Dongwan Shin
喜欢的水果:苹果,西瓜,哈密瓜等等 基本没有不喜欢的东西
2011年01月 因不满家族创始的不专心,离开一手打造的家族(当然家族正式成员500位以上)
2011年04月 开始做网络业务,以专业诚信负责赢得一致好评!(当时人气已上千)
2011年07月 技术教程被公开,引起网络技术爱好者一片热潮。
2011年10月 空间人气突破百万,网络业务天王级
2011年12月 与网络歌手本兮的粉丝团发生矛盾受害被封
2012年01月 空间申诉失败,申诉信件被驳回
2012年03月 小号博客崛起,人气3天上千半个月稳定5千,小说作品被各大网站收录
网络红人孤独焕 :玩网络人的都知道他空间人气完全真实而且是个狠好相处的人,每个人的扣信息都回去回,
星座:白羊座 身高:170
团长&主奏吉他手修 本名:陈德修 昵称: 脩 生肖;狗 现住地:台湾 生日:1982.7.15 粉丝名称:修止符 喜欢:做自己的音乐 绰号:修大师,备备,修 口头禅:只弹琴不谈情 乐团担任:团长&GUITAR(吉他手) 讨厌:讨厌我觉得讨厌的…… 自我介绍:play just play music my music
邓桦敦,男,是台湾乐团东城卫的贝斯 手。也曾参与戏剧《终极系列》的演出, 东城卫是由几个复兴美工的同班同学所 组建,毕业后签约可米经济公司,参与 的戏剧大获成功,并于2010年7月发行东 城卫首张同名名你专辑。 生日: 1981.12.30 昵称: 镫 乐团担任: BASS(贝斯)
昵称:冥 星座:天蝎座 籍贯:湖南 生日:1986/10/24 乐团担任:DRUM(鼓手) 口头禅:怎么这样啊
座右铭:不抛弃 不放弃
关于冥:东形容唱歌比打鼓还厉害的鼓手Βιβλιοθήκη 本名:陈志介(修的亲哥哥)
昵称:戒 星座:处女座 生日:1980/09/03
陈志介,台湾乐团东城卫的主唱,台北市人,也 曾参与戏剧演出。学校毕业退伍后加入弟弟陈德 修(东城卫.脩)于学生时期所组成「火纹乐团」 (KARMA乐团),后乐团改名为东城卫,担任主 唱。东城卫于2010年7月发行首张同名迷你专辑。
脩Shu〔团长Band Leader / 吉他Lead Guitar
戒Vike〔主唱Lead Vocal / 节奏吉他Rhythm Guit 冥Ming〔鼓Drums〕 镫 FreeDun〔贝斯Bass〕
东城卫,台湾乐团名。成员有团长兼吉他手 陈德修(脩)、主唱陈志介(戒)、贝斯手 邓桦敦(镫)、鼓手李明翰(冥)。东城卫 由几个高中同学一起组建,当时乐团名叫 KARMA,毕业后几年因为对于音乐的热爱几 个成员又重新组起来并与经纪公司签约。更 换鼓手后,于05年10月更名DJ-WIS(火纹)。 06年初乐团因客串当时主唱的个人戏剧表演 《终极一班》,再次改名为东城卫并一直沿 用至今。东城卫于2010年7月正式发行了首张 同名迷你专辑。
12:20 PM- 1:20 PM 1:20 PM - 3:50 PM
1:20 PM - 3:50 PM
3:50 PM- 4:20 PM 4:20 PM- 5:50 PM
Lunch Break Session 3: Big Data Session Chair: James Joshi
Efficient Opportunistic Sensing using Mobile Collaborative Platform MOSDEN Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Charith Perera, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos and Arkady Zaslavsky (Full Research Paper)
Web Based Collaborative Social Album Authoring System Using Facebook Photos Changhyeon Lee, Fathoni Arief Musyaffa and Yong-Moo Kwon (Full Application Paper)
8:00 AM Onwards 8:30 AM - 9:40 AM 9:40 AM- 10:00 AM 10:00 AM- 12:30 PM
10:00 AM- 12:30 PM
TVXQ东方神起英文介绍 全面 详细
TV programs
《成均馆绯闻》 《Miss ripley》 《屋塔房王世子》
• 金俊秀 • Dolphin-sounding vocal(海豚音) • Football • Works
Musical :Mozart 《莫扎特》
Dong Bang Shin Ki
Made by leavelate 18th,April,2012
• What’s the name of their team leader? • How many Guinness Book of World Records do they have? • Why I love them so much?
• Members introduction • velopment • Achievements
• • • • 郑允浩 Team leader Dancing works
• Michael Jackson Memorial concert • The only invited Asian stars
• • • • • 沈昌珉 Soprano(高音) Study well,smart Big stomach The youngest
TV Programs
• Paradise Ranch 《天堂牧场》 • Athena: Goddess Of War 《雅典娜:战争女神》
Musical:Palace 音乐剧:《宫》 电视剧:《向大地头球》
• 金在中 • Main singer (rainbow voice) • Extreme appearance • Compose(作曲)
"The god will appear from the east."is the meaning of TVXQ.They published their first song <Hug> in 1.14, 2004.Soon,they had become famous all over the Asia. Mainly in Korea,China and Japan. Not one group in Korea is able to compete with them in the sales market whenever they release an album. Professional producers have also given TVXQ their highest praises
Keep the faith
Album in South Korea
• • • • •
Album- TRI-ANGLE 2nd Album - RISING SUN 3rd Album - “O”- 正.反.合 4th Album - MIROTIC 咒文 5th Album - WHY? (Keep Your Head Down)
Hale Waihona Puke - Jung Yunho - Leader of TVXQ 1986.2.6
Called "Dancing Robert" His voice is sincere His dance is tough powerful,second to none in Asia,now
Tong Vfang Xien Qi
Nothing Better Than You
东方神起的资料东方神起的基本信息中文名:东方神起别名:东团、红家民族:韩国成员: U-KNOW郑允浩队长,HERO金在中,MICKY朴有天,XIAH金俊秀,MAX沈昌珉经纪公司: S.M. Entertainment外文名: TOHOSHINKI国籍:韩国职业:歌手、演员、dancer、MC韩文:동방신기第一次亮相: 2021年12月26日音乐类型: K-POP、J-POP、R&B正式出道时间: 2021年2月6日东方神起的简介目前,东方神起以队长郑允浩和沈昌珉两人的形式活动。
東方神起的英文缩写是:TVXQ,源于罗马音Tong Vfang Xien Qi,日本团名是TOHOSHINKI,中国团名是东方神起。
2021年12月26日,“東”方神起在SBS电视台BoA和布兰妮新年“special show”首度亮相,一出道就与小天后BoA同台演出,演唱了人气歌谣中的《OH~Holy Night》,足见公司对他们的重视程度。
史上最强的男人是谁? 史上最强的男人是谁? 当然是大东! 当然是大东! ——终极一班
电视剧名称 饰演 听笨金鱼唱歌(未播出) 听笨金鱼唱歌(未播出) 李元哲 新麻辣鲜师 第八号当铺 恶作剧之吻 终极一班 花样少年少女 终极一家 桑田
Party time! ——鬼龙 终极一家
年份 2002年 年 2003年 年
希望东城天使们继续支 持汪东城, 持汪东城,也希望更多 的人开始喜欢汪东城! 的人开始喜欢汪东城!
