Manchester CityIn 1922, three years after the resumption of football following the First World War, the club was relegated to the Second Division, where it remained until regaining promotion in 1925. Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo-yo club, achieving its all-time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the death of the club's principal benefactor, J.H. Davies, in October 1927, the club's finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson, who, in December 1931, invested £2,000 and assumed control of the club.In the 1938–39 season, the last year of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First Division.Busby years (1945–1969)In October 1945, the impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection, player transfers and training sessions. Busby led the team to second-place league finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948. In 1952, the club won the First Division, its first league title for 41years. With an average age of 22, the media labelled the back-to-back title winning side of 1956 "the Busby Babes", a testament to Busby's faith in his youth players In 1957, Manchester United became the first English team to compete in the European Cup, despite objections from The Football League, who had denied Chelsea the same opportunity the previous season. En route to the semi-final, which they lost to Real Madrid, the team recorded a 10–0 victory over Belgian champions Anderlecht, which remains the club's biggest victory on record.The following season, on the way home from a European Cup quarter-final victory against Red Star Belgrade, the aircraft carrying the Manchester United players, officials and journalists crashed while attempting to take off after refuelling in Munich, Germany. The Munich air disaster of 6 February 1958 claimed 23 lives, including those of eight players – Geoff Bent, Roger Byrne, Eddie Colman, Duncan Edwards, Mark Jones, David Pegg, Tommy Taylor and Billy Whelan –and injured several more.Reserve team manager Jimmy Murphy took over as manager while Busby recovered from his injuries and the club's makeshift side reached the FA Cup final, which they lost to Bolton Wanderers. In recognition of the team's tragedy, UEFA invited the club to compete in the 1958–59 European Cup alongside eventual League champions Wolverhampton Wanderers. Despite approval from the FA, the Football League determined that the club should not enter the competition, since it had not qualified. Busby rebuilt the team through the 1960s by signing players such as Denis Law and Pat Crerand, who combined with the next generation of youth players – including George Best – to win the FA Cup in 1963. The following season, they finished second in the league, then won the title in 1965 and 1967. In 1968, Manchester United became the first English (and second British) club to win the European Cup, beating Benfica 4–1 in the final with a team that contained three European Footballers of the Year: Bobby Charlton, Denis Law and George Best. Matt Busby resigned as manager in 1969 and was replaced by the reserve team coach, former Manchester United player Wilf McGuinness.1969–1986Following an eighth-place finish in the 1969–70 season and a poor start to the 1970–71 season, Busby was persuaded to temporarily resume managerial duties, and McGuinness returned to his position as reserve team coach. In June 1971, Frank O'Farrell was appointed as manager, but lasted less than 18 months before being replaced by Tommy Docherty in December 1972. Docherty saved Manchester United from relegation that season, only to see them relegated in 1974; by that time the trio of Best, Law, and Charlton had left the club. The team won promotion at the first attempt and reached the FA Cup final in 1976, but were beaten by Southampton. They reached the final again in 1977, beating Liverpool 2–1. Docherty was dismissed shortly afterwards, following the revelation of his affair with the club physiotherapist's wife.Dave Sexton replaced Docherty as manager in the summer of 1977. Despite major signings, including Joe Jordan, Gordon McQueen, Gary Bailey, and Ray Wilkins, the team failed to achieve any significant results; they finished in the top two in 1979–80 and lost to Arsenal in the 1979 FA Cup Final. Sexton was dismissed in 1981, even though the team won the last seven games under his direction. He was replaced by Ron Atkinson, who immediately broke the British record transfer fee to sign Bryan Robson from West Bromwich Albion. Under Atkinson, Manchester United won the FA Cup twice in three years – in 1983 and 1985. In 1985–86, after 13 wins and two draws in its first 15 matches, the club was favourite to win the league, but finished in fourthplace. The following season, with the club in danger of relegation by November, Atkinson was dismissed.Ferguson years (1986–present)Alex Ferguson and his assistant Archie Knox arrived from Aberdeen on the day of Atkinson's dismissal, and guided the club to an 11th-place finish in the league. Despite