2003Real-time automated polymerase chain reaction to detect Candida albicans
以此为基础发展出包括real-time PCR在内的多项应用技术。
自诞生后real-time PCR技术持续发展,从简单的增扩到整个PCR过程,real-time PCR表现出比PCR更敏感、更明确的定量分析特性和对识别等位基因的能力。
Real-time PCR其实是一种real-time设备。
RNA定量分析依靠逆转录酶制作cDNA (complementary DNA)O常见的逆转录酶有2种,AMV 和MMLVo AMV是一种鸟类myeloblastosis病毒的二聚体蛋白质,MMLV来自于鼠科leukemia 病毒的monomeric蛋白。
2种酶都有RNase把RNA变性为RNA-DNA杂交体的活性,比较而言AMV 有更高的RNase H活性。
RNase H活性和依赖于RNA的DNA聚合酶活性能被mutagenesis区分开来。
原生的AMV 有高于MMLV的适用温度,42°C对37°C。
修改后的变种可以有更高的温度极限,分别是AMV58 °C, MMLV55C按照以上的描述,大家可能认为改造后的AMV是适宜从RNA制作cDNA的酶。
其中的原因目前仍不明,猜测高温破坏了2种酶的聚合酶活性,但残留的DNA绑定活性对Taq polymerase形成物理障碍。
Real-Time PCR 简介
Cycle number
平台出现得迟早与模板的初始量有关,模板初 始量越多,平台出现得越早。
PCR 常见问题及分析
商用PCR试剂盒均以dUTP取代dTTP,所以PCR产物都是含有dU的 DNA链。在定量PCR开始前增加50℃的保温步骤,UNG酶即可将已 有的PCR产物降解破坏,防止可能造成的污染。
Cycle 1
5' 3'
3' 5'
5' 3'
3' 5'
Denaturation: 94 – 96°C
3' 5'
Annealing: 50 – 65°C
5' 3'
5' 3'
4 2
Elongation: 70 – 75°C
酶量增加使反应特异性下降;酶量过少 影响反应产量
dATP、dCTP、dGTP、dTTP(dUTP)的混合物 ,
Agilent Real-time qPCR 检测 操作手册说明书
Real-time qPCR 检测操作手册1/ 6一、实验概述Real-time Quantitative PCR Detecting System ,即实时荧光定量核酸扩增检测系统,也叫实时定量基因扩增荧光检测系统,简称qPCR 。
是一种在PCR 反应体系中加入荧光基团,利用荧光信号积累实时监测整个PCR 进程,最后通过特定数学原理对未知模板进行定量分析的方法,实现了PCR 从定性到定量的飞跃。
二、实验流程三、实验材料: 1.主要试剂试剂名称 试剂来源 Cat.No. Trizol 上海普飞 3101-100 M-MLV promega M1705 dNTPs promega U1240 oligo dT 上海生工 B0205 Bulge-LoopTM miRNA广州锐博 详见实验报告 qPCR Primer Set Rnase Inhibitor promega N2115 Primer(R&F) 上海生工 详见实验报告 SYBR Master MixtureTAKARADRR041B2/ 6样本收集Trizol 法抽取RNARNA 反转录获取cDNAReal-time qPCR2.主要器材器材名称来源Cat.NoNanodrop 分光光度计Thermo 2000/2000C稳压电泳仪上海天能EPS-600超细匀浆机FLUKO公司F6/10Real time PCR 仪器Agilent公司MX3000p反转录耗材Axygen四、实验步骤:1.总RNA 抽提(1)收取样品,Trizol 裂解。
细胞样品:收集细胞(6 孔板 80%细胞密度),2000 rpm 离心5min,去上清,细胞沉淀中加入1mL Trizol,充分混匀后室温静置 5 min,然后转移至新的 1.5 mL EP 管中;组织样品:将待研磨的组织样品从液氮或者-80℃冰箱中取出,无菌刀片于干冰上将组织样品切割成约 3 mm×3 mm×3 mm 大小,置于装有 1 mL Trizol 裂解液的 1.5mL EP 管中。
realtime pcr操作流程
realtime pcr操作流程英文回答:Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is a powerful molecular biology technique used to amplify and quantify specific DNA sequences in real-time. It is widely used in various fields, including gene expression analysis, pathogen detection, and genetic testing. The workflow of a real-time PCR experiment typically consists of several key steps.1. Experimental Design:Before starting a real-time PCR experiment, it is essential to design the experiment carefully. This includes selecting the target DNA sequence to be amplified, designing specific primers and probes, and optimizing reaction conditions.2. Sample Preparation:The next step involves preparing the DNA samples for analysis. This can include extracting DNA from cells or tissues, purifying the DNA, and quantifying its concentration using a spectrophotometer or fluorometer.3. Primer and Probe Design:Specific primers and probes are designed to target the desired DNA sequence. Primers are short DNA sequences that bind to the complementary regions of the target DNA, while probes are labeled with fluorescent dyes and bind to the amplified DNA during the PCR reaction.4. PCR Reaction Setup:The PCR reaction mixture is prepared by combining the DNA template, primers, probes, and other components such as buffer, dNTPs, and DNA polymerase. The reaction mixture is then loaded into individual wells of a real-time PCR plate.5. Thermal Cycling:The real-time PCR instrument performs a series of temperature cycles to amplify the DNA. The thermal cycling typically consists of three steps: denaturation, annealing, and extension. The denaturation step separates the DNA strands, the annealing step allows the primers to bind to the target DNA, and the extension step synthesizes new DNA strands using DNA polymerase.6. Fluorescence Detection:During the PCR cycles, the real-time PCR instrument monitors the fluorescence emitted by the probes as they bind to the amplified DNA. The increase in fluorescence intensity is directly proportional to the amount of DNA amplified in each cycle.7. Data Analysis:The real-time PCR instrument continuously measures the fluorescence intensity and generates amplification curves. These curves represent the increase in DNA concentrationover the PCR cycles. The data can be analyzed using various software programs to determine the initial DNA concentration, quantify gene expression levels, or detectthe presence of specific pathogens.中文回答:实时荧光定量PCR(real-time PCR),也称为定量PCR (qPCR),是一种用于实时扩增和定量特定DNA序列的强大的分子生物学技术。
将样品和试剂装入PCR板或 realtimePCR板中。
将PCR板或realtimePCR板放 入仪器中开始反应。
用标准品建立浓度和荧光信号之间的关 系。
1 防止样品污染
2 合理设计实验
提前考虑样品数、重复次 数和阴性对照。
3 数据验证
灵敏度高,适用于低表达基因,但结果需要后续凝 胶电泳分析。
结果即时可见,无需后续分析,但对样品纯度和荧 光信号分析要求较高。
RT-PCR和realtimePCR用于病 原体检测、基因突变分析和 疾病诊断。
这两种技术用于研究基因调 控、蛋白质表达和细胞信号 传导。
RT-PCR和realtimePCR可用于 检测环境中的微生物和污染 物。
• 基因表达差异分析 • 疾病诊断 • 新药研发 • 环境污染监测
随着技术的不断改进,RT-PCR和realtimePCR在医学、生物学和环境科学等领 域都会有更广泛的应用。
RT-PCR和realtimePCR是重要的分子生物学技术,为科学研究、医学诊断和环 境监测提供了强大的工具。
RT-PCR和realtimePCR原理 及步骤
realtime pcr操作流程
realtime pcr操作流程英文回答:Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is a widely used technique in molecular biology to detect and quantify DNA or RNA molecules. It is a sensitive and accurate method that allows researchers to measure gene expression levels, identify genetic variations, and detect pathogens.The general workflow of a real-time PCR experiment involves several steps:1. Sample preparation: This step involves extracting DNA or RNA from the sample of interest. Various methods can be used for sample preparation, such as phenol-chloroform extraction, column-based purification kits, or automated extraction systems. The quality and purity of the extracted nucleic acids are crucial for the success of the PCR reaction.2. Primer design: Primers are short DNA sequences that specifically bind to the target DNA or RNA region of interest. They are designed using bioinformatics tools and should have high specificity and minimal secondary structures. The forward and reverse primers are designed to flank the target sequence, and ideally, they should have similar melting temperatures.3. Reaction setup: The PCR reaction mixture is prepared by combining the extracted nucleic acids, primers, a DNA polymerase enzyme, and a fluorescent dye or probe. The reaction mixture is typically prepared in a PCR tube or plate. It is important to maintain proper aseptic techniques to prevent contamination.4. Thermal cycling: The PCR reaction goes through a series of temperature cycles in a thermal cycler machine. These cycles typically include denaturation, annealing, and extension steps. The denaturation step separates the DNA double strands, the annealing step allows the primers to bind to the target sequence, and the extension stepsynthesizes new DNA strands using the primers as templates. The number of cycles depends on the initial amount oftarget nucleic acid and the desired level of amplification.5. Data collection and analysis: Real-time PCR instruments monitor the fluorescence emitted by the fluorescent dye or probe during each cycle. The fluorescence signal increases proportionally to the amount of amplified DNA or RNA. The data can be plotted in a graph called the amplification curve, which shows the exponential growth of the target sequence. The threshold cycle (Ct) value, which represents the cycle number at which the fluorescence signal crosses a predetermined threshold, is used to quantify the initial amount of target nucleic acid.Real-time PCR is a versatile technique that can be adapted to various applications, including gene expression analysis, pathogen detection, and genetic testing. Itoffers high sensitivity, specificity, and quantification accuracy, making it an essential tool in molecular biology research and diagnostic laboratories.中文回答:实时荧光定量PCR(real-time PCR),也被称为定量PCR (qPCR),是分子生物学中广泛使用的一种技术,用于检测和定量DNA或RNA分子。
斑马鱼胚胎qRT-PCR检测应用qRT-PCR of Zebrafish protocols
Quantitative Real-Time RT-PCR(qRT-PCR)of Zebrafish Transcripts: Optimization of RNA Extraction,Quality Control Considerations, and Data AnalysisChuan-Ching Lan,1Rongying Tang,1Ivone Un San Leong,1and Donald R.Love1,2,31School of Biological Sciences,The University of Auckland,Auckland1142,New Zealand2LabPLUS,Auckland City Hospital,Auckland1148,New ZealandINTRODUCTIONThe zebrafish(Danio rerio)has emerged as a popular model species.The rapid development ofzebrafish embryos provides opportunities for investigation of genes essential for developmentalprocesses,the human counterparts of which might be implicated in diseases.Understanding whenand where genes are expressed can facilitate greater understanding of their function,and also allowthe genes to be manipulated by gene knockdown in temporally and spatially specific manners.Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR)is widely applied in gene expression stud-ies.This protocol presents techniques to optimize RNA isolation from zebrafish embryos;qualityassessment and the use of multiple reference genes are also emphasized.The combined use of TRIzolextraction and column-based purification is strongly recommended,because the resulting RNA isof better quality than RNA isolated using either of those methods alone.The procedure can beperformed in2d,with individual stages taking up to15h to complete.RELATED INFORMATIONThis protocol is adapted from the manufacturers’instructions for the use of TRIzol(Invitrogen)andthe RNeasy Micro kit(QIAGEN).The combined method is widely used by researchers across differentdisciplines.However,this protocol suggests extra steps that help improve the quality and quantityof RNA isolated from zebrafish embryos.For analysis of qRT-PCR data,software such as geNorm(http://medgen.ugent.be/~jvdesomp/genorm;Vandesompele et al.2002)and LinRegPCR(http://www.hartfaalcentrum.nl/index.php?main=files&sub=0;Ramakers et al.2003;Ruijter et al.2009)isavailable for download.3Corresponding author(DonaldL@).Cite as:Cold Spring Harb Protoc;2009;doi:10.1101/METHODTo minimize RNase contamination,clean work surfaces with RNase Zap thoroughly.Open tubes facing away from the operator,and avoid breathing into tubes.Dispense aliquots of solutions into sterile tubes;dispose of tubes after eachuse.Change gloves frequently,and unless specified in the protocol,keep RNA on ice as much as possible. Preparation1.Soak the probe of the homogenizer in1%SDS overnight.2.Wash the1.7-mL microcentrifuge tubes to be used for homogenization:i.Wash once with1mL of DEPC-treated H2O.ii.Wash once with1mL of75%ethanol.iii.Wash once with800µL of TRIzol.Sample CollectionEmbryo dechorionation is not mandatory,but can be performed if desired.3.Dispense20-50embryos into a washed1.7-mL microcentrifuge tube.Remove excess liquid usinga disposable transfer pipette.4.Euthanize the embryos using one of the following methods:The effects of anesthetics(e.g.,Tricaine)on the efficiency of the extraction protocol and downstream amplifica-tion of transcripts are not known at present.Freezing:i.This is the preferred method of euthanasia.Immerse the tube in liquid nitrogen.Samples can be stored at-80°C.ii.Proceed to Step5.TRIzol extraction:iii.Prechill TRIzol on ice.iv.Add1mL of TRIzol to each tube.v.Proceed immediately to Step5and then Step8.Homogenization5.Wash the homogenization probe(10-sec each wash):i.Wash twice with DEPC-treated H2O.ii.Wash once with RNase Zap.iii.Wash once with DEPC-treated H2O.Software for primer design(optional;see Step50)Spectrophotometer(e.g.,NanoDrop;Thermo Scientific)(optional;see Step45) Thermal cyclerTimerTube racks,for1.5-to2-mL microcentrifuge tubesTubes,microcentrifuge,clear,1.7-mL(e.g.,Axygen MCT-175-C)Tubes,PCR,thin-wall,flat-cap,0.2-mL(e.g.,MAXYMum Recovery;Axygen PCR-02-L-C) Tubes,RNase-free,nonstick,1.5-mL(e.g.,Ambion AM12450)iv.Wash once with75%ethanol.v.Wash once with TRIzol.6.Transfer frozen embryos from-80°C storage to the bench on dry ice.7.Add1mL of TRIzol to a1.7-mL microcentrifuge tube containing frozen embryos.8.Homogenize the sample for30sec(Fig.1).9.Incubate the tube on dry ice for30sec.Allow the homogenizer to cool down to prevent overheating of the sample.10.Homogenize the sample for30sec.11.Incubate the sample for5min at room temperature.Repeat Steps8-11for each sample.Between samples,wash the probe,10sec each wash,once with75%O,and once with TRIzol.ethanol,once with DEPC-treated H212.Place samples on dry ice for same-day use,or store for later use at-80°C.13.After homogenizing all samples,clean the probe(10sec each wash):i.Wash once with75%ethanol.O.ii.Wash once with DEPC-treated H2iii.Wash once with75%ethanol.O.iv.Wash once with DEPC-treated H2RNA Isolation with TRIzol14.Thaw frozen homogenized samples on ice.15.Add200µL of chloroform to each sample.Shake vigorously for15sec.Incubate for3min at roomtemperature.16.Centrifuge at10,000g for15min at4°C.17.Transfer550µL of the aqueous phase to an RNase-free tube.18.Add1µL of20-mg/mL glycogen to each sample.Add550µL of isopropanol.For young embryos or for a small number of embryos,adding glycogen increases RNA yields significantly.19.Incubate for10min at room temperature.FIGURE1.Homogenizer setup in a portable fume hood.20.Centrifuge at10,000g for10min at4°C.Remove the supernatant.21.Wash the pellet once with1mL of75%ethanol.Centrifuge at10,000g for5min at4°C.While centrifuging,prepare1.5-mL“waste”microcentrifuge tubes.22.Decant the supernatant into the“waste”tubes.If the pellet dislodges from the tube,recentrifuge to recover the pellet.23.Recentrifuge the sample tubes at10,000g for5min at4°C.24.Carefully remove the remaining supernatant using a20-µL micropipettor(set the volume to20µL).25.Resuspend each pellet in100µL of DEPC-treated H2O.Keep samples on ice until column purification.RNA Purification Using Columns and DNase TreatmentUse the RNeasy Micro Kit(QIAGEN).Perform all centrifugations in a nonrefrigerated microcentrifuge.26.Addβ-mercaptoethanol to the RLT buffer to a final concentration of1%.Add350µL of the RLTbuffer to100µL of the crude RNA solution(from Step25).27.Add250µL of100%ethanol to the diluted RNA.Do not centrifuge.Pipette up and down threetimes.28.Apply700µL of the sample to an RNeasy MinElute spin column in a2-mL collection tube.Closethe tube gently.Centrifuge at8000g for45sec.29.Transfer the spin column to a new2-mL collection tube.30.Add700µL of RW1buffer.Centrifuge at8000g for45sec.31.Discard the supernatant.Reserve the collection tube.32.For each column,mix70µL of RDD buffer and10µL of DNase.Pipette up and down gently tomix.33.Add80µL of the DNase mix to the column.Incubate for30min.Although the QIAGEN RNeasy Micro Kit manual suggests a15-min digestion,a30-min incubation is more effec-tive,without compromising RNA integrity.34.Add350µL of RW1buffer to the column.Centrifuge at8000g for45sec.35.Transfer the spin column to a new2-mL collection tube.36.Pipet500µL of RPE Buffer onto the spin column.Incubate for5min.37.Close the tube gently.Centrifuge at8000g for45sec to wash the column.38.Discard the flowthrough.Reuse the collection tube.39.Repeat Steps36-38twice more,but perform the third RPE wash without the5-min incubation.The5-min RPE incubation should minimize salt contamination,and can therefore improve the A260/A230ratio ona spectrophotometer reading.40.Add500µL of80%ethanol to the column.Close the tube gently.Centrifuge at8000g for2minto dry the silica-gel membrane.41.Transfer the column to a new1.7-mL microcentrifuge tube(not supplied in the kit).Open the cap.Centrifuge at8000g for5min.42.While centrifuging,label1.5-mL eluate tubes(provided with the kit).43.Transfer the silica column to a labeled1.5-mL tube.Add12µL of DEPC-treated H2O.Close thetube.Incubate for1min.44.Centrifuge at10,000g for1min to elute.RNA Analysis45.Determine the RNA concentration:If the expected RNA concentration is<50ng/µL,use a fluorometer instead of a spectrophotometer.See Troubleshooting.For NanoDrop spectrophotometer readings:i.Polish the paddle very well with DEPC-treated H2O.e as a blank the same DEPC-treated H2O used for eluting RNA(see Step43).iii.Pipette1µL of RNA into the spectrophotometer.Measure absorbance at230,260,and 280nm.iv.Record the RNA concentration in ng/µL,and as A260/A280and A260/A230ratios.For more information on spectrophotometric methods,see Quantitation of DNA and RNA(Barbas et al.2007).See Troubleshooting.For fluorometric quantitation with RNA-specific dye:v.Measure the RNA concentration using a Qubit fluorometer and a Quant-IT RNA assay kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Using this system,concentrations can be determined using as little as1µL of RNA.46.Determine RNA integrity using a bioanalyzer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Perform measurements as quickly as possible to avoid RNase contamination.Only use samples with an RNAintegrity number(RIN)≥7.5for qRT-PCR or with RIN≥8for microarrays(Fig.2).See Troubleshooting.Reverse TranscriptionMethods for generating cDNA from mRNA can be found in Real-Time RT-PCR:cDNA Synthesis(Kusser et al.2006), Amplification of cDNA Generated by Reverse Transcription of mRNA(Sambrook and Russell2006),and cDNASynthesis and Real-Time PCR Using RNA from Laser-Captured Cells(Morimoto et al.2006).cDNA can be storedat-20°C.47.Calculate the volume of RNA eluate(from Step44)equivalent to1µg of RNA.48.Add1µg of RNA to20-µL reactions performed in0.2-mL PCR tubes.49.Perform reverse transcription according to the manufacturer’s instructions for the reverse tran-scriptase of choice.It is important to include a reaction without reverse transcriptase to assess the level of genomic DNA contami-nation in cDNA amplification by quantitative PCR(see Step53).Quantitative Real-Time PCR50.Design primers:Manual design of primers and/or probes should follow general guidelines(Malnati et al.2008).The followingparameters are recommended for use with the SYBR Green system.Alternatively,for probe-based chemistry,some manufacturers(e.g.,TaqMan Custom Assays,Applied Biosystems)offer design services free of charge.e freely available primer design software(e.g.,Primer3;/primer3/input.htm)to identify suitable primer sets according to the following criteria: Amplicon length=80-150bpPrimer length=18-25bpGC content=45%-55%Primer Tm=59°C-62°CMax self-complementarity=3Max3′self-complementarity=3Max3′stability=7Max poly-X =3Objective function penalty weights for primers:Self-complementarity =13′self-complementarity =1ii.If exon-intron structures are known for the genes of interest,design primers such that,foreach pair of primers,at least one primer overlaps an exon boundary.If this is not possible,primer pairs should span an intron.iii.To evaluate suitable primer sets for qRT-PCR,determine the amplification efficiency byamplifying a dilution series of reference cDNA/plasmids.Plot the Ct values against the logconcentration of the cDNA/plasmids.The amplification efficiency can be determined from the slope of the plot.FIGURE 2.Bioanalyzer results.