86版OG对SECTION 02的解释
一、建立自己的配置、加快制图速度1 建立自己的模板文件你可以自己建立一个文件,将所有的设置都改好,然后存盘。
2 建立你自己的缺省文件在许多情况下,上面的方法用不上。
比如,你的SBF文件放在某处,或你的pattern 文件放在某处。
内容如下set HOMEDRIVE=H:————这是你放置ug文件的驱动器set HOMEPATH=\it4\————这是你放置ugii_env.dat和ug_metric.def文件的目录。
d:\eds140\ugii\UGICON.BAT ogl auto————这是你UG软件。
以it4用户为例:a、将/usr/eds140/ugii/目录下的文件.ugii_env(注意这个文件是隐含文件,你要用ls -a才能看到)和ug_english.def拷贝到你自己的目录下b、键入命令chmod 755 .ugii_env ug_metric.def修改读写属性,以便你能修改他们。
c、修改这两个文件,将.ugii_env中UGII_DEFAULTS_FILE=${UGII_BASE_DIR}/ugii/ug_english.def 改为:UGII_DEFAULTS_FILE=/stc/it4/ug_metric.def (具体路径要看你自己文件放在哪)将文件/stc/it4/ug_metric.def内容修改为你所需要的缺省配置。
雅思OG听力解析Test6 Section1
智课网IELTS备考资料雅思OG听力解析Test6 Section1摘要:小马小编带来雅思OG听力解析Test6 Section1,旨在每日给大家推出分项强化练习,知识点逐个击破,助大家做全方位复习,以顺利取得理想分数!小马的老师为考生做了雅思 OG听力Test6 Section1的解析雅思OG听力背景信息(Background information)本篇文章是一篇标准的 section 1 填租房表格的场景。
接下来重点讨论了租房者对于房子的要求,比如是不是想要住 apartment,有没有花园要紧嘛,要多大的房子,房子里要有点什么,对于房子位置的要求。
雅思OG听力听前预测(Prediction before listening)Section 1 的 10 题都是填空题形式,考生只需要在听录音前划好关键词,就不会有大失误。
第 1 题要填电话号码,考生要注意录音中的答案修改等或者 double, triple 等情况。
第 2 题要填写邮件地址,考核的是拼写,第 3 题填的是一种职业。
4-6 题填的是租客对房子的要求:第 4 题是一个必须要求,第 5 题是不需要的东西,第 6 题是厨房里的希望要有的一个东西。
第 7 题是房子最好靠近的地方,第 8 题是最高能承受的每月租金,填一个数字,注意货币符号,第 9 题填写一个形容词,第 10 题填写一种了解中介的方式。
雅思OG听力答案解析(Answer analysis)Question 1• 定位句:Can I have a phone number –the best number to get you on? • 替换词:无中介问咨询者电话,要最容易联系到的电话,get you on 意为找到你,联系到你。
智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料SATOG2阅读填空解析(二)-智课教育出国考试考生必须对SAT阅读考试的种种特点和具体的题型的充分了解,这样才能为他们获取SAT的高分打下了坚实的基础。
Section 7P4751. Geoffrey's corrupt dealings earned him such disgrace that any possibility of his being reelected to the city council was completely _________.(A) ensured adj. 确保(B) approved adj. 被认可的(C) belittled adj. 轻视(D) eliminated adj. 消除,除去, 完全没有了的(E) defended adj. 保卫,防御答案:D解析:递进关系翻译:Geoffrey的腐败行为使他名誉扫地,他再次入选市委员会的概率完全的_________。
2. Although the editors were reputed to be very _________, the uneven quality of the material they put into the anthology suggests they were too _________.(A) amateurish adj. 外行的...professional adj. 专业的(B) lax adj. 不严格的...harsh adj. 严厉的,丑陋的(C) selective adj. 选择的,不普遍的...inclusive adj. 范围广泛的(D) judgmental adj. 审判的...discriminating adj. 有鉴别能力的(E) sensitive adj. 敏感的...insightful adj. 富有洞察力的答案:C解析:转折对比关系翻译:虽然编辑者被认为是非常_________,他们选进诗文选集里的不同特征的素材暗示他们太_________。
)语法:OG+曼哈顿Step 1:1周完成任务①每天完成曼哈顿两个章节的阅读,并总结自己的笔记和体会;②每天完成曼哈顿每个章节后面规定的语法题目;错题先自己纠错,标记错误的原因,回想曼哈顿的知识点对应;Step 2: 3天完成任务①每天完成OG语法五十题,尽量用自己曼哈顿里面看到的知识点做题;②粗看OG的解释,对应知识点又是什么;划出来重要的语法知识点;Step 3:4天完成任务①每天认真阅读OG后面的35题语法解释;体会OG怎么定义这个语法错误的;②总结和归纳曼哈顿的语法知识点笔记:四类四个方向,自己总结对应进去;主谓,修饰,比较并列和指代;Step 4:4天完成任务①每天阅读和翻译OG 35句正确句子;②复习自己总结过的曼哈顿笔记一遍;每天复习一个重点;Step 5:2天完成任务①每天完成Prep+OG的题目50题,模棱两可的题目要查清楚为什么错;②用曼哈顿的知识点+OG的知识点对OG后面的黑体字知识点进行总结;Step 6:4天完成任务①对OG每道题目进行归纳,总结到黑体字和对应曼哈顿语法的知识点;②从黑体字的知识点分类对OG每道题目后面的解释详细看;比如一天就看这几个知识章节的OG题目;Step 7:4天完成任务①每天做语法20-30题,然后也顺带继续看看OG;②从句意和形象化思路上看每句话;这些正确的选项为什么很舒服;2) 逻辑:OG+曼哈顿:Step 1: 5天完成任务①每天完成OG25道逻辑题目;知道自己为什么错;②每天阅读曼哈顿逻辑一章,了解逻辑基本概念的定义:结论,假设,前提;③了解逻辑中的削弱,加强,假设结论题什么意思?怎么做;Step 2: 6天完成任务①每天完成OG 20道逻辑题目后面的讲解阅读;认真阅读后面的reasoning;②了解逻辑链,找到OG每道题目的结论,他的前提是什么,假设是什么;③每天的这20道题目,用一句话概括出来,和什么相关作用于什么;Step 3:4天完成任务①完成四类逻辑题型的正确选项总结和错误选项的总结;②通过每个专题知识点,对题目进行总结:削弱加强;假设结论,其他;Step 4: 5天完成任务①每天翻译25句英语逻辑翻译;②复习自己总结过的对应知识点;每种类型的逻辑题;Step 5: 5天完成任务①每天做25道逻辑题目,凭感觉做;②认真看选项他是怎么定义的;3)阅读:OGStep 1:5天完成任务:OG的文章一天4篇,每天做一遍分析一遍,分析的时候要写出每篇文章的逻辑简图,文章的整体中心思想和每段段落大意。
BTW ,还要感激“西雅图教育”在我备考一路走来为我提供的支持和鼓励。
其中单词辞汇的背诵是贯穿始终的,至死方休...各阶段具体安排参考如下:第一阶段:背单词预备材料:辞汇书、OG 、longman综合教程、辞汇书:前期“小红宝书”打底(45天冲破版,词根+联想,涵盖8000单词)后期“词以类记”巩固(适于有辞汇基础的“烤鸭”,利于脑中浆糊分区巩固)安排时刻:3--4周,平均天天4小时具体安排:备考初期,辞汇量要足够,循环背诵。
THE ORIGINS OF CETACEANSParagraph 1.Cetaceans are mammals.How walking mammal and swimming whale bridged? Fossils.Paragraph 2.disco veries --> reconstruct o rigins of cetaceans. Pakicetus.Paragraph 3.Pakicetus consists of skull of archaeocyte.transitio nal fo rm between mammals, mesonuchids and cetaceans.bred and gave birth on land.Paragraph 4.skeleto ns of Basilosaurus. 40 million y ears ago. 12million years after Pakicetus.fully marine whale.Paragraph 5.Ambulocetus natans. 49 million years ago. 3 million after Paki, 9 million befo re Basio n land and at sea.1题:Their streamlined bodies, the abesence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowho le canno t disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals.2题:However, unlike cases of sea o tters..., it is no t easy to evision what the first whales looked like. 注意,由于原文说是unlike,所以要将原文取非。
