How to Analyze Your Tolerance Results
Tolerance Analysis Introduction
We also sketched the GAP segment as a resultant vector with a direction.
2: Creating the Loop Diagram
1. Establish the design 2. Create loop diagram requirement 3. Convert tolerances to 4. Determine be bilateral symmetric TA method 5. Apply the TA 6. Adjustn Requirement
Blocks must be able to assemble into slot.
Blocks shouldn’t be too loose.
Assembly GAP ≤ 0.5
2: Creating the Loop Diagram
Tolerance Analysis Introduction
Hi-P R&D Team Creation date: 3 Jun, 2010 Modification date: Edition:R1
This is to illustrate how to use tolerance analysis as a tool to ensure that a product meets its mass production requirements and customer expectations for component assembly, product appearance, and product performance.
We focus on linear stack up analysis.
(FPG)的 升 高 ,体 重 指数 (BMI)、腰 围(WC)、三 酰 甘 油 (TG)、空 腹 胰 岛 素 (FINS)、2 h PG 逐 步上 升 ,与 FPG均具 有 统计 学 意 义 (P<0.05),但 6.1 mmol/L ̄<FPG<7.0 mmol/L组 与 5.6 mmol/L≤FPG<6.1
Yancheng City No.1 People s Hospital in Jiangsu Province from January 2008 to January 2009 were selected as the
study subjects.The subjects were divided into four groups according to the fasting blood sugar leve1.Basic physical examination and the oral glucose tolerance test were conducted and the 2-hour plasma glucose (2 h PC)was men- sured.The homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR)and the homeostasis model assessment islet beta-cell function(HOMA-B)were calculated using the homeostasis model assessment(HOMA).The relationship
稳态模 式 评 估 法 (HOMA)计 算 稳态模 式 评 估 胰 岛素抵 抗 指数 (HOMA—IR)、胰 岛 B一细 胞功 能稳 态 模 型评 估
zemax 光学设计 公差分析 结果进行分析
第 1 页 共 17 页翻译说明: 英文原文在中文后,对中文有疑议可参阅原文.本人尽量保证译文的准确, 但不对因译文翻译错误造成的任何问题,损害负责. -- iip@ ZEMAX 用户知识库 - /kb 如何对光学设计的公差分析结果进行分析 /kb/articles/109/1/How-to-Analyze-Your-ToleranceResults/Page1.html 丹 希尔 2006 年 6 月 19 日发布 很多情况下,对于公差进行详细的翻译是有用的.在 Zemax 的公差分析中, 你可以保存每个蒙特卡罗样本的结果或者在敏感分析方法的时候针对每个公差 的改变进行逐一的保存变化了文件.本文就是告诉你如何使用这一方法的. 介绍 Zemax 提供一个内置的公差分析的功能,你可以用它对你光学系统进行全面 和精确的公差分析. 虽然,Zemax 在计算每个公差的时候是"暗箱操作",但 Zemax 还是给了你 可以了解一些更详细的信息办法. 这里有两种不同的方式可以用来在 Zemax 计算时保存中间的结果. 第一种方法是在公差数据编辑器中输入公差控制的操作符 SAVE,就可以在 每个你想监控的公差变化后进行标记. 比如假设你有个公差操作符 TEDX(元件公差对于 X 的偏心),在进行敏感 分析后,结果你很不满意.因此,你可以通过在公差数据编辑器在 TEDX 操作符 后添加 SAVE 命令.在下次公差分析运行的时候,Zemax 将会保存一个 TEDX 公差 变化时的 zmx 文件,这样你就可以随后进行分析和浏览了. 设置 SAVE 公差控制操作符的方法 为了演示, 我们用一个单透镜来看对于 X 轴的倾斜的变化将会如何影响一个 系统的 RMS 点半径. 文件: Single Element Lens.ZMX (在文章的最后)(译者:相关文件在 zemax 网站上可以下载) TETX 是控制元件在 X 轴倾斜量的公差操作符.在这个例子中,我们设置环 绕 X 轴+/- 0.5 度的倾角误差.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 2 页 共 17 页在公差分析中按照如下进行设置 (注意设置同轴焦距为调节参数):在使用敏感分析的时候,我们可以看到由于 TETX 设置的变化,光学系统质 量 RMS 点半径变化的情况.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 3 页 共 17 页在这个例子中,倾斜并没对 RMS 点半径有过多的影响,但是我们还是可以通 过保存的 zmx 文件了解更多的公差信息. 在公差数据编辑器在 TETX 下边,插入 SAVE 公差控制操作符.SAVE 命令允许你通过指定 "File#"参数的方法指定要保存的文件号码. 文件会保存为 TSAV_MIN_xxxx.ZMX 和 TSAV_MAX_xxxx.ZMX 文件, 分别对应着最小 公差和最大公差的情况.在这个例子中 SAVE 的参数设置为 5,因此最小公差文 件名将是 TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX. 注意,文件将保存在当前镜头文件的目录中. 再一次运行公差分析,SAVE 命令将运行并保存适当的公差文件.(译者: 我的 Zemax 版本比较早,SVAE 命令只能保存一个最大公差文件.) 在公差分析结束后,就可以打开 TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX 文件,你会发现镜头数 据编辑器里面的设置有了变化.为了使元件能相对于 X 轴进行倾斜,Zemax 插入 了一对儿坐标分离面(Coordinate Break Surfaces)和一些 solves 来实现倾斜 的结构.Zemax 还会添加注释对改变进行描述.可注意到对于第 6 面有个求边缘 光线高度的参数,这正是我们使用同轴焦点作为补偿参数的结果.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 4 页 共 17 页这样,我们就可以很清晰的了解 zemax 是怎么实现我们对公差的要求的了. 更重要的是我们能通过这个对我们感兴趣的结构进行分析. 另外,在保存的文件中,我们还能通过查看价值函数得到 RMS 点半径标准. 这个标准正是在公差分析输出的结果采用的数据!单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 5 页 共 17 页保存蒙特卡罗公差样本文件 就像 SAVE 公差控制操作符用的一样,你可以在蒙特卡罗测试的时候保存每 个测试的结构和结果.这个功能就存在于公差分析的对话框中.在对话框最上部 分.你可以设置你想运行多少个蒙特卡罗样本,同样也可以输入你需要保存多少 个蒙特卡罗样本的 zmx 文件供随后分析使用. (译者:不同的 Zemax 版本公差分析对话框的布局不同)单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 6 页 共 17 页保存蒙特卡罗样本的好处同使用 SAVE 类似,而且由于蒙特卡罗样本是同时 考虑了所有误差条件都存在的情况下,镜头的变化情况,因此你可以通过对某个 样本进行分析,并修改其中的一些参数进行研究. 蒙特卡罗样本的 zemax 文件和原文件同样保存在一个目录中, 文件名是类似 MC_T000x.zmx. 这里是从 1 到最大指定的需要保存的蒙特卡罗样本文件的数量. x单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 7 页 共 17 页在多数情况下,你并不需要一个一个的去了解蒙特卡罗样本,有时候仅仅通 过公差分析结果你就能了解那几个蒙特卡罗样本文件是需要你最后仔细关注:总结和参考 对光学系统公差分析最重要的是,你需要了解结果的意义.有时候一个公差 或者蒙特卡罗样本会出现可疑的结果,这就需要你进一步的分析.SAVE 操作符 和在公差对话框中保存蒙特卡罗样本可以有效的帮助你解决这些问题. 参考资料 ZEMAX 光学设计程序用户手册, ZEMAX Development Corporation单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 8 页 共 17 页ZEMAX Users' Knowledge Base - /kb How to Analyze Your Tolerance Results /kb/articles/109/1/How-to-Analyze-Your-ToleranceResults/Page1.html By Dan Hill Published on 19 June 2006 Many times it is useful to analyze your tolerances in detail. In ZEMAX's tolerance analysis, you may save the tolerance results for each Monte Carlo file, or you may save each tolerance in the sensitivity analysis indidvidually in ZEMAX file format. This article describes how to take a closer look at what ZEMAX does internally to model each and every tolerance in your design. Introduction ZEMAX offers a built-in tolerancing feature which you may use to perform a complete and accurate tolerance analysis of your optical system. Although ZEMAX performs the calculation of each tolerance "behind the scenes," ZEMAX also gives you the option to view what it is doing more closely; the operation of the tolerance feature is not always transparent. There are two different methods to saving the modifications that ZEMAX made to your lens file to calculate the change in criteria as a function of the specified tolerance(s). The first option may be defined in the Tolerance Data Editor as a tolerance control operand. The SAVE tolerance control operand can be used after any tolerance you would like to inspect in more detail. For example, suppose that you had a tolerance operand TEDX (tolerance on element decenter in X) in the Tolerance Data Editor. After reviewing the resulting sensitivity analysis, the results did not appear to make sense. As a result, you may edit the Tolerance Data Editor by adding a SAVE command after the TEDX operand. The next time the tolerance analysis is run, ZEMAX will save the file used to compute the TEDX tolerance, which you may view as a ZEMAX lens file.Applying the SAVE Tolerance Control Operand To demonstrate, consider a single element for which you would like to know how the RMS Spot Radius changes for a tilt tolerance about the X axis.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 9 页 共 17 页FILE:Single Element Lens.ZMX (attached to last page of article)TETX is the operand for tolerance on element tilt about the X axis. In this case, the single element has a tilt tolerance of +/- 0.5 degrees.Running the tolerance with the following settings (note that Paraxial Focus is set as the compensator):In the Sensitivity Analysis of the tolerance output, we can see the criteria value as well as the change in criteria as a function of our TETX tolerance.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识. -- iip@第 10 页 共 17 页In this case, the tilt did not affect the RMS Spot Radius very much, but we can review what ZEMAX has done more closely by saving the file ZEMAX internally constructed to perform this perturbation. In the Tolerance Data Editor, under the TETX line, insert a SAVE tolerance control operand.The SAVE command allows you to save the previous tolerance to a ZEMAX Lens File with the specified "File #." A file will be saved for both the maximum and minimum tolerance. The file names will be TSAV_MIN_xxxx.ZMX and TSAV_MAX_xxxx.ZMX for the min and max tolerance analysis, respectively, where xxxx is the integer number specified in the Int1单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识. -- iip@第 11 页 共 17 页column. In this case, the integer number is 5, so the minimum tolerance file will be TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX. Note that the saved file is saved intothe same directory as the current lens file.Run the tolerance analysis once more with the SAVE operand in place (use the same tolerance settings). Once the analysis is complete, open the TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX file from the appropriate directory. Note the modifications made to the Lens Data Editor. To tilt the element about the X axis, ZEMAX inserted a pair of Coordinate Break Surfaces with the appropriate solves and values. ZEMAX even places text in the Comment column to indicate which tolerance each surface represents. Also note the marginal ray height solve on surface 6. Remember, we chose to have Paraxial Focus as our compensator when performing the tolerance analysis!