(Writing the introduction)




What belongs in the introductory section(s) of your paper?
A statement of the goal of the paper: why the study was undertaken, or why the paper was written. Do not repeat the abstract.
Structural Layout of Introduction
The first layer 1.1 Introducing the general research area including its background,
Frequently asked questions
What is an introduction for? Is it a summary?
An introduction is not a summary. A summary repeats the main ideas of an essay. An introduction introduces the reader to the topic of the
What is Introduction?
Introduction is the first section of a scientific paper, including the background information of the research, the nature and scope of the problem investigated.
An essay introduction does not need to do more than tell the reader the topic of the essay, describe how the body of the essay is organized, and explain the thesis that you argue for in the essay.

Academic_writing_Introduction 引言的写作

Academic_writing_Introduction 引言的写作

Writing An Introduction of A Research PaperI. Some conventions(一些规则)Every professional paper should have at least one or two introductory paragraphs. In the Introduction the writer sets the stage for the main topic. It provides information for the reader about the paper, without giving the details of the work and conclusions. Often the Introduction is used to put the research into perspective, by stating how it relates to other technical and institutional work. The Introduction can range from half of a page to two pages.The purpose of the Introduction is to supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without referring to previous publications on the topic. The introduction should also provide the rationale for the present study. The writer should state briefly and clearly his purpose in writing the paper. Much of the Introduction should be written in the present tense because the writer will be referring primarily to the problem and the related established know-ledge at the beginning of the work.(i) It should present the nature and scope of the problem investigated. Since there might be many perspectives from which the writer can approach the problem, narrowing down the scope of work and de-limiting the boundary of the study becomes necessary.(ii) The Introduction is the proper place to define any specialized terms or abbreviations intended to be used.(iii) The Introduction should also inform the reader of the general purpose of the paper and illustrate the primary objectives of the research.(iv) It should review the pertinent literature to orient the reader. In science and engineering studies the literature is reviewed for several reasons, for example, to learn from the work of others, to give credit to similar and relevant studies, to help the reader in further study to the topic, problem or theory. In professional work it is essential to make it clear what contributions have been made by others, and what the cur-rent work has achieved and contributed to further understanding. The reader must never be in doubt what has already been established in the literature before, and what the reported study has contributed. (v) The Introduction may also talk of the arrangement of the writing at the end of the Introduction. In long papers, the mention of the arrangement of the writing enables the reader to understand the pa-per more easily, and can make the reader feel convenient in further reading.II. Stabilized structure(固定的结构)1.Establishing the scope of research(表示研究/讨论范围)Step l Claiming centrality(表明讨论中心话题)and/orStep 2 Making topic generalization(s)(总括所研究话题的现状)and/orStep 3 Reviewing previous research(综述前人研究)2.Establishing a niche(确立研究/讨论话题)Step l A Counter—claiming(反驳前人观点)OrStep l B Indicating a gap(表明前人研究空白)OrStep l C Question—raising(提出问题)OrStep l D Continuing a tradition(继续前人研究)3.Occupying the niche(研究/讨论具体切人点)Step l A Outlining purposes(表明研究目的)OrStep l B Announcing present research(表明当前研究重点)Step 2 Announcing principal findings(表明主要发现)Step 3 Indicating the research article structure(表明文章结构)1.Establishing the scope of research(确定研究/讨论范围)Step 1 centrality claims: In the introduction, centrality claims are typically expressed in one sentence, but can also be in two or more sentences. Typically, they are put at the beginning of the Introduction. The author can introduce centrality claims by claiming interest or importance, referring to the main character of the issue, or claiming that there are many other investigators active in the area.Some typical examples are:~ Recently, there has been a spate of interest in how to...~ In recent years, applied researchers have become increasingly interested in...~ The possibility...has generated interest in...~ Recently, there has been wide interest in...~ The time development ...is a classic problem in fluid mechanics.~ The well-known...phenomena...have been favorite topics for analysis both in...~ Knowledge of ...has a great importance for...~ The study of...has become an important aspect of...~ The effect of...has been studied extensively in recent years.~ Many investigators have recently turned to...~ The relationship between ...has been studied by many authors.~ A central issue in...is the validity of...The Introduction can also begins with step 2Step 2: making a topic generalization. Statements of topic generalizations generally fall into two categories: statements about knowledge or practice, or statements about phenomena. Typical examples of the first group are:~ There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that...~ The ...properties of...are still not completely understood.~ A standard procedure for assessing has been...~ Education core courses are often criticized for...Typically these statements express in general terms the current state of knowledge, of technique, or of current requirements for further progress.The second group of topic generalizations refers to phenomena:~ ...is a common finding in patients with...~ An elaborate system of...is found in the ...~ English is rich in related words exhibiting "stress shifts".~ There are many situations where examination scripts are marked and then re-marked by another examiner.Step 3 Reviewing previous researchWhen reviewing previous research, the author needs to relate what has been found (claimed) with who has found it (claimed it). There are generally two forms of citation: integral and non-integral. In the text of a report, integral citation usually names the author in text and the year of publication in parentheses. Non-integral citation puts references at the end of a sentence or paragraph inside parentheses. If there is just one author, the integral citation form is Jones (1987), and the non-integral citation form is (Halliday, 1987). If there are two authors the citation should be Jones and Smith (1987) or (Jones and Smith 1987). And when there are three or more authors, the citation should be Jones et al. (1987) or (Jones et al., 1987). It should be noted that there is no period after the word "et". If there are two or more references by the same authors and from the same year, they are marked with an "a" and "b" etc. (Jones, et al., 1987a; Jones, et al., 1987b). A semicolon (;) is used between references when you refer to more than one at the same time.A literature review should not be a laundry list, meaning that it should not be listing of unrelated items.A literature review should be a coherent review of the main ideas and results of published materials, as they relate to the topic or problem of the report being written. The length of Literature Review is highly variable, from a paragraph to a few pages.The main patterns are illustrated with the following examples: Examples of integral citation forms (直接引用方式)~ Bile (1988) showed/shows that the moon is made of cheese.~ The moon's cheesy composition is established by Bile (1988).~ Brie's theory (1988) claims/claimed that the moon is made of cheese.~ Brie's (1988) theory of lunar composition has general support.~ According to Brie (1988), the moon is made of cheese.Examples of indirect citation forms (间接引用方式) ..~ Previous research has shown that the moon is made of cheese (Brie, 1988).~ It has been shown that the moon is made of cheese (Brie, 1988).~ It has been established that the moon is made of cheese (Brie, 1988).~ The moon is probably made of cheese (Bile, 1988).~ The moon may be made of cheese (of. Rock, 1989).2. Establishing a niche (确定研究/讨论话题)To establish a niche, the author usually starts with an adversative sentence-connector, most commonly with however but also with such signals as but, nevertheless, yet, and unfortunately. Step l A Counter-claiming e.g. However, the use of... results in such a degree of ... that ... has become necessary.OrStep 1B Indicating a gap e.g. However, the use of...results in a significant amount ofOrStep 1C Question-raising e.g. However, it is not clear whether the use of...can be modified to OrStep 1D Continuing a tradition e.g. The remaining issue is to find a way of better controlling In this part, the author most typically starts with step 1B, indicating a gap. The author does not counter-claim that the previous work is hopelessly misguided, but rather "suffers from some limitations". Typical sentence patterns used to indicate a gap are listed below:~ No research has been done on ...