2020高考英语考纲词汇 3500自我检测.pdf

Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prep above prep,a & ad abroad adabrupt a absence nabsent a absolute aabsorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant aabuse vacademic a & n academy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & n achieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity n actor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress nadequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable aadmire vadmission nadmit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep & conj afternoon n afterward(s) adagain adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent n aggressive a ago adagree v agreement nagricultural aagriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nairplane nairport nairspace nalarm n & valbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & nalgebra nalike adalive aall ad,a & pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative aalthough conjaltitude naltogether adaluminium (Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur a/namaze vamazing aambassador n ambassadress n.ambiguous aambition nambulance nAmerica namong prepamount n & v ample aamuse v amusement n. analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle n angry aanimal nankle n anniversary n. announce v annoy vannual a another a & pron answer n & v ant nAntarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron & a anybody pron anyhow adanyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application napply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & vappropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj & prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment nassist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy nat prep athlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & n background nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, w ere,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & nbeautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) vbed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) vbehalf n behave vbehaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry n biography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbirthplace nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) vbitter ablack a & nblackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pron bother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge n brief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden n bureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj & prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncaféncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless acarpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling n celebrate vcelebration ncell ncent ncentigrade acentimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) ncentury nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) chalk nchallenge nchallenging achampion nchance nchange n & vchangeable achannel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter ncharacteristic a & ncharge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check)chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children)childhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & v circuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & a cleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat n cocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial acommit vcommitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion ncompany ncompare vcompass n compensate vcompete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept nconcern v & nconcert nconclude v conclusion n concrete acondemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation ncorrect v & a correction n correspond vcorrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncourt n courtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & n crayon ncrazy acream ncreate v creature ncredit ncrew ncrime n criminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum ncurtain ncushion ncustom n customer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & ncycle vcyclist nDdad=daddy ndaily a,ad & ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger ndangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & v daughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate vdecoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree n delay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective n determine vdevelop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) vdigest vdigital adignity ndilemma n dimension ndinner ndinosaur n dioxide ndip v diploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing a dive vdiverse a divide v division n divorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document n dog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor n dormitory(dorm) ndot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & addownload n & vdownstairs addowntown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v.drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & vdress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) vdrive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a & proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad & nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) v ecology nedge nedition neditor n educate v education n educator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj & ad elder nelect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor nemploy vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a & ad enquiry n enter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire a entrance n entry n envelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip vequipment neraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope nEuropean a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence n evident aevolution n exact aexam=examination n examine v example nexcellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment nexpert nexplain v explanation nexplicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v & afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest 或further,furthest)fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) v feel(felt,felt) v feeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron & afibre(Am fiber) n fiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) v fine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & v fisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep & conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) vfork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction n fridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & n frontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame n garage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic n garment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & ad greedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth n guarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v & nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster nheadmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & v hostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad & conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being n humorous ahumour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane n hurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration nimport v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert v inside prep & ad insist v inspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & v irrigation nis v(be)island n it pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement (Am judgment) n juice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) vknowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & nleader nleaf(pl leaves) nleague nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) v least nleather nleave(left,left) vlecture nleft a,ad & nleg nlegal alemon n & alemonade nlend(lent,lent) vlength nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation nliberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid n lie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v & a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & v lonely along a & ad look n & v loose alorry nlose(lost,lost) v loss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky aluggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madame n magazine n magic amaid nmail n & vmailbox nmain amainland nmajor amajority nmake1 nmake2(made,made) v male a & nman(pl men) nmanage vmanager nmankindnmanner nmany(more,most) pron & a map nmaple nmarathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & nmat nmatch v & nmaterial n mathematics =math/maths n matter n & vmature amaximum a & nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeal nmean(meant,meant) v meaning nmeans nmeanwhile admeasure vmeat nmedal nmedia nmedical amedicine nmedium nmeet(met,met) v & n meeting nmelon nmember nmemorial n & a memory nmend vmental amention n & vmenu nmerchant a & nmerciful amercy nmerely admerry amess nmessage nmessy ametal n & amethod nmetre(Am meter) nmicroscope nmicrowave nmiddle nmidnight nmight modal vmild amile nmilk n & vmillimetre (Am millimeter) n millionaire nmind n & vmine1 n & vmine2 pronmineral nminibus nminimum aminister nministry nminority nminus prep & aminute nmirror nmiss1 nmiss2 vmissile nmist nmistake (mistook,mistaken) v & n mistaken amisunderstand (misunderstood,misunderstood) v mix vmixture nmobile amodel nmodem nmodern amodest amom=mum nmoment nmommy=mummy n money nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmonument nmoon nmop n & vmoral a & nmore(much,many) a,ad & n morning nMoslem nmosquito nmost a & admother nmotherland nmotivation nmotor nmotorcycle nmotto nmountain n mountainous amourn vmouse(pl mice) n moustache nmouth nmove vmovement nmovie nMr.(mister) nMrs.(mistress) nMs. nmuch a & admud nmuddy amultiply vmurder vmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical a & nmusician nmust modal vmustard nmutton nmy pronmyself pronNnail nname n & vnarrow a nation nnational anationality nnationwide adnative anatural anature nnavy nnear a,ad & prepnearby anearly adneat anecessary aneck nnecklace nneed n & modal vneedle nnegotiate vneighbour(Am neighbor) n neighbourhood(Am neighborhood) nneither anephew nnervous anest nnet nnetwork nnever adnew anews nnewspaper nnext a & adnice aniece nnight nno ad & aNo.=number nnoble anobody n & pronnod vnoise nnoisy anone pronnoodle nnoon nnor conjnormal n & anorth a,ad & nnortheast nnorthern anorthwest nnose nnot adnote n & v notebook n nothing pron,n & a notice n & v novel n novelist nnow ad nowadays ad nowhere ad nuclear anumb anumber n nurse nnursery nnut nnutrition nOobey vobject n observe v obtain vobvious a occupation n occupy v occur vocean n Oceania no’clock nof prepoff prep & ad offence noffer n & v office nofficer nofficial n & a offshore a often adoh intoil n & voilfield nO.K. adold a Olympic(s) a & n on prep & ad once n,ad & conj one pron oneself pron onion nonly a & ad onto prep open a & v opening nopera n operate voperation noperator nopinion noppose vopposite n & aoptimistic aoptional aor conjoral aorange n & aorbit norder n & vordinary aorgan norganise(Am organize) v organisation (Am organization) n origin nother pron & aotherwise adought modal vour pronours pronourselves pronout adoutcome noutdoors adouter aoutgoing aouting noutline noutput noutside n,ad & prepoutspoken aoutstanding aoutward(s) adoval n & adover prep & adovercoat novercome voverhead aoverlook voverweight aowe vown a & vowner nownership nox(pl oxen) noxygen nPpace nPacific apack n & v。

algebra n alike ad alive a all ad,a & pron allergic a alley n allocate v allow v allowance n almost ad alone a along ad & prep alongside ad aloud ad alphabet n already ad also ad alternative a although conj altitude n altogether ad aluminium (Am aluminum) n always ad
adolescent a & n adopt v adore v adult n advance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice n advise v advocate v affair n affect v affection n afford v afraid a Africa n African a & n after ad,prep & conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again ad against prep

英国语言学家威尔金斯在《语言学与语言教学》中说:“Without grammar very little can be conveyed;Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”(这句话看得我要吐了,但是还是很有道理的)可见,作为语言建筑材料的词汇是非常重要的。

☆Unit One☆art. 一(个、件…)a. 能够,有能力的ad. 大约,到处,四处prep 关于,在各处,四处a. 上面的 ad. 在…之上 prep 在…上面ad. 到国外,在国外n. 缺席;不在;缺乏,没有vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心adj. 抽象的; n. 摘要,提要vt. 接受n. 通道,入口;接近/进入的机会vt.取得,获得n. 事故,意外的事vi. & vt. 认为;说明;总计有n. 帐(户);叙述 v.占(一定比例);是……的原因;解释vt. 指责;谴责;控告vt. 达到,取得,完成adj. 积极的;活跃的n. 男演员;行动者n. 女演员adj. 真实的;实际的vt. 使适应;改编,改写vt. 添加,增加vt. 钦佩;爱慕;欣赏vt.承认;准许(入场、入学、入会),接纳vt.采用,采纳;收养,领养n.成(年)人 a.成(年)人的v./n. 前进;推进;进步a.高级的,先进的n. 奇遇;冒险(的经历)n. 忠告,劝告,建议vt. 忠告,劝告,向……提建议n. 事务;事情;事件vt. 影响;打动vt. 负担得起(…的费用),抽得出(时间)提供a. 害怕的,担心的ad.在后,后来prep. 在…之后,在…后面 conj. 在…以后adv. 然后;后来,以后☆Unit Two☆ad. 再一次,再,又prep 与……相反,反对ad. 以前v. 同意,赞成,答应,约定n. 农业;农艺;农学adv. 在前;向前;提前n. & vt. 帮助;援助;资助n. 目标;目的 vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力,对准n. 空气,大气,气氛n. 飞行器;航空器;飞机(单同复)n. 航空站,飞机场n.空域, 上空,空间,领空, 广播时间vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n. 警报(器);惊恐 a. 活着的,存在的;有活力的;有生气的ad. 全部地 pron. 全部,全体人员 a. 全部,所有的,总,整vt. 允许,准许ad. 几乎,差不多a. 单独的,孤独的;仅仅,只,单ad. 向前,和…在一起.一同prep. 沿着,顺着ad. 出声地ad. 已经ad. 也,同样,而且conj. 虽然,尽管adv. 总共;完全地ad. 总是,一直,永远vt. 使吃惊;惊讶n. 雄心;野心prep. 在……中间,在(三个以上)之间n. 数量,总额 vi.合计,总共达;等于,意味着 vt. 逗……笑,娱乐;(提供)消遣vt. 分析,剖析conj. 和,又,而;然后,因此n. 怒气;怒火a. 生气的,愤怒的n. 动物vt. 宣布;通知vt. 使恼怒a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的 pron. 另一个n. 回答,答复,回信,答案 v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答案n. 担心;焦虑;渴望pron. (无论)哪一个,那些a. 任何的,用于(疑问句、否定句),一些,什么ad.不管怎样pron. 任何人,无论谁pron. 什么事(物),任何事(物)ad. 任何地方,无论哪ad.成零碎;分开;相距n.一套房间,公寓住宅vi.道歉☆Unit Three☆vi. 出现;呈现;露面n. 出现,露面;外观;外貌;n. 苹果vi. 申请;适用;应用n. 约会;任命vt. 鉴赏;感激;理解vt. & vi. 接近;靠近;走近n. 接近;方法;途径n.四月n. 建筑学;建筑艺术;架构n. 面积,地域,地方,区域,范围,领域vt. & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论n. 军队ad. 在周围,在附近 prep. 在……周围,在……附近,到处,四周,vt. 安排;布置vt. 逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留n. 到来;到达;到达者vi. 到达,达到,抵达n. 艺术,美术,技艺n. 文章,东西,物品,冠词n. 艺术家ad & conj. 像…一样,如同,因为 prep. 作为,当做n. 灰;灰烬;骨灰;废墟adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的adv. 在/旁边;存;留;除……以外v. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请a. 睡着的,熟睡的n. 方面;朝向;外观n. 助手;助理;售货员vt. 假定;承担;假装;呈现vt. 使惊诧n. 宇航员;太空人prep. (表示时间、地点、位置)在n. 大气层;气氛;空气;环境vt. & vi. 系/贴/缚上;使依恋;使附属 vt. 袭击;攻击;(疾病)侵袭n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt. 尝试;企图 vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加n. 注意;关注;注意力n. 态度;看法vt. 吸引;引起(兴趣);引诱n. 观众;听众;读者n. 著者;作家n. 秋天,秋季a. 可利用的,有用的;有空的adj. 平均的;普通的;中等的☆Unit Four☆v. (使)醒来a.醒着的ad. 离开;相隔;在/到远处adj. 恶劣的;糟透的;非常的n. 婴儿a. (worse, worst)坏的,有害的,不利的,严重的ad. 拙劣的,严重的;非常n. 书包,提包,袋子n. (= luggage in BrE) 行李v.烤;烘,焙(面包)n. 平衡,余款;账户余额n. 球,舞会n. 气球n. 禁令 vt. 禁止;取缔n. 香蕉n. 银行;岸,堤;堆 v.把(钱)存入银行adj. 赤裸的;荒芜的;光秃的;稀少的n. 最基本的要素vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货;协议,交易vt. 以…为根据 n. 基部;基地;基础a. 基本的;基础的n. 水盆;脸盆;盆地n. (pl bases) 基础;根据n. 篮子n. 浴,洗澡;浴缸vi. 洗澡;游泳;浸,泡n. 浴室,盥洗室n. 战役;战斗;较量;斗争aux v. 是,成为n. 海滨,海滩n. 熊vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担;支撑,承受n. (下巴上的)胡须v. 敲打,跳动,打赢 n. (音乐)节拍a. 美的,美丽的,美观的n. 美;美人conj. 因为v. 变得,成为n. 床;(湖、海的)底,(河)床n. 寝室,卧室n. 牛肉n. 啤酒prep. 在…以前,在…前面 ad.以前 conj. 在…之前vi. 请求;乞求v. 开始,着手n. 开始,开端v. 表现;守规矩,行为检点prep. (表示位置)在…后v. 相信,认为n. 钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物vi. 属于;为……的一员prep. 在……下面 ad.在/到下面n. 带子,地带n. 长凳,长椅;工作台n. 弯;拐角 vt. 使弯曲 vi. 弯身;弯腰n. 利益;好处vt. & vi. 有益于;有助于;受益prep. 在…旁边,靠近☆Unit Five☆prep. 除…以外(还有) ad. 还有,此外a./ad.最好的/地 n.最好的人/物prep. 在(两者之间),在…中间prep. (表示位置)在……的那一边;超过,超出 a. 大的;重大的;极成功的n. 帐单,法案,议案,(美)钞票,纸币num. 十亿n. 生物学n. 鸟n. 出生,诞生,分娩,诞生;出身n. 生日n. 出生地;故乡;发源地pron.一点,一些,少量的n.一小块,一小片 ad.有点儿,稍微vt. & vi. 咬;叮;刺痛a. 有苦味的,痛苦的,难过的,严酷的a. 黑色的 n. 黑色vt. 责备;谴责 n. 过失;责备n. 空白 adj. 空白的;茫然的n. 毛毯;毯子vi. & vt. 流血a. 盲的,失明的;盲目的n. 街区;块;障碍物 vt.堵塞,拦阻n. 血,血液n. 女衬衫v. (blew, blown)吹,刮风,吹气n & a. 蓝色,蓝色的n. 木板,布告牌,委员会;伙食 v.上(船、火车、飞机);寄宿n. 小船,小舟n. 身体,主体,正文;尸体vi. (指液体)沸腾;(水)开n. 炸弹 vt. 投弹;轰炸n. 骨;骨头n. 书,本子 v.预定n. 边界;国界;边沿vt. & vi. 与…接壤;接近adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的a. 出生的,天生的v. (向别人)借用,借n. 领班,老板a. 两,双 pron. 两者,双方vt. 打扰,烦忧;vi.操心,烦恼 n. 麻烦,不便。

..Aa (an) art. abandon v.ability n.able a. abnormal a. aboard prep. abolish v. abortion v. about ad.prep.above prep.a. ad.abroad ad. absence n. abrupt a.absent a. absolute a. absorb v. abstract a./ n. absurd a. abundant a. abuse v. academic a. / n. academy n. accelerate v. accent n. accept vt. access n. / v. accessible a. accident n. accommodation n. accompany v. accomplish v. according to ad. account n. accountant n. accumulate v. accuracy n. accuse v. accustomed a. ache vi.& n.achieve vt.achievement n.acid a.acknowledge v.acquaintance n.acquire v.acquisition n.acre n.across prep.act n. v.action n.active a.activity n.actor n.actress n.actual a.acute a.AD n.ad () =advertisement n.adapt v.adaptation n.add vt.addicted a.addition n.address n.adequate a.adjust v.adjustment n.administration n.admirable a.admire v.admission n.admit vt.adolescence n.adolescent n.adopt v.adore v.adult n.advance v.advantage n.adventure n.advertise vt.advertisement n.advice n.advise vt.advocate v.aeroplane n. ()affair n.affect vt.affection n.afford vt.afraid a.Africa * n.African a.n.after ad. prep. conj.afternoon n.afterward(s) ad.again ad.against prep.age n.agency n.agenda n.agent n.aggression n.aggressive a.ago ad.agree v.agreement n.agricultural a.agriculture n.ahead ad.aid n.AIDS n.aim n. v.air n.aircraft n. ()airline n.airmail n.airplane n.airport n...airspace n.alarm n.album n.alcohol n.alcoholic a. / n.algebra n.alike ad.alive a.all ad a pron.allergic a.alley n.allocate v.allow vt.allowance n.almost ad.alone a.along ad. prepalongside ad.aloud ad.alphabet n.already ad.also ad.alternative a.although conj.altitude n.altogether ad.aluminum n.always ad.am v. be.m./A.M. n.amateur a.amaze v.amazing a.ambassador (ambassadress) n.ambiguous a.ambition n.ambulance n.America * n.American a. n.among prep.amount n. / v. ample a.amuse vt.amusement n.analyse v.analysis n.ancestor n.anchor v. / n.ancient a.and conj.anecdote n.anger n.angle n.angry a.animal n.ankle n.anniversary n.announce vt.announcement n.annoy vt.annual a.another a pronanswer n. v.ant n.Antarctic a.the AntarcticAntarctica * n.antique n.anxiety n.anxious a.any pron.anybody pron.anyhow ad.anyone pron.anything pron.anyway ad.anywhere ad.apart ad / a.apartment napologize vi.apology n.apparent a.appeal v.appear vi.appearance n.appendix n.appetite n.applaud v. / n.apple n.applicant n.application n.apply v.appoint v.appointment n.appreciate v.appreciation n.approach n. / v.appropriate a.approve v.approximately ad.apron n.arbitrary a.arch n.architect n.architecture n.April n. 4Arab * a. n.Arabic a. n.Arctic a.the Arcticthe Arctic Oceanare v.(be)area n.argue vi.argument n.arise (arose arisen) vi.arithmetic n.arm n. v. n.armchair n.army n.around ad preparrange v.arrangement n...arrest v.arrival n.arrive vi.arrow n.art n.article n.artificial a. artist n.asad.& conj. prep. ash n.ashamed a.Asia * n.Asian a. n.aside ad.ask v.asleep a.aspect n.assess v. assessment n. assist v. assistance n. assistant n. associate v. association n. assume v. assumption n. astonish vt. astronaut n. astronomer n. astronomy n.at prep.athlete n. athletic a. athletics n. Atlantic a.the Atlantic Ocean atmosphere n. atom n.attach v.attack vt. / n. attain v. attempt vt.attend v.attention n.attentively ad.attitude n.attract v.attraction n.attractive a.audience n.authentic a.author n.authority n.automatic a.autonomous a.August n. 8aunt n.Australia * n.Australian a. nautumn n.available a.avenue n.average a. n.avoid v.awake (awoke awoken) v.a.award n.aware a.away ad.awesome a.awful a.awkward a.Bbaby n.bachelor n.back ad. a. n.backache n.background n.backward(s) ad.bacon n.bacterium (bacteria) n.bad (worse worst) a.badly ad.badminton n.bag n.baggage n.bake v.bakery n.balance n.balcony n.ball1 n. n.ballet n.balloon n.ballpoint = ballpointpenbamboo n.ban n. v.banana n.band n.bandage n.bang int.bank n. n.bank account n.bar n. n.barbecue n.barber n.barbershop n.bare a.bargain n. v.bark v. n.barrier n.base n.baseball n.basement n.basic a.basin n.basis n.basket n.basketball n.bat n. n.bath n.bathe vi.bathrobe n.bathroom n.bathtub n...battery n.battle n.battleground n.bay n.BC n.be v. (am is are was were being been)beach n.beam n.bean n.beancurd n.bear v. n.beard n.beast n.beat (beat beaten) v. nbeautiful a.beauty n.because conj.become (became be come) v.bed n.bedclothes n.beddings n.bedroom n.bee n..beef n.beehive n.beer n.before prep. ad. conj.beg v.begin (beganbegun) v.beginning n.behalf n.behave v.behaviour n.behind prep. () adBeijing n.being n.Belgium * n.belief n.believe v. bell n. ()belly n.belong vi.below prep.belt n.bench n.bend (bent bent) vt.beneath prep.beneficial a.benefit n. / v.bent a.beside prep.besides prep. ad.bestgood wella. & ad. n.best--seller n.better (good well )a.& ad. n. v.betray v.between prep.beyond prep. ()bicycle n.bid v./ n.big a.bike = bicycle n.bill n.billion num.bingo n.biochemistry n.biography n.biology n.bird n.birdcage n.birth n.birthday n.birthplace n.biscuit n.bishop n.bit n.bite (bit bitten) v.bitter a.black n. a.blackboard n.blame n.& v.blank n.& ablanket n.bleed vi.bless vt.blind a.block n. vt.blood n.blouse n.blow n.blow (blew blown) v.blue n. a.a.board n. v.boat n.boat--race n.boating n.body n.body--building n.boil v.bomb n. v.bond n. /v.bone n. bonesbonus n.book n. v.bookcase n.bookmark n.bookshelf n.bookshop n.bookstore n.boom n. / v.boot n.booth n.telephone boothborder n.bored a.boring a.bor n a.borrow v.boss n...botanical a.botany n.both a. pron.bottle n.bottom n.bounce v.bound a v& nboundary n.bow v.