


《宁夏电力》206 年第 2 期
章瑞鹏, 蒙华伟 ( 广东省电力工业局技术改进公司, 广州 510160)
摘 要: 透射电镜(TEM)分析技术是揭示材料宏观性能与其显微结构之间的内在关联性的 重要手段, 但样品制备难度较高。通过实践过程选择了一种用于萃取复型样品制备过程的化 学溶解脱膜法, 该方法的应用使萃取复型法过程易于操作, 并确保了其成功率。同时, 针对样 品制备过程中的各个关键步骤和环节, 提出了低合金高强钢萃取复型样品制备的关键技术 要点。 关键词: 萃取复型; 透射电镜(TEM); 低合金高强钢 中图分类号: TG115.215 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1672- 3643( 2006) 02- 0055- 03
中得到较为广泛应用的一种。 析出物弥散强化是保证低合金高强钢强度级
别的一个关键强化机制, 分析细小析出物的相组 成 、数 量 、分 布 形 态 及 尺 寸 大 小 对 于 揭 示 其 微 观 结 构与宏观性能之间的联系具有重要的意义, 实现 这一过程的可行途径之一是透射电镜分析方法。
碳膜萃取是最为常用的复型技术, 其基本过 程是通过前处理工艺使金属基体中的夹杂物或析
现利用这种化学溶解脱膜法已成功制取了不同 强度级别的铁道车辆用热轧态耐候钢( Q400NQR1、 Q450NQR1) 表面萃取复膜样品, 并对其进行了透射 电镜分析(见图 1、图 2), 证实了该方法的可行性。
图 1 Q400NQR1 萃取复膜样品 TEM 照片
图 2 宝钢 Q450NQR1 萃取复膜样品晶内析出物 TEM 照片
《宁夏电力》2006 年第 2 期
3.3 化学溶解脱膜 前已叙述, 电解脱碳膜工艺及过程存在诸多
的不足和缺点, 化学溶解脱膜法具有明显的优势。 基于金属在酸性溶液条件下金属与夹杂物构






关键词:透射电子显微镜纺织化学与染整应用1. TEM的原理电子显微镜与光学显微镜的成像原理基本一样,都是利用凸透镜的放大成像原理,将人眼不能分辨的微小物体放大到人眼能分辨的尺寸,其主要是增大近处微小物体对眼睛的张角(视角大的物体在视网膜上成像大)。







而作为透射电子显微镜(TEM)其特点在于我们是利用透过样品的电子束来成像,这一点有别于扫描电子显微镜(SEM)【3】2. TEM分析技术在纺织化学与染整工程中的应用2.1透射电子显微镜研究聚丙烯睛纤维的微观结构和缺陷曾汉民等【4】用透射电子显微镜(TE M) 研究了湿纺法所制得的高度取向的PAN 纤维织态结构内部的细节特征及其缺陷。



一、编写依据本技术方案依据以下标准编写:1、CJJ 61-2003 《城市地下管线探测技术规程》;2、DZ/T 0187-1997 《地面瞬变电磁法技术规程》;3、SY/T 5918-2004 《埋地钢质管道沥青防腐层大修理技术规定》;4、SY/T0087.1-2006 《钢质管道及储罐腐蚀评价标准埋地钢质管道外腐蚀直接评价》二、检测范围及目的1、检测范围2、检测目的(1)检测查明管道外防腐层的缺陷和破损点的平面位置、管道埋深和破损程度;(2)检测评价管道外防腐层状况,评估防腐层的完整性;(3)使用管道壁厚TEM检测方法检测平均管壁厚度,进行内腐蚀评价;三、检测方法及实施方案为了推进集输管道外腐蚀防护与监测制定科学、规范的管理制度,拟对集输管道进行内腐蚀评价,对被测管道进行管道壁厚TEM检测,确定管道内腐蚀直接评价点,进而对管道进行内腐蚀评价。









对比实验结果1 对比实验结果1
10000000 1000000
1 0.01
1 Time(ms) GDP32 GBH
室内0.5Hz数据曲线对比 室内0.5Hz数据曲线对比 0.5Hz
对比实验结果2 对比实验结果2
10000000 1000000
• 图中横坐标为延时,纵坐标为响应幅值的自然对数。绿色曲线为 试验管道一个测点上的响应曲线,管径为219毫米,壁厚为5毫米; 蓝色曲线为相应参数的理论计算值;红色曲线为实测大地的响应 曲线。由图中可以看出,测点上的响应早期为大地、装置、管道 的综合响应,响应晚期是与被测管道直接相关的时变信息。试验 结果表明:理论符合实际。
• 为验证GBH-1数据采集器的性能,在同一目标 体上与美国Zonge公司的GDP仪器的瞬变电磁 法(TEM)功能做对比实验。
• 室 内 含 有 钢 筋 的 楼 板 , 供 电 频 率 0.5 ~ 8Hz,对比不同频率的数据采集。 • 存在不同电磁干扰的地下管道上,供电 频率4Hz,对比不同干扰情况下的数据采 集。
• 只要给定综合参数背景和已知壁厚作为基准, 就可以很容易地通过综合参数变化率得到管壁 平均壁厚的变化幅度,这是从已知到未知的分 析过程,也是管壁厚度TEM检测方法的基本原 理。
实测与理论TEM响应曲线对比 实测与理论TEM响应曲线对比



TerraAir、GEOTEM和PROTEM37实测对比显示:对于地下 浅部导体, PROTEM37的晚期信噪比最好(50000:1), TerraAir次之(500:1), GEOTEM最低(仅为25:1)。 数字模拟结果显示:导体埋藏加深,地面TEM系统的晚期信 噪比优势将减弱,而半航空TEM系统始终强于航空TEM系统。
INPUT系统和 MEGATEM系统对 Perserverance矿体的 响应信号对比
阿比蒂比型矿 体
Voisey’s Bay
Ni-Cu-Co矿床平面图(a) 和纵剖面图(b)
西延带矿化7+00W测线 的电磁响应图 (Balch,2000) 西延带矿化向南陡倾,覆 盖层厚达90m。 UTEM剖面表明,所探测 到的是一个陡倾导电体, 延深大且高电导。 GEOTEM剖面也显示出强 烈响应,X分量峰值达 1250ppm。HEM响应的同 相分量(CP-I和CX-I)仅 10ppm,表明这种方法的 穿透深度有限。异相分量 (CP-Q和CX-Q)受到厚 覆盖层的强烈影响
电子技术和计算机 技术的发展 测量精度和灵敏度 大为提高
二、 西方TEM的发展及其主要进展
1.航空瞬变电磁系列 (1)固定翼航空瞬变电磁系统 (2)直升机航空瞬变电磁系统

专八翻译 2006-2009 真题和译文,第一部分,中译英

专八翻译 2006-2009 真题和译文,第一部分,中译英

TEM-8 2006 TRANSLATIONSECTION 1中国民族自古以来从不把人看做高于一切,在哲学方面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占有一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。






TEM-8 2006 TRANSLATIONSECTION 1Since ancient times the Chinese nationalities have never considered human beings to be superior to other species . As is reflected in Chinese philosophy , in the natural world human beings occupy a reasonable position in proportion to all other creatures and the former do not absolutely dominate the latter . Therefore , generally speaking , we Chinese feel depressed less often and less severely than people in the west , for the intensity of one’s depression literally varies with the magnitude of one’s desire and ambition . As people in an agricultural society enjoy much fewer comforts than those in an industrial society , they have fewer desires or wishes . Moreover , ancient Chinese always took it as they most fundamental philosophy of life that one should not merely be confined to material pursuits , or be kept in bondage by material things .TEM-8 2007 TRANSLATIONSECTION 1(暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合在一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。



