Focus+context visualization
基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统V1.0技术研究报告北京邮电大学目录第一章基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统研究背景 (1)1.1 基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统研究背景及意义 (1)1.2 基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化技术现状 (3)1.2.1基于网络数据流量的网络安全可视化 (3)1.2.2基于端口信息的网络安全可视化 (3)1.2.3基于入侵检测技术的网络安全可视化 (4)1.2.4基于防火墙事件的网络安全可视化 (4)1.2.5其它 (5)1.3 本章小结 (5)第二章基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统概述 (6)2.1 基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化的基本形式 (6)2.2 常用的八种数据可视化方法 (7)2.3 本章小结 (12)第三章基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统关键技术 (12)3.1用户接口与体验 (12)3.2图像闭塞性的降低 (14)3.3 端口映射算法 (18)3.4 网络安全态势的评估与入侵分析 (18)3.5 本章小结 (20)第一章基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统研究背景1.1 基于大数据的网络安全信息可视化系统研究背景及意义随着网络的普及,互联网上的各种应用得到了飞速发展,而诸多应用对网络安全提出了更高的要求,网络入侵给全球经济造成的损失也在逐年增长。
在不同领域的时序数据中发现重要的特征和趋势的日益增长的需求刺激了许多可视交互探索工具的发展[8]:Line Graph Explore[9],LiveRAC[2],SignalLens[10]和Data Vases[11]等。
形象记忆就是把零散的文字记忆变成对一个整 体图像的记忆。
需要注意的是,不是所有人的都能做到逻辑清 楚。这就需要译员有较好的归纳能力。
逻辑记忆和形象记忆都离不开译员自身的知识 储备。译员可以借助已有知识,纵横联想,合 理扩展,从而提高记忆效率。
口译中的记忆过程:收到的信息暂时储存在短 时记忆里,同时激活长时记忆中的相关部分, 使其参与在线记忆运作。
这种处于活跃状态的记忆被称为工作记忆,是 STM和LTM的一种结合。
What is useful in interpreting is not the ability to learn something by heart, but to remember what has been said just a few moments before.
感觉存储是一种瞬间记忆,持续的而时间很短。 只有在被注意的情况下,感觉存储才能进入到 短期记忆。
短期记忆持续的时间是20-30秒, 记忆容量为7+ 2个互不相关联的信息 单位,且始终处于活跃状态,不需 要被激活。
The idea of short-term memory simply means that you are retaining information for a short period of time without creating the neural mechanisms for later平时积累的生 活常识、专业知识、各种经历等, 持续时间可长达数日、数月乃至数 年,记忆的容量几乎是无限的,但 需要被激活。
On the Semantics of Interactive Visualizations
On the Semantics of Interactive VisualizationsMei C. Chuah, Steven F. RothSchool of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA, 15 213, USATel: 1-412-268-2145E-mail: {mei+, roth}@AbstractInteractive techniques are powerful tools for manipulating visualizations to analyze, communicate and acquire information. This is especially true for large data sets or complex 3D visualizations. Although many new types of interaction have been introduced recently, very little work has been done on understanding what their components are, how they are related and how they can be combined. This paper begins to address these issues with a framework for classifying interactive visualizations. Our goal is a framework that will enable us to develop toolkits for assembling visualization interfaces both interactively and automatically.Keywords: Information visualization, interactive techniques, user interfaces, automatic presentation systems, graphics.1. IntroductionIn the last few years many interactive techniques and metaphors have been introduced for different visualization types. These techniques allow users to deform space[6], deform objects[1], view objects at different levels of abstraction[3] and a wide variety of other functions. Although interactive techniques facilitate the use of visualizations, they have been implemented and combined as point solutions to focused problems. No unifying framework exists that describes the structure of individual techniques and how they can be combined. As a result it is difficult to extract the critical functionality contributed by different techniques in a system, making it difficult to apply its design features in other systems. We propose a framework for decomposing visualization system user interfaces into primitive interactive components, describe a functional classification of the different primitives, and present rules for composing and structuring these primitives. The goal of the framework is to enable us to compare systems and reuse previous design elements, as well as to guide our design of a toolkit for constructing visualization interfaces through the composition of interaction primitives. This infrastructure is the first step towards developing an automatic presentation system that can generate interactive visualizations.To begin our characterization of interactive visualization techniques, we expand on previous work done on user interfaces[2,5,7]. Foley et al. [2] described three levels of design for interfaces: lexical design, syntactic design and semantic design. Lexical design refers to how input and output primitives are derived from basic hardware functions. Input primitives include all physical devices while output primitives could take the form of visual, audio or sensory elements. In this paper we are only concerned with visual output. Syntactic design consists of a set of rules by which primitive input or output units can be composed or joined to form ordered sequences of inputs and outputs. For example, the mouse movements, clicks and releases required to specify a bounding box together define a focus area in an interface but do not define its meaning (i.e. its function). Semantic design defines the meaning of a sequence of actions as a task. For example, mouse clicks, bounding boxes and sliders can all be used to define a selection of objects. In this case the meaning is the selection task,while the actions used to achieve the task could take multiple syntactic forms. Similarly, an action can have several meanings. For example a bounding box can be used for selection, aggregation, deletion, copy, or other functions.Figure 1 shows the three levels of design described above. The gray circles indicate the components added to Foley et al.’s framework in order to deal with interactive information visualizations. This paper focuses only on the semantic level. There is much previous work on the lexical and syntactic levels [2,5,7] and we can incorporate it into our framework.The semantic primitive in our framework is the basic visualization interaction (BVI). Understanding a BVI requires knowing its inputs (whether provided by a user through an input method or fixed by the interface designer). It also requires understanding its effects on the graphical, data, and control states of the visualization user interface environment. Our framework also characterizes the composition of BVIs into application interface functions that we normally see in visualization systems such as aggregation, filtering, sort, and coordinated displays. Most visualization applications consist of combinations of multiple BVIs for one or more visualizations. For example, in the Table Lens[8], users perform multiple tasks on a table visualization. Users manipulate a lens to focus attention and sort table rows with gestures. These provide magnify and sort tasks. The magnify task can be decomposed into a set-creation BVI to define the graphical rows to be magnified and two set-graphical-value BVIs toincrease the size of the focus rows and decrease the context rows.Other systems provide interface operations for multiple coordinated visualizations. For example, in the SAGE system[9], painting, dynamic query and aggregation operations can affect multiple active visualizations simultaneously. Each of these operations are compositions of multiple BVIs, which we illustrate in the next sections.User I nput Metho dFigure 1: Expanded interface architecturefor visualization interaction In this paper:〈 We propose a set of basic visualization interactionprimitives and describe their inputs and effects on the state of a visualization system. This specifies the flows into and out of sequences of BVIs. We will give some examples of the relation between BVIs and the physical and virtual devices that can be linked to them to provide inputs.〈 We propose a preliminary classification of BVIs as astarting point for understanding the kind of framework we believe is needed to understand their expressiveness and to use them to compare systems functionally. It also identifies the types of building blocks we might provide in an interaction toolkit. Once we extend this framework to include effectiveness and user task information we can determine which techniques or combination of techniques will best serve a given set of user tasks.〈 We describe issues involved in composing BVIs toform composite visualization position is a critical function in a toolkit and in automated design because it opens up the design spaceof possible interactive behaviors. By combining BVI’s,we can develop complex behaviors and effects.2. Real-estate exampleIn this section we present a simple interface for examining a data base of house sales. Figure 2 shows the locations of houses on a map and a dynamic query slider that controls their visibility based on asking-price .Selection occurs by clicking on houses or enclosing them with a bounding box. Selection can be performed in conjunction with filtering (dynamic query slider) to choose houses based on both their asking-price and their locations.For example, a user could make visible those houses costing more than $100K and select only those in the southern region using the bounding box (turning them red):Figure 2: Map display of house locationsFigure 3a: Bar chart showing days on themarket for subset of housesAgencyFigure 3b: Houses in Figure 3a aggregatedby Real Estate agency.After selecting the houses of interest, a user may want to know how quickly they were sold by creating a newgraphic displaying this information. The user drags the selected elements to an empty display with addresses and days-on-the-market on the axes, which causes the elements to be visualized as bars (Figure 3a). In order to compare the speed with which agencies sold these houses, the user then aggregates the houses by agency, replacing the individual houses with three agency averages (Figure 3b). Finally, an agency aggregate bar can be painted green to change the color of corresponding houses on the map (Figure 1). This would show regions where the painted agency sold its houses.The example illustrates basic operations commonly performed in data analysis: filtering, selection, aggregation, coordinated highlighting, and creating graphics. We also want to emphasize that while each of the functions achieve different effects, they also share similar component basic interactions. For example, several operations involved creating or changing elements of a set. These operations include filtering