个人品牌——MUA 个人品牌
2010年2月14日情人节,汪东城的个人品牌——“MUA” 正式成立。 2010年3月14日MUA官方网站已正式营运。 MUA~~爱与爱相碰的声音,是亲吻的拟声词。2010年2月 14日,艺人汪东城与他的工作团队带着MUA品牌的设计理念, 以及满满的爱来到大家身边。 MUA的诞生,是想给大家带来爱永远围绕在身边的甜蜜感觉。 不管是亲情友情爱情,都可以用MUA去传达!如果你现在正处幸 福的状态,希望MUA能给你的幸福更多加一些甜蜜感。如果你现 在正处一个人的寂寞,那希望MUA能给你带来爱的关怀,并能一 直陪伴你找到你心灵最佳的那一半。
《梵谷与我》 梵谷与我》
汪东城字·画·像—— 《梵谷与我》已于 2010年6月10日正式 发行。 作画的时候,总可以 让我回到最开心的童 年时光。——汪东城
小麟:我之所以在这段话的背景选择了比较 明亮的颜色,因为我觉得大东这种自强不息的精 神会成为他生活的活力。
没有人会后悔喜欢上这个傻里傻气的大男生吧,大东很傻,当然, 傻气的另一种解释就是太过单纯,太有义气。很难想象在演艺圈摸爬滚 打六年的小孩,骨子里还留有一股清流:干净,清澈。其实每次签收会 都是死小孩最费脑筋的时候,因为粉丝各个会急着自报家门,原因很简 单,大伙儿知道只要告诉他名字,他会超努力的去记住,然后在下一次 见面的时候,像个得到糖吃的小孩一样,开心的叫出你的名字,即使来 不及,他也会在晚上抽出时间在博客里向粉丝道歉和感谢,也许穷小子 的出身经历,造就了他纯朴的个性吧。东宝从来不把自己当作偶像待, 他对每个人都散发着温暖的气息,他不希望粉丝去探班,因为太冷,他 怕大家感冒了,但不希望不代表就能阻止,既然歌迷诚心的来了,那就 得保证大家安全回去,所以在深夜十一点多外面下起大雨时,他一个人 傻傻的跑到山下,帮来探班的粉丝拦的士,确保每个粉丝都能安全了, 他才傻傻的跑回剧组打算继续拍戏。OK,到这里也许已经够感人了,曾 几何时会有一个偶像做出如此跳脱形象的事情,是该撒花还是该放一下 焰火? 偏偏剧组以为这个死小孩耍一下大牌已经走人,导演一声令下大 家早已集体作鸟兽散状,他却只能顶着湿漉漉的一身剧服独自慢慢回家, 然后发烧,流鼻血,声带说不出话,两小时睡眠时间严重不足,导致又 带不上隐形眼镜,泪眼汪汪的继续隔天四点乖乖跑去剧组报道拍戏。在 他身上感受不到心机,他想到什么当下会付诸行动。不过人不是铁打的, 所以他才会在代言活动后只能被团员搀扶着才能离开,看着粉丝内疚, 难过得流下眼泪,他依旧灿烂的笑着,毫无芥蒂的和粉丝挥手,静悄悄 的用唇语告诉大家:“我没事,你们放心。”难怪粉丝必须得说上一句: “你是阳光,我们就是向日葵。”
电影 日常幻想指南 主创团队
2016年包贝尔与母亲包锋加盟真人秀《旋风孝子》 ;同年7月15 日,主演的电影《陆垚知马俐》上映。 2017年,包贝尔监制并主演科 幻喜剧《欢喜猎人》。 2018年,包贝尔出品的络大电影《暴走狂花》 上线;同年自编自导的喜剧片《胖子行动队》于9月30日上映 。
焦俊艳,1987年5月6日出生于安徽省马鞍山市,中国内地影视女演员, 毕业于北京电影学院表演系本科班。
2009年,焦俊艳出演电影处女作《肩上蝶》受到。2011年,出演爱情 电影《失恋33天》。2012年,主演电视剧《新编辑部故事》、《杜拉拉之 似水年华》被观众所熟知。2013年,主演热门小说改编剧《遇见王沥川》 赢得广泛。2014年,因主演热播剧《幸福36计》中的李闻雨一角受到观众 的喜爱 ;同年,主演惊悚电影《笔仙Ⅲ》和出演宁浩导演作品《心花 路放》。
闵健,中国内地男演员,出生于辽宁省鞍山市,毕业于上海戏剧学院 戏剧影视表演本科。2010年,参演电视剧《爱情公寓2》;2015年主演电 视剧《完美案件》,参演电视剧《追击者》、《女仆咖啡厅》 ;2016 年主演电影《先锋之那时青春》 ;同年参演电视剧《武神赵子龙》、 《医馆笑传2》、《枪口》 ;2018年,参演电影《中国合伙人2》 ; 2019年7月,主演影片《日常幻想指南》杀青,饰演ADAM;同年10月,主 演都市青春励志情感剧《不远的未来》杀青,在剧中饰演宋航宇;2020年, 参演电视剧《月歌行》,在剧中饰演方湛。
My Like
• 团体飞轮海汪东城,常被 称为大东,台湾超人气偶 像歌手、演员、模特以及 男子演唱的成员之一,代 表的是夏天, 热情酷劲, 认真打拼的新好男儿。前 乐团(现更名为东城卫), 担任主唱,擅长吉他。演 出过许多MV 广告与影视 作品
• 我眼泪都笑了
• “Fahrenheit”华氏温度 的音译,意指“飞 轮海”四位成员不同的温度,“飞轮海” 彷佛是由春、夏、秋、冬组成的团体,也 一如四季有温暖、炎热、凉爽、酷冷的气 候。四位成员中,从加拿大温哥华返回台 湾的辰亦儒代表温暖的春天(77℉);汪东城 代表炎热的夏天(95℉);来自文莱的吴尊代 表凉爽的秋天(59℉);炎亚纶代表酷冷的冬 天(41℉)。
• 汪东城1981年8月24日出生,台湾偶 像团体飞轮海成员之一。以hot著称, 籍贯广东,身高182CM, 汪东城
• 体重69KG,肩宽与腰围的比例构成 一对称的倒三角,标准的模特身材。 号称男版Angelina Jolie的美唇,是 他的特色之一,也被称为Angelina Jolie的翻版。出道前期,曾以阳光健 康的形象获得粉丝青睐。加上爆发力 十足的舞台表演,使之迸发出视觉与 听觉的冲突美感。曾担任摇滚团主唱 的他,嗓音富有磁性辩识度高,跳起 舞来狂野性感,魅力十足。不但擅长 吉他,更有着丰富的美术天份(已出 版《梵高与我》内含文字以及大东的 手绘)现在公司准备出版第二本(还 在计划当中)。另外,在一票偶像美 男之中,他算演戏很棒,他的戏有一 种挠动人心的魅力,的确有潜力可挖 掘。
假如有一天,天 上的仙后座不 复存在,我们依 然不歌手,《东方神起》 队员。代表作有《two hearts》、 《咒文》、《Flower Lady》等。
允在(YoonJae,简称YJ) 是指韩国组合东方神起的队 长U-KNOW允浩(郑允浩) 和成员HERO在中(金在中) 的Couple。 允在王道以及有 秀王道是SM公司的官方王道。 两人在韩国称为允在,中国 称为豆花。在中(HERO) 仙后们认为他就像花一样漂 亮可爱,所以他的爱称为 “花花”。而允浩(UKNOW)因为出道时有一张 豆包脸,所以叫做豆包!他 们的BL名称为“豆花”!豆 花王道是官配,然而随着发 展跟允在之间的点点滴滴, 豆花成为韩国最大的主流 Couple,甚至被称为天道或 是真爱
金在中(韩文:,Kim Jaejoong)1986年1月 26日出生于韩国忠清南 道公州市,2003年作为 东方神起成员出道成名, 2010年以JYJ成员身份 活动;是拥有天籁之声 的灵魂歌者,也是踏实 努力的优秀演员。
作为组合主唱,演绎了多首经典曲目,因优美多变的声 线而以彩虹音著称;同时为专辑担任作词作曲编曲工作, 创作了多首热门歌曲,展露了极其出色的音乐才华。作 为崭露头角的新生代演员,主演电影《天国的邮递员》、 日剧《无法坦诚相对》、韩剧《守护BOSS》和《时空 侠医》,显示了优秀的演艺才能,得到大众一致认可好 评。
金俊秀 (Kim Jun-su) 亚洲人气 组合“东方神起”成员之一, 曾在组合负责中高音部分。现 已与SM公司解约,同东方神起 另外两名成员金在中、朴有天 组成J.Y.J组合进行活动。2010 年5月26日在日本以XIAH JUNSU为名SOLO出道发行的 单曲《XIAH Intoxication》, 单曲发行当天就以11万的销量 取得日本Oricon榜第二名的好 成绩。
2005.09.13 发行第二张专辑Rising Sun
专辑介绍 :
东方神起 (TVXQ) 以升起太阳《Rising Sun》为题,推出第二张大碟, 为韩国流行乐坛再次带来光与热。 一行五人的TVXQ 继2004年10月发行首 张大碟《Tri-Angle》,接著主攻日本市场,成功细碟打入Oricon细碟榜No. 7,在日韩乐坛无人不知TVXQ。他们再进一步进军中国,又在韩国首尔奥 林匹克运动场馆举行可容纳一万人的音乐会,并同时为第二张大碟《Rising Sun》打响头炮。
2006.09.29发行了他们在韩国 的第三张专辑,销量一如既往 的强大,获得全年最高Artist奖
刷 乐的 零 亚 新 魅迷 洲 个 了 力幻 级 月 近 之 巨 的 几 路 ”星 年 ,华于东 的 令丽 方 销 人回 神 售 深归 超 纪 陷如 起 录 于同起的 东步发第 方入售四 神无 张 起法时专 的解隔辑 音脱 ” 年 MIROTIC 7 2008.926 ! ! 1 !
东方神起(韩语:동방신기)是韩国五人男子合声 团体,成员包括:郑允浩、金在中、朴有天、金俊 秀、沈昌珉。于2003年12月26日第一次亮相,在 2004年2月6日正式出道。
代表颜色珍珠红。歌迷称Cassiopeia,日本歌迷称 Bigeast,中国歌迷称仙后。
MAX昌珉 沈昌珉 出生日:1988.02.18 (出道 时15岁) 身高/体重:189cm/61kg 学历:庆熙大学 现代音乐科 血型:B型。 出生地:首尔 专长:唱歌、跳舞 ◎ 第六届SM Best选拔大会 大奖和歌唱奖冠军 练习生时间:3年 U-KNOW允浩( 队长 Leader )郑允浩 出生日:1986.02.06(出道 时17岁) 身高/体重:186cm/61kg 血型:A型。 出生地:全罗南道,光州 学历:明智大学 文化艺术 专长:跳舞 ◎ 第一届SM Best选拔大会 舞蹈部冠军 练习生时间:5年
外文名:Hitsugaya Toushirou/ひつがやとうしろう别名:小白/天才少年国籍:尸魂界出生地:尸魂界出生日期:12月20日职业:护廷十三队·十番队队长主要成就:为维护尸魂界的安宁而战保护重要的人努力修行提高自己的实力部下:松本乱菊,竹添幸吉郎重要的人:雏森桃斩魄刀:冰轮丸(端坐于霜天吧,冰轮丸)声优:朴璐美〖年龄〗:130岁相等现世13岁〖身高〗:133cm〖体重〗:28kg〖生日〗:12月20日〖星座〗:射手座〖生日花〗:雨伞花、百合〖人物特征〗:天才,少年老成,温柔内敛。
〖羽里色〗:千岁绿〖昵称〗:小狮子、小白、日番谷君(雏森桃是这么叫他的)、冬狮郎(现世中黑崎一护与非死神的人类,如黑崎夏梨等是这么叫的)〖昵称由来〗:1,头发为白色 2,与其名同音Shiro是日文中“白”的意思〖喜欢的食物〗:甜纳豆、烤肉(TV320死神图鉴)、西瓜、(在和雏森桃的回忆中一直有小白在大口吃西瓜的场景,在TV228话,小白也一直在开心的吃西瓜刨冰)〖习惯动作〗:皱眉头〖兴趣〗:午睡热心工作也是因为想早早做完事情,回自己的房间睡午觉。
TVXQ is a top idol group in Korea.The name means the God of east rise up(东方的神站起来了),apparently the boys and their team were ambitious at the very beginning.They aimed to become the hottest singers in Asia and to represent Korea pop culture to go worldwide .They used to rank the number one in SM Entertainment which is a famous management company all over the world.Many of us must be very familiar with SM.It has raised many idol groups ,such as girls generation FX shinee XQ made their first appearance in 2003.And they made their debut in 2004 in.korea Since then, they have won countless awards .