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四川省仁寿第一中学校北校区 2018-2019学年高二英语12月月考试
i ,本比卷井第I 卷£送擇题[科妁11卷(非迭样取)神部分.
氛 警麴犒・靑枣务必將门己的姓舍、学号填耳住符耽LL 井悄闊诩给爼戍. 给一卷t 选挪8共100分)
a —瞬仆听力{共斷节,溝井旳分)
斫F 面5段对话.艸段对话兀有 个小题.从題中所箱的A. B> C 三乍淮项中选 出最佳选珂./F 标在试牡的相应位盘.听完每段对话百,你都有10 W 的时间来 回答琶关小趣和阅读下-小碗’毎段对话仅读•遍"
1 Whal will (be womw) do tumormw inoming?
A Go to the 2DD . 11. Ge to the airpan. Q Dal withamsnatl.
2 lluw will the speakers probBblj get to the cxhibitiori"'
A To Buy -iOiTiethin^ (roni him B. Th scH him some pieci :* of furaififrc. C Tn net a di :e to visit his new 知越讷就
昕庁面$段对话吸独白"毎段对话或加自后有几个小嗨,从題申所斛的爪Bs C 三个选顷中选出最佳选项.并标在试辔的相SftC>新毎段对话或独白前.祢梅 衍对间阅读备亍小匹毎小餾5秒執听瓷民各小腮将绪岀5抄押的柞芥时间. 毎段对话襲輕白读两遍.
6. Vbert «re the ^patictn^
福二页谪訂韦试■ JI 1 < A ll 1
2 By bus.
B, Hy tad”
;When *\'\ rhe equipmem ttrfivc? A. This ^^reMJwy.B rhis Friday 4. Whal is Claire probflHy Hkf? A L KZ >.
B. Cltvw
5. Why is she woman Liling the in :m?
C. By 5ut>wBV.
C Next Monday.
C. Haid-uorkinpH
A Ai (LZOQ .
H Ona firm. C. B . take.
7, Why doti the man preler ihe du<ks?
A. They are pretty
B. t hey don11 bite people
C. They don't ^al too much
& What was Alhcrt Kinslcin like as a child?
A. He was shy.
B. He did poorly in all subjccls.
C. He got atoiig. well with his classmaies.
9. When did Albert Einstein bc^iri(o learn math by himself?
A. At age six.
B. At age len.
C. Al ag< thirteen.
10” With whai docs the woman want her coiTee?
A. Cream
B. Sugar.
C. Kfillc
»1. What time might it be now?
2 230. B. 3:00. C. 3:30.
12, Where are the ipeakers prvbably going 口zt?
A. To the class roout. H. To a rcstaurfuiT^ C Tb the library,
听聲9段村料*回褂第13 16S.
13, What Joes the woemtn ftrsl recommend to lhe man?
A. A CD player.
B. An item of jewelry.
C. A piece oP clothing.
14 Why isn^l the man interested in lhe leather jacket?
A. He dislikes 什时co»or. LL [fs LOO expensive C He already has one.
15. Whdl does tlie man say about the records?
A. The songs arc his favorites.
B. There are some scratches on them.
C. Th*rc i$ nothing special about them.
16x What is the final price for the records"
A. $25.
B. $2S* C130.
17, What will be replaced in the V!P rooms?
A. The windows.
B. The pianos. U The bathtubs,
1$. Whai will lake the mZ time to finish?
C. The Pacific Theater
A. The basement level
B. Mariners restaurant
I ◎How big i氏the Pacific Center Hotel?
A. It has 1800 rooms. 払If has 40 su view noorrii.
C. it is more than 16 stories tall.
20r When casi goesis suui io see the musical perfonnaiKe!;?
A. In April 20)7. ft. In January 2018. C. In December 2019.
City College
All high school graduates and anyone r 8 yettrs of age or older, with ert vt illiouk high school diplornA^ are suitable for admission. Lnuividiials under ths ngc of 18 who posse$& ahigh school diploma arc also suitable for admission.
