英语三级大学英语历年考试真题汇总及答案一、2008年英语三级考试真题及答案1. 单项选择(1) Can I help you?Yes, I'd like to _______ a blue jacket.A. try onB. try outC. tryD. put on答案:A(2)It is generally considered unwise to give a child_______ he or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. wheneverD. wherever答案:B2. 完型填空One day, the rich man fell ill. He called his children to his bedside and said, "I am very rich, but I don't have any money now. I have hidden my money _______ (under/beneath) the ground. When I die, you can dig it out and use it."The rich man died soon after. His wife and children began to dig the ground _______ (inside/outside) the house, butthey didn't find any money. They kept digging for a long time, but still couldn't find the money. Finally, they realizedthat they had been fooled their father. They had to workhard to earn a living.答案:lazy, under, outside二、2010年英语三级考试真题及答案1. 阅读理解Passage OneQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Moving can be an exciting experience, but it can also be a lot of work. There are many things to do before the actual move. People need to find a new place to live. They need to pack their belongings and arrange for transportation. They also need to notify friends and businesses of their new address.31. Why do some people move several times in their lifetime?答案:Because they find a better job, want to live in a better climate, or want to be closer to their families.2. 翻译请将下列句子翻译成英文:56. 许多大学生毕业后选择去大城市工作,因为那里有更多的就业机会。
《保密法及其实施条例、保密制度》试题一、单项选择题1、《保密法实施条例》共有.. AA.六章四十五条B.六章四十条C.五章五十三条2、《保密法实施条例》自起实施.. BA.2010年10月1日B.2014年3月1日C.2014年1月17日3、国家秘密是关系国家的安全和利益;依照法定程序确定;在一定时间内只限知悉的事项.. CA.县处以上领导干部B.共产党员C.一定范围的人员4、国家秘密的密级分为.. AA.绝密、机密、秘密B.绝密、机密、一般C.秘密、机密、一般5、国家秘密的保密期限;除有规定外;绝密级不超过;机密级不超过;秘密级不超过.. BA.四十年;三十年;二十年B.三十年;二十年;十年C.二十年;十五年;十年6、国家秘密的知悉范围以外的人员;因工作需要知悉国家秘密的;应当经过批准.. BA.本机关、单位的涉密载体管理人B.机关、单位负责人C.本机关、单位的定密责任人7、机关、单位应当将涉及绝密级或者较多机密级、秘密级国家秘密的机构确定为;将集中制作、存放、保管国家秘密载体的专门场所确定为.. BA.保密要害部位;重要保密单位B.保密要害部门;保密要害部位C.保密监管单位;重要保密单位8、涉密计算机是指在工作中运用采集、加工、存储、传输、检索等功能;处理涉及的计算机.. BA.内部信息B.国家秘密信息C.政务信息9、涉密人员上岗应当经过保密教育培训;掌握保密知识技能;签订;严格遵守保密规章制度;不得以任何方式泄露国家秘密..BA.保密责任状B.保密承诺书C.保密协议书10、机关、单位应当定期对本机关、本单位工作人员进行等方面的教育培训.. CA.保密法律法规B.保密形势C.保密形势、保密法律法规、保密技术防范11、各级机关、单位对产生的国家秘密事项;应当按照及时确定密级.. CA.保密法实施办法B.保密规章制度C.国家秘密及其密级具体范围的规定12、收发涉密载体;应当履行手续.. AA.清点、登记、编号、签收等B.交接C.签字13、领导干部阅办秘密文件、资料和办理其他属于国家秘密的事项;应在进行.. AA.办公场所B.家中C.室外14、销毁涉密载体;应当履行手续;并由两名以上工作人员送到指定场所监销.. CA.清点;公安部门B.交接;上级机关C.审批、登记;保密行政管理部门15、国家秘密的标志方式为.. CA.密级B.密级+保密期限C.密级+“★”+保密期限16、制作秘密文件、资料;应送印制.. CA.一般印刷厂B.内部印刷厂C.国家秘密载体定点复制单位17、分发涉密文件、资料的各种等级清单;要保存;以备查询.. CA.1年B.3年至5年C.10年18、违反《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》的规定; 泄露国家秘密;情节严重的;依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任.. B A.故意B.故意或过失C.过失19、某领导外出时提包被窃;找回后发现包内钱物丢失;涉密文件完整无缺..这一事件.. CA.属于泄密事件B.不应视为泄密事件C.在不能证明文件未被不应知悉者知悉时;按泄密事件处理20、召开涉密会议;应开启使用.. AA.手机信号干扰仪B.无线话筒C.连接互联网电脑21、涉密人员是指国家秘密的人员;其等级分为..BA.知悉;绝密、机密、秘密B.掌握、知悉和管理;核心、重要、一般C.管理;重要、一般、内部22、保密有害部门应对定期向本行保密部门报告保密工作情况;每年不少于次.. BA.4B.2C.123、本行密件一经签发或批准;期密级和保密期限即正式生效..DA.董事长B.行长C.部门负责人 D..有权领导人24、制作涉密载体;应当依照有关规定;注明发放范围及制作数量;涉密载体应当编排顺序号.. AA.标明密级和保密期限B.提出管理要求C.认真进行核对25、制作密件应当标明密件的知悉或者发放、传达范围、印制数;绝密、机密文件应当 .. AA.编号B.不得编号C.与其他文件混同编号涉密人员离岗、离职前;应当将所保管和使用的涉密载体 A..A.全部清退并办理移交手续B.部分清退并办理移交手续C.全部清退可以不办理移交手续27、变更密级或解密;应由.. BA.密件使用单位决定B.原定密机关、单位决定;也可以由其上级机关决定C.国家保密行政管理部门指定的单位决定28、携带绝密件和密码电报应当经本机关、单位主管领导人批准;并实行人护送制.. CA.3 B.5 C.229、制作国家秘密载体;应当由机关、单位或者经保密审查合格的单位承担;制作场所应当符合保密要求.. AA.保密行政管理部门B.工商行政管理部门C.新闻宣传部门30、机关、单位发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露的;应当立即采取补救措施;并在小时内向同级保密行政管理部门和上级主管部门报告.. CA.12 B.48 C.2431、《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》是由通过的.. CA.全国人民代表大会B.全国人大委员长会议C.全国人民代表大会常务委员会32、涉密人员离职前;应当先行清退所保管的全部密件..密件的管理人员离职前;应当办清密件移交手续.. BA.与离职手续同步B.先行C.在离职手续办理后33、未经保密审查的单位从事涉密业务的;由保密行政管理部门责令.. BA.暂停违法行为B.停止违法行为C.查处违法行为34、使用电话、传真进行涉密通信;必须使用配有设备的电话机、传真机..A.加密处理 B.加密 C.非加密35、国家机关工作人员;未经批准;私自留存国家秘密文件;属于行为.. BA.违反保密规定B.非法持有国家秘密C.违反国家机关工作人员职业道德36、以下不属于国家秘密的有.. CA.国家事务重大决策中的秘密事项B.国防建设和武装力量活动中的秘密事项C.政府公开信息37、计算机信息系统打印输出的涉密文件;应当按相应文件进行管理.. CA.普通B.一般C.密级38、存储国家秘密信息的U盘只能在计算机上使用.. AA.本单位同一密级或更高密级的涉密B.办公用C.上网用39、机关、单位应当对工作人员进行;定期检查保密工作..CA.岗位培训B.警示教育C.保密教育40、机关、单位应当按照保密法的规定;严格限定国家秘密的知悉范围;对知悉 B 以上国家秘密的人员;应当作出书面记录..A 绝密级 B机密级 C 秘密级41、复制密件;应当建立审批登记制度;严格控制复制件数;并视同管理..A.原件B. 复制件C. 普通件42、设区的市、自治州一级的机关及其授权的机关、单位可以确定的密级是国家秘密.. CA. 绝密级和秘密级B. 绝密级和机密级C. 机密级和秘密级43、对外交往与合作中需要提供国家秘密事项的;应当按照提供.. BA.合同规定B.规定的程序事先经过批准后C.协议44、涉密人员出境;应当经过的批准.. BA.公安机关B.保密工作部门C.批准、任用涉密人员的主管部门45、根据《保密法》和《保密法实施办法》; 主管全国的保密工作.. BA、国家保密工作机构B、国家保密局C、国务院46、各机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密事项;应当依照保密范围的规定及时确定密级;最迟不得超过.. AA.10日B.20日C.30日47、复制属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品;或者摘录、引用、汇编属于国家秘密的内容; .. AA.不得擅自改变原件的密级B.视情况需要可以改变密级C.既可以保留原件的密级;也可以改变原件的密级48、召开涉及国家秘密内容的会议时;主办单位应当采取相应的保密措施..下面哪一项措施是错误的.. BA.具备安全条件的会议场所B.使用无线话筒C.依照保密规定使用会议设备和管理会议文件、资料49、对单位存在重大泄密隐患或发生失泄密事件负有主要领导责任的党政领导干部;视其情节轻重;按照干部管理权限应当给予处分.. CA.警告、严重警告、撤销党内职务B.警告、严重警告、撤销党内职或者留党察看C.警告、严重警告、撤销党内职务、留党察看或者开除党籍50、机关、单位公开发布信息应当遵循.. BA.“谁公开;谁审查”原则B.事前审查原则和依法审查原则C.A和B51、行政机关应当建立健全政府信息发布;明确审查的程序和责任.. BA.定人定责机制B.保密审查机制C.领导审查机制52、在销毁国家秘密过程中;以下哪种做法不对..AA.将解密的国家秘密文件作为废品出售B.销毁秘密文件应当在销毁前登记造册并经领导批准C.销毁国家秘密应当二人以上监销并以不能恢复为标准53、涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统;不得与互联网或其它公共信息网络相连接;必须实行.. CA.直接地;防火墙隔离B.间接地;逻辑隔离C.直接或间接地;物理隔离54、涉及的信息;不得在互联网计算机信息系统中存储、处理、传递.. AA.国家秘密B.绝密级国家秘密C.机密级国家秘密55、发现利用互联网及其他公共信息网络发布的信息涉及泄露国家秘密的;应当立即停止传输;保存有关记录;向公安机关、国家安全机关或者报告.. AA. 保密行政管理部门B. 宣传部门C. 电信部门56、复制属于国家秘密的文件、资料;应当由批准;并且保密期限.. CA.保密部门;需重新制定B.上报机关批准;需重新计算C.密级确立机关、单位或其上级机关;不得改变其原件的57..定密工作是保密工作的基础;为使国家秘密的确定、变更和解除工作更加科学、合理和准确;新《保密法》增加了 A ..A 定密责任人制度B 定密层级的规定C 定密权限的规定二、判断题1.机关、单位对不属于本机关、本单位产生的国家秘密;认为符合保密法有关解密或者延长保密期限规定的;应当及时解密或者延长保密期限.. 错2.新《保密法》的一个重大转变是将泄密的法律责任认定从“结果犯”到“行为犯”;其含义是只要违反有关规定;即使没有造成泄密后果也要追究责任.. 对3.《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》是对1990年发布实施的《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》的全面修订.. 对4.《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施条例》对《保密法》确立的一系列新制度、新措施进行了集中诠释;予以具体化;以便于贯彻实施.. 对5.岗位责任制是确保保密工作落到实处的重要保证..无论是在涉密岗位工作的人员还是在非涉密岗位工作的人员;都有义务保守工作中知悉的国家秘密.. 对6.保密事项范围不是一成不变的..实施条例第八条规定;保密事项范围应当根据情况变化及时调整.. 对7.实施条例要求;制定、修订保密事项范围应当充分论证;听取有关机关、单位和相关领域专家的意见.. 对8.根据工作需要;机关、单位负责人可以指定其他人员为定密责任人.. 对9.定密责任人具体负责审核批准本机关、本单位产生的国家秘密的密级、保密期限和知悉范围;对本机关、本单位产生的尚在保密期限内的国家秘密进行审核;作出是否变更或者解除的决定.. 对10.新保密法规定;定密不当;造成严重后果的;机关、单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员应当承担相应法律责任.. 错11.无法标注国家秘密标志的;确定该国家秘密的机关、单位应当口头通知知悉范围内的机关、单位和人员..对12.上级机关、单位发现下级机关、单位国家秘密的确定、变更和解除不当的;应当及时通知其纠正;也可以直接纠正.. 对13.机关、单位确因工作需要;自行销毁少量国家秘密载体的;应当使用符合国家保密标准的销毁设备和方法..对14.从事涉密业务的企业事业单位应当是在中华人民共和国境内依法成立1年以上的法人;无违法犯罪记录.. 错15.从事涉密业务的人员必须具有中华人民共和国国籍.. 对16.经保密审查合格的企业事业单位违反保密管理规定的;由保密行政管理部门责令限期整改;逾期不改或者整改后仍不符合要求的;暂停涉密业务;情节严重的;停止涉密业务.. 对17.机关、单位委托未经保密审查的单位从事涉密业务的;由有关机关、单位对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分.. 对18.违反《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》的有关规定;泄露国家秘密不够刑事处罚的;可以酌情给予行政处分..错19.《保密法实施条例》规定:不得将依法应当公开的事项确定为国家秘密.. 对20.机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密;不能确定保密期限的;应当确定解密条件.. 对。
南京信息工程大学语言文化学院英语系试卷B综合英语3课程试卷( B卷)参考答案及评分标准
南京信息工程大学2008─2009学年第1 学期综合英语3 课程试卷(B卷)注意:1、本试卷共9页;2、考试时间120分钟;出卷时间:20XX年12月3、姓名、学号等必须写在指定地方;4、本考卷适用专业年级:英语(本)20XX级任课教师:沈广湫、姜萍,张玉环学号姓名Task One Spelling (10%)In this section, you are required to spell the word according to its English definitions and its first letter. Please write down your words on the ANSWER BOOKLET.1. a________ a signature of a famous person2. e_________ to illegally force someone to give you something, especially money, by threatening them3. i_________ rude and not respectful, especially to someone who is older or more important4. a________ something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, andoffering the possibility of choice5. a__________ to obtain something6. o_________ ideas, methods, or behavior are accepted by most people to be correct and right7. n_________ (especially of ideas) unclear and lacking form8. i_______ impossible to change9. v_________ almost entirely10.a_________ lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizabilityTask Two Translation (10%)Translate the following sentences into English with the given words or phrases. Please write your translation on the ANSWER BOOKLET.1. 毕业后,她先是做老师,然后当了校长。
1听力理解 ( Listening Comprehension)听力理解主要测试学生取口头信息和理解信息的能力,共20个小题,由Section A 和Section B 组成。
Section A: 有10道题,每组是两句对话,对话后有一问题,听一遍。
Section B: 有3篇听力材料,每篇材料后有3-4个问题,听两遍。
Section A的选材来自日常生活对话,句子结构和内容不复杂。
Section B 的材料来自对话、新闻以及情节不复杂的故事。
2 词汇 (Vocabulary)词汇部分主要测试学生掌握词汇及常用词组的能力,共20个选择题,要求考生从四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。
3 语法结构 (Structure)语法部分主要测试学生理解和运用语法结构的能力,共20个选择题,要求考生从四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。
4 阅读理解 ( Reading Comprehension)阅读理解主要测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力。
大学英语三级B听力理解专项强化真题试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.听力原文:Q: How is everything going?1.A.See you later.B.In July.C.Hurry up.D.Not too bad.正确答案:D解析:考查对问候用语的回答。
“How is everything going?”用于见面时询问对方的近况,句意为“你近来怎么样”,回答时通常用“Fine,thanks./Very well,thanks./Not bad.”等。
因此D项Not too bad(不太坏,还不错)是正确回答。
听力原文:Q: Did you go to the lecture yesterday?2.A.No, I didn’t.B.He’s fine.C.You are right.D.No worry.正确答案:A解析:考查对一般疑问句的回答。
句子的意思是“昨天你去听讲座了吗?”A项No,I didn’t(不,我没有去)是对此问句的否定回答。
听力原文:Q: What do you think of our new design?3.A.I don’t think so.B.Very good.C.Of course not.D.Not at all.正确答案:B解析:考查询求对方意见的回答。
句意为“你觉得我们的新设计怎么样?”B项Very good(非常好)是表示赞赏、肯定的回答。
听力原文:Q: May I have your passport, please?4.A.Never mind.B.Take care.C.Here it is.D.This way, please.正确答案:C解析:考查对请求的回答。
May I…是表示请求的句型。
因此C项Here it is(在这里;给你)为正确答案。
大学英语三级B阅读理解专项强化真题试卷9(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.To: damon@Subject: Proposal to do businessDear Mr. Damon, We would like to introduce ourselves as a company supplying raw materials to garment(服装)manufacturers. We would be interested in doing business with you. We have been manufacturing raw cotton materials for the last five years. We supply our raw materials to most popular garment manufacturing companies in this country. Your company also manufactures cotton garments for which you must be requiring a steady supply of cotton materials. We can assure you that we provide the best quality of materials and the price of our materials is reasonable. It Would be an honor doing business with you. It would be great if you could arrange a business meeting so that we can discuss this in detail. I attach a copy of our company profile. Thank you. Norman Creed Marketing Manager CBH Manufacturers Limited 1.What kind of material does CBH Manufacturers Limited supply? It supplies ______ to garment manufacturers.正确答案:raw materials2.How long has CBH Manufacturers Limited been in this field of business? For______ years.正确答案:five3.What promise has the writer made to Mr. Damon? To provide the______of materials at a reasonable price.正确答案:best quality4.What suggestion does the writer make at the end of the email? To arrange ______.正确答案:a business meeting5.What document is attached to the email? A copy of the writer’s ______.正确答案:company profileGrounds Maintenance Workers What Grounds Maintenance (维护)Workers Do Grounds maintenance workers ensure that the grounds of houses, businesses, and parks are attractive, orderly, and healthy in order to provide a pleasant outdoor environment. Work Environment Many grounds maintenance jobs are seasonal, available mainly in the spring, summer, and fall. Most of the work is done outdoors in all weather conditions. How to Become a Grounds Maintenance Worker Most grounds maintenance workers need no formal education and are trained on the job. Training A short period of on-the-job training is usually enough to teach new hires the skills they need, which often include how to plant and maintain areas and how to use some tools and other equipment. Pay The hourly wage for grounds maintenance workers was $ 12. 90 in May 2016.6.What job is offered in the advertisement? ______正确答案:Grounds maintenance workers7.What is the responsibility of the job? To provide a pleasant ______.正确答案:outdoor environment8.What is the working environment of the job? The work is mostly done outdoors in ______.正确答案:the spring,summer,and fall9.What kind of training will be provided? A short period of ______training.正确答案:on—the-job10.What was the hourly wage for grounds maintenance workers in May 2016? $ ______正确答案:12.9Please Contact us to Arrange a Safety Inspection.Address: 246 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.Columbia Gas must perform a safety inspection at the address above.We are required by federal law to inspect your service line and meter setting. Please call us at 1-800-344-4077,Monday through Friday, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm.If you have already arranged an inspection, there is no reason to call. Please ignore this letter. Please understand, communications will continue until the inspection has been completed.This important safety inspection is part of our promise to provide safe and reliable service to our customers.We will make every effort to do the work at a date and time that is convenient to you.If this inspection is not performed, we cannot continue your service. Please call us today to set up an inspection.Thank you for yourattention to this letter.11.What is the gas company required to do by federal law? To inspect the letter receiver’s______and meter setting.正确答案:service line解析:本题考查煤气公司依照联邦法律需要做的检查的内容。
Listening Comprehension(15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue,there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example:You will hear:You will read:A) New York City.B) An evening party.C) An air trip. D) The man’s job.From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore,C) An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.[A][B][C]— [D]Now the test will begin.1. A) Close the window.B) Open the window.C) Turn off the TV.D) Turn on the radio.2. A) He's in his office. B) He's in a meeting.C) He's on a business trip. D) He's on holiday.3. A) Take a Chinese course. B) Visit China.C) Stay at home. D) Go to a summer camp.4. A) The water is too cold. B) The pool is too far away.C) The pool is too crowded. D) The weather is too hot.5. A) 4 days. B) 14 days. C) 24 days. D) 40 days.Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation,there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16. A) A single room with a bath. B) A single room with a shower.C) A double room with a bath. D) A double room with a shower.7. A) 100 dollars. B) 150 dollars. C) 200 dollars. D) 250 dollars.8. A) A fitness gym. B) A tennis court.C) A swimming pool. D) A table tennis room.Conversation 29. A) By the last name. B) By the first name.C) By the middle name. D) By the full name.10. A) The short holidays. B) The low salaries.C) The small offices. D) The informal clothes.Directions:This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question,you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen tothe passage.11. How many kinds of doctors are there in the US?.12. Where is the family doctor's office?In the where their patients live.13. What do family doctors often do?They the health of everyone in the family.14. What kind of diseases do specialists treat?Special health problems,such as a disease or a broken bone.15. What is very important to Americans according to the passage?They should buy medical .Structure (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Directions:In this section,there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the center.16. Allan is looking forward to his American partner at the trade fair.A) meet B) meeting C) be meeting D) having met17. The sales manager had his secretary a press conference for their new products.A) arrange B) to arrange C) have arranged D) arranged18. The message Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time.A) which B) what C) that D) how19. They had talked only for a few minutes they found they were of different opinions.A) unless B) while C) before D) once20. By the time you come to see me next month,I my term paper.A) have completed B) complete C) am completingD) will have completed21. It is important to provide an environment people are encouraged to make suggestions at all levels of the company.A) from which B) on which C) in which D) for which22. The scientists wanted to keep people about the breakthrough in their experiment.A) inform B) informed C) informingD) to inform23. When I first arrived in Japan,I was surprised the way people greeted each other.A) of B) to C) with D) at24. Not until that day the importance of good manners in a job interview.A) did I realize B) I did realize C) I have realizedD) have I realized25. The market economy is quickly changing people's idea on is accepted.A) that B) which C) what D) howDirections:There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in eachblank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. He tried to solve the problem,but he (quick) gave up.27. The guest paid (little) money than he should for the room.28. It is far more (interest) for me to chat online with friends than to watch TV.29. Finally the woman found her (lose) child with the help of the police.30. The boss gave him a raise in salary because of his excellent (perform) at work.31. This hospital,which (equip) with modern facilities,is one of the best in the country.32. Before (write) an application letter,you should be aware what kind of people the employer needs.33. In the past few years,traffic problems (become) more and more serious.34. It's really (wonder) to see you here again in Beijing.35. If I (be) you,I wouldn't miss the job interview tomorrow morning.Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Directions:After reading the following passage,you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements,numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.The iMove database(数据库) is a foreignlanguage information platform for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven languages:German,English,French,Spanish,Chinese,Russian and Arabic.All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs.Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore,they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and the training provider.To guarantee high standards in the database,iMOVE has developed quality standards for training providers and their services. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow these quality criteria(标准). All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMOVE database have recognized our General Terms and Conditions.36. The iMOVE database is intended for persons who .A) seek a job as a language translator B) are interested in the German languageC) want to be employed by German companies D) wish to work for professional training providers37. The iMOVE programs are carried out by .A) language training centers B) German training providersC) special service developers D) overseas employment advisers38. The training programs held in Germany are taught in .A) German B) English C) French D) Chinese39. Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?A) Offering different language courses. B) Providing modern training facilities.C) Starting training courses overseas. D) Developing quality standards.40. The purpose of the passage is to .A) advertise the iMOVE databaseB) make German companies more popularC) hire overseas employees to work in GermanyD) encourage people to learn more foreign languagesDirections:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.It is so easy to earn rewards!A wide range of partners wherever you goTo make traveling even easier,Air France offers you Frequency Plus(常旅客里程奖励计划) through an extensive network of our partners. Together,they give you endless opportunities to earn Miles and a wide choice of Rewards,from airline tickets,hotel roomnights,car rentals and more.Partners in ChinaIf you are a Frequency Plus member registered in China,you have even more choices with rewards from our local partners. For more information,please contact your local Air France office.First rewards start as low as 20,000 Miles!Your Temporary CardStart earning the Miles that will make you get your first Reward,now.a) Show your Temporary Card and simply give your Card number when making a reservation and at checkin for your flight. In this way,you will begin to earn Miles even before receiving your Permanent Card.b) Fill in and return your personal membership(会员) application today. Your application must be received within 3 weeks of your first flight.Remember,you will enjoy an extra 3,000 Bonus Miles(额外奖励里程) for your first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining. Fly today and earn Rewards sooner!41. Air France carries out its Frequency Plus .A) through its reduced ticket prices B) through its extensive network of partnersC) by providing convenient flight schedules D) by offering excellent services on board42. In order to get the first reward,passengers must fly at least .A) for 6 months B) 20,000 milesC) 3,000 bonus Miles D) once in three weeks43. Passengers can begin to earn Miles .A) if they reserve tickets at a hotel B) if they buy tickets at the airportC) before receiving the Permanent Card D) after receiving the Permanent Card44. Passengers should send their application to Air France .A) upon receiving the application form B) within 3 weeks of their first flightC) before their first flight with Air France D) within 6 months of joining the program45. The extra bonus Miles for a passenger's first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining is .A) 2,000 miles B) 3,000 miles C) 20,000 miles D) 30,000 milesDirections:The following is Memo. After reading it,you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 to No. 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.The College of Business Management (CBM) is seeking new members to represent the college as Student Ambassadors (大使). The Ambassadors selected will represent the college during the school year. Their term of service will begin during the autumn. Student Ambassadors will have the opportunity tocooperate with students at various activities throughout the school year.Purposes:1.Promote the College of Business Management.2.Improve leadership and communication skills.3.Assist in the recruitment of students to CBM.Qualifications and Requirements:1.Must currently be a fulltime student in the College of Business Management.2.Must be available to assist with various recruitment activities.3.Must be able to contact students from various backgrounds.Application Procedure:1.Print a copy of the application form from our website.plete the application form and return it to the Student Advising Office.For More Information:Contact Mark Davis at 4722310 or stop by the Student Advising Office.Student Ambassadors WantedTerm of service:throughout the school yearTasks:1.represent the 46as Student Ambassadors2.cooperate with students at 47Purposes:1.promote CBM2.improve leadership and 48skills3.assist in the recruitment activitiesQualifications:must be a 49student in CBMApplication Procedure:1.print a copy of the application formplete the form3.return it to the 50Directions:The following is a list of medical terms. After reading it,you are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet,numbered 51 through 55. A——physical checkupB——biological clockC——pulse rateD——high blood pressureE——sleep habitsF——overthecounter (OTC) medicineG——side effectH——personality testI——operating roomJ——sense of wellbeingK——faceliftL——compulsive overeatingM——stress selftestN——plastic surgeonO——heart beatP——behavior therapyQ——terminal stageExamples:(K)面部整容(N) 整形外科医生51.()心跳()非处方药52.()手术室()强迫性过度饮食53.()副作用()生物钟54.()高血压()脉搏率55.()睡眠习惯()体检Directions:The following is a business letter. After reading it,you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 to No.60) that follow. The answers (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.Gmail (Google Email) NoticeSubject:Your Gmail account has been inactive for a long timeFrom “The Gmail Team”gmailnoreply@Time 2008062614∶12∶55To wanghaiyan@Hi there,We've noticed that you haven't used your Gmail account,wanghaiyan@,for quite some time. In order to make Gmail better for our users,we've added a lot of things in the last few months and we hope you'll want to start using your account again.Stop worrying about storage(存储量). Your account now has 5000 megabytes(兆字节) of free storage and our plan is to continue growing your storage by giving you more space as we are able.The Gmial interface(界面) is now available in 12 languages. If you don't see the language you want on this list,look for it in the future because we're going to keep adding more.We're still working hard every day to build for you the best email service around. But to keep Gmail great for our users,we may have to close inactive accounts after 9 months. So,we hope you'll give us another chance. To log in(登录) to your Gmail account,just visit:http://gmail. .Thanks.The Gmail Team56. Why does the Gmail Team write to the Gmail user?Because the user hasn't used his / her Gmail for quite some time.57. What kind of storage the user's account now has?It now has 5,000 megabytes of storage.58. How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?.59. What may happen to the user's account if it is inactive for 9 months?The Gmail team may have to the user's account.60. What is the purpose of the Gmail team in sending this email?They hope the user will the account.Translation—English into Chinese (25 minutes)Directions:This part,numbered 61 through 65,is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered61 to64,you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65,write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.61. I believe my education,training and personal qualities meet the requirements you set for the position of electrical engineer.A) 我认为我受的教育和培训,以及个人素质正是你们要求的,我会努力履行电气工程师的职务。
大学英语三级B阅读理解专项强化真题试卷6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.Apteryx Company Ltd. Apteryx Ltd. is a software development company. We create and develop software applications and systems, which are the leading products in the business fields. Our current products include medical imaging solutions and applications for independent medical practices and large medical suppliers both at home and abroad. We also provide software development services. Apteryx Ltd. believes in a fun and creative company culture and offers great benefits to its employees including in-service career training, free lunch, coffee or tea breaks, great retirement package, and a relaxed atmosphere. Apteryx Ltd. is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering a great work environment, challenging career opportunities and attractive salaries. Join our team! Apteryx Ltd. 313 S High St Ste 200 Akron, OH 44308 Web: http: //www. apteryx. com/careers Apteryx Company Ltd. Type of company: a【R1】______company Products: software applications and systemsService intended for: independent【R2】______practices and suppliers, both at home and abroad Company culture: fun and【R3】______Benefits offered:1)in-service career【R4】______2)free lunch, coffee or tea breaks3)great【R5】______package4)a relaxed atmosphereCompany website: http://www. apteryx. com/careers 1.【R1】正确答案:software development解析:本题考查Apteryx有限公司的类型。
Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability .It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A) I’m not sure.B) You’re right.C) Yes, certainly.D) That’s interesting.From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet.[A] [B] [C] [D]Now the test will begin.1.A)Just a moment,please.B)Fine,thank you.C)See you.D)Well done.2.A)Glad to meet you.B)Yes,please.C)It may not last long.D)In twenty minutes.3.A)Yes,please.B)On Monday.C) I see.D)Good-bye.4.A)No problem.B)Many times.C)I don’t know.D)My pleasure.5.A)You are welcome.B)He’s nice.C)It’s perfect.D)It’s two o’clock.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6.A)He’s got a headache.B)He can’t sleep at night.C)He coughs a lot.D)He doesn’t feel like eating.7.A)Have some food.B)Clean the table.C)Make a phone call.D)Buy a dictionary.8.A)The sales manager.B)The information officer.C)The office secretary.D)The chief engineer.9.A)Teacher and student.B)Manager and secretary.C)Police officer and driver.D)Husband and wife.10.A)Asking the way.B)Buying a ticket.C)Checking in at the airport.D)Booking a room.Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.Ladies and gentlemen,It’s a great pleasure to have you visit us today.I’m very happy to have the opportunity to 11 our company to you.The company was established in l950.We mainly manufacture electronic goods and 12 them all over the over the worlD)Our sales were about $100 million last year,and our business is growing steadily.We have offices in Asia,13 and Europe.We have about l,000 employees,who are actively working to serve the needs of our l4.In order to further develop our overseas market,we need your help to promote(促销) our products.I 15doing business with all of you.Thank you.Part II V ocabulary & Structure ( 15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16.I am sorry,but I have a question to ____ you.A)treatB)influenceC)askD)change17.Please give us the reason ____ the goods were delayeD)A)whyB)whichC)whatD)how18.Peter will ____ the job as Sales Manager when John retires.A)put awayB)take overC)work outD)make up19.There is no doubt ____ he is a good employee.Section BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26.Thomas was cheerful and(help) _____ ,and we soon became good friends.27.The goods that you ordered ten days ago will(deliver) _____ to you tomorrow.28.Gas prices are(high) _____ here than in other parts of the country.29.The past decade has seen great economic(develop) _____ in this country.30.If the engineer(come) _____ here yesterday,the problem would have been solved.31.While this new law does not(direct) _____ affect the quality of work,it will greatly benefit employees.32.Now many young people spend several hours a day(talk) _____ on a mobile phone.33.In China,it is quite(nature) _____ for people to go back home for the Spring Festival.34.The manager was surprised at the news when he(receive) _____ the phone call yesterday.35.Advances in medical technology have made it possible for people(live) _____ longer.Part III Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You shouldmake the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Online advertising is the means of selling a product on the Internet.With the arrival of the Internet,the business world has become digitalized(数字化)and people prefer buying things online,which is easier and faster.Online advertising is also known as e-advertising.It offers a great variety of services,which can not be offered by any other way of advertising.One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information that is not limited by geography or time.Online advertising can be viewed day and night throughout the worlD)Besides,it reduces the cost and increases the profit of the company.Small businesses especially find online advertising cheap and effective.They can focus on their ideal customers and pay very little for the advertisements.In a word,online advertising is a cheap and effective way of advertising,whose success has so far fully proved its great potential(潜力).36.According to the first paragraph,buying things online is more ____ .A)convenientB)fashionableC)traditionalD)reliable37.Compared with any other way of advertising,online advertising ____ .A)attracts more customersB)displays more samplesC)offers more servicesD)makes more profits38.Which of the following statements is TRUE of online advertising?A)It has taken the place of traditional advertising.B)It will make the Internet technology more efficient.C)It can help sell the latest models of digitalized products.D)It can spread information without being limited by time.39.Who can especially benefit from online advertising?A)Local companies.B)Small businesses.C)Government departments.D)International organizations.40.This passage is mainly about ____ .A)the function and the use of the InternetB)the application of digital technologyC)the development of small businessesD)the advantages of online advertisingA)asB)whoC)thatD)whats20.I feel it’s a great honor for me _____ to this party.A)to inviteB)inviteC)having invitedD)to be invited21.Don’t _____ me to help you if you are not working harD)A)guessB)speakC)planD)expect22.It was two years ago _____ his sister became a doctor.A)thatB)whereC)whoD)what23.The general manager has promised to _____ the matter inperson.A)get upB)look intoC)see offD)put on24.If you move,you must inform us _____ the change of you adderss.A)withB)forC)inD)of25._____ his lecture is short,it gives us a clear picture of the new program.A)IfB)BecauseC.AlthoughD)WhenTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.During our more than 60-year history,with our vast knowledge and experience,Trafalgar has created perfectly designed travel experiencesand memories.Exceptional valueTraveling with Trafalgar can save you up t0 40%when compared with traveling independently.We can find you the right hotels,restaurants,and our charges include entrance fees,tolls(道路通行费),etC)Because we’re the largest touring company with great buying power,we can pass on our savings to you.Fast-track entranceTraveling with us means on standing in line (排队)at major sights.Trafalgar takes care of all the little details,which means you are always at the front of the line.Travel with like-minded friendsBecause we truly are global,you will travel with English-speaking people from around the world,and that leads to life-long friendships.Great savingsWe provide many great ways to save money,including Early Payment Discount(折扣),Frequent Traveler Savings and more.Fast check-inOnce your booking has been made,you are advised to check in online at our website and meet your fellow travelers before you leave.41.Because of its great buying power,Trafalgar ____ .A)can find the cheapest restaurantsB)can pass on its savings to touristsC)takes tourists to anywhere in the worldD)allows tourists to travel independently42.Traveling with Trafalgar,tourists do not have to ____ .A)bring their passports with themB)pay for their hotels and mealsC)stand in line at major sightsD)take their luggage with them43.Traveling with Trafalgar,tourists may ____ .A)meet tour guides from different countriesB)make new friends from around the worldC)win a special prize offered by the companyD)have a good chance to learn foreign languages44.Which of the following is mentioned as a way to earn a discount?A)Early payment.B)Group payment.C)Office booking.D)Online booking.45.After having made the booking,tourists are advised to check in ____ .A)at the hotelsB)at the airportC)by telephoneD)on the websiteTask 3Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 to 50 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.Dear Sirs,I’m writing to tell you that your latest shipment(装运) of apples is not up to the standard we expected from you.Many of them are bruised(擦伤),and more than half are coved with little spots.They are classed as Grade A, but I think there must have been some mistake ,as they are definitely not Grade A apples.We have always been satisfied with the quality of your produce(农产品),which makes this case all the more puzzling.I would be grateful if you could look into the matter.We would be happy to keep the apples and try to sell them at a reduced price,but in that case we would obviously need a credit(部分退款) from you.Alternatively,you could collect them and replace them with apples of the right quality.Would you please phone me to let me know how you want to handle it?Yours faithfully,Fiona StocktonFiona StocktonPurchasing ManagerA letter of ComplaintProduce involed:Grade A -46- .Causes of complaint:1. may of the apples are bruised2. more than half of the apples are covered with -47- Suggested solutions:1.allow to sell at -48- and give -49- , or2.collect them and replace them with apples of -50- .Task 4Directions: The following is a list of terms related to employment. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A—Guard against damp.B--Handle with care.C—Keep away from heat.D—Keep away from cold.E—Keep dry.F—Keep fiat.G—No naked fire.H—No use of hooks.I—Not to be thrown down.J—Open here.K—Open in dark room.L—Protect against breakage.M—Poison.N—Take care.O一This side up.P—To be kept upright.Q—Use no knives.Examples:(G)严禁明火(H)禁用吊钩51.( )远离热源( )请勿用刀52.( )此面朝上( )此处开启53.( )竖立安放( )暗室开启54.( )小心轻放( )注意平放55.( )不可抛掷( )保持干燥Task 5Directions: Here are two letters. After reading them, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No.56 to No.60). You should write your answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Dear Mr.Sampson:I want to thank you very much for interviewing me yesterday for the position of design engineer. I enjoyed meeting with you and learning more about your research and design work.The interview made me all the more interested in the position and working for XELL Company. I believe my education and work experiences fit nicely with the job requirements,and I am certain I couldmake a significant contribution(贡献)to the company over time.I would like to re-emphasize my strong desire for the position and working with you and your staff.You provide the kind of opportunity I seek.Please feel free to call me at the following phone number if I can provide you with any additional information:0811-8222-5555.Again,thank you for the interview and for your consideration.Sincerely,Mary Cruz56.Why did Mary Cruz write this letter?To give thanks to Mr.Sampson for ________________________ her yesterday.57.What position did Mary Cruz apply for?The position of ____________________________________________________ .58.Which company did the writer wish to work for?___________________________________________________________ ________ .59.Why is the writer strongly interested in the position?Because the company provided the kind of ___________________she seeks.60.How can the writer be contacted?By calling her at ____________________________________________________ .Part IV Translation —— English into Chinese ( 25 minutes)Directions: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No.61 to No.64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A), B), C) and D). Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No.65) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.61. If your company insists on your price,we will have to turn to other suppliers for the goods.A)假如贵公司要调整价格,请及早告知我们,以便另做安排.B)假如贵公司提高价格,我们不得不从其他地方另寻货源.C)如果贵公司不给折扣价,我们不得不采用其他方式购货.D)如果贵公司坚持你方报价,我方只能找其他供应商进货.62. First of all,I appreciate your advice on my decision to go to work in the computer company.A)我首先感谢你们的决定,让我到这家电脑公司来工作.B)我首先感谢你的建议,我已经决定去一家电脑公司工作了.C)首先,很高兴到贵公司来听取你们在计算机方面的意见.D)首先,感谢你对我决定去那家电脑公司工作所给予的建议.63. Many good movies have been produced recently ,but I still prefer to watch old movies because they are more interesting.A)人们对电影是有兴趣的,特别是对老片子,所以我主张放映老片子.B)近来拍了很多好的影片,既古老又饶有趣味,我觉得人人都喜欢看.C)近来制作了很多好影片,但是我还是喜欢老片,因为老片更有趣.D)很多好的影片是最近拍的,但我依然觉得过去拍的影片很有意思.64. If the new payment methods make it easier for consumers to pay.could they make it easier for criminals too?A. 如果这些新的付款方式更便于消费者付款,是否对罪犯也更方便呢?B)如果新的购物方式更容易使消费者满意,难到对罪犯不也是如此吗?C)如果新的购物方式更方便了顾客,不也就更容易使人犯罪吗?D)如果新的付款办法便于人们消费,不也就更易于犯罪了吗?65.Now people have a choice about where they work and what kind of work they’II do.They are faced with the challenge of deciding where to go.They need to know what standard to use in making theirdecisions.This book provides them with practical advice for making their choices.Meanwhile,they will know what questions to ask,what jobs to look for,and how to make their final decisions.______________________________________________________ Part V Writing ( 25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Invitation Letter based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.说明:以办公室名义写一份有关会议室的使用须知.内容如下:1.保持会议室整洁2.会后请带走您的文件和私人用品,关闭所有电器(请举例),关闭会议室所有门窗3.其他注意事项(内容自加)4.表示感谢5.日期:2010年6月20日NoticeThe conference room is available to all,but we need your help to follow the rules listed below:___________________1-5:ADABC6-10:ACACD11. introduce12. sell13. North America14. customers15. look forward to16-20:CABCD21-25:DABDC26. helpful27. be delivered28. higher29. development30. had come31. directly32. talking33. natural34. received35. to live36-40:ACDBD41-45:BCBAB46. apples47. little spots48. a reduced price49. us a credit50. the right quality51. CQ 52. OJ 53. PK 54. BF 55. IE56. interviewing57. design engineer58. XELL Company59. opportunity60. 0811-8222-555561.DCBA62.DBAC63.CDAB64.ADCB65. 参考译文:现在人们有权选择他们在哪里工作,以及将要做什么样的工作。
2009年12月英语三级考试A级真题及答案SectionBDirections:Thereare10incompletestatementshere.Youshouldfill ineachblankwiththeproperformofthewordgiveninbrackets.Writet hewordorwordsinthecorrespondingspaceontheAnswerSheet.26.Employeesarenotallowed(make)________personalphonecallsin theoffice.27.Theshopassistantpricedthegoodsbefore(put)________themont heshelf.28.Thepurposeofnewtechnologyistomakelife(easy)________,nott omakeitmoredifficult.29.Theproposalabouttheannualsales(discuss)________atthenext boardmeeting.30.Sinceweworkindifferentsectionsofthecompany,weseeeachothe ronly(occasional)________.31.Somedomesticmanufacturersarebusyincreasingproduction,los ingthechancetodevelopmore(advance)________technology.32.Ishallappreciateyoureffortin(correct)________thiserrorin mybankaccountassoonaspossible.33.Ifyourneighborsaretoonoisy,thenyouhaveagoodreasontomakey our(complain)________.34.30percentofthestudentswho(interview)________yesterdaybel ievetheyshouldcontinuewiththeireducationuntiltheyhaveaunive rsitydegree.35.Measuresshouldbetakentoavoidthenegativeeffect(bring)____ ____aboutbyunfaircompetition.答案:16-20:ADDAC21-25:BABCB26.tomake27.putting28.easier29.willbediscussed/istobediscussed/shouldbediscussed30.occasionally31.advanced32.correctingplaint34.wereinterviewed35.brought PartIIIReadingComprehension(40minutes)Directions:Thispartistotestyourreadingability.Thereare5task sforyoutofulfill.Youshouldreadthereadingmaterialscarefullya nddothetasksasyouareinstructed.Task1Directions:Afterreadingthefollowingpassage,youwillfind5ques tionsorunfinishedstatements,numbered36to40.Foreachquestiono rstatementthereare4choicesmarkedA),B),C)andD).Youshouldmake thecorrectchoiceandmarkthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerShe etwithasinglelinethroughthecenter.Google,theInternetsearch-enginecompany,hasannounceditwillgi vemorethantwenty-fivemilliondollarsinmoneyandinvestmentstoh elpthepoor.Thecompanysaystheeffortinvolvesusingthepowerofin formationandtechnologytohelppeopleimprovetheirlives.--thepartofthecompanythatgivesm oneytogoodcauses.Hesaidthecompany’sfirstprojectwillhelpidentifywhereinfectious(传染性的)diseasesaredeveloping.InSoutheastAsiaandAfrica,forexample,willworkwithpartnerstostrengthenearly-warningsy stemsandtakeactionagainstgrowinghealththreats.’ssecondprojectwillinvestinwaystohelpsmallandmedium-sizedbus inessesgrow.Waljisaysmicrofinance(小额信贷)isgenerallysmall,short-termloansthatcreatefewjobs.Instea d,wantstodevelopwaystobringinvestorsandbusi nessownerstogethertocreatejobsandimproveeconomicgrowth.willalsogivemoneytohelptwoclimate-changeprogramsa nnouncedearlierthisyear.Oneoftheseprogramsstudieswaystomake renewable(再生的)energylesscostlythancoal-basedenergy.Theotherisexamining theeffortsbeingmadetoincreasetheuseofelectriccars.aboutoneperc entofcompanyprofitsandonepercentofitstotalstockvalueeveryye ar.AleemWaljisaysthisamountmayincreaseinthefuture.36.ThepurposeofGoogle’sinvestmentsisto________.A)helppoorpeopleB)developnewtechnologyC)expanditsownbusinessD)increasethepowerofinformation37.AccordingtoAleemWalji,thecompany’sfirstprojectisto________.A)setupanewsystemtowarnpeopleofinfectiousdiseasesB)findoutwhereinfectiousdiseasesdevelopC)identifythecausesofinfectiousdiseasesD)curepatientsofinfectiousdiseases’ssecondprojectA)largeenterprisesB)cross-nationalcompaniesC)foreign-fundedcorporationsD)smallandmedium-sizedbusinesses39.Fromthefourthparagraph,welearnthatGoogle’smoneyisalsoinvestedtohelp________.A)startmoreresearchprogramsB)makemoreadvancedelectriccarsC)developrenewableandcoal-basedenergyD)conductstudiesrelatedtoclimatechanges40.FromthelastparagraphwelearnthattheinvestmentsbyGoogle.or gcomefrom________.A)Google’sprofitsandstockvalueB)someinternationalITcompaniesC)thecompany’sowninterestsD)localcommercialbanksTask2Directions:ThistaskisthesameasTask1.The5questionsorunfinish edstatementsarenumbered41to45.Yourbossholdsyourfutureprospectsinhishands.Somebossesarehar dtogetalongwith.Somehaveexcellentqualificationsbutnoideawhe nitcomestodealingwithpeople.Ofcourse,notallbossesareliketha t.Therelationshipyouhavewithyourbosscanbeamajorfactorindeterm iningyourriseupthecareerladder.Yourbossisnotonlyyourleader, heisalsothepersonbestequippedtohelpyoudothejobyouarepaidtod o.Hecaninformyouofcompanydirectionthatmayaffectyourprofessi onaldevelopment.Yourbossalsoneedsyoutoperformatyourbestinordertoaccomplishh isobjectives.Heneedsyourfeedbackinordertoproviderealisticandusefulreportstouppermanagement.Buthowdoesthishelpyouestabl ishameaningfulworkingrelationshipwithyourbossThekeyiscommunication.Learnandunderstandhisgoalsandprioriti es(优先的事).Observeandunderstandyourboss’sworkstyle.Ifhehasnotbeenclearwithhisexpectations,ask!Likew ise,askforfeedbackandacceptcriticismgracefully.Andifheunder standsthatyoudonotviewyourjobasjustsomethingtofillthehoursb etween9and5,hemaybemorelikelytohelpyou.Inshort,gettingalongwithyourbossrequiresgettingtoknowhislik esanddislikesandlearningtoworkwithhispersonalityandmanageme ntstyle.41.Themainideaofthefirstparagraphisthat________.A)bossesarehardtodealwithB)bosseshavegoodcharacterC)bossesdetermineyourcareerfutureD)bossesmusthavesimilarpersonality42.Inthesecondparagraph,“riseupthecareerladder”(Line2)means________.A)goingtoworkabroadB)changingjobsfrequentlyC)beingpromotedinpositionD)pursuinganadvanceddegree43.Inordertoachievehisobjectives,yourbossexpectsthatyouwill ________.A)doyourbestinyourworkB)showyourmanagementskillsC)getalongwithyourcolleaguesD)writereportstouppermanagement44.Themostimportantfactorforestablishingagoodworkingrelatio nshipwiththebossis________.A)highexpectationsB)quickfeedbackC)frequentcriticismD)effectivecommunication45.Thebesttitleforthepassagemightbe________.A)HowtoTakeCareOfYourBoss.B)HowtoGetAlongwithYourBossC)HowtoAcceptYourBoss’sCriticismD)HowtoAccomplishYourBoss’sObjective答案:36-40:ABDDA41-45:CCADBTask3Directions:Thefollowingisanannouncement.Afterreadingit,youa rerequiredtocompletetheoutlinebelowit(No.46toNo.50).Youshou ldwriteyouranswersbriefly(innomorethanthreewords)ontheAnswe rSheetcorrespondingly.WewelcomeyouaboardtheEasternFlightandwilldoourbesttomakeyou rtripcomfortableandenjoyable.ForyoursafetyandconvenienceTobeginthetrip,wewouldliketodrawyourattentiontosomesafety-r elateddetails.Thesearealsoexplainedontheinstructioncardinth eseatpocketinfrontofyou.Seatbeltsmustremainfastenedwhilethe “Fastenseatbelts”signison.Itisadvisabletokeepthemfastenedatalltimeswhileseat ed.Allflightsarenon-smoking.Theuseofmobiletelephonesisnowal lowedwhentheairplaneisontheground.DuringtheflighttheuseofCD andDVDplayersisnotallowed.ForyourentertainmentTohelpyouenjoyyourtrip,weprovidearangeofnewspapers.OnourMD-11andBoeingaircraft,weprovidemusicandvideoprograms.OnAirbus A321/320/319,shortvideosareshown.MealsanddrinksDuringmostflightsweserveyouatastymealanddrinks.Beer,wineand otherdrinksareservedfreeofcharge.Coffee,teaandjuiceareserve dfreeofchargeonalldomestic(国内的)flights.Ondomesticflightsleavingbeforenineandonallflight stoNorthernChina,asnackisserved.EasternFlightServiceSafetyandconvenience1)Seatbelts:remain-46-whilethe“Fastenseatbelts”signison2)Smoking:notallowedonboard3)Mobilephones:usedonlywhentheairplaneis-47-4)CDandDVD:notallowedtoplay-48-Entertainmentprovided1)newspapers2)musicand-49-onMD-11andBoeingaircraftMealsanddrinksonboard1)mealsservedonmostflights2)coffee,teaandjuiceservedfreeofcharge3)asnackservedonallflightsto-50-答案:46.fastened47.ontheground48.duringtheflight49.videoprograms50.NorthernChinaTask4Directions:ThefollowingisalistoftermsrelatedtoSecurity.Afte rreadingit,youarerequiredtofindtheitemsequivalentto(与…等同)thosegiveninChineseinthetablebelow.Thenyoushouldputtheco rrespondinglettersinthebracketsontheAnswerSheet,numbered51t hrough55.A-----------------airtrafficcontrolsystemB-----------------armedpoliceC-----------------crimepreventionD-----------------entryrequirementE-----------------internationalcriminalpoliceorganization F-----------------levelofsecurityG-----------------picketlineH-----------------policestationI-----------------patrollingvehicleJ-----------------safetyprecautionmeasureK-----------------safetycontroldeviceL-----------------securitycommandcenterM-----------------securityserviceN-----------------securitycontrolcenterO-----------------securitypersonnelP-----------------validdocumentsQ-----------------securitymonitoringandcontrolExamples:(M)保安服务(G)警戒线51.()空中交通管制系统()安全预防措施52.()巡逻车()武装警察53.()国际刑警组织()有效证件54.()入境要求()安保人员55.()安全保障级别()安全监控答案:51.A,J52.I,B53.E,P54.D,O55.F,QTask5Directions:Thefollowingisabusinessletter.Afterreadingit,you shouldgivebriefanswerstothe5questions(No.56toNo.60)thatfoll ow.Theanswers(innomorethan3words)shouldbewrittenafterthecor respondingnumbersontheAnswerSheet.DearMr.Smith,Iampleasedtoofferyouthepositionofafter-salesmanageratourcompanystartingon16June,2009.Iproposethatthetermsofemploymentw illbethoseintheattacheddraftindividualemploymentagreement.Pleasenotethatyouareentitledtodiscussthisofferandtoseekadvi ceontheattachedproposedagreementwithyourfamily,aunion,alawy er,orsomeoneelseyoutrust.Ifyouwantsomeinformationonyourempl oymentrights,youcanalsocontacttheEmploymentServiceOfficeorv isitourwebsite.Also,ifyoudisagreewith,ordonotunderstandorwishtoclarifyanyt hinginthisoffer,pleaseringmetodiscussanyissueyouwishtoraise .Ifyouarehappywiththeproposedtermsandwishtoacceptthisofferof employment,pleasesigntheduplicatecopyofthisletterandreturni ttomeby1June,2009.IntheeventIhavenotheardfromyoubythatdate, thisofferwillbeautomaticallywithdrawnonthatdate.Ilookforwardtoworkingwithyou.Yourssincerely,JohnBrown56.WhatjobpositionisofferedtoMr.Smithintheletter___________________________________________________________ .57.FromwhommayMr.SmithseekadviceabouttheproposedagreementHisfamily,aunion,_____________________,orsomeoneelsehetrust s.58.HowcanMr.SmithgetinformationaboutemploymentrightsBycontactingthe___________________________orvisitingitswebs ite.59.WhenshouldMr.Smithreturnthesignedduplicatecopyofthislett erBy_______________________________________________________.60.Whatwillhappeniftheduplicatecopyoftheletterisnotreturned bythedeadlineThisofferwillbe___________________________________onthatdat e.答案:56.(The)after-salesmanager57.alawyer58.EmploymentServiceOff ice59.1June,200960.(automatically)withdrawn PartIVTranslation--EnglishintoChinese(25minutes)Directions:Thispart,numbered61through65,istotestyourability totranslateEnglishintoChinese.Aftereachofthesentencesnumber ed61to64,youwillreadfourchoicesofsuggestedtranslation.Yoush ouldchoosethebesttranslationandmarkthecorrespondingletteron yourAnswerSheet.Andfortheparagraphnumbered65,writeyourtrans lationinthecorrespondingspaceontheTranslation/CompositionSh eet.61.Ifeitherpartywantstorenewthecontract,itshouldsubmitawrit tennoticetotheotherpartythreemonthspriortotheexpirationofth econtract.A)如果任何一方希望撤销合约,必须将撤销的理由在三个月内通知对方。