(清单).And they made their debut successfully in japan in 2005 .In 2006,they swept through many award ceremonies including top three television stations of Korea(SBS KBS MBC).Since then they started their peak journey,fans call it “the dynasty of the TVXQ(东方盛世)”.In 2008,they release their 4th album <MIROTIC>,which once broke the sales record of the past 5 years in Korea.Their fans are called Cassiopeia(means仙后座),because Cassiopeia consisrt of 5 shining stars in the sky which represent the 5 members. The number of their fans ,only the part that have officially registered on the Interner has reached more than 800,000,which was recorded in the Guinness.But in their rising time,in 2009 three members put forward to cancel their contract with SM and they made a new group called JYJ with another management company.Then TVXQ has seperated into 2 parts. Actually,I believe either the new JYJ or the resr TVXQ has gone through a hard period of time..I would not like to blame someone.Cause I believe the decision to leave must be tough and complex .As a big fan,I was kind of worried and disappointed at that time .But I think all I have to do is just always keep the faith in them ,hope to the end with them.From my point of view, I would like to regard the relationship between fans and stars as a kind of luck..We share our prime time with each other,the kind of feelings of the admiration for an idol may never come again.And at present,I …m not that appealed to their cute appearance like old days,but following their news has became a habit of me.I believe most teenagers or adults have similar‟s a very interesting phenonmenon.Cause today,we don‟t have brothers or sisters but in the fans group,we can build very close relationship with strangers.We have common interests,we can share many things together about our life,and we can have more friends.。
剧名 首播时间 2013-07-05 2013-05-12 2012-12-26 2012-11-03 2012-04-08 2010-07-06 2009-10-18 2009-02-27 2009-02-15 终极一班3 原来是美男 终极一班2 姐姐立正向前走 绝对达令 阳光天使 桃花小妹 终极三国 爱就宅一起
上映时 间
扮演角 色
我的播音系女 ---友
Jacky Lee; 麦咏麟 赵崇基 王冰 于善敏
周秀娜;陈汉典;班杰 谢娜;胡兵;刘令飞 周奇奇;蒋婧;李逸朗 陈哲铭;杜思慧;心路学员 社工及老师
2013-12我的美丽王国 凯文 13 2013-11- 我的男男男男 郑皓 15 朋友 2013 3D怨灵人偶 高一峰 汪东城 2012-11看见(微电影) 28 2011-09紫宅 23
翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 恶作剧之吻2
米麒麟(男一号) 金元丰
卓文萱;唐禹哲 林依晨;郑元畅;炎 亚纶
炎亚纶;唐禹哲;辰 亦儒 吴尊;唐禹哲;Ella 炎亚纶;唐禹哲;辰 亦儒 林依晨;郑元畅
夏兰荇德· 天;鬼龙;Zack;汪大 东(男一号) 金秀尹 汪大东(男一号)
花样少男少女 终极一班
Jiao Wang
姓名:汪东城 外文名:Jiro Wang 别名:汪东成,大东,东宝,东 东 国籍:中国 民族:汉族 出生地:台湾 出生日期:1981年8月24日 职业:演员,歌手,主持人,模 特 毕业院校:台湾复兴美工广设科 身高:180cm 体重:65kg 生肖:鸡 血型:O型 星座:处女座
1.ERIC MUN 文晸赫文晸赫这个人先不说那张罪恶的脸,就单单此人的性格,扔到哪儿也是凤毛麟角,让人忽视不了。
又比如,处理神话音乐被不公正的评论事件:有什么事,直接来找我本人,想见神话不是那么容易的,以上,ERIC MUN拜上。
ERIC MUN就是这个人。
歌手 宋光植 1987年01月出道。现SM作曲家(键盘)。 宋光植 Song KwangSik(1966年03月22日) 俞永镇 1989年02月出道。现SM金牌作曲词人。 俞永镇 Yoo YoungJin(1971年04月10日) 秋家烈 不详。 秋家烈 Chu GaYeol(1968年07月11日) H.O.T. 1996年09月07日出道,2001年05月13日解散。 文熙俊 Moon HeeJun(1978.03.14)队长 张佑赫 Jang WooHyuk(1978.05.08) 安胜浩 Tony An(1978.06.07) 安七炫 Kang Ta(1979.10.10) 李在元 Lee JaeWon(1980.04.05) S.E.S 1997年11月28日出道,2002年12月23日解散。 崔盛熙 Bada(Sea)(1980.02.28)队长 金柳真 Eugene(1981.03.03) 刘秀英 Shoo(1981.10.23) SHINHWA神话 1998年03月28日出道,2003年06月10日集体签约GOOD ENTERTAINMENT。 文晸赫 Eric(1979.02.16)队长 金烔完 Kim DongWan(1979.11.21) 申彗星 Shin HyeSung(1979.11.27) 李珉宇 Lee MinWoo(1980.07.28) 朴忠栽 JunJin(1980.08.19) 李先镐 Andy(1981.01.21) Fly To The Sky 1999年12月09日出道,2009年04月12日解散。 朱珉奎 Brian(1981.01.10) 黄伦硕 Fany(1982.01.17)队长 BoA 2000年08月25日出道。 权珤儿 BoA(1986.11.05) SHINVI 神飞 2001年出道,不详。 刘秀珍 Yoo SooJin(1983.03.06)队长 吴尚恩 Oh SangEun(1984.08.24) 俞娜 YuNa(1985.04.18) M.I.L.K 2002年12月17日出道,不详。 朴喜本 Park HeeBon(1983.05.11)队长 金宝美 Kim BoMi(1984.07.12) 裴俞美 Bae YuMi(1984.12.10) 徐贤真 Seo HyunJin(1985.02.27) Black Beat 2002年03月出道,不详。 黄尚勋 Hwang Sanghoon(1981.03.02) 李小民 Lee SoMin(1981.03.18)队长 郑智勋 Jung JiHoon(1981.05.20) 沈在元 Sim JaeWon(1983.02.08) 张镇永 Jang JinYoung(1983.07.01) Isak N Jiyeon 2002年08月出道,不详。 金依萨 Isak(1985.05.25) 李智渊 Jiyeon(1984.02.18) S 2003年09月24日出道,不详。 李志勋 Lee JeeHoon(1979.03.27) 安七炫 Kang Ta(1979.10.10) 申彗星 Shin HyeSung(1979.11.27) The TRAX 2004年07月19日出道。 金英东 Typhoon(1984.04.08)主唱、队长 诺珉宇 Rose(1986.05.29)鼓手 <已离队> 姜政佑 Attack(1985.06.15)贝司手 <已离队> 金政模 X-mas(1985.03.26)吉他手 东方神起 2004年02月06日出道(官方宣布在日本停止团体活动) 团体成员:hero在中、micky有天、xiah俊秀在日本暂时重组,剩余两人以SOLO活动于各个领域) 郑允浩 U-Know允浩/瑜卤允浩(1986.02.06)队长 金在中 Hero在中/英雄在中(1986.01.26) 朴有天 Micky有天/秘奇有天(1986.06.04) 金俊秀 Xiah俊秀/细亚俊秀(1986.12.15) 沈昌珉 Max昌珉/最强昌珉(1988.02.18) 天上智喜 2005年05月01日出道。 金宝京 天舞Stephanie(1987.10.16) 李智渊 上美Lina(1984.02.18) 秦宝拉 智声Sunday(1987.01.12) 洪晟美 喜悦Dana(1987.07.17)队长 SuperJunior 2005年11月06日出道。 本名 英文 艺名 朴正洙 LeeTeuk 利特(1983.07.01)队长 金希澈 HeeChul 希澈(1983.07.10) 韩庚 HanGeng 韩庚(1984.02.09) 金钟云 YeSung 艺声(1984.08.24) 金英云 KangIn 强仁(1985.01.17)<10年7月入伍,现服兵役中> 申东熙 ShinDong 神童(1985.09.28) 李晟敏 SungMin 晟敏(1986.01.01) 李赫宰 EunHyuk 银赫(1986.04.04) 李东海 DongHae 东海(1986.10.15) 崔始源 SiWon 始源(1987.02.10) 金厉旭 RyeoWook厉旭(1987.06.21) 金起范 KiBum 起范(1987.08.21) 曺圭贤 KyuHyun 圭贤(1988.02.03) Kang Ta&Vanness 2006年05月06日出道,不详。 安七炫 Kang Ta(1979.10.10) 吴建豪 Vanness(1978.08.07) 张力尹 2006年09月09日出道。 张力尹 Zhang LiYin(1989.02.28) 少女时代Girl's Generation 2007年08月05日出道。 金泰妍 TaeYeon(1989.03.09)队长 郑秀妍 Jessica(1989.04.18) 李顺圭 Sunny(1989.05.15) 黄美英 Tiffany(1989.08.01) 金孝渊 HyoYeon(1989.09.22) 权俞利 YuRi(1989.12.05) 崔秀英 SooYoung(1990.02.10) 林允儿 YoonA(1990.5.30) 徐贤 SeoHyun(1991.06.28) SHINee 2008年05月19日出道。 李珍基 ONew(1989.12.14)队长 金钟铉 JongHyun(1990.04.08) 金基范 Key(1991.09.23) 崔珉豪 MinHo(1991.12.09) 李泰民 TaeMin(1993.07.18) f(x) 2009年09月02日出道。 宋茜 Victoria(1987.02.02)队长 Amber(1992.09.18) 朴善英 Luna(1993.08.12) 崔雪丽 Sulli(1994.03.20) 郑秀晶 krystal (1994.10.24) 演员 李沇熹 2001年出道。 李沇熹 Lee YeonHee(1988.02.26) 高雅拉 2003年出道。 高雅拉 Ara(1990.02.11)
2004年《功夫》中周星驰透露本打算让谭师父演火云邪神这个B OSS角色,说他因伤退出了。
