Ionic liquid-based homogeneous liquid–liquid microextraction for the




第21卷第2期2021年2月Vol.21No.2Feb.2021黑龙江工业学院学报JOURNAL OF HEILONGJIANG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY文章编号:2096-3874(2021)02-0098-06功能性离子液体的应用研究进展李静,蒋舰,负涛,邵艳秋(牡丹江师范学院,黑龙江牡丹江157000)摘要:室温离子液体是一种仅由阳离子和阴离子组成的液体,在化学工业中表现出其作为溶剂和催化剂的独特性质,引起了科学家的关注。



关键词:离子液体;脱硫;应用;催化;吸收中图分类号:TQ413离子液体(Ionic Liquids,ILS)是由不对称的阳离子和各种阴离子组成的多原子有机盐,一般由有机阳离子(如烷基钱离子、烷基磷离子、N-烷基毗睫、N,,N,-二烷基咪哩)和无机阴离子(如BF4-,PF6-,SbF6-,CF3SO3-等)组成。











离子液体(ionic liquids)就是在室温(或稍高于室温)下呈液态的仅由离子所组成的液体,又称“室温熔融盐”(Room temperature molten Salts),室温离子液体(Room temperature ionic liquids) 等[1]。


Table 1. A part of cation and anions for ionic liquids[2]2、离子液体2.1 离子液体的吸附性能1)紫外分光光度法测量离子液体的吸附性能通常,可采用将离子液体加入待吸附溶液并置于恒温振荡器中振荡吸附,平衡后静置,待两相完全分层后,取上清液,用紫外分光光度法测定化合物的浓度[4]。

张娟娟[5]等研究了吸附时间、固液比、样品浓度对N-甲基咪唑键合硅胶固定化离子液体( SilprMim)吸附黄酮类化合物性能的影响。

图1. 吸附效率随时间(a)、随固液比(b)和样品浓度(c)的变化曲线Fig1. Variation curve of adsorption efficiency vs time (a). solid-liquid ratio(b) and analytes concentration(c)(■) Quercetin; (▼) Luteolin; (★) Genistein;由图1a可知,随着时间的延长,SilprMim对3种化合物的吸附效率呈上升趋势,并且染料木素、木犀草素和槲皮素均在30 min内达到最大吸附效率。



Chenmical Intermediate当代化工研究2016·1136技术应用与研究离子液体杂化膜材料的制备及其深度脱硫的应用研究*赵春生 周瀚成 张树兴 张洁怡(西北民族大学化工学院 甘肃 730030)摘要:建立一种通过聚合离子液体膜材料进行燃油深度脱硫的方法。



关键词:离子液体;1-烯丙基-3-乙烯基咪唑氯盐(AVIM)Cl;燃料油;深度脱硫中图分类号:O 文献标识码:APreparation of Ionic Liquid Hybrid Membrane Material and Its Applicationin Deep DesulfurizationZhao Chunsheng, Zhou Hancheng, Zhang Shuxing, Zhang Jieyi(College of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University for Nationalities, Gansu, 730030)Abstract :A method for deep desulfurization of fuel oil by polymerizing ionic liquid membrane material was proposed. In this paper, 1-allyl-3-vinylimidazolium chloride (AVIM) Cl was used as monomer and azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as initiator, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as the solvent ,PILs were synthesized by (AVIM) Cl monomer free radical homopolymerization, and the influence of the amount of initiator on membrane structure and fuel desulfurization performance was studied. The results showed that the optimum sulfur removal efficiency was obtained when the polymerization temperature was 60 ℃ and the amount of initiator was 5 ‰, the sulfur content in simulated fuel was reduced from 800 ppm to 438 ppm, and the removal rate was 45.2%.Key words :ionic liquids ;1-allyl-3-vinylimidazolium chloride (AVIM) Cl ;fuel oil ;deep desulfurization燃油中的硫化物在发动机内燃烧,产生的硫氧化物是酸雨的源头,不仅污染大气,还会破坏植被、水体,腐蚀城市公共设施。



收稿:2007年9月,收修改稿:2007年11月 3山东省自然科学基金项目(Y 2006B29)资助33通讯联系人 e 2mail :zhongniw @咪唑类离子液体的研究进展3王仲妮33 王洁莹 司友华 周 武(山东师范大学化学化工与材料科学学院 济南250014)摘 要 咪唑类离子液体以其独特的物理化学性质和在众多领域的巨大应用潜能而引起广泛的关注。



关键词 咪唑类离子液体 溶解平衡 超分子自组装体中图分类号:O64514;O626123 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10052281X (2008)07Π821057207Imidazolium 2B ased Ionic LiquidsWang Zhongni33 Wang Jieying Si Youhua Zhou Wu(C ollege of Chemistry ,Chemical Engineering and Materials Science ,ShandongN ormal University ,Jinan 250014,China )Abstract The unique physicochemical properties of imidazolium 2based ionic liquids (I BI Ls )have attracted increasing interests due to their potential applications in various areas.In this paper ,combining with our w orks ,recent progress in s ome physicochemical properties of I BI Ls have been reviewed and discussed ,including the gas 2liquid and liquid 2liquid equilibrium of I BI Ls ,the surfactant behaviour of I BI Ls ,the aggregations of traditional surfactant in I BI Ls ,as well as the supram olecular self 2assemblies formed in surfactant ΠI BI Ls Πwater (or oil )ternary systems.Suggestions for further studies have been proposed to investigate the self 2assemblies formed in non 2traditional surfactant ΠI BI Ls systems and to make clear that how the structures of I BI Ls in fluence the formation and properties of surfactant self 2assemblies.K ey w ords imidazolium 2based ionic liquids (I BI Ls );s olubility equilibrium ;supram olecular self 2assemblies 离子液体(ionic liquids ,I Ls )是一类新型的熔融盐物质,其阳离子一般是体积较大、带有烷基取代基的有机离子如烷基季铵阳离子、N 2烷基吡啶阳离子、N ,N ′2二烷基咪唑阳离子等,阴离子一般是体积相对较小且对称性较好的离子如X -,BF 4-,PF 6-,ROS O 3-,T fO-(CF 3S O 3-),N fO -(C 4F 9S O 3-),T f 2N -((CF 3S O 2)2N -)等[1,2]。

