Intercultural Business Negotiation
International business negotiation——To be a qualifiednegotiator姓名:学号:专业班级:To be a qualified negotiatorToday’s globalization requires professionals to deal with their counterparts in countries with different economic, cultural, legal, and political environments. You may need to resolve a dispute with a supplier, finalize a counter proposal for a state-owned enterprise, or lead a multicultural team. Thus in a globalized market, few subjects are as critical as negotiating across cultural boundaries. When negotiators are from diverse culturally sensitive negotiating skills are necessary for managing in an international setting. So, it needs we deal with carefully and keenly.As we know, if you want to be a good international negotiator you should prepare well before start the negotiation.The most important thing is to collect information. Such as: the background, corporate culture and management method of the target co. you will negotiate with. Because all these aspects will be closely related to their offer, their way of doing business, even the strategy they will adapt in a negotiation. In addition, know the people well who will attend in the negotiation by all possible means. Pay more attention to their negotiation style: task-oriented or people-oriented? Their ways of handling things, directly or indirectly? High-context or low-context? The philosophy they stickto, win-win one or the win –loss one? And if possible, know about their personalities which may affect the going of the deal to a certain extent.Apart from that, you should spare some efforts on your own part, this may include: set up your objectives clearly. Always keep what you want to achieve in mind, work out a strategy (according to their possible tactics), distribute the roles appropriately, when doing this; you should be clear about different people’s characteristics. Last one; be ready to cooperate with other members in a team. Different people may have different perspectives and views to different things and in a negotiation they play different roles and have certain emphasis. So be cooperative is rather critical for a successful negotiator.1. Target decisionPerhaps the most important part of pre-negotiation planning is determining, with some precision, the negotiation objective that need to be achieved. A buyer cannot go into a negotiation with vague objectives such as ‘to get the price down or “to do the best I can”. A buyer must go further than this and establish a negotiation objective for each agenda item that he intends to raise.2. Collecting informationThe first step you should do is that you must make sure which kind of information you need.Then, we can use the following way get some important information.(1)international organizations;(2)governments;(3)service organizations;(4)directories and newsletters;(5)on-line service;(6)local laws and regulations;(7)information on financial credit;(8)market survey.3. Staffing negotiation teamsGenerally speaking, a negotiation team consist of a team leader or chief negotiator, and an interpreter if it is a bilateral negotiation, and a note keeper. Other key members of the team include professionals and experts representing their special fields, such as production, sales promotion, technology, financial accounting, engineering, law and other areas concerned with a specific negotiation, counting, engineering, law and other areas concerned with a specific negotiation.4. Choice of negotiation venuesGenerally speaking, negotiation sites can be divided into three categories host venue, guest venue and third party’s venue. You can according the situation and then choose right place. A careful consideration and arrangement for the preparatory work cansave a lot of time and resources for negotiators.5. Communicate in negotiationMuch of what people communicate to one another is transmitted with nonverbal communication. Examples include facial expressions, body language, head movements, and tone of voice, to name just a few. Some nonverbal acts, called attending behaviors, are particularly important in connecting with another person during a coordinated interaction like negotiation; they let the other know that you are listening and prepare the other party to receive your message. We discuss three important attending behaviors: eye contact, body position, and encouraging.6.The Case study of Cultural Difference Of Nonverbal CommunicationAnother most important factor which affects the success of business negotiation is cross-cultural communication.The study of cross-cultural communication includes language communica tion and non-verbal communication.People usually pay attention to verbal communication in general during communication.They believe that language is the only way to transmit and compre hend information,while ignoring the importance of non-verbal communication.This paper attempts to introduce the basic ideas of non-verbal communication and apply relevant principles to account for some cross-culture business negotiation skills through case studies.This paper aims to make people understand the importance of non-verbal communication and the non-verbal language difference which is influenced by different social ba ckgrounds so as to avoid business negotiations failure.Then i want to share with you some case about culture different: Case1:The Culture Difference of Body LanguageAt an international airport in an Arab country,a Chinese engineer wanted to express his appreciation attitude while che cking the luggage.As he knew no Arabic,the only way for him was to shake hands with the officer.Both of the engineer’s hands were full—his left hand was holding a small traveler’s bag and his right hand a pi ece of luggage.For the sake of convenience,the engineer quic kly put the bag into his right hand and extended his left oneto the officerhe was expecting a hand shake with the officer.Something happened unexpectedly.The officer’s smiling face turned pale and the smile disappeared at once. Instead of a courteous handshake,he slapped that engineer’s extended hand and walked away.Analysis:Personal body movements and facial expressions c an convey information which sometimes can cooperate with the l anguage,and sometimes even can replace the language to conveyinformation.What is wrong with the Chinese engineer in the c ase above?The point is that:he extends his left hand the Ara b officer for a handshake.What that engineer do not know is t hat,in Arab culture,left hand is dirty,and it is regarded a s an insult if someone uses it for a handshake.It is true that a business person could not have a complet e knowledge of all other culture and customs.However,as a bu siness person,he should learn as much as possible.Actually, more and more Western business magazines and journals have bec ome more and more interested in study on cultural differences and teaching their business people how to behave accordingly i n another culture.People of different cultures will have different understan ding about body language.Business Communication is not only t he exchanges and cooperation in the economic field,but also t he exchange and communication between cultures,and cultural f actors always play a crucial role.The same movements or expre ssions in different cultures may stand for different meaning. For example,Americans use thumb and index finger to make a ci rcle instead"OK"as a symbolic gesture.But,in Japan,it is s tand for"coin",the shape of"money".So in Japan the gesture means the money.In France,in most cases,the gesture means"zero"or"no value".Use the same gesture on the same occasi on can means different kinds of meaning in different culture and cause different kinds of responses.The same gesture,the Americans means"OK";the Japanese means"money",they want to know something about the price;French means"no value".In a word,in the process of business communication businessmen sh ould know some cultural habits to avoid unnecessary misunderst anding.Case2:The Cultural Difference of ParalanguageSome Japanese businessmen went to the United States for a large trade negotiation.At the beginning of the negotiations, U.S.representatives spoke a lot.They want to reach an agree ment quickly.However,the Japanese representatives kept silent.When the U.S.representatives try to talk with the Japanes e,these American managers confused and felt frustrated.Becau se the American managers sometimes just got a"Hay"or a nod a s the answer,even sometimes they got nothing but the silence. Finally,the U.S.manager concluded:"The Japanese do not wan t to do business with us.They are so rude,they even do not ha ve a willing to talk with us!"This trade negotiation ended w ith failure.Analysis:More often the American-Japanese business communication runs into a loop:the more the American talks,the-mor e silent the Japanese will be-they need time to digest what th e American has just said;and the more silence the Japanese re spond with,the more the American will talk.For those America n managers,perhaps the saying“enough is enough”is the be st expression to describe their irritated feeling or frustrati on.This helps to explain why the American manager in the case above finally said:"The Japanese do not want to do business with us.They are so rude,they even do not have a willing to talk with us!"What makes the American-Japanese business communication r uns into such a loop is the cultural difference of the two cou ntries.They have different understanding of silence.American s believe an eloquent speaker is regarded as a good communicat or.For that reason,many Americans assume that one should be eloquent,and this should be the standard applicable everywher e in the world.However,what they do not know is that such a standard does not fit into the Japanese context.The Japanese culture,on the contrary,takes silence as an earnest way to t hink about what others have said(or are saying).Moreover,Ja panese distrust“speakers”.As the proverbhe who knows does not speak,and he who speaks does not know.That’s the reason why many Japanese often remain silent or pause for a long time before they say anything.As far as silence i s concerned,Japanese have all kinds of silence,each of which carries different meanings.And this is something many Americ an managers have little knowledge about.In a word,we must pay attention to the turn-taking skills during business conversation.In English-speaking countries, silence is the worst response during the communication.Becaus e they believe response is a expression of respect and attenti on.We must use non-verbal signals from time to time to mainta in a context with others during business communication.7. The necessary qualities a negotiator should have,such as:(1).Patience.(2).Self-control ability.(3).Listen carefully.Finally, we need to do a lot more to make us a successful negotiator, the above words are far less enough. But they can be seen as a guide and the direction for us. “Where there is a will, there is a way.” If only we set up our mind and spare no effects, nothing is impossible in the world, so does “be a successful negotiator come on!”【Reference】[1]Roy J. Lewicki & Bruce Barry & David M. Saunders. international business negotiation[2]Claude Cellich & Subhash C. Jain. Practical solutions to global business negotiations[3]白远.国际商务谈判欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
The Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiation
The Impact of Cultural Differences on InternationalBusiness Negotiation1.IntroductionInternational business negotiations are far more complex than domestic ones. The difficulties are due to the big differences between the two parties in a negotiation in language, value, behavior patterns, moral standards and so on. All those factors are playing crucial roles in negotiations. The key to effective cross-cultural communication is knowledge. So we must learn and know as much knowledge as we can. Knowing these cultural differences can help us solve the problems and reduce the misunderstandings in International business negotiations. Due to these cultural differences, negotiators who come from different part of the world can form different negotiation styles. The relation between culture and negotiation styles has been the topic of much investigation and research in recent times. Being familiar with different cultural differences can help us get a close view of different negotiation styles, and all these previous efforts can make the International business negotiation smooth. The thesis will elaborate on the cultural factors and their influences on negotiation styles in different countries.2. Cultural Influences and Types2.1 Cultural InfluencesWhen two groups from the same country are doing business, it is often possible to expedite the whole negotiation procedure. Because they have the same cultural background, the mutual communications are easy to understand. This does not mean they have no obstacle during the whole negotiation procedure, but compare with people who do business from different cultures, they do not have the impact of cultural differences, so the contradictions seem to be easy solved.If two different cultures are involved, one party without a real knowledge of another culture, it may lead to misunderstandings. The international negotiators must be careful when handle these cultural differences and do not use the same way like negotiate with local businesspersons.A great number of real cases show that due to misunderstandings, manybusinesses were lost. For example, an American businessman once presented a clock to the daughter of his Chinese counterpart on the occasion of her marriage, not knowing that clocks are inappropriate gifts in China because they are associated with death. His insult led to the termination of the business relationship. It is also bad form to give the gifts of great value to the Japanese than those received.As an international business negotiator, he or she must try his best to learn and know the culture differences in order to avoid some mistakes and through the cultural exchange to establish a good cooperation relationship with his partners.2.2 Cultural TypesBeliefs and behaviors are different from different cultures, because each develops its own means of explaining and coping with life. Four cultural dimensions can help to explain the differences between cultures. Though the distinctions between them seem clear, the dimension should be regarded as a general guide. The four dimensions are gender, uncertainty avoidance, power distance and individualism.Gender cultures can be divided into masculine and feminine types. Masculine cultures typically value assertiveness, independence, task orientation and self-achievement. Masculine societies tend to have a rigid division of sex roles. The competitiveness and assertiveness embedded in masculine societies may result in individuals perceiving the negotiation situation in win-or-lose terms. In masculine cultures, the party with the most competitive behavior is likely to gain more.Feminine cultures value modesty, cooperation, nurturing and solidarity with the less fortunate. Femininity is related to empathy and social relations.Uncertainty avoidance This term refers to how uncomfortable a person feel in risky or ambiguous situations. In high uncertainty avoidance cultures, people tend to avoid tense