常用外贸服装专业术语 英文释义(含图)
外贸服装专业术语服装 apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、衣裳。
时装 fashion:在一定时间、地域内,为一大部分人所接受的新款流行服装。
成衣 ready-to-wear定制服装 tailor made中式服装 Chinese costume西式服装 Western costume民族服装 ethnic costume上装 tops下装 bottoms套装 suits连身装 cover all内衣 underwear外衣 outerwear男装 Young Men's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。
女装 Misses' wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。
少男服装 boy's clothes少女服装 girl's clothes儿童服装 children's wear婴幼儿服装 infant's wear:适合于年龄在24个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。
功能性服装 functional garments职业服 work wear防护服 protective work wear运动服 sportswear:适合于运动时穿着的服装,又称为运动装,如登山服、滑雪服等。
休闲服 casual wear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。
礼服 formal wear舞台服 stage costume家居服 dressing gown孕妇装 maternity dress针织服装 knitted garments机织服装 woven garments:又称为梭织服装。
毛呢服装 woollen garments棉类服装 cotton garments麻类服装 bast garments 丝绸服装 silk garments化纤类服装 synthetic-made garments毛皮服装 fur garments皮革服装 leather gamrnets人造毛皮服装 fake fur garments人造革服装 fake leather garments牛仔服装 jeans wear防寒服 cold protective clothing棉服装 padded garments羽绒服装 down wear3 服装成品西服 tailored suit中山装 Zhongshan Zhuang军便装 military jacket青年装 young men's jacket茄克衫 jacket猎装 safari jacket衬衫 shirt(男);blouses(女)中西式上衣 Chinese and Western-style coat中式上衣 Chinese style coat背心 vest:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身的无袖上衣。

款式设计图design drawing:这服装效果图effect drawing:服装裁剪图cutting drawing:即用曲、直、斜、弧线等特殊图线及符号将服装款式造型分解展开成平面裁剪方法的图。
服装结构线structure line:服饰apparel and accessories:服装garment:时装fashion:成衣ready-to-wear:。
服装分解图resolving drawing:定制服装custom-made clothes:毛呢服装woolen garment:棉布服装cotton garment:丝绸服装silk garment:化纤服装chemical fibre garment:由各种化学纤维织物制成的服装。
裘革服装fur/leather garment:由裘皮或革皮制成的服装。
羽绒服装down wear:内充羽绒的服装。
人造毛皮服装artificial fur and leather garment:由天然或化学纤维仿各种毛皮的织物为面料制成的服装。
上装的成品术语西服western-style clothes:背心vest:牛仔服cowboy wear:原中山服Zhongshan coat军便服undress uniform:仿军服式样的上衣。
青年服young men's jacket:又称“五四”青年学生服,是立领、三开袋或三贴袋式样的上衣。
猎装hunting wear:原本是适合打猎时所穿的服装,具有防露水和子弹袋收腰等结构。
外贸服装专业术语服装 apparel;garment s;clothes:衣服、衣裳。
时装 fashion:在一定时间、地域内,为一大部分人所接受的新款流行服装。
成衣 ready-to-wear定制服装 tailormade中式服装 Chinese costume西式服装 Western costume民族服装 ethniccostume上装 tops下装 bottoms套装 suits连身装 cover all内衣 underwe ar外衣 outerwe ar男装 Young Men's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。
女装 Misses'wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。
少男服装 boy's clothes少女服装 girl's clothes儿童服装 childre n's wear婴幼儿服装 infant's wear:适合于年龄在24个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。
功能性服装 functio nal garment s职业服 work wear防护服 protect ive work wear运动服 sportsw ear:适合于运动时穿着的服装,又称为运动装,如登山服、滑雪服等。
休闲服 casualwear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。
礼服 formalwear舞台服 stage costume家居服 dressin g gown孕妇装 materni ty dress针织服装 knitted garment s机织服装 woven garment s:又称为梭织服装。
毛呢服装 woollen garment s棉类服装 cottongarment s麻类服装 bast garment s 丝绸服装 silk garment s化纤类服装 synthet ic-made garment s毛皮服装 fur garment s皮革服装 leather gamrnet s人造毛皮服装fake fur garment s人造革服装 fake leather garment s牛仔服装 jeans wear防寒服 cold protect ive clothin g棉服装 paddedgarment s羽绒服装 down wear3 服装成品西服 tailore d suit中山装 Zhongsh an Zhuang军便装 militar y jacket青年装 young men's jacket茄克衫 jacket猎装 safarijacket衬衫 shirt(男);blouses(女)中西式上衣Chinese and Western-style coat中式上衣 Chinese style coat背心 vest:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身的无袖上衣。

常⽤外贸服装专业术语_英⽂释义(含图)……………………………………………………………精品资料推荐…………………………………………………BBackstitch: 返针,回针 See definition for Backtack.Backtack:Stitches used to secure the threads at the beginning and/or ending of a row of stitching.Bagged Lining:Lining that is stitched securely to shell at hems.AAppliqué:Surface pattern made by cutting out fabric or lace designs andattaching them to another fabric or lace by means of embroidery or stitching.Armhole:夹圈,袖笼Section of a garment through which an arm passes or into which a sleeve is sewn.Armhole Drop:Distance from High Point Shoulder or Low Point Shoulder measured to imaginary line at base of armhole that is at a 90-degree angle from CF or CB.Armhole Point:The point on a pattern where armhole and side seam intersect.Armscye:See definition for Armhole.Balance:Garment appears symmetrical on the body. Hanging equal distancesfrom the body right to left, and front to back.Balanced Plaid/Stripe Placement:Refers to the symmetrical appearance of the plaid on the body. The stripe/plaid must start at the same point on both sides of the garment.Banana Stand:See definition for Half Moon Stand. Band Neckline, Circular:For definition see set-circular.Band Neckline, Flat:For definition see set-flatBarrel Button:See definition for Toggle Button.Bartack套结: A series of short stitches sewn 缝close together and used to reinforceareas of strain or stress. Can be zigzag[ziɡz?ɡ] 锯齿形的线条 orstraight stitching.Basting Stitch:Temporarily holds together two layers of fabric.Bellow: A method of adding fullness to an area of a garment, usually apocket. Often stitched around edges to hold shape.Bellying: See CocklingBelt loop:Narrow strip of fabric or thread chain at the waistline to keep a belt inBesom Pocket:See definition for Welt Pocket.Bias Cut:Cutting diagonally across the grain of the fabric at a 45 degree angleto the selvedge, resulting in a garment that clings and follows bodycurves closely.Bind Off (Sweater):See definition for Cast Off.Binding: A narrow strip of fabric used to cover seams or raw edges to give a clean finished edge and is visible on both sides of the fabric. Can besingle-turned, double-turned or combination.Blanket Stitch(502)Blended Yarns:Yarns composed of two or more different fibers mixed together and then spun to form one yarn.Blindstitch: For Definition see Hem and 103Blistering:See definition for Bubbling.Block:See definition for Sloper.Blocking:The shaping of a sweater into its finished form. Steam and pressureare applied to make the blocked shape hold.Body Fabric:Outer layer of fabric in a garment.Bond Strength:The numerical measurement of force required to separate the interlining from the piece goods. The measurement of gram force isrecorded in Newton (N = 102gf) or Ounce (oz = 28.35gf).Bonding:Process of joining 2 fabrics into one by backing with adhesive orBoning:Firm flexible strip, like nylon, concealed in casing to hold shape or prevent stretching.Bootcut Silhouette:Bound Buttonhole:For definition see buttonholeBound Neckline, Circular: For definition see set-circular.Bound Neckline, Flat:For definition see set-flatBound Seam:Method of finishing a seam by binding seam allowance.Bow, Bowing: A fabric flaw in which the crosswise yarns arc across the width of the fabric.Box Pleat:Pleat formed by folding material alternately in opposite directions.Box Pleat Inverted Box PleatBraided Elastic:See definition for Elastic BraidedBubbling:The separation at different points between the interlining and the piece goods.Buckle: A fastening device, in a variety of sizes and shapes, consisting of an open rim having a single or center bar, with or without a prong.Bust Dart:See definition for Dart.Busted Seam:See definition for Pressed Open Seam.Button:Decorative or functional component used to hold two sides of a garment together. Can be made out of many materials and can eitherhave holes punched in the center for stitching or a shank on theback. Buttons are made to slip through a buttonhole or fabric loop.See definition for Button.Button and Loop Cross-Stitch Attached:See definition for Button.Button Parallel StitchAttached:Buttonhole:Opening for a button to pass through and secure a garment opening. Can be bound, stitched/worked, or made from a loop of thread, cordor bias tubing.Button Sleeve Placket:See definition for Placket.Button Stabilizer: A plain flat button usually made of clear plastic placed inside agarment behind the top outside button. Can be used anywhere thereare buttons for closure.CCap Snap:See definition for Snap.Cargo Pocket: A stylized patch pocket, often with bellows, with flap closure at thetop.Casing:Fold of fabric stitched down to form an opening through which elasticor a cord is drawn.Cast Off (Sweater):Methods of removing open stitches from the needles must be finishedwith a bind off (like rib neck trim) to prevent unraveling of thefinished edge. Can also be decorative stitches within a panel.Cast On (Sweater):See definition of Sweater Start.Centered Over Seam Stitch:Topstitch on each side of the seam, equal distance from the seam. Can be produced by two single needles or 1 double needle.Chain Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Chisel Pocket:See definition for Ruler Pocket. Circular Finish:See definition for Set Circular Circular Knit:See definition for Tubular Knit.Clean Finish:Indicates that raw edges of fabric are finished in a way that stopsfabric from fraying and hides raw edges.Clicking:See definition for Die Cutting.Closure:Components that work together to hold 2 sides of a garmenttogether.Cockling: Cockling and Bellying mean the same thing. If elastic has a wavyappearance along its length, this is called cockling or bellying. Theprimary cause is when the individual ends of spandex (rubber) relaxor contract more than the majority in the same length of the elasticcausing waviness along the top edge.Coin Pocket:Small decorative pocket usually found on bottom garments, usuallylocated inside side pocket. Can be a patch pocket or on-seam pocketconstruction.Collar:No Band Collar With Band CollarCollar Stay:Narrow strip of plastic or metal inserted in point of collar from the underside or is sewn to interlining between layers of collar fabricadded to garment to ensure a crisp unwrinkled look.Collarband:See definition for CollarstandCollarstand:Separate shaped piece of fabric that is the full length of garment neckline and is inserted between garment neckline and collar. Used tohelp shape and fit collar to body and also can be used to closeneckline.Color Fast: A term used to determine whether a color ‘bleeds’ during laundering. This is normally measured by a grading system 1 – 5.Concealed Zipper:Zipper is set along folded edges of seam line with zipper teeth not visible. Some specific construction methods are center lapped orkissing, side lapped, and invisible.Construction:Processes in order to construct a garment, consists of stitchingand/or fusing garment pieces together.Continuous Sleeve Placket:See definition for Placket.Cording:See definition for Piping.Cordlock: A locking device that is typically spring activated and may have 1 or2 holes. Used to adjust drawcords, etc.Core Thread:Thread formed by spinning a cotton, rayon, or polyester fiber around a continuous filament bundle of fibers giving the thread theadvantages of a spun and Filament construction.Course: A crosswise or horizontal row of loops in knitted fabric.Covered Button:See definition for Button.Crack-stitched:See definition for Stitch-in-the-Ditch.Crescent Stand:See definition for Half Moon Stand.Crocking:The transfer of dye stuff from one fabric to another by friction. This problem is usually worse with darker shades. Reds are often aproblem in this respect. This is a dyeing problem and can be dealtwith in the dye house.Cross Grain Cut:The cutting of a pattern piece perpendicular to the selvedge of theCrotch:Crotch Curve:The bottom of a rise curve.Crotch Depth:The straight distance from crotch to top of waistband in pants, shorts, etc.Crotch Point:The point on the pattern where the front or back rise intersects withthe inseam.Curtain Waistband: A method of finishing the waist of a garment that is a separate sewn on facing that hangs below lower seam of waistband made of fabricother than shell that is interface d/interlined or turned.Cut and Sew (Sweater):Sweater panels are knit to the body length of the largest size, the shape of the neckline, shoulders and armholes are cut out, smallersizes are cut down.Cut On Placket:See definition for Placket.Cutting:Formation of garment pieces from layers (plies) of fabric by means ofa die, laser or knife. Typically done on a long table.DDart: A sewn wedge or diamond shaped tuck/seam used to make agarment conform to the curves of the body.Delamination: A separation in the bond between the fusible interlining and the piece goods. This can be total separation (total delamination) or partialseparation (localized delaminiation).Denier:Weight measurement of yarns. Low numbers represent the finer sizesand the higher numbers represent the coarser/heavier sizes.Also see definition for Elastic DenierDie Cutting:Sharp metal outlines in the shape of pattern pieces used to cut pliesof fabric in conjunction with either a click press or die cutting press.Typically used for smaller pattern pieces.Differential Shrinkage:Occurs when the piece goods and the interlining are not moving in sync and will cause distortion in the surface appearance of thegarment part.Doghouse Stitch:See definition for Triangle Reinforce Stitch.See definition for Centered Over Seam Stitch.Double Needle CenteredOver Seam:Double Turn Hem: See definition for Hem.Double Yoke/ StylizedSee definition for Yoke.Yoke:Drape:See definition for Hang.Drawcord:See definition for Drawstring.Drawstring: A narrow string, ribbon, cord, or tube of fabric inserted into a casingand pulled up or tied to create shape and/or hold the garment to thebody.Dress Form:See definition for Mannequin.D-Ring:“D” shaped piece of hardware often used to create an adjustableclosure held together by a looped and stitched end of a belt.EEase:The method of sewing together 2 components of varying seam lengths evenly distributing fullness so as not to cause gathers or puckers. See definitions forTight, Moderate and Generous.Ease Over Body:The amount of room above body measurements needed in a garment to allow adequate movement when worn.Eighth Top Pocket:See definition for Slant Pocket.Elastic Braided: A narrow elastic band, often used as trimmings and bindings. Formed by plating several strands of yards and bare elastomers. Braided elastic usuallybecomes narrowed when elongated. Made on a circular braiding machine.Elastic Denier:The size or thickness of the yarn. Also thickness of spandex (The lower the number the weaker the spandex)Elastic Elastomers:Natural Rubber ThreadElastic Elongation:Stretch –measure 5” relaxed and pull to maximum; measurement result given in a %.quality of elastic.Elastic Gauge:Thickness of rubber (The lower the number the stronger the rubber)Elastic Knitted:Fabric construction for interlocking series of looper of one or more yarns. Materials normally used are textured polyester yarns or textured nylon andbare spandex or extruded rubber. Made on a flat bed crochet machine.Elastic Modulus:Power (resistance to stretch), strength or tension of the elastic. The force required to pull the elastic to a specific stretch/length, determines the amountof pressure the elastic is putting on the wearer’s body.Elastic Non Roll:Elastic that has enough width wise stability so it does not bend, roll or crushacross its width when worn. Made with monofilament thread.Elastic Recovery:Ability of elastic to retain its original length immediately after stretching andreleasing. After stretching the elastic to its maximum capability. The elasticmust return to 90% to 92% of its original length.Elastic Waistband: See definition for WaistbandElastic Woven: Primarily made up of warp yarns, fill yarns and covered spandex or coveredextruded rubber. Generally thicker and denser due to the bulkiness of thecovered elastomers and stitch formations. Made on a shuttle loom. Elastomeric: An end of spandex which has been covered or twisted with yarn.Embroidery:Fancy needlework or trimming using colored yarn, floss, cotton, silk or metallicthreads.Enclosed Seam:See definition for French Seams.quality of elastic.Execution:See definition for Construction.Exposed Seam:Seams in which the seam allowances are visible on the outside of the garment.Exposed Zipper:Zipper is set along folded edges of seam line with zipper teeth visible.Expression of Fit:Designer’s vision of how the garment should fit on the human form. The keyelements of fit that are related to the styling of the garment include, but arenot limited to, where the garment sits on the waist of the body and how tightfitting a garment is. It is possible for a garment to achieve an excellent fit, butstill not have achieved the designer’s vision for fit.See definition for Waistband.Extended TabWaistband:Eyelet:Small circular plastic or metal tube secured to fabric to form an opening. Canalso be formed by a round embroidered opening. Can be decorative or usedwith cord.FFabric:Cloth made of textile yarns or fibers by weaving,knitting, lace making, braiding, netting, or felting. Canalso be made by bonding or non-woven methods. Fabric Hand Feel:See definition for Hand. Face:Surface of fabric designated in the weaving/knittingprocess to be used as the outside of a finishedgarment.Facing:Piece of fabric used to finish a raw edge. Facings areturned to the inside of a garment enclosing seams.Faggoting:Open-work embroidery done by drawing out horizontalthreads of fabric, then tying the vertical threads ingroups to produce open spaces, OR, decorativestitching that holds together two closely spaced folded edges of fabric with ornamental stitches.Fashioning Marks (Sweater):Raised “twists” that results from transferring loops to adjacent needles to decrease the width of the knitted panel, usually occurs in a series at neckline and armhole.Felled Seam:Process that conceals seam allowance between plies asthey are folded together and topstitched through alllayers.Female Closure:Fiber:Basic filament or strand from which yarns are made.Fibers are either short with natural materials or man-made materials which are made in long continuousfilaments.。

按照用途的不同可分为配西装的传统衬衫和外穿的休闲衬衫15、棉袄:cottonpadded coat凡是内絮棉花腈纶棉太空棉驼毛等保温材料的上衣均称为棉袄。
16、羽绒服:down coat内充羽绒填料的上衣。
18、斜裙:bias skirt指从腰部到下摆斜向展开的裙子。

外贸服装术语大全(中英对照)外贸服装术语大全(中英)服装款式:style 指服装的式样通常指形状因素是造型要素中的一种。
服装造型:modeling 指由服装造型要素构成的总体服装艺术效果。
服装轮廓:silhouette 即服装的逆光剪影效果。
款式设计图:design drawing 指体现服装款式造型的平面图。
服装效果图:effect drawing 指表现人体在特定时间特殊场所穿着服装效果的图服装裁剪图:cutting drawing 即用曲直斜弧线等特殊图线及符号将服装款式造型分解展开成平面裁剪方法的图。
服装结构线:structure line 指在服装图样上表示服装部件裁剪缝纫结构变化的线。
服装产品行业术语服装:garments clothing apparel成衣:ready-to-wear 按照规定的尺寸以批量生产方式制作的服装。
定制服装:customer made 根据个人量体尺寸单件剪裁制作完成的服装。
毛呢服装:woolen garment 由纯毛毛混纺织物为面料制成的服装。
棉布服装:cotton clothes 由全棉棉混纺织物制成的服装。
丝绸服装:silk garment 由天然丝人造丝合成丝织物制成的服装。
化纤服装:chemical fiber garment 由各种化学纤维织物制成的服装。
裘革服装:fur or leather garment 由裘皮或革皮制成的服装。
人造毛皮服装:artificial fur and leather garment 由天然或化学纤维仿各种毛皮的织物为面料制成的服装。
婴儿服装:infants wear 适合周岁以内婴儿穿着的服装。
服饰:clothing 指装饰人体的物品总称。
按穿着对象分类:男式服装:mens wear 简称男装是成年男子穿着的服装。
女式服装:womens wear 简称女装是成年女子穿着的服装。

