证券投资学 第 7 章 答案
第7 章证券投资的基本分析一、判断题1.投资者获得上市公司财务信息的主要渠道是阅读上市公司公布的财务报告。
投资学习题第一篇投资学课后习题与答案乮博迪乯_第6版 由flyesun 从网络下载丆版权归原作者所有。
1. 假设你发现一只装有1 00亿美元的宝箱。
a. 这是实物资产还是金融资产?b. 社会财富会因此而增加吗?c. 你会更富有吗?d. 你能解释你回答b 、c 时的矛盾吗?有没有人因为这个发现而受损呢?2. Lanni Products 是一家新兴的计算机软件开发公司,它现有计算机设备价值30 000美元,以及由L a n n i 的所有者提供的20 000美元现金。
在交易过程中有金融资产的产生或损失吗?a. Lanni 公司向银行贷款。
它共获得50 000美元的现金,并且签发了一张票据保证3年内还款。
b. Lanni 公司使用这笔现金和它自有的20 000美元为其一新的财务计划软件开发提供融资。
c. L a n n i 公司将此软件产品卖给微软公司( M i c r o s o f t ),微软以它的品牌供应给公众,L a n n i 公司获得微软的股票1 500股作为报酬。
d. Lanni 公司以每股80美元的价格卖出微软的股票,并用所获部分资金偿还贷款。
3. 重新考虑第2题中的Lanni Products 公司。
a. 在它刚获得贷款时处理其资产负债表,它的实物资产占总资产的比率为多少?b. 在L a n n i 用70 000美元开发新产品后,处理资产负债表,实物资产占总资产比例又是多少?c. 在收到微软股票后的资产负债表中,实物资产占总资产的比例是多少?4. 检察金融机构的资产负债表,有形资产占总资产的比率为多少?对非金融公司这一比率又如何?为什么会有这样的差异?5. 20世纪6 0年代,美国政府对海外投资者所获得的在美国出售的债券的利息征收 3 0%预扣税(这项税收现已被取消),这项措施和与此同时欧洲债券市场(美国公司在海外发行以美元计值的债券的市场)的成长有何关系?6. 见图1 -7,它显示了美国黄金证券的发行。
不动产 • 是证明不动产所有权证书,如房契、地契等。
7.1 证券融资概述
7.1.2 股票的概念和分类
股票,是股份公司的股份资本所有权的证明,是股东据以取得 股息收入的一种有价证券。
股份有两重含义:一是构成股本的成分,并且是股本的最小计 量单位;二是股东拥有的权利、义务的来源,即股东所拥有的 股份而应有的权利和义务在全部股本中的比例。
二、股票的分类 1. 按股东承担的风险和享有的权益,分为普通股和优先股。
7.1 证券融资概述
7.1.2 股票的概念和分类
• 普通股股利的多少取决于公司盈余状况及分配政策,因而股利波动 盈余分 大,风险也大。
资产分 • 若公司解散进行清算,普通股股东有权按比例分得公司的剩余财产。
7.2.2 股票的发行
2. 承销发行
7.2 股票融资
股份有限公司或发起人只将股票公开销售委托 给承销商办理,承销商不承担任何风险。
助销 包销
未售完部分由承销商全部买下,承销商承担部 分股票发行的风险。
承销商买下全部股票,再于适当时机卖给社会 公众。股票承销风险完全由承销商承担。
7.2 股票融资
7.1.2 股票的概念和分类
优先股的形式: • 累积优先股
1 • 非累积优先股
• 参与优先股 2 • 非参与优先股
• 可转换优先股 3 • 不可转换优先股
• 可回购优先股 • 混合股 4 • 后配股
7.1 证券融资概述
7.1 证券融资概述
7.1.2 股票的概念和分类
2. 按是否记名,分为记名股票和无记名股票。 (1)记名股票
第七章 衍生工具投资 《投资学》
第五节 互换投资
一、金融互换的产生与发展 二、金融互换的理论基础 三、互换合约的内容
交易双方、合约金额、互换货币、互换利率、 合约期限、互换价格、权利义务、价差、 其他费用
(一)降低筹资成本并防范汇率和利率风险 (二)可使某些筹资人进入到原本很难进入的市 场 (三)有利于企业和金融机构的资产负债管理
B公司(香港公司 )
பைடு நூலகம்优势差异
英镑市场 5.75%
美元市场 8.875%
实现的总节 约
(1)期初交换债券本金 由日本公司在英国发行欧洲美元债券7,800万美元,由中国香港公 司发行英镑债券6,000英镑,通过投资银行互换本金。
(一)套期保值功能 (二)价格发现功能 (三)投机功能 (四)套利功能
按交易动机的不同,金融期货市场的参与者可分 为套期保值者、组合投资者和投机者等。
(一)外汇期货 外汇期货又称货币期货,是以外汇为标的的期货 合约,是金融期货中最先产生的品种,主要是为 了规避外汇风险。 外汇期货与远期外汇交易:流动性不同、合约的 标准化程度不同、交易手段不同、市场参与者不 同、履约方式不同、信用风险不同
欧洲美元债券 7,800万美元
欧洲英镑债券 6,000万英镑
欧洲美元债券 7,800万美元
西财《投资学》教学资料包 课后习题答案 第七章
第七章证券交易市场一、思考题1. 简述证券交易市场与证券发行市场的关系。
(1)证券交易市场对证券发行市场具有依赖性(2)证券交易市场促进了证券发行市场的发展2. 证券上市的概念、条件与意义。
3. 证券交易所有哪两种类型?(1)公司制证券交易所(2)会员制证券交易所4. 比较证券场内交易方式与场外交易方式的利与弊。
场外交易:又称柜台买卖或称店头市场,英文简称为 OTC (Over-The-Counter)。
如果市场利率突然降至6%,每种债券的资本利得分别是多少?第七章本章习题答案1. 债券(bond)是以借贷协议形式发行的证券。
债券到期时,发行者再付清面值(par value, face value)。
债券的息票率(coupon rate)决定了所需支付的利息:每年的支付按息票率乘以债券面值计算。
息票率、到期日和面值是债券契约(bond indenture)的各个组成部分,债券契约是债券发行者与持有者之间的合约。
债券持有人是公司的债权人, 不是所有者,无权参与或干涉公司经营管理,但债券持有人有权按期收回本息。
证券投资学课后作业张娟管实1101 U201113738第六章风险厌恶与风险资产配置1.选e. 风险厌恶程度高的投资者会选择风险小的投资组合,或者说更愿意持有无风险资产.更高的风险溢价听着可能会很有吸引力,但是其风险一般也会很大,不能抵消掉风险厌恶者的恐惧;风险更高,那风险厌恶程度高的投资者更加不会考虑;夏普比率是说单位风险所获得的风险溢价,虽然夏普比率高,表明单位风险获得的风险溢价高,但是对于风险厌恶者来说,总的风险很高,那么他们同样会拒绝。
2.选b. 由夏普比率的公式S=E(r p)−r f B,当借入利率r f B升高时,若其它保持不变,σp则夏普比率升高。
13. E(r c)=70%*18%+30%*8%=15%;σc=70%∗28%=19.6%14.15.我的报酬-波动比率为(0.18-0.8)/0.28=0.3571. 客户的报酬-波动比率和我的一样。
斜率为0.357117.a. y=0.8b. 标准差为22.4%18.当标准差不大于18%时,投资比例y<=0.18/0.28=0.6429,最大投资收益为0.6429*0.18+0.3571*0.08=0.1443=14.43%,其中A=3.5,解得y∗=0.3644,即36.44%投资于风险资产,19.y∗=E(r p)−r fAσP263.56%投资于无风险资产。
20. a. y∗=0.4578,即45.78%投资于股票,54.22%投资于短期国债。
b. y∗=0.3080,即30.8%投资于股票,69.2%投资于短期国债。
21.a. 0.5b. 7.5%c. 标准差不超过12%,要想收益最大化,则令标准差为12%,算出y=0.12/0.15=0.822.y=0.5, E(r c)=0.5∗12%+0.5∗5%=8.5%23分别有两条无差异曲线与上面这条折线的上下部分相切。
第七章 投资学 习题答案
1. 10.The low correlations between the U.S. and the U.K., and the U.S. and Japan, confirm the benefit of global diversification.(1.0分)A.TureB.False2. 9.An index constructed using small-cap growth stocks would be referred to as a style index .(1.0分)A.TureB.False3. 8.The S&P 500 stock index is an example of an equally-weighted index.(1.0分)A.TureB.False4. 7.A value-weighted index contains an automatic adjustment for stock splits.(1.0分)A.TureB.False5. 6.In a value-weighted index the highest priced stock carries the greatest weight.(1.0分)A.TureB.False6. 5.Security market indexes have been used to create index funds and exchange traded funds.(1.0分)A.TureB.False7. 4.The DJIA has been criticized because when a stock in the index splitsthere are more shares outstanding and the importance of the stock in the index increases.(1.0分)A.a)TrueB.b)False8. 3.The Dow-Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a value- weighted average.(1.0分)A.a)TureB.b)False9. 2.A price-weighted indicator series is the geometric average of the current prices of the sampled securities.(1.0分)A.TureB.False10. 1.An aggregate market index can be used as a benchmark to judge the performance of professional money managers.(1.0分)A.TureB.False11.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculatethe percentage return in the price weighted series for the period Dec 31, 2003 to Dec 31, 2004.