单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 12 页 共 17 页With this capability, we can clearly review what ZEMAX has done to ensure any given tolerance is performed the way we expect. Most importantly, we can thoroughly investigate any tolerance which we find to produce curious results. In the saved file, it is also possible to review the merit function which ZEMAX constructed to evaluate the RMS Spot Radius criteria. The Merit Function Value is equivalent to the criteria value reported in the tolerance output:单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 13 页 共 17 页Saving Monte Carlo Tolerance Files Much like the SAVE tolerance control operand (which is useful for evaluating one tolerance at a time), you may also save each individual Monte Carlo file generated during the tolerance analysis. This option exists in the Tolerancing dialog. In the top-most portion of the dialog, you may choose to specify how many Monte Carlo runs to perform as well as how many of these Monte Carlo files you would like to save for viewing after the analysis is complete.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 14 页 共 17 页The benefits to saving the Monte Carlo files are the same to that of the SAVE tolerance control operand. However, the Monte Carlo analysis simulates the effect of all perturbations simultaneously. Thus, the saved files will contain the modified Lens Data Editor with possibly many changes/additions (depending upon the number of tolerance operands you have for your system). Saved Monte Carlo files are also saved to the directory of the nominal lens file and any number of Monte Carlo files may be saved. The lens files are named MC_T000x.zmx, where x is the value 1 through the maximum number of specified Monte Carlo files to be saved.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 15 页 共 17 页In most cases, it isn't necessary or desirable to review each individual saved Monte Carlo file. You may use the Monte Carlo Analysis output to help pick out any specific trial that you would like to later review in ZEMAX format:单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@第 16 页 共 17 页Summary and References When tolerancing and optical system, it is very important that you analyze and understand the results of the tolerance analysis. Sometimes, a certain tolerance or Monte Carlo run might produce suspicious results, requiring further in-depth analysis. The SAVE tolerance control operand and the ability to save Monte Carlo files make this job much easier and give you full access to what ZEMAX has done to the compute the tolerance analysis.单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识. -- iip@第 17 页 共 17 页REFERENCES ZEMAX Optical Design Program User's Guide, ZEMAX Development Corporation单纯的下载和保存,并不能掌握知识.-- iip@。
ZEMAX 中如何进行公差分析
ZEMAX Users' Knowledge Base - /kbHow to Analyze Your Tolerance Results/kb/articles/109/1/How-to-Analyze-Your-Tolerance-Results/Page1.html By Dan HillPublished on 19 June 2006Many times it is useful to analyze your tolerances in detail. In ZEMAX's tolerance analysis, you may save the tolerance results for each Monte Carlo file, or you may save each tolerance in the sensitivity analysis indidvidually in ZEMAX file format. This article describes how to take a closer look at what ZEMAX does internally to model each and every tolerance in your design.IntroductionZEMAX offers a built-in tolerancing feature which you may use to perform a complete and accurate tolerance analysis of your optical system.Although ZEMAX performs the calculation of each tolerance “behind the scenes,” ZEMAX also gives you the option to view what it is doing more closely; the operation of the tolerance feature is not always transparent.There are two different methods to saving the modifications that ZEMAX made to your lens file to calculate the change in criteria as a function of the specified tolerance(s).The first option may be defined in the Tolerance Data Editor as a tolerance control operand. The SAVE tolerance control operand can be used after any tolerance you would like to inspect in more detail. For example, suppose that you had a tolerance operand TEDX (tolerance on element decenter in X) in the Tolerance Data Editor. After reviewing the resulting sensitivity analysis, the results did not appear to make sense.As a result, you may edit the Tolerance Data Editor by adding a SAVE command after the TEDX operand. The next time the tolerance analysis is run, ZEMAX will save the file used to compute the TEDX tolerance, which you may view as a ZEMAX lens file.Applying the SAVE Tolerance Control OperandTo demonstrate, consider a single element for which you would like to know how the RMS Spot Radius changes for a tilt tolerance about the X axis.TETX is the operand for tolerance on element tilt about the X axis. In this case, the single element has a tilt tolerance of +/- 0.5 degrees.Running the tolerance with the following settings (note that Paraxial Focus is set as the compensator):FILE:Single Element Lens.ZMX (attached to last page of article)2011In the Sensitivity Analysis of the tolerance output, we can see the criteria value as well as the change in criteria as a function of our TETX tolerance.In this case, the tilt did not affect the RMS Spot Radius very much, but we can review what ZEMAX has done more closely by saving the file ZEMAX internally constructed to perform this perturbation.In the Tolerance Data Editor, under the TETX line, insert a SAVE tolerance control operand.2011The SAVE command allows you to save the previous tolerance to a ZEMAX Lens File with the specified “File #.” A file will be saved for both the maximum and minimum tolerance. The file names will be TSAV_MIN_xxxx.ZMX and TSAV_MAX_xxxx.ZMX for the min and max tolerance analysis, respectively, where xxxx is the integer number specified in the Int1 column. In this case, the integer number is 5, so the minimum tolerance file will be TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX. Note that the saved file is saved into the same directory as the current lens file. Run the tolerance analysis once more with the SAVE operand in place (use the same tolerance settings).Once the analysis is complete, open the TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX file from the appropriatedirectory. Note the modifications made to the Lens Data Editor. To tilt the element about the X axis, ZEMAX inserted a pair of Coordinate Break Surfaces with the appropriate solves and values. ZEMAX even places text in the Comment column to indicate which tolerance each surface represents. Also note the marginal ray height solve on surface 6. Remember, wechose to have Paraxial Focus as our compensator when performing the tolerance analysis! With this choice, ZEMAX compensates for tolerance perturbations by moving the imagesurface in such a way that the perturbed system has the same amount of paraxial defocus as the original system. Thus, the marginal ray height solve on surface 6 brings surface 7 to paraxial