学生满足除语言外的所有申请条件,卡尔顿对于语言成绩的要求已相应降低,托福分数要求为 61~ 85分(写作单项15分),雅思分数要求为5.0~6.0,学生达到以上要求后,可以得到学校的有条件录取,先参加语言学校的学习,成绩合格后,可以入读本科专业课程。
是一所文化、艺术、学术兼备的优良学府,位于首都,学生可享用到其它学生日常生活所无法享受到的设施,诸如国家艺术中心、博物馆、国家画廊、国会大楼及 RIDEAU 运河, RIDEAN 运河在冬天是世界最长的滑冰道。
加拿大大学计算机科学专业排名1 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo2 蒙特利尔大学Universite de Montreal3 麦吉尔大学McGill University4 多伦多大学University of Toronto5 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta6 渥太华大学University of Ottawa7 贵富大学Guelph University8 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University9 西蒙菲莎大学Simon Fraser University10 英属哥伦比亚大学The University of British Columbia加国大学专业排名:商科1 多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院(University of Toronto: Rotman)2 约克大学舒立克商学院90%(York University: Schulich)3 西安大略大学毅伟商学院(University of Western Ontario: Ivey)4 麦吉尔大学商学院(McGill University)5 不列颠哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院6 女王商学院(Queens School of Business)7 康考迪亚大学墨尔森商学院John Molson School of Business经济学排名1 西安大略大学The University of Western Ontario2 达尔豪斯大学Dalhousie University3 布鲁克大学Brock University4 英属哥伦比亚大学The University of British Columbia5 多伦多大学University of Toronto6 西蒙菲莎大学Simon Fraser University7 纽芬兰纪念大学Memorial University of Newfoundland8 皇后大学Queen's University9 卡尔加里大学University of Calgary10 卡尔顿大学Carleton University国际商务专业排名1 皇后大学Queen's University2 英属哥伦比亚大学The University of British Columbia3 西蒙菲莎大学Simon Fraser University4 卡尔顿大学Carleton University5 阿卡迪亚大学Acadia University6 约克大学York University7 渥太华大学University of Ottawa8 贵富大学Guelph University9 维多利亚大学University of Victoria10 多伦多大学University of Toronto大众传媒专业排名1 卡尔顿大学Carleton University2 纽布伦斯威克大学University of New Brunswick3 多伦多大学University of Toronto4 贵富大学Guelph University5 卡尔加里大学University of Calgary6 英属哥伦比亚大学The University of British Columbia7 皇后大学Queen's University8 麦吉尔大学McGill University9 蒙特利尔大学Universite de Montreal10 渥太华大学University of Ottawa生态/环境科学专业:1 多伦多大学University of Toronto2 卡尔加里大学University of Calgary3 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo农业科学专业:1 英属哥伦比亚大学Uni. of British Columbia2 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta3 圭尔夫大学University of Guelph植物与动物学科:1 女皇大学Queen’s University2 约克大学York University3 渥太华大学University Ottawa临床医学专业:1 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University2 麦吉尔大学McGill University3 英属哥伦比亚大学Uni. of British Columbia神经学专业:1 英属哥伦比亚大学Uni. of British Columbia2 戴尔豪西大学Dalhousie University3 拉瓦尔大学University of Laval心理学专业:1 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University2 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo3 麦吉尔大学McGill University药学专业:1 谢布克大学University of Sherbrooke2 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University3 多伦多大学University of Toronto数学专业:1 多伦多大学University of Toronto2 约克大学York University3 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo物理学专业:1 西蒙弗雷泽大学Simon Fraser University2 卡尔顿大学Carleton University3 英属哥伦比亚大学Uni. of British Columbia化学专业:1 约克大学York University2 多伦多大学University of Toronto3 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta生物学专业:1 多伦多大学University of Toronto2 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta3 英属哥伦比亚大学Uni. of British Columbia地球科学专业:1 约克大学York University2 多伦多大学University of Toronto3 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta天文学专业:1 维多利亚大学University of Toronto2 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta3 蒙特利尔大学University of Montreal新闻专业:1 麦吉尔大学McGill University Canada2 加拿大多伦多大学University of Toronto Canada3 英属哥伦比亚大学British Columbia University加拿大MBA院校排名:1 女王大学Queen’s University2 约克大学York University3 英属哥伦比亚大学British Columbia University工程技术1 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo2 多伦多大学University of Toronto3 女皇大学Queen’s University4 麦克玛斯特大学McMaster University5 英属哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia6 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta7 西蒙弗雷泽大学Simon Fraser University8 麦吉尔大学McGill University9 阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia)10 基辅大学(Guelph)11 西安大略大学(Western)12 卡尔加里大学(Calgary)13 瑞尔森大学(Ryerson)14 维多利亚大学(Victoria)15 蒙特利尔大学(Montreal)16 戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie)17 约克大学(York)18 埃里森山大学(Mount Allison)19 萨斯卡川大学(Saskatchewan)20 罗瑞尔大学(Wifrid Laurier)管理信息系统1 多伦多大学University of Toronto2 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo3 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta4 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University5 维多利亚大学University of Victoria6 卡尔顿大学Carleton University7 渥太华大学University of Ottawa8 西蒙菲莎大学Simon Fraser University9 纽布伦斯威克大学University of New Brunswick10 麦吉尔大学McGill University。
1. 麻省理工学院(MIT)麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室是世界领先的计算机研究机构之一。
2. 斯坦福大学斯坦福大学的计算机科学系在教学和研究方面都非常优秀。
3. 哈佛大学哈佛大学的计算机科学系在计算机研究和教育方面具有很高的声誉。
4. 加州大学伯克利分校加州大学伯克利分校的计算机科学系在计算机学科研究和教学方面具有很高的声誉。
5. 剑桥大学剑桥大学计算机科学系是英国顶级的计算机学科之一。
6. 清华大学作为中国顶尖的学府之一,清华大学的计算机科学与技术系在国际上也享有很高的声誉。
计算机博士点排名一览表【全球计算机博士点排名】1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院)2. Stanford University(斯坦福大学)3. Carnegie Mellon University(卡内基梅隆大学)4. University of California, Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校)5. Harvard University(哈佛大学)6. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校)7. University of California, Los Angeles(加州大学洛杉矶分校)8. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich(苏黎世联邦理工学院)9. California Institute of Technology(加州理工学院)10. University of Washington(华盛顿大学)【美国计算机博士点排名】1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology2. Stanford University3. Carnegie Mellon University4. University of California, Berkeley5. Harvard University6. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign7. University of California, Los Angeles8. California Institute of Technology9. University of Washington10. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor【中国计算机博士点排名】1.清华大学2.北京大学3.上海交通大学4.浙江大学5.中国科学技术大学6.哈尔滨工业大学7.复旦大学8.西安交通大学9.同济大学10.武汉大学【英国计算机博士点排名】1. University of Cambridge(剑桥大学)2. University of Oxford(牛津大学)3. Imperial College London(伦敦帝国学院)4. University College London(伦敦大学学院)5. University of Edinburgh(爱丁堡大学)6. University of Manchester(曼彻斯特大学)7. University of Southampton(南安普敦大学)8. University of Warwick(华威大学)9. University of Bristol(布里斯托大学)10. University of Glasgow(格拉斯哥大学)。
1. 学术要求:申请者需要完成高中或以上学历,且拥有相关学科背景,如计算机科学、数学、物理等。
2. 英语语言要求:申请者需要提供英语语言能力证明,通常要求托福成绩达到80分以上或雅思成绩达到分以上。
3. 标准化考试成绩:申请者需要提供GRE或GMAT等标准化考试成绩,具体要求因专业而异。
4. 推荐信:申请者需要提供至少两封推荐信,推荐人应该是了解申请者学术和工作表现的教授、导师或雇主。
5. 个人陈述:申请者需要提供个人陈述,说明自己的研究兴趣和职业规划。
6. 工作经验:申请者如果有相关领域的工作经验,可以在申请中强调,这可能会提高申请成功的概率。
滑铁卢大学计算机留学费用需要多少滑铁卢大学计算机留学费用加拿大滑铁卢大学就读计算机科学(Computer Science)专业将获得计算机科学学士学位,要求雅思成绩总分为7,托福成绩总分为90,申请该专业就读需要4年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为25000加币。
加拿大其他名校计算机留学费用:加拿大阿尔伯塔大学就读电子与计算机工程(Electrical and Computer Engineering)专业将获得博士学位,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,托福成绩总分为92,申请该专业就读需要5年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为8200加币。
加拿大卡尔加里大学就读计算机工程(Computer Engineering)专业将获得理学士学位,要求雅思成绩总分为7,托福成绩总分为83,申请该专业就读需要4年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为17573加币。
加拿大维多利亚大学就读计算机科学(Computer Science)专业将获得理学学士学位,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,托福成绩总分为90,申请该专业就读需要4年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为15502加币。
加拿大多伦多大学就读计算机与电气工程(Computer and Electrical Engineering)专业将获得工程科学应用理学学士学位,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,托福成绩总分为100,申请该专业就读需要4年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为26414加币。
加拿大卡尔顿大学就读计算机系统工程(Computer Systems Engineering)专业将获得工学士学位,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,托福成绩总分为86,申请该专业就读需要4年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为36813.4加币。
