英语角开幕式发言稿英语Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, teachers and students, welcome to our English Corner grand opening ceremony! It is my great pleasure to stand before you today as we embark on this new journey of embracing the English language and culture.First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all of you for joining us on this special occasion. The English Corner is a platform for everyone to come together and immerse ourselves in the beauty of the English language. It is a space where we can learn, share, and grow together as a community.English is an essential tool for communication in today's globalized world. It opens doors to new opportunities, allows us to connect with people from different cultures, and broadens our horizons. By coming to the English Corner, we have all taken the first step towards expanding our language skills and gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us.Throughout the coming days, weeks, and months, we will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities at the English Corner. From language exchange sessions and storytelling workshops to movie nights and discussion groups, there will be something for everyone to enjoy. These activities will not only help us improve our English proficiency but also foster a sense of community and camaraderie among us.I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the organizers and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to bring the English Corner to life. Your dedication and passion have made this dream a reality,and I am confident that this space will become a vibrant hub of learning and creativity.I also want to encourage each and every one of you to take full advantage of the resources and opportunities available at the English Corner. Whether you are a student looking to enhance your language skills, a teacher seeking new ways to engage your students, or a community member hoping to connect with others, this is the place for you.Finally, I invite you to embrace the spirit of curiosity, exploration, and open-mindedness as we embark on this journey together. Let us support and inspire each other as we strive to become more proficient and confident in our use of the English language.In closing, I want to once again express my gratitude to all of you for being here today. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for us at the English Corner, and I can't wait to see the amazing things we will achieve together. Thank you, and let the grand opening ceremony begin!。
英语角主持词篇一:英语角开幕式主持词m:manw:womanT:Togetheropening:m:Goodevening,boysandgirls,ladiesandgentlemen,welcometotheopeningc eremonyofEnglishcorner.it’smygreathonortobeoneofthehoststonight.i’mwangSuxin,andstandingherebesidemeismypartner.w:Thankyou,Suxin.Goodeveningladiesandgentlemeni’mhonoredtoco-hostTheopeningceremonyofEnglishcorner.andi’myourhostess,YuanTongtong.m:Tonight,wewillbringyouaaudio-visualfeast!next,pleaseallowmetointroducetheguestswhoattendourceremony.Let’swarmlywelcomethem!-------团委老师:石立宁w:学联主席:田耕m:学联副主席:田诗雯w:校报记者团:m:校青协:w:校管协:m:红十字会:w:心协:w:Ladiesandgentlemen,bothofushopeallofyouhaveanicetimehere,weallho pethatyouwillenjoythiseveningandbenefitfromit.m:next,pleaseallowmetodeclare:theopeningceremonyofEnglishcornerinTh enorthchinaElectricPowerUniversitynowofficiallystart!1w:well,atfirst,let’senjoytheVisualFeasttheStreetdanceTeambringsus! m:welcome!middle:2m:well,well,well,perfect!i’veneverhadseensuchastunning!w:it’strue!Howenergetictheyare!doyouenjoythisone?m:Yes,ireallydoiftherecanbesomesparksarounduswhenthedancersdance! w:doyouknowwhathasrushedtomymindwhenyousaythewordspark?m:what?w:abeautifullady!m:Youmean-----TaylorSwift??w:Yes!.don’tyouthinkitslyricisreallyfantastic?m:enhn~well,now,let’senjoythesongw:let’swelcomewangXi!3w:adeepfeelingsong,ilike.m:Tome,comparedtolightmusiciprefertaewondo,fortaewondoisanapproachtoprotectourselveswhenwehavetofaceuprisk,especiallythedelicategirlslike you!w:Youtalksense.m:nextiwillshowyouthetaewondo.w:i’mtooimpatienttowaitm:don’tworrydear,let’swelcomethemTheTaewondoassociation!4m:now,it’sourgametime,areyouunabletoholdyourselfback?ok,let’sbeginourfirstgame:countto21 agroupofpeoplestarttoshoutoutnumbersinorderfrom1,everytimethereareov ertwopeoplecountoutthesamenumberatthesametime,restarttheprocessuntil wegettonumber21.Example:if:a:oneB:twoc,d:three,thenrestartfromone. dothisuntilweget21.5w:Thefluteofrisingandfallingcanalwaysbringmejoy,nothinginthewordisma tchedtothisinstrument.m:Youmeanyoulikethesoundoftheflute?w:Surlyido,oriwouldn’thavesaidlikethis.m:maybethenextoneistoyourliking,welcometoThenationalmusicorchestra, whattheywillshowusaretheflutes!w:Perfect,welcome!6m:ah-ah,doyouwanttoknowthenextprogram?w:well,ifisayidon’twanttoknow,whatwillyoudo?m:why?whydonn’tyou?aren’tyoucurious?w:Yourexpressionshavebetrayedyou!icanreadeverythingfromyourface. m:Really?w:uh-huh,ireadthatthenextprogramisB-Boxfromyoureye!m:God!Youareri ght!Howcanyoudothat?w:well,let’swelcomewangLeifirst.m:ok,wlcome,ourB-Boxer!7w:aha,itshowsmethatit’sourgametimeagain!let’sseeoursecondgame: Simonsayswhenthehostsays“simonsays”beforeasentence,doastheinstructions,iftheho