
第三单元课题1分子和原子练习题一、选择题(共12题)1、关于分子、原子下列说法正确的是()A .原子的质量比分子小B .分子之间有间隔,原子没有C .分子可以再分,原子不可以再分D .原子是化学变化中的最小粒子2、“墙内开花墙外香”,这事实说明构成物质的粒子()A.数量很多 B.体积很小 C.不停地运动 D.有间隙3、建立宏观和微观间的联系是化学特有的思维方式。
下列对宏观事实的微观解释错误的是A .汽油要密封保存,是因为分子在不断地运动B . 10mL 酒精和 10mL 水混合后体积小于 20mL ,是因为分子变小了C .水电解生成氢气和氧气,是因为分子在化学变化中可以改变D .冰水属于纯净物,从微观上看是因为只含有一种分子4、下列关于原子、分子和离子的叙述,正确的是 ( )A .原子可以转化为离子B .物质只能由分子、原子构成C .分子的质量一定大于原子质量D .化学变化前后分子数目一定变化5、下列微观解释不正确的是()A .暗香浮动——分子在不断地运动B .热胀冷缩——温度改变,分子体积发生变化C .一滴水中大约有 1.67 × 10 21 个水分子—一分子很小D .碘和碘蒸气都能跟淀粉显示出蓝色——同种分子化学性质相同6、下列关于分子、原子和离子的认识中,正确的是A .分子可分,而原子不可分B .氯化钠是由分子构成的C .水结成冰后,水分子停止了运动D .分子、原子和离子都可以直接构成物质7、用如图进行实验,下列说法不正确的是()A .能证明分子在不断运动B .浓盐酸与浓氨水都具有挥发性C .氯化氢分子比氨分子运动得快D .实验过程中发生了化学变化8、从分子、原子的角度解释下列事实,其中不正确的是A .稀有气体化学性质比较稳定,因为核外电子排布达到了相对稳定结构B .物体具有热胀冷缩现象,因为分子受热增大遇冷缩小C .湿衣服在阳光下比在阴凉处干得快,因为温度越高分子运动速率越快D .氧气(O2 ) 与臭氧(O3) 的化学性质不同是因为它们的分子构成不同9、用分子的知识解释生活中的现象,其中合理的是A .保持汞化学性质的微粒是汞分子B .水结成冰,是因为温度降低,分子停止运动C .酒精挥发,说明酒精分子的体积增大D .八月桂花飘香,说明分子总是在不断运动10、能保持二氧化碳化学性质的微粒是A.碳原子和氧原子 B.碳原子和氧分子C.二氧化碳分子 D.碳单质和氧单质11、图中“”和“”表示两种不同元素的原子,下列方框中表示混合物的是()12、构成物质的粒子有分子、原子、离子等,下列叙述不正确的是()A .从分子的角度看,糖水和水的本质区别在于前者含有多种分子,后者只含一种分子都是由碳元素组成的单质,保持它们化学性质的最小粒子都是碳B .金刚石、石墨、 C60原子C .化学变化中分子可以再分,原子不可再分D .二氧化硫、液氧、液氮都是由分子构成的,氦气、铁都是由原子构成的,氯化钠则是由离子构成的二、填空题(共6题)1、用所学知识回答下列问题:( 1 )保持水的化学性质的最小微粒是 _____ ;( 2 )水通电分解过程中,不变的微粒是 _____ ;( 3 )食醋在空气中放置一段时间后,醋的酸味会变淡 _____ ;( 4 )在一只装有蒸馏水的小烧杯中滴加几滴红墨水,观察到的现象是 _____ ,由此说明分子具有的性质是 _____ ;如果再向小烧杯中放一些活性炭,并用玻璃棒搅拌,稍等片刻后过滤,可观察到的现象为 _____ ,这说明活性炭具有 _____ 作用。

九年级上语文第三单元测试卷班级:姓名:组数:一、基础知识与运用(40分)(一)选择题(30分)1.下列加点的字注音正确的一项是( ) (3分)A.阴晦.(huì)脚踝.(luǒ) 惘.然(wǎng) 恣.睢(zuī)B.鄙.夷(bǐ) 晕.倒(hūn) 撅.断(jué) 味同嚼.蜡(jiáo)C.拮据.(jū) 别墅.(shù) 褴.褛(lán) 抽噎.(yē)D.恍.惚(huǎng) 颧.骨(guān)蜷.伏(quán)簪.子(zān)2.下列有没有错别字的一组是 ( )(3分)A. 旁鹜恣睢鄙夷不言而喻B.妖娆驱除拮据味同嚼辣C.斟酌栈桥煞白面面相觑D.诘难抽噎发窘无与纶比3.下列句子中的加点成语运用正确的一项是( )(3分)A. 闰土的心里有没完没了....的希奇的事,都是我往常的朋友所不知道的。
B. 时间一久,再面对天空一片浮云,再面对这浩浩荡荡....的芦苇,再面对这一缕炊烟,就不再忽然地恐慌起来。
D. 对于叔叔回国这桩稳操胜券....的事,大家还拟定了上千种计划,甚至计划到要用这位叔叔的钱置一所别墅。
4.下列句子没有语病的一句是 ( ) (3分)A.学校希望通过开展节约用电教育,防止同学们不浪费用电。
5、从句式的角度看,填入横线上的句子,最恰当的一项是( )(3分)①老师非常严厉地对他说:“这样糟蹋,太不像话了,”。
A ①难道你不知道粮食来之不易吗? ②我们的球队被他们打败了。
B.①难道你不知道粮食来之不易吗? ②他们打败了我们的球队。


人教版英语九年级Unit 3单元练习题一.根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词1I have a hobby of collecting ________(邮票).2Lucy is taking a shower in the b______.3Are there any ________(洗手间) in the neighborhood?4My friends ________(建议) that we should go to Hainan by plane.5There is a new ________(饭店) near the beach.6.Can you tell me the way to the ________(附近的) bank?7.The big building lies in the ________(中心的) city.8.North Korea is on the ________(东方) of China.9.West Lake in Hangzhou is a ________(迷人的) place.10.It is __________(便利的) to get there by bus.二、单选题。
( )1、Do you know how much hot water ?A.Mum is needed B.does Mum need C.Mum needs D.did Mum need ( ) 2、Can you tell me ?A.where he is B.where is he C.he is where D.what is he( )3、I didn’t know how to London?A.would they go B.are they going C.they would go D.they are going( )4、I want to know how longA.has he been back B.has he come back C.he has been back D.he has come back ( ) 5、Do you know ?A.what the news are B.what is the news C.what the news is D.what are the news ( )6. Could you please ________ us Mary’s telephone number?A. to giveB. giveC. givingD. to giving( )7. That is a good place ______ hang out.A. forB. onC. toD. with( )8 Can you please tell me where ____________ the post office?A. to findB. can I findC. how to findD. find( )9. Do you know where ______________ some maps?A. can I buyB. can buyC. I can buyD. buy( )10 .I live next to Hua Pu supermarket. It’s very ____________.A. beautifulB. cleanC. deliciousD. convenient三.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

Unit 3 Section A 1a-2d(总分:100分时间:60分钟)I. 单项选择(本题包括10小题,每题2分,共20分)1. Go the post office, and turn left at the first crossing.A. throughB. acrossC. pastD. about2. —Could you tell me ?—Look! He is playing basketball over there.A. where Jack isB. what is Jack doingC. How Jack did itD. why Jack is doing it3. The restaurant is the supermarket and the school.A. nextB. betweenC. throughD. among4. Excuse me. Can you tell me how ________ get to the cinema?A. can IB. do IC. I canD. I do5. —Open the window please, Mike.—? I didn’t hear clearly.A. WhatB. RightC. ReallyD. Pardon6. I wonder the shop closes today.A. whenB. whatC. whereD. that7. Do you know the way to the cinema?A. I’m sorry.B. Excuse me.C. Can I help you?D. By the way.8. —Could you carry that heavy box for me?—. I’m strong enough.A. Not at all.B. No problemC. Good idea.D. Never mind.9. —Excuse me, do you know ?