& n.bowl n.bowling n.box n.boxing n.boy n.boycott v.brain n.brake n. vi.branch n.brand n.brave a.bravery n.bread n.break n.break (broke bro ken) v.breakfast n.breakthrough n.breast n.breath n.breathe vi.breathless a.brewery n.brick n.bride n.bridegroom n.bridge n.brief a.bright a.brilliant a.bring (brought brought) vt.Britain * n.British a. the British n.broad a.broadcast n.broadcastbroadcastbroadcast--ed--edvt.brochure n.broken a.broom n.brother n.brotherhood n.brown n. a.brunch n.brush v. n.bucket n.Buddhism n.Buddhist n.budget n.buffet n.build (built built) v.building n.bun n.bunch n.bungalow n.burden n.bureaucratic a.burglar n.burial n.burn (--ed --ed burntburnt) v. n.burst v.bury vt.bus n.bus stop nbush n.business n.businessman (pl.businessmen) n.businesswoman(businesswomen) n.busy a.but conj. prep.butcher n. vt.butter n.butterfly n.the butterflybutton n. v.buy (bought bought) vt.by prep.bye int.Ccab n.cabbage n.caf n.cafeteria n.cage ncalculate v.cake n.call n v.calm a. v.camel n.camera n.camp n. vi.campaign n.can (could) can't = cannot modal v.n.a garbage cana can openerCanada * n.Canadian a. n.canal n.cancel vt.cancer n.candidate n.candle n.candy n.canteen n.cap n.capital n...capsule n.captain n.caption n.car n.carbon n.card n...card gamescare n. v.careful a.careless a.carpenter n.carpet n.carriage n.carrier n.carrot n.carry vt.cartoon n.carve vt.case n. n.cash n. v.cassette n.cast (cast cast) v.castle n.casual a.cat n.catalogue n.catastrophe n.catch(caught caught)v.category n.cater v.catholic a.cathedral n.cattle n.cause n. vt.caution n.cautious a.cave n.CD (compact disk)CDROM(compact disk readonly memory)ceiling n.celebrate v.celebration n.cell n.cellar n.cent n. 100 cents = 1 dollarcentigrade a. centimetre ( centimeter)n.central a.centre ( center ) n.century n.ceremony n.certain a.certainly ad.certificate n.chain n.chain store(s)chair n.chairman (pl. chairmen)n.chairwoman (pl.chairwomen) n.chalk n.challenge n.()challenging a.champion n.chance n.changeable a.change n v.channel n.chant v./ n.chaos n.character n..characteristic a.charge v. () n.chapter n.chart n.chat n. & vi.cheap a.cheat n. & v.check n. vt.cheek n.cheer n. & vi.Cheer upcheerful a.cheers int. ()cheese n.chef n.chemical a. n.chemist n.chemistry n.cheque (check) n.chess n.chest n.chew vt.chick n.chicken n.chief a. n.child (children) n.childhood n.chimney n.China * n.Chinese a. n.chips n. (pl.)chocolate n.choice n.choir n.choke n. & v.choose (chose chosen)vt.chopsticks n.chorus n.Christian n.Christmas n. 1225Christmas cardChristmas treeChristmas Evechurch n.cigar n.cigarette n.cinema n.circle n. /vt.circuit n.circulate v.circumstance n.circus n.citizen n.city n.civil a.civilian n.civilization n...clap vi. clarify v. class n.classic a. classical a. classify v. classmate n. classroom n. claw n.clay n.clean vt. a. cleaner n... clear a. clearly ad. clerk n. clever a.click v. climate n. climb v.clinic n. clock n.clone n.close a ad. vt cloth n. clothes n. clothing n. () cloud n. cloudy a.club n. clumsy a. coach n.coal n.coast n.coat n. vt. cock n.cocoa n. coffee n.coin n. coincidence n. coke n.cold a. n. cold--blooded a. ()collar n.colleague n.collect vt.collection n.college n.collision n.colour (color) n. vt.comb n. v.combine vt.come (came come) vi.comedy n.comfort n.comfortable a.comma n.command n. & v.comment n.commercial a.commit v.commitment n.committee n.common a.communicate v.communication n.communism n.communist n.a.companion n.company n.compare vt.compass n.compensate v.compete vi.competence n.competition n.competitor n.complete a. vt.complex a. / n.component n.composition n.comprehension n.compromise v.compulsory a.computer n.computer gamecomrade n.concentrate v.concept n.concern v. / n.concert n.conclude v.conclusion n.concrete a.condition n.condemn v.conduct vt.conductor n.confident a.confidential a.conference n. ()confirm v.conflict n.confuse v.congratulate vt.congratulation n.connect v.connection n.conscience n.consensus n.consequence n.conservation nconservative a. n.consider vt.considerate a.consideration n.consist v.consistent a.constant a.constitution n.construct v.construction n.consult v...consultant n.consume v.contain v.container n.contemporary a.content a. n.continent n.continue vi.contradict v.contradictory a.contrary n. / a.contribute v.contribution n.control vt.& n.controversial a.convenience n.convenient a.conventional a.conversation n.convey v.convince v.cook n. v.cooker n. ()cookie n.cool a.copy n. v.coral n.cordless a.corn n.corner n.corporation n.correct v. a.correction n.correspond vi. ()corrupt a. / v.cost (cost cost) v. n.cosy a.cottage n. ()cotton n. a.cough n.& vi.could modal v.can count vt.counter n.country n.countryside n.couple n.courage n.course n.court n.courtyard n.cousin n.cover n. v.cow n.cowboy n.co-worker. n.crash v. / n.crayon ncrazy a.cream n.create vt.creature n.credit n.crime n.criminal n.crew n.criterion (pl. criteria)n.crop n.cross a.n. vt.crossing n.crossroads n.crowd n. vt.crowded a.cruel a.cry n. v.cube n.cubic a.cuisine n.culture n.cup n.cupboard n.cure n. & vt.curious a.currency n.curriculum n.curtain n.cushion n.custom n.customer n.customs n.cut (cut cut) v. / n.cycle vi.cyclist n.Ddad = daddy n.daily a.ad. n.dam n.damage n.& vt.damp a. & n.dance n.& vi.danger n.dangerous a.dare v.& aux..todark n. a.darkness n.dash v. & n.data n.database n.date n. n.daughter n.dawn n.day n.daylight n.dead a.deadline n.deaf a.deal n.dear int.a.death n.debaten. & v.debt n...decade n.December n. 12decide v.decision n.declare vt.decline v.decorate vt.decoration n.decrease v.deed n.deep a. ad.deeply ad.deer n.defeat vt.defence (defense) n. & v.defend vt.degree n.delay v.& n.delete v.deliberately ad.delicate a.delicious a.delight n.delighted a.deliver vt.demand vt.dentist n.department(Dept.)n.department -store n.departure n.depend vi.deposit v. / n.depth n.describe vt.description n.desert n. vt.deserve v.design n.& vt. n.desire vt. & n.desk n.desperate a. dessert n.destination n.destroy vt.detective n.determination n.determine vt.develop v. vt.development n.devote vt.devotion n.diagram n.dial vt.dialogue ( dialog) n.diamond n.diary n.dictation n.dictionary n.die v.diet n.differ v.difference n.different a.difficult a.difficulty n.dig (dug dug) v.digest v.digital a. .dignity n.dilemma n.dimension n.dine v.dining-roomdinner n.dinosaur n.dioxide n.dip vt.diploma n.direct a. / vt.direction n.director n.directory n.dirt n.dirty a.disability n..disabled a.disadvantage n.disagree vi.disagreement n.disappear vi.disappoint vt.disappointment n.disaster n.discount n.discourage vt.discover vt.discovery n.discrimination n.discuss vt.discussion n.disease n.disgusting a.dish n.disk =disc n.dislike vt.dismiss vt.disobey vt.distance n.distant a.distinction n.distinguish v.distribute v.district n.disturb vt.disturbing a.dive vi.diverse v.divide vt.division n.divorce v.dizzy a.do (did done) don't=donotv. & aux. does..doctor n.document n.does doesn't = does not v. dodog n.doll n.dollar n.door n.dormitory n. dormdot n.double a. . n. .doubt n.& v.down prep. ad.download n.& v.downstairs ad.downtown ad. n. a.downward ad.dozen n.Dr() = Doctor n.draft n. / v.drag v.draw (drew drawn) v.drawback n.drawer n.drawing n.dream (dreamt dreamt --ed --ed) n.& vt.dress n. () v.drier =dryer n.drill n. vt. ()drink n.drink(drank drunk) v.drive(drove driven) v.driver n.drop n. v....drown vi.drug n.drum n.drunk a.dry v. a.duck n.due a. dull a.dumpling n.during prep.dusk n.dust n.dustbin n.dusty a.duty n.DVD (digital versatiledisk)dynamic a.dynasty n.Eeach a.& pron...eager a.eagle n.ear n..early a. ad.earn vt.earth n.earthquake n.ease v.easily ad.east a. ad. n.Easter n.eastern a.eastwards ad.easy a.easy--going a.eat (ate eaten) v.ecology n.edge n.edition n.editor n.educate vt.educator n.education n.effect n.effort n.egg n.eggplant n.Egypt* n.Egyptian a neight num.eighteen num.eighth num.eighty num.either a conj.ad. ()elder n.elect vt.electric a.electrical a.electricity n.electronic a.elegant a.elephant n.eleven num.else ad./en.embarrass v.embassy n.emergency n.emperor n.empire n.employ vt.empty a.encourage vt.encouragement n.end n. v.ending n.endless a.enemy n.energetic a.energy n.engine n.engineer n.England* n.English a. n.English -speaking a.enjoy vt.enjoyable a.enlarge vt...enough n. a. ad. enquiry n.enter vt. enterprise n. entertainment n. enthusiastic a. entire a.entrance n.entry n.envelope n. environment n.envy vt.& n. equal a. vt. equality n.equip vt. equipment n. eraser n.error n.erupt v.escape n.& vi. especially ad. essay n.Europe* n. European a. n. evaluate v.even ad.evening n.event n. eventually ad.ever ad.every a. everybody pron. everyday a. everyone pron. everything pron. everywhere ad. evidence n.evident a.evolution n.exact a.exactly ad. exam = examination n.examine vt.example n.excellent a.except prep.exchange n.excite vt.excuse n.. vt..exercise n. vi.exhibition n.exist vi.existence n.exit n.expand v.expect vt.expectation n.expense n.expensive a.experience n.experiment n.expert n.explain vt.explanation n.explicit a.explode v.exploit vt....explore v.explorer n.export n. / v.expose vt.express vt n.expression n.extension n.extra a.extraordinary a.extreme a.extremely ad.eye n.eyesight n.eyewitness n.Ff () =female( =footfeet) n. ()()face n. vt.facial a.fact n.factory n.fade vi.fail v.failure n.fair a. a. () n.fairly ad.fairness n.faith n.fall n.fall (fell fallen) vi.false a.familiar a.family n.family namefamous a.fan n. n.fancy a.fantastic a. ()fantasy nfar (farther farthestfurther furthest) a.&ad.fare n.farm n.farmer n.fast a ad.fasten vt.fat n. a.father n.fault n.favour (favor) n.favourite ( favorite) a.n.fax n.fear n.feast n.feather n.February n. 2..federal a.fee n.feed (fed fed) vt.feel (felt felt) v.&linkfeeling n.fellow n.female a.fence n.ferry n.festival a.fetch vt.fever n.few pron.fibre (fiber) n.fiction n.field n.fierce a.fifteen num.fifth num.fifty num.fight n.fight (fought fought) n. fighter v.figure n. vt..file n.()fill vt.film n.vt.final a.finance n.find (found found) vt. fine a. n.& v.finger n.fingernail n.finish v.fire n. vi.firefighter n.fireplace n.firewood n.fireworks n.firm n. a. firmly ad.first num. a.& ad. n.fish n. vi.fisherman n.fist n. ()fit a. v.fitting roomfive num.fix vt.flag n.flame n.flaming a.flash n.flashlight n.flat a. n. ()flee (fled fled) v.flexible a.flesh n.flight n. n.float vi.flood n. vt.floor n..flour n.flow vi.flower n.flu n.fluency n.fluent a.fly n.fly (flew flown) vi.vt.focus v. / n.fog n.foggy a.fold vt.folk a.follow vt.following a.fond a.food n.fool n.foolish a.foot ( feet) n.football n.for prep. conj.forbid (forbadeforbidden) vt.force vt.forecast n. & vt.forehead n.foreign a.foreigner n.foresee (foresawforeseen) vt..forest n.forever ad.forget (forgotforgotten) v.forgetful a.forgive (forgaveforgiven) vt.fork n.form n.format n.former a.fortnight n.fortunate a.fortune n.forty num.forward ad...found vt.founding n.fountain n.four num.fourteen num.fourth num.fox n.franc n.France* n.fragile a.fragrant a.framework n.free a.freedom n.freeway n...freeze (froze frozen)vi.freezing a.French n. aFrenchman ( Frenchmen) n.frequent a.fresh a.Friday n.friction n.fridge =refrigerator n. fried a.friend n.friendly a.friendship n.fright n.frighten vt.frog n.from prep...front a. n.frontier n.frost n.fruit n.fruit juice n.fry vt.fuel n.full a.fun n.function n. / v. fundamental a.funeral n.funny a.fur n.furnished a.furniture n.future n.Ggain vt.gale n. 60gallery n.gallon n.game n. garage n.garbage n.garden n.gardening n.garlic n.garment n.gas n.gate n.gather v.gay a.general a.generation n.generous a.gentle a.gentleman n.geography n.geometry n.German a. n.Germany* n.gesture n.get (got got) vt.get--together n.gift n.gifted a.giraffe n.girl n.give (gave given) vt.glad a.glance vi.glare v.glass n.()glasshouse n.globe n.glory n.glove n.glue n.go (went gone) vi. n.goal n.goat n.god n.gold n. agolden a. ()goldfish n.golf n.good (better best) a.good-bye int.goodness n.goods n.goose ( geese) n.govern v.government n.gown n.grade n.gradually ad.graduate v.graduation n.grain n.gram n. ()grammar n.grand a.grandchild n.().granddaughter n.grandma = grandmothern.grandpa = grandfather n.grandparents n..grandson n.granny n.grape n.graph n.grasp v.grass n.grateful a.gravity n.great a. adGreece* n.greedy a.Greek a. / n.green a. n.greengrocer n.greet vt.greeting n.grey / gray a...grill n.grocer n.ground n.group n.grow (grew grown) v.growth n.gruel n.guarantee v.guard n.guess vi.guest n.guidance n.guide n.guilty a.guitar n.gun n.gym =gymnasium n.gymnastics n.Hha int. ()habit n.hair n.haircut n.half a.& n.hall n.ham n.hamburger n.hammer n.hand n. v.handbag n.handful n.()handkerchief n.handle n. v.handsome a.handtruck n.handwriting n.handy a. hang(hanged hanged) v.hang (hung hung) v.happen vi.happily ad.happiness n. happy a.harbour (harbor) n.hard ad a.hardly ad.hardship n.hardworking a.harm n.&v.harmful a.harmless a.harmony n.harvest n.& vt.hat n.()hatch v.hate vt.& n.have (has had had) vt.hawk n.hay n.he pron.head n. () a. v. ()headache n.headline n.headmaster n.headmistress n.headteacher n.health n.healthy a.heap n. v.hear (heard heard) v.hearing n.heart n..heat n. vt.heaven n.heavy a.heavily ad.heel n.height n.helicopter n.hello int.helmet n.help n. & vt.helpful a.hen n.her pron. ()herb n.here ad.hero n.heroine n.hers pron.herself pron.hey int.hi int.hibernate vi.hibernation n.hide (hid hidden) v.hide and seekhigh a. ad.highway n.hill n.hillside n.hilly a.him pron.himself pron.hire vt.his pron.history n.hit (hit hit) n.& vt.hive n.hobby n.hold (held held) vt.hole n.holiday n.holy a.home n. ad.homeland n.hometown n.homework n.honest a.honey n.Hong Kong* n.honour (honor) n vthook n.& v.hooray int...hope n.& v.hopeful a. hopeless a.horrible a.horse n.hospital n.host n. v.hostess n.hot a.hot dog n. ()hotel n.hour n.house n.housewife n. housework n.how ad.however ad. conj. howl vi.hug v.huge a.human a.human being humorous a.humour (humor) n. hundred num. hunger n.hungry a.hunt vt.hunter n.hurricane n.hurry vi.hurt (hurt hurt) vt. husband n.hydrogen n.II pron.ice n.ice--cream n. Iceland* n.idea n.identity n. identification n.idiom n.if conj.ignore v.ill a.illegal a.illness n.imagine vt.immediate a.immediately ad.immigration n.import v.& n.importance n.important a.impossible a.impress vt.impression n.improve vt.in prep. () ad.inch n.incident n.include vt.income n.incorrect a.increase v. & n.indeed a.independence n.independent a.India* n.Indian a. n.Indicate v.industry n.influence n.& v.inform vt.information n.information deskinitial a.injure vt.injury n.ink n.inland a.inn n.innocent a.insect n.insert vt.inside prep. ad.insist vi.inspect vt.inspire vt.instant a.instead ad.institute n. ()institution n ()instruct vt.instruction n.instrument n.insurance n.insure vt.intelligence n.intend vt.intention n.interest n.interesting a.international a.internet n.interpreter n.interrupt v.interval n.interview n.& vt.into prep.introduce vt.introduction n.invent vt.invention n.inventor n.invitation n.invite vt.Ireland* n.Irish a.iron n. vt.irrigate vt.irrigation n...island n.it pron.Italian a. () n. Italy* n.its pron.itself pron.Jjacket n.jam n.January n. 1 Japan* n. Japanese a. n. jar n.jaw n.jazz n.jeans n.jeep n.jet n.jewel n. jewelry n.job n.jog v.join v.joke n. journalist n. journey n.joy n.judge n. vt. judgement n. juice n.juicy a.July n. 7jump n. v. June n. 6jungle n.junior a.junk n.junk mailjunk foodjust ad. a. justice n. Kkangaroo n.keep (kept kept) v. vt.keeper n.kettle n. ()key n.keyboard n.kick v.& n.kid n.kill v.kilo n.kilogram n.kilometr e n.kind n. a.kindergarten n.kind-hearted a.kindness n.king n.kingdom n.kiss n.& vt.kitchen n.kite n.knee n.knife ( knives) n.knock n.& v.know(knewknown) v.knowledge n.Llab = laboratory n.labour (labor) n.labourer (laborer) n.lack n.& vt.ladder n.lady n.lake n.lamb n.lame a.lamp n.land n.v.()language n.lantern n.lap n. ().()large a.laser n.last a.ad. n.v.late a.ad.lately ad.later a.latest a.latter n.laugh n.& v.laughter n.laundry n.lavatory n.law n.lawyer n.lay (laid laid) vt.lazy a.lead (led led) v. n.leader n.leading a.leaf ( leaves) n.league n.leak vi.learn (learnt learnt--ed --ed) vt.learned a.least n.leather n.leave (left left) v.lecture n.left a. ad. n.left-handed a.leftover a.n.left-wing n.leg n.legal a.lemon n. a. ()lemonade n.lend (lent lent) vt.()length n.lesslittle a.& ad.lesson n.。

1.rat51.physics2.valley52.meaning3.pence53.country4.unconditional54.half5.feather55.joy6.zoo56.adult7.build57.servant8.field58.care9.nationality59.search10.salad60.same11.ferry61.furniture12.building62.agree13.limit63.heart14.stewardess64.unemployment15.water65.nearly16.manage66.bond17.path67.master18.example68.rise19.purple69.punish20.valid70.monument21.hurry71.stick22.argue72.tax23.accommodation73.personnel24.mixture74.fact25.time75.therefore26.picnic76.ox27.consensus77.ocean28.smoke78.eagle29.protection79.cloud30.conscience80.fiber31.sense81.bingo32.owe82.fortunate33.chant83.mommy34.term84.wage35.urban85.along36.considerate86.surplus37.afraid87.add38.bandage88.outdoors39.table tennis89.paper40.candidate90.fetchbine91.church42.hurricane92.edition43.independent93.weather44.cancer94.opera45.choose95.dot46.town96.service47.desire97.disease48.visual98.symphony49.life99.survival50.submit100. thus101. satisfy102. arise103. sorry104. dinosaur 105. properly 106. story107. appetite 108. pronounce 109. socialist 110. certain111. pea112. bacterium 113. contrary 114. roof115. carve116. essay117. reward118. convenience 119. export120. fit121. racial122. herself123. bid124. novelist 125. safety126. off127. east128. misunderstand 129. razor130. waiting-room 131. short132. surprise 133. pleasure 134. tidy135. garage 136. analyze 137. notice138. violinist 139. ice140. deliberately 141. alike142. perfect143. broom144. welfare 145. keyboard 146. dad=daddy 147. approximately 148. hopeful 149. habit150. confidential 151. complex 152. recreation 153. data154. kindergarten 155. sniff156. we157. studio158. overlook 159. barbershop 160. minority 161. escape 162. jeans163. videophone 164. adapt165. report166. recorder 167. betray168. vast169. arrow170. usual171. eat172. spread 173. agent174. spare175. conclusion 176. rock177. hometown 178. bakery 179. conclude 180. worry181. operate 182. floor183. area184. noise185. chairwoman 186. classroom 187. communicate 188. attack189. event190. dream191. criminal 192. authentic 193. scarf194. senior195. OK=okay 196. description 197. representative 198. carriage 199. sacred 200. run201. software 202. diet203. copy204. eastern 205. carbon 206. sow207. universe 208. folk209. tendency 210. camp 211. likely 212. alive213. harvest 214. devote 215. marathon 216. Christian 217. government 218. Franc 219. seminar 220. departure 221. forward 222. person 223. violence 224. basketball 225. gas226. fox227. advance 228. majority 229. credit 230. relief 231. prefer 232. qualification 233. sand 234. lift235. attain 236. fantasy 237. trap238. interesting 239. nothing 240. civilian 241. besides 242. homework 243. container 244. fireworks 245. toy246. focus 247. decide 248. frighten 249. cleaner 250. autumn 251. beneath 252. hostess 253. climb254. expert 255. super 256. significance 257. hair258. phrase 259. authority 260. agricultural 261. explore 262. framework 263. cafe264. consequence 265. geography 266. your267. match 268. hall269. ship270. suppose 271. signature 272. borrow 273. create 274. companion 275. direction 276. except 277. big278. nutrition 279. anecdote 280. string281. breast 282. flashlight 283. unconscious 284. champion 285. funeral 286. since287. how288. jacket 289. robot290. like291. pleasant 292. airport 293. compensate 294. more295. sandwich 296. boring 297. seldom 298. jazz299. mile300. apologize301. shout302. commit 303. can304. institution 305. upstairs 306. abortion 307. storage 308. bravery 309. envelope 310. amazing 311. disappoint 312. advantage 313. lab=laboratory 314. foreign315. conduct 316. prison317. agreement 318. botany319. famous 320. mix321. level322. go323. urgent324. scholar 325. jet326. cottage 327. sigh328. maid329. pop=popular 330. advertisement 331. western 332. course333. wound334. together 335. reservation 336. because 337. realize338. grateful 339. huge340. turn341. knowledge 342. arrive343. seaside 344. assessment 345. kilometer 346. plug347. impress 348. else349. fail350. discuss 351. temporary 352. volcano 353. call354. asleep 355. amateur 356. material 357. fragrant 358. slave 359. itself 360. stupid 361. central 362. evening 363. collision 364. highway 365. staff 366. Asia 367. medicine 368. shop 369. pump 370. discourage 371. political 372. continent 373. bless 374. jeep 375. account 376. zoom 377. content 378. trousers 379. tonight 380. spend 381. astronaut 382. belt383. yet384. result 385. gravity 386. worth 387. prize 388. up389. quarrel 390. born 391. ring392. guard 393. driver 394. otherwise 395. repair 396. back 397. reasonable 398. could 399. disappear 400. shy401. questionnaire 402. cheers 403. interview 404. kindness 405. gold406. gradual 407. quit408. medical 409. waste410. airmail 411. expensive 412. wisdom 413. favorite 414. attitude 415. touch416. soil417. especially 418. who419. suck420. breath421. rice422. stout423. version 424. oxygen 425. grey426. humorous 427. burn428. regard 429. seaweed 430. tremble 431. pillow432. garlic433. straw434. pineapple 435. hot436. tradition 437. rescue 438. again439. violent 440. as441. terror442. fortune 443. until444. pride445. foster446. home447. peace448. shorts449. vertical 450. jam 451. hatch452. atmosphere 453. stadium 454. main455. people 456. light457. injure458. witness 459. component 460. weekly 461. right462. dialogue 463. audience 464. acquire 465. store466. decline 467. very468. user469. spit470. undertake 471. terrible 472. vacation 473. much474. handbag 475. saucer 476. officer 477. whisper 478. pleased 479. greedy 480. horse481. little482. cloudy 483. mainland 484. fee485. taste486. alternative 487. opening 488. toothache 489. universal 490. cow491. wheel 492. pipe493. profession 494. dig495. conversation 496. gain497. subjective 498. thunder 499. clay500. hill501. give502. budget 503. against 504. cage505. on506. unfit507. scene 508. pint509. freezing 510. oilfield 511. onion512. seed513. outstanding 514. wool515. crazy516. sew517. shelf518. freeze 519. speed 520. behaviour (behavior )521. TV=television 522. chest523. knock 524. something 525. directory 526. platform 527. sightseeing 528. bay529. foreigner 530. another 531. oh532. zero533. boy534. handsome 