• • • • • • • • 2009年4月22日,《Share The World / ウィーアー》发行首日ORICON公信 榜第一,周榜第一 2009年7月1日,《Stand by U》虽获得ORICON第二,却突破了一周20万销售 量的记录 2010年2月17日,精选集《best selection 2010》发行,第一天就创下23万 的记录!累计销量达56.9万张 2011年7月1日,第5张正式大碟《Why(Keep Your Head Down)》以30万张 (A+B版)的销量,成为了韩国上半年唱片销量最高的歌手 2012年3月,《STILL》夺得Oricon日榜第一,周榜第一。第10次夺得周榜冠 军,创下国外艺人最好成绩 2012年7月,《Android》首周销售量15.2万张,获得Oricon周榜第一。唱片 总销售量达310.4万张,刷新了木匠兄妹保持十年的300.2万张销售记录,成 为唱片销售量最多的海外歌手 2013年,《Catch Me-If you wanna-》登上Oricon榜周榜第一位。第12次登 上周榜冠军,共28张作品进入周榜TOP10,更新了最多第一和TOP10作品数的 记录,成为记录最高的海外歌手 2013年3月6日,东方神起发行的日本正规6辑《Time》,只用两天卖出接近 20万张的销量,成为日本最权威和传统音盘贩卖调查chart的oricon专辑, 获得日本oricon周榜1位,得到亚洲最高认证,再次证明东方神起依旧超高 的人气和影响力。
• 郑允浩(Jeong Yoonho),歌手、演员、dancer,亚洲天 团东方神起的队长。 • 完美的九头身比例、阳光帅气的脸庞让他一出道就获得极 高的人气。他强烈的舞蹈风格是东方神起的标志,因卓越 的舞蹈实力被誉为“韩国第三代舞王”。 • 从03年出道至今,他不断以向上的姿态刷新自己创下的记 录。因出色的实力成为唯一一位受邀参加MJ全球纪念公演 的亚洲歌手。 • 2009年首次担任男主角出演《向大地头球》;13年参演 SBS月火剧《野王》饰演白道勋一角,获得演技认证。10 年他作为主角为上海世博会韩国馆拍摄了宣传片《和声城 市》,同年8月又受邀主演为韩国国家旅游局拍摄旅游宣 传片《一天》,在中日两国引起轰动。主演的音乐剧《宫》 和《光华门恋歌》在海内外均受到极高的关注,出现一票 难求的局面。他不断努力和谦虚的姿态深受大家的喜爱和 尊敬。
金包巨日 年 俊括蛋本 月 秀郑,出 、允取道 日 沈浩得, 正 昌、巨经 式 珉金大历 出 道 五在的 年 。 人中成 多 、 。 功 登 朴。 上 有队 东年 天员 京在 、 2 6 4 月 日 初 次 26 2004 隶东 属方 于神 著起 名是 经韩 纪国 公男 司子 和 声 组 年合 , SM.2003 12
性专兴出血 格长趣生型 :::地: 没唱听: 型 有歌音首 心、乐尔 机跳、 ,舞唱 歌 不 会 生 气 。
身出最 高生强 体日昌 重期珉 :: / 190/61 1988.02.18
东 方 神 起 二 只
/ A 184/61
星出瑜 座生卤 :年允 水月浩 瓶: 座 1986.02.06
身兴出血出秘 高趣生型生奇 体:地:年有 重作:型月天 : :曲首 、尔 玩 遥 控 车 、 做 模 型 / 180/64
朴 有 天
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ细亚俊秀 出生日期:1986.12.15 身高/体重:178/60 血型:B型 出生地:高阳 兴趣:钢琴、足球
亮 相
hero英雄在中 真名:金在中、韩在俊 出生年月:1986.01.26 星座:水瓶座 身高/体重:180/56 血型:O型 出生地:忠南 公州 兴趣:听音乐、钢琴演奏 专长:唱歌、模仿 性格:双重性格
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System-On-Chip Component ModelsAndreas GerstlauerLukai CaiDongwan ShinRainer D¨o merDaniel D.GajskiTechnical Report CECS-03-26August11,2003Center for Embedded Computer SystemsUniversity of California,IrvineIrvine,CA92697-3425,USA(949)824-8919System-On-Chip Component ModelsAndreas GerstlauerLukai CaiDongwan ShinRainer D¨o merDaniel D.GajskiTechnical Report CECS-03-26August11,2003Center for Embedded Computer SystemsUniversity of California,IrvineIrvine,CA92697-3425,USA(949)824-8919{gerstl,lcai,dongwans,doemer,gajski}@AbstractThis report defines and describes a format for models of system components required for system-on-chip(SoC)design.In an SoC design process,starting from an initial system specification,an implementation of the system is created through a series of interactive and automated steps by gradually synthesizing and assembling a system design using components taken out of a set of databases.Generally,databases are needed for processing elements(PEs),bus and other communication protocols, and RTL units.In this report we aim to provide an exhaustive list of requirements for components in an automated SoC design flow using the example of a concrete database format.Following a description of the basic database format in general,this report defines the format of each of the three databases in ing information in this report,specific database formats for diverse SoC designflows can be developed.Specifically,the database format in this report is used successfully in our SoC Design Environment,SCE.Contents1Introduction1 2General Database Format12.1Database Organization (1)2.2Component Format (2)2.2.1Attributes (2)2.2.2Parameters (2)2.2.3Weight Tables (4)2.2.4Item Types for Metric Set (6)2.2.5Data Types for Metric Set (6)2.2.6Default Values (8)3Processing Elements83.1PE Behaviors (8)3.1.1General Format (9)3.1.2Attributes (9)3.1.3Weight Tables (11)3.1.4Memory Tables (11)3.1.5Computation Functionality (11)3.1.6Memory (13)3.2Bus-Functional PE Models (13)3.2.1Bus-Functional Layer (16)3.2.2Hardware Abstraction Layer (16)3.2.3Interrupt Handling (18)3.2.4IP Adapters (20)3.3Cycle-Accurate PE Models (22)3.3.1Instruction Set Models (25)3.3.2IP Models (25)4Bus Protocols254.1Bus Channels (27)4.1.1General Format (27)4.1.2Attributes (29)4.1.3Weight Tables (29)4.2Physical Layer (31)4.2.1General Format (31)4.2.2Data Transfer Protocol (32)4.2.3Synchronization Protocol (32)4.2.4Arbitration Protocol (32)4.3Media Access Layer (34)4.3.1General Format (34)4.3.2Data Links (35)4.3.3Memory Access (35)5RTL Units395.1RTL Behaviors (39)5.1.1General Format (39)5.1.2Attributes (40)5.1.3Operations (42)5.2Examples (42)5.2.1Functional units (42)i5.2.2Storage units (42)5.2.3Busses (42)References42 A Manual Pages54A.1scc-SpecC Compiler (55)A.2sirList of Figures1Format of component attribute annotations (2)annotation (3)2Format of P A R A M E T E R S3Format of item header annotations (4)4Format of data header annotations (7)5Format of weight annotations (7)6Format of PE behaviors (9)7Format of PE behavior memory interfaces (13)8Format of bus-functional PE models (15)9Format of hardware abstraction layer(HAL)for bus-functional PE models (16)10Format of IP adapters (20)11Format of bus channels (27)12Format of physical layer protocol models (31)13Format of media access layer models (34)14Format of media access layer interfaces (36)15Format of RTL unit behavior models (39)16Format of OPERATIONSannotation (41)iiiList of Tables1Example of a profiling table (4)2Example of the operation weight table of a DSP (4)3Example of a weighted result (4)4Example of a traffic weight table (6)5Example of a memory weight table (6)6Item types for operation metric set(operations) (6)7Item types for operation metric set(statements) (7)8Item types for traffic metric set (7)9Item types for memory metric set (7)10Data types for metric sets (8)11An alternative operation weight table of the DSP (8)12General annotations for behavioral PE models (10)13PE behavior attribute annotations (10)14PE behavior weight annotations (12)15Header annotations for operation metrics (12)16Header annotations for