Researchers at the University of Minnesota recently announced that they were able to largely reverse




2023年6月英语六级真题及参考答案六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,找准具体选项内容,忽略套数!网络综合版:听力第一套Conversation OneM: Hi Lily, how's the new apartment?W: It's okay.M:What? How can it be just okaywhen last week you were thrilledabout the place and keptnosting photos of it online?W:Well,【1】 last week whenfmoved in, the apartment seemed cozy, justthe right size forone person. But nowit just seems tiny, shabby and solitary.M: Al that's the problem. You missyour roommates from university,don't you?W: I'm going to sound like G idiot【2】because Iused to complain to youall the time about how crowded ourdormitory room was, and about allthe things they did to irritate me, likewatching movies late at night withoutheadphones, or talking loudly early inthe morning. But now Imiss themterribly.M: Of course you do. That's perfectlynormal. When I got my first place,Iremember thinking I could ti wait tolive by myself and get away from myjuvenile roommates and all their annoyipghabits.【3】 But then began issing them and feelinglonely and thinking that our dormitory was like paradise. Even though there were six of us guys inone small room.W: I thought it was just m who reltlike thiat.M: Look, you lived at home with us.And then you had three roommates.And this is your first time living alone.So i hard But your first apartmentis a milestone in your life. And youshould celebrate it. Tell me about theapartment.W: Actuaily, it's not bad. In fact, it'spretty adorable. Now that I have decorated it and it has et rjthing Ineed. I have a kitchen to cook in thebathroom al! to myself.And then anothes room with my bed at one endand the sofa, a small table and chairsat the C herend.M: That does sound adorable, and【4】Ican't wait to see it. And neither canmom and dad.Question 1: What was the woman'sfirst impression of the apartment?Question 2: Why does the womansay she's going to sound like an idiot?Question 3: What do we learn about the man when he left thedormitory to live on his own?Question 4: What is the man say hecan't wait to do.W: Welcome to our program book talk. Q5.ourgyest today is FrankJonesiditicbf our education system and the author of new book,How to reform our universitres.M: Hello, Susan.W: Frank, you support radicallychanging universities in America. Yes.Q6.I believe that the purpose of highereduad grefo prepare young peopleto enter the workforce and that ourcurrent system fails to do this, We'reallocating too many resou disciplines that don't match the needsof employers.W: I think your attitude to education isa bit cynical Frank. Surely the purpose of university is to prepareyoung people to participate fully incivic life rather than just to find wellpaid jobs.M: Susan, many young graduates struggle to find any job let alone agood one. The job markc isgrim.Particulaniior students who studythe arts. I agree that it isn't easy foryoungr gegple to find work, but youpropose closing down alt departments that aren't directlyrelated to science and technology. Isthat really the solution?M: You're overstating my paint. Q7.My argument is that we need it use moer of our budget on areas like science and engineering. To do that, we needto take money from subjects likeliterature and musicW: Q8,But the arts have value. They'rean important part of our culture.studying literature or music or sculpture might not result in a job inthatae But it helps young people tothink about the world in a.deeperway, which makes them b citizens and makes fora better society.M:l agree that the arts are valuable tosociety, but it's naive to think that notonly tk miost talented, but allstudents should study them at university level. The odds are verycompetitive, and most graduates willend up with a great deal of debt,obtaining a degree that has littlevalue on the job market.Question 5. What do we learn from theconversation about the man?Question 6. What does the manbelieve is the problem with the current AmericanSystem of Higher Education?Question 7. How should the educationbudget be allocated according to theman?Question 8. What does the woman saythe arts can do?Passage OneDo you ever have the annoying feetingthat you don't have time to really thinkanymore? You're not alone.【Q9】A variet dtdrs have conspired to robus of time for reflectionourselves and our lives.preoccupied minds are rarely Silent.The average person receives hundredsof texts and voice messages a day. Andholidays for many of us are action-packed weeks more likely full of familyactivities than opportunities fortranquility and contemplation.【Q10】Regular reflection,howe,underlies all great professionals. It's a prerequisite for you to recharge yourmental batteries. See things in a newlight and tap into your creativity.Almost all of the great advisors that Ihave studied have found ways to getaway from it all and contemplate theirlife and work. Some researchers in thefield of creativity, in fact, believe thatinsight occurs during the reflection and relaxation that follows aCeriod of intense actvity.Schedule your time for reflection aboutyourwork ora particular proiect you're engaged in. I usually biock outhalf an hour. Don't answer the phone.Push your papers to the side. Sketch,make lists, draw mind maps of ideasthat come to you. At the end, write down any emerging ideas.When you're alone, stop worrying andthink. A lot of our downtime is spentworryingabout troublesc ne thihgs inour lives or fantasizing aboat how we'dlike our lives to be.【Q11】 Revisitthings during moments of relaxationafter a periodnof intense work. This iswhenwe are the most creative.Question 9 What do we learn about thefeeling that one doesn't heeitime tothink anymore?Questica 10 What trait do all greatprofessionals share?Question 11 What is some researchersbelieve is conducive to creative ideas?Passage Twohad post offices The first opened in 1859 in asettlement founded by migrants searching for gold,Life could be unpredictable outwest. Gold failed to appear. Drought ruinedfarmers, and settlers clashed with_NativeAmericans.On the settlement's location now stands asprawling University campus. Amid all thechanges, one feature remained constant: thepostal service. The maps tracing America'swestward expansion are telling in 1864 therewere few postat branches on land controlledby Native Americans, which still accountedfor most of the West. Over the next 25 years,post offices grew quickly. Colonization'of theWest could be regarded as a result of biggovernment rather than pioneers.【13】Asfederal subsidies and land grants temptedpeople into the deserts and plains, the postkept them connected.In the mid-19th century, the Post OfficeDepartment was far from a centralizedbureaucracy. To keep up with migrationpatterns, postal services were added toexisting businesses.【14】The federal government commissioned private wagons themail. Short term contracts were granted tolocal businessman to act as postmasters.These partnerships enabled the mail to quickly followmigrants helping knit togetherremote parts of the country.Mr. Bellavance, a digital historian, wrote abook on the history of the US postal service.【15】 He used the data science to analyzehistorical trends, Most strikingly he built anaccompanying website, complekw;Tinteractive maps.They show readers-howwithin a generation the postal service helpedcolonize a continent. These online interactivemaps illustrate the formative power of snailmail.Q12 What does the passage say AboutColorado before it became a state?Q13 How did the postal service contribute toAmerica's westward expansion?Q14 What did the federal government:do tomeet the increasing demand for the postalservice in the West?Q15 What did Mr. Bellavance do to study thehistory of the US postal service?听力演讲1In last week's lecture, we discussed reasons whypeople forget things. This week we will discuss asurprising reason why we might remember somethings, anxiety. Think about something as simple asbuying a coffee. That may not seem like an experience that would make a deep impression onyour memory. But anxiety could change that. Q16.In fact, a new study suggests that people withhigher anxiety levels mightremembertertain information better than people with lower anxietylevels.That's because higher levels of anxiety may makepeople moresusceptible to negative feelings,putting them in a more negative state of mind. Thatin turn, may make them able to better remembersome events. Let's take a closer look at that newstudy now. Q17. In this study, tseardhersstarted by giving 80 undergraduate students ananxiety test. The test measure the participantsanxiety levels over the proceeding two weeks.Then, to test memory, the participants were showna series of neutral words one at a time. Some of thewords were printed onto photos of negative scenes,meaning images that could affect their emotionsnegatively, such as a photo of a car accident, or acemetery. The rest of the words were printed ontophotos of neutral scenes, such as a photo of a lakeor trees. Neutral words included words like table ordesk that don't elicit emotion.Later, the participants were asked to think back tothe words they were shown earlier, which causedthem to reenter either a negative or neutral mindset. The participants were then presented withanother set of neutral words, and their memory ofthese new words was tested.The researchers found that the new words presented to people in a negative mindset werebetter remembered by people with higher levels ofanxiety than those with lower levels of anxiety.In other words, when highly anxious individualstook in otherwise emotionallyneutral informationthat was presented to them, it became colored bytheir negative mindset, making them remember theinformation better. But these same effects were notseen in people with low levels of anxiety.Q18. Previous studies havefound that extremeevels of anxiety such as those experienced bypeople diagnosed with an anxiety disorder can bequite detrimentalto memory and cognitive performan But the highly anxious people in thisstudy represent individuals who are managing theiranxiety and for whom anxiety is not. a seriousproblem.Question 16. What does the speaker say the newstudy suggests?Question 17. What did researchers do first in thenew study?Question 18. What do we learn from previousstudies aboutlanxiety?Over the past 20 years, the u ternet hasgradually become a dominant featureof our lives. It has changed how wecommunicate with each other. And ithas definitely transformed the way wedo business with each other:Marketinghas also changed in a number of ways.For instance, in the past, consumershad to call a phone number and patiently wait on hold in order to getthe information they wanted.[Q19]Today, they want the informationimmediately. They'll go to the company's sociaLmediapdc nifostcomments and questions expecting toreceive an immediate response. If theydon't get their questions answeredsoon they'll move on to anothercompany that will answer themquickly.Marketing departments today need tofollow technological development.Forexample, this year smartphone issmarter than last years. s fariving cars are now on the road. Marketershave to do research on which techncingies:are coming into bsing,otherwise, they risk being leit behindin the virtual dust.Marketing has also changed due to theimportance of video. People don't justwant to read text. They walt to watchthings happening. Companies now have to explore how they can use videoon a consistent basis to share information about their sinesses.Fortunately, it's extremely easy toshoot something these days. All youneed is a smartphone.But what's the result of all this? Shorteraitention spans? We aren't the samepeople that we were 20 yedi ago. Notonly have we grown accustomed togetting the information we want instantaneously, our attention spansare much shorter. If something doesn'tcaptulc ourattention within a fewseconds. We're on to the next piece ofcontent.[Q20]Marketers need to figureout ways to speak directly to the customer's emotions and they need tofigure out how to do that as quickly aspossible. Once people are emotionallyengaged, they'll stick with you.If marketingi has changed this much inthe past 20 years, imagine what thenext 20 years will bring li ai recentsurvey, only 9% of marketers could saywith confidence that their marketingefforts were actually working. Theirconfidence is being shaken becausethe rules of the game change everyyear. That's why [Q21]it'simportant for marketers to pay attention to the latest technological devel and consider collaborating with technological innovators. That way,they'll be moving at the samepace asthe tech industry.Question 19 What does the speaker sayabout today's consumers?Question 20 How do marketers captureconsumers'attention as quickly aspossible?Question 21 What does the speakersuggest marketers do to meet futurechalletes?演讲3You might be surprised to learn that [Q22] thebenefits offriendships extend beyond people'ssociallifeand into their work, which is interestingwhen cd lili the extent to which peoplesacrifice friendships, or at least the time they spendwith friends because of the exte edihairsthey'redevoting to work. Just last week, rwas remarking toa colleague that I'm content with only one socialengagement per week. But according to recentresearch, that's evidently not enough.In an initial study of more than 700 respondents,scholars from an American university [Q23] analyzethe imrf thst:fiends as opposed to family haveon sel dem Jahd well-being. Friends came outsubstantially on top. That's because to be someone's mate is a voluntary act. Unlike familywho people rarely get to choose. The researchersfound that when people choose to cultivate andmaintain supportive friendships with an individual,it means that the person is valued and worthy oftheir limited time. Such sentiments of value andworthiness boost our self-esteem.The second study comprised more than 300 participants. It proved that the better we feel aboutourselves, the more likely we will perform our jobconfidently andcompetently. This follow-up studyfound that [Q24] non-work friends even improvedpeople's job satisfaction. They have as much of animpact on how much they love their jobs, as do thefriends they have at work, despite not actuallybeing at our place of work. These types of friendstend to be our preferred outlet fo nni aboutwork-related mattersyThis is an avenue that maynot be available at the office.So even though friendships can be easy to neglectwhen confronted-by pressures at work, or evenpressures at home, neglecting our friends can turnout to be harmful and counterproductive. That'swhy when determining how to create a better work-life balance, we need to consider not only how tobalance work and family demands, but also how tocultivate and sustain supportive friendships. It's for employees for flexible work arrangements. It'sirrelevant whether their need for a desired scheduleis due to say, parenting responsibilities, or a craving to hang out with their best mate. Whatmatters is the opportunity to engage in a nourishingactiyity outside of work. That will definitely have afollow-on effect at work.Q 22 What does the speaker say is interesting?Q 23 What did researchers from an Americanuniversity analyze in their initial study?Q 24 What did the second study find aboutmon-work friends?Q 25 What does the speaker suggest managers do?参考答案:1.A) She is drawn to its integration of design andengineering.2.D) Through hard work.3.C) It is long-lasting.4.A) Computer science.5.B) He is well known to the public.6.D) Serve as a personatassistant.7.D) He has little previous work experience.8.C) He has a high proficiency in several languages.9.A) They have fewer rules and pressures.10.D) They deprive kids of the opportunity todevelop team spirit.11.C) Let them participate in some less risky outdooractivities.12.B) Tech firms intentionally design products tohave short lifespans.13.C) List a repairability score of their product.14.D) Take the initintive to reduce electronic waste.15.A) It can be solved.16.B) How to prevent employees from cyberloafing.17.C) Cyberloafing may relieve employees of stress.18.A) Taking mini-breaks means better jobperfontance.19.D) There were no trees.20.B) He founded a newspaper and used it topromote his ideas.21.B) The state government declared it the officialArbor Day.22.B)They moved ou of Africa about 60,000 yearsago.23.D) The discovery of two modern human teeth inChina.24.A) There must have been some reason for humanmigration.25.D) What path modern humans took to migrateout of America. 听力第二套参考答案:作文:心理健康Mental well-being is regarded as a state of health where a person is able to address normal stresses in daily life. Recently,this state has been grasped as much attention as physical health.Obviously, there are several factors that affect people's mental well-being. Firstly, a strong contributor to mental well-being refers to the state of a person's usual environ-ment. Adverse environmental circumstances can lea negative effectson psychological wellness. Living in a positive social environment, in contrast, can provide protection against mental challenges. Secondly, people's lifestyle can also impact their mental health. Smoking, a poor diet, alcohol con-sumption, substance use, and risky sexual behavior may result in psychological harm. Smoking, a poor diet, alcohol consump-tion, substance use, and risky sexual behavior may result in psychological harm. Worse, such behaviors have been linked to depression.In conclusion, because mental health is so important to general wellness, it's important that you take care of your mental health. Talking therapy, meditation and maintaining a positive outlook on life all contribute to people mental health. With a positive mental state, all areas of life will go towards active de-velopment.友好的讨论When faced with differing opinions, we should try to reach agreement through friendly discussion and reasonable argu-ment. In our daily life, it is common to see college students struggling with a polite and logical way when their views differ from others'. Apparently, this issue has sparked public con-cerns.Friendly discussion allows individuals to share their perspec-tives and opinions in a respectful manner. This can lead to a better understanding of each other's viewpoints and poten-tially even finding common ground. In addition, reasonable ar-gument allows individuals to present evidence and logic to sup-port their position, which can help persuade others to see their point of view. However, it is important to note that not all disagreements can be resolved through discussionand argu-ment alone. In some cases, compromise may be necessary to reach a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.To sum up, friendly discussion and reasonable argument, to a large extent, are of great use. We should be open-minded and engaged in such practices.教育的目标Education has played an increasingly crucial role in modern so-ciety. We aim education on different levels at cultivating the to-be successors of our global village. One important goal that education is trying to achieve is help students master the ways to acquire knowledge.Of all the capabilities one can develop to acquire knowledge in being educated, three sorts are of the greatest significance.First of all, students who are receiving education definitely know that they are always ignorant of some branches in th eocean of knowledge, which can keep them modest and more willing to explore their unfamiliar realms, even deeper if they've already done so. Moreover, students can imitate what their teachers or professors do in or our of class and then gradually acquire the ability to undertake more scientific re-search and intellectual inquiries alone. Last but not least,youngsters who are accustomed to being educated at school or college are more likely to keep studying as a life-long habit,which will have a substantially positive effect on their own life and the future of the human world.In my perspective, education is one of the most marvelous social inventionsthat ever existed in human history. Without it, the whole globe can never continue developing further in a civilized and prosperous direction.星火英语版:听力部分(共2套)第一套1.B) It was warm and comfortable.2.B) She misses her roommates she used to complain about.3.C) He had a similar feeling to the woman's.4.A) Go to see the woman's apartment.5.D) He has published a book recently.6.C) It has not prepared young people for the job market.7.A) More of the budget should go to science and technology.8.D) Cultivate better citizens.9. A) It is quite common.10. B) Engaging in regular contemplation.11. D) Reflecting during ones relaxation.12. C) There existed post offices.13. D) It kept people in the deserts and plains connected.14. B) It commissioned private wagons to carry the mail.15. C) He examined its historical trends with data science.16. A) Higher levels of anxiety may improve people's memory.17)C) They measured the participants' anxiety levels.18.B) Extreme levels of anxiety can adversely affect cognitive performance.19. D) They expect to get instantaneous responses to their inquiry.20. C) Speaking directly to their emotions.21. B) Keep up with the latest technological developments.22. D) Friendships benefit work.23. A) The impact of friends on people's self-esteem.24. D) They increase people's job satisfaction.25. A) Allow employees to have a flexible work schedule.第二套1. A) She is drawn to its integration of design and engineering.2.D) Through hard work.3.C) It is long-lasting.4.A) Computer science.5.B) He is well known to the public.6.D) Serve as a personal assistant.7.D) He has little previous work experience.8.C) He has a high proficiency in several languages.9.A) They have fewer rules and pressures.10.D) They deprive kids of the opportunity to develop team spirit.11 C) Let them participate in some less risky outdoor activities.12. B) Tech firms intentionally design products to have short lifespans.13. C) List a repairability score of their product.14. D) Take the initintive to reduce electronic waste.15. A) It can be solved.16.B) How to prevent employees from cyberloafing.17.C) Cyberloafing may relieve employees of stress.18. A) Taking mini-breaks means better job perfontance.19.D) There were no trees.20.B) He founded a newspaper and used it to promote his ideas.21.B) The state government declared it the official Arbor Day.22.B)They moved ou of Africa about 60,000 years ago.23.D) The discovery of two modern human teeth in China.24.A) There must have been some reason for human migration.25.D) What path modern humans took to migrate out of America.翻译部分(共3套)1.中国文化出口近年来,越来越多的中国文化产品走向全球市场,日益受到海外消费者的青睐。