with a slider, selecting with a bounding box, dragging a group of objects into a new display, aggregating, and coordinated painting across displays. Each also involved changing the graphical properties of the elements. For example, filtering with the query slider changed visibility, painting changed color, aggregation deleted graphical objects of elements and added aggregate objects.Our goal, then, is to define a set of basic visualization interactions like create-set and set-graphical-value that underlie these application tasks. The next section describes BVIs, their inputs and outputs (effects).3. The basic visualization interaction (BVI)A BVI is fully described only when we specify the BVI inputs, outputs and operation. The number and type of inputs required depend on the BVI. Inputs can be set by a user via an interface (a user input method), or they can also be predefined by the designer (a default specification). A user input method consists of combinations of device inputs and basic and composite interaction tasks (refer to Figure 1).BVI inputs pass through a BVI operation which consists of two phases: condition check and action. The condition check determines whether all the required inputs and values are sufficient for the operation to occur. The proceeding action will then change the graphical, data or control state of the visualization interface. An action may also generate outputs that serve as inputs for other BVIs, thereby producing sequences that can potentially achieve complex tasks.3.1 Basic visualization interaction inputsThe inputs provide ways in which users or designers affect BVI behavior. The dynamic query slider in our real-estate example, has as inputs: a data attribute, an initial visible set (control object), two values and a focus set which includes all elements in the visualization. Changing these inputs will cause an express-membership BVI to calculate a new definition of the members of the initial visible set (i.e. the intention defined by the slider). There are five classes of input arguments. We describe each and briefly outline how they can be derived from both physical and virtual input devices based on the framework described in [7] as well as interaction tasks described in [2]. In the right of Figure 4, we show the input classes BVIs require. Attribute: There are three attribute types: graphic (e.g., color, shape, and x-position), data (e.g., house address, house price, and date-sold), and state (e.g., number of graphical elements). Attributes are chosen by users using the selection basic interaction task, defined in [2], as the task of choosing an element from a choice set. This can be achieved through naming or menus. Each of these techniques can be achieved through different input device classes. For example, naming can be achieved with a 1-dimensional discrete position device (e.g., keys) and menus require a device(s) that is capable of expressing a (2,3)-dimensional continuous position and a 1-dimensional discrete position (e.g., a mouse). More details on device expressiveness can be found in [7].Control Object: Control objects or reference objects may be a data object, a graphic object, a virtual device object (e.g., handle, slider) or a set object. Control objects are used to provide a point of reference for the BVI. For example, adding new members into a set requires a control object that defines the reference set into which we add members. In our dynamic query slider example, the visible set is the control object. Defining control objects is also done through the selection basic interaction task. In order to do this we could select the names of the objects, similar to the way in which attributes were selected. Alternatively, we could select the graphical representations of the reference objects. The latter can be achieved by the pointing technique. Pointing requires a (2,3)-dimensional continuous position device (e.g., mouse moves).Value: Based on the framework specified in [7], there can be two different classes of values: linear and rotary. This distinction is important for choosing input devices based on their effectiveness. For example, a dial input device is more effective for specifying rotary values than a slider. Linear inputs consist of position, movement, force, and delta-force. Rotary inputs consist of rotation, delta rotation, torque, and delta torque. Which type of value is needed depends on both the BVI and the feedback method. Values are defined through the quantify basic interaction task which specifies a value between some minimum and maximum. In the dynamic query slider example, two linear values are provided by the slider input device method.Formula: A formula defines relationships among multiple variables. In our framework it is used to specify an effect on specific variables based on the values of other variables. Some example formulas used in our framework include the object encoding formula which specifies which graphical representation to use for data objects based on their characteristics. Distortion formulas are another example.They specify how the positional parameters of an object or an area should be altered based on a cost of value function or according to a reference object. Formulas are usually predefined. However, they may also be specified by users. Focus Set: The focus set argument defines the set of entities on which a BVI operates. The focus can either be defined through user input methods, assigned to a predefined set, or output by another BVI. User input methods can either define single objects with a single (2,3)-dimension positional input device (e.g., mouse move), or an object group and area with multiple (2,3)-dimension positional values (e.g., bounding box). The dynamic query slider in our real-estate example has a predefined focus set containing all the objects on the map (Figure 1).A focus set may consist of two different entity types: objects or space. An object usually refers to the graphical representation of a particular data point (e.g. point, line, node, link, axis). A data object may be represented multiple times in several visualizations. An operation may affect the graphical representations of data objects or it may affect the data objects themselves. The other entity type is space. Space selection may be of type area or volume. Areas are defined for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional visualizations. Spaces and objects can be operated on singly, as groups or universally (i.e. on the entire visualization).It is important to distinguish between space and object type entities because the same operation, when applied to an object or a space, may result in very different effects. For example, magnification of an object will only cause the objects to grow while the surrounding areas remain unchanged. The advantage of this method is that the absolute position of objects remain constant. Area magnification causes not only the objects within the area to expand, but the space between the objects to expand as well. Unlike the previous case, object positions are no longer static. As the area is magnified, objects move farther apart. Hollands reported in [4] that this effect may be disorienting to the user. However, the advantage of area magnification is that no matter how large objects get they will not overlap, because the surrounding space expands proportionately. This property does not hold for object magnification. Such distinctions have significant implications for the effectiveness of a technique, and on the tasks it can support.3.2 Basic visualization interaction outputsBVI outputs may affect the graphical, data or control state of the system. Different BVIs have different output/effect choices. For example the set-graphical-value BVI may change any attribute of the graphical objects in the visualization. Its effect choices however are limited to graphical objects. The derive-attributes BVI on the other hand can only affect data objects. For a particular BVI, different output methods may require different inputs. For example, suppose we have a set-graphical-value BVI. If the output method is orientation of the focus set objects, then a rotation input value might be needed. If a positional change is desired, then a linear input value might be more appropriate. Furthermore, appropriateness of output is strongly dependent on user task. For example, displacing position brings out occluded objects , but displacing color does not.Graphical State: The graphical state refers to all objects that are currently visualized. This includes graphical objects as well as axes, labels, and keys. Changes in the graphical state can be made to objects (e.g. changing from marks to bars) or to attributes (e.g. color, transparency, visibility). There are two types of graphical attributes: spatial (e.g. size, shape, orientation and position) and surface properties (e.g. color, transparency, blinking, texture.In the real-estate example, coordinated painting involves coloring interesting objects green. This is specified by the designer through a default specification, which could be changed to blue if desired. Similarly, a designer may change the highlight attribute from color to visibility, so only interesting objects are visible. In the same way, a dynamic query slider can control size or color instead of visibility. Data State: The data state contains information about all of the data elements (e.g. house-1, house-2) that are currently in the system. This includes their attributes (e.g. asking-price, days-on-market) and attribute characterizations (e.g. cardinality, data-type). Changes in the data state occur as new data is read in, or as users delete and change existing data elements.Control State: The control state contains internal information generated during operation of the system. It includes four information types: virtual objects, global properties, interaction state and history. Virtual objects are abstractions created by the system during the course of interaction (e.g. set abstractions). Global properties describe general system state variables (e.g. visualizations currently open, current directory, access permissions). Interaction state refers to BVIs used in a