535. rest536. study537. front538. rely539. aside540. appeal 541. competence 542. fresh543. question 544. south545. annoy 546. pretty547. conference 548. communist 549. sunlight 550. cure551. slide552. glance 553. paint554. wine555. dive556. admire 557. existence 558. bureaucratic 559. price560. skill561. nor562. enthusiastic 563. volleyball 564. dam565. delicate 566. someone 567. post568. father569. disgusting 570. radioactive 571. offense 572. passer-by 573. what574. human 575. guarantee 576. husband 577. island578. painting 579. nowadays 580. hardship 581. counter 582. collar583. appropriate 584. thriller585. repeat586. perform 587. unbelievable 588. dozen589. Easter 590. noisy591. see592. idea593. uncomfortable 594. load595. reception 596. look597. value598. chess599. thunderstorm600. convenient 601. kilo602. cassette 603. toward(s) 604. wood605. theft606. chef607. businessman 608. silly609. tomato 610. brunch 611. laugh 612. suitcase 613. coin614. spade 615. mental 616. comfort 617. receiver 618. Africa 619. percentage 620. wrong 621. correspond 622. reflect 623. spy624. somebody 625. religious 626. last627. shade 628. perfume 629. pity630. trouble 631. necklace 632. pancake 633. interest 634. hen635. dynasty 636. single 637. puzzle 638. head639. mean 640. break 641. among 642. certificate 643. crowd 644. wander 645. box646. fix647. clinic648. grammar 649. ball 650. translate 651. delete 652. cheat 653. adjust 654. ill655. swing 656. privilege 657. quarter 658. brain 659. orbit660. attach 661. blind662. wild663. plastic 664. adaption 665. lively 666. reply667. yours 668. assume 669. saying 670. composition 671. sunshine 672. union 673. angle 674. legal675. death 676. observe 677. splendid 678. scar679. buy680. kill681. rent682. distinguish 683. lead684. vest685. effect 686. mud687. refer688. globe 689. zip690. power 691. marriage 692. brilliant 693. pick694. speech 695. ancient 696. director 697. replace 698. pig699. autonomous700. red701. output702. die703. gifted704. station705. apple706. teamwork707. revision708. revolution709. surgeon710. link711. average712. section713. fluency714. underground 715. number716. amusement 717. develop718. sword719. star720. greengrocer 721. lucky722. eraser723. rainbow724. anxious725. beyond726. news727. waitress728. reference729. switch730. caption731. rough732. rail733. photo=photograph 734. parrot735. must736. instant737. centre738. determine739. street740. voyage741. Ms.742. patient743. wake744. worker745. Internet746. coast747. benefit748. with749. already 750. face751. none752. broad753. feed754. shoot755. across 756. male757. Antarctic 758. zone759. continue 760. blackboard 761. join762. defend 763. tentative 764. channel 765. technical 766. snow767. difficult 768. bird769. widespread 770. war771. pear772. lot773. excuse 774. actress 775. tablet776. score777. pronunciation 778. such779. accent 780. chat781. deer782. memorial 783. within784. tent785. microwave 786. success 787. luggage 788. ending 789. noodle 790. vain791. dentist 792. district 793. control 794. bill795. professor 796. indicate 797. gentle798. helicopter 799. airplane800. please 801. allowance 802. forehead 803. stable 804. fast805. lake806. quilt807. agenda 808. command 809. photographer 810. monitor 811. gift812. middle 813. means 814. glare815. breakfast 816. mad817. currency 818. detective 819. VCD=visual compact disk 820. prisoner 821. dinner 822. helmet 823. handwriting 824. thankful 825. enough 826. psychology 827. skin828. amuse 829. cut830. poisonous 831. hearing 832. praise 833. flight834. ash835. crime836. troublesome 837. coke838. circulate 839. address 840. numb 841. drunk 842. resign 843. menu 844. congratulate 845. gay846. plain847. affair848. chicken 849. deed850. pure851. cover852. error853. relationship 854. snowy855. ticket856. subject857. throughout 858. applicant859. ceiling860. manner861. type862. remark863. mop864. smog865. lid866. topic867. literature868. garment869. squirrel870. aloud871. next872. barrier873. sharp874. declare875. headline876. appreciation 877. vivid878. well879. a.m./am,A.M./AM 880. thief881. skirt882. wildlife883. cater884. tissue885. leader886. hide887. bit888. pioneer889. nation890. disagree891. relevant892. drawer893. dip894. treatment 895. regular896. duty897. metre898. download899. canal900. vague 901. foot902. letter903. sadness 904. skate905. motherland 906. dress907. some908. major909. lie910. tractor 911. plus912. honour 913. bow914. public 915. reform 916. fill917. mathematics math/maths 918. admission 919. throat 920. civil921. goat922. watch 923. environment 924. taxpayer 925. whether 926. anxiety 927. carrier 928. captain 929. apology 930. broadcast 931. compete 932. matter 933. decision 934. unwilling 935. Europe 936. coincidence 937. circle938. oppose 939. forty940. arrest 941. shore942. unit943. origin944. use945. inn946. electronic 947. volunteer 948. team949. burst950. thread951. innocent 952. skyscraper 953. hero954. twin955. tiny956. expense 957. surface958. swift959. thermos 960. tutor961. dimension 962. god963. behave964. jog965. wax966. bad967. outside968. vital969. leaf970. Asian971. pet972. each973. no974. theater975. think976. storm977. neighbourhood 978. clock979. dare980. explode981. peaceful 982. pale983. assumption 984. typewriter 985. concentrate 986. several987. bell988. bitter989. reason990. dance991. pest992. shame993. bored994. point995. analysis 996. bus997. identification998. need1048.schoolboy 999. spoon1049.towel 1000.nephew1050.beg1001.physician1051.biochemistry 1002.judgment1052.into1003.gallon1053.symptom 1004.meeting1054.subscribe 1005.tobacco1055.shrink 1006.wash1056.allow 1007.relation1057.accountant 1008.breathe1058.disturb 1009.clean1059.avenue 1010.chart1060.meet 1011.faith1061.message 1012.hook1062.bread 1013.percent1063.sheet 1014.instruction1064.secret 1015.daughter1065.whenever 1016.intention1066.pardon 1017.yourself1067.physical 1018.booth1068.athlete 1019.secure1069.requirement 1020.semicircle1070.glory 1021.voice1071.surround 1022.food1072.violin 1023.strait1073.aluminium 1024.addicted1074.birthplace 1025.cartoon1075.nuclear 1026.prepare1076.equal 1027.shave1077.most 1028.fight1078.often 1029.apparent1079.soup 1030.metal1080.rigid 1031.pink1081.adjustment 1032.passive1082.blue 1033.lovely1083.abstract 1034.transparent1084.steady 1035.click1085.rope 1036.outward(s)1086.sink 1037.adolescent1087.goose 1038.than1088.place 1039.fire1089.truck 1040.sick1090.job1041.grasp1091.wide promise 1043.black1093.arrival 1044.interpreter1094.rooster 1045.weed1095.tick1046.from1096.intelligence 1047.beauty1097.theme1098.wait1148.winner 1099.postpone1149.grass 1100.hole1150.sweet 1101.deserve1151.stream 1102.institute1152.irrigation 1103.surrounding1153.busy 1104.twice1154.low 1105.coal1155.swap 1106.draw1156.musician 1107.yard1157.cuisine 1108.destroy1158.sacrifice 1109.rag1159.recommend 1110.correction1160.soldier 1111.ownership1161.ruin 1112.predict1162.possible 1113.agency1163.anyway 1114.I1164.judge 1115.automatic1165.triangle 1116.guess1166.mother 1117.lunch1167.attraction 1118.rugby1168.pool 1119.burden1169.birthday 1120.enter1170.brown 1121.discussion1171.howl 1122.struggle1172.personally 1123.editor1173.offshore 1124.reduce1174.application 1125.prohibit1175.dioxide 1126.persuade1176.suite 1127.day1177.obvious 1128.sharpener1178.wife 1129.research1179.ham 1130.greet1180.speaker cator1181.mistake 1132.penny1182.least 1133.get1183.game 1134.cheap1184.sympathy 1135.lose1185.league 1136.customs1186.clumsy lionaire 1138.height1188.tournament 1139.find1189.nod 1140.above1190.socket 1141.aid1191.willing 1142.Arctic1192.blame 1143.fuel1193.status 1144.socialism1194.sincerely 1145.bend1195.emergency 1146.terminal1196.nature pulsory1197.seal1198.pollute1248.patent nd1200.contribute1250.policewoman 1201.poster1251.media 1202.postage1252.tale1203.routine1253.guest 1204.kettle1254.positive 1205.piece1255.precise 1206.listen1256.march 1207.lesson1257.speed 1208.painter1258.o'clock 1209.neither1259.donate 1210.postcode1260.want 1211.electric1261.polite petition1262.troop 1213.leather1263.hotel 1214.seem1264.classify 1215.sausage1265.fingernail 1216.format1266.facial 1217.bamboo1267.classmate 1218.expose1268.graduation 1219.protect1269.pattern 1220.accident1270.card 1221.cubic1271.powerful 1222.yoghurt1272.brewery 1223.dictation1273.homeland 1224.plate1274.distant 1225.inspire1275.trust 1226.grandson1276.stage 1227.stop1277.is1228.anyhow1278.sell1229.merciful1279.import 1230.bathroom1280.convince 1231.journey1281.suffering 1232.patience1282.pork 1233.cinema1283.grocer 1234.chair1284.satellite 1235.survive1285.statistics 1236.change1286.himself 1237.litre1287.defence 1238.onto1288.rate1239.dirty1289.tense 1240.mineral1290.army 1241.gather1291.factory k1292.necessary 1243.grill1293.agriculture 1244.wall1294.impression 1245.object1295.accustomed 1246.spot1296.few1247.ready1297.flow1298.hold1347.whole 1299.moustache1348.down 1300.corrupt1349.weekend 1301.tasty1350.punctuation 1302.swear1351.shopping 1303.condition1352.flag1304.steep1353.violate 1305.courage1354.premier 1306.marry1355.slice1307.extreme1356.hunt1308.those that1357.healthy 1309.tourism1358.respond 1310.ground1359.approve 1311.glove1360.peach 1312.contain1361.avoid 1313.chain1362.sort1314.midnight1363.daily1315.obtain1364.trick1316.will1365.bean curd 1317.acid1366.many 1318.stair1367.approach 1319.update1368.enquiry 1320.pay1369.rude1321.evidence1370.slow1322.carpet1371.cab1323.advocate1372.band1324.cheer1373.transform 1325.blow1374.paragraph 1326.reject1375.freeway prehension1376.production 1328.bathe1377.international 1329.dumpling1378.invent 1330.high1379.security 1331.my1380.rectangle 1332.airspace1381.his1333.promise1382.treasure ern 1335.headmistress1384.discount 1336.slim1385.fantastic 1337.after1386.sight1338.afterward(s)1387.delay 1339.refuse1388.restaurant an1389.independence 1341.cautious1390.spoken 1342.advise1391.might 1343.fountain1392.which 1344.wet1393.accept 1345.PE=physical1394.read 1346.education1395.every 1346.remind1396.scientist1397.so1447.zebra 1398.fever1448.select 1399.acre1449.never 1400.argument1450.broken 1401.holy1451.mutton 1402.crew1452.video 1403.door1453.twist 1404.today1454.shadow 1405.meal1455.stocking 1406.walk1456.algebra 1407.scenery1457.help 1408.found1458.cookie 1409.gesture1459.elegant e1460.endless 1411.ample1461.centigrade 1412.due1462.glue 1413.tree1463.concern 1414.meanwhile1464.basic 1415.try1465.wallet 1416.construction1466.wave 1417.intend1467.dish1418.nervous1468.spelling 1419.here1469.know 1420.divide1470.goods 1421.page1471.practise 1422.movement1472.clothes 1423.decrease1473.scientific 1424.raise1474.instead 1425.bench1475.teenager 1426.fence1476.welcome 1427.manager1477.careless 1428.interval1478.weigh 1429.bowl1479.parking 1430.heel1480.human being ed 1432.case1482.north 1433.sweat1483.chopsticks 1434.link1484.principle 1435.exist1485.loud 1436.mourn1486.African 1437.performance1487.size1438.glad1488.strike 1439.ancestor1489.biology 1440.gun1490.absence 1441.recognise1491.deaf 1442.different1492.rare1443.toast1493.unrest 1444.civilization1494.saleswoman nguage1495.royal 1446.flee1496.below1497.movie1547.permanent 1498.bowling1548.nest1499.resist1549.dust1500.kingdom1550.assess 1501.powder1551.impossible 1502.condemn1552.would 1503.capsule1553.fat1504.let1554.rapid1505.practical1555.northeast 1506.paddle1556.oral1507.temperature1557.typical 1508.apart1558.harmful 1509.butterfly1559.darkness 1510.stand1560.defeat 1511.concert1561.spokeswoman 1512.maximum1562.beneficial 1513.simplify1563.wherever 1514.sleep1564.skip1515.spring1565.but1516.tooth1566.Olympic 1517.exercise1567.confuse 1518.reach1568.preference 1519.overhead1569.artificial 1520.heaven1570.expression 1521.dignity1571.drink1522.believe1572.check mitment1573.ban1524.parent1574.interrupt 1525.tired1575.divorce 1526.tennis1576.variety 1527.flesh1577.altogether 1528.ping-pong1578.anniversary 1529.circuit1579.herb1530.decoration1580.jump1531.review1581.foolish 1532.courtyard1582.quick1533.potato1583.he1534.various1584.deposit 1535.destination1585.at1536.appoint1586.train1537.affection1587.shabby 1538.severe1588.ripen1539.bush1589.worldwide puter 1541.sceptical1591.sob1542.mask1592.kick1543.why1593.thirst1544.poor1594.partly1545.great1595.upset1546.solid1596.chalk1597.diagram1647.total1598.appear1648.alarm mp1649.aggressive 1600.if1650.mobile 1601.lorry1651.attention 1602.congratulation1652.require 1603.forgetful1653.air1604.castle1654.basement 1605.skatebroad1655.belong 1606.toothpaste1656.equipment 1607.ordinary1657.recite 1608.piano1658.standard 1609.collection1659.straight 1610.emperor1660.chief 1611.remove1661.decade 1612.unlike1662.shot1613.encouragement1663.earthquake 1614.bungalow1664.scare zy1665.PC=personal 1616.measure computer1617.perhaps1666.access rm 1619.ought1668.rain1620.wag1669.envy 1621.become1670.feeling 1622.astronomer1671.keep 1623.contemporary1672.flour1624.villager1673.yell1625.rewind1674.rid1626.when1675.badminton 1627.receive1676.newspaper 1628.other1677.aim1629.salary1678.disadvantage 1630.potential1679.admirable pass1680.stress 1632.animal1681.unable 1633.ear1682.occupy ughter 1635.annual1684.referee 1636.salesman1685.part1637.month1686.introduce 1638.behind1687.part-time 1639.drug1688.pulse rmation 1641.hire1690.soon 1642.respect1691.theoretical 1643.granddaughter1692.junior 1644.partner1693.journalist 1645.jaw1694.chemist 1646.mind1695.pace1696.frequent1746.diary 1697.explicit1747.local 1698.bounce1748.dog1699.cat1749.progress 1700.happen1750.boxing 1701.chemistry1751.line1702.sharpen1752.diverse 1703.safe1753.breakthrough 1704.form1754.dictionary 1705.steal1755.supermarket 1706.toilet1756.shower 1707.clothing1757.wise 1708.prescription1758.controversial 1709.spell1759.background 1710.advice1760.spiritual 1711.belief1761.handle 1712.differ1762.bridge 1713.graduate1763.succeed 1714.seek1764.calculate 1715.spirit1765.private 1716.nail1766.reality 1717.female1767.accuracy 1718.development1768.smart 1719.bottle1769.sad1720.blank1770.butter 1721.round1771.contradictory 1722.host1772.passenger 1723.cattle1773.contribution 1724.barber1774.beautiful 1725.basis1775.sideway 1726.bite1776.brand 1727.phone=telephone1777.maybe 1728.parallel1778.easy 1729.friend1779.close 1730.gym=gymnasium1780.bunch 1731.equip1781.actual 1732.way1782.statesman 1733.occupation1783.province 1734.appearance1784.fierce 1735.health1785.Mrs. 1737.tour1787.age1738.print1788.owner 1739.addition1789.silver 1740.apartment1790.per1741.shut1791.deep 1742.supper1792.summary 1743.play1793.flash 1744.guilty1794.citizen 1745.beast1795.Christmas1796.opposite1846.northern 1797.blanket1847.bother 1798.pregnant1848.silence 1799.one1849.sensitive 1800.anchor1850.scissors 1801.root1851.oneself 1802.wear1852.sail1803.participate1853.arrange 1804.firm1854.postcard 1805.neck1855.ray1806.request1856.clear1807.refrigerator1857.kilogram 1808.pile1858.typhoon 1809.changeable1859.dismiss w1811.technology1861.disappointed 1812.magazine1862.failure 1813.the1863.contradict 1814.sparrow1864.primitive 1815.cook1865.artist1816.evaluate1866.boss1817.traditional1867.Catholic 1818.man1868.chemical 1819.profit1869.aunt1820.random1870.science 1821.bean1871.operator 1822.botanical1872.outer 1823.natural1873.dangerous 1824.night1874.birth1825.double1875.arm1826.shortly1876.improve 1827.lounge1877.separate 1828.teapot1878.expand 1829.scholarship1879.America 1830.tease1880.rubber 1831.warehouse1881.police 1832.quiet1882.wire1833.bag1883.hurt1834.side1884.virus1835.uniform1885.textbook 1836.pray1886.away 1837.just1887.winter 1838.pupil1888.carry 1839.whale1889.acknowledge 1840.helpful1890.block 1841.tall1891.cycle 1842.hers1892.fisherman 1843.outcome1893.housework 1844.eager1894.freedom 1845.title1895.discrimination1896.normal1946.occur 1897.official1947.pie1898.reserve1948.cushion 1899.refresh1949.absurd 1900.accurate1950.examine 1901.finance1951.thin1902.cross1952.yellow 1903.everybody1953.salt1904.enjoyable1954.sea1905.visit1955.free1906.modem1956.cream 1907.word1957.hungry 1908.raincoat1958.elect 1909.nationwide1959.policeman 1910.learn1960.confident 1911.injury1961.drive 1912.brother1962.room 1913.garbage1963.nobody 1914.tomb1964.board 1915.unfair1965.cash 1916.insect1966.important 1917.her1967.blouse 1919.vegetable1969.acquisition 1920.she1970.write 1921.silent1971.article 1922.pack1972.sheep 1923.clap1973.marble 1924.pain1974.self1925.able1975.lung1926.remote1976.incident 1927.heat1977.juice 1928.dormitory1978.vinegar 1929.worthy1979.overcoat 1930.choke1980.tea1931.send1981.simple 1932.both1982.snake 1933.industry1983.concrete 1934.fall1984.wealth 1935.fragile1985.hand 1936.maple1986.encourage 1937.bank1987.swell 1938.suspension1988.good 1939.minus1989.record 1940.mouse1990.pair1941.seize1991.package 1942.fax1992.entry 1943.sing1993.extraordinary 1944.smell1994.harmony 1945.foggy1995.ton1996.him2046.figure 1997.quite2047.capital 1998.attract2048.friendship 1999.publish2049.pencil ntern 2001.invitation2051.social me 2003.enjoy2053.drop 2004.conservative2054.finger 2005.stare2055.allocate 2006.spray2056.boat 2007.money2057.farmer 2008.garden2058.turning 2009.either2059.brochure 2010.map2060.possess 2011.e-mail/email2061.pull 2012.theory2062.magic 2013.noble2063.save 2014.nowhere2064.goal 2015.produce2065.schoolmate 2016.sunburnt2066.period 2017.shape2067.smooth 2018.too2068.wealthy 2019.receipt2069.merely 2020.me2070.serious 2021.ski2071.dawn 2022.son2072.cup 2023.fur2073.consume 2024.date2074.pond 2025.optimistic2075.kind 2026.toothbrush2076.cough 2027.cap2077.somewhere 2028.vote2078.mine 2029.mirror2079.soccer 2030.shoe2080.politician 2031.butcher2081.anywhere 2032.specialist2082.second 2033.cake2083.alphabet 2034.bachelor2084.ripe 2035.fruit2085.hopeless 2036.tongue2086.performer 2037.pyramid2087.steam 2038.kite2088.digital 2039.carpenter2089.biography 2040.supreme2090.abundant 2041.cousin2091.canteen 2042.special2092.introduction 2043.somehow2093.past 2044.honest2094.mature 2045.generation2095.quiz2096.planet2146.astonish2097.ourselves2147.regardless 2098.start2148.training2099.seashell2149.season2100.insurance2150.although2101.adventure2151.fiction2102.enemy2152.take2103.appendix2153.key2104.cancel2154.bonus2105.unite2155.hard2106.damage2156.republic2107.rob2157.railway2108.method2158.early2109.immediately2159.final2110.fun2160.sit2111.brief2161.adequate 2112.electricity2162.accelerate cation 2114.exit2164.voluntary 2115.morning2165.desert2116.liberty2166.pollution2117.swim2167.pianist2118.assistant2168.via2119.moral2169.settlement 2120.book2170.receptionist 2121.umbrella2171.alongside 2122.operation2172.out2123.however2173.arithmetic 2124.hunger2174.foresee2125.order2175.dilemma2126.consult2176.madam/madame 2127.unusual2177.purse2128.preserve2178.exhibition 2129.headache2179.popular2130.teach2180.year2131.palace2181.dynamic2132.desperate2182.CD=compact disk 2133.accessible2183.awkward y2184.cabbage2135.am2185.conservation 2136.cause2186.by2137.lemon2187.leak2138.motto2188.note2139.stainless2189.strange2140.slip2190.inspect2141.mosquito2191.tube2142.small2192.symbol2143.understand2193.sleepy2144.talent2194.acquaintance 2145.activity2195.slight2196.scan2246.absorb2197.national2247.mend2198.shopkeeper2248.invention 2199.sky2249.victim2200.behalf2250.responsibility 2201.engine2251.minister 2202.recover2252.tell2203.yes2253.sun2204.fine2254.rot2205.teacher2255.beside2206.accomplish2256.approval 2207.explain2257.radium2208.tram2258.pressure pany2259.sorrow2210.transport2260.consider 2211.fellow2261.diamond 2212.attend2262.drag2213.colour2263.applyeless 2215.purchase2265.register 2216.quake2266.depth2217.act2267.difference 2218.follow2268.X-ray X ck2220.crash2270.sentence 2221.plane2271.tend2222.systematic2272.announce work2273.division 2224.fundamental2274.initial2225.trade2275.income 2226.superior2276.all2227.hotdog2277.fist2228.dial2278.abolishplete2279.them2230.cheerful2280.2231.frontier grandma=grandmother 2232.battle2281.stand2233.pause2282.bicycle2234.warmth2283.fear2235.ruler2284.engineer d2285.arbitrary 2237.explanation2286.spoonful 2238.drawback2287.hang2239.proud2288.tape2240.cigarette2289.particular 2241.strong2290.assistance 2242.tune2291.mail2243.offer2292.hi2244.long2293.settle2245.thought2294.forecast。

a (an)