2021年第1期外语测试与教学Foreign Language Testing and Teaching Jan 2021[中图分类号]H319 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2095-1167(2021)01-0008-07落实立德树人根本目标,对接新时代人才培养要求*论英语专业四㊁八级考试的 变”与 不变”潘鸣威提要:教育的根本目标是立德树人㊂在新时代背景下的 新文科㊁大外语”学科建设浪潮中,我国高等学校英语专业四㊁八级考试不仅要在符合语言测试基本原则的前提下继续发挥测量工具的功能,更要为培养适应我国社会经济发展需要的高素质英语专业人才提供积极的育人导向㊂本文从新时代英语专业人才培养的要求出发,通过说明英语专业四㊁八级考试近年来的 变”与 不变”,详细阐释该考试在新时代如何就对接学科发展导向㊁响应国家人才培养战略㊁最终落实立德树人的根本目标而开展的一系列举措㊂关键词:英语专业四㊁八级考试;新文科;人才培养Abstract :The fundamental goal of education is to foster virtue and morality.In the context of the New Era,the reform of New Liberal Arts and New Foreign Languages”calls for the Test for English Majors (TEM)to not onlycontinue tofunction asa measurement tool,but also provide orientation for high⁃quality English major talent cultivation as China’s social and economic development required.With the requirements of English majors in the NewEra as a point of departure,this article explains in detail how TEM has changed and yet remained unchanged inrecent years,expounds on how it is aligned with the development of liberal arts in the New Era,and responds to thenational strategies of talent cultivation.Specifically,a series of measures have been taken to reach the fundamental goal of fostering mortality.Key words :Test for English Majors (TEM);new liberal arts;talent cultivation1.引言习近平总书记在2018年召开的全国教育大会上指出,我国要大力培养具有全球视野㊁通晓国际规则㊁熟练运用外语㊁精通中外谈判和沟通的国际化人才㊂外语教学,包括外语专业改革,要主动服务于国家战略发展,用具体举措来推动其落实㊂在这一背景下,吴岩(2019)提出,我国要加快推进 新文科㊁大外语”建设,培养高素质外语人才,并着力落实‘普通高等学校本科专业类教学质量国家标准“(教育部2018a,以下简称‘标准“)提出的有关专业建设要求,推进‘普通高等学校本科外国语言文学类专业教学指南“(教育部高等学校外国语言文学类专业教学指导委员会英语专业教学指导分委员会2020,以下简称‘指南“)的出台与实施㊂作为检测英语专业人才在本科阶段学习成效的系列考试,高等学校英语专业四㊁八级考试①(Test for English Majors,以下简称TEM)在新的历史时期识变㊁应变㊁求变,不仅持续有效*①* 本文为上海外国语大学科研创新团队人工智能发展中语言习得与语言测试前沿研究”以及上海外国语大学专项课题 我国教育类考试应对突发公共卫生事件的应急保障机制研究”的部分成果㊂本文所指的英语专业四㊁八级考试一般不包含口试部分,特别需说明的情况除外㊂落实立德树人根本目标,对接新时代人才培养要求 论英语专业四㊁八级考试的 变”与 不变”地发挥着考试测量工具的作用,也主动对接‘标准“‘指南“以及‘中国英语能力等级量表“(教育部,国家语言文字工作委员会2018,以下简称‘量表“)的相关要求,并通过优化考试结构㊁改进部分题型㊁凸显内容导向㊁改革测评及阅卷模式㊁加大效度验证等手段,进一步提高考试的效度和公平性,继续发挥检测新时代英语专业人才培养质量的重要作用㊂2.新时代的英语专业人才培养2.1英语专业人才培养的背景新时代给文科的发展提出了更新更高的要求㊂对高校人才培养而言,新文科突破了传统文科的思维模式,以继承与创新㊁交叉与融合㊁协同与共享为主要途径,促进多学科交叉与深度融合,推动传统文科的更新升级(王铭玉,张涛2019)㊂因此,新文科背景下的外语专业人才培养也应积极尝试打破传统文科思维模式,彰显学科融合㊂在人才培养内容层面,新文科建设中的英语专业人才培养应更加注重内涵式的发展(蒋洪新2019),不仅能熟练掌握英语这门语言和一般的专业知识(查明建2018),还需要在大文科中融会贯通(曾艳钰2019a),并着力向跨学科的方向发展(戴炜栋等2020)㊂因此,在人才输出口径方面,对英语专业人才的要求也更宽更高,不仅要能胜任一般的涉外工作,更应在全球事务治理(孙吉胜2016)和我国社会经济发展各行业中发挥高端外语人才的突出作用(冯光武2017;孙有中2020)㊂2.2英语专业人才培养要求的特色教育部于2018年颁布了针对外国语言文学类专业的‘标准“,提出外语类专业旨在 培养具有良好的综合素质㊁扎实的外语基本功和专业知识与能力,掌握相关专业知识,适合我国对外交流㊁国家与地方经济社会发展㊁各类涉外行业㊁外语教育与学术研究需要的各外语语种专业人才和复合型外语人才”㊂‘指南“对英语专业人才培养的要求也有类似的表述㊂两者都强调学科交叉㊁复合融通㊂与以往传统意义的复合型外语人才不同,‘标准“和‘指南“特指的是学科之间的交叉和知识融通的复合(曾艳钰2019b),这也是在新文科背景下英语专业人才培养的必然㊂具体而言,新时代英语专业人才的培养要求有三个方面的特色㊂首先,‘标准“和‘指南“明确了外国语言文学学科应包括语言学㊁文学㊁翻译㊁国别与区域研究㊁比较文学与跨文化研究五大范畴㊂这不仅进一步明确了英语专业本科阶段人才培养的重点发展方向,使之与我国外国语言文学一级学科下设二级学科的五大范畴保持一致,也充分凸显了英语专业人才培养在完善人文知识结构㊁向跨学科方向发展中的亮点㊂因此,如何将这五大范畴有机地融入TEM之中,将是新时代考试设计者亟需解决的问题之一㊂此外,中国元素和中华优秀传统文化 走出去”也是新时代英语专业人才培养的重要导向,贯穿‘标准“与‘指南“的始终㊂习近平(2018)曾指出要推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化㊁创新性发展,传承革命文化㊁发展先进文化㊂这一导向启示TEM设计者,虽然在传统意义上TEM旨在检测英语专业本科生的英语能力水平,但就内容范畴而言,TEM也应在中国元素渗透方面发挥应有的育人功能㊂第三,‘标准“和‘指南“均提出人才培养的能力要求,即具备英语语言运用能力㊁英语文学赏析能力㊁跨文化交际能力㊁思辨能力㊁终身学习能力和实践能力等六个方面的能力㊂现有文献虽未对上述能力之间的关系加以阐释,但就属性而言,前三项能力是英语专业所特有的,是人才培养的核心素养,也是英语专业作为人文学科所独有的人文素养㊂后三项能力是在新文科发展背景下㊁学科交融过程中,大学生所应具备的能力(如图1所示)㊂对TEM设计者而言,前三项能力与考试构念紧密相关,而后三项则可有机地融入试题解答的过程,特别是思辨能力㊂图1 英语专业人才培养的能力要求及关系3.TEM 的 变”与 不变”任何考试都有其特定社会环境下的价值取向(McNamara &Roever 2006)㊂为更好地发挥检测并监控英语专业教学质量的作用,TEM 在语言测试理论前沿发展指导下,曾在‘英语专业教学大纲“(高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组2000,以下简称‘教学大纲“)的颁布前后做过诸多调整,也在近年来先后出台的‘标准“‘量表“以及‘指南“的指导下进行过一些调整㊂这些坚守与变革不仅是为对接国家对英语专业人才培养的时代需求,也是在解决新时代TEM 所面临的挑战(邹申,陈炜2010;潘鸣威,邹申2020),其最终目的是让考试产生更多的正面反拨效应,提高英语专业人才培养和专业教学的质量(邹申,徐倩2014)㊂以下分别从考试宗旨与理念㊁考试内容㊁考试形式㊁施考方式和考试效度研究等五个方面阐述TEM 的 变”与不变”㊂3.1考试宗旨与理念就考试功能和属性而言,TEM 作为检查英语专业基础阶段和提高阶段(四级和八级)教学质量的重要抓手,应属于标准参照性教学检查类考试(邹申2006)㊂这一属性说明TEM 既与教学要求有关,也与一般的语言能力测量相关㊂换言之,虽然TEM 不直接考察学生对具体教学内容的掌握程度,却是一项有效检测教学要求范围内语言运用能力的工具㊂因此,TEM 一定程度上兼具学业水平考试(achievement test)和语言能力考试(proficiency test)的元素㊂基于此,TEM 在30年的发展过程中,其宗旨始终未变,即对标不同历史时期的英语专业教学指导性文件,如‘教学大纲“‘标准“和‘指南“对语言能力的要求,科学有效地测量学生的语言能力㊂TEM 对语言能力的构念与现行的‘标准“和‘指南“中所提及的 英语语言运用能力”高度一致,这一做法也是TEM 从宏观上保证考试效度㊁提升公平性的重要举措㊂考试理念与考试宗旨密不可分㊂TEM 包含检测一般意义上英语语言运用的能力构念,考试检测的重要环节之一就是考生的语言功底㊂在多年实践中,TEM 对语言基本功的考察始终未有丝毫松懈㊂以TEM4为例, 听写”(Dictation)一直以来是阅卷环节极为耗时耗力的项目,但该题型却自TEM 开考以来始终存在,主要原因有二:一是该题型直接检测英语语言基本功,不仅与语言能力的相关度极高,也是外语教学中较易操作的项目;二是出于对近年考生语言基本功滑坡的担忧,考试设计者认为,该题型对防止英语专业学生语言能力进一步滑坡会起到正外语测试与教学 2021年第1期落实立德树人根本目标,对接新时代人才培养要求 论英语专业四㊁八级考试的 变”与 不变”面的反拨效应㊂近年来,考试设计者在坚守这一题型的同时也进行了一些微调,即给出听写语篇的首句,让考生预判语篇的大致内容,尽快进入语篇情景,这样做能更好地通过 支架”方式体现该题型新的生命力㊂3.2考试内容‘教学大纲“于21世纪初颁布,当时一小部分开设英语专业的高等院校由于师资条件无法赶上当时英语专业学生扩招的步伐,连 普通语言学” 英语国家概况”和 英美文学”等反映英语专业人文素养的基础课程都无法开设,与‘教学大纲“的要求差距甚远㊂彼时,TEM设计者秉承对接‘教学大纲“的基本原则,通过增加考试内容 人文知识”(General Knowledge)项目 来考查学生在语言学㊁国别知识和英美文学方面的掌握情况㊂该题型已在2016年的题型调整中删去,原因是几乎所有开设英语专业的高校均已有条件开设人文学科素养的基础课程,因此 人文知识”预设的正面反拨效应已基本实现,项目也完成了其应尽的历史使命㊂按照‘标准“和‘指南“对新时代英语专业人才的有关能力要求,英语专业学生还应具备 英语文学赏析能力”和 跨文化交际能力”,这为TEM设计提出了新的要求㊂为弥补英语文学知识的缺位,TEM的阅读理解项目中至少有一篇源于英美文学作品原著的阅读材料㊂如TEM8在2016年和2018年分别节选了The Great Gatsby(F.Scott Fitzgerald)和Sister Carrie (Theodore Dreiser),以选择题的方式考查学生对作品细节的理解,以简答题的形式考查其对局部文字的赏析能力,从而体现了对 英语文学赏析能力”的考查㊂因此,取消 人文知识”项目之后,TEM并未削弱对人文素养的考查,而是从 显性”的知识识记转变为 隐形”的能力考查㊂恰巧以上两部经典文学作品出现在2020年颁布的‘指南“必读书目之中,很大程度上说明TEM的这一改变符合‘标准“和‘指南“的有关要求㊂跨文化交际能力”是较难检测和评价的一种能力,对其进行考查在高利害考试中较为鲜见㊂TEM在这一方面的主要抓手是依靠 中译英翻译”(Chinese to English Translation)项目来考查考生运用英语准确传达中文思想的能力㊂此外,由于‘指南“强调了中国元素在人才培养过程中的重要性,TEM在选择原文时特别注重中华优秀文化的传承和发扬㊂比如,2017年至2019年的TEM8中译英翻译原文分别选取自‘我怀念那时候的过年“(莫言)㊁‘读书有三感“(肖复兴)和‘白洋淀之忧“(冯骥才)等优秀文学作品,引导学生在翻译过程中提升文化自信㊂3.3考试形式TEM设计者在考试形式上进行了许多有意义的探索,尝试进一步从思辨的角度入手考查学生的有关能力㊂这些变化不仅是为回应社会和学界对英语专业的一些质疑,也是基于语言测试的前沿研究采取的具体举措㊂2018年我国外语教育界掀起了 英语专业是否是良心专业”的大讨论,当时有学者质疑当今英语专业的定位㊂面对质疑,专家学者们从英语专业的属性(郭英剑2019)㊁英语专业的定位(查明建2018)等纷纷发表意见,为英语专业正名㊂为此,TEM也结合‘标准“和‘指南“的要求加强对学生思辨能力的考查㊂这一变化具体落实在写作试题的调整上㊂以往的TEM写作基本是1篇命题作文,而现行TEM则给出1 