一、听力测试(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)略二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。

(15分)It happened years ago . When my daughter was in primary school , she brought home four small twigs(嫩枝)21 school to plant . None of them looked very hardy (耐寒的), but with hope for the future , I 22 them carefully with my daughter somewhere in our backyard that had enough 23 when it is fine . Over the years , because of the poor soil (土壤) three of them 24 .Only one survived (幸存).The tree grew crooked(弯弯曲的)and very slowly . It looked like a fat bush (灌木丛)more than a tree . Later , I noticed that it was starting to die . The 25 branches were becoming yellow and bare . Only the top third of the tree was still26 and thick . I got some help from one of my friends who was a farmer. I did mybest to save it by 27 it a lot of fertilizer(肥料), but it didn ' t work .Later one morning , I went out and looked at it again . I was wondering whether it would be better to 28 . It would make the yard look cleaner . As I walked over to take a 29 look at it , I noticed something moving within the leaves , it was a robin(知更鸟) 30 building a nest in the topmost branches (树枝). I smiled whenI looked at it . I thought maybe this old 31 was still useful . In my eyes , 32it might not be really healthy or pretty , it was still giving a bird a home . That ' s enough for it.This tree 33 me that all of our lives have a purpose . It doesn ' t matter if we are young and 34 or old and sick . We can help to make this world a better place .Until our last breath , 35 have things to do , love to give , and joy to share .Maybe that ' s the true meaning of a life .21.A.for C.from D.at22.A.planted B.brought C. carried D.dropped23.A.sunlight B.water C.rain D.wind24.A. grew B.died C.changed D.remained25.A.younger B.higher C.older D.lower26.A.yellow D.white27.A.buying B.passing C.feeding D.bringing28.A.give it out B.pick it up C.cut it down D.put it away29.A.slow B.far D.close30.A.patiently B.carelessly C.loudly D.properly31.A.bush B.branch C.yard D.tree32.A.since B. and C.although D.so33.A.advised B. reminded C.allowed D.encouraged34.A.strong B. weak C.pretty D.ugly35.A.they B. it D.we三.补全对话阅读对话,从每题 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.When the admission letter from Harvard University arrived, Ben's parents were and threw a big the red B.tickled white as a sheet a blue mood2.—When ______ leave for Japan?—When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.”A.they will, will they B.will they, they willC.they will, they will D.will they, will they3.I ____ about what you’ve said and I’ve decided to take your advice.A.thought B.have been thinkingC.was thinking D.was thinking4.Face the problem bravely and you ______ a new way to success.A.find B.found C.will find D.have found5.Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is ______ to be someone in this district who remembers him. A.content B.opposedC.bound D.restricted6.A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.A.common B.usualC.regular D.ordinary7.—I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.—It true because there was little snow there.A.may be not B.won’t be C.c ouldn’t be D.mustn’t be8.—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.—_________. Opposites sometimes do attract.A.I hope not B.I think soC.I appreciate that D.I beg to differ9.Despite the knowledge he has accumulated, He Jiang continues to be troubled by the question of the unequal_______ of scientific knowledge throughout the world.A.advocate B.distributionC.allocation D.division10.In the students’ eyes, Mrs Smith is a mother more than a teacher. she treats the students just like her own children.A.As a result B.In other words C.What is more D.First of all11.The goal, which they are unlikely to live to see , is to “cure, prevent or manage all diseases” in the next 80 or so years.A.accomplish B.accomplishedC.accomplishing D.being accomplished12.Either side seems to have a(n) _________ position; there are still many uncertainties on this issue.A.ambiguous B.delicate C.explicit D.confidential13.—I’m sorry for breaking the cup.—Oh, ________. I’ve got yourself B.forget pleasure D.pardon me14.—I dropped by at 6:00pm yesterday but failed to see you at your house.—I ________ in a gym at that time.A.was exercising exercisingC.have exercised D.had exercised15.I guess ________ impresses me most about his painting is the colors he uses.A.who B.whichC.that D.what16.Andrew lives alone and enjoys the company of a pet cat _______ he’s grown so fond.A.which whichC.of which D.when17.The recently released film Kong:Skull Island successfully ________ the audience to the adventure with Dolby 3-D technology.A.transports B.adjustsC.transforms D.relates18.After the fire,________________ would otherwise be a cultural center is now reduced to a pile of ashes.A.that B.itC.what D.which19.﹣Have you got the results of the final exam?﹣Not yet.It will be a few days ________ we know the full results.()A.before B.afterC.until D.when20.Although passing the driving test ________ be difficult now, it’s worth the efforts.A.need B.shallC.can D.should第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



In 1940 Miller wrote The Man Who Had All the Luck, which was produced in New Jersey in 1940 and won the Theatre Guild's National Award
In 1946 Miller's play All My Sons, the writing of which had commenced in 1941, was a success on Broadway (earning him his first Tony Award, for Best Author) and his reputation as a playwright was established
In 1999 Miller was awarded The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize
Miller's career as a writer spanned over seven decades, and at the time of his death, Miller was considered to be one of the greatest dramatists of the twentieth century
It was the first play to win all three of these major awards( Tony Award for Best Author , New York Drama Circle Critics‘ Award , Pulitzer Prize for Drama ). The play was performed 742 times






1. A. cat(cat中a的发音)B. map(map中a的发音)C. name(name中a的发音下划线)D. cap(cap中a的发音)2. A. big(big中i的发音)B. fish(fish中i的发音)C. like(like中i的发音下划线)D. pig(pig中i的发音)3. A. box(box中o的发音)B. not(not中o的发音)C. dog(dog中o的发音)D. no(no中o的发音下划线)4. A. bus(bus中u的发音)B. cup(cup中u的发音)C. use(use中u的发音下划线)D. but(but中u的发音)5. A. red(red中e的发音)B. pen(pen中e的发音)C. we(we中e的发音下划线)D. bed(bed中e的发音)二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。


6. - How old are you?- I'm twenty - three years old. And I ____ born in 1999.A. was(正确答案下划线)B. am.C. were.D. is.7. She ____ English very well.A. speak.B. speaks(正确答案下划线)C. speaking.D. to speak.8. There ____ some water in the glass.A. is(正确答案下划线)C. be.D. am.9. My mother often ____ shopping on Sundays.A. go.B. goes(正确答案下划线)C. went.D. going.10. I'm looking forward to ____ from you soon.A. hear.B. hears.C. hearing(正确答案下划线)D. heard.11. - What did you do last night?- I ____ a movie at home.A. watch.B. watched(正确答案下划线)C. will watch.D. am watching.12. This is the book ____ I bought yesterday.B. which(正确答案下划线)C. where?D. when?13. He is taller than ____ in his class.A. any boy.B. any other boy(正确答案下划线)C. all boys.D. every boy.14. - ____ do you go to school?- By bike.A. What.B. When.C. How(正确答案下划线)D. Where.15. If it ____ tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.A. doesn't rain(正确答案下划线)B. won't rain.C. not rain.D. don't rain.16. I have ____ friends in this city.A. much.B. a lot.C. a few(正确答案下划线)D. little.17. The girl ____ red is my sister.A. in(正确答案下划线)B. on.C. at.D. of.18. - Would you like some coffee?- No, thanks. I ____ tea.A. prefer(正确答案下划线)B. likes.C. would like.D. am like.19. He has been in China ____ three years.A. for(正确答案下划线)B. since.C. in.D. at.20. There are so many people in the park. It's very ____.A. quiet.B. noisy(正确答案下划线)C. clean.D. dirty.三、完形填空(共15小题;每题2分,共30分。

现代大学英语精读 第5册 Love is a fallacy

现代大学英语精读 第5册 Love is a fallacy
Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it.“
Robert Mitchum
"Love is like war: Easy to begin but hard to end."
Some meanings of authentic love
Love means that I know the person I love. I’m aware of the many sides of the other person—not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and flaws.
Love Quotes

Love comes in a second, and goes at the same speed. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly, and the best way to keep it is to give it wings. The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.
Shulman’s other works
Before his two Dobie books, Shulman had already written four other successful novels:



英语四级长篇阅读匹配试题及答案英语四级长篇阅读匹配试题及答案 1There are three kinds of goals: short-term,medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation ,out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals bukld on the foundation of the short-range goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow adn succeed.And as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase.Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. 1.Our long-term goals mean a lot______.A.if we complete our short-range goalsB.if we cannot reach solid short-term goalsC.if we write down the datesD.if we put forward some plans2.New short-term goals are bulid upon______.A.two yearsB.long-term goalsC.current activitiesD.the goals that have been completed3.When we complete each step of our goals ,______.A.we will win final successB.we are overwhelmedC.we should build up confidence of successD.we should strong desire for setting new goals 4.Once our goals are drawn up,_______.A.we should stick to them until we complete themB.we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunitiesC.we had better wait for the exciting news of successD.we have made great decision5.It is implied but not stated in the passage that ______.A.those who habe long-term goals will succeedB.writing down the dates may discourage youC.the goal is only a guide for us to reach our desinationD.every should have a goal答案:adcbc英语四级长篇阅读匹配试题及答案 2If the population of the earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left to sustain life on the planet.By the middle of the 21st century,if present trends continue, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars,for example.Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race,the crowded conditions on earth will make it necessary for lus to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however,has recently been suggested by American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. Sagan believes that before the earths resources are compleetely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmophere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as earth itself. The difficult is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there. Sagan proposes that algae organisms that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen,should be bred in condition similar to those on Venus.As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceship will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the alge will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen andcarbon. When the algae have done theri work, the atmosphere will become cooler,but befor man can set foot on Venus it will be neccessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus. -1.Inte long run, the most insoluble problem caused by population growth on earth will probably be the lack of ______.a.foodb.oilc.spaced.resources2.Carl Sagan believes that Venus might be colonized from earth because _____ might be possible to change its atmosphere b.its atmosphere is the same as the earthsc.there is a good supply of water on Venusd.the days on Venus are long enough3.On Venus there is a lot of ________.a.waterb.carbon dioxidec.carbon monoxided.oxygen4.Algae are plants that in very hot in very cold temperaturesc.manufacture oxygend.all of the above5. Man can land on Venus only when_______. a.the algae have done their work -b.the atmosphere becomes coolerc.thereis rains there答案:cabdd英语四级长篇阅读匹配试题及答案 3Like a needle climbing up a bathroom scale, the number keeps rising. In 1991, 15% of Americans were obese(肥胖的); by 1999, that proportion had grown to 27%. Youngsters, who should have age and activity on their side, are growing larger as well: 19% of Americans under 17 are obese. Waistbands have been popping in other western countries too, as physical activity has declined and diets have expanded. By and large, people in the rich world seem to have lost the fight against flab(松弛).Meanwhile, poorer nations have enjoyed some success in their battles against malnutrition and famine. But, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, it is more a case of being out of the frying pan and into the fire. The most striking example actually in the poor world comes from the Pacific islands, home of the world’s most obese communities. In 1966, 14% of the men on this island were obese while 100% of men under the age of 30 in 1996 were obese.This increase in weight has been uneven as well as fast. As a result, undernourished and over-nourished people frequently live cheek by jowl(面颊). The mix can even occur within a single household. A study of families in Indonesia found that nearly 10% contained both the hungry and the fat. This is a mysterious phenomenon, but might have something to do with people of different ages being given different amounts of food to eat.The prospect of heading off these problems is bleak. In many affected countries there are cultural factorsto contend with, such as an emphasis on eating large meals together, or on food as a form. ofhospitality.Moreover, there is a good measure of disbelief on the part of policymakers that such a problem Could existin their countries. Add to that reluctance on the part of governments to spend resources on promoting dietand exercise while starvation is still a real threat, and the result is a recipe for inaction. Unless something is done soon, it might not be possible to turn the clock back.英语四级阅读模拟试题:Choose correct answers to the question:1.The first sentence of the passage most probably implies that ______.A.many Americans are obsessed with the rising temperature in their bathroomB.more people are overweighed in the United StatesC.people are doing more physical exercises with the help of scalesD.youngsters become taller and healthier thanks to more activities2.As physical exercise declines and diet expands, ______.A.other western countries has been defeated by fatB.obesity has become an epidemic(流行病)of the rich worldC.waistbands begin to be popular in other western countriesD.western countries can no longer fight against obesity3.Which is NOT the point of the example of the Pacific Islands?A.The poor community has shaken off poverty and people are well-fed now.B.Obesity is becoming a problem in the developing world too.C.Excessive weight increase will cause no less harm than the food shortage.D.The problem of overweight emerges very fast.4.Of tackling obesity in the poor world, we can learn from the passage that____A.the matter is so complex as to go beyond our matter what we do, the prospect will always be is starvation, the real threat, that needs to be solvedD.we should take immediate actions before it becomes incurable5.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Obesity is now a global problem that needs tackling.B.The weights increase fast throughout the whole world.C.Obesity and starvation are two main problems in the poor world.D.Obesity has shifted from the rich world to the poor world.英语四级阅读参考答案1.[B] 推理判断题。



一、根据首字母填写单词(单词拼写)1. In the past few years, China has made great progress in e_______ the far side of the Moon. (根据首字母单词拼写)2. I normally wake up about five minutes before my a________clock goes off. (根据首字母单词拼写)3. Join us to taste a ________ (多样;种类) of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)二、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)4. When they heard the __________ (警报) they even did not realize what had happened.5. The researchers eased the growing public _________(担忧) over the spread of the disease. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6. Then you can spend three days ________(探索) the rainforest with a local guide.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)三、根据中英文提示填写单词(单词拼写)7. V________(虚拟的) choir members record themselves while they perform alone one video. (根据中英文提示填空)8. You have to a________ (承认)that we live in a racist society. (根据中英文提示填空)四、完成句子9. 他们变得懒惰、自满和自鸣得意。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in China’s econom ic center Shanghai on Sunday night, November 15th2009, ______a state visit to China.A.starting B.started start D.having started2.Tom’s score on the test is the highest in the class. He _____.A.should study last nightB.should have studied last nightC.must have studied last nightD.must study last night3.Some business owners are keen on public welfare. This is local services have been funded.A.whether B.what C.where D.how4.Peter survived in the accident when he fell overboard yesterday. He _______ escaped drowning.A.nearly B.slightly C.narrowly D.hardly5.At the news of the earthquake, the soldiers did what they could the victims. help helping D.helping6.What is your main reason for choosing one restaurant another?A.over B.ofC.from D.for7.— Do you know anything about British history?—______________. I have no interest in it.A.Take it easy! B.Please don’t bother.C.It’s up to you. D.No. It’s beyond me.8.Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, ______ anyone can start now and make a new ending.A.for B.andC.but D.so9.—Smoking should be banned in public.—. ____It is harmful to both the smokers and non-smokers.A.I’d love to B.It’s my pleasureC.I’m with you on that D.It’s up to you10.The room is so clean. He ________ have cleaned it yesterday evening.A.will B.needC.can D.must11.By the time he arrived in Beijing, we _______ there for two days.A.will have stayed B.stay C.have been staying D.had stayed12.This car is important to our family. We would repair it at our expense _______ it break down within the first year.A.could B.wouldC.might D.should13.Eggs, meat, vegetables and other foods can easily be poisoned by microorganisms such as ______.A.phenomena B.dilemma C.diploma D.bacteria14.---It was Sunday today, and I _______ up very early.---So you really had a good rest.A.didn’t need to get B.needn’t have got C.needn’t to get D.don’t need get 15.Citizens are _____ to exercise their rights, but under no circumstances can they violate other people’s rights.A.on track B.on ease liberty16.— I like your new shoes!— Thanks. I had to try on almost a dozen pairs _________ I decided to get B.whenC.after D.before17.When ____ to feel unworthy, children often work extra hard to please their make B.making C.made D.having made18.New policies, _______ to insure that compulsory education is truly free, ________ by the local government across China since the start of school on September 1. A.intending; have been made known B.intended; have been made known C.intending; are made known D.intended; had made known19.Muir succeeds ______ other designers have failed—her clothes are Original, yet stylish.A.that B.what C.which D.where20.—Let’s h ave a game of tennis; the loser has to treat the other to an ice-cream.— ________.A.I’m afraid so B.It’s a deal C.You’ve got a point D.I suppose not第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



2022新疆九年级一模考试卷1. 阅读理解A篇Nowadays,phone calls and messages help us make regular contact with others.It means that we seldom write letters now.But a TV show,Letter Alive(见字如面),is bringing back this old habit.Letters Alive invites famous actors and actresses, but there are no funny jokes or different competitions.Instead,it's just one person walking up to a microphone and reading a letter. The letters were written by people from different times in history.For example ,in one episode(集),they read a letter written by famous writer Xiao Hong to her younger brother in 1941.The letter shows that Xiao Hong missed her brother so much and had great hopes for his future.“Every letter opens another world for us,” according to Guan Zhangwen, the director of the TV show. “It seems that we can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers.”Since its first episode on Dec.5, Letters Alive has been widely praised.Many audiences said that it has provided a breath of fresh air to today's TV shows.Besides Letters Alive, some other cultural TV shows have also been well received by Chinese audiences. They include Chinese Poetry Conference, a traditional Chinese poetry competition and Readers,a program that invites people to read poems and articles they like to wrote. It suggests that cultural values and true feelings are becoming our interest.1.Letters Alive,a TV show, invites famous people to________ . [单选题] *A.tell audiences jokes and share letters .(正确答案)C. walk up to a microphone to singD.enter different competitions2. How many cultural TV shows are mentioned in the passage? [单选题] *One. Two.Three.(正确答案)Four.3. What is the main idea for the passage? [单选题] *Phones have taken the place of letters Welcome to cultural TV showsLetters encourage us to communicate Cultural TV Shows are becoming popular.(正确答案)4. 阅读理解B篇When your dream is to become a footballer and play for Barcelona, nothing should get in your way —even if you have no feet.An 11-year-old schoolboy Gabriel Muniz, who was born without feet, will fly from his home in Brazil to take part in the Spanish club’s summer training camp. Although he is disabled, Muniz is one of the top players at the school and captain of his gym class. He can run, dribble (运球), pass and strike the ball as well as any of his able-bodied teammates. He spends all his spare time on the football pitch. His best friend Lucas Santos spoke about his abilities on a video for The Sun, “He is skillful, he goes after it, he is fearless and he knows how to organize plays. He also makes good passes.” Mum Sandra was thrilled that her son would achieve his dreams. She said, “He started walking before he was one. We would go after him, expecting him to keep falling, but he never fell.”Muniz’s gym teacher added, “He is challenging the social norms (标准). When he arrived there, no one believed in him.” But he showed to everyone that he could play as well as any other boy. So he was invited to go to Spain to show his talent.The Spanish La Liga soccer club has offered to fly Muniz to Spain in September, where he’ll be able to show off his “fancy footwork” and meet his idol, Barça soccer player Lionel Messi.Muniz wears a prosthetic (假体的) ankle and foot to help him get around in rainy weather. He knows that his disability means he’ll never be able to play for a professional football team and so Muniz is hoping that football will one day become a Paralympic (残奥会的) sport.4. What’s wrong with Muniz? [单选题] *He can’t see and hear anything. He always gives trouble to his family.He was born without feet.(正确答案)He often argues with his partners.5. The underlined word “thrilled” in paragraph 3 has the similar meaning to________ . [单选题] *excited(正确答案)worried disappointed interested6. The time order of the following sentences is Muniz . ①played football well and became captain of his school gym class ② could walk without falling when he was very little ③ was asked to fly to Spain for a summer training camp [单选题] *①②③③②①②①③(正确答案)②③①7. Which saying can express the spirit of the passage? [单选题] *Failure is the mother of success.Never put off tomorrow what we can do today.Where there is a will, there is a way.(正确答案)A good beginning is half done.8. 阅读理解C篇The development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has basically been completed, He Lifeng, minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, said during the two sessions, according to a report by China Securities Journal. He said, “ a number of major infrastructure projects to build Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have been on fast tracks. The construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has been completed. And the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Railway has been completed basically.”Ma Xingrui, governor(省长) of South China's Guangdong province and deputy to the National People's Congress, said, “Guangdong will use its advantages to play a coordinating(协调) role and strengthen the cooperation mechanism and communication mechanism between Guangdong and Hong Kong and between Guangdong and Macao.” Ma added, “There is also a plan of building world-class port and airport in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the future.”The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was first written in Government Work Report last year. And in a Government Work Report delivered to the first session of the 13th National People's Congress on Mar 5, Premier Li Keqiang said the country will improve cooperation in allareas among the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao. A challenging goal set for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is to grow into the world's leading bay area superior to those of New York, Los Angeles-San Francisco and Tokyo. While the situation of "one country, two systems", "three customs" and "four key cities" is the biggest feature of the Greater Bay Area, it is also where the challenge and pain point are, the report said.Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of Tencent, suggested at the 13th National People’s Congress, “We should encourage the joint development of industries in the Greater Bay Area. Shenzhen and Guangzhou are leading in the innovative(创新的)industry, Hong Kong is strong in finance(金融) industry and the other cities in the whole Pearl River Delta are competitive in smart manufacturing (制造业) and high-end manufacturing.If they combine their strengths in software, hardware and service together, they will release great power."8. Each of the following projects is in operation EXCEPT _____according to He Lifeng. [单选题] * the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Railwaythe Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Areathe Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao High-speed Railway(正确答案)the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge9. Which of the following is NOT true about the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will _____. [单选题] *It has a feature of “one country, two systems”“three customs” and “four key cities”It was written in Government Work Report last year and this year.It’s where the challenge and pain point are.It has become the world’s leading bay area.(正确答案)10. From Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of the Tencent, we can infer Zhuhai probably has its advantage in _____. [单选题] *smart manufacturing(正确答案)innovative industryfinance industry hardware11. The passage is _____. [单选题] *a story a piece of news(正确答案)an advertisement a poster12. 阅读理解D篇In the early days of the American West, life was difficult. People lived on farms away from other families. They went to town once a week or once a month. Then they saw their friends and neighbors. On the farms everyone had lots of work to do. And there was a big problem. One family couldn't build a house alone.Then, what did families do to build houses?They asked for help. 12 The women cooked together. The men worked on the buildings. For the children, it was like a holiday. There were many other children to play with. Together these people built a house. They enjoyed working together. At another time the family with the new house would help their neighbors.A work group is really cooperative. To cooperate means "to work together". A big job can be easy because of cooperation. Many people can work together. 13 It will become a small job for many workers.Today, there isn't much cooperation. People don't work together very often. 14 How can they ask them for help?Now, we help others only when they have emergencies (紧急情况) or accidents. We call the police for help, we talk to our neighbors, and then we become true neighbors and friends. Why not always cooperate? Why not work with other people? You'd better not wait for emergencies or accidents. 15A. So some people don't know their neighbors.B. They went into town once a week or once a month.C. If you always work with others, it can be fun, and life can become easier, too.D. They asked their friends and neighbors, and invited them to a work group for a few days.E. Then the job will not be difficult.12. [单选题] *A B C D(正确答案)E13. . [单选题] *A B C D E(正确答案)14. . [单选题] *A(正确答案)B C D E15. . [单选题] *A B C(正确答案)D E16. 完形填空China Post issued(发行)a set of special zodiac(生肖)stamps in honor of 2019 Chinese Lunar New Year,or the Year of the Pig.Famous Chinese 16._______ Han Meilin designed(设计)the set of stamps 17.______ is most known for his Fuwa dolls made for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. If you, like me, were born in the Year of the Pig,then you are 18.________ ,thoughtful and loyal(忠诚的). The Year of the Pig is filled with good wealth.Now,let's 19.________ a closer look at this interesting animal.Pigs were first kept by man about 9,000 years ago,and are still a very common 20._______ animal in many parts of the world.We don't just use pigs for their meat﹣almost every part of the animal is used.The hair is used for artists brushes. The fat is used 21.________ floor wax (蜡),rubber and plastics.Pigs have also been important in the world of entertainment.In 1995 the film Babe starred (使主演)a loveable talking pig as its main character.The film 22._________ an Oscar Award. In England you can even go to watch pig racing. A farmer,Rob Shepherd,has been raising money 23.________ charity by holding pig races on his farm.24.________ seems that people don't just want to eat pigs!Pigs also play an important role in the English language.For example,if someone says that he 25.________ to the sun one day,you can say “Pigs might fly!” to him.Hungry?Well then,you can say “pig out” and eat lots of food.16. [单选题] *musician actor artist(正确答案)engineer17. . [单选题] *which who(正确答案)whose what18. . [单选题] *stupid lazy shy brave(正确答案)19. . [单选题] *take(正确答案)keep get remain20. . [单选题] *park zoo farm(正确答案)garden21. . [单选题] *makes make making to make(正确答案)22. . [单选题] *went won(正确答案)played beat23. . [单选题] *in by as for(正确答案)24. 标题 [单选题] *This That It(正确答案)One25. 标题 [单选题] *will travel(正确答has traveled travels travel案)26. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空In many countries, people are encouraged to buy electric cars. 26__ (drive) an electric car, they are told, it's good for the environment. But is that true?The university of Minnesota recently studied emissions from different cars. The scientists found that sometimes, electric cars are 27.____(harmful) than petrol cars.Surprising? Well, please pay attention to the word “sometimes”. Electric cars 28.____ (suppose) to be clean. The problem lies in the power that is used to charge them. If the power comes from wind or Solar sources, electric cars 29.____ (cause) little pollution. However, if the power is produced from coal, they will be very harmful. According to the study, emissions from these cars kill about 3,000 people a year. By comparison, 30._____(pollute) caused by petrol cars only leads to about 88031._____ (die) a year.In conclusion, salespeople are not 32.___ (lie) when they say electric cars are clean. However, they are right only when the power caused to charge their cars is also clean.How clean electric carts are, therefore, depends on where they 33.____ (drive). In France, more than half of the power comes from nuclear stations. Electric cars there should be as 34.______(clean) as they are marketed to be. In many 35._____ (develop) countries, however. coal is still the main source of electricity. India, for example, depends on coal for 61 percent of its power. Only two percent of its electricity comes from nuclear sources. in countries, like India, electric cars are not clean at all.26. [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:Driving)27. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:more harmful)28. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:are supposed)29. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:will cause)30. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:pollution)31. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:deaths)32. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:lying)33. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:are driven)34. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:clean)35. 标题 [填空题] *_________________________________(答案:developing)36. 句子填空:我们可以读书或看电视来取代去购物。