system. This includes information about interaction constraints and associations between BVIs and visualizations. Finally history information includes traces of user activity and previous user errors.Information in the three states are needed to describe the function of BVIs. BVIs often query the system state before invoking their operations. For example, an interactive technique may use visibility for filtering when the total number of objects in the visualization is large and highlighting when the number of elements is small. Coordinated painting in our real estate example also queries the system state. When a user clicks on the agency aggregate bars, the control state is queried in order to retrieve all of the house names associated with the selectedaggregates. These house names are then used to constructthe highlighted set on the map.Note that changes to the control and data states do not provide any feedback to the user because their effects are internal. Changes to the graphical state may provide user feedback, simply because their outputs are very noticeable. The dynamic query slider in our example, changes object visibility, which gives sufficient user feedback. In other interactions, (e.g. the scaling operation in SDM [1]), large changes to the scale may sometimes only cause small changes to the selected objects, so feedback mechanisms must be included about the occurrence and effects of an action.4. BVI operation classificationThere are three BVI classes: graphical operations, which change the appearance of visualizations, data operations which manipulate data encoded in visualizations, and set operations which create and manipulate object sets. Data objects are only mapped to graphical objects, not spaces, so data operations will not refer to space entities.Bas i cVi s u a l i z a t i o n Tas ksEncodeDa taShi f tScal eGr aphi calo per a tionsSeto pe ra tionsAddDel et eDe ri vedat t r i b ut esDat ao pe ra tionsCreat eMappingT rans f or mMappi ngCons t an tGr aphi calT rans f or mCont i nuousNo n-c ont i n uousMa nip ul at eOb ject sCopyDele teValue+ AttFormula + AttFormulaNoneSetAtt+ Value(s) ORAtt+ Object(s) ORObject + Att+ FormulaFormula + ObjectSet + Att +FormulaNoneObjectValue+ AttFormulaOt herObjectOth e rSetGraph i calValueCr ea t e s e tDele t e s e tSumm ari z e setEnumerat eEx pr es smember s hi pObject(s)Ob jec tAt t r i b ut eValue+ AttFigure 4: Basic Visualization Interaction classification hierarchyEach of these classes affect different output states in the system. Graphical operations affect the graphical representations of data objects (i.e. the graphical state). Set operations affect the control state and data operations affect the data state. Changing the control and data state could however, cause secondary effects to the graphical state. For example, deleting a data object will cause the internal database to change. In addition, it also causes all of the graphical representations of the deleted data object to be removed, which changes the graphical state.Figure 4 shows a tree of the three BVI classes. The leaves of the tree indicate the different types of BVI. The italicized text towards the right of the tree show the input types needed by each of the BVIs. For example, a shift BVI requires an attribute (which could be an attribute in the graphical, data or control state) and a value. In the interest of space, only a partial tree is shown and details about input types (e.g., position, force, rotation and torque) are not included. In addition, the other component in both the set and data subtree indicate that there are unlisted operations within those classes. It is not our intention here to capture all of the possible techniques but rather to describe a basic set of operations that capture most of the interactive behaviors that exist today.Graphical Operations: Graphical operations can be divided into encode-data, set-graphical-value, and manipulate-objects. Encode-data refers to operations that change or transform mappings between data and their graphical representations. The change-mapping operation is achievedby altering graphical object or graphical attribute mappings. An example of the former is switching from points to bars to represent attributes of houses. The drag-and-drop operation in Visage [10] is an instance of this class of interaction. An example of the latter is changing the encoding of house-price from the size of a point to saturation.Mappings between graphical attributes and data can also be transformed, either by shifting the encoding range or rescaling the encoding range. Scale operations are usually used to magnify differences among values of a particular attribute (e.g. scale height), and shift operations are used to separate out sets of objects (e.g. shifting x-position). Examples of shift and scale operations can be found in the SDM system[1].As shown in Figure 4, operations that change graphical representations can also be of type set-graphical-value. These operations alter the visual representations of selected entities uniformly by simply setting the values to a constant or according to a formula (graphical- transform). Painting a set of objects red is an example of an operation that sets the value of the color attribute to a constant (red). The formulas available for transforming graphical values have been classified by Leung [6] into continuous and non-continuous functions. The difference between set-graphical-value operations and the encode-data operations is that for the latter, the altered graphical attributes must encode a data attribute, whereas in the former, this need not be the case. Since set-graphical-value operations are not related to the underlying data, they can be applied equally well to both object and space type entities.The third class of graphical operations are for manipulating graphical objects, including creating and deleting them. Unlike the encode-data and set-graphical-value operations, these operations do not change graphical attributes nor do they change the mappings between graphical objects and data. Instead, they operate on the graphical objects as a unit of manipulation.Set operations: Set operations refer to all those operations that act on or form sets. These operations include creating sets, deleting sets, summarizing sets, joining sets, intersecting sets and so forth. Sets provide a way for users to expand the underlying data with new classification information. For example, the aggregation task in our real-estate example caused the creation of multiple sets to represent the classification of houses by agency. When the user aggregated the houses based on agency a set was created for all the houses sold by each agency. An object was created for each set and then visualized.Sets are populated by enumerating members of the set or by expressing conditions for set membership. Enumerating set members is achieved by having the user explicitly pick members from the visualization, by having the designer define the sets apriori or by getting the objects from the system control state. For example, during the coordinated highlighting task in our real-estate example, the highlighted set on the map is constructed based on the enumeration of data-objects within the selected agency aggregates (these objects are obtained by querying the control state).Set membership is defined through a formula or a constraint, which may be dynamically altered. Elements that fulfill the set constraint automatically get added or removed. The dynamic query slider technique in our example consists of a set associated with a membership constraint. The slider controls this constraint and cause elements to be dynamically added to or removed from the set when the slider is moved.Sets have group characteristics. Members that join the set will automatically inherit those group characteristics. Upon leaving the group, members will lose those characteristics and revert back to their individual characteristics. For example in the real-estate filtering task, the slider value controls set membership. When elements enter the set, they become visible because they inherit the visibility property of the set. When they leave the set, they revert back to their individual visibility value which is off. In the same example, a set is created with a bounding box and is painted red. Dragging one element of the set, causes the position of the set to change. This causes the position of all elements within the set to change as well.Data operations:Data operations affect the data elements contained within the visualization. Data operations are especially useful in creating simulations or carrying out what-if analyses. This can be done by changing sets of data values and then observing what changes these cause to the other data values. Another useful data operation is deriving new attributes for the data objects. During analysis, users usually discover new facts about the data and it is useful to be able to augment the data with new findings.5. Composite visualization interactionTo support complex tasks, BVIs can be combined to form composites. There are three types of composition: independent composition, set composition and chained composition. In independent composition, the BVIs are made available for the same visualization but are not related except when there are conflicts in desired effects. Effects are applied orthogonally and operations can be executed in any order or in parallel. Each operation has its own user input methods. In the real-estate example, the map display has a selection interaction with a bounding box and a filtering interaction with a slider. These operations are independently composed into the same visualization. Each operation has separate and distinct input methods (bounding box and slider). Elements that are filtered and therefore not visible cannot be selected with a bounding box. The semantics of items that are selected, made invisible and then visible again are potentially confusing (e.g. when they are invisible, do they remain in the selected set?). Our characterization enables the designer to represent the alternatives.。
第6章 地理数据可视化-SDU
山东大学计算机科学与技术学院 & 软件学院 蒋志方
点数据可视化 线数据可视化 区域数据可视化 三维数据可视化 时间属性可视化
12,000 B.C.