(1.0分)A.a) 42.86%B.b) 20.00%C.c) 21.76%D.d) 33.33%E.e) 40.00%12.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the price weighted series for Dec 31, 2004(1.0分)A.a) 121.25B.b) 119.25C.c) 100.0D.d) 72.5E.e) 103.5713.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT PROBLEM31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the price weighted series for December 31, 2003 after the splits.(1.0分)A.a) 72.5B.b) 100.0C.c) 119.25D.d) 121.25E.e) 103.5714.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading.Calculate the price weighted series for Dec 31, 2003, prior to the splits.(1.0分)A.a)103.57B.b) 100.0C.c) 72.5D.d) 121.25E.e) 119.2515. 21.Correlations between U.S. investment grade bonds and high yield bonds are(1.0分)A.a) Low because of the equity characteristics of high yield bonds.B.b) Low because yields on investment grade bonds are determined by systematic interest rate variables.C.c) High because of the equity characteristics of high yield bonds.D.d) High because yields on investment grade bonds are determined by systematic interest rate variables.E.e) None of the above.16. 20.Correlations between U.S. investment grade bonds are(1.0分)A.a) Low because of the equity characteristics of high yield bonds.B.b) Low because yields on investment grade bonds are determined by systematic interest rate variables.C.c) High because of the equity characteristics of high yield bonds.D.d) High because yields on investment grade bonds are determined by systematic interest rate variables.E.e) None of the above.17. 19.Low correlations between the S&P 500 stock index and the MSCI EAFE suggest (1.0分)A.a) That investors should diversify investment portfolios.B.b) That investors should invest only in U.S. stocks.C.c) That investors should invest only in Europe.D.d) That investors should invest only is Asia.E.e) Nothing.18. 18.Which of the following are factors that make it difficult to create and maintain a bond index?(1.0分)A.a) The universe of bonds is broader than stocks.B.b) The universe of bonds is constantly changing due to new issues, bond maturities, calls, and bond sinking funds.C. c)There can be difficulties in correctly pricing bond issues.D.d) Choices a and c.E.e) Choices a, b and c.19. 17.The Value Line Composite Average is based on percent price changes which has been computed using(1.0分)A.a) An arithmetic mean.B.b) A harmonic average.C.c) A geometric mean.D.d) An expected average.E.e) A logarithmic average.20. 16.Which of the following indexes includes the most comprehensive listof stocks?(1.0分)A. a) New York Stock Exchange Composite IndexB.b) Standard and Poor's 500 Composite IndexC.c)American Stock Exchange Market Value IndexD.d) Nasdaq CompositeE. e) Dow Jones Industrial Average21. 15.An example of a value-weighted stock market indicator series is the(1.0分)A.a) Dow Jones Industrial Average.B.b) Nikkei-Dow Jones Average.C.c) Value Line Index.D.d) American Stock Exchange Index.E.e) Lehman Brothers Index.22. 14.What effect does a stock substitution or stock split have on a price-weighted series, such as DJIA?(1.0分)A.a) Divisor will increase/decrease, index remains the same.B.b) Index will increase/decrease, divisor remains the same.C.c) Index and divisor will remain the same.D.d) Index and divisor will both reflect the changes (immediately).E.e) Not enough information provided.23. 13.A properly selected sample for use in constructing a market indicator series will consider the sample's source, size and(1.0分)A.a) Value.B.b) Average beta.C.c) Breadth.D.d) Variability.E.e) Dividend record.24. 12.Which of the following is not a use of security market indicator series?(1.0分)A.a) To use as a benchmark of individual portfolio performanceB.b) To develop an index portfolioC.c) To determine unsystematic riskD.d) To determine factors influencing aggregate security price movementsE.e) To determine systematic risk25. 11.The correlations among the U.S. investment-grade-bond series were very high because all rates of return for investment-grade bonds over time are impacted by common macroeconomic variables.(1.0分)A.TureB.False26.Use the following information for the problem31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$75.00 10000$50.00 30000X$150.00 5000$65.00 15000Y$25.00 20000$35.00 20000Z$40.00 25000$50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the price weighted series for December 31, 2003 after the splits.(1.0分)A.72.5C.119.25D.121.25E.103.5727.39. Price Shares COMPANY A B ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Day 1 12 23 52 500 350 250Day 2 10 22 55 500* 350 250Day 3 8 26 51 1000 350 250**Day 4 9 25 19 1000 350 750*Split at Close of Day 2 **Split at Close of Day 3Calculate a Standard & Poor's Index for Day 3 if the base periodis Day 1 with an initial index value is 100.