卷6-备战2021年高考英语【名校地市好题必刷】全真模拟卷 4月卷 (解析版)

卷6-备战2021年高考英语【名校地市好题必刷】全真模拟卷 4月卷 (解析版)


A(2021·云南昆明市·昆明一中高三月考)Most of the efforts aimed at reducing climate change centering on reducing the use of fossil fuels. But a new study warns thatpollution caused by the world’s food production system is also a major driver of risingtemperatures on the planet. The study found that if the world food system stays on its current growth path, it will produce nearly 1.4 trillion tons of greenhouse gases over the next 80 years.That pollution is expected to come from chemical fertilizers used in agriculture, mismanaged soil, food waste and methane (甲烷) gas released from cows and other animals.Researchers from the University of Minnesota and the University of Oxford in Britain led the study, which recently appeared in the publication Science. The researchers predict that even if fossil fuel emissions (排放) were halted now, emissions from the world food system would make it impossible to reach current international climate change targets. They say that emissions from food production alone could push world temperatures past 1.5 degreesCelsius by the middle of this century and above 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.A main goal of the 2015 United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change is to keeprises in the Earth’s temperature during this century to between 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. The U.N. has said that in order to stay below the 1.5 Celsius level, emissions must fall at least 7.6 percent each year through 2030.The new study calls for immediate improvements in farming practices, as well as changes in what we eat and how much food we waste to help reach the Paris Agreementgoals.1.Which is the pollution of food production system?A.The process of producing food. B.Mismanaged soil by farmers. C.Harmful gas given off by vehicles. D.Animals’ wastes used to be fertilizer. 2.What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 2?A.Improved. B.Withdrew.C.Monitored. D.Quitted.3.How does the writer develop the passage?A.By making a comparison. B.By presenting data.C.By giving examples. D.By taking on arguments.4.What is the best title of the passage?A.The Connection of Agriculture and PollutionB.Say n o to the Pollution of World’s Food Production SystemC.Food Production System, a Major Cause of Global WarmingD.Fossil Fuel Emission, the Consequence of Temperature RisingB(2021·云南高三一模) A New Zealand council (市议会)has announced a month-long road closure in order to allow a sea lion and her pup to reach the ocean safely.John Wilson Ocean Drive in Dunedin will be closed after the New Zealand sea lions made their home at a nearby golf course (球场)and started "regularly crossing the road to get to the beach," according to a Facebook post from Dunedin City Council.“You can still visit the area on foot or by bicycle, but please give the sea lions lots of space," continued the post.Locals applauded the decision, and one even called for the closure to be made permanent.“No dogs should be on the beach, either," wrote Gaylene Smith. "We need to protect our beautiful sea life?"Dogs are known to attack sea lions, and Chisholm Links Golf Course, where the sea lions have made their home, also posted advice to dog walkers in a Facebook update."We’re lucky to have sea lions on our coastline and we need to share the space with them, as this is what makes our coastline so unique!" wrote the course on Facebook.The council went on to explain that New Zealand sea lions are endangered, and are one of the world’s rarest species of sea lion.There are an estimated 12,000 New Zealand sea lions left, according to the Department of Conservation. Under local law, anyone who kills a sea lion could face up to two years in prison or a fine of up to NZ$250,000 (US$178,000).5.What decision has the Dunedin City Council made?A.Closing an ocean drive for a month.B.Closing the nearby beach temporarily.C.Forbidding entry into a golf course.D.Forbidding walking dogs outside.6.How did the City Council announce the decision?A.By informing on TV.B.By posting on Facebook.C.By advertising in a newspaper.D.By sending out notices.7.What is the attitude of the local people toward the closure?A.Doubtful. B.Supportive. C.Uncaring. D.Critical. 8.What can we learn about New Zealand sea lions from the text?A.They are under legal protection.B.They are a common species.C.They are afraid of humans.D.They are being killed by dogs.C(2021·贵州黔东南苗族侗族自治州·高三一模)A Four-day Trip to ItalyDay 1: BolognaA full day to explore one of Italy's most undervalued but beautiful cities, including the Cathedral San Petronio's observatory; Palazzo Archiginnasio and Anatomical Theatre. Welcome to the talk “Vital Forces: Soul, Mind and Body in the Human and Animal Worlds" from Andrew Spira and dinner with wine at a local restaurant.Day 2: FlorenceIn the company of Andrew Spira, a full day of exploration of this wonderful city includes the Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica; Pazzi Chapel and monument to Galileo in Santa Croce; and Galileo Science Museum. A lecture from David Wootton.Day 3: FlorenceDuring your final full day in Florence? Andrew will guide you around the Cathedral Museum—a wonderful experience due to the amazing housing of the Cathedrals treasures including works by Michelangelo, Brunelleschi and the original Gates of Paradise. A lecture from David Wootton.Day 4: Bologna then departOn the last day, there is a morning visit to the “off the beaten track” Museum of Communication and well transport you to Bologna airport. You have to pay your own fare home after you get off the plane. You are welcome to spend additional time in Bologna and our operating partner Travel Edition can help you with additional nights accommodation visits and alternate travel arrangements.Highlights:Price: £ 1,825The main things to visit: From astronomic, architectural, medical and mathematical perspectives, during the trip, you'll look at the wonderful collections, buildings and churches that show the rich knowledge of the Renaissance while enjoying these beautiful cities.To book: call UK+44(0) 207 251 0045 or email usThe guide: Andrew Spira, a historian9.What can visitors do on Day 1?A.Visit a monument. B.Visit the city museum.C.Enjoy a meal with wine. D.Enjoy Michelangelo's works. 10.Which is the same thing visitors can do on Day 2 and Day 3?A.Touring Bologna. B.Going to the theater.C.Visiting a nature museum. D.Attending a lecture.11.Which of the following is the highlight of the trip?A.It is guided by a historian. B.It offers free transport and meals.C.It requires booking online in advance. D.It is aimed to teach visitors about modern architecture.D(2021·四川)Eugene O'Neill, who was born in 1888, in New York, was a leading American drama writer and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1936. His father was a successful touring actor. Because of that, Eugene spent his early childhood in hotels, on trains, and backstage. Although later in his life he grew to hate his father for not giving himsecurity in his early years and a loving, comfortable family, he had the theater in his blood.As a student, O'Neill went to boarding schools but spent the summers in a moderate house his family owned. He left Princeton University in 1907, only about one year after he entered it, to start what he later called his real education in "life experience". At the age of 24, he was hired as a reporter and poetry column writer for the New London Telegraph.O'Neill didn't cut a figure in playwriting until the summer of 1916. Before that, he had written awkward plays that were hardly accepted by the mainstream of American theater. While O'Neill was only one of those whose plays were produced by the theater, he led the group to success because of his contribution within the next few years. Between 1916 and 1920, the theater produced all of O'Neill's one-act sea plays. By the time his first full-length play, Beyond the Horizon, was produced on Broadway on February 2, 1920 at the Morosco Theater, the young playwright already had a small reputation.Theater critics spoke highly of Beyond the Horizon for its tragic realism. The play brought O'Neill more public attention, as well as his first Pulitzer Prize, apart from which he won another three for Anna Christie, Strange Interlude, and Long Day's Journey into Night. Over the next two decades, O'Neill continued to gain reputation nationally and globally. He became the most widely produced dramatist after Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw. 12.What might inspire O'Neill's passion for theater?A.His father's career. B.The support of his familyC.Hotel rooms he had lived in. D.Stories he had heard on trains. 13.Why did O'Neill drop out of Princeton University?A.He didn't want to study in a boarding school.B.He wanted to receive real education from life.C.He got a job from the New London Telegraph.D.He was unsatisfied with the university education.14.What does the underlined phrase “cut a figure" in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.Show interest. B.Hold a degree. C.Attract attention. D.Receive an award.15.What can we learn about O'Neill's Beyond the Horizon?A.It drew theater critics attention to tragic realism.B.It inspired him to compose another three dramas.C.It increased his reputation in the field of theater.D.It made him the most widely produced dramatist in history.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. —So you missed Mr. Brown’s lecture.—_____. I got there six minutes before it was over.A. Not at allB. Not exactlyC. Not especiallyD. Not really2. Nobody will _____ you if they see you will do no good to them.A. vote againstB. vote onC. vote withD. vote for3. The son was put in _____ prison. His old father goes to _____ prison to see him twice a year.A. 不填;theB. the; theC. 不填;不填D. the; 不填4. They demanded the persons who had sold the state secrets _______ at once.A. should arrestB. would arrestC. be arrestedD. to be arrested5. Zhang Yimou will _______ Steven Spielberg in designing the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. benefit fromB. catch up withC. join hands withD. break away from6. If you choose to consume alcohol in any form, you _______ in most parts of the world.A. forbid drivingB. forbid to driveC. are forbidden drivingD. are forbidden to drive7. Allowing workers to dress _______ they please is increasing steadily.A. asB. ifC. likeD. what8. The sudden heavy snow _______ too many flowers in the garden.A. woundedB. shotC. killedD. murdered9. Today CCTV offers a great _______ of programs to meet the different needs and tastes.A. speciesB. varietyC. amountD. deal10. We must make sure that all citizens enjoy an equal right to education, _____ sex.A. instead ofB. no matterC. rather thanD. regardless of11. In front of the church was a tall tree, its top _______ the other trees.A. much tall thanB. was much taller thanC. well above those ofD. was well above those of12. The music _______ more beautiful when it was played on the piano by the musician himself.A. soundsB. soundedC. was soundedD. is sounded13. Because I had a computer of my own, I _______ anything I wanted on it.A. was free to doB. was freely doingC. could free doD. was free of doing14. Can you _______ another person in the back seat?A. fitB. fit inC. fit in withD. fit into15. The Chinese have been independently developing rockets for more than 30 years, _______they have experienced many successes and failures.A. during that timeB. in whose timeC. in this timeD. during which time二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Once upon a time, there was an island on which lived Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the rest of it, including Love. One day word 16 that the island would sink, so 17 constructed boats and left, except for Love.Love was the only one who stayed. Love 18 to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost 19 , Love decided to ask for 20 . Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you 21 me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is 22 place here for you.”Love 23 to ask Vanity(虚荣) who was 24 passing by in a beautiful ship. “Vanity, please help me!”“I can’t help you. Love. You are all wet and might 25 my boat.” Vanity answered.Sadness was close by so Love 26 , “Sadness, let me go with you.”“Oh, Love, I’m so 27 that I need to be by myself.”Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she didn’t28 hear when Love called her.29 , there was a voice. “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was a(n)30 . Love even forgot to ask him 31 they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way.Realizing how much was 32 to the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”“It was 33 .” Knowledge answered.“Time?” asked Love, “ 34 why did Time help me?”Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is able to understand how 35 Love is.”16. A. got around B. cut in C. broke away D. went away17. A. some B. all C. nobody D. both18. A. regretted B. agreed C. wanted D. preferred19. A. disappeared B. ruined C. flooded D. sunk20. A. information B. fortune C. help D. advice21. A. take B. mix C. supply D. share22. A. much B. no C. some D. little23. A. promised B. managed C. stopped D. decided24. A. also B. yet C. ever D. either25. A. use B. damage C. fix D. honor26. A. responded B. invited C. asked D. shouted27. A. lovely B. lucky C. happy D. sad28. A. hardly B. even C. rather D. simply29. A. Suddenly B. Unluckily C. Especially D. Accidentally30. A. police B. elder C. woman D. youngster31. A. where B. why C. how D. when32. A. fastened B. puzzled C. owed D. paid33. A. Richness B. Knowledge C. Time D. Love34. A. Though B. So C. But D. And35. A. cheap B. worth C. costless D. valuable三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe holidays are coming! And we all know what that’s that time of year when malls, stores, restaurants, streets, and freeways are busier and crazier than ever. This holiday season, while you’re out shopping and running around, why not go out of your way to say hello to the hotel cleaning person, the flight attendant, the restaurant busperson, the hotel clerk, the garbage collector, the gardener...?A wonderful storyteller by the name of C. W. Metcalf told of a man in the airport who was verbally abusing(辱骂)an airline ticketing agent. Thetraveler had missed his flight due to mechanical difficulties and was being loud, aggressive, and just plain mean to the poor ticketing agent, who obviously had no control over the plane’s condition. Metcalf went up to the abusive man and asked, “Can I have your autograph?” When the man, puzzled, asked, “Why do you want my autograph?” Metcalf responded, “Because I’ve never met the center of the universe before!”I once had one of those awful flying experiences where flight after flight was delayed. What should have been a three-hour flight turned into a fifteen-hour, multiple-city, exhausting nightmare, causing me to miss meetings in my intended city. At 3 A.M., by the time I was finally within thirty minutes of landing at my destination airport, I suddenly smelled something wonderful: the flight attendants were baking chocolate chip cookies! That sweet, comforting aroma filled the airline cabin, and our small group of 20 passengers waited with anticipation as the flight attendants made their way down the aisle, handing each of us a warm cookie. I instantly abandoned my plans for an enraged(愤怒的)letter-writing campaign against the airline and was effortlessly relieved of all my anger and exhaustion-all by one soft, freshly baked cookie.36. The purpose of the writer is to tell us to _____.A. bring the spirit of humanity into the holiday seasonB. pay respect to those who provide service for usC. keep calm to fully enjoy our holiday seasonD. prepare for whatever difficulites we meet in the holiday season37. Why did Metcalf ask for the traveller’s auto-graph?A. To teach the traveller a good lesson.B. To give the traveller some comfort.C. To make the traveller realize that he was too self-centered.D. To make peace between the traveller and the airline ticketing agent.38. Before the writer was given the warm cookie, he ____.A. was quite hungryB. was very angryC. was terrified from his nightmareD. was eager to go home39. The last paragraph implies that _____.A. understanding is the key to solving conflictsB. there could be nothing better in serving the customersC. forgiveness works better than complaintsD. good service and consideration can help solve the problems40. The writer of the passage would probably agree that _____.A. it’s quite natural for one to get angry in a busy holiday seasonB. it’s necessary to show our appreciatio n of the service we receiveC. those in service should put the interest of the customers above anything elseD. we shouldn’t make a complaint unless we have enough evidenceBIn 1985, a geography researcher called Atsumu Ohmura at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology got the shock of his life. As part of his studies into climate and atmospheric radiation, Ohmura was checking levels of sunlight recorded around Europe when he made an astonishing discovery. Compared to similar measurements recorded by his predecessors(前辈)in the 1960s, Ohmura’s results suggested that levels of solar radiation striking the Earth’s surface had declined by more than 10% in three decades. Sunshine, it seemed, was on the way out.The finding went against all scientific thinking. When Ohmura eventually published his discovery in 1989 the science world was distinctly unimpressed(未被打动的). “It was ignored,” he says.It turns out that Ohmura was the first to document a dramatic effect that scientists are now calling “global dimming”. Records show that over the past 50 years the average amount of sunlight reaching the ground has gone down by almost 3% a decade. It’s too small an effect to see with the naked eye, but it has implications for everything from climate change to solar power and even the future sustainability of plant photosynthesis(光合作用).Although Ohmura was the first to report global dimming, he wasn’t alone. In fact, the scientific record now shows several other research papers published during the 1990s on the subject, all finding that light levels were falling significantly. Among them they reported that sunshine inIreland was on the wane(日益衰落), that both the Arctic and the Antarctic were getting darker and that light in Japan, the supposed land of the rising sun, was actually falling.But what causes global dimming? The few experts who have studied the effect believe it’s down to air pollution. Tiny particles of soot(煤烟) or chemical compounds like sulphates reflect sunlight and they also promote the formation of bigger, longer lasting clouds.“The cloudy times are getting darker,” says Cohen, at the V olcani Centre. “If it’s cloudy then it’s darker, but when it’s sunny things haven’t changed much.”41. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Goodbye, sunshine!B. The shock of lifeC. An ignored questionD. Atsumu Ohmura and his discovery42. When Atsumu Ohmura made the discovery known, the other scientists _____.A. were greatly shockedB. accepted it in timeC. didn’t take it seriouslyD. were encouraged to do more research on it43. The fourth paragraph mainly intends to _____.A. analyse(分析)which part of the world is most affected by globaldimmingB. provide further evidence for Ohmura’s dis-coveryC. report the continuous effect of global dimmingD. show the support given by other scientists to Ohmura44. According to the passage, since 1985, the average amount of sunlight reaching theground has gone down by about _____.A. 3%B. 7%C. 15%D. 20%45. Scientists believe that global dimming is due to _____.A. climate changeB. solar activityC. formation of cloudsD. human activityCGirls like writing and reading; boys like math and science. At least that’s the old idea many people have. But a new survey shows that girls in elementary school actually like math and science better than language arts.Researchers at the University of Miami in Ohio surveyed nearly 2,000 girls in grades 4 through 8 at twenty schools and had them rate their enjoyment of four subjects: science, math, language arts and social studies, on a scale(等级)of 1 (strongly dislike) to 5 (really like). Fourth-grade girls clearly liked science the best; their average enjoyment levels were:● 4.11 for science● 3.85 for math● 3.5 for language arts● 3.49 for socia l studiesAs girls get older though, they seem to like science and math less, with science’s average likeability score falling to 3.29 for girls in 8th grade. But these subjects aren’t alone, as girls seemed to lose a little interest in every subject. Like ability for social studies fell to 2.91 for 8th graders. “It doesn’t seem like girls are losing interest in science and mathematics any more than they lose interest in other subjects,” said study team member Jennifer Blue, a physics professor at Miami.Just why girls lose interest in all these subjects is something researchers haven’t worked out. But the good news, they say, is that girls regain some of their interest in science in college—Miami, for example, has more female botany, microbiology(微生物学)and zoology majors than male majors.46. It’s commonly believed that ______.A. boys are more intelligent than girlsB. boys are more interested in math and science than girlsC. boys and girls like math and scienceD. boys and girls like math and science better than language arts47. The survey was carried out among ______.A. primary school girl studentsB. high school girl studentsC. five gradesD. twenty colleges48. According to the survey result, which subject are fourth-grade girls least interested in?A. Science.B. Math.C. Language arts.D. Social studies.49. Researchers at the University of Miami found in their survey that girls seem to ______.A. be less interested in their studies as they get olderB. regain some of their interest in science as they get olderC. like science better than social studies as they get olderD. like writing and reading better than boys as they get older50. It can be inferred that the researchers at the University of Miami are trying to find out ______.A. the ways to help girls regain their interest in scienceB. the causes why girls lose interest in almost every subjectC. why more female college students are interested in scienceD. why young girls like science better than language artsDMary Schaefer has always been interested in how the human element plays out in what, and how, things get done in the workplace. Mary’s belief is that organizations are composed of unique human beings requiring individual attention in order to make the most of what they cancontribute to an organization, and at the same time meet their own specific needs for meaningful work. She formed her company, Artemis Path, to help managers and employees see how they can get more from themselves and each other by working with what makes us human beings—an unexpected resourcefulness and energy that can only come from a respectful and co-operative work environment.Having started as a computer systems analyst, over time she noticed that she was more interested in how people reacted to changing job expectations and a changing work environment, how people reacted to learning new skills, and how to overcome the obstacles to that.As she started pursuing a career in Human Resources and a Master’s in HR, Mary was chosen for several work assignments that allowed her to try out her vision for how people can be more positively engaged in the workplace. She took an active role in leading hundreds of survivors of corporate downsizing to see how they could make positive choices moving forward, rather than be overwhelmed by constant job insecurity. While leading a manufacturing project team made up of several shop-floor employees, Mary worked with every person on her team on their skill-development needs. In just a few years, several were promoted and were able to significantly expand their career possibilities. Mary was recognized for this and more with an award for being a “champion of human potential”.51. Mary Schaefer formed her company Artemis Path to ______.A. help managers employ workersB. develop human resourcesC. solve the problems in the workplaceD. meet people’s needs for meaningful work52. Speaking of work efficiency, Mary Schaefer thinks highly of ______.A. natural environmentB. managers’ role in the teamC. spirit of respect and cooperationD. individual attention53. The underlined word “overwhelm” in Para. 3 is the nearest in meaning to _____.A. defeatB. frightenC. satisfyD. ruin54. In her work, Mary tried to work out the following EXCEPT ______.A. how people reacted to changing job expectationsB. how people reacted to a changing work environmentC. how people get individual attentionD. how people can be more positively engaged in the workplace55. Why did Mary get the title of “champion of human potential”?A. Because she paid attention to the workers’ needs.B. Because she was very successful as a businesswoman.C. Because she treated her employees kindly.D. Because she developed the employees’ potential greatly.四、书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)Japanese officials are struggling to prevent the spread of mad cow disease. Japan’s first case of mad cow was reported in September. The Agriculture Ministry confirmed last month that second cow was infected. Japan is the only country in Asia where mad cow disease is known to have spread. The disease is officially known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis,or BSE.It causes holes in the brains. Cows act strangely before they die. So it is called mad cow disease.Scientists believe cows get the disease by eatine food made form infected animals. Since September, Janpan has banned imports and use of feed made form animal remains. Recently, the Agriculture Ministry announced plans to destroy abort five thousand cows that may have been given the feed.Sales of Japanese beef products have dropped sharply in the past three months. Since Octoter, Japanese officials have tested all cows that are killed for their meat. Some scientists question the testing. They say the disease often cannot be identified in young animals.Scientists say it’s horrible to eat infected meat that may cause a similar brain disease in humans. It cannot be cured.Questions:56. What is mad cow disease officially called?57. How many cases of mad cow disease were reported in Japanaccording to the report?58. How do cows get the disease?59. Name just one of the measures that have been taken by Japan to prevent the spread of mad cow disease.60. Why do some scientists doubt the testing done by Japanese officials on the been products?第二节书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你家最近乔迁新居,所以想写信将新居的情况告诉你的美国笔友Peter,并请他下次来中国时住你家。

[Word]研究生综合英语曾道明 复旦大学出版社(课后习题解答 课文翻译)