BBackstitch: 返针,回针 See definition for Backtack.Backtack:Stitches used to secure the threads at the beginning and/or ending of a row of stitching.Bagged Lining:Lining that is stitched securely to shell at hems.AAppliqué:Surface pattern made by cutting out fabric or lace designs andattaching them to another fabric or lace by means of embroidery or stitching.Armhole:夹圈,袖笼Section of a garment through which an arm passes or into which a sleeve is sewn.Armhole Drop:Distance from High Point Shoulder or Low Point Shoulder measured to imaginary line at base of armhole that is at a 90-degree angle from CF or CB.Armhole Point:The point on a pattern where armhole and side seam intersect.Armscye:See definition for Armhole.Balance:Garment appears symmetrical on the body. Hanging equal distancesfrom the body right to left, and front to back.Balanced Plaid/Stripe Placement:Refers to the symmetrical appearance of the plaid on the body. The stripe/plaid must start at the same point on both sides of the garment.Banana Stand:See definition for Half Moon Stand. Band Neckline, Circular:For definition see set-circular.Band Neckline, Flat:For definition see set-flatBarrel Button:See definition for Toggle Button.Bartack套结: A series of short stitches sewn 缝close together and used to reinforceareas of strain or stress. Can be zigzag[ziɡzæɡ] 锯齿形的线条 orstraight stitching.Basting Stitch:Temporarily holds together two layers of fabric.Bellow: A method of adding fullness to an area of a garment, usually apocket. Often stitched around edges to hold shape.Bellying: See CocklingBelt loop:Narrow strip of fabric or thread chain at the waistline to keep a belt inposition.Besom Pocket:See definition for Welt Pocket.Bias Cut:Cutting diagonally across the grain of the fabric at a 45 degree angleto the selvedge, resulting in a garment that clings and follows bodycurves closely.Bind Off (Sweater):See definition for Cast Off.Binding: A narrow strip of fabric used to cover seams or raw edges to give aclean finished edge and is visible on both sides of the fabric. Can besingle-turned, double-turned or combination.Blanket Stitch(502)Blended Yarns:Yarns composed of two or more different fibers mixed together andthen spun to form one yarn.Blindstitch: For Definition see Hem and 103Blistering:See definition for Bubbling.Block:See definition for Sloper.Blocking:The shaping of a sweater into its finished form. Steam and pressureare applied to make the blocked shape hold.Body Fabric:Outer layer of fabric in a garment.Bond Strength:The numerical measurement of force required to separate theinterlining from the piece goods. The measurement of gram force isrecorded in Newton (N = 102gf) or Ounce (oz = 28.35gf).Bonding:Process of joining 2 fabrics into one by backing with adhesive orfoam.Boning:Firm flexible strip, like nylon, concealed in casing to hold shape orprevent stretching.Bootcut Silhouette:Bound Buttonhole:For definition see buttonholeBound Neckline, Circular: For definition see set-circular.Bound Neckline, Flat:For definition see set-flatBound Seam:Method of finishing a seam by binding seam allowance.Bow, Bowing: A fabric flaw in which the crosswise yarns arc across the width of thefabric.Box Pleat:Pleat formed by folding material alternately in opposite directions.Box Pleat Inverted Box PleatBraided Elastic:See definition for Elastic BraidedBubbling:The separation at different points between the interlining and thepiece goods.Buckle: A fastening device, in a variety of sizes and shapes, consisting of anopen rim having a single or center bar, with or without a prong.Bust Dart:See definition for Dart.Busted Seam:See definition for Pressed Open Seam.Button:Decorative or functional component used to hold two sides of agarment together. Can be made out of many materials and can eitherhave holes punched in the center for stitching or a shank on theback. Buttons are made to slip through a buttonhole or fabric loop.See definition for Button.Button and Loop Cross-Stitch Attached:See definition for Button.Button Parallel StitchAttached:Buttonhole:Opening for a button to pass through and secure a garment opening.Can be bound, stitched/worked, or made from a loop of thread, cordor bias tubing.Button Sleeve Placket:See definition for Placket.Button Stabilizer: A plain flat button usually made of clear plastic placed inside agarment behind the top outside button. Can be used anywhere thereare buttons for closure.CCap Snap:See definition for Snap.Cargo Pocket: A stylized patch pocket, often with bellows, with flap closure at thetop.Casing:Fold of fabric stitched down to form an opening through which elasticor a cord is drawn.Cast Off (Sweater):Methods of removing open stitches from the needles must be finishedwith a bind off (like rib neck trim) to prevent unraveling of thefinished edge. Can also be decorative stitches within a panel.Cast On (Sweater):See definition of Sweater Start.Centered Over Seam Stitch:Topstitch on each side of the seam, equal distance from the seam. Can be produced by two single needles or 1 double needle.Chain Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Chisel Pocket:See definition for Ruler Pocket. Circular Finish:See definition for Set Circular Circular Knit:See definition for Tubular Knit.Clean Finish:Indicates that raw edges of fabric are finished in a way that stopsfabric from fraying and hides raw edges.Clicking:See definition for Die Cutting.Closure:Components that work together to hold 2 sides of a garmenttogether.Cockling: Cockling and Bellying mean the same thing. If elastic has a wavyappearance along its length, this is called cockling or bellying. Theprimary cause is when the individual ends of spandex (rubber) relaxor contract more than the majority in the same length of the elasticcausing waviness along the top edge.Coin Pocket:Small decorative pocket usually found on bottom garments, usuallylocated inside side pocket. Can be a patch pocket or on-seam pocketconstruction.Collar:No Band Collar With Band CollarCollar Stay:Narrow strip of plastic or metal inserted in point of collar from theunderside or is sewn to interlining between layers of collar fabricadded to garment to ensure a crisp unwrinkled look.Collarband:See definition for CollarstandCollarstand:Separate shaped piece of fabric that is the full length of garmentneckline and is inserted between garment neckline and collar. Used tohelp shape and fit collar to body and also can be used to closeneckline.Color Fast: A term used to deter mine whether a color ‘bleeds’ during laundering.This is normally measured by a grading system 1 – 5.Concealed Zipper:Zipper is set along folded edges of seam line with zipper teeth notvisible. Some specific construction methods are center lapped orkissing, side lapped, and invisible.Construction:Processes in order to construct a garment, consists of stitchingand/or fusing garment pieces together.Continuous Sleeve Placket:See definition for Placket.Contoured Waistband:See definition for Waistband.Cording:See definition for Piping.Cordlock: A locking device that is typically spring activated and may have 1 or2 holes. Used to adjust drawcords, etc.Core Thread:Thread formed by spinning a cotton, rayon, or polyester fiber arounda continuous filament bundle of fibers giving the thread theadvantages of a spun and Filament construction.Course: A crosswise or horizontal row of loops in knitted fabric.Covered Button:See definition for Button.Crack-stitched:See definition for Stitch-in-the-Ditch.Crescent Stand:See definition for Half Moon Stand.Crocking:The transfer of dye stuff from one fabric to another by friction. Thisproblem is usually worse with darker shades. Reds are often aproblem in this respect. This is a dyeing problem and can be dealtwith in the dye house.Cross Grain Cut:The cutting of a pattern piece perpendicular to the selvedge of thefabricCrotch:Crotch Curve:The bottom of a rise curve.Crotch Depth:The straight distance from crotch to top of waistband in pants, shorts,etc.Crotch Point:The point on the pattern where the front or back rise intersects withthe inseam.Curtain Waistband: A method of finishing the waist of a garment that is a separate sewnon facing that hangs below lower seam of waistband made of fabricother than shell that is interface d/interlined or turned.Cut and Sew (Sweater):Sweater panels are knit to the body length of the largest size, theshape of the neckline, shoulders and armholes are cut out, smallersizes are cut down.Cut On Placket:See definition for Placket.Cutting:Formation of garment pieces from layers (plies) of fabric by means ofa die, laser or knife. Typically done on a long table.DDart: A sewn wedge or diamond shaped tuck/seam used to make agarment conform to the curves of the body.Delamination: A separation in the bond between the fusible interlining and the piecegoods. This can be total separation (total delamination) or partialseparation (localized delaminiation).Denier:Weight measurement of yarns. Low numbers represent the finer sizesand the higher numbers represent the coarser/heavier sizes.Also see definition for Elastic DenierDie Cutting:Sharp metal outlines in the shape of pattern pieces used to cut pliesof fabric in conjunction with either a click press or die cutting press.Typically used for smaller pattern pieces.Differential Shrinkage:Occurs when the piece goods and the interlining are not moving insync and will cause distortion in the surface appearance of thegarment part.Doghouse Stitch:See definition for Triangle Reinforce Stitch.See definition for Centered Over Seam Stitch.Double Needle CenteredOver Seam:Double Turn Hem: See definition for Hem.Double Yoke/ StylizedSee definition for Yoke.Yoke:Drape:See definition for Hang.Drawcord:See definition for Drawstring.Drawstring: A narrow string, ribbon, cord, or tube of fabric inserted into a casingand pulled up or tied to create shape and/or hold the garment to thebody.Dress Form:See definition for Mannequin.D-Ring:“D” shaped piece of hardware often used to cre ate an adjustableclosure held together by a looped and stitched end of a belt.EEase:The method of sewing together 2 components of varying seam lengths evenlydistributing fullness so as not to cause gathers or puckers. See definitions forTight, Moderate and Generous.Ease Over Body:The amount of room above body measurements needed in a garment to allowadequate movement when worn.Eighth Top Pocket:See definition for Slant Pocket.Elastic Braided: A narrow elastic band, often used as trimmings and bindings. Formed byplating several strands of yards and bare elastomers. Braided elastic usuallybecomes narrowed when elongated. Made on a circular braiding machine.Elastic Denier:The size or thickness of the yarn. Also thickness of spandex (The lower thenumber the weaker the spandex)Elastic Elastomers:Natural Rubber ThreadElastic Elongation:Stretch –measure 5” relaxed and pull to maximum; measurement result givenin a %.quality of elastic.Elastic Gauge:Thickness of rubber (The lower the number the stronger the rubber)Elastic Knitted:Fabric construction for interlocking series of looper of one or more yarns.Materials normally used are textured polyester yarns or textured nylon andbare spandex or extruded rubber. Made on a flat bed crochet machine.Elastic Modulus:Power (resistance to stretch), strength or tension of the elastic. The forcerequired to pull the elastic to a specific stretch/length, determines the amountof pressure the elastic is putting on the wearer’s body.Elastic Non Roll:Elastic that has enough width wise stability so it does not bend, roll or crushacross its width when worn. Made with monofilament thread.Elastic Recovery:Ability of elastic to retain its original length immediately after stretching andreleasing. After stretching the elastic to its maximum capability. The elasticmust return to 90% to 92% of its original length.Elastic Waistband: See definition for WaistbandElastic Woven: Primarily made up of warp yarns, fill yarns and covered spandex or coveredextruded rubber. Generally thicker and denser due to the bulkiness of thecovered elastomers and stitch formations. Made on a shuttle loom. Elastomeric: An end of spandex which has been covered or twisted with yarn.Embroidery:Fancy needlework or trimming using colored yarn, floss, cotton, silk or metallicthreads.Enclosed Seam:See definition for French Seams.quality of elastic.Execution:See definition for Construction.Exposed Seam:Seams in which the seam allowances are visible on the outside of the garment.Exposed Zipper:Zipper is set along folded edges of seam line with zipper teeth visible.Expression of Fit:Designer’s vision of how the garment should fit on the human form. The keyelements of fit that are related to the styling of the garment include, but arenot limited to, where the garment sits on the waist of the body and how tightfitting a garment is. It is possible for a garment to achieve an excellent fit, butstill not ha ve achieved the designer’s vision for fit.See definition for Waistband.Extended TabWaistband:Eyelet:Small circular plastic or metal tube secured to fabric to form an opening. Canalso be formed by a round embroidered opening. Can be decorative or usedwith cord.FFabric:Cloth made of textile yarns or fibers by weaving,knitting, lace making, braiding, netting, or felting. Canalso be made by bonding or non-woven methods. Fabric Hand Feel:See definition for Hand.Face:Surface of fabric designated in the weaving/knittingprocess to be used as the outside of a finishedgarment.Facing:Piece of fabric used to finish a raw edge. Facings areturned to the inside of a garment enclosing seams.Faggoting:Open-work embroidery done by drawing out horizontalthreads of fabric, then tying the vertical threads ingroups to produce open spaces, OR, decorativestitching that holds together two closely spaced folded edges of fabric with ornamental stitches.Fashioning Marks (Sweater):Raised “twists” that results from transferring loops to adjacent needles to decrease the width of the knitted panel, usually occurs in a series at neckline and armhole.Felled Seam:Process that conceals seam allowance between plies asthey are folded together and topstitched through alllayers.Female Closure:Fiber:Basic filament or strand from which yarns are made.Fibers are either short with natural materials or man-made materials which are made in long continuousfilaments.Filament: A fiber of indefinite or extreme length as found in silkor synthetic fibers.Fill:Crosswise or horizontal yarn of a woven fabric thatruns at right angles to the warp yarns or selvage.Findings:All the smaller items and trimmings that complete agarment. Maybe decorative material that adorns thegarment.A small knitted stitch usually 12 to 24 gauge.Fine Gauge(Sweater):Finishing:All the final stages of preparing a garment for point ofsale. Includes, but not limited to, washing, pressing,thread clipping, inspection, ticketing, etc.For Definition see buttonhole.FishtailButtonhole:Fit:How well a garment conforms to the 3-dimensionalhuman body.Fit Model:Individual who represents the figure type of theintended guest used to evaluate the fit of garments. Fitting Ease:See definition for Ease Over Body.Flap Pocket:Flare LegSilhouette:Flat Felled Seam:See definition for Felled Seam.Flat Finish:See definition for Set Flat.Flat Knit:Fabric knitted flat and has selvages.Flat Knit Collar:Floating Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Fraying:Fraying is the unraveling of yarn in either the fill orwarp direction.Lining not attached at garment hem.Free HangingLining:French Dart: See definition for Dart.French Fly Facing: A separate sewn on fabric tab or extension used tocover zipper teeth. It extends from bottom of zipper towaistband and buttons to inside of pants near waist.French Seams:Process where raw edges of a seam are enclosedbetween garment plies as they are turned over andstitched, forming a clean finish.French Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Frog:Ornamental braided two piece garment closure formingbutton and loopFull Fashioned /Knit to Shape(Sweater):Sweater panel is knit to shape by increasing anddecreasing the number of needles used during theknitting action. No cutting is required to obtain thedesired panel shape.Full Needle Rib(Sweater):Double bed construct commonly used at start orplacket; looks like 1X1 rib, but is more compact. Canbe either link/loop attached (see linking/LoopingDefinition) or continuous knit attach.Full Placket:See definition for Placket.Fusible:Fabric containing heat sensitive adhesive forapplication using heat and pressure. Commonly seenon interfacing or decorative trims.GGathering:See definition for Shirring.Gauge Elastic:See definition for Elastic GaugeGauge (Sewing)The distance between needles on a sewingmachine.Gauge(Knits/Sweaters):Denotes the number of needles per inch on aknitting machine. The larger the number (gauge)the finer the knit. Example 12 gg has 12 needlesper inch vs 3 gg with 3 needles per inch. Gauntlet: A type of sleeve placket.Generous Ease:Loosely fits to body with a large amount of ease.Godet:Triangle shaped inset of fabric that createsfullness, or greater width. Typically used in skirtsand bell-bottom pants.Gore:Skirt section that is wider at the hem than thewaist, providing fullness and shaping to waistwithout using darts.Graded Pattern:Individual patterns for each size within a sizerange.Grading:The process of proportionately increasing ordecreasing a core size pattern to create patternsaccordingly in relationship to body growth.Grain:Warp or lengthwise direction of the fabric,running parallel to the selvage.Greige Fabric:See definition for Greige Goods.Greige Goods:Pronounced (gr or gr zh). An unfinishedfabric just off the loom or knitting machine.Grin Through:1) The ability to see under layer of fabric orlining through the garment shell fabric due tocolor or fabric weight. 2)A printing termreferring to either poor cover where thebackground shade shows through the print.Grommet:See definition for Eyelet.Gusset:Shaped piece of fabric inserted into a garmentseam or slash opening to permit greatermovement. Commonly found on underarms,crotch of pants, thermal underwear, and activewear.HHalf MoonPatch:See definition for Sweat Patch.Half Moon Stand:Separate shaped piece of fabric that is not the full length of garment neckline and is inserted between garment neckline and collar. Used to help shape and fit collar to body.。
外贸服装专业术语服装apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、丝绸服装silk garments 衣裳。
化纤类服装synthetic-made garments时装fashion:在一定时间、地域内,为一毛皮服装fur garments大部分人所接受的新款流行服装。
皮革服装leather gamrnets成衣ready-to-wear 人造毛皮服装fake fur garments定制服装tailor made 人造革服装fake leather garments中式服装Chinese costume 牛仔服装jeans wear西式服装Western costume 防寒服cold protective clothing民族服装ethnic costume 棉服装padded garments上装tops 羽绒服装down wear下装bottoms 3 服装成品套装suits 西服tailored suit连身装cover all 中山装Zhongshan Zhuang内衣underwear 军便装military jacket外衣outerwear 青年装young mens jacket男装Young Mens wear:适合于成年男子茄克衫jacket 穿着的服装。
猎装safari jacket女装Misses wear 适合于成年女子穿着的;blouses (女)衬衫shirt(男)服装。
中西式上衣Chinese and Western-style少男服装boys clothes coat少女服装girls clothes 中式上衣Chinese style coat儿童服装childrens wear 背心vest:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身婴幼儿服装infants wear:适合于年龄在的无袖上衣。
24 个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。

Bar Tack
Button sew----lockstitch /Chainstitch
Botton hole-----lockstitch/Key hole
Zig zag
Blind hem
M/c maintenance/service---------mechanic
Bottom hem is not in line / not straight. 下脚不够不平(直)
Twisting hem, puckering at hem 下脚纽纹起豆角.
Uneven hem 左右下摆高低不一
Vent length uneven 左右开叉长短不一
Uneven leg length 长短脚
Nat Waist
Waist Band
Trousers Side- seam Without Band
Ⅲ. 制衣专有名词:
Jersey wear 针
Woven 梭织
Knitwear/Sweater 毛衫
Accessory 配件
Solid 净色
Print 印花
Front length uneven 左右前长不一致
Too loose at shell, Too loose at back/lining, turn insider out 底松, 面松, 向外反
Hem 衫脚
Seam binding stitch tension is too tight, causing bottom not smooth. 下摆丝带过紧, 使下摆不平顺
Neckline is not smooth 领圈不圆顺

外贸服装专业术语服装 appare l;garmen ts;clothe s:衣服、衣裳。
时装 fashio n:在一定时间、地域内,为一大部分人所接受的新款流行服装。
成衣 ready-to-wear定制服装 tailor made中式服装 Chines e costum e西式服装 Wester n costum e民族服装 ethnic costum e上装 tops下装 bottom s套装 suits连身装 coverall内衣 underw ear外衣 outerw ear男装 YoungMen's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。
女装 Misses' wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。
少男服装 boy's clothe s少女服装 girl's clothe s儿童服装 childr en's wear婴幼儿服装infant's wear:适合于年龄在24个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。
功能性服装functi onalgarmen ts职业服 work wear防护服 protec tivework wear运动服 sports wear:适合于运动时穿着的服装,又称为运动装,如登山服、滑雪服等。
休闲服 casual wear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。
礼服 formal wear舞台服 stagecostum e家居服 dressi ng gown孕妇装 matern ity dress针织服装 knitte d garmen ts机织服装 wovengarmen ts:又称为梭织服装。
毛呢服装 woolle n garmen ts棉类服装 cotton garmen ts麻类服装 bast garmen ts 丝绸服装 silk garmen ts化纤类服装synthe tic-made garmen ts毛皮服装 fur garmen ts皮革服装 leathe r gamrne ts人造毛皮服装 fake fur garmen ts人造革服装fake leathe r garmen ts牛仔服装 jeanswear防寒服 cold protec tiveclothi ng棉服装 padded garmen ts羽绒服装 down wear3 服装成品西服 tailor ed suit中山装 Zhongs han Zhuang军便装 milita ry jacket青年装 youngmen's jacket茄克衫 jacket猎装 safari jacket衬衫 shirt(男);blouse s(女)中西式上衣Chines e and Wester n-stylecoat中式上衣 Chines e stylecoat背心 vest:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身的无袖上衣。