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很近,却 很少病例
阶段一 阶段 二
MacEachren, Alan M., and John H. Ganter. "A pattern identification approach to cartographic visualization." Cartographica:
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包括:(1)面积图(Area Chart);(2)条形图和柱形图(Bar & Column Charts);(3)散点图(Scatterplots);(4)饼图和圆环图(Pie & Donut Charts);(5)阶梯线图表(Line & Step Charts);(6)堆叠面积图(Stacked Charts);(7)分组图表(Grouped Charts)。
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它最初是埃德加·安德森(Edgar Anderson)从加拿大加斯帕半岛(Gaspé Peninsula)上的鸢尾属花朵中提取的地理变异数据,后由罗纳德·费雪(Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher)作为判别分析的一个例子,运用到统计学中。
如何改善记忆的英语作文Improving Memory: Strategies and Techniques。
Memory is a fundamental aspect of learning any language, including English. Enhancing memory skills cansignificantly benefit one's ability to learn and retain English vocabulary, grammar rules, and other linguistic elements. In this essay, we will explore various strategies and techniques to improve memory specifically tailored for learning English.1. Active Engagement: Actively engaging with thematerial is crucial for memory retention. Instead of passively reading through vocabulary lists or grammar rules, try actively participating in learning activities. This can include writing sentences using new vocabulary words, engaging in conversations, or practicing grammar exercises.2. Spaced Repetition: Spaced repetition is a technique where you review information at increasing intervals overtime. Instead of cramming all the information at once, spaced repetition allows for better long-term retention. There are various apps and tools available that utilize spaced repetition algorithms to help learners efficiently review English vocabulary.3. Mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that help learners remember information more effectively. Creating mnemonic devices such as acronyms, rhymes, or visual imagery can be particularly useful for rememberingdifficult English words or grammar rules. For example, to remember the order of adjectives in English (opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose), you could use the acronym "OSASCOMP" (Oh, Sally, Aged Seventeen, Sits Carefully On My Porch).4. Contextual Learning: Learning English in context can significantly improve memory retention. Instead of learning words or phrases in isolation, try to learn them within the context of a sentence or a short passage. Contextual learning helps reinforce the meaning of words andfacilitates better recall.5. Visualization: Visualization involves creating mental images to represent information. When learning English vocabulary, try to visualize the meaning of words or phrases. Associating a mental image with a word can make it easier to remember. For example, when learning the word "blossom," imagine a tree covered in beautiful blossoms.6. Chunking: Chunking involves breaking down large pieces of information into smaller, more manageable chunks. When learning English, you can apply chunking by grouping related words or phrases together. For example, instead of trying to memorize individual words, group them by theme or topic (e.g., words related to food, travel, or emotions).7. Regular Practice: Like any skill, improving memory requires regular practice. Make it a habit to incorporate English learning activities into your daily routine. Set aside dedicated time for practicing vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, and reading comprehension. Consistent practice will reinforce memory retention over time.8. Multisensory Learning: Engaging multiple senses inthe learning process can enhance memory. Instead of relying solely on visual input (reading), incorporate auditory (listening), kinesthetic (writing or typing), and tactile (using flashcards) modalities into your English learning routine.9. Review and Reflection: Regularly review what youhave learned and reflect on your progress. Identify areas where you need improvement and adjust your learning strategies accordingly. Reflective practice can help consolidate memory and identify effective learning techniques.In conclusion, improving memory for learning English requires a combination of active engagement, effective strategies, and consistent practice. By implementing techniques such as spaced repetition, mnemonics, contextual learning, visualization, chunking, regular practice, multisensory learning, and review, learners can enhancetheir memory retention and proficiency in English. Remember,there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.。
visualization (可视疗法)
Roles in healing of visualization:
•e Visualization For Stress Relief: This technique is great for people who feel a significant amount of general stress and would like to quickly feel more relaxed. It can work just about anywhere and takes only a few minutes.
Roles in healing of visualization:
•8.Wellness and Wholeness: ΩVisualization can be a powerful tool for improvement as well as for maintaining a happy life style. Beautiful pictures can reinforce the perfect life you are living or hope to begin living. Ω Whatever represents your ideal of "love" or "perfection" or "tranquility" those are the pictures you want to focus on.
Group D
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the entire world----Albert Einstein.
专利名称:CONTEXTUAL DATA VISUALIZATION发明人:Al Chakra,John Feller,Trudy L. Hewitt,KerryA. Moffo,Francesco C. Schembari申请号:US14688741申请日:20150416公开号:US20150220607A1公开日:20150806专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for contextual data visualization includes receiving data selected by a user and meta-data associated with the data. The data is analyzed, using a processor of a computing device, to determine content and structure attributes of the data that arerelevant to visualization of the data. The meta-data is analyzed, using a processor of the computing device, to determine a context in which the visualization of the data will be used. A database comprising an aggregation of visualization records from a plurality of users is accessed and at least one template from the data visualization records that matches the data attributes and context is selected. A data visualization is created by applying at least one template to the data.申请人:INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION地址:Armonk NY US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Participating in a sports meet can be an exhilarating experience that not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters a sense of community and teamwork.Here are some compelling reasons to consider joining a sports meet,along with the potential benefits and the steps you might take to prepare for such an event.Reasons to Join a Sports Meet:1.Health Benefits:Engaging in sports activities can significantly improve your physical health.Regular exercise strengthens your muscles,improves cardiovascular health,and boosts your immune system.2.Skill Development:Participating in sports can help you develop and refine various skills,such as coordination,agility,and strategic thinking.3.Social Interaction:Sports meets are a great opportunity to meet new people,make friends,and interact with a diverse group of individuals.4.Teamwork:Being part of a sports team teaches you the importance of collaboration and working towards a common goal.5.Personal Growth:Overcoming challenges and pushing your limits in sports can lead to increased selfconfidence and personal growth.Potential Benefits:Enhanced Fitness Levels:Regular training for the sports meet will naturally lead to improved fitness levels.Mental Health:Physical activity is known to reduce stress and anxiety,contributing to better mental health.Discipline and Time Management:Training for a sports meet requires discipline and effective time management,skills that are beneficial in all areas of life. Recognition and Awards:Performing well in a sports meet can lead to recognition and awards,which can be a great morale booster.Steps to Prepare for a Sports Meet:1.Choose Your Event:Select the sports event that best suits your abilities and interests.It could be a track event,a team sport,or an individual sport.2.Set a Training Schedule:Create a realistic training plan that includes regular practicesessions,rest days,and gradual increases in intensity.3.Nutrition and Hydration:Pay attention to your diet and hydration.Consuming a balanced diet and staying hydrated are crucial for optimal performance.4.Equipment and Gear:Ensure you have the necessary equipment and gear for your chosen sport.This might include appropriate footwear,clothing,and any specific items needed for your event.5.Coaching and Guidance:Seek guidance from a coach or experienced athletes to improve your technique and performance.6.Mental Preparation:Develop mental resilience and focus through visualization techniques,goal setting,and positive selftalk.7.Rest and Recovery:Adequate rest is essential for muscle recovery and preventing injuries.Make sure to get enough sleep and incorporate rest days into your training schedule.8.Participate in PreMeet Events:If possible,participate in smaller meets or competitions to gain experience and build confidence.9.Stay Informed:Keep up to date with the rules and regulations of your sport,as well as any specific requirements for the sports meet you are entering.10.Enjoy the Process:Most importantly,enjoy the process of training and competing. Embrace the challenges and celebrate your achievements,regardless of the outcome. By considering these aspects,you can make an informed decision about whether to participate in a sports meet and how to prepare effectively for it.Remember,the journey to the sports meet is as important as the event itself,offering numerous opportunities for personal development and enjoyment.。
To develop extraordinary strength,one must follow a systematic and disciplined approach to training.Here are some key steps and strategies to consider:1.Set Clear Goals:Define what you mean by extraordinary strength.Is it lifting a certain weight,performing a specific number of repetitions,or achieving a record in a strength sport?2.Create a Training Plan:Design a workout routine that targets all major muscle groups. This should include compound exercises like squats,deadlifts,bench presses,and overhead presses,which engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.3.Progressive Overload:To build strength,you must consistently challenge your muscles by increasing the weight,volume,or intensity of your workouts over time.4.Proper Nutrition:Consume a diet rich in protein,carbohydrates,and healthy fats to support muscle growth and recovery.Protein is particularly important for muscle repair and growth.5.Rest and Recovery:Give your muscles time to recover and grow by scheduling rest days and getting enough sleep.Overtraining can lead to injuries and hinder progress.6.Technique and Form:Focus on mastering the correct form for each exercise to prevent injuries and ensure that you are effectively targeting the intended muscles.7.Periodization:Implement a periodized training program that varies the intensity, volume,and exercises over time to prevent plateaus and promote continuous progress. 8.Supplementation:Consider using supplements like creatine,protein powders,or branchedchain amino acids BCAAs to support muscle growth and recovery,but always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen.9.Mental Training:Develop mental resilience and focus through visualization, meditation,or other mental training techniques to enhance your performance in the gym.10.Consistency and Discipline:Strength training requires consistent effort over time. Stay committed to your training plan and make adjustments as needed based on your progress and feedback from your body.11.Learn from Experts:Seek advice from strength coaches,personal trainers,or experienced athletes who can provide guidance and help you refine your trainingapproach.12.Track Your Progress:Keep a training log to monitor your progress over time.This will help you identify areas for improvement and stay motivated.By following these steps and maintaining a longterm perspective,you can work towards developing extraordinary strength.Remember that patience and dedication are key components of this journey.。
