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天然产物研究与开发!"$&()+) 201$ ,30:832-839
板实验中,仅高剂量组(2.4 g生药• k g1)表现出显著的镇痛作用,在热刺痛实验中,中、高剂量组(0.6g生药
• kg(,2.4g生药• k g1)表现出显著的镇痛作用,在醋酸扭体实验中,所有剂量组均表现出极显著的镇痛效果
中图分类号:R285.5;Q946 文献标识码:A DOI :10. 16333/j. 1001 -6880.2018. 5. 017 S t u d y o n t h e A n t i-n o c ic e p t iv e a n d A n t i-i n f l a m m a t o r y E f f e c t s o f T h e E x t r a c t o f A e r i a l P a r t a n d R h iz o m e o f P aris p o ly jjh ylla v a r.ch in e n sis
DING Li-sliuai^,2,ZHAO Meng1,2,LI Yan-min1,CHEN Liang-mian1,WANG Zhi-min1,
WANG Zhu-ju1,GAO Hui-min1*,LI Shao-jing1*
1Institute o f Chinese Materia M edica,China Academy o f Chinese Medical Sciences,National Engirwering
Laboratory fo r Quality Control Technolo^>y o f Chinese Herbal M edicine,Beijing,100700,C hina%
2 Cofeg^e o f Pharm acy,Henan University y f Chinese M edicine,Zhengzhoo 450008,China
A bstract :The antinociceptive and a nti-inflammatory effects of tlie extract of aerial parts and rhizome of Paris polyphyfa
v ar. c hinensis were evaluated to find active fractions. The hot plate test,thermal radiation pain test and acetic acid-in
duced mouse writliing test were used to assess the anti-nociceptive effect and xylene-induced mouse ear edema was con
ducted to assess t he anti-inflammatory effect of the extract,fractions and sub-fractions ( furostanol saponin,pennogenin
saponin and dioscin saponin). The results showed that the rhizome extract displayed the significant anti-nociceptive
effects: the extract at the dose of 2. 4 g crude material • kg- showed significant anti-nociceptive effect in the hot plate
test,while the extract at the doses of both 0. 6 and 2. 4 g crude material • kg- displayed significant anti-nociceptive
effect in the t hermal radiation pain test. The extract at all doses of (0. 3,0. 6 and 2. 4 g crude material • kg- ) displayed
significant anti-nociceptive effect in a dose-dependent manner in the writhing test. The extract significantly inhibited the
mouse ear edema induced by xylene in a dose-dependent manner. The extract of aerial parts showed the similar anti-noci
ceptive and anti-inflammatory effect as those of rhizome. The anti-inflammatory effect of aerial tributed to the steroidal saponins enriched in the fractions eluted by 50%,70% and 95%ethanol on macroporous resin
chromatography. All sub-fractions (furostanol,pennogenin and dioscin saponin) demonstrated the potent anti-inflamma
tory effect,and among them,pennogenin saponins have the strongest activity. The present investigation idences for the development of quality evaluation system concerning the traditional e fficacy of Paridis 收稿日期:2017-08-17 接受日期:2018-02-7
基金项目:国有重点研发计划“中医药现代化研究”项目(2017YFC1701900);中医药行业科研专项(201507002);国家中药标准化项目(ZY BZH-Y-FJ-09);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(GH2017-03-03)
* 通信作者Tel:86-10-84014128 ;E-mail:hmgao@icmm. ac. cn;shaojingli2004@126. com