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Aa (an) art. abandon v. ability n.able a. abnormal a. aboard prep. abolish v. abortion v. about ad. prep.above prep.a. ad.abroad ad. absence n. abrupt a. absent a. absolute a. absorb v. abstract a./ n. absurd a. abundant a. abuse v. academic a. / n. academy n. accelerate v. accent n. accept vt. access n. / v. accessible a. accident n. accommodation n. accompany v. accomplish v. according to ad. account n. accountant n. accumulate v. accuracy n. accuse v. accustomed a. ache vi.& n.achieve vt.achievement n.acid a.acknowledge v.acquaintance n.acquire v.acquisition n.acre n.across prep.act n. v.action n.active a.activity n.actor n.actress n.actual a.acute a.AD n.ad () =advertisement n.adapt v.adaptation n.add vt.addicted a.addition n.address n.adequate a.adjust v.adjustment n.administration n.admirable a.admire v.admission n.admit vt.adolescence n.adolescent n.adopt v.adore v.adult n.advance v.advantage n.adventure n.advertise vt.advertisement n.advice n.advise vt.advocate v.aeroplane n. ()affair n.affect vt.affection n.afford vt.afraid a.Africa * n.African a.n.after ad. prep. conj.afternoon n.afterward(s) ad.again ad.against prep.age n.agency n.agenda n.agent n.aggression n.aggressive a.ago ad.agree v.agreement n.agricultural a.agriculture n.ahead ad.aid n.AIDS n.aim n. v.air n.aircraft n. ()airline n.airmail n.airplane n.airport n.airspace n.alarm n.album n.alcohol n.alcoholic a. / n.algebra n.alike ad.alive a.all ad a pron.allergic a.alley n.allocate v.allow vt.allowance n.almost ad.alone a.along ad. prepalongside ad.aloud ad.alphabet n.already ad.also ad.alternative a.although conj.altitude n.altogether ad.aluminum n.always ad.am v. be.m./A.M. n.amateur a.amaze v.amazing a.ambassador (ambassadress) n. ambiguous a.ambition n.ambulance n.America * n.American a. n.among prep.amount n. / v. ample a.amuse vt.amusement n.analyse v.analysis n.ancestor n.anchor v. / n.ancient a.and conj.anecdote n.anger n.angle n.angry a.animal n.ankle n.anniversary n.announce vt.announcement n.annoy vt.annual a.another a pronanswer n. v.ant n.Antarctic a.the AntarcticAntarctica * n.antique n.anxiety n.anxious a.any pron.anybody pron.anyhow ad.anyone pron.anything pron.anyway ad.anywhere ad.apart ad / a.apartment napologize vi.apology n.apparent a.appeal v.appear vi.appearance n.appendix n.appetite n.applaud v. / n.apple n.applicant n.application n.apply v.appoint v.appointment n.appreciate v.appreciation n.approach n. / v.appropriate a.approve v.approximately ad.apron n.arbitrary a.arch n.architect n.architecture n.April n. 4Arab * a. n.Arabic a. n.Arctic a.the Arcticthe Arctic Oceanare v.(be)area n.argue vi.argument n.arise (arose arisen) vi.arithmetic n.arm n. v. n.armchair n.army n.around ad preparrange v.arrangement n.arrest v.arrival n.arrive vi.arrow n.art n.article n.artificial a.artist n.asad.& conj. prep. ash n. ashamed a.Asia * n.Asian a. n.aside ad.ask v.asleep a.aspect n.assess v. assessment n. assist v. assistance n. assistant n. associate v. association n. assume v. assumption n. astonish vt. astronaut n. astronomer n. astronomy n.at prep.athlete n. athletic a. athletics n. Atlantic a.the Atlantic Ocean atmosphere n. atom n.attach v.attack vt. / n. attain v. attempt vt.attend v.attention n.attentively ad.attitude n.attract v.attraction n.attractive a.audience n.authentic a.author n.authority n.automatic a.autonomous a.August n. 8aunt n.Australia * n.Australian a. nautumn n.available a.avenue n.average a. n.avoid v.awake (awoke awoken) v. a.award n.aware a.away ad.awesome a.awful a.awkward a.Bbaby n.bachelor n.back ad. a. n.backache n.background n.backward(s) ad.bacon n.bacterium (bacteria) n.bad (worse worst) a.badly ad.badminton n.bag n.baggage n.bake v.bakery n.balance n.balcony n.ball1 n. n.ballet n.balloon n.ballpoint = ballpoint penbamboo n.ban n. v.banana n.band n.bandage n.bang int.bank n. n.bank account n.bar n. n.barbecue n.barber n.barbershop n.bare a.bargain n. v.bark v. n.barrier n.base n.baseball n.basement n.basic a.basin n.basis n.basket n.basketball n.bat n. n.bath n.bathe vi.bathrobe n.bathroom n.bathtub n.battery n.battle n.battleground n.bay n.BC n.be v. (am is are was were being been)beach n.beam n.bean n.beancurd n.bear v. n.beard n.beast n.beat (beat beaten) v. nbeautiful a.beauty n.because conj.become (became be come) v.bed n.bedclothes n.beddings n.bedroom n.bee n..beef n.beehive n.beer n.before prep. ad. conj.beg v.begin (beganbegun) v.beginning n.behalf n.behave v.behaviour n.behind prep. () adBeijing n.being n.Belgium * n.belief n.believe v.bell n. ()belly n. belong vi.below prep.belt n.bench n.bend (bent bent) vt.beneath prep.beneficial a.benefit n. / v.bent a.beside prep.besides prep. ad.bestgood wella. & ad. n.best--seller n.better (good well ) a.& ad. n.v.betray v.between prep.beyond prep. ()bicycle n.bid v./ n.big a.bike = bicycle n.bill n.billion num.bingo n.biochemistry n.biography n.biology n.bird n.birdcage n.birth n.birthday n.birthplace n.biscuit n.bishop n.bit n.bite (bit bitten) v.bitter a.black n. a.blackboard n.blame n.& v.blank n.& ablanket n.bleed vi.bless vt.blind a.block n. vt.blood n.blouse n.blow n.blow (blew blown) v.blue n. a.a.board n. v.boat n.boat--race n.boating n.body n.body--building n.boil v.bomb n. v.bond n. /v.bone n. bonesbonus n.book n. v.bookcase n.bookmark n.bookshelf n.bookshop n.bookstore n.boom n. / v.boot n.booth n.telephone boothborder n.bored a.boring a.bor n a.borrow v.boss n.botanical a.botany n.both a. pron.bottle n.bottom n.bounce v.bound a v& nboundary n.bow v.& n.bowl n.bowling n.box n.boxing n.boy n.boycott v.brain n.brake n. vi.branch n.brand n.brave a.bravery n.bread n.break n.break (broke bro ken) v. breakfast n. breakthrough n.breast n.breath n.breathe vi.breathless a.brewery n.brick n.bride n.bridegroom n.bridge n.brief a.bright a.brilliant a.bring (brought brought) vt. Britain * n.British a.the British n.broad a. broadcast n.broadcastbroadcastbroadcast--ed--edvt.brochure n.broken a.broom n.brother n.brotherhood n.brown n. a.brunch n.brush v. n.bucket n.Buddhism n.Buddhist n.budget n.buffet n.build (built built) v.building n.bun n.bunch n.bungalow n.burden n.bureaucratic a.burglar n.burial n.burn (--ed --ed burnt burnt) v.n.burst v.bury vt.bus n.bus stop nbush n.business n.businessman (pl.businessmen) n.businesswoman(businesswomen) n.busy a.but conj. prep.butcher n. vt.butter n.butterfly n.the butterflybutton n. v.buy (bought bought) vt.by prep.bye int.Ccab n.cabbage n.caf n.cafeteria n.cage ncalculate v.cake n.call n v.calm a. v.camel n.camera n.camp n. vi.campaign n.can (could) can't = can notmodal v.n.a garbage cana can openerCanada * n.Canadian a. n.canal n.cancel vt.cancer n.candidate n.candle n.candy n.canteen n.cap n.capital n...capsule n.captain n.caption n.car n.carbon n.card n.card gamescare n. v.careful a.careless a.carpenter n.carpet n.carriage n.carrier n.carrot n.carry vt.cartoon n.carve vt.case n. n.cash n. v.cassette n.cast (cast cast) v.castle n.casual a.cat n.catalogue n.catastrophe n.catch(caught caught)v.category n.cater v.catholic a.cathedral n.cattle n.cause n. vt.caution n.cautious a.cave n.CD (compact disk)CDROM(compact disk readonly memory)ceiling n.celebrate v.celebration n.cell n.cellar n.cent n. 100 cents = 1 dollarcentigrade a.centimetre ( centimeter) n.central a.centre ( center ) n. century n.ceremony n.certain a.certainly ad.certificate n.chain n.chain store(s)chair n.chairman (pl. chairmen) n.chairwoman (pl. chairwomen)n.chalk n.challenge n.()challenging a.champion n.chance n.changeable a.change n v.channel n.chant v./ n.chaos n.character n..characteristic a.charge v. () n.chapter n.chart n.chat n. & vi.cheap a.cheat n. & v.check n. vt.cheek n.cheer n. & vi.Cheer upcheerful a.cheers int. ()cheese n.chef n.chemical a. n.chemist n.chemistry n.cheque (check) n.chess n.chest n.chew vt.chick n.chicken n.chief a. n.child (children) n.childhood n.chimney n.China * n.Chinese a. n.chips n. (pl.)chocolate n.choice n.choir n.choke n. & v.choose (chose chosen) vt.chopsticks n.chorus n.Christian n.Christmas n. 1225Christmas cardChristmas treeChristmas Evechurch n.cigar n.cigarette n.cinema n.circle n. /vt.circuit n.circulate v.circumstance n.circus n.citizen n.city n.civil a.civilian n.civilization n.clap vi.clarify v.class n.classic a.classical a. classify v. classmate n. classroom n. claw n.clay n.clean vt. a. cleaner n...clear a.clearly ad.clerk n.clever a.click v.climate n.climb v.clinic n.clock n.clone n.close a ad. vtcloth n.clothes n. clothing n. () cloud n.cloudy a.club n.clumsy a.coach n.coal n.coast n.coat n. vt.cock n.cocoa n.coffee n.coin n. coincidence n. coke n.cold a. n.cold--blooded a. () collar n. colleague n. collect vt. collection n.college n.collision n.colour (color) n. vt.comb n. v.combine vt.come (came come) vi.comedy n.comfort n.comfortable a.comma n.command n. & v.comment n.commercial a.commit v.commitment n.committee n.common a.communicate v.communication n.communism n.communist n.a.companion n.company n.compare vt.compass n.compensate v.compete vi.competence n.competition n.competitor n.complete a. vt.complex a. / n.component n.composition n.comprehension n.compromise v.compulsory a.computer n.computer gamecomrade n.concentrate v.concept n.concern v. / n.concert n.conclude v.conclusion n.concrete a.condition n.condemn v.conduct vt.conductor n.confident a.confidential a.conference n. ()confirm v.conflict n.confuse v.congratulate vt.congratulation n.connect v.connection n.conscience n.consensus n.consequence n.conservation nconservative a. n.consider vt.considerate a.consideration n.consist v.consistent a.constant a.constitution n.construct v.construction n.consult v.consultant n.consume v.contain v.container n.contemporary a. content a. n. continent n. continue vi. contradict v. contradictory a. contrary n. / a. contribute v. contribution n. control vt.& n. controversial a. convenience n. convenient a. conventional a. conversation n. convey v.convince v.cook n. v.cooker n. ()cookie n.cool a.copy n. v.coral n.cordless a.corn n.corner n. corporation n. correct v. a. correction n. correspond vi. () corrupt a. / v.cost (cost cost) v. n. cosy a.cottage n. ()cotton n. a.cough n.& vi.could modal v.can count vt.counter n.country n. countryside n. couple n.courage n.course n.court n.courtyard n.cousin n.cover n. v.cow n.cowboy n.co-worker. n.crash v. / n.crayon ncrazy a.cream n.create vt.creature n.credit n.crime n.criminal n.crew n.criterion (pl. criteria) n.crop n.cross a.n. vt.crossing n.crossroads n.crowd n. vt.crowded a.cruel a.cry n. v.cube n.cubic a.cuisine n.culture n.cup n.cupboard n.cure n. & vt.curious a.currency n.curriculum n.curtain n.cushion n.custom n.customer n.customs n.cut (cut cut) v. / n.cycle vi.cyclist n.Ddad = daddy n.daily a.ad. n.dam n.damage n.& vt.damp a. & n.dance n.& vi.danger n.dangerous a.dare v.& aux..todark n. a.darkness n.dash v. & n.data n.database n.date n. n.daughter n.dawn n.day n.daylight n.dead a.deadline n.deaf a.deal n.dear int.a.death n.debaten. & v.debt n.decade n.December n. 12decide v.decision n.declare vt.decline v.decorate vt.decoration n.decrease v.deed n.deep a. ad.deeply ad.deer n.defeat vt.defence (defense) n. & v. defend vt.degree n.delay v.& n.delete v.deliberately ad. delicate a.delicious a.delight n.delighted a.deliver vt.demand vt.dentist n.department(Dept.)n. department -store n. departure n.depend vi.deposit v. / n.depth n.describe vt. description n.desert n. vt.deserve v.design n.& vt. n. desire vt. & n.desk n.desperate a.dessert n.destination n.destroy vt.detective n. determination n.determine vt.develop v. vt.development n.devote vt.devotion n.diagram n.dial vt.dialogue ( dialog) n.diamond n.diary n.dictation n.dictionary n.die v.diet n.differ v.difference n.different a.difficult a.difficulty n.dig (dug dug) v.digest v.digital a. .dignity n.dilemma n.dimension n.dine v.dining-roomdinner n.dinosaur n.dioxide n.dip vt.diploma n.direct a. / vt.direction n.director n.directory n.dirt n.dirty a.disability n..disabled a.disadvantage n.disagree vi.disagreement n.disappear vi.disappoint vt.disappointment n.disaster n.discount n.discourage vt.discover vt.discovery n.discrimination n.discuss vt.discussion n.disease n.disgusting a.dish n.disk =disc n.dislike vt.dismiss vt.disobey vt.distance n.distant a.distinction n.distinguish v.distribute v.district n.disturb vt.disturbing a.dive vi.diverse v.divide vt.division n.divorce v.dizzy a.do (did done) don't=do notv. & aux. doesdoctor n.document n.does doesn't = does not v. dodog n.doll n.dollar n.door n.dormitory n. dormdot n.double a. . n. .doubt n.& v.down prep. ad.download n.& v.downstairs ad.downtown ad. n. a.downward ad.dozen n.Dr() = Doctor n.draft n. / v.drag v.draw (drew drawn) v.drawback n.drawer n.drawing n.dream (dreamt dreamt --ed --ed) n.& vt.dress n. () v.drier =dryer n.drill n. vt. ()drink n.drink(drank drunk) v.drive(drove driven) v.driver n.drop n. v....drown vi.drug n.drum n.drunk a.dry v. a.duck n.due a.dull a.dumpling n.during prep.dusk n.dust n. dustbin n.dusty a.duty n.DVD (digital versatile disk)dynamic a.dynasty n.Eeach a.& pron...eager a.eagle n.ear n..early a. ad.earn vt.earth n.earthquake n.ease v.easily ad.east a. ad. n.Easter n.eastern a.eastwards ad.easy a.easy--going a.eat (ate eaten) v.ecology n.edge n.edition n.editor n.educate vt.educator n.education n.effect n.effort n.egg n.eggplant n.Egypt* n.Egyptian a neight num.eighteen num.eighth num.eighty num.either a conj.ad. ()elder n.elect vt.electric a.electrical a.electricity n.electronic a.elegant a.elephant n.eleven num.else ad.e-mail/en.embarrass v.embassy n.emergency n.emperor n.empire n.employ vt.empty a.encourage vt.encouragement n.end n. v.ending n.endless a.enemy n.energetic a.energy n.engine n.engineer n.England* n.English a. n.English -speaking a.enjoy vt.enjoyable a.enlarge vt.enough n. a. ad.enquiry n.enter vt.enterprise n.entertainment n.enthusiastic a.entire a.entrance n.entry n.envelope n. environment n.envy vt.& n.equal a. vt.equality n.equip vt. equipment n.eraser n.error n.erupt v.escape n.& vi. especially ad.essay n.Europe* n. European a. n. evaluate v.even ad.evening n.event n.eventually ad.ever ad.every a.everybody pron. everyday a. everyone pron. everything pron. everywhere ad. evidence n.evident a.evolution n.exact a.exactly ad.exam = examination n. examine vt. example n. excellent a.except prep. exchange n.excite vt.excuse n.. vt..exercise n. vi.exhibition n.exist vi.existence n.exit n.expand v.expect vt.expectation n.expense n.expensive a.experience n.experiment n.expert n.explain vt.explanation n.explicit a.explode v.exploit vt....explore v.explorer n.export n. / v.expose vt.express vt n.expression n.extension n.extra a.extraordinary a.extreme a.extremely ad.eye n.eyesight n.eyewitness n.Ff () =female ( =footfeet) n. ()()face n. vt.facial a.fact n.factory n.fade vi.fail v.failure n.fair a. a. () n.fairly ad.fairness n.faith n.fall n.fall (fell fallen) vi.false a.familiar a.family n.family namefamous a.fan n. n.fancy a.fantastic a. ()fantasy nfar (farther farthest furtherfurthest) a.& ad.fare n.farm n.farmer n.fast a ad.fasten vt.fat n. a.father n.fault n.favour (favor) n.favourite ( favorite) a. n.fax n.fear n.feast n.feather n.February n. 2federal a.fee n.feed (fed fed) vt.feel (felt felt) v.& linkfeeling n.fellow n.female a.fence n.ferry n.festival a.fetch vt.fever n.few pron.fibre (fiber) n.fiction n.field n.fierce a.fifteen num.fifth num.fifty num.fight n.fight (fought fought) n. fighter v.figure n. vt..file n.()fill vt.film n.vt.final a.finance n.find (found found) vt. fine a. n.& v. finger n.fingernail n.finish v.fire n. vi. firefighter n. fireplace n. firewood n. fireworks n.firm n. a.firmly ad.first num. a.& ad. n. fish n. vi. fisherman n.fist n. ()fit a. v.fitting room five num.fix vt.flag n.flame n.flaming a.flash n.flashlight n.flat a. n. ()flee (fled fled) v.flexible a.flesh n.flight n. n.float vi.flood n. vt.floor n..flour n.flow vi.flower n.flu n.fluency n.fluent a.fly n.fly (flew flown) vi. vt.focus v. / n.fog n.foggy a.fold vt.folk a.follow vt.following a.fond a.food n.fool n.foolish a.foot ( feet) n.football n.for prep. conj.forbid (forbade forbidden) vt.force vt.forecast n. & vt.forehead n.foreign a.foreigner n.foresee (foresaw foreseen) vt..forest n.forever ad.forget (forgot forgotten) v.forgetful a.forgive (forgave forgiven) vt.fork n.form n.format n.former a.fortnight n.fortunate a.fortune n.forty num.forward ad...found vt.founding n.fountain n.four num.fourteen num.fourth num.fox n.franc n.France* n.fragile a.fragrant a.framework n.free a.freedom n.freeway n.freeze (froze frozen) vi.freezing a.French n. aFrenchman ( Frenchmen) n.frequent a.fresh a.Friday n.friction n.fridge =refrigerator n.fried a. friend n. friendly a. friendship n. fright n. frighten vt. frog n.from prep... front a. n. frontier n. frost n.fruit n.fruit juice n. fry vt.fuel n.full a.fun n. function n. / v. fundamental a. funeral n. funny a.fur n. furnished a. furniture n. future n.Ggain vt.gale n. 60 gallery n. gallon n. game n. garage n. garbage n. garden n. gardening n. garlic n. garment n. gas n.gate n. gather v.gay a. general a.generation n.generous a.gentle a.gentleman n.geography n.geometry n.German a. n.Germany* n.gesture n.get (got got) vt.get--together n.gift n.gifted a.giraffe n.girl n.give (gave given) vt.glad a.glance vi.glare v.glass n.()glasshouse n.globe n.glory n.glove n.glue n.go (went gone) vi. n.goal n.goat n.god n.gold n. agolden a. ()goldfish n.golf n.good (better best) a.good-bye int.goodness n.goods n.goose ( geese) n.govern v.government n.gown n.grade n.gradually ad.graduate v.graduation n.grain n.gram n. ()grammar n.grand a.grandchild n.().granddaughter n.grandma = grandmother n.grandpa = grandfather n.grandparents n..grandson n.granny n.grape n.graph n.grasp v.grass n.grateful a.gravity n.great a. adGreece* n.greedy a.Greek a. / n.green a. n.greengrocer n.greet vt.greeting n.grey / gray a.grill n.grocer n.ground n.group n.grow (grew grown) v.growth n.gruel n.guarantee v.guard n.guess vi.guest n.guidance n.guide n.guilty a.guitar n.gun n.gym =gymnasium n.gymnastics n.Hha int. ()habit n.hair n.haircut n.half a.& n.hall n.ham n.hamburger n.hammer n.hand n. v.handbag n.handful n.()handkerchief n.handle n. v.handsome a.handtruck n.handwriting n.handy a. hang(hanged hanged) v.hang (hung hung) v.happen vi.happily ad.happiness n.happy a.harbour (harbor) n.hard ad a.hardly ad.hardship n.hardworking a.harm n.&v.harmful a.harmless a.harmony n. harvest n.& vt.hat n.()hatch v.hate vt.& n.have (has had had) vt.hawk n.hay n.he pron.head n. () a. v. ()headache n.headline n.headmaster n.headmistress n.headteacher n.health n.healthy a.heap n. v.hear (heard heard) v.hearing n.heart n..heat n. vt.heaven n.heavy a.heavily ad.heel n.height n.helicopter n.hello int.helmet n.help n. & vt.helpful a.hen n.her pron. ()herb n.here ad.hero n.heroine n.hers pron.herself pron.hey int.hi int.hibernate vi.hibernation n.hide (hid hidden) v.hide and seekhigh a. ad.highway n.hill n.hillside n.hilly a.him pron.himself pron.hire vt.his pron.history n.hit (hit hit) n.& vt.hive n.hobby n.hold (held held) vt.hole n.holiday n.holy a.home n. ad.homeland n.hometown n.homework n.honest a.honey n.Hong Kong* n.honour (honor) n vthook n.& v.hooray int.hope n.& v.hopeful a.hopeless a.horrible a.horse n.hospital n.host n. v.hostess n.hot a.hot dog n. ()hotel n.hour n.house n. housewife n. housework n. how ad. however ad. conj. howl vi.hug v.huge a.human a.human being humorous a. humour (humor) n. hundred num. hunger n. hungry a.hunt vt.hunter n. hurricane n. hurry vi.hurt (hurt hurt) vt. husband n. hydrogen n.II pron.ice n.ice--cream n. Iceland* n.idea n.identity n. identification n. idiom n.if conj.ignore v.ill a.illegal a.illness n. imagine vt. immediate a. immediately ad. immigration n.import v.& n.importance n.important a.impossible a.impress vt.impression n.improve vt.in prep. () ad.inch n.incident n.include vt.income n.incorrect a.increase v. & n.indeed a.independence n.independent a.India* n.Indian a. n.Indicate v.industry n.influence n.& v.inform vt.information n.information deskinitial a.injure vt.injury n.ink n.inland a.inn n.innocent a.insect n.insert vt.inside prep. ad.insist vi.inspect vt.inspire vt.instant a.instead ad.institute n. ()institution n ()instruct vt.instruction n.instrument n.insurance n.insure vt.intelligence n.intend vt.intention n.interest n.interesting a.international a.internet n.interpreter n.interrupt v.interval n.interview n.& vt.into prep.introduce vt.introduction n.invent vt.invention n.inventor n.invitation n.invite vt.Ireland* n.Irish a.iron n. vt.irrigate vt.irrigation n.island n.it pron.Italian a. () n.Italy* n.its pron.itself pron.Jjacket n.jam n.January n. 1Japan* n.Japanese a. n.jar n.jaw n.jazz n.jeans n.jeep n.jet n.jewel n.jewelry n.job n.jog v.join v.joke n.journalist n. journey n.joy n.judge n. vt. judgement n.juice n.juicy a.July n. 7jump n. v.June n. 6jungle n.junior a.junk n.junk mailjunk foodjust ad. a.justice n.Kkangaroo n.keep (kept kept) v. vt. keeper n.kettle n. ()key n.keyboard n.kick v.& n.kid n.kill v. kilo n.kilogram n.kilometr e n.kind n. a.kindergarten n.kind-hearted a.kindness n.king n.kingdom n.kiss n.& vt.kitchen n.kite n.knee n.knife ( knives) n.knock n.& v.know(knewknown) v.knowledge n.Llab = laboratory n.labour (labor) n.labourer (laborer) n.lack n.& vt.ladder n.lady n.lake n.lamb n.lame a.lamp n.land n.v.()language n.lantern n.lap n. ().()large a.laser n.last a.ad. n.v.late a.ad.lately ad.later a.latest a.latter n.laugh n.& v.laughter n.laundry n.lavatory n.law n.lawyer n.lay (laid laid) vt.lazy a.lead (led led) v. n.leader n.leading a.leaf ( leaves) n.league n.leak vi.learn (learnt learnt--ed --ed)vt.learned a.least n.leather n.leave (left left) v.lecture n.left a. ad. n.left-handed a.leftover a.n.left-wing n.leg n.legal a.lemon n. a. ()lemonade n.lend (lent lent) vt.()length n.lesslittle a.& ad.lesson n.let (let let) vt.letter n.letter-box n.level n.liberty n.liberate vt.liberation n.librarian n.library n.license n.。

vt. 接受
n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性
adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的
n. 事故,意外的事
n. 住所;住宿
vt. 陪伴;伴奏 vt. 完成;达到;实现 vi. & vt. 认为;说明;总计有 n. 会计 vt. 积累;聚保 n. 精确;准确 adj. 精确的;正确的 vt. 指责;谴责;控告 adj. 惯常的;习惯了的 vi. & n. 痛,疼痛
n. 事务;事情;暖昧关系
vt. 影响;感动;侵袭
n. 喜爱;爱;感情
vt. 负担得起(…的费用),抽得出(时间)提供
a. 害怕的,担心的
n. 非洲
a. & n. 非洲(人)的;非洲人
ad. 在后,后来
prep. 在…之后,在…后面
n. 下午,午后
adv. 然后;后来
ad. 再一次,再,又
prep 对着,反对
vt. 使适应;改编 n. 适应(性);改编本 vt. 添加,增加 adj. 入了迷的;上了瘾的 n. 加;增加;加法 n. 地址 adj. 适当的;足够的 vi. & vt. 调整;(使)适合 n. 调整;调节 n. 管理;行政部门
adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的 vt. 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 n. 允许进入;入场费;承认 vt. & vi. 容许;承认;接纳 n. 青春期 n. 青少年 adj. 青春期的 vt. 采用;采纳;收养 vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 n. 成人;成年人 adj. 成人的;成熟的 vt. & vi. 前进;促进;提前 n. 优点,好处 n. 奇遇;冒险 vt. & vi. 做广告;登广告
a. 全部,所有的,总,整
adj. 过敏性的;对……过敏的

behave v
behaviour(Am behavior) n
beyond prep bicycle n bid v & n big a bike=bicycle n
behind prep & ad
bill n
being n
bingo n
belief n
biochemistry n
bench n bend(bent,bent) v beneath prep beneficial a benefit n & v bent a & n beside prep besides prep & ad betray v
beg v
between prep
begin(began,begun) v
bite(bit,bitten) v
boom n & v
bitter a
boot n
black a & n
booth n
blackboard n
border n
blame n & v
bored a
blank n & a
boring a
blanket n
born a
bleed v
borrow v
bless v
beat(beat,beaten) v&n
bell n belly n
beautiful a
belong v
beauty n
below prep
because conj
belt n
become(became,beco me) v bed n beddings n bedroom n bee n beef n beer n before prep,ad&conj