服装外贸英语(图文对照)服装部位名称图解——上衣1——stand collar 领座2——hanging loop 领吊袢,挂耳3——top collar 领面4——small shoulder 小肩5——sleeve top/sleeve head/crown 袖山6——lapel point 领咀7——mock button hole 假眼8——armhole 袖窿,夹圈9——breast pocket 胸袋,手巾袋10——button hole 扣眼,钮门11——top fly(left front)门襟,左前幅12——front dart 前褶13——underarm dart 肋褶14——top sleeve 大袖15——sleeve button 袖扣16——sleeve opening 袖口17——hem 衫脚18——front cut 止口圆角19——front edge 门襟止口20——under sleeve 小袖21——flap 袋盖22——change pocket 零钱袋23——button 钮扣24——under fly(right front)里襟(右前幅)25——inside breast pocket 里袋26——fold line for lapel 翻领线27——lapel 驳头28——gorge line 串口29——lining center back pleat 里布后中省30——back lining 后幅里布31——top collar 领面32——across back shoulder 总肩33——back armhole 后袖窿,后夹圈34——half back belt 半腰带35——vent 背衩36——side seam 摆缝,侧骨37——center back seam 背缝,后中骨38——back yoke 后过肩,后担干服装部位名称图解——裤子1——waistband 裤头2——waistband button 腰头钮3——button tab 里襟尖咀4——waistband lining 裤头里5——bearer button 裤头钮6——extended tab 宝剑头,裤头搭咀7——left fly 门襟,钮牌8——fly buttonhole 钮牌扣眼9——front fly 裤门襟10——crutch lining 裤裆垫布11——side seam 侧骨12——inside seam 下裆缝13——reinforcement for knees 膝盖绸14——leg opening 裤脚15——turn-up cuff 卷脚,反脚16——heel stay 贴脚条17——crease line 裤中线18——fly button 钮扣19——right fly 里襟,钮子20——slant pocket 斜插袋21——front waist pleat 前腰褶22——watch pocket / coin pocket 表袋23——beltloop 裤耳24——hip pocket 后袋25——seat seam / back rise 后裆缝/后浪26——back waist dart 后褶服装部位名称图解——裙子1——waistband 裙头2——side opening 侧骨拉链开口3——inverted pleat 暗裥4——front center seam 前中缝骨5——front waist dart 前腰褶6——back waist dart 后腰褶7——side opening 侧骨拉链开口8——front yoke 洽啻腰9——pleats 褶10——hem 裙脚11——side seam 侧骨12——hip pocket 后袋13——beltloop 腰带袢,耳仔服装部位名称图解——背心1——lining 里布2——small shoulder 小肩3——armhole 袖圈,夹圈4——breast welt pocket 胸袋5——top fly,left front 门襟,左前幅6——button hole 扣眼,钮门7——side vent 边衩8——front point 尖角9——interlining 衬布(夹在面布和里布之间)10——right facing 里襟贴11——button 钮扣12——waist welt pocket 腰袋13——side seam 摆缝,侧骨14——breast dart 胸褶15——under fly,right front里襟,右前幅16——small shoulder 小肩17——armhole 袖圈,夹圈18——side seam 摆缝,侧骨19——adjustable waist tab 活动腰袢20——back dart 后褶21——center back seam 背中缝,后中骨服装部位名称图解——夹克裤子纸样图解1.basic line 裤子基本线(裤子裁剪制图的基础线),下平线2.Length line 裤长线,上平线3.thigh line 横裆线4.hip line 臀围线5.knee line 中裆线6.side seam line 侧缝直线7.front crotch line 前裆直线8.front crotch seam 前裆内撇9.front crotch width line 小裆宽线10.crease line 烫迹线11.waist line 前腰围线12.bottom line 脚口围线13.side seam 侧缝弧线14.side vertical pocket position 直袋位线15.front crotch curve 前裆弧线,前裆轮廓线16.inseam line 下裆线17·pleat position 裥位线18.back crotch line 落裆线19.upline of waist 后翘线20.back waist seam 后腰缝线21.curve width line of back crotch seam 后裆宽线22.back crotch curve 后档弧线,后裆缝轮廓线23.waist dart 后省线24.hip pocket position line 后袋线25.waistband roll line 腰头上口线26.waistband neckline 腰头下口线27.fly facing edge 门襟止口线28.fly facing outside edge 门襟外口线29.fly shield inside edge 里襟里口线30.fly shield outside edge 里襟外口线。
外贸英语服装行业面料专业术语纺织 面料

人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:Claimond veins倒xx:Down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:Micro suedexx皮植绒:Jeans flockingxx丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)xx塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:Embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flockingxx植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:double-faced woolen goods羊毛立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:Nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细xxxx:Micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹xx棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉交织xx:linen/cotton mixed fabric 素色xx:solid terry蚂蚁xx:fleece in one side素色xx:solid fleece鱼网xx:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织xx:T/C solid check fabric仿麂皮针织布复合:100%polyesterboundingwithknitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100%polyestermicrosuedebounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光xx丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光xx:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop塔丝xx:Taslan rip-stop哑富xx:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven peachREVERSE SIDE反面RE-WASHING返洗READY-TO-WEAR成衣蒸化(aging)自动筛网印花(automatic screen printing)满地印花(blotch print) 烂花印花(burn—out prints)xx(curing)直接印花(direct prints)拔染印花(discharge prints)静电荷(electrostatic charge)静电植绒(electrostatic flocking)按特殊要求印花(engineered print)叠印(fall on)平板(flatbed)植绒印花(flock printing)植绒(flocking)半色调或中间色调(halftone)手工筛网印花(hand screen printing)热转移印花(heat--transfer printing)喷射印花(jet printing)机械植绒(mechanical flocking)罩xx(over print)印花色浆(print paste)印花对花准确/对花不准(print register/off register) 对花(registration)防染印花(resist printing)滚筒印花(roller printing)圆形筛网印花或圆网印花(rotary screen printing)筛网印花(screen printing)打样(strike off)热转移印花(thermal transfer printing)经纱印花(warp prints)湿法印花(wet prints)制作精巧skillful manufacture工艺精良sophisticated technology最新工艺latest technology加工精细finely processed设计精巧deft design造型新颖modern design造型优美beautiful design设计合理professional design造型富丽华贵luxuriant in design结构合理rational construction款式新颖attractive design款式齐全various styles式样优雅elegant shape花色入时fashionable patterns任君选择for your selection五彩缤纷colorful 色彩艳丽beautiful in colors色泽光润color brilliancy色泽素雅delicate colors 瑰丽多彩pretty and colorful洁白透明pure white and translucence质量上乘superior quality质量稳定stable quality紫红:BORDEAUX/WINE紫色:BURGUNDY/PLUM/VIOLET/PURPLE质量可靠reliable quality品种繁多wide varieties保质保量quality and quantity assured性能可靠dependable performance操作简便easy and simple to handle使用方便easy to use经久耐用durable in use以质优而闻名well-known for its fine quality数量之首The king of quantity质量最佳The queen of quality信誉可靠reliable reputation闻名世界world-wide renowm久负盛名to have a long standing reputation 誉满中外toenjoyhighreputationathomeand abroad历史悠久to have a long history畅销全球selling well all over the world深受欢迎to win warm praise from customers 增白:WHITE / SNOW WHITE特黑:BLACK / JET BLACK绿色:GREEN灰色:GREY玉色:OYSTER/PEACH黄色:YELLOWxx:KAHKI xx:LILAC古铜色:BROWN xx:FUSCHIA xx:CHARCOAL 豆绿:OLIVE xx:NAVY/BLUE 天蓝:SKYBLUE粉红:PINK米色:BEIGE橘黄:ORANGE驼色:CAMEL[color=Orange][size=2]产品包装方面:卷杆:RILLING/WINDING散装:LOOSE PACKING编织袋:WEAVING BAG纸箱:CARTON[/size][/color]单幅卷杆:ROLLED ON TUBES IN OPEN WIDTH双幅卷杆:DOUBLE FOLDED ON ROLLS双幅折板:DOUBLE FOLDED ON BOARD腰封:PAPER TAPES纸管:TUBE吊牌:LABLE / HANG TAG唛头:SHIPPING MARK船样:SHIPPING SAMPLE塑料袋:POLYBAG匹长:ROLL LENGTH拼匹:ROLL WITH SEWING / ROLL WITH JOIN 拼箱:LCL整箱:FCL出口包装:EXPORT PACKING涂银:SILVER烫金:GOLD PRINTBRUSHED起皱:CRINKED/ CREPED硬挺:STIFFENING抗静电:ANTI-STATIC抗起球:ANTI-PILLING防羽绒:DOWN PROOF砂洗:STONE WASHED阻燃:FLAM RETARDANT环保染色:AZO FREE / NO AZO防水:W/P(WATER SHRINKAGE)里料:LING面料:FABRIC平纹:斜纹:TWILL缎面:SATIN / CHARMEUSE绡:LUSTRINE提花:JACQUARD烂花:BURNT-OUT春亚纺:PONGEE格子:CHECK条子:STRIPE双层:DOUBLE–LAYER双色:TWO–TONE花瑶:FAILLE弹力布:SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA牛仔布:JEANET牛津布:OXFORD帆布:CAMBRIC涤棉:P/C黑条纺:BLACK STRIPE空齿纺:EMPTYSTRIPE人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric涤纶:PLOYESTER锦纶:NYLON/POLYAMIDE醋酸:ACETATE棉:COTTON人棉:RAYON人丝:VISCOSE仿真丝:IMITATED SILK FABRIC真丝:SILK氨纶:SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA 长丝:FILAMENT短纤:SPUN黑丝:BLACK YARN原纱、本色纱:gray yarn坯布、本色布:gray fabric纺纱:spinning纱支:yarn count经密:ends per inch纬密:picks per inch织物结构:fabric construction布宽:fabric width单幅:single width双幅:double width天然纤维:natural fiber复合纤维:conjugated yarn长纤维:filament短纤维:cut staple,spun混纺纱:blended yarn交织:cross weave被子:Quilt; Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的)被壳:Comforter Shell传统式枕套:Pillow Sham开口式枕套:Pillow Case靠垫:Cushion帷幔:Valance窗帘:Curtain闺枕:Boudoir Pillow圆抱枕:Neck Roll被单:Bed Sheet床罩:Fitted Sheet; Bed Skirt 枕巾:Pillow Towel桌布:Tablecloth盖毯:Throw毛毯:Woolen Blanket毛巾毯:Towel Blanket睡袋:Sleeping bag; Fleabaghome textil家纺bedding床上用品quilt被子duvet cove被套quilt cover被套sheet set床单套flat sheet床单套fitted sheet床垫套pillowcase西式枕(美)sham中式枕(美)housewife pillowcase西式枕(英)oxford pillowcase中式枕(英)university大学mattress床垫(toss) pillow靠垫/抱枕cushion cover靠垫壳breakfast cushion早餐枕bumper床帷子table cloth台布placemat盘垫runner长条doily杯垫oval椭圆的oblong长方的square正方的round圆的kitchen厨房oven mitt微波炉手套pot holder锅垫hotpot火锅window窗window treatment窗上用品panel大窗帘drapery大窗帘tieback绑带tier小窗帘sca**窗幔*scot valance倒三角帘shade遮光帘blind遮光帘Accessory附件trimming饰边tassel吊苏fringe排苏button扣子stud暗扣zipper拉链thread线rayon人丝线metallic thread金属线tape带子ribbon丝带,缎带lace蕾丝,花边cord线绳twist粗绳elastics松紧带sequin亮片bead珠子sewn-in label水洗标woven label织标printed label印刷标签***** sticker不干胶纸帖law label法律标barcode条形码carton label箱帖carton纸箱swing tag吊牌hang tag吊牌master carton外箱inner carton内箱vinyl bag PVC袋handle提手gusset加高folding board垫板insert彩卡package包装case pack装箱数shipping mark唛头main mark主唛side mark侧唛container集装箱measurement尺寸design设计designer设计者style风格description描述ricrac水浪带association协会store商店department store百货公司speciality store专卖店discount store折扣店supermarket超市chain store连锁店importer进口商exporter出口商vendor卖主,供应商agency代理商manufacturer制造商,厂商supplier供货方factory工厂mill工厂retailer零售商[/size][/color]化学纤维chemical fibre 植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物multi-ba* **bric树脂衬resin interling麻布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interling绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interling粘合衬adhesive-bonded interling双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interling 无纺布衬non-woven interling无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interling有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterling黑炭衬hair interling马尾衬horsehair interling化纤衬chemical fibre interling棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3.线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper罗纹rib家纺英语的专业术语(中英文对照)产品色彩风格/Color and style of the products产品结构分类/Product structure classification套件主题/ themes of each set产品生产规格/Production specification专卖店陈列/ stand alone displaying产品需求比例/Proportion of products demand产品风格Style of the products典雅CLASSIC精致FANCY舒适ELEGANT春夏产品色彩MaincoloroftheproductsinSpringand summer秋冬产品色彩Maincoloroftheproductsinautumnand winter产品高贵色彩COLORSFORHIGH-ENDPRODUCTS9-儿童类9-children’ssets10-夏凉产品10-summer household products印花/ Print Programs绣花/ Embroidered Programs提花/ Jacquard Programs蕾丝/ Lace Programs婚庆/ Wedding Sets被面绣花Embroidered duvet covers被套:duvet cover有边枕套:pillow shame无边枕套:pillow case床单:sheet床裙:bed skirt盖被:throw被芯:duvet睡衣:抱枕:cushion小件产品:basic set里料ling面料fabric平纹taffeta斜纹twill牛津布oxford帆布cambric涤棉P/C涤捻T/R白条纺white stripe黑条纺black stripe醋酸acetate 棉cottonretailer零售商wholesale*批发商**bric面料cotton棉布polyester涤ramie苎麻silk真丝mulberry silk桑蚕丝dupioni双宫绸linen/viscose麻粘布percale高纱支sateen缎纹布satin佳丽缎sheer透明面料voile薄纱organdy薄纱organza硬纱taffeta塔夫绸corduroy灯芯绒faux suede麂皮绒cut剪finish整理iron整烫ruffle自由折box pleat对脸折seam接缝seam allowance缝头hem卷边face/front面back/reverse底filling/batting/wadding填充物棉子needle针opening/closure开口button closure纽扣封口zipper closure拉链封口hidden zipper暗拉链flange飞边scallop荷叶边layout布局scatter分散的horizontal水平的vertical垂直的project项目order订单purchase order(P.O.)订单negotiate谈判approve/confirm确认production生产bulk production批量生产mass production大规模生产manager经理general manager总经理director董事,主管flight航班forwarder货代consolidator集运公司、人inspection检验audit审查,验厂list一览表,清单namelist名单cost成本price价格quote报价quotation报价distribution center配货中心review查看shipping出运delivery发货register注册cubic meter立方米square meter平方米foot英尺inch英寸centimeter厘米file文件attachment附件catalogue目录warehouse仓库standard标准quality质量quantity数量team/group组,队sample样品change/amend更改picture/photo图片finish后处理pre-treatment前处理content成分bleach漂白width幅宽fabric weight面料克重construction组织结构screen网(平网/圆网印花)mercerize丝光sanding磨光soften柔软seersucker泡泡纱wash水洗launder.(动词)洗涤laundry.(名词)水洗woven梭织的,机织的knit针织的hand wash手洗dry clean干洗machine wash机洗flammability阻燃性appearance retention外观持久性store商店department store百货公司speciality store专卖店discount store折扣店supermarket超市chain store连锁店importer进口商exporter出口商vendor卖主,供应商agency代理商manufacturer制造商,厂商supplie*供货方**ctory工厂mill工厂。