situations. These cultures tend to observe formal bureaucratic rules, rely on rituals and standards, and trust only family and friends.In low uncertainty avoidance cultures, people are generally more comfortable with ambiguous situations and are more accepting of risk. Low risk avoiders require much less information, have fewer people involved in the decision-making, and can act quickly. Such cultures dislike hierarchy and typically find it inefficient and destructive. Deviance and new ideas are more highly tolerated. Cultures characterized by low uncertainty avoidance are likely to pursue problem-solving solutions rather than maintain the status quo.Power distance Power distance refers to the acceptance of authority differences between people—the disparity between those who hold power and those affected by power. High power-distance cultures are status conscious and respectful of age and seniority. In high power-distance cultures, outward forms of status such as protocol, formality, and hierarchy are considered important. Decisions regarding rewards and redress of grievances are usually based on personal judgments made by power holders. When someone from a high-masculinity culture attempts to work with someone from a high power-distance culture without either party recognizing the variations in their respective behaviors, clashes are likely to disrupt negotiations. In low power-distance cultures, people strive for power equalization and justice. A low power-distance cultural values competence over seniority with a resulting consultative management style. Low masculinity and low power distance may be related to the sharing of information and the offering of multiple proposals as well as more cooperative and creative behavior.Individualism In individualism cultures, people tend to put tasks before relationships and to value independence highly. People in these cultures are expected to take care of themselves and to value the needs of the individual over those of the group, community, or society. Individualistic cultures prefer liner logic and tend to value open conflict. Members from individualistic societies expect the other side’s negotiation to have the ability to make decision unilaterally.By contrast, cultures that value collectivism emphasize solidarity, loyalty, and strong interdependence among individuals. Relationships are based on mutual self-interest and are dependent on the success of the group. Collectivist cultures define themselves in terms of their membership within groups. Maintaining the integrity of groups is stressed so that cooperation, conflict avoidance, and conformity dominate the culture. Collectivist societies tend to stress abstract, general agreements over concrete, specific issues.Collectivist negotiators tend to assume that details can be worked out if the negotiators can agree on generalities. Collectivist societies show more concern for the needs of the other party and focus more on group goals than individualistic societies do. Members of collectivist societies chafe when members from individualistic societies promote their own positions and ideas during negotiations.3. The Relevant Cultural FactorsIn terms of international business negotiation, the following elements of culture are generally believed to have an important impact on international business negotiation. Knowing much relevant knowledge of different cultures can make the international business negotiation smooth.3.1 Language and CommunicationThe ways in which people communicate, including using verbal and non-verbal language, directly affects international business negotiation. When we communicate with people from other cultures, our body language sometimes helps make the communication easier and more effective, such as by shaking hands when greeting others. This has become such a universal gesture that people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting.Sometimes, body language can be more of a hindrance than a favor. It can lead to misunderstanding since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message. For example, nodding one’s head is generally meant to show agreement, to indic ate ‘yes’. To the Nepalese and Sri Lankans, however, it meant not ‘yes’, but ‘no’.So, as a master hand, he must try his best to know as much as information of his counterpart, the proficiency of languages and negotiation techniques are not enough, he also needs to have some mastery of the non-verbal behavior of different cultures. People use body languages more frequently in daily life. Excellent language and communication can help us make success.3.2 ValuesValues are the standards by which a culture evaluates action and their consequences. They affect perception and can have a strong emotional impact upon people. In different cultures, values may vary significantly. One’s proper actions in one culture can be seen as wrong in a moral sense in another culture.Thus, it is important to understand the prevailing values in a particular society and the extent to which they are respected in the everyday behavior of individuals. Values affect the willingness to take risks, the leadership style and the superior-subordinate relationships, etc. This is true for the relationships between negotiators within each team. Every culture has defined priorities for every aspect of social life. The discussion here will focus on values critical for understanding the economic performance of a society, more specifically, and the value that deserveattention in order to develop intercultural communication skills.3.2.1 Value towards TimeValue towards time and how they shape the way people structure their actions have a pervasive yet invisible influence on international business negotiation. Differences in punctuality, reflected in everyday negotiation behavior, may probably appear as the most visible consequence. But differences in times orientations, especially toward the future, are more important as they affect long-range issues such as the strategic framework of decision made when negotiating.3.3.2 Value towards RelationshipsDifferent patterns of relationship affect international business negotiations through the style of interaction between people, their decision-making process, and the way in which they mix human relationships and business matters, etc.3.3 Decision-making ProcessWhen faced with a complex negotiation task, people in different countries may use different approaches to make a decision. Knowing these differences will facilitate anticipating the reactions of the other side in business negotiation.4. Different Negotiation Styles4.1 The American Negotiation StyleThe United States is among the most advanced countries in economy and technology in the world. Both its language and currency occupy an important place in the world economy. English is the most commonly used language in international negotiations and fifty percent of the world trade adopts the U.S. dollars to settle accounts. All of these factors make the American feel very proud of their country and possess very strong national pride and glory, which are fully put up in their trade activities. They often leave a deep impression of superiority to foreign negotiators.Americans emphasize free competition and individualism. Very often, the emphasis on self-interest and freedom of the individual can run counter to cooperation, commitment and community. The business firm values the person who is mobile, energetic, creative and ambitious.4.1.1 Language and CommunicationFor the Americans, the stage of exchanging task-related information in business negotiations is relatively direct, with clear statements of needs and preferences. They may discuss topics other than business at the negotiation table, such as the weather, sports, etc., but not for long. They tend to spend most time in the stage of negotiation-persuasion. They take it for granted that the two parties of a business transaction shall both have good prospects of profit and they will put forward a they-think-it-most-reasonable plan in accordance with this principle. They prefer to clarify their standpoints at the very beginning of the first touch of the two parties and put out their plan so as to strive after the initiative. If there is a bifurcation, they seldom suspect their own analysis and calculation and usually ask the other party to consider the possibility of making re-composition. Americans tend to make concession throughout the negotiations, settling one issue, then proceeding to the next. Thus the final agreement is a sequence of several smaller concessions.Americans are apt to make censure on the other party of a negotiation, especially when the negotiation is out of their expectation. This is because they always think they are right all the time and doing reasonable things. They are lack of tolerance and understanding of other. They speak loud and fast. They seldom say sorry to others. They like taking themselves as the center of everything and expecting other people to do things as they wish. Their behavior in negotiations leaves an impression of being rude, arrogant and aggressive to the oriental.4.1.2 ValuesIn the United States, there are strong values regarding independence, freedom and individual equality. The sense of personal freedom is very strong. Individuals are not necessarily constrained to a particular social class, location or economic group by birth. As a result, individuals strive to achieve personal goals, seek personal autonomy and often prefer to act as individuals rather than as a member of a group. Individuals are being empowered as decision-makers for their group, division or companies. Their communication pattern tends to be present-oriented, self-oriented and action-oriented.They place great value on time. Using time efficiently is a critical goal and admired skill. They do not like “meaningless” talk even in very important negotiations. They will tend to be impatient when process of negotiation slows down. If you are wasting their time, they will think you are stealing their money, because in the American thought, “Time is money.” They cherish time very much and are alwayspunctual. Another manifestation of the American businesspersons cherishing time is that they prefer to do things orderly and set up plans well in advance and they do not like uninvited guests with no appointments beforehand. It is both impolite to arrive early or late when you come to the appointment with an American. To them, foreigners who do not respect this time orientation are viewed as less professional or less sophisticated than those who do.Americans pay attention to the contracts and rely on law. They take business contracts purely as they are and they cannot bear the mixture of business and friendship. No matter in what good relations, even between a father and a son, it should be absolutely clear in the economic interests. Hereby, Americans cannot understand the Chinese traditional ideas that old friends should provide more preferential treatments and more benefits to each other.4.1.3 Decision-making ProcessIn the American view, a business negotiation is a problem-solving activity, the solution being a deal that suits both parties.When faced with a complex negotiation task, Americans tend to divide the large task into a series of smaller tasks. They may settle one issue at a time, with the final agreement being the sum of the smaller agreements. For them, process in the negotiation is measured by how many issues have been settled.The decision making process is just like a cost-benefit analysis applied to all parties who would be touched by the decision. A decision can produce the greatest net profit when all the costs and benefits to all the affected parties are taken into account is considered as a right decision. So, the Americans usually list the possible effects and estimate their costs and benefits as accurately as possible.4.2 The Japanese Negotiation StyleThe experts of negotiation in the world have the unanimous agreement that Japanese are the most successful negotiators. Japanese culture teaches Japanese people to put individual desire into harmony with and submit to collective decision. Therefore, Japanese people take it as the most important to seek the harmony of human relations. And any business negotiation held under such circumstances will be going on all right.The Japanese personality generally is self-confident and flexible. They are diligent, thrift and cautious.4.2.1 Language and CommunicationIn Japanese culture, indirect and vague expression is more acceptable than direct and specific references. They are very keen on saving face both for themselves and for the others in any situation. Japanese people never turn down any offer directly. “Ha Yi”, the meaning of which is YES in a dictionary, is the most popular word that Japanese when they are listening to the other side of the negotiation expressing their standpoints, providing their offers and even bargaining. They do not mean it when they say “Ha Yi”. What t hey want to express is “go on please, we are listening.” This phenomenon greatly confuses many foreigners who have got in contact with Japanese for the first time.Avoid direct communication on money issues, leave this to the go-between or lower position staff. Try not to praise your products or services directly, let your literature or go-between do that.Traditionally, it was considered disrespectful and dangerous to look into another person’s eyes. Even today, the majority of Japanese avoid the embarrass ing direct eye contact with negotiators on the other side. They feel not comfortable with too much direct eye contact from the other side. Thus Chinese negotiators may think that something must be wrong, because the Japanese won’t look at them in the eye, as we take this as an ordinary source of information about the other person’s feelings.4.2.2 ValuesThe Japanese are more family and group oriented than of individualism. Group leadership is regarded more than individual initiative.Saving face and achieving harmony are more important factors in business dealings for the Japanese than achieving higher sales and profits. Japanese people pay so much attention to establishing the good human relations in doing business that many experts of negotiation think that friendship and trust are very important to advance good cooperation with them.Sending gifts is the most popular phenomenon of Japanese society. It is a way of showing courtesy, the ardor of entertaining guests and expressing regard, and an intention to establish profound friendship. The value of gifts given to the Japanese should be equal to their positions and there should be a difference between the gifts president and vice president. Otherwise, the former would have a feeling of being insulted and the latter would feel embarrassed.The patience that the Japanese shows in negotiation is well known in the world. The Japanese patience does not mean slowness, but careful decision, adequate preparation, thorough consideration and step-by-step negotiation. For obtaining an ideal transaction, they can wait for two or three months with no complain at all, as long as they can reach their set goal and a better outcome. Time is not the first thing for them. Japanese’s patience in business negotiations has some thing to do with their attention to establishing trustworthy personal