1.rat51.physics2.valley52.meaning3.pence53.country4.unconditional54.half5.feather55.joy6.zoo56.adult7.build57.servant8.field58.care9.nationality59.search10.salad60.same11.ferry61.furniture12.building62.agree13.limit63.heart14.stewardess64.unemployment15.water65.nearly16.manage66.bond17.path67.master18.example68.rise19.purple69.punish20.valid70.monument21.hurry71.stick22.argue72.tax23.accommodation73.personnel24.mixture74.fact25.time75.therefore26.picnic76.ox27.consensus77.ocean28.smoke78.eagle29.protection79.cloud30.conscience80.fiber31.sense81.bingo32.owe82.fortunate33.chant83.mommy34.term84.wage35.urban85.along36.considerate86.surplus37.afraid87.add38.bandage88.outdoors39.table tennis89.paper40.candidate90.fetchbine91.church42.hurricane92.edition43.independent93.weather44.cancer94.opera45.choose95.dot46.town96.service47.desire97.disease48.visual98.symphony49.life99.survival50.submit100. thus101. satisfy102. arise103. sorry104. dinosaur 105. properly 106. story107. appetite 108. pronounce 109. socialist 110. certain111. pea112. bacterium 113. contrary 114. roof115. carve116. essay117. reward118. convenience 119. export120. fit121. racial122. herself123. bid124. novelist 125. safety126. off127. east128. misunderstand 129. razor130. waiting-room 131. short132. surprise 133. pleasure 134. tidy135. garage 136. analyze 137. notice138. violinist 139. ice140. deliberately 141. alike142. perfect143. broom144. welfare 145. keyboard 146. dad=daddy 147. approximately 148. hopeful 149. habit150. confidential 151. complex 152. recreation 153. data154. kindergarten 155. sniff156. we157. studio158. overlook 159. barbershop 160. minority 161. escape 162. jeans163. videophone 164. adapt165. report166. recorder 167. betray168. vast169. arrow170. usual171. eat172. spread 173. agent174. spare175. conclusion 176. rock177. hometown 178. bakery 179. conclude 180. worry181. operate 182. floor183. area184. noise185. chairwoman 186. classroom 187. communicate 188. attack189. event190. dream191. criminal 192. authentic 193. scarf194. senior195. OK=okay 196. description 197. representative 198. carriage 199. sacred 200. run201. software 202. diet203. copy204. eastern 205. carbon 206. sow207. universe 208. folk209. tendency 210. camp 211. likely 212. alive213. harvest 214. devote 215. marathon 216. Christian 217. government 218. Franc 219. seminar 220. departure 221. forward 222. person 223. violence 224. basketball 225. gas226. fox227. advance 228. majority 229. credit 230. relief 231. prefer 232. qualification 233. sand 234. lift235. attain 236. fantasy 237. trap238. interesting 239. nothing 240. civilian 241. besides 242. homework 243. container 244. fireworks 245. toy246. focus 247. decide 248. frighten 249. cleaner 250. autumn 251. beneath 252. hostess 253. climb254. expert 255. super 256. significance 257. hair258. phrase 259. authority 260. agricultural 261. explore 262. framework 263. cafe264. consequence 265. geography 266. your267. match 268. hall269. ship270. suppose 271. signature 272. borrow 273. create 274. companion 275. direction 276. except 277. big278. nutrition 279. anecdote 280. string281. breast 282. flashlight 283. unconscious 284. champion 285. funeral 286. since287. how288. jacket 289. robot290. like291. pleasant 292. airport 293. compensate 294. more295. sandwich 296. boring 297. seldom 298. jazz299. mile300. apologize301. shout302. commit 303. can304. institution 305. upstairs 306. abortion 307. storage 308. bravery 309. envelope 310. amazing 311. disappoint 312. advantage 313. lab=laboratory 314. foreign315. conduct 316. prison317. agreement 318. botany319. famous 320. mix321. level322. go323. urgent324. scholar 325. jet326. cottage 327. sigh328. maid329. pop=popular 330. advertisement 331. western 332. course333. wound334. together 335. reservation 336. because 337. realize338. grateful 339. huge340. turn341. knowledge 342. arrive343. seaside 344. assessment 345. kilometer 346. plug347. impress 348. else349. fail350. discuss 351. temporary 352. volcano 353. call354. asleep 355. amateur 356. material 357. fragrant 358. slave 359. itself 360. stupid 361. central 362. evening 363. collision 364. highway 365. staff 366. Asia 367. medicine 368. shop 369. pump 370. discourage 371. political 372. continent 373. bless 374. jeep 375. account 376. zoom 377. content 378. trousers 379. tonight 380. spend 381. astronaut 382. belt383. yet384. result 385. gravity 386. worth 387. prize 388. up389. quarrel 390. born 391. ring392. guard 393. driver 394. otherwise 395. repair 396. back 397. reasonable 398. could 399. disappear 400. shy401. questionnaire 402. cheers 403. interview 404. kindness 405. gold406. gradual 407. quit408. medical 409. waste410. airmail 411. expensive 412. wisdom 413. favorite 414. attitude 415. touch416. soil417. especially 418. who419. suck420. breath421. rice422. stout423. version 424. oxygen 425. grey426. humorous 427. burn428. regard 429. seaweed 430. tremble 431. pillow432. garlic433. straw434. pineapple 435. hot436. tradition 437. rescue 438. again439. violent 440. as441. terror442. fortune 443. until444. pride445. foster446. home447. peace448. shorts449. vertical 450. jam 451. hatch452. atmosphere 453. stadium 454. main455. people 456. light457. injure458. witness 459. component 460. weekly 461. right462. dialogue 463. audience 464. acquire 465. store466. decline 467. very468. user469. spit470. undertake 471. terrible 472. vacation 473. much474. handbag 475. saucer 476. officer 477. whisper 478. pleased 479. greedy 480. horse481. little482. cloudy 483. mainland 484. fee485. taste486. alternative 487. opening 488. toothache 489. universal 490. cow491. wheel 492. pipe493. profession 494. dig495. conversation 496. gain497. subjective 498. thunder 499. clay500. hill501. give502. budget 503. against 504. cage505. on506. unfit507. scene 508. pint509. freezing 510. oilfield 511. onion512. seed513. outstanding 514. wool515. crazy516. sew517. shelf518. freeze 519. speed 520. behaviour (behavior )521. TV=television 522. chest523. knock 524. something 525. directory 526. platform 527. sightseeing 528. bay529. foreigner 530. another 531. oh532. zero533. boy534. handsome 535. rest536. study537. front538. rely539. aside540. appeal 541. competence 542. fresh543. question 544. south545. annoy 546. pretty547. conference 548. communist 549. sunlight 550. cure551. slide552. glance 553. paint554. wine555. dive556. admire 557. existence 558. bureaucratic 559. price560. skill561. nor562. enthusiastic 563. volleyball 564. dam565. delicate 566. someone 567. post568. father569. disgusting 570. radioactive 571. offense 572. passer-by 573. what574. human 575. guarantee 576. husband 577. island578. painting 579. nowadays 580. hardship 581. counter 582. collar583. appropriate 584. thriller585. repeat586. perform 587. unbelievable 588. dozen589. Easter 590. noisy591. see592. idea593. uncomfortable 594. load595. reception 596. look597. value598. chess599. thunderstorm600. convenient 601. kilo602. cassette 603. toward(s) 604. wood605. theft606. chef607. businessman 608. silly609. tomato 610. brunch 611. laugh 612. suitcase 613. coin614. spade 615. mental 616. comfort 617. receiver 618. Africa 619. percentage 620. wrong 621. correspond 622. reflect 623. spy624. somebody 625. religious 626. last627. shade 628. perfume 629. pity630. trouble 631. necklace 632. pancake 633. interest 634. hen635. dynasty 636. single 637. puzzle 638. head639. mean 640. break 641. among 642. certificate 643. crowd 644. wander 645. box646. fix647. clinic648. grammar 649. ball 650. translate 651. delete 652. cheat 653. adjust 654. ill655. swing 656. privilege 657. quarter 658. brain 659. orbit660. attach 661. blind662. wild663. plastic 664. adaption 665. lively 666. reply667. yours 668. assume 669. saying 670. composition 671. sunshine 672. union 673. angle 674. legal675. death 676. observe 677. splendid 678. scar679. buy680. kill681. rent682. distinguish 683. lead684. vest685. effect 686. mud687. refer688. globe 689. zip690. power 691. marriage 692. brilliant 693. pick694. speech 695. ancient 696. director 697. replace 698. pig699. autonomous700. red701. output702. die703. gifted704. station705. apple706. teamwork707. revision708. revolution709. surgeon710. link711. average712. section713. fluency714. underground 715. number716. amusement 717. develop718. sword719. star720. greengrocer 721. lucky722. eraser723. rainbow724. anxious725. beyond726. news727. waitress728. reference729. switch730. caption731. rough732. rail733. photo=photograph 734. parrot735. must736. instant737. centre738. determine739. street740. voyage741. Ms.742. patient743. wake744. worker745. Internet746. coast747. benefit748. with749. already 750. face751. none752. broad753. feed754. shoot755. across 756. male757. Antarctic 758. zone759. continue 760. blackboard 761. join762. defend 763. tentative 764. channel 765. technical 766. snow767. difficult 768. bird769. widespread 770. war771. pear772. lot773. excuse 774. actress 775. tablet776. score777. pronunciation 778. such779. accent 780. chat781. deer782. memorial 783. within784. tent785. microwave 786. success 787. luggage 788. ending 789. noodle 790. vain791. dentist 792. district 793. control 794. bill795. professor 796. indicate 797. gentle798. helicopter 799. airplane800. please 801. allowance 802. forehead 803. stable 804. fast805. lake806. quilt807. agenda 808. command 809. photographer 810. monitor 811. gift812. middle 813. means 814. glare815. breakfast 816. mad817. currency 818. detective 819. VCD=visual compact disk 820. prisoner 821. dinner 822. helmet 823. handwriting 824. thankful 825. enough 826. psychology 827. skin828. amuse 829. cut830. poisonous 831. hearing 832. praise 833. flight834. ash835. crime836. troublesome 837. coke838. circulate 839. address 840. numb 841. drunk 842. resign 843. menu 844. congratulate 845. gay846. plain847. affair848. chicken 849. deed850. pure851. cover852. error853. relationship 854. snowy855. ticket856. subject857. throughout 858. applicant859. ceiling860. manner861. type862. remark863. mop864. smog865. lid866. topic867. literature868. garment869. squirrel870. aloud871. next872. barrier873. sharp874. declare875. headline876. appreciation 877. vivid878. well879. a.m./am,A.M./AM 880. thief881. skirt882. wildlife883. cater884. tissue885. leader886. hide887. bit888. pioneer889. nation890. disagree891. relevant892. drawer893. dip894. treatment 895. regular896. duty897. metre898. download899. canal900. vague 901. foot902. letter903. sadness 904. skate905. motherland 906. dress907. some908. major909. lie910. tractor 911. plus912. honour 913. bow914. public 915. reform 916. fill917. mathematics math/maths 918. admission 919. throat 920. civil921. goat922. watch 923. environment 924. taxpayer 925. whether 926. anxiety 927. carrier 928. captain 929. apology 930. broadcast 931. compete 932. matter 933. decision 934. unwilling 935. Europe 936. coincidence 937. circle938. oppose 939. forty940. arrest 941. shore942. unit943. origin944. use945. inn946. electronic 947. volunteer 948. team949. burst950. thread951. innocent 952. skyscraper 953. hero954. twin955. tiny956. expense 957. surface958. swift959. thermos 960. tutor961. dimension 962. god963. behave964. jog965. wax966. bad967. outside968. vital969. leaf970. Asian971. pet972. each973. no974. theater975. think976. storm977. neighbourhood 978. clock979. dare980. explode981. peaceful 982. pale983. assumption 984. typewriter 985. concentrate 986. several987. bell988. bitter989. reason990. dance991. pest992. shame993. bored994. point995. analysis 996. bus997. identification998. need1048.schoolboy 999. spoon1049.towel 1000.nephew1050.beg1001.physician1051.biochemistry 1002.judgment1052.into1003.gallon1053.symptom 1004.meeting1054.subscribe 1005.tobacco1055.shrink 1006.wash1056.allow 1007.relation1057.accountant 1008.breathe1058.disturb 1009.clean1059.avenue 1010.chart1060.meet 1011.faith1061.message 1012.hook1062.bread 1013.percent1063.sheet 1014.instruction1064.secret 1015.daughter1065.whenever 1016.intention1066.pardon 1017.yourself1067.physical 1018.booth1068.athlete 1019.secure1069.requirement 1020.semicircle1070.glory 1021.voice1071.surround 1022.food1072.violin 1023.strait1073.aluminium 1024.addicted1074.birthplace 1025.cartoon1075.nuclear 1026.prepare1076.equal 1027.shave1077.most 1028.fight1078.often 1029.apparent1079.soup 1030.metal1080.rigid 1031.pink1081.adjustment 1032.passive1082.blue 1033.lovely1083.abstract 1034.transparent1084.steady 1035.click1085.rope 1036.outward(s)1086.sink 1037.adolescent1087.goose 1038.than1088.place 1039.fire1089.truck 1040.sick1090.job1041.grasp1091.wide promise 1043.black1093.arrival 1044.interpreter1094.rooster 1045.weed1095.tick1046.from1096.intelligence 1047.beauty1097.theme1098.wait1148.winner 1099.postpone1149.grass 1100.hole1150.sweet 1101.deserve1151.stream 1102.institute1152.irrigation 1103.surrounding1153.busy 1104.twice1154.low 1105.coal1155.swap 1106.draw1156.musician 1107.yard1157.cuisine 1108.destroy1158.sacrifice 1109.rag1159.recommend 1110.correction1160.soldier 1111.ownership1161.ruin 1112.predict1162.possible 1113.agency1163.anyway 1114.I1164.judge 1115.automatic1165.triangle 1116.guess1166.mother 1117.lunch1167.attraction 1118.rugby1168.pool 1119.burden1169.birthday 1120.enter1170.brown 1121.discussion1171.howl 1122.struggle1172.personally 1123.editor1173.offshore 1124.reduce1174.application 1125.prohibit1175.dioxide 1126.persuade1176.suite 1127.day1177.obvious 1128.sharpener1178.wife 1129.research1179.ham 1130.greet1180.speaker cator1181.mistake 1132.penny1182.least 1133.get1183.game 1134.cheap1184.sympathy 1135.lose1185.league 1136.customs1186.clumsy lionaire 1138.height1188.tournament 1139.find1189.nod 1140.above1190.socket 1141.aid1191.willing 1142.Arctic1192.blame 1143.fuel1193.status 1144.socialism1194.sincerely 1145.bend1195.emergency 1146.terminal1196.nature pulsory1197.seal1198.pollute1248.patent nd1200.contribute1250.policewoman 1201.poster1251.media 1202.postage1252.tale1203.routine1253.guest 1204.kettle1254.positive 1205.piece1255.precise 1206.listen1256.march 1207.lesson1257.speed 1208.painter1258.o'clock 1209.neither1259.donate 1210.postcode1260.want 1211.electric1261.polite petition1262.troop 1213.leather1263.hotel 1214.seem1264.classify 1215.sausage1265.fingernail 1216.format1266.facial 1217.bamboo1267.classmate 1218.expose1268.graduation 1219.protect1269.pattern 1220.accident1270.card 1221.cubic1271.powerful 1222.yoghurt1272.brewery 1223.dictation1273.homeland 1224.plate1274.distant 1225.inspire1275.trust 1226.grandson1276.stage 1227.stop1277.is1228.anyhow1278.sell1229.merciful1279.import 1230.bathroom1280.convince 1231.journey1281.suffering 1232.patience1282.pork 1233.cinema1283.grocer 1234.chair1284.satellite 1235.survive1285.statistics 1236.change1286.himself 1237.litre1287.defence 1238.onto1288.rate1239.dirty1289.tense 1240.mineral1290.army 1241.gather1291.factory k1292.necessary 1243.grill1293.agriculture 1244.wall1294.impression 1245.object1295.accustomed 1246.spot1296.few1247.ready1297.flow1298.hold1347.whole 1299.moustache1348.down 1300.corrupt1349.weekend 1301.tasty1350.punctuation 1302.swear1351.shopping 1303.condition1352.flag1304.steep1353.violate 1305.courage1354.premier 1306.marry1355.slice1307.extreme1356.hunt1308.those that1357.healthy 1309.tourism1358.respond 1310.ground1359.approve 1311.glove1360.peach 1312.contain1361.avoid 1313.chain1362.sort1314.midnight1363.daily1315.obtain1364.trick1316.will1365.bean curd 1317.acid1366.many 1318.stair1367.approach 1319.update1368.enquiry 1320.pay1369.rude1321.evidence1370.slow1322.carpet1371.cab1323.advocate1372.band1324.cheer1373.transform 1325.blow1374.paragraph 1326.reject1375.freeway prehension1376.production 1328.bathe1377.international 1329.dumpling1378.invent 1330.high1379.security 1331.my1380.rectangle 1332.airspace1381.his1333.promise1382.treasure ern 1335.headmistress1384.discount 1336.slim1385.fantastic 1337.after1386.sight1338.afterward(s)1387.delay 1339.refuse1388.restaurant an1389.independence 1341.cautious1390.spoken 1342.advise1391.might 1343.fountain1392.which 1344.wet1393.accept 1345.PE=physical1394.read 1346.education1395.every 1346.remind1396.scientist1397.so1447.zebra 1398.fever1448.select 1399.acre1449.never 1400.argument1450.broken 1401.holy1451.mutton 1402.crew1452.video 1403.door1453.twist 1404.today1454.shadow 1405.meal1455.stocking 1406.walk1456.algebra 1407.scenery1457.help 1408.found1458.cookie 1409.gesture1459.elegant e1460.endless 1411.ample1461.centigrade 1412.due1462.glue 1413.tree1463.concern 1414.meanwhile1464.basic 1415.try1465.wallet 1416.construction1466.wave 1417.intend1467.dish1418.nervous1468.spelling 1419.here1469.know 1420.divide1470.goods 1421.page1471.practise 1422.movement1472.clothes 1423.decrease1473.scientific 1424.raise1474.instead 1425.bench1475.teenager 1426.fence1476.welcome 1427.manager1477.careless 1428.interval1478.weigh 1429.bowl1479.parking 1430.heel1480.human being ed 1432.case1482.north 1433.sweat1483.chopsticks 1434.link1484.principle 1435.exist1485.loud 1436.mourn1486.African 1437.performance1487.size1438.glad1488.strike 1439.ancestor1489.biology 1440.gun1490.absence 1441.recognise1491.deaf 1442.different1492.rare1443.toast1493.unrest 1444.civilization1494.saleswoman nguage1495.royal 1446.flee1496.below1497.movie1547.permanent 1498.bowling1548.nest1499.resist1549.dust1500.kingdom1550.assess 1501.powder1551.impossible 1502.condemn1552.would 1503.capsule1553.fat1504.let1554.rapid1505.practical1555.northeast 1506.paddle1556.oral1507.temperature1557.typical 1508.apart1558.harmful 1509.butterfly1559.darkness 1510.stand1560.defeat 1511.concert1561.spokeswoman 1512.maximum1562.beneficial 1513.simplify1563.wherever 1514.sleep1564.skip1515.spring1565.but1516.tooth1566.Olympic 1517.exercise1567.confuse 1518.reach1568.preference 1519.overhead1569.artificial 1520.heaven1570.expression 1521.dignity1571.drink1522.believe1572.check mitment1573.ban1524.parent1574.interrupt 1525.tired1575.divorce 1526.tennis1576.variety 1527.flesh1577.altogether 1528.ping-pong1578.anniversary 1529.circuit1579.herb1530.decoration1580.jump1531.review1581.foolish 1532.courtyard1582.quick1533.potato1583.he1534.various1584.deposit 1535.destination1585.at1536.appoint1586.train1537.affection1587.shabby 1538.severe1588.ripen1539.bush1589.worldwide puter 1541.sceptical1591.sob1542.mask1592.kick1543.why1593.thirst1544.poor1594.partly1545.great1595.upset1546.solid1596.chalk1597.diagram1647.total1598.appear1648.alarm mp1649.aggressive 1600.if1650.mobile 1601.lorry1651.attention 1602.congratulation1652.require 1603.forgetful1653.air1604.castle1654.basement 1605.skatebroad1655.belong 1606.toothpaste1656.equipment 1607.ordinary1657.recite 1608.piano1658.standard 1609.collection1659.straight 1610.emperor1660.chief 1611.remove1661.decade 1612.unlike1662.shot1613.encouragement1663.earthquake 1614.bungalow1664.scare zy1665.PC=personal 1616.measure computer1617.perhaps1666.access rm 1619.ought1668.rain1620.wag1669.envy 1621.become1670.feeling 1622.astronomer1671.keep 1623.contemporary1672.flour1624.villager1673.yell1625.rewind1674.rid1626.when1675.badminton 1627.receive1676.newspaper 1628.other1677.aim1629.salary1678.disadvantage 1630.potential1679.admirable pass1680.stress 1632.animal1681.unable 1633.ear1682.occupy ughter 1635.annual1684.referee 1636.salesman1685.part1637.month1686.introduce 1638.behind1687.part-time 1639.drug1688.pulse rmation 1641.hire1690.soon 1642.respect1691.theoretical 1643.granddaughter1692.junior 1644.partner1693.journalist 1645.jaw1694.chemist 1646.mind1695.pace1696.frequent1746.diary 1697.explicit1747.local 1698.bounce1748.dog1699.cat1749.progress 1700.happen1750.boxing 1701.chemistry1751.line1702.sharpen1752.diverse 1703.safe1753.breakthrough 1704.form1754.dictionary 1705.steal1755.supermarket 1706.toilet1756.shower 1707.clothing1757.wise 1708.prescription1758.controversial 1709.spell1759.background 1710.advice1760.spiritual 1711.belief1761.handle 1712.differ1762.bridge 1713.graduate1763.succeed 1714.seek1764.calculate 1715.spirit1765.private 1716.nail1766.reality 1717.female1767.accuracy 1718.development1768.smart 1719.bottle1769.sad1720.blank1770.butter 1721.round1771.contradictory 1722.host1772.passenger 1723.cattle1773.contribution 1724.barber1774.beautiful 1725.basis1775.sideway 1726.bite1776.brand 1727.phone=telephone1777.maybe 1728.parallel1778.easy 1729.friend1779.close 1730.gym=gymnasium1780.bunch 1731.equip1781.actual 1732.way1782.statesman 1733.occupation1783.province 1734.appearance1784.fierce 1735.health1785.Mrs. 1737.tour1787.age1738.print1788.owner 1739.addition1789.silver 1740.apartment1790.per1741.shut1791.deep 1742.supper1792.summary 1743.play1793.flash 1744.guilty1794.citizen 1745.beast1795.Christmas1796.opposite1846.northern 1797.blanket1847.bother 1798.pregnant1848.silence 1799.one1849.sensitive 1800.anchor1850.scissors 1801.root1851.oneself 1802.wear1852.sail1803.participate1853.arrange 1804.firm1854.postcard 1805.neck1855.ray1806.request1856.clear1807.refrigerator1857.kilogram 1808.pile1858.typhoon 1809.changeable1859.dismiss w1811.technology1861.disappointed 1812.magazine1862.failure 1813.the1863.contradict 1814.sparrow1864.primitive 1815.cook1865.artist1816.evaluate1866.boss1817.traditional1867.Catholic 1818.man1868.chemical 1819.profit1869.aunt1820.random1870.science 1821.bean1871.operator 1822.botanical1872.outer 1823.natural1873.dangerous 1824.night1874.birth1825.double1875.arm1826.shortly1876.improve 1827.lounge1877.separate 1828.teapot1878.expand 1829.scholarship1879.America 1830.tease1880.rubber 1831.warehouse1881.police 1832.quiet1882.wire1833.bag1883.hurt1834.side1884.virus1835.uniform1885.textbook 1836.pray1886.away 1837.just1887.winter 1838.pupil1888.carry 1839.whale1889.acknowledge 1840.helpful1890.block 1841.tall1891.cycle 1842.hers1892.fisherman 1843.outcome1893.housework 1844.eager1894.freedom 1845.title1895.discrimination1896.normal1946.occur 1897.official1947.pie1898.reserve1948.cushion 1899.refresh1949.absurd 1900.accurate1950.examine 1901.finance1951.thin1902.cross1952.yellow 1903.everybody1953.salt1904.enjoyable1954.sea1905.visit1955.free1906.modem1956.cream 1907.word1957.hungry 1908.raincoat1958.elect 1909.nationwide1959.policeman 1910.learn1960.confident 1911.injury1961.drive 1912.brother1962.room 1913.garbage1963.nobody 1914.tomb1964.board 1915.unfair1965.cash 1916.insect1966.important 1917.her1967.blouse 1919.vegetable1969.acquisition 1920.she1970.write 1921.silent1971.article 1922.pack1972.sheep 1923.clap1973.marble 1924.pain1974.self1925.able1975.lung1926.remote1976.incident 