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The vibration exciter seating of honor type of single girder screen is based on single-beam screen innovation.There instal two symmetrical vibrations on each box of the screen, the two uranium eccentric quality and eccentricity of the axia on vibration are equal.Each vibration symmetrize the vertical axis of H girder ,the axis line through the center of screen box.When the two-axis rotate synchronizely , the other along the direction of the effort is always offset each other, and along the vertical axis always help each other in the direction of stacking,this is jian xie li . On the formation of a single vertical axis direction of the harmonic force,the screen box is driving of the straight-line trajectory. At the same time the screen box is installed a certain angle so that the materials are moving downward trend to achieve screening purposes.

This design main content includes:

(1) The design of the type and cacultion of electric motor;

(2) The design of vibration structure and its type;

(3) The design of structure and its type of the main parts;

(4) Drawing the parts .

(5) Check the strength of the main parts;

(6)Arrange the information and write the instruction.

Keywords vibration electric motor screen H girder vibration exciter axis

目 录

1 绪论 (1)

1.1 前言 (1)

1.2振动筛的研究现状 (1)

1.2.1 国外筛分机械的发展概况 (1)

1.3 本章小结 (6)

2 振动原理 (7)

2.1直线振动筛 (7)

2.1.1振动筛的分类 (7)

2.1.2直线振动筛的工作原理 (7)

2.2 激振器上座式单梁筛的原理及应用 (10)

2.2.1 简介 (10)

2.2.2激振器上座式单梁筛的原理 (10)

2.2.3结构 (11)

2.2.4 激振器 (12)

2.2.5 筛网 (12)

2.2.6优点 (14)

2.3设计方案确定 (14)

2.3.1筛箱之间的衔接 (14)

2.3.2激振器的布置 (15)

3 物料的运动分析和工艺参数的选择 (16)

3.1物料的运动分析 (16)

3.1.1筛面的运动方程 (16)

3.1.2筛面物料的运动分析 (16)

3.1.3抛掷指数v K 与跳跃系数D i 的关系 (18)

3.2工艺参数的选择计算 (19)

3.2.1筛面的长度和宽度 (19)

3.2.2筛面的倾角 (19)

3.2.3振幅和频率 (20)

3.2.4振动方向角 (20)

3.2.5抛掷指数v K 和振动强度K (20)

3.2.6物料运动速度 (20)

3.2.7处理能力 (21)

4 动力学分析及参数的计算 (22)

4.1筛子的动力学分析 (22)

4.1.1力学模型的建立 (22)

4.1.2振动方程的建立 (23)

4.2振动幅频曲线和工作状态分析 (24)

4.3动力学参数的计算 (25)

4.3.1隔振弹簧的确定 (25)

4.3.2隔振弹簧的选择与验算 (27)

4.3.3隔振弹簧减轻能力的分析 (29)

4.3.4参振质量的计算 (30)

4.3.5电机功率的计算与选择 (31)

5 主要零部件的选择设计与校核 (32)

5.1激振器主要零件的设计与校核 (32)

5.1.1偏心块的设计 (32)

5.1.2激振器轴的设计 (35)

5.1.3激振器轴的校核 (36)

5.1.4轴承的选择与校核 (43)

5.1.5键的校核 (45)

5.2激振器上座式单梁筛专用零部件的设计 (46)

5.2.1筛面 (46)

5.2.2筛框 (48)

6 激振器上座式单梁筛的安装、试运转和常见故障 (52)

6.1激振器上座式单梁筛的安装、试运转 (52)

6.1.1激振器上座式单梁筛的安装 (52)

6.1.2试运转 (52)

6.2激振器上座式单梁筛的异常振动及常见故障 (53)

6.2.1激振器上座式单梁筛的异常振动 (53)

6.2.2单梁激振脱水筛的常见故障及消除措施 (53)

结论 (55)

致谢 (56)

参考文献 (57)

附录 (58)

附录一 (58)

英文原文 (58)

中文翻译 (62)