relationship, which they think takes time to examine. They are not used to the way the occidental people handle business with no attention to human feelings.4.2.3 Decision-making ProcessIn general, decision-making in Japan is a communal affair requiring unanimous approval by management. In this decision-making style, everyone must be convinced, not just the key decision-maker.Most Japanese companies use some form of a system of decision-making known as document system. A manager who is in the lower ranks of management drafts a proposal after achieving consensus within his own group. The proposal is circulated to the heads of other sections and departments. If they approve, they stamp their name seals on it. If they disapprove, they either refuse to stamp it or put their seals on it upside down. In either event, the document is then passed up through the different levels of management until it reaches the president. If everyone stamps the proposal, it becomes company policy. If all do not stamp it, it is usually sent back to its originator with certain suggestion. Although Japanese people need quite a long time to make decision, their actions are very quick once the decision are set.4.3 The German Negotiation StyleThe industry in Germany is well developed and with high productivity. The first-class quality of their products in the world, which they are very proud of, is mainly due to the exactness and concreteness of their industry’s technology criteria. Accordingly, they often take their own products as the criteria when making purchase from other countries. So, if you want to do business with them, your products must satisfy their requirement.Prudence and earnestness are the key cha racteristics of German people’s negotiation style. They attach importance to and stress the feasibility of their scheme and seldom give big concession to the others, for they firmly believe that theirquotation is reasonable.4.3.1 Language and CommunicationMany Germans speak excellent English, whereas it is rare to find a non-German who speaks excellent German. The German language is difficult, so do not overlook using translator, no matter how proficient you are in German. Sometimes, through their body languages, you can guess the meanings. You must know their cultural background, it is very helpful for you to communicate with them smoothly.4.3.2 ValuesGerman people are well worthy of the name of being efficient. Their motto is “do it right away” and they do not like the way of waffling in negotiations. They are highly responsible and efficient in their work and you will never see piles of documents on German people’s desks. German people judge whether a person is competent or not, just go to see the efficiency of his handling things.Conservatism is an outstanding feature of the business culture. Security is valued greatly in Germany. So negotiator need to feel secure in the knowledge of the task they have delegated. Decisions are made after careful, thorough and precise analysis, so that risks are minimized.Time schedules are strictly adhered by the Germans. Punctual delivery means on the day precisely. Formality is a necessary sign of respect. Business is serious business. These are the values that pervade the society and are the foundation on which German businessmen build.Germans are very pragmatic people, and they look for concrete, technical evidence of excellence and superior performance in products. Promises showcased in elaborate presentations do not carry them away. Your product or service must be proven to be superior in order for it to sell to the Germans. So, arm yourself with all the data and documentation you can get.Whenever German negotiators express their agreement orally, they will stick to their words. Ultimately, they will put their oral agreements into writings. All the provisions are quite specific. It is always better to have the assistance of a German lawyer in drafting the contract and checking that its provisions conform to your oral agreement. Be precise in your wording of the contract. The Germans will especially appreciate that.4.3.3 Decision-making ProcessThere is a big gap between the top and bottom in large German corporations. Regardless of the size of the organization, decision-making is centralized. As a general rule, power remains at the top. One-person decision-making is even more common in medium and small size firms. Large organization use committees to arrive at decisions. Germans tend to arrive at decisions rather slowly.5. ConclusionFrom the above, we can see clearly that there are many differences in negotiation styles between eastern and western countries. We can see clearly that they have different ways of communication, values and decision-making process. They are all based on cultural differences. The thesis can help us to understand their cultures, and then get a perspective of their negotiation styles. Mastering different negotiation styles can build a good negotiation atmosphere, provide basis for negotiation tactics and improve the quality of the negotiation. The negotiation style plays an important role in negotiation, and it matters whether the success or failure of negotiation. Sometimes, details decide all, so negotiator must perfect every aspect around the negotiation in order to win more opportunities.If we cannot change the cultural differences, we must adapt ourselves to the environment in order to control the situation and win the contract finally.。
国际商务谈判International Negotiation1. 谈判是人们为了协调彼此之间的关系,满足各自的需要,通过协商而争取到意见一致的行为和过程。
2. 参与谈判的各方都是有所求的,但同时也不能无视他方的需要(win —winconcept )AB3. 谈判是一门科学也是一门艺术。
Negotiation is science and art4. 商务谈判的基本原则Principles :1) Sincere, true, honest 真诚2)Equality and mutual benefit 平等互利3) Seek common ground while leaving differences 求同存异4) Fairness 公平5. 用图表表示谈判的良性循环6. 用图表解释解决谈判中矛盾的方法(psychology adjustment ) (International law )solved problemconflictN=C=N Negotiation=Consult=Negotiation7.美国商人谈判风格1)History◆《The Declaration of Independence》独立宣言◆Immigrant from Europe to America◆Open up America◆The spirit of developing America◆Creation2)Americans attach importance on◆Practice 实际◆Keep one’s promise and respect contractsLawyers play a very important role in the negotiation。
Not until they confirm everything in the contract will they sign it. After the agreement,Americans keep it seriously。
《跨文化商务交际》课程学习大纲课程名称:跨文化商务交际课程英文《跨文化商务交际》课程学习大纲课程名称: 跨文化商务交际课程英文名称:课程编码: 401022060 学时/学分: 32学时 3学分适用对象: 商务英语专业编写人: 张宁一、课程介绍《跨文化商务交际》为我国高等英语专业商务类核心课程之一。
学习目标一览表1. 掌握本课程的基础性内容,包括跨文化交际学的需求,发展简史及内涵等基本知识点的识记和理解。
知识2. 对跨文化交际理论有较系统的理解和掌握。
目标3. 能够结合本专业特点理论联系实际,透过现象把握其基本规律。
1. 通晓跨文化交流的本质、基本理论和技巧。
2. 了解文化差异产生的过程。
能力目标 3. 掌握基本的沟通方法和策略。
4. 提高英语语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力1. 培养科学、严谨的学习态度、执着探索、创新改革的科学精神。
文化素质2. 培养自身的国际视野、创新意识、跨文化交际和人际交往意识。
International Business Negotiations
What behavior is impressive when you meet your trading partner for the first time?
-Appearance -Punctuality -Enthusiasm -Respect ……
11.Decision-making systems
-Individuals can make the decisions -Decisions can not be made until everyone in the group agrees (consensus)
12. Form of agreement
(2)接受发盘于表示同意的通知送达 发价人时生效。如果表示同意的通 知在发价人所规定的时间内,如未 规定时间,在一段合理时间内,未 曾送达发价人,接受就成为无效, 但须适当考虑到交易的情况,包括 发价人所使用的通讯方法的迅速程 度。
(3) 但是,如果根据该项发盘或依 照当事人之间确立的习惯做法或惯 例,被发价人可以做出某种行为, 例如与发运货物或支付价款有关的 行为,来表示同意,而无须向发盘 人发出通知,则接受于该项行为做 出时生效,但该项行为必须在上一 款所规定的期间内做出。
7.The role of individual
-Individuals can make their own decisions -Groups make the decision and consensus is
8.Basis for trust
past records vs relationship
The Cultural conflicts in American and China中美文化冲突
The Cultural conflicts in American and China&Its Influence on Intercultural Business Negotiation杨范婷Abstract: Culture is a distinguishing feature of a nation. Usually we divide culture into eastern and western categories. As the representative of eastern and westernculture, China and America have a lot of incongruities in terms of cultural valueswhich have deep influences on international business negotiation. This thesisaims to analyze the main cultural differences of the target countries using fourcultural dimensions on five processes of cross-cultural business negotiation.After a general view of these theories I suggest some negotiating strategiesand tactics to solve Sino-US cultural conflict appearing on the negotiatingtable.摘要:文化是一个民族的基本特征,通常我们把文化分为西方文化和东方文化。
毕业英语论文范文范文一:商务英语毕业论文Implication of Cultural Differences on International Business NegotiationsAbstractBusiness negotiations under different cultural conditions are cultural negotiations. With the development of economic globalization and frequent business contacts,cultural differences havebecome very important. If they are neglected, they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding,or even undermine the result of business negations. Therefore, it is of great significance to know different cultures of different countries as well as ways to avoid cultural conflicts in the context of international business negotiations. The paper begins with the definition of culture,analyzes the causes of cultural differences and explains the impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations from three perspectives of communication process,negotiation style and values concept. Finally,it analyzes effective ways to deal with the problem arising from cultural differences in the negotiation process. The paper stresses that in business negotiations between different countries negotiators should accept the other party's culture, try to make him be accepted and make a correct evaluation with help of effective communications. In a word,for successful cultural negotiations,cultural differences need to be perceived,accepted and most importantly played down.Key words:culture cultural difference business negotiation impactContents1. Cultural difference (4)1.1 The definition of culture (4)1.2 The causes of cultural differences (4)1.2.1 Geographical differences (4)1.2.2 Ethnic differences (4)1.2.3 Political differences (4)1.2.4 Economic differences (4)1.2.5 Religious differences (4)1.2.6 The concept of difference (5)1.3 Importance of international business negotiations on Cultural differences (5)2. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiations (5)2.1 Communication process (5)2.2 Negotiating style (8)2.3 Values (8)2.3.1 Ethics (8)2.3.2 Sense.............................................................................. (8)2.3.3 Concept of Collective (8)2.3.4 Concept of time (8)3. How to deal with international business negotiations and culturaldifferenc es (9)3.1 To learn more about the former in the negotiations of the cultural differences that may arise (9)3.2 In the negotiations necessary to correctly handle the cultural differences (9)3.3 Negotiations to do a good job of follow-up for the exchange of cultural differences (10)4. References (11)Business negotiation in interpersonal relationships as a special form, relate to different geographical, ethnic, social and cultural exchanges and contacts, which have taken place in cross-cultural negotiations. In cross-cultural negotiations,the different geographical, ethnic, cultural differences will affect the thinking of those negotiations,the negotiation style and behavior,thus affecting the entire negotiation process. Therefore, to engage in business activities, especially for the cross-border business activities must understand and master the links between different cultures and differences. Conducting negotiations with the organization,also have to understandthat cultural differences impact on the negotiations, only the face of such a positive impact on the desired objectives can be achieved1. Cultural differences1.1 the definition of cultureNational culture is a country-specific concepts and value systems,which constitute the concept of people's lives and work behavior. The nations of the world as a result of specific historical and geographical and gradually formed its own unique cultural traditions and cultural patterns. As the difference of Chinese and Western traditional customs,values,religious beliefs , different ways of thinking, etc, making the different performance of Chinese and Western cultures.1.2 the causes of cultural differencesCultural diversity caused by many reasons, T o sum up, the main source of cultural differences are in the following areas:1.2.1 geographical differencesRefers to the geographical differences in different geographic regions due to the geographical environment, the level of economic development and traditional differences in habits,people often have different language,lifestyle and hobbies. And these will affect their behavior. For example, the West and the American people in some countries treat Christmas important, but in areas such as near the equator do not have snow all the year round, the people of some African countries may not have the concept of Christmas because the best modified Christmas is snow, as to the people in the region that are not long-term snow ,there is little concentration of Christmas than American States.1.2.2 national differencesEthnic differences is the different ethnic groups in the development of long-term process, the formation of their own language,customs and preferences,habits. Their diet,clothing,accommodation,festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life of their own characteristics. Take the history of our country and our Hun Han, the Xiongnu people are valiant, characteristics of typical nomads. And we tame the Han character,the typical characteristics of farming nation. Which led to the Huns in the diet, clothing, accommodation,festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life are different with Han.1.2.3 the political differencesPolitical differences are due to the political system and the policies and regulations on people's behavior with the role of a standardized, so that all peoples in the political aspects on the concept of the existence are differences. Take the United States and France as example, the United States by the Constitution the powers of the President of the severe restrictions on the two major powers with other institutions of Congress and the Supreme Court of strong constraints. While France also had to set was ready to royalist restoration of the monarchy of the Third Republic to amend the Constitution a little further expand the powers of the president.1.2.4 economic disparitiesEconomic differences are result of the economic factors of a reflection of cultural differences. For example, the people in the Western developed countries are rich lives and high level of education, people will pay more attention to the quality of life,security means more generally. And economic backwardness of the Third World, people care more about food and clothing.1.2.5 religious differencesReligion is the development of human society to a certain stage of historical phenomenon, Religion has its own (Catholic) Major epidemic in Western Europe and South American; Islam is the scope of the whole of the Middle East and North Africa. Buddhism is more prevalent in Asian countries. The world has three major religions: Christianity,Buddhism and Islam. Christian (Protestant) is major epidemic in Northern Europe,North America and Australia; people in many parts of Asia believe in Buddhist. Different religions have different cultural tendencies and precepts,which affect the way of people