Application of ionic liquids based microwave-assisted extraction of three

Application of ionic liquids based microwave-assisted extraction of three

Talanta80 (2010) 1292–1297Contents lists available at ScienceDirectTalantaj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e/t a l a n taApplication of ionic liquids based microwave-assisted extraction of three alkaloids N-nornuciferine,O-nornuciferine,and nuciferine from lotus leaf Wenyan Ma a,Yanbin Lu b,Ruilin Hu a,Jihang Chen a,Zizhang Zhang a,Yuanjiang Pan a,∗a Department of Chemistry,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou310027,Chinab College of Food Science and Biological Engineering,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou310035,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received25June2009Received in revised form9September2009 Accepted13September2009Available online 19 September 2009Keywords:Ionic liquidsMicrowave-assisted extractionAlkaloidsLotus leaf a b s t r a c tThe application of ionic liquids based microwave-assisted extraction(ILMAE)was successfully devel-oped for extracting three alkaloids N-nornuciferine,O-nornuciferine,and nuciferine from lotus leaf. Seven kinds of1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium with different cations and anions were investigated in this work and1.0M1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide([C6MIM]Br)solution was selected as solvent.In addition,the microwave parameters including irradiation power,extraction time and solid–liquid ratio were pared with the regular MAE and conventional heat-reflux extraction(HRE),the proposed approach exhibited higher efficiency(0.9–43.7%enhanced)and shorter extraction time(from 2h to2min),which indicated ILMAE was an efficient,rapid and simple sample preparation technique. Moreover,the proposed method was validated by the linearity,reproducibility,and recovery experi-ments.Good linearity was observed with the regression coefficients(r2)between0.9998and0.9999. The recoveries of all methods were in the range of94.6%and105.5%with RSD lower than6.6%,which indicated that the proposed method was credible.© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMedicinal plants have served as an important source of drugs for treating diseases since ancient times.In modern pharma-ceutical industries,despite the remarkable progress in synthetic organic chemistry of the twentieth century,over25%of prescribed medicines in industrialized countries derive directly or indirectly from plants.This percentage can reach50%when the over-the-counter(OTC)market is taken into consideration[1,2].In recent years,the validated analytical methods(␮HPLC,CE,CEC,LC/MS n, LC/NMR,LC/SPE/NMR,etc.)[3–6]are developing rapidly to guar-antee the safety and efficacy of medicinal products.However,the importance of sample preparation has always been ignored.The metabolites extraction from solid plant samples is usually achieved by using well-established methods such as heat-reflux extraction (HRE)and Soxhlet extraction,which have some drawbacks includ-ing time-consuming,laborious,and using of a large amount of toxic and hazardous organic solvents.To overcome the above-mentioned problems,microwave-assisted extraction(MAE)has attracted broad interest as an alternative extraction technique with unique advantages of rapidness,high efficiency and low cost[7,8].∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+8657187951629;fax:+8657187951629.E-mail address:panyuanjiang@(Y.Pan).Ionic liquids(ILs),also known as molten salts,are a new class of nonmolecular ionic solvents with a melting pointfixed at or below100◦C.The potential of ILs in both academic and indus-trialfields is related to their unique properties of negligible vapor pressure,high thermal stability,low or virtually no volatility and ease of handling.ILs are therefore regarded as an attractive alter-native or replacement to conventional volatile organic solvents (VOS)[9–12].Over the past few years,ILs have attracted exten-sive attention in modern chemistry.The initial research interests are focused on organic synthesis[13],catalysis[14],and the pro-cess of green chemistry[15].Recently,application of ILs has also extended into areas of analytical chemistry including electrochem-istry,separation science,mass spectrometry,and spectroscopy. Due to the distinct features compared to conventional volatile organic solvents,sample pretreatment techniques using ILs have been successfully applied in liquid–liquid extraction,liquid-phase microextraction,solid-phase microextraction and aqueous two-phase systems extraction[16–20].It has been found that ILs as solvents and co-solvents can efficiently absorb microwave energy [21].Therefore,ILs as solvent is of promising potential in the application of the preparation of various useful substances from solid samples such as trans-resveratrol from Rhizma Polygoni Cuspidati[22],three phenolic alkaloids liensinine,isoliensinine, and neferine from traditional Chinese herbal medicine“Lien Tze Hsin”[23],and polyphenolic compounds from medicinal plants [24].0039-9140/$–see front matter© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2009.09.027W.Ma et al./Talanta 80 (2010) 1292–12971293Lotus leaf is the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.It is a traditional Chinese medicine for losing weight and has been commonly used for clearing heat,removing heatstroke,cooling blood,and stanching blood [25].The major phytochemicals present in lotus leaf are three aporphine alkaloids,N -nornuciferine,O -nornuciferine,and nuciferine (Fig.1).Total alkaloids have been found with biological functions of lowering hyperlipemia [26]and level of cholesterol [27],resisting karyokinesis as well as antimi-crobial activity [28].Recently,nuciferine is newly reported to show anti-HIV activity [29].Presently,the alkaloids from this medicinal plant are mainly extracted by HRE,which is time-consuming and laborious [30–32].The aim of this work was to develop a rapid,effective,validated and environmental friendly ionic liquids based microwave-assisted approach for extraction of three alkaloids from this herbal medicine,and compare the results with the conven-tional reference methods.Herein we systematically investigated the performance of various ILs with different cations and anions as well as the microwave parameters which demonstrated that the proposed ILMAE approach has great potential for the ease of qual-ity assessment of medicinal plants by providing the rapid and facile alkaloids extraction.2.Experimental 2.1.ChemicalsAll chemical solvents in this study were at least of analytical reagent grade,while reverse osmosis Milli-Q water (18M ,Milli-pore,Bedford,MA,USA)was used throughout.Acetonitrile used for HPLC analysis was of chromatographic grade and purchased from Merck,Darmstadt,Germany.Three alkaloids N -nornuciferine,O -nornuciferine,and nucifer-ine used for HPLC-UV determinations were isolated from lotus leaf and were confirmed by comparing their 1H NMR,13C NMR,MS and MS 2with those given in the references [33–35].All ionic liquids were gained from Chemer,Hangzhou,China,and used as received.Lotus leaf was purchased from a local drug store,Hangzhou,China.All samples were dried,milled,passed through a stainless steel sieve and stored in closed desiccators at 4◦C until use.The same batch of sample was used through this study to be represen-tative of variable hardness and density.2.2.ApparatusA domestic microwave-assisted extraction unit (Glanz,Shunde,China)with a 2450MHz magnetron was used.It was modified in our laboratory with the addition of a water condenser.The whole system was run at atmospheric pressure and could be employed at the maximum power of 700W.An Agilent 1100liquid chromatography equipped with a G1311A QuatPump,a G1322Degasser,a G1314A variable wave-length detector (VWD),a model 7725i injection valve with a 20␮L loop was used for HPLC analysis,and an Agilent ChemStation for data treatment.An Agilent Zorbax Extend C18(150mm ×4.6mm i.d.,5␮m,120Å)was used as the LC analytical column.Prepara-tive HPLC was performed using a Varian Prepstar pump equipped with a Varian 210UV detector (Varian Co.,USA).A reversed-phase Shim-pack PRC ODS column (250mm ×20mm,10␮m)was used for preparation.MS and MS 2figure were obtained from a Bruker Esquire 3000mass spectrometer.1H and 13C NMR spectra were performed in a Bruker Advance 500NMR spectrometer.2.3.Ionic liquids based microwave-assisted extractionIonic liquid-based microwave-assisted extraction was per-formed in microwave unit.0.5g of dried sample was mixed with 10mL of different ILs solutions and then the suspension was extracted by MAE.The optimum anion,cation,concentration of selected IL,microwave power,irradiation time,and solid–liquid ratio were systematically studied in this work.After irradiation,the extracts obtained were cooled down to the room temperature,then diluted to 50mL with deionized water,and filtrated through a 0.45␮m filter prior to HPLC analysis.2.4.Conventional reference extraction methodTwo HRE methods including acid extraction and organic sol-vent extraction were selected following the reference methods for extraction of the three alkaloids from lotus leaf [30–32].The process of acid extraction:0.5g sample was mixed with 15mL hydrochloric acid aqueous solution (pH 2)in a round-bottom flask (100mL)and the suspensions were boiled at 100◦C for 2h in an opensystem.Fig.1.HPLC chromatogram of three alkaloids in the [C 6MIM]Br extract.Inset:HPLC chromatogram of mixture of three standard alkaloids.1294W.Ma et al./Talanta 80 (2010) 1292–1297The process of organic solvent extraction:0.5g sample was mixed with 15mL 95%ethanol in a round-bottom flask (100mL)and the suspensions were boiled at 80◦C for 2h in an open system.After extraction,the obtained extracts were cooled down to the room temperature,then diluted to 50mL with identical solvent,and filtrated through a 0.45␮m filter prior to HPLC analy-sis.2.5.HPLC analysis and quantificationThe diluted extracts were directly injected into the liquid chromatography.The mobile phase composed of solvent A (0.1%triethylamine aqueous solution)and solvent B (CH 3CN)was deliv-ered at a flow rate of 0.8mL min −1.The gradient elution was programmed as follows:0–5min,20–30%B;5–10min,30%B;10–13min,30–60%B;13–20min,60–80%B.The UV detection wavelengths were 280nm.Each injection volume was 20␮L and the column temperature was ambient.Under these conditions,the three alkaloids were baseline separated.N -nornuciferine,O -nornuciferine,and nuciferine were identified by comparing their retention time with corresponding peaks in the standard solution.A comparison of the chromatograms of the three alkaloids obtained from standard solutions with those contained in ILs extract is shown in Fig.1.2.6.Purification of standards of three alkaloidsDried and powdered lotus leaf (1kg)was extracted with 16L of 95%ethanol for 2h and repeated with three times.Then,the extract solutions were combined and evaporated under reduced pressure and 40◦C to about 200mL.The concentrated solution was dissolved in 2L 1.0%hydrochloric acid aqueous solution.The supernatant after centrifugation was adjusted to pH 10with ammonia,and then extracted with chloroform (three times).The crude alkaloids which were obtained after solvent evaporation were dissolved in the mobile phase solvent,and then were injected into preparative HPLC.Methanol–0.2%ammonia aqueous solution was used as elu-ent solvents at 6mL min −1flow rate under 280nm.Volume ratios of eluent solvents were 60:40,65:35,70:30,for N -nornuciferine,O -nornuciferine,and nuciferine,respectively.3.Results and discussion 3.1.Screening of the ILsThe structure of ILs has significant influence on its physicochem-ical properties,which might greatly affect the extraction efficiency of target analytes [23].The effects of changing the anion and the alkyl chain length of the cation of1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-Fig.2.Effect of ILs anions (a),ILs cations (b),compared [C 6MIM]Br with other solvents (c)and [C 6MIM]Br concentrations (d)on the extraction efficiency of target analytes.Sample:0.5g,extractant volume:10mL;irradiation power:280W;extraction time:2min.The extraction efficiency is expressed as the observed values of target analytes and the maximum amount in each curve was taken to be 100%.W.Ma et al./Talanta 80 (2010) 1292–12971295Table 1Some physicochemical properties of the studied ILs.CationAnionMWForm (25◦C)Solubility in H 2O (g/100mL)[C 2MIM]BrBr −191Solid Totally miscible a[C 4MIM]ClCl −174.5Solid Totally miscible a [10][C 4MIM]Br Br −219Solid Totally miscible a[C 4MIM]BF 4BF 4−225.8Liquid Totally miscible a [10][C 4MIM]PF 6PF 6−284Liquid 1.17a [10][C 6MIM]BrBr −247Liquid Miscible a[C 8MIM]BrBr −275Liquid Miscible aaRefers to the chemer home page on ionic liquid properties ( ).type ILs (see Table 1)on the extraction efficiency were studied in this work.3.1.1.Anion effectThe anion identity is considered to be fore mostly important and has the most dramatic effect on the properties [10].It