~ Little effort has been spent on the study of...~ (Very) few researchers have investigated...~ The nature of...is overlooked.~ Researchers have failed to notice that...~ The result is misleading/questionable/inconclusive/limited.~ The result off. _has several limitations.~ The research can rarely cover...3. Occupying the niche (研究/ 讨论具体切入点)Step 1A outlining purposesOrStep 1B Announcing present researchStep 2 Announcing principal findingsStep 3 indicating the research article structureIn this part, step 1 is the obligatory element. In other words, either Step 1A or Step 1B must occur in the Introduction. Step 1A indicates the author's main purpose or purposes. Step 1B describes what the author considers to be the main features of his research.Typical examples are:~ This paper reports on the results obtained...~ The aim of the present paper is to give...~ The main purpose of the experiment reported here was to...~ This study was designed to evaluate...~ This paper aims to report the interaction of...Most research article introductions end with Step 1. However, some may also end with Step 2 or Step 3. If Step 3 occurs, it always occurs at the end of the introduction.Examples are:~ We have organized the rest of this paper in the following way...~ This paper is structured as follows...~ The remainder of this paper is divided into five sections. Section II describes...III. Example outline structures (结构范例)Outline structure 1Recently, there has been a considerable interest in...Yet, there is a dearth of information. (2 direct questions) Recent studies have begun to explore these questions at...level. The existence of... may be inferred from recent studies by ...The work of these researchers sheds light on ...However, understanding ...in the context of... is as yet unexplored territory. This study attempts to enter this territory by...Our focus will be on...The changes that...show a skilled novice learning of...Outline structure 2Recently, the relationships between ...have been explored by scholars from a number of disciplines. However, the precise nature of...has not been delineated a considerable amount of research has been made into.., but little research...As a result, no comprehensive theory appears to exist. (review previous researches) Taken together, these studies indicate...The purposes of the present study were two-fold: one is...; the other is... The study thus extends the findings of previous work by examining...Outline structure 3Despite the announced importance of... few researchers have experimentally tested... Many studies have examined...No study, however, has used an experimental design. In the light of this absence of experimental work, we conducted a pilot study (Rosen, 1985)...We subsequently designed the present study,an experiment to test... Our two research questions were...IV. Distinction of Abstract and Introduction (摘要和引言的区别)Generally there are three distinctions between Abstract and Introduction:(1) Discussions of previous research are rarely found in abstracts, whereas it is an important part of the research article introductions.(2) Indication of methodology, experimental procedures, data collection, etc. used for present research is considered crucial in research abstracts, but rare in article introductions.(3) Reporting of results or findings of research is considered as an important part of abstracts, but it is rare in article introductions.V. An example introduction (引言范例)During the past 50 years, the United States has experienced the integration of the computer into society. Progress has been made to the point that small, inexpensive computers with expanded capabilities are available for innumerable uses. Many schools have purchased and are purchasing microcomputers for infusion into their directed learning programs.Most individuals seem to agree that the microcomputer will continue to hold an important role in education. Gubser (1980) and Hinton (1980) suggested phenomenal increases in the numbers of computers both in the school and the home in the near future. There are always problems with a sudden onslaught of new technology. Like any new tool that has not been fully tried and tested, the role of the computer is in question. How should the computer be used in the classroom? Should the computer be the teacher or a tool in the classroom in the same way as an overhead projector? Can teachers do a better job of teaching certain types of materials with the microcomputer than with conventional teaching methods? Will the microcomputer have different effects on students with varying levels of experience? Schmidt (1982) identified three types of microcomputer use in classrooms: the object of a course, a support tool and a means of providing instruction. Foster and Kleene (1982) cite four uses of microcomputers in vocational agriculture: drill and practice, tutorial, simulation and problem solving.The findings of studies examining the use of various forms of computer-assisted instruction (CAI have been mixed. Studies by Hickey (1968) and Honeycutt (1974) indicated superior results with CAI while studied by Ellis (1978), Caldwell (1980) and Belzer (1976) indicated little or no significant effect. Although much work has been done to date, more studies need to be conducted to ascertain the effects of microcomputer-assisted instruction in teaching various subjects in a variety of learning situations.The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of using micro-computer-assisted instruction as compared to a lecture-discussion technique in teaching principles and methods of cost recovery and investment credit on agriculture assets to graduate students in agricultural education (Rohrbach, 1983). This topic was identified as being of importance to teachers in providing them the necessary background to teach lessons in farm records.ExerciseThe following two excerpts are taken from the same academic article. Which is the Abstract and which is the Introduction? Why?Excerpt 1The continental terrace of Israel consists of a 1-2-km-thick Pliocene-Quaternary sediment wedge that narrows (from 60 to 16 km), steepens (2.5-3 to 6-8 ) and deepens (900-1200m) from south to north. Thecontinental terrace is the combined product of Nile-derived sedimentation whose bulk and rate of deposition decrease with increasing distance from the Nile Delta, and vertical tectonic uplift of Israel and Lebanon vs the subsidence of the adjacent submarine Levantine Basin. The tectonic influence increases while the sedimentary influence decreases from south to north (Neev et al., 1976; Almagor & Hall, 1984). Halokinetic slumping caused by extensive mass movement over deep strata of Messinian (Late Miocene) evaporites scarred and steepened the entire continental terrace of northern Israel and southern Lebanon (Almagor& Garfunkel, 1979; Garfunkel & Almagor 1985, 1987; Almagor 1993). In the south, a balance between continuous hemipelagic sedimentation and episodic dispersal of sediment, mostly by earthquake-induced slumping, creates a smooth gentle bathymetry (Almagor, 1980, 1984, 1986; Almagor & Michaeli, 1985). Along the steep slope north of Mount Carmel promontory mass transport processes have shaped a scarred and canyon-fur-rowed morphology. These processes were described in detail by Almagor(1992, 1993).The present study deals with the small-scale sedimentary structures as found in more than 60 sediment cores taken along the entire continental margin of Israel (Fig. 1) with special emphasis and greater sampling density on the more dynamic northern continental slope (Fig. 2)Excerpt 2The continental terrace of Israel consists of Nile-derived sediments. They are classified into three major groups, according to their structures: (1) irregularly too wavy laminated, coarse-grained sediments (quartz and skeletal debris) of the flat outer shelf and upper bend of the slope (10-20% of the bulk) which are influenced by currents. These sediments are bioturbated to various degrees. Smectitic silty clays (80-90%) form two structural groups: (2) laminated, turbiditic sediments which accumulate on the slope, particularly in the canyons of the northern slope. Irregular, wavy, thickly laminated, coarse-grained sediments of the up-per slope and canyon heads merge down-slope with parallel, thinly laminated, fine-grained sediments. Toward the foot of the slope and on the adjacent deep-sea floor lamination becomes indistinct and sediment is visually homogeneous. (3) Slump-generated mud lumps of various sizes, which accumulate on the lower slope, and along the transport axes of the canyons. These are the most visible evidence for large-scale slumping mass movement.Transportational and depositional processes are far more intensive over the steep northern continental slope of Israel, and especially in its canyons than over the gentle southern slope.Very stiff over-consolidated sediments unconformably overlain by the ubiquitous recent silty-clayey sediment were cored on steep sections of the middle continental slope and along the canyon walls. Their pre-consolidation stress values suggest that these sections were formerly overlain by more than 40m of sediment and now are exposed by slumping. The down-sliding slabs usually disintegrated into small fragments although several huge fragments could be indentified along the canyon axes.。