2篇围绕同一话题展开的阅读材料,要求考生在阅读后先概括材料内容,再对其观点和态度进行批判性思考㊂特别是TEM8写作题,要求考生从不同视角㊁多种维度来思考问题,目的是考查学生的思辨能力㊂此外,基于语言测试的前沿研究,TEM在近年的题型调整中愈发注重测试任务的真实性外语测试与教学 2021年第1期和学术性,这主要体现在听力理解和写作项目上㊂在听力理解中,考生需要根据讲座内容完成笔记㊂由于讲座内容往往与语言学㊁国别知识等信息有关,因此该试题是学术环境中的仿真任务,是学生在实际学术活动中所应能胜任的,也是上文所提及的 人文知识”项目取消后的重要举措㊂近年来,读写结合的测试任务得到了重用,我国基础教育阶段的英语考试中已开始使用类似 概要写作” 读后续写”等任务㊂基于此,TEM写作任务要求考生基于阅读文本的理解和归纳,完成进一步的思考与评论㊂这种先读后写的模式不仅符合当今语言测试实践的一般做法,也与 多元认知”(multi⁃literacy)能力培养相契合,更是与真实学术环境下的写作任务(如根据文献撰写综述等)高度一致㊂因此,可以说TEM对人文素养的考查渗透在全卷之中,以上方面的 变”不仅从人才能力评估的角度回应了社会和学界对英语专业人才培养的质疑,也体现了TEM从语言测试研究发展的角度迈上一个新台阶㊂3.4施考方式教育部(2018b)颁布 教育信息化2.0行动计划”,明确要求加速从工具型思维类型观向人工智能思维的转变㊂同样,‘指南“也指出,英语的教育教学必须跟上科技创新步伐,深度融合现代信息技术,提升信息化水平㊂因此,TEM设计者开始深入思考如何利用大数据和人工智能等技术推进TEM计算机化考试(以下简称机考)及计算机评阅模式㊂李绍山,陈晓扣(2012)就曾建议TEM采取机考模式,认为机考不仅可提升考试效度,还可提高考试分数的解释性㊂应该指出,机考对TEM的效度㊁信度和评卷具有重要意义(潘鸣威,邹申2020)㊂TEM设计者于2019年先后两次在全国范围内进行了规模由小及大的机考试测工作,并收集了参与考生的问卷与访谈数据㊂近80%的考生对机考模式有较高的认同度,并能适应机考的考试界面和有关操作㊂以下摘自华北㊁西北和东北高校部分考生的访谈记录㊂•比起纸质阅读画线,机考阅读中可以自行做荧光标记,更容易提示自己将注意力放在标记的部分,便于做题㊂(华北#3)•专四考试的一部分一段时间对于我这种慢速度答题的人来说,还是相对较好的㊂大家同一时间,做完只能检查不能跳跃到下一题,可以保持进度不落下其他人太多㊂而且每部分的倒计时有利于精准安排时间,不至于顾此失彼㊂(华北#7)•整体节奏紧张而又紧迫,需要强大的心理素质和知识储备能力㊂就我个人而言,觉得机考是大数据时代一个必然的趋势,比较实用方便㊂(西北#2)•总体来说,体验感不错,程序实用㊂阅读批注㊁时间计时等功能人性化㊂(东北#3)从以上访谈可以发现,考生总体对机考模式还是认同的,并会利用各自优势完成作答㊂但也有考生指出,熟悉考试界面和提高自身输入速度仍是需要努力的方向,如以下两位试测考生的访谈显示㊂•因此,在准备专四的训练过程中,要学会控制时间以及熟练掌握英文电脑打字㊂机考总体不错,只是我们作为学生还需要适应和提高!(东北#11)•作文部分是可以复制粘贴的,可以提高速度,也可以改字体,看起来更方便㊂总体注意时间!练打字速度很重要!(华北#8)可以看出,TEM实行机考的技术条件与考生的信息素养均已基本成熟,在新时代推进机考的必要性也可见一斑㊂在后疫情时期,考试设计者通过反思突发公共卫生事件对考试的影落实立德树人根本目标,对接新时代人才培养要求 论英语专业四㊁八级考试的 变”与 不变”响之后认为,在一定条件下推出机考不失为一种有效的探索㊂3.5考试效度研究TEM设计者也将结合‘标准“‘指南“和‘量表“开展新一轮的TEM效度研究,筹备并推进有关研究工作㊂随着新时代我国英语专业人才培养要求的变化,TEM新一轮的考试效度研究也即将开始㊂TEM设计者将围绕社会 认知框架(Weir2005)对TEM的效度进行系统性举证,特别是围绕‘量表“开展TEM的校标效度研究,一旦将TEM成绩与‘量表“级别形成关联, TEM成绩的解释力将获得提升,同时也能进一步发挥‘量表“的功效㊂4.结语与思考进入新时代,TEM的各种 变”与 不变”是坚守和变革的写照㊂这些举措不仅旨在落实立德树人这一教育的根本目标,也是考试设计者对接国家人才培养战略,顺应 新文科㊁大外语”建设,践行‘标准“‘指南“‘量表“等规范性文件,回应社会对英语专业定位和人才培养质疑的种种尝试和努力㊂识变㊁应变和求变是TEM在新时代发挥英语专业教学质量检测作用㊁渗透育人功能的基本思路,也是进一步增强考试生命力㊁提升考试国际知名度和认可度的实施途径㊂参考文献[1]McNamara T&Roever nguage Testing押The Social Dimension[M].Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,2006.[2]Weir C nguage Testing and Validation押An Evidence⁃based Approach[M].New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005.[3]戴炜栋,胡壮麟,王初明,李宇明,文秋芳,黄国文,王文斌.新文科背景下的语言学跨学科发展[J].外语界,2020,(4):2-9.[4]冯光武.把握国标精神㊁找准学校定位㊁突出专业特色 ‘高等学校英语专业本科教学质量国家标准“的实施建议[J].外语界,2017,(1):2-6.[5]高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组.高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲[Z].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.[6]郭英剑.对当下英语专业建设的几点思考[J].外国语言文学,2019,(1):241-249.[7]蒋洪新.推动构建中国特色英语类本科专业人才培养体系 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Subjunctive Mood I20231. It is imperative that the local government _____ more investment into the burgeoning hi-tech industry.A. has to attractB. shall attractC. attractsD. attract2. Advocates of studying abroad believe students will reach new levels of intercultural understanding far exceeding what they _____ be able to accomplish just at home.A. willB. wouldC. canD. could3. In order that no further damage _____, it is crucial that you get the wounded back to the intensive care unit as quickly as possible.A. is to be doneB. will be doneC. can be doneD. be done20221. _____ you _____ further problems with your computer, contact your dealer for advice.A. If…hadB. Have…hadC. In case…hadD. Should…have2. The smell that rose from the saucepan was so powerful that Mom shut the window lest anybody outside _____ it.A. must noticeB. has noticedC. had noticedD. should notice3. The printer used the highest quality paper and ink and turned out far fewer volumes than he otherwise _____.A. didB. hadC. could haveD. had done20211. _____ your advice, I would have made the wrong decision.A. Hadn’t it been forB. Had it not been forC. Had it been forD. Had not it been for2. Drama in fiction occurs in any clash of will, desire, or power-whether _____ a conflict of character against character, or character against society.A. it must beB. it beC. it ought to beD. it was20191. _____ the attempted rescue mission, the hostages might still be alive. (2019)A. If it not had been forB. If had it not been forC. Had it not been forD. Had not it been for2. The bad news was that he could be a very dangerous person _____ he choose to be. (2019)A. shouldB. couldC. mightD. must3. Writers often coupled narration with other techniques to develop ideas and support opinions that otherwise __________ abstract, unclear, or unconvincing.A. may remainB. could remainC. must have remainedD. might have remained20181.My mother was determined to help those in need and she would have been immensely proud of what has been achieved these last 20 years. The italicized part in the sentence expresses _____.A.A hypothesisB. a suggestionC. a contradictionD. a surprise2.He was lured into a crime he would not ____________have committed. (2018)A. actuallyB. accidentallyC. otherwiseD. seldom20171.At that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as_____ if I_____ alone.A.would have been, had beenB. should be, had beenC. could be, wereD. might have been, were2. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait to propose to her.” The subjunctive mood in the sentence is used to _____.A.alleviate hostilityB. express unfavorable feelingC. indicate uncertaintyD. make a suggestion3. “It’s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD express ______.(2017)A. obligationB. disappointmentC. future in the pastD. tentativeness20161._____ your advice, I would have made the wrong decision. (2016)A.Hadn’t it been forB. Had it not been forC. Had it been forD. Had not it been for2. The sentence “I wish I had been careful in spending money” expresses the speaker’s _____.A. hopeB. joyC. regretD. relief2015If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he _____ able to advise you much better than I can. A. will be B. would be C. was D. were2014It is essential that he _____ all the facts first. (2014)A. is examiningB. will examineC. examinesD. examine20131. If it _____ tomorrow, the match would be put off.A. were to rainB. was to rainC. was rainingD. had rained2. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood?A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o’clock.B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.C. Walk straight ahead, and don’t turn till the second traffic lights.D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.2012My boss ordered that the legal documents _____ to him before lunch.A. be sentB. were sentC. were to be sentD. must be sent2011It’s getting late. I’d rather you _____ now.A. leftB. leaveC. are leavingD. Will leave2010It’s necessary that he _____ the assignment without delay.A. hand inB. hands inC. must hand inD. has to hand in2009If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn.A. could have beenB. would beC. will beD. would have been2008Had Judy been more careful on the math examination, she _____ much better results now.A. would be gettingB. could have gotC. must getD. would get20071. He would have finished his college education, but he ____ to quit and find a job to support his family.A. had hadB. hasC. hadD. would have2. If only the patient _____ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A. had receivedB. receivedC. should receiveD. were receiving20061. If only I _____ play the guitar as well as you.A. wouldB. couldC. shouldD. might2. It’s high time we __ cutting down the rainforests.A. stoppedB. had to stopC. shall stopD. stop3. It is imperative that the government ____ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A. attractsB. shall attractC. attractD. has to4. I am surprised__ this city is a dull place to live in.A. that you should thinkB. by what you are thinkingC. that you would thinkD. with what you were thinking20051. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _____ able to advise you much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were2. _____ you _____ any problem with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A. if, hadB. have, hadC. should, haveD. in case, had20041. _______ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.A. Had it not beenB. Hadn’t it beenC. Was it notD. Were it not2. It is imperative that students ____ their term papers on time.A. hand inB. would hand inC. have to hand inD. handed in3. ____, I’ll marry him all the same.??A. Was he rich or poorB. Whether rich or poorC. Were he rich or poorD. Be he rich or poor4. ____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?A. Would you be surprisedB. Were you surprisedC. Had you been surprisedD. Would you have been surprised2003The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential ____for that.A. for us to be preparedB. that we are preparedC. of us to be preparedD. our being prepared20021. _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.A. Had it not beenB. Hadn’t it beenC. Was it notD. Were it not2. What courses are you going to do next semester?”“I don’t know. But it’s about time ___on something.”A. I’ d decideB. I decidedC. I decideD. I’ m deciding2000All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _____ quite such a crowd of people there.A. w eren’tB. hasn’t beenC. hadn’t beenD. wouldn’t be19991. Much as _____, I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that much spare cash.A. I would have liked toB. I would like to haveC. I should have to likeD. I should have liked to2. If you have really been studying English for so long, it’s about time you ___ able to write letters in English.A. should beB. wereC. must be D . are1998If your car __ any attention during the first12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.A.shall needB. should needC. would needD. will need1997I was to have made a speech if _____.A. I was not called awayB. nobody would have called me awayC. I had not been called awayD. nobody called me away1996I _____ the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people there.A. would enjoyB. will have enjoyedC. would have enjoyedD. will be enjoying 19951. We could _____ him with a detached house when he came, but he had specially asked for a small flat.A. provideB. have providedC. not provideD. not have provided2. _____, he would not have recovered so quickly.A. Hadn’t he been taken good care ofB. Had he not been taken good care ofC. Had not he been taken good care ofD. Had he been not taken good care of1994_____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.A. If I realizedB. Had I realizedC.I realized thatD. As I realized1993She asked that she ______ allowed to see her son in police custody.A.would beB. could beC.beD. was19921. If you _____ in such a hurry, you _____ sugar into the sauce instead of salt.A. were not, would not putB. were, would putC. had been, would have putD. had not been, would not have put2. _____ their help, we would not have succeeded. (1992)A. H adn’t been forB. Had it not been forC. I t hadn’t been forD. Had not it been for CET-61.The manager __________________________________ (本来可以参加会议), but he was called away for some urgent business abroad. (2010.12)2.Mary couldn’t have received my letter, ____________________________________ (否则她上周就应该回信了). (2008.06)3. But for mobile phones, ____________________________________ (我们的通讯就不可能如此迅速和方便).(2007.12)4. If you had __________________________________________________(听从我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦. (2006.12)CET-41.You would not have failed if_____________________________(按照我的指令去做). (2009.12)2.If she had returned an hour earlier, Mary _____________________________. (就不会被大雨淋了)(2009.6)3.The victim ________________________________(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time. (2006.12)。