focus知识点总结In this article, we will discuss the key concepts related to focus, including the importance of focus, the factors that can affect our ability to focus, and strategies for improving and maintaining focus.Importance of FocusWhy is focus so important? The ability to focus allows us to concentrate on the task at hand and block out distractions, which ultimately leads to better performance and results. When we are able to focus, we are more efficient, productive, and better at problem-solving. It also plays a key role in decision-making and helps us manage our time effectively.In addition, focus is crucial for learning and retaining information. When we are fully immersed in a task, our brains are better able to process and store the information, leading to better memory and understanding.Factors Affecting FocusThere are several factors that can affect our ability to focus, including:- External distractions: These include noise, interruptions, and environmental factors that can disrupt our concentration.- Internal distractions: These include our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions that can pull our attention away from the task at hand.- Mental fatigue: When our brains are tired or overworked, it becomes more challenging to concentrate and maintain focus.- Lack of interest: If we are not engaged or interested in a task, it's harder to stay focused and motivated.- Stress and anxiety: These can also negatively impact our ability to focus, leading to racing thoughts and an inability to concentrate.Strategies for Improving and Maintaining FocusThere are several strategies that can help improve and maintain focus. These include:- Mindfulness and meditation: These practices can help train the mind to stay present and focused, allowing us to better manage distractions and stay on task.- Time management: Creating a schedule and prioritizing tasks can help us stay organized and focused on what needs to be done.- Breaks and rest: Taking regular breaks and ensuring we get enough rest can help prevent mental fatigue and improve our ability to focus.- Healthy lifestyle choices: Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise can all contribute to improved focus and concentration.- Minimizing distractions: This can include turning off notifications, finding a quiet workspace, and setting boundaries with others to minimize interruptions.- Visualization and goal-setting: Having a clear vision of the end goal and breaking it down into smaller, manageable tasks can help maintain focus and motivation.In conclusion, focus is a critical skill that can greatly impact our performance and success in various aspects of our lives. By understanding the importance of focus, identifying the factors that can affect it, and implementing strategies for improvement, we can better harness our ability to concentrate and achieve our goals.。
关于给孩子们上中文课的英语作文英文回答:Why Teach Chinese to Children?Teaching Chinese to children provides numerous cognitive, linguistic, and cultural benefits thatcontribute to their overall development.Cognitive Benefits:Enhanced Memory and Attention: Learning Chinese characters, with their complex strokes and symbolisms, requires children to engage their working memory and focus.Improved Problem-Solving Skills: The logical structure of Chinese grammar and the use of tone and context to convey meaning foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.Increased Spatial Reasoning: Chinese characters often represent objects or concepts, enhancing children's spatial reasoning and visualization skills.Linguistic Benefits:Bilingualism: By acquiring Chinese, children develop proficiency in an additional language, enhancing their cognitive flexibility, communication skills, and cultural understanding.Improved English Proficiency: Studies have shown that exposure to Chinese characters improves phonological awareness and literacy skills in English, particularly in vocabulary and reading comprehension.Enhanced Language Sensitivity: Learning Chinese exposes children to a different linguistic system,fostering their sensitivity to the structure and use of language.Cultural Benefits:Cultural Appreciation: Teaching Chinese provides children with insights into Chinese culture, customs, and history, promoting cross-cultural understanding and empathy.Global Perspective: In an increasingly interconnected world, proficiency in Chinese opens doors to global opportunities in business, diplomacy, and cultural exchange.Preservation of Heritage: For children of Chinese heritage, learning Chinese allows them to connect withtheir roots and preserve their cultural identity.Effective Chinese Language Teaching for Children:Immersive Environment: Create a classroom environment that immerses children in the Chinese language through games, songs, stories, and cultural activities.Age-Appropriate Materials: Use developmentally appropriate materials and activities that engage children's interests and abilities.Focus on Communication: Prioritize communicative competence by teaching children to use Chinese in meaningful contexts.Cultural Integration: Incorporate Chinese culture into lessons to foster students' understanding and appreciation.Regular Practice: Consistent exposure and practice are essential for language acquisition. Provide ample opportunities for children to interact with Chinese in various settings.中文回答:为什么教孩子学中文?学习中文能给孩子带来许多认知、语言和文化上的好处,有助于他们的全面发展。
演出注意事项英语作文Title: Guidelines for a Successful Performance.Performing on stage, whether it be a concert, a play, or any other form of artistic expression, can be anexciting and challenging experience. It requires a significant amount of preparation, focus, and discipline to ensure a smooth and engaging presentation. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare for and excel during your performance.1. Plan and Prepare.Proper planning and preparation are crucial to any successful performance. Start by setting clear goals and objectives for your performance. Determine what you want to achieve and how you will measure success. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the preparation process.Conduct thorough research on your topic or material. Gather relevant information, understand the context, and identify any potential challenges or obstacles you may face. Develop a detailed plan or outline that organizes your thoughts and ideas. This will act as a roadmap for your performance, guiding you through each step.2. Practice Makes Perfect.Practice is essential for honing your skills andbuilding confidence. Set aside regular practice sessions to work on your material, refine your technique, and perfect your delivery. Practice in different environments and situations to prepare for any potential variables that may arise during your actual performance.Record yourself practicing and analyze your performance objectively. Look for areas of improvement, such as volume, pace, clarity, and expression. Seek feedback from others,as they may identify areas you may have overlooked. Usethis feedback to adjust and improve your performance.3. Stay Healthy and Fit.Maintaining good physical health is crucial for any performer. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, enabling you to perform at your best. Get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. Regular exercise can help improve your endurance, flexibility, and overall well-being.Avoid unhealthy habits that can negatively impact your performance, such as excessive alcohol consumption or unhealthy snacking. These habits can affect your energy levels, vocal quality, and overall focus.4. Stay Calm and Confident.Performance anxiety is common, but it doesn't have to control you. Develop strategies to manage your nerves and stay calm before and during your performance. Practice deep breathing, visualization techniques, or meditation to help you relax and focus.Build your confidence by reminding yourself of yourskills and preparation. Remember that you have worked hard to prepare for this moment, and trust that you can deliver a great performance. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and can offer encouragement when needed.5. Engage with Your Audience.Remember that your performance is not just about you; it's also about connecting with your audience. Make eye contact, smile, and use your body language to engage them. Speak clearly and loudly enough for them to hear you, but also vary your tone and pace to keep them interested.Understand your audience and their expectations. Research their backgrounds, interests, and preferences to help you tailor your performance to their needs. Interact with them, answering questions or acknowledging their reactions. This creates a shared experience that makes your performance more memorable.6. Take Constructive Criticism.After your performance, seek feedback from your audience, critics, and peers. Use this feedback constructively to identify areas of improvement and refine your skills. Be open to criticism and willing to adjustyour approach based on valuable insights.Remember that every performance is a learning experience. Don't be discouraged if your performancedoesn't meet your expectations. Instead, view it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve.In conclusion, a successful performance requires meticulous planning, regular practice, good physical health, confidence, audience engagement, and a willingness to learn and improve. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your performance is not only professional and engaging but also a rewarding experience for you and your audience.。