stdidn’tsay“simonsays”thendonotfollowtheinstructions.whodiditwrongwouldbeo ut.Example:Host:”simonsaysputyourhandsup”thentheothersshouldfollowthei nstructionputtingtheirhandsup,thenhostsays”ok,putitdown”nowifanyonew hoputtheirhandsdownwouldbeoutcosthehostdidn’tsay“simonsays”,theyshouldkeeptheirhandsup. anyonewhoisstillinthegameafter5roundswouldget2packsofpoker.8m:asweallknow,themartialartsonlybelongstochina,wealltakeprideofit,todaysomefansofmartialartsflocktogethertoshowusthecharmofthetraditionalart .w:it’syourshowtime!Themartialartassociation!9w:well,alovlylittleboywillbringusalovlysong,itwillbetheonlychinesesongi nthisceremony.m:wow,brave,ican’thelpwantingtoseesuchaboy.w:asyouwish,hecomes. m:let’swelcomeLiangRuizhi,thebraveboyandhissong.10m:wonderfulmusiciswhatiwant,wonderfulladyiswhatiwantalso,butalwayst heycan’tbecombinedtogether,ifeelinjuried,ijustcan’tacceptsuchatruth. w:don’tworrydear,breadwillhave.Look,yourbreadiscoming.Sheisabeautifulladyw ithamovingvoice.m:Yeah,i’veseenher,comingplease,let’swelcomeShenchenxin.w:Let’tenjoyhersolo.11m:it’stimetothelastgameFLawon’tnG5studentsagroup,twogroupsonthestageatthesametime.5人一组,2组同时比。
第九届英语角风采大赛串词初稿 (1)(1)
第九届英语角风采大赛主持人串词W:Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to English Corner Association.I’m the hostess tonight, 孙秋雅.Tonight,you shall have a wonderful experience about English with us.You are going to witness our players’amazing performances.What’s more,you can enjoy the beauty of English.Help yourselves please,it should be an excellent night.M:女士们,先生们;,欢迎来到我们英语角协会,我是主持人XXX。
大家是不是喜欢五月天?是不是喜欢苏打绿?是不是喜欢COLDPLAY?(与观众互动)M: 好的,在我们学校,也有这么一群年轻人,他们活泼,他们激情四射,更重要的,他们满怀梦想——一个遥远而现实的乐队梦。
下面,有请一号选手谢嘉帅带领他的Sweet kill乐队伙伴们为我们带来《变形金刚2》的插曲《21guns》,大家鼓掌欢迎。
说到《吸血鬼日记》那么缠绵而鬼魅却又荡气回肠的爱情故事,让我不禁想到了那首同样缱绻温柔却又扣人心弦的的《Just one last dance》。
1,L:Ladies and gentlemen,attention please!2.L+C:Welcome to our English corner tonight!3,C: Good evening,boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH FANS OSSACIATION. It's my great honor to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's 陈爽.You can just call me Kris. And standing here beside me is my partner, 李文婷.4,L:Thank you,Baby. Good evening,ladies and gentle-men.I'm honored to co-host English Corner tonight. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests.Welcome!大家掌声欢迎!5,C:TO start with,we would like to briefly intro duce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part of the activity is our performance,Now it's time for us to enjoy the performancefor this English corner, our English fans association have made some elaborate[i'læbərət, i'læbəreit] preparation .So we are sure we will be able to enjoy excellent performances tonight.L: Good! The applause being used first enthusiastically by us is welcomed coming on the stage XXX!The program that they bring about is: XXX.Now Let us give them warm applause.中:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎xx同学带来的节目xxx6,L: Next, the other part is playing games. First is the English riddle.1.What day of the week is the best for having fried foods?2. What kind of dog has no tail?3. What keys wont open doors?4. When can you run as fast as a horse?5. I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I?6. Why is "heat" faster than "cold"?7. Why is "SMILES" the longest English word?8. In CHOCOLATE, there are three things to drink. What are they?9. I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I?10. When is a blue book not a blue book?11. Why do birds fly south for winter?12. What kind of cake do small boys dislike?13. Twelve girls were standing under a large umbrella. Why didnt any of them get wet?14. What is there between sea and sky?15. What goes up but never comes down?答案:1. Friday2. hot dog3. monkey, donkey, turkey4. When I am riding on horseback.5. teapot6. Because you can catch a cold.7. Because there is one mile between S and S.8. COCOA, TEA, and COLA9. towel10. When it is read.11. It is too far to walk.12. A cake of soap13. It wasn’t raining.14. and15. your age9.C:Next,boys and girls ,let’s pl ay another game,we can named it(just do it我猜我猜我猜猜(make a guess)Be active!Let’s welcome my partner李文婷to make an example.welcome!掌声欢迎)~~~~工作人员用动作比划,观众分组参与,根据动作猜单词。
A :Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English corner . It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight. My name is Mo junbo .You can just call me Ivan for convenience, and who standing beside me now is my partner Annabel.B:Thank you,Ivan . Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm honoured to be the host the in English corner tonight too. this is the first time for me to be a host since I came to nanguo.A:Yes, it's really a good chance for us,isn't it ?B:Yes. And both of us hope all of you have a nice time here. Well, our topic is something about ''New Year'' . we are going to have fun tonight , isn't it???!!A: Yeah,it's obvious that we are going to have fun . So what you have to do is enjoy yourselves and learn something from this activity.B:First of all,let`s give you a brief introduction of all the professors and teachers.They areA:We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the attendence of them.B:First of all,due to the New Year's theme,do you want to get familiar to our Chinese New Year?A:Certainly,Ok ,let's welcome Jecissca to give us presentation.8班PPT展示+提问环节A:Excellent,excellent!Jecissca,thank you so much!B: That's great!Although Chinese New Year and Spring Festival are dramatic,the foreign culture is different from Chinese ,and its New Year tradition isn't exception.So ,let's welcome----------to present the foreign New Year.7班ppt展示+提问环节A:Wa!Give them a big hand!Let's welcome another group to perform B:Welcome!7班第二次pptB:And now It’s the Fun time!,let`s welcome to address for us..A: Let`s give him/her a big hand !!