—Sure, there is a bookstore down the street near here.A. where can I get some postcardsB. where I can get some postcardsC. how can I get some postcardsD. when I can get some postcards10. —Could you please tell me ?—Yes. There is one on Center Street.A. when was the telephone inventedB. when you will take your vacationC. where can I buy some stampsD. if there are any good restaurants around hereⅡ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(本题包括7小题,每题2分,共14分)11. Go to the ___ _ (three) floor and bring me the book.12. Could you please tell me how _____ (get) to the post office?13. You can get some ______ (information) on the Internet.14. —Is this the _______ (big) park in the city?—Yes, it is.15. I’m excited _______ (try) the new coat on.16. Excuse me. Do you know where I can _______ (buy) some magazines?17. —What do you often do in the evening?—We _______ (normal) do our homework at home.Ⅲ. 补全对话(本题包括5小题,每题2分,共10分)A: Excuse me, do you know ___18___ I can get some stamps?B: Oh, you can go to the post office near there.A: Thanks a lot, but I have no idea where the post office is.B: Don’t worry. Just walk ___19___ this street. The post office is ___20___ the bank and the cinema on your left.A: You’re so kind. By the way, ___21___ can I get to the City Library?B: It’s far from here. You’d better take the bus there.A: Which bus should I take, then?B: Let me see. The No.8 bus ___22___ past the library. You won’t miss it!A: Thanks a lot.Ⅳ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。

课前预习:一、字词:阴晦(huì)瓦楞(léng)胯(kuà)下獾(huān)秕(bǐ)谷鹁鸪(bó)(gū)髀(bì)嗤(chī)笑絮絮(xù)瑟(sè)索蜷(quán)缩寒噤(jìn)折(shé)本惘(wǎng)然恣睢(zì)(suī)潺潺(chán)黛(dài)色愕(è)然五行(x íng)二、辨析多音字、形近字,并注音:折.本:载.去:空.地折.断:三年五载.:空.军课堂训练:一、基础知识:1. 给加点字注音:隐晦.( ) 惘.然( ) 颧.骨( ) 嗤.笑( )鄙.夷( ) 恣.睢( ) 戳.破( ) 撩.逗( )2. 填空:①《故乡》选自《》,体裁是,作者是,原名,文章以为线索。

(35分)1、下列各组词语中,加点字的注音有误的一项是( )A.折.腰(zhé) 鲜妍.(yán) 流盼.(pàn) 亵.渎(xiè)B.妄.想(wàng) 制裁.(cái) 涵.养(hán) 谗.言(chán)C.晦.明(huì) 潺.潺(chán) 酿.泉(liàng) 喧哗.(huá)D.禽.鸟(qín) 汀.兰(tīng) 云帆.(fān) 宦.官(huàn)2、下列词语书写正确的一项是( )A.冠免旁鹜断章取意一代天娇B.遵循恣睢富丽堂皇自吹自擂C.赃物亵读郑重其是红装素裹D.制栽糜下彬彬有礼相得益章3、下列加点成语使用有误的一项是()A.站在曾国藩故居前,我不禁浮想联翩....,时空转换,似乎看见了这位伟人驰骋疆场的英姿。

人教版九年级Unit3单元练习题(有答案)for Shannon Baker and her little family. They have each other’s parents and young daughter and for that they are__1__. But she and her husband are both currently unemployed. And their car is in great need of __2__ . And then there is the matter of their second child, who is due soon. So things are a little tense for the Baker family these days.When Shannon and her daughter were walking through a store __3__lot recently, Shannon picked up an envelop from the ground that__4__ $4,000 in cash. There were a __5__of different interpretations(理解)that could be considered. Was this a kind of good__6__? Could it be an attempt by the universe to balance everything? Could it be simply a gift from God? Shannon didn’t know. The only thing she knew was that the cash in that envelope__7__to someone else.Oh, and one other thing she knew Her young daughter was__8__. “My kid was standingright there__9__I found it,” Shannon told WLS-TV in Chicago. “So basically I wanted to teach my daughter how to be__10__. And for me that was enough.”Never mind the bills that were pilling up, or the car that needed to be fixed, or the baby that would come soon. And forget that when she__11__the money over to the police she was told that there was actually nothing illegal if she keep it.The police were able to return the money to the person who __12__ it an old woman. And one can imagine the__13__and relief she felt when the police handed the lost envelop back to her. “She came to my house and she was almost in tears, __14__me,” Shannon said. “She gave me a hug and an envelope with a small amount in it. But the amount, large or small, wasn’t __15__. What was important was the opportunity to teach my daughter honesty.”1. A.B.upsetC.patientD. grateful2. A. repairB.protectionC.cashD. sale3. A. gathering B.parking C. cleaningD. begging4. A. includedB. containedC. chargedD. paid5. A. number B.plentyD. flood6. A. prideB.prizeC.hopeD. luck7. A. pointedB.ownedC.belongedD. possessed8. A. celebratingB. watchingC. laughingD. requiring9. A. beforeB.thoughC.becauseD. when10. A. honest B. politeC. admirableD. humorous11. A. watchedB.turnedC.gotD. collected12. A. sentB.dislikedC.lostD. received13. A. respect B. regretC.pleasantD. joy14. A. comfortingB. congratulatingC.offendingD. thanking15. A. enoughB.acceptableC.importantD. matter四、语法填空1.Jane: Boy, it really makes me tired. I didn’t know that cross-country skiing could be such hard work.Paul: Yeah, but just think of how much exercise you’re getting. And with cross-country skiing you don’t have to fight the crowds. That 1.