【优质文档】英文承诺书格式范文-范文word版 (4页)
英文承诺作文范文大全英文:As a responsible person, I always keep my promises. When I promise something to someone, I make sure to fulfill it. Whether it's a small or big commitment, I take it seriously.For example, when I promised my friend to help her move to a new apartment, I made sure to be there on time and help her with everything. I even brought some snacks and drinks to make the move more enjoyable. Another time, I promised my boss to finish a project before the deadline, and I worked extra hours to make sure it was completed on time.I believe that keeping promises is not only about being reliable, but it also shows respect for the other person. When someone trusts me with something, I feel honored and I want to show them that they made the right decision bychoosing me.中文:作为一个负责任的人,我总是会遵守我的承诺。
【最新文档】个人承诺书英文范文-范文模板 (4页)
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Statement of Undertaking /承诺书
To the Company:
Whereas, by virtue of particular contractual relationship with T company (hereinafter Hereinafter, to prevent from commercial bribery misconducts, statements are undertaken as follows:
I、不行hui、不受hui No bribes
Among the business process (including but not limited to the negotiation, tender, bid, contract sign-off and performance,… etc.), it is undertaken as follows:
a) 决不向贵公司的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行hui(包括但不限于赠送现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予对方好处或利益等)。
例如:"Letter of Commitment" 或"Pledge Agreement"。
7法律效力条款(如果有):在签署人信息之后,可以添加一些法律效力方面的陈述,如:"This commitment is legally binding and enforceable under the laws of [Jurisdiction]"(本承诺在[司法管辖区]法律下具有法律约束力和可执行性)。
英文承诺书英文承诺书范文篇一:statement of undertaking /承诺书致 XX市天河彩虹纸杯厂公司:to the company:我公司与贵公司因物料制作事项合作,签订广州mo 营运处20xx年日常管理表单制作合同(以下简称“主合同”),合同编号:。
为杜绝商业贿赂行为,我公司郑重做出如下承诺:whereas, by virtue of particular contractual relationship with t company (hereinafter hereinafter, to prevent from commercial bribery misconducts, statements are undertaken as follows:i、不行贿、不受贿 no bribes在业务往来过程中(包括但不限于谈判、招标、签约、履约等),我公司及我公司工作人员在此承诺:among the business process (including but not limited to the negotiation, tender, bid, contract sign-off and performance,… etc.), it is undertaken as follows:a) 决不向贵公司的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行贿(包括但不限于赠送现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予对方好处或利益等)。
we shall , by no means, directly and/or indirectly pursue to approach any of t company‘s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party into any specific bribery (including but not limited to gifts of cash, goods, or in any other shape of advantage or benefits, etc. ).b) 决不收受、索取来自贵公司的工作人员及其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员的贿赂(包括但不限于现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予的好处或利益等)。
承诺书英文模板(共6篇)第1篇:承诺书英文承诺书英文承诺书范文英文篇1:英文承诺书after being coated as per applicationandbeingdried,h04-19a specification high-solid-content environmental protection-typeimpregnating varnish for magnetic core produced by our company boasts a good mechanicaland physicochemical performance.the coating on thesurface of the core still have the same performance as in the normal conditionsafter being heated for a long time at a temperature o f 130 ℃to 145℃.承诺书范文英文篇2:英文承诺书this is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discued for a poible sale of the busine named above from the poible seller named above to the poible buyer named above.this is not a contract.this is not a legally binding agreement.this is merely an outline ofperformanceandinsulation poible contract terms for discuion purposes only.this is being signed in order to enable the poible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price.this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the poible lenders of the poible buyer.the terms of the transaction being discued are attached hereto, but the terms(and the poible sale itself)are not binding unle and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by poible seller and poible buyer.theword "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.承诺书范文英文篇3:营业性演出告知承诺书the letter of notification and promise of shanghai performancebrokerageinstitutionsconcerning foreign-related commercial performance and commercialperformance related to hong kong, taiwan and macao in accordance with the “regulations on administration of commercial performance” of the state council of the people’s republic of china and “the detailed rules for the implementation of the regulationson administration of commerci al performance” of the ministry of culture of the people’s republic of china and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the shanghai administration of culture, radio, film and televisionconcerningstrengtheningthe foreign-related commercial performance, performance sponsoring units(the notifying party)and performing groups and individuals(the promise party)shall sign this letter of notification and promise concerning foreign-related commercial performance or commercial performance related to hong kong, taiwan and macao to define therights,obligationsandlegal responsibilities of the two sides for their commonobservation.i.the notification of performance brokerage