is read-ily apparent from Table 1that in the series of ILs studied here,the identity of the anion greatly influences the water miscibility.Therefore,the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ILs with four differ-ent anions (Cl −,Br −,BF 4−,PF 6−)were studied.Among them,the former three ILs are hydrophilic and could miscible in any propor-tion with water,however,[C 4MIM][PF 6]is relatively hydrophobic and is only sparingly water soluble.The results obtained were given in Fig.2a.Fig.2a shows that Br −is more efficient than oth-ers.This result indicated the extraction efficiency of alkaloids was mainly anion-dependent,which was similar to the previous stud-ies [24,36].It probably because [C 4MIM]Br solution had stronger multi-interactions including ␲–␲,ionic/charge–charge and hydro-gen bonding with alkaloids [22].Besides,[C 4MIM]Br solution had slightly higher acidity,which might facilitate the extraction of target alkaloids from lotus leaf [30–32].By contrast,the extrac-tion efficiency of [C 4MIM][PF 6]is the lowest possibly due to its hydrophobicity.3.1.2.Effect of the alkyl chain lengthWith the same anion of Br −,a series of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations including C 2mim +,C 4mim +,C 6mim +,and C 8mim +were evaluated.The results were shown in Fig.2b.It showed that extraction efficiency increased significantly when the alkyl chain length was increased from ethyl to hexyl.However,increasing alkyl chain length fromhexyl to octyl dramatically decreased the extraction efficiency.The length of the alkyl chain is related with the water miscibility of the Br −IL [10],and this property may be related with the extraction efficiency.Considering the effect of both anion and cation,[C 6MIM]Br was selected for the subsequent evaluation (Fig.2c).3.1.3.Concentration effectIt has been proven that,polar molecule could strongly absorb the microwave energy [37,38],and therefore water is always selected as the co-solvent in various MAE process.To find out the optimum IL concentration for microwave-assisted extraction of three alka-Fig.3.Effect of microwave irradiation power (a),extraction time (b),and solid–liquid ratio (c)on the extraction efficiency of target analytes with 1.0M [C 6MIM]Br.Sample:0.5g.The extraction efficiency is expressed as the observed values of target analytes and the maximum amount in each curve was taken to be 100%.1296W.Ma et al./Talanta 80 (2010) 1292–1297T a b l e 2C o m p a r i s o n o f e x t r a c t i o n e f fic i e n c i e s u n d e r d i f f e r e n t e x t r a c t i o n m e t h o d s .A n a l y t e sM A E m e t h o d s H R E m e t h o dI L M A E [C 6M I M ]B r (n =3)aM A E 80%E t O H (n =3)bH R E 95%E t O H (n =3)cH R E H C l s o l u t i o n (n =3)cO b s e r v e d v a l u e s (m g /g )R e c o v e r y y i e l d s (%)O b s e r v e d v a l u e s (m g /g )R e c o v e r y y i e l d s (%)O b s e r v e d v a l u e s (m g /g )R e c o v e r y y i e l d s (%)O b s e r v e d v a l u e s (m g /g )R e c o v e r y y i e l d s (%)M e a n S D M e a n S DM e a n S D M e a n S D M e a n S D M e a n S D M e a n S D M e a n S DN -n o r n u c i f e r i n e 0.9730.008697.30.600.7720.018495.21.480.8250.029298.13.380.6770.0285102.34.63O -n o r n u c i f e r i n e 1.7010.034198.91.741.5060.055499.62.901.6860.0573102.51.171.5900.1027105.53.03N u c i f e r i n e5.9450.092899.21.865.2640.169395.12.145.7650.124794.60.844.7630.165099.56.66aO p e r a t i o n u n d e r o p t i m i z e d c o n d i t i o n s .bT h e s a m e o p e r a t i o n c o n d i t i o n s e x c e p t t h e e x t r a c t i n g p h a s e .cS e e e x p e r i m e n t a l s e c t i o n f o r o p e r a t i o n c o n d i t i o n s .T h e t o t a l e x t r a c t i o n t i m e i s 2h .loids,extraction was carried out in IL water solution of different concentrations (from 0.5to 2M).Based on the results in Fig.2d,the extraction efficiency increased when the IL concentration over the range of 0.5–1.0M.When it further increased,however,slight decrease was observed.Finally,1.0M of [C 6MIM]Br was selected in the following experiments.3.2.Optimization of the MAE parametersThe univariate method was used in all instances to optimize the three parameters:irradiation power,extraction time and solid–liquid ratio.3.2.1.Irradiation powerThe irradiation power effect of this method has been examined as it has been claimed to influence interactions and equilib-rium rates and controls partition of analytes between sample and extracting phase.To examine the effect of the microwave power on the extraction efficiency,extractions were carried out at 120,280,460,600,and 700W,respectively,with a constant irradiation time of 2min.From Fig.3a,irradiation power did not significantly influ-ence the extraction efficiency.Irradiation power of 280W (40%of the maximum value)could reach a little higher efficiency of three alkaloids than others.3.2.2.Extraction timeTo optimize extraction time,extractions were carried out at 280W when microwave irradiation was changed within 4min.As shown in Fig.3b,when the extraction time increased from 0to 1min,the extraction efficiency of the three alkaloids increased dra-matically.When the variable was changed from 1min to 4min,slight improvements were observed.Therefore,2min was selected for further experiments.3.2.3.Solid–liquid ratioThe solid–liquid ratio is a crucial factor that should be studied to increase the extraction efficiency of three rger solvent volumes could make procedure complex and unnecessary waste while smaller ones would make the targets extraction incomplete.A series of extractions were carried out with different solid–liquid ratios (1:10,1:20,1:30,and 1:40g mL −1)to evaluate the effect of the solid–liquid ratio.Fig.3c indicated that the extraction efficiency increased obviously with the increase of the solvent volume before the solid–liquid ratio reached 1:30,and then the efficiency was not significantly improved with the further increase of the solvent amount.Thus,a solid–liquid ratio of 1:30was used in the present study.Based on the above experiment,the optimum MAE condi-tions were found to be:1.0M [C 6MIM]Br as extraction solvent,microwave irradiation power of 280W,extraction time of 2min,solid–liquid ratio of 1:30(g mL −1).parison of the proposed ILMAE approach with the conventional methodsFor the comparison of the extraction efficiency of ILMAE with other conventional extraction techniques,HRE including acid extraction,organic solvent extraction and regular MAE extraction were carried out to extract three alkaloids from lotus leaf (Table 2).From Table 2,the proposed approach not only obviously increased the extraction efficiency (0.9–43.7%enhanced),but also dramati-cally reduced the total extraction time (from 2h to 2min).In order to further demonstrate the use of ILs,the regular MAE process was used to compare with the proposed ILMAE approach.All experiments were carried out under the same MAE conditions except the extractant.80%ethanol which was optimized as the bestW.Ma et al./Talanta80 (2010) 1292–12971297Table3Calibration graphs of the proposed method.Analytes Linearities Correlation coefficients Calibration range(mg/L)LOD(␮g/L)LOQ(␮g/L)N-nornuciferine y=49864x+28.324R2=0.99990.412–165.013.645.3O-nornuciferine y=41646x+36.714R2=0.99980.500–160.0 6.0120.1 Nuciferine y=31173x+12.888R2=0.9999 1.075–344.023.678.9The linearity plotting at280nm and x was analytes concentration as g mL−1and y was the peak area.solvent was used in the regular MAE.Results shown in Table2indi-cated that the extraction efficiency of ILMAE was slightly higher than that of organic solvent(95%EtOH)HRE method,and much higher than that of regular MAE and acid HRE methods.This showed that,compared with HRE and regular MAE technique,the proposed approach used only small amount of ILs could obtain higher extrac-tion efficiency(0.9–43.7%enhanced)in shorter extraction time (from2h to2min),which indicated that the aqueous ILs solutions were excellent extractant and ILMAE was a more rapid and effective sample preparation method.Even though ILs are more expensive than most organic solvents and water,the ILMAE method is still economical considered the saved time and potential recycle of ILs. On the other hand,although wastes have been left after extraction in our method as happened in traditional techniques,it is a much safer and greener process since no waste have been vented to the air during the extraction.3.4.Analytical performance of the proposed methodTo evaluate the proposed IL-based MAE approach,some parameters such as linearity,reproducibility,and recovery were determined under the above optimized conditions.The results were summarized in Table3.Calibration graphs plots in the form of peak area versus standard concentration of each compound were run for all analytes.Good linearity was observed with the regression coefficients(r2)between0.9998and0.9999.The limits of detection (LODs)and the limits of quantification(LOQs)of the analytes were ranged from6.01␮g L−1to23.6␮g L−1and from20.1␮g L−1to 78.9␮g L−1,respectively.The reproducibility study was carried out on three repeated extraction with all MAE and HRE methods.From Table2,all methods had good reproducibilities(RSD obtained was between0.9%and6.5%).Moreover,the extracts were spiked with known quantities of standards.The recoveries of the four methods were in the range of94.6%and105.5%with RSD lower than6.6%. The method validation studies indicated that the proposed method was credible.4.ConclusionsAn efficient ILMAE method has been developed for extrac-tion and quantification of three alkaloids N-nornuciferine, O-nornuciferine,and nuciferine from lotus leaf.The optimum MAE conditions were pared with regular MAE and con-ventional HRE methods,the present approach obtained higher extraction efficiency(0.9–43.7%enhanced)and obviously reduced extraction time(from2h to2min),which demonstrated that the aqueous ILs solutions were excellent extractant and ILMAE was a simple,rapid,effective extraction method.Moreover,consider-ing the unique properties of ILs,the ILMAE method proposed will have a broad potentiality as an environmental friendly technique in sample preparation.AcknowledgementsAuthors thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Grant20775069,Ministry of Education of China for Grant NCET-06-0520and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province for Grant Z206510.References[1]G.A.Cordell,Phytochem.Rev.1(2002)261–273.[2]K.Hostettmann,A.Marston,Phytochem.Rev.1(2002)275–285.[3]Y.S.Fung,H.S.Tung,Electrophoresis22(2001)2242–2250.[4]C.Seger,M.Godejohann,L.H.Tseng,M.Spraul,A.Girtler,S.Sturm,H.Stuppner,Anal.Chem.77(2005)878–885.[5]L.A.McDonald,L.R.Barbieri,G.T.Carter,G.Kruppa,X.Feng,J.A.Lotvin,M.M.Siegel,Anal.Chem.75(2003)2730–2739.[6]P.A.Cremin,L.Zeng,Anal.Chem.74(2002)5492–5500.[7]C.P.Eskilsson,E.Bjorklund,J.Chromatogr.A902(2000)227–250.[8]M.Letellier,H.Budzinski,Analusis27(1999)259–271.[9]T.Welton,Chem.Rev.99(1999)2071–2083.[10]J.G.Huddleston,A.E.Visser,W.M.Reichert,H.D.Willauer,G.A.Broker,R.D.Rogers,Green Chem.3(2001)156–164.[11]C.F.Poole,J.Chromatogr.A1037(2004)49–82.[12]J.L.Anderson,R.Ding,A.Ellern,D.W.Armstrong,J.Am.Chem.Soc.127(2005)593–604.[13]C.E.Song,E.J.Roh,mun.10(2000)837–838.[14]A.J.Carmichael,D.M.Haddleton,S.A.F.Bon,K.R.Seddon,mun.14(2000)1237–1238.[15]R.A.Sheldon,u,M.J.Sorgedrager,R.F.Van,Green Chem.4(2002)147–151.[16]J.G.Huddleston,H.D.Willauer,R.P.Swatloski,A.E.Visser,R.D.Rogers,Chem.Commun.16(1998)1765–1766.[17]J.H.Wang,D.H.Cheng,X.W.Chen,Z.Du,Z.L.Fang,Anal.Chem.79(2007)620–625.[18]J.F.Liu,G.B.Jiang,Y.G.Chi,Y.Q.Cai,J.T.Hu,Q.X.Zhou,Anal.Chem.75(2003)5870–5876.[19]J.Liu,N.Li,G.Jiang,J.Liu,J.A.Jonsson,M.J.Wen,J.Chromatogr.A1066(2005)27–32.[20]Z.Du,Y.L.Yu,J.H.Wang,Chem.Eur.J.13(2007)2130–2137.[21]J.Hoffmann,M.Nüchter,B.Ondruschka,P.Wasserscheid,Green Chem.5(2003)296–299.[22]F.Y.Du,X.H.Xiao,G.K.Li,J.Chromatogr.A1140(2007)56–62.[23]Y.B.Lu,W.Y.Ma,R.L.Hu,X.J.Dai,Y.J.Pan,J.Chromatogr.A1208(2008)42–46.[24]F.Y.Du,X.H.Xiao,X.J.Luo,G.K.Li,Talanta78(2009)1177–1184.[25]Pharmacopoeia Committee of P.R.China(Ed.),Chinese Pharmacopoeia,Chem-ical Industry Publishing House,Beijing,2000.[26]C.C.Tu,X.Y.Li,J.P.Yang,L.Zhou,J.Jianxi College Tradit.Chin.Med.13(2001)120–121.[27]L.J.Du,H.Sun,M.Li,W.Jin,L.Z.Xu,Zhongcaoyao31(2000)526–528.[28]L.P.Ji,Food Sci.20(1999)64–66.[29]A.Aoshima,Y.Ikeshiro,Y.P.Chen,H.Furukawa,M.Itoigawa,T.Fujioka,K.Mihashi,M.Cosentino,S.L.Morris-Natschke,K.H.Lee,Bioorgan.Med.Chem.13(2005)443–448.[30]J.Zhao,H.Z.Wang,X.H.Ji,M.Y.Gao,Z.Gao,Zhongcaoyao34(2003)916–917.[31]Y.H.Jiang,J.Zhejiang Univ.(Agric.&Life Sci.)30(2004)519–523.[32]H.G.Chen,Q.X.Zeng,Food Ferment.Ind.27(2001)34–38.[33]M.Tomita,Y.Watanable,M.Tomita,H.Furukawa,Yakugaku Zasshi81(1961)469–473.[34]J.Kunitomo,Y.Nagai,Y.Okamoto,H.Furukawa,Yakugaku Zasshi90(1970)1165–1169.[35]X.B.Luo,B.Chen,J.J.Liu,S.Z.Yao,Anal.Chim.Acta538(2005)129–133.[36]Z.Guo,B.M.Lue,K.Thomasen,A.S.Meyer,X.B.Xu,Green Chem.9(2007)1362–1373.[37]G.F.Barbero,M.Palma,C.G.Barroso,Anal.Chim.Acta578(2006)227–233.[38]M.A.Rostagno,M.Palma,C.G.Barroso,Anal.Chim.Acta588(2007)274–282.。