traffic metrics (12)17PE behavior memory table annotations (12)18Header annotations for memory tables (12)19Memory interface annotations (14)20Bus-functional PE model annotations (17)21General annotations for bus protocol channels (28)22Bus channel attribute annotations (30)23Bus channel weight annotations (30)24Header annotations for traffic metrics (32)26Classification of RTL units (39)25General annotations for RTL unit behavior (40)27RTL unit data types (40)30RTL unit port types (40)28RTL behavior attribute annotations (41)29RTL unit port attribute annotations (41)31operators in OPERATIONS (43)ivList of Listings1Database organization example (3)2Component attributes example (3)3Parameterized component example (5)4Component weight table example (5)5PE behavior example (10)6Example of PE behavior for IP with given functionality (14)7Example of PE behavior for system memory (14)8Example of bus-functional PE model for simple IP (17)9Example of bus-functional model for programmable PE (19)10Example of bus-functional model for PE with interrupt controller (20)11Example of interrupt controller model (23)12Example of IP adapter model (24)13Example of instruction set simulation(ISS)PE model (26)14Bus channel example (30)15Example of a data transfer protocol interface (33)16Example of data transfer protocol model (33)17Example of synchronization protocol model (34)18Example of media access layer interface (36)19Example of media access layer data link model (37)20Example of media access layer memory access master model (38)21Example of OPERATIONSannotation (43)22Example of RTL unit (44)23Example of3-stage pipelined multiplier (46)24Example of register (49)25Example of registerfile (50)26Example of bus (53)vSystem-On-Chip Component ModelsA.Gerstlauer,L.Cai,D.Shin,R.D¨o mer,Daniel D.GajskiCenter for Embedded Computer SystemsUniversity of California,IrvineIrvine,CA92697-3425,USA{gerstl,lcai,dongwans,doemer,gajski}@AbstractThis report defines and describes a format for models of system components required for system-on-chip(SoC)de-sign.In an SoC design process,starting from an initial system specification,an implementation of the system is created through a series of interactive and automated steps by gradually synthesizing and assembling a system design using components taken out of a set of databases.Gener-ally,databases are needed for processing elements(PEs), bus and other communication protocols,and RTL units.In this report we aim to provide an exhaustive list of require-ments for components in an automated SoC designflow us-ing the example of a concrete database format.Following a description of the basic database format in general,this report defines the format of each of the three databases in ing information in this report,specific database formats for diverse SoC designflows can be developed. Specifically,the database format in this report is used suc-cessfully in our SoC Design Environment,SCE.1IntroductionIn state-of-the-art designflows for system-on-chip(SoC) design,an initial specification of a system is taken down to an actual implementation through a series of interactive and automated steps[1].In such designflows,the system is gradually synthesized and assembled using system com-ponents taken out of a set of databases.Specifically,an SoC designflow needs to include databases for processing elements(PEs),bus or other communication protocols,and RTL units.The processing element(PE)database contains pro-grammable processors,synthesizable custom hardware components,system memories,IPs, different levels of abstraction.Such PEs are used during the designflow to implement the computation of the system by mapping computational parts onto PEs taken out of the PE database.The bus protocol database contains timing-accurate de-scriptions of protocols of system busses and other com-munication structures used to implement communication between the different PEs in the system.Finally,the RTL unit database contains register-transfer units like registerfiles,ALUs and other functional units, memories,local busses,etc.RTL units taken out of the RTL database are used to synthesize computation mapped to custom hardware PEs down to a cycle-accurate RTL de-scription.This report describes and defines a format of databases for use in automated SoC designflows,thereby outlining requirements for modeling components for system design in general.First,Section2defines the general format of the SoC databases.Then,in Section3,Section4,and Sec-tion5the specifics of the PE,bus,and RTL databases are described in detail,respectively.2General Database FormatOur databases for SoC design are described in the form of SpecC code,i.e.the format of the databases is based on the SpecC syntax[2]and the SpecC source code for each database must be compilable into SIR(SpecC Inter-nal Representation)files using the SpecC compiler(‘scc’, Section A.1).2.1Database OrganizationFor each database,there is exactly one top-level SIRfile.The top-level database SIR acts as a container for all com-ponents stored in the database.The database SIR includes components through import of individual component SIR files where component SIRfiles have to be stored in the same directory as or a sub-directory of the directory the database SIR is located in.Each component in the database must be stored in a sep-arate SIRfiponent SIRs will be imported by SCE 1as needed throughout the designflow.Therefore,compo-nent SIRs must be self-contained.Furthermore,in case of parameterizable components,the