如何改变阅读方法英语作文Changing one's approach to reading can greatly enhance comprehension and retention. Here are some effective strategies for improving your reading methods:1. Active Reading: Instead of passively scanning through the text, actively engage with the material. This involves asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing key points as you read.2. Annotation: Take notes directly in the text or on a separate sheet of paper. Highlight important passages, jot down thoughts or questions, and underline key concepts. This not only helps in understanding the material but also serves as a useful reference for later review.3. Skimming and Scanning: Sometimes, it's not necessary to read every word in detail. Skim through the text to get a general sense of the content, and then scan for specific information or keywords that are relevant to your purpose.4. Chunking: Break the text into smaller, manageable chunks. Focus on one section at a time, and take breaks in between to reflect on what you've read. This prevents information overload and improves comprehension.5. Visualization: Create mental images of the information as you read. Visualizing concepts can aid in understanding and memory retention. You can also use diagrams, charts, or graphs if the material contains complex data.6. Repetition: Don't hesitate to reread challenging sections or paragraphs. Repetition reinforces learning and helps clarify any confusing points. It's better to grasp the material thoroughly than to rush through it.7. Discussion: Engage in discussions with peers or instructors about the material. Explaining concepts to others not only solidifies your understanding but also exposes you to different perspectives and interpretations.8. Relate to Prior Knowledge: Connect new informationto what you already know. This creates cognitive links that facilitate learning and understanding. Look forsimilarities or differences between the current materialand your existing knowledge base.9. Use of Context Clues: When encountering unfamiliar words or concepts, use context clues to infer their meaning. Pay attention to surrounding sentences or paragraphs that provide clues about the intended definition or usage.10. Reflective Reading: After finishing a section orthe entire text, take some time to reflect on what you've learned. Summarize the main ideas, evaluate your understanding, and think about how the material relates to your own experiences or studies.By implementing these strategies, you can transformyour approach to reading and become a more efficient and effective learner. Remember that practice and persistence are key to mastering any skill, including readingcomprehension. Keep experimenting with different methods until you find what works best for you.。
kv延展 英语
kv延展英语1.声音(Sound)The sound of rain falling outside the window is soothing.2.可视化(Visualization)Using charts and graphs can help with the visualization of data.3.建筑(Architecture)The architecture of the ancient temple is breathtaking.4.范围(Scope)The project's scope needs to be defined before we start.5.聚焦(Focus)I need to focus on studying for my upcoming exams.6.动作(Action)The action in the movie was intense and exciting.7.传感器(Sensor)The sensor detected movement and alerted the security guard.8.逐渐(Gradually)She gradually became more confident in her abilities.9.培训(Training)The company offers training programs for new employees.10.应用(Application)The new application allows users to easily track their daily expenses.11.电源(Power)The power went out during the storm, so we had to use candles for light.12.解释(Explain)Can you please explain this concept in simpler terms?13.混合(Mix)Mix the ingredients together until well blended.14.可靠(Reliable)I always turn to him for advice because he is a reliable source of information.15.因果关系(Cause and effect)There is a clear cause and effect relationship between smoking and lung cancer.16.趋势(Trend)The latest fashion trend is oversized sunglasses.17.优势(Advantage)One of the advantages of living in a big city is the variety of entertainment options available.18.软件(Software)The new software update fixed several bugs in the program.19.识别(Identify)The police used facial recognition technology to identify the suspect.20.素质(Quality)He has high-quality workmanship and attention to detail.21.方案(Plan)We need to come up with a plan for the upcoming project.22.成本(Cost)The cost of living in the city is much higher than in rural areas.23.效果(Effect)The medicine had a positive effect on her symptoms.24.障碍(Obstacle)She faced many obstacles on her path to success.25.提供(Provide)The hotel provides complimentary breakfast for its guests.26.风险(Risk)Investing in stocks carries a certain level of risk.。
装备保障信息可视化陈振华;柳艳莉【摘要】In order to improve the efficiency of the new launch center's equipment support, the equipment support information was fully utilized to achieve the visualization precise support, and the information visualization technology and visualization model method were adopted to build a visualization framework of the equipment support information according to the features and principle of aerospace testing equipment support information. The process of equipment infortnatization support is expounded. The data space of e-quipment informatization is definited. The visual mapping, modeling and showing method are analyzed. The planning and design of the new launch center's equipment informatization support system are confirmed.%为了提高新一代发射场试验装备保障效能,充分利用装备保障信息,实现可视化精确保障.针对航天试验装备保障信息的特点和原则,采用信息可视化技术及可视化模型方法,构建了装备保障信息可视化框架.详细阐述了装备信息化保障的流程,明确了装备信息化的数据空间,分析实现了可视化映射、可视化建模和可视化展示方法,确定了航天发射场装备保障信息化的体系规划设计.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2012(035)012【总页数】4页(P95-97,100)【关键词】装备保障;信息可视化;可视化框架;数据空间【作者】陈振华;柳艳莉【作者单位】中国西昌卫星发射中心,四川西昌 615000;中国西昌卫星发射中心,四川西昌 615000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911-34装备保障是保持试验装备良好状态,保证试验、训练任务圆满完成的各项活动过程。
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Focus+context visualizationIn every-day life, people have developed strategies for working with large amounts of data. They spread out manu-scripts on their desks to get an overview; they put up com-plicated diagrams on the wall and take a step back to “get the full picture”; they arrange notes and pictures on large surfaces to find meaningful patterns. An equivalent to these strategies applied to real-time computer graphics displays can be found in the various techniques collectively termed focus+context visualization. These are techniques that attempt to give users both the overview and the details that they need at the same time. Such techniques take their inspi-ration from the way that human vision works, in that they show the centre of attention – the focus – with a high amount of detail, while showing the surrounding informa-tion – the context – with much less detail. Thus, users can move their centre of attention to different areas, while main-taining the crucial overview.In this paper, we describe the development and evaluation of a novel focus+context technique, which we hope will be a step towards solving the problem of displaying large amounts of information on small screens.RELATED WORKFocus+context techniques and applicationsThe generalized fisheye view provided the basis for much of the subsequent work on focus+context presentation [8]. An early graphical focus+context technique was the bi-focal display, which introduced horizontal distortion to the mate-rial outside the focus [22]. Techniques that introduce both horizontal and vertical distortion include the rubber sheet view [20] and the graphical fisheye view [19]. The con-strained zoom [2] provided a fisheye view of graphs while maintaining the location of the nodes. Several techniques have used distortion inspired by geometry or optics, includ-ing the perspective wall [16], which gave a 3-dimensional view similar to the bi-focal display, and the document lens,which distorted a document in a way similar to a magnify-ing lens [18]. Several applications have aimed to provide focus+context views of information on the World Wide Web, including the hyperbolic tree browser [14], zippers [5], the web book and web forager [6], imagetrees [23], and the zooming web-browser based on the P AD++ toolkit [3,4]. An overview of distortion-oriented techniques is givenFormative Evaluation of Flip Zooming: Towards Effective Integration of Detail and Context on Small DisplaysLars Erik Holmquist and Staffan BjörkThe Internet Project Viktoria Research Institute Department of Informatics S-411 80 GothenburgSWEDEN{leh,bjork} have developed and evaluated a prototype image browser based on flip zooming , a focus+context visualiza-tion technique. In a formative evaluation, we contrasted the technique with two other methods to present images. The evaluation showed that users appreciated the overview that the flip zooming prototype provided. However, we also learned that the current prototype lacked some important features, and that some users felt that the flip zooming lay-out was confusing. By using a formative evaluation method we gained valuable information which may be used when developing this or other focus+context techniques.KeywordsFocus+context views, fisheye views, formative evaluation,image browsing, information visualizationINTRODUCTIONSmall screens and the big pictureDespite the advances in human-computer interface research during recent years, the basic channel that is used for com-municating information from the computer to the user has remained the same: a screen. Computer displays have not changed much since the days of the first workstations. But with the accelerating development in computer hardware and software, not to mention the fact that most computers nowadays are not isolated but part of a network, the users of today have access to hundreds or perhaps thousands of times more data than only a few years ago. How can we help making it possible to access all of this information through the same basic channel, a cathode-ray-tube screen 15 to 20 inches across? How can we present large amounts of information so that it makes sense and so that users can keep their overview, without getting lost in the details?An obvious solution would seem to be to introduce bigger displays, but with current technology large and cost-effec-tive screens with adequate resolution are still a long way off. In fact, it is entirely possible that the trend in the future will be in the opposite direction. The ongoing miniaturiza-tion of electronic components will most likely lead to smaller computing devices and hence smaller screens. It is obvious that practical strategies for displaying large amounts of information on small screens are becoming increasingly important as we approach the computing envi-ronment of the next [15], and a relevant discussion of effective view naviga-tion is given in [9].Evaluations of focus+context applicationsEvaluation of a zooming web-browser based on the PAD++-interface showed that experienced users found answers to questions significantly faster than when using a traditional browser [4]. When finding routes on a subway map, fisheye views showed a slight advantage over scrolling when all sta-tions did not show up on the traditional display [10]. The performance of fisheye and full zoom views of a telephone network showed subjects completing a task more efficiently using the fisheye view [21]. An evaluation of elastic win-dows, a system for non-overlapping windows, showed it to allow faster performance than traditional window systems in some tasks [13]. Finally, the CZWeb browser was shown to aid users in navigating the World Wide Web and under-standing its organization [7].DEVELOPING A FLEXIBLE, LIGHT-WEIGHT FOCUS+CONTEXT TECHNIQUEAs is evident from the above, a large number of focus+con-text techniques have been developed. However, few seem to have found their way into real-world products. One reason may be that many of the techniques involve advanced calcu-lations and hence require expensive hardware to be used effectively. Another may be that they are best suited for spe-cialized data sets, such as graphs, and that there is no easy way to adapt existing