institutions1.the performance brokerage institution that has obtained the government approval documents for a performance project is a legal performance busine entity and shall undertake the responsibility for sponsoring performance activities.article 23 of the “detailed rules for the implementation of the regulations onadministrationofcommercial performance” of the ministry of cultures provide that a busine entity of commercial performance when sponsoring commercial performance shall handle the application formalities for performance, arrange program contents, determine the price for the performance and take charge of the settlement of payment and expenditure of the performance, pay or withhold relevant taxes and fees in accordance with the law, consciously accept the supervision and administration of the cultural administration department of the locality where the performance is held and fulfill other specific obligations.2.when sponsoring foreign-related commercial performance or commercial performance related to hong kong, macao and taiwan, the sponsoring unit should be responsible for handling the entry and exit procedures for foreign, hong kong, macao and taiwan cultural, art and performing groups and individuals in a unified manner and if sponsoring a performance tour, the unit should also be responsible for making arrangements for communication and program contents for the entire tour.3.article 26 of the “regulations on administration of commercial performance” ofthe state council provide that commercial performance must not1).oppose the basic principles laid down in the constitution;2).endanger the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, jeopardize the security of the state or harm the honor and the interests of the state;3).incite ethnic hatred or discrimination, harm ethnic customs and habits, hurt ethnic sentiments, undermine the unity of ethnic groups and violate religious policies;4).disrupt social order and undermine social stability;5).harm social ethics or fine national culture and traditions;6).advocate obscenity, pornography, evil cults, superstition or play up violence;7).insult or slander others, infringe upon other’s legitimate rights and interests;8).be horrible or cruel in the forms of performance and ruin performers’ physical and mental health;9).solicit audience by making use of the physical deformities or by showing physical variations of the performers or10).commit any acts that are prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.as a sponsoring unit for foreign-related commercial performance or commercial performance related to hong kong, macao and taiwan, the unit should specially aign a person to participate in the stage supervision work at the performance site.for a program item which is staged by a performing party without application for approval or which violates the laws and regulations of our country, the sponsoring unit has the right to stop it on the spot and make a report to the government administration department.the performing party should bear corresponding responsibility for breaching the agreement for its regulation-violating acts.ii.the promise ofperforming groups and individuals authorized by the performing party, this representative solemnly states that i have read and accept the above letter of notification of the performance brokerage institution.the performing party promises that it will strictly implement the agreement and observe the laws and regulations of the locality where the performance is held.it will give the performance with the program contents approved in accordance with the law and will not change the contents without authorization.if committing any acts of breaching the promise during the performance, it shall bear all legal responsibility for all the consequences arising therefrom.the notifying party the promise party(seal)signing date:(seal and signature)第2篇:政务诚信承诺书模板政务诚信承诺书为认真落实《xx省人民政府办公厅关于印发优化提升营商环境五大专项行动方案的通知》(x政办发〔2019〕xx号)精神和xx县人民政府办公室《关于归集公示政务诚信承诺信息的通知》要求,进一步优化政务服务环境,全面推进依法行政、政务公开、勤政高效、守信践诺和社会信用建设,xx县xx镇人民政府向社会郑重承诺如下:一、便民服务承诺。
承诺书英文模板篇一:承诺书英文范本篇一:(英文版)外国投资者(法定代表人)书面承诺书篇二:安全承诺书(中英)安全承诺书作为现场工作人员对在施工过程中的安全承诺如下:mcc5forbaosteelstainlesssteelbranch:projectmanagementdepartment:1.strictlyobservesafety-relatedlawsandregulationssetdownbythegovernment. 3.entirely implementsafetyconstructionproceduresofeachspecificwork. 4.achieveathree-sentencepersonnelsafetytargeti.e.“neverhurtyourself”,“neverhurt others”and“nevergethurt”.5.beactively engagedinthesafetyeducationandreceiverelatedsafetysupervision. 6.reiterateself-careconceptduringtheworkandintheconstruction,andtrytoremind,helpandsuperviseeachother.7.anyloophole foundduringtheworkshouldbetimelyrectifiedorreportedtoresponsibleperso nnelordepartment.8.wouldaccept theinvestigationfromandprovidecooperationtoresponsibledepartmentincas eofbreachingsafetyrulesandregulations.9.strictlyobservetrafficlawandlarcenylaw,otherwisetheconsequencesshouldbeborne incaseofviolationofthelaws.安全承诺人(safetyguarantor):年(y)月(m)日(d)sv安全教育记录svsafetyeducationrecord安(safety)3—2—3教育类别:进现场前教育(educationtype:educationbeforeentryintosite)教育日期(date):年(y)月(m)日(d)篇三:反商业贿赂承诺书英文版20XX030310 statementofundertaking/承诺书致广州市天河彩虹纸杯厂公司:i、不行贿、不受贿nobribes在业务往来过程中(包括但不限于谈判、招标、签约、履约等),我公司及我公司工作人员在此承诺:amongthebusinessprocess(includingbutnotlimitedtothenegotiation,tender,bid,contra ctsign-offandperformance,?etc.),itisundertakenasfollows:a)决不向贵公司的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行贿(包括但weshall,bynomeans,directlyand/orindirectlypursuetoapproachanyoftbribery(includingbutnotlimitedtogiftsofcash,goods,orinanyothershapeofadvantag eorbenefits,etc.).b)决不收受、索取:承诺书英文模板)生快速交好作业,进行早读.中午1:50读报,对班上最近情况进行总结,做得好的地方继续发扬,做得不好的地方及时更正.认真观察学生思想变化,关爱学生,做好学生思想工作.4、在指导青年教师,辅导学生学科竞赛方面争优创先.对实习教师辛勤指导,让他们摸索当老师的方法,体会当老师的艰辛和乐趣.对新来大学生热心帮助,对她们提出的问题热心解答.对数学有兴趣的学生,及时鼓励他们钻研数学难题,养成攻坚的良好习惯,为参加数学竞赛做好准备.以上是承诺的具体内容,欢迎党员同志以及广大群众进行监督.承诺人:王丽丽尊敬的全体师生及家长:作为一名中国共产党党员,我郑重承诺:1职业;不办班;不做有偿家教。