[Word]研究生综合英语曾道明 复旦大学出版社(课后习题解答 课文翻译)

Unit One An Image or a MirageIII. VocabularyA.1. unassuming2. stemmed from3. infallible4. had taken to5. prospect6. flabby7. More often than not8.devious9. tipped the scales in her favor 10. rapportB.1. instinctual2.immediate3. deposit4. frail5. seedy6. magnetic7. extroverted8. book9. unwarranted 10. refinedC.1. D2.C3. B4. A5. A6. C7. C8.B9. D 10.BIV. Cloze1. which2. run3. concerned4. familiar5. evident6. even7.what8.Consequently 9 knowing 10.By 11. one 12. how 13. Once 14. obtainable 15. yourself 16. mind 17. from 18. never 19. pays 20. considered V. TranslationA.从更大的范围上讲,选民们往往仅因为某个政客的外表整洁清秀而对他做出有利的反应。












第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.That Was the first time she alone at home during the weekends,bored to death.A.has left B.has been left C.had left D.had been left2.Scientists have introduced a new model of 3D printer, ______ differs from the existing ones in certain B.which C.who D.that3.---What does PM 2. 5 mean?---It's a professional_____________ indicating the condition of air pollution. A.number B.markC.term D.item4._________ his conclusion on the evidence he collected on the scene, he proved that the murderer was guilty.A.Based B.BasingC.To base D.Being based5.The Browns held _______ they called “family day” once each year.A.that B.what C.which D.when6.It’s second time in five days that he has asked me for higherpay.A.不填;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;the7.John ______ an NBA playoff game on TV B.watched C.will watch watching8.________ you recognize an idiom when it is being used, it is easy to misunderstand what you read or hear.A.Unless B.AfterC.Once D.Since9.“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“________.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”A.Not likely B.Not exactlyC.Not nearly D.Not really10.---- Hi, Maria! I got the first place in the exam.---- ______ ! Everyone knows you cheated and you just copied Tony's. A.Congratulations B.Come on C.Good luck D.Cheer up.11.Yet _______ in the process of development did they stop to consider the impact of their “progress” on no time no likely as not D.more often than not12._______, the dancers practise hard to make their dreams come true.A.Instead of being disabled B.Being disabledC.Disabled as they are D.In case of being disabled 13.In the "moon garden" onboard the Chang'e 4, the shoots of cotton marked the first live matter ever _____ on the moon.A.having grown be grownC.being grown D.grown14.Water Knows Answers by a Japanese author, ________ into 16 languages, has become a best- seller all over the world.A.having translated be translatedC.being translated D.translated15.One of the few things you ______ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.A.need B.must C.can D.should16.Please don’t make so loud noise.The news of the volcanic eruption in Indonesia____and I want to broadcast being broadcastC.has been broadcast D.had been broadcast17.I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn’t receive ______. C.that D.the one18.You have a big mouth,Tom. You have told everybody the secret. A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.mightn’t19.________ well for my job interview, I really had butterflies in my stomach on my way to the company I had applied to.A.Having not prepared B.Not having preparedC.Not to have prepared D.To have not prepared20.It is believed that many more popular terms ________ on the Internet this year. A.will be created B.have createdC.are created D.are creating第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



天域全国名校协作体2024-2025学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题一、阅读理解Adventure. New experiences. Interesting people. Read about other people’s exciting travels around the world with these three books.Is That Bike Diesel, Mate?: One man, one bike and the first Lap Around Australia on Used Cooking Oil by Paul CarterThere are lots of ways to travel around Australia. You could do it by plane, train or car. But author Paul Carter decided to tour the country on a homemade motorcycle that runs on cooking oil. Why? the author worked in the oil industry for many years, and was keen to explore alternative fuels.So, he bought the unusual bike from a group of Australian university students (who had built it themselves)and set off. On route, he has lots of amusing experiences. He almost dies in a crash and he even attempts to break the land speed record for a motorbike running .You Are Awful (But I Like You) Travels Through Unloved Britain by Tim MooreTravel writers usually go to the best destinations. But not Tim Moore. In the book, Tim travels to the worst places in the UK. Follow him as he heads to “the bleakest towns, the worst hotels and the scariest pubs”. And to make matters worse, he does it in the middle of winter. “My primary challenge was to have a good time in places that everyone had said I wouldn’t,” said the author. And he does meet lots of quirky characters and discovers that even Britain’s ugliest parts have an inner beauty.Coasting: A Private Voyage by Jonathan RabanIn 1982, author Jonathan Raban bought a boat and navigated Britain. And this is the book about his adventure. Along the way he gets caught in a few storms, explores seaside towns and even takes his aging parents along for part of the journey. Raban also uses his time at sea to think about how 1980s Britain is changing under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.1.What is special of Paul Carter’s travel?A.He breaks the land speed record.B.He uses an unconventional fuel.C.His aging parents accompanies him.D.His motorcycle almost dies in a crash.2.What challenge does TimMoore face while traveling in the UK?A.Searching for alternative fuels.B.Surviving heavy storms at sea.C.Enduring the freezing cold in winter.D.Enjoying himself in unattractive places.3.What do the three books have in common?A.They share practical travel advice for tourists.B.They compare different modes of transportation.C.They explore unique and challenging travel experiences.D.They offer alternative fuel sources and their applications.For 15 years I read the books, took the courses and downloaded the apps to try to become a better person. Nevertheless, none of it helped.I was in my mid-20s when I fell into one of the most toxic relationships of my life. I remember buying my first self-help book, which promised I could be healed of anything. I devoured it in days and was hooked.Over the next 15 years, I bought hundreds of self-help books, courses and apps, and tracked down every self-styled personal improvement expert in the hope that they could teach me how to become happier, more confident and more lovable.Growing up in an environment of addiction and domestic conflict made me vulnerable to the industry’s promises of self-improvement. I believed self-help authors could be the instructors I had never found. My dependency became strong after my father died in 2022. I managed to spend an enormous amount of time reading about how to grieve well instead of doing the right things:sitting with my feelings, allowing myself to cry and processing the loss.My obsession (痴迷) with self-help had become toxic, and something had to give. It started to dawn on me that instead of helping me, the advice was making me feel worse.I talked with a loved one and recognized that in trying to change my life, I was trying to change things that were out of my control. Instead of focusing on who I wanted to become, I hadto quit self-help to learn and accept who I really was. Spending time alone, often walking, and listening to my thoughts without trying to silence or change them helped.Since I quit my self-help cane, I’ve realized that focusing all my energy on improving myself can really suck the joy out of life. It makes happiness conditional:only when I look that way can I be loved. It can also stop me from unconditionally accepting my imperfectly perfect self. After a long time, I am finally coming round to the idea that perhaps I never needed fixing at all. 4.Why did the author become obsessed with self-help materials?A.To escape from her family.B.To overcome personal failures.C.To look for a way to kill time.D.To find guides to better herself.5.What can we learn about the author from Para. 4?A.She often quarreled with her siblings in childhood.B.She became stronger after her father passed away.C.Her upbringing environment greatly influenced her.D.Her long time of reading helped her out of feeling bad.6.What caused the author to quit her obsession?A.The death of her father.B.A conversation with a loved one.C.The suggestion from an instructor.D.An app on self-improvement.7.What does the author want to convey in the text?A.Embracing the true self.B.Focusing on the strengths.C.Seeking professional advice.D.Cultivating the positive thinking.The ocean covers almost three-quarters of the planet. Were all the planet’s water placed over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132km tall. The ocean provides 3bn people with almost a fifth of their protein (making fish a bigger source of the stuff than beef).Climate and weather systems depend on the temperature patterns of the ocean and its interactions with the atmosphere. If anything ought to be too big to fail, it is the ocean.Humans have long assumed that the ocean’s size allowed them to put anything they wanted into it and to take anything they wanted out. However, changing temperatures and chemistry, overfishing and pollution have stressed its ecosystems for decades.The ocean stores more than nine-tenths of the heat trapped on Earth by greenhouse-gas emissions. Consequently, coral reefs are suffering. Scientists expect almost all corals to be gone by 2050. By the middle of the century the ocean could contain more plastic than fish by weight. Ground down into tiny pieces, it is eaten by fish and then by people, with uncertain effects on human health. Nevertheless, appetite for fish grows: almost 90% of stocks are fished either at or beyond their sustainable limits. The ocean nurtures humanity. Humanity treats it with contempt.Such self-destructive behavior demands explanation. Unarguably, the ocean being subject to a series of laws and agreements, enforcement is hard. Apart from this, two reasons stand out. One is geography. The bulk of the ocean is beyond the horizon and below the waterline. The damage being done to its health is visible in a few liminal places. But for the most part, the sea is out of sight and out of mind. It is telling that there is only a single fleeting reference to the ocean in the Paris agreement on climate change.Second, the ocean is a victim of other bigger processes. The emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is changing the marine environment along with the rest of the planet. The ocean has warmed by 0. 7℃ since the 19th century, damaging corals and encouraging organisms to migrate towards the poles for cooler waters. Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the water are making it more acidic, harming creatures such as crabs and oysters, whose calcium carbonate shells suffer as marine chemistry alters.8.What is paragraph 1 mainly about?A.The vastness of the ocean.B.The significance of the ocean.C.The ecosystem of the ocean.D.The climate of the ocean.9.How does the author convey his message in paragraph 3?A.By listing current problems.B.By providing research data.C.By citing expert opinions.D.By comparing different ecosystems.10.Why does the author mention “the Paris agreement on climate change” in paragraph 4?A.To show people often disobey it.B.To tell us people seldom refer to it.C.To remind us the ocean is vital to man.D.To prove ocean protection is overlooked.11.What will the author probably write next?A.How to tap into the ocean.B.How to research into the ocean.C.How to rise to the challenges of the ocean.D.How to raise people’s environmental awareness.In higher education, where meritocracy (任人唯贤)and objectivity are highly valued, one might assume that the alphabetical order of students’ surnames plays no role in determining their academic success. However, recent research suggests otherwise.A study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan, analyzing over 30 million grading records, reveals a surprising finding: students with surnames that appear earlier in the alphabet tend to receive higher grades compared to their counterparts with later alphabetical placements. This bias is particularly striking in large classes or courses where assignments are submitted digitally through platforms like Canvas, a widely used online learning management system. Systems like this typically arrange student submissions alphabetically by default (系统默认). As a result, students with surnames towards the end of the alphabet, such as those starting with Y or Z, tend to receive lower grades on average compared to their peers with surnames from the beginning of the alphabet.This phenomenon is attributed to an effect known as “sequential grading bias”, which refers to an unintentional advantage or disadvantage that students may face due to the order in which their work is evaluated. For example, job interview candidates who are interviewed later in the day may be rated more harshly compared to those who went earlier. In the context of alphabeticalordering, instructors often begin grading from the top of the list, where surnames starting with letters like A or B appear. This initial advantage can unintentionally influence grading patterns, where early papers might receive more favorable assessments compared to those evaluated later. However, the exams that are graded in the reverse order in which they are submitted may show an opposite trend.Educational institutions and policymakers are encouraged to explore alternative grading strategies that mitigate alphabetical biases. Suggestions include randomized grading orders, nameless submissions, or deliberate efforts to counteract first impressions through diverse evaluation criteria. By addressing these biases proactively, institutions can foster fairer and more inclusive learning environments where student performance is evaluated impartially based on merit rather than surname placement.12.Why does the author mention Canvas in the context of the study?A.To promote the use of digital platforms for academic purposes.B.To highlight the popularity of online learning management systems.C.To emphasize the impact of digital learning platforms on grading biases.D.To demonstrate the diverse grading standards of digital learning platforms.13.In the last paragraph, what does the underlined word “mitigate” mean?A.Complicate.B.Simplify.C.Fuel.D.Reduce.14.According to the text, one suggested alternative grading strategy should be based on_________.A.the student’s surnameB.random grading sequenceC.random first impressionD.the student’s submission time15.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?A.Inequality Issues via Digital Learning SystemsB.Strategies for Overcoming Bias in Grading SystemsC.Unintended Consequences of Alphabetical GradingD.The Cause of Sequential Grading on Student PerformanceLife is filled with numerous victories and downfalls; what matters is how you tackle each situation. Whether it is your schooling or a serious life struggle, we must learn to turn the page and change our life for the better. 16You might find yourself in a dead end. 17 This will help you mark your future decisions. Everything that you faced until now was just a part of the problem and everything that comes after the line will be part of the solution. Don’t take the whole thing as suffering; instead, it is a learning experience. Make sure that you won’t let anything hold you back and will try to be better each day.When handling a tough situation, you may need some extra help. Connect with people that have gone through the same trials as you have. During the interactions, you will notice the different patterns which made them successful. 18 Their experiences are beneficial to uplifting your spirit and truly help you out.Another amazing approach is to make sensible and favorable choices for yourself. Engaging in battles and struggles is going to be very hard. 19 Picture your goals in your mind and make sensible steps towards them with each passing day. Remember to do what actually works and make sure that nothing stands in your way.The past is a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. Life moves on and so should we. 20 The new chapter of your life is coming for you.A.Now it’s your turn to think outside the box.B.We must forgive ourselves to begin the next chapter.C.Here’ s how you can create a new chapter in your life.D.What you can do in this situation is draw a mental line.E.However, giving up and being stuck in pain will be even harder.F.Let your tears and sweat water the seeds of your future happiness.G.Besides, you will obtain the motivation you can’t find in yourself.二、完形填空Dress shopping for my thirty-year high school reunion had become very frustrating because I’d gained weight over the years.How could I attend the reunion looking like this? I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I finally 21 on a simple black dress, one size bigger, so it would be 22 and cover my body.That evening I tried on the dress again in front of the mirror at home. The dress looked 23 ! Just then, my husband and son walked in. “Mom, what are you wearing?” My son giggled. “That dress is too big!” My husband 24 .I looked at my 25 once more; I looked like I was wearing a sack. I don’t know what came over me, but I started to laugh 26 happy tears fell. It must have been 27 because we all stood there roaring with 28 .I 29 the dress the next day and I bought a red, 30 dress! This time when I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn’t believe it — I loved what I saw. “Wow, you’re beautiful!” my husband said, when I 31 around to show him.On the day of the reunion I was 32 . I timidly walked into the venue. Just then, one of my friends ran over to hug me. “You look amazing with that cute dress!” she said, excited. That evening I talked, laughed and danced the night away.That was a turning point for me. Since then, I have learned to embrace my body 33 hiding it. I realized later that those dresses I 34 didn’t look bad on my body; it was my lack of 35 that made them look bad. My reflection in the mirror was the reflection of my lack of security.21.A.settled B.worked C.insisted D.took 22.A.straight B.shabby C.loose D.delicate 23.A.amazing B.strange C.elegant D.horrible 24.A.agreed B.argued C.answered D.expected 25.A.mirror B.reflection C.shadow D.size 26.A.when B.unless C.until D.though 27.A.worthwhile B.ambitious C.infectious D.familiar 28.A.anger B.approval C.surprise D.laughter29.A.returned B.withdrew C.ordered D.delivered 30.A.bright-looking B.long-lasting D.well-fitting 31.A.wandered B.spun C.looked D.sat 32.A.pleased B.nervous C.upset D.frustrated 33.A.instead of B.apart from C.regardless of D.other than 34.A.tried on B.came across C.give away D.turned down 35.A.discipline B.determination C.attention D.confidence三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