外贸服装英语词汇粤语国语ENGLISH办样板 Sample布封幅宽Fabric Width侧骨侧缝,摆缝Side Seam插竹领插角片,插骨片collar stay车花绣花embroidery打枣打结bartack担干过肩yoke耳仔裤带袢 beltloop返针回针back stitch狗牙车牙,送布牙 Feed dog挂卡吊牌hangtag后浪后档back rise蝴蝶车缝附件Sewing machine attachments及骨锁边overlock及骨车包缝机,锁边机Overlock Machine急钮四合扣 Snap Fastener 夹圈袖窿 armhole间棉绗缝 quilt肩棉肩垫,垫肩膊头棉shoulder pad介英,鸡英袖口,袖级,裤边 cuff拉冚车绷缝机Covering Stitch Machine拉裤头上裤头waistbanding拉筒车门襟机placket machine辘脚车脚口卷边机bottom hemming machine唛架排料图 maker唛头商标 label埋夹缝合袖底骨和侧缝Join the under arm seam and side seam魔术贴尼龙搭扣velcro纳膊缝合小肩Join the small shoulder纳膊位肩缝 shoulder seam钮门扣眼 button hole钮牌门袢 fly钮子钮门搭位button stand排唛排料 layout啤机冲压裁剪机Die Cutting Machine脾围横档 thigh平车平缝机 Normal Sewing Machine朴衬布interlining前浪前档 front rise生褶省pleat死褶褶dart梭仔梭芯,线轴bobbin烫斗熨斗 iron挑脚车暗缝机Blind Stitching Machine乌蝇扣钩棒扣Eyes ; HOOKS靴压脚presser foot针步线步 stitches止口,子口缝头seam allowance 纵纹斜纹 bios cut坐围臀围 hip零码布ROTARY KNIFE 圆刀式电剪shading 色差SIZE SPECIFICATION 尺码表SPLICING 驳布位SPREADING 拉布SPREADING MACHINE 拉布机STRAIGHT CUT 直纹裁STRAIGHT KNIFE 直刀式电剪swatch 布办tolerance 抛位, 宽松量weights 压铁服装专业英语(衫裤部件) ARMHOLE 夹圈BACK 后幅BACK RISE 后浪BELTLOOP 裤耳BOTTOM 裤脚BUTTON HOLE 钮门BUTTON STAND 钮子/钮门搭位CASH POCKET 表袋CENTER BACK 后中CENTER FRONT 前中CHEST 胸COLLAR 领子COLLAR FALL 上级领COLLAR NOTCH 领扼位COLLAR POINT 领尖COLLAR STAND 下级领CROTCH 小浪CUFF 介英DART 死摺DOUBLE LAYER CUFF 双层介英DOUBLE LAYERED FLY 双层钮牌FACING 贴FLY 钮牌FOLD LINE 折线FRONT 前幅FRONT OPENING 前开口FRONT PLEAT 前褶FRONT RISE 前浪HEM/BOTTOM 衫脚IN SEAM 内浪骨JETTED POCKET 唇袋NECK 领窝OPENING 开口PATCH POCKET 贴袋PLACKET 明筒POCKET BAG 袋布POCKET FLAP 袋盖PRINCESS LINE 公主线SHOULDER 肩SIDE PANEL 侧幅SIDE SEAM 侧骨SLANT POCKET 斜插袋SLEEVE 袖子SLEEVE CROWN 袖山SLEEVE HEAD 袖头SLEEVE OPENING 袖口SLEEVE SLIT 袖叉UNDER ARM SEAM 夹底线WAIST BAND 裤头服装专业英语(度尺部位)ARMHOLE(CURVE/STRAIGHT)夹圈(弯度/直度)BACK CROSS 后胸阔BACK RISE 后浪BELTLOOP 裤耳Bicep 臂围BOTTOM 脚阔BUST WIDTH 胸阔C/B LENGTH 后中长COLLAR BAND HEIGHT 下级领高COLLAR LENGTH 领长COLLAR POINT SPREAD 领尖距COLLAR POINT 领尖长CUFF WIDTH 介英宽FLY LENGTH 钮牌长FLY WIDTH 钮牌阔FRONT CROSS 前胸阔FRONT NECK DROP 前领深FRONT RISE 前浪HIGH HIP 上坐围HIP 坐围INSEAM LENGTH 内长KNEE 膝围leg opening 裤脚围NECK WIDTH 颈阔OUTSEAM LENGTH 外长Overarm 袖长PLACKET WIDTH 前筒宽POCKET HIGH POINT 袋尖高(袋最长的高度)SHOULDER ACROSS 肩阔SLEEVE CROWN HEIGHT 袖山高SLEEVE LENGTH 袖长SLEEVE OPENING 袖口阔SMALL SHOULDER 小肩长SWEEP(HALF)裙阔(裙底半度)THIGH(UNDER CROTCH)脾围UPPER ARM WIDTH 袖脾阔UPPER COLLAR HEIGHT 上级领高WAIST WIDTH 腰阔WAIST(RELAX)腰围(松度)WAIST(STRETCHED 腰围(拉度)WAISTBAND 裤头高服装专业英语(QC)BAD JOIN STITCHES 驳线不良BIG EYELID 大眼皮BROKEN HOLE 破洞BROKEN STITCHES 断线BROKEN YARN 断纱center back rides up 后幅起吊COLLAR POINT HI/LOW 领尖高低COLOR SHADING 色差COLOR THREAD LEFT INSIDE 藏色线COLOR YARN 色纱CREASE MARK 摺痕CROSSED BACK VENT 背叉搅CUFF FACING VISIBLE 介英反光DIRTY DOT (较小的)污点DIRTY MARK 污渍DIRTY SPOT (较大的)污点DRAW YARN 抽纱EXCESS EXTENSION 突咀FABRIC DEFECTS 布疵FLAP STRICKING UP 袋盖反翘FRONT HORIZONTAL SEAM NOT LEVEL 前幅水平缝骨不对称HI/LOW POCKET 高低袋HIKING AT BOTTOM OF PLACKET 前筒吊脚HIKING UP 起吊IMPROPER CROSS SEAM AT JOINING SIDE SEAM 袖底十字骨不对KNOT 结头LINING TOO FULL/TIGHT 里布太多/太紧MISMATCH CHECKS/STRIPES 格仔/条子不对称NEEDLE HOLE 针孔OFF GRAIN 布纹歪OIL STAIN 油渍OPEN SEAM 爆口OVERLAPPED COLLAR 叠领OVERLAPPED LIPS 叠唇OVERPRESS 熨烫过度OVERWASH 洗水过度PLEATED 打褶POOR BACK-STITCHES 回针不佳POOR IRONING 烫工不良PUCKER 起皱PULLING AT INSIDE/OUTSIDE SEAM 吊脚RAW EDGE 散口RUBBLING 起泡RUN OFF STITCHES 落坑SCRIMP 印花裂痕SEAM OVERTURN 止口反骨SHADING GARMENT TO GARMENT 衫与衫之间色差SHADING WITHIN 1PCS GARMENT 衣服裁片色差SKIPPED STITCHES 跳线SLEEVE LENGTH UNEVEN 长短袖SLUB 毛粒SMILING POCHET 袋“笑口”STRIPES/CHECKS NOT MATCHING 不对条/格THICK YARN 粗纱THREAD VISIBLE OUTSIDE 缝线外露TWIST LEG 扭髀TWIST 扭UNCUT THREAD ENDS 线头UNDER THREAD VISIBLE 底线露出UNDERPLY TURN OUT 反光UNDERPLY VISIBLE OUTSIDE 反光UNDERPRESS 熨烫不够UNEVEN COLOR 深浅色UNEVEN LIPS 大小唇UNEVEN SLEEVE LENGTH 长短袖UNEVEN STITCHING DENSITY 针步密度不均匀UNMATCHED CROTCH CROSS 下裆十字骨错位UNMEET BACK VENT 背叉豁WAVY AT PLACKET 前筒起蛇(皱)WRONG COMBO 颜色组合错误WRONG PATTERN 图案错误WRONG SIZE INDICATED 错码(Jandy整理) 布料成分名称acetate 醋脂纤维acetate醋脂纤维acrylic 腈纶aliginate fiber 藻酸纤维asbestos fibre 石棉纤维bast 树内皮blend fiber 混合纤维braid饰带cashmere山羊绒cellulose ester 醋、人造丝cellulose纤维素felting 制毡材料filament 长纤维flax亚麻纤维hemp 大麻jute黄麻man-made fiber 人造纤维man-made fiber人造纤维modacrylic 变性腈纶mohair马海毛polyamide 聚烯烃纤维polyester涤纶、聚脂纤维polyethylene 聚乙烯纤维polymer高聚物polyolefin聚烯烃纤维polypropylene丙沦rayon 人造丝regenerated fiber 再生纤维spandex/elastomer 弹性纤维staple 短纤纱synthetic 合成纤维synthetic 合成纤维textuered yarn变形纱tufting 裁绒viscose 粘胶纤维woven fabric 梭织布常用服装英语词汇“J” SHAPED POCKET J形袋24L BUTTON 24号钮6 FEED PIQUE 6模珠地ACCESSORY 辅料BACK ACROSS 后背宽ACROSS MEASURE 横量ACRYLIC 腈纶ADHESIVE / FUSIBLE INTERLINING 粘衬ANTIQUE BRASS COATING 镀青古铜ANTISTATIC FINISH 防静电处理APPAREL 成衣APPEALING LOOK 吸引人的外表APPROVAL SAMPLE 批办APPROVED SAMPLE WITH SIGNING NAME 签名批办ARMHOLE 夹圈ASSEMBLING OF FRONT & BACK PART 前后幅合并ASSEMBLING SECTION 合并部分ATTACH COLLAR 上领ATTACH LABEL 上商标ATTACHMENT (车缝)附件BACK COVER FRONT 后搭前BACK MID-ARMHOLE 后背宽BACK STITCH 返针,回针BACKLESS DRESS 露背装BAR CODED STICKER 条形码贴纸BARGAINING 讨价还价BAR-TACK 打枣BASTE 假缝BATILK 蜡染BEARER 袋衬BEARER & FACING 袋衬袋贴BEDFORD CORD. 坑纹布,经条灯心绒BELL BOTTOM 喇叭裤脚BELLOWS POCKET 风琴袋BELT 腰带BELT-LOOP 裤耳BIAS CUT 斜纹裁,纵纹裁BIFURCATE 分叉BINDER 包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶BINDING 包边BINDING OF SLV. OPENING R折BINDING OF TOP VENT 面叉包边BINDING TAPE 包边BINDING/BOUND 滚条BLANKET 毛毯,地毯BLEACH 漂白BLEACH SPOT 漂白污渍BLEEDING 洗水后褪色BLEND FIBRE 混纺纤维BLENDS 混纺BLIND STITCH 挑脚线步BLOUSE 女装衬衫BODY PRESSING 衫身熨烫BODY RISE 直浪BOTTOM 衫脚,下摆BOTTOM VENT OF SLEEVE 细侧BOTTOMS 下装BOX-PLEATED 外工字褶BOYS STYLE FLY / LEFT FLY 男装钮牌,左钮牌BRAID 织锦,织带BRANCH 分公司BREAK STITCHES 断线BRIEFS 男装紧身内裤BROCADE 织锦,织带BROKEN STITCHING 断线BUBBLING 起泡BUCKLE 皮带扣BUCKLE-LOOP 皮带扣BULK PRODUCTION 大量生产BUNDLE CODE 扎号BUNDLING 执扎BUTTON 钮扣BUTTON STAND 钮门搭位BUTTON-HOLE 钮门/ 扣眼BUTTON-HOLING 开钮门BUTTONING 钉钮BUTTONING WITH BUTTON SEWER 用钉钮机钉钮C/B VENT 后中叉CALICO / GRAY CLOTHES 胚布CANVAS 马尾衬,帆布CARDBOARD 纸板CARDED 粗疏CARE LABEL 洗水唛CARTONNING 装箱,入箱CASE PACK LABEL 外箱贴纸CASH POCKET 表袋CASUAL WEAR 便装CATCHING FACING 钮子CENTER BACK 后中CENTER CREASE FOLD 中骨对折CENTER CREASE LINE 中骨线CENTER FRONT 前中CERTIFIED SUB-CONTRACTOR 认可加工厂CHAIN STITCH M/C 锁链车CHAIN STITCHES 锁链线步CHAMPRAY 皱布CHEMISE 宽松服装CHEST/BUST 胸围CHIC 时髦的,流行的CIRCULAR KNIT 圆筒针织布CLASSIC LOOK 经典款式CLASSIFICATION 分类CLEAN FINISH 还口CLEAN FINISH OF TOP VENT 面叉还口CLEAN FINISH WITH 1/4" SINGLE NEEDLE 1/4" 单针还口CLOSE FITTING 贴身CLOSE SIDE SEAM 埋侧骨COATING 外套大衣COIN POCKET 表袋COLLAR 领子COLLAR BAND 下级领COLLAR FALL 上级领COLLAR NOTCH 领扼位COLLAR POINT 领尖COLLAR STAND 下级领COLLAR STAY 领插竹COLLECTION 系列COLOR SHADING 色差COMBED 精梳CONSTRUCTED SPECIFICATION 结构细节CONTINUOUS PLACKET R折CONTROL OF LABOR TURNOVER 劳工流失控制CORDUROY 灯心绒COST SHEET 成本单COTTON STRING 棉绳COVERING STITCHING 拉冚线步(600类)CREASE & WRINKLY RESISTANT FINISH 防皱处理CREASE LINE 折线CREPE DE-CHINE 皱布CROSS CROTCH 十字缝CROSS CUT 横纹裁CROTCH POINT 浪顶点CTN. NO. 箱号CUFF 鸡英,介英CUFF ATTACHING TO SLEEVE 车鸡英到袖子上CUFF VENT/CUFF OPENING 袖侧CUFFED BOTTOM HEM 反脚,假反脚,脚级CUFFLESS BOTTOM 平脚CURVED POCKET 弯袋CUT & SEWN 切驳CUTTING PIECE 裁片CUTTING PIECE NUMBERING 给裁片编号D.K. JACQUARD 双面提花(针织)DAMAGE CAUSED BY NEEDLE 针孔DECORATIVE STITCHING 装饰间线DELIVERY DATE 落货期DENIER 旦尼尔DENIM 牛仔DENSITY 密度DESIGN SKETCH 设计图DESIGNED FEATURE 设计特征DIMENSION 尺寸、尺码DINNER JACKET 晚礼服DIRT STAINS AFTER WASHING 洗水后有污迹DIRTY SPOT 污点DISCOUNT / SALES OFF 打折DOBBY 织花布DOUBLE CUFF 双层鸡英DOUBLE END 双经DOUBLE JETTED POCKET 双唇袋DOUBLE NEEDLE FELL SEAM 双针埋夹DOUBLE PICK 双纬DOUBLING 并线DRESS COAT 礼服DRESSING ROOM 试衣间DRILLING 钻孔位DRY-CLEANED 干洗DUCK 帆布DYING 染色EASING 容位EDGE STITCHING 间边线EDGE TRIMMER 修边器EDGE-FINISHING 边脚处理EDGE-STITCH DART 边线褶EDGE-STITCHING W/ 1/16" 宽1/16"的边线ELASTIC 橡筋ELASTIC WAISTBAND IS EXTENSION OF BODY 原身出橡筋裤头ELBOW WIDTH 肘宽EMBROIDERY PATCH 绣花章EPAULET 肩章EVENING GOWN SET 晚睡袍EXCELLENT STYLE 漂亮的款式EXCESSIVE THREAD ENDS 多余的线头EXECUTIVE WEAR 行政装EXPIRY DATE 有效期EXPORT CARTON 出口箱EXTENSION OF WAISTBAND 裤头搭咀EYELET 凤眼FABRIC 布料FABRIC CONSTRUCTION 布料结构FABRIC DEFECTS 布疵FABRIC RUNS 走纱FABRIC SHADING 布料色差FABRIC SWATCH 布办FABRIC WIDTH 布封FABRICATION / FABRIC 布料FACING 贴FACING TO OUT-SIDE 折向侧骨FALSE FLY 暗钮牌FALSE PLACKET 假明筒,假反筒FASHION 时装FELL SEAM 埋夹FIGURE-CLINGING 紧身的,贴身胸围FILAMENT 长纤丝FINAL APPEARANCE 最终外观FINISHED APPEARANCE 完成后的外观FITTING 试身FLAMEPROOF FABRIC 防火布FLANNEL 法兰绒FLARE SKIRT 喇叭裙FLAT MACHINE 平车FLAT SEAM 平缝FLAX 亚麻FLOW CHART 流程图FOLD AND PACK 折叠包装,折装FOLD BACK FACING 原身出贴FOLD BACK HIDDEN PLACKET 原身双层钮筒FOLD FRONT EDGE 折前幅边FOLD LINE 折线FOLD PANTS 折裤子FOLD POCKET MOUTH 折反袋口FORM AND FOLD GARMENT 定型折衫FROCKS 礼服FRONT EDGE 前幅边FRONT MID-ARMHOLE 前胸宽FRONT OPENING 前开口FRONT PANEL 前幅FULLY FASHION SWEATER 全成型毛衫FULLY OPENING 全开口FUR 皮草FUR GARMENT 裘皮服装FURRY 毛皮制品FUSE INTERLINING 粘衬FUSIBLE INTERLINING 粘朴FUZZ BALLS 起球GABARDINE 斜纹呢GARMENT 成衣GARMENT DYE 成衣染色GARMENT FINISH 成衣后处理GARMENT SEWING TECHNOLOGY 成衣工艺GARMENT WASH 成衣洗水,普洗GATHERING 碎褶GIRLS STYLE FLY / RIGHT FLY 女装钮牌,右钮牌GLACED FINISH 压光加工GOOD TASTE 高品味GR. WT.=GROSS WEIGHT 毛重GRADING 放码GRAIN 布纹GRAY CLOTH 胚布GROMMET 凤眼GROWN-ON SLEEVE 原身出袖HALF OPENING 半开口HANDBAG 手袋HANDFEEL 手感HANDLING 执手HANGDLING TIME 执手时间HANGER 衣架HEAVY FABRIC 厚重面料HEM 衫脚,下摆HEM CUFF 反脚HEMMING 卷边,还口HEMMING WITH FOLDER 用拉筒卷边HEMP 大麻HERRINGBONE TWILL 人字斜纹布HEXAGONAL POCKET 六角袋HIDDEN PLACKET 双层钮筒HIDDEN BARTACK 隐形枣HIGH-WAISTED SKIRT 高腰裙HIP 坐围HIP POCKET 后袋HOOD HEIGHT 帽高HORIZONTAL PLAID 水平格INCORRECT LINKING 错误的连接INITIAL SAMPLE 原办,初办INNER EXTENSION 搭咀内层IN-SEAM 内骨INSPECTION 检查INSPIRATION 灵感INTERLACING 交织INTERLINING 衬,朴INTERLINING FOR FACING 贴粘衬INTERLOCK 双面布(针织)INVERTED PLEAT 内工字褶INVOICE 发票IRON OVERALL BODY 熨烫衫身IRON SPOT 烫痕JACQUARD 提花JEANS 牛仔裤JERSEY 平纹单面针织布JOIN CROTCH 埋小浪JUTE 黄麻KHAKI 卡其KNIT 针织KNITTED RIB COLLAR 针织罗纹领KNOTS 结头KNOWLEDGE OF MATERIAL 材料学L/C=LETTER OF CREDIT 信用证L/G=LETTER OF GUARANTEE 担保证LABOUR COST 劳工成本LACE 花边LACOSTE 双珠地LAPEL 襟贴LAUNDRY 干洗LAYOUT 排唛,排料LEATHER 皮革LEFT COVER RIGHT 左搭右LEGGINGS 开裆裤LEISURE STYLE 休闲款式LEISURE WEAR 休闲服LEISURE WEAR SHOW 休闲装展示会LICENSE 许可证LIGHT CURVED POCKET 微弯袋LINEN 亚麻LINING 里布LINKING & CUP SEAMING 缝盆LOCK STITCH 平车线步LOOPED FABRIC 毛圈布LOOPING 起耳仔(疵点)LOOSE BUTTON 钮扣松散LOOSED THREAD CAUSING GRINNING 线太松导致起珠LUSTROUS 光泽MACHINE MAINTENANCE 机械保养MAGIC TAPE 魔术贴MAJOR DEFECT 大疵MAN-MADE FIBRE 人造纤维MANUFACTURER 制造商MARK BUTTONHOLE & BUTTON POSITION 标出钮门与钮扣的位置MARK POCKET POSITION WITH TEMPLATE 用纸板点袋位MARKER 唛架MARKING MID-POINT OF NECK 定领围中位MASS PRODUCTION 大批量生产MATCH COLOR 配色MATERIAL 物料MEASUREMENT 尺寸MELTON 领底绒MILDREW RESISTANT FINISH 防霉处理MISSING PARTS 漏裁片MOTH RESISTANT FINISH 防虫处理NAIL-BUTTON 钉脚钮扣NATURAL FIBRE 天然纤维NECK ACROSS/NECK WIDTH 领宽NECK DROP 领深NECK SEAM 颈圈NET WT. 净重NON-FUSIBLE INTERLINING 非粘朴NON-WOVEN FABRIC 非织布/ 无纺布NOTCH 扼位服装工业名称术语A- line skirt 斜裙all-weather coat 风雨衣apparel and accessories服饰artificial fur and leather garment人造毛皮、服装bell-bottom trousers 喇叭裤blouse 女衬衫business suit 职业服Chinese style coat 中式上衣Chinese style slack中式裤cape 披风chemical fiber garment 化纤服装children’s wear 童装cotton wadded jacket/trousers 棉袄/棉裤culotte裙裤custom made 定制服装cowboy wear牛仔服down garment 羽绒服down wadded trousers羽绒裤连衣裙dress中西式大衣Eastern and Western style coat 夜礼服evening dress时装fashion喇叭裙flare skirt裘革服装fur or leather garment猎装hunting婴儿服装infant’s wear夹克衫jacket牛仔裤jeans背心裙jumper skirt连衣裙jumpersuit灯笼裤knicherbockers斗篷mantle超短裙mini-skirt睡袍night-grown背带裙overalls吊带裙:Camisole大衣coat褶裙pleated skirt睡衣袍pijamas旗袍Qipao成衣ready- to-wear马裤ride breeches丝绸衣服silk garment筒裙straight skirt燕尾服swallow-tailed coat节裙tiered skirt西服裙skirt西裤trousers风衣trench coat背心vest新娘礼服wedding gown女式服装women’s wear毛呢服装woolen garment劳动保护服working wear青年装young men ‘s jacket中山装zhong Shan jacket滑雪衫Anorak各种水洗英语说法LA BLUE 拉蓝洗New Galaxy新银河洗PAPER BLUE低蓝洗DARK 深色洗DULL 钝色洗VINTAGE B仿旧洗BVINTAGE仿旧洗RINSE退浆保色洗MEDIUM中度洗OVERDYED 套色洗LIGHT浅色洗BLUE MOON 兰月洗TITANIUM钛色洗DUSK尘土洗ENZYME WASH 酵素洗COPPER 古铜洗COUNTRY BLUE乡村兰ARCTIC BLUR 大西洋兰BLUEICE冰兰洗CLOUD 云朵洗OCEAN 海洋洗STONEWASH 石磨洗VINTAGE沙暴洗SAND 新尘土洗CRYSTAL WASH 水晶洗服装专业英语(布料颜色)flint 紫褐色chestnut 深灰色putty 桔黄色charcoalnavytaupe 棕灰色chino 深灰色ecru 浅灰黄[资料]颜色英文及中文含意(按字母顺序排列)A-Camber 琥珀色antique violet 古紫色antiquewhite 古董白aqua 浅绿色aquamarine 碧绿色azure 天蓝色baby pink 浅粉红色beige 米色bisque 橘黄色black 黑色blanchedalmond 白杏色blue 蓝色blueviolet 紫罗兰色brown 棕色burlywood 实木色cadetblue 军蓝色camel 驼色charcoal gray 炭灰色chartreuse 黄绿色chocolate 巧克力色cobalt blue 艳蓝色coral 珊瑚色cornflowerblue 菊蓝色cornsilk 米绸色crimson 暗深红色cyan 青色M-Omagenta 洋红色maroon 栗色mauve 紫红mediumaquamarine 间绿色mediumblue 间蓝色mediumorchid 间紫色mediumpurple 间紫色mediumseagreen 间海蓝色mediumslateblue 间暗蓝色mediumspringgreen 间春绿色mediumturquoise 间绿宝石色mediumvioletred 间紫罗兰色midnightblue 中灰蓝色mintcream 薄荷色misty gray 雾灰色mistyrose 浅玫瑰色moccasin 鹿皮色moss green 苔绿色navajowhite 纳瓦白navy 藏青off-white 灰白oldlace 老花色olive 橄榄色olivedrab 深绿褐色orange 橙色orangered 橙红色orchid 淡紫色oyster white 乳白色P-Ypalegoldenrod 苍麒麟色palegreen 苍绿色paleturquoise 苍绿色palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色pansy 紫罗兰色papayawhip 番木色peachpuff 桃色peru 秘鲁色pink 粉红plum 杨李色powderblue 粉蓝色purple 紫色red 红色rosybrown 褐玫瑰红royalblue 宝蓝色rubine 宝石红saddlebrown 重褐色salmon 鲜肉色salmon pink 橙红色sandy beige 浅褐色sandybrown 沙褐色sapphire 宝石蓝scarlet 猩红色seagreen 海绿色seashell 海贝色shocking pink 鲜粉红色sienna 赭色silver 银白色skyblue 天蓝色slateblue 石蓝色slategray 灰石色smoky gray 烟灰色snow 雪白色springgreen 春绿色steelblue 钢蓝色stone 石色tan 茶色teal 水鸭色thistle 蓟色tomato 番茄色turquoise 青绿色turquoise blue 翠蓝色violet 紫色wheat 浅黄色white 白色whitesmoke 烟白色winered 葡萄酒红yellow 黄色yellowgreen 黄绿色面辅料英语(一)原料纺织原料textile raw materials天然纤维natural fibre化学纤维chemical fibre植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布plain cloth牛津布oxford斜纹布drill线卡ply-yarn drill哔叽serge灯芯绒corduroy起绒布fleece泡泡纱seersucker麻纱hair cords亚麻布linen cloth绸silk粗纺毛织物woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁valitine啥味呢twill coating精纺花呢worsted fany suiting法兰绒flannel大衣呢overcoat suiting交织物mixed fabric府绸poplin青年布chambray纱卡single yarn drill华达呢gabardine牛仔布denim平绒velveteen绉布crepe巴厘纱voile苎麻布ramie fabric电力纺habotai精纺毛织物worsted fabric全毛华达呢pure wool gabardine驼丝锦doeskin女士呢ladies cloth粗花呢tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric单面针织物single knit fabric纬平针织物plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物interlock fabric毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物two-bar fabric经编针织物warp-knitted fabric双面针织物double knit fabric罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物multi-bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬resin interlining麻布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interlining绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interlining粘合衬adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬hair interlining马尾衬horsehair interlining化纤衬chemical fibre interlining针织衬knitted interlining2.填料棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3.线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper双头拉链zipper with double sliders装饰带fashion tape罗纹rib缝纫用线twist麻线flax thread绣花线embroidery thread涤纶线polyester thread宝塔线cone of thread两目扣two-hole button包扣covered button羊角扣claw button金属扣metal button树脂扣resin button木扣wood button尼龙搭扣nylon fastener tape金属拉链metal zipper塑料拉链plastic zipper领钩collar clasp搭钩agraffe橡筋elastic ribbon弹力罗纹elastic ribcellulosen. A complex carbohydrate, (CHO), that is composed of glucose units,forms the main constituent of the cell wall in most plants, and is important in the manufacture of numerous products, such as paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and explosives.纤维素一种复杂的碳水化合物,(CHO),由葡萄糖分子组成,是大部分植物细胞壁的主要成分,在许多产品生产如纸张、织物、药物和炸药中起着重要作用ester n.Any of a class of organic compounds corresponding to the inorganic salts and formed from an organic acid and an alcohol.酯一类有机化合物,相当于无机盐,是由一分子有机酸和一分子酒精构成的领型Neckline 领圈Asymmetric不均齐形 Scarf 围巾形 Drawstring 伸缩形 Frilled 绉边领Halter 套索系领Sweat-heart 爱心形 High& low cowl 高低垂领 Round 圆领 Horseshoe 马蹄铁形 Hooded 头巾形 Draped 打褶形Bateam or boat 舟形Scoop 椭圆形Square 四边形Stand away 高颈企领Strap 布条形Tab 扣绊形Tie 打结形U –shapeV -ShapeFront fastening前开口Double – breasted双纽襟Braid 缀以线辫纽Buckled 带扣Fly 暗纽襟Crossed –over 叠门襟Frogging 纺锤形纽扣Knotted tie 缚结物Laced – up 系紧绳带Linked 连接饰物Looped 结环纽眼Side –buttoned 侧边纽门Single buttoned 单边纽扣Strap 条扣Tab 扣绊Bow 蝴蝶结Three –button grouping 3粒组纽Toggled 索结绳纽Wraped& tied 叠襟系带Zipper 拉链Sleeve 袖子Ballon 气球形Batwing 蝙蝠袖Bell 钟形Bishop 主教式袖Cap 顶盖式Cuffed 袖级袖Drawstring 伸缩形Puff 膨胀形Flared 闪发形Kimono 和服式Kite 风筝形Lantern 灯笼式Magyar 连身出袖Raglan 牛角袖Shirt 衬衫袖Shirred 平行绉缝式Two-piece 两片袖Cape 披肩式Tiered 层列式Set-in 装置袖Collar 领子Eton 伊顿形Mandarin 旗袍领Peter pan披德形Sailor 领巾形Scarf 围巾形Shawl 肩巾形Collar 上下级形Roll 翻边领形Picture 象形领Tailored 西装领形Button-down扣角领Funnel 漏斗形Peaked 尖形领Swallow 燕子领Coat 大衣领Polo 马球领Standup 直立领Milan 米兰式Cross-over 叠领形Turtle 龟形领口袋――PocketBound 嵌线口袋Breast 胸袋Cargo 大贴袋Change 零钱袋Slash 切线口袋Patch 明贴袋Cross 横开口袋Welt 单贴边袋/西装袋Flap 盖式口袋Gusset 接裆口袋Hip 裤后袋Kangaroo 袋鼠式口袋Seam 摆逢口袋Pin tucks 针纹褶饰口袋Pleated 褶饰口袋Ticket 内袋Western 西部型口袋Western-flap 牛仔型口袋Watch 表袋PLEAT褶裥Accordion 风琴褶Beading 珠绣Bound-edge frill 镶边绉褶Box 工字褶Cascade 小瀑布式Embroidery 刺绣Flounce 裙脚皱褶Knife 剑褶裥Sunray 太阳褶Pleated frill 折叠的花边Ruff 绉领Ruffle 蓬松皱边Shirring 平行皱缝Smocking 缀线衣裥Cording 布起花纹Double 叠褶Tuck 褶缝裥Waterfall 大瀑布式Pie frill 混杂绉边Jabot 衬衫绉边Pyjamas 睡衣Chinese 中式睡衣Coat – style 外套形睡衣Karate 空手道服式睡衣Pyjamas 睡衣套装Skirts 裙子A – line A字裙Balloon 气球形裙Bell 钟形裙Circular 圆台裙Draped 垂褶裙Flounced 裙脚绉边裙Four gored 四幅裙Gathered 缩褶裙Mini 迷你裙Tulip 郁金香Shorts短裤Bermuda 百慕大短裤Cargo大贴袋短裤Cut – offs 毛边牛仔短裤Pleated 打褶裥短裤Shorts 超短裤Pants 裤子Ankle – tied 束脚裤Baggy 袋状裤Bell – bottom 喇叭裤Cargo – pocket 大贴袋牛仔裤Drawstring 束带紧腰裤Flared 喇叭裤Gaucho 短长裤Jodhpurs 马裤Overalls 工装裤Stovepipe 烟筒形长裤Vest / Waistcoat 背心Down 羽绒背心Formal 礼服背心Hunting 猎装背心Jerkin紧身皮袄Sweater 背心式毛皮Suit 套装Jerkin 无袖上衣套装Jumper 跳Tailored 西式套装Tunic 束腰套Vested 有马夹套装Shirt衬衫Hawaiian 夏威夷式衬衫Ascoted 阿司括衬衫Cowboy 牛仔衬衫Body shirt 紧身衬衫Athletic 运动背心Henley 亨利汗衫Ivy 藤纹衬衫Pilot 飞行员衬衫Polo T –shirt 马球衬衫Tee shirt T恤衫Underwear 内衣、衬衣Body hugger 亵衣Briefs 短内裤Camisole 胸衣Chemise 女睡衣Corset 紧腰衣Swimwear/Swimsuit 游泳衣Bikini 比基尼Blouse 宽松式泳衣Cabana set 沙滩式String Bikini 捆带式Tank 传统女式泳衣Coat 大衣,外套A – line A字形外套Cape 披风大衣Duffel 粗呢大衣Duster 风衣Flared 宽摆式大衣Chesterfield 软领长大衣Classic 传统外套Inverness 披肩外套Maxi 特长大衣Midi 迷你外套化工原料whitener agent 营光加白剂softener 软油desizing water 退浆水nonylphenol ephoxylate 枧粉 sodium hyposulphite 大梳打oxalic acid 草酸soda ash light 梳打粉hydrogen peroxide 双氧水phosphoric edible 磷酸 stone wash powder 石磨粉soften agent 胶卷tramarine blue 廿散粉fixhao 固色油 colloclarin 透心油eniylon 酵素 acetic acid 醋散silicon 硅油一服装标准术语服装款式:style服装造型:modeling服装轮廓:silhouette款式设计图:design drawing服装效果图:effect drawing服装裁剪图:cutting drawing服装结构线:structure line二服装产品行业术语服装:garments clothing apparel成衣:ready-to-wear定制服装:customer made毛呢服装:woolen garment棉布服装:cotton clothes丝绸服装:silk garment化纤服装:chemical fiber garment裘革服装:fur or leather garment人造毛皮服装:artificial fur and leather garment婴儿服装:infants wear服饰:clothing按穿着对象分类:男式服装:mens wear女式服装:womens wear儿童服装:childrens wear职业服:professional garments上装的成品术语:西服:Western-style clothes背心:vest牛仔服:cowboys clothes中山服:Zhongshan coat茄克:jacket猎装:hunting wear衬衫:shirt棉袄:cotton padded coat皮衣:leather clothing羽绒服:down coat下装的成品术语:背心裙:Jumper skirt斜裙:bias skirt鱼尾裙:fish tail skirt超短裙:miniskirt筒裙:barrel skirt tube skirt旗袍裙:cheongsam skirt hobble skirt slim skirt西服裙:tailored skirt裤子的成品术语:西裤:trousers/pants背带裤 bib pants马裤:riding breeches灯笼裤:knickerbockers knickers bloomers pantalets连衣裤:overalls喇叭裤:flare trousers bell-bottom pants全身装成品术语:连衣裙:one-piece dress旗袍:Qipao Chinese dress新娘礼服:bridal gown bridal veil燕尾服:swallow-tailed coat swallowtail夜礼服:evening dress evening suit大衣:overcoat雨衣 weather-all coat & cloak披风:dress smock manteau mantle睡衣裤:sleepwear套装:suit领子的造型名称:中山服领:zhongshan coat collar尖领:pointed collar peaked collar衬衫领:shirt collar圆领:round collar〕青果领:shawl collar燕子领:swallow collar wing collar两用领:convertible collar方领:square collar中式领:mandarin collar立领:stand collar Mao collar圆领口:round neckline方领口:square neckline一字领口:boat neckline slit neckline off neckline鸡心领口:sweetheart neckline heart shaped necklin底领:collar stand collar band翻领:lapel领上口:fold line of collar领下口:under line of collar领里口:top collar stand领外口:collar edge〕袖子的造型名称:圆袖:set-in sleeve前圆后连袖:split raglan sleeve衬衫袖:shirt sleeve连肩袖:raglan sleeve喇叭袖:flare sleeve; trumpet sleeve泡泡袖:puff sleeve〕灯笼袖:lantern sleeve; puff sleeve蝙蝠袖:batwing sleeve花瓣袖:petal sleeve袖口:sleeve opening〕衬衫袖口:cuff橡皮筋袖口:elastic cuff〕罗纹袖口:rib-knit cuff〕袖头:cuff〕双袖头:double cuff; French cuff; tumup-cuff; fold-back cuff 袖开衩:sleeve slit〕袖衩条:sleeve placket大袖:top sleeve小袖:under sleeve口袋的造型名称:插袋:insert pocket贴袋:patch pocket开袋:insert pocket双嵌线袋:double welt pocket单嵌线袋:single welt pocket卡袋:card pocket手巾袋:breast pocket眼镜袋:glasses pocket锯齿形里袋:zigzag inside pocket有盖贴袋:patch pocket with flap吊袋:bellows pocket风琴袋:accordion pocket暗裥袋:inverted pleated pocket明裥袋:box pleated pocket里袋:inside pocket小部件造型名称:领袢:collar tab吊袢:hanger loop肩袢:shoulder tab; epaulet 腰袢:waist tab腰带:waistbelt线袢:French tack挂面:facing耳朵皮:flange滚条:binding塔克:tuck盖:flap四服装部位结构名称:肩缝:shoulder seam领嘴:notch门襟:front fly; top fly里襟:under fly止口:front edge搭门:overlap扣眼:button-hole眼距:button-hole space 窿:armhole驳头川:lapel平驳头:notch lapel戗驳头:peak lapel胸围:bust腰节:waist摆缝:side seam底边:hem串口:gorge line驳口:fold line for lapel止口圆角:front cut扣位:button position前过肩:front yoke领省:neck dart前腰省:front waist dart前肩省:front shoulder dart 上装后身的部位名称:总肩宽:across shoulder后过肩:back yoke背缝:center back seam背衩:back vent衩 side slit领窝:neck后领省:back neck dart后肩省:back shoulder dart 后腰省:back waist dart下装的部位:上裆:seat烫迹线:crease line脚口:turn-up bottom裤脚口:bottom leg opening 横裆:thigh侧缝:side seam中裆:leg width腰头:waistband腰缝:waistband seam腰里:waistband lining裤(裙)腰省:waist dart裤(裙)裥:pleat小裆缝:front crutch后裆缝:back rise省道:dart滚眼:bound button hole前过肩:front yoke门襟翻边:placket前腰省:front waist dart胁省:underarm dart横省:side dart前肩省:front shoulder dart 肚省:fish dart前身通省:front open dart刀背缝:princess seam总肩:across back shoulder 后过肩:back yoke背缝:center back seam背叉:vent摆叉:side vent后搭门:back overlap领窝:neckline后领省:back neck dart后肩省:back shoulder dart 后腰省:back waist dart后身通省:back open dart下装的部位:裤头:waistband腰头钮:waistband button里襟尖咀:button tab裤头里:waistband lining裤头钮:bearer button宝剑头裤头搭咀:extended tab 门襟钮牌:left fly钮牌扣眼:fly buttonhole裤门襟:front fly裤裆垫布:crutch lining侧骨:side seam下裆缝:inside seam膝盖绸:reinforcement for knees 裤脚:leg opening卷脚反脚:turn-up cuff贴脚条:heel stay裤中线:crease line。