________I like it.I hate fighting the crowds and waiting for lifts.Jane: Well, I agree 2.________you there. And the price has really gone up for ski lift tickets. At least we can save lots of money by 3._________(do) cross-country skiing. But I’m still tired. How much 4.________(far)to the wooden house? Paul: We should be there in about an hour. Jane: Good. I can make 5.________. It’d be nice to have a place to rest. Who did you say own the house?Paul: It’s one of the wooden6._________(house) owned by thegovernment. They’re for summer hikers or winter skiers. I 7.__________(buy) it a month ago.Jane:Why were they 8.__________(build)? Paul: In the very beginning, some were for fire lookouts and some as shelter(避难处) for forest service workers. But now the government doesn’t use them anymore. We’re 9.__________(luck) there is one near here for us to use.Jane:What I’d love is a hot fire 10.__________some soup on the stove. Paul: You’re dreaming. The house is for shelter only.2.I always say that Chinese New Yearis a time for the three Fs: family, friends and fireworks. The 11._______(one)two I don't havea problem with (naturally).But thethird one is more dangerous sometime s.I'd like to give you some advice about how to protect ourselves 12______fireworks.Never use fire in order to read in structions of the fireworks.Use a f lashlight 13._______Do not wear any loose(宽松的) clothing as they can 14.______(easy) catch fire.Do not try to set off fireworks fr om your balcony(阳台) or parking lot. Find out an15.______(open)space that is away from dry t rees, grass to play in instead.Always 16._______(keep) some water ne arby.It's always better to be prepared.If a fireworkfails to go off,do not check it out. Instead, stand a few meters away and quickly wet 17.______with water.Do not set off firework after 18.__ _____(drink).If there are people setting off fir eworks nearby,be sure to stand far 19._______.The furtheraway you are, the20._______(good).五、阅读理解Monarch butterflies from eastern Canada make the most amazing journey in the insect world. Each year, this butterfly travels about 3000miles to its winter home in central Mexico(墨西哥). How can it fly so far? And why does it make this long anddangerous trip? Scientists still don’t have an answer.For many years, people in Mexico wondered where the orange-and-black butterflies came from every winter. Then, in 1937, a scientist started to follow and study the but terflies. For thenext 20 years, he discovered that o ne butterfly started its journey in Canada. Four months later, it arrived in Mexico.The length of the butterflies find their way back to the same place? Another amazing thing isthat the butterflies always return t o the same area in central Mexico.How do the butterflies find thei r way back to the same place? This is an interesting question because only every fourth generation(代)makes the trip south. In other words, the butterfly that travels to Mexico this year is the great-great-grandc hild of the butterfly that traveled there last year.Each year, four generations of a Monarch butterfly family are born. Each generation of thefamily has a very different life. T he first generation is born in the south in late April. It slowly moves north, reproduces(繁衍), and then dies. On the trip no rth,two more generations are born, reproduce, and die. Each of these g enerations of butterflies is born. T his generation has a much longer l ife. It lives for about eight month s. This generation of butterflies ma kes the amazingjourney back to the winter home of its great-great-grandparents. The butterflies spend the winter there, and in the spring they repro duce and then die. Their offspring will be the first generation of the next circle of life.Today, people are still studying the Monarch butterfly. But they are not clear about everything.1.The best title of the passage can be ________.A. Family of Monarch butterfliesB. Mystery of Monarch butterfliesC. Monarch butterflies’ birthplaceD. Monarch butterflies’winter home2. It took the scientist ______ to find out that monarch butterflies came from Canada.A. 20 yearsB. four monthsC. five weeksD. eight months 3. We know that the _____ generation of Monarch butterflies travel back to central Mexico.A. firstB. secondC.third D. fourth4. The underlined word “offspring”in the passage is closest in meaning to______.A. seasonsB. butterfliesC.children D. parents 5. Which statement is true according to the text?A. Monarch butterflies spend winter in eastern Canada.B.The four generations have the same length of life.C.Some generations die on the way nor th to Canada.D.Scientists are clear about everything of the butterflies一、单词拼写1.present;2.stamps;3.pardon;4.advised;5.unpaid;6.convenient;7.politely;8.highly-spoken; 9.dare; 10.inflection;11.absent; 12.insects; 13. introduction;14.Generally; 15. guiding;二、形式填空1.direction;2.to practice;3.fascinating;4.asking;5.uncrowded;6.African;7.took;8.shyness; 9.to do; ed; 11.directly;12.pass; 13.open; 14.to help; 15.was interviewed.