Chapter 2-ppt


希尔 《国际商务》第11版 英文PPT Chapter 2

希尔 《国际商务》第11版 英文PPT Chapter 2
➢ state-owned enterprises have been privatized
2-6 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
What Is Collectivism?
➢Collectivism stresses the primacy of collective goals over individual goals
➢ can be traced to the Greek philosopher, Plato (427-347 BC)
representative democracy where citizens periodically elect individuals to represent them
2-8 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
What Is Totalitarianism?
➢ Totalitarianism - form of government in which one person or political party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life and prohibits opposing political parties

文体学Chapter 2 LexicologyPPT精品文档61页

文体学Chapter 2 LexicologyPPT精品文档61页
Lexicology 1. the composition of words– morphemic
devices 2. the meaning of words ---lexical devices
• 2.1 Morphemic devices
Morpheme is the smallest meaningful language unit, which cannot be devided into smaller unit without destroying or drastically altering the meaning.
---- Lexicology is concerned with the study of the meaning of words the composition of words. (Zhang Delu, 2019)
The purpose of lexicological study in relation to stylistics
• Deviation变异: linguistic features which depart from the norm or from the common core.
• Stylistic effects can be achieved by two major ways: P15
• ---by violating the existing norm, rules, principles and conventions
Definition of Lexicology ---- Lexicology studies the choice of specific


①由 r t x te 1 y te 2 a t b 表示的向径 r t 的终点总在一条曲线上
②在这条曲线上的任意点,总对应着以它为终点的向径,而这向径可由 t
的某一值t0at0 b 通过r t x te 1 y te 2 a t b 完全决定
那么就把 r t x te 1 y te 2 a t b 叫做曲线的向量式参数方程,
其中 t 为参数。
其坐标式参数方程为 xyxytt,at b
例3 一个圆在一直线上无滑动地滚动,求圆周上一定点的轨迹 该定点的轨迹为旋轮线或摆线(cycloid)
(1) 一个半径为r 的小圆在半径为R 的大圆内无滑动地滚动,小圆周上一 定点P 的运动轨迹称为内摆线(hypocycloid)
1)选取适当的坐标系(如题中已给定,这一步 可省);
3)根据曲线上的点所满足的几何条件写出 等式;
4)用点的坐标x,y,z的关系来表示这个等式,并化简 得方程;
-Chapter 2
§1 平面曲线的方程
• 一、曲线的方程 • 二、曲线的参数方程 • 三、常见曲线的参数方程
定义1 当平面上取定了坐标系之后,如果一个方程与一条曲线之
①满足方程的 x , y 必是曲线上某一点的坐标;
②曲线上任何一点的坐标 x , y 满足这个方程,
函数关系. 注意 空间曲面的参数方程的表达式不是惟一的.
x xu,v,



广义地说,器件的非线性是绝对的,而其线性是相对 的。线性状态只是非线性状态的一种近似或一种特例而已。
非线性器件种类很多,归纳起来,可分为非线性电阻 (NR)、非线性电容(NC)和非线性电感(NL)三类。如隧道 二极管、变容二极管及铁芯线圈等。
本小节以非线性电阻为例,讨论非线性元件的特性。 其特点是:工作特性的非线性、不满足叠加原理,具有频 率变换能力。所得结论也适用于其他非线性元件。
若满足avo1(t)= f[vi1(t)+vi2(t)],则称为具有叠加性。 若满足avo1(t)= f[avi1(t)],avo2(t)= f[avi2(t)],则称为
即a1*f[vi1(t)]+a2*f[vi2(t)]= f[a1*vi1(t)+a2*vi2(t)],则称
线性元件的主要特点是元件参数与通过元件的电流或施 于其上的电压无关。例如,通常大量应用的电阻、电容和空 心电感都是线性元件。
非线性元件的参数与通过它的电流或施于其上的电压 有关。例如,通过二极管的电流大小不同,二极管的内阻 值便不同;晶体管的放大系数与工作点有关;带磁芯的电 感线圈的电感量随通过线圈的电流而变化。
如果将电流i (t)用傅里叶级数展开,可以发现,它的频
和二极管的伏安特性曲线, (b )
二极管的电流i(t)的波形, 如图2-4所示。
图2-4 正弦电压作用于半导体二极管产生 非正弦周期电流