Lattice + Basis {a,b,c, , , }
•在三維空間中,有規則週期性地重複排列的“ 點” , 我們稱為晶格點陣(lattice)。有14種布拉維斯點陣(Bravis lattice) 參考 cullity,” Elements of x-RayDiffraction” •不同的原子團機組(Basis)可做落在晶格點陣上構成不同的晶體 結構晶胞(unit cell)是三維空間中重覆的一個小單位。(*晶胞的 選取不唯一,由一組 {a,b,c, , , }來定義。
1 / d hkl
2 sin n K d
(If something, e.g., an object or a length, is large in real space, then it is small in reciprocal space)
實空間 (real space)
( x)

( x)dx 1
(x) 1
~ (H) 1

~ ( H ) lim
H (到處都是 1,與 H 無關)
1 aSin ( ka ) a 1 a 0 ka
f ( x) (x na)

• a*//(b c), b*//(c a), c*//(a b) a, b, c 長則a* ,b* 及 c*就短 a* b=a* c=b* c=b* a=c* a=c* b=0 a* a=b* b=c* c=1
(a*一定 (100)面即使a不 (100)面)
捲積可以讓我們方便的來描述晶體結構 • 我們以一組 函數來描述晶格點陣,其在x,y,空間上的週期 是a,b,c


was in great danger.(2009, 59) A . she cared B. she may care C. may she care D. did she care 3. Although numerous books have been written about
American mothers, ____recently has literature focused on the role of a father. (2011完形44题) A. / B. just C. quite D. only
C. will be
D. would have been
2. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there___ quite such a crowd of people there. (2000.49)
A.weren’t B. hasn’t been C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t be
C.neither you nor I am
D.neither me nor you are
2. Mr Wells, together with all the members of his family, ____ for Europe this afternoon.(2004, 51)
A. are to leave B. are leaving C. is leaving D. leave
C.Neither Julia nor I were going to the party. D.Few students in my class are really lazy. 6.Which of the following sentences is