三、完型填空DABBA DCBDA BCDDC四、语法填空1.why2.with3.doing4.farther5.it6.houses7.bought8.built9. lucky 10.and 11.first; 12.against; 13.instead;14.easily; 15.open; 16.keep; 17. it;18.drinking; 19.away; 20.better五、阅读理解BADCC。
人教版九年级英语全册Unit 3单元测试卷(含答案)

精品基础教育教学资料,仅供参考,需要可下载使用!Unit 3一、听力(20分)(略)二、单项选择(15分)( )21.She half a year learning how to drive.A.costB.tookC.paidD.spent( )22.I live near a supermarket,so it’s for me to go shopping.A.uncrowdedB.inexpensiveC.saf eD.convenient( )23.About how to achieve a balance between hobbies and schoolwork,Justin asked me formy .(2018泰州)A.positionB.attentionC.suggestionD.introduction( )24.—Do you know The Belt and Road Forum(“一带一路”高峰论坛)began?—On May 14th,2017.A.thatB.whenC.ifD.where( )25.—Excuse me.Could you tell me the way the nearest supermarket?—Go down the street and turn left.Then you’ll see it.A.toB.ofC.inD.at( )26. ,the Internet was only used by the government.But now it’s widely used in every field.A.As usualB.At firstC.After allD.So far( )27.The girl students are discussing the walls in the classroom.A.what to paint colorB.to paint what colorC.which color to paintD.to paint which color( )28.—I’ll not be Jack’s friend any more.—Don’t be angry.He’s just so ,but in fact he’s good to us,you know.A.helpfulB.directC.politeD.brave( )29.I look forward you soon.A.seeB.seeingC.to seeD.to seeing( )30.—Excuse me.Could you please tell me ?—Sure.Go along this street and turn left.It’s on your right.A.when I can get to the bookstoreB.when can I get to the bookstoreC.how I can get to the bookstoreD.how can I get to the bookstore( )31.There is a bank the second floor.A.atB.onC.inD.with( )32.—Would you like a movie with us tonight?—I’d like to,but I have to help my mother do some chores.A.seeB.seeingC.to seeD.to seeing( )33.Tom didn’t go to bed he finished his homework last night. A.because B.if C.until D.while( )34.Our teacher told us carefully in class.A.to listenB.listenC.listeningD.listened( )35.We should speak to the old .A.politeB.politelyC.impoliteD.impolitely三、完形填空(10分)Few words are spoken more often every day on the streets of Britain than “I’m sorry”.This sentence has become 36 common that it has had a lot of meanings.Sorry means apologizing (道歉).It’s 37 to understand.We learn it both as a mother language speaker and as a 38 .B ut in Britain,it has another meaning.It is a cultural expression. 39 this situation:a man walks down the street,looking down a t his phone.A woman is walking in the opposite direction,towards the man.She sees him, 40 she can’t get out of the way in time.The man walks 41 the woman.Who should say sorry? Naturally,the man should say sorry,because he isn’t looking at42 he is going.Yet in Britain,it is common for both to apologize.It is 43 that British people,like most people,do not enjoy conflicts (冲突).So to calm (使平静) the situation soon,British people will apologize to 44 .Sometimes it may sound funny to hear “sorry”.In Britain,sorry doesn’t always mean 45 what you think.Some of my friends say it at restaurants,as they ask the waiter,“Sorry,but can I order another drink?”It is not to apologize,but just to express that we need the waiter.( )36.A.very B.suchC.soD.too( )37.A.easy B.difficultC.differentD.interesting( )38.A.neighbor B.customerC.writerD.foreigner( )39.A.Explain B.ImagineC.SayD.Expect( )40.A.as B.soC.butD.or( )41.A.behind B.intoC.aroundD.beside( )42.A.where B.whenC.whyD.how( )43.A.taught B.testedC.knownD.told( )44.A.another B.any otherC.each otherD.others( )45.A.finally B.recentlyC.especiallyD.exactly四、阅读理解(40分)ASome British and American people like to invite friends and colleagues(同事)for a meal at home.You should not be upset if your English friends don’t invite you home.It doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m.,and end at about 11.Ask your hosts what time you should arrive.It’s polite to bring flowers,chocolates or a bottle of wine as a present.Do you want