猜单词B: Wow , what a wonderful performance ! You guys know a lot of thing about New Year’s day! Give yourself a hand!!A:Yes ,and we should also try to learn something beneficial from the performance.B :Right , but what is the next thing we should do?A: The next round that coming to us is a test for the intelligence.B:Really? what`s the game this time?A: We are going to next part. ----guess vocabulary! first,let's welcome Lura to give you a brief introduction of the game. ..猜歌词B:Wow, :Really amazing,right?A:Yes,as you can see, They are too smart to be defeated ,we really appreciate that.B:T hat’s right. we have been guessing so much vocabulary, what about guess some songs?A:O h, it’s really a good idea.B:We are going to give you guys some music ,and try to speak out the name of the song, ok?A:Ok. Hey,boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,are you ready ??!B: Let`s get it started. Music please!!(So,who like to come here?please raise your hand.)(what about XXX?)(we have prepare something special for the volunteer~)(Let`s give him/her a big hand.)(it’s a good opportunity for you to show yourself)Role Play 环节A:I can’t believed you guys know a lots of songs.!B: I can’t agree with y ou more, it’s beyond all praise.A: That’s right. And we are together here today to enjoy the time and improve ourselves in English. So what’s next?B: It would make you laugh your head off. It’s a drama called .---------.A: Wow,!let’s enjoy it.派红包B: After being involved in so many exciting programmes,I think you must have a lot of feelings to share with each other.A:Yes,it must be .And I want to share with you too.B:Ok~So, Can you write them down on the paper?A:Of course ,OH,I have another idea!B:What it is?A:我们来玩一个交换祝福游戏。
英语角开场白:男:Good evening,dear teachers and dear students,welcome to Our English Corner.女:With the holding of the English corner,we’ll find a platform to show our talents.and we can also improve our English ability.男:looking back on the course of our studies,we should say that our gain comes from our growing environment .女:So,let’s say thank you to our school,to all the teacher ,tto everybody who pays attention to our growth.男:Ok,first of all , let’s welcome the foreign teacher who come here today ,女:let’ s going to the excting monment.第一环节:心有灵犀In the first part , we call it Eye to eye.let’s get familiar with the rules first.seize 2 people in each group . One face to the screen and another back to the screen.the person who face the screan do the actons.and the other one gues the word on the screan .The group which guess the most is the winner. Pay attention please .the one who act can’t talk unless youspeak English.男:we prepare gifts for winner .but if you are not winner,you will get a punishment ----give us a performence or resite 15-20words in 2minutes.Now let’ begin!第二环节:男:now,let’s turn to the second part .----the simulation.first ,welcome to our foreion teacher to teach us some business English.Thank to our teacher ,ok ,let me introuduce the game rules .select two students in each group as enployees,the others to be the clamis examiners. If two peoplef from same group are enrolled by the companies.you are win again,and the clamis examiners will grant you the licences. Ok ,move!show女:Do you want to have a relax?now ,let’s welcome ***to sing a sang for us .女:welcome to the third part-----translation. each group have a flag,when the screen appear an English proverb,raise your flag as quickly as possible if you know the chinese meaning.第四环节;Boys and girls男:now ,there is the fourth part .this is the game rules. Divid girls and boys nto two groups ,select two people from each group by pass the flower to the music .the host asks an English question to the girl ,and girl answer it in English ,the boy translate it in chinese .vise versa .Using the same way to select two people from each group ,and I will appoint your realation .and in term of this realation and make a diolg,Show:here prepares a dance for all the you ,let’s welcome down.第五环节:女:this is the time for free talk,the topic is my ideal city or university .now begin!结束语:男:this is the time to say good bye ,thanks to everybody . 女:I think we must experience many and earn many from this English corner.see you next time。