【菜鸟入门篇】 OG摘要——了解题型,熟悉答题规范
【菜鸟入门篇】OG摘要——了解题型,熟悉答题规范(笔者所持OG为2007年英文版本,白色间酒红色封面,如有引用,误差请自己把持)1, TOEFL IBT READING阅读包括三到五篇文章,每篇文章约700字,有12-14道题目。
所选阅读文章可按写作目的分为三类:A,说明(exposition)B,议论(argumentation)C,历史研究(historical)所选文章常用的四类结构为:A,分类(classification)B,比较/对比(comparison/contrast)C,原因/效果(cause/effect)D,问题/解决方案(problem/solution)IBT阅读题型按照考察目的分为十类:A,考察基础信息理解能力及推论能力(basic information and inferencing questions)题型1:事实细节题,3-6每篇(Factual Information Questions)考察明确出现在原问中的事实细节,通常包括事实,细节,定义等。
题型2:反面事实细节题(Negative Factual Information Questions)0-2每篇选出有明确表述、不是事实或未出现在文中的信息。
雅思OG听力真题解析Test1 Section2
智课网IELTS备考资料雅思OG听力真题解析Test1 Section2摘要:雅思OG听力真题解析Test1 Section2!小马过河雅思频道今天为大家备考雅思听力考试特意整理了雅思OG听力真题解析Test1 Section2,希望小马过河雅思小编的帮助下,能有效备考各位考生成功备考雅思听力考试,取得雅思听力高分成绩!小马过河雅思听力名师为考生全面解析了雅思OG TEST1 听力SECTION2的背景信息,答案和长句。
雅思OG听力背景信息(Background information)旅游点介绍的场景经常出现在 section 2。
雅思OG听力听前预测(Prediction before listening)这个部分的填空题分为两个部分,第一部分是表格填空,考生要注意录音里的上下文,一般都会有明显的内容分段。
表格最左栏的 bus stop1、2、3、4 是提醒考生录音内容的走向,一旦错过信息就不要再等, 以免再次错过下一道题目。
11 题很明显的是填另外一种海洋馆动物。
12、13 题填的是一个地点。
14 题填的是一个古老的东西,基本是一种建筑或者景点。
15 题买票子最可能需要的是身份证明,老年卡学生卡。
16 题填的是时间。
17 题根据 entrance 可以推断是一个景点,公园海洋馆或者博物馆。
18 题的耳机向导可能的制作者应该填一个组织或者个人。
19 题和天气有关,如果下雨,带的东西应该是雨伞一类的雨具。
最后 20 题说不要忘记带上网预订的东西,应该是确认信一类。
雅思OG听力答案解析(Answer analysis)Question 11• 定位句:The next stop after the statio n is aquarium. • 替换词:dolphin 文章上来先介绍了一下 bus stop 1 的情况,考生可以在此时从看题的过程中恢复过来,集中一下注意力, 来面对 bus stop2 的出现。
新GREOG第二版填空解析和考试新现象1摘要:新GRE OG 第二版与第一版的区别是增加了T est-2部分,即仅仅增加了两个全新的Verbal Section 。
本文通过分析新版OG 中增加的填空题目,与《新GRE 核心考法词汇精析》中的单词的解释、同反义词作对比,发现填空题目的句子结构会出现反复重考的现象,即句子结构和意思与原来的考题几乎相同,比如test-2第一个section 的第3题;也发现了“熟词僻意”的现象,即熟悉的单词考察生僻的意思,比如compromise 并不是之前大部分人所熟悉的“妥协”的意思,而是“使危险”“损害”的意思。
自从ETS 在7月底出版新GRE OG 第二版以后,在电商的网站的都有销售,实体书店的销售要到8月份,在拿到新OG 的第二版后我们与第一版做了比较,发现只增加了Test2。
而其中的两个新增Verbal Section 格外引人注意,在新GRE 样题很少的情况下,我们对题目做了分析,发现以下两个现象(以下题目均出自Test2的新题):一、反复重考:3. The brief survey, published under the title The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life Sustains Us , is surprisingly (i)________. Indeed it makes several longer treatments of the effects of lost biodiversity seem (ii)________.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A distorted 扭曲的 D redundant 多余的,冗长的B objective 客观的 E pithy 简洁的C comprehensive 全面的 F premature 早熟的首先第一个空格填入形容词,修饰的是survey ,而survey 的特点是“brief 简洁的”。
雅思ogtest2答案【篇一:雅思og题目转换test 2】teningsection 1 questions 1-10questions 1-6complete the notes below.write no more than two words and/or a number for each answerquestions 7-10complete the sentences below.section 2 questions 11-20questions 11-17answer the questions below.write no more than three words for each answer.sea life centre - information11 what was the sea life centre previously called? ...........12 what is the newest attraction called? ...............13 when is the main feeding time? ..................14 what can you do with a vip ticket? ................15 what special event will the sea life centre arrange foryou? ...........116 where will the petition for animal conservation be sentto? ...........17 what can you use to test what you have learnt? ............questions 18-20what does the guide say about each attraction?choose three answers from the box and write the correct letter, a-e, next to questions 18-20.181920 must not miss ...... ……………… temporarily closed………large queues ..... ………………section 3 questions 21 -30questions 21-22choose two letters, a-e.which two subjects did martina like best before going to university?questions 23-26complete the summary below.write no more than two words for each answer.george’s experience of universitygeorge is studying mechanical engineering which involves several disciplines. he is finding 23…………………the most difficult. at the moment, his course is mainly 24………………he wil l soon have an assignment which involves a study of and would like less of them. 25…………………………he thinks there are too many 26……………………………questions 27-30choose the correct letter, a, b or c.27 martina thinks the students at her university area sociableb intelligentc energetic28 george hopes that his tutor will help hima lose his shyness.b settle into