(A )Intact RNA (RIN =10);(B )slightly degraded RNA (RIN =8.3);(C )moderately degraded RNA (obtained from an unoptimized tissue panel set)(RIN =6.3);(D )completely degraded RNA (obtained from an unoptimized tissue panel set)(RIN not available).The optimized extraction method should never produce RNA samples such as those in panels C and D ;such samples likely are contaminated with RNase.(E )A gel-like image of bio-analyzer results for a developmental time course series.(Lane 1)8hours post-fertilization (hpf);(lane 2)26hpf;(lane 3)30hpf;(lane 4)48hpf;(lane 5)72hpf;(lane 6)76hpf;(lane 7)98hpf;(lane 8)126hpf.The RNA samples isolated at these time points all have RIN ≥8.RNA profiles from earlier time points show a high molecular form (i.e.,>28S),relative to later time points.Only RNA with RIN of ≥7.5should be used for qRT-PCR.(For color figure,see doi:10.1101/pdb.prot5314online at .)iv.Sequence the amplicons to ensure specificity.Gel electrophoresis can also be used to examine the specificity of amplification.51.Select reference genes:i.Evaluate the reference genes for each experimental condition to identify a suitable refer-ence panel(Vandesompele et al.2002).A panel of nine genes can comprise a reference set for developmental time course studies in zebrafish(Tanget al.2007).ii.Select the number of reference genes to be included in each qRT-PCR run.The use of at least three reference genes(e.g.,Rpl13α,Ef1α,andβ-actin)is recommended for the assess-ment of gene expression in a developmental time course.e geNorm to determine the most stable reference genes(usually two).The software takes the geometric mean of quantities to derive a normalization factor for each sample.See Troubleshooting.52.Dilute cDNA(from Step49)1:5to1:20(depending on the level of expression of the gene ofinterest).53.Set up qRT-PCR reactions using the following:1X Platinum SYBR Green qPCR SuperMix-UDG(containing ROX reference dye at a final concentration of 50nM)0.3µM each of the forward and reverse primers2µL of template RNA2µL of diluted cDNARNase-and DNase-free H2O to a final volume of10µLPerform reactions using H2O-only and cDNA reactions generated without added reverse transcriptase(from Step49)as controls to ensure that the reactions are free of contamination from genomic DNA.Optimize theconcentrations of forward and reverse primers.For example,test a combination of different concentrations ofboth primers to obtain a single amplicon free of primer dimer artifacts.54.Pipette reactions into a384-well optical plate using an automated pipetting system.Use optical adhesive film to reduce well-to-well contamination and sample evaporation.The SYBR Green qPCR mix is quite viscous;set the“Liquid type”to“Glycerol.”55.Assay samples in triplicate using a fast real-time PCR system(Fig.3):i.Perform40amplification cycles,with each cycle consisting of15sec at95°C,followed by1min at60°C.ii.Include melt curve analyses in each assay.For example,if using the7900HT fast real-time PCR system,add a“Dissociation Stage”at the end of the amplification cycles(e.g.,a cycleof15sec at95°C,15sec at60°C,and15sec at95°C).Data Analysis56.Analyze gene expression using amplification and dissociation curves(Fig.4)generated by the SDSv2.3software.See Troubleshooting.57.Remove outliers from the data.58.Export fluorescence data to LinRegPCR.Calculate amplification efficiency:Amplification efficiencies from individual reactions obtained from LinRegPCR can be used,or an average ofamplification efficiencies for the same primer set can be determined and then used in calculating quantities(seeStep59).See Troubleshooting.i.Plot the log(i.e.,absolute fluorescence)as the y-axis and the cycle number as the x-axis.There is a“window of linearity”from which LinRegPCR(Ramakers et al.2003)selects the points with thebest correlation coefficient.ii.Calculate the efficiency from the slope.The ideal value is 2,which means that the PCR product/fluorescence doubles with each cycle.59.Convert the C t values for target and reference genes into raw quantities using the formula:Q =E ∆Ct =E (Min Ct –Sample Ct)where “Q”is the sample quantity (relative to the sample with the highest expression),“E”is the amplifi-cation efficiency (2=100%efficiency),“Min Ct”equals the lowest Ct value,and “Sample Ct”is the Ctvalue of the sample with the highest expression.60.Input quantities of reference genes into geNorm.Perform stepwise exclusion of the least stablegene until the two most stable genes are left.61.Calculate normalization factors for each sample.“Sample”can be different time points,control,or treatments.62.Calculate normalized quantities by dividing raw quantities by normalization factors.TROUBLESHOOTINGProblem:RNA yield is low.[Step 45]Solution:Consider the following:1.Ensure that all reagents and equipment and the work environment are RNase-free.2.Increase the number of embryos homogenized in each sample.3.Make sure that the samples are thoroughly homogenized;no lumps should be visible afterhomogenization.4.If necessary,increase the homogenization time.FIGURE 3.Pipetting accuracy can be determined by examining triplicate reactions using the same cDNA.Problem:The A 260/A 280ratio is <2,indicating possible protein contamination.[Step 45]Solution:Avoid taking the interface when removing the aqueous phase during TRIzol extraction.Problem:The RNA is degraded.[Step 46]Solution:Consider the following:1.Only use RNase-free equipment such as microcentrifuge tubes and pipette tips.2.Be sure to clean the work area with RNase Zap .3.Change gloves regularly.Problem:The reference genes are unstable.[Step 51]Solution:Revalidate another set of reference genes for each experimental e appropriatesoftware to assess the stability of the new set of reference genes.Problem:There is no amplification.[Step 56]Solution:Consider the following:1.Dilute cDNA from reverse transcriptions for use in qPCR reaction.Some components from reversetranscription can inhibit PCR.2.Extracted RNA can contain impurities.Repeat the extraction.Run regular PCRs and perform gelelectrophoresis to determine if amplification is evident.If not,redesign primers.Problem:There is genomic DNA contamination.[Step 56]Solution:Consider the following:e more TRIzol or avoid the interface while removing aqueousphase.FIGURE 4.Melt curve analysis.The two curves are the result of amplification of different cDNA samples using the same primer set in different cDNA samples:(A )A double peak might be caused by nonspecific amplification,as demonstrated by the real-time products seen on the 2%agarose gel (right ).In this case,the double peak might be the result of the presence of alternatively spliced exons.(B )Amplification results from target cDNA.Only one band appears in the gel (right ).An optimal primer set should always produce a melt curve profile such as that shown in B .e RNase-free DNase such as the QIAGEN RNase-Free DNase Set or any other kits that are com-patible with reverse transcription and qRT-PCR.Problem:Amplification efficiency is poor.[Step58]Solution:Consider the following:1.Try different primer concentration combinations.2.Optimize the magnesium concentration for each primer set.3.Design new primers.Further information is available in PCR Primer Design(Apte and Daniel2009)and Optimization and Troubleshooting in PCR(Roux2009).DISCUSSIONUse of this protocol routinely produces high-quality RNA from zebrafish embryos obtained over abroad range of time points(4.5-126hours post-fertilization[hpf]).For example,the RNA yield from256-hpf-embryos is~4.5µg,which is sufficient for amplifying at least four different reference genesand four genes of interest in triplicate reactions containing20ng of input cDNA.In terms of RNA quality assessment,spectrophotometer readings are important:The A260/A280ratiogives an indication of protein contamination.Do not use any RNA in which the A260/A280is<2.Withrespect to RNA integrity,this protocol routinely achieves good RIN(≥8).Although no direct compar-isons were made between the hybrid approach described here and the use of TRIzol extraction alone, residual contaminants and small RNAs(5S and tRNA)are a common problem in RNA isolated using single-step organic extraction protocols.These contaminants and small RNAs can affect downstream processing(/techlib/tn/112/10.html);combining TRIzol and column-based purification strategies reduces such downstream problems.Although TRIzol or column purificationalone can yield RNA with equivalent RINs,the A260/A230and A260/A280ratios are lower than thoseachieved using the combined method.The RNA isolation and purification procedures described in this protocol can easily be adapted to extract RNA from various tissues(e.g.,eyes,kidney,heart,spleen,liver,intestine,testis,ovary,brain, gill,skin,and muscle)from adult and juvenile zebrafish.If pooling is required,the use of RNALater (Ambion)is strongly recommended.The procedure routinely produces RINs of at least7for a tissue panel,with RIN of8for the majority of tissues.The RNA isolated using this protocol is also suitable for microarray studies.With well-designed primer sets and optimized qRT-PCR assays,the data analysis should be straightforward.If SYBR Green chemistry is used,a good primer set should only have one single peak in the dissociation curve analysis.Close Ct values among technical replicates indicate accurate pipet-ting by the operator.The use of multiple reference genes is highly recommended;this alleviates the danger of relying on a single reference gene,where the stability of the reference gene can vary.Other software,such as BestKeeper(Pfaffl et al.2004)or NormFinder(Andersen et al.2004),can be used instead of using geNorm.For estimating amplification efficiency,models other than LinRegPCR are also available(Liu et al.2002a,b;Tichopad et al.2004).Investigators should evaluate different mod-els for calculating fold change/relative expression of their genes of interest.Alternative models,suchas the2–∆∆CT method(Livak and Schmittgen2001)or the Pfaffl method(Pfaffl2001),also can beapplied. REFERENCESAndersen CL,Jensen JL,Ørntoft TF.2004.Normalization of real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR data:A model-based variance estimation approach to identify genes suited for normal-ization,applied to bladder and colon cancer data sets.Cancer Res 64:5245–5250.Apte A,Daniel S.2009.PCR primer design.Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi:10.1101/pdb.ip65.Barbas CF III,Burton DR,Scott JK,Silverman GJ.2007.Quantitation of DNA and RNA.Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi:10.1101/pdb.ip47. Kusser W,Javorschi S,Gleeson MA.2006.Real-time RT-PCR:cDNAsynthesis.Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi:10.1101/pdb.prot4114. Liu W,Saint DA.2002a.A new quantitative method of real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay based on simulation of polymerase chain reaction kinetics.Anal Biochem 302:52–59.Liu W,Saint DA.2002b.Validation of a quantitative method for real time PCR kinetics.Biochem Biophys Res Commun294:347–353. Livak KJ,Schmittgen TD.2001.Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the2–∆∆CTmethod.Methods25:402–408.Malnati MS,Scarlatti G,Gatto F,Salvatori F,Cassina G,Rutigliano T, Volpi R,Lusso P.2008.A universal real-time PCR assay for the quantification of group-M HIV-1proviral load.Nat Protoc3: 1240–1248.Morimoto M,Morimoto M,Whitmire J,Star RA,Urban JF Jr,Gause WC.2006.cDNA synthesis and real-time PCR using RNA from laser-captured cells.Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi:10.1101/ db.prot4108.Pfaffl MW.2001.A new mathematical model for relative quantifica-tion in real-time RT-PCR.Nucleic Acids Res29:e45.doi:10.1093/ nar/29.9.e45.Pfaffl MW,Tichopad A,Prgomet C,Neuvians TP.2004.Determination of stable housekeeping genes,differentially regulated target genes and sample integrity:BestKeeper—Excel-based tool using pair-wise correlations.Biotechnol Lett26:509–515.Ramakers C,Ruijter JM,Deprez RHL,Moorman AFM.2003.Assumption-free analysis of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction(PCR)data.Neurosci Lett339:62–66.Roux KH.2009.Optimization and troubleshooting in PCR.ColdSpring Harb Protoc doi:10.1101/pdb.ip66.Ruijter JM,Ramakers C,Hoogaars WMH,Karlen Y,Bakker O,van den Hoff MJB,Moorman AFM.2009.Amplification efficiency:Linking baseline and bias in the analysis of quantitative PCR data.Nucl Acids Res37:e45.doi:10.1093/nar/gkp045.Sambrook J,Russell DW.2006.Amplification of cDNA generated by reverse transcription of mRNA.Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi:10.1101/pdb.prot3837.Tang R,Dodd A,Lai D,McNabb WC,Love DR.2007.Validation of zebrafish(Danio rerio)reference genes for quantitative real-time RT-PCR normalization.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin(Shanghai)39: 384–390.Tichopad A,Didier A,Pfaffl MW.2004.Inhibition of real-time RT-PCR quantification due to tissue-specific contaminants.Mol Cell Probes 18:45–50.Vandesompele J,De Preter K,Pattyn F,Poppe B,Van Roy N,De Paepe A,Speleman F.2002.Accurate normalization of real-time quanti-tative RT-PCR data by geometric averaging of multiple internal control genes.Genome Biol3:research0034.1–research0034.11.doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot5314Cold Spring Harb Protoc;Chuan-Ching Lan, Rongying Tang, Ivone Un San Leong and Donald R. Loveof RNA Extraction, Quality Control Considerations, and Data AnalysisQuantitative Real-Time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) of Zebrafish Transcripts: Optimization Service Email Alertingclick here.Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - CategoriesSubject Cold Spring Harbor Protocols.Browse articles on similar topics from (46 articles)Zebrafish (43 articles)RT-PCR (191 articles)RNA, general (62 articles)RNA Purification (230 articles)RNA (141 articles)Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), general (67 articles)Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (1020 articles)Molecular Biology, general (882 articles)Laboratory Organisms, general (582 articles)Developmental Biology (1091 articles)Cell Biology, general (53 articles)cDNA (111 articles)Analysis of Gene Expression, general /subscriptionsgo to:Cold Spring Harbor Protocols To subscribe to。
real-time pcr名词解释
real-time pcr名词解释
外文名【Real-time Quantitative polymerase chain reaction】
外文简称【RT PCR】
实时荧光定量PCR (Quantitative Real-time PCR)是一种在DNA扩增反应中,以荧光化学物质测每次聚合酶链式反应(PCR)循环后产物总量的方法。
将标记有荧光素的Taqman探针与模板DNA混合后,完成高温变性,低温复性,适温延伸的热循环,并遵守聚合酶链反应规律,与模板DNA互补配对的Taqman 探针被切断,荧光素游离于反应体系中,在特定光激发下发出荧光,随着循环次数的增加,被扩增的目的基因片段呈指数规律增长,通过实时检测与之对应的随扩增而变化荧光信号强度,求得Ct值,同时利用数个已知模板浓度的标准品作对照,即可得出待测标本目的基因的拷贝数。
real time pcr原理
real time pcr原理Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is a powerful molecular biology technique used to amplify and quantify specific DNA sequences in real-time. It is based on the principles of traditional PCR, but with the added ability to monitor the amplification process as it occurs.The basic principle of real-time PCR involves the use of fluorescently labeled probes or dyes that emit a detectable signal when bound to the amplified target DNA. These probes or dyes can specifically bind to the target DNA sequence, and their fluorescence can be measured and quantified during the amplification process.To perform real-time PCR, a sample containing the target DNA sequence, primers specific to the target sequence, and the DNA polymerase enzyme is prepared. The sample is then subjected to a temperature cycling process that consists of repeated cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension.During the denaturation step, the double-stranded DNA is heated to separate the two strands, resulting in single-stranded DNA molecules. Next, during the annealing step, the temperature is lowered to allow the primers to bind specifically to their complementary sequences on the target DNA. The extension step follows, during which the DNA polymerase enzyme synthesizes a new DNA strand using the primers as a starting point. This results in the formation of a double-stranded DNA molecule.As the amplification progresses, the number of target DNAmolecules exponentially increases. The real-time PCR instrument continuously monitors the fluorescence emitted by the probes or dyes throughout the cycling process. The increase in fluorescence intensity over time indicates the amplification of the target DNA. The intensity is directly proportional to the amount of target DNA present in the original sample.By comparing the fluorescence signal with a standard curve generated from known concentrations of the target DNA, the exact quantification of the target sequence can be determined. Real-time PCR is highly sensitive and can detect even small amounts of target DNA, making it an invaluable tool in various applications such as gene expression analysis, pathogen detection, and genetic disease diagnosis.。
核酸提取试 剂盒
国家/项目 标准
PCR kit
Taq酶 dNTP 缓冲液 Mg离子
国家/项目标准 文献报道
1. 引物的长度:配对引物的长度一般在15-30bp之间比较合适。
➢ 尽可能使用两条引物的Tm值相同(最好相差不要超过 5℃) ➢ Tm值的计算:一般的公式:Tm = 4 (G+C) + 2(A+T)
✓ 按所要分离的DNA分子的大小,称取适量的琼脂糖粉末 ,放入锥形瓶,加入适量0.5×TBE电泳缓冲液
✓ 置微波炉内加热摇匀至完全溶化呈透明状,适当冷却后 ,加入核酸染料(例EB或其他替代产品),混匀后,倒 入胶托模具内
✓ 待胶完全冷凝后放入电泳槽,电泳槽内的缓冲液没过胶 面
Primer Premier 5.0
➢ 冻干粉末,开启前10000rpm离心5min
➢ 小心开盖,防止粉末喷出
➢ 储存液配置:用Rnase Free Water溶解, 加水量为10×总摩尔数,充分混匀,此时 为100pmol/μl,即100μM(例如:合成 9.5nmol,则加水量为10×9.5=95μL)
2. 引物的GC%含量:一般为40%-60%。上下游引物的GC含量不能相差太大。 3. 引物序列在模板内应当没有相似性较高,尤其是3’端相似性较高的序列,
否则容易导致错配。 4. 引物3’端的末位碱基避开密码子的第3位,且最好不选择A 5. 引物的5′端可以修饰,而3′端不可修饰。 6. 引物无回文对称结构,否则会形成发夹结构;
绝对定量(Absolute Quantification,AQ) 病原体检测 转基因食品检测 基因表达研究
相对定量(Relative Quantification,RQ) 基因在不同组织中的表达差异 药物疗效考核 耐药性研究
绝对定量的标准样品: 已知拷贝数的质粒DNA,做系列稀释。
每个反应管内的荧光信号到达设定的域 值时所经历的循环数被称为 CT 值 ( threshold value )。
1、SYBR Green 法
SYBR Green 熔解曲线分析
SYBR Green法优缺点
优点: 对DNA模板没有选择性 适用于任何DNA������ 使用方便--不必设计复杂探针������ 非常灵敏������ 便宜
Taqman 的优点 对目标序列有很高的特异性 特别适合于SNP检测 与Molecular Beacons 相比设 计相 对简单 Taqman 的缺点 价格较高 只适合于一个特定的目标 不能进行融解曲线分析
分子信标的优点 对目标序列有很高的特异性 用于SNP检测的最灵敏的试 剂之一 荧光背景低 分子信标的缺点 设计困难 无终点分析功能 只能用于一个特定的目标 价格较高
RT-PCR和real-time PCR 原理及步骤
聚 合 酶 链 反 应 (Polymerase Chain Reaction)简称PCR,是一项在短时 间内大量扩增特定的DNA片段的分子 生物学技术。
多次循环后的Taq DNA聚合酶仍然具有 活性,因此反应体系自动往复多次地进 行对所需的DNA的片段的酶促合成,使 反应产物按指数增长,所以命名为聚合 酶链式反应。
Lefever S et al. (2009). RDML: Structured language and reporting guidelines for real-time quantitative PCR data. Nucleic Acids Res Advance Access published February 17, 2009 (accessed May 21, 2009).