data for use with these techniques. Finally, it is possible that some of these techniques are sim-ply too complicated for every day use, and that the gains users can achieve from these methods are countered by the efforts needed to understand and learn to use them in the first place.When we set out to develop a new focus+context technique, we found it very important that our solutions was practical and put low demands on the hardware that end users would need. It should also be easy to understand, and be flexible enough to adapt to many different data set. What we were looking for was a flexible, light-weight focus+context tech-nique. The need for such a technique can only increase in view of the likely future proliferation of small, mobile com-puting devices, since such devices typically have very lim-ited processing power compared to desktop workstations, and will commonly be placed in the hands of inexperienced users.After studying the earlier focus+context techniques, we started experimenting with various ways to apply a focus view to a set of images or document pages laid out sequen-tially on a 2-dimensional surface. Our first attempt at a focus+context view (Figure 1, left picture) was inspired by the document lens, but with size reduction applied to each image individually, equally in both dimensions. A problem with this view is that the thumbnails close to the focus are smaller than those further away, which may be undesirable, since the information closest to the focus is often regarded as more important for the context. Worse, the distribution of the non-focus images is unclear – there is no obvious corre-lation between the un-focused view and the focus view.A second attempt (Figure 1, right picture) was inspired by the rubber sheet view but without the deformation of the individual thumbnails that would occur in such a display. This view had the advantage of a clear correlation between the image distribution in the non-focus and focus views, but it made poor use of the display, with much space left empty. We finally arrived at the simple method shown in Figure 2.A data set, such as a the pages of a document, a collection of images or a set of buttons in a graphical user interface, is laid out sequentially as a collection of thumbnail representa-tions (Figure 2, left picture). When a thumbnail is brought into focus, it is zoomed to full size and placed approxi-mately in the middle of the display. The remaining thumb-nails are reduced in size and arranged around the focus (Figure 2, right picture).To maintain the context in a sequentially ordered data set such as a document, it is important to give an indication of each image’s place in the sequence. To accomplish this, in the un-zoomed view, the thumbnails are placed sequentially in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom fashion. In the zoomed view, the thumbnails which come before the focus image in the sequence are placed above and to the left of the focus page, and the following thumbnails are placed below and to the right. This solution may not communicate the exact place of the focus image in the sequence very well, but it should give quite a good idea of its approximate position in the material, as well as the relative size of the material. THE FLIP ZOOM TECHNIQUEWe have called the technique described above flip zooming [12].Users navigate through a data set by “flipping”Figure 1. Early design ideas Figure 2. Flip zooming: Un-zoomed view (left); zoomedview (right)through it, like the pages in a book. When users wants to examine an entry, such as an image, they select it by click-ing on its thumbnail representation. The image is then zoomed to a readable size. The surrounding thumbnails are reduced in size and re-arranged to accommodate the expanded image. When users want to view a new entry, they can either “flip” to the next or previous in the sequence, using a GUI command or a keyboard short-cut, or they can select a new entry from another part of the document ran-domly, by clicking on its thumbnail representation.Flip zooming offers a good real-time performance, since no advanced math is required for calculating the context dis-play. The technique does not introduce spatial deformation of the context material, unlike many previous focus+context techniques. It offers the possibility to introduce other con-text information than thumbnails, such as keywords or icons. In comparison to currently used methods to present a set of thumbnails and a focus image, which typically involve two separate displays with thumbnails and focusimage side by side, flip zooming constitutes a more direct connection between focus and context, since a thumbnail and the corresponding focus image never appear on the dis-play simultaneously. Finally, flip zooming has the advan-tage that all thumbnails are always available, and no scrolling is needed to find the required image.There are some problems with the technique. The most notable is that of scalability, an important issue with any focus+context technique. At some point there will simply be too many thumbnails on the display, and the method will break down. This might be overcome by introducing a hier-archical ordering of the information, to “hide” thumbnails that are not used. Another problem is that of the unpredicta-bility of where the focus images appear, which might be confusing for users and break the context. Solutions might include smooth animation to ease the transition between dif-ferent displays, and attempts to place the focus image as close to where users expect it to appear as possible. Exten-sive user studies will be needed to fine-tune such solutions. FLIP ZOOMING PROTOTYPESFirst prototype: A text-only web browserThe first implementation of flip zooming was the Zoom Browser [11]. This was a text-only browser for the World Wide Web, which presented web pages using the flip zoom technique. The implementation was too limited in function-ality to be used as the basis of any extensive user studies, but it did serve as a proof-of-concept implementation that encouraged us to pursue the technique further.Second prototype: An image browserFor our second prototype we implemented an image browser that presents a set of pictures using the flip zoom technique (Figure 3). The browser can present any type of images, such as photographs, drawings, lecture slides or scanned documents, which makes it more flexible than the first prototype. The application was written in Java, to allow easy integration with web-based material. The browser lets users click on any picture to bring it into focus, as described previously. There is also the option to supply a navigation bar, to let users flip to the next or previous picture by click-ing a UI button.The image browser can present image sets of any size, but with too many images on the display the thumbnails tend to become too small to be useful. It turned out that scaling pic-tures in real time was too inefficient in the then-current implementation of Java, so the applet used a set of pre-scaled thumbnails in different sizes, which were down-loaded as they were needed. This limited the flexibility of the display somewhat but did not seem to pose any major problems.With a stable prototype, we could now proceed to designing an evaluation which would help our further development work.AIMS OF THE EVALUATIONThe second flip zooming prototype had an application area – image browsing – which was general enough to formulate a variety of different tests. We decided to design an evalua-tion where we contrasted the flip zooming prototype with some other image browsing methods currently in use. When designing the evaluation we used an accepted standard work on human-computer interaction as our guide [17].A goal of the evaluation would be to determine if the flip zoom technique offered the advantages that we hoped, those of a simultaneous good overview and access to the details of a large material. But perhaps more importantly, we wanted the evaluation to draw our attention to any flaws in the tech-nique and/or the design of the prototype. The evaluation would be formative in the sense that evaluation process would affect an evolving design [17, pp. 603]. We wanted the evaluation to be very open-ended, to give us as much information as possible. We felt that completely free-form input from the users would serve as the most useful help in our continuing design process, since it would provide us with opinions and suggestions from people not previously familiar with the technique.Figure 3. The flip zooming applet, running in a standardJava-enabled browserMATERIALS USED IN THE EVALUATIONImage setsWe decided to use two image sets as a basis for the evalua-tion: one which consisted of images that were designed to be read in order, and one which contained no inherent order-ing. One of the image sets would consist mainly of text, and the other of pictures only. The image sets were:• A set of lecture slides, a total of 34 images• A set of photographs of various animals, a total of 30 imagesHaving determined which image sets to use, we then needed to find some presentation methods to contrast with flip zooming.Presentation methodsWe wanted to use popular and readily available applica-tions, which attempted to provide some kind of overview over an image material. Furthermore, since we realized the importance of the Internet and the World Wide Web as a medium for distribution of images, we wanted all methods to work over the web.We decided to use two methods in addition to the flip zoom-ing image browser: a frame-based web-page, generated by Microsoft’s PowerPoint application; and Adobe’s Acrobat Reader for PDF files. The presentations were optimized for a standard 800 by 600 pixel display, and all images were cached on the local machine to avoid any differences due to network connection speed. In the following, we will describe the particulars of the three methods in more detail. Method 1: The flip zooming image browser (Figure 3) Here, the image sets were presented with the flip zoom tech-nique described previously. No GUI or keyboard short-cuts for navigation were supplied, only the basic flip zoom func-tionality. Two sizes of pre-scaled images were used: a set of thumbnails, and a set of full-size images. The presentation was run in a Java-enabled browser.Method 2: A web-page presentation with frames, as gener-ated by PowerPoint (Figure 4)Since one of our image sets consisted of slides prepared in PowerPoint, we used the presentation method provided by this application. PowerPoint includes functionality to auto-matically generate a web page with several frames. In the left-hand frame a list of slide titles is shown, and a full-size image of a slide is shown in the right-hand frame. For the second set of images, we improved the presentation by man-ually adding thumbnails (see below). VCR-style navigation buttons are provided in two other frames. The presentation method was run in a Java-Script-enabled browser.Method 3: The Acrobat Reader (Figure 5)The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a popular file for-mat for distributing documents on the web. In the Acrobat Reader for PDF files, one or more columns of thumbnails are presented in a horizontal strip to the left of the main image. Typically, the thumbnails are presented as outlines