university.c get to know his subject better.29 what does martina know about her first assignment?a the topicb the lengthc the deadline30 george would like to livea in a hall of residence.b in a flat on his own.c with a host family.section 4 questions 31-40complete the notes below.write no more than two words for each answer.3readingreading passage 1you should spend about 20 minutes on questions 1-13, which are based on reading passage 1 below.no matter how much we talk about tasting our favorite flavors, relishing them really depends on a combined input from our senses that we experience through mouth, tongue and nose. the taste, texture, and feel of food are what we tend to focus on, but most important are the slight puffs of air as we chew our food - what scientists call retronasal smell’.certainly, our mouths and tongues have taste buds, which are receptors for the five basic flavors: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami, or what is more commonly referred to as savory. but our tongues are inaccurate instruments as far as flavor is concerned.they evolved to recognize only a few basic tastes in order to quickly identify toxins, which in nature are often quite bitter or acidly sour.all the complexity, nuance, and pleasure of flavor come from the sense of smell operating in the back of the nose. it is there that a kind of alchemy occurs when we breathe up and out the passing whiffs of our chewed food. unlike a hounds skull with its extra long nose, which evolved specifically to detect external smells, our noses have evolved to detect internal scents. primates specialize in savoring the many millions of flavor combinations that they can create for their mouths.taste without retronasal smell is not much help in recognizing flavor. smell has been the most poorly understood of our senses, and only recently has neuroscience, led by yale universitys gordon shepherd, begun to shed light on its workings. shepherd has come up with the term neurogastronomy’ to link the disciplines of food science, neurology, psychology, and anthropology with the savory elements of eating, one of the most enjoyed of human experiences.in many ways, he is discovering that smell is rather like face recognition. the visual system detects patterns of light and dark and. building on experience, the brain creates a spatial map. it uses this to interpret the interrelationship of the patterns and draw conclusions that allow us to identify people and places. in the same way, we use5【篇二:雅思og test 2 passage 1】ading passage 1 (35 points)you should spend about 20 minutes on questions 1-13 which are based on reading passage 1 below.the flavor of pleasurewhen it comes to celebrating the flavor of food, our mouth gets all the credit. but in truth, it is the nose that knows.no matter how much we talk about tasting our favorite flavors, relishing them really depends on a combined input from our senses that we experience through mouth, tongue and nose. the taste, texture, and feel of food are what we tend to focus on, but most important are the slight puffs of air as we chew our food - what scientists call ‘retronasal smell’.certainly our mouths and tongues have taste buds, which are receptors for the five basic flavors: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami, or what is more commonly referred to as savory. but our tongues are inaccurate instruments as far as flavor is concerned. they evolved to recognize only a few basic tastesin order to quickly identify toxins, which in nature are often quite bitter or acidly sour.all the complexity, nuance, and pleasure of flavor come from the sense of smell operating in the back of the nose. it is there that a kind of alchemy occurs when we breathe up and out the passing whiffs of our chewed food. unlike a hound’s skull with its extra long nose, which evolved specifically to detect external smells, our noses have evolved to detect internal scents. primates specialise in savoring the many millions of flavor combinations that they can create for their mouths.taste without retronasal smell is not much help in recognizing flavor. smell has been the most poorly understood of our senses, and only recently has neuroscience, led by yale university’s gordon shepherd, begun to shed