PPT 2019
Ionic Liquid ILs
Dr MAHMOUD Najim Abid & Taghreed M.Musa
One of the main directions of the global research , is the search for new chemical compounds with special , properties. Ionic liquids are such compounds Their application brings new , possibilities for modern chemical technology . The ionic liquids, fit, well, in the assumptions of green chemistry .In contrast to the previous approach ,,the green chemistry requires design, ,development and implementation of new processes and chemicals that allow the reduction or elimination of use and production of hazardous, materials .Twelve principles of green chemistry formulated in 1998 by Anastas and Warner describe the methods of implementation of these tasks . Ionic liquids meet at least three of these principles (safer solvents) (provide energy efficiency) and no. 9 (are used in catalytic reactions) . Ionic liquid precursors are quaternary ammonium halides known from the 1890s , which were widely used and tested in the 20th century. The history of synthesis and application of organic salts containing a quaternary nitrogen atom is presented



* The hydrophobic ionic liquids -
1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate
* 蒸气压很低,不挥发,易保存; * 液态范围宽,可达300℃; * 可溶解很多有机、无机、有机金属化合物; * 对H2、O2、CO等气体的溶解性好,可作气相反应的溶剂; * 对烷烃和醚类等有机溶剂不溶,可构成一个两相体系; * 选择合适的阴阳离子,其极性和溶解性可调; * 阴离子BF4-、PF6-配位能力弱,此类离子液体能提供一个强极
德国BASF公司于2002 年成功开发了制备烷氧基苯基膦的 BASIL ( biphasic acid scavenging utilizing ionic liquids) 工艺,目前该工艺已经达到数吨级生产规模。
* CO2 极易溶于离子液体中,而离子液体并不溶于CO2。
Ionic liquids offer the opportunity of combining the advantages of both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in one system. That is to say, immobilization of a catalyst (metal/oxide/complex) by supporting it in an ionic liquid rather than on a surface may create highly free, three-dimensional centers as in a homogeneous catalyst but the catalytic reaction occurs at the interface between the ionic liquid (rather than a solid) and the reactants in either the gas or immiscible liquid phase. Development of application of three-dimensional heterogeneous catalysis using ionic liquids as supports should present challenges for us over the next decade and beyond.


(3)表现出酸性及超强酸性质,使得它不仅可以作为溶剂使用,而且还可以作为某些反应的催化剂使用,这些催化活性的溶剂避免 了额外的可能有毒的催化剂或可能产生大量废弃物的缺点。
(4)蒸汽压非常小,不挥发,在使用、储藏中不会蒸发散失,可以循环使用,消除了挥发性有机化合物(VOCs,即 volatile organic compounds)环境污染问题。
有机离子液体等。离子液体是指没有电中心分子且 100% 由阴离子和阳离子组成 , 室温下为液体的物质。它是由一种含氮或磷杂环的有机 阳离子和一种无机阴离成:
离子液体作为离子化合物,其熔点较低的主要原因是因其结构中某些取代基的不对称性使离子不能规则地堆积成晶体所致。离子液 体主要是由有机阳离子和无机阴离子构成,阳离子主要包括烷基季铵离子[NRxH4-x]+、烷基季磷离子[PRxH4-x]+、1,3- 烷基取代的 咪唑离子[R1R3im]+ 和 N- 基取代的吡啶离子[Rpy]+ 四大类;阴离子主要是 BF4-、PF6-、NO3-、CF3SO3-、HSO4-、AlCl4- 等体积较大 的阴离子。 离子液体的特点:
(1)与典型的有机溶剂不一样,在离子液体里没有电中性的分子,100% 是阴离子和阳离子,在负 100℃至 200℃之间均呈液体状态, 具有良好的热稳定性和导电性,在很大程度上允许动力学控制。
(2)对大多数无机物、有机物和高分子材料来说,离子液体是一种优良的溶剂;且具有溶剂和催化剂的双重功能,可以作为许多化 学反应溶剂或催化活性载体。
离子液体定义 离子液体的组成 离子液体的特点 应用概述 具体应用
有机合成和催化领域的应用 离子液体在电化学中的应用 气体吸附的应用 分离纯化方面的应用 离子液体的功能化 离子液体在清洁化技术方面的应用 离子液体在生物大分子处理中的应用 阿拉丁系列离子液体


离子液体(Ionic Liquids)
组员:魏志勇、宋鑫、黄晨、 张鹏飞、陆海昕、金文科
Ionic Liquids A Heated Research Field
N u m b e r o f P u b lic a tio n s
阳离子:烷基季铵离子[NRxH4-x]、烷基季磷离子[PRxH4-x]、1, 3-烷基取代的咪唑离子[R1R3Im]+ 和N-基取代的吡啶离子[Rpy] 阴离子:主要是BF4-、PF6-、NO3-、CF3SO3-、HSO4-、AlCl4- 等体积较大 的阴离子
两步合成法:直接法难以得到目标 新型合成方法:微波及超声辅助合
离子液体的种类有很多 大致上可以分为,AlCl3型、非AlCl3 型和其他特殊类型。(前2种离子液体的主要区别在于负离子不同。) 1 A1C13 型:主要用于电化学和化学反应中,可同时作溶剂和催化剂。
但其热稳定性和化学,稳定性较差,且不可遇水,空气中有水蒸气也不行, 使用不便。 2 非A1C13 型:对水、大气稳定且组成固定。随着人们对离子液体研究 的不断深入,离子液体,品种已达到几百种。 3 新型离子液体:由含氮的有机杂环阳离子和无机阴离子组成。与有 机溶剂相比,具有很多突出的优点。
R5 + R4
R4 R1 R2 P+ R3
常见阳离子: R 1
R1 R2
N+ R3