When writing an introduction for an English essay,its important to capture the readers attention and set the stage for the rest of your work.Here are some key elements to include in your introduction:1.Hook:Start with a compelling statement or question that grabs the readers interest. This could be a surprising fact,a quote,or a rhetorical question related to your topic.2.Background Information:Provide some context for your topic.This might include a brief history,current issues,or general information that sets the stage for your specific focus.3.Thesis Statement:Clearly state the main argument or point of your essay.This should be a concise,onesentence summary of what you will argue or discuss in your paper.4.Outline:Briefly outline the structure of your essay.This can be done by listing the main points you will cover in each paragraph.5.Purpose:Explain why your topic is important and what you hope to achieve with your essay.This could be to inform,persuade,or analyze.Heres an example of how you might structure an introduction for an essay on the topic of environmental conservation:Imagine waking up to a world devoid of the sounds of birds chirping or the sight of lush green forests.This is a future we may face if we do not take immediate action towards environmental conservation.Over the past century,human activities have led to deforestation,pollution,and climate change,threatening the delicate balance of our ecosystems.This essay will explore the importance of environmental conservation,the challenges we face,and potential solutions to these pressing issues.By examining the current state of our environment,the consequences of inaction,and the steps we can take to mitigate harm,we aim to raise awareness and inspire action towards a sustainable future.In this example,the hook is the vivid imagery of a silent world,the background information sets the stage by mentioning human activities and their impact,the thesis statement clearly states the essays purpose,and the outline hints at the structure by mentioning the current state,consequences,and solutions.The purpose is to raise awareness and inspire action.。