to be extra(特别地)polite?Say how much you like the room,or the pictures on the wall.But remember not to ask how much things cost.You’ll probably start the meal with soup,or something small as a “starter(开胃菜)”,then you’ll have meat or fish with vegetables,and then a dessert(甜点),followed by coffee.It’s polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it.Some people eat bread with their meal,but not everyone does. Before they take out their cigarettes after the meal,most p eople usually ask,“Do you mind if I smoke here?”Did you enjoy the evening?Call your hosts the next day,or write them a short “thank you”letter.Perhaps it seems funny to you,but British and American people say “thank you,thank you,and thank you”all the time.( )46.If you aren’t invited to dinner at home by English or American friends,.A.it shows they don’t like youB.it shows they have no time to get togetherC.it shows they don’t want to make friends with youD.it doesn’t show they don’t like you( )47.When your friend invites you to go to his or her home, .A.you shouldn’t take anything with youB.you may take a small present with youC.you may take an expensive present with youD.you may go at any time( )48.In England and America,it’s not polite to .A.ask the price of a thingB.eat all the food on your plateC.talk to your hostsD.eat bread with your meal( )49.In the passage,the order of the serving of a meal is .A.dessert—meat or fish with vegetables—coffee—soupB.coffee—soup—dessert—meat or fish with vegetablesC.meat or fish with vegetables—dessert—soup—coffeeD.soup—meat or fish with vegetables—dessert—coffee( )50.Which is NOT right?A.In England or America,it usually takes about three or four hours to have a dinner party at home.B.If you are invited to go to a dinner party,you can bring flowers.C.You mustn’t smoke after a m eal when you are with some American or English people.D.If you enjoy the evening,you can write a short “thank you”letter to your hosts or call them.BOn a cold early morning,an old woman was carrying a big basket of cabbages on her head to the market.She hoped to sell them to the people in the town.The mountain road was narrow (狭窄) and the old woman was walking carefully,because she did not want to lose her cabbages.Suddenly she heard a loud bell and a bicycle came round.It passed her and went very fast down the hill.The old woman had to jump up to one side of the road so quickly that the basket of cabbages nearly fell into the valley(山谷).She looked down,and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle.He was riding on without even looking round to see whether the old woman was all right.The old woman began to shout,“Come back,young man! You dropped something!”When he heard this,the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off.Then he turned and began to push the bicycle back up to the hill.“What is it?”he asked.“What did I drop?”“Little boy,”the old woman answered,“you dropped your manners.”( )51.What was the old woman carrying?A.A basket of eggs.B.A basket of pears.C.A basket of apples.D.A basket of cabbages.( )52.Why did the woman go to the town?A.Because she went to see her son.B.Because she went to buy cabbages.C.Because she went to sell her cabbages.D.Because she went to buy a bicycle.( )53.What was the mountain road like?A.The mountain road was wide.B.The mountain road was narrow.C.The mountain road was long.D.The mountain road was untidy.( )54.Which one is RIGHT according to the passage?A.The boy stopped to buy some cabbages.B.The boy stopped to take the old woman to the town.C.The boy stopped to pick up the cabbages.D.The boy stopped to ask the old woman what he dropped.( )55.What did the boy drop?A.The boy dropped his cabbages.B.The boy dropped his money.C.The boy dropped his manners.D.The boy dropped his books.CI arrived in the UK last weekend to learn English.So far I have already made a few friends and had several kinds of traditional English foods there.But after eating hamburgers,sandwiches and potatoes,I thought none could be more delicious than Chinese food,especially my favorite—huo guo.You can’t imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students.On the way to the canteen,I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.To my surprise,when I went into the room,I didn’t see any sign of huo guo.Where was it?With many questions in my head,I sat down to have the free meal.After talking with an English girl,I got to know that Chinese huo guo is completely different from hotpot.Chinese huo guo is written in two words—hot pot,and hotpot,one word,is a traditional English dish.Hotpot is made of mutton and onion.On the top are pieces of potatoes.People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat.It takes very little effort to prepare.You can often see it at parties in the UK because it’s easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.Hotpot doesn’t taste bad.However,I still miss huo guo—hot pot,two words!