幼儿园英语角英语演讲演讲内容:一、开场白•Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students. Today, I’m very excited to stand here and share withyou about our English Corner in kindergarten. My topic is “TheBenefits of English Corner in Kindergarten”.二、介绍幼儿园英语角•In the kindergarten, we have a special place called “English Corner” where we gather to learn and practice English. It is adesignated area decorated with colorful posters, flashcards, andbooks. We have a variety of activities that help us improve ourEnglish skills in a fun and interactive way.三、英语角的好处1. 提高口语表达能力•The English Corner provides us with a great opportunity to practice speaking English. We can communicate with our teachersand classmates in English, which helps to improve ourpronunciation and fluency. Through conversations and discussions, we can express our thoughts, share our ideas, and build confidence in using the language.2. 增加词汇量•By actively participating in English games, songs, and storytelling, we can learn new words and phrases. The EnglishCorner is filled with vocabulary flashcards and picture books,which make it easier for us to remember and understand the meaning of words.3. 培养听力技巧•Listening is an essential part of language learning. In the English Corner, we listen to English songs, stories, andconversations. This helps to improve our listening skills andtrain our ears to understand different accents and intonations.4. 增强阅读能力•In the English Corner, we have a wide selection of English storybooks and picture books. We can choose a book according toour preferences and read it aloud or silently. Reading not onlyenhances our reading comprehension skills but also exposes us todifferent sentence structures and writing styles.5. 培养兴趣和爱好•The English Corner provides a positive and engaging environment for us to develop a love for the English language. Through various activities such as role-plays, dramas, and projects, we candiscover our interests and talents in English. This helps tocreate a strong foundation for our future language learningjourney.四、我的英语角经历•I would like to share my personal experience in the English Corner.I have been attending the English Corner for the past year, and ithas made a significant impact on my English skills. I used to beshy and afraid of speaking in English, but through regularpractice and encouragement from my teachers and peers, I havegained confidence and now enjoy communicating in English.•In the English Corner, I have learned many new words, improved my pronunciation, and developed my listening and reading skills. Theteachers always make the activities interesting and interactive,which keeps me engaged and motivated to learn more. I have alsomade new friends who share the same passion for learning English.•One of my favorite activities in the English Corner isstorytelling. I love listening to stories and then retelling themto others. It not only improves my vocabulary but also stimulatesmy imagination and creativity. I feel proud when I cansuccessfully convey the message of a story in English.五、结语•In conclusion, the English Corner in kindergarten is a valuable resource for young learners like us. It provides a supportiveenvironment for us to practice and improve our English skills.Through various activities, we can enhance our speaking, listening, reading, and overall language abilities. I am grateful for theopportunity to be a part of the English Corner, and I encourageall my fellow students to actively participate and make the most of this wonderful learning space.•Thank you for your attention.。
外语系15级英教A班英语角主持稿A: Good evening,Ladies and Gentlemen!I am XXXB:Hello everyone ! I am XXX. Welcome to the Film world held by the English Corner.(对着B说)A: Hey, the English Corner is the brand project of School of the foreign languages department, as the host of this activity, I feel so proud.B:So am I !We come to the English Corner to make more friends, to practice our oral English and tonight, especially to learn some interesting film cultures and know more about classic movies.A: Thanks for all your coming! Now, I declare the English Corner officially start!B:Now, we will play a game to test how much we know about the classic film. Before the beginning of this game,I must remind everybody that you should speak English during the game.A:Now, we’ll begin the first game. I will say the movie name in English, and you should use your fastest speed to answer the movie belong to which state. This game adopt the score system. Name the right state will get 2 points, those who score highest will get huge prizes. Ready?(拉长音,等几秒) Titanic! 国家:美国American等回答B:Yes!A:To the youth (致青春)国家:中国China等回答B:You are right!A:Gone with the wind(乱世佳人)国家:美国American等回答B:Congratulations!A:Detective Sherlock(神探夏洛克)国家:英国Britain等回答B:Add two points !中间省略计分和赠送奖品B:Ok, everybody, after the interesting game, let’s move to the next part,do you know about Harry Potter? Harry Potter is my favorite movie .The movie about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous. Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties. Besides, I admire him having two good friends. They always help him and never leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are. I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end. Umm, what about you?(对A说)A:As for me, my favourite film is ‘King Kong. It talks about a chimp meets a girl acidently. He fall in love with that girl,But it’s caught by some bad guys. Finally he is killed by the government in order to save the girl. We had shared our favorite movie and what about you? Please share your favorite m. In this part, name the movies is about 1 point, while 4 points are for the movies names and main idea.省略各小组讨论,回答计分。