(1.0分)A.a) 90.351B.b) 91.035C.c) 95.234D.d) 101.628E.e) 110.35138. Price Shares COMPANY AB C A B C‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Day 1 12 23 52 500 350 250Day 2 10 22 55 500* 350 250Day 3 8 26 51 1000 350 250**Day 4 9 25 19 1000 350 750*Split at Close of Day 2 **Split at Close of Day 3 Calculate a Dow Jones Industrial Index for Day 4.(1.0分)A.a)11.2389B. b)21.3343C.c)31.2389D.d) 41.6890E.e) None of the above29.37. Price SharesCOMPANY A B C A B C‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Day 1 12 23 52 500 350 250Day 2 10 22 55 500* 350 250Day 3 8 26 51 1000 350 250**Day 4 9 25 19 1000 350 750*Split at Close of Day 2 **Split at Close of Day 3 Calculate a Dow Jones Industrial Index for Day 1.(1.0分)A. 13.000B.19.000C. 29.000D.87.000E.100.00030.36.You are given the following information regarding prices fora sample of stocks:PRICE Stock Number of Shares T T + 1‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑A 1,000,000 50 60B 10,000,000 30 35C 25,000,000 20 25Construct an unweighted series (arithmetic mean) assuming $1,000 is invested in each stock. What is the percentage change in wealth for this portfolio?(1.0分)A.a) 1.21%B.b) 20.00%C.c) 20.56%D.d) 21.76%E.e) 33.33%31.35.You are given the following information regarding prices fora sample of stocks:PRICE Stock Number of Shares T T + 1‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑A 1,000,000 50 60B 10,000,000 30 35C 25,000,000 20 25Using a value-weighted series approach, what is the percentage change in the series for the period from T to T + 1.(1.0分)A.a) 1.22%B.b) 20.00%C.c) 20.55%D.d) 21.76%E.e) 33.33%32.34.You are given the following information regarding prices fora sample of stocks:PRICE Stock Number of Shares T T + 1‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑A 1,000,000 50 60B 10,000,000 30 35C 25,000,000 20 25Using a price-weighted series approach, what is the percentage change in the series for the period from T to T + 1.(1.0分)A.a) 1.20%B.b) 20.00%C.c) 21.76%D.d) 33.33%E.e) 40.00%33.USE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the percentagereturn in the unweighted index (geometric mean) for the period Dec 31, 2003 to Dec 31, 2004. Assume a base index value of 100. The base year is Dec 31, 2003(1.0分)A.a) 46.05%B.b) 21.25%C.c) 51.25%D.d) 48.75%E.e) 100.25%34.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the unweighted index (geometric mean) for Dec 31, 2004. Assume a base index value of 100. Thebase year is Dec 31, 2003.(1.0分)A.a) 146.05B.b) 121.25C.c) 151.25D.d) 148.75E.e) 100.2535.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the unweighted index for Dec 31, 2003, after the splits. Assume a base index value of 100. Thebase year is Dec 31, 2003(1.0分)A.a) 110.0B.b) 200.0C.c) 100.0D.d) 120.0E.e) 150.036.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the unweighted index for Dec 31, 2003, prior to the splits. Assume a base index value of 100.The base year is Dec 31, 2003A.a) 100.0B.b) 200.0C.c) 150.0D.d) 120.0E.e) 175.037.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the percentage return in the value weighted index for the period Dec 31, 2003 to Dec 31, 2004.(1.0分)A.a) 12.68%B.b) 47.50%C.c) 21.76%D.d) 33.33%E.e) 40.00%E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the value weighted index for Dec 31, 2004. Assume a base index value of 100. The base year is Dec31, 2003.(1.0分)A.a) 121.25B.b) 100.0C.c) 81.69D.d) 72.5E.e) 147.539.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the value weighted index for Dec 31, 2003, after the splits. Assume a base index value of 100. The base year is Dec 31, 2003.(1.0分)A.a) 72.5B.b) 81.69C.c) 100.0D.d) 147.5E.e) 121.2540.E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT 12 PROBLEMS31-Dec-0331-Dec-0331-Dec-0431-Dec-04Stock Price Shares Price SharesW$ 75.00 10000$ 50.00 30000X$ 150.00 5000$ 65.00 15000Y$ 25.00 20000$ 35.00 20000Z$ 40.00 25000$ 50.00 25000Stocks W and X had 3 for 1 splits on December 31, 2003 at the end of trading Calculate the value weighted ndex for Dec 31, 2003, prior to the splits. Assume a base index value of 100.The base year is Dec 31, 2003.(1.0分)A.a) 147.5B.b) 81.69C.c) 72.5D.d) 100.0E.e) 121.25。
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
• 补充5: • 六个月期国库券的即期利率(年利率)为4%,一年期国库券的即期利
率为5%,问六个月后隐含的六个月远期利率是多少? • 解:利率是年利,但是支付方式是半年一次。因此,一年期债券每期
的即期利率为2.5%,而6个月债券则是2%。半年的远期利率为: • 1+f =1.025*1.025/1.02=1.03 • 这意味着远期利率是3%/半年,或者6%/年。
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
• 4.某投资者2002年8月1日购入2005年8月1日到期偿还的面值100元的贴现债,期望报酬率 为8%,该债券在购入日的价值评估为多少?
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
• 解:
V 0(1 F r)n (1 18% 03 0)7.9 38
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