大学英语四级考试2024年6月真题(第三套)Part I Writing (30minutes)Part I Directions :Suppose your university is seeking students'opinions on whethe university canteens should be open to the public.You are now to write an essay to express your view.You will have 30minutes for the task.You should write at least 120words but no more than 180words.I Listening Comprehension (25minutes)特别说明:由于多题多卷,官方第三套真题的听力试题与第二套真题的一致,只是选项顺序不同,因此,本套试卷不再提供听力部分。

Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40minutes)Section A Directions:In this section,thereis a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Over the coming decades,millions of jobs will be threatened by robotics and artificial intelligence.Despite intensive academic 26_on these developments,there has been little study on how workers 27_to being replaced through technologyTo find out,business researchers at TUM and Erasmus University Rotterdam conducted 11studies and surveys with over 2,000persons from several countries.The findings show:In principle,most people view it more 28when workers are replaced by other people than by robots or intelligent software.This preference 29_,however,when it refers to people's own jobs When that is the case,the majority of workers find it less upsetting to see their own jobs go to robots than to other employees.In the long term,however,the same people see machines as more threatening to their future role in the workforce.These effects can also be observed among people who have recently become unemployed.The researchers were able to identify the causes behind these 30paradoxica results,too:Peopletend to 31_themselves less with machines than with other people.Consequently,being replaced by a robotor so ftware 32less of a threat to their feeling of self-worth.This reduced self-threat could even be observedwhe n participants assumed that they were being replaced by other employees who relied on technological abilities such as artificial intelligence in their work.“Even when unemployment results from the 33of new technologies,people still judge it in a social context,”says Christoph Fuchs,one of the authors of the study.“It is important to understand these 34effects when trying to manage the massive changes in the working world to minimize 35in society.”19·2024年6月四级真题(第三套)·A)compareB)contradictsC)conventionalD)debateE)disruptionsF)drasticallyG)favorablyH)guarantee I)introduction J)modifications K)posesL)psychological M)reactN)reverses O)seeminglySection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet2.No escape as'snow day'becomes fe-learning day’A)Certain institutions,such as schools,are likely to close when bad weather,such as snow,flooding or extreme heat or cold,causes travel difficulties,power outages(断供),or otherwise endangers public safety.When snowy weather arrives in the US,it means the chance of school children benefiting from the long-standing tradition of the“snow day”,when schools are forced to close and students get an unexpected day off.B)The criterion for a snow day is primarily the inability of school buses to operate safely on their routes and danger to children who walk to school.Often,the school remains officially open even though buses do not run and classes arecanceled.Severe weather that causes cancellation or delayis more likely in regions that are less able to handle the situation.Snow days are less common in more northern areas of the United States that are used to heavy winter snowfall,because municipalities are well equipped to clear roads and remove snow.In areas less accustomed to snow even small snowfalls of an inch ortwo may render roads unsafe. C)Snow days are a familiar theme in American film and TV shows,with children getting the good news and then running outside for some seasonal snowman-building and snowball throwing,against a background ofjoyful pop music.But the tradition is now over for pupils in several US states such as South Carolina, Nevada,Georgia and Indiana.This academic year,many school boards have introduced policies which require students to work from home if the school is shut by snow or extreme weather.They are known as “e-learning days”,which certainly sounds less fun than a snow day.D)Teachers are also losing their snow days and instead will be expected to be on hand to take a virtual register and answer students'questions online.A pilot programme in a school district in Anderson County,South Carolina,has supplied students with electronic tablets loaded with assignments to complete in the event of a school closure.If it is successful,it could be rolled out across the state.E)But some parents object to the new policy if the vigorous debate on the Facebook page of Anderson County school district is anything to go by.“When it snows,let the kids enjoy it,”said one commenter.Another said the decision would“ruin school even more”,and someone else called snow days“a fun part of childhood”. But supporters of the policy say it means children will miss fewer days of school.It will also bring to an end a less popular US high school tradition:the“make-up day”,which requires students in many states to make up the time lost due to weatherby working during school holidays.·2024年6月四级真题(第三套)·20F)Students in North Carolina already have several make-up days scheduled because of school closures duringHurricane Florence,which struck in September.Tom Wilson,the superintendent(主管)of Anderson County school district,said the change away from snow days makes practical and financial sense.He said technology has changed every profession,so it makes sense to use it to“eliminate”make-up days.Adam Baker of the Department of Education in Indiana said e-learning days were proving a“great success”.He said most Indiana schools already use digital devices during lessons,so it was an“easy decision”to extend this to days when schools are closed.He denies the decision is depriving children of the chance to enjoy the snow.“Students are still able to enjoy snow days and outside time,”he said.“Many have PE and science assignments that have them out enjoying the weather.”But local school superintendents in Ohio are resisting proposals to adopt e-learning days.They fear that students without internet access at home will be disadvantaged by the policy,and superintendent Tom Roth is concerned that e-learning days will offer a lower quality of education.G)There are also so-called“blizzard bags”,with assignments that children take home ahead of an expected snowclosure.But Mr Roth says it is not sufficient as a replacement.“I think we still need the class time to give our kids the education that they deserve,”he said.“Youcan't get that with a blizzard bag or doing the work from home like that.It's not going to be as effective.”H)There is a long-running debate on whether missing days of school affects attainment.In England,there hasbeen a focus on tackling absenteeism(旷课)from school.The Department for Education(DFE)published research in2016arguing that missing any days at school could have a negative impact on results.Even a few days lost in a year could be enough to miss out on getting a good exam grade,the DFE's research concluded.This differed from the findings of a study from Harvard University in the US,which concluded that missing a few occasional days because of the weather did not damage learning.I)The Harvard study examined seven years of school results data and could not find any impact from snowclosures.What caused moredisruption was when schools tried to stay open in bad weather,even though many staff and pupils were absent.But weather can make a difference to school results,according to another piece of Harvard research published last summer.It's hot weather that has the negative impact.The results of 10million school students were examined over13years and researchers found a“significant”link between years with extremely hotweather and lower results.J)It's obvious that students should go to school every day to get the most out of education.In cases of extreme weather students don't always have that option.However,research shows that authorised absences from school such as during extreme weather are less problematic for students than absences that are not authorised.This is because unauthorised absences tend to reflect patterns and behaviours of student disengagement,or the possible negative attitudes of parents towards education that students adopt and carry with them through schooling.The level of impact on students'educational performance is all to do with the length of time that a student is absent from school and how regularly this occurs.36.There is opposition to the practice of giving children assignments to take home before extreme weather forcesa school closure.37.New policies adopted by many US schools require students to do online learning at home in case of a schoolclosure38.According to some research,extreme hot weather negatively affects students'performance.39.There is a time-honoured tradition in the US for school kids to stay at home on“snow days”.21·2024年6月四级真题(第三套)·40.Debates on social media show some parents are opposed to ending the“snowday”tradition.41.In more northern regions of the US,school is less likely to be affected by snowy weather.42.Research indicates absences from school with permission do not cause as many problems as those withoutpermission.43.There is objection to e-learning days owing to fear that students with no access to the Internet at home willsuffer44.In a pilot programme,students are given electronic devices to doassignments when schools areclosed.45.A long-standing debate is going on over the impact of school absences on students'academic performance.Section CDirections:There are2passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions46to50are based on the following passage.It may sound surprising,but you don't have to be interested in fashion,or even in history,to enjoy Dress Codes:How the Laws of Fashion Made History.I happen to be interested in both,and ended up enjoying the book for completely different reasons.Richard Thompson Ford is a law professor,and you probably won't forget that for even one page.His carefully reasoned arguments,packed with examples,sound almost like reading a court opinion,only maybe wordier.You will probably never think of fashion as a trifle again.Ford's thesis is that the best way to understand what particular fashions meant in any given era is to look at the restrictions placed on them.Through this lens,he shows us that the first laws passed in the1200s to ensure that only the nobility were allowed to wear certain fabrics,colors and ornaments reflected the rise of the middle class,who were now able to imitate some of these fashions.The status of the upper classes was threatened; fashion was a tool to preserve it.Ford takes the reader through the evolution of fashion while examining the underlying motivations of status sex,power,and personality,which,he assumes,influenced all innovations in fashion in the past and which continue to influence us today.His writing is more than alittle dense—dense with research,clauses,and precise adjectives and nouns.But there's also humor and enough interesting episodes to make the writing appealing.No one is spared his sharp analysis:not the easy targets of19th century women's crippling(伤害身体的)fashions nor the modern uniforms of Silicon Valley T-shirts.But the greatest strength of this book(on fashion!)is its intellectual profoundness.Ford asks us to question unconscious beliefs,to realize thatwe almost never do so,to understand that the simplest choices are charged with meaning,and yet that meaning can and does change all thetime.Consider the fact that a1918catalog insisted that boys and girls be dressed in the appropriate color.We believe our thinking today is evolved;Ford shows us it's not.46.What does the author think of the book Dress Codes:How the Laws of Fashion Made History?A)It is read by people for entirely different reasonsB)It is meant for those interested in fashion history·2024年6月四级真题(第三套)·22C)It makes enjoyable as well as informative reading.D)It converts fashion into something for deliberation.47.How can people best understand a particular fashion in an era,according to Ford?A)By examining the restraints imposed on it.C)By glancing at its fabrics,colors and ornaments.B)By looking at what the nobility were wearing.D)By doing a survey of the upper and middle classes.48.What was the aim of the first laws passed regarding fashion in the1200s?A)To facilitate the rise of the middle class C)To help initiate some novel fashions.B)To loosen restrictions on dress codes.D)To preserve the status of the nobles.49.What does the author think of Ford's writing?A)It uses comparison and contrast in describing fashions of different erasB)It makes heavy reading but is not lacking in humor or appealC)It is filled with interesting episodes to spare readers intolerable boredom.D)It is characteristic of academics in presenting arguments.50.What does the author say is the greatest strength of Ford's book?A)Plentiful information.B)Meaningful choices.C)Evolved thinkingD)Intellectual depthPassage TwoQuestions51to55are based on the followingpassage.The art of persuasion means convincing others to agree with your point of view or to follow your course of action.For some ofus,persuasion is an instinctive quality and the power of influencing comes naturally.For the rest of us,persuasion skills can be learned and developed over time.Employers place a great value on employees with persuasion skills because they can impact several aspects of job performance.Besides,teamwork and leadership rely heavily on the power of persuasion to get things done.Without persuasion skills,employees may not be as committed to or convinced of the importance of an organization's vision and long-term mission.Effective use of persuasion skills will not only help get your coworkers excited about your ideas,it'll also help you motivate them to achieve a common goal.In order to learn the art of persuasion at the workplace,you need to understand how to handle conflicts and reach agreements.Good communication is the first step in effective persuasion,but logic and reasoning are just as important.Before you can get somebody on-board with your goal,you should help them understand why they should pursue ing visual aids to back up your ideas can help communicate your ideas better and make compelling arguments so your listeners will come to a logical choice and become fully committed to your ideas and plans.Successful persuasion skills are based on your ability to have positive interactions and maintain meaningful relationships with people.In order to sustain thoserelationships,you must be able to work in their best interests as well.Your coworkers are more likely to agree with you when they succeed alongside you.The more they achieve and the greaterprogress they make,the more they trust your judgement and strength.We persuade and get persuaded every day—we're either convincing or being convinced.A vast majority of people prefer collaboration and teamwork over traditional organizational structures;no one likes to be told what to do or to be pushed around.Therefore,organizations and leaders should adopt powerful persuasion skills to bring about necessary changes.23·2024年6月四级真题(第三套)·51.What does the author say about the ability to be persuasive in the first paragraph?A)People may either be born with it or be able to cultivate it.B)It proves crucial in making others follow one's course of action.C)It refers to the natural and instinctive power of influencing one's coworkers.D)People may view it as both a means to convince others and an art of communication.52.Why are persuasion skills greatly valued in the workplace?A)They enable employees to be convinced oftheir long-term gains.B)They enable employees to trust their leaders unconditionally.C)They help motivate coworkers to strive for a common goal.D)They help an organization to broaden its vision effectively.53.What should people do to learn the art of persuasion atthe workplace?A)Acquire effective communication skills.C)Understand the reason for pursuing their goalsB)Avoid getting involved in conflicts with others.D)Commit themselves fully to their ideas and plans54.When are you more likely to succeed in persuading your coworkers?A)When they are convinced you work in their interests while sacrificing your own.B)When they become aware of the potential strength of the judgements you make.C)When they become aware of the meaningful relationships you keep with them.D)When they are convinced they will make achievements together with you.55.Why are organizations and leaders advised to adopt powerful persuasion skills to bring about necessarychanges?A)To convince employees of the value of collaboration.B)To allow for the preferences of most people of todayC)To improve on traditional organizational structuresD)To adapt to employees'ever-changing working styles.PartIV Translation(30minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet2.汉语中的“福”字(the character fu)表示幸福和好运,是中国传统文化中最常用的吉祥(auspicious符号之一。