New and rcadmirtsd students must coritpletc and h^nd in a erwiit admissions appiicaiiun fbrm ftvailabJe Diibne at sfcdu.
•Learn 出bum yzr skill level in English and Math through our asscS5mcnt(iY 定;姑旳JservicE;
•Aliend an orient ion (新土报到会)to hear about support services;
•Meet wilh J counselor (adviser Ito select your courses;
•Find uul if you arc required for attending l!ie enlriini;匕cxurntnJttcms.
Courses in Norwredil Programs are free ofdwrgc (no enrollment fee). For m formation on how to enroll in noncj'edit courses, dick here.
Students, faculty (金体教员)aM staff are encouraged to use public transit Click here for Parking Rcgu lad ons,
City Cotlcgtt services include 铉bookstore, cafeteria, health center, tuloring center, career and irans'cr center. ixHin$e】ing(建i.; l!i- ii), financial aid, library* learning rt-soifrce center, student goveninientofinccs, campus police, disabled students programs and more.
21 .Which kind of the following people con'd not be adniined tn City Colley?
A, A highschool graduate
B, An adult without a high sclioo! diploma
C, A nv one who possesses A high school diploma
□. A sixteen boy with"恫4high school diploma
22, What do we know nboul the cnlrance examinations from the pEissage?
A. A H new and rtadminert sLudmls UIIK T take th& exAniiiutions.
B. Tho^t: whf.)arc pour in English nnd Math must take the entraihce exuainmiifions.
C. Nut ali Che new sfuderb are required to take the entrance examiiui ions.
D. The entrance exjimiiiMioris ai'r freeof charge*
A new study of S t000 young people in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows thai although love can make adulls live healthily and happily, it is a bad thing for young people, Pupp\ Im 甲您)may brim呂stress for youn^ proph and can ledd to depression(), The stud}: iho诂空tha! yirl$ become more depressed than boys, jtnJ younger 爲irb tut the worit oTaJI.
The posaible re^vn tor ihc connctlion betwetm lovt and higher risk of depression for girls is ** loss ot sei T\ According io the study T even Ihough boy$ would say "lose tfiems?tves in a romantic relationshrp'1b ihiu: '*lo5s al seif' i$ much mure likely to lead 10 depression when it happens io 雷ills. Young girls who ha\e romantic rehtjoiiships usually Hke hiding lheir feelings «nd opinions They 怖H th时ro ihtir parent.
Dr Marian Krtufman, an expert (in young people problems, says 15% to 20B$ youjig people wjl] hti'.e de^rMsion during their growing. Tryin/, rom衆、g nften causes the depf&ssion. She advises kids ru>t Io jump line romance (oa early. During mowing up+ it \s impudant for young p«oplv to build 化iroiig frier>dstiip£ arid a strong >er^e of seH;Sht aJe suggests the parents should encoursgc their kids to keep close tc their friends, attend more imeeting tclKJol witivities and spend enough time with family
Carenes should w:uch for sign;; of deprjssion—easing or mood changes-*>and if they see signs from rheir Jau^htcr nr st>n, tbt) netd io give help. The good new is thal the connection bet^wn romance and depression KceniE to betotne weak with age. Love、vi】l ahvayj make us fcrl youn^ hul onlj maturify Kives us a dunce to avoid its bad side effects.
24. What's Uie main idea of the passage?
A. Puppy Iwe 巾野bring yoitng people t1cpr«^uii.
B .E NVOIS should fbrtid their children's lore lives.
C. Romatxx is a 你xdged swort! ibr adults,
R H Rcpiwce is i?ood fcr youn^ po>ple,
25. Which of thv fb(lowing is more likely 10 have dc|)rc$5ion?
A . ^rbung peoptc who have a strong sense of self
B Ybung boys parents watch fcr their behavior.