understand things, codes of conduct and values.1.2.6 the concept of Values differenceValues are means of objective evaluation criteria of things. It includes the concept of time, wealth, the attitude towards life,the attitude to risk and so on. Different societies’ people to the same things and problems will come to different and even opposite conclusions.Geographical differences,ethnic differences,political differences,economic differences,religious differences and differences in concepts have the impact on people's penetration in the food, clothing, accommodation, festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life in all its aspects. Thus affecting people's behavior,values,religious beliefs and modes of thought have a lot of difference, Finally has formed the various countries and areas of cultural differences.1.3 cultural differences on the importance of international business negotiationsPractice in the negotiations, many negotiators often do not understand,or took note of the cultural importance of thesignificant impact on negotiations. Negotiating parties for foreign culture,some negotiators may have noticed some of the other negotiations, "different" or "hard to understand" the concrete manifestation of negotiations,but that is not important. Some people blindly believe that negotiation is the use of foreign-related facts and figures to speak, and the facts and data are common. Similarly,some foreign countries’ negotiators to negotiations with each other to maintain harmonious relations, they will notice the similarities between both cultures, while ignoring their differences. Let's look at an example.In 1992,negotiators from China and other 12 experts of different professions to form a delegation to the United States purchases about 30 million U.S. dollars of chemical equipment and technology. The US naturally does everything possible to satisfy them. One of them is negotiations in the first round of the delegation sent to each of them a small souvenir. The Souvenirs packaging is very particular is a beautiful red box,red for advanced. But when the delegation was pleased to open the box when face-to-face in accordance with the Americans,Everyone's face appears very not the nature actually--there is a golf cap,but the color is green. American businessman's intention is: after signing the contract,and everyone to play golf. But they don’t know the "be a cuckold" is the biggest taboo in Chinese men. Finally the delegation did not sign the contract,not because the Americans "insult" people,but because they work careless,and even don’t know the common sense that Chinese men taboo "be a cuckold". How can we feel free to tens of millions of dollars project to them? It can be seen that the failure of the Americans negotiation is due tothey do not understand the Chinese culture.From the above examples,we can learn in business negotiations,if we do not attach importance to each other's cultural differences, the negotiations are likely to lead to failure.2. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiationsThe impact of culture on negotiations is extensive and profound,and different cultures will naturally divided people into different groups, this region, the difference between their respective groups are bringing people of different cultural groups tend to alienate each other; On the other hand, different cultural communication and exchanges between people are also obstacles. Therefore,the requirements of the negotiators to accept each other's culture, but also by cultural differences,unmistakably reveals that the purpose of understanding of each other's behavior,and they have been accepted by the other party, and ultimately reach a consensus agreement.Overall, the impact on culture negotiations are in following several aspects:2.1 the communication processCultural differences on the communication process of the negotiations,first of all is the performance of the communication language in the negotiation process. Language is a bridge of any country, any region and any nation. States companies, individuals to conduct business negotiations, we must first have the language to this. The differences language of international business activities is the most direct and clear. Such as China's "white elephant" brand batteries,to the English "White Elephant" it would cause bad associations.Because the "White Elephant" In addition to the name ofanimals that have two meanings: "The owner did not use, but may be useful to others; do not reuse things." Solve the language problem is very simple,you can hire a translator or use a common third language to talk. While the negotiators of the language used in a variety of cultures with higher fitness, but no matter what, the difference is obvious. Such as Japan, Brazil and France Culture,the Japanese style of business communication is the most polite, more positive commitment to the use of recommended and guarantees,and less use of threats, commands and warnings of freedom of speech, their manners of speech style, The most prominent is that they do not often use "no", "you" and facial gaze, but to maintain a period of silence; Brazilian businessmen to use "no" and "you" at the higher frequency,their negotiation style seems more presumptuous, and it seems not lonely in the negotiations, to gaze at each other and touch each other from time to time; French businessmen negotiating style is all the most presumptuous, in particular, their use of threats and warnings at the highest frequency,in addition,they are still very frequent use of interrupted, facial gaze, as well as "no" and "you". It can be seen, only to clarify these differences that can avoid the reticent Japanese,Brazilian over enthusiasm or the French’s misunderstanding of the threat, which achieved the success of international business negotiations.Cultural differences impact on the negotiation process not only in the process of language communication, but also in the process of non-verbal communication. Cultural differences will lead to different countries or regions in the body language of negotiations, the use of action language significantly different,or even the same language of action is diametrically opposed tothe transfer of information. For example, the vast majority of countries are in favor of nod his head for agree. But in India,Nepal and other countries that are certainly shaking his head,that is, shaking his head and smiling, that is positive meaning,some people just do it diagonally on the rise is still a good way,some people are a population frequency said "You are right! You are right!" but a continuously shaking his head,often make others do not know its true psychological and full of doubt. But negotiators shape, movement, language, awareness and use of the differences, also create an obstacle for the negotiations in communication.Cultural differences also can lead to the negotiators of the differences in communication. People of different cultures have their preferences and habits of communication and cross-cultural negotiations in the negotiating parties often belong to different cultures, have their own customary means of communication. Accustomed to different means of communication between the parties to conduct a more depth in communication, often cause a wide range of issues. From countries with a high culture of the negotiators and those from countries with low culture of the negotiators may be in different ways of expression during the negotiation process. From countries with a high culture of the negotiators may be chosen euphemism,indirect ways to express their meaning. While from low culture of the negotiators preference for using oral expression to negotiate,direct or receive a clear message,straightforward means to express themselves. These two negotiators from different cultures during the negotiations,the party think the other side is often too rough,while the other may think that the other side lack of good faith in negotiations, or misunderstanding the silence ofeach other's conditions for its approval.2.2 the negotiation styleThe negotiation style is the main bearing and the attitude which displays in the negotiations activities. the style of negotiations in the course of negotiators’ behavior, conduct and control of the negotiation process of the method and means. Negotiators negotiations Style with a deep cultural stigma. Culture not only determines the Ethics Code of Ethics for negotiators,but also affects the way of thinking negotiators’ behavior and personality,so that make the negotiators of different cultural backgrounds form a very different style of negotiation. Negotiating style of the negotiation process for the negotiations between the two sides approach the relationship,contacts, and even the structure of the negotiations has a direct impact.Adhere to cultural differences,negotiating styles can be divided into two types: the negotiation style of Oriental and Western style negotiations. Oriental style is based on negotiations as the background of oriental culture of Asian countries negotiation styles,with Japan,South Korea for a typical representative:Japanese business men are conservative,attention to status-oriented,credit and the initial cooperation,co-dependent relationship between stress and good at negotiating. Japanese attached great importance to the negotiations in the transaction to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships. If there had been contacts with Japanese,before the negotiations should be recall the past exchanges and friendship between the two sides,which will be beneficial to the next negotiations. They did not support and habit the direct, purelycommercial activities. If it is the first time to establish trade relations with Japanese, the party responsible for higher status in charge visits in opposite party enterprise at the same level status person in charge is extremely important,it attached great importance to Japanese companies and the trading relationship with you. When negotiations with Japan,it’s the best to send staff rank and status at high-level than the other side. This will facilitate the conduct of the talks. It should also be noted that Japanese women's status in society is lower,generally they not allowed to participate in the operation and management of large companies activities,the Japanese are also in a number of important occasions of non-female. Therefore, when encountered formal negotiations generally not appropriate to allow women to participate in, or else they may be skeptical, and even expressed dissatisfaction.Korean character stubborn, often stuck to their own views in the negotiations and will not easily compromise. In this case we must grasp the strategy, it is necessary to adhere to argue,but also common sense to master a certain sense of propriety,and sometimes also need to be patient. On the other hand,South Korea in the negotiations seldom to express the views directly, often need the other side to try to figure out, in order to accurately understand the meaning of each other,South Korea may ask the same question repeatedly,so that when making decisions to ensure the correctness. And South Korea signed a contract does not mean that their success will not be changed, for other reasons they would seek to amend or re-start negotiations with you.Western-type style of negotiation is based on Western culture of Europe and the United States as the background styleof negotiations. The main representatives are the United States and United Kingdom.Americans often talk about "Business is Business" (business to the business) means doing business need to not recognize one's own closest relatives, insist on the principle of things not for people. "Time is money","money is everything" is the unswerving credo of American. Their business activities is often straightforward,be anxious for success,business came straight to the point, they always picking up the phone to talk,sit down and get straight to the point,They calculate the progress by the hour and the number of days, their opponents often feel pressure from them. American businessmen do not like the use an agent or participate in negotiations with the consultant,give others the impression that they can say on behalf of the company. They like to sit down to do business immediately. In addition,the United States businessmen attached great importance to economic benefits, they have a slang called: "Bang for Buck", that is, with minimum capital investment to obtain the greatest benefit.British merchants engaged in commercial activities pay more attention to informal traders than other countries in the world,but also more conservative. Even today, the world has entered the electronic information age, in the UK by telephone to talk about business is unacceptable. British businessmen are more willing to make full preparations in advance, and then face-to-face talks. As long as they do not believe that the details of a settlement will not solve, they will never sign, all must have to do as rule. As a result of the British very great importance to the position, the title is also very important to them. Therefore,the selection status of the person as a broker of highly influentialbusiness,political forces and the role of trade unions in the business also can not be neglected.Of course,it also must pay attention to the actual negotiations process, although the same cultural background of the negotiators, the talks there was a clear difference, but subject to sub-culture,as well as other factors,the same cultural background of individual negotiators, the negotiations style can be very different.2.3 Cultural valuesCultural values is measure the consequences of people's behavior and standards. They affecting the way of people understanding the problems and will give rise to a strong emotional impact. In different cultures,values will be very different. Culture in a very appropriate behavior in another culture may be seen as immoral. For example,Americans believe that nepotism is immoral, however it as an obligation at the majority of Latin American culture. Therefore,the Understanding of a certain society in popular as well as these ideas in the personal behavior the degree which respects is very important. Our discussions here will focus on those activities is essential to understand the socio-economic values,more specifically,is these for promote the cross-cultural communicative competence and the values is worth noting.2.3.1 EthicsChina has heavier ethics. "Acquaintance" and "relationship" has its own special meaning and significance, once the relations have been established,the two sides have become acquaintances or friends, and generous concessions to help the situation appear, and the degree of trust and tolerance will be improved,so the Chinese people have more oral agreement.Americans is not the case,they do not pay attention to cultivating the feelings of both sides, and attempts to separate business and friendship. To deal with the problem, often used the legal means, lawyers come forward to solve the problem is common,it is flexible and not rigid,we should clearly recognize this point. However,once sign the contract,they are very much focused on the legal contract, the performance of the contract is higher. The Chinese delegation to the West,maybe a long time no one could entertain,and