服装外贸专业术语总汇3-plys export carton 三坑出口纸箱a pair of braces 一副裤子背带accessory 辅料acetate lining 亚沙迪里布,亚沙地里布air freight 空运费allover embroidery 全身绣花,粤全身车花anti-pilling agent 抗起毛剂antistatic finish 防静电处理automatic lock zip 自动锁拉链apparel 成衣applique 贴布绣appearance quality 外观质量approved swatch 确认的样布armhole,scye 袖窿,粤夹圈欧.,美style No. 款号assembling of front & back part 前后幅合并assorted color 混色assorted size混码assorted color assorted size 混色混码attach collar 上领,绱领attach cuff to sleeve 车袖头到袖子上,粤车鸡英到袖子上attachment 安装在衣车上辅助车缝的附件attention card 注意卡autolock zipper 自动锁拉链azo dye 偶氮染料back cover front 后搭前,后盖前back rise 后直裆,粤后浪back stitch 回针,倒针,粤返针back 后片,后幅backless dress 露背裙barb wire,loop pin 行李索bar code sticker 条码贴纸,条形码贴纸bargaining 讨价还价base layer 多层服装的内层basting 疏缝,假缝bead 装饰用有孔小珠bell bottom 喇叭裤脚belt 带,腰带belt loop,belt-loop,beltloop腰带袢,裤带袢,粤裤耳,耳仔bias cut 斜纹裁,粤纵纹裁binder 滚边器,粤拉筒,包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶binding 滚边binding tape 滚条bleach spot漂白斑bleach 漂白blended,blends 混纺blouse 女衬衫,类似衬衫的女上衣bodice 衣服大身部分body 上衣的主要部分除领、袖外粤衫身bottom,hem 下摆,粤衫脚,裤脚bottoms 下装下半身的服装;如裤、裙等,短睡裤bow tie 蝴蝶结领结;bow-tie是“回转波”boxer 平脚裤,粤孖烟通box pleat,box-pleat 工字褶,粤外工字褶boy's style fly 男装门襟,粤男装钮牌braid 织带brocade 织锦,锦缎under fly 里襟,粤钮子mock fly 假门襟top fly 门襟bracelet cuff 紧袖口braces skirt 吊带裙braces 吊带,背带brass plate 铜牌briefs 三角裤brown 麻布和花边的胚buckle 带扣buckle loop 扣袢bulk production 大量生产,粤大货bundle number 捆号,粤扎号bundle system 打包装置,包扎系统,粤执扎系统bundling 裁片的捆扎,粤执扎button 钮扣,扣子,粤钮automatic button feeding 自动喂扣button feeder 喂扣器button mold 布或皮包扣button mould 钮模button robot 自动钉扣机imitation wood button 仿木扣jeans button 工字扣string button 绳结扣button position 钉扣位,粤钮位button stand 里襟,粤钮门搭位,钮子buttonhole,button-hole 扣眼,钮孔,粤钮门buttonhole dimension 扣眼大小buttonhole distance 扣眼裆扣眼间的距离,粤钮门距buttonhole placket 门襟,粤门筒,裤、裙的钮牌buttonhole position 扣眼位,粤钮门位mock buttonhole 假扣眼,驳头眼,粤假钮门welt buttonhole 滚边扣眼,滚眼buttonholing 锁扣眼,粤开钮门,打钮门button attaching 钉扣,粤打钮camouflage color 迷彩色camouflage pattern 迷彩图案canvas,canavass 帆布cardboard 纸板care label,washing label 洗水唛,洗水标care symbols 洗水符号carton number 箱号carton 纸箱carton sticker 外箱贴纸casing 吃势,粤容位casual wear 便装,休闲服catalogue 产品目录center back vent 后中衩有搭位的center back 后中center crease fold 中骨对折center crease line 中骨线center front 前中certified sub-contractor 认可加工厂chic 时髦的,流行的circular knit 圆筒针织布circular knitting machine 针织大圆机claim indemnity 索赔clapper 拱形烫木烫后袖缝、摆缝等的工具classic look 经典款式clean finish 卷边,粤还口close fitting 贴身closure 门襟coating 涂层,上衣料,大衣料collar fall 衣领翻下部分,粤上级领attached collar 活动礼服衬衫领Chinese collar 旗袍领collar 衣领collar band 领座,底领,粤下级领collar butterfly 领蝴蝶衬衫包装放在领口处固定领形用collar notch 领扼位车缝时对位用collar point 领尖collar stand 领座,粤下级领collar stay 领插角片,粤领插竹放在衬衫领尖处定形用,有固定缝于衣领里面的和插在外面活动的两种collection 系列color/size breakdown 颜色尺码分配color assortment 颜色搭配color fastness 色牢度combi program 配色组合commodity inspection 商检conceal zipper 隐形拉链consolidation 拼柜constructed specification 结构细节content label 成份唛continuous placket 用滚条一次拉成的袖衩,粤R折contrast color 对比色,衬色,粤撞色cotton string 棉绳cord 灯心绒类布,绳,带draw cord 拉绳,抽绳drawstring 拉绳,抽绳fustian cord 英灯心绒corduroy 灯芯绒corduroys 灯心绒裤,工装裤cost sheet 成本单country of origin label 产地唛covered button 包扣用大身面料等包起来的钮扣crease line 折线crocking test 摩擦测试测试色牢度cross crotch 十字缝,十字骨cross cut 横纹裁crotch 大腿根处,裤裆,裤浪底crotch point 浪顶点cuff 袖头,袖级,卡夫,粤鸡英,介英cuff bottom,cuff hem 类似袖头的下摆或裤脚cuff opening 袖衩,粤袖侧cuff vent 有搭位的袖衩,粤袖侧cumulative units inspected 累计验货数customs declarer 报关员cut & sewn 切驳cut in direction 顺毛裁cutted pieces,cut pieces,cut parts 裁片cutting room 裁剪车间,裁床部cutting table 裁床dart 省,褶,裥date of dispatch 出货日期decorative stitch 装饰线步delivery date 落货期,出货期deluxe kraft paper gummed tape 高级湿水牛皮纸detachable cuff 活动袖头,粤活动鸡英detachable lining 活动里布die cutting machine 冲裁机,粤啤机die 刀模,冲裁刀具,粤啤刀discount,sales off 打折discrepancy 差异documentary secretary 单证员fitting room 试衣间dummy 假人模特Dupoint paper 杜邦纸,防绒纸;一种无纺布,可用在羽绒制品中防止因面料密度不够而跑绒;因为这种防绒纸是杜邦公司生产的质量最好,所以俗称“杜邦纸”;drill 斜纹布,卡其布,钻孔,钻孔器,粤锥子drilling position 钻孔位drop test 跌落测试dry clean 干洗dry rub 干擦dyelot 缸号dyeing 染色piece dyeing 匹染random dyeing 扎染,间隔染色easing 吃势,粤容位easy care 免烫edge covering 包边fabric edge 布边fringed edge 毛边,粤散口edge stitch 车边线,粤间边线edge trimmer 修边器edge-finishing,edge finishing 边脚处理egg pad 铁凳熨烫肩部等部位的工具elastic waistband is extension of body 原身出橡筋腰头elastic 橡筋elbow dart 肘省,粤手肘褶elbow patch 肘部贴布elastic band 橡筋带elastic cuff 松紧袖头,松紧袖口end stopper 吊钟拉绳末端的钟状扣embroidery 绣花,粤车花embroidered patch 绣花章,绣花牌,粤车花章,车花牌empire seam,empire line 胸底骨,也叫高腰线,一般位于女装上衣或裙的胸杯下epaulet 肩章ever pleat 耐久不变的褶裥ex-factory date 出厂日期,离厂日期expiry date 有效期export carton 出口纸箱extension of waistband 粤腰头搭咀extra large size,king size 特大号,加大码extra small size 特小号eyelet buttonhole 圆头扣孔,凤眼eyelet 气孔,鸡眼eyes & hooks,hook and eye 风纪扣,领钩,钩棒扣,粤乌蝇扣fabric construction 布料结构fabric consumption 布料用量fabric swatch 小块布样,粤布办fabric width 幅宽,粤布封fabric 布fabric absorption 布料吸湿性fabric breathability 布料透气性fabric comfort 布料穿着舒适性fabric fall 布料悬垂性fabric flamability 布料可燃性fabric resilience 布料回弹性facing 贴边,贴false fly 裤、裙的假门襟,粤假钮牌false placket 假门襟,粤假门筒fastener 扣件钮扣、拉链等felled seam 对折缝,粤埋夹figure-clinging 紧身的,贴身胸围fil-a-fil 米通条布final inspection 尾期检验,终查finished product 成品finished-size 成品尺寸fitness wear 女式紧身衣fitting 试衣,英尺寸ill fitting 不合身flag label 旗唛flameproof fabric 防火布flannel 法兰绒,绒布flare skirt 喇叭裙flat knitting 横机织物flax 亚麻fleece 起绒布,粤抓毛布flow chart 流程图flow control 流程控制fly 裤、裙的门襟,粤钮牌fold back facing 原身出贴fold back hidden placket 原身双层门襟,粤原身出暗筒fold line for lapel 领驳口forwarder,shipping agent 货代,船公司free size 可调尺寸freight collect 到付freight prepaid 预付frill,frills 褶边,绉边,粤荷叶边fringe 流苏,毛边front edge 前襟边front facing 挂面,粤襟贴front opening 前开口front rise 前直裆,小裆,粤前浪front yoke 前过肩,粤前担干front,forepart,front panel 前片,前幅fullness 宽松位fully fashion sweater 全成型毛衫full lining 全里full opening 全开襟,粤全开口full range of size 尺码齐全fur garment 裘皮服装,毛皮服装fur 毛皮,粤皮草fusible interlining 粘合衬,粤粘朴fuzzing 起毛garment 衣服garment dye 成衣染色,件染garment finishing 成衣后处理garment sewing technology 成衣车缝工艺garment wash 成衣洗水,普洗天一服装论坛gathering 打裥,抽碎褶girl's style fly 女装裤、裙的门襟,粤女装钮牌godet 三角形布片gorge line 领串口grading 推挡,粤放码grain 丝缕,粤布纹grey scale 灰色样卡grey scale for staining 沾色样卡gross 一罗=12打grey,gray,greige,gray goods,Loom-state 坯布grommet 凤眼,金属扣眼,索环gross weight 毛重grown-on sleeve 原身出袖gusset 三角形布片half lining 半里half moon patch 半月形贴布,粤龟背half opening 半开口hand loom 手织样;指生产大货前所打的一小块布样,用来确认颜色、格型等效果;handbag 手提包,手袋handfeel 手感handling charges 指处理费、杂费,比如码头搬运费等;hanging garment 挂装firm handfeel 手感厚实hard handfeel 手感硬harsh handfeel 手感粗糙soft handfeel 手感柔软handling 处理,操作,粤执手hanger 衣架hanger loop 挂衣袢hangtag,hang tag,swing tag吊牌,挂牌,粤挂卡,挂咭hangtag sticker 吊牌贴纸heavy fabric 厚重面料hem 折边,底边,下摆,粤衫脚bottom 下摆,粤衫脚bottom hem 下摆卷边cuff hem 袖口折边shirttail hem 衬衫圆下摆hemmer 卷边器,粤卷边靴hemming with folder 用卷边器卷边,粤用拉筒卷边hemming 卷边,粤还口hand hemming 手工缲边,粤手针挑脚hemming bottom 折缝底边,折缝裤脚hemp 大麻,大麻纤维herringbone tape 人字织带herringbone twill 人字斜纹布hidden bartack 隐形套结,暗套结,粤隐形枣,暗枣hidden placket 暗门襟,粤暗筒high-waist skirt 高腰裙hook & loop,hooks & loops 尼龙搭扣,粤魔术贴hydrophilic finish 吸水处理ill fitting 不合身imitation cuff 假袖头,粤假鸡英inherent quality 内在质量inseam 内缝,粤内浪骨inner box 内箱,内盒inner extension 粤腰头搭咀内层in-line inspection,in-process inspection 中期检验,中查inspection 检验,检查inspection certificate 检验证书inspector 验货员,查货员insulation layer 多层服装的保温层interlacing 交织interlining 衬,衬布,粤朴inverted pleat 内工字褶iron 熨斗,粤烫斗一路好景jean 粗斜纹棉布,牛仔布jeans 牛仔裤jersey 汗布,针织平布join the small shoulder 缝合小肩,粤纳膊join the under arm seam and side seam 缝合袖底骨和侧缝,粤埋夹just size 准确尺寸jute 黄麻khaki 卡其,卡其布,卡其色,黄褐色knit 针织,编织knitted rib collar 针织罗纹领knowledge of material 材料学kraft paper 牛皮纸labor turnover 劳工流失labour cost 劳工成本lace 花边,粤厘士large size 大号,大码lap dip,lap-dip,lab dips 色卡,色咭,色样;是制衣厂要求布厂根据客供大货布所需颜色样,再每个颜色打出A,B,C,D……等若干个接近的颜色去给客户确认的色卡;lastest size specification 最新规格表,最新尺寸表layout 排料,粤排唛lead time 生产周期leather 皮革leather label,leather patch 皮牌left cover right 左搭右,左盖右leftover stock 库存尾货leisure wear 休闲服license 许可证linen 亚麻lining 里料,衬里,粤里布linking 套口lot number 批号Lurex 卢勒克斯织物商标名称Lycra 莱卡,英威达公司的弹性纤维注册品牌,粤拉架machine maintenance 机械保养main label,brand label 主唛man-made fibre 人造纤维manufacturer 制造商,厂商mark button & buttonhole position 标出钮扣与扣眼的位置,粤点钮位和钮门位mark pocket position with template 用纸板点袋位marker 排料图,粤唛架marker laying 排料,粤排唛架mass production 大规模生产match color 配色material 材料,布料,物料measurement 尺寸measurement allowance 尺寸允许公差measurement discrepancy 尺寸差异measurement tape,measuring tape,tailor's tape 软尺,皮尺medium size 中号,中码melton 麦尔登粗纺呢绒,粤领底绒merchandiser 跟单员mesh 网眼,网眼布mini marker 小唛架可用来估算用料mock buttonhole,decoration buttonhole 假扣眼,粤假钮门mock fly 假门襟moth resistant finish 防虫处理mould charge,mould cost 开板费如胶章/拉链头等nail-button 钉脚钮扣natural fibre 天然纤维neck dart 领省,粤领褶neck 领圈,粤颈圈needle detector 验针机net weight 净重knitdowns 针/毛织片小样non-fusible interlining 非粘衬,粤生朴non-woven fabric 无纺布normal machine 平车notch 领嘴,剪口,刀口,粤扼位numbering 打编号,粤打啉号off pressing 终烫off size 尺码不全on board 上船on sale 换季one layer yoke 单层过肩,粤单层担干two-button cuff 双扣袖头,粤双钮鸡英open seam 开骨opening 开口operation break down 分工序,粤分科organic cotton 有机棉out of season 过季的outseam 侧缝,粤侧骨overalls 工作服,背带工装裤overhead 企业一般管理费用,粤厂皮overlap 重叠,粤搭位overlocking,serging 拷边,锁边,包缝,撬边,粤钑骨merrow =overlocking;Merrow是以前美国一个很出名的拷边机制造商,美国人就把merrow等同于拷边了;overlock & blind stitch 拷边并挑脚,粤钑骨并挑脚overtime working 加班工作packing list 包装单packing method 包装方法pants 美裤子,女、童紧身短衬裤,英男短衬裤,紧身长衬裤paper pattern 纸样paper shirt band 纸领条衬衫包装时放在领圈里面以固定领形peached finish 磨毛处理permanent label 耐久性标签piece goods 布匹piece rate 记件piece yardage 件耗,每件衣服所用面料的码数pin 大头针piping 嵌边,滚条piper 滚边器,粤滚边蝴蝶pique 单珠地一种针织面料placket 门襟,粤门筒checks,plaids 格子布,粤格仔布plaids matching,checks matching 对格planning board 经济排唛plant layout 厂房布置plastic butterfly 胶托,粤胶蝴蝶衬衫包装时放在领口处以固定领形plastic clip 胶夹plastic collar support,plastic shirt band 胶领圈,胶领条衬衫包装时放在领座外面以固定领形plastic string 胶针pleat 褶,活褶,粤生褶pocket bearer 袋衬pocket facing 袋贴pocket flap 袋盖pocket opening 袋口pocketbag,pocket-bag 裁好的袋布pocketing 成卷的袋布pointed shape belt loop 三尖裤耳polybag 胶袋polybag sticker 胶袋贴纸port of discharge 卸运港port of loading 装运港pre-shrinking 预缩pressing cloth 水布熨烫服装时覆盖在上面的布previous shipment 以前出的货,以前走的货price ticket 价钱牌princess seam 公主线缝骨,粤公主褶printing 印花probation pass letter 试用期通过信production pattern 生产纸样production schedule 生产排期production status 生产情况puckering 起皱QC sticker 箭头纸,QC贴纸,粤鸡纸quilting 绗缝,绗棉,粤间棉,打缆英quires=美question/inquire 问题,疑问ratio 装箱配比按颜色、尺码等rag 碎布,布碎raglan sleeve 连肩袖,插肩袖,粤牛角袖raised collar pack 企领装rayon 人造丝ready-to-wear 成衣regenerated fibre 再生纤维remnant 布尾,零码布resin finish 树脂处理reverse side 反面re-washing 返洗rhinestone,Rhin stone,Rhine stone 人造钻石rib bottom 罗纹下摆rib stop 暗格子布rib 罗纹ribbon 缎带,丝带rivet 撞钉,柳钉RN No.=Registered identification Number 北美公司注册号roll 卷,匹,疋rotary knife 圆刀式电剪round bottom 圆下摆round corner cuff 圆角袖头,粤圆角鸡英round corner extension 圆形裤头搭咀ruffles 褶边,皱褶,粤荷叶边saddle width 臀围,坐围safari jacket 猎装safety pin 别针,粤扣针salary slip 工资单salesman 业务员sampling 取样,抽样,采样sample charge,sample cost 样板费sample fabric,sample length,sample yardage 样布,布样,粤办布,办布sateen 棉缎,横贡缎satin 缎,缎子,粤色丁scallop,scollop 月牙边,贝壳边seam allowance 缝头,缝份,粤止口,子口seam 缝,接缝,缝骨seam type 缝型,缝式selvedge,selvage 布边sequin 衣服饰物用的金属小圆片,珠片serge 哔叽series of apparel size 服装号型系列set-in sleeve 装袖,接袖shade band 缸差样;提供给客户确定可接受的色光范围;Although the lab dips are approved,the bulk yarns may also have some deviation from the lab dips from lot to lot. In this case,we need to submit all deviations from the lightest range to deepest range for the color to ask for acceptance. This lightest range to deepest range is call shade band. shank 钮扣柄,纽扣绕脚shell fabric 面料,粤面布shield 衣服腋部吸汗垫布shipment under consignment 寄卖shipping date 出货期,粤落货期shipping mark 箱唛shop pack 商店包装一般为按配比单色混码short in size 断码short shipment 短装出货数少于订单数shorts 短裤shoulder dart 肩省,粤肩褶shoulder point 肩点shoulder 肩,粤膊头shoulder pad 肩垫,肩棉,粤膊头棉shoulder tape 车在肩缝里防止拉扯变形的牵带shrinkage 缩水率shrink-proof,shrink-resistant 防缩small size 小号,小码size 尺寸,尺码size label 尺码唛,粤西士唛,烟纸,烟纸唛side mark 纸箱侧唛side panel 侧幅,小身side seam 侧缝,摆缝,粤侧骨size assortment 尺码分配size designation 服装号型size specifications,size tariff,measurements chart 规格表,尺寸表size sticker尺码贴纸,西士贴纸size table 尺寸表,规格表sizing 上浆slant corner cuff 斜角袖头,粤斜角鸡英slant-cut bottom 斜下摆slanting front,side opening 偏襟sleeve 袖子sleeve crown,sleeve head 袖山sleeve opening 袖口sleeve placket rooftop 袖衩宝剑头,三尖头sleeve placket 袖衩有搭位/叠位sleeve slit 袖衩无搭位/叠位slit 衩无搭位/叠位sliver lurex,sliver glitter 一种带闪光效果的银线,多用于绣花smocking 装饰用缩褶,粤打缆snap,popper,press button 揿扣,按扣,四合扣, 粤喼钮solid color solid size 单色单码solid color 单色solid size 单码sorting 分床分码spandex 弹性纤维,氨纶,粤弹力纤维special machine 特殊机器,粤特种车splicing 驳布位spray gun water 枪水清除污渍用spreading machine 拉布机spreading 拉布spun yarn 纺纱square-cut bottom,square front,plain bottom,flat bottom 平下摆stay tape 衬条steam pressing stand 蒸汽烫台sticker 贴纸stitch 线迹,针脚,粤针步,线步stitch gauge 线距两条平行缝线的间距stitch spacing 线距缝线距离缝骨边缘的距离stitching type 线迹类型,针迹类型,粤针步类型stopper 拉绳弹簧扣,绳索扣,绳扣,拉绳调节扣storm cuff 防风袖头,粤防风鸡英straight bottom 直筒裤脚straight cut 直纹裁straight end buttonhole,flat buttonhole 平锁眼straight knife 直刀式电剪strap 带子strap adjuster 肩带等调节器strike-off,strike off 印花样,手刮样stripes,stripes fabric 条纹布,柳条布,粤条子布stripes matching 对条stueck德语=piecestuffing 填料style 款式sub-contractor 外发加工厂subjective inspection 感观检验substitute fabric 代用布suit 套装sunray pleats 光线式褶裙,散褶裙swatch 样片,小块布样,粤布办sweep 裙下摆swiftach,tag pin 枪针打吊牌用swimsuit 女泳装tab 挂袢,拉袢,帽护耳taffeta,taffety 塔夫绸tagging tool,tagging gun 针枪打吊牌用tank 背心一般指比较休闲的背心或运动背心tape 织带,牵条,贴边,卷尺,带尺taper bottom 萝卜裤脚taping 镶边tarp,tarpaulin 防水布,油布tension 张力terry 毛圈布,毛巾布terylene 英涤纶,特丽绫thread 线thread clips 纱剪three points cuff 三尖袖头,粤三尖鸡英three points extension 三尖裤头搭咀three points pocket 三尖袋tiecord 拉绳,抽绳tissue paper 起吸湿、防潮、隔离等用处的拷贝纸,衬纸tolerance 宽松量,粤抛位top sleeve 大袖top stitch,top-stitch 面线,明线top vent of sleeve 大袖侧top vent 衩的面层tops 上衣,粤上装tracksuit 运动套装trim along curve edge 沿弯位修剪trimming 剪线trimmings 配饰物,配饰件trousers 英裤子,长裤tuck 褶裥,缝褶,塔克tucking 打裥,粤打排褶tumble cool 打冷风tuxedo,tux 美男士无尾半正式晚礼服,粤踢死兔twill 斜纹布twill tape 斜纹织带two layer yoke 双层过肩,粤双层担干U-scissors U形纱剪under arm seam 袖底缝,粤夹底线under closure 底襟under layer button placket 底襟,里襟,粤底筒under pressing 中烫under sleeve 小袖under vent 衩的底层underarm dart 肋省underarm gusset 腋下镶布underwear 内衣unit price 单价unlined 无衬里,无里布Retail Price VAT in 零售价含增值税Velcro 维可牢一种尼龙搭扣的注册商标velvet 天鹅绒,丝绒velveteen 棉绒,仿天鹅绒vent 有搭位/叠位的衩V-neck V形领圈vendor 经销商,加工厂vessel name,vessel No. 船名/船航班号vest 美背心,马甲;一般指比较正式的背心;=英waistcoatviscose 粘胶纤维waistband 腰头,腰带waistcoat 英背心,马甲;一般指比较正式的背心;=美vestwaist dart 腰省waist tag,joker 腰牌waistband is extension of body 原身裤头warehouse 仓库warp,ends 经纱warp knitted fabric,warp knitting 经编织物,经编针织布warranty hangtag 合格证wash-and-wear 免烫衣服water repellency 防泼水,拒水,拨水waterproof 防水water sanded face 表面水磨毛initial load of washing 头缸洗水washing instruction 洗水指示,注意事项weave 织法,编法,织物weaving 机织,梭织,织布web 织物,一匹布,一卷布webbing 带子,结实的带状织物weft,picks 纬纱weft knitted fabric,weft knitting,weftknitted 纬编织物,纬编针织布weights 压布用的压铁welt 贴边,滚边,嵌革welting 给衣服,鞋等贴边/滚边/嵌革welt buttonhole 滚眼wet rub 湿擦wicking layer 多层服装的排汗层windproof sleeve opening 防风袖口woolens 粗纺毛织物,呢绒,绒布work ticket 工票,粤飞仔,工飞workmanship 做工,工艺,粤手工worsted 精纺毛纱,毛线,精纺毛织物woven label 织唛wrapseam 包骨wrist band 衬衫等的袖口X-wool 64支羊毛高级美利奴羊毛yarn count,yarn size 纱支yarn 纱,纱线yoke 上衣过肩,裤、裙腰部的拼块,约克,粤上衣担干;裤、裙飞机头zigzag,zig-zag 之字形,Z形,曲折形,锯齿形,粤人字形zigzagger 曲折缝纫机zig-fastener 英拉链zip-out lining 脱卸里zip,zipper 拉链zipper fly 裤、裙的拉链门襟Tops 上衣bust,bust width 女胸围,粤胸阔chest,chest width 男胸围,粤胸阔waist 腰围bottom,hem,hem opening 下摆,粤脚围waistband width 夹克等上衣脚围waistband height 夹克等上衣脚高front cross 前胸宽,粤前胸阔across measure 横量,粤横度neck width,neck across 领宽,粤领横neck drop center back to center front 领深后中到前中front neck drop 前领深back neck drop 后领深placket width 门襟宽,粤门筒阔pocket welt width 袋口高pocket high point 袋尖高口袋最长的高度shoulder across 总肩宽,粤肩阔shoulder length,small shoulder 肩长,粤小肩长单边肩长armholecurve 袖窿,粤夹圈弯量,粤弯度armholestraight 袖窿,粤夹圈直量,粤直度armpit 腋窝,粤夹底sleeve length 袖长overarm 上袖长underarm 下袖长sleeve crown height 袖山高biceps 袖肥,粤袖髀围upper arm width,sleeve width 袖肥,粤袖髀阔sleeve opening 袖口cuff width 袖头宽,粤鸡英宽cuff height 袖头高,粤鸡英高elbow width,forearm width 肘宽center back length 后中长back cross 后背宽,粤后背阔collar length 领长collar point spread 领尖距collar point 领尖长upper collar height 上级领高collar band height 领座高,粤下级领高Bottoms 下装waistrelax 腰围松量,粤松度waiststretched 腰围拉量,粤拉度waistband width 裤、裙等下装腰围waistband height 裤、裙等下装腰头高hip,hip width 臀围,坐围high hip 上臀围,上坐围thighunder crotch,thigh width 髀围,大腿围裤浪底量leg opening 裤脚围knee 膝围sweep 裙下摆,粤裙脚围side seam,outseam length 外长,粤侧骨长inseam length 内长fly length 裤门襟长,粤钮牌长fly width 裤门襟宽,粤钮牌宽front rise 前直裆长,粤前浪长back rise 后直裆长,粤后浪长back yoke height 后约克高,粤后机头高stitch 线迹,针脚,粤针步,线步bartack,bar tack,bar-tack套结,倒回针,加固缝,粤打枣flat-lock stitch,flat lock stitch,covering stitch 覆盖线迹,绷缝线迹interlock stitch 联锁线迹,多线链式线迹single thread chain stitch 单线链式线迹,单线链状线,粤单线锁链底针步,101线迹,用于假缝,如袋口blind stitch 暗缝,暗缲针缝,粤挑脚,103线迹lock stitch,plain stitch 锁式线迹,平缝线迹,普通线迹,粤平车针步,301线迹,最常见的线迹zigzag lock stitch 曲折锁式线迹,锯齿形锁式线迹,Z形锁式线迹,之字形平车针步,粤人字形平车针步,底面线都是锁式线迹,304线迹single needle chain stitch 单针链式线迹,单针链状针步,粤单针锁链底针步401线迹zigzag chain stitch 曲折链式线迹,锯齿形链式线迹,Z形链式线迹,粤人字锁链底针步,面线是锁式线迹,底线是链式线迹,404线迹2 needles bottom cover stitch 双针底部覆盖线迹,粤双针网底针步,406线迹,用于腰带袢,针织服装的袖口、下摆等3 needles bottom cover stitch 三针底部绷缝线迹,粤三针网底针步,407线迹2 needles chain stitch with cover thread 双针链式表面覆盖线迹,粤双针网面锁链底针步,408线迹2 threads overedge stitch 双线拷边,双线包边,粤双线钑骨,503线迹overlock stitch,coveredge stitch,3 threads overedge stitch 包缝线迹,拷边线迹,锁边线迹,三线拷边,三线包边,粤三线钑骨,504线迹,最常见的拷边线迹mock safety stitch 假保险线迹,模拟保险线迹,512线迹,用于弹性面料接缝2 needles 4 threads overedge stitch 双针四线拷边,双针四线包边,粤双针四线钑骨,514线迹,用于弹性面料接缝4 threads safety stitch 四线安全线迹,粤四线安全针步,515线迹,401+503 safety stitch,5 threads safety stitch 五线拷边,五线锁边,安全线迹,五线包边安全线迹,粤五线钑骨,516线迹,401+5042 needles 4 threads cover stitch 双针四线绷缝线迹,602线迹3 needles 5 threads cover stitch 三针五线绷缝线迹,605线迹4 needles 9 threads cover stitch,flatlock stitch四针九线平式绷缝线迹,606线迹4 needles 6 threads cover stitch,flatseamer/flatlock stitch 四针六线平式绷缝线迹,607线迹pearl stitch 珠式线迹,Used in knitting,for fancy borders and edges,onewhich worked back on itself allowing a rippled effect to be made. Becauseof this,he received the nickname of "perley wilson".bulk sample 货前样,粤先行办counter sample 对等样品,回样fitting sample 试身样initial sample,proto sample 原样,初样,粤原办,头办photo sample,press sample 照相样,粤影相办PP sample=pre-production sample 产前样,大货样,粤产前办salesman sample 销售样,粤大办,行街办show room sample 展示样shipment sample,shipping sample 船头样,粤船头办size set sample 跳码样,粤齐码办test sample 测试样,粤测试办mock-up 局部样服装服饰常用规格与用量常用缝纫线的型号有202,203,402,403,602,603等等;线通常是由几股纱并列捻和而成,缝纫线型号前面的20,40,60等均指纱的支数,纱的支数可以简单理解为纱的粗细,支数越高,纱就越细;型号后面的2,3分别指该缝纫线是由几股纱并捻而成;例如:603就是由3股60支纱并捻而成;所以相同的股数纱捻和成的缝纫线,支数越高,线就越细,强度也越小;而相同支数纱捻和成的缝纫线,股数越多,线越粗,强度越大;线粗细比较:203>202>403>402=603>602线强度比较与线粗细类似通常而言:602线多用于薄型面料,如夏季穿的真丝,乔其纱等; 603和402线基本可以通用,是最普通的,一般面料都可以使用,如棉,麻,涤纶,粘胶等各种常用面料; 403线用于较厚面料,如呢制面料等; 202和203线也可称为牛仔用线,线较粗,强度大,多用于牛仔布,箱包等缝纫用;简易计算方法车型用量车型用量车型用量平车实长倍双针车实长倍五线锁边车实长27倍三线锁边车实长21倍三针人字车实长倍五线虾须车实长倍四线锁边车实长倍裤头车按单线计实长6倍三线锁密针波边实长47倍狗牙花边车实长18倍埋夹车单条线计实长6倍拉耳仔车实长14倍打1/4"枣打1/2"枣打3/4"枣打1"枣1/2"钮门3/4"钮门1"钮门凤眼线603线2Y 凤眼芯209钉钮四孔钮个。