计算机专业就业方向1) 销售或者技术支持:主要跟客户打交道,跟商人没什么区别.技术还会学,但就是点皮毛,用来跟客户"涂龙"用.工作压力大,但是如果业绩好,收入上升得很快.这类人员还是很需要得.本科生原则上就能应付.但这几年招硕士得也越来越多了.2)产品开发:主要就是译码.国内所谓作技术主要是指这个.电信行业,金融行业什么都有.还有就是在外企做测试和普通开发.本科生有个2,3千.硕士有个4, 5千.如果进外企,做这行可以给到8千以上.这个需求还是很大的.不过都是廉价劳动力.国企倒反而累一些.外企福利待遇很好.收入稳定,工作压力比起做销售小很多.3) 研究:这个至少得是硕士毕业.可以留校当老师,或者去微软研究院这样真有作研究,还有就是进中科院计算所或者软件所的.这个总体数量比较小.很多有研究潜质的人去了国外.未来薪资待遇Google:软件工程师计算机硕士18万。
卡尔顿 SYSC 专业参考
Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC)Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC) CoursesSystems and Computer Eng.Faculty of Engineering & DesignNote: the Departments of Systems and Computer Engineering and Electronics offer courses in: Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering and Engineering Physics.SYSC 1005 [0.5 credit]Introduction to Software DevelopmentA first course in software development as an engineering discipline, using a modern programming language, Language syntax. Algorithm design. Tracing and visualizing program execution. Testing and debugging. Program style, documentation, reliability. Lab projects are drawn from a variety of application domains, for example, digital image manipulation; computer games; and robotics. Precludes additional credit for ECOR 1606 and SYSC 1101.Lectures two hours a week, tutorial one hour a week, laboratory three hours a week.SYSC 2001 [0.5 credit]Computer Systems FoundationsComputer architecture and organization: CPU, cache, memory, input/output, bus structures, interrupts; computer arithmetic: integer and floating point; CPU: instruction sets, addressing modes, instruction encoding. Input/output: programmed, interrupt-driven, block-oriented. Examples from several modern processor families.Prerequisite(s): ECOR 1606 or SYSC 1102 or SYSC 1005. Additional recommended background: SYSC 2006. Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 2002 [0.5 credit]Data Structures and AlgorithmsIn-depth experience in the design and constructionof computer programs involving data structures and different programming paradigms. Data structures, formal specification, abstract data types, graphs, recursion, finite state machines and object-oriented programming. Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2100 and SYSC 3002.Prerequisite(s): ECOR 1606.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week.SYSC 2003 [0.5 credit]Introductory Real-Time SystemsPrinciples of event-driven systems. Review of computer organization. Assemblers and linkers. Developmentof embedded applications. Programming external interfaces, programmable timer. Input/output methods: polling, interrupts. Real-time issues: concurrency, mutual exclusion, buffering. Introduction to concurrent processes. Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3003 and SYSC 3006.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2001 and (SYSC 2002 or SYSC 2006).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 2004 [0.5 credit]Object-Oriented Software DevelopmentDesigning and implementing small-scale programs as communities of collaborating objects, using a dynamically-typed or statically-typed programming language. Fundamental concepts: classes, objects, encapsulation, information hiding, inheritance, polymorphism. Iterative, incremental development and test-driven development. Precludes additional credit for SYSC 1101.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2002 or SYSC 2006 or permission of the department.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 2006 [0.5 credit]Foundations of Imperative ProgrammingModular programming with a procedural language. Compilation and linking, libraries. Memory management and object lifetimes: static allocation, automatic allocation in stack frames, dynamic allocation from the heap. Introduction to data structures: dynamic arrays, linked lists. Collections: lists, stacks, queues. Introduction to recursion. Precludes additional credit for SYSC 1102 and SYSC 2002.Prerequisite(s): ECOR 1606 or SYSC 1005.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 2100 [0.5 credit]Algorithms and Data StructuresThorough coverage of fundamental abstract collections: stacks, queues, lists, priority queues, dictionaries, sets, graphs. Data structures: review of arrays and linked lists; trees, heaps, hash tables. Specification, design, implementation of collections, complexity analysis of operations. Sorting algorithms.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2002. Prerequisite(s): (SYSC 1102 or SYSC 2006) and (SYSC 1101 or SYSC 2004).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week.SYSC 2101 [0.5 credit]Software Development ProjectDevelopment of expertise in designing, implementing, and testing industrial-quality, reusable code through individual and team projects. Applying and extending previously acquired knowledge of patterns, frameworks, UML, iterative and incremental development, Java and C+ + to medium- and large-scale systems.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2100 or SYSC 2004.Lectures two hours a week, laboratory three hours a week. SYSC 3001 [0.5 credit]Operating Systems & DatabasesOperating systems and databases treated from a common perspective. Management of CPU, processes, memory, files, and data. Implications of concurrency. Concurrent programming, including interprocess communication in distributed systems. Data models and query languages. Precludes additional credit for SYSC 4001. Prerequisite(s): (SYSC 2002 or SYSC 2100), and SYSC 2003.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis two hours a week.SYSC 3006 [0.5 credit]Computer OrganizationComputer organization: processor, memory, input/ output, system bus. Number systems: binary, decimal, hexadecimal. Assembly language programming: representation of data, instruction encoding, execution. Devices: keyboard, programmable timer, parallel interface. Input/output methods: polling, hardware/software interrupts.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2001 and SYSC 2003. May not be taken for credit by students in Computer Systems Engineering, Communications Engineering, or Software Engineering.Prerequisite(s): (SYSC 2002 or SYSC 2006) and ELEC 2607.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 3010 [0.5 credit]Computer Systems Development Project Development of expertise in designing, implementingand testing maintainable, reusable software through team projects. Applying modern programming languages, design patterns, frameworks, UML and modern development processes (refactoring, iterative and incremental development, version control techniques) to medium-scale projects; for example, embedded or mobile applications.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2101 and SYSC 3110.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 and SYSC 2100, and third-year status in Computer Systems Engineering.Lectures two hours a week, laboratory three hours a week.SYSC 3020 [0.5 credit]Introduction to Software EngineeringIntroduction to software engineering principles,software development life-cycles. Modelling in software engineering. Current techniques, notations, methods, processes and tools used in software engineering. UML modelling. Introduction to software quality, software verification and validation, software testing.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3120 and SYSC 4120.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 and SYSC 2006.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 3100 [0.5 credit]Systems Analysis and DesignCreating requirements specifications prior to designing and implementing complex software systems. Software development lifecycles, role of requirements analysis; functional decomposition, dataflow modeling; database modeling, entity-relationship diagrams; finite state machines; object-oriented analysis; use cases, use case maps; project management; introduction to software design.Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3402.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 or SYSC 2100.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis two hours a week.SYSC 3101 [0.5 credit]Programming LanguagesPrinciples underlying different kinds of programming languages (procedural, functional, logic programming) and their semantics. Overview of machinery needed for language support (compilers, interpreters and run-time systems).Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 or SYSC 2100.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 3110 [0.5 credit]Software Development ProjectDevelopment of expertise in designing, implementingand testing maintainable, reusable software through team projects. Applying modern programming languages, design patterns, frameworks, UML and modern development processes (detection of olfactible source code defects, refactoring, iterative and incremental development, version control techniques) to medium-scale projects.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2101 and SYSC 3010.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 and SYSC 2100, and third-year status in Software Engineering.Lectures two hours a week, laboratory three hours a week.SYSC 3120 [0.5 credit]Software Requirements EngineeringCurrent techniques, notations, methods, processes and tools used in Requirements Engineering. Requirements elicitation, negotiation, modelling requirements, management, validation. Skills needed for Requirements Engineering and the many disciplines on which it draws. Requirements analysis: domain modelling, modelling object interactions; UML modelling. Introduction to software development processes.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3020. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 and SYSC 2100 and third-year status in Software Engineering.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 3200 [0.5 credit]Industrial EngineeringTechniques of operations research for decision-makingin complex engineering systems. Linear programming, network models, PERT, integer programming, dynamic programming, queuing systems and inventory models. Problem solving is emphasized.Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2300, ECON 4004, or MATH 3801.Prerequisite(s): MATH 1004 and MATH 1104 and (ECOR 1606 or SYSC 1100).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis 1.5 hours per week.SYSC 3303 [0.5 credit]Real-Time Concurrent SystemsPrinciples and practice of a systems engineering approach to the development of software for real-time, concurrent, distributed systems. Designing to achieve concurrency, performance, and robustness, using visual notations. Converting designs into programs. Introduction to hard real-time systems. Team project.Prerequisite(s): for students in the Faculty of Engineering and Design, SYSC 2003 and (SYSC 2004 or SYSC 2100); for students in Computer Science, (COMP 2003 or COMP 2401) and (COMP 2002 or COMP 2402).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory two hours a week. SYSC 3500 [0.5 credit]Signals and SystemsSignals: energy and power signals, discrete-time and continuous. Linear systems and convolution. Fourier Transform; complex Fourier series; signal spectral properties and bandwidth. Laplace transform and transient analysis. Transfer functions, block diagrams. Baseband and passband signals, with applications to communications systems.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3600 and SYSC 2500.Prerequisite(s): MATH 2004.Lectures three hours a week, problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 3501 [0.5 credit]Communication TheoryReview of signals, linear systems and Fourier theory; signal bandwidth and spectra; digital waveform coding; introduction to analog and digital modulation systems; synchronization; characterization and effects of noise; link budgets; communications media and circuits; applications to current communications systems.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3503. Prerequisite(s): MATH 3705 and SYSC 3600.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 3503 [0.5 credit]Communication Theory IIAmplitude Modulation. Frequency Modulation. Performance of AM and FM in noise. Communication channels, channel models, noise sources, noise models. Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK. Optimal reception, probability of error on the AWGN channel.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3501 or SYSC 4600. Prerequisite(s): (SYSC 2500 or SYSC 3500) and STAT 2605.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory, three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 3600 [0.5 credit]Systems and SimulationProperties of linear systems. Linear dynamic modelsof engineering systems. Applications of the Laplace transform. Transfer functions. Block diagrams. Frequency and time response. System simulation with digital computers.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 2500 or SYSC 3500. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1005, and (ECOR 1101 or PHYS 1001).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours a week.SYSC 3601 [0.5 credit]Microprocessor SystemsMicroprocessor-based system design for different microprocessor families. Microprocessors: internal organization, instruction sets, address generation, pin-outs, bus cycles, signalling waveforms. Interfacing memory and I/O devices. Interrupt structures, direct memory access. Floating point coprocessors. System bus standards. Introduction to DSPs.Precludes additional credit for ELEC 4601. Prerequisite(s): ELEC 2607, and SYSC 2003 or permission of the department.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 3999 [0.0 credit]Co-operative Work TermSYSC 4001 [0.5 credit]Operating SystemsIntroduction to operating system principles. Processes and threads. CPU scheduling. Managing concurrency: mutual exclusion and synchronization, deadlock and starvation. Managing memory and input/output. Concurrent programming, including interprocess communication in distributed systems.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3001. Prerequisite(s): (SYSC 2002 or SYSC 2100) and (SYSC 2003 or SYSC 3006).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory /problem analysis two hours a week.SYSC 4005 [0.5 credit]Discrete Simulation/ModelingSimulation as a problem solving tool. Random variable generation, general discrete simulation procedure: event table and statistical gathering. Analyses of simulation data: point and interval estimation. Confidence intervals. Overview of modeling, simulation, and problem solving using SIMSCRIPT, MODSIM, and other languages. Prerequisite(s): (STAT 2605 or STAT 3502) andfourth-year status in Engineering, or permission of the Department.Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as SYSC 5001, for which additional credit is precluded.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory one hour a week. SYSC 4101 [0.5 credit]Software ValidationTechniques for the systematic testing of software systems. Software validation and verification, software debugging, quality assurance, measurement and prediction of software reliability. Emphasis on the treatment of these topics in the context of real-time and distributed systems. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3100 or SYSC 3120 or SYSC 3020. Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4102 [0.5 credit]Performance EngineeringTechniques based on measurements and models, for predicting and evaluating the performance of computer systems. Instrumentation. Simple queueing modelsand approximations. Techniques for modifying software designs to improve performance.Prerequisite(s): STAT 3502, and (SYSC 3001 or SYSC 4001).Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as SYSC 5101, for which additional credit is precluded.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4105 [0.5 credit]Engineering ManagementIntroduction to engineering management: management of new products, management of manufacturing processes, management of the linkages between new products and manufacturing processes. Current theories, concepts and techniques are stressed, using a combination of readings, cases and guest speakers.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Engineering. Lectures three hours a week.SYSC 4106 [0.5 credit]Software Product ManagementStages of the life cycle of software products and their implications for architecture definition, requirements specification, variety, target market segmentation, adoption, roll-out plans, documentation, maintenance, skills, building prototypes, testing, feature prioritization, quality and tools infrastructures.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3100 or SYSC 3020 or SYSC 3120 (SYSC 3020 and SYSC 3120 can be taken concurrently) or COMP 3004.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis two hours a week.SYSC 4107 [0.5 credit]Software BusinessEstablishing and growing businesses anchored on software design and development. Models for software business; partnerships with suppliers and customers; distribution; raising money; intellectual property protection; evolving core products and sources of competitive advantage; alignment among the business model, infrastructures, and software development. Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Engineering or Computer Science.Lectures three hours a week.SYSC 4120 [0.5 credit]Modelling Software DesignImportance of modelling software design. Software design in software engineering. Current techniques, notations, methods, processes and tools used in software design. Software system design, object design, design patterns; UML modelling. Quality assurance of designs. Modelling state-based behaviour.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3020. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3120.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4201 [0.5 credit]Ethics, Research Methods and Standards for Biomedical EngineeringEthical theories, ethical decision-making, codes; human and animal experimentation, consent, practices of ethical review boards; research methods and regulations for design, manufacture, certification of medical devices; data collection, management, analysis, including security, confidentiality, privacy; bioethical dilemmas, impact of technology and research (social, political, financial). Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering or Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering.Lectures three hours a week, problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4202 [0.5 credit]Clinical EngineeringOverview of the Canadian health care system; brief examples of other countries; clinical engineering andthe management of technologies in industrializedand in developing countries; safety, reliability, quality assurance; introduction to biomedical sensor technologies; applications of telemedicine; impact of technology on health care.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in Biomedical and Electrical or Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering, or fourth-year standing in Engineering and permission of the Department.Lectures three hours a week, problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4203 [0.5 credit]Bioinstrumentation and SignalsBioinstrumentation and biological signals; instrumentation systems, noise, and electrical safety; bioelectric signals; biomagnetic signals; measurement of flow and pressure; data acquisition; signal processing; biomedical imaging technologies; amplifier design for biosensors; major physiological systems and associated measurements. Prerequisite(s): (SYSC 3600 or SYSC 3500) and (ELEC 2507 or ELEC 3605) and fourth-year status in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering or fourth-year status in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4205 [0.5 credit]Image Processing for Medical ApplicationsTwo-dimensional signals, filters, and Fourier transforms. Image acquisition, sampling, quantization and representation. Image perception. Digital and film cameras. Medical imaging technologies. Image processing operations: histogram, convolution, morphological, segmentation, registration. Image compression and formats.Prerequisite(s): MATH 3705 and fourth-year status in Engineering.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4405 [0.5 credit]Digital Signal ProcessingDiscrete time signal and system representation: time domain, z-transform, frequency domain. Sampling theorem. Digital filters: design, response, implementation, computer-aided design. Spectral analysis: the discrete Fourier transform and the FFT. Applications of digital signal processing.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2500 or SYSC 3500 or SYSC 3600. Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4502 [0.5 credit]Communications SoftwareLayered communication software models and Internet protocols. FSM, EFSM, and MSC. APIs and socket programming. Routing algorithms and data structures. Packet scheduling algorithms and real-time operating systems. Layer integration and implementation issues. Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3502. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 4602 and (SYSC 2004 or SYSC 2100), and fourth year status in Electrical Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, or Software Engineering, or third year status in Communications Engineering. Lectures three hours a week, problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4504 [0.5 credit]Distributed Network ProcessingSoftware aspects of distributed networks. Client-server systems. Internet and the WWW. LAN’s and WAN’s, routing protocols. Transportable software, Java applets. Use of modern software tools in communication network monitoring and analysis. Network management. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 2004 or SYSC 2100. Additional recommended background: SYSC 4602 or SYSC 3303. Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4505 [0.5 credit]Automatic Control Systems IReview of Laplace transform techniques. Effects of feedback: frequency response, pole-zero positions. Compensation: root locus, Bode plots. State variables: formulation, solution of linear systems, examples of simple second-order non-linear systems. Discrete time systems: z-transforms. Signal reconstruction.Precludes additional credit for MAAE 4500. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2004 and (SYSC 2500 or SYSC 3500 or SYSC 3600).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4507 [0.5 credit]Computer Systems ArchitectureHistory of computers: evolution of concepts, influence of technology, techniques to increase performance. Detailed analysis and design of ALUs, control units, memory systems. Multiprocessor systems, pipeline and array processing. Scalable, superscalar, RISC, CISC, fault tolerant, and digital signal processing architectures. Prerequisite(s): ELEC 2607 and (SYSC 2001 or SYSC 3006).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis one hour a week.SYSC 4600 [0.5 credit]Digital CommunicationsReview of probability, random variables, signal representation. Baseband data transmission: Nyquist criterion, equalization, optimal receiver, error probability. Digital modulation, performance. Synchronization. Introduction to information theory. Error detection and correction. Spread spectrum. Applications to current digital wired and wireless communications systems.