music competition.A、explainB、conveyC、conductD、transmit29.Please write your name in the _____ space at the top of the form and then hand it back to me.A、emptyB、bareC、blankD、hollow30.There will be a series of _____ on the British legal system in our department.A、speechesB、classesC、addressD、lectures31.It is the _____ for the bride‘s father to pay for the wedding.A、customB、habitC、hobbyD、pattern32.The refrigerator will be sent to your house within three days free of _____.A、expenseB、chargeC、paymentD、cost33.Creating a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are _____ all creating new festival every year.A、in factB、in a wordC、in generalD、in turn34.If you don‘t want to be down and out, you‘d better try your best to _____ the fast pace of modern society.A、make up forB、live up toC、keep up withD、put up with35.None of us expected Doctor King to _____ at the meeting. We thought he was still in America.A、turn downB、turn offC、turn toD、turn up36.The plain silver ring was her favorite; it was _____ to her form her great-grandmother.A、handed outB、handed downC、handed overD、handed in37.On seeing the old lady crossing the road, she _____ her car immediately.A、pulled upB、pulled downC、pulled inD、pulled off38.Glass-fiber cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations _____.A、at lengthB、at the momentC、at the same timeD、at intervals39._____ this sad event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations.A、In regard toB、In light ofC、In line withD、In terms of40.This kind of vegetable is extremely expensive in winter because it is _____.A、out of seasonB、out of fashionC、out of dateD、out of orderPart ⅢStructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentences there are four choices marked A),B),C),D), choose the one answer that best completes the sentences, then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.41. The courses at our school are very different from _____ at your school.A、thatB、thoseC、whichD、the one42. The meeting began two hours ago, but so far no decision _____.A、had arrived byB、has arrived atC、had been arrived byD、has been arrived at43. There is some doubt _____ Julia can pass her driving test tomorrow.A、whetherB、thatC、whichD、were canceled44. I‘m very tired and I don‘t think I feel like _____ shopping today.A、to go toB、to goC、going toD、going45. Mary should have put the fish in the refrigerator. I bet it _____ uneatable by now.A、becomesB、has becomeC、will becomeD、had become46. –Did Richard mend the roof himself? –No, he _____ because he doesn‘t like to climb a ladder.A、hadn‘t mended itB、had it mendedC、mended itD、had mended it47. Being watched by a lot of people, Alison felt very nervous, _____ what to say.A、didn‘t knowB、not knowingC、and doesn‘t knowD、not know48. Not only _____ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.A、do nurses wantB、nurses wantC、are nurses wantedD、nurses are wanted49.nurses are wanted No tree could be seen here five years ago, but now over 60% of this district _____ covered by trees and greens.A、areB、hasC、haveD、is50. It is important that she _____ a record of everything she does in the experiment.A、keepB、must keepC、keepsD、will keep51. Human beings differ from animals _____ they can use language as a tool to communicate with each other.A、for thatB、in thatC、for whichD、in which52. There are now over 8000 students in the college, almost _____ there were six years ago.A、as many as three timesB、there times as many asC、three more times thanD、as three times many as53. It was _____ I left my hometown and moved to Hangzhou .A、ten years ago thatB、the years sinceC、ten years whenD、for ten years since54. _____ he sand storm, the train for Beijing would not have been delayed for thirty-two hours.A、In spite ofB、Because ofC、As forD、Without55. Alone in a strange country, Malian was so devoted to her study that she felt _____ lonely.A、all butB、nothing butC、everything butD、anything but56. It is common knowledge that cotton cloth, _____ in hot water, tends to shrink.A、it is washedB、when washedC、washingD、to be washed57. Man cannot live without food _____ than plants can grow without sunshine.A、any moreB、more or lessC、not moreD、no more58. In modern society, knowledge is to us _____ water is to life.A、likeB、asC、whatD、that59. Why do those rich people steal things _____ they could easily afford to buy them?A、thatB、becauseC、ifD、when60. What you said was true. It was, _____, a little impolite.A、neverthelessB、otherwiseC、thusD、furthermorePart ⅣReading ComprehensionDirections:There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C),D), you should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools. My own children‘s school week is focused on pretests, drills, tests, and retests. I believe that my daughter Erica, who gets excellent marks, has never read a chapter of any of her school textbooks all the way through. And teachers are often heard to state proudly and openly that they teach to the state test.Teaching to the test is a curious phenomenon. Instead of deciding what skills students ought to learn, helping students learn them, and then using some sensible methods of assessment (评估) to discover whether students have mastered the skills, teachers are encouraged to reverse the process. First one looks at a test. Then one draws the skills needed not to master, say, reading, but to do well on the test. Finally, the test skills are taught.The ability to read or write or calculate might imply the ability to do reasonably well on standard tests. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through being taught to take tests. We must be careful to avoid mistaking preparation for a test of a skill with the acquisition of that skill. Too many discussions of basic skills make this fundamental confusion because people are test obsessed rather than concerned with the nature and quality of what is taught.Recently many schools have faced with what could be called the crisis of comprehension or, in simple terms, the phenomenon of students with grammar skills still being unable to understand what they read. These students are good at test taking, but they have little or no experience reading or thinking, and talking about what they read. They are taught to be so concerned with grade that they have no time or ease of mind to think about meaning, and reread things if necessary.61. What does the writer say about his daughter?A、She teaches in a middle school.B、She reads many good books.C、She does well on tests.D、She is proud of her way of learning.62. What are students encouraged to do nowadays at school?A、To master basic reading skills.B、To learn how to deal with tests.C、To read well in order to pass tests.D、To master all kinds of skills.63. Which of the following statements would the writer agree with the most?A、The nature and quality of subjects are more important than marks on them.B、Teachers should force students to learn to red and write and calculate well.C、Good preparation for standard tests is necessary for students.D、Most students are clear about how to acquire basic skills.64. What do students do when they are test obsessed?A、They pay attention only to tests.B、They hate tests very much.C、They try to avoid rereading things.D、They often join in discussion.65. What kind of students does the writer dislike most?A、Students with poor test marks and without creative thinking.B、Students active in thinking yet unable to talk about what they read.C、Students who are too well prepared for any test.D、Students unable to understand what they read.Passage TwoQuestions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:Eye contact is nonverbal (非语言的) technique that helps the speakers ―sell‖ their ideas to an audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold l isteners‘ interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good relation with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus only on their notes. Others loo k over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience‘s interest and respect. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium or from across the table, are regarded not only as exceptionally friendly by their target but also as more believable and earnest.To show the power of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel uncomfortable and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone.Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor (观察) his listeners. It is, in fact, essential to analyze an audience during a speech. Visual feedback (视觉反馈) from the audience can indicate that a speech is boring, that the speaker is talking too much about a particular point, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out,visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered.66. What does the writer believe about a speaker‘s eye contact?A、It makes the speaker closer to his audience.B、It makes the audience lose the interest in his speechC、It makes the audience frightened of him.D、It makes listeners see the speaker more clearly.67. What does the word ―target‖ (Para.1) refer to?A、SpeakersB、ListenersC、FriendsD、Objects68. Why does the writer give the example of passers-by in Paragraph 2?A、To show that people are not comfortable with eye contact from strangers.B、To show that strangers can get to know each other easily through eye contact.C、To prove the point that people look more friendly with direct eye contact.D、To prove the point that eye contact plays a role in social communication.69. What does the writer imply about visual feedback in the last paragraph?A、It can make the speaker adjust his speech.B、It can make the speech more informative.C、It may discourage and stop the speaker.D、It may cause the speaker make less eye contact.70. What is the main point of the passage?A、Eye contact is a good way to attract the audience.B、It is necessary to maintain direct eye contact with the audience.C、Eye contact is important to a successful speech.D、A speaker‘s eye contact is more important than his notes.Passage ThreeQuestions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:The whole industrial process, which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives, will unavoidably create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed of (处置) properly, but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made complex, there will be new, dangerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, the waste products from nuclear power stations. Many people see pollution as only part of a large and more complex problem, that is, the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods. Others see the problem mainly in connection with agriculture, where new methods are helping farmers grow more and more on their land to feed our ever-increasing population.Whatever reasons behind it, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, governments and people would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter (乱扔的废物) and waste. Food comes wrapped up threeor four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metals and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.71.What will happen if the industrial process continues according to the passage?A、Environmental balance will be achieved easily.B、Less land will be used for agriculture.C、New environmental problems will have to be dealt with.D、World population will be reduced.72. Why does the writer mention food and drinks in Paragraph 2?A、To show the problem of litter and waste.B、To show the problem of overproduction.C、To show how they are consumed.D、To show how they are wrapped.73. What does the writer say about advertising?A、It causes pollution directly.B、It wastes energy.C、It puts litter under control.D、It brings about waste.74. What is the writer‘s attitude towards the solution to environmental problems?A、DoubtfulB、ExcitedC、HopefulD、Disappointed75. Which of the following best describes the structure of the passage?A、Question and answer.B、Problem and solution.C、Situation and explanation.D、Statement and conclusion.Part ⅤTranslation from English into ChineseDirections:In this part there is a passage with 5 underlined sections, numbered 76 to 80. After reading the passage carefully, translate the underlined sections into Chinese. Remember to write your translation on the Translation Sheet.Twenty years ago, kids in scho ol had never even heard of the Internet. Now, I‘ll bet you can‘t find a single person in your school who hasn‘t at least heard of it. (76) In fact, many of us use it on a regular basis and even have access to it from our homes!The ―net‖ in Internet really stands for network. A network is two or more computers connected together so that information can beshared, or sent from one computer to another. The Internet is a vast resource for all types of information. (77) You may enjoy using it to do research for a school project, downloading your favorite songs or communicating with friends and family. Information is accessed through web pages that companies, organizations and individuals create and post. It‘s kind of like a giant bulletin board (布告牌) that the whole world uses! (78) But since anyone can put anything on the Internet, you also have to be careful and use your best judgment and a little common sense.Just because you read something on a piece of paper someone sticks on a bulletin board doesn‘t mean it‘s good information, or even correct, for that matter. So you have to be sure that whoever posted the information knows what they‘re talking about, especially if you‘re doing research! But what if you‘re just emailing people? You still have to be very care ful. (79) If you’ve never met the person that you’re communicating with online, you could be on dangerous ground! You should never give out any personal information to someone you don‘t know, not even your name! And just like you can‘t believe the information on every website out there, you can‘t rely on what strangers you ―meet‖ on the Internet tell you either. (80) Just like you could make up things about yourself to tell someone, someone else could do the same to you!76.In fact, many of us use it on a regular basis and even have access to it from our homes!77.You may enjoy using it to do research for a school project, downloading your favorite songs or communicating with friends and family.78.But since anyone can put anything on the Internet, you also have to be careful and use your best judgment and a little common sense.79.If you‘ve never met the person that you‘re communicating with online, you could be on dangerous ground!80.Just like you could make up things about yourself to tell someone, someone else could do the same to you!Part ⅥTranslation from Chinese into EnglishDirections:Translate t he following sentences into English. Remember to write your translation on the Translation Sheet.81. 如果你们能够提供令人满意的售后服务,你们的产品一定会有一个广阔的市场。
大学英语三级(B)真题2006年12月(总分:100.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(分数:5.00)A.Who's calling, please? √B.Where is she?C.How are you?D.No, you can't.解析:[听力原文] Can I speak to Susan? [解析] 本题问的是“Can I speak to Susan?”,能够回答此问题的只有选项A。
大学英语三级(B)真题2006年06月(总分:100.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(分数:5.00)A.Yes, I like it.B.Yes, of course.C.Thank you. √D.So do I.解析:[听力原文] Excuse me, can I see your boss? [解析]本题问的是“can I see your boss?”,回答要么是“当然可以”,要么是“抱歉,现在不行”。
[真题] 英语三级(B)考试试题2019年12月-高等学校英语应用能力考试
[真题] 英语三级(B)考试试题2019年12月Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D] given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第1题:A.Sure.B.Take care.C.Mind your step.D.It’s kind of you.参考答案:A 您的答案:答案解析:【听力原文】Do you like the design of the new product? 本题考查询问喜好的一般疑问句及回答。
问句由助动词Do引导,回答分为肯定和否定两种情况:肯定回答可以使用Yes,I do /Yes,of course/Certainly/Sure等;否定回答一般为No,I don’t等,并且可以给出相应的理由。
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】2008年12月大学英语六级考试真题Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How To Improve Student's Mental Health?.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1.大学生的心理健康十分重要2.因此,学校可以……3.我们自己应当……How To Improve Student's Mental Health?