英语角主持稿范文男:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!It's the show time! 表演后女:Wow !What a wonderful Clapper talk!Thank you for thewonderful performance!Now (Well,Good evening),ladies and gentlemen,wele to our English Corner organized by XXXX(合) 。
It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight.My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.男:Thank you ,XXX。
Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Cornertonight .This is the first I've ever been a host since we came to Guangzhou Campus.女:Both of us hope all of you have a nice timehere.Well,As theposter shows,our topic is something about a movie named "A Story of Lala's Promotion",it's Chinese name is "杜拉拉升职记"。
This movie was very hot some days ago.I'm surethat almost everyone has watched it.男:So,first of all,please allow me to introduce the story.In this story...........(读稿)。
英语角活动开场语第一篇:英语角活动开场语开场语Good afternoon.my honored teachers and my fellow students.Welcome to our English corner.I am the host of today’s “English corner”.It’s a great pleasure for us to get together here.English Corner is one of the activities carried out by our English club.To improve your English level and practice your ability of communication is our main objective.Since some students think that English is so difficult and boring, we will try to make them understand that English is great fun for us.As we know, our English corner is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.Well, as the poster shows, our topic is sweet childhood.The image of childhood is like a paradise with warm sunshine, pretty flowers and many peaceful and joyful things in it.Today, I’d like you to share some of your sweet childhood memories with all of us and perhaps we could also find some familiar points.结束语Boys and girls, I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.But as you know, Time is always fleeting and I'm afraid our English Corner has come to the end.We hope all of you have learned something or make new friends here.We appreciate your splendid performance.That's so excellent that we don’t want to say Goodbye.But we have to say Goodbye now.See you next time! 第二篇:感恩节活动开场语感恩节活动开场语男:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的朋友们,大家晚上好!我是今晚的主持XX。
首先,让我们一起来唱一首欢快的英语歌曲吧!“Twinkle, twinkle, little star” 小朋友们,跟着老师一起唱,挥动你们的小手,像快乐的小鸟一样!唱完歌,咱们来玩一个有趣的游戏,叫做“水果大作战”。
最后,让我们一起大声说:“I love English!” 希望小朋友们在今后的每一天,都能开开心心地学习英语,让英语成为你们的好朋友!好啦,今天的英语角活动就到这里啦,小朋友们,下次再见咯!。
精心整理盛兴英语角英文主持稿R :Ladiesandgentlemen.R&X:WelcometoourEnglishCorner!LMN:尊敬的校领导,各位外宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好!X:Inordertoinspirethestudents ’interestinlearningEnglishandtoimproveourspokenEnglish,ourSchoolMinistr yofEducationandtheTeachingandResearchGroupofSeniorEnglishhavelaunchedtheEnglishCorner.They haveprovideduswithmoreopportunitiestopracticeourOralEnglishaswellasourrealcommunicativeskillsin apureEnglishlanguageenvironment.Ibelieveallthestudentswillappreciateyourconsideration.Thankyoual l.LMN:R:It ’X:LMN:R:X:特.Let R:’sw Game1【YouZhangming:“I ’manewstudenthere.Myparentsareworkinginourhometownveryfaraway.SofarIhaveonlyonefriendhere.Sheismydesk-mate.W heneverIcomeacrossaprobleminstudy,Iwillturntoherforhelp.Sheisverykindandpatient.Excepther,Idarenotaskanybodyelsequestions.I ’mnotgood atsomecoursesandI ’mafraidthatotherpeoplewilllaughatmeorteaseme.IhopethatIwillhavemanygoodfriendshereoneday,butwhoshouldItrustand makefriendswith?”Somestudentscomeontothestageandgatheraroundthelittlegirl.Theytalkwithher,sendhergifts,helphercarrytheschoolbag,makefacestoamuseher,et c.Finally,shesmilesandbegantolaughhappilywiththewords “I ’mveryhappywithsomanygoodfriends.”Theforeignteacher,(),comesontothestagetotelleverybodythetruthofrealfriendship –Friendshipisaboutsharing.Arealfriendissomeonewhomakesy ouhappy.X:Thanks,().Thankyoufortellingusthetruthoffriendship.Atthesametime,Ihaveaquestionforallofyou.Canyou preciselydescribewhatyourfriendlookslikeinEnglish?Now()isgoingtoplayagamewithustoseewhetherwe knowourfriendswell.Thegameiscalled‘FindYourFriend’.Welcome!Game2:Theforeignteacher(R)walksontothestagewith3or4picturesofdifferentfacestogetherwith3or4volunteers.He/sheasksthemtoholdthepicturesinfront ofthemselvestocovertheirfaces.Thenhe/sheallowsanother3or4studentstodescribewhattheirfriendslooklike.Aftereachdescription,theforeignteac heraskstheaudiencewhichonehis/herfriendis.Ifhe/shemakesit,he/shewillbeallowedtocomeontothestagetomakefriendswiththeoneholdingthepict ure.Whenthatfinishes,thehostorhostesscomestothestage.R:Haveyoufoundyourfriend?(Yes!!!/Notyet!!!)IfIamyourfriend,pleasetakemetoyourheart.Now,mydearfrie ingupnextisasongcalled“TakeMetoYourHeart”performedbyHeShuoandZhuJunxian.Let’senjo ythehappymomenttogether!LMN:如果我是你的朋友,那就请你把我留在你心中。
卢:(闻声而来)What a beautiful voice!(朝冯走去)Oh!What have I seen---a handsome boy!My name is B. What’s your name ?冯:My name is A. It is nice to know you,B!(两人握手示好)李:(出场)Well,well, well! B, what great progress you have made in singing!But there is a pretty girl who can sing much better than you!Come on, D!许:边唱边走出来。