real-time PCR技术的原理及应用摘要:一、实时荧光定量PCR原理(一)定义:在PCR反应体系中加入荧光基团,利用荧光信号累积实时监测整个PCR进程,最后通过标准曲线对未知模板进行定量分析的方法。
(二)实时原理 1、常规PCR技术:对PCR扩增反应的终点产物进行定量和定性分析无法对起始模板准一、实时荧光定量PCR原理(一)定义:在PCR反应体系中加入荧光基团,利用荧光信号累积实时监测整个PCR进程,最后通过标准曲线对未知模板进行定量分析的方法。
2、实时定量PCR技术:利用荧光信号的变化实时检测PCR扩增反应中每一个循环扩增产物量的变化,通过Ct值和标准曲线的分析对起始模板进行定量分析3、如何对起始模板定量?通过Ct值和标准曲线对起始模板进行定量分析.4、几个概念:(1)扩增曲线:(2)荧光阈值:(3)Ct值:CT值的重现性:5、定量原理:理想的PCR反应: X=X0*2n非理想的PCR反应: X=X0 (1+Ex)nn:扩增反应的循环次数X:第n次循环后的产物量X0:初始模板量Ex:扩增效率5、标准曲线6、绝对定量1)确定未知样品的 C(t)值2)通过标准曲线由未知样品的C(t)值推算出其初始量7、DNA的荧光标记:二、实时荧光定量PCR的几种方法介绍方法一:SYBR Green法(一)工作原理1、SYBR Green 能结合到双链DNA的小沟部位2、SYBR Green 只有和双链DNA结合后才发荧光3、变性时,DNA双链分开,无荧光4、复性和延伸时,形成双链DNA, SYBR Green 发荧光,在此阶段采集荧光信号。
PCR反应体系的建立及优化:1、SYBR Green 使用浓度:太高抑制Taq酶活性,太低,荧光信号太弱,不易检测2、Primer:引物的特异性高,否则扩增有杂带,定量不准3、MgCl2的浓度:可以降低到1.5mM,以减少非特异性产物4、反应Buffer 体系的优化5、反应温度和时间参数:由酶和引物决定6、其他与常规PCR相同(二)应用范围1、起始模板的测定;2、基因型的分析;3、融解曲线分析:可以优化PCR反应的条件,对常规PCR有指导意义,如对primer的评价;可以区分单一引物、引物二聚体、变异产物、多种产物。
Real-time PCR 原理介绍实时荧光定量PCR技术于1996年由美国Applied Biosystems公司推出,由于该技术不仅实现了PCR从定性到定量的飞跃,而且与常规PCR相比,它具有特异性更强、有效解决PCR污染问题、自动化程度高等特点,目前已得到广泛应用。
1.Ct 值的定义在荧光定量PCR技术中,有一个很重要的概念 —— Ct值。
图1. Ct值的确定2.荧光域值(threshold)的设定PCR反应的前15个循环的荧光信号作为荧光本底信号,荧光域值的缺省设置是3-15个循环的荧光信号的标准偏差的10倍,即:threshold = 10 ´ SDcycle 6-153.Ct值与起始模板的关系研究表明,每个模板的Ct值与该模板的起始拷贝数的对数存在线性关系〔1〕,起始拷贝数越多,Ct值越小。
图2. 荧光定量标准曲线4.荧光化学荧光定量PCR所使用的荧光化学可分为两种:荧光探针和荧光染料〔2〕。
RT-PCR与realtime pcr
Real-time PCR中文译作“实时聚合酶链反应”,是一种最新发展的定量PCR技术。
根据所使用的技术不同,荧光定量PCR 又可以分为TaqMan探针和SYBR Green I荧光染料两种方法。
Real-time PCR 所采用的专用PCR仪能够自动在每个循环的特定阶段对反应体系的荧光强度进行检测,实时的记录荧光强度的改变,从而对样品的浓度进行精确的定量。
RT-PCR是Reverse transcription PCR的简称,中文译作“逆转录聚合酶链反应”,是将RNA的反转录(RT)和cDNA的聚合酶链式扩增(PCR)相结合的技术。
用于反转录的引物可视实验的具体情况选择随机引物、Oligo dT及基因特异性引物中的一种。
Real time RT-PCR是将Real time-PCR的方法用于RT-PCR中,目的也是为了对样品浓度进行精确控制。
RT-PCR和Real time-PCR是没有必然联系的,两种技术可以一起使用,就是Real time RT-PCR;也可以单独使用。
就是名称有点绕,逆转录PCR先出现,所以占用了RT-PCR这个简写,等Real time-PCR技术出现后,本来按照惯例,简写也是RT-PCR,但为了与逆转录PCR相区别,还是写成Real time-PCR。
虽然Real-time PCR(实时荧光定量PCR)和Reverse transcription PCR(反转录PCR)看起来都可以缩写为RT-PCR,但是,国际上的约定俗成的是:RT-PCR特指反转录PCR,而Real-time PCR一般缩写为qPCR(quantitative real-time PCR)。
综上,那RT-qPCR(也有人写成qRT-PCR)就很好理解了,就是结合了荧光定量技术的反转录PCR:先从RNA反转录得到cDNA(RT),然后用Real-time PCR进行定量分析(qPCR)。
有兴趣的话可以看看维基百科:/wiki/Reverse_transcription_polymerase_chain_reactionReverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a variant of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a laboratory technique commonly used in molecular biology to generate many copies of a DNA sequence, a process termed "amplification". In RT-PCR, however, an RNA strand is first reverse transcribed into its DNA complement (complementary DNA, or cDNA) using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, and the resulting cDNA is amplified using traditional PCR or real-time PCR. Reverse transcription PCR is not to be confused with real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR/qRT-PCR), which is also sometimes。
Real-Time PCR技术
Molecular beacon 法(分子信标)
环与目标序列互补 茎由互补配对序列组成
荧光素 淬灭剂
Molecular beacon 工作原理
荧光共振能量转移(FRET) 探针与DNA杂交时产生荧光 -----变性过程:产生非特异性荧光 -----延伸过程:不产生荧光 ------退火过程:产生特异性荧光,检测荧 光信号
常规 常规PCR是通过电泳对扩增反应的最终产物 是通过电泳对扩增反应的最终产物 进行定性分析(定量不准确); 进行定性分析(定量不准确); RT-PCR是在 是在PCR反应体系中加入荧光基团, 反应体系中加入荧光基团, 是在 反应体系中加入荧光基团 利用荧光信号积累实时监测整个PCR进程, 进程, 利用荧光信号积累实时监测整个 进程 使每一个循环变得"可见" 通过Ct值和标 使每一个循环变得"可见",通过 值和标 准曲线对样品中的DNA (or cDNA) 的起始浓 准曲线对样品中的 度进行定量的方法(准确定量) 度进行定量的方法(准确定量) .
TaqMan法工作原理 TaqMan法工作原理
每扩增一条 DNA分子, 释放一个荧 光信号,可 以在循环过 程中任一点 检测荧光
探针法特点: 探针法特点: 1,具有高适应性和可靠性,实验结果稳定重复性 好,特异性更高. 2,适用于扩增序列专一的体系的检测. 3,样品中靶基因含量过低的定量PCR检测. 4,靶基因的特异序列较短,无论怎样优化引物设 计条件都不能解决. 5,存在与靶基因同源的序列,在PCR中容易出现 非特异性扩增,对特异性要求较高的定量. 6,广泛用于人类传染病的诊断和病原定量,在动物 病原体基因的检测,畜禽产品的检验检疫,生物制品的鉴 定.
Chapter 9Quantitative Analysis of Periodontal Pathogens by ELISA and Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction通过ELISA和实时-聚合酶联反应对牙周病病原菌进行定量分析Of the plethora of methodologies reported in the literature, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which combines the specificity of antibody with the sensitivity of simple enzyme assays结合了抗体的特异性和单独酶试验的敏感性and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), has been widely utilized in both laboratory and clinical applications.Although conventional PCR does not allow quantitation of the target organism, real-time PCR (rtPCR) has the ability to detect amplicons扩增子as they accumulate in “real time”allowing subsequent quantitation.These methods enable the accurate quantitation of as few as 102 (using rtPCR) to 104 (using ELISA) periodontopathogens in dental plaque samples.Key words: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), real-time PCR (rtPCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), periodontitis, periodontal disease, oral periodontopathogens.What is PCR (polymerase chain reaction)?PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a method to analyze a short sequence of DNA (or RNA) even in samples containing only minute quantities of DNA or RNA. PCR is used to reproduce (amplify) selected sections of DNA or RNA.Previously, amplification扩增of DNA involved cloning the segments of interest into vectors for expression in bacteria, and took weeks. But now, with PCR done in test tubes, it takes only a few hours.PCR is highly efficient in that untold numbers of copies can be made of the DNA. Moreover, PCR uses the same molecules that nature uses for copying DNA:Definition:Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method of detecting specific sequences of DNA or RNA (types of genetic material) even when only a tiny amount is available. That's because PCR targets sections of the DNA or RNA, and then reproduces and amplifies them. The process is performed in a test tube and takes only a few hours.It's common to come across this term in chronic fatigue syndrome research that involves testing for pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. When used in this way, PCR allows scientists to identify the source of the genetic material and therefore identify which pathogens are present.Two "primers", short single-stranded DNA(单链DNA)sequences that are synthesized to correspond to the beginning and ending of the DNA stretch to be copied;An enzyme called polymerase that moves along the segment of DNA, reading its code and assembling a copy; andA pile of DNA building blocks that the polymerase聚合酶needs to make that copy.How is PCR (polymerase chain reaction) done?As illustrated in the animated picture of PCR, three major steps are involved in a PCR. These three steps are repeated for 30 or 40 cycles. The cycles are done on an automated cycler, a device which rapidly heats and cools the test tubes containing the reaction mixture. Each step -- denatauration变性(alteration of structure), annealing退火(joining), and extension延伸-- takes place at a different temperature:Denaturation: At 94 C, the double-stranded双链DNA melts and opens into two pieces of single-stranded单链DNA.Annealing退火: At medium temperatures, around 54 C, the primers引物pair up (anneal) with the single-stranded单链"template模板" (The template引物is the sequence of DNA to be copied.) On the small length of double-stranded DNA (the joined primer and template), the polymerase聚合酶attaches and starts copying the template.Extension: At 72 C, the polymerase聚合酶works best, and DNA building blocks complementary to the template are coupled to the primer, making a double stranded DNA molecule.With one cycle, a single segment of double-stranded DNA template is amplified into two separate pieces of double-stranded DNA. These two pieces are then available for amplification in the next cycle. As the cycles are repeated, more and more copies are generated and the number of copies of the template is increased exponentially.What is the purpose of doing a PCR (polymerase chain reaction)?To do PCR, the original DNA that one wishes to copy need not be pure or abundant. It can be pure but it also can be a minute part of a mixture of materials. So, PCR has found widespread and innumerable uses -- to diagnose genetic diseases, do DNA fingerprinting, find bacteria and viruses, study human evolution, clone the DNA of an Egyptian mummy, establish paternity or biological relationships, etc.. Accordingly, PCR has become an essential tool for biologists, DNA forensics labs, and many other laboratories that study genetic material.How was PCR (polymerase chain reaction) discovered?PCR was invented by Kary Mullis. At the time he thought up PCR in 1983, Mullis was working in Emeryville, California for Cetus, one of the first biotechnology companies. There, he was charged with making short chains of DNA for other scientists. Mullis has written that he conceived of PCR while cruising along the Pacific Coast Highway 128 one night on his motorcycle. He was playing in his mind with a new way of analyzing changes (mutations) in DNA when he realized that he had instead invented a method of amplifying any DNA region. Mullis has said that before his motorcycle trip was over, he was already savoring the prospects of a Nobel Prize. He shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry with Michael Smith in 1993.As Mullis has written in the Scientific American: "Beginning with a single molecule of the genetic material DNA, the PCR can generate 100 billion similar molecules in an afternoon. The reaction is easy to execute执行,完成. It requires no more than a test tube, a few simple reagents, and a source of heat."What is RT PCR?RT-PCR (Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction) is a highly sensitive technique for the detection and quantitation of mRNA (messenger RNA).逆转录PCR是一种高度敏感的用于信使RNA检测和定量的高度敏感的技术。