1927.heat1977.juice 1928.dormitory1978.vinegar 1929.worthy1979.overcoat 1930.choke1980.tea1931.send1981.simple 1932.both1982.snake 1933.industry1983.concrete 1934.fall1984.wealth 1935.fragile1985.hand 1936.maple1986.encourage 1937.bank1987.swell 1938.suspension1988.good 1939.minus1989.record 1940.mouse1990.pair1941.seize1991.package 1942.fax1992.entry 1943.sing1993.extraordinary 1944.smell1994.harmony 1945.foggy1995.ton1996.him2046.figure 1997.quite2047.capital 1998.attract2048.friendship 1999.publish2049.pencil ntern 2001.invitation2051.social me 2003.enjoy2053.drop 2004.conservative2054.finger 2005.stare2055.allocate 2006.spray2056.boat 2007.money2057.farmer 2008.garden2058.turning 2009.either2059.brochure 2010.map2060.possess 2011.e-mail/email2061.pull 2012.theory2062.magic 2013.noble2063.save 2014.nowhere2064.goal 2015.produce2065.schoolmate 2016.sunburnt2066.period 2017.shape2067.smooth 2018.too2068.wealthy 2019.receipt2069.merely 2020.me2070.serious 2021.ski2071.dawn 2022.son2072.cup 2023.fur2073.consume 2024.date2074.pond 2025.optimistic2075.kind 2026.toothbrush2076.cough 2027.cap2077.somewhere 2028.vote2078.mine 2029.mirror2079.soccer 2030.shoe2080.politician 2031.butcher2081.anywhere 2032.specialist2082.second 2033.cake2083.alphabet 2034.bachelor2084.ripe 2035.fruit2085.hopeless 2036.tongue2086.performer 2037.pyramid2087.steam 2038.kite2088.digital 2039.carpenter2089.biography 2040.supreme2090.abundant 2041.cousin2091.canteen 2042.special2092.introduction 2043.somehow2093.past 2044.honest2094.mature 2045.generation2095.quiz2096.planet2146.astonish2097.ourselves2147.regardless 2098.start2148.training2099.seashell2149.season2100.insurance2150.although2101.adventure2151.fiction2102.enemy2152.take2103.appendix2153.key2104.cancel2154.bonus2105.unite2155.hard2106.damage2156.republic2107.rob2157.railway2108.method2158.early2109.immediately2159.final2110.fun2160.sit2111.brief2161.adequate 2112.electricity2162.accelerate cation 2114.exit2164.voluntary 2115.morning2165.desert2116.liberty2166.pollution2117.swim2167.pianist2118.assistant2168.via2119.moral2169.settlement 2120.book2170.receptionist 2121.umbrella2171.alongside 2122.operation2172.out2123.however2173.arithmetic 2124.hunger2174.foresee2125.order2175.dilemma2126.consult2176.madam/madame 2127.unusual2177.purse2128.preserve2178.exhibition 2129.headache2179.popular2130.teach2180.year2131.palace2181.dynamic2132.desperate2182.CD=compact disk 2133.accessible2183.awkward y2184.cabbage2135.am2185.conservation 2136.cause2186.by2137.lemon2187.leak2138.motto2188.note2139.stainless2189.strange2140.slip2190.inspect2141.mosquito2191.tube2142.small2192.symbol2143.understand2193.sleepy2144.talent2194.acquaintance 2145.activity2195.slight2196.scan2246.absorb2197.national2247.mend2198.shopkeeper2248.invention 2199.sky2249.victim2200.behalf2250.responsibility 2201.engine2251.minister 2202.recover2252.tell2203.yes2253.sun2204.fine2254.rot2205.teacher2255.beside2206.accomplish2256.approval 2207.explain2257.radium2208.tram2258.pressure pany2259.sorrow2210.transport2260.consider 2211.fellow2261.diamond 2212.attend2262.drag2213.colour2263.applyeless 2215.purchase2265.register 2216.quake2266.depth2217.act2267.difference 2218.follow2268.X-ray X ck2220.crash2270.sentence 2221.plane2271.tend2222.systematic2272.announce work2273.division 2224.fundamental2274.initial2225.trade2275.income 2226.superior2276.all2227.hotdog2277.fist2228.dial2278.abolishplete2279.them2230.cheerful2280.2231.frontier grandma=grandmother 2232.battle2281.stand2233.pause2282.bicycle2234.warmth2283.fear2235.ruler2284.engineer d2285.arbitrary 2237.explanation2286.spoonful 2238.drawback2287.hang2239.proud2288.tape2240.cigarette2289.particular 2241.strong2290.assistance 2242.tune2291.mail2243.offer2292.hi2244.long2293.settle2245.thought2294.forecast。

Word文档,可编辑修改!1. rat2. valley3. pence4. unconditional5. feather6. zoo7. build8. field9. nationality10. salad11. ferry12. building13. limit14. stewardess15. water16. manage17. path18. example19. purple20. valid21. hurry22. argue23. accommodation24. mixture25. time26. picnic27. consensus28. smoke29. protection30. conscience31. sense32. owe33. chant34. term35. urban36. considerate37. afraid38. bandage39. table tennis40. candidate41. combine42. hurricane43. independent44. cancer45. choose46. town47. desire48. visual 49. life50. submit51. physics52. meaning53. country54. half55. joy56. adult57. servant58. care59. search60. same61. furniture62. agree63. heart64. unemployment65. nearly66. bond67. master68. rise69. punish70. monument71. stick72. tax73. personnel74. fact75. therefore76. ox77. ocean78. eagle79. cloud80. fiber81. bingo82. fortunate83. mommy84. wage85. along86. surplus87. add88. outdoors89. paper90. fetch91. church92. edition93. weather94. opera95. dot96. serviceWord文档,可编辑修改!97. disease98. symphony99. survival 100. thus101. satisfy102. arise103. sorry104. dinosaur 105. properly 106. story107. appetite 108. pronounce 109. socialist 110. certain111. pea112. bacterium 113. contrary 114. roof115. carve116. essay117. reward118. convenience 119. export120. fit121. racial122. herself123. bid124. novelist 125. safety126. off127. east128. misunderstand 129. razor130. waiting-room 131. short132. surprise 133. pleasure 134. tidy135. garage136. analyze 137. notice138. violinist 139. ice140. deliberately 141. alike142. perfect143. broom144. welfare 145. keyboard 146. dad=daddy 147. approximately 148. hopeful149. habit150. confidential 151. complex152. recreation 153. data154. kindergarten 155. sniff156. we157. studio158. overlook 159. barbershop 160. minority 161. escape162. jeans163. videophone 164. adapt165. report166. recorder 167. betray168. vast169. arrow170. usual171. eat172. spread173. agent174. spare175. conclusion 176. rock177. hometown 178. bakery179. conclude 180. worry181. operate182. floor183. area184. noise185. chairwoman 186. classroom 187. communicate 188. attack189. event190. dream191. criminal 192. authenticWord文档,可编辑修改!193. scarf194. senior195. OK=okay196. description 197. representative 198. carriage199. sacred200. run201. software202. diet203. copy204. eastern205. carbon206. sow207. universe208. folk209. tendency210. camp211. likely212. alive213. harvest214. devote215. marathon216. Christian 217. government 218. Franc219. seminar220. departure 221. forward222. person223. violence224. basketball 225. gas226. fox227. advance228. majority229. credit230. relief231. prefer232. qualification 233. sand234. lift235. attain236. fantasy237. trap238. interesting 239. nothing240. civilian 241. besides 242. homework 243. container 244. fireworks 245. toy246. focus247. decide248. frighten 249. cleaner 250. autumn251. beneath 252. hostess 253. climb254. expert255. super256. significance 257. hair258. phrase259. authority 260. agricultural 261. explore 262. framework 263. cafe264. consequence 265. geography 266. your267. match268. hall269. ship270. suppose 271. signature 272. borrow273. create274. companion 275. direction 276. except277. big278. nutrition 279. anecdote 280. string281. breast282. flashlight 283. unconscious 284. champion 285. funeral 286. since287. how288. jacketWord文档,可编辑修改!289. robot290. like291. pleasant292. airport293. compensate 294. more295. sandwich296. boring297. seldom298. jazz299. mile300. apologize301. shout302. commit303. can304. institution 305. upstairs306. abortion307. storage308. bravery309. envelope310. amazing311. disappoint 312. advantage313. lab=laboratory 314. foreign315. conduct316. prison317. agreement318. botany319. famous320. mix321. level322. go323. urgent324. scholar325. jet326. cottage327. sigh328. maid329. pop=popular 330. advertisement 331. western332. course333. wound334. together335. reservation 336. because 337. realize 338. grateful 339. huge340. turn341. knowledge 342. arrive 343. seaside 344. assessment 345. kilometer 346. plug347. impress 348. else349. fail350. discuss 351. temporary 352. volcano 353. call354. asleep 355. amateur 356. material 357. fragrant 358. slave 359. itself 360. stupid 361. central 362. evening 363. collision 364. highway 365. staff 366. Asia367. medicine 368. shop369. pump370. discourage 371. political 372. continent 373. bless 374. jeep 375. account 376. zoom377. content 378. trousers 379. tonight 380. spend 381. astronaut 382. belt383. yet384. resultWord文档,可编辑修改!385. gravity386. worth387. prize388. up389. quarrel390. born391. ring392. guard393. driver394. otherwise 395. repair396. back397. reasonable 398. could399. disappear 400. shy401. questionnaire 402. cheers403. interview 404. kindness405. gold406. gradual407. quit408. medical409. waste410. airmail411. expensive 412. wisdom413. favorite 414. attitude415. touch416. soil417. especially 418. who419. suck420. breath421. rice422. stout423. version424. oxygen425. grey426. humorous427. burn428. regard429. seaweed430. tremble431. pillow432. garlic 433. straw 434. pineapple 435. hot436. tradition 437. rescue 438. again 439. violent 440. as441. terror 442. fortune 443. until 444. pride 445. foster 446. home447. peace 448. shorts 449. vertical 450. jam451. hatch 452. atmosphere 453. stadium 454. main455. people 456. light 457. injure 458. witness 459. component 460. weekly 461. right 462. dialogue 463. audience 464. acquire 465. store 466. decline 467. very468. user469. spit470. undertake 471. terrible 472. vacation 473. much474. handbag 475. saucer 476. officer 477. whisper 478. pleased 479. greedy 480. horseWord文档,可编辑修改!481. little482. cloudy483. mainland 484. fee485. taste486. alternative 487. opening488. toothache 489. universal 490. cow491. wheel492. pipe493. profession 494. dig495. conversation 496. gain497. subjective 498. thunder 499. clay500. hill501. give502. budget503. against504. cage505. on506. unfit507. scene508. pint509. freezing 510. oilfield 511. onion512. seed513. outstanding 514. wool515. crazy516. sew517. shelf518. freeze519. speed520. behaviour (behavior)521. TV=television 522. chest523. knock524. something 525. directory 526. platform 527. sightseeing 528. bay529. foreigner 530. another 531. oh532. zero533. boy534. handsome 535. rest536. study537. front538. rely539. aside540. appeal541. competence 542. fresh543. question 544. south545. annoy546. pretty547. conference 548. communist 549. sunlight 550. cure551. slide552. glance553. paint554. wine555. dive556. admire557. existence 558. bureaucratic 559. price560. skill561. nor562. enthusiastic 563. volleyball 564. dam565. delicate 566. someone 567. post568. father 569. disgusting 570. radioactive 571. offense 572. passer-by 573. what574. human575. guaranteeWord文档,可编辑修改!576. husband577. island578. painting579. nowadays580. hardship581. counter582. collar583. appropriate 584. thriller585. repeat586. perform587. unbelievable 588. dozen589. Easter590. noisy591. see592. idea593. uncomfortable 594. load595. reception 596. look597. value598. chess599. thunderstorm 600. convenient 601. kilo602. cassette603. toward(s) 604. wood605. theft606. chef607. businessman 608. silly609. tomato610. brunch611. laugh612. suitcase613. coin614. spade615. mental616. comfort617. receiver618. Africa619. percentage 620. wrong621. correspond 622. reflect623. spy 624. somebody 625. religious 626. last627. shade628. perfume 629. pity630. trouble 631. necklace 632. pancake 633. interest 634. hen635. dynasty 636. single 637. puzzle 638. head639. mean 640. break 641. among642. certificate 643. crowd644. wander 645. box646. fix647. clinic 648. grammar 649. ball650. translate 651. delete 652. cheat653. adjust 654. ill655. swing656. privilege 657. quarter 658. brain659. orbit660. attach 661. blind662. wild663. plastic 664. adaption 665. lively 666. reply667. yours668. assume 669. saying 670. composition 671. sunshineWord文档,可编辑修改!672. union673. angle674. legal 675. death676. observe 677. splendid 678. scar679. buy680. kill681. rent682. distinguish 683. lead684. vest685. effect 686. mud687. refer688. globe689. zip690. power691. marriage 692. brilliant 693. pick694. speech 695. ancient 696. director 697. replace 698. pig699. autonomous 700. red701. output 702. die703. gifted 704. station 705. apple706. teamwork 707. revision 708. revolution 709. surgeon 710. link711. average 712. section 713. fluency 714. underground 715. number 716. amusement 717. develop 718. sword719. star 720. greengrocer 721. lucky722. eraser723. rainbow724. anxious725. beyond726. news727. waitress728. reference729. switch730. caption731. rough732. rail733. photo=photograph 734. parrot735. must736. instant737. centre738. determine739. street740. voyage741. Ms.742. patient743. wake744. worker745. Internet746. coast747. benefit748. with749. already750. face751. none752. broad753. feed754. shoot755. across756. male757. Antarctic758. zone759. continue760. blackboard761. join762. defend763. tentative764. channel765. technical766. snow767. difficultWord文档,可编辑修改!768. bird769. widespread 770. war771. pear772. lot773. excuse774. actress775. tablet776. score777. pronunciation 778. such779. accent780. chat781. deer782. memorial 783. within784. tent785. microwave 786. success787. luggage 788. ending789. noodle790. vain791. dentist792. district 793. control794. bill795. professor 796. indicate 797. gentle798. helicopter 799. airplane 800. please801. allowance 802. forehead 803. stable804. fast805. lake806. quilt807. agenda808. command809. photographer 810. monitor811. gift812. middle813. means814. glare815. breakfast 816. mad817. currency 818. detective 819. VCD=visual compact disk 820. prisoner 821. dinner822. helmet823. handwriting 824. thankful 825. enough826. psychology 827. skin828. amuse829. cut830. poisonous 831. hearing 832. praise833. flight 834. ash835. crime836. troublesome 837. coke838. circulate 839. address 840. numb841. drunk842. resign843. menu844. congratulate 845. gay846. plain847. affair848. chicken 849. deed850. pure851. cover852. error853. relationship 854. snowy855. ticket856. subject 857. throughout 858. applicant 859. ceiling 860. manner861. type862. remarkWord文档,可编辑修改!863. mop864. smog865. lid866. topic867. literature 868. garment869. squirrel870. aloud871. next872. barrier873. sharp874. declare875. headline876. appreciation 877. vivid878. well879. a.m./am,A.M./AM 880. thief881. skirt882. wildlife883. cater884. tissue885. leader886. hide887. bit888. pioneer889. nation890. disagree891. relevant892. drawer893. dip894. treatment895. regular896. duty897. metre898. download899. canal900. vague901. foot902. letter903. sadness904. skate905. motherland 906. dress907. some908. major909. lie910. tractor 911. plus912. honour 913. bow914. public 915. reform 916. fill917. mathematics math/maths918. admission 919. throat 920. civil921. goat922. watch923. environment 924. taxpayer 925. whether 926. anxiety 927. carrier 928. captain 929. apology 930. broadcast 931. compete 932. matter 933. decision 934. unwilling 935. Europe 936. coincidence 937. circle 938. oppose 939. forty 940. arrest 941. shore942. unit943. origin 944. use945. inn946. electronic 947. volunteer 948. team949. burst950. thread 951. innocent 952. skyscraper 953. hero954. twin955. tiny956. expense 957. surfaceWord文档,可编辑修改!958. swift959. thermos960. tutor961. dimension962. god963. behave964. jog965. wax966. bad967. outside968. vital969. leaf970. Asian971. pet972. each973. no974. theater975. think976. storm977. neighbourhood 978. clock979. dare980. explode981. peaceful982. pale983. assumption 984. typewriter 985. concentrate 986. several987. bell988. bitter989. reason990. dance991. pest992. shame993. bored994. point995. analysis996. bus997. identification 998. need999. spoon1000. nephew 1001. physician 1002. judgment 1003. gallon 1004. meeting 1005. tobacco 1006. wash1007. relation 1008. breathe 1009. clean 1010. chart 1011. faith 1012. hook1013. percent 1014. instruction 1015. daughter 1016. intention 1017. yourself 1018. booth 1019. secure 1020. semicircle 1021. voice 1022. food 1023. strait 1024. addicted 1025. cartoon 1026. prepare 1027. shave 1028. fight 1029. apparent 1030. metal 1031. pink1032. passive 1033. lovely 1034. transparent 1035. click 1036. outward(s) 1037. adolescent 1038. than 1039. fire 1040. sick1041. grasp 1042. ashamed 1043. black 1044. interpreter 1045. weed1046. from 1047. beauty 1048. schoolboy 1049. towel 1050. beg1051. biochemistry 1052. into 1053. symptomWord文档,可编辑修改!1054. subscribe 1055. shrink 1056. allow1057. accountant 1058. disturb 1059. avenue 1060. meet1061. message 1062. bread1063. sheet1064. secret 1065. whenever 1066. pardon 1067. physical 1068. athlete 1069. requirement 1070. glory1071. surround 1072. violin 1073. aluminium 1074. birthplace 1075. nuclear 1076. equal1077. most1078. often1079. soup1080. rigid1081. adjustment 1082. blue1083. abstract 1084. steady 1085. rope1086. sink 1087. goose1088. place1089. truck 1090. job1091. wide1092. compromise 1093. arrival 1094. rooster 1095. tick1096. intelligence 1097. theme1098. wait1099. postpone 1100. hole1101. deserve 1102. institute 1103. surrounding 1104. twice 1105. coal1106. draw1107. yard1108. destroy 1109. rag1110. correction 1111. ownership 1112. predict 1113. agency 1114. I1115. automatic 1116. guess 1117. lunch 1118. rugby 1119. burden 1120. enter 1121. discussion 1122. struggle 1123. editor 1124. reduce 1125. prohibit 1126. persuade 1127. day1128. sharpener 1129. research 1130. greet 1131. educator 1132. penny 1133. get1134. cheap 1135. lose 1136. customs 1137. salty 1138. height 1139. find 1140. above 1141. aid1142. Arctic 1143. fuel1144. socialism 1145. bend1146. terminal 1147. compulsory 1148. winner 1149. grassWord文档,可编辑修改!1150. sweet 1151. stream 1152. irrigation 1153. busy1154. low1155. swap1156. musician 1157. cuisine 1158. sacrifice 1159. recommend 1160. soldier 1161. ruin1162. possible 1163. anyway 1164. judge 1165. triangle 1166. mother 1167. attraction 1168. pool1169. birthday 1170. brown 1171. howl1172. personally 1173. offshore 1174. application 1175. dioxide 1176. suite 1177. obvious 1178. wife1179. ham1180. speaker 1181. mistake 1182. least 1183. game1184. sympathy 1185. league 1186. clumsy 1187. millionaire 1188. tournament 1189. nod1190. socket 1191. willing 1192. blame 1193. status 1194. sincerely 1195. emergency 1196. nature 1197. seal 1198. pollute 1199. sometimes 1200. contribute 1201. poster 1202. postage 1203. routine 1204. kettle 1205. piece 1206. listen 1207. lesson 1208. painter 1209. neither 1210. postcode 1211. electric 1212. competition 1213. leather 1214. seem1215. sausage 1216. format 1217. bamboo 1218. expose 1219. protect 1220. accident 1221. cubic 1222. yoghurt 1223. dictation 1224. plate 1225. inspire 1226. grandson 1227. stop1228. anyhow 1229. merciful 1230. bathroom 1231. journey 1232. patience 1233. cinema 1234. chair 1235. survive 1236. change 1237. litre 1238. onto1239. dirty 1240. mineral 1241. gather 1242. milk1243. grill 1244. wall1245. objectWord文档,可编辑修改!1246. spot 1247. ready 1248. patent 1249. land 1250. policewoman 1251. media 1252. tale 1253. guest 1254. positive 1255. precise 1256. march 1257. speed 1258. o'clock 1259. donate 1260. want 1261. polite 1262. troop 1263. hotel 1264. classify 1265. fingernail 1266. facial 1267. classmate 1268. graduation 1269. pattern 1270. card 1271. powerful 1272. brewery 1273. homeland 1274. distant 1275. trust 1276. stage 1277. is1278. sell 1279. import 1280. convince 1281. suffering 1282. pork 1283. grocer 1284. satellite 1285. statistics 1286. himself 1287. defence 1288. rate 1289. tense 1290. army 1291. factory 1292. necessary 1293. agriculture 1294. impression 1295. accustomed 1296. few1297. flow1298. hold 1299. moustache 1300. corrupt 1301. tasty1302. swear 1303. condition 1304. steep1305. courage 1306. marry1307. extreme 1308. those that 1309. tourism 1310. ground 1311. glove1312. contain 1313. chain1314. midnight 1315. obtain 1316. will 1317. acid1318. stair1319. update 1320. pay1321. evidence 1322. carpet 1323. advocate 1324. cheer1325. blow 1326. reject 1327. comprehension 1328. bathe1329. dumpling 1330. high1331. my1332. airspace 1333. promise 1334. athletic 1335. headmistress 1336. slim1337. after1338. afterward(s) 1339. refuse 1340. organ1341. cautiousWord文档,可编辑修改!1342. advise1343. fountain 1344. wet1345. PE=physical 1346.education 1346. remind 1347. whole1348. down1349. weekend 1350. punctuation 1351. shopping 1352. flag1353. violate 1354. premier 1355. slice1356. hunt1357. healthy 1358. respond 1359. approve 1360. peach1361. avoid1362. sort1363. daily1364. trick1365. bean curd 1366. many1367. approach 1368. enquiry 1369. rude1370. slow1371. cab1372. band1373. transform 1374. paragraph 1375. freeway 1376. production 1377. international 1378. invent 1379. security 1380. rectangle 1381. his1382. treasure 1383. govern1384. discount 1385. fantastic 1386. sight1387. delay1388. restaurant 1389. independence 1390. spoken 1391. might1392. which1393. accept 1394. read1395. every1396. scientist 1397. so1398. fever 1399. acre1400. argument 1401. holy1402. crew1403. door1404. today 1405. meal1406. walk1407. scenery 1408. found 1409. gesture 1410. come1411. ample1412. due1413. tree1414. meanwhile 1415. try1416. construction 1417. intend 1418. nervous 1419. here1420. divide 1421. page1422. movement 1423. decrease 1424. raise1425. bench1426. fence 1427. manager 1428. interval 1429. bowl1430. heel1431. disability 1432. case1433. sweat1434. link1435. exist1436. mournWord文档,可编辑修改!1437. performance 1438. glad1439. ancestor 1440. gun1441. recognise 1442. different 1443. toast 1444. civilization 1445. language 1446. flee1447. zebra 1448. select 1449. never 1450. broken 1451. mutton 1452. video 1453. twist 1454. shadow 1455. stocking 1456. algebra 1457. help1458. cookie 1459. elegant 1460. endless 1461. centigrade 1462. glue1463. concern 1464. basic 1465. wallet 1466. wave1467. dish1468. spelling 1469. know1470. goods 1471. practise 1472. clothes 1473. scientific 1474. instead 1475. teenager 1476. welcome 1477. careless 1478. weigh 1479. parking 1480. human being 1481. used1482. north 1483. chopsticks 1484. principle 1485. loud 1486. African 1487. size1488. strike 1489. biology 1490. absence 1491. deaf1492. rare1493. unrest 1494. saleswoman 1495. royal 1496. below 1497. movie 1498. bowling 1499. resist 1500. kingdom 1501. powder 