心理现象的结构分析 PPT课件

心理现象的结构分析 PPT课件
请你细心注意下列一串单词: 糖果、酸味、白糖、苦味、良好、滋味、牙齿、
优雅、蜂蜜、苏打、巧克力、心脏、煎饼、吃。 现在,终止阅读一会儿,尽可能把你所能回忆
§2-3 记忆与表象
对下列三个单词进行回忆,看它们是否出现于 上述单词表。
§2-5 情感与意志——情感过程
Micro-expressions微表情 sadness、pain、anger、surprise、
(短期记忆丧失症:罕见的健忘症,只能记住几分钟 内发生的事情)
§2-3 记忆与表象——记忆概述
记忆的概念 一个人所经历过的事物映象在头脑中的储存和遗留。 记忆的分类 按记忆内容分
形象记忆(表象记忆) 逻辑记忆 情绪记忆 运动或动作记忆
§2-3 记忆与表象——记忆分类
按记忆保持的持久程度分 瞬时记忆(感觉记忆/感觉登记):1-2s 短时记忆(STM):<1min 长时记忆(LTM):> 1min
下面是美国智力趣题专家奇尔出的一道观察力测试题,多数成年 人对此不知从何入手,而很多儿童却轻而易举地解开了难题。
图中有辆公交车,有A和B两个汽车站。 问:公交车现在是要驶往A车站,还是驶往B车站?
§2-2 感觉和知觉——观察力测试
创造性思维 4思维与语言的关系:密切相关但并不等同。 想象:对人脑中已有的表象进行加工改造而创造出新形象的心理过程。 1三种方式:粘合(综合)、夸张、典型化。 2想象分不随意想象与随意想象 随意想象份再造想象和创造想象


bac( midd te le r) m 2
Example 1
A sequence is defined by un 3n2.
I. Prove that the sequence is arithmetic II. Find u 1 and d. III. Find the 57th term. IV. What is the least term of the sequence which is
un u1 (n-1)d
the first term common difference
un um (n-m )d
the mth term common difference
Arithmetic Mean
If a, b, c are any consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence, then the arithmetic mean of a and c is b, where
greater than 450?
Example 2
If (x1 ),22an(3 d x2)are three consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence, find the integer x.
Example 3
Find the general term u n for an arithmetic sequence given that u 38anu 8 d-1.7
numbers defined by a rule for positive integers.
Arithmetic sequence


– fork system call creates new process fork 系统调用创建新进程 – execve system call used after a fork to replace the process’ memory space with a new program. 在fork 用一个新程序替代了进程的内存空间之后, 采用execve系统调用
Process State 进程状态
• As a process executes, it changes state 进程执行时,改变状态 – new: The process is being created. 新建:在创建进程 – running: Instructions are being executed. 运行:指令在执行 – waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur. 等待:进程等待某些事件发生 – ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor. 就绪:进程等待分配处理器 – terminated: The process has finished execution. 终止:进程执行完毕
CPU Switch From Process to Process 进程间CPU的切换
Context Switch
• When CPU switches to another process, the system must save the state of the old process and load the saved state for the new process. • Context represented in PCB of a process,include -CPU registers -process state -memory-management information • Context-switch time is overhead; the system does no useful work while switching. • Time dependent on hardware support.

同济 大学英语 PPT ChapterTwo.ppt

同济 大学英语 PPT ChapterTwo.ppt

Body Message
Memorandum To: All staff From: John Miller, Manager Date: 5 May, 2008 Subject: Time for blood donations Good News! Each year we work with the Red Cross in setting up a special room for blood donations from employees. This year the oneday drive kicks off after lunch on Friday and will be held in the main conference room on the 4th floor. As a bonus, Gole Sam, our president, said that anyone who donates can take the rest of the afternoon off!
Chapter Two
Writing Memos
A memo (more formally, memorandum or plural memoranda )
is an administrative document.
Memo writing guidelines
• is used only for communication within a comment and not used for inter-company communication)
them. 3.The size of each class will be limited to 12 participants.