When it comes to writing an English essay,there are several key elements to consider in order to craft a compelling and wellstructured piece.Here are some essential aspects to focus on:1.Understanding the Prompt:Before you start writing,make sure you fully understand the question or prompt.Take time to analyze what is being asked and plan your response accordingly.2.Brainstorming Ideas:Once you understand the prompt,brainstorm ideas related to the topic.This can be done through mind mapping,listing,or discussing the topic with peers.3.Creating an Outline:Organize your thoughts into a logical structure.An outline typically includes an introduction,body paragraphs,and a conclusion.Each body paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your thesis statement.4.Writing the Introduction:Start your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the readers attention.This should include a clear thesis statement that presents your argument or point of view.5.Developing Body Paragraphs:Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea.Follow this with evidence or examples that support your argument.Ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next.ing Evidence:Support your claims with evidence such as facts,statistics,quotes,or examples.Make sure to cite your sources properly to avoid plagiarism.7.Analyzing and Synthesizing:Dont just present information analyze it.Show how your evidence supports your argument.Synthesize different ideas to create a deeper understanding of the topic.8.Writing the Conclusion:Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in the conclusion.Provide a sense of closure,and if appropriate,suggest areas for further exploration or implications of your argument.9.Revising and Editing:After writing your first draft,revise your essay for clarity, coherence,and conciseness.Check for grammatical errors,punctuation mistakes,and spelling errors.10.Proofreading:The final step is to proofread your essay.Look for any remaining errors and ensure that your essay is polished and professional.11.Formatting and Citations:Follow the required formatting guidelines for your essay, such as MLA,APA,or Chicago style.Make sure your citations and references are correctly formatted.12.Peer Review:If possible,have someone else read your essay to provide feedback.A fresh set of eyes can often catch errors or suggest improvements that you might have missed.Remember,practice makes perfect.The more you write,the better you will become at expressing your ideas clearly and persuasively in English.。

学术英语writing introduction

学术英语writing introduction

Your company slogan
Simple Future Tense
Sometimes, in the sentence including the objective of the research, Simple Future Tense is recommended.
e.g. “In summary, previous methods are all extremely inefficient. Hence a new approach is developed to process the data more efficiently.” The later sentence should be — “In this paper, a new approach will be developed to process the data more efficiently” or “This paper will present a new approach that process the data more efficiently”.
Your company slogan
ould I put in my introduction?
Do not try to pack everything into the introduction. It would then not be an introduction at all! An essay introduction does not need to do more than tell the reader the topic of the essay, describe how the body of the essay is organized, and explain the thesis that you argue for in the essay.



作家英文介绍作文格式英文:As a writer, I believe that the key to a successful introduction is to capture the reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. To do this, I typically start with an interesting anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a surprising fact. From there, I move into a brief overview of my background and experience as a writer, highlighting any relevant achievements or publications.Once I've established my credibility, I like to delve into the specific topic at hand, providing context and background information as necessary. I try to write in a clear and concise manner, avoiding overly technical jargon or convoluted sentence structures. Instead, I aim to communicate my ideas in a way that is accessible and engaging for a wide audience.Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all approach towriting an introduction, and different genres and styles may require different strategies. However, I have foundthat by following these general guidelines, I am able to create introductions that are both informative and compelling.中文:作为一名作家,我认为成功的介绍关键在于吸引读者的注意力并让他们想要继续阅读。



英语作文的introduction全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1IntroductionAs one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, English plays a crucial role in global communication, business, and culture. With over 1.5 billion speakers worldwide, English has become the lingua franca of the modern era, connecting people from different countries and cultures. In this introduction, we will explore the importance of English as a language of international communication, its history, and its impact on society.Importance of English as a Global LanguageEnglish is often referred to as the global language, as it is used as a common means of communication among people from different linguistic backgrounds. In today's interconnected world, English proficiency is a valuable skill that opens up opportunities for individuals in various fields, such as business, education, and travel. Many multinational companies require their employees to be fluent in English, as it facilitates communication with clients and colleagues from around theworld. Moreover, English is the primary language of instruction in many universities, making it essential for students who wish to pursue higher education abroad.History of the English LanguageThe English language has a rich and diverse history, shaped by various influences over the centuries. Originating from the Germanic tribes that invaded Britain in the 5th century, Old English was the language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons. The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought French elements into the language, leading to the Middle English period. During the Renaissance, many Latin and Greek words were incorporated into English, transforming it into the Modern English we know today. The spread of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries further promoted the global use of English, solidifying its status as an international language.Impact of English on SocietyThe widespread use of English has had a profound impact on society, shaping the way we communicate, learn, and interact with one another. English has become the language of the internet, with the majority of online content available in English. This has made information more accessible to a global audience, breaking down barriers and fostering cross-culturalunderstanding. English also plays a key role in the entertainment industry, with many movies, TV shows, and music produced in English reaching a worldwide audience.ConclusionIn conclusion, English is a language that transcends borders and connects people from different corners of the globe. Its significance as a tool for communication, education, and business cannot be overstated. As we continue to navigate an increasingly interconnected world, proficiency in English will be essential for individuals seeking to thrive in a globalized society.篇2Title: Introduction to English CompositionIntroduction:English composition is an essential skill that every student should strive to master. Whether you are writing an essay, a research paper, a report, or any other type of written work, having a solid foundation in English composition will help you communicate your ideas effectively and clearly. In this introductory essay, we will discuss the importance of English composition, the key components of a well-written piece, and tips to improve your writing skills.Importance of English Composition:English composition is the art of expressing thoughts, ideas, and emotions through written words. It allows individuals to communicate their thoughts and experiences with others, creating a connection between writer and reader. A well-written composition can persuade, inform, entertain, or provoke thought, making it a powerful tool for communication.In academic settings, English composition plays a crucial role in developing critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, and communication proficiency. Students who excel in English composition are better equipped to analyze complex ideas, synthesize information, and present their arguments effectively. This skill is essential for success in higher education, as well as in the professional world.Key Components of a Well-Written Composition:A well-written composition should have a clear structure, coherent organization, and strong supporting evidence. The key components of a well-written piece include:1. Introduction: The introduction should grab the reader's attention, provide context for the topic, and present the thesis statement.2. Body: The body of the composition should present the main points of the argument, supported by evidence and examples. Each paragraph should relate to the overall thesis and flow logically from one to the next.3. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points, restate the thesis, and leave a lasting impression on the reader.Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills:To improve your English composition skills, consider the following tips:1. Read widely: Reading books, articles, and essays can expose you to different writing styles, vocabulary, and ideas.2. Practice writing: The more you write, the better you will become. Set aside time each day to practice writing and experiment with different techniques.3. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from peers, teachers, or writing tutors to help you identify areas for improvement.4. Edit and revise: Always edit and revise your work to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as clarity and coherence.5. Study grammar and vocabulary: Understanding grammar rules and expanding your vocabulary can enhance the quality of your writing.Conclusion:English composition is a valuable skill that can benefit you in academic, professional, and personal endeavors. By mastering the key components of a well-written composition and following the tips provided, you can improve your writing skills and become a more effective communicator. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to challenge yourself and strive for excellence in English composition.篇3IntroductionEnglish writing is a key skill that is essential for academic, professional, and personal success. In today's globalized world, the importance of being able to effectively communicate in written English cannot be overstated. Whether you are writing an essay, a report, a business proposal, or even just a simple email, strong writing skills are crucial for conveying your ideas clearly and persuasively.In this essay, we will explore the importance of English writing, the key components of a well-written piece of writing, and some strategies for improving your English writing skills. We will also discuss the different types of English writing, such as narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writing, and provide tips for each.English writing is not just about following grammar rules and using fancy vocabulary. It is about structuring your ideas in a logical and coherent way, using appropriate language for your audience, and engaging your readers through interesting and relevant content. Good writing is also about editing and revising your work to ensure that it is clear, concise, and error-free.By honing your English writing skills, you will be able to express yourself effectively in a variety of contexts and achieve your goals more easily. Whether you are a student looking to excel in school, a professional seeking to advance in your career, or simply someone who wants to communicate more clearly and persuasively, improving your English writing skills will open up a world of opportunities for you.In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the art of English writing, exploring the key principles, techniques, and strategies that will help you become a more confident andproficient writer. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the power of English writing.。