( )56.The writer felt excited when she thought she would .A.try traditional English foodB.learn English in the UKC.have her favorite huo guoD.meet some new fr iends( )57.The underlined word “canteen”means “”in Chinese.A.宿舍B.餐厅C.实验室D.体育馆( )58.Why is hotpot often prepared for parties?A.Because it’s easy to prepare.B.Because it’s very popularC.Because it’s quite expensive.D.Because it’s good for health.( )59.After the free meal,the writer learnt that .A.“hotpot”wasn’t “hot pot”B.hotpot took little time to cookC.hotpot wasn’t traditional in the UKD.the girl knew little about hotpot( )60.What is the writer’s favorite food?A.Sandwiches.B.Mutton.C.Hotpot.D.Hot pot.D阅读短文,根据短文内容从短文后的六个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版新人教版初三上册语文第三单元测试试卷及答案对于语文的学习,除了日常的背诵以外,还要多做练习才行!那么,对于初三语文究竟要怎样有效的去做题呢?接下来不妨和店铺一起来做份新人教版初三上册语文第三单元测试试卷,希望对各位有帮助!新人教版初三上册语文第三单元测试试卷一、积累与运用(30分)1.下列加点字注音有误的一项是( )(3分)A.惘然(wǎng) 嗤笑(chī) 阴晦(huì)B.恣睢(zì suī) 胆怯(qiè) 给予(jǐ)C.狗吠(fèi) 戳穿(cuō) 妒忌(dù jì)D.诧异(chà) 过瘾(yǐn) 拮据(jié)2.下列词语中有四个错别字,请找出来并依次将正确的写在下面的横线上。
(4分)辛苦姿睢生活拮据脸色霎白相题并论细脚伶仃阴侮潮湿改正:3.下列句子中加点成语使用不恰当的一项是( )(3分)A.针对100万套保障房土地的供应问题,徐绍史昨天斩钉截铁地说:“一定能保证。
4.下列句子中标点符号使用不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.他问我为什么没有参加这次云南省教育厅组织的“中小学学生‘中国梦’”书法赛。
5. (绵阳中考)下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )(3分)A.“我的文学行当——黄永玉作品展”包括“太阳下的风景”“比我老的老头”“罐斋二重唱”三部分组成。

【精选】人教版九年级全册第三单元Unit3测试卷(含答案)(限时:60分钟满分:100分)一、单项选择(每小题1.5 分,共15 分)1. If your friend sends you a message to borrow money, you’d better call him________ first to make sure, or you will be cheated.A. directlyB. quietlyC. angrilyD. cheaply2. — Is there a bookstore ________ the school?— Yes, there is one.A. besideB. closeC. near toD. nearby3. (新材料) It is very ________ for passengers to use e-tickets on the phone to takethe subway.A. comfortableB. confidentC. convenientD. central4. This was a small room, so Carla made a request ________ a larger room.A. atB. inC. forD. by5. [2023自贡改编] — I want to know ________ you got to Zigong yesterday.— By high-speed train.A. whereB. howC. whenD. what6. [2023 无锡] —Let’s go and get something to eat. What do you ________?— How about fish and chips?A. suggestB. imagineC. supposeD. insist7. [2023 长春第四十五中学月考] If you behave ________ , others will also be________ to you.A. politely; politeB. politely; politelyC. polite; politelyD. polite; polite8. I spent a lot of time ________ English last weekend.A. to practice speakingB. practicing to speakC. practicing speakingD. to practice to speak9. — Open the window please, Mike.1/ 13。

人教版英语九年级Unit3单元测试试题(含答案)1.I have a hobby of collecting stamps.2.Lucy is taking a shower in the bathroom.3.Are there any restrooms in the neighborhood?4.My friends suggested that we should go to Hainan by plane.5.There is a new restaurant near the beach.6.Can you tell me the way to the nearby bank?7.The big building lies in the center of the city.8.North Korea is to the east of China.9.West Lake in Hangzhou is a charming place.10.It is convenient to get there by bus.1.D。
Mum needs2.A。
where he is3.D。
they are going4.A。
has he been back5.B。
how to get to the train n.A。
What is the news?B。
Could you please give us Mary’s telephone number?C。
That is a good place to hang out.D。
Where can I find the post office?E。
Where can I buy some maps?F。
It’s v ery convenient.1.That is a direct answer to the n。
So you must think about it by yourself.2.The ns they use might depend on who they are speaking to.3.It’s polite of you to study a girl’s face.4.On the day when the Italian scientist completed his n。

人教版九年级语文(下册)单元达标题第三单元(时间:120分钟,满分:120分)命题人:李宗刚第一部分积累与运用(28分)一、(8分,每小题2分)1.下列加点字中注音完全正确的一项是( )(2分)A.沉湎.(miǎn) 馈.赠(kuì) 瘠.薄 (jí) 隐.姓埋名(yǐn)B.孱.弱(chán) 倒坍.(dān) 虬.须 (qiú) 乐此不疲.(pí)C.臆.测(yì) 荫.庇(yīn) 啾啾.(jiū)袅.袅烟云(niǎo)D.攫.取(juē)骄奢.(shē)云翳. (yì) 瞻.望前景(zhān)2.指出下列词语中有错别字的一项( )(2分)A.芳馨稀稀落落难以置信引颈受戮B.馈赠周到如砥浩瀚无垠遮天蔽日C.怡悦万籁俱寂万物鼎盛沉默寡言D.枭鸟郁郁葱葱难以置信山崩地裂3.指出下列句子的修辞方法正确的一项( )(2分)(1)生命像向东流的一江春水,他从最高处发源,冰雪是他的前身。
A.比喻排比拟人拟人B.拟人排比拟人拟人C.比喻对比比喻拟人D.拟人对比拟人比喻4.指出下列句子所使用的表达方式,依次判断正确的是( )(2分)(1)秋目的艳阳在森林的树梢上欢乐地跳跃,把林子里墨绿的松、金色的唐棋、橘黄的杨、火红的枫,打扮得五彩缤纷。

新人教版九年级第三单元精选练习题附答案Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第一课时Section A(1a~2d)01基础过关Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语或图片提示填写单词。