focus, and the thickness of surface 7 maintains the paraxial defocus present in the original system.2011With this capability, we can clearly review what ZEMAX has done to ensure any given tolerance is performed the way we expect. Most importantly, we can thoroughly investigate any tolerance which we find to produce curious results.In the saved file, it is also possible to review the merit function which ZEMAX constructed to evaluate the RMS Spot Radius criteria. The Merit Function Value is equivalent to the criteria value reported in the tolerance output:2011Saving Monte Carlo Tolerance FilesMuch like the SAVE tolerance control operand (which is useful for evaluating one tolerance at a time), you may also save each individual Monte Carlo file generated during the tolerance analysis. This option exists in the Tolerancing dialog. In the top-most portion of the dialog, you may choose to specify how many Monte Carlo runs to perform as well as how many of these Monte Carlo files you would like to save for viewing after the analysis is complete.The benefits to saving the Monte Carlo files are the same to that of the SAVE tolerance control2011operand. However, the Monte Carlo analysis simulates the effect of all perturbationssimultaneously. Thus, the saved files will contain the modified Lens Data Editor with possibly many changes/additions (depending upon the number of tolerance operands you have for your system).Saved Monte Carlo files are also saved to the directory of the nominal lens file and any number of Monte Carlo files may be saved. The lens files are named MC_T000x.zmx, where x is the value 1 through the maximum number of specified Monte Carlo files to be saved.In most cases, it isn ’t necessary or desirable to review each individual saved Monte Carlo file. You may use the Monte Carlo Analysis output to help pick out any specific trial that you would like to later review in ZEMAX format:2011Summary and ReferencesWhen tolerancing and optical system, it is very important that you analyze and understand the results of the tolerance analysis. Sometimes, a certain tolerance or Monte Carlo run might produce suspicious results, requiring further in-depth analysis. The SAVE tolerance control operand and the ability to save Monte Carlo files make this job much easier and give you full access to what ZEMAX has done to the compute the tolerance analysis.REFERENCESZEMAX Optical Design Program User's Guide, ZEMAX Development Corporation2011。
良好的投资建议英文作文英文,Investing wisely is essential for securing financial stability and achieving long-term goals. In this essay, I will provide some sound investment advice that can help individuals make informed decisions and maximize their returns.First and foremost, diversification is key. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, spread your investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This strategy helps mitigate risk because if one investment underperforms, others may compensate for the losses. For example, during times of economic downturn, stocks may decline in value, but bonds or real estate investments might remainrelatively stable.Secondly, consider the power of compounding. Reinvesting your earnings can significantly boost your returns over time. By allowing your investments to grow andgenerate additional income, you can accelerate the wealth-building process. Take, for instance, a scenario where you invest in dividend-paying stocks. Instead of cashing out the dividends, reinvest them to purchase more shares. Over the years, this compounding effect can result in substantial wealth accumulation.Furthermore, it's crucial to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. Don't blindly follow trends or rely solely on tips from others. Take the time to analyze the fundamentals of each investment opportunity and assess its potential for growth. As the saying goes, "Do your homework." For instance, if you're considering investing in a particular company, delve into its financial statements, management team, competitive advantage, and market trends to gauge its long-term prospects accurately.Moreover, don't let emotions dictate your investment choices. Fear and greed can lead to irrational decisions and impulsive actions. Stay disciplined and stick to your investment strategy, even during periods of marketvolatility. Remember the famous quote by Warren Buffett, "Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." This mindset can help you capitalize on opportunities when others panic and sell off their investments at undervalued prices.Additionally, regularly review and adjust your investment portfolio as needed. Economic conditions, market trends, and personal financial goals may change over time, necessitating modifications to your investment strategy. Periodically rebalance your portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your risk tolerance and objectives. As life circumstances evolve, so should your investment approach.In conclusion, investing wisely requires a combination of strategic planning, research, and discipline. By diversifying your portfolio, harnessing the power of compounding, conducting thorough research, controlling your emotions, and regularly reviewing your investments, you can enhance your financial well-being and achieve your long-term goals.中文,明智的投资对于确保财务稳定和实现长期目标至关重要。
First, prepare the culture medium and reagents required for the biochemical sensitivity test.2.从实验对象中取得葡萄球菌的样本。
Obtain a sample of Staphylococcus from the test subject.3.将葡萄球菌培养在含有营养物质的琼脂平板上。
Culture the Staphylococcus on a nutrient-rich agar plate.4.将平板放入孵育箱中,使葡萄球菌在37°C下培养24小时。
Place the plate in an incubator and culture the Staphylococcus at 37°C for 24 hours.5.从培养好的葡萄球菌中挑出一些细菌,进行药敏试验。
Pick some bacteria from the cultured Staphylococcus for sensitivity testing.6.在含有不同抗生素的药敏试验培养基上涂抹葡萄球菌样本。
Streak the Staphylococcus sample onto sensitivity testing medium containing different antibiotics.7.将培养基板放置在孵育箱中,培养葡萄球菌对抗生素的敏感性。
Place the culture plates in an incubator to culture the sensitivity of Staphylococcus to antibiotics.8.检查培养基上是否出现抑菌圈,记录葡萄球菌对各种抗生素的敏感性。
Check for inhibition zones on the culture plates andrecord the sensitivity of Staphylococcus to various antibiotics.9.根据抗生素的敏感性结果,选择合适的治疗药物。
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. It is my great honor to stand before you today and share with you some thoughts on the journey of college life. As we embark on this new chapter in our lives, it is crucial to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Today, I would like to discuss the importance of personal growth, the value of diversity, and the pursuit of knowledge in the college environment.First and foremost, college is a period of personal growth. It is a time when we transition from adolescence to adulthood, and our perspectives begin to broaden. As we leave the comfort of our familiar surroundings and enter the college campus, we are exposed to a myriad of experiences that can shape our character and values.One of the key aspects of personal growth is self-discovery. College provides us with the chance to explore our interests, passions, and strengths. Through various courses, extracurricular activities, and social interactions, we can identify our true calling and develop the skills necessary to pursue our dreams. It is important to take advantage of these opportunities and be open to new experiences. Remember, the more we challenge ourselves, the more we grow.Another crucial aspect of personal growth is the development of critical thinking skills. College is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about learning how to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. This ability to think critically is essential in making informed