Step 8: When you arrive, have your ticket and I.D. out. It will help get you through check-in faster.
Transcript for video:
Step 1: confirm your departure time the morning of or the night before your flight, either by calling your airline or by checking online. Step 2: visit the Transportation Security Administration’s website at for security waiting times at all the major airports. Sign up for updates from your airline’s website, which will call or email you alerts if there are any changes in your itinerary.
Step 2: Visit the Transportation Security Administration’s website at for security waiting times at all the major airports. Sign up for updates from your airline’s website, which will call or email you alerts if there are any changes in your itinerary.

chapter2工程中的风险安全与责任 ppt课件

chapter2工程中的风险安全与责任 ppt课件
曾经被认为是最安全、最可靠的核电站。 1986年一声巨响彻底打破了这一神话。由于操作人员违反规 章制度,核电站的第4号核反应堆在进行半烘烤实验中突然失 火,引起爆炸,其辐射量相当于400颗美国投在日本的原子弹。 爆炸使机组被完全损坏,8吨多强辐射物质泄露,尘埃随风飘 散,致使俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和乌克兰许多地区遭到核辐射的 污染。切尔诺贝利核事故被称作历史上最严重的核电事故。 普里皮亚季城因此被废弃。
温州南站列车控制中心设备采 集驱动单元采集电路电源回路 中 的 保 险 管 F2 遭 雷 击 熔 断 后 , 采集数据不再更新。 温州南站列车控制中心没有采 集到D3115次列车的占用状态, 按 照 熔 断 前 状 态 向 D301 次 列 车 发 送 无 车 占 用 码 , 导 致 D301 次 列车与D3115次列车追尾。
2.1.1 工程风险的来源
3 工程风险的人为因素
施工质量的好坏也是影响工程风险的重要因素 施工质量是工程的基本要求,是工程的生命线,所有 的工程施工规范都要求把安全置于优先考虑的地位。 一旦在施工质量的环节上出现问题,就会留下安全事 故的隐患。
2007年8月13日,正在拆除脚手架中的沱江大桥突然垮塌, 造成64人死亡,22人受伤,经济损失近4000万元。经事后查 明,该大桥采取的是“填芯砌法”的施工方法,该方法是用 先用大石块筑成圈,然后在里面空的地方填上碎石块,在正 常情况下碎石块排列应该非常紧凑,而这座桥墩断面填的碎 石却是散的。这证明了大桥在建筑施工过程中,相关人员偷 工减料,致使该大桥存在严重的质量问题,极大地增加了坍 塌的可能性。

心理学专业英语PPT-Chapter 2 Neuroscience and behavior

心理学专业英语PPT-Chapter 2 Neuroscience and behavior

• Here,we demonstrate that inhibitory and excitatory projections from the mouse lateral hypothalamus(LH)to the periaqueductal gray(PAG) in the midbrain drive,respectively,predation and evasion.
• 然而,通过同时向双耳呈现不同的言语刺激,我们能够证明,对于切断 胼胝体的病人,从左耳向左侧或言语半球的输入,出现了完全或近乎 完temporal lobectomy is to decrease the efficiency of report for the ear contralateral to the lesion. Because this is a verbal task,patients with left temporal lobectomy in the dominant hemisphere for speech show a slight impairment on the test as a whole,but those with right temporal lobectomy merely show an accentuation of the right-ear superiority found in normal subjects.
For example,such a patient cannot name or describe objects flashed in his left visual field,but only those flashed on the right,because each field projects solely to the contralateral hemisphere.