this misunderstanding of the people are not interested in their visit; Europeans come to China, No matter what they do may find that there are people who accompanied,and this misunderstanding of the people lack of trust in them. Of foreign visitors, a senior care too much, not to mention dinner, often mistakenly believe that this expressed his company's products or have a preference, this in fact is the Chinese hospitality, This can lead to subsequent disappointment, and even complain.2.3.2group awarenessIn the course of the Chinese and Western cultural traditions and different cultural values, on the negotiations issues tend to have a confrontation or misunderstanding. China's national character has a very remarkable phenomenon, that is Settles on the face or the dignity. At the negotiating table, if make a choice from "decent" and "interest", both the Chinese people will often choose to "decent." Why do the Chinese people want to save face at all costs? Because of the ideological core of Chinese culture is a group consciousness. In accordance with the sense that each one is not a separate person,but living in a certain social relations, and no face will not the face of others, there is no face on the people and will not be able to live in the social andgroup life,and may even be abandoned by society and the groups. But not like Westerners,they value the interests of negotiations,they will not hesitate to choose interest from "decent" and "interest" of the two. Chinese people regarding negotiations result whether can bring honor for their face, looks extremely important,as well as some Western negotiators in their works cautioned China in the talks, we must note that use of China's national character. It is clear that only a correct understanding and properly grasp the existence of Chinese and Western differences in national character, can effectively help us in a timely manner to correct our own shortcomings and strengthen our own advantages and use of other's shortcomings to collapse of other's strengths.2.3.3 the concept of collectiveChina's concept of collective a stronger emphasis on collective responsibility,Therefore the negotiations pattern basically is the collective, but to make the final decisions are a decisive one, and even the decisive one simply has not entered the stage. This is known as the cultural experts of "high from the right to culture",in the event of difficult issues more complicated, the negotiators on the difficult decisions; and the Western culture of Jurists which was referred to as "low from the right to culture",on the surface is one or two people out,negotiators have been given the appropriate permissions,or assisted in its decision-making think-tank,which in the negotiations,the sole responsibility of the negotiations were heavier, higher and more flexible.2.3.4 the concept of timeConcept of time and how it decided the people's action plan for international business negotiations has a broad impact of theinvisible. The daily negotiations behavior manifests observes the difference aspect of time may be is the most obvious results of the performance. Jewish businessmen attached great importance of time. They always believe that time is not money, time and goods, is the capital to make money. Money can borrow, but time can not be borrowed,the time is more valuable than money. A wealthy Jewish income of 200,000 US dollars monthly have been considered such an account: his daily wage is 8 1000 U.S dollars,then about 17 U.S. dollars per minute. If he had been disturbed and waste 5 minutes, then is the equivalent of stolen 85 U.S. dollars in cash. Strong concept of time improved the efficiency of the Jews, they are often at work in seconds and every second counts. On the Jewish people, never appear leave early,late,or to stall for time and so on. In the business activities of the Jews "Uninvited guest" is almost as the same as the “unwelcome person”,because uninvited guests will disrupt the timing of the original, and waste everybody's time. For the time extremely mean of the Jewish,in the time to discuss the concept of time is stronger. Before Jews in the negotiations, the time must have been agreement. They agreed not only in a certain period of a day,but also appointment "from the starting points to a few minutes to talk about." During the meeting, in addition to polite greetings outside, the Jews immediately to discuss business, this is have good manners and good performance, at the same time that mean respect of each other.3. how to deal with the cultural differences on international business negotiationsOnly recognize and accommodate cultural differences can take the whole process of negotiations in response to。
Cultural barriers and coping strategy on SinoUS business negotiationsThe Definition of International Business NegotiationInternational business negotiation refers to the process in which different companies or enterprises from different countries come to discuss or bargain on various transaction terms for mutual benefits. International business negotiation has some particular features of its own:Firstly, it is not only a business negotiation, but also an international communication activity, thus it is highly policy-restricted. As a part of the whole economic relationship between two countries or regions, the business connection of the negotiating parties often involves their political and diplomatic relationship. Therefore, the national guidelines and foreign policy of a country should be carried out strictly in international business negotiation.Secondly, international business negotiation may result in international asset transfer, which is sure to involve such issues as international trade, settlement, insurance, transportation and international monetary system, etc. Therefore, international business negotiation should abide by International Law of Commerce and other international practices.Thirdly, international business negotiation is generally influenced by a wide variety of environments, including cultural and sub-cultural differences, ideological differences, foreign bureaucracy, political and economic instability and so on, which are sure to increase the risk of failure and lengthen the time it takes to arrive at a deal because negotiators may pursue different paths of logic, have different ways of thinking, follow different criteria, or take different decision-making processes. So the negotiation style used so effectively at home can be ineffective and inappropriate when dealing with people from other nations, as no one can avoid bringing along his or her national assumptions, images, prejudices, or other attitudes into negotiation. Therefore, negotiators should be equipped with profound knowledge and excellent negotiation skills so as to make negotiation go as smoothly as possible.。
(二)商务谈判(business negotiation):商务谈判主要集中在经济领域,指参与各方为了协调、改善彼此的经济关系,满足贸易的需求,围绕标的物的交易条件,彼此通过信息交流、磋商协议达到交易目的的行为过程。
(三)国际商务谈判(international business negotiation)国际商务谈判是指在国际商务活动中,处于不同国家或不同地区的商务活动当事人为了达成某笔交易,彼此通过信息交流,就交易的各项要件进行协商的行为过程。
Intercultural Business Negotiation
China “no”——“inconvenient,” “under consideration,” “being discussed” “可能”, “或许吧”, “我想” In English, “I will do my best to do something” means“我 肯定去做” but in Chinese:“我尽力而为或看情况而定” Give preference to companies with long-standing relationships Japan: Find humor out of place in negotiations Big decisions take time.
Culture impacts on basic concept of negotiation
A competitive process and try every means to get concession from the other side. A collaborative and problem-solving process with both sides working to gain mutual benefits.
Case: chief negotiators in China
The American company sent to Beijing a team of twenty for the negotiation that had already been set up. The American engineers put a first-class performance and the Chinese technical staff showed great interests and asked a lot of questions. But most of the Chinese officials talked little and seemed to be uninterested, even when talking about price. The American side thought it was going to be a failure. But then, several days later, the Chinese agreed to buy from them.
国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 1 Introduction to International Business Negotiation
(1)Personal Interests VS Organizational Interests
(2)Personal Interests VS Organizational & National Interests
Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Trust between group leader and group members as well as trust between two negotiating parties is a decisive element of shaping relationship of all sides.
Characteristics of Business Negotiation
(1) The objective of business negotiation is to obtain financial interest
(2) The core of business negotiation is price (3) Its principle is equality and mutual
跨文化交际 business negotiation
• In America, those who refuse to bargain are viewed as cold, secretive and not really serious about conducting business • In Arab, if one does not bargain aggressively, he is considered to be naïve • In China and Japan, bargaining too soon can be a sign of untrustworthiness.
• Distributive bargaining 单一谈判 a competitive process of offers and counteroffers in which one party’s gains are the others’ losses. • Integrative bargaining 综合谈判 to admit the use of either problemsolving or distributive bargaining, depending on the issure at hand.
Factors influencing Business negotiation
• Background factors 背景因素( the parties’ objectives , the skills and experience of the negotiators). • Atmosphere factors 气氛因素(power and dependence, the expectations of both sides.
Chapter 7 Intercultural Basic Negotiation
CATALOGUEThe General Overview on International Business NegotiationThe General Procedures of International Business NegotiationFive Links of International Business NegotiationCross-Cultural Problems in International Business NegotiationBasic Qualities for NegotiatorsSome Styles in International Business NegotiationTactical Expressions in Business NegotiationPreparation for ExportingPreparation for NegotiationBusiness Negotiation IBusiness Negotiation IIBusiness Negotiation IIIBusiness Negotiation IVAfter the NegotiationChapter Onee GTheneral Overview on International Business NegotiationAn Overall Framework of International Business NegotiationFeatures of International Business NegotiationBasic Rules of International Business NegotiationStock PhrasesSome Tips for Trade Delegation1.What is Negotiation?The word “negotiation” derives from the Latin Infinitive “negotiari”which means “to trade or do business”. This word itself is from another word, “negare”(拒绝), meaning “ to deny” and a noun, otium(休闲), meaning “leisure”. Thus, the ancient Roman businessperson would “deny leisure” until the business has been settled. Negotiation is a common human activity as well as a process that people undertake everyday to manage their relationships such a buyer and a seller, a husband and wife, children and parents. As the stakes in some of these negotiations are not very high, people need not have to get preparations for the process and the outcome. But in international business negotiations, the stakes are usually high, people cannot ignore this fact, they have to get preplans in a more careful way. Both parties in this kind of negotiation should contact each other so that they can get a better deal rather than simply accepting or rejecting what the other is offering. The whole process of negotiation is based upon the premise that both parties are interdependent, that is, one side cannot get what he/she wants without taking the other into consideration. In the process of negotiation, there are no rules, tradition, rational methods or higher authorities available to resolve their conflict once it crops up. Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving and taking where both parties amend their offers and modify their expectations so as to come closer to each other and they can quit, at any time.2. Why do People Negotiate?Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to theinteraction between two sides with a common goal (profits) but divergent methods. These methods (the details of the contract) must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. As we will see later that it can be a very trying process that is full of confrontation and concession. Whether it is trade or investment, one party will always arrive at the negotiation table in a position of greater power. That power ( the potential for the profits ) may derive from the extent of the demand or from the ability to supply. The purpose of negotiation is to redistribute that potential. Th ere is no such thing as “to take it or leave it” in international business. In fact, everything is negotiable. It all depends on the expertise of the negotiators.3. An Overall Framework of IBNInternational business negotiation (IBN) is a consultative process between governments, trade organizations, multinational enterprises, private business firms and buyers and sellers in relation to investment and import and export of products, machinery and equipments and technology. Negotiation is one of the important steps taken towards completing import and export trade agreements.To reach the desired results, the negotiators must seriously carry out the relative trade policies of their own countries. They should have good manners and speak fluent English. They should have a profound knowledge of professional technology and international markets. They should know the specifications, packing, features and advantages of the products and be able to use idiomatic and professional terms. In general, an overall framework of international business negotiation cover the following aspects: background factors, the atmosphere and the process.3.1 Background factors refer to objectives, environment, markets position, third parties and negotiators. They influence the process of negotiation and the atmosphere in a positive or negative way. Objectives mean what each side desires to achieve in the end. They are common, conflicting or complementary interests in both sides’ wanting a successful transaction to take place; their interests conflict as profit to one is cost to the other; and complementary interest brings them together. Common and complementary objectives leave direct and positive effects while conflicting objectives have negative ones on the negotiation process. Environment here is defined as the political, social and structural factors related to both parties. It often hinders the process in international negotiation. Political and social aspects can affect the process whereas market structure does the atmosphere. The market position of the parties involved plays a leading role in the negotiation process. The third parties such as governments, brokers, consultants and so on may influence the process with their own objectives. Negotiators affect the negotiating process by means of their own experience and negotiating skills.3.2 The atmosphere is of great importance to the whole process of the international business negotiation. The atmosphere and the process influence each other at each stage. Atmosphere refers to the perceived “milieu”(氛围) around the interaction, how each party regards the other’s behavior, and the properties of the process. It has to do with people’s perception of reality. To be more exact, in negotiation it is the perception of reality that is far more important