1502. condemn 1503. capsule 1504. let1505. practical 1506. paddle 1507. temperature 1508. apart 1509. butterfly 1510. stand 1511. concert 1512. maximum 1513. simplify 1514. sleep 1515. spring 1516. tooth 1517. exercise 1518. reach 1519. overhead 1520. heaven 1521. dignity 1522. believe 1523. commitment 1524. parent 1525. tired 1526. tennis 1527. flesh 1528. ping-pong 1529. circuit 1530. decoration 1531. review 1532. courtyardWord文档,可编辑修改!1533. potato 1534. various 1535. destination 1536. appoint 1537. affection 1538. severe 1539. bush1540. conductor 1541. sceptical 1542. mask1543. why1544. poor1545. great 1546. solid 1547. permanent 1548. nest1549. dust1550. assess 1551. impossible 1552. would 1553. fat1554. rapid 1555. northeast 1556. oral1557. typical 1558. harmful 1559. darkness 1560. defeat 1561. spokeswoman 1562. beneficial 1563. wherever 1564. skip1565. but1566. Olympic 1567. confuse 1568. preference 1569. artificial 1570. expression 1571. drink 1572. check 1573. ban1574. interrupt 1575. divorce 1576. variety 1577. altogether 1578. anniversary 1579. herb1580. jump 1581. foolish 1582. quick1583. he1584. deposit 1585. at1586. train1587. shabby1588. ripen1589. worldwide 1590. computer 1591. sob1592. kick1593. thirst1594. partly1595. upset1596. chalk1597. diagram 1598. appear1599. lamp1600. if1601. lorry1602. congratulation 1603. forgetful 1604. castle1605. skatebroad 1606. toothpaste 1607. ordinary 1608. piano1609. collection 1610. emperor 1611. remove1612. unlike1613. encouragement 1614. bungalow 1615. lazy1616. measure 1617. perhaps 1618. native1619. ought1620. wag1621. become1622. astronomer 1623. contemporary 1624. villager 1625. rewind1626. when1627. receive 1628. otherWord文档,可编辑修改!1629. salary 1630. potential 1631. compass 1632. animal 1633. ear1634. pension 1635. annual 1636. salesman 1637. month1638. behind 1639. drug1640. creature 1641. hire1642. respect 1643. granddaughter 1644. partner 1645. jaw1646. mind1647. total 1648. alarm1649. aggressive 1650. mobile 1651. attention 1652. require 1653. air1654. basement 1655. belong 1656. equipment 1657. recite 1658. standard 1659. straight 1660. chief1661. decade 1662. shot1663. earthquake 1664. scare1665. PC=personal computer1666. access 1667. inform 1668. rain1669. envy1670. feeling 1671. keep1672. flour1673. yell1674. rid1675. badminton 1676. newspaper 1677. aim1678. disadvantage 1679. admirable 1680. stress 1681. unable 1682. occupy 1683. laughter 1684. referee 1685. part1686. introduce 1687. part-time 1688. pulse1689. information 1690. soon1691. theoretical 1692. junior 1693. journalist 1694. chemist 1695. pace1696. frequent 1697. explicit 1698. bounce 1699. cat1700. happen 1701. chemistry 1702. sharpen 1703. safe1704. form1705. steal1706. toilet 1707. clothing 1708. prescription 1709. spell1710. advice 1711. belief 1712. differ 1713. graduate 1714. seek1715. spirit 1716. nail1717. female 1718. development 1719. bottle 1720. blank1721. round1722. host1723. cattleWord文档,可编辑修改!1724. barber1725. basis1726. bite1727. phone=telephone 1728. parallel 1729. friend1730. gym=gymnasium 1731. equip1732. way1733. occupation 1734. appearance 1735. health1736. bomb1737. tour1738. print1739. addition 1740. apartment 1741. shut1742. supper1743. play1744. guilty1745. beast1746. diary1747. local1748. dog1749. progress 1750. boxing1751. line1752. diverse1753. breakthrough 1754. dictionary 1755. supermarket 1756. shower1757. wise1758. controversial 1759. background 1760. spiritual 1761. handle1762. bridge1763. succeed1764. calculate 1765. private1766. reality1767. accuracy 1768. smart1769. sad1770. butter1771. contradictory 1772. passenger 1773. contribution 1774. beautiful 1775. sideway 1776. brand1777. maybe1778. easy1779. close1780. bunch1781. actual 1782. statesman 1783. province 1784. fierce 1785. Mrs.1786. net1787. age1788. owner1789. silver 1790. per1791. deep1792. summary 1793. flash1794. citizen 1795. Christmas 1796. opposite 1797. blanket 1798. pregnant 1799. one1800. anchor 1801. root1802. wear 1803. participate 1804. firm 1805. neck1806. request 1807. refrigerator 1808. pile1809. changeable 1810. brave1811. technology 1812. magazine 1813. the1814. sparrow 1815. cook1816. evaluate 1817. traditional 1818. man1819. profitWord文档,可编辑修改!1820. random 1821. bean1822. botanical 1823. natural 1824. night 1825. double 1826. shortly 1827. lounge 1828. teapot 1829. scholarship 1830. tease 1831. warehouse 1832. quiet 1833. bag1834. side1835. uniform 1836. pray1837. just 1838. pupil 1839. whale 1840. helpful 1841. tall1842. hers1843. outcome 1844. eager 1845. title 1846. northern 1847. bother 1848. silence 1849. sensitive 1850. scissors 1851. oneself 1852. sail1853. arrange 1854. postcard 1855. ray1856. clear 1857. kilogram 1858. typhoon 1859. dismiss 1860. law1861. disappointed 1862. failure 1863. contradict 1864. primitive 1865. artist 1866. boss1867. Catholic 1868. chemical 1869. aunt1870. science 1871. operator 1872. outer1873. dangerous 1874. birth1875. arm1876. improve 1877. separate 1878. expand1879. America 1880. rubber1881. police1882. wire1883. hurt1884. virus1885. textbook 1886. away1887. winter1888. carry1889. acknowledge 1890. block1891. cycle1892. fisherman 1893. housework 1894. freedom 1895. discrimination 1896. normal1897. official 1898. reserve 1899. refresh 1900. accurate 1901. finance 1902. cross1903. everybody 1904. enjoyable 1905. visit1906. modem1907. word1908. raincoat 1909. nationwide 1910. learn1911. injury 1912. brother 1913. garbage 1914. tomb1915. unfairWord文档,可编辑修改!1916. insect 1917. her1918. jar 1919. vegetable 1920. she1921. silent 1922. pack 1923. clap 1924. pain 1925. able 1926. remote 1927. heat 1928. dormitory 1929. worthy 1930. choke 1931. send 1932. both 1933. industry 1934. fall 1935. fragile 1936. maple 1937. bank 1938. suspension 1939. minus 1940. mouse 1941. seize 1942. fax 1943. sing 1944. smell 1945. foggy 1946. occur 1947. pie1948. cushion 1949. absurd 1950. examine 1951. thin 1952. yellow 1953. salt 1954. sea1955. free 1956. cream 1957. hungry 1958. elect 1959. policeman 1960. confident 1961. drive 1962. room 1963. nobody 1964. board1965. cash1966. important 1967. blouse 1968. name1969. acquisition 1970. write1971. article 1972. sheep1973. marble 1974. self1975. lung1976. incident 1977. juice 1978. vinegar 1979. overcoat 1980. tea1981. simple 1982. snake1983. concrete 1984. wealth 1985. hand1986. encourage 1987. swell1988. good1989. record 1990. pair1991. package 1992. entry1993. extraordinary 1994. harmony 1995. ton1996. him1997. quite1998. attract 1999. publish 2000. uncertain 2001. invitation 2002. whose2003. enjoy2004. conservative 2005. stare2006. spray 2007. money2008. garden 2009. either 2010. map2011. e-mail/email。

高考英语3500词汇自测版--只含英文————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2Aa (an) art. abandon v. ability n.able a. abnormal a. aboard prep. abolish v. abortion v. about ad.prep.above prep.a. ad.abroad ad. absence n. abrupt a.absent a. absolute a. absorb v. abstract a./ n. absurd a. abundant a. abuse v. academic a. / n. academy n. accelerate v. accent n.accept vt. access n. / v. accessible a. accident n. accommodation n. accompany v. accomplish v. according to ad. account n. accountant n. accumulate v. accuracy n. accuse v. accustomed a. ache vi.& n.achieve vt.achievement n.acid a.acknowledge v.acquaintance n.acquire v.acquisition n.acre n.across prep.act n. v.action n.active a.activity n.actor n.actress n.actual a.acute a.AD n.ad () =advertisement n.adapt v.adaptation n.add vt.addicted a.addition n.address n.adequate a.adjust v.adjustment n.administration n.admirable a.admire v.admission n.admit vt.adolescence n.adolescent n.adopt v.adore v.adult n.advance v.advantage n.adventure n.advertise vt.advertisement n.advice n.advise vt.advocate v.aeroplane n. ()affair n.affect vt.affection n.afford vt.afraid a.Africa * n.African a.n.after ad. prep. conj.afternoon n.afterward(s) ad.again ad.against prep.age n.agency n.agenda n.agent n.aggression n.aggressive a.ago ad.agree v.agreement n.agricultural a.agriculture n.ahead ad.aid n.AIDS n.aim n. v.air n.aircraft n. ()airline n.airmail n.airplane n.airport n.airspace n.alarm n.album n.alcohol n.alcoholic a. / n.algebra n.alike ad.alive a.all ad a pron.allergic a.alley n.allocate v.allow vt.allowance n.almost ad.alone a.along ad. prepalongside ad.aloud ad.alphabet n.already ad.also ad.alternative a.although conj.altitude n.altogether ad.aluminum n.always ad.am v. be.m./A.M. n.amateur a.amaze v.amazing a.ambassador (ambassadress) n.ambiguous a.ambition n.ambulance n.America * n.American a. n.among prep.amount n. / v. ample a.amuse vt.amusement n.analyse v.analysis n.ancestor n.anchor v. / n.ancient a.and conj.anecdote n.anger n.angle n.angry a.animal n.ankle n.anniversary n.announce vt.announcement n.annoy vt.annual a.another a pronanswer n. v.ant n.Antarctic a.the AntarcticAntarctica * n.antique n.anxiety n.anxious a.any pron.anybody pron.anyhow ad.anyone pron.anything pron.anyway ad.anywhere ad.apart ad / a.apartment napologize vi.apology n.apparent a.appeal v.appear vi.appearance n.appendix n.appetite n.applaud v. / n.apple n.applicant n.application n.apply v.appoint v.appointment n.appreciate v.appreciation n.approach n. / v.appropriate a.approve v.approximately ad.apron n.arbitrary a.arch n.architect n.architecture n.April n. 4Arab * a. n.Arabic a. n.Arctic a.the Arcticthe Arctic Oceanare v.(be)area n.argue vi.argument n.arise (arose arisen) vi.arithmetic n.arm n. v. n.armchair n.army n.around ad preparrange v.arrangement n.arrest v.arrival n.arrive vi.arrow n.art n.article n. artificial a. artist n. asad.& conj. prep. ash n. ashamed a. Asia * n.Asian a. n.aside ad.ask v.asleep a. aspect n. assess v. assessment n. assist v. assistance n. assistant n. associate v. association n. assume v. assumption n. astonish vt. astronaut n. astronomer n. astronomy n.at prep.athlete n. athletic a. athletics n. Atlantic a.the Atlantic Ocean atmosphere n. atom n.attach v.attack vt. / n. attain v. attempt vt.attend v.attention n.attentively ad.attitude n.attract v.attraction n.attractive a.audience n.authentic a.author n.authority n.automatic a.autonomous a.August n. 8aunt n.Australia * n.Australian a. nautumn n.available a.avenue n.average a. n.avoid v.awake (awoke awoken) v.a.award n.aware a.away ad.awesome a.awful a.awkward a.Bbaby n.bachelor n.back ad. a. n.backache n.background n.backward(s) ad.bacon n.bacterium (bacteria) n.bad (worse worst) a.badly ad.badminton n.bag n.baggage n.bake v.bakery n.balance n.balcony n.ball1 n. n.ballet n.balloon n.ballpoint = ballpoint penbamboo n.ban n. v.banana n.band n.bandage n.bang int.bank n. n.bank account n.bar n. n.barbecue n.barber n.barbershop n.bare a.bargain n. v.bark v. n.barrier n.base n.baseball n.basement n.basic a.basin n.basis n.basket n.basketball n.bat n. n.bath n.bathe vi.bathrobe n.bathroom n.bathtub n.battery n.battle n.battleground n.bay n.BC n.be v. (am is are was were being been)beach n.beam n.bean n.beancurd n.bear v. n.beard n.beast n.beat (beat beaten) v. nbeautiful a.beauty n.because conj.become (became be come) v.bed n.bedclothes n.beddings n.bedroom n.bee n..beef n.beehive n.beer n.before prep. ad. conj.beg v.begin (beganbegun) v.beginning n.behalf n.behave v.behaviour n.behind prep. () adBeijing n.being n.Belgium * n.belief n.believe v.bell n. ()belly n. belong vi.below prep.belt n.bench n.bend (bent bent) vt.beneath prep.beneficial a.benefit n. / v.bent a.beside prep.besides prep. ad.bestgood wella. & ad. n.best--seller n.better (good well ) a.& ad.n. v.betray v.between prep.beyond prep. ()bicycle n.bid v./ n.big a.bike = bicycle n.bill n.billion num.bingo n.biochemistry n.biography n.biology n.bird n.birdcage n.birth n.birthday n.birthplace n.biscuit n.bishop n.bit n.bite (bit bitten) v.bitter a.black n. a.blackboard n.blame n.& v.blank n.& ablanket n.bleed vi.bless vt.blind a.block n. vt.blood n.blouse n.blow n.blow (blew blown) v.blue n. a.a.board n. v.boat n.boat--race n.boating n.body n.body--building n.boil v.bomb n. v.bond n. /v.bone n. bonesbonus n.book n. v.bookcase n.bookmark n.bookshelf n.bookshop n.bookstore n.boom n. / v.boot n.booth n.telephone boothborder n.bored a.boring a.bor n a.borrow v.boss n.botanical a.botany n.both a. pron.bottle n.bottom n.bounce v.bound a v& nboundary n.bow v.& n.bowl n.bowling n.box n.boxing n.boy n.boycott v.brain n.brake n. vi.branch n.brand n.brave a.bravery n.bread n.break n.break (broke bro ken) v. breakfast n. breakthrough n.breast n.breath n.breathe vi.breathless a.brewery n.brick n.bride n.bridegroom n.bridge n.brief a.bright a.brilliant a.bring (brought brought) vt. Britain * n.British a.the British n.broad a. broadcast n.broadcastbroadcastbroadcast--ed--edvt.brochure n.broken a.broom n.brother n.brotherhood n.brown n. a.brunch n.brush v. n.bucket n.Buddhism n.Buddhist n.budget n.buffet n.build (built built) v.building n.bun n.bunch n.bungalow n.burden n.bureaucratic a.burglar n.burial n.burn (--ed --ed burnt burnt)v. n.burst v.bury vt.bus n.bus stop nbush n.business n.businessman (pl.businessmen) n.businesswoman(businesswomen) n.busy a.but conj. prep.butcher n. vt.butter n.butterfly n.the butterflybutton n. v.buy (bought bought) vt.by prep.bye int.Ccab n.cabbage n.caf n.cafeteria n.cage ncalculate v.cake n.call n v.calm a. v.camel n.camera n.camp n. vi.campaign n.can (could) can't = can notmodal v.n.a garbage cana can openerCanada * n.Canadian a. n.canal n.cancel vt.cancer n.candidate n.candle n.candy n.canteen n.cap n.capital n...capsule n.captain n.caption n.car n.carbon n.card n.card gamescare n. v.careful a.careless a.carpenter n.carpet n.carriage n.carrier n.carrot n.carry vt.cartoon n.carve vt.case n. n.cash n. v.cassette n.cast (cast cast) v.castle n.casual a.cat n.catalogue n.catastrophe n.catch(caught caught)v.category n.cater v.catholic a.cathedral n.cattle n.cause n. vt.caution n.cautious a.cave n.CD (compact disk)CDROM(compact disk readonly memory)ceiling n.celebrate v.celebration n.cell n.cellar n.cent n. 100 cents = 1 dollarcentigrade a.centimetre ( centimeter) n.central a.centre ( center ) n. century n.ceremony n.certain a.certainly ad.certificate n.chain n.chain store(s)chair n.chairman (pl. chairmen) n.chairwoman (pl. chairwomen)n.chalk n.challenge n.()challenging a.champion n.chance n.changeable a.change n v.channel n.chant v./ n.chaos n.character n..characteristic a.charge v. () n.chapter n.chart n.chat n. & vi.cheap a.cheat n. & v.check n. vt.cheek n.cheer n. & vi.Cheer upcheerful a.cheers int. ()cheese n.chef n.chemical a. n.chemist n.chemistry n.cheque (check) n.chess n.chest n.chew vt.chick n.chicken n.chief a. n.child (children) n.childhood n.chimney n.China * n.Chinese a. n.chips n. (pl.)chocolate n.choice n.choir n.choke n. & v.choose (chose chosen) vt.chopsticks n.chorus n.Christian n.Christmas n. 1225Christmas cardChristmas treeChristmas Evechurch n.cigar n.cigarette n.cinema n.circle n. /vt.circuit n.circulate v.circumstance n.circus n.citizen n.city n.civil a.civilian n.civilization n.clap vi.clarify v.class n.classic a.classical a. classify v. classmate n. classroom n. claw n.clay n.clean vt. a. cleaner n...clear a.clearly ad.clerk n.clever a.click v.climate n.climb v.clinic n.clock n.clone n.close a ad. vtcloth n.clothes n. clothing n. () cloud n.cloudy a.club n.clumsy a.coach n.coal n.coast n.coat n. vt.cock n.cocoa n.coffee n.coin n. coincidence n. coke n.cold a. n.cold--blooded a. () collar n. colleague n. collect vt. collection n.college n.collision n.colour (color) n. vt.comb n. v.combine vt.come (came come) vi.comedy n.comfort n.comfortable a.comma n.command n. & v.comment n.commercial a.commit v.commitment n.committee n.common a.communicate v.communication n.communism n.communist n.a.companion n.company n.compare vt.compass n.compensate v.compete vi.competence n.competition n.competitor n.complete a. vt.complex a. / n.component n.composition n.comprehension n.compromise v.compulsory a.computer n.computer gamecomrade n.concentrate v.concept n.concern v. / n.concert n.conclude v.conclusion n.concrete a.condition n.condemn v.conduct vt.conductor n.confident a.confidential a.conference n. ()confirm v.conflict n.confuse v.congratulate vt.congratulation n.connect v.connection n.conscience n.consensus n.consequence n.conservation nconservative a. n.consider vt.considerate a.consideration n.consist v.consistent a.constant a.constitution n.construct v.construction n.consult v.consultant n.consume v.contain v.container n.contemporary a. content a. n. continent n.continue vi. contradict v. contradictory a. contrary n. / a. contribute v. contribution n. control vt.& n. controversial a. convenience n. convenient a. conventional a. conversation n. convey v.convince v.cook n. v.cooker n. ()cookie n.cool a.copy n. v.coral n.cordless a.corn n.corner n. corporation n.correct v. a. correction n. correspond vi. () corrupt a. / v.cost (cost cost) v. n. cosy a.cottage n. ()cotton n. a.cough n.& vi.could modal v.can count vt.counter n.country n. countryside n. couple n.courage n.course n.court n.courtyard n.cousin n.cover n. v.cow n.cowboy n.co-worker. n.crash v. / n.crayon ncrazy a.cream n.create vt.creature n.credit n.crime n.criminal n.crew n.criterion (pl. criteria) n.crop n.cross a.n. vt.crossing n.crossroads n.crowd n. vt.crowded a.cruel a.cry n. v.cube n.cubic a.cuisine n.culture n.cup n.cupboard n.cure n. & vt.curious a.currency n.curriculum n.curtain n.cushion n.custom n.customer n.customs n.cut (cut cut) v. / n.cycle vi.cyclist n.Ddad = daddy n.daily a.ad. n.dam n.damage n.& vt.damp a. & n.dance n.& vi.danger n.dangerous a.dare v.& aux..todark n. a.darkness n.dash v. & n.data n.database n.date n. n.daughter n.dawn n.day n.daylight n.dead a.deadline n.deaf a.deal n.dear int.a.death n.debaten. & v.debt n.decade n.December n. 12decide v.decision n.declare vt.decline v.decorate vt. decoration n. decrease v.deed n.deep a. ad.deeply ad.deer n.defeat vt.defence (defense) n. & v. defend vt.degree n.delay v.& n.delete v. deliberately ad. delicate a.delicious a.delight n.delighted a.deliver vt.demand vt.dentist n. department(Dept.)n. department -store n. departure n.depend vi.deposit v. / n.depth n.describe vt. description n.desert n. vt. deserve v.design n.& vt. n. desire vt. & n.desk n.desperate a.dessert n. destination n. destroy vt.detective n. determination n.determine vt.develop v. vt.development n.devote vt.devotion n.diagram n.dial vt.dialogue ( dialog) n.diamond n.diary n.dictation n.dictionary n.die v.diet n.differ v.difference n.different a.difficult a.difficulty n.dig (dug dug) v.digest v.digital a. .dignity n.dilemma n.dimension n.dine v.dining-roomdinner n.dinosaur n.dioxide n.dip vt.diploma n.direct a. / vt.direction n.director n.directory n.dirt n.dirty a.disability n..disabled a.disadvantage n.disagree vi.disagreement n.disappear vi.disappoint vt.disappointment n.disaster n.discount n.discourage vt.discover vt.discovery n.discrimination n.discuss vt.discussion n.disease n.disgusting a.dish n.disk =disc n.dislike vt.dismiss vt.disobey vt.distance n.distant a.distinction n.distinguish v.distribute v.district n.disturb vt.disturbing a.dive vi.diverse v.divide vt.division n.divorce v.dizzy a.do (did done) don't=do notv. & aux. doesdoctor n.document n.does doesn't = does not v.dodog n.doll n.dollar n.door n.dormitory n. dormdot n.double a. . n. .doubt n.& v.down prep. ad.download n.& v.downstairs ad.downtown ad. n. a.downward ad.dozen n.Dr() = Doctor n.draft n. / v.drag v.draw (drew drawn) v.drawback n.drawer n.drawing n.dream (dreamt dreamt --ed --ed) n.& vt.dress n. () v.drier =dryer n.drill n. vt. ()drink n.drink(drank drunk) v.drive(drove driven) v.driver n.drop n. v....drown vi.drug n.drum n.drunk a.dry v. a.duck n.due a.dull a.dumpling n.during prep.dusk n.dust n. dustbin n.dusty a.duty n.DVD (digital versatile disk)dynamic a.dynasty n.Eeach a.& pron...eager a.eagle n.ear n..early a. ad.earn vt.earth n.earthquake n.ease v.easily ad.east a. ad. n.Easter n.eastern a.eastwards ad.easy a.easy--going a.eat (ate eaten) v.ecology n.edge n.edition n.editor n.educate vt.educator n.education n.effect n.effort n.egg n.eggplant n.Egypt* n.Egyptian a neight num.eighteen num.eighth num.eighty num.either a conj.ad. ()elder n.elect vt.electric a.electrical a.electricity n.electronic a.elegant a.elephant n.eleven num.else ad.e-mail/en.embarrass v.embassy n.emergency n.emperor n.empire n.employ vt.empty a.encourage vt.encouragement n.end n. v.ending n.endless a.enemy n.energetic a.energy n.engine n.engineer n.England* n.English a. n.English -speaking a.enjoy vt.enjoyable a.enlarge vt.enough n. a. ad.enquiry n.enter vt.enterprise n.entertainment n.enthusiastic a.entire a.entrance n.entry n.envelope n. environment n.envy vt.& n.equal a. vt.equality n.equip vt. equipment n.eraser n.error n.erupt v.escape n.& vi. especially ad.essay n.Europe* n.European a. n. evaluate v.even ad.evening n.event n.eventually ad.ever ad.every a.everybody pron. everyday a. everyone pron. everything pron. everywhere ad. evidence n.evident a.evolution n.exact a.exactly ad.exam = examination n. examine vt. example n. excellent a.except prep. exchange n.excite vt.excuse n.. vt..exercise n. vi.exhibition n.exist vi.existence n.exit n.expand v.expect vt.expectation n.expense n.expensive a.experience n.experiment n.expert n.explain vt.explanation n.explicit a.explode v.exploit vt....explore v.explorer n.export n. / v.expose vt.express vt n.expression n.extension n.extra a.extraordinary a.extreme a.extremely ad.eye n.eyesight n.eyewitness n.Ff () =female ( =footfeet) n.()()face n. vt.facial a.fact n.factory n.fade vi.fail v.failure n.fair a. a. () n.fairly ad.fairness n.faith n.fall n.fall (fell fallen) vi.false a.familiar a.family n.family namefamous a.fan n. n.fancy a.fantastic a. ()fantasy nfar (farther farthest furtherfurthest) a.& ad.fare n.farm n.farmer n.fast a ad.fasten vt.fat n. a.father n.fault n.favour (favor) n.favourite ( favorite) a. n.fax n.fear n.feast n.feather n.February n. 2federal a.fee n.feed (fed fed) vt.feel (felt felt) v.& linkfeeling n.fellow n.female a.fence n.ferry n.festival a.fetch vt.fever n.few pron.fibre (fiber) n.fiction n.field n.fierce a.fifteen num.fifth num.fifty num.fight n.fight (fought fought) n. fighter v.figure n. vt..file n.