decisions and solving complex problems in the future. As we engage in discussions, debates, and research, we refine our analytical skills and become better equipped to face the challenges of the real world.Furthermore, college is a time for self-reflection. It is a period when we confront our fears, doubts, and insecurities. By facing these challenges head-on, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and learn to navigate the complexities of life. Remember, personal growth is a continuous process, and it requires patience, resilience, and self-awareness.Moving on to the next point, diversity is the heartbeat of a vibrant college community. In today's globalized world, it is more importantthan ever to embrace and celebrate our differences. College is a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds, and this diversity enriches our learning experience.Diversity fosters empathy and tolerance. When we interact withindividuals from different walks of life, we learn to appreciate the unique perspectives and experiences they bring to the table. This understanding helps us to become more compassionate and open-minded individuals. As we grow and learn from one another, we contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious society.Moreover, diversity encourages innovation and creativity. When diverse groups collaborate, they combine their diverse skills, knowledge, and ideas to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. In the college environment, we are exposed to a variety of viewpoints, whichcan inspire us to think outside the box and develop new ideas.In addition to personal growth and diversity, the pursuit of knowledgeis the core of our college experience. College is a place where we expand our intellectual horizons and deepen our understanding of the world. It is a time to explore new subjects, challenge our assumptions, and question the status quo.Academic excellence is a significant aspect of the pursuit of knowledge. We are here to acquire a solid foundation in our chosen fields of study. However, knowledge is not confined to textbooks and lectures. It is also found in the conversations we have with our professors and peers, the research projects we undertake, and the practical experiences we gain through internships and volunteer work.Furthermore, the pursuit of knowledge goes beyond the academic realm. It involves cultivating a lifelong love for learning. College is theperfect place to ignite our curiosity and ignite a passion for knowledge. As we continue to grow and evolve, we must remain hungry for knowledge and be willing to embrace new ideas and perspectives.In conclusion, college life is a journey filled with opportunities for personal growth, the celebration of diversity, and the pursuit of knowledge. As we navigate this new chapter, let us embrace the challenges and seize the opportunities that come our way. Let us grow, learn, and become the best versions of ourselves.In the words of the famous author, James Clear, "The best way to predict the future is to create it." Let us create a future filled with success, fulfillment, and happiness. Thank you for your attention, and may your college journey be a transformative and memorable one.Thank you.。
ADA对糖尿病2024年新诊断方法的指南英文版ADA Guidelines for New Diagnostic Methods for Diabetes in 2024Introduction:The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has released updated guidelines for the diagnosis of diabetes in 2024. These guidelines aim to provide healthcare professionals with clear and concise recommendations for the diagnosis of diabetes using new methods.New Diagnostic Methods:In recent years, advancements in technology have led to the development of new diagnostic methods for diabetes. These methods include the use of continuous glucose monitoring devices, genetic testing, and artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze data and detect early signs of diabetes.Recommendations:The ADA recommends that healthcare professionals consider using these new diagnostic methods in combination with traditional methods such as fasting plasma glucose tests and oral glucose tolerance tests. By incorporating these new methods into diagnostic protocols, healthcare professionals can improve the accuracy and efficiency of diabetes diagnosis.Continuous Glucose Monitoring:Continuous glucose monitoring devices are wearable devices that track glucose levels throughout the day. These devices provide real-time data on glucose fluctuations, allowing healthcare professionals to identify patterns and trends that may indicate diabetes.Genetic Testing:Genetic testing can help identify individuals who are at a higher risk of developing diabetes based on their genetic profile. By analyzing an individual's genetic information, healthcare professionals can tailor treatment plans and interventions to prevent the onset of diabetes.Artificial Intelligence Algorithms:Artificial intelligence algorithms can analyze large datasets of patient information to identify patterns and risk factors for diabetes. By using machine learning algorithms, healthcare professionals can predict the likelihood of diabetes development in individual patients and provide personalized recommendations for prevention and management.Conclusion:The ADA's guidelines for new diagnostic methods for diabetes in 2024 highlight the importance of incorporating advancements in technology into clinical practice. By utilizing continuous glucose monitoring devices, genetic testing, and artificial intelligence algorithms, healthcare professionals can improve the accuracy and efficiency of diabetes diagnosis and provide personalized care for patients.。
Part I: Translation1. 遗忘是铭记的最好的方式。
To forget is the best method for remembering.2. 将来可能会有更多的人认为纹身tattoo可以显示个性There might be more people holding that tattoo could show unique individuality.3. 我的妈妈是狮子座的然而我的爸爸是巨蟹座的.The star sign of my mum is leo, while that of my father is cancer.4. 包容(tolerance)就是根除种族歧视(racial discrimination)的最好武器Tolerance is the very weapon to eliminate racial discrimination.5. 高效性,针对性和普及性是成功广告的三个关键。
The three key factors for the successful advertisements are efficiency, targeting and popularity.6. 勤奋,毅力和才智是我们通往成功的三个关键The three key factors to success are diligence, persistence and intelligence.7.某种意义上,更多的沟通可以达成一致Agreement, to some extent, could be reached by more communication.8. 科学技术的发展使人们更容易获得知识It is the development of science and technology that leads to an easier acquirement of knowledge.9. 越来越多的人意识到环境保护的重要性An expanding number of people are aware of the significance of environmental protection10. 偶尔的失败有时候会有助于日后的成功Future achievement probably arises from the former frustrations.11. 互联网是一个公众感兴趣和关注的话题。
全新版大学英语3(第二版) Unit1
Summary & Lead-in :
People change their place of residence(居 住地) because they look for things that their previous life is unable to provide. However, once life has been changed, they may miss the good old days.
• Useful expressions:
• decent air to breathe, cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley, peace, relief / relaxation • escape from the crowds/find a quiet place far from the human race; escape from the pollution of the city; whenever you need a bit of room to move when life becomes too fast, you can always find relief at last out in the country.
1. How does the writer think he and his family will feel when they have to leave the farm someday? 2. Why did the writer and his family choose to live in the country? Have they finally realized their dream?
飞机部件装配误差累积分析与容差优化方法研究一、本文概述Overview of this article随着航空工业的快速发展,飞机部件的装配精度对于确保飞行安全和提高飞机性能具有至关重要的作用。