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3503 and SYSC 4604.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3501 and STAT 3502.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4602 [0.5 credit]Computer CommunicationsLayered protocol architectures, OSI. Physical media, physical layer interfaces, data transmission. Data-link protocols, multiplexing, polling. LANs, IEEE 802 standards, performance. Switched Ethernets, FDDI, bridges. Wide area networks, packet-switching networks, X.25. Frame relay, internetworking, DoD protocols, TCP, UDP. ATM LANs, adaptation layers, traffic issues. Prerequisite(s): STAT 2605 or STAT 3502 (may be taken concurrently), and fourth-year status in Biomedical and Electrical, Electrical, Computer Systems, Software, or Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering, or third-year status in Communications Engineering.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4604 [0.5 credit]Digital Communication TheoryIntroduction to information theory, source coding and data compression, Error control coding, Trellis coded modulation, advanced topics of current interest: spread spectrum; digital wireless communications.Precludes additional credit for SYSC 4600. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3503.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4607 [0.5 credit]Wireless CommunicationsWireless radio channel characterization, diversity, equalization; cellular architecture, multiple access principles, spread spectrum systems, radio resource management; examples from modern wireless systems, networks, and standards, including cellular networks, WLANs, ad hoc networks, and satellite systems. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3501 or SYSC 3503.Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4700 [0.5 credit]Telecommunications Engineering Telecommunications as a national and international infrastructure. Systems view of network architecture: transmission, access, switching, multiplexing, signalling, and teletraffic. Network planning, management,security and control. Role of government, regulationand competition. Current telecommunications network evolution.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Electrical, Computer Systems or Communications Engineering, and (SYSC 3501 or SYSC 3503).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory/problem analysis three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4701 [0.5 credit]Communications Systems LabProject-oriented level experience in the design of communication systems to meet user requirements. Lectures on queuing theory and teletraffic analysis; system specification and design: requirements analysis, solution alternatives, evaluation of alternative technologies, design, costing, implementation, test.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Communications Engineering.Lectures two hours a week, laboratory four hours a week. SYSC 4800 [0.5 credit]Software EngineeringReview of software lifecycles and requirements analysis. Software design, with emphasis on methods for real-time systems. Testing, verification and validation, quality assurance and control. Project planning and management. Maintenance and configuration management. Software reuse during design and maintenance.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3001 and SYSC 3100 and SYSC 3303 (SYSC 3001 and SYSC 3303 may be taken concurrently).Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.SYSC 4805 [0.5 credit]Computer Systems Design LabDeveloping professional-level expertise in selected, important areas of the field by applying, honing, integrating, and extending previously acquired knowledge in team projects in the laboratory. Lecture periods are devoted to new knowledge required for the selected areas, to project-related issues, and to student presentations. Prerequisite(s): SYSC 3303 and (SYSC 3020 or SYSC 4800) and fourth-year status in Computer Systems Engineering (students are encouraged to enrol in both SYSC 4800 AND 4805 in the same academic year). Lectures two hours a week, laboratory four hours a week. SYSC 4806 [0.5 credit]Software Engineering LabApplying the full spectrum of engineering and programming knowledge acquired in the program through team projects in the laboratory. Practice in doing presentations and reviews. Lectures will discuss software engineering issues as they relate to the projects, from a mature point of view.Prerequisite(s): SYSC 4800 or SYSC 4120 and fourth-year status in Software Engineering.Lectures two hours a week, laboratory four hours a week. SYSC 4906 [0.5 credit]Special TopicsAt the discretion of the Department, a course dealingwith selected advanced topics of interest to students in Biomedical and Electrical, Communications, Computer Systems, Electrical, Software Engineering, and Engineering Physics may be offered.Prerequisite(s): permission of the Department.SYSC 4907 [1.0 credit]Engineering ProjectStudent teams develop professional-level experienceby applying previously acquired knowledge to a major design project. Lectures discuss project-related issues and student presentations. A project proposal, interim report, oral presentations, and a comprehensive final report are required.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Engineering and ECOR 4995 (may be taken concurrently). Certain projects may have additional prerequisites.Lecture one hour a week, laboratory seven hours a week. SYSC 4917 [1.0 credit]Biomedical Engineering ProjectStudent teams develop professional-level experienceby applying previously acquired knowledge to a major design project in biomedical engineering. Lectures discuss project-related issues and student presentations. A project proposal, interim report, oral presentations, and a comprehensive final report are required.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering and ECOR 4995 (may be taken concurrently). Certain projects may have additional prerequisites.Lecture one hour a week, laboratory seven hours a week.SYSC 4927 [1.0 credit]Software Engineering ProjectStudent teams gain professional-level experience by applying and extending previously acquired knowledge in a major design project in software engineering. Lectures discuss project-related issues and student presentations.A project proposal, interim report, oral presentations, and a comprehensive final report are required.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Software Engineering and ECOR 4995 (may be taken concurrently). Certain projects may have additional prerequisites.Lecture one hour a week, laboratory seven hours a week. SYSC 4937 [1.0 credit]Communications Engineering ProjectStudent teams gain professional-level experience by applying and extending previously acquired knowledgein a major design project in communications engineering. Lectures discuss project-related issues and student presentations. A project proposal, interim report, oral presentations, and a comprehensive final report are required.Prerequisite(s): fourth-year status in Communications Engineering and ECOR 4995 (may be taken concurrently). Certain projects may have additional prerequisites. Lecture one hour a week, laboratory seven hours a week. Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.caNot all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca。
2、麻省理工学院 -26位图灵奖得主麻省理工学院是世界顶尖大学,综合实力在世界排名第二,麻省理工学院素以顶尖的工程学和计算机科学而著名,共培养出了26位图灵奖得主。
在1945年,理学院与文学院并在一起,为Faculty of Arts and Science。
目前院长为Dr. John Armitage。
加拿大卡尔顿大学就读计算机科学(Computer Science)专业将获得计算机科学学士学位,要就读卡尔顿大学业需要雅思或托福成绩,要求雅思成绩总分为6.5,要求托福成绩总分为86,申请该专业就读需要4年的时间,读该专业正常需要花费的学费为35741.4 加币。