个人承诺书英文范文模板I, [Your Name], make the following personal commitments:1. Integrity:I commit to upholding the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of my life. I will be honest, trustworthy, and transparent in my dealings with others. I will maintain my values and principles even when faced with challenges or temptations.2. Responsibility:I commit to taking full responsibility for my actions and decisions.I will fulfill my obligations and complete tasks to the best of my abilities. I will not shy away from accepting accountability for any mistakes or failures and will work towards finding solutions.3. Respect:I commit to treating others with respect, regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, or opinions. I will listen actively, valuing diverse perspectives, and will refrain from discriminatory or disrespectful behavior. I will create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone around me.4. Continuous Improvement:I commit to continuously learning and growing, both personally and professionally. I will seek out opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge. I will reflect on my experiences, embrace feedback, and make necessary adjustments to become a better version of myself.5. Work Ethic:I commit to demonstrating a strong work ethic in all my endeavors.I will be diligent, dedicated, and proactive in my work, always striving for excellence. I will meet deadlines, manage my time effectively, and give my best effort to deliver high-quality results.6. Collaboration:I commit to fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork. I will contribute positively to group dynamics, supporting and respecting the contributions of others. I will communicate openly and constructively, promoting a healthy and productive working environment.7. Balance:I commit to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I will prioritize self-care, ensuring physical and mental well-being. I will make time for personal relationships, hobbies, and activities that bring joy and fulfillment to my life.8. Environmental Consciousness:I commit to being environmentally conscious and responsible. I will reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote sustainable practices. I will actively contribute to creating a healthier planet for future generations.In making these personal commitments, I am dedicated to becoming a better individual and positively impacting those around me. I understand the importance of maintaining these commitments throughout my life and pledge to hold myself accountable.。
承诺书英语篇一:(英文版)外国投资者(法定代表人)书面承诺书appendix2:commitmentLetterofinvestmentcompanybyForeigninvestor 篇二:承诺书,英文篇一:(英文版)外国投资者(法定代表人)书面承诺书篇二:安全承诺书(中英)安全承诺书中冶成工上海五冶宝钢不锈钢分公司:项目经理部:作为现场工作人员对在施工过程中的安全承诺如下:1、认真遵守国家制定的有关安全的法律、法规。
mcc5forbaosteelstainlesssteelbranch:projectmanagementdepartment:1.strictlyobservesafety-relatedlawsandregulationssetdownbythegovernm ent. 3.entirelyimplementsafetyconstructionproceduresofeachspecificwork. 4.achieveathree-sentencepersonnelsafetytargeti.e.“neverhurtyourself”,“neverhurtothers”and“nevergethurt”. 5.beactivelyengagedinthesafetyeducationandreceiverelatedsafetysupervi sion.6.reiterateself-careconceptduringtheworkandintheconstruction,andtrytor emind,helpandsuperviseeachother. 7.anyloopholefoundduringtheworkshouldbetimelyrectifiedorreportedtor esponsiblepersonnelordepartment. 8.wouldaccepttheinvestigationfromandprovidecooperationtoresponsible departmentincaseofbreachingsa(:承诺书英语)fetyrulesandregulations. 9.strictlyobservetrafficlawandlarcenylaw,otherwisetheconsequencessho uldbeborneincaseofviolationofthelaws.安全承诺人(safetyguarantor):年(y)月(m)日(d)sv安全教育记录svsafetyeducationrecord安(safety)3—2—3教育类别:进现场前教育(educationtype:educationbeforeentryintosite)教育日期(date):年(y)月(m)日(d)篇三:反商业贿赂承诺书英文版20XX030310 statementofundertaking/承诺书致广州市天河彩虹纸杯厂公司:i、不行贿、不受贿nobribes在业务往来过程中(包括但不限于谈判、招标、签约、履约等),我公司及我公司工作人员在此承诺:amongthebusinessprocess(includingbutnotlimitedtothenegotiation,tender, bid,contractsign-offandperformance,?etc.),itisundertakenasfollows:a)决不向贵公司的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行贿(包括但不限于赠送现金、物品或以其他任何方式给予对方好处或利益等)。