a second-place finish in 1987–88, the club was back in 11th place the following season. Reportedly on the verge of being dismissed, victory over Crystal Palace in the 1990 FA Cup Final replay (after a 3–3 draw) saved Ferguson's career. The following season, Manchester United claimed its first Cup Winners' Cup title and competed in the 1991 UEFA Super Cup, beating European Cup holders Red Star Belgrade 1–0 in the final at Old Trafford. A second consecutive League Cup final appearance followed in 1992, in which the team beat Nottingham Forest 1–0 at Wembley. In 1993, the club won its first league title since 1967, and a year later, for the first time since 1957, it won a second consecutive title – alongside the FA Cup – to complete the first "Double" in the club's history. Ryan Giggs is the most decorated player in English football history.Manchester United's 1998–99 season was the most successful in English club football history as they became the first team to win the Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League –"The Treble" –in the same season. Losing 1–0 going into injury time in the 1999 UEFA Champions League Final, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjær scored late goals to claim a dramatic victory over Bayern Munich, in what is considered one of the greatest comebacks of all time. The club also won the Intercontinental Cup after beating Palmeiras 1–0 in Tokyo. Ferguson was subsequently knighted for his services to football.In 2000, Manchester United competed in the inaugural FIFA Club World Championship in Brazil, and won the league again in the 1999–2000 and 2000–01 seasons. The team finished as runners-up in 2001–02, before regaining the title in 2002–03. They won the 2003–04 FA Cup, beating Millwall 3–0 in the final at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. In the 2005–06 season, Manchester United failed to qualify for the knockout phase of the UEFA Champions League for the first time in over a decade, but recovered to secure a second-place league finish and victory over Wigan Athletic in the 2006 Football League Cup Final. The club regained the Premier League in the 2006–07 and 2007–08 seasons, and completed the European double by beating Chelsea 6–5 on penalties in the 2008 UEFA Champions League Final in Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium. Ryan Giggs made a record 759th appearance for the club in this game, overtaking previous record holder Bobby Charlton. In December 2008, the club won the 2008 FIFA Club World Cup and followed this with the 2008–09 Football League Cup, and its third successive Premier League title. That summer, Cristiano Ronaldo was sold to Real Madrid for a world record £80 million. In 2010, Manchester United defeated Aston Villa 2–1 at Wembley to retain the League Cup, its first successful defence of a knockout cup competition.After finishing as runner-up to Chelsea in the 2009–10 season, United achieved a record 19th league title in 2010–11, securing the championship with a 1–1 away draw against Blackburn Rovers on 14 May 2011. At the start of the following season, Premier League champions United faced FA Cup winners Manchester City in the 2011 Community Shield, United won the match 3–2 to secure their 19th Shield.。

The Busby years (1945--1969)
1945 the appointment of Matt Busby to the manager‟s post at old Trafford 1953 1956 sliding to a low of 8th place won the league again
the match England didn’t play so well in Africa , but that’s OK. (especially when compared with China)
Cristiano Ronaldo
Manchester United signed the 18-year-old for £12.24 million in 2003.
Football in China = ? Where is the hope?????
Where is the hope?
China crisis for betting
From mid-October last year to today, many players, coaches, club officials, the Football association officials were arrested for matchfixing, gambling and other economic problems and accept the police investigation.More and more people from the original that the "small fish", and then to today's "big fish" caught in less than one hundred days

慕尼黑空难发生于1958年2月6日,载着英格 兰足球联赛球队曼彻斯特联队(简称“曼联”) 职球员、球迷及随队记者的英国欧洲航空公司 (British European Airways,即现在的英 国航空公司)第609次航班空速“大使”型 (Airspeed Ambassador)专机,在西德慕 尼黑机场积雪的跑道上第三度尝试起飞时失败 撞毁。机上44名乘客及机组人员当中23人罹 难,罹难者包括8名曼联球员及3名职员。
• 其前身“牛顿· 希斯”于1878年由兰开夏郡 和约克郡铁路公司的工人在牛顿希斯工地 上成立。1902年球队改组并改名曼联,现 为英格兰足球超级联赛俱乐部,曼联的球 队主场为“梦剧场”老特拉福德球场, 1910年启用至今。
老特拉福德球 (Old Trafford )是位于 英格兰大曼彻斯特郡曼彻斯特 市内西面的一个全座位足球体 育场,为英格兰足球俱乐部曼联队的主场,最多可容纳观众76212人,享 有“梦剧场”的美誉,全英格兰三个欧足联五星级足球场之一,是仅 次于温布利球场的英格兰第二大的足球场,亦是全英国第三大及全欧 洲第十一大的球场,世界上最著名的足球场之一。因此可以承办欧洲 冠军联赛及欧洲足球锦标赛的决赛。 。 1939年,球场创造了最高入场人数,甘士比对战伍尔弗汉普顿流浪的一 场英格兰足总杯半决赛,总共有761945年2月19日接受了曼联主帅的职 位。于1956和57年两度夺得联赛冠 军,并在1957年闯入足总杯决赛。 后来发生了慕尼黑空难惨剧。曼联虽 然仍旧参加所有三项赛事,但却少了 8名爱将,以及三名俱乐部秘书和教 练,而巴斯比本人也险些丧命。在执 掌曼联23年之后,马特· 巴斯比爵士 宣布将在1968/69赛季末退役。1994 年1月20日,马特· 巴斯比爵士(Sir Matt Busby)因病在基德尔的亚力山 德拉医院不幸去世。
We are United

现役主教练亚历克斯·弗格森是球队历史上最成功的 主教练。自从1986年11月他带队赢得了27个主要荣 誉。
Eric Cantona: He is called “Man Utd’s King”. Because of his brilliant genius and special character , he won the favor of Man Utd’s fans.