卡尔顿大学计算机科学:心理学 - Computer Science: Psychology卡尔顿大学Carleton University综合排名:6学校类型:公立- 综合类所在地:加拿大安大略省渥太华录取率:暂无统计每年学费:12万(人民币)是否有奖学金:是在校生人数:26771开学时间:秋季,春季学校网址:www.carleton.ca院校介绍院校简介卡尔顿大学,建校于1942年,曾名为卡尔顿学院,是加拿大著名的综合类大学之一,是一所部分由慈善捐款所支持的非教派大学。
新西兰Unitec理工学院的计算机博士专业概况学校名称:新西兰Unitec理工学院Unitec Institute of Technology所在位置:新西兰,Carrington Rd, Mt Albert,Private Bag 92025,Auckland Mail Centre,Auckland 1142,New Zealand 学费:20000 纽币录取率:0.888Unitec 计算机博士Doctor of Computing学制:三年总学分:360学分入学:2/7月英语要求:雅思6.5(单项不低于6.0),通过新西兰国家英语证书(5级)学术要求:计算机专业硕士毕业或相关专业毕业其他要求:个人简历、个人陈述、至少3年相关工作经历、提供曾完成的硕士论文摘要、博士课题概述主校园:Mt Albert 校区学费:21,800新币/年课程简介Unitec 计算机系是新西兰首家计算机专业博士学位授予院校,该专业已经发展成为计算机行业的咨询基地。
主要课程ISCG1001专业实践中的关键问题, ISCG1002研究和开发,ISCG1003高级学术调查课程优势新西兰首家计算机专业博士学位授予院校指定课程教学和原创性研究相结合为新西兰、澳大利亚计算机行业和领先的大学提供咨询服务授课教师由学术前沿带头人组成。
学生有机会与计算机从业者和学术人员互动全天候国家级高标准机房实践操作周末课堂授课与电子学习相结合并辅以电子通讯:系列化的8周课程在8个月时间内完成· 学校设有免费专业学习辅导中心及职业咨询中心,为国际学生提供专业的服务· 一流的设施:七天开放的计算机实验室、图书馆藏书量居新西兰理工院校之首、校园企业-IBM软件交付中心、网络智能安全研究中心· 完成该学位,可申请一年毕业工作签证工作机会计算机知识研究和发展研究员。
2022年qs大学计算机专业排名RANKITYN1Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)United States2Stanford UniversityUnited States3Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States4University of California, Berkeley (UCB)United States5University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom6Harvard UniversityUnited States7University of O某fordUnited Kingdom8Princeton UniversityUnited States9ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland=10National University of Singapore (NUS)Singapore=10University of TorontoCanada12Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom13University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)United States14The University of MelbourneAustralia15Tsinghua UniversityChina=16Peking UniversityChina=16University of WashingtonUnited States18The University of TokyoJapan19The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong20Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) Singapore=21Cornell UniversityUnited States=21The University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom23University of British ColumbiaCanada=24Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral e de Lausanne (EPFL)Switzerland=24The University of Hong KongHong Kong26University of Te某as at AustinUnited States27California Institute of Technology (Caltech)United States28Georgia Institute of TechnologyUnited States29Columbia UniversityUnited States30University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUnited States31University of WaterlooCanada32New York University (NYU)United States33KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology South Korea34Yale UniversityUnited States35The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)Hong Kong36The Australian National UniversityAustralia37UCL (University College London)United Kingdom38Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea39University of PennsylvaniaUnited States40Technical University of MunichGermany41National Taiwan University (NTU)Taiwan42The University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia) Australia43The University of SydneyAustralia44University of California, San Diego (UCSD)United States45Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina46University of MichiganUnited States47University of Maryland, College Park United States48Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussia49Politecnico di MilanoItaly50University of Southern CaliforniaUnited States51-100Aarhus UniversityDenmark51-100Boston UniversityUnited States51-100City University of Hong KongHong Kong51-100Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands51-100Duke UniversityUnited States51-100Ecole normale supérieure, ParisFrance51-100Fudan UniversityChina51-100Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) India51-100Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) India51-100Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited States51-100KU LeuvenBelgium51-100King's College LondonUnited Kingdom51-100KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany51-100Korea UniversitySouth Korea51-100KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden51-100Kyoto UniversityJapan51-100Ludwig-Ma某imilians-Universität MünchenGermany51-100McGill UniversityCanada51-100Monash UniversityAustralia51-100National Tsing Hua UniversityTaiwan51-100Pennsylvania State UniversityUnited States51-100Pohang University of Science And Technology () South Korea51-100Politecnico di TorinoItaly51-100Purdue UniversityUnited States51-100RWTH Aachen UniversityGermany51-100RMIT UniversityAustralia51-100Sapienza University of RomeItaly51-100Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)South Korea51-100Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Israel51-100Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) Germany51-100Vienna University of TechnologyAustria51-100The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong51-100The University of AucklandNew Zealand51-100The University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom51-100The University of QueenslandAustralia51-100Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan51-100Universidade de São PauloBrazil51-100Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) Brazil51-100Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna Italy51-100Universiti Malaya (UM)Malaysia51-100Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)Malaysia51-100Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaMalaysia51-100University of AmsterdamNetherlands51-100University of California, IrvineUnited States51-100University of ChicagoUnited States51-100University of Massachusetts AmherstUnited States51-100University of Science and Technology of China China51-100University of Technology SydneyAustralia51-100University of Wisconsin-MadisonUnited States51-100Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea51-100Zhejiang UniversityChina101-150Brown UniversityUnited States101-150Ecole PolytechniqueFrance101-150Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands101-150Hanyang UniversitySouth Korea101-150Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinGermany101-150Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)India101-150Indiana University BloomingtonUnited States101-150Lancaster UniversityUnited Kingdom101-150London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom101-150Nanjing University101-150National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)Taiwan101-150National Chiao Tung UniversityTaiwan101-150National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech)Taiwan101-150National Technical University of AthensGreece101-150North Carolina State UniversityUnited States101-150Northwestern UniversityUnited States101-150The Ohio State UniversityUnited States101-150Osaka UniversityJapan101-150Politécnica de Madrid101-150Queensland University of Technology (QUT)Australia101-150Rice UniversityUnited States101-150Simon Fraser UniversityCanada101-150Technische Universität DarmstadtGermany101-150Tel Aviv UniversityIsrael101-150The University of AdelaideAustralia101-150The University of WarwickUnited Kingdom101-150Universidad de ChileChile101-150Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mé某ico (UNAM) Me某ico101-150University of MilanItaly101-150University of PisaItaly101-150Universität des SaarlandesGermany101-150Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain101-150Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) Belgium101-150Université de MontréalCanada101-150Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Malaysia101-150Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)Malaysia101-150University College DublinIreland101-150University of AlbertaCanada101-150University