component source code must be made available as part of the database,too.In case of databases with multiple models of each com-ponent at different levels of abstraction,each model can be stored in a separate SIRfile as long as the top-level database SIR contains all component models through di-rect or indirect import.In those cases,the basic component model used during allocation will contain pointers to other models(in the form of annotations)and SCE will import those models when needed in the designflow.The advan-tage of separate componentfiles is that at any stage of the designflow,the system design will not contain any yet un-used component models.Since different models of components out of the differ-ent databases get imported into the same system design throughout the designflow,SIR design(import)names and identifiers defined in the SIRfiles must be unique across all databases and components.Furthermore,identifiers should be chosen appropriately to reduce conflicts with names de-fined in the system design itself.It is highly recommended to use unique prefixes for component names such that nam-ing conflicts are avoided.Listing1shows a simple example for database organi-zation.The database database(Listing1(c))contains two components,Component0and Component1,that are stored in separatefiles component0(Listing1(a))and component1(Listing1(b)),respectively.2.2Component FormatComponents are described by SpecC objects(behaviors or channels)in the SoC databases.Depending on the database,part or all of the functionality of a component is described through the SpecC code of the component ob-ject.As needed,component objects can be hierarchically composed out of other SpecC objects stored together with the top-level component object in the database.Note that unless noted,SpecC code describing component function-ality in the databases is for simulation purposes only and does not have to be synthesizable,i.e.apart from the re-strictions of the database format defined in this document, any valid SpecC code can be used.On top of SpecC code to describe functionality,addi-tional meta-information about each component is stored in the database in the form of SpecC annotations attached to the component object.Apart from general annotations for database management,components generally have at-tributes,parameters,and profiling weight tables.attribute=value|attribute_rangeattribute_range=’{’default_value’,’range_list’}’range_list=range_value|range_list’,’range_valuerange_value=value|’{’min’,’max’}’Figure1:Format of component attribute annotations.2.2.1AttributesComponent attributes describe characteristics or metricsfor a component.Attributes of a component are stored asannotations attached to the component object under differ-ent keys or names as defined by the database.The general format of the value of an attribute annota-tion is defined in Figure1.An attribute is either a simpleannotation giving afixed attribute value or a complex an-notation describing a range of possible values for an ad-justable attribute.For an adjustable attribute,the systemdesigner will be allowed to tune the attribute value duringallocation in the SoC design process within the range de-fined by the annotation.The range of values for an adjustable attribute is givenas a list of possible values.Each entry in the list is eithera single,fixed value or a pair of values defining the lowerand upper boundaries of an interval of values(for numerictypes only).Thefirst entry in the list must be a single valuedescribing a sensible default.In all cases,all values mustbe of the same type as defined by the attribute.Listing2shows an example of component attributeannotations.The annotations define afixed value of2.3for C O S Tand a range of values from0.0 up to60000000.0with a default of60000000.0forC L O C Kg e n’,S e c t i o n A.2)t o g e n e r a t e aimplementations of the component for use in the design asneeded.In case of components with multiple models,onlyparameters defined for the component model used during2(a) organization example.PEPE FREQUENCY={0.6e+08,{0.0,6e7}};SIRint24Table1:Example of a profiling table. allocation are relevant and parameter values supplied to this model are reused to generate all subsequent models. Components are made parameterizable through the PARAMETERSannotation used by‘sirSIRgen’.For the purpose of inclusion in the database,components should be written in such a way that they compile with de-fault parameter values using the standard SpecC compiler (‘scc’,Section A.1)instead of‘sirDFLT of32for the parameter and uses this value if no value is supplied for BITWIDTH through‘sirfloat +1*4float +1*1223#i f n d e f BITWIDTH4#d e f i n e BITWIDTH BITWIDTHRTSIRDFLT,{{2u,64u}},”Width”,”b i t s”}15};1617void main(void){18sum=a+b;19}20};1behavior DSP();23note DSP.WEIGHT HEADERPE7n o t e DSP.WEIGHT DY6HEint24Table4:Example of a traffic weight table.int432Table5:Example of a memory weight table.lists the supported item and data types,respectively.The format of the values of the item header annotation and the data header annotation are defined in Figure3and Figure4. The available item types and data types are listed in Sec-tion2.2.4and Section2.2.5.Each metric contains one weight annotation.The items in the weight table are stored as one dimensional array rep-resented by a string,as defined in Figure5.Each value must be of integer type.Listing4shows an example of a component weight table annotation,which matches the example described earlier.2.2.4Item Types for