1. We've got lots of time. You don't need to ________(仓促).2. Mike's favorite hobby is collecting ________.3. Lucia is taking a shower in the ________(浴室).4. I'm going to send my pen pal a ________(明信片) as his birthday present.5. Are there any ________(洗手间)in the neighborhood?Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
beside,normal,bookstore,past,two6. The reading room for children is on the ________ floor.7. Go ________ the library and then you can see the supermarket.8. Sally chose a room ________ mine.9. We can find a lot of ________ in our city.10. I ________ go to bed early,but I stayed up last night.Ⅲ.单项选择。
( ) 11. I wonder ________ there is a bank ________ the store.A. if;crossB. if;betweenC. whether;besideD. how;near ( ) 12. —Could you please tell me where the nearest hotel is?—________.Go straight and turn left. You can find one on your right.A. Sorry,I can'tB. Yes,I couldC. SureD. I can tell you( ) 13. Go ________ the museum,and ________ the second turning to the right. You'll find the post office.A. pass;takeB. past;takeC. pass;getD. past;get( ) 14. —Excuse me,could you tell me where the bookstore is?— ________?I didn't hear clearly.A. PardonB. How are youC. How do you doD. Yes,please ( ) 15. Excuse me,could you tell me ________?A. where's the teachers' officeB. where's the bus stopC. what's she doingD. where the post office is02能力提升Ⅳ.配对阅读。

(35分)1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是( )A.骊.歌(lí) 盔.甲(kuī) 磐.石(pán) 苦心孤诣.(zhǐ)B.悲怆.(chuàng) 呓.语(yì) 谦逊.(xùn) 花团锦簇.(cù)C.涟漪.(yī) 妖娆.(ráo) 汲.取(xī) 顶礼膜.拜(mó)D.倏.忽(shū) 惬.意(xiá) 俨.然(yǎn) 讲信修睦.(mù)2、下列词语中书写全部正确的一项是()A.阻遏推崇拮据心会神疑B.筹划嗔视思绪寻章摘句C.颓唐箫索缄默吹毛求疵D.诘问萌发沉腼衰草连天3、下列句子中加点成语运用正确的一项是()A.同学们认为他提出的这条建议很有价值,都随声附和....,表示赞成。

相信你是最棒的!第三单元测试一、积累与运用(24分)1.下列带点字的注音有误的一项是( )(3分)A.蹴.尔(jiù) 怫.然(fú) 抢.地(qiāng) 姮.娥(héng)B.的.卢(dí) 媵.人(yìng) 徒跣.(xiǎn) 叱咄.(duō)C.绮.绣(qǐ) 缟.素(gǎo) 加冠.(guān) 皲.裂(jūn)D.休祲.(jìn) 负箧.(qiè) 冻馁.(něi) 曳屣.(xǐ)2.下列加点词的解释有误的一项是( )(3分)A.犹幸预.君子之列(参与)B.老夫聊.发少年狂(无聊)C.殊.未屑(很,甚)D.故患.有所不辟也(祸患,灾难)3.下列句中不含通假字的一项是( )(3分)A.乡.为身死而不受B.故不错.意也C.而承天子之宠.光D.所识穷乏者得.我与4.下列句中带点词的用法与其他三项不同的一项是( )(3分)A.腰.白玉之环B.天下缟.素.C.余则缊袍敝衣....处其间 D.手.自笔录5.下列句中带点词意义和用法都相同的一项是( )(3分)A.乡.为身死而不受 今为妻妾之奉为.之B.无从致书以.观 不敢出一言以.复C.今诸生学于.太学 所恶有甚于.死者D.布衣之.怒 走送之.6.默写。

九年级3单元语文试卷答案【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题1. 下列哪个字在古代汉语中通常表示“水”的意思?( )A. 氵B. 火C. 木D. 金答案:A2. 下列哪个成语是出自《庄子》?( )A. 庖丁解牛B. 杯弓蛇影C. 狐假虎威D. 南辕北辙答案:A3. 下列哪个字是形声字?( )A. 日B. 月C. 明D. 星答案:C4. 下列哪个诗人是唐代的?( )A. 杜甫B. 李白C. 白居易D. 苏轼答案:B5. 下列哪个词是表示“春天”的?( )A. 春B. 夏C. 秋D. 冬答案:A二、判断题1. 《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集。
( )答案:√2. “论语”是孔子的一部著作。
( )答案:×3. “红楼梦”是我国古代四大名著之一。
( )答案:√4. “史记”是司马迁所著的一部历史书籍。
( )答案:√5. “庐山谣”是李白所作的一首诗。
( )答案:×三、填空题1. 《论语》是孔子及其弟子的言行录,由孔子的弟子及再传弟子编纂而成。
( )2. “床前明月光,疑是地上霜”是唐代诗人李白的名句。
( )3. 《庐山谣》是唐代诗人白居易所作的一首诗。
( )4. “三人行,必有我师”是《论语》中的一句话。
( )5. 《红楼梦》是我国古代四大名著之一,作者是曹雪芹。
( )四、简答题1. 请简要介绍《论语》的内容及影响。
2. 请简要介绍唐代诗人李白的主要成就及影响。
3. 请简要介绍《红楼梦》的主要内容及影响。
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新人教版九年级第三单元精选练习题附答案Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第一课时Section A(1a~2d)01基础过关Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语或图片提示填写单词。
1. We've got lots of time. You don't need to ________(仓促).2. Mike's favorite hobby is collecting ________.3. Lucia is taking a shower in the ________(浴室).4. I'm going to send my pen pal a ________(明信片) as his birthday present.5. Are there any ________(洗手间)in the neighborhood?Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
beside,normal,bookstore,past,two6. The reading room for children is on the ________ floor.7. Go ________ the library and then you can see the supermarket.8. Sally chose a room ________ mine.9. We can find a lot of ________ in our city.10. I ________ go to bed early,but I stayed up last night.Ⅲ.单项选择。
( ) 11. I wonder ________ there is a bank ________ the store.A. if;crossB. if;betweenC. whether;besideD. how;near ( ) 12. —Could you please tell me where the nearest hotel is?—________.Go straight and turn left. You can find one on your right.A. Sorry,I can'tB. Yes,I couldC. SureD. I can tell you( ) 13. Go ________ the museum,and ________ the second turning to the right. You'll find the post office.A. pass;takeB. past;takeC. pass;getD. past;get( ) 14. —Excuse me,could you tell me where the bookstore is?— ________?I didn't hear clearly.A. PardonB. How are youC. How do you doD. Yes,please ( ) 15. Excuse me,could you tell me ________?A. where's the teachers' officeB. where's the bus stopC. what's she doingD. where the post office is02能力提升Ⅳ.配对阅读。