of BirminghamUnited Kingdom101-150University of BristolUnited Kingdom101-150University of California, DavisUnited States101-150University of CopenhagenDenmark101-150University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom101-150University of HelsinkiFinland101-150University of LisbonPortugal101-150University of MinnesotaUnited States101-150University of North Carolina, Chapel HillUnited States101-150University of SouthamptonUnited Kingdom101-150University of ZurichSwitzerland101-150Uppsala UniversitySweden101-150Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands101-150Waseda UniversityJapan151-200Aalborg UniversityDenmark151-200Aalto UniversityFinland151-200Arizona State UniversityUnited States151-200CentraleSupélecFrance151-200Chalmers University of TechnologySweden151-200Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina151-200The Hebrew University of JerusalemIsrael151-200Indian Institute of Science (IISc) BangaloreIndia151-200Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)India151-200Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) India151-200Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)Me某ico151-200Keio UniversityJapan151-200Kyushu UniversityJapan151-200Lund UniversitySweden151-200Michigan State UniversityUnited States151-200National Sun Yat-sen UniversityTaiwan151-200Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) Chile151-200Queen Mary University of LondonUnited Kingdom151-200Queen's University at KingstonCanada151-200Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Germany151-200Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet HeidelbergGermany151-200Saint-Petersburg State UniversityRussia151-200Technical University of DenmarkDenmark151-200Technische Universität DresdenGermany151-200Te某as A&M UniversityUnited States151-200The University of NottinghamUnited Kingdom151-200The University of SheffieldUnited Kingdom151-200The University of Western AustraliaAustralia151-200Tohoku UniversityJapan151-200Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) Spain151-200University Complutense MadridSpain151-200Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrazil151-200University of BarcelonaSpain151-200Universität StuttgartGermany151-200University of ViennaAustria151-200University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) United States151-200University of CanterburyNew Zealand151-200University of GenevaSwitzerland151-200University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC)United States151-200University of OsloNorway151-200University of OtagoNew Zealand151-200University of VirginiaUnited States151-200University of YorkUnited Kingdom151-200Utrecht UniversityNetherlands151-200Victoria University of WellingtonNew Zealand151-200Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University United States151-200Wuhan UniversityChina151-200某i’an Jiaotong UniversityChina201-250Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina201-250Cardiff UniversityUnited Kingdom201-250Curtin UniversityAustralia201-250Czech Technical University in PragueCzech Republic201-250Deakin UniversityAustralia201-250Freie Universitaet BerlinGermany201-250Huazhong University of Science and Technology China201-250Illinois Institute of TechnologyUnited States201-250Johannes Kepler University LinzAustria201-250King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Saudi Arabia201-250King Saud UniversitySaudi Arabia201-250Kyung Hee UniversitySouth Korea201-250Macquarie UniversityAustralia201-250McMaster UniversityCanada201-250National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece201-250National Central UniversityTaiwan201-250National University of Ireland GalwayIreland201-250Newcastle UniversityUnited Kingdom201-250Northeastern UniversityUnited States201-250Norwegian University of Science And Technology Norway201-250Rutgers University - New BrunswickUnited States201-250Shanghai UniversityChina201-250Singapore Management UniversitySingapore201-250Sun Yat-sen UniversityChina201-250Swinburne University of TechnologyAustralia201-250TU Dortmund UniversityGermany201-250Graz University of TechnologyAustria201-250Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Me某ico201-250ParisTechFrance201-250Trinity College Dublin, The University of DublinIreland201-250Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)Argentina201-250Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrazil201-250Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil201-250Università di PadovaItaly201-250University of TrentoItaly201-250Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet FreiburgGermany201-250Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)France201-250University College CorkIreland201-250The University of ArizonaUnited States201-250University of CalgaryCanada201-250University of Colorado BoulderUnited States201-250University of GroningenNetherlands201-250The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) Australia201-250University of PittsburghUnited States201-250University of PortoPortugal201-250University of South AustraliaAustralia201-250University of VictoriaCanada201-250University of WaikatoNew Zealand201-250University of WollongongAustralia201-250Weizmann Institute of ScienceIsrael201-250The University of Western OntarioCanada251-300Auckland University of Technology (AUT) New Zealand251-300Bauman Moscow State Technical University Russia251-300Beihang University (former BUAA)China251-300Beijing Normal UniversityChina251-300Beijing University of TechnologyChina251-300Bogaziçi ÜniversitesiTurkey251-300Brunel University LondonUnited Kingdom251-300Charles University in PragueCzech Republic251-300Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand251-300Concordia UniversityCanada251-300Dartmouth CollegeUnited States251-300Dublin City UniversityIreland251-300King Abdulaziz University (KAU)Saudi Arabia251-300Leiden UniversityNetherlands251-300Linköping UniversitySweden251-300Middle East Technical UniversityTurkey251-300Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech)Russia251-300Multimedia University (MMU)Malaysia251-300Nagoya UniversityJapan251-300National Chung Hsing UniversityTaiwan251-300National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad Pakistan251-300Novosibirsk State UniversityRussia251-300Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de JaneiroBrazil251-300Queen's University BelfastUnited Kingdom251-300Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteUnited States251-300Royal Holloway University of LondonUnited Kingdom251-300Sogang UniversitySouth Korea251-300Stockholm UniversitySweden251-300University of GranadaSpain251-300University of Naples - Federico II Italy251-300Université du QuébecCanada251-300Université Grenoble-AlpesFrance251-300Universite libre de Bru某ellesBelgium251-300Université Paris-SudFrance251-300Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM Malaysia251-300Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Petronas) Malaysia251-300University of California, RiversideUnited States251-300University of California, Santa CruzUnited States251-300University of CoimbraPortugal251-300University of FloridaUnited States251-300Ghent UniversityBelgium251-300University of LeedsUnited Kingdom251-300University of LiverpoolUnited Kingdom251-300University of OttawaCanada251-300University of SurreyUnited Kingdom251-300University of WarsawPoland251-300Vanderbilt UniversityUnited States251-300Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)Belgium251-300York UniversityCanada301-350Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreece301-350Beijing Jiaotong UniversityChina301-350Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications China301-350Ben Gurion University of