Design and performance evaluation of ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted simultaneous extraction

Design and performance evaluation of ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted simultaneous extraction

Received 2nd February 2013 Accepted 21st March 2013 DOI: 10.1039/c3ay40202a /methods
With the development of green chemistry, environmentally friendly techniques have attracted an increasing amount of attention. Ionic liquids (ILs) have exhibited remarkable environmentally friendly advantages. They have been recommended as greener alternatives to traditional organic solvents which may cause not only environmental but also health problems.
ILs which are composed of organic cations and inorganic or organic anions possess remarkable dissolving and extracting capacity, and they have many kinds of unique advantages including low vapor pressure, extremely high thermal stability, no ammability, conductivity, electrochemical stability, designable structures, etc.1–4 In recent years, IL aqueous solutions have been selected as ideal alternative solvents to displace volatile organic solvents in many analytical chemistry elds, such as liquid–liquid extraction, liquid-phase micro-extraction, solid-phase micro-extraction, aqueous two-phase systems extraction, etc.1,5,6 ILs have been used as the solvent medium such as the reaction catalyst,7,8 the separation medium,9 etc. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is a kind of treasure in China, has several thousand years of history.









离子液体(ionic liquid)是一种新型的绿色有机溶剂,由阳离子和阴离子组成。







具体操作如下:1. 称取适量的[BMIM]Cl到250 ml锥形瓶中。

2. 在氮气气氛下,加热磁力搅拌子搅拌溶剂至全部溶解。

3. 冷却至室温,放置10分钟,将悬浊物沉淀离心,取上清液即可。

二、提取姜黄素1. 提取试样准备:将2 g姜黄粉末置于50 ml离子液体中,用超声波处理10 min。

2. 离心:将离子液体中的姜黄粉末液体离心10 min,找到2层分离的液体。

3. 采取上层液体:将上层液体取出,放入小锥形瓶中,用旋转蒸发仪蒸发去离子液体。

4. 加入甲醇:将蒸发后的残渣中加入20 ml甲醇,用超声波处理20 min。

6. 过滤:用0.22 μm滤器过滤,得到清晰的姜黄素溶液。

7. 分析:利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用仪检测姜黄素的含量。





第一章前言1.1 概述希腊Patras大学化学工程系教授Soghomon Boghosian指出:北大西洋公约组织(NATO)除了具有政治和军事方面的作用以外,还在科学技术的发展和交流等方面做出巨大贡献。



田纳西州立大学化学教授Richard M.Pagni说:几乎有无限的方法可使离子结合为离子液体。




亚拉巴马州立大学化学教授Robin D.Rogers说:与常规溶剂相比,离子液体有独特的选择性,有可能用它代替挥发性有机溶剂[1]。

离子液体 (Ionic liquids)就是完全由离子组成的液体,是室温附近下呈液态的盐,也称为低温熔融盐,它一般由有机阳离子和无机阴离子所组成。


20世纪40年代,Taxas的Frank Hurley和Tom Wier在寻找一种温和条件电解Al2O3时把N-烷基吡啶加入AlCl3中,加热试管后,两固体的混合物自发地形成了清澈透明的液体[3]。





新型离子液体的合成及性质研究离子液体(ionic liquid)是指具有熔点低于100℃,离子特征提示大的有机盐。





1. 新型离子液体的合成方法1.1 模板法合成模板法(Template method)是指在制备物料中,加入一定的模板分子,随后通过控制其分子结构和增殖机理来合成所需的目标物。




1.2 离子液体离子交换法离子液体离子交换法(Ionic liquid ion exchange)是一种基于阳离子或阴离子吸附到树脂上,且与现有的离子液体之间进行交换的方法。




1.3 微波辅助合成法微波辅助合成法(Microwave-assisted synthesis)是在一定温度和电磁场波束作用下,使化学品分子能够更高效地进行反应的一种化学合成方法。




离子液体在医药中间体合成中的应用离子液体(Ionic Liquid,简称ILs)是指室温下呈液态的带电荷的离子化合物,由阳离子和阴离子组成。




















离子液体的合成及其应用1离子液体简介离子液体(ionic liquids,ILs)又称为室温离子液体(room temperature ionic liquid)、室温熔融盐( room temperature molten salts)、有机离子液体等是指仅由离子组成在室温或低温下为液体的盐。





图1-1 四类阳离子结构式阴离子种类较多,现已报道的有近百种。






碱性离子液体催化降解木质素彭林彩;朱辉;孙家英【期刊名称】《化学工程师》【年(卷),期】2017(031)006【摘要】Lignin is abundant renewable resource in the nature.Degradation product has wide prospect of application to polymer resin materials because of its more alcohol hydroxyl content.In this paper,three types of base ionic liquids with imidazole anion were synthesized to degrade lignin.Alcohol hydroxyl content was studied to prompt further use of lignin.%木质素是自然界中广泛存在的可再生资源.木质素降解后,其羟基含量会增加,在高分子树脂材料方面有很大的应用前景.本文采用3种咪唑阴离子类碱性离子液体催化降解木质素,考察其对木质素降解物中醇羟基含量影响,为进一步促进木质素的应用提供一定的实验参考.【总页数】3页(P10-12)【作者】彭林彩;朱辉;孙家英【作者单位】四川文理学院化学化工学院,四川达州635000;四川大学化工学院,四川成都610065;四川文理学院化学化工学院,四川达州635000;四川文理学院化学化工学院,四川达州635000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O616【相关文献】1.碱性离子液体有效去除烟梗中木质素的研究 [J], 侯轶;胡亚成;李友明;刘超;杨宇飞;胡松青2.铝氧单钠固体超强碱催化降解木质素的研究 [J], 王兴佳; 乔炜; 肖达明; 李淑君3.棉针织物漂白中铜配合物催化降解木质素及其模型化合物 [J], 刘丽宾;吕汪洋;陈文兴4.功能化碱性离子液体催化降解木质素合成香兰素 [J], 张丽荣;李倩倩;易封萍;姜晓艳;高洁5.木质素化学催化降解的研究进展 [J], 李卓;张娜;潘政;杨晓慧;胡立红;周永红因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



离子液体作为绿色介质从盐湖卤水中萃取硼酸宋贤菊;李在均【摘要】Ionic liquid is a green solvent for extraction of boron from salt lake beine as extraction medium, 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquid was prepared and the ionic liquid, isooctyl alcohol and kerosene were used as extraction medium, synergic reagent and diluent respectively. The influence of ionic liquid dosage and extraction conditions on the boron extraction were investigated. The optimal experimental parameters were obtained as follows: ionic liquid dosage 10% ,the extractant 50% ,the ratio of organic phase to brine 1:1, the extraction time 10 min, and pH 2.4. The concentration of Mg2+ 4.268 mollL. Under optimal conditions, the boron can be fully extracted to the organic phase with three step extractions and a recovey of 99.54% was obtained.%制备了1-辛烷基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐离子液体,再以离子液体(IL)为萃取介质、异辛醇为萃取剂及煤油为稀释剂建立盐湖卤水硼萃取研究模型,考察了离子液体用量和萃取条件对硼萃取的影响.异辛醇从卤水中萃取提硼的最佳实验条件:离子液体体积分数为10%,萃取剂体积分数为50%,相比(O/A)为1:1,萃取时间10 min,pH 2.4,Mg2+浓度为4.268 mol/L.在此条件下,当萃取级数为3级时,萃取率为99.54%,卤水中的硼可被完全萃取到有机相中.【期刊名称】《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(010)004【总页数】5页(P459-463)【关键词】离子液体;盐湖卤水;硼提取;异辛醇【作者】宋贤菊;李在均【作者单位】江南大学化学与材料工程学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学化学与材料工程学院,江苏无锡214122【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ128.5硼是元素周期系中第三族元素,它在地壳中质量分数为0.001%[1-2],主要以硼酸和硼酸盐的形式存在。



第35卷第3期Vol.35No.3稀有金属CHINESE JOURNAL OF RARE METALS2011年5月May 2011收稿日期:2010-08-01;修订日期:2010-09-18基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(20676052)作者简介:宋贤菊(1988-),女,江苏昆山人,硕士研究生;研究方向:分离技术*通讯联系人(E -mail )离子液体作为绿色介质应用于盐湖卤水中锂提取的研究宋贤菊,王仕芳,李在均*(江南大学化学与材料工程学院,江苏无锡214122)摘要:离子液体是一种绿色溶剂,它作为萃取介质可避免传统湿法冶金因有机溶剂挥发产生的环境污染。

制备6种1-烷基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐离子液体,然后以离子液体(IL )、磷酸三丁酯(TBP )和三氯化铁(FeCl 3)分别为萃取介质、萃取剂和协萃剂建立盐湖卤水锂萃取研究模型,以此考察离子液体和萃取条件对锂萃取影响。