第四章 证券市场及期运行
• 解: • 5000+6000+8000+4000+7000=30000
i1 n
1 (500014.84600027.10 30000
第四章 证券市场及期运行
• 5.现假定题3中五只股票基期的收盘价分别为8元、16元、9元、7元和6元,请分别用平均 法、综合法和加权综合法计算股价指数。
第四章 证券市场及期运行
• 解:(1)平均法
1 n ni1
P1i 10 01( 8 16 9
投资项目评价课后答案第六版1. 简介投资项目评价是一个关键的决策过程,它帮助投资者评估投资项目的可行性和潜在回报。
2. 定义投资项目评价是指通过对项目的经济、财务、市场等关键因素进行分析和评估,以确定项目的可行性、风险和预期收益,并为决策者提供合理的建议和依据。
3. 目的投资项目评价的目的是帮助投资者做出明智的投资决策。
4. 方法投资项目评价通常采用多种方法,包括财务分析、市场分析、风险评估和敏感性分析等。
4.1 财务分析财务分析是投资项目评价中最常用的方法之一。
常用的财务分析指标包括净现值(NPV)、内部收益率(IRR)和投资回收期(Payback Period)等。
4.2 市场分析市场分析是评估项目潜在市场需求和竞争情况的重要方法。
4.3 风险评估风险评估是评估项目风险和不确定性的方法。
4.4 敏感性分析敏感性分析是评估项目对关键因素变动的敏感程度的方法。
5. 考虑因素在进行投资项目评价时,需要考虑以下关键因素:5.1 政策环境政策环境对投资项目的影响是重要因素之一。
5.2 市场需求市场需求是评估项目可行性的重要因素。
5.3 技术可行性技术可行性是评估项目可行性的关键因素之一。
A.两者中期限较长的那个债券 B.两者中发行较早的那个债券C.两者中期限较短的那个债券 D.两者中发行较晚的那个债券2、在美国证券市场上,免税债券到期收益率与类似的应纳税债券到期收益率相比,()A.前者一般高于后者 B.前者一般低于后者C.两者是相同的 D.后者更接近银行利率3、影响债券价格的内部因素之一是()。
A.银行利率 B.外汇汇率风险C.税收待遇 D.市场利率4、影响债券定价的外部因素之一是()。
A.通货膨胀水平 B.市场性C.提前赎回规定 D.拖欠的可能性5、在估计股票内在价值的模型中,零增长模型实际上是假定股利增长率等于零时的()A.不变增长模型 B.可变增长模型C.两阶段增长模型 D.三阶段增长模型6、提前赎回条款是一种选择权,拥有者是()。
A.债券的持有人 B.债券的发行人C.债券的合伙人 D.债券的中介人7、根据债券定价原理,如果一种息票债券的市场价格等于其面值,那么()。
A.债券到期收益率大于其票面利率 B.债券到期收益率小于其票面利率C.债券到期收益率等于其票面利率 D.债券到期收益率等于其必要收益率8、政府债券收益率、公司债券收益率与银行利率相比,一般性的结论是()。
A.大于其应得收益率 B.小于其应得收益率C.下降 D.上升10、一种资产的内在价值等于预期现金流的()。
A.未来值 B.市场值C.现值 D.账面值11、折价出售的债券的到期收益率与该债券的票面利率之间的关系是()。
投资学第7章最优风险资产组合 v1
wEr E
wD Bond Weight wE Equity Weight
E ( r p ) w D E ( rD ) w E E ( rE )
Two-Security Portfolio: Risk
2 2 2 2 2 p wD D wE E 2wD wECovrD , rE
E (rD ) E (rE ) E (rD ) E (rE ) E (rE ) E P D E D E
同理可证, 当wD E /( D E )时,
P wE E - wD D wD f ( P ), 从而
E (rD ) E (rE ) E (rD ) E (rE ) E (rP ) E (rE ) E P D E D E 命题成立。
表7.1 两只共同基金的描述性统计
表7.3 不同相关系数下的 期望收益与标准差
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
图7.3 组合期望收益为投资比例的函数
图7.4 作为投资比例函数的组合标准差
图7.5 投资组合的期望收益 为标准差的函数
7.3 资产在股票、债券与国库券之间 的配置
组合方法:两项风险资产先组合形成新 的风险资产组合,然后再向组合中加入无 风险资产 形成的资本配置线(CAL)中斜率最高的, 效用水平最高
wE 1 wD
小结:两种风险资产与无风险资产 组合的配置程序
E (rP ) wD E (rD ) wE E (rE )
1. Because very few securities will exhibit perfectly positive correlation,diversification will tend to reduce portfolio risk. Thus, for any given level of expected return, one would expect that portfolios will exhibit lower risk (lie further to the west in the feasible set) than individual portfolios (which will therefore lie to the east in the feasible set).2. Diversified portfolios are more efficient than individual securities. That is,diversified portfolios provide the investor with higher expected returns for given levels of risk and/or lower risk for given levels of expected return when compared with individual securities.Diagrammatically, individual securities will lie in the eastern portion of the feasible set. Hence they are dominated by diversified portfolios, which lie in the northwestern portion of the feasible set, including those on the efficient set.3. The macroeconomic forces that impact the U.S. economy tend to have a strongeffect on the earnings (and, hence, stock prices) of all domestic corporations, although the magnitude of this effect will vary among industries and specific firms.For example, a recession causes most companies to experience a downturn in earnings. While some companies may be more severely affected than others, nevertheless, the broad influence of a recession on general economic activity likely results in most companies' stocks performing poorly.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a high positive covariance are auto and steel companies. When auto sales are strong (weak), the demand for steel generally rises (falls). The earnings of companies in both industries would rise and fall at roughly the same time and this movement would likely be anticipated by the earlier rise and fall of their stocks' prices.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a low covariance are banks and gold mining firms. Rising interest rates and poor business conditions generally produce declining bank earnings. At the same time, a pessimistic economic outlook often causes investors to increase their demand for gold, which increases the price of gold and, therefore, the earnings of gold mining firms. The result is that the stock prices of banks and gold mining firms will not likely move in the same direction.4. It is the fact that all stocks do not have high positive covariances that causesdiversification to benefit the investor. That is, by diversifying, investors can reduce portfolio risk and thereby create more efficient portfolios. If stocks did have high positive covariances, then holding a well-diversified portfolio would not result in meaningful reductions in risk relative to holding individual securities.5. If the security in question had significant negative correlation with the