限定词George told the police officer that he was punched _____ by a masked man Sunday night at a restaurant. (2022)A. in the faceB. in his faceC. in faceD. in a faceWhich of the following italicized phrases in INCORRECT? (2021) _____A.The town is now ten times its original size.B.The seller asked for double the usual price.C.I wish I had two times his strength.D. They come here four times every year.The woman had persuaded him to do _____ he was hired never to do-reveal the combination for the lock on the entrance.(2019)A.one thingB. such one thingC. any one thingD. the one thingI long to alleviate _____, but I cannot. (2018)A. the evilB. evilC. evilsD. an evilThe boys in the family are old enough for _____. (2014)A.schoolsB. schoolC. the schoolD. the schoolsThe following determiners can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns EXCEPT _____.(2013)A.manyB. enoughC. moreD. suchWhich of the following determiners(限定词)can be placed before both singularcount nouns and plural count nouns? _____ (2012)A. many aB. fewC. suchD. the nextThe additional work will take _____ weeks. (2011)A. the otherB. another twoC. other twoD. the moreWhich of the following sentences is INCORRECT?(2010)_____A. All his lectures are very interesting.B. Half their savings were gone.C. Many his friends came to the party.D. Both his sisters are nurses.Which of the following is incorrect? _____ (2008)A. All his lectures were boring.B. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.C. Half his money was gone.D. He invited many his friends to the party.Land belongs to the city; there is _____ thing as private ownership of land.(2006) A. no such a B. not such C. not such a D. no such_____ of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night. (2002) A. None B. Both C. Neither D. AllShe managed to save _____ she could out of her wages to help her brother. (2002) A. how little money B. so little moneyC. such little moneyD. what little moneyThe idea of travelling through _______ space to other planets interests many people today. (1995)A. aB. theC. /D.one_____ human problems that repeat themselves in _____ life repeat themselves in_____ literature. (1994)A./, /, theB. /, the, /C. The , / , /D. The, the, theThe rising crime rate is ________ major concern of _______ society. (1993)A. the, the B. a , / C. a, the D. / , theTed couldn’t remember the exact date of the storm, but he knew it was _____ Sunday because everybody was at _____church. (1992)A. /, theB. a, /C. /, aD. the, /。


1982 • 3.材料评价的分析电子显微方法,进藤 大辅,及川 哲夫合著,
刘安生译,冶金工业出版社,2001 • 4.材料现代分析方法,左演生等主编,北京工业大学出版社,
• 用途 • 发展 • 电镜大观
实际上是高能电子与物质的相互作用,利用各种 手段探测与物质作用的电子的各种特征以及其激 发的其它信号(如X射线),从而能帮助我们获取 物质微观(甚至原子尺度)的信息。
使用性能 (与环境有关)
性能 (自身具备)
• 材料研究的基本任务就是根据材料实际使用所 需的性能来设计成分和工艺,以获得理想的微 观组织,从而达到预期的性能。在上述材料的 研究链中,材料的微观组织直接决定了材料的 性能,因此根据材料的微观组织,我们就能分 析和判断材料的性能好坏;同时,材料的微观 组织取决于成分和工艺,因此根据材料的微观 组织能分析和判断成分和工艺设计是否合理。 所以,材料微观组织的表征,包括材料的微区 成分、点阵结构和组织形貌的分析极为重要。 TEM具备综合的优势,是现代材料科学研究的重 要工具。
球差校正, 透射像分辨率:0.05 nm 扫描透射图像分辨率: 0.063 nm



专业四级(TEM-4 2006)There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most (31) held is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder——even if it means (32) the pavement into a busy street!(33) you must pass under a ladder you can (34) bad luck by crossing your fingers and (35) them crossed until you have seen a dog.(36) , you may lick your finger and (37) a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the (38) has dried.Another common (39) is that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house——it will either bring (40) to the person who opened it or to the whole (41) .Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is (42) ,as it inevitably brings rain!The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13th day of the month (43) on a Friday,anyone wishing to avoid a bad event had better stay (44) .The worst misfortune that can happen to a person is caused by breaking a mirror, (45) it brings seven years of bad luck!The superstition is supposed to (46) in ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be tools of the gods.Black cats are generally considered lucky in Britain, even though they are (47) witchcraft.It is (48) lucky if a black cat crosses your path——although in America the exact opposite belief prevails.Finally, a commonly held superstition is that of touching wood (49) luck.This measure is most often taken if you think you have said something that is tempting fate,such as “my car has never (50) , touch wood?”31. A. broadly B. widely C. quickly D. speedily32. A. running from B. jumping off C. stepping off D. keeping from33. A. If B. As C. Though D. Unless34. A. erase B. remove C. avoid D. ease35. A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to keep36. A. Consequently B. However C. Comparatively D. Alternatively37. A. make B. print C. perform D. produce38. A. label B. symbol C. mark D. cut39. A. argument B. superstition C. opinion D. idea40. A. loss B. difficulty C. tragedy D. misfortune41. A. house B. household C. home D. circle42. A. unwise B. unintelligent C. unpopular D. unfortunate43. A. falls B. arrives C. drops D. happens44. A. away B. outdoors C. indoors D. far45. A. when B. as C. if D. though46. A. have originated B. be originating C. be originated D. originate47. A. concerned about B. related with C. associated with D. connected in48. A. especially B. specially C. frequently D. rarely49. A. as B. for C. in D. of50. A. broken up B. broken off C. broken away D. broken down译文:英国有很多迷信的说法,其中最为广泛流传的是在梯子下走过会带来厄运,即使这意味着行人得离开人行道,走到川流不息的行车道。


12)Moreover, it’s so magical that the relationships will be promoted a lot between people and people.
between people and people→ among people
13) Almost every bank in China lends money to students through credit cards, which allows students use tomorrow’s money on condition that they must pay back on time with both principle and high interest. allows students use→ allows students to use 14) In this case, students spend money at will and out of controlling. Controlling → control
IБайду номын сангаасstructions
Write a composition of about 200 words. You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your composition.