Wayne Rooney: Rooney is now the best player in Man Utd.He scored 20 in the season.He is also recognized the hope star footballer in England.
鲁尼现在是曼联队中最出色的球员,上个赛季他的 联赛进球数是20。同时他被人赋予英格兰希望之星 的名号。
Having won 18 league titles, Manchester United is one of the most successful clubs in the history of English football. The club is unique in having won a Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League Treble, in the 1998–99 season.曼联是英国足球历史上最成功的俱乐 部之一,他们赢得了19个顶级联赛冠军。曼 联是唯一一支得到三冠王的英超球队(联赛、 欧冠、足总杯)
埃里克.坎通纳:他是曼联“国王”。杰出的天赋和特 立独行的性格使他成为曼联球迷的最爱。
Ryan Joseph Giggs: My favorite football player , who contributed all his player career to Man Utd. He keeps the record of 902 appearances for Man Utd to become the club's all-time leader in appearances.
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Bryan Robson:One of the best centre half back players in England, ManU’s Captain Marvel in th通纳:他是曼联“国王”。杰出的天赋和特 立独行的性格使他成为曼联球迷的最爱。
Ryan Joseph Giggs: My favorite football player , who contributed all his player career to Man Utd. He keeps the record of 847 appearances for Man Utd to become the club's all-time leader in appearances.
Coach 教练
现役主教练亚历克斯·弗格森是球队历史上最成功的 主教练。自从1986年11月他带队赢得了26个主要荣 誉。
Eric Cantona: He is called “Man Utd’s King”. Because of his brilliant genius and special character , he won the favor of Man Utd’s fans.
Man Utd
Manchester United Football Club is an English professional football club, based in Old Trafford, that plays in the Premier League. Manchester United is one of the wealthiest and most widely supported football teams in the world.
Founded in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to Old Trafford in 1910. In 1968, under the management of Matt Busby, Manchester United was the first English football club to win the European Cup, ten years after the Munich air disaster that claimed the lives of eight players.
left half back 左前卫
瑞安 吉格斯:我最喜欢的足球运动员。他将他的球员 生涯献给了曼联。他保持着球队出场次数最多的记录 (847场)
If you want to choose a man to stand for FA Premier League(英超 联赛),Giggs will be the best one. He was the first player in history to win two consecutive PFA Young Player of the Year awards (1992 and 1993) and is the only player to have played and scored in every single season of the Premier League since its inception.
of the best goalkeepers in
the football history . His
fantastic performance lead
Man Utd to three champion
in 1999.
Goalkeeper 门将
舒梅切尔是曼联历史上最著名的门将。他更是世界 足坛最出色的门将之一。1999年,他的梦幻般的表 现带领曼联夺得伟大的三冠王。
centre half back 中卫
布莱恩•罗布森:英格兰历史上最好的中前卫之一,他 同时是曼联80年代的神奇队长。
Peter Schmeichel: In Man
Utd’s history, Schmeichel is
the most famous
goalkeeper . He is also one
俱乐部组建于1878年,1902年改名曼联, 1910年球队入驻老特拉福德。1968年,在 传奇教练巴斯比的带领下,曼联成为了第
Legends and players
The current manager, Alex Ferguson, is the most successful manager in the club's history, having won 26 major honors since he took over in November 1986.
曼联是英格兰超级联赛中的一支职业足球俱 乐部,位于老特拉福德(曼彻斯特著名商 业区)。曼联是世界上最有价值并且最受 欢迎的球队之一。
Man Utd
Having won 18 league titles, Manchester United is one of the most successful clubs in the history of English football. The club is unique in having won a Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League Treble, in the 1998– 99 season.曼联是英国足球历史上最成功的 俱乐部之一,他们赢得了18个顶级联赛冠 军。曼联是唯一一支得到三冠王的英超球 队(联赛、欧冠、足总杯)