Metric SetThe possible values for item types of operation metric sets are listed in Table6and Table7.An operation metric set defines values for basic operations(Table6)and ba-sic statements(Table7)corresponding to weights for the dataflow and controlflow complexity of the code.For the operation metric set,besides the items listed in Table6,each global function can be treated as an indepen-dent operation type.For example,if there is a global func-tion f loat F1(int arg1,long arg2),we can put”F1”into the item header annotation of operation.Consequently,the weighted result of function”F1”is computed by multiply-ing the weight of the entry in the row representing the item type”F1”and in the column representing the data type”float”(returning type of function),with the execution number of function”F1”.In this case,the operations inside ”F1”will not be calculated again.The possible values of item types of the traffic metric sets are listed in Table8.The possible values of item types of the memory metric sets are listed in Table9.2.2.5Data Types for Metric SetOperation and traffic metric sets share the same set of pos-sible values of data types,which are listed in Table10. Besides the data types listed in Table10,data type an-notation can also contain three groups of hierarchial dataName Descriptionvoid void operation#1const data access operation#i identifer access operation()parenthesis operationthis”this”pointer access operation[]array access operationf()function call operation.member access operation->member pointer access operationp++post-increment operationp--post-decrement operation[:]bit slice operation++p pre-increment operation--p pre-decrement operation&p address deriving operation*p content deriving operation+x unary plus operation-x negation operation˜not operation!logic not operationsizeof(E)size of operation(on expression) sizeof(T)size of operation(on type)()x type conversion operation@concatenation operation*multiplication operation/division operation%modulo operation+addition operation-substraction operation<<left shift operation>>right shift operation<less operation>greater operation<=less equal operation>=greater equal operation==equal operation operation!=not equal operation&and operationˆeor operation|or operation&&logic and operation||logic or operation:?condition operation=assignment operationTable6:Item types for operation metric set(operations).data_header=’"’data_list’"’data_list=data_type|data_list’,’data_typeFigure4:Format of data header annotations.weight=’"’weight_list’"’weight_list=value|weight_list’,’valueFigure5:Format of weight annotations.Name Description*=multiplication&assignment operation/=division&assignment operation%=modulo&assignment operation+=addition&assignment operation-=substraction&assignment operation<<=left shift&assignment operation>>=right shift&assignment operation&=and&assignment operationˆ=eor&assignment operation|=or&assignment operation’comma operationTable6:Item types for operation metric set(operations) (continued).Name Description:labeled statement{}compound statement*+expression statementif if statementelse else statementswitch switch statementcase case statementdefault default statementwhile while statementdo do statementfor for statementgoto goto statementcontinue continue statementbreak break statementreturn return statementpar par statementpipe pipe statementexception exception statementtiming timing statementfsm fsm statementfsmd fsmd statementwait wait statementwaitand waitand statementwaitfor waitfor statementnotify notify statementnotifyone notifyone statementTable7:Item types for operation metric set(statements).Name Descriptionin input trafficout output trafficTable8:Item types for traffic metric setName Descriptionlocal local variable storage(stack memory) global global/static variable storage(static andheap memory)Table9:Item types for memory metric setName Descriptionbool boolchar charunsigned char unsigned char short int short intunsigned short int unsigned short int int intunsigned int unsigned intlong int long intunsigned long int unsigned long int long long int long long int unsigned long long int unsigned longlong intfloatfloatdouble doublelong double long doublevoid void(for returnvalue of function) event eventvoid*pointerTable10:Data types for metric sets.types.Bit vector We can define bit vectors with different lengths as different data types.The corresponding data type format is”bit[size]”or”unsigned bit[size]”.For example,data belonging to either bit[8:0]or bit[9:1]can be defined as an independent data type "bit[9]"in the data header annotation.Array We can define arrays with different lengths as dif-ferent data types.The corresponding data type for-mat is basicfloat2*403.1.1General Formatpe_behavior=behavior pe_name ports_opt interfaces_optbody_opt’;’ports_opt=<nothing>|’(’’)’|’(’channel_port_list’)’channel_port_list=channel_port|channel_port_list’,’channel_portchannel_port=interface_name|interface_name port_nameinterfaces_opt=<nothing>|implements interface_listbody_opt=<nothing>|’{’internal_declarations_opt’}’Figure6:Format of PE behaviors.A PE behavior is created through a special SpecC be-havior declaration or definition.The format of PE behav-iors is shown in Figure6.The name of the SpecC behav-ior defines the name of the PE component.For PEs with fixed computation functionality,the PE behavior has ports of abstract,message-passing interface type and an internal or external body(Section3.1.5).PE behaviors carry a number of annotations for general