________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D].For questions 8 -10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Supersize SurpriseAsk anyone why there is an obesity epidemic and they will tell you that it’s al down to eating too much and burning too few calories. That explanation appeals to common sense and has dominated efforts to get to the root of the obesity epidemic and reverse it. Yet obesity researchers are increasingly dissatisfied with it. Many now believe that something else must have changed in our environment to precipitate(促成) such dramatic rises in obesity over the past 40 years or so. Nobody is saying that the “big two” – reduced physical activity and increased availability of food –are not important contributors to the epidemic, but they cannot explain it all.Earlier this year a review paper by 20obesity experts set out the 7 most plausible alternative explanations for the epidemic. Here they are.1.Not enough sleepIt is widely believed that sleep is for the brain, not the body. Could a shortage of shut-eye also be helping to make us fat?Several large-scale studies suggest there may be a link. People who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to have a higher body mass index than people who sleep more, according to data gathered by the US National Health and Nutrition Ex amination Survey. Similarly, the US Nurses’Health Study, which tracked 68,000 women for 16 years, found that those who slept an average of 5 hours a night gained more weight during the study period than women who slept 6 hours, who in turn gained more than whose who slept 7.It’s well known that obesity impairs sleep, so perhaps people get fat first and sleep less afterwards. But the nurses’ study suggests that it can work in the other direction too: sleep loss may precipitate weight gain.Although getting figures is difficult, it appears that we really are sleeping less. In 1960 people in the US slept an average of 8.5 hours per night. A 2002 poll by the National Sleep Foundation suggests that the average has fallen to under 7 hours, and the decline is mirrored by the increase in obesity.2.Climate controlWe humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. We do this by altering our metabolic(新陈代谢的) rate, shivering or sweating. Keeping warm and staying cool take energy unless we are in the “thermo-neutral zone”, which is increasingly where we choose to live and work.There is no denying that ambient temperatures(环境温度) have changed in the past few decades. Between 1970 and 2000, the average British home warmed from a chilly 13C to 18C. In the US, the changes have been at the other end of the thermometer as the proportion of homes with air conditioning rose from 23% to 47% between 1978 and 1997. In the southern states – where obesity rates tend to be highest –the number of houses with air conditioning has shot up to 71% from 37% in 1978.Could air conditioning in summer and heating in winter really make a difference to our weight?Sadly,there is some evidence that it does-at least with regard to heating.Studies show that in comfortable temperatures we use less energy.3.Less smokingBad news: smokers really do tend to be thinner than the rest of us, and quitting really does pack on the pounds, though no one is sure why. It probably has something to do with the fact that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and appears to up your metabolic rate.Katherine Flegal and colleagues at the US National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland, have calculated that people kicking the habit have been responsible for a small but significant portion of the US epidemic of fatness. From data collected around 1991 by the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, they worked out that people who had quit in the previous decade were much more likely to be overweight than smokers and people who had never smoked .Among men, for example, nearly half of quitters were overweight compared with 37% of non-smokers and only 28%of smokers.4.Genetic effectsYours chances of becoming fat may be set, at least in part, before you were even born. Children of obese mothers are much more likely to become obese themselves later in life. Offspring of mice fed a high-fat diet during pregnancy are much more likely to become fat than the offspring of identical mice fed a normal diet. Intriguingly, the effect persists for two or three generations. Grandchildren of mice fed a high-fat diet grow up fat even if their own mother is fed normally-so you fate may have been sealed even before you were conceived.5.A little older…Some groups of people just happen to be fatter than others. Surveys carried out by the US national center for health statistics found that adults aged 40 to 79 were around three times as likely to be obese as younger people. Non-white females also tend to fall at the fatter end of the spectrum: Mexican-American women are 30% more likely than white women to be obsess, and black women have twice the risk.In the US, these groups account for an increasing percentage of the population. Between 1970 and 2000 the US population aged 35 to 44 grew by43%.the proportion of Hispanic-Americans also grew, from under 5% to 12.5% of the population, while the proportion of black Americans increased from 11%to12.3%.these changes may account in part for the increased prevalence of obesity.6.Mature mumsMothers around the world are getting older. in the UK, the mean age for having a first child is 27.3,compared with 23.7 in 1970 .mean age at first birth in the US has also increased, rising from 21.4 in 1970 to 24.9 in 2000.This would be neither here nor there if it weren’t for the observation that having an older mother seems to be an independent risk factor for obesity. Results from the US national heart, lung and blood institute’s study found that the odds of a child being obese increase 14% for every five extra years of their mother’s age, though why this should be so is not entirely clear.Michael Symonds at the University of Nottingham, UK, found that first-born children have more fat than younger ones. As family size decreases, firstborns account for a greater share of the population. In 1964, British women gave birth to an average of 2.95 children; by 2005 that figure had fallen to 1.79. In the US in1976, 9.6% of woman in their 40s had only one child; in 2004 it was 17.4%. this combination of older mothers and more single children could be contributing to the obesity epidemic.7.Like marrying likeJust as people pair off according to looks, so they do for size. Lean people are more likely to marry lean and fat more likely to marry fat. On its own, like marrying like cannot account for any increase in obesity. But combined with others—particularly the fact that obesity is partly genetic, and that heavier people have more children—it amplifies the increase form other causes.1. What is the passage mainly about?A) E ffects of obesity on people’s healthB) The link between lifestyle and obesityC) New explanations for the obesity epidemicD) Possible ways to combat the obesity epidemic2. In the US N urse’ Health Study, women who slept an average of 7 hours a night_______.A) gained the least weightB) were inclined to eat lessC) found their vigor enhancedD) were less susceptible to illness3. The popular belief about obesity is that___________.A) it makes us sleepyB) it causes sleep lossC) it increases our appetiteD) it results from lack of sleep4. How does indoor heating affect our life?A) it makes us stay indoors moreB) it accelerates our metabolic rateC) it makes us feel more energeticD) it contributes to our weight gain5. What does the author say about the effect of nicotine on smokers?A) it threatens their healthB) it heightens their spiritsC) it suppresses their appetiteD) it slows down their metabolism6. Who are most likely to be overweight according to Katherine Fergal’s study?A) heavy smokersB) passive smokersC) those who never smokeD) those who quit smoking7. According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, the increased obesity in the US is a result of_______.A) the growing number of smokers among young peopleB) the rising proportion of minorities in its populationC) the increasing consumption of high-calorie foodsD) the improving living standards of the poor people8. According to the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the reason why older mothers’ children tend to be obese remains __________.9. According to Michael Symonds, one factor contributing to the obesity epidemic is decrease of ___________.10. When two heavy people get married, chances of their children getting fat increase, because obesity is _____________.Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) He is quite easy to recognizeB) He is an outstanding speakerC) He looks like a movie starD) He looks young for his age12. A) consult her dancing teacherB) take a more interesting classC) continue her dancing classD) improve her dancing skills13. A) the man did not believe what the woman saidB) the man accompanied the woman to the hospitalC) the woman may be suffering from repetitive strain injuryD) the woman may not followed the doctor’s instructions14. A) they are not in style any moreB) they have cost him far too muchC) they no longer suit his eyesightD) they should be cleaned regularly15. A) he spilled his drink onto the floorB) he has just finished wiping the floorC) he was caught in a shower on his way homeD) he rushed out of the bath to answer the phone16. A) fixing some furnitureB) repairing the toy trainC) reading the instructionsD) assembling the bookcase17. A) urge Jenny to spend more time on studyB) help Jenny to prepare for the coming examsC) act towards Jenny in a more sensible wayD) send Jenny to a volleyball training center18. A) The building of the dam needs a large budgetB) The proposed site is near the residential areaC) The local people feel insecure about the damD) The dam poses a threat to the local environmentQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A. It saw the end of its booming years worldwideB. Its production and sales reached record levels.C. It became popular in some foreign countriesD. Its domestic market started to shrink rapidly.20. A. They cost less. C. They were in fashion.B. They tasted better. D. They were widely advertised.21. A. It is sure to fluctuate. C. It will remain basically stable.B. It is bound to revive. D. It will see no more monopoly Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. A. Organising protests C. Acting as its spokesman.B. Recruiting members D. Saving endangered animals.23. A. Anti-animal-abuse demonstrations B. Anti-nuclear campaignsC. Surveying the Atlantic Ocean floorD. Removing industrial waste.24. A. By harassing them. C. By taking legal action.B. By appealing to the public D. By resorting to force.25. A. Doubtful C. Indifferent.B. Reserved D. SupportiveSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A. The air becomes still. C. The clouds block the sun.B. The air pressure is low. D. The sky appears brighter.27. A. Ancient people were better at foretelling the weather.B. Sailors’ saying about the weather are unreliable.C. People knew long ago how to predict the weather.D. It was easier to forecast the weather in the old days.28. A. Weather forecast is getting more accurate today.B. People can predict the weather by their sensesC. Who are the real experts in weather forecast.D. Weather changes affect people’s life remarkablyPassage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. A. They often feel insecure about their jobs.B. They are unable to decide what to do first.C. They feel burdened with numerous tasks every day.D they feel burdened with numerous tasks every day30. A. Analyze them rationally. C. Turn to others for help.B. Draw a detailed to-do list. D. Handle them one by one.31. A. They have accomplished little. C. They have worked out a way to relax.B. They feel utterly exhausted. D. They no longer feel any sense of guilt. Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. A. Their performance may improve.B. Their immune system may be reinforcedC. Their blood pressure may rise all of a sudden.D. Their physical development may be enhanced.33. A. Improved mental functioning C. Speeding up of blood circulationB. Increased susceptibility to disease D. Reduction of stress-related hormones34. A. Pretend to be in better shape. C. Turn more often to friends for helpB. Have more physical exercise. D. Pay more attention to bodily sensations.35. A. Different approaches to coping with stress.B. Various causes for serious health problems.C. The relationship between stress and illness.D. New finding of medical research on stress.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.One of the most common images of an advanced, Western-style culture is that of a busy, traffic-filled city. Since their first (36) ______ on American roadways, automobiles have become a (37) ______ of progress, a source of thousands of jobs and an almost inalienable right for citizens’ personal freedom of movement. In recent (38) _______, our “love affair” with the car is being (39) ________ directly to the developing world, and it is increasingly (40) _______ that this transfer is leading to disaster.American’s almost complete dependence on automobiles has been a terrible mistake. As late as the 1950s, a large (41) ________ of the American public used mass transit. A (42) ________ of public policy decisions and corporate scheming saw to it that countless (43) ________ and efficient urban streetcar and intra-city rail systems were dismantled. (44) ___________________________________________________. Our lives have been planned along a road grid—homes far from work, shopping far from everything, with ugly stretches of concrete and blacktop in between.Developing countries are copying Western-style transportation systems down to the last detail. (45) _________________________________________________________.Pollution control measures are either not strict or nonexistent, leading to choking clouds of smog. Gasoline still contains lead, which is extremely poisonous to humans. (46) ________________________________________________________________ _____.In addition to pollution and traffic jams, auto safety is a critical issue in developing nations.Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Please write your answers on Answer sheet 2.Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.One of the major producers of athletic footwear, with 2002 sales of over $10 billion, is a company called Nike, with corporate headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. Forbes magazine identified Nike’s president, Philip Knight, as the 53rd-richestman in the world in 2004. But Nike has not always been a large multimillion-dollar organization. In fact, Knight started the company by selling shoes from the back of his car at track meets.In the late1950s Philip Knight was a middle-distance runner on the University of Oregon track team, coached by Bill Bowerman. One of the top track coaches in the U.S., Bowerman was also known for experimenting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-absorbent. After attending Oregon, Knight moved on to do graduate work at Stanford University; his MBA thesis was on marketing athletic shoes. Once he received his degree, Knight traveled to Japan to contact the Onitsuka Tiger Company, a manufacturer of athletic shoes. Knight convinced the company’s officials of the potential for its product in the U.S. In 1963 he received his first shipment of Tiger shoes, 200 pairs in total.In 1964, Knight and Bowerman contributed $500 each to from Blue Ribbon Sports, the predecessor of Nike. In the first few years, Knight distributed shoes out of his car at local track meets. The first employees hired by Knight wereformer college athle tes. The company did not have the money to hire “experts”, and there was no established athletic footwear industry in North America from which to recruit those knowledgeable in the field. In its early years the organization operated in an unconventional manner that characterized its innovative and entrepreneurial approach to the industry. Communication was informal; people discussed ideas and issues in the hallways, on a run, or over a beer. There was little task differentiation. There were no job descriptions, rigid reporting systems, or detailed rules and regulations. The team spirit and shared values of the athletes on Bowerman’s teams carried over and provided the basis for the collegial style of management that characterized the early years of Nikes.47. While serving as a track coach, Bowerman tried to design running shoes that were _____________________.48. During his visit to Japan, Knight convinced the officials of the Onitsuka Tiger Company that its product would have____________________________________.49. Blue Ribbon Sports as unable to hire experts due to the absence of____________________ in North America.50. In the early years of Nike, communication within the company was usually carried out____________.51. What qualities of Bowerman’s tea ms formed the basis of Nike’s early management style?_______________________________________________________________. Section BDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put touse. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives.To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so .medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a predominantly rural society with a much lower population density than it is today. It had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localized. In terms of energy use and the nutrients(营养成分)captured in the product it was relatively inefficient.Contrast this with farming since the start of the industrial revolution. Competition from overseas led farmers to specialize and increase yields. Throughout this period food became cheaper, safe and more reliable. However, these changes have also led to habitat(栖息地)loss and to diminishing biodiversity.What’s more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050.yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agriculture in many regions.All this means that agriculture in the 21stcentury will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th.thiswill require radical thinking. For example, we need to move away from the idea that traditional practices are inevitably more sustainable than new ones. We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”. The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage.Instead we need a more dynamic interpretation, one that looks at the pros and cons(正反两方面)of all the various way land is used. There are many different ways to measure agricultural performance besides food yield: energy use, environmental costs, water purity, carbon footprint and biodiversity. It is clear, for example, that the carbon of transporting tomatoes from Spain to the UK is less than that of producing them in the UK with additional heating and lighting. But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better forbiodiversity.What is crucial is recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.52. How do people often measure progress in agriculture?A) By its productivity C) By its impact on the environmentB) By its sustainability D) By its contribution to economic growth53. Specialisation and the effort to increase yields have resulted in________.A) Localised pollution C) competition from overseasB) the shrinking of farmland D) the decrease of biodiversity54. What does the author think of traditional farming practices?A) They have remained the same over the centuriesB) They have not kept pace with population growthC) They are not necessarily sustainableD) They are environmentally friendly55. What will agriculture be like in the 21st centuryA) It will go through radical changesB) It will supply more animal productsC) It will abandon traditional farming practicesD) It will cause zero damage to the environment56 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A) To remind people of the need of sustainable developmentB) To suggest ways of ensuring sustainable food productionC) To advance new criteria for measuring farming progressD) To urge people to rethink what sustainable agriculture isPassage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.The percentage of immigrants (including those unlawfully present) in the United states has been creeping upward for years. At 12.6 percent, it is now higher than at any point since the mid1920s.We are not about to go back to the days when Congress openly worried about inferior races polluting America’s bloodstream. But once again we are wondering whether we have too many of the wrong sort newcomers. Their loudest critics argue that the new wave of immigrants cannot, and indeed do not want to,fit in as previous generations did.We now know that these racist views were wrong. In time, Italians, Romanians and members of other so-called inferior races became exemplary Americans and contributed greatly, in ways too numerous to detail, to the building of this magnificent nation. There is no reason why these new immigrants should not have the same success.Although children of Mexican immigrants do better, in terms of educational and professional attainment, than their parents UCLA sociologist Edward Telles has found that the gains don’t continue. Indeed, the fouth generation is marginally worse off than the third James Jackson, of the University of Michigan, has found a similar trend among black Caribbean immigrants, Tells fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks-that large parts of the community may become mired(陷入)in a seemingly permanent state of poverty and Underachievement. Like African-Americans, Mexican-Americans are increasingly relegated to (降入)segregated, substandard schools, and their dropout rate is the highest for any ethnic group in the country.We have learned much about the foolish idea of excluding people on the presumption of the ethnic/racial inferiority. But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all. I am not talking about requiring people to learn English or to adopt American ways; those things happen pretty much on their own, but as arguments about immigration hear up the campaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader question about assimilation, about how to ensure that people , once outsider s , don’t fo rever remain marginalized within these shores.That is a much larger question than what should happen with undocumented workers, or how best to secure the border, and it is one that affects not only newcomers but groups that have been here for generations. It will have more impact on our future than where we decide to set the admissions bar for the latest ware of would-be Americans. And it would be nice if we finally got the answer right.57. How were immigrants viewed by U.S. Congress in early days?A) They were of inferior races.B) They were a Source of political corruption.C) They were a threat to the nation’s security.D) They were part of the nation’s bloodstream.58. What does the author think of the new immigrants?A) They will be a dynamic work force in the U.S.B) They can do just as well as their predecessors.C) They will be very disappointed on the new land.D) They may find it hard to fit into the mainstream.59. What does Edward Telles’ research say about Mexican-Americans?A) They may slowly improve from generation to generation.B) They will do better in terms of educational attainment.C) They will melt into the African-American community.D) They may forever remain poor and underachieving.60. What should be done to help the new immigrants?A) Rid them of their inferiority complex.B) Urge them to adopt American customs.C) Prevent them from being marginalized.D) Teach them standard American English.61. According to the author, the burning issue concerning immigration is_______.A) How to deal with people entering the U.S. without documentsB) How to help immigrants to better fit into American societyC) How to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the borderD) How to limit the number of immigrants to enter the U.S.Part V Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Individuals and businesses have legal protection for intellectual property they create and own. Intellectual proper__62__from creative thinking62. [A]retrieves[B]deviates[C]results[D]departs。
2011年12月大学英语三级B级考试真题第4题:单选题:We will have to pay them a large ______ of money for their service.A sizeB setC amountD series第5题:单选题:I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how ______ the machine.A operateB to operateC operatingD operated第6题:单选题:I'm sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are ______.A taken offB put upC sold outD got off第7题:单选题:It is obvious that these small businesses are ______ need of technical support.A inB onC withD to第8题:单选题:______ I am concerned, it is important to get a job first.A As long asB As well asC As soon asD As far as第9题:单选题:Some companies might not let you rent a car ______ you have a credit card.A whereB becauseC sinceD unless第10题:单选题:In his opinion, success in life mainly ______ on how we get along with other people.A keepsB dependsC insistsD spends第11题:单选题:We ______ building the bridge by the end of next month.A are finishingB have finishedC would finishD will have finished第12题:单选题:Our company's service is ______ in nearly 80 countries around the world.A availableB naturalC relativeD careful第13题:单选题:It was in Jonson's hotel ______ the business meeting was held last year.A thisB thatC whatD which第14题:填空题:To start your own business is usually (cheap) ______ than to buy one.第15题:填空题:The foreign professor spoke slowly and (clear) ______ so that we could follow him.第16题:填空题:The money (borrow) ______ from the bank has already been paid back.第17题:填空题:The (manage) ______ said that their company wouldn't be responsible for the loss of the goods. 第18题:填空题:When we get his telephone number, we (tell) ______ you immediately.第19题:填空题:It won't make any (different) ______ whether he comes to the meeting or not.第20题:填空题:The machine should (test) ______ before it is put to use.第21题:填空题:We look forward to (meet) ______ you and wish you every success in your career.第22题:填空题:My (person) ______ experience suggests that we should contact the customers first.第23题:填空题:After the lecture yesterday, they (realize) ______ how important company culture was.第24题:Reading Comprehension:A car is made up of more than 30 000 parts. Each part in a new car is as weak as a baby. So a new car requires proper care and servicing. If you're unfamiliar with the parts, you have to read through the owner's instructions carefully.First of all, the brakes (刹车) of your car are important for safety (案例) reasons. Having them checked regularly can reduce the risks of accidents. Another important thing to consider is engine care. Always remember that the life and performance of your car engine depend on the engine oil. Replace the engine oil when recommended. If you feel the engine is very hot especially during summer it is probably because the coolingsystem doesn't work well. You'd better get the cooling system serviced before the start of summer.In a word, timely and proper servicing is an important task for car owners. Good servicing can not only extend the life of your newborn baby, but also ensure your safety, and the safety of those who share the road with you. 1小题>To get familiar with the parts of a new car, the owner should ______.A regard the car as a new-born babyB have the car serviced before driving itC read through the instructions carefullyD examine all of the parts of the new car2小题>The brakes should be checked regularly ______.A to avoid accidentsB to raise speedC to reduce costD to save gas3小题>For a car engine to work long and well, the owner should ______.A replace the engine oil as recommendedB reduce the use of the car in summerC clean the engine parts regularlyD change the brakes frequently4小题>It is recommended to have the cooling system checked when ______.A you buy a new carB summer is comingC the engine oil is replacedD the brakes are out of order5小题>The last paragraph tells us that the purpose of carefully servicing a car is ______.A to let you sell your car at a good priceB to extend its life and ensure safetyC to reduce the cost of car servicingD to make the car run faster第25题:Reading Comprehension:General PoliciesOnce the flight ticket has been issued, the name on the ticket cannot be changed.Ticket is non-refundable (不能退款的)Please review your itinerary (行程安排) immediately. If any problems arise before or during your trip, you must call our booking offices right away. If you wait until you return, it's too late.There are times when we are unable to confirm a booking. In that case we will attempt to reach you by phone and e-mail. You must call us back within 48 hours or we may not be able to offer you the booking price. Change PoliciesIf you change your booking, airlines may charge a fee— $150 to $ 200. Some tickets do not allow any changes.Need to change or cancel your trip? Visit our website to check the fees and rules before you decide,Cancellation (取消) PoliciesIf you cancel your booking you will not receive any money back.You may apply part of your ticket price towards future travel (for a limited time, usually a year).1小题>According to the policies, the name on the ticket cannot be changed once the ticket is ______.A bookedB issuedC cancelledD confirmed2小题>If you have any problems during a trip, you should ______.A ask for a refundB change your itineraryC call the booking officeD return the ticket to the office3小题>What happens when your ticket booking cannot be confirmed?A You should make another booking immediately.B You can change your booking free of charge.C You will be informed by phone and e-mail.D You will still enjoy the booking price.4小题>If you want to change a booking, you may have to pay ______.A 10% of the booking priceB a fee of $150 to $ 200C half the ticket priceD a fixed fee5小题>Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the cancellation policies?A You can use part of the ticket price for future travel.B You can refund the money from the booking office.C You can keep the booking effective for one year.D You cannot cancel your booking in any case.第26题:Reading Comprehension:Paying billsMany landlords prefer to collect rent directly from a bank account. You may be able to obtain cheaper services if you pay bills directly from a bank account, e.g. telephone/gas/water/electricity.If you are given a chequebook, you can also write cheques as a safe way of paying for things. CashYou can easily obtain money from cash machines, or pay directly from your account using a debit card (借记卡).Saving moneyIt is generally cheaper to use a UK account than it is to pay by credit card (信用卡) or withdraw (提取) cash from a foreign bank. EmploymentIf you work in the UK, some employers require you to have a bank account so that you can get your pay.Advantages of UK Current AccountPaying bills:1小题>to pay rent directly from (1)2小题>to obtain (2) services3小题>to pay for things with cheques safely Cash: 1) to obtain money from (3) easily4小题>to pay directly from your account Saving money: cheaper to use a (4) account5小题>Employment: to get your (5) through a bank account第27题:Reading Comprehension:Dear Mr. Brown,Thank you for your letter of 6 September regarding Mr. John Green who has been employed by this company for the past 10 years.Mr. Green served his apprenticeship (学徒) with Vickers Tools Ltd. in Manchester, followed by a three-year course of engineering for Production Engineers. He is technically well-qualified and for the past five years has been our Assistant Works Manager responsible for production and related business in our Sheffield factory. In all his job duties he has shown himself to be hard-working, responsible and in every way a very dependable employee.I can strongly recommend Mr. Green as I feel sure that if he were to be chosen to manage your factory in Nairobi he would bring to his work a true atmosphere of teamwork, which would be found necessary and helpful by all who would work with him.Sincerely yours,Tom Smith1小题>How long has Mr. Green been employed by the writer's company? For ______.2小题>What kind of course did Mr. Green take? A three-year course in engineering for ______.3小题>What job position has Mr. Green held in the past five years?4小题>What does the writer think of Mr. Green as an employee? He is hard-working, ______and dependable.5小题>What is the purpose of this letter? To ______ Mr. Green to manage a factory in Nairobi.第28题:Reading Comprehension:The following is a list of terms related to the human resources management. After reading it,you are required tofind the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below.A——Employee relationsB——Basic salaryC——Night shiftD——Attendance bookE——Human resources managementF——Work permitG——Employment injury insuranceH——Housing fundI——Annual salaryJ——Year-end bonusK——Contract of serviceL——Evaluation of employeesM——Sick leaveN——Coffee breakO——Unemployment insuranceP——Minimum wageQ——Quality management1. ( )年薪 ( )最低工资2. ( )服务合同 ( )员工关系4. ( )病假 ( )工作许可证5. ( )住房基金 ( )基本工资第29题:单选题:With fuel prices going up,car buyers are changing their idea of buying a car.A 燃料的价格正在随着购车者买车想法的改变而上涨。
大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)B类英语专业决赛真题2008年(无听力)(总分119, 做题时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ Listening Comperhension(略)Part Ⅱ Multiple ChoiceSection AThere are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the onethat **pletes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1.The government is ______ and will take the necessary steps to maintain security and stability.SSS_SINGLE_SELA on standbyB at riskC out of controlD on the alert2.Being an experienced inventor, Jackson knew ______ all his money in a risky venture.SSS_SINGLE_SELA better than puttingB rather than puttingC better than to putD rather than to put.3.______, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man **mand of language is poor.SSS_SINGLE_SELA Other things being equalB Were other things equalC To be equal to other thingsD Other things to be equal4.—Two tins of baked beans, please. —I'm afraid we haven't got any ______ at the moment. But we should be getting some more on Thursday.SSS_SINGLE_SELA in stockB on orderC on the booksD in store5.There is unfortunately a ______ between the petty cash slips and the actual money in the tin.SSS_SINGLE_SELA varietyB varianceC discrepancyD differentiation6.There is nothing serious ______ I had jumped out of the window when the bomb exploded.SSS_SINGLE_SELA as well as I am concernedB as long as I am concernedC as I am concernedD as far as I am concerned7.However weak your memory may be, you can ______ by attending closely to what you want to remember, and repeating it over and over again.SSS_SINGLE_SELA back it upB make up for itC look for helpD bear it in mind8.The Oxford English Dictionary ______ a resolution of the English Philological Society, passed in 1857.SSS_SINGLE_SELA originated fromB originated atC originated onD originated by9.The Prime Minister frequently wandered from his text to ______ on a point that had obviously caught his audience's interest.SSS_SINGLE_SELA stressB interruptC elaborateD explain10.Mary: Mike, I'm exhausted. How much further is it? Mike: Not far, I promise. Mary: ______ Mike: Oh, come on, Mary.SSS_SINGLE_SELA That's great!B I'm glad to hear it.C What a beautiful view!D But you said that half an hour ago.Section BThere are 5 incomplete statements or questions about some English speaking countries in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the most suitable answer from the given choices. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.11.Which of the following is not part of Britain?SSS_SINGLE_SELA WalesB EnglandC ScotlandD Greenland12.Which of the following is not part of Britain?SSS_SINGLE_SELA WalesB EnglandC ScotlandD Greenland13.______ and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of English Humanism.SSS_SINGLE_SELA Edmund Spenser, Christopher MarloweB Thomas More, Christopher MarloweC John Donne, Edmund SpenserD John Milton, Thomas More14.The novel of A Tale of Two Cities is about a story that happened in the time of the ______.SSS_SINGLE_SELA Napoleonic WarsB British Civil WarC French RevolutionD World War II15.When the Cold War began, who was the president of the U. S. A?SSS_SINGLE_SELA RooseveltB LincolnC EisenhowerD Truman16.The largest and smallest states of the United States are ______.SSS_SINGLE_SELA Alaska and Rhode IslandB Texas and MaineC Texas and Rhode IslandD Alaska and MainePart Ⅲ Reading ComperhensionSection AThere is one passage in this section with 5 questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.The warden led us in single file along a narrow line of paving-slabs that ran past the huts. Every so often, four steps led to a front door. We could hear people inside, shouting at children.'The overcrowding has to be seen to be believed,' he said as he shook his head forlornly. We squeezed to one side as a sullen woman passed us, carrying a bucket of coal. She had the look of someone who was old before her time.The warden went up the last set of steps, opened the door with a jangling bunch of keys, took one off the ring and handed it to me.'There you are. Home Sweet Home. There's a bath in that hut by the trees; get the key from me when you want one, ' he said, and he came clown the steps, leaving us room to go up. 