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MycologyReal-time automated polymerase chain reaction (PCR)to detect Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus DNA in whole blood fromhigh-risk patientsTodd M.Pryce*,Ian D.Kay,Silvano Palladino,Christopher H.Heath 1Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,Royal Perth Hospital,Perth,Western AustraliaReceived 27January 2003;received in revised form 20May 2003AbstractWe report the development and evaluation of a real-time PCR assay using the LightCycler instrument for the detection of C.albicans and A.fumigatus DNA in whole blood.Recently published consensus criteria for the diagnosis of invasive fungal infection (IFI)were used for all patient samples.Unique and published primer pairs were developed and assessed for sensitivity,specificity,and reproducibility to detect C.albicans and A.fumigatus DNA in samples spiked with purified DNA,and whole blood samples from 8high-risk patients and 45negative controls.The real-time assay demonstrated an analytical sensitivity of 10fg of purified C.albicans and A.fumigatus DNA and was found to be specific for each species.The standardized approach was highly reproducible and detected C.albicans and A.fumigatus DNA in two patients with proven IFI and in one patient with a possible IFI.In addition,we report for the first time the use of recently published international consensus criteria for the diagnosis of IFI in the evaluation of a mildy invasive fungal diagnostic assay.Standardized clinical criteria and a more standardized approach to detect fungal DNA in less invasive patient samples,may permit a more reliable comparison of future studies.A rapid real-time detection of fungal DNA in whole blood,combined with standard clinical markers of response,may be more useful for monitoring patients at risk of developing IFI than other diagnostic methods currently available.©2003Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionInvasive fungal infections (IFIs)with yeasts and molds have emerged as the leading cause of morbidity and mor-tality in immunosuppresed patients,particularly those un-dergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplants and patients with hematologic malignancies receiving intensive cyto-toxic chemotherapy (Denning et al.,1998).The survival of these patients depends on early diagnosis and prompt initi-ation of antifungal therapy,but conventional laboratory-based tests are rarely conclusive,because blood cultures lack sensitivity and invasive procedures are often required to obtain pathologic or microbiologic confirmation (Den-ning et al.,1998;Latge,1999).The diagnosis of IFIs istherefore often only established at autopsy (Latge,1999).Hence the development of reliable less invasive techniques to facilitate the early and reliable diagnosis of IFIs is cur-rently under active investigation.Detection of circulating fungal antigens is useful for the diagnosis of IFIs,particularly invasive aspergillosis (IA).Currently,there are a number of commercially available kits for the diagnosis of IA and candidemia:the latex aggluti-nation test to detect galactomannan (Pastorex Aspergillus and Pastorex Candida ,SanofiDiagnostics Pasteur,Marnes-La-Coquette,France),a sandwich ELISA for the detection of galactomannan (Platelia Aspergillus and Platelia Can-dida ,SanofiDiagnostics Pasteur,Marnes-La-Coquette,France),and a plasma (133)--D-glucan assay (Fungitec G test,Seikagaku Kogyo Corp.,Tokyo,Japan).These tech-niques show good sensitivity and varying degrees of spec-ificity in high-risk patients (Ascioglu et al.,2002;Maertens et al.,1999),but they may only yield positive test results at advanced stages of infection.In addition,the use of high-resolution CT of the chest has an emerging role in the noninvasive diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosisPresented in part:Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Microbiology,Perth,Australia,September 2001.1Potential conflict of interest:Dr CH Heath,is a member of the Voriconazole Advisory Board,Pfizer (Australia)Pty.Ltd.*Corresponding author.Tel.:ϩ61-8-9224-2444;fax:ϩ61-8-9224-1989.E-mail address:Todd.Pryce@.au (T.M.Pryce).Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease/locate/diagmicrobio47(2003)487–4960732-8893/03/$–see front matter ©2003Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0732-8893(03)00139-1(IPA)(Caillot et al.,1997;Yeghen et al.,2000).The most characteristicfindings on CT in IPA are a halo of ground-glass attenuation around focal nodules,the“halo sign”,and the air-crescent sign.Both signs are relatively sensitive for the diagnosis of IPA in high-risk patients,but these signs can be relatively non-specific and have been reported in association with a wide range of other infective and non-infective diagnoses.In addition to these non-invasive techniques,molecular techniques such as conventional PCR show great diagnostic potential with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity (Einsele et al.,1997;Hendolin et al.,2000;Loeffler et al., 1998;Van Burik et al.,1998;Williamson et al.,2000; Yamakami et al.,1996).Many published methods for con-ventional PCR include time consuming in-house DNA ex-traction protocols,requiring the use of gel-electrophoresis or other slow amplicon detection steps.Traditional PCR-gel electrophoresis also requires post-PCR manipulation which may lead to amplicon cross contamination(Loeffler et al., 1999),leading to false positive results.The use of standard-ized DNA extraction protocols and real-time PCR may address many of the limitations of conventional PCR.Re-cently,a quantitative real-time PCR assay using the Light-Cycler(LC)instrument(Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Mannheim,Germany)has been reported to show great po-tential for the rapid in vitro amplification and detection of C. albicans and A.fumigatus DNA in spiked blood samples and patient blood samples(Loeffler et al.,2000b).The use of real-time PCR technology with the LC can easily be incorporated into the routine diagnostic microbiology labo-ratory and turnaround times for results can be dramatically reduced(Palladino et al.,2001a;Palladino2001b).Real-time PCR can also provide accurate and reproducible quan-titation of fungal DNA in blood(Kami et al.,2001;Loeffler et al.,2000b),which may be useful in addition to standard clinical markers of response,in monitoring the outcome of the patient to antifungal therapy.In this study we report the development of a new real-time PCR assay using the LC instrument with FRET and melting curve analysis to detect C.albicans and A.fumiga-tus DNA in whole blood.We also report the results of a preliminary evaluation of this assay in a number of high-risk patients.In addition we have used the recently published consensus criteria for the diagnosis of IFIs,and have there-fore standardized the diagnosis of IFIs against agreed def-initions(Ascioglu et al.,2002).The use of standardized definitions of IFIs has not been previously reported in the study of new less invasive fungal diagnostic techniques.2.Materials and methods2.1.Fungal cultures and growth conditionsThe following strains of yeasts were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection(ATCC):Candida albi-cans ATCC14053,C.parapsilosis ATCC22019,C.kruseiATCC6528,C.tropicalis ATCC750,C.glabrata ATCC2238.The molds used in this study were obtained from theRoyal Perth Hospital Mycology Culture Collection:As-pergillus fumigatus RMCC75829,A.niger RMCC75830,A.flavus RMCC75831,A.terreus RMCC75832,A.nidu-lans RMCC75833.In addition,ten clinical isolates of A.fumigatus and C.albicans were included in this study.Allfungi were grown on Sabouraud2%dextrose agar for72hat30°C.Suspensions of conidia or yeast were prepared withsterile water and were adjusted to0.5McFarland standard.The suspensions werefiltered using a10m syringefilter to remove clumps of cells and the number of colony formingunits(CFUs)were calculated using a counting chamber.Toavoid further growth,suspensions were adjusted withoutdelay,to1ϫ106CFU/mL in sterile water for the prepara-tion of seeded samples and standard DNA templates.2.2.DNA extraction from cultured cells(fungal DNAstandards)DNA was isolated and purified from Candida spp.orAspergillus ing the High Pure PCR Template Prep-aration Kit(Roche Molecular Biochemicals,Mannheim,Germany).Briefly,suspensions of either Aspergillusconidia or Candida cells were pelleted in a1.5mL mi-crofuge tube at3,000ϫg for5min;then resuspended in200L of100mM Tris buffer containing10U of lyticase (Sigma,Castle Hill,NSW,Australia).Samples were incu-bated for30min at37°C.Nucleic acids were isolated fromthe treated samples following the manufacturers instruc-tions.Purified DNA was then eluted from thefilter tube with200L of prewarmed(70°C)elution buffer containing10 mM Tris(pH8.5).The DNA concentration was determinedusing GeneQuant spectrophotometer(Amersham PharmaciaBiotech,Sydney,Australia).All samples were stored at Ϫ70°C until use.In addition,the lysing enzyme lyticase was assessed to ensure the enzyme preparation was free ofendogenous fungal DNA that could cause a false-positivePCR result.A10-fold concentrate of lyticase(1000U)wasextracted and stored as described above.2.3.Extraction of fungal DNA from blood samplesExtraction of nucleic acids from whole blood was per-formed with equipment dedicated to DNA extraction fromclinical samples.Whole blood samples(9-mL EDTA)wereseparated into1.5mL microfuge tubes in200L and1mL lots,and frozen atϪ70°C until use.Once thawed10U of lyticase was added to the200L whole blood samples and incubated at37°C for30min.Nucleic acids from all200L whole blood samples were then isolated using the High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit(Roche Molecular Bio-chemicals)according to the manufacturers instructions.All samples were stored atϪ70°C until use.488T.M.Pryce et al./Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease47(2003)487–4962.4.Amplification and detection of fungal DNA using the LC instrument and FRETSequence data from the18S small-subunit(SSU)ribo-somal RNA genes of the following fungi was obtained from GenBank database:C.albicans,accession number M60302;C.glabrata,accession number M60311;C.parapsilosis, accession number M60307;C.krusei,accession number M60305;C.tropicalis,accession number M60308;A.fu-migatus,accession number M60300;A.niger,accession number X78538;A.flavus,accession number X78537;A. terreus,accession number X78540;and A.nidulans,acces-sion number X78539.Sequences were aligned and com-pared using GeneDoc Multiple Sequence Alignment Editor and Shading Utility Version2.6.001(Pittsburgh Supercom-puting Center(PSC),Carnegie Mellon University,Univer-sity of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,USA)(Nicholas and Nicholas,1997).A consensus sequence was generated and was used as a basis for primer selection and development using Primer3software(Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research,Cambridge,MA,USA)(Rozen and Skaletsky,1998).The internal probe binding site was ex-cluded from the target sequence by marking the source sequence.Different primer pairs were generated and sorted according to quality and selected pairs were chosen for use by comparison of the statistical output.A number of primers were generated including primers that have been previously published(Einsele et al.,1997;Loeffler et al.,2000b). Primers(Gibco BRL,Life Technologies,Melbourne,Aus-tralia)used in this study are shown in Table1.Oligonucle-otide F1-R was also selected by Primer3software to be an alternative to PK-R using PK-F as the forward oligonucle-otide,which gave a439bp product.2.5.Sequence dependent PCR using the LC instrumentThe LC DNA Master Hybridization Probes Kit(Roche Molecular Biochemicals)was used to detect target ampli-cons and the detection of Candida albicans and A.fumiga-tus DNA was performed in separate glass capillaries.Am-plification mixtures were transferred to the glass capillary tubes containing2L