服装类saddle width 臀围,坐围safari jacket 猎装safety pin 别针,[粤]扣针salary slip 工资单salesman 业务员sampling 取样,抽样,采样sample charge,sample cost 样板费sample fabric,sample length,sample yardage 样布,布样,[粤]辦布,办布sanding 磨毛sateen 棉缎,横贡缎satin 缎,缎子,[粤]色丁scallop,scollop 月牙边,贝壳边seam allowance 缝头,缝份,[粤]止口,子口seam 缝,接缝,缝骨seam type 缝型,缝式selvedge,selvage 布边sequin (衣服饰物用的)金属小圆片,珠片serge 哔叽series of apparel size 服装号型系列set-in sleeve 装袖,接袖shade band 缸差样。
(Although the lab dips are approved,the bulk yarns may also have some deviation from the lab dips from lot to lot. In this case,we need to submit all deviations from the lightest range to deepestrange for the color to ask for acceptance. This lightest range to deepest range is call shade band.)shank (钮扣)柄,(纽扣)绕脚shell fabric 面料,[粤]面布shield (衣服腋部)吸汗垫布shipment under consignment 寄卖shipping date 出货期,[粤]落货期shipping mark 箱唛shop pack 商店包装(一般为按配比单色混码)short in size 断码short shipment 短装(出货数少于订单数)shorts 短裤shoulder dart 肩省,[粤]肩褶shoulder point 肩点shoulder 肩,[粤]膊头shoulder pad 肩垫,肩棉,[粤]膊头棉shoulder tape (车在肩缝里防止拉扯变形的)牵带shrinkage 缩水率shrink-proof,shrink-resistant 防缩small size 小号,小码size 尺寸,尺码size label 尺码唛,[粤]西士唛,烟纸,烟纸唛side mark (纸箱)侧唛side panel 侧幅,小身side seam 侧缝,摆缝,[粤]侧骨size assortment 尺码分配size designation 服装号型size specifications,size tariff,measurements chart 规格表,尺寸表size sticker尺码贴纸,西士贴纸size table 尺寸表,规格表sizing 上浆slant corner cuff 斜角袖头,[粤]斜角鸡英slant-cut bottom 斜下摆slanting front,side opening 偏襟sleeve 袖子sleeve crown,sleeve head 袖山sleeve opening 袖口sleeve placket rooftop (袖衩)宝剑头,三尖头sleeve placket 袖衩(有搭位/叠位)sleeve slit 袖衩(无搭位/叠位)slit 衩(无搭位/叠位)sliver lurex,sliver glitter 一种带闪光效果的银线,多用于绣花smocking 装饰用缩褶,[粤]打缆snap,popper,press button 揿扣,按扣,四合扣,[粤]喼钮solid color solid size 单色单码solid color 单色solid size 单码sorting 分床分码space dye 段染spandex 弹性纤维,氨纶,[粤]弹力纤维special machine 特殊机器,[粤]特种车splicing 驳布位spray gun water 枪水(清除污渍用)spreading machine 拉布机spreading 拉布spun yarn 纺纱square-cut bottom,square front,plain bottom,flat bottom 平下摆stay tape 衬条steam pressing stand 蒸汽烫台sticker 贴纸stitch 线迹,针脚,[粤]针步,线步stitch gauge 线距(两条平行缝线的间距)stitch spacing 线距(缝线距离缝骨边缘的距离)stitching type 线迹类型,针迹类型,[粤]针步类型stopper 拉绳(弹簧)扣,绳索扣,绳扣,拉绳调节扣storm cuff 防风袖头,[粤]防风鸡英straight bottom 直筒裤脚straight cut 直纹裁straight end buttonhole,flat buttonhole 平锁眼straight knife 直刀式电剪strap 带子strap adjuster (肩带等)调节器strike-off,strike off 印花样,手刮样stripes,stripes fabric 条纹布,柳条布,[粤]条子布stripes matching 对条stueck(德语)=piecestuffing 填料style 款式sub-contractor 外发加工厂subjective inspection 感观检验substitute fabric 代用布suit 套装sunray pleats 光线式褶裙,散褶裙swatch 样片,小块布样,[粤]布办sweep (裙)下摆swiftach,tag pin 枪针(打吊牌用)swimsuit (女)泳装tab 挂袢,拉袢,(帽)护耳taffeta,taffety 塔夫绸tagging tool,tagging gun 针枪(打吊牌用)tank 背心(一般指比较休闲的背心或运动背心)tape 织带,牵条,贴边,卷尺,带尺taper bottom 萝卜裤脚taping 镶边tarp,tarpaulin 防水布,油布tension 张力terry 毛圈布,毛巾布terylene [英]涤纶,特丽绫thread 线thread clips 纱剪three points cuff 三尖袖头,[粤]三尖鸡英three points extension 三尖裤头搭咀three points pocket 三尖袋tiecord 拉绳,抽绳tiecord stopper 定绳器tissue paper (起吸湿、防潮、隔离等用处的)拷贝纸,衬纸tolerance 宽松量,[粤]抛位top sleeve 大袖top stitch,(top-stitch)面线,明线top vent of sleeve 大(袖)侧top vent 衩的面层tops 上衣,[粤]上装tracksuit 运动套装trim along curve edge 沿弯位修剪trimming 剪线trimmings 配饰物,配饰件trousers [英]裤子,长裤tuck 褶裥,缝褶,塔克tucking 打裥,[粤]打排褶tumble cool 打冷风tuxedo,tux [美]男士无尾半正式晚礼服,[粤]踢死兔twill 斜纹布twill tape 斜纹织带two layer yoke 双层过肩,[粤]双层担干U-scissors U形纱剪under arm seam 袖底缝,[粤]夹底线under closure 底襟under layer button placket 底襟,里襟,[粤]底筒under pressing 中烫under sleeve 小袖under vent 衩的底层underarm dart 肋省underarm gusset 腋下镶布underwear 内衣unit price 单价unlined 无衬里,无里布Retail Price (VAT in) 零售价(含增值税)Velcro 维可牢(一种尼龙搭扣的注册商标)velvet 天鹅绒,丝绒velveteen 棉绒,仿天鹅绒vent (有搭位/叠位的)衩V-neck V形领圈vendor 经销商,加工厂vessel name,vessel No. 船名/船航班号vest [美]背心,马甲。