With the rapid development of the aviation industry, the assembly accuracy of aircraft components plays a crucial role in ensuring flight safety and improving aircraft performance. The accumulation of assembly errors may not only lead to a decrease in aircraft performance, but may even cause serious safety issues. Therefore, conducting in-depth analysis of the accumulation of assembly errors in aircraft components and studying corresponding tolerance optimization methods is of great significance for improving aircraft manufacturingquality, ensuring flight safety, and promoting the sustainable development of the aviation industry.本文旨在系统研究飞机部件装配误差的累积规律,分析影响装配精度的主要因素,探讨误差累积的机理。
我收到陌生人的善意英语作文英文回答:I received an essay from a stranger, and I am supposed to respond to it in both English and Chinese. Below is my response:Thank you for sending me your essay. I appreciate your effort in writing it. Your essay discusses the importance of education and the impact it has on individuals and society. Education is indeed a crucial aspect of our lives, as it equips us with knowledge, skills, and values that contribute to personal growth and societal development.Education plays a significant role in shaping individuals. It provides us with the necessary tools to succeed in our chosen fields and enables us to pursue our passions and interests. For example, I have always been interested in science, and through education, I was able to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a careerin the field of medicine.Moreover, education helps in fostering criticalthinking and problem-solving skills. It encourages individuals to question, analyze, and evaluate information, which is essential in making informed decisions. For instance, during my high school years, I participated in debate competitions where I learned how to critically analyze arguments and present my own viewpoints effectively.Furthermore, education has a profound impact on society as a whole. It promotes social cohesion and equality by providing equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.This ensures that everyone has a fair chance to succeed and contribute to society. For instance, many countries have implemented policies to ensure that education is accessible to all, such as free primary education or scholarships for underprivileged students.In addition, education plays a crucial role inpromoting cultural diversity and understanding. It exposesindividuals to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas, fostering tolerance and acceptance. For example, studying abroad or participating in cultural exchange programs allows individuals to experience different cultures firsthand and develop a broader worldview.In conclusion, education is vital for personal growth and societal development. It equips individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to succeed in their chosen paths and contributes to social cohesion and equality. It also promotes cultural diversity and understanding. Therefore, investing in education should be a priority for individuals and governments alike.中文回答:感谢您给我发送这篇文章。
青少年应该有自己的意见吗英文作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Teenagers should have their own opinionsAs teenagers grow and mature, it is important for them to form their own opinions and think independently. While it is natural for young people to seek guidance from their parents, teachers, and other adults, it is also crucial for them to develop their own ideas and beliefs.Having their own opinions allows teenagers to think critically about the world around them and make decisions that reflect their values and interests. It also helps them to develop a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, as they learn to trust their own judgment and stand up for what they believe in.Furthermore, having their own opinions can help teenagers to assert their independence and establish their own identity. It allows them to differentiate themselves from their peers and form unique perspectives on issues that matter to them. This can be especially important during adolescence, a time when youngpeople are trying to carve out their own place in the world and define who they are.Of course, it is important for teenagers to listen to and consider the opinions of others, especially those of trusted adults and experts. However, ultimately, it is up to each individual young person to decide what they believe and how they want to live their lives. By encouraging teenagers to have their own opinions, we empower them to think for themselves and become more engaged and active members of society.In conclusion, teenagers should have their own opinions. It is essential for their personal growth and development, and it helps them to develop important skills such as critical thinking, decision-making, and self-expression. By fostering a culture of independent thinking and open dialogue, we can support young people in becoming thoughtful, confident, and engaged individuals.篇2Teenagers Should Have Their Own OpinionsTeenagers are often underestimated in society. They are seen as young and inexperienced, and as a result, their opinions and voices are often disregarded. However, it is important torealize that teenagers are individuals with their own thoughts and ideas, and they should be encouraged to express them.One of the main reasons why teenagers should have their own opinions is because it helps them develop critical thinking skills. By having the opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas, teenagers learn how to analyze situations, evaluate different perspectives, and form their own conclusions. This is crucial for their personal growth and development, as it allows them to become independent thinkers and make informed decisions.Furthermore, encouraging teenagers to have their own opinions helps them build self-confidence and self-esteem. When their thoughts and ideas are valued and respected, teenagers feel empowered and more likely to speak up for what they believe in. This not only benefits their mental health but also prepares them to advocate for themselves in future situations.In addition, listening to teenagers’ opinions can lead to positive change in society. Teenagers often have fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that can contribute to solving complex problems and improving communities. By giving them a platform to share their thoughts, we can tap into their creativityand unique insights, ultimately leading to a more inclusive and diverse society.It is also important to remember that teenagers are the future leaders of tomorrow. By nurturing their ability to think critically and express themselves, we are preparing them to become responsible and engaged citizens who can contribute positively to society. Encouraging teenagers to have their own opinions is not only beneficial for their personal growth but also for the greater good of society as a whole.In conclusion, teenagers should be encouraged to have their own opinions. By fostering their critical thinking skills, building their self-confidence, and tapping into their creative potential, we are empowering them to become independent thinkers and future leaders. It is important to listen to teenagers’ voices and perspectives, as they have valuable insights that can shape a better future for all.