C Young girls 靳ho always hide I heir feelings and opinions
D. Careless parcnis whow children are d«p in love.
26. What can be inferred from the passage?
A .Lacking knp can lead ypung people to grpw up mono quickly.
B. Early love mnkex young people keep close to their friends and parents.
C Trents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depressiun,
D .The older 3woman is t the less 1 ikely she seems to lose herself in rocniintc.
27. Whaf E the author's attitude towards puppy love7
A. Cfinfksid,
B. Disapproving,
C. Dismtercsied, D- Scared-
23, Wftere can th* pas囲买be
A. [nacohere new3 repon, C, In
a (our guide.
B. 1J> a nuws paper
advertiwrneM, IX Un an edocatjon
4 / 11
As we know, it is common for people to catch a cold in winter and must people believe they know iht reason for colds. However sci^nd^b say peopk have sonic wrong beliefs ubouf the cause of coMs.
Many people ihhik that cnce yen get infieded by colds, you will not be easy to be attacked b)1 colds for the ie$t of your lite. ThaPs not th&casc. Therre ate about 200 difterrnt viruses, ihnt cause the rommofl cold. You cjtch a cold because of o(te kind of them lhi$ time, birl you might c^kh a cold ne<i time beca^ of another
Others believe that people get sick just because of the eok! weather in winter. 1'hai 治.ilso wro!將]〔驾because pcaple tend to stay closer in winter and tf i^cold virus is transmitted front one person lu unodier through hand shaken, snee^ng, iw cougliii^.
While th^re is no actual cure for tlie corntnon cold, scientists sav ibtre are still a few things you can do le hdp you. Soin(j experts say hanej and chicken soup ire effective culds. Especially honey. There is increasing evidence that i( helps shorten the duration the common cold soinetimes even by two to three days particularly in children. Chicken soup also helps reduce the duraiion of the cold.
In additio n, ifyon do have a cold and you don f t reel like eat [ng any thin 呂* ft h s not going g hurt you bui you have to drink a kx and you can drink waler or ten because doctors say (tic water cjclc inyaur bodies helps to cure cold$. Thar? very important. Thoiigh vhcrc is more fhnn one way (o deal with colds, dvi;lors say the best advice is lo conntiue using whatever w(>rk$ best for you.
2$. We know from the second paragraph th»t ______ *
A, lherv are people who never catch a cold
B, col di be caused by difleient viruses
C, the common <o!d t$ caused by only OTK virus
[>.all people are easily attacked by colds
29. The underlined word ^Iranamitkd^ in the fourth paragraph means
A. cured
B. pa$sed
D. caused
M If you have a coJd» you can do the following except _____ _¥
A. drinking a lot of u tucr B F Mting honey
C. forcing youncif Io eat
D. drinking chicken soups:
高二英语月考试息® 5 5i共H jfi
3L If 口口b亡inferred from the passage that_____ .
A. now scientists have found oul pracficaJ rreaiment fhr cclds
B different people may have different ways ro fight against colds
C. working in freezing weatlrer 也the main reason for colds
D colds can be passed from animals to human beings
Almost cver>r machine with moving parts bus wheels, yet no one knows exactly whtn the firs! wheel was i n vented or what it was used for, Wc do know, I io we ver, tJiat they existed over 5,500)«irs ago)n ancient Asia.
ITie eldest known iransport wheel was disco* ered in 2002 in Slovenia. It 15 over 5,100 year* old. Evidence suggests that wheels for transport didii'i become popular Ibr a while, though. This could be becauw animals did a ptrfectly good job ofcajrying farming took: and humans around.
But it could also be because of a difficult situation. While wheels need to roll on smooth surfaces, roads with smooth surfaces weren't gotn^ to be constructed until there was pknty of demand for them. Eventually, road surfaces did become smoother, but thi$ difTicult situation appeared again a few centuries later. There had been no important changes in wheel and vehitle design beibie die orrivaJ of modem road design
In the mid-】700s, a Frenchman came up with a new design of n>ad—a base layer (^) of hrge stone? covered nlth n thru layer of sTiaDcr stones, A Scotsman improved on this design in ihe 1820s and a strong, ktsiing road surface became a reality A1 around the same time, melel hubs Che central part of a wheel) came into being, followed by the pneumatic tyreGE 气轮胎)in 1846* Alloy wheels were invented in 1967,51X(7 years after the appearance of tarmacked reais (柏油路X As wheel design took off T vehicles got f Uster and taster.