大学英语写作Writing Strategies

大学英语写作Writing Strategies

Writing a Letter of ApplicationNotesA letter of application should be polite and factual. It should also emphasize your experience and strengths.Layout of a Letter of ApplicationIntroduction(Reason for writing)Main BodyParagraph 1 (Background information aboutyourself such as achievements and experiences)Paragraph 2 ( Reasons for applying and required response)Conclusion(Suggest what the reader should do)Writing the IntroductionIn the introduction you should briefly introduce yourself and say why you are rmation such as when and where the job was advertised are important because it is information the company needs assess how effective their advertising is.Writing the Main BodyThe main body should be divided in three paragraphs.Paragraph OneHere you should give brief details about your background. However, you shouldn’t give details such as dates and places where you’ve worked (except your latest job) because this information is included in your resume.Paragraph TwoHere you should outline your achievements, giving brief details of promotions or special projects you’ve worked on, including brief details of your responsibilities. Again, don’t add too much detail otherwise you’ll repeat the infor mation in your resume.Paragraph ThreeHere you should give your reasons for applying for the job. This is important because the reader will want to know the reason why you want to leave your present company or job.Writing the ConclusionWhen writing the conclusion to a letter of application you want the person reading the letter to reply to you. However, it is important to keep it brief because the person reading the letter isprobably a very busy person and, therefore, has no time, or interest, in reading a long essay!Grammar & Language FocusTense UsedWhen writing a letter of application you generally use the present tense when writing the introduction because you are expressing a present action (I am writing to…).Using a passive voice makes the letter more polite.Example 1I want to apply for the position of senior engineer as advertised in the Xin Min Evening News on the 15th August.Example 2I would like to apply for the position of senior engineer as advertised in the Xin Min Evening News on the 15th August.When writing the main body of a letter of application it is usual to use the past tense together with the present tense because you are talking about past achievements (I graduated in 1989) and what you are doing now (I am presently engaged in …).When writing the conclusion it is usual to use the future tense because you are talking about future desires (I look forward to …)Useful Expressions: letters Of ApplicationI’m writing in response to your advertisement in Shanghai Daily of August 8.Your advertisement for a news reporter in today’s People’s Daily interested me.I’d like to apply for the position of operator you advertisedin …I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Manchester Evening News for a librarian.I have rich experience in sales fields.I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience.I’m quite content with my present job; however, I have to leave to further my career.Due to economic adversity, I have to leave my present job.Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be very grateful.Letter of AppreciationWrite a thank-you letter to someone who has touched your life in some way or made a lasting impact on you.Layout of a Letter of Application1.Introduction: greet the person and tell them how you’re doing at this time.2. Recollection (n.回忆): tell a story about a specific time in your life when this person had an impact on you, or recall a specific incident when this person came to your aid.If this person is very close to you, and has helped you on numerous occasions, isolate one or two events. It is far more effective to mention a few specifics than to speak in generalities, such as “you are always there for me.” You do not want to sound lik e a greeting card.3. Appreciation: formally thank the person for what they’ve done or what they continue to do for you. This section does not have to be very long.4. Don’t forget to sign the letter.Sample Letter of Appreciation 1Dear Linda,It has been a year since you left us, yet I still feel the warmth of your presence and the fire of your rhetoric (讨论)as I walk around the college or visit the house. I saw a beautiful bunch of California poppies (金英花)when I drove by your house the other day. I remembered how you had wished to go to the Antelope Valley to see scores of them. “It’s something I’d like to do before I die,” you had joked. I wonder if you ever got to see them; I forgot to ask.So much has changed since you left us so suddenly. I spent a year teaching within the Puente Project, and now I am the instructor for English 290. Every year seems to bring something different, but I take heart in the confidence you gave me as my mentor (n.良师益友), friend and beloved colleague. I’ll never forget how you helped me when I first came to Santa Cruz in August of 2006. I had a week to find a place to live before the teaching term began. When things seemed hopeless, you came forward and offered your guesthouse to my husband and me. You helped us move in, taught me how to use the washing machine, and made sure I was comfortable in every way. You told me how you had fought to be able to hire someone for a basic skills position, and how delighted you were in my hire. When times get difficult, and budget cuts threaten the programs we most believe in, I remember your fire and your fight—how you never gave up when you believed in something or somebody.I am so lucky to have known you and been your friend for the brief time our paths crossed. Now those of us who loved you are left with your legacy to fight to maintain all that is good aboutCabrillo. I wonder if you can know how much we miss you, and also, how much you are still with us.With fondest admiration and many thanks,GeneffaUseful expressions to start a thank-you letterI am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...I am writing to express my thanks for...I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don't know how to thank you enough for your help.Useful expressions to end a thank-you letterI must thank you again for your generous help.I am most grateful for your selfless donation.My true gratitude is beyond the word's description.I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Please accept my gratitude, now and always.Other useful expressions1我特地写信感谢你来医院看望我I am writing to you to thank for your visiting me in the hospital.2这封信将满载着我对你热情款待的真挚感谢之情I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for your hospitality.4你能按着日程安排组织信息,我十分感激I especially appreciated your organizing the information according to the items on the agenda.5我非常感谢你的……I am grateful/ obliged to you for…….6我为你所做的一切表示感激I am greatly indebted to you for what you have done7感谢你在……其间给与我无私的帮助I am thankful/ obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during….8我非常感谢你的好意,并希望有机会回报你I deeply appreciate your courtesy and we hope to have the opportunity of rewarding you.9我借此机会对你所给与我的帮助表示深深的感谢I take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of your kind help you rendered (v.给与) me .10你为我这样做真是太好了,我感激不尽It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.12请接受我诚挚的谢意,感谢你及时的帮助,我将难以忘怀Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help, which I will never forget.13感激之情难以言表Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you14我在此向你表示感谢Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.Sample Letter of Appreciation 2Directions:After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. Write a letter:1) mentioning what happened in the accident,2) telling the person about your recovery, and3) expressing your thanks.Dear John,I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that Emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach. But you showed by your actions that you are an exception.Yours sincerely,Li Ming。