fabric construction 布料结构fabric consumption 布料用量fabric swatch 小块布样,[粤]布办fabric width 幅宽,[粤]布封fabric 布fabric absorption 布料吸湿性fabric breathability 布料透气性fabric comfort 布料穿着舒适性fabric fall 布料悬垂性fabric flamability 布料可燃性fabric resilience 布料回弹性facing 贴边,贴false fly (裤、裙的)假门襟,[粤]假钮牌false placket 假门襟,[粤]假门筒fastener 扣件(钮扣、拉链等)felled seam 对折缝,[粤]埋夹figure-clinging 紧身的,贴身胸围fil-a-fil 米通条布final inspection 尾期检验,终查finished product 成品finished-size 成品尺寸fitness wear 女式紧身衣fitting 试衣,[英]尺寸ill fitting 不合身flag label 旗唛flameproof fabric 防火布flannel 法兰绒,绒布flare skirt 喇叭裙flat knitting 横机织物flax 亚麻fleece 起绒布,[粤]抓毛布flow chart 流程图flow control 流程控制fly (裤、裙的)门襟,[粤]钮牌fold back facing 原身出贴fold back hidden placket 原身双层门襟,[粤]原身出暗筒fold line for lapel 领驳口forwarder,shipping agent 货代,船公司free size 可调尺寸freight collect 到付freight prepaid 预付frill,frills 褶边,绉边,[粤]荷叶边fringe 流苏,毛边front edge 前襟边soft handfeel 手感柔软handling 处理,操作,[粤]执手hanger 衣架hanger loop 挂衣袢hangtag,(hang tag,swing tag)吊牌,挂牌,[粤]挂卡,挂咭hangtag sticker 吊牌贴纸heavy fabric 厚重面料hem 折边,底边,下摆,[粤]衫脚bottom 下摆,[粤]衫脚bottom hem 下摆卷边cuff hem 袖口折边shirttail hem 衬衫圆下摆hemmer 卷边器,[粤]卷边靴hemming with folder 用卷边器卷边,[粤]用拉筒卷边hemming 卷边,[粤]还口hand hemming 手工缲边,[粤]手针挑脚hemming bottom 折缝底边,折缝裤脚hemp 大麻,大麻纤维herringbone tape 人字织带herringbone twill 人字斜纹布hidden bartack 隐形套结,暗套结,[粤]隐形枣,暗枣hidden placket 暗门襟,[粤]暗筒high-waist skirt 高腰裙hook & loop,hooks & loops 尼龙搭扣,[粤]魔术贴hydrophilic finish 吸水处理ill fitting 不合身imitation cuff 假袖头,[粤]假鸡英inherent quality 内在质量inseam 内缝,[粤]内浪骨inner box 内箱,内盒inner extension [粤](腰头)搭咀内层in-line inspection,in-process inspection 中期检验,中查inspection 检验,检查inspection certificate 检验证书inspector 验货员,查货员insulation layer (多层服装的)保温层interlacing 交织interlining 衬,衬布,[粤]朴inverted pleat 内工字褶iron 熨斗,[粤]烫斗 一路好景jean 粗斜纹棉布,牛仔布jeans 牛仔裤jersey 汗布,针织平布join the small shoulder 缝合小肩,[粤]纳膊join the under arm seam and side seam 缝合袖底骨和侧缝,[粤]埋夹just size 准确尺寸jute 黄麻khaki 卡其,卡其布,卡其色,黄褐色knit 针织,编织knitted rib collar 针织罗纹领knowledge of material 材料学kraft paper 牛皮纸labor turnover 劳工流失labour cost 劳工成本lace 花边,[粤]厘士large size 大号,大码lap dip,lap-dip,lab dips 色卡,色咭,色样。

gathers length at underbust seam在乳根缝连接胸围
HPS: highest point of shoulder.高肩点.
Waist Circ (14"down from HPS)腰围(高肩点向下14"处测量)
neck width front/seam to seam前领宽
C.F. neck drop (imag. line to seam)前中领深
C.B. neck drop (image line to C.B. neck seam)后中领深
neck rib height领高
fuller/ in addition to the sleeve lenght卷边/除袖长外
bottom(at rib end) flat下摆宽
accross shoulder肩宽
accross chest 7" HSP胸围7"
sleeve length from shoulder point end to cuff从肩点到袖口的袖长
sleeve muscle 1"below armhole距袖窿下1"处的袖围