四人站成一排合唱<<YESTERDAY ONCE MORE>>合:Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the English corner!冯:My name is A from Class 1717卢:My name is B from Class 1816李:My name is C from Class 1716许:My name is D from Class 1808合:We are the presenters of the English corner!卢:As we all know, English is very important. English as a world language, learning English well can help us build a bridge to communicate with the world冯:and enable children to gain language advantages in learning and future work, in the face of examinations and job applicants are also more confident.李:Learning English can help us learn more knowledge and culture.冯:Learning English can make us walk freely in every country on the earth.许:As a first language, English can also help us learn more knowledgeand culture from other countries.卢:English corner is an interesting and meaningful activity!李:There will be colorful performances, games, dialogues and so on,this activities can make students have an interest in learning English,and open up new ways of learning English.许:Hope you can speak English freely and bravely here, just show yourselves.冯:Our activity theme is---Don’t be shy!Just try!Practice Makes Perfect!许:so first, let’s enjoy the show from guitar club!结束语卢:Happy time always passes quickly. Do you feel happy toninght?许:Hope you can love English so more from tonight on.冯:Never stop your way to learn English, just speak English as much as possible,everyday! 李:Let’s look forward to the next happy time!合:Goodbye, everyone!。
英语角主持稿男:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!It's the show time!表演后女:Wow !What a wonderful Clapper talk!Thank you for the wonderful performance!Now (Well,Good evening),ladies and gentlemen,welcome to our English Corner organized by XXXX(合)。
It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight.My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.男:Thank you ,XXX。
Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Corner tonight .This is the first I've ever been a host since we came to Guangzhou Campus.女:Both of us hope all of you have a nice time here.Well,As the poster shows,our topic is something about a movie named "A Story of Lala's Promotion",it's Chinese name is "杜拉拉升职记"。
This movie was very hot some days ago.I'm sure that almost everyone has watched it.男:So,first of all,please allow me to introduce the story.In this story...........(读稿)。
英语角主持稿(合集五篇)第一篇:英语角主持稿1.开场致辞Singles Day is coming soon,Zowie,have u been away from single life.泽君,你脱单了吗?No,I haven't thought about it.Singles Day has come to mean something different.It's a day for online shopping.Yeah,Since online shopping makes the purchase more convenient, my mother never bothers to go shopping on a rainy day or feel footsore after a whole day walking.It is certain that online shopping diversifies(多样化)our choices, offers us the best price and saves time in a sense.However, we must admit that most people who shop online are always browsing(随意翻阅)something that is not in their budget(预算)总是看些自己买不起的东西and wasting hours even money without awareness.In order to benefit from online shopping instead of been ruined by it, I suggest that each one of the online shoppers,self-control and make every minute and every penny count.2.逗笑(Make me smile)Come on kelly,lets have some fun.each 2 one group and back to back ,u guys need to turn around after 3 numbers and then use everything u have to make him laugh.两人一组(最好是异性),背靠背,在泽君数3个数之后立刻转身逗对方笑,Loser is the one who smiles first.Winner有奖励,Loser will be punished!Yep!Lets begin~(.........)OK,congratulations!恭喜获胜者,奖励会是什么呢~~~ You will know~ Losers!please put u hands up ,(...)good,i need u to praise ur partner with some Gorgeous words(handsome, fascinating,attractive,cute ,incredible and so on)你们要用华丽的话真诚地赞美你的搭档,英文30s,用中文的话要持续1分钟,and the same time ,winners!these are what u got.3.嘉宾表演NEXT, I have the honor to introduce a great dancer to you....HER NAME is XXX, Come on XXX,show something to us~(...)What a wondeful performance You’re very professional.Thank u.There is another person, a nice raper and also a great Bboxer.Welcome XXX ,hu ~~~~(...)Wow,such an amazing show.Thank u XXX.4.唠嗑Next Wednesday is Eleven.eleven,The Singles,especially for the boys,Are u ready to get rid of ur single life?Maybe you should check what music is playing.Why do i say that,a research give the answer.First the researchers found a guy who was rated average looking ——that means he has a normal face.Then that average guy talked about a couple of food products with 87 different women, aged 18 to 20.But before the conversation, half the women heard a romantiTc French love song,The other half heard a normal song.After talking, the guy asked for each girl‘s phone number.Only 28 percent of the women who heard the normal song gave out their info.But 52 percent of the women who listened to the love song said yes.So maybe, guys, you should wait for a romantic music before making your move.首先,研究人员找来一个被一组妇女认定是长相一般的男人。