than the reality itself. Some characteristics of the atmosphere are dominant at one stage; others at other stage. For example, cooperation is dominant at the pre-negotiation rather than conflict, as both sides look for mutual solutions. Different characteristics of atmosphere dominate from process to process. These characteristics are classified as conflict vs cooperation, power vs dependence and expectations. The existence of conflict and cooperation is a fundamental characteristic of the negotiation process. On one hand, both sides have some common interests in finding a solution to the problem that fits them both. On the other hand, a conflict of interest may arise, as cost to one can mean income to the other. The relation between power and dependence is closely related to the actual power relation, which is affected by the value of the relationship to the sides and their available alternatives. As for expectations, there are two types: long-term expectations with respect to thepossibilities and values of future business; short-term expectations regarding prospects for the present deal. Expectations develop and change in different stages of the process.3.3 The process of international business negotiation is made up of the three different stages. A stage is defined as a specific part of the process and covers all actions and communications by either side pertaining (relevant) to negotiations made during that part. Either side communicates with the other to exchange information within each stage. A specific stage comes to an end with where both sides decide to proceed on to the next stage or decide to abandon the communication if they see no point in further negotiations. The three different stages are: pre-negotiation, face-to face-negotiation and post-negotiation.3.3.1 The pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. From this stage on, both sides begin to understand one another’s needs a nd evaluate the benefits of entering into the process of negotiation. This stage is more usually important than the formal negotiations in the international business relationship. Social and informal relationships between negotiators, trust and confidence in each other are of great help. Both sides now also start to form their strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events.3.3.2 At Face-to-face stage, both sides know that they can work together for a solution to a joint problem in spite of that the fact that each side may view the situation in its own way. This indicates the importance of having face-to-face negotiation in an open-minded way and getting ready several alternatives. It is time for both sides to explore the differences in preferences and expectations so that they can come closer to each other. Generally, the negotiation process is controlled by the side that has arranged the agenda, for in the process, he can stress his own stren gths and the opponent’s weaknesses, thus putting the other side on the defensive. However, the agenda may reveal the preparing side’s position in advance and hence permit the other side to prepare its countermeasures. Some people prefer to start negotiations by discussing and agreeing on broad principles. Another way to ensure success at this stage is an initial discussion on items of common interest, which can help create an atmosphere of cooperation between both sides. As for the choice of strategy, it depends on3.3.3 All the terms and conditions at this(Post-Negotiation ) stage have been agreed upon with the contract being drawn up to be signed. What is worth noticing is that writing the contact and the wording in it is a negotiation process in itself, for meaning and values may be different between both sides. This stage may lead to a renewed face-to-face negotiation if there is negative feedback from background factors and atmosphere. Therefore, the terms and conditions agreed upon should be read to each other after concessions are exchanged and discussions be held by means of minutes of meetings, or something unpleasant and unexpected may arise later on in the course of the implementation of the contract unless both sides make sure that they have paid enough attention to every detail. It is necessary that both sides should make sure that they understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the negotiation table.4. Three Targets of International Business NegotiationFor a successful agreement, participants need to know negotiation principles and tactics. There are two principles in international business negotiations. First, at the beginning of the negotiation, the negotiators should know well their desired results and not be willfully manipulated by their counterparts. Only with a definite purpose will the negotiators grasp the key to the negotiation and realize their expected purpose. Second, negotiators need to put forward what they expect, take a firm stand and make clear their position.In international business negotiations, price is usually the key point because it directly concerns the economic benefits to both sides. Both sides seek a desired result.To get the expected result or achieve a certain purpose, the negotiators, should calculate carefully and decide three different targets: 1) the best target; 2) the intermediate target; 3) the acceptable target4.1 The best target is to achieve all desired results. You should know well whether your first quotation is high or low if it is generally accepted by your counterpart. Usually both sides have a few bargains before acceptance. In the beginning, make a high offer and negotiate for the best target. Generally speaking, persons who firmly maintain the desired objectives to the end can obtain the best deal.4.2 The intermediate target is fair for both sides, although slightly lower than the best target. Don’t begin negotiating at too low of a price. Your quotation is to be a little lower each time. Do it step by step. Each time you reduce the price, you should remain serious about the desired results. Under this situation, your counterpart may well accept your quotation as the best possible price. It is likely that you may reach an agreement at this price. Please keep in mind that taking a serious and firm attitude is the key to avoiding further price reductions and unnecessary expenses. This will result in increased profits. If you meet with negotiators who always bargain using harsh language, do not be angry. This indicates that they want to buy your products. You should be patient and friendly, using soft words and moderate speaking speed and tone, knowing well what not to say, what to say and when to say. When you feel in danger of going into a deadlocked negotiation, it is suggested to request a break or rest. Then readjust your plan and continue the negotiation.4.3 The acceptable target is the minimum level both sides can bear. It should not be exposed to your counterpart at the beginning of the negotiation. Your counterpart may not believe it and although the price is the lowest, he may reject your quotation. On the other hand, even if the agreement is reached at the minimum acceptable price, your counterpart may not have a satisfactory sense of having br ought your price down…In brief, the purpose of the negotiation is to arrive at an agreement to both sides’ advantage. The successful results of the negotiations depend on the determined objectives, perseverance and the language expressed by the negotiators. They should do their best to use soft words, speak euphemistically, use less flowery language, have a sense of humor and create a harmonious atmosphere.5. Basic Rules of International Business NegotiationInterdependenceConcealment and OpennessDifferent Negotiating SituationsBargaining Mix and CreativityProposal ExchangeWinner or Loser5.1 Interdependence“One palm cannot clap”. This is true of everyday life, and is also no exception to conducting a business negotiation, in which both sides are locked together on account of their goals. A seller cannot exist unless he has a buyer,which determines this relationship between them.5.2 Concealment and opennessIn many business negotiations, both parties may conceal their real intentions and goals to better their chances of best deal possible. As this is an open secret, smooth communication and good mutual understanding will to some degree become difficult, which does easily lead to misunderstanding. To achieve more satisfactory results, both parties will have to decide how open and honest they should be about personal preferences and needs, and to what extent they should trust the other side.5.3 Different Negotiating SituationsBoth parties must change as required of them by situations. If either of them fails to find out which type of negotiation is necessary in a particular situation, the odds (chances) are he will fail.5.4 Bargaining Mix and CreativityHow to make both “sides” meet in negotiations without causing much loss to eith er, which may bring both out of the win-lose mix and help accomplish their objective, requires creativity. And the discovery of this is based on the environment where negotiators feel cooperative and dedicated to seeking the best solution possible instead of meeting but one side’s needs.5.5 Proposal ExchangeThe heart of negotiation is the exchange of offers and proposals. There is an unstated assumption in negotiation that both sides will show their exchange of offers to the process of finding a so lution by making concessions to the other side’s offer. And through the process of offer and counter-offer a point is reached on which both sides will agree. To be successful, a negotiator needs to be able to understand the events that are taking place during the exchange ofoffers, to know how to use them to advantage, to keep the other side from using them to the negotiator’s disadvantage.5.6 Winner or LoserIn the process of business negotiation, if both parties try to reach an agreement that maximizes their outcome, it may lead either party to be concerned about only with his ends and ignore the needs of other side. Such a situation will most probably create problems.Generally speaking, in a common negotiation the parties involved are either winner or loser, but in a formal international negotiation such a phenomenon will not probably occur just because of the engagement of experts.Chapter TwoThe General Procedures of International Business NegotiationPreparing StageAgreement Concluding and Executing StageContacting and Materially Negotiable Stage1. Preparing StageSince there are typical time constraints of international negotiations, good preparations must be made before negotiation begins. Good negotiation preparations mainly cover two aspects: 1) gathering information and planning strategies and tactics; 2) manipulation of the negotiation situation. The best negotiators on both sides manage such details with great care. To get the most out of business negotiations it is important to have every causal factor working in your favor. The following checklist is the general works prepared for negotiation:l Assessment of the situation and the peoplel Agendal Concession strategiesl Facts to confirm during the negotiationl Manipulation of the negotiation situation1.1 Assessment of the Situation and the PeopleIt is common to learn as much as possible about a potential client or partner before negotiations begin. All kinds of information might be pertinent depending on the nature of the contemplated deal.Given the crucial nature of business negotiations, knowledge of a particular executive’s background, hobbies, and family status can be a great advantage. It should be clearly understood that knowing who you will be bargaining with is far more important than most people would assume.The last step is estimate the probable goal and preferences of your counterpart by using the analysis of the their various data. For example, the Japanese tend to focus on business relations, and long-term, gradual growth are Japanese modes of business reasoning. The Japanese side will most likely be looking for stable growth over at least a ten-year period. Meanwhile, American companies and executives, looking at the same information, would be focusing on length of payback and profit in the first three years.1.2 AgendaIn general, most business negotiators come to the negotiation table with an agenda for the meeting in mind. It is important to do two things with that agenda. First, write out the agenda for all members of your negotiating team. Second, don’t try to settle each issue at a time. In any bargaining situation, it is better to get all the issues and interests out on the table before trying to settle any one of them. This will be particularly true when the other side brings a carefully considered agenda. A safe strategy for you is to check beforehand with your counterpart about the agenda. However, tactics on agenda should be used with caution as it will result in great discomfort for your counterpart.1.3 Concession StrategiesConcession strategies should be decided upon and written down before negotiations begin. Such a process—discussion and recording—goes a long way toward ensuring that negotiators stick to the strategies. In the midst of a long negotiation there is a tendency to make concessions. When making concessions, you need to have specific reasons for the size of each concession you make. When bargaining with Japanese, you will notice very quickly that they never make a concession without first taking a break. Issues and agreements are reconsidered away from the social pressure of the negotiation table. This is good practice for you to learn.1.4 Facts to confirm during the negotiationNo matter how careful the analysis and how complete the information available, all critical information and assumption should be reconfirmed at the negotiation table. As part of the preparations a list of such facts should be discussed among the members of the negotiation team, and specific questions should be written down.1.5 Manipulation of the Negotiation SituationAnother aspect of negotiation preliminaries is manipulation of the negotiation situation to your company’s advantage. Particularly in a tough negotiation, everything should be working in your favor. If situational factors are working against you, it will be important to manipulate them before the negotiation begins. Also, management of situational factors may be important once the discussions have commenced. There are several situational factors that we consider particularly important: location, number of participants, communication channels, time limit1.5.1 LocationThe location of the negotiation is perhaps the most important situational factor for several reasons, both practical and psychological. Having the “home court” is an advantage because the home team has all its information resources readily available。
1. International Business Negotiation refers to the process in which parties negotiate with each other on business activities in different countries or regions through information exchange in order to reach a certain transaction.国际商务谈判是指当事人通过信息交流,就不同国家或者地区的商务活动进行谈判,以达成某种交易的过程。