我是小小研究员英语作文Aspiring Researcher: A Journey into the Realm of Discovery.In the vast tapestry of human knowledge, wherecuriosity and innovation intertwine, I aspire to become an intrepid explorer of the unknown, a小小研究员 whose unwavering passion for discovery and relentless pursuit of truth will contribute to the advancement of scientific understanding.My journey began with a nascent spark of wonder ignited at a tender age, when I marveled at the intricate workings of the natural world and yearned to unravel its hidden mysteries. Through countless hours spent poring over scientific texts and engaging in thought-provoking discussions, my fascination with the uncharted territories of knowledge grew exponentially.As I ventured deeper into the realm of science, I wasdrawn to the fields of biology and chemistry, where the complexities of life and matter captivated my imagination.I immersed myself in the study of living organisms, seeking to understand their intricate adaptations, genetic makeup, and ecological relationships. Concurrently, I delved into the enigmatic world of atoms and molecules, eager to decipher the fundamental forces that govern the universe.In the hallowed halls of academia, I found a sanctuary for my academic pursuits. As an undergraduate researcher, I eagerly seized the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge projects under the guidance of esteemed mentors. I spent countless hours in the laboratory, honing my experimental skills and immersing myself in the rigorous methodologies of scientific inquiry.Each experiment I conducted, each result I obtained, fueled my desire to push the boundaries of knowledge even further. I delved into the complexities of gene regulation, investigating the mechanisms that control gene expression and play a pivotal role in shaping cellular processes. Through meticulous analysis of data and unwaveringperseverance, I unearthed novel insights into the molecular basis of disease.Beyond the confines of the laboratory, I sought to broaden my scientific horizons by actively engaging in scientific conferences and collaborating with researchers from diverse backgrounds. Through these interactions, I gained invaluable knowledge, forged meaningful connections, and expanded my understanding of the interconnectedness of scientific disciplines.The path of a小小研究员 is not without its challenges. There are inevitable setbacks, moments of self-doubt, and the arduous task of navigating the labyrinthine world of scientific funding. Yet, these obstacles serve as stepping stones on the path to scientific maturity, fostering resilience, adaptability, and a deeper appreciation for the value of collaboration.As I embark on this extraordinary journey, I am driven by a profound sense of purpose. I believe that scientific research holds the power to transform lives, alleviatesuffering, and shape the future of humanity. My aspirationis to contribute to this noble endeavor by using my knowledge, skills, and unwavering dedication to unravel the mysteries of the natural world and develop solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing our society.I am eager to delve into complex scientific questions, explore uncharted intellectual territories, and blaze new trails in the pursuit of knowledge. I envision a future where my research contributes to advancements in medicine, environmental conservation, and the development of sustainable technologies.My ultimate goal is to become a beacon of scientific excellence, inspiring future generations of scientists and leaving an enduring legacy in the annals of human discovery. With unwavering passion, unwavering determination, and a relentless pursuit of truth, I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact on the world as a小小研究员.。


4. 答案 B 解 析 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 第 一 段 通 过 疑 问 句 “Why is this?”引出话题,文章通过一项实验证明了一个很有意思的现 象:人们倾向于通过相貌可以判断一个人的名字。研究人员认为 这一现象主要是由于人们对一些名字形成了刻板的印象,而由于 自证预言,我们会变成人们期待我们成为的样子。由此可知 B 项 符合,故选 B 项。
Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise. She found that mothers who used devices(设备) during the exercise started 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal communications with their children. During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension. Parents would be looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention.
According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, humans tend to associate people’s names with their appearances, and can even guess someone’s name based on how they look.




1.Who is the text written for?A.Parents.B.Students.C.Doctors.D.Patients. 2.Students will listen to the speech ________.A.on the playground the school gate the school hall the classroom3.How many environment problems are mentioned in paragraph 1?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six. 4.What will the speaker talk about in the speech?A.How to help the old.B.How to keep healthy.C.How to improve human life.D.How to protect the environment. 5.Where is the text most probably from?A.A school poster.B.A shopping poster.C.A guide book.D.A science book.Amanda was really excited because her Daddy was going to take her to see the baby turtles hatch(孵化、出壳) out on the beach.So, Amanda and her father got up when it was still dark, took their torches, and carefully made their way to the beach. Amanda didn’t really know what the turtles hatch would be like, but her elder brother had told her that the turtles are born on the beach just a few meters from the waters edge.Amanda and her Daddy sat on the beach and waited quietly. Suddenly the first baby turtle appeared. It was so tiny and moved slowly towards the sea, without waiting for either its brothers or sisters or mother. Gradually, more and more baby turtles appeared, and all ran towards the water.But suddenly some birds arrived, and they started eating some of the little turtles. Amanda kept looking everywhere to see whether Daddy Turtle would turn up to give those birds a good lesson. But he never came.Amanda was watching all this with tears in her eyes, and when the first group of baby turtles finally reached the water safely, she gave out a little cry of happiness. Even though the birds ate quite a few little turtles, in the end many more reached the sea. Amanda was very pleased.On their way home, her father told her more about turtles. When the baby turtles hatch out, they have to try to reach the sea on their own. That’s why so many are born, because lots of them get eaten by other animals, and not only on the sand, also in the water. The few turtles who manage to become adults can live for many, many years.Amanda was really glad to learn so much about the turtles that night. But as they continued home, all she could think of was how happy she was to have a family. Her parents and her brothers and sister had helped her and cared for her so much right from the day she was born.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。







1.He was very rude to the customs officer, of course made things even worse.A.whoB. whomC. whatD. which 【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】考查定语从句。




2.There are 56 students in our class, two-thirds of are near-sighted.A. whoB. whomC. themD. their 【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】考查定语从句。


此处为“介词+关系代词”结构非限制性定语从句修饰先行词56 students,作介词的宾语,指人,在“介词+关系代词”结构非限制性定语从句中只能用whom。


3.has already been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dead rules.A. AsB. ItC. ThatD. Which 【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查代词。


A. As因为;B. It 它;C. That那个;D. Which哪个。

as引导定语从句位于句首,在从句中做主语“正如”,故选Ao4.I don, t like you speak to her.A.the wayB. the way in thatC. the way whichD. the way of which【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。

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Researchers at the University of Minnesota recently announced that they were able to largely reverse the effects of stroke in lab rats using stem cells found in human umbilical cord blood.In the experiment, conducted by neurologist Walter Low and his colleagues, the transplanted stem cells took on properties of brain cells and seemed to spur the rats' brains to "rewire" themselves.The researchers almost fully healed the rats 48 hours after the animals sustained brain damage. Typically doctors need to act within three hours to treat a human stroke patient successfully.Cord-blood cell transplants are already becoming common as a therapy for diseases of the blood.Now scientists like Low are finding that stem cells from umbilical cord blood—once thought capable only of turning into blood cells—may be able to grow into other kinds of cells as well.Such advances are casting cord blood, previously regarded as medical waste left after childbirth, in a new light.But while experts are optimistic about the future of cord blood as a source for new stem cell therapies, they disagree about how this potentially life-saving resource should be handledAn Appealing Source of Stem CellsIt's not clear yet whether the therapy Low's team used on rats will ever be safe or effective in humans.But many people with other life-threatening conditions have been healed with this easily collected source of stem cells.Today doctors use cord blood cells to treat about 70 diseases, mostly anemias or cancers of the blood, such as leukemias and lymphomas."[Cord blood stem cells] can be used to replace failed blood cells," explained Kristine Gebbie, a professor of nursing at Columbia University in New York.Six thousand patients worldwide have been treated with cord blood s tem cell transplants to date, though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration still considers the procedure experimental.For the therapies, doctors typically obtain cord blood from the placentas of volunteer donors after they give birth. The blood is then banked with one of several public registries.If the donor and patient aren't genetically similar enough, the patient's body will reject the transfusion. The result can be fatal."A war goes on [between donor and recipient cells], and you want the donor [c ells] to win," said Mary Laughlin, an expert in cord blood transplantation on the faculty at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.But cord blood transplants are more forgiving than other procedures, like bone marrow transplants, if the donor isn't a perfect genetic match.And as volunteer donor banks grow, patients are often able to find suitable cord blood donor matches months before they might identify an appropriate bone marrow donor.The Center for Cord Blood in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the largest public donor bank in the United States, reports that the likelihood of finding a perfect match in its bank has doubled in the last four years.The center's Web site states that more than 95 percent of patients searching its registry are able to find suitable matches today.Some companies, however, are encouraging families to save their own cord blood rather than donate it.Keep It in the Family?Each year thousands of new parents arrange for their newborns' cord blood to be saved and cryogenically frozen by private cord-blood banking services.Families pay cord-blood banks up to U.S. $1,700 to freeze the blood, plus an annual storage fee of around $125.The child and his or her family will then have exclusive use of the cells if the need f or a transplant should arise.A child's own cord blood is guaranteed to be a perfect match for that child. This means there's theoretically no chance that the cells will be rejected after transplantation.But in the case of some diseases, doctors consider it unwise to use a child's own cord blood cells for treatment, says Columbia University's Gebbie.Gebbie chaired a panel that advised the U.S. federal government regarding cord-blood banking."The cells may already carry in them the seeds of the cancer that you are trying to treat [in the child]," she said.In other words, in cases of some genetic diseases, including many leukemias, doctors fear they would end up transplanting cells that would later become cancerous if they used a patient's own cord blood for the procedure.For this reason, most transplants using privately stored blood are performed on the donors' siblings, explains Morey Kraus.Kraus is chief technology officer for ViaCell, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company that offers a private cord-blood banking service called ViaCord."There's a higher probability of finding a match in the family than in a registry," Kraus said.Experts agree that the odds are better that a patient will have a successful transplant from a donor who's a sibling rather than someone who isn't related.But neither the American Academy of Pediatrics nor the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society recommend that parents of healthy children should store their child's cord blood with private banks.Gebbie agrees."Were I still in a child-bearing mode, or if my daughter during her two recent pregnancies had asked me [if she should bank her baby's cord blood], I would have said, No," she said."It's an ongoing cost that has very little promise of being useful or successful f or your child."Some medical studies, like a 1997 report from the Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, estimate that there's a 1-in-2,700 chance that a child will get a disease that's advisable to treat with the child's own blood.The chance that a child will get a disease that's treatable with a sibling's cord blood is much more likely. ViaCord's Kraus says that chance is about 1 in 328.But Laughlin, of Case Western Reserve University, says those numbers don't tell her much.She estimates that a child has roughly a 1-in-100,000 chance of getting acute leukemia."Then 85 percent of those 1 in 100,000 are cured with chemotherapy," she said."They don't need a transplant. Childhood leukemia is very curable now just with chemotherapy. So that reduces 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 800,000."Laughlin says the incidence of those diseases for which cord blood is typically used is too low to warrant private banking. But preliminary research on more common disorders, like Low's stroke studies in rats, has her lookingLaughlin is betting, for example, that diabetes will be treated one day by cord-blood transplants.ViaCord's Kraus said, "There's a huge uncertainty out there about where stem cell technology will come from and what kinds of stem cells will be used to treat what were formerly considered incurable diseases."Building the Public InfrastructureMinnesota's Low says he would prefer parents donate cord blood to a central reserve that's available to everyone, strengthening existing public banks."To me, that makes more sense," he said. "You make sort of a national cord-blood bank that everyone can deposit into and everyone can draw from."He's not the only one thinking this way.In 2004 the U.S. federal government set aside money to establish a central s ystem for cord blood banking, to be facilitated by the Department of Health and Human Services.Last year President George W. Bush signed into law the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act, which supports building a reserve of 150,000 cord blood units fr om ethnically diverse donors.Gebbie is optimistic that an effective national system will be in place soon.The biggest challenge, she says, is getting more units from minority groups.Because of limited donor pools, minorities have had difficulty finding suitable matches.Fixing that will require outreach and advertising to those communities. But, she said, "it's not a ten-year project."明尼苏达大学的研究人员最近宣布,他们能够在很大程度上改变中风影响在实验室中发现老鼠利用干细胞人脐带血中。