历年英语专四听力听写原文1993-2006英美者 英语专业网站来源:David 的听力课堂作者:David[编辑]导言:TEM4历年听写原文(1993年—2006年).英语专业四级考试历年听写原文(1993年——2006年)Package Holidays (1993)Package holidays, covering a two weeks' stay in an attractive place, are increasingly popular. Once you get to the airport, it is up to the tour operator to see that you get safely to your destination.Everything is laid on for you.There is, in fact, no reason for you to bother to arrange anything yourselves.You make friends and have a good time. But there is very little chance that you will really get to know the local people.This is even less likely on a coach tour, when you spend almost your entire time traveling.Of course, there are carefully planned stops foryou to visit historic buildings and monuments. You may visit the beautiful, the historic, the ancient. But time is always short.There is also the added disadvantage of being obliged to spend you holiday with a group of people you have never met before.The American Family (1994)The American family unit is changing. There used to be mainly two types of families, the extended and the nuclear. The former included mother, father, children, and some other relatives such as grandparents, living in the same house or nearby. Then as the economy progressed from agricultural to industrial, people began moving to different parts of the country in order to search for job opportunities. These moves split up the extended family. The nuclear family consisting of only parents and children has therefore become far more wide spread. Today’s family, however, can be composed of diverse combinations. With the divorce rate nearly one in two, there's an increase in single-parent homes—a father or mother living with one ormore children. Blended families occur when divorced men and women remarry and combine the children from former marriages into a new family. On the other hand, there is an increase in childless couples while one in rive Americans lives alone.Unidentified Flying Objects (1995)There are many explanations for why UFOs visit the Earth. / The most popular one is that they maybe visitors from other planets./ To fly such aircraft, their builders must develop different forms of aviation,/because they seem to fly much faster than normal aircraft./ The UFOs, it is believed, must contain scientists/ from other planets who are studying life on earth./ It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth/ and the space visitors may be living amongst us./ But there are also less fantastic explanations available./ Although some sightings of UFOs are difficult to explain, most can be explained quite easily./ In many cases the observers might have made a mistake./ They might have seen a weather balloon or anaircraft./ Or the light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground,/ reflected on to the clouds./ However, the exact cause of many sightings still remained a mystery.The Indian Medicine Man (1996)Among the Indians of North America, the medicine man was a very important person. He could cure illness and he could speak to the spirits. The spirits were the supernatural forces that controlled the world. The Indians believed that bad spirits made people ill. So when people were ill, the medicine man tried to help them by using magic. He spoke to the good spirits and asked for their help. Many people were cured, because they thought the spirits were helping them, but really these people cured themselves. Sometimes your own mind is the best doctor for you. The medicine men were often successful for another reason, too. They knew about plants that really can cure illness. A lot of medicines are made from the plants that were used by medicine men hundred of years ago.Legal Age for Marriage (1997)Throughout the United States, the legal age for marriage shows some difference. The most common age without parents’ consent is 18 for both females and males. However, persons who are under age in their home state can get married in another state, and then return to the home state legally married. Each state issues its own marriage license. Both residents and non-residents are qualified for such a license. The fees and ceremonies vary greatly from state to state. Most states, for instance, have a blood test requirement, but a few do not. Most states permit either a civil or religious ceremony, but a few require the ceremony to be religious. In most states a waiting period is required before the license is issued. This period is from one to five days depending on the state. A three-day-wait is the most common. In some states there is no required waiting period.The Railways in Britain (1998)转自[英美者]-英语专业网站:/cn/Html/TEM/Test4/95504.htm lThe success of early railways, such as the lines between big cities,/ led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian times. / Between 1835 and 1865 about 25000 kilometers of track were built,/ and over 100 railway companies were created. /Railway travel transformed people's lives. / Trains were first designed to carry goods. / However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day / which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile. / Soon working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail. / Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly. / The railways also provided thousands of new jobs:/ building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks. / Railways even changed the time. / The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished/ and clocks showed the same time all over the country. /United Nations Day (1999)The 24th of October is celebrated as United Nations Day.h is a day that belongs to everyone. And it is celebrated in most countries of the world. Some countries celebrate for a week instead of a day. In many parts of the world, schools have special programs for the day. Boys and girls in some communities decorate a UN tree. In other communities, young people put on plays about the UN. Some libraries exhibit children’s art works from around the world. Schools celebrate with the songs and dances of other countries or give parties where foods of other countries are served. No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN, and the important roles it plays in world affairs. The UN encourages people to learn about other lands and their customs. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.What We Know About Language (2000)Many things about language are a mystery and will remain so. However, we now do know something about it. First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. No human race anywhere on earth is so backward that it has no language of its own at all. Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many peoples whose cultures are undeveloped but the languages they speak are by no means primitive. In all the languages existing in the world today, there are complexities that must have been developed for years. Third, we know that all languages are perfectly adequate. Each is a perfect means of expressing its culture. And finally, we know that language changes over time, which is natural and normal if a language is to survive. The language which remains unchanged is nothing but dead.Characteristics of A Good Reader (2001)To improve your reading habits, you must understand the characteristics of a good reader. First, the good readerusually reads rapidly. Of course, he does not read every piece of material at the same rate. But whether he is reading a newspaper or a chapter in a physics text, his reading rate is relatively fast. He has learned to read for ideas rather than words one at a time. Next, the good reader can recognize and understand general ideas and specific details. Thus he is able to comprehend the material with a minimum of effort and a maximum of interest. Finally, the good reader has in his command several special skills, which he can apply to reading problems as they occur. For the college student, the most helpful of these skills include making use of the various aids to understanding that most text books provide and skim-reading for a general survey.Disappearing Forests (2002)The world’s forests are disappearing. As much as 1/3 of the total tree cover has been lost since agriculture began some 10,000 years ago. The remaining forests are home to half of the world’s species, thus becoming the chief resource for their survival. Tropical rain forests oncecovered 12% of the land of the planet, as well as supporting at least half of the world’s species of plants and animals. These rain forests are home to millions of people. But there are other demands on them. For example, much has been cut for timber. An increasing amount of forest land has been used for industrial purposes or for agricultural development such as crop-growing. By the 1990’s less than half of the earth’s original rain forests remained, and they continued to disappear at an alarming rate every year. As a result the world’s forests are now facing gra dual extinction.Salmon (2003)Every year, millions of salmon swim from the ocean into the mouths of rivers and then steadily up the rivers. Passing through waters, around rocks and waterfalls, the fish finally reach their original streams or lakes. They dig out nests in the riverbed and lay their eggs. Then, exhausted by their journey, the parent salmon die. They have finished the task that nature has given them. Months, or years later, theyoung fish start their trip to the ocean. They live in the salt water from 2-7 years, until they, too are ready to swim back to reproduce. Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food-fish. When the adult salmon gather at the river mouths for the annual trip up the rivers, they are in the best possible condition, and nearly every harbor has its salmon fishing fleet ready to catch thousands for markets.Money (2004)Money is accepted across the world as payment for goods or services. People use money to buy food, clothes and hundreds of other things. In the past, many different things were used as money. People on Pacific islands once exchanged shells for goods. The Chinese used cloth and knives. In Africa, elephant tusks or salt were used. Even today, some people in Africa are still paid in salt. Coins were first invented by the Chinese. Originally, they were round pieces of metal with a hole in the center, so that a piece of string could keep them together. This made doing businessmuch easier, but people still found coins inconvenient to carry when they wanted to buy something expensive. To solve this problem, the Chinese again came up with the solution. They began to use paper money for coins. Now paper notes are used throughout the world.The Wrist Watch (2005)It is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception / to the normal sequence in the evolution of man's jewelry. / Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, / and then adopted by men. / In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crown jewelry. / Later, they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers. / Until World War I, Americans associated the watch with fortune hunters. / Then army officers discovered that the wrist watch was most practical for active combat. / Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches, / and pilots found them most useful while flying. / Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious. / By 1924,some 30 percent of man's watches were worn on the wrist. / Today, the figure is 90 percent. / And they are now worn by both men and women / for practical purposes rather than for decoration.The Internet (2006)The Internet is the most significant progress in the field of communications. / Imagine a book that never ends, a library with a million floors, / or imagine a research project with thousands of scientists / working around the clock forever. / This is the magic of the Internet. / Yet the Internet has the potential for good and bad. / One can find well-organized, information-rich websites. / At the same time, one can also find wasteful websites. / Most websites are known as different Internet applications. / These include online games, chat rooms (chatrooms) and so on. / These applications have great power, too. / Sometimes the power can be so great / that young people may easily become victims to their attraction. / So we need to recognize the seriousness of the problem. / We must worktogether to use its power for better ends.相关:历年英语专业四级听力音频下载转自[英美者]-英语专业网站:/cn/Html/TEM/Test4/95504_2.h t ml。