英文版的保证书格式范文一:date:to:quality assurance certificate(“company”)(“materials”) sold or supplied and /or to be sold or supplied to xx technology group (refer to the below note). warrants that:1. all the materials provided by company should be subject to the general quality principles, whichshall be in accordance with quality warranty agreed and/or to be agreed by company andfoxconn technologygroup2. all the materials provided by company shouldcomply with the design, the stuff and the processruled by quality warranty.3. all the materials shall be provided with thequality test reports attached, which shall conform toquality warranty.4. upon foxconn technology group’s formal confirmation, company may modify the elements,methodologies, directions of products, subsupplier(s) or original manufacturing sites and obtain approvals from the institutes concerned for the modified materials.5. as for the materials which are defective or notmeet the requirements of quality warranty, xxtechnology group may, at its discretions(a) ask company to recall and replace the mat(请继续关注:)erials and compensate for the costscaused.(b) reducing the account of the payment if foxconn technology group utilizes thematerials.(c) ask company to refund the payment plus interests and bear penalty at % of thepayment per month(d) cancel or terminate the purchase agreements or orders for the materials.(e) the company shall be responsible for the directand indirect losses caused by the materials6. xx technology group may set off the costs, expenses or losses from company’s payments and seek other remedies.signature:company name:representative:title:英文版的保证书格式范文二:quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the productsafety, we make the following promise:first, by principle the products are manufacturedby the customer’s technical spec. the national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it.after the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary providethe necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition isindicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. if it is indeed theresponsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bearfull responsibility and expense.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technicalstandards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination shouldbe kept for one week.if it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate todeal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates atthe same time as the business ends.英文版的保证书格式范文三:dear customers:We are so sorry about the problems which we make.This two are new instrumentation console,we guarantee we will never make any mistake anymore.。
英文版的保证书格式ports attached, which shall conform toquality warranty.4. upon foxconn technology group’s formal confirmation, company may modify the elements,methodologies, directions of products, sub-supplier(s) or original manufacturing sites and obtain approvals from the institutes concerned for the modified materials.5. as for the materials which are defective or not meet the requirements of quality warranty, xxtechnology group may, at its discretions(a) ask company to recall and replace the mat(请继续关注:pensate for the costscaused.(b) reducing the account of the payment if foxconn technology group utilizes thematerials.(c) ask company to refund the payment plus interests and bear penalty at 0.75% of thepayment per month(d) cancel or terminate the purchase agreements or ordersfor the materials.(e) the company shall be responsible for the direct and indirect losses caused by the materials6. xx technology group may set off the costs, expenses or losses from company’s payments andseek other remedies.signature:company name:representative:title:英文版的保证书格式二:quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:first, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. the national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearl y mention it. after the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.second, the supplier provides the copy of businesslicense with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. if it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection,ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.if it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.英文版的保证书格式三:dear customers:We are so sorry about the problems which we make.This two are new instrumentation console,we guarantee we will never make any mistake anymore.。
简单的承诺书格式范文英语[Your Company Name][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Address][City, State, Zip Code]Subject: Commitment LetterDear [Recipient's Name],This letter serves as a formal commitment from [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the Committer") to [Recipient's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the Recipient") regarding the following terms and conditions outlined herein.1. Purpose of Commitment: The Committer hereby commits to [describe the purpose of the commitment, e.g., "delivering a specific product" or "providing a service"].2. Scope of Commitment: The Commitment covers [describe the scope, e.g., "the supply of 1000 units of product X" or "the provision of consulting services for project Y"].3. Timeframe: The Commitment is effective from [start date] to [end date]. The Committer agrees to fulfill the commitment within this timeframe.4. Quality Standards: The Committer assures that the product or service provided will meet the agreed-upon quality standards as outlined in the attached specifications.5. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any information exchanged during the course of this commitment.6. Termination: This commitment may be terminated by either party upon [insert number] days' written notice in the event of a breach of any term or condition herein.7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this commitment shall be resolved through [describe the method of dispute resolution, e.g., "mediation" or "arbitration"].8. Entire Agreement: This letter constitutes the entire agreement between the Committer and the Recipient and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral.9. Amendments: Any amendments to this commitment must be in writing and signed by both parties.10. Governing Law: This commitment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert governing law].We, at [Your Company Name], are committed to fulfilling the above-stated terms and look forward to a successful collaboration.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Recipient's Company Name]。
英语承诺书范文Dear Sir/Madam,I, [Your Full Name], hereby solemnly declare and promise that I will adhere to the following commitments:1. Integrity and Honesty: I pledge to maintain the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all my actions and interactions. I will not engage in any form of dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or falsification of records.2. Respect for Others: I will treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or cultural background. I will not tolerate or participate in any form of discrimination or harassment.3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: I understand that it is my responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. I will not engage in any illegal activities that could bring harm to others or damage the reputation of the institution.4. Commitment to Learning: I am dedicated to my academic and professional growth. I will actively participate in all learning opportunities and strive for excellence in my studies and work.5. Responsible Use of Resources: I will use the resources provided by the institution responsibly and ethically. I will not misuse or waste any resources, including financial aid, equipment, or information.6. Confidentiality: I will respect the confidentiality of all sensitive information that I may come across in the course of my studies or work. I will not disclose any confidential information without proper authorization.7. Accountability: I understand that I am accountable for my actions and will take responsibility for any consequencesthat may arise from my decisions and behaviors.8. Continuous Improvement: I am committed to continuous self-improvement and will actively seek feedback to enhance myskills and knowledge.9. Collaboration: I will work collaboratively with my peers, faculty, and staff to create a positive and productivelearning environment.10. Ethical Conduct: I will uphold the principles of ethical conduct in all my endeavors and will report any unethical behavior that I witness.I understand that failure to adhere to these commitments may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the institution. I am fully aware of the importance of these commitments and will strive to uphold them at all times.Sincerely,[Your Full Name] [Your Signature] [Date]。
Letter of CommitmentDear [Recipient Name],I am writing this letter to express my commitment towards fulfilling certain obligations and responsibilities, as outlined below:PurposeThe purpose of this commitment letter is to provide a clear and concise understanding of my responsibilities towards [task/project/obligation]. I fully understand the importance and urgency of this task and therefore, I am committed to ensuring timely and satisfactory completion.ObligationsMy obligations towards [task/project/obligation] are as follows:1.To allocate adequate time and resources towards the completion ofthis task.2.To ensure that all deliverables are of high quality and meet theexpected standards.3.To communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved in thisproject/task.4.To provide regular updates on the progress of the task/project andaddress any concerns that may arise in a timely manner.5.To adhere to all relevant policies, procedures and guidelines set outby the organization.TimelineI have carefully reviewed the deadline for the completion of this task/project and have assured myself that I will be able to meet it. I will provide regular updates to the [recipient/manager/team] on the progress of the task and will seek assistance if I encounter any challenges during the course of the task/project.ConclusionI understand the importance of meeting my obligations and fulfilling this commitment towards [task/project/obligation]. I assure you that I will dedicate my time, effort and resources towards the timely and satisfactory completion of this task.Thank you for considering my commitment towards this task/project.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