该体系的最佳萃取条件是:TBP /IL :9/1(v /v ),水相酸度:0.03mol ·L -1HCl ,相比(O /A ):1ʒ1和Fe /Li :2ʒ1。


有机相重复利用十次锂的萃取率变为77%,但水洗有机相去除反萃时带入的HCl 锂的萃取率又上升至88%。

机制研究表明,Li +与TBP 和FeCl 3形成极性较小的LiFeCl 4·2TBP 络合物而被萃取进入有机相,在有机相中加入盐酸因H +极化能力强于Li +而将Li +置换使Li +重新进入水相。

LiFeCl 4·2TBP 在弱极性的离子液体中溶解度优于非极性的溶剂煤油,因此离子液体萃取体系具有更高的锂萃取效率和容量。



2012年第31卷第10期CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS ·2113·化工进展离子液体的工业应用研究进展李 臻,陈 静,夏春谷(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000)摘要:离子液体以其特有的性质广受学术界和工业界关注,业已发展成为国际科技的前沿和热点,在诸多领域展示了广阔的应用潜力和前景。



关键词:离子液体;化学工程;电化学;气体处理;分离分析中图分类号:O 645.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2012)10–2113–12Advances in industrial application of ionic liquidsLI Zhen,CHEN Jing,XIA Chungu(State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation,Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,ChineseAcademy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China)Abstract:Ionic liquids have attracted considerable interest in academical and industrial circles due to their unique properties and have already become the frontier and hot topic of worldwide science and technology in recent years. They have demonstrated broad potential applications and prospect in many domains. This article provides an overview of industrial application of ionic liquids in China and the rest of the world in recent 20 years. Some typical industrial applications of ionic liquids to chemical processes,electrochemistry,performance additives,gas processing,analytical chemistry and energy field are elaborated. Finally,the authors’ opinions concerning the prospect of ionic liquids commercial application are presented,and several existing problems of ionic liquids before large-scale application,such as greenness,basic theory and cost control are analyzed.Key words:ionic liquid;chemical engineering;electrochemistry;gas processing;separation and analysis离子液体通常是指一类熔点较低,在室温附近很大温度范围内均为液态的盐类,其阳离子一般体积较大,而阴离子通常为体积小的有机或无机酸根。