'I hope you can make a go of it, ' he said. 'At least we've got you a bit of furniture.'We walked into a square 'cell' with a table and two chairs and a two-seater settee. No two of anything were the same; it all looked like furniture from a charity shop, which I suppose it was. There was a double hotplate on top of a low cupboard, and a dead black stove against the back wall with a scuttle beside it containing a few lumps of fuel. The adjoining 'cell' had a double bed with a pink plastic mattress cover, glistening like wet salmon. There was a cupboard that hung open because the door catch had gone. Inside the cupboard were two meagre blankets.The bedroom was freezing. I struggled to shut the top flap of the window, but it was jammed open by rust. There were bits of yellowing sellotape all round the wall near it, where previous inmates had tried to block the draught with cardboard.I sat on the bed with my head in my hands, wondering how long we would have to spend here before we found a real home, and noticing, as I glanced sideways into the front room, that a thin film of dust was blowing under the front door.We took the plastic cover off the mattress because it looked worse than the stains underneath. The blankets smelled, but we had to keep warm somehow.We had been in this place exactly a week when, on returning in the evening, we went up to our front door and heard children's voices and a transistor radio. We peered round the door at a jumble of people and things and colours. The people turned round and we all looked at each other. The muddle resolved itself into a huge woman and a little man, and two small children. They had a lot of stuff, mostly carrier bags and laundry bags with clothes spilling out, and a couple of buckets full of kitchen equipment which we'd have been glad to have ourselves.They didn't want to share with us any more than we did with them, but that's what the warden had told them to do. We argued about it, though it seemed ridiculous to quarrel over accommodation which none of us really wanted anyway.QUESTIONS:SSS_SINGLE_SEL17.The warden seems to think that the couple's accommodation is ______.A cosyB unpleasantC spacious enoughD well furnishedSSS_SINGLE_SEL18.The main thing the author notices about the furniture is that ______.A it looks or smells dirtyB most of it is in poor conditionC it is very cheapD nothing matches anything elseSSS_SINGLE_SEL19.The main reason the author feels cold in the bedroom is that ______.A there isn't enough fuel for the stoveB the window lets in a lot of draughtC there aren't enough blanketsD the door lets in a lot of draughtSSS_SINGLE_SEL20.What was the writer's feeling when he/she had looked around the accommodation?A Despair.B Contentment.C Anger.D Fear.SSS_SINGLE_SEL21.The four other people are in the accommodation because ______.A they find it **fortableB they have been told to share their kitchen, equipmentC they have been told to share the accommodationD a week is up and it is their turn to live thereSection BThere is one passage in this section with 10 questions. Read the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.[1] The rich keep getting richer. According to the latest Forbes ranking of the world's richest people, there are now a record 946 billionaires around the world. They have made their money from everything from **s to steel to Chinese food.[2] For the 13th year in a row, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is the richest person in the world. His personal fortune rose $ 6bn last year to $ 56bn (£ 29bn). His friend, the investment expert Warren Buffett, was the second richest. His fortune increased by$ 10bn during the year to reach $ 52bn. Both Mr. Gates and Mr.Buffett give a percentage of their fortunes to charity. Third richest is the Mexican **s entrepreneur Carlos Slim Helu, who added $19bn to his wealth, and now has $49bn.[3] The total wealth of all the people on the list grew by 35% during the year to $ 3.5 trillion as a result of rising property prices, commodities and stock markets. Luisa Kroll, who helped to compile the list at Forbes, said it was an extraordinary year'. On the previous list, there were just 793 billionaires.[4] The richest Briton on the list is the Duke of Westminster, Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, at number 55. Grosvenor inherited much of his wealth and is one of the UK's Wealthiest landowners. He is said to be worth $11 bn. Sir Philip Green, the retail entrepreneur who controls British Home Stores and Topshop owner Arcadia is the second richest Briton at number 104 on the list. Sir Philip, 55, has $ 7bn. Next are the property tycoons David and Simon Rueben, who are worth $4.5bn between them and are number 177 on the list.[5] There are 29 British citizens on the list. Virgin founderSir Richard Branson is number 230 with $3.8bn; David Sainsbury of the grocery family is 432nd with $2.2bn; newspaper owner Viscount Rothermere, Jonathan Harmsworth, is number 618 with $1.6bn and James Dyson also has $1.6bn. Harry Potter author JK Rowling is right at the bottom of the list with a fortune valued at $1 bn. There are two others who have made their money from a very different type of publishing ; Richard Desmond the former soft porn publisher, who now owns the Daily Express, is 754th on the list with $1.3bn in the bank and Paul Raymond, who owns Escort, Mayfair and Razzle magazines, is also worth $1 bn.[6] The list shows growing wealth in both China and India, the two dynamic economies driving global economic growth. Another 14 people from India joined the fist. With a total of 36 billionaires, India has now overtaken Japan, which has 24, as home to the mostbillionaires in Asia. There are three Indians in the top 20, led by Lakshmi Mittal, an Indian citizen who lives in London and who is number five on the list with $ 32bn.[7] There were 13 Chinese newcomers including Li Wei, the founder of Synear Food Hold ing. **pany is one of China's largest producers of frozen food and is an official supplier to the Beijing Olympics in 2008.[8] The US still has 44% of the world billionaires but its share is getting smaller, Russia is also rising fast and has 53billionaires according to Forbes. The Wal-Mart family dropped from the top 20, after a difficult year for the world's largest retailer.[9] The average billionaire is 62 years old and 60% of the people on the list made their money from scratch. Around 100 unmarried men are included among the world's wealthiest. At the top of the list of bachelors are Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin—unmarried at 33 and 34 respectively, they are both worth$16.6bn and are number 26 in the overall list. Other interesting bachelors are Russian metals tycoon Mikhail Prokhorov, in 38th place with an estimated fortune of $13.5bn; and divorced James Packer, who has a more modest $5.5bn media fortune.[10] One of the more interesting rich people on the list is the accordion-playing, fire-breathing founder of Cirque du Soleil, Guy Laliberte, at number 664 on the list. The 47-year-old Canadian founded his circus-based, animal-free acrobatic show in t984 andstill keeps 95% of the business. His fortune is estimated at $1.5bn. The richest woman, at number 12, is 84-year-old L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, with a fortune of $ 20.7bn. Chat show queen Oprah Winfrey is believed to be worth $1.5bn.QUESTIONS 51-55:For answers 51-55, markY(for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.SSS_FILL22.Rising property prices were the only reason for the 35% increase in the total wealth of the people on the list.SSS_FILL23.Sir Philip Green lived a hard life when he was young and later became a publisher through his own hard work.SSS_FILL24.The percentage of US billionaires in the list is falling.SSS_FILL25.The founders of Google are married.SSS_FILL26.Guy Laliberte has sold most of his Cirque du Soleil business.QUESTIONS 56-60:For answers 56-60, look in the text and find these words or expressions. Paragraph numbers are given to help you.SSS_FILL27.A noun meaning a list that shows the position/wealth of an individual in relation to others. (Para 1)SSS_FILL28.A noun meaning the provision of help or relief to people who are poor or needy. (Para 2)SSS_FILL29.A verb meaning to catch up with and move ahead of someone. (Para 6)SSS_FILL30.A noun meaning a company that sells goods directly to the public. (Para 8)SSS_FILL31.An expression meaning from nothing at all. (Para 9)Section CIn this section, there is one passage followed by 5 questions. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Five Reasons to Skip CollegeNEW YORK—College is expensive. Four years at an eliteuniversity like Princeton or Harvard will set you back around$160,000.That's a lot of money, but consider the benefits: the professors, the coursework, the people you'll meet and the invaluable experiences you'll have. And, of course, the bottom line: you'll earn more money afterward. In fact, on average, the holder of a four-year college degree will earn 62% more over their lifetime than a typical high-school graduate. And that's just on average. The return on investment for attending one of the nation's 25 or so most selective colleges is far more impressive. Money well spent, right?Well, not necessarily.Although there is clearly a correlation between earnings and a four-year degree, a correlation isn't the same thing as a cause. Economists like Robert Reischauer ruffled feathers several years ago by pointing out that talented, driven kids are more likely to go to college in the first place and they succeed, in other words, because of their innate abilities, not because of their formal education.Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft, certainly doesn't fit the stereotype of a low paid college dropout.In fact, more than a couple of billionaires never graduated from college. Lance Ellison, cofounder of database giant Oracle, dropped out of the University of Illinois and is now worth $ 16 billion. Fellow billionaire John Simplot, inventor of the frozen French fry, never even finished high school. Neither did Alan Gen'y, who built the first cable television network in upstate New York and then sold it to Time Warner Cable for $ 2.8 billion.In fact, there is plenty of evidence that what really matters ishow smart you are, not where—or even if—you went to school. According to a number of studies, small differences in SAT scores, which you take before going to college, correlate with measurably higher incomes. And, according to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, the lifetime income of high-school dropouts is directly associated with their scores on a battery of intelligence tests.By this logic, the real economic value in a Princeton degree is not the vaunted Princeton education, but in signaling potential employers that you are smart enough to get into Princeton. Actually, attending the classes is irrelevant. A few years back, we even went so far as to speculate that an entrepreneur could build a healthy businesses by charging, say $16,000, to certify qualified high-school graduates as Ivy League material. College-skippers could invest the $144,000 savings and have a nice nest-egg built up by the time they are in their mid-30s. And they could use their formative years between 18 and 22 to learn an actual trade.For, in truth, most professions, journalism, software engineering, sales, and trading stocks, to name but a few, depend far more on 'on-the-job' education than on-classroom learning. Until relatively recently, lawyers, architects and pharmacists learnedtheir trade through apprenticeship, not through higher education.Certainly some jobs, like medical doctors and university professors, require formal education. But many do not, and between the Internet and an excellent public library system, most Americans can learn pretty much anything for a nominal fee. By all means, go to college if you want the 'university experience,' but don't spend all that cash just on the assumption that it will lead you to a higher paying job.QUESTIONS:SSS_TEXT_QUSTI32.The first reason to skip college is that college is ______ and the second reason is that college does not necessarily ______ in a higher income.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI33.______ rather than formal college education correlates with higher incomes.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI34.Most professions are learned through ______ instead of classroom learning.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI35.Most people can learn almost anything from the ______ and anexcellent public library system for a small amount of money.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI36.College offers the 'university experience' but does not necessarily lead to ______.Section DIn this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully **plete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage. Remember to write theanswers on the Answer Sheet.The deathwatch beetle is thought of as the devil's pest in churches and old houses, but in natural habitats it infests a wide range of decaying hardwoods. It has been found in hornbeam, sweet chestnut, hawthorn, beech, ash, blackpoplar, elm, larch, spruce and yew, but the two **monly infested species in Britain are oak and willow. In buildings, oak timbers are usually the focus of attack by the beetle, but alder, walnut, elm, larch and Scots pine can be affected too. Deathwatch beetles attack wood that has been decayed by fungi, so it is the damp-prone parts of timbers, at the ends and near leaking gutters and enclosed spaces that are normally attacked first.Adult beetles emerge from holes in the timber in spring, or occasionally in autumn. They breed once and a week or two later the females lay eggs, usually about fifty, in small cracks on the surface of the wood. Adults depend on stored reserves; they do not feed, so the adult lifespan is largely determined by body size and metabolic demands. Emergent females rarely live for more than ten weeks, and males eight or nine weeks, at a temperature of about 20%.The eggs hatch after two to five weeks and the larvae thenwander across the wood to find suitable entry points through which to bore into the timber. Then they take between two and ten weeks to complete their development. The larvae pupate in late summer to early autumn, each individual having constructed a pupal cell just below the surface of the wood. After two or three weeks, the immature beetle emerges from the pupal skin, but then remains torpid inside the chamber until the following spring or early summer. The mature beetle then cuts a perfectly round hole, three to five millimetres in diameter, and emerges covered in a fine layer of wood powder.SUMMARY :The deathwatch beetle is found most often in (66) trees in Britain. They infest damp-prone timber which has beenaffected (67) . Adults do not feed, so they surviveon (68) and live for only two or three months. The larvae, on the other hand, live for up to (69) . They pupate in late summer to autumn, but the adult does not emerge until (70) or early summer.SSS_FILL37.SSS_FILL38.SSS_FILL39.SSS_FILL40.SSS_FILL41.Part Ⅳ ClozeSection AThere are 5 blanks in the passage. For each blank, two or three letters of the word have been given. Read the passage below anddecide which word best fits each blank. Use only one word in each blank. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.The Future of Tall BuildingsArchitects responsible for the construction of many skyscrapers believe that a tall building must always have a certain minimum width but that there is no limit to its absolute he (71) This means that the skyscrapers of the future are likely to be even taller.Engineers agree with this, but there is dis (72) over the best shape for very tall, slim buildings. The effects of wind pressure mean that cylindrical designs have enjoyed somepop (73) in recent years, and these are quite pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, however, the ideal shape is an ugly square with heavily rounded corners.Would these tall buildings of the future offer more than awon (75) view? Some believe tall towers could contain all the requirements for modern living. The inh (75) of these vertical villages would travel up and down between their home and work zones and would rarely need to journey to ground level.SSS_FILL42.SSS_FILL43.SSS_FILL44.SSS_FILL45.SSS_FILL46.Section BThere are 10 blanks in the passage. Use the word given in eachset of brackets to form a word that fits in each blank. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.The London Underground MapThe London Underground map is extremely well designed. Simple, easy to understand and (76) (ATTRACT), it performs its primary task of guiding both inhabitants and (77) (TOUR) round the underground system in London very well. The man behind thisgreat (78) (ACHIEVE) was called Henry Beck,an (79) (EMPLOY) of the London Underground Drawing Office, who designed the map in 1931. The design of the map showedgreat (80) (ORIGINAL) because it clearly represented a complex network of (81) (COMMUNICATE). This design was later used by most of the world's underground systems.The map used before 1931 was messy and (82) (CLEAR). So Beck decided to sketch out a better one using a diagram rather than a (83) (TRADITION) map. This new map was anenormous (84) (SUCCEED) with the public when, in 1933, it made its first (85) (APPEAR) on underground platforms and at station entrances.SSS_FILL47.SSS_FILL48.SSS_FILL49.SSS_FILL50.SSS_FILL51.SSS_FILL52.SSS_FILL53.SSS_FILL54.SSS_FILL55.SSS_FILL56.Part Ⅴ TranslationSection ATranslate the underlined sentences of the following passage into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Mighty FlightyA fly can do one thing extremely well: fly. (86) Recently a team of British scientists declared that **mon housefly is the most talented aerodynamicist on the planet, superior to any bird, bat, or bee. A housefly can make six turns a second; hover; fly straight up, down, or backward; do somersaults; land on the ceiling; and perform various other show-off maneuvers. And it has a brain smaller than a sesame seed.Michael Dickinson, who studies fly flight in his lib at Cahech, says the housefly isn't actually the best flier. 'Hoverflies are the be-all and end-all,' he says. (87) They can hover in one spot, hurtle through the air to another location, and then race back to their original hovering point precisely.Scientists, engineers, and military researchers want to know how creatures with such small brains can do that. Maybe they could reverse-engineer a fly to make a robotic device that could reconnoiter dangerous places, such as earthquake zones or collapsed mines.Dickinson's laboratory works with fruit flies. Researchers putthem in chambers and manipulate the visual field, filming the fliesin super-slow motion, 6,000 frames a second. Dickinson is interestedin knowing how flies avoid collisions. He has found that certain patterns, such as 90-degree turns, are triggered by visual cues and two equilibrium organs on their backs that function like a gyroseope.Flies have only a dozen muscles for maneuvering, but they're loaded with sensors. In addition to **pound eyes, which permit panoramic imagery and are excellent at detecting motion, they have wind-sensitive hairs and antennae. They also have three light sensors, called ocelli, on the tops of their heads, which tell them which way is up. Roughly two-thirds of a fly's entire nervous systemis devoted to processing visual images. They take all this sensory data and boil it clown to a few **mands, such as 'go left' and 'go right.'(88) Imagine if you didn't utter an opinion until you had read hundreds of books, magazines, newspaper articles, and blogs, and then issued a statement based on a few basic notions. That's how a fly approaches flying. Only the fly is a speed reader. The information processing takes a fraction of a second. Researcher Rafal Zbikowskiof Cranfield University in Shrivenham, England, calls this mode of operation a 'sensor-rich feedback control paradigm.'(89) Given that flies have evolved for hundreds of millions of years (and that they were the first animals to take to the air), we shouldn't be surprised that they're such good fliers. 'They justdon't have brains like ours. Studying flies,' says Dickinson, 'islike traveling to another planet.'SSS_TEXT_QUSTI57.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI58.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI59.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI60.Part Ⅵ IQ TestThere are 5 IQ Test questions in this part. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.61.Guess the answer to the riddle.It doesn't have a mouth, but it can whistle.It doesn't have any muscles, but it's very strong.It doesn't have any legs, but it can move very fast.you can't see it, but you can feel it.What is it?SSS_FILL62.Which **es next in this series?2736, 9108, 17127, 89298,?,SSS_FILL63.Replace the dots with a word to make three new words.(…)DOOR/FLOW/GROWSSS_FILL64.A man jogs at 6 mph over a certain distance and walks hack over the same route at 4 mph.What is his average speed for the journey?SSS_FILL65.What American has had the largest family?SSS_FILLPart Ⅶ WritingTask ⅠSuppose you are the dean of the English Department in your University. You want to invite Professor Patrick Johnson, a prestigious scholar of British Literature, to come to be a judge of the English speech contest. You write a letter to him, in which you: 66.—State the purpose of the invitation—Give the time and place of the English speech contest—Invite him to deliver a speech, summarizing the contest, at the end of the closing ceremony.Write a letter between 100 and 120 words in an appropriate style on the Answer Sheet. Do not write your name or address.SSS_TEXT_QUSTITask ⅡRead the following poem and write an essay in which you discuss its moral and express your personal views.67.LifeBy Langston HughesLife can be good,Life can be bad.Life is mostly cheerful.But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a personSitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful;but life is what you make it.So try to make it beautiful.You should write between 180 and 200 words. Now write the essay on the Answer SheetSSS_TEXT_QUSTI1。
2008年12月山东省高职高专英语能力考试(英语三级)真题及答案(B级)2008年12月Part ⅠListening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Oh, yes. D. Here you are.2. A. From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. B. Far from here.C. Five people.D. One hundred dollars.3. A. Please sit down. B. Take it easy.C. I'm OK.D. Y es, of course.4. A. He's a nice person. B. I work very hard.C. Y ou're welcome.D. Certainly not.5. A. It's far wary. B. It's rather warm.C. I hope so.D. I'm afraid I can't.Section BDirections:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.6. A. From his friend. B. From his teacher.C. From his hoes.D. From his brother.7. A. Attend a meeting. B. Hold a party.C. Take an interview.D. Meet a friend.8. A. In the meeting room. B. In her office. C. At home. D. At the bank.9. A. It's very boring. B. That's too busy.C. She likes it very much.D. She's going to give it up.10. A. An engineer. B. A doctor. C. A salesman. D. A secretary.Section CDirections:In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases that you hear on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.People visit other countries for many reasons. Some travel (11) ; others travel to visit interesting places. Whenever you go, for whatever reason, it is important to be (12) . a tourist can draw a lot of attention from local people. Although most of the people you meet are friendly and welcoming, sometimes there are dangers.(13) , your money or passport might be stolen. Just as in your home country, do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and (14) . It is important to prepare your trip in advance, and (15) be careful while you are traveling.Part ⅡVocabulary & StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, Canal D. You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16. The newspaper ______ two people were killed in the accident.A. saysB. talksC. callsD. asks17. She told us briefly about how they succeeded in ______ the new productA. developB. to developC. developedD. developing18. The big IT company will ______ a new research center in the city.A. set upB. break upC. get upD. turn up19. I ______ at 130 kilometers per hour when the policeman stopped me.A. had drivenB. have drivenC. driveD. was driving20. Information about the new system is easy to ______ on the Internet.A. likeB. goC. findD. open21. I'd like to introduce you ______ James Stewart, the new manager of our department.A. withB. toC. ofD. on22. We had a(n) ______ with him about this problem last night.A. explanationB. impressionC. exhibitionD. discussion23. We talked for morn than three hours without ______ a cup of tea.A. to haveB. havingC. haveD. had24. They had to give up the plan because they had ______ money.A. come up toB. got along withC. ran out ofD. taken charge of25. ______ she joined the company only a year ago, she's already been promoted twice.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. IfD. WhenSection BDirection: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. The new (nation)______ museum will be open to the public next week.27. This question is (difficult) ______ than the one I have answered.28. The secretary has been working for the same (manage) ______ for over 5 years.29. The hotel, (build) ______ 100 years ago, still looks new.30. We are pleased to learn that that problem (solve) ______ at yesterday's meeting.31. I want (point out) ______that a decision about the matter must be made at once.32. Although she is young for the job, she is very (experience) ______.33. The new rules for environmental protection have been (wide) ______ accepted by the public.34. We demand that the tour guide (tell) ______ us immediately about any change in the schedule.35. Thank you for your letter of November15, (invite) ______ us to the trade fair on December 10.Part ⅢReading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read? the reading materials carefully and go the tasks as you are instructed.T ask 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Each time we produce a new English dictionary, our aim is always the same: what can we do to make the dictionary more helpful for students of English? As a result of our research with students and discussions with teachers, we decided to focus on providing more examples for this English dictionary.Examples help students to remember the word they have looked up in the dictionary because it is easier both to remember and to understand a word within a context (上下文). The examples also show that words are often used in many different contexts. For these reasons, we have included 40 per cent more examples in this new book.We edit all the examples to remove difficult words and to make sure they are easier to understand.We very much hope this new book will be of use not only to the students of English but also to the teachers.36. The aim of the author in producing this new dictionary is to ______.A. correct mistakes in the old dictionaryB. make it more helpful for studentsC. increase the number of wordsD. add pictures and photos37. A word is easier to remember and understand if it is ______.A. included in a word listB. pronounced correctlyC. explained in EnglishD. used in a context38. What is special about this new dictionary?A. It is small and cheap.B. It has a larger vocabulary.C. It has 40% more examples.D. It is designed for students and teachers.39. The purpose of removing difficult words in the examples is to ______.A. make them easier to understandB. provide more useful wordsC. introduce more contextsD. include more examples40. The passage is most probably taken from ______.A. a letter to the editorB. a comment on a novelC. an introduction to a dictionaryD. a news-report in the newspaperT ask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.What is the better way of staying away from the cold winter days? Come out to our Hall Markets in the beautiful countryside, full of color, fun, music and delicious food! With over 350 stalls (摊位) selling wonderful home-made and home-grown goods, this will surely be a great day out.The Hall Markets are held on the first Sunday of each month from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Hall Village. They are operated by Hartley Lifecare Co. Ltd. All the income will go to help and support service for people with disabilities (残疾).V olunteers (志愿者) play an important part in the success and pleasant atmosphere at the Hall Markets, Hartley Lifecare is always grateful to have you serve as volunteers with the Hall Markets.If you are interested in being one of our volunteers and spending a few hours with us each month, please contact us during business hours on 6260 5555.41. According to the passage, the Hall Markets are held ______.A. in the countrysideB. to attract volunteersC. to promote winter salesD. by people with disabilities42. There are over 350 stalls in the Hall Markets that ______.A. are operated by the disabledB. offer free food to volunteersC. sell home-made goodsD. are open day and night43. The income made by the Hall Markets goes to ______.A. expand Hartley Lifecare Co. Ltd.B. support service for the disabledC. create more fun for customersD. develop local economy44. When are the Hall Markets open?A. The first Sunday of each month.B. Every day from 10 am to 3 pm.C. The first day of each month.D. Every weekend in winter.45. This passage is written for the purpose of inviting ______.A. touristsB. villagersC. businessmenD. volunteersT ask 3Directions: The following is a letter. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in no more than 3 words in the table below.2 November, 2008 Dear Dr. Y amata,The Association of Asian Economic Studies is pleased to invited you to be this year's guest speaker at its annual international symposium (研讨会). The symposium will be held far 3 days from December 22nd to 24th, 2008. This year's topic will be Economic Development in Asia. About 100 people from various countries will be attending the symposium. They would be pleased to meet you and share their views with you.The Association will cover all the expanses of your trip to this symposium.As the program is to be announced on December 1st, 2008, will you kindly let us know before that time whether your busy schedule will allow you to attend our symposium? We are looking forward to your favorable reply.Y ours sincerely,John SmithSecretary of Association of Asian Economic StudiesNov, 2nd, 2008Letter of InvitationWriter of the letter: (46)Organizer of the Symposium: Association of (47)Guest speaker to be invited: Dr. Y amataStarting date of the symposium: (48)Number of guests invited: about (49)Topic of the symposium: (50) in AsiaT ask 4Directions:The following is a parts of an index(索引). After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与...... 等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A--after-sales service B--business licenseC--business risk D--dead stockE--department store F--import licenseG--limited company H--net weightI--packing charge J--price tagK--purchasing power L--seller's marketM--shipping date N--shopping rushO--show window P--supermarketQ-- trade agreement51. ( ) 净重( )百货商店52. ( ) 购买力( )商业风险53. ( ) 超级市场( )卖方市场54. ( ) 有限公司( )售后服务55. ( ) 装船日期( )进口许可证T ask 5Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No. 56 to No, 60). You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the corresponding Answer Sheet.Grounds-person (场地管理员) WantedThe Ysnton Playingfield Committee has for many years been fortunate to have Eddie Christiansen as grounds-person at its sports ground in Littlemarsh. However, after 10 years of service, Eddie has decided it's time to retire in July. The committee wishes him the best for his retired life.However, this leaves us needing a new grounds-person. This role is part-time, averaging around 5 hours per week. The duties involve the mowing (除草), rolling, and trimming (修剪) of the field edges. Applicants (求职人) need to be able to drive and use the equipment needed for the above-mentioned duties.Applicants can either contact Hugh Morris, 42 Spencer A venue, tel. 765-4943780, to discuss or register an interest in the position, or any member of the Playingfield Committee.56. Which organization is in need of a grounds-person?The __________________________________.57. Why is a new grounds-person needed?Because the former grounds-person, Eddie Christiansen, has decided it's time to ______.58. What are the duties of a grounds-person?His duties involve the mowing, ___________ of the field edges.59. What should applicants be able to do?They should be able to _______ the equipment needed for the duties.60. Who is the contact person?__________________ or any committee member.Part ⅣT ranslation--English into ChineseDirections: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (NO. 61 to No. 64 ) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet, Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 65) in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.61.Seldom can people find international news on the front page of this popular local newspaper.A.人们不会在这份地方报纸前几页上寻找重要的国际新闻。
[真题] 英语三级(B)考试试题2018年12月-高等学校英语应用能力考试. (1)
[真题] 英语三级(B)考试试题2018年12月Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D] given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第1题:A.Everything´s OK.B.I think so.C.It´s a good idea.D.I´ll do that.参考答案:A 您的答案:答案解析:[听力原文]Q:<u>How are things going</u> in your company 本题考查询问事情进展情况与回答。
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一、Listening Comprehensionm (Section A ) (共5小题,共5.0分)Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
A Thank you.
B With pleasure.
C Oh, yes.
D Here you are.
【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分
Excuse me ,are you Mr. Smith from America?
[解析] 听音时只要抓住关键词“are you ”就不难确定这是一般疑问句。
因此选项C 为正确答案。
A From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
B Far from here.
C Five people.
D One hundred dollars.
Mr .Johnson ,when is the library open?
[解析] 听懂关键词when ,问的是时间。
A Please sit down.
B Take it easy.
C I'm OK.
D Yes, of course.
【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分
It's rather hot today, would you please open the window?
[解析] Would you please...表示请求,此题询问天气炎热是否可以开窗。
肯定回答可以说With pleasure/My pleasure/Sure/Certainly/Of course 等.因此选项D 为正确答案。
A He's a nice person.
B I work very hard.
C You're welcome.
D Certainly not.
What do you think of your boss?。