In sentence 4 the writer describes the general problem area or the current research focus of the field.
In sentence 5 the writer provides a transition between the general problem area and the literature review.
Unit 6 How to Write the Introduction
Teaching Procedures
Sample Analysis
Building a Model
Grammar and Writing Skills
Lead-in 1. What information should be contained in the Introduction?
➢ Literature Review
5. One way to toughen polymers is to incorporate a layer of rubber particles5 and there has been extensive research regarding the rubber modification of PLA. 6. For example , Penney et al. showed that PLA composites could be prepared using blending techniques6 and more recently, Hillier established the toughness of such composites.7

学术英语writing introduction ppt课件

学术英语writing introduction ppt课件
Your company slogan
你怎么称呼老师? 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? 教师的教鞭 “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
This is a general introduction to what the thesis is all about. It is not just a description of the contents of each section. Briefly summarize the question (you will be stating the question in detail later), some of the reasons why it is a worthwhile question, and perhaps give a brief overview of your main results.
An essay introduction does not need to do more than tell the reader the topic of the essay, describe how the body of the essay is organized, and explain the thesis that you argue for in the essay.
Your company slogan
Frequently asked questions
What is an introduction for? Is it a summary?

学术写作the introduction

学术写作the introduction

7. 2. 2 Things must be established in the Introduction
a. Subject—identify one’s specific topic, and then define, limit, and narrow it to one issue;
the research and point the reader toward the eventual conclusion
( consult the sample of P38-39)
7. 2. 3 Strategies of Beginning an Introduction Starting with a Quotation
Sex and violence on the screen are not new issues. In the roaring Twenties there was increasing pressure from civic and religious groups to ban depictions of “immorality” from the screen. Faced with the threat of federal censorship, the film producers decided to clean their own house. In 1930, the Motion Picture and Distributors of America [MPDA] established the Production Code. At first, adherence to the Code was voluntary;



内容介绍的英文作文英文:Content introduction is an important part of my work. As a content creator, it is my responsibility to ensurethat the audience understands what they are about to consume. In this article, I will discuss the importance of content introduction and how it can be done effectively.Firstly, content introduction sets the tone for therest of the content. It gives the audience an idea of what to expect and prepares them for what is to come. For example, if I am writing a blog post about a new product, the introduction should highlight the benefits of the product and why it is worth reading about.Secondly, content introduction can hook the audience and make them want to read more. It can be done by using catchy headlines, interesting facts or anecdotes. For instance, if I am writing a news article about a celebrity,I could start with a juicy piece of gossip to grab the reader's attention.Finally, content introduction can help with search engine optimization (SEO). By including relevant keywordsin the introduction, it can improve the visibility of the content in search engine results. For example, if I am writing an article about healthy eating, I would include keywords such as "nutrition" and "diet" in the introduction.中文:内容介绍是我工作中的一个重要部分。