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Journal of Chromatography A,1218 (2011) 7254–7263Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal of ChromatographyAj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c h r o maIonic liquid-based homogeneous liquid–liquid microextraction for thedetermination of antibiotics in milk by high-performance liquid chromatographyShiqian Gao,Haiyan Jin,Jingyan You,Yi Ding,Nan Zhang,Ying Wang,Ruibing Ren,Rui Zhang,Hanqi Zhang ∗College of Chemistry,Jilin University,Qianjin Street 2699,Changchun 130012,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 5January 2011Received in revised form 15August 2011Accepted 17August 2011Available online 25 August 2011Keywords:Ionic liquid-based homogeneousliquid–liquid microextraction (IL-based HLLME)Fluroquinolones Sulfonamides Milk samplesa b s t r a c tIonic liquid-based homogeneous liquid–liquid microextraction (IL-based HLLME)high-performance liq-uid chromatography was developed and applied to the extraction,separation and determination of some antibiotics in milk.The proteins and lipids were removed by adding salt and adjusting the pH value.The homogeneous extraction was applied to the improvement of recoveries for IL phase and analytes.The experimental parameters of the IL-based HLLME,including salt concentration in sample solution,pH value of sample solution,volume of [C 6MIM][BF 4],amount of ion-pairing agent (NH 4PF 6),and extrac-tion time,were evaluated.The limits of detection for enoxacin,pefloxacin,norfloxacin,enrofloxacin,sulfamethoxazole and sulfadimethoxine were 15.8,7.07,5.13,4.00,7.79and 8.33␮g L −1,respectively.When the proposed method was applied to the analysis of milk samples the recoveries of the analytes ranged from 92.5to 118.6%and relative standard deviations were lower than 7.00%.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionFluroquinolones (FQs)and sulfonamides (SAs)are a class of rela-tively new synthetic antibiotics.The antibiotics are commonly used as veterinary drugs to promote the growth of livestock and prevent the bacterial infection.However,the antibiotic residues in livestock products,such as meat,milk and eggs,can endanger human health [1–3].Considering the food safety,some antibiotics are prohibited from breeding livestock by a number of countries,such as China,Australia,Canada,USA and EU member states [4–6].Meanwhile,to protect the health of consumers and minimize the potential harm,maximum residue limits (MRLs)of the antibiotic residues have been established by the European Union (Commission Decision 37/2010/CE)and USA Food and Drug Administration.The contents of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin residues in milk were not higher than 100␮g kg −1.The MRLs for the sulfamethazine and the SAs established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China,were 25␮g kg −1and 100␮g kg −1,respectively [7–12].Some sensitive,simple and reliable analytical methods were developed to determine the antibiotic residues in dairy products,such as capillary electrophoresis (CE)[13,14],ultra high-performance liquid chromatographic (UHPLC)separation coupled∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+8643185168399;fax:+8643185112355.E-mail addresses:gaosq08@ ,analchem@ (H.Zhang).with diode array detection (DAD),fluorescence detection (FLD)or mass spectrometric (MS)[7,14–23]detection.The extraction,sep-aration and concentration of the analytes in the sample matrices were very important before chromatographic analysis.The solid-phase extraction (SPE)and matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD)were considered as the most effective extraction methods and widely applied to the extraction of antimicrobial residues in bovine milk [7,15,16].However,the two extraction methods were compli-cated and required a large amount of organic solvent.In the last few years,some new extraction methods were developed to sim-plify sample preparation steps and save organic solvents.On-line column-switching and molecularly imprinted (MI)SPE were devel-oped to extract antibiotic residues from milk [7,20].The advantage of the methods was that the concentration and purification can be completed simultaneously.Solid-phase microextracion (SPME),stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE),liquid-phase microextraction (LPME)and dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME)have been applied for the extraction of antibiotic residues in livestock products [12,21,22].Ionic liquids (ILs)are semi-organic molten salts,which consist of organic cations and various anions with melting points at or below 100◦C [24–26].They have attracted extensive attention because of their low vapour pressure,high thermal stability,tunable viscosity,moderate dissolvability of organic compounds and environmental friendliness.The structure adjustability is the typical advantage of ILs and the functionalized ionic liquids are easily obtained.There-fore,ILs are considered as replacements for conventional organic0021-9673/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.08.063S.Gao et al./J.Chromatogr.A 1218 (2011) 7254–72637255OONNHNNFOHENOONNNFOHPEFO NHNNFOHNOROONNN FOHENRNOS OONHNH 2SMOS OONHNH 2NNOOSDMFig.1.Chemical structure of the antibiotics.solvents and found wide application in analytical chemistry,such as chromatography [27,28],selective microextraction [29]and elec-troanalytical chemistry [30].Herrera-Herrera et al.studied the separation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in water samples using ILs as mobile phase additives [31].High temperature headspace IL-based LPME,IL-based ultrasound-assisted DLLME and IL-based aqueous two-phase system (IL-ATPS)have been developed for the extraction of pesticides and antibiotic residues in matrix samples [32–35].Moreover,the IL-ATPS has also been successfully applied to the food analysis by Zeng et al.[36]for the concentration of three quinolones antibiotics in milk.However,a large amount of IL was required when IL-ATPS was applied.The homogeneous liquid–liquid extraction (HLLE)was applied to the multi-residue analysis in water samples [37,38].Baghdadi and Shemirani [39]determined the inorganic species in saline solutions by the in situ solvent formation microextraction (ISFME)coupled with UV–vis spectrometric detection.However,to date,the HLLE has not been applied for the extraction of antibiotic residues in dairy products.In this paper,IL-based HLLME was developed for extracting FQs and SAs from milk.The proteins and lipids were removed with some inorganic agents.After the [C 6MIm][BF 4]was added in the sample solution,the NH 4PF 6was added in the sample.The resulting [C 6MIM][PF 6]is not dissolvable in the sample solu-tion.After the extraction phase separation was performed bycentrifugation.The proposed method was applied to the analysis of some milk samples.2.Experimental2.1.Reagents and chemicalsFQs,including enoxacin (ENO),pefloxacin (PEF),norfloxacin (NOR)and enrofloxacin (ENR),and SAs,including sulfamethox-azole (SMO)and sulfadimethoxine (SDM)were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich Chemical Company (St.Louis,MO,USA).The purity of all the compounds was higher than 98%.The chemical struc-tures and properties of the compounds are shown in Fig.1and Table 1,respectively.Standard stock solutions for the antibiotics at the concentration level of 500␮g mL −1were prepared in acetoni-trile containing 5.24mmol L −1acetic acid.The working solutions were obtained by diluting the stock solutions with acetonitrile.Chromatographic grade acetonitrile was purchased from Fisher Scientific Company (UK)and pure water was obtained with a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore Co.,USA).Acetic acid,orthophosphoric acid (99%),ammonium acetate and sodium chlo-ride are of analytical-reagent grade and purchased from Beijing Chemical Factory (Beijing,China).1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C 6MIM][BF 4]),1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium7256S.Gao et al./J.Chromatogr.A1218 (2011) 7254–7263Table1Physicochemical properties of the FQs and SAs.ENO PEF NOR ENR SMO SDMMolecular weight320.3333.36319.3359.4253.28310.3m.p.(◦C)246–248270–272220–228221–226168–172198–201 log K ow a0.82 1.2450.93 1.780.89 1.63p K a1b 6.00 6.21±0.12 6.36±0.12 5.86±0.05 1.85±0.30 2.13±0.30 p K a2b8.507.87±0.108.62±0.088.24±0.07 5.60±0.04 6.08±0.09 max(nm)c266276276276267264a log K ow values are from literature[40–43].b p K a values are from literature[44].c Wavelengths of maximum absorption( max)were obtained from this study.Table2Physicochemical properties of the ILs.[C2MIM][BF4][C6MIM][BF4][C6MIM][PF6][C6MIM]ClChemical name1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazoliumtetrafluoroborate 1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumtetrafluoroborate1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumhexafluorophosphate1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumchlorideMolecular weight197.97254.08312.24202.72 Density(g mL−1) 1.24 1.15 1.29 1.05 Viscosity(25◦C,cP)37279.8658618.089 Water content(mol L−1)Miscible0.880.68Miscible Solubility in water(g/100mL)Soluble Partly soluble0.75Solubletetrafluoroborate([C2MIM][BF4])and ammonium hexafluorophos-phate(NH4PF6)were obtained from Chengjie Chemical Co.Ltd. (Shanghai,China).The physicochemical properties of the ILs are listed in Table2.The milk samples were purchased from local large-scale supermarket and stored at4◦C.2.2.SamplesIn the study,five milk samples,including pure(sample1), skim(sample2),low-fat(sample3),pasteurization(sample4)and ultra high temperature sterilization(sample5)milk were analyzed. Except for the experiments mentioned in Section3.4.2,which were performed with allfive samples,all other results were obtained with sample1.The spiked samples containing FQs and SAs were prepared by spiking the working solutions into milk samples and shaking for10min.2.3.InstrumentsThe1100series liquid chromatograph(Agilent Technologies Inc.,USA)equipped with photodiode-array detector was used. Chromatographic separation of antibiotics was performed on Zor-bax Eclipse XDB-C18column(150mm×4.6mm,3.5␮m,Agilent, USA)with a C18guard column(7.5mm×2.1mm I.D.,5␮m). The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile(A)and aqueous solution(2.90mmol L−1[C2MIM][BF4],9.70mmol L−1ammonium acetate–acetic acid,pH=2.70)(B).The gradient program is as fol-lows:0–10min,11–15%A;10–15min,15%A;15–18min,15–20% A;18–20min,20–28%A;20–25min,28–35%A and25–35min, 35–11%A.Theflow rate of mobile phase was set at0.5mL min−1 and column temperature was kept at30◦C.The injection vol-ume was20␮L.The monitoring wavelengths were270nm for ENO,SMO and SDM and280nm for PEF,NOR and ENR.The refer-ence wavelength and bandwidth were360and4nm,respectively. The output power of ultrasonic generator(KQ2200E Kunshan Ultrasonic Instrument Co.Ltd.,Kunshan,China)was100W.Ger-hardt Kjeldahl Divice(QSY,Beijing Powerful Analytical Instruments Manufacturing Center,Beijing,China)was used to determine the proteins in milk.The phase separation was performed on high-speed freezing centrifuge(Allegra64R,Beckman Coulter, Inc.,USA).2.4.Preparation of sample solution2mL of milk sample was placed into the5mL polyterafluo-roethylene(PTFE)tube.2mL of50g L−1NaCl solution and60␮L of orthophosphoric acid were added into the tube.The mixture was ultrasonically shaken for5min,heated in water bath for10min at70◦C and then ultrasonically shaken for2min.The resulting solution was centrifuged at20◦C for10min at15,000rpm.The supernatant was decanted into a5mL PTFE tube.The residue was dissolved with1mL of50g L−1NaCl solution,shaken for2min,and then centrifuged at15,000rpm for10min.The supernatants were combined and referred to as the sample solution.2.5.Ionic liquid-based HLLME60␮L of[C6MIM][BF4]was added into the sample solution and the mixture was intensely shaken for10min.0.3157g of NH4PF6 was added into the solution and a cloudy solution was formed.The cloudy solution was ultrasonically shaken for5min and kept refrig-erated at−20◦C for15min.After centrifugation at5◦C for10min at15,000rpm,the IL phase was deposited at the bottom of the tube. Then the upper aqueous phase was removed completely.In order to reduce the loss of IL,acetonitrile was added to dilute the IL to 150␮L.The resulting analytical solution was homogenized ultra-sonically andfiltered with0.22␮m PTFEfilter membrane before HPLC analysis.3.Results and discussion3.1.Chromatographic conditionsFQs and SAs belong to strongly polar amphoteric compounds. FQs contain carboxylic acid and piperazinyl amino group at the N4-position.SAs have one active primary amine group and sul-fonylamino group[45].The studies showed that the interaction between the two groups(amidocyanogen and piperazinyl amino) and the residual silanol group of C18filler might be hydrogen bond and ion-exchange,which forms the secondary reserve effects, resulting in the chromatographic peak broadening and tailing [46,47].The chromatographic method was developed for the deter-mination of the FQs in the milk[15].As shown in Fig.2,whenS.Gao et al./J.Chromatogr.A 1218 (2011) 7254–72637257Fig.2.Chromatogram of spiked milk sample 1obtained in isocratic elution condition.Mobile phase,aqueous solution (3.0mmol L −1[C 2MIM][BF 4]and 10.0mmol L −1ammonium acetate–acetic acid,pH =3.0)–acetonitrile (v/v,87/13);flow rate of mobile phase,0.5mL min −1.1,ENO;2,PEF;3,NOR;4,ENR.the experimental conditions mentioned in the literature [15]were applied to the separation of the analytes,the retention times are prolonged and the SAs are not eluted.Considering the