摘 要 : 近年来 ,由于电子技术的快速发展 、勘查市场的旺盛需求以及瞬变电磁法 ( TEM )的自 身优点 ,使得 TEM 方法从仪器到方法技术均获长足进展 。在此 ,简述了 TEM 仪器及方法技术的 研究现状与进展 ,总结了 TEM 的应用领域 ,分析了 TEM 方法目前存在的主要问题 ,探讨了 TEM 急需解决的问题及发展方向 。
[ 11 ] 熊彬 ,罗延钟 ,强建科 . 瞬变 电磁 2. 5 维反演 中灵敏 度矩阵计算方法 ( Ⅰ) [ J ]. 地 球物理 学进展 . 2004, 19 ( 3) : 6161
[ 12 ] 雷达 . 瞬变电磁法数据提取纯异常 方法技术 [ J ]. 物 探与化探 , 2004, 28 ( 4) : 3201
[ 8 ] 李貅 , 郭文 波 , 胡建平 . 瞬 变电磁 测深 快速 拟地 震解 释方法及应用效果 [ J ]. 西安工程学院学报 . 2001, 23 (03) : 42.
[ 9 ] 罗四维 . 人 工神经 网络 建造 [ M ]. 北京 :中 国铁 道出 版社 . 2000: 103.
[ 10 ] 陈 易玖. 小框瞬变电磁法 ( TEM )的勘探 深度 [ J ]. 湖 北 地矿. 2003, 17 ( 4) : 38.
[ 13 ] 薛云峰 ,孙晓暾 ,孙雅 芳. 瞬变 电磁电 阻率成 像法探 测岩体渗漏 通道的 研究 及应用 [ J ]. 水 文 地质 工程 地质 . 2004, 31 ( 3) : 961
[ 14 ] 郭 文波 ,宋建平 ,李正宇 . 小波 分析在 T EM 资料处 理中的应用 [ J ]. 矿产与地质 , 2006 , 20 (4~5).
勘测 ,风化层厚度勘查 ,水文地质分层等。 (2)断裂调查 : 基岩断裂及活动断裂勘查 ; 环






关键词:透射电子显微镜纺织化学与染整应用1. TEM的原理电子显微镜与光学显微镜的成像原理基本一样,都是利用凸透镜的放大成像原理,将人眼不能分辨的微小物体放大到人眼能分辨的尺寸,其主要是增大近处微小物体对眼睛的张角(视角大的物体在视网膜上成像大)。







而作为透射电子显微镜(TEM)其特点在于我们是利用透过样品的电子束来成像,这一点有别于扫描电子显微镜(SEM)【3】2. TEM分析技术在纺织化学与染整工程中的应用2.1透射电子显微镜研究聚丙烯睛纤维的微观结构和缺陷曾汉民等【4】用透射电子显微镜(TE M) 研究了湿纺法所制得的高度取向的PAN 纤维织态结构内部的细节特征及其缺陷。

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TEM-8(2006)Section A Mini-lectureMeaning in LiteratureIn reading literary works, we are concerned with the “meaning” of one literary piece or another. However, finding out what something really means is a difficult issue.There are three ways to tackle meaning in literature.I.Meaning is what is intended by 1______.Apart from reading an author’s work in question, readers need to1)read 2______ by the same author;2)get familiar with 3______ at the time;3)get to know cultural values and symbols of the time.II.Me aning exists “in” the text itself.1)some people’s view: meaning is produced by the formal properties of the text like4______, etc.2)speaker’s view: meaning is created by both conventions of meaning and 5______.Therefore, agreement on meaning could be created by common traditions and conventions of usage. But different time periods and different 6______ perspectives could lead to different interpretations of meaning in a text.III.Meaning is created by 7______.1)meaning is 8______;2)meaning is contextual;3)meaning requires 9_____;------practicing competency in reading------practicing other competencies------background research in 10______, etc.Section B Interview1. Which of the following statements is true about Miss Green’s university days?A.She felt bored.B.She felt lonelyC.She cherished them.D.The subject was easy.2. Which of the following is not part of her job with the Department of Employment?A.Doing surveys at workplace.B.Analyzing survey results.C.Designing questionnaires.D.Taking a psychology course.3. According to Miss Green, the main difference between the Department of Employment and the advertising agency lies in ______.A.the nature of workB.office decorationC.office locationD.work procedures4. Why did Miss Green want to leave the advertising agency?A.She felt unhappy inside the company.B.She felt work there too demanding.C.She was denied promotion in the company.D.She longed for new opportunities.5. How did Miss Green react to a heavier workload in the new job?A.She was willing and ready.B.She sounded mildly eager.C.She was a bit surprised.D.She sounded very reluctant.Section C News Broadcast6. The man stole the aircraft mainly because he wanted to _____.A.destroy the European Central BankB.have an interview with a TV stationC.circle skyscrapers in downtown FrankfurtD.remember the death of a US astronaut7. Which of the following statements about the man is true?A.He was a 31-year-old student from Frankfurt.B.He was piloting a two-seat helicopter he had stolen.C.He had talked to air traffic controllers by radio.D.He threatened to land on the European Central Bank.8. The news is mainly about the city government’s plan to _____.A.expand and improve the existing subway systemB.build underground malls and parking lotsC.prevent further land subsidenceD.promote advanced technology9. According to the news, what makes this credit card different from conventional ones is ______.A.that it can hear the owner’s voiceB.that it can remember a passwordC.that it can identify the owners voiceD.that it can remember the owner’s PIN10. The newly developed credit card is said to have all the following except ______.A.switchB.batteryC.speakerD.built-in chipNews item 1A man stole a small aircraft at gun point Sunday and flew it over downtown Frankfurt, ___1___ skyscrapers and threatening to ___2___ the European Central Bank. He landed safely after about two hours and ___3___.The man told a TV station he wanted to ___4___ Judith Resnik, a US astronaut killed in 1986post-launch explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. Millitary jets ___5___ the stolen, two-seat motorized glider as the man began circling slowly above Frankfurt’s banking district. Thousands of people ___6___ from the main railway station, two opera houses and several skyscrapers. Police ___7___ the man as a 31-year-old German student from Darmstadt, a city about 25 miles south of Frankfurt. In ____8__ with air traffic controllers, the man threatened to crash into the European Central Bank headquarters unless he was allowed the TV interview as well as a call to Baltimore. He later said he wanted to commit suicide by ___9___ the Maine River. It was unclear if the man was forced to land or ___10___. Air traffic controllers and a police psychologist had been in contact with him.News item 2Shanghai plans to build a vast underground network of malls, restaurants and parking lots to ___1___ a lack of space above ground according to a recent government report.The development will cover 600,000 square meters, the ___2___ of 120 soccer fields, spread across four underground floors, the city government reported on its website. The city is accepting ___3___ from builders. Shanghai has about 20 million people, plus factories, office towers and high-rise apartments, crowded into a mall triangular territory near the mouth of the Yangtze River. The plans called for the project due to finished by 2006 to ___4___ scattered along Shanghai subway system. The project will need advanced technology to supply fresh air and ___5___.But the biggest concern is the ___6___ of the soil under the city. Shanghai is sinking by 1.5 centimeters a year. Lands subsidence has been aggravated by over-pumping of underground water and the construction of thousands of high-rise buildings. Shanghai foundations are build on soft soil. So building multi-storey spaces underground would be like digging holes in the piece of bean curd, the government report says. The difficulties are easy to see.News item 3A credit card that only works when it hears its owner’s voice has been developed by US scientists. Researchers hope that the device, which comes with a built-in ___1___ chip and microphone will be a weapon in the battle against ___2___. Even if thieves know a card’s ___3___ and personal identification number, they will still have to copy the owner’s voice accurately. The ___4___ was created by scientists atB Card in California, US. The first ___5___ is 3 times as thick as a normal credit card, but researchers believe smaller chips will allow the car to slim down to a more ___6___ size. The card is apparently the first to put a voice recognition chip, ___7___ and battery into a credit card. To use the card, the owner first presses a button and hears the ___8___: say your password. If the password is correct and spoken by the right person, the card emits an identification signal which is ___9___ by a computer connected to the Internet. Researchers hopes to get the card to handle ten ___10___ per day for two years before its non-replaceable battery __11____.。