light on its workings. shepherd has come up with the term‘neurogastronomy’ to link the disciplines of food science, neurology, psychology, and anthropology with the savory elements of eating, one of the most enjoyed of human experiences.in many ways, he is discovering that smell is rather like face recognition. the visual system detects patterns of light and dark and, building on experience, the brain creates a spatial map. it uses this to interpret the interrelationship of the patterns and draw conclusions that allow us to identify people and places. in the same way, we use patterns and ratios to detect both new and familiar flavors. as we eat, specialized receptors in the back of the nose detect the air molecules inour meals. from signals sent by the receptors, the brain understands smells as complex spatial patterns. using these,as well as input from the other senses, it constructs the idea of specific flavors.this ability to appreciate specific aromas turns out to be central to the pleasure we get from food, much as our ability to recognize individuals is central to the pleasures of social life. the process is so embedded in our brains that our sense of smell is critical to our enjoyment of life at large. recent studies show that people who lose the ability to smell become socially insecure, and their overall level of happiness plummets.working out the role of smell in flavor interests food scientists, psychologists,and cooks alike. the relatively new discipline of molecular gastronomy, especially, relies on understanding the mechanics of aroma to manipulate flavor for maximum impact. in this discipline, chefs use their knowledge of the chemical changes that take place during cooking to produce eating pleasures that go beyond the ‘ordinary’.however, whereas molecular gastronomy is concerned primarily with the food or ‘smell’ molecules, neurogastronomy is more focused on the receptor molecules and the brain’s spatial images for smell. smell stimuli form what shepherd terms ‘odor objects’, stored as memories, and these have a direct link with our emotions. the brain creates images of unfamiliar smells by relating them to other more familiar smells. go back in history and this was part of our survival repertoire, like most animals, we drew on our sense of smell, when visual information was scarce, to single out prey.thus the brain’s flavor- recognition system is a highly complex perceptual mechanism that puts all five senses to work in various combinations. visual and sound cues contribute, such as crunching, as does touch, including the texture and feel of food on our lips and in our mouths. then there are the taste receptors, and finally, the smell, activated when we inhale. the engagement of our emotions can be readily illustrated when we picture some of the wide-ranging facial expressions that are elicited by various foods- many of them hard- wired into our brains at birth. consider the response to the sharpness of lemon and compare that with the face that is welcoming the smooth wonder of chocolate.the flavor-sensing system, ever receptive to new combinations, helps to keep our brains active and flexible. italso has the power to shape our desires and ultimately our bodies. on the horizon we have the positive application of neurogastronomy: manipulating flavor to curb our appetites.questions 1 - 5questions 6 - 9questions 10 - 13【篇三:雅思og阅读答案test3】=txt>小站教育自2014年9月1日开始,独家推出必备宝典:系列,包括雅思、托福、sat、gmat四大类考试。
Hoping to ------- the dispute, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be ------- to both labor and management.
(A) enforce . . useful (B) end . . divisive (C) overcome . . unattractive (D) extend . . satisfactory (E) resolve . . acceptable
Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled A through E. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
2. Representing a round world on a flat surface is impossible without some -------: the Mercator projection map shows Greenland as over ten times larger than Mexico, a country in fact only slightly smaller than Greenland.
3. [选读] 新东方绿皮 -- 新东方新G教材。
10. [选读] 新GRE核心词汇-考法精析(再要你命3000) -- 新东方陈琦编纂的GRE单词书,词汇量3K+。
【个人点评】新东方传奇人物琦叔的要你命3K的新G版本,对于这本书褒贬不一。个人认为老G时代琦叔3K名冠江湖绝对是真才实料,其被封为类反圣经,即便是红宝也要怯其三分,而且经久不衰,不断传奇再现; however, well, you know...