英文作文分为几部分英文:When writing an English essay, there are several parts that should be included. These parts are the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.The introduction is the first part of the essay and it should grab the reader's attention. It should also provide some background information on the topic and present the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the main idea of the essay and it should be clear and concise.The body paragraphs are where the writer presents their arguments and evidence to support the thesis statement. Each paragraph should focus on one main point and provide supporting details. It is important to use transitions between paragraphs to make the essay flow smoothly.The conclusion is the final part of the essay and itshould summarize the main points of the essay. It shouldalso restate the thesis statement in a different way and provide some final thoughts on the topic.中文:写英语作文时,应包括几个部分。



英文作文步骤格式1. Choose a topic or prompt to write about. It could be anything from a personal experience to a current event or a creative writing prompt.2. Brainstorm ideas related to the topic. Think about different angles, perspectives, or details that you could include in your writing.3. Create an outline or plan for your writing. This could be a simple list of key points or a more detailed structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.4. Start writing the introduction. This is where you grab the reader's attention and introduce the main idea of your writing.5. Write the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a different point or aspect related to the topic.6. Include specific details, examples, or evidence to support your points. This could include personal anecdotes, research findings, or quotes from experts.7. Write the conclusion. Summarize the main points and leave the reader with a final thought or call to action.8. Take a break and then revise your writing. Look for any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling, and make sure your ideas flow logically.9. Get feedback from someone else, if possible. This could be a teacher, classmate, or friend who can offer constructive criticism.10. Make any necessary revisions based on the feedback you receive. This could involve reorganizing your ideas, clarifying your language, or adding more details.11. Edit and proofread your writing one final time before considering it complete. Check for any remainingerrors and make sure your writing is polished and professional.。



作文课用英语Introduction:"Good morning, class! Today, we're going to delve into the world of English composition. This is an opportunity for you to express your thoughts and ideas creatively in writing.Let's get started!"Understanding the Basics:"Before we begin writing, it's crucial to understand the basic components of a good composition. These include a clear introduction, a body with well-developed paragraphs, and a conclusion that ties everything together."Brainstorming Ideas:"Let's spend a few minutes brainstorming ideas for our compositions. Think about topics that interest you or a story you'd like to tell. Write down as many ideas as you can."Outline Your Composition:"Once you have your ideas, create an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure your composition flows logically. Remember, an outline typically includes an introduction, main points, and a conclusion."Writing the Introduction:"Start your composition with a strong introduction. It should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of what you will discuss. Try using a quote, a question, or asurprising fact to engage your reader."Developing the Body:"In the body of your composition, each paragraph should focus on one main idea. Use topic sentences to clearly state the purpose of each paragraph. Support your ideas with examples, facts, or quotes."Using Transitions:"To make your composition cohesive, use transitions between paragraphs and sentences. Transitions help guide the reader through your ideas and make your writing flow smoothly."Revising the Draft:"After you've written your first draft, take some time to revise. Look for areas where your ideas could be clearer, where more detail is needed, or where sentences could be improved."Proofreading:"Finally, proofread your composition for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. A well-written piece is not just aboutthe ideas it presents but also about how those ideas are expressed."Conclusion:"And that's it, class! Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you'll become at expressingyourself in English. Now, let's get to work on your compositions!"Assignment:"For today's assignment, choose one of the topics you brainstormed and write a short composition. Aim for at least three paragraphs, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Good luck, and happy writing!"This outline provides a structured approach to teaching English composition, focusing on the key elements of a well-written essay and offering practical steps for students to follow.。



英语作文六步Title: Mastering the Six Steps to Writing an English Composition。

Writing a compelling English composition involves a systematic approach that ensures coherence, clarity, and effectiveness in conveying ideas. Here are the sixessential steps to crafting an impressive piece of writing:1. Understanding the Prompt: The first step in composing an English essay is to thoroughly comprehend the prompt or topic. Analyze the key words and phrases,identify the main theme or question, and consider any specific instructions provided. This initial understanding lays the foundation for the entire writing process.2. Brainstorming and Planning: Once you grasp the prompt, take some time to brainstorm ideas related to the topic. Jot down key points, arguments, examples, and any relevant information that comes to mind. Organize theseideas into an outline or a mind map to create a clear structure for your essay. Planning ahead helps you stay focused and ensures that your writing flows logically.3. Research and Gathering Evidence: Depending on the nature of the prompt, conducting research may be necessary to support your arguments or provide relevant examples. Utilize credible sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and primary sources to gather evidence. Take notes on important information and make sure to properly cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.4. Writing the Introduction: The introduction serves as the opening statement of your essay and should grab the reader's attention while providing a clear overview of what to expect. Start with a hook—a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising statistic—to engage your audience. Then, present the thesis statement, which states the main argument or purpose of your essay, along with a brief outline of the supporting points.5. Developing the Body Paragraphs: The body paragraphsform the core of your essay and should each focus on a single main idea or argument. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point, followed by supporting evidence and examples to substantiate your claims. Use transition words and phrases to ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs and maintain coherence throughout your essay.6. Crafting the Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points of your essay and reinforces the significance of your argument. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, restate the thesis in different words and emphasize the broader implications of your findings. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader and reinforces the relevance of your essay's message.By following these six steps—understanding the prompt, brainstorming and planning, researching and gathering evidence, writing the introduction, developing the body paragraphs, and crafting the conclusion—you caneffectively structure and convey your ideas in an Englishcomposition. Remember to revise and edit your essay carefully to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness before submitting the final draft. With practice and perseverance, mastering the art of writing will become second nature, enabling you to excel in academic and professional endeavors.。