Commitment LetterDear [Recipient],I am writing this commitment letter to assure you that I will fulfill my obligations and commitments with regards to [specific topic or agreement]. I understand the importance of this commitment and I amfully committed to delivering on my promises.First and foremost, I promise to prioritize this commitment above any other distractions or responsibilities. I understand that in order to achieve the desired outcome, I must be fully dedicated and focused onthis task. I will allocate the necessary time and resources to ensurethat I can meet the expectations and requirements that have been set forth.I also promise to maintain open and honest communication with you throughout this process. I understand the value of transparency and Iwill keep you informed of any progress, setbacks, or challenges that may arise. I will actively seek your feedback and input, as I believe that collaboration is key to the success of this commitment.Furthermore, I promise to uphold the highest standards ofprofessionalism and integrity in all of my actions and decisions. I understand that this commitment is not just about delivering the desired outcome, but also about conducting myself in a manner that is consistent with the values and principles that we both hold dear. I will adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines, and I will always act in the best interests of all parties involved.I also understand that commitments can sometimes be difficult to fulfill, especially when unexpected challenges arise. However, I promise toremain steadfast and resilient in the face of any difficulties. I will not shy away from taking responsibility for my actions or for seeking help and support when needed. I will view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, and I will use them to strengthen my commitment and determination to succeed.Lastly, I want to express my gratitude for the trust and confidence that you have placed in me. I understand the significance of this trust and I will not take it for granted. I will do everything in my power to live up to your expectations and to deliver on my promises.In conclusion, I want to reaffirm my commitment to [specific topic or agreement] and to assure you that I will fulfill my obligations with the utmost dedication, professionalism, and integrity. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the success of [specific project, organization, or relationship], and I look forward to seeing thepositive impact that our collaboration will have.Thank you for your trust and support.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
承诺书英文范文Dear [Recipient's Name],I, [Your Full Name], hereby affirm my unwavering commitment to [Purpose of Commitment/Project Name], which is a venture that I hold in high regard and believe in its potential for significant impact.I understand the responsibilities and expectations associated with my involvement in this project, and I am fully prepared to dedicate the necessary time, effort, and resources to ensure its success. My commitment is not just a professional obligation, but also a personal one, as I am deeply invested in the goals and outcomes of this endeavor.To this end, I pledge the following:1. Dedication to Excellence: I will consistently strive for the highest standards of quality in all aspects of the project, from planning to execution.2. Time Management: I will allocate sufficient time tofulfill my duties and will prioritize the project's needs, ensuring timely completion of tasks.3. Communication: I will maintain open and transparent communication with all team members and stakeholders, fostering a collaborative environment that encouragesfeedback and innovation.4. Ethical Conduct: I will adhere to the ethical guidelines and principles of the project, ensuring that all actions taken are in the best interest of the project and its stakeholders.5. Continuous Improvement: I will actively seek opportunities for learning and growth, applying new knowledge and skills to enhance the project's effectiveness.6. Conflict Resolution: I will address any conflicts or challenges with a constructive approach, prioritizing the project's success over personal interests.7. Confidentiality: I will respect the confidentiality of all project-related information, protecting intellectual property and sensitive data.This commitment letter serves as a testament to my dedication and my earnest desire to contribute positively to the success of [Purpose of Commitment/Project Name]. I am excited about the journey ahead and look forward to working closely with the team to achieve our shared objectives.Please find my signature below, signifying my agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.Sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Contact Information] [Date]。