2. [选读] 北美范文 -- 传说中的北美范文。
3. [不读] 大绿皮AW分册 -- crap
4. [选读] 网上各种版本破题集 -- 网上破题的人很多,更有很多新东方老师在做这件事。
5. [选读] College Writing Skills with readings -- 一本非常好的讲解英文写作的书。
5. [选读] 数学高分快速突破 -- 大蓝本中的数学分册,作者陈向东。书中是分了类的老G真题选集和讲解。
托福区蓄势已久的版主团队将为大家倾情献上SWU新托福(IBT)口语——OG官方评分标准解析在这儿,我们会毫无保留地分享攻克托福和英语学习的心得体会;在这儿,我们将耐心解答所有蚂蚁们的提问,排疑解惑;在这儿,我们是supporter,在各位crack TOEFL的路上,需要的支持和帮助......我们充当的就是这个角色!IBT中最核心的两个部分:听力和口语,如同一对并不矛盾的“矛”与“盾”。
听力帮助你保证listening section的高分,帮助你在口语部分说得准确,有的放矢,帮助你在integrated writing中挥毫游刃有余,它是基础,是赖以抵抗IBT凶猛攻势的“盾”;口语则直接决定你在IBT中究竟走多远,是所有希望冲击115分,确保110分的考生所必需修筑的“矛”。
Share with U的托福版主们将和你们一起铸造最锋利的“矛”和最坚固的“盾”,完成crack IBT 的愿望!——序是否一直听别人说IBT的口语很难?Or自己老是摸不着窍门?Or觉得OG的评分标准是泛泛而谈?虽是老调重弹,但“知己知彼,百战不殆”的古训却用到哪里都屡试不爽。
OG 虽看似简单,仔细研究下就会发现简单的语句里隐藏着的都是ETS折磨我们的关键法宝。
如今我也以我的绵薄之力,来帮助后来的征途上的兄弟姐妹们,把火炬传递下去!我们的斑竹们有着强大的高分经验,更重要的是我们有满腔热情!”驴子:“感谢share with u给我机会和大家分享一路奋斗走来的心得。
1.现在分词强调重复性;定语从句强调一次性2.①A of B结构中,A是中心词,谓语动词与A一致②the size of Colorado’s错③of用于没生命的对象(如国家United States of America)‘s用于有生命的对象(树没有生命)3. ①to do A, to do B, and to do C对to do A, do B, and do C对②情态动词可否省,亦看第二个③肯定句用and,否定句用or④仅有no/not代表否定句5. 句中出现any,要判断是否为语气词(强烈语气),若是,则要保留。
6. ①主语作宾语优先使用名词(在名词与Ving之间)所有格结构的宾语介词结构的宾语②try to do/t ry doing对try that/try and do 错7. ①n+that+be+adj错人+that+be+adj错9. ①believe thatbelieve sb/sth to be②that引导宾从不可省,引导定从可省③the infinitive “to be” is more appropriate that the limited present-tense “is” in referring to an event that occurred longago but have been discovered only recently.10. ①however表强烈语气,不能忽略②there be 表自然存在状态③语气词不能省11. ①分词结构(doing/done,介词+分词,连词+分词)的省略结构的逻辑主语是后面主句的主语②base/compare只用于被动语态12. ①同一句话中,相同的代词(可能不同格)必须指代相同的对象②代词先于主句出现,一般指主句主语,但在下句中则指代不清:New small business are not subject to the applicability of formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity in the same way as established big business, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.13. ①soar, rise, raise, increase, grow 出现两个则语义重复②动词优于抽象名词③when rates means“prices charged”, it should be followed bu for.14.estimated to be15. ①原文中的情态动词要尽量保留(may)②without doing/sth③distinguish A from Bdistinguish between A and B④which引导的非限制性定语从句不是不能用,但要确保无歧义16.like/unlike A, B do要求A、B性质完全一样17. ①不光要判断选项本身的对错,还要把选项放到原文中判断其对错②过去完成时(had been)changes the original meaning (were)by suggesting that the Native Americans had previously ceased to be part of the widespread culture.18. ①主谓单复数一致,被修饰成分和修饰成分单复数一致②强调整体用all,强调个体用each(不能用every one)③all, each表强调语气,不能忽略19.比较结构中的尽量补出原则不一定是补助动词,只要无歧义就行20. ①so+adj>such+抽象名词②强调句正确选项往往是A,倒装句(强调句的一种)不能变为正常语序21. ①food allergies 食物过敏总称an allergy to sth 对某物过敏②先行词与主句主语要逻辑对称③attributes A(an effect)to B(a cause)A is attributed to B22. ①not…but结构要求时态、句式对称②not but>rather than>in stead of24. ①介词+名词>介词+动名词②whether or not 错25.规定仅规定分词与分词相对称,没有说现在分词不能与过去分词对称,判断的依据是动作的主语是动作发出者还是承受者26. ①of all表最高级②maybe错,因为太口语化27. ①In D, the phrase and published in Harlem is too remote from the Messenger to modify it effectively.②把原文的修饰成分变成主干,一般为错③being+n/adj一般为错28. ①continue不能用于进行时态、复合时态(例have been and will)②be to do/be going to do错,因为表主观色彩的将来③to表趋向,coming也表示趋向,所以into the coming month语义重复29. ①句中的some若表“大约”,则不能省②there be done错32.①在同一句话中,过去和现在的时态不能一起用,除了一般现在时的三种特例(客观事实、政府行为法令法规、科研成果或统计资料)②一般过去时改成过去完成时主要看是否出现表过去的过去的时间标志③时间状语的摆放要遵从愿意36. ①be native to somewhere②不同时态并不是一定不能在同一个句子中出现,关键是要符合句子的愿意、清楚地表达作者的意思。
雅思OG test8阅读答案
雅思OG test8阅读答案Question 11、定位句:We need two or three volunteers who can help。
考生根据Monday evening在录音中定位,录音中提到培训师just moved away,他们需要另外另三个志原者who can help the residents create documents,此处create与题目中produce同义替换,因此答案为documents。
Question 21、定位句:Then on Tuesday afternoons we have an informal class。
2、替换词:we’ve got。
根据Tuesday afternoon在录音中定位。
题目要求填写的是养老院有的可以play的一样东西,而录音中在播放完定位句后,明确提到we’ve got a keyboard and someone who plays,此处定语从句还原,即play a keyboard,因此答案为keyboard。
Question 31、定位句:Then on Thursday mornings we generally have a session in our garden.2、替换词:无。
录音首先提到了周四上午在花园中有课程,紧接着提到有一些居民enjoy learning about flowers,where they grow best因此答案很明确为flowers。
Question 41、定位句:Do you have。
2、替换词:not very much。
咨询者提到Do you have your own tools at the home。
1. 职业生涯成功:OGRE2在Halo系列比赛中展现出了非凡的实力和职业素养,他在多个赛季中取得了多项冠军头衔。
2. 领导能力:作为一名职业选手,OGRE2展现了出色的领导能力。
3. 心理素质:在竞技游戏中,心理素质是非常重要的。
4. 游戏分析能力:OGRE2对游戏的分析能力非常出色。
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1. A fire in an enclosed space burns with the aid of reflected radiation that preheatsthe fuel, making ignition much easier and flames spreading more quickly.(A) flames spreading(B) flame spreads(C) flames are caused to spread(D) causing flames to spread(E) causing spreading of the flamesChoice A, B, and C are incorrect because a present participial (or -ing) verb must precede flames to form a structure parallel to the phrase making ignition much easier… choice D is correct. Choice E is wordy, unidiomatic, and also awkward in that spreading, although used here as a noun, appears at first to be another present participle that could be modified by more quickly. This is an easy question.2. Roy Wilkins was among the last of a generation of civil rights activists who ledthe nation through decades of change so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember, what segregation was like.(A) so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less toremember(B) so profound that many young Americans cannot imagine, much lessremember(C) so profound many young Americans cannot imagine nor even less remember(D) of such profundity many young Americans cannot imagine, even less canthey remember(E) of such profundity that many young Americans are not able to imagine, muchless to rememberChoice A can be faulted for omitting that after profound; the idiomatic form of the expression is “so X that Y.” Also, much less remember is more idiomatic than even less to remember, and cannot imagine is more concise than are not able to imagine. Choice B is best. Choice C lacks that after profound, and nor is incorrectly used to join verbs modified by cannot. In choice D, of such profundity is wordy, that is missing, and even less can they remember is not an idiomatic way to complete cannot imagine. In choice E, of such profundity and are not able to imagine are wordy, and the to in to remember is unnecessary. This is a fairly easy question.3. The residents’ opposition to the sprayi ng program has rekindled an old debateamong those who oppose the use of pesticides and those who feel that thepesticides are necessary to save the trees.(A) among those who oppose the use of pesticides and(B) between those who oppose the use of pesticides and(C) among those opposing the use of pesticides with(D) between those who oppose the use of pesticides with(E) among those opposing the use of pesticides andChoice A, C, and E can be faulted for using among in place of between to refer to two factions. Choice B is correct. Choices C and D incorrectly use with in place of and. Finally, those opposing in choices C and E is not parallel with those who feel, This question is a little easier than the average4. In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches intocomplex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing its ownantifreeze.