篇3Teenagers should have their own opinionsIntroductionTeenagers are at a critical stage of development where they are discovering themselves and forming their own identity. Asthey navigate through the challenges of adolescence, it is important for them to have their own opinions and make decisions based on their own beliefs. In this essay, we will discuss why it is crucial for teenagers to have their own opinions and how it can benefit them in the long run.Developing critical thinking skillsHaving their own opinions allows teenagers to develop critical thinking skills. When teenagers form their own opinions, they are forced to think critically about the world around them and the various issues that they are faced with. This can help them to analyze information, weigh different perspectives, and make informed decisions. Developing critical thinking skills is essential for teenagers as it prepares them to navigate the complexities of life and make sound judgments in the future.Building self-confidenceHaving their own opinions can also build self-confidence in teenagers. When teenagers are able to express their thoughts and beliefs, they become more confident in themselves and their abilities. This can help them to assert themselves in social settings, stand up for what they believe in, and ultimately cultivate a strong sense of self-esteem. Building self-confidenceis important for teenagers as it can help them to navigate the challenges of adolescence and emerge as resilient individuals.Fostering independenceHaving their own opinions fosters independence in teenagers. When teenagers have the freedom to express their own thoughts and beliefs, they are able to break away from the influence of others and form their own identity. This can help them to develop a sense of autonomy and independence, which is crucial for their personal growth and development. Fostering independence in teenagers can empower them to make their own decisions, pursue their own goals, and ultimately lead fulfilling lives.Encouraging open-mindednessHaving their own opinions encourages open-mindedness in teenagers. When teenagers are exposed to different perspectives and are encouraged to think for themselves, they become more open to new ideas, beliefs, and experiences. This can help them to cultivate empathy, tolerance, and understanding towards others. Encouraging open-mindedness in teenagers is essential for fostering positive relationships, promoting social harmony, and creating a more inclusive society.ConclusionIn conclusion, teenagers should have their own opinions as it is crucial for their personal growth and development. By developing critical thinking skills, building self-confidence, fostering independence, and encouraging open-mindedness, teenagers can navigate the challenges of adolescence and emerge as resilient individuals. It is therefore important for parents, educators, and society as a whole to support teenagers in forming their own opinions and expressing their beliefs.。
我处理分析的经历英语作文English Answer:Throughout my academic journey, I have encountered various analytical experiences that have profoundly shaped my critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. One particularly transformative experience was an economics course that required me to analyze real-world data to make informed conclusions. I was tasked with examining the relationship between government spending and economic growth in a specific country.To approach this challenge, I employed a rigorous analytical process that involved data collection, statistical analysis, and interpretation. I meticulously gathered data from reliable sources, ensuring its accuracy and relevance to the research question. Utilizing statistical software, I performed descriptive and inferential analyses to discern patterns, trends, and relationships within the data.As I delved deeper into the analysis, I confronted challenges that tested my analytical skills. Outliers and missing data required careful consideration and treatment to maintain the integrity of the results. Moreover, interpreting the findings necessitated a comprehensive understanding of economic theory and the ability to synthesize complex insights.Despite these obstacles, I persevered, guided by my determination to uncover meaningful conclusions. I sought guidance from my professor and consulted research papers to refine my analytical approach and deepen my understanding of the subject matter. Through this process, I developed a critical eye for evaluating evidence and a systematic approach to formulating arguments.The culmination of my analysis was a comprehensive report that presented my findings and conclusions. I effectively communicated the key insights, supported by statistical evidence and coherent reasoning. The process of writing this report honed my communication skills andforced me to articulate my thoughts clearly and concisely.Ultimately, this analytical experience not onlyequipped me with technical skills but also fostered my intellectual curiosity and appreciation for the power of data. It taught me the importance of rigorous research, critical thinking, and evidence-based decision-making. These analytical abilities have become invaluable tools in my academic and professional pursuits, enabling me to approach complex problems with confidence and a deep understanding of the underlying factors at play.中文回答:在我的学术生涯中,我经历了许多分析的经历,这些经历深刻地塑造了我的批判性思维和解决问题的能力。
对世界的了解英文作文In today's increasingly globalized world, it is more important than ever for people to understand the world and its various cultures, economies, and political systems. This understanding is not only important for personal growth and development, but also for building relationships and cooperation with people from different backgrounds.One of the mn benefits of understanding the world is that it helps us to bee more empathetic and open-minded individuals. By learning about different cultures and ways of life, we can gn a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experience and develop a more inclusive worldview. This can lead to greater tolerance and understanding of others, and can help to reduce prejudice and discrimination.Understanding the world also provides us with valuable insights into global issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. By learning about the root causes of these problems and the efforts being made to address them, we can bee more informed and engaged citizens and work towards creating a more just and sustnable world.In addition, understanding the world can also help us to develop important skills such as critical thinking, munication, and problem-solving. By studying different cultures, economies, and political systems, we can learn how to analyze plex issues and develop effective solutions.Overall, understanding the world is essential for personal growth, social development, and global progress. By learning about different cultures, economies, and political systems, we can bee more empathetic, informed, and engaged citizens, and work towards creating a more just, sustnable, and peaceful world.。
When faced with the task of making a choice,it is essential to consider various factors and weigh the pros and cons carefully.The process of decisionmaking is a critical skill that can significantly impact ones life,both personally and professionally.Here are some steps and considerations to guide you through the process of making a choice in English composition:1.Identify the Options:Begin by listing all the possible options available to you.This could range from career paths,educational choices,lifestyle decisions,or even something as simple as what to have for dinner.2.Evaluate the Pros and Cons:For each option,consider the advantages and disadvantages.This will help you to understand what each choice entails and what it could mean for your future.3.Consider Your Values and Priorities:Reflect on what is most important to you.Your values and priorities will act as a compass,guiding you towards the choice that aligns best with your beliefs and goals.4.Seek Advice:Consult with trusted friends,family,or mentors.They can offer different perspectives and insights that you may not have considered.5.Analyze the Consequences:Think about the potential outcomes of each choice. Consider both the shortterm and longterm effects on your life.6.Assess the Risks:Every decision comes with some level of risk.Determine your risk tolerance and how much you are willing to gamble on each option.7.Trust Your Instincts:Sometimes,your gut feeling can be a powerful guide.If you find yourself leaning towards one option more than the others,there may be a reason for that.8.Make a Decision:After thorough consideration,make your choice.Remember,no decision is perfect,and there will always be some to Your Choice:Once you have made a decision,commit to it fully.Doubting your choice can lead to indecision and regret.10.Reflect on the Outcome:After some time has passed,reflect on the outcome of your decision.This can help you learn from the experience and improve your decisionmaking skills for the future.In conclusion,making a choice is an integral part of life that requires careful thought and consideration.By following these steps,you can make more informed decisions that lead to greater satisfaction and success.Remember,every choice is an opportunity for growth and learning.。