承诺书英文范文Addressee: [Recipient's Name]Date: [Date]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing this letter to express my sincere commitment to [specific task or project]. I understand the importance of this undertaking and the responsibilities it entails. I am fully aware that my actions will directly impact the success of the project and the satisfaction of our stakeholders.I hereby commit to the following:1. Dedication to Excellence: I pledge to devote my time and energy to ensuring that the project meets the highest standards of quality and professionalism. I will consistently strive to exceed expectations and deliver results thatreflect my dedication to excellence.2. Time Management: I acknowledge the critical nature of meeting deadlines and will manage my time effectively to ensure that all tasks are completed on schedule. I will communicate proactively with the team to address anypotential delays or challenges.3. Teamwork and Collaboration: Recognizing the value of acohesive team, I commit to working collaboratively with all team members. I will actively contribute to a positiveworking environment, support my colleagues, and share knowledge to foster a culture of mutual respect and cooperation.4. Ethical Conduct: I am committed to upholding the highest ethical standards throughout the project. I will adhere toall relevant laws, regulations, and company policies, andwill act with integrity in all my interactions.5. Communication: I understand the importance of clear and open communication. I will ensure that I am accessible and responsive to all project-related inquiries and will provide regular updates on my progress.6. Continual Improvement: I am dedicated to learning and growing throughout the project. I will seek feedback and actively engage in professional development opportunities to enhance my skills and contribute more effectively to the team.7. Confidentiality: I recognize the sensitivity of the information I will be handling and pledge to maintain strict confidentiality at all times. I will safeguard all project-related data and respect the privacy of all stakeholders.In conclusion, I am fully committed to making a positive and significant contribution to the project. I am prepared to invest the necessary effort and will do so with a spirit of enthusiasm and a strong sense of responsibility. I amconfident that, with the support of the team and the guidanceof the project leadership, we will achieve our goals and deliver a project of which we can all be proud.I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this initiative and look forward to working closely with you and the team.Sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Contact Information]。
英文质量承诺书篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuarantee adSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefullyman utacturedarefreefromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialforapericelofthere (5)yearsdateofpurchase. ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcost Thecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.Scratchesangbridgetomat e-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.Fired amagecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofGodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbr eakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty. TheproductqualitycompliestoEuropeanstandards,BSEn653(1997),andEEa HealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
After-sales Service Letter of Commitment:All products purchased in our company are guaranteed to keep in good repair for one year. If quality problems happen in guarantee period, our company will maintain for free. Additionally, our company provides technical support and fittings for life. After-sales service isn't restricted by time and we will assign technical personnel to solve your problems immediately after receiving telephone and hear feedback idea of users and deal with them in time. If you are caught in some problems when using our products, welcome to contact us at any time.学习英文承诺书湖州新星培训学校:小新星英语和北京马承英语属于儿童英语领域的专业品牌,其自身积累了一套非常科学完善的小新星英语LSE教学法和北京马承英语“三位一体”教学法。
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The terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by Possible Seller and Possible Buyer.
This is not a contract. This is not a legally binding agreement. This is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only.
This is being signed in order to enable the Possible Buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price.
This letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the Posd and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.
The product quality complies to European standards ,BS EN653(1997),and EEA Health and Safety Standards.
Quality Guarantee
ADS guarantees that all hardwave and frame component have been carefully manutactured are free from defects in workmanship .and material for a pericel of there (5) years date of purchase.
MCC5 for Baosteel Stainless Steel Branch:Project Management Department:
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Possible Seller: _____________________________
日期:______________, 20_____
Possible Buyer: _____________________________
Business: _____________________________
Date: ______________, 20_____
This is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the Business named above from the possible Seller named above to the possible Buyer named above.
If any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent cost
The customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .Scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. Megigence .abuse. Firedamage caused by building detects.
____________________________ ________________________
____________________________ ________________________