rest of thesecurities in the portfolio, Mule might consider purchasing it even though it had anegative expected return. The diversifying nature of the security might reduce the risk of the portfolio sufficiently to make it attractive despite its inferior return potential.6. Given the expected returns and variance-covariance estimates for all securities, aninvestor can construct the efficient set. This information, combined with the unique risk-return preferences of the investor, allows the investor to determine his or her optimal portfolio. Diagrammatically, this optimal portfolio lies at the point of tangency between the investor's indifference curves and the efficient set.7. The standard deviation of a two-security portfolio is given by:[]σσσρσσp A A B B A B AB A B X X X X =++22122/In Dode's case:= [(.35)²(20)² + (.65)²(25)² + 2(.35)(.65)(20)(25)12]½= [49 + 264 + 22812]½The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a minimum when the correlation between securities A and B is -1.0. That is:= [49 + 264 - 228]½= 9.2%The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a maximum when the correlation between securities A and B is +1.0. That is: = [49 + 264 + 228]½= 23.3%17. The beta of a portfolio is defined as the weighted average of the componentsecurities' betas. In the case of Siggy's portfolio:ββP i i i X ==∑13= (.30 ⨯ 1.20) + (.50 ⨯ 1.05) + (.20 ⨯ 0.90)= 1.07Further, the standard deviation of a portfolio can be expressed as:()σβσσεp P I p =+22212/= [(1.07)²(18)² + (.30)²(5.0)² +(.50)²(8.0)²+ (.20)²(2.0)²]½= [370.9 + 2.3 + 16.0 + 0.2]½= [389.4]½ = 19.7%18.The total risk of a portfolio can be expressed as: σβσσεp p I p =+222Further, the unique risk (σεp 2) is the weighted average of the unique risks of the portfolio's individual securities. In the case of the first portfolio with four equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 2221430025=⨯=∑..= 56.25 ⨯ 4 = 225.0Therefore the total risk of the first portfolio is:0.225)20()00.1(2221+⨯=σ= 625.01 = 25.0%In the case of the second portfolio with ten equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 22211030010=⨯=∑..= 9.0 ⨯ 10 = 90.0Therefore the total risk of the second portfolio is:σ222210020900=⨯+(.)().= 490.02 = 22.1%。
国际投资(第六版)在线解答手册(即课后习题答案) M07_SOLN8117_06_SM_C07
Chapter 7Global Bond Investing1. Bonds issued in the United States by a European corporation and denominated in U.S. dollars wouldbe classified as foreign bonds. The correct answer, accordingly, is (b).2. Each of the three statements is true.3. a. Both types of bonds would provide some debt reduction for emerging countries. The amount ofdebt reduction would be visible immediately in the case of a discount bond. From then on, theemerging country would pay a market interest rate on the reduced principal. In the case of a parbond, though the redemption value would remain unchanged, the debt reduction would beobtained through a coupon rate reset well below the market rate.b. Both types of bonds would pay a lower coupon amount than the original. The coupon amountwould be reduced for a discount bond because the market rate would be applied to a smallerprincipal. The interest payment would be reduced for a par bond because a below-market ratewould be applied to the original principal.c. The final redemption value would be much greater for a par bond than for a discount bond.As a compensation for this, the coupon payments would be lower for the par bonds than forthe discount bonds.4. The market price of these bonds is a sum of: (1) the present value of the coupons in yen, with thediscounting done based on the yen interest rate; and (2) the present value of the principal, converted to yen based on the spot exchange rate, with the discounting done based on the dollar interest rate.a. If the market interest rate on yen bonds drops significantly—that is, if the yen interest ratedrops—the present value of the coupons should increase. Thus, the market price should increase.b. If the dollar drops in value relative to the yen—that is, the yen/dollar exchange rate drops—the principal in dollars converts to a lower yen amount. Thus, the market price should decrease.c. If the market interest rate on dollar bonds drops significantly—that is, if the dollar interest ratedrops—the present value of the principal should increase. Thus, the market price should increase.5. a. Full price = Clean price + Accrued interest.Clean price = 90%.Because straight international bonds denominated in any currency use the U.S. “30/360” day-count convention, accrued interest = 120/360 × 5% = 1.67%. So, full price = 90% + 1.67% =91.67% of the par value of SFr 1,000 = SFr 916.70.b. Because the Swiss bond market also follows the U.S. “30/360” day-count convention, the