(1) Common Characteristics i n General Trade Negotiations.①goal: Taking economic benefit as the purpose of negotiation②Index: Taking economic interest as the main evaluation index of negotiation③core: Price as the core of negotiation(2)Particularities of International Business Negotiations①International business negotiation is not only a negotiation of a transaction, but also a foreign-related activity with strong policy-type.②We should act in accordance with international conventions.③International business negotiation involves a wide range of factors and the factors affecting the negotiation are complex and diverse.国际商务谈判具有一般贸易谈判的共性:1 goal: 以经济利益为谈判的目的(economic benefit)2 index: 以经济利益作为谈判的主要评价指标(economic interest)3 core: 以价格作为谈判的核心(price)国际商务谈判的特殊性:1 国际商务谈判既是一笔交易的商洽,也是一项涉外活动,具有较强的政策性。
Impacts of Cultural Differences on BusinessNegotiationsⅠ. IntroductionThe business negotiations under different business cultural conditions come to multi-cultural negotiations. With the economic globalization and the frequent business contacts, cultural differences seem to be very important, otherwise they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding, even affect the result of the business negotiations. This means it is very important to know the different culture in different countries and the ways to avoid the culture conflicts in the international business negotiations. The article commences from the definition of the culture in the area of business. Then from the three aspects of communication process, negotiation styles, it explains the influence of cultural differences on international business negotiations, and at the same time it analyzes how to deal with the problems of the business cultural differences correctly in negotiation process . Such a standpoint is emphasized: In the business negotiations between different countries , negotiators should accept the other party's culture, and try to make him be accepted ; then make a correct evaluation with the help of valid communication and discover their real benefits between them . Besides, we should know clearly and try to accept the cultural differences as possible as we can. It is very important for the success of culture negotiations.正式的文化倾向于有组织的等级制度,在地位和权力方面有主要影响。
Chapter 1 Communication: An Intercultural PerspectiveNeeds and purposes for communication:Survival/Co-operation/Personal needs/Relationships/Persuasion/Power/Social needs/Information/Making sense of the world/Self-expressionCommunication is a form of human behavior derived from a need to connect and interest with other human beings.Communication occurs whenever meaning is attributed to behavior or the residue of behavior. Business communication, as a kind of organizational communication, is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within(and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.Also defined as: a dynamic,multi-channeled process,which covers internal communication in a given organization.Characteristics of communication are: dynamic(动态), irreversible(不可撤回), symbolic(符号性), systemic(系统性), self-reflective(自我反映), interactive(involve at least two people)(互动的,交流至少牵扯到两个因素), complex(复杂).Intercultural business communication(IBC) is defined as communication among individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds in a business environment.It’s also defined as a relatively new term in the business world and is defined as communication with and between business that involves people from more than one culture.Intercultural communication(IC) includes:International communication(between nations and governments)Interethnic communication(same race but different ethnic)Interracial communication(exchanging messages are from different races)Interregional communication(exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture)IC as a phenomenon has the following features:Universal/long history/daily occurrenceThe complexity in learning IBC:Avoidance of the unfamiliar/Uncertainty reduction/Withdrawal/Stereotyping(刻板印象)/Prejudice/Racism(种族主义)/Misuse of power(权力滥用)/Culture shock(four stages: honeymoon,culture shock,recovery, adjustment,re-entry/reverse) /Ethnocentrism(从其他文化的角度去评判他人)补充:ethnocentric(认为自己的文化是最好的,并用它去评判他人)How do you acquire stereotypes?1.People learn stereotypes from their parents, relatives, and friends,(learning stereotypes)2.Stereotypes develop through limited personal contact(from limited date)3.Stereotypes are provided by the mass media.4.Stereotypes evolve out of the fear of person from group that differ from your own.(mentally ill people,gay...)Chapter 2 Understanding Cultures and Their ValuesCulture: that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquires by man as a member of society. (Edward Tylor)Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication pattern that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in anidentifiable group of people. (Hall)Culture is classified by three large categories of elements: artifact, concepts, behavior. Characteristics of Culture: it is learned, culture influences biological processes, culture is transmitted from generation to generation, culture is selective, culture is ethno-centric, cultures are interrelated wholes, culture is subject to change.Metaphors of culture: culture is like a pair of sunglasses, culture is like the water a fish swim in, culture is like an iceberg, culture is like an onion, culture is software, grammar of mind.Geert Hofstede’s Theory of Cultural Variations: the core of culture---values, rituals, heroes, symbols(由里到外)[ values are the deepest manifestations of culture and the most difficult for an outsider to understand.][ rituals are those collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.][ heroes refer to what kind of people you worship.][ symbols represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.]Definition of Value:1.One’s principle or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life. (Concise Oxford Dictionary)2. A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede)3. A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action. Priorities of Culture Values: Universal Values普世价值, Culture-specific values, Peculiar expression or deviation of individual within cultures[ values is classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary. Tertiary values are at the bottom of our hierarchy.]Different culture forms: dominant culture主流文化, subcultures亚文化, co-cultures Kluckholn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations:1.Human nature[evil/mixed/good]2.Relationship to nature[subordinate to nature/harmony with nature/dominant over nature]3.Sense of time[past/present/future]4. Activity[being/growing/doing]5. Social relationship[hierarchy/group/individual]Hofstede-Bond’s Value Dimensions:1.Individualism vs. Collectivism[ individualism: people are supposed to take care of only themselves and their immediate families, there is more emphasis on ‘I’ than on ‘we’; collectivism: emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence.]2.Power distance[ refers to attitudes towards differences in authority.]3.Uncertainty Avoidance不确定性规避[ is measure of how accepting a culture is of a lack of predictability.]4.Masculinity vs. Femininity[ masculinity comes from ‘masculine’ and implies aggressiveness and assertiveness, femininity comes from ‘feminine’ and stresses nurturing, paying attention to people’s feeling and needs.]5. Long-term versus short-term orientationHall’s High-and-Context OrientationChapter 3 Comprehending Verbal CommunicationA language is a symbolic code of communication consisting of a set of sounds(phonetics) with understood meanings and a set of rules(grammar) for constructing messages.A dialect is the unique pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary we use when speaking.An accent is a more specific mode of personal discourse characterized by how people articulate certain words using a unique inflection or tune.Argot俚语,暗语refers to a secret or covert vocabulary developed by an in-group to keep outsiders from understanding their messages.Jargon术语, technically an argot and professional terminology, refers to a type of code or specialized vocabulary that is shared among knowledgeable in-group members.Slang designates those terms, used in instances of extreme informality, which serve as a means of making social or linguistic identity.Branding is a phenomenon created in corporate marketing that frequently transcends language differences.Linguistics is just one of the many ways to think about language.-Semantics(语义学) is the study of meaning--that is, how words communicate the meanings we intend in our communication.-Syntactics(语法学) is the study of the structure or grammar of a language.-Pragmatics(语用学) is the study of how meanings is constructed in relation to receivers.-Phonetics(语音学) is the study of the sound system of language.Challenges for translators:1.V ocabulary equivalence词义对等2.Idiomatic equivalence 惯用语对等3.Grammatical-Syntactical equivalence 正说反说不同eg.情人-人情4.Experiential equivalence 比喻不同eg.拥挤比作沙丁鱼5.Conceptual equivalence 概念对等eg.第一夫人Conversation skills:Pay attention to1.The volume of voices2.Do not interrupt3.Do not finish someone’s sentence4.Do not ask ‘do you understand me?’5.Introduce your host country or homeland6.Learn a few key phases of the visitors’ native language7.Familiarize yourself with their countriesDenotational means dictionary definition.Connotational meanings refer to extended meanings or associated meanings.Pragmatic transfer or sociolinguistic: The use of rules of speaking from one’s own native speech community when interacting with members of the host speech community or simply when speaking in a second language.Source text: the original language text of a translation.Target text: the text into which it is translated.Interpretation口译:1.simultaneous同传2.consecutive交传3.sight-translation视译The influence of culture on language:Language as a reflection of the environmentLanguage as a reflection of valuesLanguage determinism语言决定论(based on SWH)Spair-Whorf hypothesis:language not only serves as a mechanism for communication, but as a guide to social reality.Chapter 4 Perceiving Nonverbal communication1.nonverbal communication:communication without the use of words.2.Similarities in verbal and nonverbal communication:both use symbols, are products of an individual, and require that someone else attach meaning to these symbols.3.Differences between verbal and nonverbal communication: structured/linguistic and clear vs. Unstructured/non-linguistic and ambiguous.4.Universality of nonverbal communication:the relationship of human behavior to that of primates灵长类(particularly chimpanzees)/nonverbal communication of sensory-deprived children who are blind or deaf/on facial expression.5.Functions of nonverbal communication: replacing/ regulating/ conveying/ modifying/ repeating/ complementing/ contradicting6.Body movement(Kinesics): posture/ gesture [three types of gesture:instinctive, coded or technical, social gesture or acquired gestures.]--hand gesture, head gesture, arm gesture./facial expression7.Eye contact--oculesics, touch--haptics, smell--alfacitics8.Paralanguage: *voice quality *vocal qualifiers (refers to volume, pitch, rhythm, tempo, resonance, tone of spoken word and stresses) *vocalization (non-word noises “uh”, fillers “然后”/non-word vocalizers “okay”) *silence9.Spatial language(proxemics): *personal space[Hall specified four distances people use in communicating on a face-on-face basis for American culture--intimate zone(close friend, husband and wife)/ personal zone( between friends in informal occasions)/ social zone( formal, meeting)/ public zone( making a public speech)] *office space *public space10.Temporal language (chronemics) ---- Monochronic time[ M-time] Polychronic time[ P-time] M-time cultures emphasize schedules, a precise reckoning of time, and promptness (do one thing at a time)P-time cultures emphasize the completion of transactions and the involvement of people rather than a rigid adherence to the clock (do many thing at once)Chapter 5 Intercultural Business Writing11.Business writing allows for the transfer of highly organized and detailed information inexpensively, it also allows for a record of communication that can be used to review communication, analyze communication in-depth and use the communication for a basis of evaluation or strategy development.12.Business message planning: *defining purpose of communicating *analyzing your audience *constructing the main idea of your massage *selecting a channel and medium13.All business messages have a general purpose: to inform, to request, to record, or to persuade14.Know your audience:*Does your audience think the same way you do?/ *Does your audience learn the same way you do? /*Does your audience define good communication the same way you do?/*Does your audience perceive graphics the same way you do? /*Does your audiencehandle everyday business situations the same way you do?15.Select a channel and medium: a written channel, an oral channelWritten internal communication: memos, E-mail, faxes, networked intranet bulletin boards, printed reports, and other written documentsWritten external communication: faxes, E-mail, letters, press releases, and customer communicationOral communication: telephone, voice message, tele-conferences, and meeting16.Functions of different media: electronic mail(E-mail) is one of the most preferred modes of written business correspondence, and is an accepted form of business communication in most cultures. It is convenient, fast, and eco-friendly.Instant messaging is real-time communication that can be used to discuss potential meeting times, remind employees of meetings and allow for the facilitation of simple business questions. Memo s can be formal or informal in tone.Faxes are still used widely in intercultural business, especially when an original document, or a document containing a signature, is required. Faxes are generally formal business documents that are drawn up for contractual purpose and strictly adhere to intercultural business protocol.17.Poor organization:taking too long to get to point, including irrelevant material, getting ideals mixed up, leaving out necessary information.18.Well-organized message:make the subject and purpose clear, include only information that is related to the subject and purpose, group the ideals and present them in logical way, include all the necessary information.19.Types of bad news: declining a request for refund, giving negative performance reviews, terminating employment20.How to organize bad news message: buffer, transition, explanation, bad news, alternatives, goodwill closing.Chapter6 Intercultural Business Etiquette and protocolProtocol: 1.(字典义)the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality,precedence and etiquette.2.(引申义)refers to customers and regulations dealing with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official dealings(such as negotiations) with persons in various cultures. Etiquette: 1.(字典义)conventional requirements as to proper social behavior.2.