Writing an essay in English involves several steps that ensure clarity,coherence,and effectiveness in communication.Here is a detailed guide on how to approach this task:1.Understanding the Prompt:Begin by carefully reading the essay prompt or question. Make sure you understand what is being asked of you.If the prompt is ambiguous,seek clarification.2.Brainstorming Ideas:Take some time to think about the topic.Jot down all the ideas that come to mind.This will help you identify the main points you want to cover in your essay.3.Creating an Outline:Organize your ideas into a logical structure.An outline typically includes an introduction,body paragraphs,and a conclusion.Each body paragraph should focus on one main point.4.Writing the Introduction:Start your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the readers attention.Introduce the topic and provide a thesis statement that outlines the main argument or point of your essay.5.Developing the Body Paragraphs:Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence that introduces the main point,supporting evidence or examples,and an explanation of how the evidence supports your point.Ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next.ing Transitions:To maintain coherence,use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and guide the reader through your essay.7.Writing the Conclusion:Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a new way.The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on the reader and reinforce your argument.8.Revising and Editing:After writing your first draft,take the time to revise and edit your work.Check for clarity,coherence,and consistency.Ensure that your essay is free from grammatical errors and typos.9.Proofreading:Before submitting your essay,proofread it one last time to catch any remaining errors or inconsistencies.10.Citing Sources:If your essay includes references to other works,make sure to cite them properly according to the required citation style e.g.,APA,MLA,Chicago.11.Formatting:Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution,such as font size,line spacing,and margins.12.Reflecting on Feedback:If you receive feedback on your essay,take the time to reflect on it and learn from it.This will help you improve your writing skills for future assignments.Remember,writing an essay in English is a process that requires practice and patience. The more you write,the more confident and skilled you will become.。



Writing an English essay as a middle school student can be both a challenging and rewarding experience.Here are some key points to consider when crafting your essay:1.Understanding the Prompt:Before you start writing,make sure you understand the essay prompt.Its important to know what the essay is asking for and to keep your response focused on the topic.2.Planning Your Essay:Take some time to plan your essay.This includes creating an outline that includes an introduction,body paragraphs,and a conclusion.Your outline should also include the main points you want to make and any supporting details.3.Writing the Introduction:Start your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the readers attention.This should include a clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or point of your essay.4.Developing the Body Paragraphs:Each body paragraph should focus on one main idea that supports your thesis.Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point,followed by evidence and examples to support your argument.Make sure to explain how each point relates back to your thesis.ing Transitions:Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your essay flow smoothly.This helps the reader follow your argument and understand the relationship between your points.6.Writing the Conclusion:Your conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a new way.It should also provide a sense of closure to your essay, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of your argument.7.Proofreading and Editing:After youve finished writing your essay,take the time to proofread and edit it.Check for grammar and spelling errors,as well as any awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.Make sure your essay is wellorganized and that your ideas are presented clearly.ing Vocabulary and Grammar:Use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to make your essay more interesting and sophisticated.However,make sure to use words and structures that you are comfortable with and that fit the context of your essay.9.Citing Sources:If you are using information from other sources,make sure to cite them properly to avoid plagiarism.This includes giving credit to the author and providingthe source of the information.10.Practicing and Receiving Feedback:The more you practice writing essays,the better you will become.Ask your teacher or peers for feedback on your writing and use this feedback to improve your skills.Remember,writing an essay is a process that involves planning,drafting,revising,and editing.By following these steps and focusing on clarity and coherence,you can write a strong and effective English essay.。

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Working out an Outline
practice writing an introduction to your thesis
Working out an Outlineቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
2. Hints
---- Put your question somewhere near the end of the paragraph and some important background information directly before. ---- Don't say too much. ---- Don't start your essay with a summary. ---- Create mystery in your introduction.
Lecture 7 Writing the introduction
Writing the introduction
Without an introduction it is sometimes very difficult for your reader to figure out what you are trying to say.
Working out an Outline
3. Models of an introduction
5. Begin with a very short narrative or anecdote that has a direct bearing on your paper 6. Begin with an interesting fact 7. Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant to your paper 8. Begin with irony or paradox 9. Begin with an analogy. 10. Providing background information
Tell them what you told them
Working out an Outline
1. Function 2. Hints 3. Models
Working out an Outline
1. Function
An introduction arouses a reader's interest, introduces the subject, and solves the problems.
Writing the introduction
The relationship among the three parts of a thesis:
The whole thesis =
Tell them
The introduction + the body + the conclusion
Tell them what you are going to tell them
Working out an Outline
3. Models of an introduction
1. Begin from general to specific 2. Begin with a quotation. Just make sure you explain its relevance 3. Begin with a question or questions 4. Begin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to the one you plan to take
Working out an Outline
3. Models of an introduction
An introduction is the first paragraph of a written research paper. It has two parts: 1) A general introduction to the topic you will be discussing. 2) Your thesis statement
There needs to be a thread of an idea that they will follow through your paper.
The introduction gives the reader the beginning of the piece of thread so they can follow it.
Working out an Outline
3. Models of an introduction
The length of your introduction depends on the length and complexity of your project, but generally it should not exceed one page unless it is a very long project or a book. The average length of an introduction is one half a page.
Working out an Outline
1. Function
The most important functions of an introduction are to:
Serve as a grabber (a stylish, creative lead-up to what you’re trying to say) Serve as justification (an explanation of why your argument is even important in the first place).