answerwon’t be different.Chapter 7 Global Bond Investing 376. a. Because it is a zero-coupon bond, the YTM, r , is calculated simply as follows:910045(1)r =+ so, 1 + r = 1.0928, r = 0.0928, or 9.28%.b. Because it is a perpetual bond, the YTM, r , is calculated simply as follows:6108r= so, r = 0.0556, or 5.56%.7. a. In most European markets, the actual YTM would be reported after taking into account that thecoupon frequency is semiannual. Thus, in most European markets, the YTM reported would be an annual YTM of (1 + 0.08/2)2 – 1 = 0.0816, or 8.16%.b. i. =+++26106103,1(1)r r r is the yield (European way). So, r = 4.40%.ii. 24661031122r r =+′′⎛⎞⎛⎞++⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠ or, ′⎛⎞′+=+⎜⎟⎝⎠211,2r r r is the yield (U.S. way). So, r ′= 4.35%.8. a. Simple yield = Coupon (100Current price)1Current price Current price Years of maturity−+× Simple yield for Bond −=+×=11(100106.48)1A 8.81%106.48106.484Simple yield for Bond −=+×=7(10093.52)1B 9.22%93.5293.524 b. For Bond A, which is selling above par, the simple yield of 8.81% is less than the actual YTMof 9 percent. On the other hand, for Bond B, which is selling below par, the simple yield of9.22 percent is more than the actual YTM of 9 percent. Thus, the simple yield understates thetrue yield for a bond priced over par and overstates it for a bond priced under par.9. a. Expected price change = – 7.5 × 0.05% = – 0.375%. Given that the time horizon is just the nextfew minutes, this is also the expected return over the next few minutes.b. i. Expected price change = – 7.5 × – 0.30% = 2.25%.ii. Because the time horizon is one year, the estimated expected return = 4 + 2.25 = 6.25%.iii. Risk premium = 6.25 − 2.5 = 3.75%.38 Solnik/Mc L eavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition10. a. In theory, because U.S. Treasury bonds entail no default risk, a corporate bond’s credit spreadcould be measured by comparing its YTM with that of a Treasury bond that has identical cashflows. However, the problem is that such a Treasury bond will rarely exist. Moreover, thecomparison would not take into account liquidity differences between the Treasury bond andthe corporate bond.b. L et y be the yield on the corporate bond. There are two possibilities at year-end. One, thecorporation defaults (0.5% chance), and the investor gets nothing. Two, the corporation doesnot default (99.5% chance), and the investor gets (100 + y )%. Equating the expected payoff onthe corporate bond to that on the identical default-free bond, we have104 = 0.005 × 0 + 0.995 × (100 + y )so, y = 4.52%.L et m be the credit spread on the corporate bond. Then, y = 4% + m. So, m = 0.52%.11. a. The breakeven exchange rate is the forward rate, which can be computed using the interest rateparity relation. Because the exchange rate is given in £:€ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation is F = S (1 + r €)/(1 + r £) (that is, r € is a part of the numerator and r £ is a part of the denominator). Accordingly, the break-even rate is+⎛⎞==⎜⎟+⎝⎠10.0451.5408 1.530510.052Fb. Because the euro appreciated more relative to the pound than what the break-even rate implied,the euro investment would have turned out to be better. Of course, this is in hindsight.12. If the interest rate on Swiss francs increases, the bond price will go down. Also, a depreciation of theSwiss franc relative to the euro is undesirable for the French investor. Finally, the bonds are corporate bonds with a credit risk. Thus, the correct answer is (e).13. a. Because the model indicates that the Swiss franc will become stronger relative to the U.S. dollarthan as indicated by the forward rate, the investor would be better off hedging the currency risk.If he doesn’t hedge, he expects to receive SFr 135 for every US$100 that he gets one year later.If he hedges using a forward contract, he will receive SFr 146 for every US$100 that he gets one year later.b. Hedged return = foreign yield − D × Δforeign yield + Domestic cash rate − Foreign cash rate =4.5% − 6 × (– 0.15%) + 1% − 2% = 4.4%.c. Risk premium in Swiss franc = Expected hedged return to the Swiss investor − Swiss franc cashrate = 4.4% − 1% = 3.4%.Risk premium for the U.S. investor = Expected return to the U.S. investor − Dollar cash rate =[4.5% − 6 × (– 0.15%)] − 2% = 3.4%.14. The statement is correct. First, within a particular market, the prices of different straight bonds arehighly correlated, because they all tend to move up or down when the interest rate in that market moves down or up. However, the prices of bonds in different markets need not be highly correlated, because the interest rates may move in different directions in different markets. Second, the bonds in a particular market are denominated in the