(引申义)refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.According to Carl A.Nelson, there are eight common protocol elements or categories which permit you function business successfully in any culture,ranked by importance, they are: names; rank and title; time; behavior; communications;gift-giving;food and drink.Your clothes can be your best friends or your worst enemy.Global dress code: international business uniform, that is for men: a dark suit, white shirt, and conservative tie; for women: a knee-length dress, high-cut blouse and comfortable shoes.Chapter 7 Intercultural Business Negotiation21.Negotiation are believed to take place within the context of the four Cs:Common interest considers that both parties in the negotiation share, have, or want, something that the other party has or does.Conflicting interest include payment, distribution, profits, contractual responsibilities, and quality.Compromis e includes areas of disagreement.Criteria include the conditions under which the negotiation take place.22.Definition of negotiation: two or more parties with common and conflicting interests who enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement, preferably of mutual benefit.23.Bargaining means many different thing to different people from different cultures.24.Argumentation on global negotiation involves a blend of logic, emotion, and dogma.25.Agreement is an exchange of conditional promises in which each party declares that it will act in a certain way on condition that the other parties act in accordance with their promises.26.Intercultural Negotiation Models: social-psychological model, principle model, directional model, interaction model, package deal model27.Intercultural Negotiation Styles: normative, intuitive, analytic, factual.28.Two universal negotiation strategies--- competition and cooperation--- can be summarized from negotiation literature.Competition known as contending or distributive bargaining is a strategy used by a negotiation to pursue his goals by persuading his opponent to concede. Competition strategy entails efforts to maximize gains and minimize losses within a “win-lose” or self gain orientation.Cooperation referred to as problem solving, collaboration, or integrative bargaining, “aims to reconcile the interests of both parties, reach joint benefits, or attain “win-win” goals.Chapter8 International Marketing CommunicationMarketing is the direct communication between your products and customers.Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.Traditionally, advertising was directed towards AIDA( Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Branding is an important tool used to differentiate products.The recognized benefits include expanding sales, increased profits, greater longevity, greater power with distributors and the liability to survive adverse economic conditions.A brand is an entity of name, term, sign, symbol, trademarks, logo, sound, color(s), or package and product design.Rituals are those collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.Religions directly impacts the way its adherents feel about material goods.。
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Intercultural Business NegotiationAbstract: Nowadays, international business negotiation is playing a more and moreimportant role in modem society. However, to reach a satisfactory agreement between negotiators is difficult. Many aspects should be taken into consideration. For example, cultural differences, obstacles in intercultural communication, efficient team wok and staff training. What’s more, negotiators should be patient, modest, considerate and confident in dealing with business. These are the key points in successful negotiation.Key words: cultural differences, obstacles in intercultural communication, efficientteam wok and staff training1. Cultural differencesIt is obvious that there are great differences in international business negotiation. Particularly, culture can influence negotiating styles in different ways, because negotiators who may come from another nation is different from us in language, beliefs, behaviors manners, privacy, food custom, time, thinking, value and attitudes and so on. Different cultures express different ways of doing business. Even though negotiators are well prepared, it is not so easy to reach a satisfactory agreement between negotiators across cultures. Negotiations can be easily broken down due to a lack of mutual understanding of the cultures. Culture affects negotiation even before negotiators meet with face to face. Therefore, learning the opponent's culture and having a good understanding of how cultural differences affect negotiation will be critically important if one wants to succeed in cross-cultural negotiations.In this case, “Ellen had been told by several more internationally experienced co-workers that the Taiwanese would undoubtedly spend most of the time establishing a relationship, initiating culture-relate trips during her stay, and showing respect for her and her company by providing entertainment.”, “the Taiwanese clearly recognized the superiority of her firm's product lines; they praised the reputation of her company and the quality of its products at some length. She was a little surprised when, in speaking about their own firm's qualifications, the Taiwanese were very modest.” and“She had thought that the contract was virtually sewn up, but the Taiwanese were not treating it as such.” This is an example of cultural differences. Taiwanese show Ellen their hospitality and respect the same as the way they treat another client. But Ellen doesn’t think so, she takes it as an implication of successful negotiation. At last, the lack of mutual understanding of the cultures contributes to the failure of negotiation.As we all know, different countries have different cultures. According to the culture of different countries, we should adopt different strategies in the international business negotiations, in order to ensure that negotiations can be expected to achieve. For example, decision-making must based on cultural differences, learn some international business etiquette and practices, respect each other's cultural practices. Then negotiations will achieve a satisfactory outcome.How to negotiate and to deal with cultural differences in negotiation? From my point of view, it can be divided into three stages.a. Pre-negotiation: The pre-negotiation stage begins form the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other,we should keep an open mind to recognize and accept the difference, because information gathering will to some extent determine the success and failure of the negotiation.b. Face-to-Face Negotiation: In this stage, I think negotiators should adopt some proper communication skills to reach an agreement. And we know conflict tend to be more difficult and complex when involved negotiators with cultural differences. But conflict is unavoidable during the process of negotiation. To make things worse, poor communication may kill deals. So we should try our best to overcome the cultural differences on negotiation, and utilize some effective communication to gain the common interest. In view of its significance in negotiation, communication is at the heart of the negotiating process.c. Post-negotiation: Finally the business negotiation is brought to the end stage. The contract is being drawn up and to be signed. However, writing and wording of the contract in itself is a kind of negotiating process. For word meaning and business value might differ due to the cultural factors involved in the business negotiation, form of agreement is preferred differently from culture to culture.In a word, Cultural differences have great impact on negotiations on every aspect. To be successful in the commercial negotiation between different cultures, one must strengthen trans-cultural consciousness, have a good understanding of those differences, do some research in this field, try to reduce and avoid the negative effect that the cultural differences may bring and so on. There are much more we should do in negotiations.2. The obstacles in intercultural communicationLanguage, verbal and non-verbal, is a symbolic representation of reality, and the basic form of communication between human beings. And communication follows the five-step process of “the message –the sender’s encoding – the channel - the receiver’s decoding –the message received”, and with or without a possible feedback, which may cause another round of interaction. So as to understand each other effectively and efficiently, both the message sender and the receiver are supposed to use the same set of codes –the same set of symbols, or in other words, the same language, utterance or gestures.In terms of intercultural communication, the different cultural backgrounds of the communicators may give a symbol a different meaning. One particular symbol may arouse different decoding by the receiver that causes an understanding other than the message sender’s encoding –that is misunderstanding. We may find out how intercultural misunderstanding interferes with the international contact between the Westerns and the Asian people, and even among people speaking the same language, by studying the case.“As the meeting progressed, the Taiwanese kept averting eye contact, even when she asked them direct questions.” and “She pointed out that the deal was very competitively priced, but her words were followed by uncomfortable silence.” Eye contact here is a kind of non-verbal languages, Taiwanese avoid eye contact, because direct eye contact is impolite to some extent and it may lead to their nervousness and anxiety, thus, it willhave a negative effect on successful negotiation. What’s more, while others speaking, they think they should keep silence in order to show their respect and leave a good impression to others. However, Ellen feels uncomfortable and frustrated in this situation, she thinks that they don’t pay much attention to her words and they don’t show respect to her.The following intercultural communication tips are provided to help people working in multicultural environments deal with intercultural business more effectively with people and not letting culture become a problem.a. Be patient: working in an intercultural environment can be a frustrating affair. Things may not be done as expected, communication can be tiresome and behavior may be inappropriate. Patience with yourself and others helps move beyond such issues and avoid similar incidents in the future.b. Ask questions: when you don't understand something or want to know why someone has behaved in a certain way, you should simply ask rather than pretend understanding others’ words. Asking questions prevents you making assumptions, shows the questions you do not understand, helps widen your bank of intercultural knowledge by learning from others.c. Show respect: intercultural communication carries on the basis of respect. While showing respect to others, you earn respect as well and it helps strengthen business ties.d. Write words down: people who are not native speakers may not react as quickly as what others speak, it is a good idea to write things down. In this way, people can not only have a better understanding of others but memorize things more exactly.e. Time: n ot everyone in the world thinks “time is money”. The concept of time is different among different cultures .To Americans and most Europeans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other people's time. However, to us Chinese like Taiwanese, they will undoubtedly spend most of the time establishing a relationship and look forward to a long-lasting business relationship. Thus, we should manage time properly. In a word, working across cultures is a new experience for many people. Intercultural communication can be a dynamic and creative affair, but occasionally due to the inability to interpret people correctly, it can be a challenge. Building an understanding of other people's culture, their communication styles and behaviors can go a long way in improving relationships and being more successful in an intercultural environment.3. Efficient team wok and staff trainingTeamwork is the activity of working well together as a team. We define it as a “cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a grou p of people acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause, people working together for a selfless purpose and so on.Nowadays, there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. Many things can’t be accomplished by working individually. Team members play different roles in the team, make contributions to the team and take responsibilities for the team. They can learn from each other and acquire much more working experience. To the company, the success is largely dependent on the efficient teamwork which can bring the company many benefits, especially high business returns.In this case, “there was also some confusion as to who exactly had the authority to the decision to sign the contact. She had previously thought that Chen Wu-Ping was the decision maker; however, this did not seem to be the case now. He and his colleagues (all much older than she) did not seem to have an acknowledged leader.”Many companies like Chen’s company don’t have a good team and efficient teamwork, they just wait for decisions on everything, have an ambiguous understanding of team leadership, and usually are not enthusiastic about work and shift responsibility. Thus, it is essential to build a team in a company or an organization and carry out staff training courses.Generally speaking, staff training types can fall into two main kinds. On one hand, the company can bring in specialists out of the company. On the other hand, the company can also ask some senior employees to train new staff. Many companies prefer the latter one.To the company, staff training can help accelerate the pace of development, avoid some unnecessary mistakes made by staff and make a high profit. To the staff, they can learn much from the training, widen their bank of knowledge, make plans for the future and get a chance to promote.What makes a good team? In my opinion, there are three important factors.a.Team members trust each other. Trust is the most important point. It has the directinfluence on the success of a team. A good team is based on mutual trust without suspicion.b.Members talk openly and honestly within the team. Different people have differentideas, everyone should speak them out and share them with other members within the team. Then they will reach the most satisfactory outcome through discussing. c.Everyone makes an equal contribution to the team. If someone always do more thanothers, more complaints there will be and less enthusiastic the person will be. Team members do n’t devote themselves equally to the team, the team won’t work with the same objective and the teamwork won’t be efficient. Equal contribution can increase members’ working enthusiasm and guarantee efficient teamwork.d.When people are under pressure, others offer help. Everyone should help each otherbecause they work in a team with the same objective and work as a whole. Offering help and asking for help will ensure team members achieve success with their collective efforts.In a word, it is a long way to go before reaching a satisfactory outcome in intercultural business negotiation. Much more efforts need to be put into practice.Works cited:1. Linell Davis. Doing Culture, Cross-cultural Communication in Action. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 20012. Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication – Process and Product. South-Western College Publishing, 20003. Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Lisa A. Stefani. Communication Between Cultures, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000。