of10ϫLC FastStart enzyme(Roche Molecular Biochemicals)concentrate(containing Taq DNA polymerase,reaction buffer,dNTP mix with dUTP instead of dTTP,and10mM MgCl2),0.8L of25mM MgCl2 stock solution,and sterile PCR grade water was added to a volume of15L.Oligonucleotides were used at a concen-tration of0.8M for A.fumigatus and1.0M for C. albicans assay.Probes were used at concentrations of0.5M for A.fumigatus and0.8M for C.albicans.5L of sample DNA was added to the amplification mixture to give afinal volume of20L.Samples consisted of fungal DNA standards,spiked fungal DNA standards,and seeded whole blood samples,high-risk patient samples and healthy neg-ative controls.The loaded glass capillaries werefilled using the LC Carousel Centrifuge(Roche Molecular Biochemi-cals).The carousel was transferred to the LC instrument and the following program was performed:an initial denatur-ation at95°C for10min to activate the FastStart Taq polymerase,followed by a45cycle program consisting of heating to95°C at20°C/s with a5s hold,cooling to62°C at20°C/s with a15s hold and heating to72°C at20°C/s with a25s hold.Signal detection was performed at the end of the annealing step with a singlefluorescence acquisition for each capillary.Following this melting curve analysis was performed to confirm positive results.The melting point of the C.albicans and A.fumigatus probe pairs wasTable1Primers and probes used for18S SSU rRNA gene amplification for detection of Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans using the LC protocolPrimers and probes Sequence and label(s)(5Ј33Ј)a MeltingTemperature(°C)dPosition f GenBankaccession no.Product size(bp)PrimersF1-Forward g ATT GGA GGG CAA GTC TGG TG59.6543-562M60300503 F1-Reverse g CCG ATC CCT AGT CGG CAT AG59.71046-1027M60300PK-Forward TGT TGC AGT TAA AAA GCT CGT AGT TG62.7607-632M60300336 PK-Reverse ATG CTT TCG CAG TAG TTA GTC TTC A60.1943-919M60300PK-Forward TGT TGC AGT TAA AAA GCT CGT AGT TG62.7607-632M60300439 F1-Reverse g CCG ATC CCT AGT CGG CAT AG59.71046-1027M60300Probes gA.fumigatus a R-TGA GGT TCC CCA GAA GGA AAG GTC CAG C-P b71.1e708-681M60300F-GTT CCC CCC ACA GCC AGT GAA GGC71.2e734-711M60300C.albicans R-TGG CGA ACC AGG ACT TTT ACT TTG A-P62.9e713-737M60302F-AGC CTT TCC TTC TGG GTA GCC ATT63.7e687-710M60302a R,LC-Red640,LightCycler Red640(Roche Molecular Biochemicals,Mannheim,Germany)b P,phosphatec F,LCfluorescein dyed Based on nearest neighbour thermodynamic theory as described by Freier et al.(1986).e Based on thermodynamic approach(TIB MOLBIOL,Berlin,Germany)f Position refers to specific nucleotide locations of the primers and probes in the A.fumigatus and C.albicans18S rRNA gene sequences.g Sequences as described by Loeffler et al.(2000b).489T.M.Pryce et al./Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease47(2003)487–496determined by cooling to55°C at20°C/s with a10s holdand raising the temperature0.2°C/s to95°C.Fluorescenceacquisition was performed continuously during the meltingcurve analysis.Finally,the capillary tubes were cooled to40°C at20°C/s with a60s hold.The LC system software(Roche Molecular Biochemicals)at the end of the run thencalculates the crossing point(C p).The C p is the number ofcycles at which signal detection crosses the threshold of thecrossing line.2.6.In vitro examination of sensitivity,specificity andreproducibility of real-time PCRTo determine the sensitivity of the real-time PCR withFRET for the detection of amplified Candida or AspergillusDNA,100pg(1ϫ104genome copies)of standard DNAwas serially diluted in water(assuming a single genomecopy or1CFU is equivalent to approximately10fg offungal DNA)(Sambrook et al.,1989).The diluted DNAstandards were measured for each primer pair listed in Table1.To determine reproducibility,1pg(1ϫ102genomecopies),and100fg(1ϫ101genome copies)of standardDNA were measured eight times for each primer pair listedin Table1.To determine specificity DNA from all fungiused in this study was also tested.To determine the effi-ciency of the DNA extraction method blood samples fromhealthy volunteers were seeded with serial dilutions(1ϫ100Ϫ1ϫ104CFU)of either conidia or yeast cells.Cells were added to fresh whole blood samples and stored at Ϫ70°C;then thawed prior to DNA extraction to duplicate the method used for clinical samples.An evaluation of theanalytical sensitivity of the PCR-FRET technique to detectfungal DNA in the presence of human DNA was alsoperformed.Samples were spiked with serial dilutions ofDNA within the same range as for seeded cells(100pg-10fg).The positive control used for all experiments consistedof1pg of purified fungal DNA(1ϫ102genome copies).To detect PCR inhibition1pg of purified fungal DNA wasadded as an internal control to DNA extracts of whole bloodsamples from healthy negative controls.2.7.Clinical samples and negative controlsAll blood samples were collected from patients and vol-unteers’using9-mL Vacuette tubes(Greiner Bio-One,Longwood,FL,USA).Samples were separated into sterile1.5-mL microfuge tubes and kept atϪ70°C for retrospec-tive analysis.To reduce the risk of contamination of sam-ples with exogenous environmental fungi allfluid transferwas performed with aerosol-resistant pipette tips(MolecularBio-Products,San Diego,CA,USA).This work was carriedout in a separate research laboratory well isolated from thediagnostic mycology laboratory.Samples from8patients athigh-risk for IFIs were collected and analyzed for the pres-ence of Candida albicans or Aspergillus fumigatus DNA.Negative controls consisted of blood samples from forty-five healthy volunteers without clinical evidence of invasive fungal disease.All samples were obtained over a six-month period and information regarding the timing of specimen handling was recorded to monitor for potential exogenous environmental fungal contamination.2.8.Statistical analysisStatistical analysis of the C p values was performed using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient.3.Results3.1.In vitro examination of sensitivity of the real-time PCR assayThe C p values of the serially diluted standard DNA were plotted against the logarithmic DNA concentration for each of the primers tested(data not shown).Good linearity was achieved for each assay tested and the correlation coeffi-cient was greater than0.98for all tests.The analytical sensitivity of each primer pair was assessed using purified DNA from C.albicans and A.fumigatus in sterile water, purified DNA from A.fumigatus or C.albicans added to whole blood extracts from healthy volunteers,and blood from healthy volunteers spiked with A.fumigatus conidia or C.albicans blastoconidia.The F1-F/F1-R and the PK-F/ F1-R oligonucleotide pairs tested demonstrated a sensitivity of10fg(1genome copy)in purified A.fumigatus and C. albicans DNA,100fg(1ϫ101genome copies)from purified DNA added to DNA extracts from healthy volun-teers and10CFU from seeded blood samples.The PK-F/ PK-R primer pair showed reduced sensitivity of100fg for purified A.fumigatus DNA.Concentrations less than10fg were unable to be detected(data not shown).3.2.In vitro examination of the specificity of the real-time PCR assayThe specificity of the probes was assessed using DNA isolated from all fungi included in the study and human DNA from whole blood extracts.The probes hybridized to their specific templates only,irrespective of which primers were used.That is,the AF1and AF2probe pair,hybridized only to DNA amplified from A.fumigatus.In addition,the probes CA1and CA2hybridized only to DNA amplified from C.albicans.The probes did not hybridize with other Candida species,Aspergillus species,or human DNA from unseeded whole blood extracts.The results are in concor-dance with other investigators using the same oligonucleo-tide probes(Loeffler et al.,2000b).In addition,nofluores-cent signals were observed when a1000U(10ϫconcentrate)of lyticase was tested,indicating the absence of contaminating A.fumigatus or C.albicans DNA in this commercial enzyme preparation.490T.M.Pryce et al./Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease47(2003)487–4963.3.In vitro examination of the reproducibility of thereal-time PCR assayReproducibility was assessed for each primer pair using 1pg and100fg amounts of purified A.fumigatus and C. albicans DNA.The coefficient of variation(CV)of the C p values for1pg and100fg of A.fumigatus DNA using the F1-F/F1-R and PK-F/F1-R primers were33.16Ϯ0.70, 33.18Ϯ0.50,and33.92Ϯ5.98,34.78Ϯ4.89(meanϮstandard deviation),respectively.The CV of the C p values for1pg and100fg of C.albicans DNA for the primers F1-F/F1-R and PK-F/F1-R were32.27Ϯ0.34,32.21Ϯ0.36,and33.92Ϯ5.98,35.05Ϯ0.56,respectively.No fluorescence signals were detected in the reagent controls.3.4.Evaluation of the PCR assay from whole blood samples from patients at high-risk of IFIsThe clinical features of the eight high-risk patients stud-ied are summarized in Table2.We used the recently pub-lished consensus criteria(Ascioglu et al.,2002)to standard-ize the diagnosis of IFIs.Three patients had proven IFIs and one patient had a possible IFI.Two patients had proven IA, one patient had candidemia with proven disseminated can-didiasis and the fourth patient had possible IA.All four patients subsequently died;three deaths were directly attrib-utable to IFIs.A patient with proven disseminated A.fu-migatus infection(Patient1,Table2)had a positive real-time PCR result,but only one day before and on the day of death from IA,respectively.The PCR assay was negative on two occasions,23and9days before death,respectively. The real-timefluorescence output from the LC instrument of this patients’samples and controls using the PK-F and F1-R oligonucleotide primer pair and the A.fumigatus probes is shown in Fig.1A.A patient with proven dissem-inated A.terreus infection(Patient2;Table2)did not have a positive real-time PCR result.The third patient with a positive A.fumigatus real-time PCR result was at high-risk of an IFI because of aggressive cytotoxic chemotherapy and underlying acute myeloid leukemia,and she had possible IA (Patient3,Table2).The patient with proven disseminated C.albicans infection and candidemia had a positive real-time PCR result for C.albicans DNA,but only one day before death.In this case,no blood samples were collected earlier than one day prior to death.Analysis from the F2 channel of the LC instrument showingfluorescence output from this patients’samples and controls using the PK-F and F1-R oligonucleotide primer pair and for the C.albicans probes is shown in Fig.1B.The remaining four patients at high-risk of IFI did not develop clinical or laboratory evidence of invasive fungal disease;two died of complications relating to their primary disease.They had negative PCR assays for A.fumigatus and C.albicans DNA and their deaths were