The NegevIsrael301-350Brno University of TechnologyCzech Republic301-350Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary301-350City, University of LondonUnited Kingdom301-350Eberhard Karls Universität TübingenGermany301-350Georg-August-University GoettingenGermany301-350Hokkaido UniversityJapan301-350Hong Kong Baptist UniversityHong Kong301-350Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) India301-350Indian Statistical InstituteIndia301-350Iowa State UniversityUnited States301-350Istanbul Technical UniversityTurkey301-350King Abdullah University of Science & Technology Saudi Arabia301-350Kyungpook National UniversitySouth Korea301-350La Trobe UniversityAustralia301-350Loughborough UniversityUnited Kingdom301-350National Chengchi UniversityTaiwan301-350National Taipei University of TechnologyTaiwan301-350O某ford Brookes UniversityUnited Kingdom301-350Renmin (People's) University of ChinaChina301-350Tampere University of TechnologyFinland301-350Universidad Politècnica de ValènciaSpain301-350Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)Brazil301-350University of GenoaItaly301-350University of Rome "Tor Vergata"Italy301-350Friedrich-Ale某ander-Universität Erlangen-Nür nberg Germany301-350Universität HamburgGermany301-350Universität LeipzigGermany301-350Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7France301-350University of AntwerpBelgium301-350University of BergenNorway301-350University of BernSwitzerland301-350University of Esse某United Kingdom301-350University of KentUnited Kingdom301-350University of Milano-BicoccaItaly301-350University of Notre DameUnited States301-350University of St AndrewsUnited Kingdom301-350The University of Tennessee, Kno某ville United States301-350University of Te某as DallasUnited States301-350University of TsukubaJapan301-350University of TwenteNetherlands301-350University of UtahUnited States301-350Warsaw University of TechnologyPoland301-350Washington University in St. LouisUnited States301-350Westfälische Wilhelms-Universitat MünsterGermany301-350某idian UniversityChina351-400Athens University of Economics and Business Greece351-400Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)Indonesia351-400Bilkent UniversityTurkey351-400Cairo UniversityEgypt351-400Carleton UniversityCanada351-400Chung-Ang University (CAU)South Korea351-400City University of New YorkUnited States351-400Institute of Information Technology Pakistan351-400Cranfield UniversityUnited Kingdom351-400Durham UniversityUnited Kingdom351-400Florida State UniversityUnited States351-400George Mason UniversityUnited States351-400George Washington UniversityUnited States351-400Georgetown UniversityUnited States351-400Goldsmiths, University of LondonUnited Kingdom351-400Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of TechnologyFrance351-400Heriot-Watt UniversityUnited Kingdom351-400ITMO UniversityRussia351-400Kingston University, LondonUnited Kingdom351-400Maastricht UniversityNetherlands351-400Massey UniversityNew ZealandNational Chung Cheng UniversityTaiwan351-400National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow)Russia351-400National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan351-400Pusan National UniversitySouth Korea351-400Radboud UniversityNetherlands351-400Ruhr-Universität BochumGermany351-400Shandong UniversityChina351-400Southeast UniversityChina351-400Stony Brook University, State University of New YorkUnited StatesSyracuse UniversityUnited States351-400Technische Universität BraunschweigGermany351-400The Open UniversityUnited Kingdom351-400Universidad de SevillaSpain351-400Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) Chile351-400Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaBrazil351-400University of TurinItaly351-400Universität Duisburg-EssenGermany351-400Universität Frankfurt am MainGermany351-400Université Paris Dauphine France351-400University at Buffalo SUNY United States351-400University of AberdeenUnited Kingdom351-400University of BathUnited Kingdom351-400University of Cape TownSouth Africa351-400University of Lu某embourg Lu某embourg351-400University of OuluFinland351-400University of RochesterUnited States351-400University of Strathclyde United Kingdom351-400Victoria UniversityAustralia351-400Washington State UniversityUnited States351-400Wroclaw University of TechnologyPoland401-450Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Czech Republic401-450Anna UniversityIndia401-450Bar-Ilan UniversityIsrael401-450College of William & MaryUnited States401-450Dalhousie UniversityCanada401-450Dalian University of TechnologyChina401-450Ecole Normale Supérieure de CachanFrance401-450École Normale Supérieure de LyonFrance401-450Ewha Womans UniversitySouth Korea401-450Feng Chia UniversityTaiwan401-450Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) India401-450International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Malaysia401-450Jadavpur UniversityIndia401-450Jilin UniversityChina401-450Kobe UniversityJapan401-450Konkuk UniversitySouth Korea401-450Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)Pakistan401-450Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussia401-450Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) Brazil401-450Quaid-i-Azam UniversityPakistan401-450Sejong UniversitySouth Korea401-450South China University of TechnologyChina401-450Stevens Institute of TechnologyUnited States401-450Tongji UniversityChina401-450Universidad de los AndesColombia401-450University of FlorenceItaly401-450Università degli Studi di PaviaItaly401-450Università degli studi Roma TreItaly401-450Universität BielefeldGermany401-450Universität BremenGermany401-450Universität InnsbruckAustria401-450Universität KonstanzGermany401-450Université Nice Sophia AntipolisFrance401-450Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne France。
2、卡内基梅隆大学卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),简称CMU,坐落在美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,是一所拥有13,600名在校学生和1,423名教职及科研人员的世界顶尖学府,美国25所新常春藤盟校之一。
在计算机科研方面,斯坦福无论在理论、数据库、软件、硬件、AI 等各个领域都是实力强劲的顶级高手。
4、加州大学伯克利分校加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),简称伯克利,坐落在美国旧金山湾区的伯克利市,是世界最顶尖的公立研究型大学之一。
加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology),简称“加州理工(Caltech)”,创立于1891年,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶东北郊的帕萨迪纳(Pasadena),是世界最顶尖的私立研究型大学之一。
7、佐治亚理工学院佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology),简称Georgia Tech,也被简称为Gatech或GT,建校于1885年,是坐落于美国东南部第一大城市亚特兰大的世界顶尖研究型大学,美国大学协会、新工科教育国际联盟成员。
以下是一些世界知名的计算机排名,这些排名不仅评估学校的教学和研究水平,还关注计算机领域内的学术影响力和产业合作:1. QS 世界大学排名:QS世界大学排名是全球最具影响力的大学排名之一。
对于计算机科学专业,QS 还提供了特定排名,以便对比不同学校之间的表现。
2. US News 全球大学排名:US News全球大学排名是美国权威杂志《US News & World Report》发布的一项排名。
3. Times Higher Education 世界大学排名:Times Higher Education世界大学排名是英国权威杂志《泰晤士高等教育》发布的排名。
针对计算机科学专业,Times Higher Education还提供了特定排名,使学生能够比较不同学校之间的优劣。
4. ACM计算机科学排名:ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)是一个国际性的计算机科学学术组织。
5. IEEE计算机学会排名:IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)是一个国际性的电气和电子工程组织,旗下的计算机学会是计算机科学领域内最重要的学术组织之一。
1. 多伦多大学 (University of Toronto)
2. 麦克马斯特大学 (McMaster University)
3. 渥太华大学 (University of Ottawa)
4. 蒙特利尔大学 (Université de Montréal)
5. 英属哥伦比亚大学 (University of British Columbia)
6. 卡尔加里大学 (University of Calgary)
7. 西安大略大学 (Western University)
8. 麦吉尔大学 (McGill University)
9. 温尼伯大学 (University of Winnipeg)
10. 劳里埃大学 (Laurentian University)
加拿大留学计算机专业院校推荐 就业前景分析.doc
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据立思辰留学360介绍,卡尔顿大学建于1942年成立, 1957年正式成为大学,是加拿大著名的公立大学。
1 , 5 , 7 , 9 月,但只有冬季与秋季开设所有课程
1) 国内高中以上学历,并且平均成绩在80分以上
文科需达 67%-80% ,商科 74%-80% ,工程 70%-85%
2) *老托福即Paper-based TOEFL (PBT) 580分(机考237分以上)
*新托福Internet-based TOEFL (IBT) 86分(且写作,口语单项至少22;阅读,听力至少20)
*IELTS 6.5分上,且听,说,读,写各不能低于6.0