(A) in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze(B) effectively manufacturing antifreeze of its own(C) in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze(D) so that they manufacture their own antifreeze(E) thus the manufacture of its own antifreezeChoice A and B are incorrect because the pronoun its does not agree in number with invertebrates and fish, the noun referents. B also distorts the intended meaning of the sentence by making a statement about how effectively the invertebrates and fish manufacture their own antifreeze. Choice C is correct. In D and E, so that they manufacture and thus the manufacture do not form logical connections with the rest of the sentence, and its in E is incorrect. This is an easy question.5. Slips of the tongue do not necessarily reveal concealed beliefs or intentions butrather are the result from the competition between various processingmechanisms in the brain.(A) but rather are the result from(B) and instead are the result from(C) being rather the result of(D) and rather result from(E) but rather result fromChoices A and B are incorrect because are the result from is unidiomatic; result from or are the result of are the idiomatic forms. Choices B, C, and D are faulty because but is needed to complete the construction do not reveal but (verb). E is correct for this moderately easy question.6. The new contract forbids a strike by the transportation union.(A) forbids a strike by the transportation union(B) forbids the transportation union from striking(C) forbids that there be a strike by the transportation union(D) will forbid the transportation union from striking(E) will forbid that the transportation union strikesChoice A is best. B, C, D, and E are unidiomatic: a form of the verb forbid may be completed by a noun, as in forbids a strike, or by a noun and an infinitive, as in forbids the union to strike This question is of middle difficulty.7. Monitoring heart patients’ exercise, as well as athletes exercising, is now done bysmall transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.(A) Monitoring heart patients’ exercise, as w ell as athletes exercising, is nowdone by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements tonearby recording machines.(B) Monitoring the exercise of heart patients, as well as athletes exercising, isnow done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements tonearby recording machines.(C) Small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearbyrecording machines are now used to monitor the exercise of both heartpatients and athletes.(D) Broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines,small transmitters are now used to monitor heart patients’ exercise, as wellas athletes exercising.(E) Both athletes exercising and heart patients’ exercise are now monitored bysmall transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearbyrecording machines.Choices A and B incorrectly juxtapose heart patients’ exercise and athletes who are exercising, not patient’s exercise and athletes’ exercise, as is more logical. Choice C, which clarifies the comparison, is best. D and E, like A and B, imply a comparison between athletes who are exercising and the exercise of heart patients. The question is moderately easy.8. The commission has directed advertisers to restrict the use of the word “natural”to foods that do not contain color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, or nothing that has been synthesized.(A) or nothing that has been(B) or that has been (On OG here is: nor anything that was)(C) and nothing that is(D) or anything that has been(E) and anythingChoices A, B, and C are faulty because the not in do not contain makes the negatives nothing and nor unidiomatic. Choice D is best. In E, and fails to indicate that anything… is an all-inclusive term, not another separate item in the list additives,…preservatives…. This question is fairly easy.9. Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortlyafter the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned priceincrease during a period of wage and price controls.(A) Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortlyafter the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned priceincrease during a period of wage and price controls.(B) What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcyshortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that thegovernment sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls.(C) That which brought the ford Motor Company back from the verge ofbankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a specialgovernmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and pricecontrols.(D) What has brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge ofbankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increasethat the government sanctioned during a period of wages and price controls.(E) To bring the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortlyafter the Second World War, there was a special price increase during aperiod of wages and price controls that government sanctioned.Choice A, awkward and imprecise, leaves one confused about what it was that happened during a period of wage and price controls—the revitalization of the Ford Motor Company or the sanctioning of a price increase. B, the best answer, clarifies the matter by making during… modify the government sanctioned. Choice C, wordy and awkward, suffers from the same imprecision as choice A. the present perfect has brought in D is inappropriate for action completed well in past, and wages, which should modify control, is not idiomatic. In choice E, wages is again wrong, and E, contrary to intent, suggests that the government sanctioned a period of … controls rather than a special price increase. The question is of middle difficulty.10. Like Haydn, Schubert wrote a great deal for the stage, but he is rememberedprincipally for his chamber and concert-hall music.(A) Like Haydn, Schubert(B) Like Haydn, Schubert also(C) As has Haydn, Schubert(D) As did Haydn, Schubert also(E) As Haydn did, Schubert alsoChoice A is correct. In B, also is redundant after Like, which establishes the similarity between Haydn and Schubert. As in choices C, D, and E is not idiomatic in a comparison of persons; has in C wrongly suggests that the action was recently completed; and also in D and E is superfluous. This question is a little more difficult than the average.11. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for urbanapartment houses including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities.(A) including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses includingcommunal eating and social facilities(B) that included child-care facilities, and for clustered suburban houses toinclude communal eating and social facilities(C) with child-care facilities included and for clustered suburban houses toinclude communal eating and social facilities(D) that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses withcommunal eating and social facilities(E) to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses withcommunal eating and social facilities includedThe function and meaning of the including… phrases are unclear in choice A: for example, it is hard to tell whether Gilman called for urban apartment houses that included childcare facilities or whether such facilities represent one variety of the urban apartment houses she wanted built. Choice B resolves the ambiguity concerning child-care facilities, but called for…houses to include… facilities is unidiomatic in B and C. Choice D is best. In E, to include is again faulty. This question is more difficult than the average.12. The odds are about 4 to 1 against surviving a takeover offer, and many businessconsultants therefore advise that a company’s first line of defense in eludingoffers like these be to even refuse to take calls from likely corporate raiders.