32. AVhat might explain why transport wheels didn't become popular for some time?
A, Few knew liow to use transport wheels.
B. Humans canried farming tools just as well.
C, Animals were a good mcan5 of transport,
D. The existence or transport wheeh was nol known.
33. What do we know about road design f rom the passage?
高二英谒月哮试© 1ft 6 31 11 H
A- It was easier than wheel design”
B, It improved after big thungv.s in vehicle de^igju
C, It wjis promoted by tast-inaving vehicles.
D- fl iinavuhd condi6<>T»S!br whte]山纠io develop・
34. How is the lust parntniph mainly developed?
A. Ry giving cxHmpks.
B・ By tuakrng comparisons.
C. By followinR time order.
D r3y making ^EasstficaHons.
3 5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Tlic beginning of road design”
B. The developnent of trail spoil wheels.
C. The histor> i)f public transport.
D. Hi$ in^^don of la$t*nioving vehicles.
Why sboutd you read every day?
When was the last time you read a book? If you're one of counties^ people w)w> don't a halM of reading regularly, you might be missing twt RjcwJmg has many benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below.
Mental SthnuJation .(刺海澈址J* 嚴赫)
Studies have shown that stayiug mentEilly stimulated can slow the pre gjess of Alzheimer's and DcqKrUiH(3j 勺:茨洌班氏蝴最),-36 , Just like any oifter rnusdc in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy.
Wider Knowledge
Everything you read fills your head with new bits of lit formation, and you never know when it
migiiL come in handy, 37
Stress Reduction
Na matter bow much stress you hav« at w^rk, in your personal rtlationships, or countlesj olher
prnbknjs^ it aJI just 5lips away uhen you lose yourself In a great story. ”___________ 辿__. And ati interesting artide wiH distract you a«d keep you in the present mument, alhwing you to relax.
When you read n baok h alt of your atlunlioik is focused on 由亡story—the rest of the wor}d just falls away. Try reading for 15 to 20 minutes before work h and youl] be surprised at how much more fixused you arc unce you get TO the officr.
40. Reading spiritual ^exts can lower blood piessnre and bring about J sense of calm, while
readin百setf-hclp booki has been showm to h^lp pecrpSe suffering from certain mood d<orders or menial illnesses.
A. Sfrurtgcr thinking skllb.
B. Improved and c^rKCiitralion.
C. A wtlE-wrirtert novel can transport you to olhtr worlds.
D. Reading a good btiok can bring 為ho砒itiner peac«,
t. Thats because keeping your brain active prevents it(Fom Itwing power.
V. Reading books W 讷⑷ important fx)r Earning ww langkLages and cultures.
G. Itic mart! knowledge you have, the better-equipped you arc to deal with your ftmire challenges.
f;vtn though rny grandpa w;ts a fanner, raj grandma wuuld iron his work clulhes every day, Grandma mixed up heroin starch (淀粉浆)rn a glass Coke >L —, with a metal cap that had I Ms of 42 t hkf a salt* container. She would spray gfwidpa's panh with the starch、_43 them over 乱chair for a few minutes tor them to dr> a bit, and then 44 ________________________________________ the iron to them.
As 1 was watching, J began to question this 45 . V/hy on earth did grandpa need his worii
clothes 46 ? Most days, he never 47 _ anyone but me and tnaybe a few other farmers
nearby. One day when I was about 13.1 asked ^randmn why she thought it necessary B.”翌time und effort v> clothes ihiit were rarely wen and would be _______________ (njuf>tan hour or tv o.