Children need to learn to follow directions. It's useful in many areas. Many activities teach kids to follow directions in an entertaining way.( )16.The activity works well in a group. Each kid needs the same blank picture and a box of crayons. Give directions for coloring each part of the picture. For example, the kids are asked to color the flower red, the sun yellow and the grass green. If they follow the directions, each picture should look similar.( )17.Picture or word cards can help kids finish a task easily. Write or draw each step in a process. The kids look at each card and finish the corresponding step in order. If they follow the steps exactly, they will be able to finish the whole task.( )18.Create a set of directions for kids to follow to find treasure. These directions lead kids to the end of the treasure hunt. If the kids follow the directions correctly, they will be rewarded with the treasure in the end.( )19.Line the kids up. The first person is the leader. The teacher gives an instruction (指令) to the leader. If the teacher says, “Raise your right foot,”the leader must raise the right foot. The rest of the kids follow the leader. If the leader fails to lead the line, he or she will go to the end of the line and a new leader takes over.( )20.In the activity, the teacher gives instructions with or without “Simon says”. For example, the teacher says, “Simon says touch your nose.” Then the kids must touch their noses. However, if the teacher says, “Touch your nose,”the kids shouldn't touch their noses, or they'll lose.第二课时Section A(3a~3b)01基础过关Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。
1. My friends ________(建议) that we should go to Dalian by ship.2. Why not ask the ________(管理人员) person over there?3. There is a new ________(饭店) near the beach.4. What is ________(独特的)about the program I'm a Singer?Why do so many peopleenjoy it?5. A rock ________(乐队)will play in that square this evening.Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
shop,wonder,real,staff,seem6. The bus is ________ crowded. There are too many people on it.7. All the ________ in the company played a part in the meeting.8. I ________ why you came here so late.9. Ten kilometers ________ a long way for the old people to walk.10. I happen to meet my old friend in the ________ center.Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。
11. 莉莉的老师昨天的确来我家了。
Lily's teacher ________ ________ to my home yesterday.12. 迈克在上学路上发现了一个钱包。
Mike found a wallet ________ ________ ________ ________ school.13. 我建议去巴黎度假,但是他不同意。
I ________ ________ to Paris for a holiday,but he didn't agree.14. 明天我们为什么不去博物馆呢?________ ________ ________ ________ to the museum tomorrow?15. 当我经过他的房间的时候,我看到他正在读书。
I saw him reading a book when I ________ ________ his room.02能力提升Ⅳ.完形填空。
On a Saturday morning,I went camping in Green Natural Park with some friends. We were happy because it was a sunny day. All the way there,we sang songs and made jokes.16 ,in the afternoon,when we finished our picnic(野餐)at one o'clock,it was dark and windy. Soon,it started to rain. Unluckily,none of us brought a(n) 17 .We ran about but couldn't find any places to 18 .Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining. There was a long way to go 19 we reached the campsite(野营地).It was 20 worse because our compass(指南针)showed that we went the wrong way.We had to make a quick 21 because it was raining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in,so Mary and Tom 22 to set up the tent. Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm. But we were not able to light the fire,because everything was 23 .We dried ourselves,talked and waited inside the tent. At about five o'clock,it stopped raining. We decided to 24 the camping trip because all of us were very tired.This camping trip might not be very 25 but we got to know each other better. And the most important thing I've learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit.( ) 16. A. Instead B. Usually C. Luckily D. However( ) 17. A. tent B. book C. umbrella D. coat( ) 18. A. live B. cat C. hide D. sleep( ) 19. A. after B. before C. since D. when( ) 20. A. nearly B. hardly C. still D. even( ) 21. A. decision B. call C. wish D. change( ) 22. A. continued B. began C. forgot D. refused( ) 23. A. wet B. dry C. dark D. bright( ) 24. A. take up B. get up C. give up D. put up( ) 25. A. useful B. successful C. truthful D. helpful第三课时Section A(4a~4c)01基础过关Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。