(A) that a company’s first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to evenrefuse(B) that a company’s first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even(C) a company defending itself against offers of this kind that, as a first line ofdefense, they should even refuse(D) companies which are defending themselves against such an offer that, as afirst line of defense, they should even refuse(E) that the first line of defense for a company who is eluding offers like these isthe refusal evenChoice A is awkward and poorly phrased: these has no plural noun to which it can refer, and even should be placed immediately before to take calls, the phrase it modifies. Choice B is best. In C, the plural they does not agree with the singular company,even is misplaced, and advise…that…they should is unidiomatic. D has the plural companies but retains the other flaws of C. In E, who in place of that is an inappropriate pronoun for company, these does not agree with the singular offer, and is the refusal should be be to refuse. This question is difficult.13. Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the SecondWorld War, using it to help build a modern industrial system.(A) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the SecondWorld War, using it to help build(B) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the SecondWorld War and used it to help in building(C) Japan used the huge sums of capital it received from the United States afterthe Second World War to help build(D) Japan’s huge sums of capital received from the United States after the SecondWorld War were used to help it in building(E) Receiving huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second WorldWar, Japan used it to help buildChoice A can be faulted because it, a singular pronoun, does not agree with sums of capital; also, using does not establish a logical time sequence in which Japan first received and then used the capital from the United States. In B, it is again wrong, and to help in building is less compact and idiomatic than to help build. Choice C is best. In D, to help it in building is flawed, and it has no free noun as its referent since Japan’s is a possessive modifier of sums. In E, it is again without a singular noun referent, and Receiving huge sums…Japan used … does not make clear the sequence of events. This question is of middle difficulty.14. Although one link in the chain was demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficientlyso to require the recall of the automobile.(A) demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require(B) demonstrated as weak, but it was not sufficiently so that it required(C) demonstrably weak, but not sufficiently so to require(D) demonstrably weak, it was not so weak as to require(E) demonstrably weak, it was not weak enough that it requiredChoices A and C entail ungrammatical constructions because they do not produce a sentence that has a main clause with a subject and a verb. In choice B, demonstrated as weak is unidiomatic; also in choices B and C Although and but should not be used together because only one is needed to express the relationship between the ideas. Choice D is best. Choice E is less concise and idiomatic than D; moreover, it is imprecise to say that one link in the chain (the referent of it) actually required the recall. The question is of middle difficulty.15. Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not beexcluded outright from jury service, nearly a century of case-by-case adjudication has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must bedrawn from “a fair cross section of the community.”(A) has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be(B) was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being(C) was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all juries tobe(D) is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be(E) will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries beingChoice A is best: has been appropriately refers to recently completed action. In B, was does not indicate that the action is recent. Also, necessary for developing… is less idiomatic than necessary to develop…, and principle of all juries being is less direct than principle that all juries must be. The to be infinitives make choice C incorrect. The present tense is in D and the future tense will be in E make these choices faulty. This question is of middle difficulty.16. The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 milliondollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980’s.(A) The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980’s.(B) The modernization program for the steel mill, hopefully completed in the late1980’s, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.(C) Modernizing the steel mill, hopefully to be completed in the late 1980’s, willcost approximately 51 million dollars.(D) The program for modernizing the steel mill, which can, it is hoped, becompleted in the late 1980’s and cost approximately 51 million dollars.(E) Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed inthe late 1980’s, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.Choice A can be faulted because which grammatically refers to 51 million dollars, the nearest noun phrase. At any rate, it is not clear in choices A, B, C, or D whether the modernization program or the steel mil is supposed to be completed in the late 1980’s. In B and C, the use of hopefully for it is hoped still meets with strong and widespread objection from many editors, lexicographers, and authors of usage handbooks. Asdie from having an ambiguous which, D contains no independent clause and so cannot stand as a sentence. Choice E is the correct answer for this very difficult question.17. Camus broke with Sartre in a bitter dispute over the nature of Stalinism.(A) in a bitter dispute over(B) over bitterly disputing(C) after there was a bitter dispute over(D) after having bitterly disputed about(E) over a bitter dispute aboutChoice A is correct. In B, over is misused: the idiomatic form of expression is broke…in, not broke…over, and over should appear immediately before the issue indispute(i.e., the nature of Stalinism). Choice C, wordy and imprecise, does not specify who was involved in the dispute. In D and E, dispute(d) about is less direct and idiomatic than dispute(d) over. Also, D is needlessly wordy and over is misused in E. This is a difficult question.18. Nowhere in Prakta is the influence of modern European architecture moreapparent than their government buildings.(A) more apparent than their(B) so apparent as their(C) more apparent than in its(D) so apparent than in their(E) as apparent as it is in itsChoice A is incorrect because in must appear after than and because the plural pronoun their does not agree in number with the singular noun Prakta. B also lacks in and misuses their. Choice C is correct. In D, so…than in place of more…than is unidiomatic, and there is again wrong. Choice E is confusing because it refers to architecture whereas its refers to Prakta. This question is a little easier than the average.19. Federal legislation establishing a fund for the cleanup of sites damaged by toxicchemicals permits compensating state governments for damage to their natural resources but does not allow claims for injury to people.