database management,attributes(Section3.1.2),and op-tional parameters(see Section2.2.2).Table12lists the general annotations that are attached to PE behaviors for database management and in order to describe basic information about the corresponding pro-cessing element.In detail,the following annotations are supported:LIBRARY Name describing the PE database the be-havior is a member ed to distinguish between PE and other behaviors,i.e.required for PE behaviors.CATEGORY Name of the category the PE belongs to.PE categories are mandatory and are used to classify PEs into different groups for PE allocation and selec-tion.COMMENT Brief description of the PE that will be used and displayed as an aid during selection and al-location.BFPE MODEL Name of the behavior providing a cycle-accurate implementation model of the PE.The named behavior has to exist in the PE database.Required for PEs that have pre-defined,fixed hardware implemen-tation.See Section3.3.Listing5shows an example of a simple PE behavior. The behavior defines a PE named MyDSP that is part of the“processor”library and belongs to the“DSP”category in that database.In addition,bus-functional and cycle-accurate models MyDSP ISS of the PE are made available.3.1.2AttributesBasic characteristics and metrics of PEs are described through attribute annotations attached to the PE behaviors. Attribute annotations can be given using the format defined previously in Section2.2.1.Specifically,the following at-tributes can be attached to PEs(Table13):CLOCKPEPEPEPE WIDTH Number of bits in a PE in-struction word,i.e.width of the internal instruction bus.DATAPE WIDTH Number of bits in a basic machine character,i.e.width of smallest addressable unit.DATAName Description Default LIBRARY Name of parent PE database–CATEGORY Name of PE category””COMMENT PE description””BF String PE MODEL Name of cycle-accurate PE model–Table12:General annotations for behavioral PE models.PEPEPE example”;5note MyDSP.BF BF”;6note MyDSP.CA ISS”;Unit Default CLOCK Hz0.0 MIPS Throughput double PE0.0 POWER Power consumption double PE WIDTH Instruction word width uintPE WIDTH Data word width uintPE WIDTH Machine character width uintPE MEMORY Size of internal data memory uintPE MEMORY Size of internal program memory uintPEbeha vior with a certain iteters by a storage unit(suchweight table represents thWEIGHT DYNha vior is accessed once.ior.It equals to the traffimetric represents the portThis is used to compute tthe”char”data type in thetype in the PE.The machisystem beha vior with aacters by a storage unitweight table represents tWEIGHT STAthe design.One design metric represetype in the PE.execute an operation withweight table represents tWEIGHT Dto the PE.ha vior contains after synthsents the number of contrtem beha vior to the PE.Fothe system beha vior contmetric represents the numFor general purpose procetype and data type in the Por control word for an opweight table represents thSName Metric Type PEPEspeeds.The IP model is a black-box model used for sim-ulation only and therefore only needs to be functionally correct in terms of the input and output values that can be observed at its ports.For such IPs,the PE database has to provide a SpecC body for the PE behavior.The body can be either inter-nal or external.In the former case,the SIRfile of the PE contains a complete SpecC definition of the PE behaviorincluding its body.In the latter case,the PE database pro-vides a shared library with the PE behavior’s body to be linked against the design for simulation.The shared li-brary and associated annotations at the PE behavior can be created via the IP mechanism of the SpecC compiler(see ‘scc’manual page,Section A.1).Behavioral PE models of IPs communicate with the rest of the system at an abstract,message-passing level.PE behaviors of IPs must have ports that are of one of the fol-lowing interface types out of the standard SpecC channel library:•i receiver,or ityped typedtypedPEBF”behavior of the PE database(since the memory has afixed,pre-defined pin level interface).Since the PE is a pure system memory t can not provide any computational functionality(IP w fixed but empty computation,see Section3.1.5),the mem ory’s PE behavior does not have any ports and themainmethod is empty.3.2Bus-Functional PE ModelsFor PEs withfixed,pre-defined interfaces and communi-cation functionality,the PE database has to contain a bus-functional model of the PE.A bus-functional PE modelaccurately describes the PE interface at the pin-level andit provides a simulation-model of the PE’s communicationaspects on top of any computation functionality as definedby the PE’s behavioral model,if any(see Section3.1).Bus-functional models can be thought of as additional communication layers that wrap around the PE behavioralmodel.A bus-functional model can consist of several lay-ers of behaviors that create a hierarchy or tree of behav-ior instantiations.At minimum,a top-level bus-functionallayer has to exist that provides a pin-accurate model of thePE.Through this layer and its optional sublayer instancehierarchy,the bus-functional PE model describes the com-munication behavior of the PE at its pins and it has to pro-vide the same computational functionality as the PE’s be-havioral model.For IPs withfixed computation and communicationfunctionality the bus-functional IP model provides atiming-and data-accurate descriptions in terms of signalsthat can be observed at the PE’s pins.Bus-functional IPmodels only have to provide a single bus-functional layer。