not attributable to IFIs.However neither patient had a postmortem examina-tion to unequivocally prove that they were free of IFIs prior to death.The two remaining patients survived,but had whole blood samples that were PCR positive for A.fumiga-tus DNA.In these cases there was no clinical or laboratory evidence of IA,although these patients were at high-risk of an IFI.Thefirst patient had profound immunosuppression following cardiac transplantation and had active invasive CMV disease at the time the sample was collected,but did not receive antifungal prophylaxis or therapy.The second patient had prolonged and profound immunosuppression while receiving treatment for acute lymphocytic leukemia and had received antifungal prophylaxis withfluconazole (200mg/day).At the time the sample was collected the patient was on empiric therapy with i.v.amphotericin B for febrile neutropenia non-responsive to broad-spectrum anti-biotics.Neither of these patients went on to subsequently develop clinical or laboratory evidence of IFIs and both patients currently remain well.In both these cases it is not possible to distinguish between a false positive result or fungal DNAemia that was subclinical.The second patient may also have responded to antifungal treatment without a specific focus of infection having been identified.3.5.Evaluation of the PCR assay from whole blood samples from negative controlsAll whole blood samples taken from forty-five healthy healthy controls had negative PCR results following the protocol described in the methods.4.DiscussionIFIs are life-threatening infections and most patients who succumb to invasive aspergillosis and disseminated candi-diasis have an underlying immunosuppressive disease.In most cases the diagnosis of these infections is often just before death or at autopsy because current laboratory-based tests lack sensitivity and specificity(Hopfer,1997).Blood cultures have poor sensitivity for the diagnosis of invasive fungal infections because fungemia is thought to occur intermittently with low numbers of viable fungal cells(Ͻ10 CFU/mL)circulating in the peripheral blood(Hopfer, 1997).Failure of blood cultures to detect circulating yeasts and molds may either be due to the inability of the fungi to grow or an inability for growth to be detected by automated blood culture systems.We therefore sought to evaluate a new PCR assay utilizing FRET and melting point analysis using the LC instrument for the early detection C.albicans and/or A.fumigatus DNA from whole blood samples of patients at high-risk of IFIs.The real-time PCR assay targets C.albicans and A. fumigatus DNA in whole blood,as these two fungi are responsible for the majority of IFIs,particularly in those patients undergoing bone-marrow transplantation or aggres-sive cytotoxic chemotherapy with prolonged neutropenia. Fungal PCR on blood samples appears to be very sensitive,491T.M.Pryce et al./Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease47(2003)487–496Fig.1.(A)Real-time fluorescence output of patient samples and controls with A.fumigatus probes using the PK-F and F1-R oligonucleotide pair.The ampli fication plot was generated using the LC instrument and the LC software version 3.5.The x axis is the number of cycles and the y axis is the fluorescence output at 640nm (F2channel).The samples and C p values are as follows:Positive control (1pg A.fumigatus DNA)(open circles),35.50;Positive control duplicate (1pg A.fumigatus DNA)(solid circles),35.48;Patient 1sample C (open squares),38.79;Patient 1sample C duplicate (solid squares),36.38;Patient 1sample D (large cross),42.10;Patient 1sample D duplicate (small cross),41.92;Negative control (sterile double-distilled water)(solid line).(B)Real-time fluorescence output of patient samples and controls with C.albicans probes using the PK-F and F1-R oligonucleotide pair.The ampli fication plot was generated using the LC instrument and the LC software version 3.5.The x axis is the number of cycles and the y axis is the fluorescence output at 640nm (F2channel).The samples and C p values are as follows:Positive control (1pg C.albicans DNA)(small cross),33.10;Patient 3sample A (solid circles),36.19;Patient sample A with internal positive control (1pg C.albicans DNA)(solid squares),32.89;Patient 3sample B (open squares),38.00;Patient 3sample B with internal positive control (1pg C.albicans DNA)(open circles),33.12;Negative control (sterile double-distilled water)(large cross).493T.M.Pryce et al./Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 47(2003)487–496possibly because it depends on the degree of angioinvasion, and therefore its negative predictive value is high.Fungal PCR has been performed on whole blood(Einsele et al., 1997;Lass-Florl et al.,2001;Loeffler et al.,2000a;Loeffler et al.,2000b),serum(Williamson et al.,2000;Yamakami et al.,1996),and plasma(Loeffler et al.,2000a).Comparisons between plasma and whole blood have been reported for the detection of Aspergillus spp.DNA(Loeffler et al.,2000b) which suggest that whole blood may be preferable to both serum or plasma.However,a study using the rabbit model of systemic candidiasis has suggested that serum may be preferable to whole blood(Bougnoux et al.,1999).There were however a number of limitations in this animal model study that may not be applicable to the dynamics of fungal DNA for fungal cells in the immunosuppresed human host. Whether serum would be more useful than whole blood in immunosuppressed patients remains unanswered.There-fore,although the optimal specimen in the immunosup-pressed human host remains controversial,we chose to use EDTA-anti-coagulated whole blood for analysis,as an ali-quot of this specimen contains viable and non-viable fungal cells and free fungal DNA if present.Although the use of whole blood samples may increase PCR inhibition com-pared with serum samples,we demonstrated no evidence of PCR inhibition in our study,suggesting successful removal of PCR inhibitory substances from whole blood.In previously published studies on fungal PCR,a diver-sity of extraction methods,amplification protocols,sample volume,and primer selection,together with a range of source material studied,makes direct comparison of pub-lished studies difficult.To address this we chose a DNA extraction method based on elution of nucleic acids from fiberfleece of commercial spin columns.The use of com-mercial buffers and reagents ensures a certain degree of standardization that may make future comparisons between different PCR protocols more reliable.In our study we used a volume of200L of whole blood,although a larger volume could further improve the assays sensitivity.How-ever,there is a lack of suitable commercial methods of DNA extraction available for larger volumes of blood that meet the stringent degree of sterility or purity of buffers and reagents that is required to perform fungal PCR.In addition, improved reproducibility of conventional fungal PCR meth-ods is needed.In our study,the crossing points and the signal intensity results from seeded and spiked whole blood samples highly reproducible following the approach de-scribed.Other workers using real-time PCR techniques (Kami et al.,2001;Loeffler et al.,2000b)have also shown improved reproducibility,when compared with conven-tional fungal PCR assays.Finally we standardized the di-agnosis of IFIs by using the recently published agreed criteria,as evaluation of clinical studies have shown a poor correlation(Kappa statisticϭ0.253)between studies before 1997,even when only proven cases of IFIs are considered (Ascioglu et al.,2001).The use of standardized criteria for the evaluation of new less invasive fungal diagnostic tech-niques has not been previously been reported.The SSU ribosomal RNA genes of A.fumigatus and C.albicans are considered conserved multicopy genes thatshould enable increased analytical sensitivity.We found ananalytical sensitivity of10fg(1genome copy)for both theA.fumigatus and C.albicans assays,when purified DNA ofthese fungi were analyzed.The lower level of detection ofmost published fungal molecular reports varies from10-100genome copies,with few reports obtaining a sensitivity of1genome copy.In our study we used a200L of volume of whole blood,though the spin columns can utilize up to300L of whole blood.Aliquots greater than this amount can-not be processed unless multiple fractions are passed thoughthe same column and may increases the risk of exogenousDNA contamination.Thefiberfleece may also becomesaturated with human cellular DNA.Based on these limita-tions,if a whole blood sample contains5CFU/ml,then thefinal50L eluate from the spin column may only contain a single genome copy.If only5L of eluate is then used in the PCR master mix,the likelihood of the master mix containing a single genome copy,based on a100%effi-ciency of DNA extraction,is only10%.In addition,extrac-tion of fungal DNA may not be100%efficient,as not all human cellular DNA can be removed.Target DNA purified from clinical samples often co-precipitates with human DNA,which leads to nonspecific hybridization of oligonu-cleotides and mis-priming that may interfere with optimal PCR kinetics.Therefore the likelihood of fungal PCR prod-ucts being formed may be significantly less than10%. Hopefully further advances in fungal DNA extraction and purification will help resolve these problems.Probe hybridization with two probes each specific for A.fumigatus and C.albicans DNA were used in this study asthis enables a higher degree of specificity than genus-spe-cific or panfungal probes(Van Burik et al.,1998).Anotheradvantage of our approach is that additional probes can bedeveloped to improve the range of detectable fungal patho-gens.Panfungal probes are more likely to give false-positiveresults due to exogenous environmental fungal DNA orcarry over amplicon contamination.In addition,broad-range primers may compromise the PCR with amplificationof exogenous fungal DNA in addition to target fungal DNA.Contamination of fungal PCR assays has been documentedwith fungi including Aspergillus fumigatus,Saccharomycescerevisiae and Acremonium spp.(Loeffler et al.,1999).Theputative sources of exogenous fungal DNA include envi-ronmental air-borne fungal spores,and commercial prod-ucts commonly used for fungal DNA extraction includingPCR buffers or enzymes,such as zymolase and lyticase(Loeffler et al.,1999).Lyticase(Sigma)is a partially puri-fied␥-irradiated powder from a culture of Arthrobacter luteus(Scott and Schekman,1980).Loeffler et al.(1999) demonstrated contaminating fungal DNA with a band seen on gel electrophoresis from5U of lyticase,however they could not demonstrate contaminating fungal DNA in the494T.M.Pryce et al./Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease47(2003)487–496。