然后的英文作文作文怎么写Writing an English essay can be approached systematically to ensure clarity and coherence. Here's a general structure you can follow:1. Introduction:Start with a hook or an interesting fact to grab the reader's attention.Provide some background information on the topic without revealing your prompt.Clearly state your thesis or the main point you'll be arguing in the essay.2. Body Paragraphs:Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea or argument.Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph.Provide evidence, examples, or quotes to support your argument.Analyze the evidence and explain how it supports your thesis.Use transitional phrases to smoothly move from one paragraph to the next.3. Conclusion:Summarize the main points you've made in the body paragraphs.Restate your thesis in different words.Provide a concluding thought or a call to action related to the topic.Here's an example essay structure without revealing your specific prompt:Introduction:Globalization has become an increasingly prevalent phenomenon in our interconnected world. As goods, services, information, and people move across borders with unprecedented ease, the impacts of globalization are felt in various aspects of society. This essay examines the effects of globalization on economic development, cultural exchange, and environmental sustainability. By analyzing these dimensions, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of globalization.Body Paragraphs:Economic Development:One of the most widely discussed aspects of globalization is its impact on economic development.Proponents argue that globalization fosters economic growth by opening up new markets and facilitating the flow of capital and technology. However, critics contend that globalization exacerbates economic inequality by favoring multinational corporations over local businesses. Despite these debates, empirical evidence suggests thatglobalization has led to both positive and negative outcomes for economic development, depending on the context.Cultural Exchange:Globalization has also facilitated unprecedentedcultural exchange among nations. Through the spread of media, technology, and travel, people around the world are increasingly exposed to diverse cultural perspectives.While this cultural interconnectedness has enrichedsocieties by promoting tolerance and understanding, it has also raised concerns about cultural homogenization and the erosion of traditional identities. Therefore, it isessential to strike a balance between embracing cultural diversity and preserving cultural heritage in the face of globalization.Environmental Sustainability:The environmental impact of globalization is another critical area of concern. As global trade increases, sodoes the demand for natural resources, leading to deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution. Moreover, the outsourcing of production to countries with lax environmental regulations often results in environmental degradation and social injustice. To address these challenges, there is a growing need for international cooperation and sustainable practices that prioritize both economic development and environmental conservation.Conclusion:In conclusion, globalization has reshaped the world in profound ways, affecting economic development, cultural exchange, and environmental sustainability. While globalization presents opportunities for growth and collaboration, it also poses challenges that must be addressed through informed policymaking and collectiveaction. By acknowledging the complexities of globalization and striving for inclusive and sustainable practices, we can navigate its impacts more effectively and build a more equitable and resilient global community.This structure allows you to explore your topic thoroughly while keeping your specific prompt undisclosed. Remember to tailor your arguments and examples to fit your prompt while maintaining coherence and clarity throughout your essay.。
关于education英语作文Education is the key to success. It opens doors to opportunities and helps individuals reach their full potential. Without education, people would be limited in their knowledge and skills, making it difficult to compete in the modern world.In today's society, education is more important than ever. With the rapid advancements in technology and the global economy, individuals need to be well-educated to thrive in their careers. Education provides the necessary foundation for success and helps individuals adapt to the ever-changing demands of the workforce.Moreover, education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It teaches individuals how to analyze information, communicate effectively, and make informed decisions. These skills are essential for navigating through life and achieving personal andprofessional success.Furthermore, education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' values and beliefs. It provides a platform for social and emotional development, helping individuals understand the world around them and their place in it. Education promotes empathy, tolerance, and respect for diversity, which are essential for creating a harmonious and inclusive society.In conclusion, education is a fundamental human right and a powerful tool for personal and societal development. It empowers individuals to fulfill their potential, contribute to their communities, and build a better future for themselves and others. Therefore, it is essential to invest in education and ensure that everyone has access to quality learning opportunities.。