(A) compensating state governments for damage to(B) compensating state governments for the damaging of(C) giving state governments compensation for damaging(D) giving compensation to state governments for the damage of(E) the giving of compensation to state governments for damagingChoice A is correct. Choices B, C, and E could be read as saying that state governments can be compensated for damaging their own natural resources. The phrasing in C, D, and E is needlessly wordy, and for the damage of in D is unidiomatic. This question is difficult.20. The lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of havingillegally taped her confidential conversations with her client and then used the information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder charges.(A) used the information obtained to find evidence supporting(B) used such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting(C) used the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support(D) of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that wouldsupport(E) of using such information as they obtained to find evidence that would besupportive ofChoice A, B, and C are incorrect because then must be followed by a construction that parallels of having in line2—that is, by of and a present participial, or “-ing”, verb form. Choice D is best. Choice E is very wordy, awkward, and indirect. The question is of middle difficulty.21. According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percentof young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey.(A) doubling those reported in the 1977 survey(B) to double the number the 1977 survey reported(C) twice those the 1977 survey reported(D) twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey(E) twice the number reported in the 1977 surveyChoice A is phrased illogically in that it says the young adults in the 1979 survey somehow doubled the people in the 1977 survey, not that the number of young adults using cocaine doubled. The infinitive to double, used unidiomatically in B, carries the sense of in order to double. Again in choice C, twice the number would be preferable to twice those(people).It is not clear in choice D whether twice as much… refers to the number of young adults using cocaine in 1979 or the amount of cocaine they used. Choice E is best for this moderately easy question.22. Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the future;they still expect to live better than their parents have, but not so well as they once thought they could.(A) they still expect to live better than their parents have(B) they still expect to live better than their parents did(C) they still expect to live better than their parents had(D) still expecting to live better than their parents had(E) still expecting to live better than did their parentsChoice A is incorrect because have cannot function as the auxiliary of live; i.e., have live is ungrammatical. Choice B, which substitutes did for have, is correct and logically places the paren ts’ action in the past. In C and D, had places the parents’ action in the past but is wrong as an auxiliary, just as have is in A. Choices D and E are faulty because neither is the independent clause that is needed to complete a grammatical sentence. The question is a little more difficult than the average.23. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill, butonly recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a toxin present in the quail’s body only under certa in conditions.(A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes(B) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to make(C) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes make(D) It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes make(E) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, hassometimes madeChoice A is correct. Choice B is awkward: that is preferable after known to introduce the clause describing what Europeans have long known, and quail eating is …ab le is unidiomatic. Choices C, D, and E are also awkward; moreover, will…make in D and has…made in E are inappropriate to describe a condition that holds true in the present as well as in the future or the past. This is a question of middle difficulty.24. The caterpillar of the geometrid moth strikes when special tactile hairs on itsbody are disturbed, after capturing its prey, holds the victim so that it cannotescape.(A) strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,(B) striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, but(C) which strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,(D) which, striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,(E) strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed and,Choice A is incorrect because it provides no word or construction that can form a grammatical link with the remainder of the sentence. By substituting striking for strikes, choice B removes the verb form that functions with caterpillar, the grammatical subject, to make a complete sentence. C is awkward and also ambiguous because it is not immediately clear whether which is meant to refer to caterpillar or moth. In D, which is again ambiguous, and with striking in place of strikes, which takes holds as its verb, leaving no verb for the subject of the sentence. Choice E is correct: and links the verbs strikes and holds to form a compound verb for the subject, caterpillar. This question is of middle difficulty.25. In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whetherthey are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.(A) In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question ofwhether they are better off materially than the urban working poor isirrelevant.(B) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially thanthe urban working poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face.(C) A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrantworkers face is whether they are better off materially than the urban workingpoor.(D) In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, thequestion of whether they are better off materially than the urban workingpoor is irrelevant.(E) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially thanthe urban working poor is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems thatthey face.Choice A presents a dangling modifier because nothing mentioned in the sentence can perform the action of assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers. Choice A states illogical that the question is assessing these problems. In B, the plural pronoun they cannot refer as intended to the singular rural migrant worker. C is awkward and ambiguous: again, the question is not assessing the problems, and irrelevant in assessing could be taken to mean either that the act of assessing the problems is irrelevant or that the question described is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems. Choice D is best. Lack of agreement between worker and they makes E wrong. This question is difficult.。