服装辅料专业中英文对照:frills 荷叶边gusset 三角形插布half moon patch 半月形龟背hang tag sticker 挂卡贴纸hang tag,swing tag 挂牌,吊牌,挂卡herringbone tape 人字带inner box 内箱,内盒lace 花边magic sticker 魔术贴main label,brand label 主唛nylon string 尼龙绳paper belt 纸腰带paper shirt band 纸领条pin 大头针plastic bag,polybag 胶袋,塑料袋plastic butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托plastic clip 胶夹plastic collar support 胶领圈plastic shirt band 胶领条plastic string 胶针polybag sticker 胶袋贴纸popper 五爪扣press button 急钮,五爪钮price ticket 价钱牌rectangle clip 方型胶夹Rhin stone=Rhine stone 作衣服饰物用之小石头ribbon 缎带,丝带rivet 铆钉rubber string 橡筋safety pin 扣针sequin 作衣服饰物用之小金属片,珠片shoulder pad 肩垫,肩棉shoulder tape 肩带size label 尺码唛,西士唛size sticker 西士贴纸,尺码贴纸sliver lurex,sliver glitter 一种带闪光效果的银线,多用于绣花smocking (装饰用的)缩褶snap 急钮,按钮,揿钮sticker 贴纸tag pin 枪针tissue paper 衬纸,拷贝纸triangle gusset 三角脚贴twill tape 斜纹带wash care label 洗水唛woven label 织唛zipper 拉链Zipper Stopper 拉链上止、下止BELT 腰带BINDING TAPE 捆条(包边)BOW 蝴蝶BOW-TIE 蝴蝶结BUCKLE LOOP 钮圈BUTTON 钮扣CARE LABEL 洗水唛COLLAR RAB 领袢COLLAR STAY 领插竹CONCEAL ZIPPER 隐形拉链CONTENT LABEL 成分唛CONTRAST COLOR STITCHES 撞色线COTTON STRING 棉绳ELASTIC 橡筋EPAULET 肩章EYELET 鸡眼EYES & HOOKS 乌蝇扣, 钩棒扣FRILLS 荷叶边FUSIBLE-INTERLINING 粘朴GODET 三角形布GUSSET 三角形插布HALF MOON PATCH 半月形龟背HANDING LOOP 吊袢INTERLINING 衬, 朴LACE 花边LINING 里布MAIN LABEL/BRAND LABEL 主唛NON-FUSIBLE-INTERLINING 非粘朴, 生朴PLASTIC STRING 胶针RIBBING 罗纹RIVET 撞钉, 包头钉RUBBER STRING 橡筋SHANK (钮扣)绕脚线SHOULDER PAD 肩棉, 肩垫SIZE LABEL 尺码唛SMOCKING (装饰用的)缩褶SNAP 急钮, 按钮, 揿钮STICKER 贴纸STRIPE 带条, 绳子THREAD 线TRIANGLE GUSSET 三角脚贴VELCRO 魔术贴ZIPPER 拉链ZIPPER PULLER 拉链头线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper双头拉链zipper with double sliders 装饰带fashion tape罗纹rib缝纫用线twist麻线flax thread绣花线embroidery thread涤纶线polyester thread宝塔线cone of thread两目扣two-hole button包扣covered button羊角扣claw button金属扣metal button树脂扣resin button木扣wood button尼龙搭扣nylon fastener tape 金属拉链metal zipper塑料拉链plastic zipper领钩collar clasp搭钩agraffe橡筋elastic ribbon弹力罗纹elastic rib。
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BBackstitch: See definition for Backtack.Backtack:Stitches used to secure the threads at the beginning and/or ending of a row of stitching.Bagged Lining: Lining that is stitched securely to shell at hems.Balance:Garment appears symmetrical on the body. Hanging equal distances from the body right to left, and front to back.AAppliqué:Surface pattern made by cutting out fabric or lace designs andattaching them to another fabric or lace by means of embroidery or stitching.Armhole:Section of a garment through which an arm passes or into which a sleeve is sewn.Armhole Drop:Distance from High Point Shoulder or Low Point Shoulder measured to imaginary line at base of armhole that is at a 90-degree angle from CF or CB.Armhole Point:The point on a pattern where armhole and side seam intersect.Armscye:See definition for Armhole.Balanced Plaid/Stripe Placement:Refers to the symmetrical appearance of the plaid on the body. The stripe/plaid must start at the same point on both sides of the garment.Banana Stand:See definition for Half Moon Stand. Band Neckline, Circular:For definition see set-circular.Band Neckline, Flat:For definition see set-flatBarrel Button:See definition for Toggle Button.Bartack: A series of short stitches sewn close together and used to reinforceareas of strain or stress. Can be zigzag or straight stitching.Basting Stitch:Temporarily holds together two layers of fabric.Bellow: A method of adding fullness to an area of a garment, usually apocket. Often stitched around edges to hold shape.Bellying: See CocklingBelt loop:Narrow strip of fabric or thread chain at the waistline to keep a belt inposition.Besom Pocket:See definition for Welt Pocket.Bias Cut:Cutting diagonally across the grain of the fabric at a 45 degree angleto the selvedge, resulting in a garment that clings and follows bodycurves closely.Bind Off (Sweater):See definition for Cast Off.Binding: A narrow strip of fabric used to cover seams or raw edges to give aclean finished edge and is visible on both sides of the fabric. Can besingle-turned, double-turned or combination.Blanket Stitch(502)Blended Yarns:Yarns composed of two or more different fibers mixed together andthen spun to form one yarn.Blindstitch: For Definition see Hem and 103Blistering:See definition for Bubbling.Block:See definition for Sloper.Blocking:The shaping of a sweater into its finished form. Steam and pressureare applied to make the blocked shape hold.Body Fabric:Outer layer of fabric in a garment.Bond Strength:The numerical measurement of force required to separate theinterlining from the piece goods. The measurement of gram force isrecorded in Newton (N = 102gf) or Ounce (oz = 28.35gf).Bonding:Process of joining 2 fabrics into one by backing with adhesive orfoam.Boning:Firm flexible strip, like nylon, concealed in casing to hold shape orprevent stretching.Bootcut Silhouette:Bound Buttonhole:For definition see buttonholeBound Neckline, Circular: For definition see set-circular.Bound Neckline, Flat:For definition see set-flatBound Seam:Method of finishing a seam by binding seam allowance.Bow, Bowing: A fabric flaw in which the crosswise yarns arc across the width of thefabric.Box Pleat:Pleat formed by folding material alternately in opposite directions.Box Pleat Inverted Box PleatBraided Elastic:See definition for Elastic BraidedBubbling:The separation at different points between the interlining and thepiece goods.Buckle: A fastening device, in a variety of sizes and shapes, consisting of anopen rim having a single or center bar, with or without a prong.Bust Dart:See definition for Dart.Busted Seam:See definition for Pressed Open Seam.Button:Decorative or functional component used to hold two sides of agarment together. Can be made out of many materials and can eitherhave holes punched in the center for stitching or a shank on theback. Buttons are made to slip through a buttonhole or fabric loop.See definition for Button.Button and Loop Cross-Stitch Attached:Button Parallel StitchSee definition for Button.Attached:Buttonhole:Opening for a button to pass through and secure a garment opening.Can be bound, stitched/worked, or made from a loop of thread, cordor bias tubing.Button Sleeve Placket:See definition for Placket.Button Stabilizer: A plain flat button usually made of clear plastic placed inside agarment behind the top outside button. Can be used anywhere thereare buttons for closure.CCap Snap:See definition for Snap.Cargo Pocket: A stylized patch pocket, often with bellows, with flap closure at thetop.Casing:Fold of fabric stitched down to form an opening through which elasticor a cord is drawn.Cast Off (Sweater):Methods of removing open stitches from the needles must be finishedwith a bind off (like rib neck trim) to prevent unraveling of thefinished edge. Can also be decorative stitches within a panel.Cast On (Sweater):See definition of Sweater Start.Centered Over Seam Stitch:Topstitch on each side of the seam, equal distance from the seam. Can be produced by two single needles or 1 double needle.Chain Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Chisel Pocket:See definition for Ruler Pocket. Circular Finish:See definition for Set Circular Circular Knit:See definition for Tubular Knit.Clean Finish:Indicates that raw edges of fabric are finished in a way that stopsfabric from fraying and hides raw edges.Clicking:See definition for Die Cutting.Closure:Components that work together to hold 2 sides of a garmenttogether.Cockling: Cockling and Bellying mean the same thing. If elastic has a wavyappearance along its length, this is called cockling or bellying. Theprimary cause is when the individual ends of spandex (rubber) relaxor contract more than the majority in the same length of the elasticcausing waviness along the top edge.Coin Pocket:Small decorative pocket usually found on bottom garments, usuallylocated inside side pocket. Can be a patch pocket or on-seam pocketconstruction.Collar:No Band Collar With Band CollarCollar Stay:Narrow strip of plastic or metal inserted in point of collar from theunderside or is sewn to interlining between layers of collar fabricadded to garment to ensure a crisp unwrinkled look.Collarband:See definition for CollarstandCollarstand:Separate shaped piece of fabric that is the full length of garmentneckline and is inserted between garment neckline and collar. Used tohelp shape and fit collar to body and also can be used to closeneckline.Color Fast: A term used to determine whether a color ‘bleeds’ during laundering.This is normally measured by a grading system 1 – 5.Concealed Zipper:Zipper is set along folded edges of seam line with zipper teeth notvisible. Some specific construction methods are center lapped orkissing, side lapped, and invisible.Construction:Processes in order to construct a garment, consists of stitchingand/or fusing garment pieces together.Continuous Sleeve Placket:See definition for Placket.Contoured Waistband:See definition for Waistband.Cording:See definition for Piping.Cordlock: A locking device that is typically spring activated and may have 1 or2 holes. Used to adjust drawcords, etc.Core Thread:Thread formed by spinning a cotton, rayon, or polyester fiber arounda continuous filament bundle of fibers giving the thread theadvantages of a spun and Filament construction.Course: A crosswise or horizontal row of loops in knitted fabric.Covered Button:See definition for Button.Crack-stitched:See definition for Stitch-in-the-Ditch.Crescent Stand:See definition for Half Moon Stand.Crocking:The transfer of dye stuff from one fabric to another by friction. Thisproblem is usually worse with darker shades. Reds are often aproblem in this respect. This is a dyeing problem and can be dealtwith in the dye house.Cross Grain Cut:The cutting of a pattern piece perpendicular to the selvedge of thefabricCrotch:Crotch Curve:The bottom of a rise curve.Crotch Depth:The straight distance from crotch to top of waistband in pants, shorts,etc.Crotch Point:The point on the pattern where the front or back rise intersects withthe inseam.Curtain Waistband: A method of finishing the waist of a garment that is a separate sewnon facing that hangs below lower seam of waistband made of fabricother than shell that is interface d/interlined or turned.Cut and Sew (Sweater):Sweater panels are knit to the body length of the largest size, theshape of the neckline, shoulders and armholes are cut out, smallersizes are cut down.Cut On Placket:See definition for Placket.Cutting:Formation of garment pieces from layers (plies) of fabric by means ofa die, laser or knife. Typically done on a long table.DDart: A sewn wedge or diamond shaped tuck/seam used to make agarment conform to the curves of the body.Delamination: A separation in the bond between the fusible interlining and the piecegoods. This can be total separation (total delamination) or partialseparation (localized delaminiation).Denier:Weight measurement of yarns. Low numbers represent the finer sizesand the higher numbers represent the coarser/heavier sizes.Also see definition for Elastic DenierDie Cutting:Sharp metal outlines in the shape of pattern pieces used to cut pliesof fabric in conjunction with either a click press or die cutting press.Typically used for smaller pattern pieces.Differential Shrinkage:Occurs when the piece goods and the interlining are not moving insync and will cause distortion in the surface appearance of thegarment part.Doghouse Stitch:See definition for Triangle Reinforce Stitch.See definition for Centered Over Seam Stitch.Double Needle CenteredOver Seam:Double Turn Hem: See definition for Hem.See definition for Yoke.Double Yoke/ StylizedYoke:Drape:See definition for Hang.Drawcord:See definition for Drawstring.Drawstring: A narrow string, ribbon, cord, or tube of fabric inserted into a casingand pulled up or tied to create shape and/or hold the garment to thebody.Dress Form:See definition for Mannequin.D-Ring:“D” shaped piece of hardware often used to create an adjustableclosure held together by a looped and stitched end of a belt.EEase:The method of sewing together 2 components of varying seam lengths evenlydistributing fullness so as not to cause gathers or puckers. See definitions forTight, Moderate and Generous.Ease Over Body:The amount of room above body measurements needed in a garment to allowadequate movement when worn.Eighth Top Pocket:See definition for Slant Pocket.Elastic Braided: A narrow elastic band, often used as trimmings and bindings. Formed byplating several strands of yards and bare elastomers. Braided elastic usuallybecomes narrowed when elongated. Made on a circular braiding machine.Elastic Denier:The size or thickness of the yarn. Also thickness of spandex (The lower thenumber the weaker the spandex)Elastic Elastomers:Natural Rubber ThreadElastic Elongation:Stretch –measure 5” relaxed and pull to m aximum; measurement result givenin a %.quality of elastic.Elastic Gauge:Thickness of rubber (The lower the number the stronger the rubber)Elastic Knitted:Fabric construction for interlocking series of looper of one or more yarns.Materials normally used are textured polyester yarns or textured nylon andbare spandex or extruded rubber. Made on a flat bed crochet machine.Elastic Modulus:Power (resistance to stretch), strength or tension of the elastic. The forcerequired to pull the elastic to a specific stretch/length, determines the amountof pressure the elastic is putting on the wearer’s body.Elastic Non Roll:Elastic that has enough width wise stability so it does not bend, roll or crushacross its width when worn. Made with monofilament thread.Elastic Recovery:Ability of elastic to retain its original length immediately after stretching andreleasing. After stretching the elastic to its maximum capability. The elasticmust return to 90% to 92% of its original length.Elastic Waistband: See definition for WaistbandElastic Woven: Primarily made up of warp yarns, fill yarns and covered spandex or coveredextruded rubber. Generally thicker and denser due to the bulkiness of thecovered elastomers and stitch formations. Made on a shuttle loom. Elastomeric: An end of spandex which has been covered or twisted with yarn.Embroidery:Fancy needlework or trimming using colored yarn, floss, cotton, silk or metallicthreads.Enclosed Seam:See definition for French Seams.quality of elastic.Execution:See definition for Construction.Exposed Seam:Seams in which the seam allowances are visible on the outside of the garment. Exposed Zipper:Zipper is set along folded edges of seam line with zipper teeth visible.Expression of Fit:Designer’s vision of how the garment should fit on the human form. The keyelements of fit that are related to the styling of the garment include, but arenot limited to, where the garment sits on the waist of the body and how tightfitting a garment is. It is possible for a garment to achieve an excellent fit, butstill not have achieved the designer’s vision for fit.See definition for Waistband.Extended TabWaistband:Eyelet:Small circular plastic or metal tube secured to fabric to form an opening. Canalso be formed by a round embroidered opening. Can be decorative or usedwith cord.FFabric:Cloth made of textile yarns or fibers by weaving,knitting, lace making, braiding, netting, or felting. Canalso be made by bonding or non-woven methods. Fabric Hand Feel:See definition for Hand.Face:Surface of fabric designated in the weaving/knittingprocess to be used as the outside of a finishedgarment.Facing:Piece of fabric used to finish a raw edge. Facings areturned to the inside of a garment enclosing seams.Faggoting:Open-work embroidery done by drawing out horizontalthreads of fabric, then tying the vertical threads ingroups to produce open spaces, OR, decorativestitching that holds together two closely spaced foldededges of fabric with ornamental stitches.Fashioning Marks (Sweater):Raised “twists” that results from transferring loops to adjacent needles to decrease the width of the knitted panel, usually occurs in a series at neckline and armhole.Felled Seam:Process that conceals seam allowance between plies asthey are folded together and topstitched through alllayers.Female Closure:Fiber:Basic filament or strand from which yarns are made.Fibers are either short with natural materials or man-made materials which are made in long continuousfilaments.Filament: A fiber of indefinite or extreme length as found in silkor synthetic fibers.Fill:Crosswise or horizontal yarn of a woven fabric thatruns at right angles to the warp yarns or selvage.Findings:All the smaller items and trimmings that complete agarment. Maybe decorative material that adorns thegarment.A small knitted stitch usually 12 to 24 gauge.Fine Gauge(Sweater):Finishing:All the final stages of preparing a garment for point ofsale. Includes, but not limited to, washing, pressing,thread clipping, inspection, ticketing, etc.For Definition see buttonhole.FishtailButtonhole:Fit:How well a garment conforms to the 3-dimensionalhuman body.Fit Model:Individual who represents the figure type of theintended guest used to evaluate the fit of garments. Fitting Ease:See definition for Ease Over Body.Flap Pocket:Flare LegSilhouette:Flat Felled Seam:See definition for Felled Seam.Flat Finish:See definition for Set Flat.Flat Knit:Fabric knitted flat and has selvages.Flat Knit Collar:Floating Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Fraying:Fraying is the unraveling of yarn in either the fill orwarp direction.Lining not attached at garment hem.Free HangingLining:French Dart: See definition for Dart.French Fly Facing: A separate sewn on fabric tab or extension used tocover zipper teeth. It extends from bottom of zipper towaistband and buttons to inside of pants near waist.French Seams:Process where raw edges of a seam are enclosedbetween garment plies as they are turned over andstitched, forming a clean finish.French Tack:See definition for Swing Tack.Frog:Ornamental braided two piece garment closure formingbutton and loopFull Fashioned / Knit to Shape (Sweater):Sweater panel is knit to shape by increasing and decreasing the number of needles used during the knitting action. No cutting is required to obtain the desired panel shape.Full Needle Rib (Sweater):Double bed construct commonly used at start or placket; looks like 1X1 rib, but is more compact. Can be either link/loop attached (see linking/Looping Definition) or continuous knit attach.Full Placket:See definition for Placket.Fusible:Fabric containing heat sensitive adhesive forapplication using heat and pressure. Commonly seenon interfacing or decorative trims.GGathering:See definition for Shirring.Gauge Elastic:See definition for Elastic GaugeGauge (Sewing)The distance between needles on a sewingmachine.Gauge(Knits/Sweaters):Denotes the number of needles per inch on aknitting machine. The larger the number (gauge)the finer the knit. Example 12 gg has 12 needlesper inch vs 3 gg with 3 needles per inch. Gauntlet: A type of sleeve placket.Generous Ease:Loosely fits to body with a large amount of ease.Godet:Triangle shaped inset of fabric that createsfullness, or greater width. Typically used in skirtsand bell-bottom pants.Gore:Skirt section that is wider at the hem than thewaist, providing fullness and shaping to waistwithout using darts.Graded Pattern:Individual patterns for each size within a sizerange.Grading:The process of proportionately increasing ordecreasing a core size pattern to create patternsaccordingly in relationship to body growth.Grain:Warp or lengthwise direction of the fabric,running parallel to the selvage.Greige Fabric:See definition for Greige Goods.Greige Goods:Pronounced (gr or gr zh). An unfinishedfabric just off the loom or knitting machine.Grin Through:1) The ability to see under layer of fabric orlining through the garment shell fabric due tocolor or fabric weight. 2)A printing termreferring to either poor cover where thebackground shade shows through the print.Grommet:See definition for Eyelet.Gusset:Shaped piece of fabric inserted into a garmentseam or slash opening to permit greatermovement. Commonly found on underarms,crotch of pants, thermal underwear, and activewear.HHalf MoonPatch:See definition for Sweat Patch.Half Moon Stand:Separate shaped piece of fabric that is not the full length of garment neckline and is inserted between garment neckline and collar. Used to help shape and fit collar to body.Half Placket: See definition for Placket.Hand:The tactile characteristics that make up a fabric. Handle:Refers to the texture/softness/feel of the elastic whenbeing handled.Hand Stretch: A rough estimation for the elongation of a product. Thisshould be used only as a tool for comparison.Hang:How fabric reacts on the human body after garment issewn.Hasp:Fastener used in conjunction with a shank button.Commonly used on overall straps.Hem: A way to finish an opening.Hiking: A term used to describe the problem when a garment isnot balanced and an area of the bottom opening is risinghigher than the rest of the garment.Hollywood Waistband:A method of finishing the waist by extending the body of the garment to form the shaping of the waist. Usually clean finished with facing on the inside.Hook:See definition for Crotch Curve.Hook & Bar: A closure using a set of shaped metal plates, one which is curved to form a broad hook, the other a raised bar.Hook & Eye: A closure using a small metal hook on one side and either an embroidered loop or a small metal loop on the otherside.Hook & Eye Tape:A fastening tape that has metal hooks on one side and either and embroidered or metal loop on the other side.Hook & Loop Tape:A fastening tape that has very small nylon hooks that mesh with loops on opposite tape. Commonly known as Velcro®.HorizontalSlant Pocket:See definition for Slant PocketIInseam:The seam on garments located between legs and runsfrom the crotch to the hem.Interfacing:Supporting fabric either sewn or fused to the bodyfabric for body, stability and shape. Commonly used inwaistbands, plackets, collars, cuffs, and asreinforcement behind buttons and buttonholes. Interlining:See definition for Interfacing.Inverted Box Pleat: See definition for Box PleatInvisible Zipper:Specially designed zipper, no lines of stitching isvisible on the outside of the garment. Finishedappearance is of a plain seam with only part of the tabvisible on the outside of the garment.See definition for Scoop Pocket.See definition for Armhole.KKangaroo Pocket:Usually a center front pocket that has the pocket bagattached to exterior of garment with two openings.Pocket can be one piece or split into two pieces bycenter front closure.Keyhole Buttonhole:For Definition see ButtonholeKick Pleat:Clean finished opening at the sweep of a garmentcreated by one side of garment overlapping the otherto allow for movement.Kimono Sleeve:Kissing Zipper:Zipper is centered under two folded edges that meetat the center of the zipper teeth with two visible rowsof parallel stitching. A specific type of concealedzipper.Knife Cutting:Cutting plies of fabric by means of a straight edge,band or rotary knife.Knife Pleat: For Definition see Pleat.Knit Fabric:Fabric constructed by interlocking a series of loops byhand or machine.Knit to Shape (Sweater):Panels are knit to the exact shape required to construct the sweater. Cutting is allowed at the neckline if needed.Knitted Elastic:See definition for Elastic KnittedLLacing:Ribbon, cord, braid, or tubing in which two free endsare pulled alternately through opposing eyelets,grommets, buttonholes, or under hooks.Lapel:Shaped piece of fabric on center front opening abovetop closure which folds back to form a larger opening.Lapel Point:The widest distance on the lapel, usually forming apoint.Lapped Seam:Process of attaching two or more plies of fabric simplyby layering atop each other and stitching through alllayers.Lapped V-Neck:See definition for Miter.Lapped Zipper:See definition for Zipper.Laser Cutting:Fabric is placed on a vacuum table using suction andplastic over the top layer to stabilize plies beforecutting with laser.Layout:See definition for Marker.Lettuce Edge: A decorative hem used on knit fabrics. It is a denseoveredge hem 20-30 stitches per inch that is formedby stretching fabric while it passes through a 504 or505 overlock machine. Machine is set with differentialfeed to have extra ruffling than normalsewing. Various threads can be used but recommendto use textured nylon or textured poly.Ligne:Unit of measurement to measure button size. 40 ligneis equal to a diameter of 1 inch. Smaller the number,the smaller the button, and vice versa.Lining: A fabric replica of a garment sewn inside a garment.May be partially or fully lined. Hides innerconstruction, adds comfort, smoothness, warmth, andretains the shape of the outer layer.Linking / Looping (Sweater):Loops of two knit to shape garment parts are run onto a series of regularly spaced points, joined by chain stitching on linking machineLink/Loop Attached Placket View of LoopsLockstitch:See definition for 301Looping (Sweater): A method of joining two sweater panels together.Connects two courses of loops together, STITCH FORSTITCH, with a chain stitch of self yarn. Creates theeffect of uninterrupted knitting. Usually found in moreexpensive sweaters.Loose/Relaxed Fit:Fit of clothing is loose to body and has a moderateamount of ease.MMale, Non-GenderClosure:Mannequin:Model of the human body used to check theappearance of a garmentMarker: A diagram or arrangement of pattern pieces for astyle(s) or size(s) to be cut at one time, placed overplies of fabric. Pattern pieces fit tightly together forbest fabric utilization.Match and Balance Plaids/Stripes:Refers to the matching and balancing of plaids at joining seams or garment openings so the same stripe matches horizontally on each side of garment. If pattern is a stripe, the same stripe is engineered at the same point on the body of the garment.Merrow:Brand name of a sewing machine. Commonly used todescribe overlock 503.Miter:Creating an angled seam by cutting the 2 edges in adiagonal manner and stitching them together. Mitre:See definition for Miter.Mock/Folder Set French Seam:Version of a French seam sewn with use of a folder, raw seam allowance is encased between 2 rows of 301. Commonly used on woven tops, pants and dresses.Mock Fly:Looks like a functional fly but does not open. ModerateEase:Fit to body with a small to medium amount of ease. Modulus:See definition for Elastic ModulusMonkey Pawand Loop:See definition for Frog.Monocord Thread:Formed from continuous filaments that have been bonded together.Monofilament Thread:Formed by extruding a continuous filament through a spinneret with a specified diameter - resembles a fishing line.Multifilament Thread:Formed by twisting together continuous filaments into a cohesive bundle.NNap:An array of fiber ends protruding from the surface of one or bothsides of a fabric and giving a fuzzy appearance. Produced bybrushing, napping or raising the fibers. The nap may be in stripes orother patterns or may be sheared to obtain uniform length.Directional finish of a fabric created by raised yarns or brushing thesurface. Nap feels smooth when touched in one direction, rough in theother.Nap Down:Nap will feel smooth when touched in this direction, color will appeardull or grayed.Nap Up:Nap will feel rough when touched in this direction, color will appearricher in this direction but nap will become crushed with wear.Natural Fibers:Fibers that are of animal, vegetable, or mineral origin. Examples arewool, linen, silk, cotton, jute, hemp, ramie, cashmere, and mohair. No Band Collar:Non Roll Elastic:See definition for Elastic Non RollNon-Woven Fabric:Fabric constructed of fibers that have been held together by thermal,chemical, solvent, mechanical action, or combinations of these.OOff-Grain:1) Fabric: Warp and filling yarns on woven fabrics are not at right angles to each other. 2) Pattern: Straight of grain line on pattern is not placed parallel with thewarp and/or fill yarns on fabric.On-Grain:1) Fabric: Warp and filling yarns on woven fabrics intersect each other atright angles. 2) Pattern: Straight of grain line on pattern is placed parallelwith the warp and/or fill yarns of fabric.On-Seam Pocket:Pocket opening is placed in a seam of the garment with an interior pocket bag.Open Cut Work:Open-work embroidery done by drawing out horizontal threads of fabric, then tying the vertical threads in groups to produce open spaces, OR, decorative stitching thatholds together two closely spaced folded edges of fabric with ornamental stitches. Overedge: See definition for Hem.。