主持英语角的开场白【篇一:英语角主持稿】planning book of may 17th english corner (mothers day)Ⅰ主持(修改版)支持人:陈妍(dona)石紫娜()主持人a:主持人b:支持稿:-a:good evening,ladies and gentlemen!女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!-b:good evening,respectable leaders and teachers尊敬的领导和老师,大家晚上好!-a、b:warmly welcome to our english corner热烈欢迎大家来到英语角-a:i am-b:i am-a:the subject is mothers day.do you know the history of the mothers day?这次活动的主题是母亲节!嘿,紫娜。
你知道母亲节的来历吗?-b:um..., i dunno. thats what im counting on. spill.um...,我不晓得啊。
-a:let me tell you, combined with the screen.让我来结合屏幕告诉你吧!in 1907, anna m. jarvis (1864-1948), a philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to set up a national mothers day in honor of her mother1907年,安娜米贾维斯(1864 - 1948),一位费城教师,开始一场运动来建立一个全国性的母亲节纪念她的母亲。
-b:oh, i see something like this would be a thing ah!哦,我明白了,原来是这样一会事啊!-a:carnations are the most popular on mothers day.a bouquet of carnations, the words mother, you have worked hard to allow the mothers cheeks will be able to re-split broad smiles on their faces!康乃馨是母亲节最受欢迎的花。
英语角主持串词 (2)
1,A:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!2.A+B:Wellcome to our English coner tonight!3,B;Good evening,boys and girls,ladys and gentlement. welcome to our English Corner organized by ENGLISH HOBBYIST CULB. It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.4,A: :Thank you ,Baby. Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Corner tonight .This is the first time I've ever been a host since I came to Campus. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests, ** and **. Welcome !大家掌声欢迎!5,B:Thank you ,Mr xxx. TO start with,we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part is communicating with your partners,there are three topics,the first topic is HOMETOWN,the next one is about The difference between senior high school and university.and the last one is What Extracurricular Activities Have You Participated In?6,A:meanwhile, the other part is playing games including (just do it察言绘形,,brain twists)and make a guess).What's more,the third part is singing a song. OK,everybody. Let’s get into the first topic-our hometown,as we all know ,students in our university come from all over the country.But the hometown is always in our mind.Let others know more about your hometown,the culture,the Specialities ,and the customs?7,B:It's the show time!and we hope all of you can enjoy youself!8,A:COME ON ,DON’T BE SH Y!(中间部分)9.B:Now,boys and girls ,let’s play a game,we can named it(just do it察言绘形. Let’s welcome my partner ** to make an exemple.welcome!掌声欢迎)~~~~10,A:well ,thank you **,now,Let’s have a try!Who want to have a try!come here!please!11,A What a lovely game it i s:OK.Boys and girls,let's get into another topic about the differences between the life of the senior school and university.University is a paradise?And senior high school is a hell?As a freshman,what do you think of the difference between senior high school and university?now!Share with us!12..B: Have you attention ,please!the next game is right here waiting for us.有请***帮我们介绍一下第一个游戏的具体玩法next game is brain twist.13.A: Well,the last topic is What Extracurricular Activities Have You Participated In?Gradually,we realize that we have more chances to develop our interests since we came to theuniversity!Now, let’s shar e what kind of activities you have joined in ,or what organizationyou are working for?14,B: After the topic I believe that we know more about each other. Then let’s have a break and play a game, ,我猜我猜我猜猜we call it(make a guess)Be active!15,A:Fatanstic,ladies and gentlemen,the English Corner tonight will come to the end after an English song.I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.We hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.now,let’s sing a song,yesterday once more!music please!16.B:what an exciting song! .Ladies and gentlemen,It's our great honoured to share the night with all of you.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.let’s look forward to the next week’s English coner. Good night and good luck!See you next week!17.A:See you!。
联谊英语角主持稿开场:(男)Hello, my dear friends, welcome to our English corner tonight! It is my great honor to be your host tonight, my name is Chris!(女)And I’m Margaret!(合)Welcome everyone!介绍活动意义;(男)My friends, at such a beautiful night, we come here to share our friendship and happiness. And it must be a special night. It is the first time for all our four campuses to sit together, talk together, and enjoy the charm of English together!(女) 是啊,朋友们,今晚注定是一个不平凡的一夜,因为这是第一次我们四个校区欢聚于校本部一堂,畅谈友谊,共享英语为我们带来的乐趣!让我们欢迎各个校区的朋友们的到来!(喊:你们在哪里?)(男) Tonight, we have wonderful shows to perform and games to play. And I’m sure everyone will enjoy himself!(女) 今晚,我们将会为大家奉献精彩的表演,同时我们也会进行一些好玩有趣的游戏环节,我们相信它们会为大家带来无穷的乐趣!(游戏)生命之圈(男)Ok, now let’s play our first game tonight, the game’s name is”Circle of Live”, a very exciting and interesting game. Group members join together to form a circle, arms in arms. And then everyone begins to walk toward the centre, but you should try to keep the circle complete as possible as you can. Finally, the group who can remain the perfect circle will be the winner. For better understanding, Margaret, will you please introduce the game rules in Chinese?(女)好的,没问题。