喜二英谱月考试理M ft M It H ST
She gave me a girlish smile, the kind you UP 出cirft ____ fdim grandjuothers at their age. She said that grandpa was the THOS I 型 m an in the 认wldl She loved every chancts she got to 52
◎nd niitke the rest of the world jealous ® 虫询)of her “I wfuit him tv look tlx most handsome man God
had 53 __________ m ade/' Laier tl )M j 曲.[looked 54
at grandpa, who sunely didift 舌 5 at all h3nJscme to me,
He was short and skinny (^tl'A 的)、and hiw fakuj ____ didn*t line up. "Ybu just aren't [ookiag in the right li 曲i" Grandma laughed.
I decided in £?. __it Shccsh {难咲置皆]」rho 训汕 old people.
Thr yeais58 ___ anil I m ulched ^randnia dnd grandpa grow old together, i was pnjbabiy 3t> w 捉n't 59 ____ on me what l^ve rtally was - it was grtuidma ironing grandpa^ pa/its with 60 from a Co 焙 bottle.
弟i •节(共10 >bj®:每小趣L5分*满分15分)
■t ]. A . drink
B. box 42. A. holes B. pictures 43. A. turn B. shake 44, A. adapt B. ddopt 45. A m^rftod B. prutUcc 46 扎 w^ihed B. ironed 47. A. saw B. talked io 48- A. deliver Fl. Mach 49, A. tidy B . shiny 50. A. expect B. vhoos« 51. A. nieajiiugtul R. handsoirte 52./\.ium him down B- call him in 53. A. nmr B. always 54. A. ctosely B. mMy 55. A. scund B t look
36. A, hair R. sense 57. A. rvmcmber B. forgive 58, A went on B. came along 59. A. depended B. settled €0. A water B. starch
C. bottle D, sign C. COiUUfS IL> design^ C. dry
D. huf|g C. appoint D. apply C. sjxHi D. reqih^t C. taken D.^vurn C asked D, rhoiighi of C, devote LX Owe dirty D- ienry C, lean ) D. prevent C* powerfill D. tioublcsome C. figure him oui D. show hhn i )(T C. ever rx yet
C, quickly D, fTeeJy C. prove D, bcconie C. feelh D. names C. mention D, forget C. stood by D. Jay ahead G dawned D agreed C. saU
D. juice
第9兵井H 贝
Many times we spare no effort al work. 6l_fo血)hours of overtime by ignormg our faintly life. We spend (imr with people who we have noihing in common uith, and attend social (accivilj) we have no interest 63 . We always find ourselves living our lives in the wa> __^4_pleases
and impresses others instead of ourtdves. In fact, for rhe majority of people, (hey only think alw>ul 65^ _ Hhcy)匚954 of lhe time, and 66 (rare) give us a second thought, as a result of ^hich. w often end up unhapp> and feeling out of place.
In view of Ibis, it*s time io think about ourselves, our own family* and start creating a future 67 (ba.se) o<i our own likes and dislikes, , think it over ncx? time when we ^rc required to work overtime, f n in莒to be a foving parent or good friend 69 (be) very likely to give M far more p (please) and a keling of security, connection and belonging, 第二节:短文谀钳(共10小題:褂屮題I分.満分10分)
It is f\w years now iiincc 1 graduate from No. 3 High SchooL Last Saturday the dass that I was on held a gCl-IOgcrher, which took u$ a long time prepare. It was indeed not ci?)r to get in the touch with ever>bodj and set a well time for aH of us. 9上all enjoyed this previous day greatly, remember the time WL spent together and the people they were familiar with. It was a pity which sone of us were nd prestnt ah the> had gene abro&d for further studies, bui they calls b>ack or sent greeting card from different places.
假定祢是李华]屠假蛉出雒游时.崔宾怕的222 J$i间内丢失一个肖包。
12 / 11
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Ytm 民 Li Hut 葺二英语用器的
M ri M 11
11 / 11。