difference of the analytes determined by the proposed method and the method reported in the literature [15]and in order to obtain the satisfac-tory experimental results,the gradient elution was applied and the effect of the composition of the mobile phase also was examined in the proposed method.The mobile phase consists of acetonitrile and aqueous solution.The aqueous solution contains [C 2MIM][BF 4]and ammonium acetate–acetic acid.The effects of the concentra-tions of [C 2MIM][BF 4]and ammonium acetate–acetic acid in the aqueous solution on the chromatographic peaks were investigated.When ILs were used as the additives of the mobile phase,the reten-tion times can be shortened and the peak shapes can be improved.As shown in Fig.3A and B,the retention times of target ana-lytes are prolonged and the peak shapes are improved effectively with the increase of the concentration of [C 2MIM][BF 4].As can be seen from Fig.3B and C,when the concentration of ammonium acetate-acetic acid in the aqueous solution decreases the retention times are prolonged and the peak shapes are improved.Based on the experimental results,the mixture of acetonitrile and aqueous solution (2.90mmol L −1[C 2MIM][BF 4],9.70mmol L −1ammonium acetate–acetic acid,pH =2.70)was used as the mobile phase.3.2.Sample preparationBecause of the effect of the high protein and lipid content in milk,the methods reported for the determination of FQs and SAs in milk involve protein precipitation with an organic solvent (e.g.methanol,ethanol,acetonitrile)under acidic (e.g.trichloroacetic acid)condition.However,a large amount of organic solvent was required.The proteins and lipids in milk were removed by adding the salt and adjusting the pH value in the proposed method.The solubility of the proteins decreases with the increase of concen-tration of salt and the hydrophilic colloid system containing the proteins and water is destroyed.In the presence of the salt the pro-teins may be aggregated and precipitated.The isoelectric points (pIs)of most proteins are in the range of pH 4.0–6.0.The proteins are aggregated and precipitated when the pH value is lower than the pI.Meanwhile,the precipitation of the proteins is related to temperature.Roca et al.[48]investigated the resistance of FQs in milk sample for different heat treatments and the results showed that quinolones were stable under high temperature.Carretero et al.[49]reported the suitable extraction temperature for FQs andSAs.Therefore,in order to avoid the degradation of target analytes,the optimum demulsifying temperature was selected as 70◦C.The octanol–water partition coefficient (K ow )is an essential parameter of the lipophilicity of the antibiotics.The hydrophobic compounds have high log K ow ,whereas the low log K ow signifies a compound soluble in water.The log K ow and p K a values of the FQs and SAs are listed in Table 1.As can be seen,the log K ow values of antibiotics are lower than 2.0,which means that the antibiotics are easily soluble in water and not easily miscible with proteins and lipids.To remove the proteins and lipids,the effects of the concentrations of NaCl (10,20,40,50,60,70g L −1)and pH values (1.0–11.0)were inves-tigated when the volume of [C 6MIM][BF 4]was 40␮L and amount of NH 4PF 6was 0.25g,and the optimum concentration of NaCl and pH value were selected.3.2.1.Determination of proteins and lipidsTo evaluate if the proteins and lipids can be removed completely from the matrix of milk,the Kjeldahl’s method and GB 5413.3-2010method,which is a standard method of China,were applied to the determination of the proteins and lipids in the milk sample and the precipitate obtained in preparation of sample solution.The results listed in Table 3demonstrate that 95.6%of proteins and 91.4%of lipids are removed from the milk sample.3.2.2.The effect of salt concentration in sample solutionTo evaluate the interference of salt on the determination of antibiotics,the water was used as the sample.The sample solu-tion was prepared by the procedure mentioned in Section 2.4and analytical solution was obtained by the procedure mentioned in Section 2.5.To examine the effect of NaCl on the determina-tion of the analytes,NOR was selected in the experiment and the absorption spectra of NOR in the analytical solutions in the pres-ence and absence of NaCl were obtained.As can be seen from Fig.4,the absorbance increases and the shape of the spectrum does not change in the presence of NaCl.The experimental results indicate that if NaCl enters into IL phase,NaCl in IL phase can-not affect the maximum absorption wavelength of NOR and can enhance the signal,which is in agreement with the result obtained by HPLC.The effect of the concentrations of NaCl on the recov-eries of target analytes was investigated.The recoveries increase with the increase of NaCl concentration,reach the maximum at NaCl concentration of 50g L −1and then decrease.The effect of salt out is enhanced with the increase of the salt concentration,which results in the transfer of the target analytes from aqueous7258S.Gao et al./J.Chromatogr.A1218 (2011) 7254–7263Fig.3.Effect of the mobile phase composition.(A)Acetonitrile–aqueous solution(2.50mmol L−1[C2MIM][BF4]and10.0mmol L−1ammonium acetate–acetic acid, pH=2.70);(B)acetonitrile–aqueous solution(2.90mmol L−1[C2MIM][BF4]and10.0mmol L−1ammonium acetate–acetic acid,pH=2.70);(C)acetonitrile–aqueous solution (2.90mmol L−1[C2MIM][BF4]and9.70mmol L−1ammonium acetate-acetic acid,pH=2.70);flow rate:0.5mL min−1.1,ENO;2,PEF;3,NOR;4,ENR;5,SMO;6,SDM.S.Gao et al./J.Chromatogr.A1218 (2011) 7254–72637259 Table3The content of proteins and lipids in precipitate and milk sample1(n=3).Sample Content of protein(g100g−1)RSD,%Content of lipid(g100g−1)RSD,%Precipitate 2.82 1.01 3.31 1.74 Milk sample 2.950.52 3.62 1.40phase into the IL phase.However,when the salt concentration istoo high,the ion exchange between[PF6]−in[C6MIM][PF6]andCl−in aqueous solution occurs and the resulting[C6MIM]Cl is sol-uble in water,which may lead to the decrease of the amount ofIL phase and the poor extraction performance[44,50].50g L−1was selected as NaCl concentration for extracting antibiotics by acomprehensive.3.2.3.The effect of pH values in sample solutionThe Carboxylic acid group of FQs directly affects the p K a1value.Protonation at N4of the piperazine ring of FQs is the significantfactor to influence p K a2value.Meanwhile,the p K a1(below2.5)and p K a2(5–8.5)of SAs are related to the protonation of the ani-line group and deprotonation of the sulfonylamido group[51–53].Because the pH values of solutions influenced the species of the tar-get analytes,the recoveries of target analytes were related directlyto the pH values.As can be seen from Fig.5,the recoveries of thetarget analytes decrease significantly with the increase of pH values340330320310300290280270260-0.0050.0000.0050.0100.0150.0200.0250.0300.0350.040Absorbanceλ (n m)12Fig.4.The UV–vis absorption spectra of NOR in water sample containing(1)andnot containing(2)NaCl,spiked concentration,20␮g L−1.Recovery(%)pHFig.5.Effect of pH valve.Volume of[C6MIm][BF4],40␮L;volume of sample,2mL;spiked concentration,100␮g L−1;extraction time,5min.ranging from1.0to9.0and then increase slightly with the increaseof the pH values ranging from9.0to11.0.On the one hand,theinteraction between PO43−and water at high concentration wasstronger than that between water molecules,which was beneficialto the phase separation,and the enrichment factor of target ana-lytes should be higher at low pH value[34].On the other hand,the species of molecule may different at different pH solutions.Finally,the pIs of target analytes are nearly neutral and the sol-ubility is higher in acidic and alkaline solution than that in nearneutral solution,which results in low solubility of the analytes atthe pH values of6.0–8.0.Based on the experimental results,the pH1.0was selected.3.3.IL-based HLLMEIn the IL-based HLLME,the effects of experimental parameters,such as volume of ILs,amount of ion-pairing agent(NH4PF6)andextraction time,were investigated in order to obtain good sensitiv-ity,precision and selectivity.3.3.1.Volume of ILsOne of the critical steps in ILs-based HLLME is to select a suit-able water-miscible IL and ion-pairing agent for enrichment of thetarget analytes,[C6MIM][BF4]and NH4PF6were used according tothe report by Baghdadi and Shemirani[39].The effect of volumeof[C6MIM][BF4]on extraction recoveries was studied when theamount of NH4PF6was0.25g.The recoveries increase with theincrease of the volume of IL from20to60␮L.The recoveries arealmost unchanged when the volume increases from60to70␮L,which is due to the resulting amount of[C6MIM][PF6]is unchanged.Therefore,60␮L of[C6MIM][BF4]was selected in the work.3.3.2.Amount of NH4PF6The effect of amount of ion-pairing agent on the recoveries of theanalytes was studied when the amount of[C6MIM][BF4]was60␮L.As shown in Fig.6,the recoveries of the target analytes increasewith the increase of amount of NH4PF6from0.0902to0.3157g,andRecovery(%)NH4PF6 amount (g)ENOFig.6.Effect of NH4PF6amount.Volume of[C6MIm][BF4],60␮L;volume of sample,2mL;spiked concentration,100␮g L−1;pH,1.0;extraction time,5min.S.Gao et al./J.Chromatogr.A 1218 (2011) 7254–72637261T a b l e 6A n a l y t i c a l r e s u l t s o f m i l k s a m p l e s (n =5).S a m p l eA d d e d (␮g L −1)E N OP E FN O RE N RS M OS D MR e c o v e r y (%)R S D (%)R e c o v e r y (%)R S D (%)R e c o v e r y (%)R S D (%)R e c o v e r y (%)R S D (%)R e c o v e r y (%)R S D (%)R e c o v e r y (%)R S D (%)S a m p l e 150100.53.85115.45.64109.83.94110.31.54111.03.39100.22.13100110.86.30118.01.41113.64.93118.65.01101.95.18106.86.18150108.56.93118.22.30110.52.33113.52.52118.66.9598.45.81S a m p l e 250104.54.93108.52.70109.64.93107.24.47100.54.60104.45.24100118.34.74113.50.69111.96.62112.96.32107.15.14104.35.43150108.56.93112.91.48108.51.64110.41.2196.16.76109.33.61S a m p l e 350104.56.53109.42.70112.13.63106.35.41110.25.3697.27.00100109.73.64101.93.59109.03.04111.46.60108.15.28113.14.14150108.75.13115.86.14115.83.95113.41.0099.93.02103.44.19S a m p l e 450106.36.91116.54.91112.06.35108.24.93114.24.53103.56.07100114.95.83101.11.72107.62.79108.21.58112.06.7496.35.10150113.22.32110.76.96107.93.67108.43.55101.76.59116.02.13S a m p l e 550114.41.28111.53.48118.44.18113.14.5992.54.50106.33.46100106.22.28105.54.52110.72.67111.43.84110.33.32101.76.94150108.53.21101.13.70107.02.68107.73.17112.52.94102.36.02when the amount of NH 4PF 6is 0.3608g,the recoveries do not obvi-ously change.So the amount of ion-pairing agent NH 4PF 6selected was 0.3157g.That is to say,the molar ratio of [C 6MIM][BF 4]to NH 4PF 6was 1: timeTheoretically,the increase of extraction time was beneficial to the partition equilibrium of target analytes in [C 6MIM][PF 6]/water system and the improvement of the extraction yields of ana-lytes.The recoveries of the target analytes increase gradually with the increase of the extraction time from 1to 5min.The extrac-tion time longer than 5min resulted in a negligible increase of the recoveries and the equilibrium seemed to be reached.Based on the experimental results,the extraction time was selected to be 5min.3.4.Evaluation of the method3.4.1.Analytical performancesThe working curves were constructed by plotting the peak areas measured versus the concentrations of analytes.The slope and intercept of the linear regression equations,the residual standard deviations (Sy/x )and correlation coefficients are listed in Table 4.The limits of detection (LODs)and quantification (LOQs)indicated in Table 4are determined as the lowest con-centration yielding a signal-to-noise (S/N)ratio of 3and 10,respectively.The concentrations of the target analytes in the extract are higher than the LOQs and lower than upper limits of determination for the proposed method.So the LOQs and linear regression equations are appropriate to the goal of the proposed method.Repeatability was evaluated by determining target analytes in spiked milk samples.The intra-day precision was determined by analyzing the samples five replicates in one day.The inter-day precision was achieved by analyzing the samples once a day in five consecutive days.The results are presented in Table 4and the results indicate that the proposed method has good repeatability.Long-term stability of analytes in milk during sample storage was evaluated.The spiked samples were prepared according to the method mentioned in Section 2.2,kept in sealed bottle and then stored for 1,10,20and 30days at 4◦C,respectively.All experiments were performed in five replicates.The results are listed in Table 5.The recoveries and RSD values range from 87.7to 117.7%and 0.83to 6.99%,respectively.It can be concluded that the antibiotics in the milk samples were stable for at least one month.3.4.2.Analysis of samplesIn order to evaluate the applicability of the proposed method,the proposed method was applied to determine the residues of the FQs and SAs in some milk samples.The FQs and SAs in the spiked samples were determined and the results are listed in Table 6.As can be seen,the proposed method provides good recoveries (92.5–118.6%)and acceptable precision (≤7.00%).The chromatograms of blank and spiked milk samples are shown in Fig.7.parison of IL-based HLLME with other methodsThe proposed method was compared with the SPE reported for the extraction of antibiotics from milk samples (Table 7)[19,54].The results indicate that there is no significant difference in the recoveries.However,compared with the SPE,the proposed method has some advantages in the experimental cost,organic solvent con-sumption,and operation simplicity.。