same currency. Thus, all bonds within the market areinfluenced similarly by the exchange rate movements of their currency relative to the domesticcurrency of the investor. However, currency movements across different markets would be different.Chapter 7 Global Bond Investing 3915. a. The coupon paid on September 1 is based on the rate set on March 1, which is 5%. Because thecoupon is semiannual, the coupon paid is 5% of $1,000/2 = $25.b. As per the yield curve on September 1, the six-month rate is 4.75%. Thus, the new value of thecoupon set on September 1 is 4.75% of $1,000/2 = $23.75.c. On December 1, three months have elapsed since September 1, and three months are remaininguntil the next reset date of March 1, 2008. We know that on this next reset date three monthslater, the bond will be worth 100%. Then it will pay a coupon of 2.375% (as set on September 1). The three-month rate on December 1 is 4.25%. Hence the present value of the FRN on December 1 is1,00023.75$1,012.99.1 4.25%/4V +==+ If the bond is quoted as a clean price plus accrued interest, the accrued interest on December 1 isequal to 1.1875% (or three months of a coupon of 4.75%), or $11.875. Hence, the clean pricewould beP c = 1,012.99 − 11.875 = $1,001.12, or 100.11%.16. Under the “freezing” method, the LIBOR is assumed to stay forever at 6%. Under this assumption,the FRN has an annual fixed coupon of 6.5% (“frozen” LIBOR + original spread). So, the semiannual coupon is 3.25%. The annual market-required yield is 6 + 1 = 7%. So, the semiannual yield is 3.50%. Because the value of a perpetual bond is given by P = C /r , the new value of the FRN should beP = 3.25/3.50 = 0.9286, or 92.86%.17. a. L et x be the coupon rate. The fair interest rate x on the bond should be found by equating thepresent yen value of all cash flows to the issue value of ¥150 million. The cash flows are asfollows:• Coupons in years 1 and 2, of ¥150 x million. The discount rate for these would be the yen yield.• Principal repayment at maturity of $1.36 million. The discount rate for this would be the dollar yield. The dollar present value of this zero-coupon dollar bond is then translated intoyen using the spot exchange rate of ¥110.29 per $.So, to get the fair interest rate, we have in million yen,22150150$1.36150(110.29)1.03 1.03 1.076.62%.x x x =++×= b. Because the coupon is 6% and the face value is 100% of the issue value, the percentage price can be computed as follows:226%6%100%98.82%.(1.03)(1.03)(1.07)P =++=40 Solnik/Mc L eavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition18. a. i. The net coupon for the combination of three bonds is2 × (12.75% − LIBOR) + 2 × LIBOR − 6.5% = 19%or 6.333% per bond compared with 6.75% on a straight bond. Thus, the net coupon per bondis lower for the combination.ii. The net coupon for the combination of two bonds isL IBOR + 0.25% + 12.75% − LIBOR = 13%or 6.5% per bond compared with 6.75% on a straight bond. Thus, the net coupon per bond islower for the combination.b. The net coupon for the combination of the two bonds is6.75% + 2 × LIBOR − 6.50% = 2 × LIBOR + 0.25%or L IBOR + 1/8% per bond compared with LIBOR + 1/4% on the plain FRN.19. a. The currency-option bond can be replicated by a straight one-year A$ bond redeemed at A$1,000with an x percent coupon plus an option to exchange A$1,000 (1 + x ) for US$1,000(1 + x )/1.82.The value of the option is 2 U.S. cents per A$, which is A$0.0364, based on the exchange rate of A$1.82 per US$. To be issued according to market conditions on the bond and options market,the coupon rate x percent of the currency-option bond should be such that the issue price of thisbond is equal to the present value of a fixed A$1,000(1 + x ) received in one year plus the present value of the currency option:1,000(1%)1,0001,000(1%)0.03641.08x x ×+=+×+× so, x = 0.03915, or 3.915%.b. The value of the currency-option bond is the sum of the present value of a straight one-year A$ bond redeemed at A$1,000 with a 3.4% coupon plus the value of the put option on the A$.1,000(10.034)1,000(10.034)0.0364A$99.051.08V ×+=+×+×= 20. a. The final payment will be 120. So, the expected yield, r , is given in the following equation:2120100(1)r =+ hence, r = 9.54%.b. The bond can be decomposed as the sum of a zero-coupon bond plus a two-year at-the-money call on the CAC index. The present value of this guaranteed bond is equal to210011100%1.06P =+= so, the bond is fairly valued.。