()fill vt.film n.vt.final a.finance n.find (found found) vt. fine a. n.& v. finger n.fingernail n.finish v.fire n. vi.firefighter n. fireplace n.firewood n.fireworks n.firm n. a.firmly ad.first num. a.& ad. n. fish n. vi. fisherman n.fist n. ()fit a. v.fitting room five num.fix vt.flag n.flame n.flaming a.flash n.flashlight n.flat a. n. ()flee (fled fled) v.flexible a.flesh n.flight n. n.float vi.flood n. vt.floor n..flour n.flow vi.flower n.flu n.fluency n.fluent a.fly n.fly (flew flown) vi. vt.focus v. / n.fog n.foggy a.fold vt.folk a.follow vt.following a.fond a.food n.fool n.foolish a.foot ( feet) n.football n.for prep. conj.forbid (forbade forbidden) vt.force vt.forecast n. & vt.forehead n.foreign a.foreigner n.foresee (foresaw foreseen)vt..forest n.forever ad.forget (forgot forgotten) v.forgetful a.forgive (forgave forgiven) vt.fork n.form n.format n.former a.fortnight n.fortunate a.fortune n.forty num.forward ad...found vt.founding n.fountain n.four num.fourteen num.fourth num.fox n.franc n.France* n.fragile a.fragrant a.framework n.free a.freedom n.freeway n.freeze (froze frozen) vi.freezing a.French n. aFrenchman ( Frenchmen) n.frequent a.fresh a.Friday n.friction n.fridge =refrigerator n.fried a. friend n. friendly a. friendship n. fright n. frighten vt. frog n.from prep... front a. n. frontier n. frost n.fruit n.fruit juice n. fry vt.fuel n.full a.fun n. function n. / v. fundamental a. funeral n. funny a.fur n. furnished a. furniture n. future n.Ggain vt.gale n. 60 gallery n. gallon n. game n. garage n. garbage n. garden n. gardening n. garlic n. garment n. gas n.gate n. gather v.gay a. general a.generation n.generous a.gentle a.gentleman n.geography n.geometry n.German a. n.Germany* n.gesture n.get (got got) vt.get--together n.gift n.gifted a.giraffe n.girl n.give (gave given) vt.glad a.glance vi.glare v.glass n.()glasshouse n.globe n.glory n.glove n.glue n.go (went gone) vi. n.goal n.goat n.god n.gold n. agolden a. ()goldfish n.golf n.good (better best) a.good-bye int.goodness n.goods n.goose ( geese) n.govern v.government n.gown n.grade n.gradually ad.graduate v.graduation n.grain n.gram n. ()grammar n.grand a.grandchild n.().granddaughter n.grandma = grandmother n.grandpa = grandfather n.grandparents n..grandson n.granny n.grape n.graph n.grasp v.grass n.grateful a.gravity n.great a. adGreece* n.greedy a.Greek a. / n.green a. n.greengrocer n.greet vt.greeting n.grey / gray a.grill n.grocer n.ground n.group n.grow (grew grown) v.growth n.gruel n.guarantee v.guard n.guess vi.guest n.guidance n.guide n.guilty a.guitar n.gun n.gym =gymnasium n.gymnastics n.Hha int. ()habit n.hair n.haircut n.half a.& n.hall n.ham n.hamburger n.hammer n.hand n. v.handbag n.handful n.()handkerchief n.handle n. v.handsome a.handtruck n.handwriting n.handy a. hang(hanged hanged) v.hang (hung hung) v.happen vi.happily ad.happiness n.happy a.harbour (harbor) n.hard ad a.hardly ad.hardship n.hardworking a.harm n.&v.harmful a.harmless a.harmony n. harvest n.& vt.hat n.()hatch v.hate vt.& n.have (has had had) vt.hawk n.hay n.he pron.head n. () a. v. ()headache n.headline n.headmaster n.headmistress n.headteacher n.health n.healthy a.heap n. v.hear (heard heard) v.hearing n.heart n..heat n. vt.heaven n.heavy a.heavily ad.heel n.height n.helicopter n.hello int.helmet n.help n. & vt.helpful a.hen n.her pron. ()herb n.here ad.hero n.heroine n.hers pron.herself pron.hey int.hi int.hibernate vi.hibernation n.hide (hid hidden) v.hide and seekhigh a. ad.highway n.hill n.hillside n.hilly a.him pron.himself pron.hire vt.his pron.history n.hit (hit hit) n.& vt.hive n.hobby n.hold (held held) vt.hole n.holiday n.holy a.home n. ad.homeland n.hometown n.homework n.honest a.honey n.Hong Kong* n.honour (honor) n vthook n.& v.hooray int.hope n.& v.hopeful a.hopeless a.horrible a.horse n.hospital n.host n. v.hostess n.hot a.hot dog n. ()hotel n.hour n.house n. housewife n. housework n.how ad.however ad. conj. howl vi.hug v.huge a.human a.human being humorous a. humour (humor) n. hundred num. hunger n.hungry a.hunt vt.hunter n. hurricane n.hurry vi.hurt (hurt hurt) vt. husband n. hydrogen n.II pron.ice n.ice--cream n. Iceland* n.idea n.identity n. identification n. idiom n.if conj.ignore v.ill a.illegal a.illness n.imagine vt. immediate a. immediately ad. immigration n.import v.& n.importance n.important a.impossible a.impress vt.impression n.improve vt.in prep. () ad.inch n.incident n.include vt.income n.incorrect a.increase v. & n.indeed a.independence n.independent a.India* n.Indian a. n.Indicate v.industry n.influence n.& v.inform vt.information n.information deskinitial a.injure vt.injury n.ink n.inland a.inn n.innocent a.insect n.insert vt.inside prep. ad.insist vi.inspect vt.inspire vt.instant a.instead ad.institute n. ()institution n ()instruct vt.instruction n.instrument n.insurance n.insure vt.intelligence n.intend vt.intention n.interest n.interesting a.international a.internet n.interpreter n.interrupt v.interval n.interview n.& vt.into prep.introduce vt.introduction n.invent vt.invention n.inventor n.invitation n.invite vt.Ireland* n.Irish a.iron n. vt.irrigate vt.irrigation n.island n.it pron.Italian a. () n.Italy* n.its pron.itself pron.Jjacket n.jam n.January n. 1Japan* n.Japanese a. n.jar n.jaw n.jazz n.jeans n.jeep n.jet n.jewel n.jewelry n.job n.jog v.join v.joke n.journalist n. journey n.joy n.judge n. vt. judgement n.juice n.juicy a.July n. 7jump n. v.June n. 6jungle n.junior a.junk n.junk mailjunk foodjust ad. a.justice n.Kkangaroo n.keep (kept kept) v. vt. keeper n.kettle n. ()key n.keyboard n.kick v.& n.kid n.kill v. kilo n.kilogram n.kilometr e n.kind n. a.kindergarten n.kind-hearted a.kindness n.king n.kingdom n.kiss n.& vt.kitchen n.kite n.knee n.knife ( knives) n.knock n.& v.know(knewknown) v.knowledge n.Llab = laboratory n.labour (labor) n.labourer (laborer) n.lack n.& vt.ladder n.lady n.lake n.lamb n.lame a.lamp n.land n.v.()language n.lantern n.lap n. ().()large a.laser n.last a.ad. n.v.late a.ad.lately ad.later a.latest a.latter n.laugh n.& v.laughter n.laundry n.lavatory n.law n.lawyer n.lay (laid laid) vt.lazy a.lead (led led) v. n.leader n.leading a.leaf ( leaves) n.league n.leak vi.learn (learnt learnt--ed --ed)vt.learned a.least n.leather n.leave (left left) v.lecture n.left a. ad. n.left-handed a.leftover a.n.left-wing n.leg n.legal a.lemon n. a. ()lemonade n.lend (lent lent) vt.()length n.lesslittle a.& ad.lesson n.let (let let) vt.letter n.letter-box n.level n.liberty n.liberate vt.liberation n.librarian n.library n.license n.。


Aa(an) art abandon vability nable a abnormal a aboard prep abolish v abortion nabout ad & prep above prep,a & ad abroad ad abrupt a absence n absent a absolute a absorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent naccept vaccess n & vaccessible aaccident naccommodation naccompany vaccomplish vaccount naccountant naccumulate vaccuracy naccurate aaccuse vaccustomed aache v & nachieve vachievement nacid aacknowledge vacquaintance nacquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement nadapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress nadequate aadjust vadjustment nadministration nadmirable aadmire vadmission nadmit vadolescence nadolescent a & nadopt vadore vadult nadvance v & nadvantage nadventure nadvertise vadvertisement nadvice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep & conjafternoon nafterward(s) adagain adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent naggressive aago adagree vagreement nagricultural aagriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nairplane nairport nairspace nalarm n & valbum n alcohol n alcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a & pron allergic aalley n allocate v allow v allowance n almost ad alone aalong ad & prep alongside ad aloud ad alphabet n already adalso ad alternative a although conj altitude n altogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) nalways adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbramateur aamaze vamazing aambassador nambassadress nambiguous aambition nambulance nAmerica namong prepamount n & vample aamuse vamusement nanalyse vanalysis nancestor nanchor v & nancient aand conjanecdote nanger nangle nangry aanimal nankle nanniversary nannounce vannoy vannual aanother a & pronanswer n & vant nAntarctic aantique nanxiety nanxious aany pron & aanybody pronanyhow adanyone pronanything pronanyway adanywhere adapart ad & aapartment napologize vapology napparent aappeal v & nappear vappearance nappendix nappetite napplaud v & napple napplicant napplication napply vappoint vappointment nappreciate vappreciation napproach n & vappropriate aapproval napprove vapproximately adapron narbitrary aarch narchitect narchitecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) varithmetic narm n & varmchair narmy naround ad & preparrange varrangement narrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle n artificial aartist nas ad,conj & prep ash n ashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect n assess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v &aaward naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a & nbackground nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) nbad(worse,worst) abadminton nbag nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & nbeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehaviour(Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prep bench nbend(bent,bent) vbeneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo nbiochemistry nbiography nbiology nbird nbirth nbirthday nbiscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) vbitter ablack a & nblackboard nblame n & vblank n & ablanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) vblue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a & pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & nbreakfast nbreakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & n Buddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden n bureaucratic aburglar n 或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) nbusy abut conj & prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & vcampaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal vcan2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless acarpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) vcastle ncasual acat ncatalogue ncatastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) vcategory nCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk nceiling ncelebrate vcelebration ncell ncent ncentigrade acentimetre(Am centimeter) ncentral acentre(Am center) ncentury nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair n(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful a cheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) nchess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) nchildhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) vchopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate vcircumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate nclassroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & vcomb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) vcomedy ncomfort ncomfortable acommand n & vcomment ncommercial acommit vcommitment ncommittee ncommon acommunicate vcommunism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v concrete acondemn vcondition nconduct vconductor nconference nconfident aconfidential aconfirm vconflict nconfuse vcongratulate vcongratulation nconnect vconnection nconscience nconsensus nconsequence nconservation nconservative aconsider vconsiderate aconsideration nconsistent aconstant aconstitution nconstruct vconstruction nconsult vconsultant nconsume vcontain vcontainer ncontemporary acontent1 ncontent2 acontinent ncontinue vcontradict vcontradictory acontrary n & acontribute vcontribution ncontrol v & ncontroversial aconvenience nconventional aconversation nconvey vconvince vcook n & vcooker ncookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner ncorporation ncorrect v & acorrection ncorrespond vcorrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) acottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal vcount vcountry ncountryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) ncrop ncross n & vcrossroads n crowd n & v cruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup n cupboard ncure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist nD daily a,ad & ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger ndangerous adare v & modal vdark a & ndarkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate vdecoration ndecrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) ndefend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & ndeliberately addelicate adelicious adelight ndelighted ademand vdentist ndepartment(Dept.) ndeparture ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & ndeserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective ndetermine vdevelop vdevelopment ndevote vdiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) ndiamond ndiary ndictation ndictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) vdigest vdigital adignity ndilemma ndimension ndinner ndinosaur ndioxide ndiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n dish ndisk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant adistinction ndistinguish vdistribute vdistrict ndisturb vdisturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) vdoctor ndocument ndog ndoll ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) ndot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & addownload n & vdownstairs addowntown ad,n & adozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) vdrawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & vdress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) vdrive(drove,driven) vdrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile diskndynamic adynasty nEeach a & proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad & nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj & adelder nelect velectric aelectrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ v empty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending n endless a enemy n energetic a energy n engine n engineer n enjoy v enjoyable aenlarge venough pron,a & adenquiry nenter venterprise nentertainment nenthusiastic aentire aentrance nentry nenvelope nenvironment nenvy v & nequal a & vequality nequip vequipment neraser nerror nerupt vescape n & vespecially adessay nEurope nEuropean a & nevaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody proneveryday aeveryone proneverything proneverywhere adevidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination nexamine vexample nexcellent aexcept prepexchange n & vexcite vexcuse n & vexercise n & vexhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect vexpectation nexpense nexpensive aexperience nexperiment nexpert nexplain vexplanation nexplicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v & afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) nfavourite(Am favorite) a & nfax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) v fellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron & afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & vfigure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep & conjforbid(forbade,forbidden)vforce vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen)vforest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) vforgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) vfork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull a fun n & afunction n & vfundamental afuneral nfunny afur nfurnished afurniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon n33game ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & ngeneration ngenerous agentle agentleman ngeography ngeometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) agoods ngoose(pl geese) ngovern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild ngranddaughter ngrandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather ngrandparents ngrandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & ngreengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) vgrowth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest n guidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham n hamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful n handkerchief n handle n & v handsome a handwriting n handy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed)vhappen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v & nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) vhearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & adhomeland nhometown nhomework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & vhook n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife nhousework nhow adhowever ad & conjhowl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being nhumorous ahumour(Am humor) nhungry ahunt vhunter n hurricane n hurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream n idea n identification n identity n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal a illness n imagine v immediately ad import v & nimportance nimportant aimpossible aimpress vimpression nimprove vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed aindependence nindependent aindicate vindustry ninfluence n & vinform vinformation ninitial ainjure vink ninn ninnocent ainsect ninsert vinside prep & adinsist vinspect vinspire vinstant ainstead adinstitute ninstitution ninstruct vinstruction ninstrument ninsurance ninsure vintelligence nintend vintention ninterest ninteresting aInternet ninterpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce vintroduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) njob njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometer (Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge n lab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy aleader nleaf(pl leaves) nleague nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) vlecture nleft a,ad & nleg nlegal alemon n & alemonade nlend(lent,lent) vlength nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation nliberty nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v & alightning nlike v & preplikely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten vliterature nliterary alitre(Am liter) nlitter vlive v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & vlonely along a & adlook n & vloose alorry nlose(lost,lost) vloss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky aluggage nlunch nMmachine nmad amadam/madame n magazine nmagic amaid nmail n & vmailbox nmain amainland nmajor amajority nmake1 nmake2(made,made) v male a & nman(pl men) nmanage vmanager nmankind nmanner nmany(more,most) pron & a map n marathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & nmat nmatch v & nmaterial nmathematics=math/maths nmatter n & vmature amaximum a & nmay modal vmaybe adme pronmeal nmean(meant,meant) vmeans nmeanwhile admeasure vmeat nmedal nmedia nmedical amedicine nmedium nmeet(met,met) v & nmeeting nmelon nmember nmemorial n & amemory nmend vmental amention n & vmenu nmerchant a & nmerciful amercy nmerely admess nmessage nmessy ametal n & amethod nmetre(Am meter) nmicroscope nmicrowave nmiddle nmidnight nmight modal vmild amile nmilk n & vmillimetre(Am millimeter) nmillionaire nmind n & vmine1 n & vmine2 pronmineral nminibus nminimum aministry nminority nminus prep & aminute nmirror nmiss1 nmiss2 vmissile nmist nmistake(mistook,mistaken) v & nmistaken amisunderstand(misunderstood,misunderstood) vmix vmixture nmobile amodel nmodem nmodern amodest amom=mum nmoment nmommy=mummy n money nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmonument nmoon nmop n & vmoral a & nmore(much,many) a,ad & n morning nMoslem nmosquito nmost a & admother nmotherland nmotivation nmotor nmotorcycle nmotto nmountain n mountainous amourn vmouse(pl mice) n moustache nmouth nmove vmovement nmovie nMr.(mister) nMrs.(mistress) nMs. nmuch a & admud nmuddy amultiply vmurder vmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical a & nmusician nmust modal vmustard nmutton nmy pronmyself pronNnail nname n & vnarrow anation nnational anationality nnationwide adnative anatural anature nnavy nnear a,ad & prepnearby anearly adneat anecessary aneck nnecklace nneed n & modal vneedle nnegotiate vneighbour(Am neighbor) nneighbourhood(Am neighborhood) nneither anephew nnervous anest nnet nnetwork nnever adnew anews nnewspaper nnext a & adnice aniece nnight nno ad & aNo.=number nnoble anobody n & pronnod vnoise nnoisy anone pronnoodle nnoon nnor conjnormal n & anorth a,ad & nnortheast nnorthern anorthwest nnose nnot adnote n & vnotebook nnothing pron,n & anotice n & vnovel nnovelist nnow adnowadays adnowhere adnuclear anumb anumber nnurse nnursery nnut nnutrition nOobey v object n observe v obtain v obvious a occupation n occupy v occur v ocean n Oceania n o’clock nof prepoff prep & ad offence n offer n & v office n officer n official n & a offshore a often adoh intoil n & v oilfield n O.K. adold aOlympic(s) a & non prep & adonce n,ad & conjone prononeself prononion nonly a & adonto prepopen a & vopening nopera noperate voperation noperator nopinion noppose vopposite n & aoptimistic aoptional aor conjoral aorange n & aorbit norder n & vordinary aorgan norganise(Am organize) vorganisation(Am organization) norigin nother pron & aotherwise adought modal vour pronours pronourselves pronout adoutcome noutdoors adouter aoutgoing aouting noutline noutput noutside n,ad & prepoutspoken aoutstanding aoutward(s) adoval n & adover prep & adovercoat novercome voverhead aoverlook voverweight aowe vown a & vowner nownership nox(pl oxen) noxygen nPpace nPacific apack n & vpackage npacket npaddle npage npain npainful apaint n & vpainter npainting npair npalace npale apan npancake npanda npanic a & vpaper npaperwork nparagraph nparallel a & nparcel npardon nparent npark1 npark2 vparking nparrot npart n,a & vparticipate v。