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ENGLISH CONERK:Attention please! Our party is around the corner ,please set your cellphone in a silent mode .thank you.(START)K:(zhenzi)welcome to our English corner……S: Hey kitty!K: Yeah?S: Don’t pretend any more.K:Ok.S: Good eve, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our English corner. It’s my great honor to be one of the hostesses tonight. I’m Shara .K: I’m Kitty.S: Kitty, How are you today?K:I didn’t feel well this morning, but now I am very excited. Because tonight is the time for our English corner. I am looking forward to it.S: Yeah, so do I. At the beginning, Let’s welcome our honored guest’s attending! Welcome claier and our foreign friend Joe!Thanks for your coming!K: I sincerely hope all of you can enjoy yourself tonight and practice your English !Don’t be shy , just follow us!S:Oh, Kitty ,do you like Halloween ? K:yeah, of cource. But I don’t exactly know it.S:Don’t worry ,tonight ,our English corner will compeletely show you the charm of Halloween ,now,ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy a video of Modern Family.(The first free talk)S:Wow,that boy’s parents are quite funny……and also frightening.OK, after watching the video ,I think all of you must have various thoughts about Halloween .now ,it’s time for our first free talk!K:Q1:Do you like Halloween ? why or why not?S:Q2:would you mind your friends playing tricks on you by the way in the video ,and why?Now , you can say anything you want ,you can discuss with your partner or discuss in a group.K: we’ll go down and discuss with you too, and then we’ll choose some of you to share your opinions. OK, let’s start it!K:Excuse me ,time’s up.Now I’ll invite some of you to share your opinions. Any volunteers?S:Don’t be shy !please be actively ,we will have surprising gifts for you.(……)S:OK, thank you for every studentssharing, as we know that American people celebrate Halloween in their own way, and I think all of you are curious about it, so now, please welcome JOE ,from Amarica ,to share us his opinions and his experiences.(……)(Kitty go down)S:OK,thank you JOE!(THE PHONE RING)S:Hello?K:Shara! Have you receive the phone call of our school vocal club?S: Ahh , no .K: They’ve been ready to sing a song! Come on! It ’s call me maybe! Come back quickly, or you will miss it!S:Oh oh! OK, I’ll be back soon.So call me maybe!(SING)(GO DOWN)(FINISH)(The second free talk)S:and this is crazy~ but here’s my number~ so call me maybe~~(SING)K:……(stare at S )S:sorry.K:Thanks for the vocal club’s excellent performance,(PAUSE)When we talk about Halloween , I think a traditional words will occur to you, That is “trick or treat”S:maybe some of you will be curious about what is “trick or treat”,but don’t worry,the following video will give you the answer.(……)S:The little angry bird is finally revenged, Oh……how poor he is!In fact,trick or treat is a traditional custom in Halloween, children will dress up in costume and go from door to door to ask for candies,ladies and gentlemen ,let’s start the second free talk!K:Q1:If you can take part in “trick or treat”, when you’re unable to get the candies. How would you trick the host?S:Q2:At spring festival ,Chinese children will ask the adults for pocket money.So compared with “trick or treat”,which one do you like better?K:now let’s start the discussion!(……)(GAME TIME)K:After talking for long time,I think you might be fed up with it.Why not play a game?S:oh it’s the game time?K:yes!Any volunteers? Who is will to play a game ? Come on! We have rich gifts for you!(……)S:the game’s rule is :In 2 minutes, participants should blow the balloons, tie them up and write “Halloween” on it, who can finish the most , who is the winner. Every participant’s balloons can’t be much smaller than the model , otherwise it will not be counted.K:游戏规则:每位参赛者有若干个气球,在两分钟时间内,将气球吹好,扎口并用油性笔在气球上写好Halloween,完成最多者为胜者。
(……)(The third free talk)S:Thank you for your joining! Our staffs will sent you the presents later. (face the audience)Do you still remember the angry bird’s costume in the video?(No~~~~)Well ,it doesn’t matter ,let’s look at the screen ,there are some characters on it, maybe some will scare you ,but with these pictures, here comes our third free talk.K:Our question is :Among the character in Halloween ,which one you will choose to act, and why?(……)(ENDING)K:Thank you for all of you guys .I think English corner is really a good opportunity to practice our English ,and the ending is approaching. now please allow me to invite Claier to give us an ending speech. S:thanks for Claier. Definitely her speech is a wonderful summary for our part. But……wait wait wait ,at the end,we will choose a lucky number,and the one who holds the lucky number will have the big big surprise from us!(……)K:congratulate for the lucky dog !but happy time is fleeting and I’m afraid we have to say goodbye.S:We sincerely hope that you can learn sth about Halloween,and make some new friends tonight.K:ladies and gentlemen, let us thanks for our guests, Claier and JOE’s attending once again.(Aplause) And thanks for your joiningS:ladies and gentlemen,T:See you next time!(请同学们在工作人员的指引下有序离场,……)。