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1. Because very few securities will exhibit perfectly positive correlation,diversification will tend to reduce portfolio risk. Thus, for any given level of expected return, one would expect that portfolios will exhibit lower risk (lie further to the west in the feasible set) than individual portfolios (which will therefore lie to the east in the feasible set).2. Diversified portfolios are more efficient than individual securities. That is,diversified portfolios provide the investor with higher expected returns for given levels of risk and/or lower risk for given levels of expected return when compared with individual securities.Diagrammatically, individual securities will lie in the eastern portion of the feasible set. Hence they are dominated by diversified portfolios, which lie in the northwestern portion of the feasible set, including those on the efficient set.3. The macroeconomic forces that impact the U.S. economy tend to have a strongeffect on the earnings (and, hence, stock prices) of all domestic corporations, although the magnitude of this effect will vary among industries and specific firms.For example, a recession causes most companies to experience a downturn in earnings. While some companies may be more severely affected than others, nevertheless, the broad influence of a recession on general economic activity likely results in most companies' stocks performing poorly.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a high positive covariance are auto and steel companies. When auto sales are strong (weak), the demand for steel generally rises (falls). The earnings of companies in both industries would rise and fall at roughly the same time and this movement would likely be anticipated by the earlier rise and fall of their stocks' prices.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a low covariance are banks and gold mining firms. Rising interest rates and poor business conditions generally produce declining bank earnings. At the same time, a pessimistic economic outlook often causes investors to increase their demand for gold, which increases the price of gold and, therefore, the earnings of gold mining firms. The result is that the stock prices of banks and gold mining firms will not likely move in the same direction.4. It is the fact that all stocks do not have high positive covariances that causesdiversification to benefit the investor. That is, by diversifying, investors can reduce portfolio risk and thereby create more efficient portfolios. If stocks did have high positive covariances, then holding a well-diversified portfolio would not result in meaningful reductions in risk relative to holding individual securities.5. If the security in question had significant negative correlation with the rest of thesecurities in the portfolio, Mule might consider purchasing it even though it had anegative expected return. The diversifying nature of the security might reduce the risk of the portfolio sufficiently to make it attractive despite its inferior return potential.6. Given the expected returns and variance-covariance estimates for all securities, aninvestor can construct the efficient set. This information, combined with the unique risk-return preferences of the investor, allows the investor to determine his or her optimal portfolio. Diagrammatically, this optimal portfolio lies at the point of tangency between the investor's indifference curves and the efficient set.7. The standard deviation of a two-security portfolio is given by:[]σσσρσσp A A B B A B AB A B X X X X =++22122/In Dode's case:= [(.35)²(20)² + (.65)²(25)² + 2(.35)(.65)(20)(25)12]½= [49 + 264 + 22812]½The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a minimum when the correlation between securities A and B is -1.0. That is:= [49 + 264 - 228]½= 9.2%The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a maximum when the correlation between securities A and B is +1.0. That is: = [49 + 264 + 228]½= 23.3%17. The beta of a portfolio is defined as the weighted average of the componentsecurities' betas. In the case of Siggy's portfolio:ββP i i i X ==∑13= (.30 ⨯ 1.20) + (.50 ⨯ 1.05) + (.20 ⨯ 0.90)= 1.07Further, the standard deviation of a portfolio can be expressed as:()σβσσεp P I p =+22212/= [(1.07)²(18)² + (.30)²(5.0)² +(.50)²(8.0)²+ (.20)²(2.0)²]½= [370.9 + 2.3 + 16.0 + 0.2]½= [389.4]½ = 19.7%18.The total risk of a portfolio can be expressed as: σβσσεp p I p =+222Further, the unique risk (σεp 2) is the weighted average of the unique risks of the portfolio's individual securities. In the case of the first portfolio with four equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 2221430025=⨯=∑..= 56.25 ⨯ 4 = 225.0Therefore the total risk of the first portfolio is:0.225)20()00.1(2221+⨯=σ= 625.01 = 25.0%In the case of the second portfolio with ten equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 22211030010=⨯=∑..= 9.0 ⨯ 10 = 90.0Therefore the total risk of the second portfolio is:σ222210020900=⨯+(.)().= 490.02 = 22.1%。