在化学中,将两个轨道沿着轨道对称轴方向 重叠形成的键叫σ键。
*1 电子云可以达到最大程度的重叠,所以比较牢固。 *2σ键旋转时不会破坏电子云的重叠,所以σ键可以自由旋转。
第二节 链烷烃的异构现象
一 碳架异构体 二 构象异构体 三 旋光异构体
构象 一个已知构型的分子 ,仅由于单键的旋转 而引起分子中的原子 或基团在空间的特定 排列形式称为构象。
2. 正丁烷的构象
(1) 正丁烷的极限构象及符号说明
S a
-aC +aC -aP +aP
+ 顺时针转动 - 逆时针转动
S 顺(旋转角〈 ±90 o ) a 反(旋转角 〉±90o )
P 重叠 C错
±SP (顺叠) ±SC (顺错) ±aC (反错) ±aP (反叠)
大多数分子主要以交叉式构象的形式存在; 在乙二醇和2-氯乙醇分子中,由于可以形成分子内氢键, 主要是以邻交叉构象形式存在。
第三节 烷烃的物理性质
外 观: 状态, 颜色, 气味
物理常数: 沸点(b.p.)
折光率(n) 密度(D)
旋光度[α]λ t 溶解度
偶极矩(μ) μ=qd
碳架异构体(1-5 )因环大小不同, 侧链长短不同,侧 链位置不同而引起 的。
顺反异构(5和6 ,5和7)因成环碳 原子单键不能自由 旋转而引起的。
旋光异构 (6和7)
第三节 环烷烃的物理性质
环烷烃的分子结构比链烷烃排列紧密 ,所以,沸点、熔点、密度均比链烷烃高 。
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Spending by the government on currently produced goods and services Government purchases were 20.6% of GDP in 2009 Government consumption includes government purchases for short-lived goods and services like health care and police Government investment includes spending for capital goods like buildings and computers. Pure government transfers (e.g., Social Security and Medicare) are excluded from G
To understand how to measure unemployment To understand different interest rates

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced in an economy
◦ the broadest measure of economic activity
Measuring Economic Activity: National Income Accounting (cont’d)

National income accounting is an accounting system that measures economic activity and its components Fundamental identity of national income accounting:
Y = C + I + G + NX
= = = = = GDP = total production (output) consumption expenditure investment gov’t purchases of goods & services net exports = exports - imports

Total spending for currently produced consumer goods and services Consumption was 70.8% of GDP in 2009 Basic categories:
1. Consumer durables 2. Nondurable goods 3. Services

Inventory investment is the change in inventories (firms’ holdings of raw materials, unfinished goods and unsold finished goods) over a given period of time Inventory investment is included in GDP for the same reason that we include capital goods
Measuring GDP: The Expenditure Approach

GDP is the total spending on currently produced final goods and services in the economy National income identity:
Measuring Macroeconomic Data

To examine the different approaches to measuring gross domestic product
To understand real versus nominal GDP

To understand how to measure inflation
1. Fixed investment 2. Inventory investment 3. Residential investment

For non-economists, an investment normally refers to the purchase of common stocks or bonds For economists, investment spending refers to the purchase of physical assets, such as new machines or new houses—purchases that add to GDP

A capital good (e.g., a robot) is used in the production of other goods that is not used up in the stages of production New capital goods are classified as final goods because they are not included in spending on other final goods and yet their production is part of economic activity.

Value added is the value of a firm’s output minus the cost of the intermediate goods purchased by the firm By adding up the value added from each firm, we get the final value of the goods and services produced.

We calculate GDP over a fixed period of time, such as a quarter or a year GDP is a flow, which is an amount per a given unit of time By contrast, a stock is a quantity at a given point in time

Net exports (or trade balance) are exports minus imports Why subtract imports from GDP?

Answer: Spending on imports is included in consumption expenditure, investment, and government purchases, but is not produced in this country

Spending on currently produced capital goods that are used to produce goods and services over an extended period of time Investment was 11.4% of GDP in 2009 Basic categories:

Is GDP the best measurement of national well-being? In 1972, the king of Bhutan proposed the replacement of GDP by ―gross national happiness‖ that incorporates factors such as spirituality and culture In 1990, the United Nations began to rank countries on a so-called human development index, which is a combination of life expectancy, education, literacy, educational participation, and GDP In 2008, a French economic commission led by Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz called for modifications to GDP with factors such as political freedom, physical safety, and work-life balance

GDP includes only goods and services that are newly produced in the current period If you buy a 3-year-old car from a car dealership
◦ ◦ The cost of the used car is not included in GDP The value of the services provided by the car dealership is included in GDP
In the case of apples and oranges, we multnd quantities, and then add them up:
GDP = (price of apples ✕ quantity of apples) + (price of oranges ✕ quantity of oranges)