如何权衡选择利弊英语作文英文回答:When evaluating the pros and cons of a choice, it's important to consider the potential outcomes, both positive and negative. Here are some factors to weigh:1. Short-term vs. Long-term Consequences: Consider the immediate impact of the decision, as well as its potential long-term implications. Short-term benefits may outweigh immediate risks, but long-term outcomes may be more significant.2. Opportunity Cost: Determine the potential benefits or opportunities that will be foregone by making a particular choice. Evaluate whether the perceived benefits of the choice outweigh the potential losses.3. Risk Assessment: Assess the likelihood and severity of negative outcomes associated with the choice. Consideryour tolerance for risk and the potential impact on your well-being or others.4. Values and Beliefs: Align your decision with your personal values and beliefs. Determine whether the choice aligns with your principles and moral compass.5. Consultation with Others: Seek input from trusted individuals who may provide valuable insights or offer different perspectives. Their feedback can help clarify your thoughts and identify potential blind spots.6. Decision-Making Process: Use a systematic approach to decision-making. Gather relevant information, analyze options, and consider the potential outcomes before reaching a conclusion.7. Emotions vs. Rationality: While emotions can influence our decisions, it's important to strive for balance and make rational choices based on objective analysis. Avoid impulsive or purely emotional decisions.8. Sensitivity Analysis: Examine how sensitive your decision is to changes in information or circumstances. Consider how external factors may affect the outcome and make adjustments as necessary.9. Decision Reversal: Be prepared to revisit your decision if new information or circumstances arise. Flexibility and adaptability can ensure the best possible outcome in the long run.10. Acceptance of Uncertainty: Acknowledge that not all outcomes are predictable. Accept that there may be some uncertainty associated with any choice and make decisions accordingly.中文回答:如何权衡选择利弊:在评估一个选择的利弊时,考虑积极和消极的潜在结果非常重要。
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How to Analyze Your Tolerance ResultsMany times it is useful to analyze your tolerances in detail. In Zemax's tolerance analysis, you may save the tolerance results for each Monte Carlo file, or you may save each tolerance in the sensitivity analysis individually in Zemax file format. This article describes how to take a closer look at what Zemax does internally to model each and every tolerance in your design.Authored By: Dan HillIntroductionZemax offers a built-in tolerancing feature which you may use to perform a complete and accurate tolerance analysis of your optical system.Although Zemax performs the calculation of each tolerance “behind the scenes,” Zemax also gives you the option to view what it is doing more closely; the operation of the tolerance feature is not always transparent.There are two different methods to saving the modifications that Zemax made to your lens file to calculate the change in criteria as a function of the specified tolerance(s).The first option may be defined in the Tolerance Data Editor as a tolerance control operand. The SAVE tolerance control operand can be used after any tolerance you would like to inspect in more detail. For example, suppose that you had a tolerance operand TEDX (tolerance on element decenter in X) in the Tolerance Data Editor. After reviewing the resulting sensitivity analysis, the results did not appear to make sense.As a result, you may edit the Tolerance Data Editor by adding a SAVE command after the TEDX operand. The next time the tolerance analysis is run, Zemax will save the file used to compute the TEDX tolerance, which you may view as a Zemax lens file.Applying the SAVE Tolerance Control OperandTo demonstrate, consider a single element for which you would like to know how the RMS Spot Radius changes for a tilt tolerance about the X axis.FILE:Single Element Lens.ZMX (attached to last page of article)TETX is the operand for tolerance on element tilt about the X axis. In this case, the single element has a tilt tolerance of +/- 0.5 degrees.Running the tolerance with the following settings (note that Paraxial Focus is set as the compensator):In the Sensitivity Analysis of the tolerance output, we can see the criteria value as well as the change in criteria as a function of our TETX tolerance.In this case, the tilt did not affect the RMS Spot Radius very much, but we can review what Zemax has done more closely by saving the file Zemax internally constructed to perform this perturbation.In the Tolerance Data Editor, under the TETX line, insert a SAVE tolerance control operand.The SAVE command allows you to save the previous tolerance to a Zemax Lens File with the specified “File #.” A file will be saved for both the maximum and minimum tolerance. The file names will be TSAV_MIN_xxxx.ZMX and TSAV_MAX_xxxx.ZMX for the min and max tolerance analysis, respectively, where xxxx is the integer number specified in the Int1 column. In this case, the integer number is 5, so the minimum tolerance file will be TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX. Note that the saved file is saved into the same directory as the current lens file.Run the tolerance analysis once more with the SAVE operand in place (use the same tolerance settings).Once the analysis is complete, open the TSAV_MIN_0005.ZMX file from the appropriate directory. Note the modifications made to the Lens Data Editor. To tilt the element about the X axis, Zemax inserted a pair of Coordinate Break Surfaces with the appropriate solves and values. Zemax even places text in the Comment column to indicate which tolerance each surface represents. Also note the marginal ray height solve on surface 6. Remember, we chose to have Paraxial Focus as our compensator when performing the tolerance analysis! With this choice, Zemax compensates for tolerance perturbations by moving the image surface in such a way that the perturbed system has the same amount of paraxial defocus as the original system. Thus, the marginal ray height solve on surface 6 brings surface 7 to paraxial focus, and the thickness of surface 7 maintains the paraxial defocus present in the original system.With this capability, we can clearly review what Zemax has done to ensure any given tolerance is performed the way we expect. Most importantly, we can thoroughly investigate any tolerance which we find to produce curious results.In the saved file, it is also possible to review the merit function which Zemax constructed to evaluate the RMS Spot Radius criteria. The Merit Function Value is equivalent to the criteria value reported in the tolerance output:Saving Monte Carlo Tolerance FilesMuch like the SAVE tolerance control operand (which is useful for evaluating one tolerance at a time), you may also save each individual Monte Carlo file generated during the tolerance analysis. This option exists in the Tolerancing dialog. In the top-most portion of the dialog, you may choose to specify how many Monte Carlo runs to perform as well as how many of these Monte Carlo files you would like to save for viewing after the analysis is complete.The benefits to saving the Monte Carlo files are the same to that of the SAVE tolerance control operand. However, the Monte Carlo analysis simulates the effect of all perturbations simultaneously. Thus, the saved files will contain the modified Lens Data Editor with possibly many changes/additions (depending upon the number of tolerance operands you have for your system).Saved Monte Carlo files are also saved to the directory of the nominal lens file and any number of Monte Carlo files may be saved. The lens files are named MC_T000x.zmx, where x is the value 1 through the maximum number of specified Monte Carlo files to be saved.In most cases, it isn’t necessary or desirable to review each individual saved Monte Carlo file.You may use the Monte Carlo Analysis output to help pick out any specific trial that you would like to later review in Zemax format:Summary and ReferencesWhen tolerancing and optical system, it is very important that you analyze and understand the results of the tolerance analysis. Sometimes, a certain tolerance or Monte Carlo run might produce suspicious results, requiring further in-depth analysis. The SAVE tolerance control operand and the ability to save Monte Carlo files make this job much easier and give you full access to what Zemax has done to the compute the tolerance analysis.REFERENCESZemax Optical Design Program User's Guide, Zemax Development CorporationPosted 6/19/2006 1:26:58 PM by Administrator/kb-en/Knowledgebase/How-to-Analyze-Your-Tolerance-Results。