only (see below). A set of VCR-style navigation buttons are provided. The presentation method was run as a browser plug-in.A note on thumbnails and residueIn discussions of effective view navigation, information res-idue has been introduced as a measure of navigability [9]. By residue is meant the amount of information there is in one view of an information set about all other possible views of the same information set. Thumbnails would seem to be a way to add information residue while navigating a set of images, and as the subsequent evaluation showed, thumbnails were an important factor in users’ appreciation of a a system. Surprisingly, however, neither PowerPoint nor the Acrobat Reader supplied a straightforward method to include thumbnails in the presentation.PowerPoint generated a web-page with an index consisting of the header for each slide, but no thumbnails. There was, however, the opportunity to view the full text of each slide in the index. Since the second image set consisted of images with no headers, all index entries simply read “PPT Slide”. Figure 5. The Acrobat Reader; note that thumbnails areshown only as outlinesFigure 4. Web-page generated by PowerPoint, withthumbnails added manuallyIt might be argued that Power Point was not intended for presenting strictly picture-based information, and therefore we decided to enhance the index created for the second image set by manually adding thumbnails. (Figure 4)A similar problem occurred with the Acrobat Reader. We were quite puzzled by the fact that the application did not show “real” thumbnail images, only outlines. Since the application is capable of scaling pictures in real-time, gener-ating thumbnails should not be a problem. Eventually, we found that thumbnails have to be generated separately when a PDF file is created, but not even Adobe themselves seem to see a reason to provide them in the guide documents pro-vided with the program [1]. We decided to use the thumb-nail outlines only, partly because it seemed to be the norm for this presentation style and partly because we found it interesting to contrast a method not using “real” thumbnails with others that do. (Figure 5)EVALUATION METHODThe evaluation group consisted of ten subjects with compu-ter experience ranging from moderate to very high. The group was chosen from co-workers and associates which had no previous experience of flip zooming. The group included four females and six males, with ages ranging from 20 to 60. The users were told that they would help evaluate three different systems for presenting images. The users knew that the flip zooming image browser had been devel-oped by the research group. Think aloud protocols were used [17, pp. 622] and care was taken not to inhibit the par-ticipants.The subjects were first asked to perform a number of tasks to bring their attention to different ways of using the sys-tems. There were a total of nine tasks, which were rotated so that each task was performed with each system at some point. The tasks were varied so that they required the use of different search strategies, such as pattern recognition, image recall, and so on. The users were permitted to per-form the tasks in any way they liked, using all available fea-tures of the respective applications. Examples of tasks were:•”Find the slide on which the terms push and pull are used”•”Find out if there are more cats than fishes in the pic-tures”After the tasks were performed, each user had a debriefing session similar to the ones used in co-operative or participa-tive evaluation [17, pp. 661-664], and answered a number of semi-structured interview questions [17, pp. 629]. The users were asked to point out the strengths and weaknesses of each of the presentation methods. At no point did the inter-viewer try to lead the subjects by suggesting any particular strengths or weaknesses of the different applications. The users were also asked to suggest ways in which the different applications could be improved.After the interviews were finished, the material was proc-essed. The stated strengths and weaknesses of each system were collected in groups, so that differently worded responses with the same meaning were grouped together. EVALUATION RESULTSThe users were allowed to submit the same strength or weakness for more than one system. In the following, we will list those points which were mentioned regarding at least one of the presentation methods by at least 50% of the subjects (i.e. 5 or more out of 10 subjects). The results are summarized in Table 1.When considering the results, it is important to remember that we wanted to evaluate the flip zooming technique, rather than the specific applications used. Our main goal was to find the strengths and weaknesses of the technique as currently implemented, and draw conclusions on possible areas of improvement for future prototypes. Because of this, we will not attempt to draw any conclusions on which of the applications was the “best”.StrengthsGood overview (flip zooming)All 10 users said that the flip zooming image browser pro-vided a good overview of the material. We felt that this response was very encouraging in view of the fact that the responses were totally free-form, with no leading questions from the interviewers. Only 3 users felt that the PowerPoint-generated web page gave a good overview, and only one user felt that a good overview was a strength of the AdobeFlip zooming PowerPoint web Page Acrobat Reader StrengthsGood overview1031 Alternative search methods080Clear structure005 WeaknessesNo / too small thumbnails509 Unclear structure510 Table 1: Strengths and weaknesses of the systems, as stated by 10 usersAcrobat Reader. (It is quite possible that more users would have felt that the Acrobat Reader offered a good overview if we had included “real” thumbnails, but this should have lit-tle bearing on the result for the flip zooming application.) Alternative search methods (PowerPoint web page)8 users thought that the fact that the PowerPoint-generated web pages provided alternative search methods was a strength. The subjects used the built-in search function in the web browser to search for important keywords, probably because they were already familiar with this feature being offered by the browser. The flip zooming prototype pro-vided no alternative to visual search, and although the Acro-bat Reader does provide text search, this function was unknown to most users and was not used.Clear presentation – “neat and tidy” display (Acrobat Reader)5 users thought that a strength of the Acrobat Reader was that the material was very clearly presented – several users spoke of it as “neat and tidy”. No user thought that any of the other methods had a clear presentation structure. WeaknessesNo thumbnails / Too small thumbnails (Acrobat Reader / flip zooming)9 out of the 10 users we interviewed thought that the lack of real thumbnails was a weakness in the Acrobat Reader (as mentioned above, only outlines of the images were shown).5 users also complained that the thumbnails provided by the flip zooming browser were too small. If we had not manu-ally added thumbnails to the PowerPoint-generated web page, it is likely that it would fallen under this point as well. Confusing presentation – “messy” display (flip zooming)5 users thought that the flip zooming image browser was confusing and gave no clear indication of the structure of the presented material. They thought that the display was too crowded and “messy”. Only one user thought that the presentation on the PowerPoint-generated web page was confusing, whereas no users mentioned the Acrobat Reader in this regard.Other observationsWe also made a number of other observations while the users were performing the tasks, which were not easy to quantify. The most important were:•Overview allows approximative answers and “multi-task-ing”When asked questions such as ”Are there more cats than fishes in the pictures?” many users would quickly give an approximate answer if they had an overview of the whole set. They then examined some pictures in detail to con-firm the answer. The overview also allowed a form of ”multi-tasking”: When explaining a search strategy used in the flip zooming image browser, users sometimes con-tinued to check the pictures, occasionally correcting the original answer while explaining how it was found!•“Brute force” searching is prone to errorsUsing “brute force” searching, i.e. looking at each image in turn, often led to mistakes such as overlooking the rightanswer or confusing issues like “the number of cats” and “the number of pictures of cats”. These errors were far less common when users took advantage of an overview display.CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONOur main conclusion from the evaluations were:•Flip zooming provides a good overviewAll 10 subjects in the evaluation pointed out good over-view as a strength of flip zooming. In this respect, flip zooming performed significantly better than the other methods evaluated (although it is possible that if we had included “real” thumbnails, the Acrobat Reader might have performed better than it now did). The result serves as an indication that in situations when an overview is needed, the flip zoom technique provides a viable way to achieve such an overview.• A clear structure is important to usersThe evaluation indicates that it can be a good idea to con-sider a trade-off between information density and clarity. Although some users complained that the thumbnails pro-vided by flip zooming were too small, a cluttered display crammed with information might not be as useful as a well structured display with slightly less information.•Thumbnails are appreciated by users, but are not always easy to provideThumbnails provide important information residue, and this may be an important factor in the relative success of flip zooming. This was not particularly surprising, but what surprised us was that it was so difficult to provide thumbnails using the commercial applications in the study.•Users want alternative search methodsAgain, not particularly surprising, but we had not thought to provide alternative search methods in our prototype, and most users never found the text search function pro-vided by Acrobat Reader.Our other observations seemed to confirm that the overview provided by flip zooming was a help to users when perform-ing the different tasks. When using “brute force” searching, users seemed less efficient and often made errors, whereas a good overview allowed them to give approximate answers quickly and then refine them.The evaluation served to encourage us to pursue the work with flip zooming further, while at the same time pointing out several areas for possible improvement. We feel confi-dent in concluding that flip zooming provided a good over-view, but the presentation will need to be tightened up to convey the structure of the material more clearly. We believe that focus+context methods can be useful for many situations when display space is scarce, and that flip zoom-ing presents a realistic alternative to other methods. FUTURE WORKThe evaluation described in this paper points to several pos-sible improvements of the existing flip zooming prototype, including providing a more clearly structured display and alternative search methods. With an improved prototype,。