The Theme of Jane Eyre


Jane Eyre (简爱)

Jane Eyre (简爱)

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内容简介 : 第 一 部 分
简· 爱是个孤女,出生于一个穷牧师家 庭。父母由于染上伤寒,在一个月之中相 继去世。幼小的简寄养在舅父母家里。舅 父里德先生在红房子中去世后,简过了10 年受尽歧视和虐待的生活。一次,由于反 抗表哥的殴打,简被关进了红房子。肉体 上的痛苦和心灵上的屈辱和恐惧,使她大 病了一场。 舅母把她视作眼中钉,并把她和自己的 孩子隔离开来,从此,她与舅母的对抗更 加公开和坚决了。以后,简被送进了洛伍 德孤儿院。
第 三 部 分
一天黄昏,简外出散步,邂逅刚从国外归来的主人, 这是他们第一次见面。以后她发现她的主人是个性格忧郁、 喜怒无常的人,对她的态度时好时坏。整幢房子沉郁空旷, 有时还会听到一种令人毛骨悚然的奇怪笑声。 一天,简在睡梦中被这种笑声惊醒,发现罗切斯特的房 间着了火,简叫醒他并帮助他扑灭了火。 罗切斯特回来后经常举行家宴。在一次家宴上向一位名 叫英格拉姆的漂亮小姐大献殷勤,简被召进客厅,却受到布 兰奇母女的冷遇,她忍受屈辱,离开客厅。此时,她已经爱 上了罗切斯特。其实罗切斯特也已爱上简,他只是想试探简 对自己的爱情。当他向简求婚时,简答应了他。 婚礼前夜,简在朦胧中看到一个面目可憎的女人在镜前 披戴她的婚纱。
《简· 爱》是一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的现实主义小 说。整部作品以自叙形式写成。大量运用心理描写是 小说的一大特色。全书构思精巧,情节波澜起伏,给 读者制造出一种阴森恐怖的气氛,而又不脱离一个中 产阶级家庭的背景。作者还以行情的笔法描写了主人 公之间的真挚爱情和自然风景,感情色彩丰富而强烈。 这部优美、动人并带有神秘色彩的小说,至今仍保持 着它独特的艺术魅力。
Jane Eyre (德,是一部 带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一 个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。 《简·爱》中的简爱人生追求有两个基本旋 律:富有激情、幻想、反抗和坚持不懈的精 神;对人间自由幸福的渴望和对更高精神境 界的追求。这本小说的主题是通过对孤女坎 坷不平的人生经历,成功地塑造了一个不安 于现状、不甘受辱、敢于抗争的女性形象, 反映一个平凡心灵的坦诚倾诉的呼号和责难, 一个小写的人成为一个大写的人的渴望。


The relationship between language and ethics is complex On the one hand, they can be mutually promoted, on the other hand, they can also be mutually constrained.
Characters are the people who population the story and its main protocol
Detailed description and analysis
The time and place in which the story takes place
The sequence of events that make up the story
between characters
The turning point and climax o
Turning point
A significant event that changes the direction of the plot
The highest point of suspension or exception in a story
Language and Rhetoric
The Characteristics and Expression of Language and Rhetoric
The characteristics of language and rhetoric have their own



Chapter Four The Victoria Period1.Critical realism: Victoria literature, as a productof its age, naturally took on its quality ofmagnitude and diversity. It was many-sided andcomplex. While sticking to the principle of faithfulrepresentation of the 18th century realist novel,they carried their duty forward to the criticism ofthe society and the defense of the mass. Althoughwriting from different points of view and withdifferent techniques, they shared one thing incommon, that is, they were all concerned aboutthe fate of the common people. They were angrywith the inhuman social institutions, the decayingsocial morality as represented by the moneyworship and Utilitarianism, and the widespreadmisery, poverty and injustice. Their truthfulpicture of people’s life and bitter and strongcriticism of the society had done much inawakening the public consciousness to the socialproblems and in the actual improvement of thesociety.2.The characteristic and achievement ofCharles Dickens’ novels a. Dickens is adept with the vernacular and large vocabulary. He is humorous and witty. Character-portrayal is the most distinguishing feature of his works. Among a vast range of various characters, marked out by some peculiarity in physical traits, speech or manner, are both types and individuals. And he is famous for the depiction of those horrible and grotesque characters and those broadly humorous or comical ones. Dickens’s works are also characterized by a mingling of humors and pathos. Three kinds of characters: a. the innocent, persecuted, helpless child characters like Oliver Twist, Little nell, David Copperfield and little Dorris. B. the horrible and groteque characters like Fagin, Bill Sikes and Qulip; C. the humorous and comic figures like Mr. Micawber, Sun Weller and Mrs. Gamp.3.The theme of Jane Eyre: In Jane Eyre, Charlottepours a great deal of her own experience, such as the life at Lowood school and life as a governess.One of the central themes of the book is thecriticism of the bourgeois system of education.Another problem raised by her in the novel is the position of woman in society. Jane Eyre, the heroine of the novel, maintains that women should have equal rights with men.4.The narrative method of The Wuthering Heights:the story is told mainly by Nelly, Catherine’s old nurse, to Mr. Lockwood, a temporary tenant at Grange. The latter too gives an account of what he sees at Wuthering heights. And part of the story is told through Isabella’s letters to Nelly.While the central interest is maintained, the sequence of its development is constantly disordered by fashbacks. This makes the story all the more enticing and genuine.5.The artistic style of Browning’s poetry: 1)“dramatic monologue” perfectly used as a dominant poetic medium in which the speaker reveals his or her own characters in telling the story unconsciously; 2) obscurity sometimes presenting itself in that psychological exposure mingles complicatedly with clipped syntax. 30allusions and implications abounding in his works;and 4) complicatedness in structural design which corresponds to the psychological exposure in the monologue.6.The artistic style of Hardy’s novels: he is a greatpainter of nature. In his hand, nature assumes the form of life and becomes a most powerful, forbidding force with its own life and will. And all the works of hardy are noted for the rustic dialect and a poetic flavor, which fits well into their perfectly designed architectural structures.7.The artistic characteristic of the novel “Tess of theD’urbervilles”: as on e of the best work by hardy, the novel is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and destruction of the English peasantry towards the end of the 19th century. In its bitter criticism of the ugly reality, the novel is also immersed in a naturalistic tendency in that Tess seems to be led to her final destruction step by step by Fate. One “wrong” after another mysteriously andcoincidently drive her to her tragic end. So it issuggestive that readers understand the novelfrom the view points of its critical realist andnaturalistic tendency.Chapter 5. The Modern period1.“Modernism” as a literary movement: 1) Modernism wasthe product of the skepticism and disillusion of capitalist in the West; 2) The French Symbolism in the late 19th century heralded modernism. It flourished at the beginning of the 29th century until the 30s, and produced such great artists and writers as Kafka, Picasso, Pound, Webem, T.S.Eliot, James Joyce and Viginia Woolf. After the Second World War, it had another upsurage with the rise of existentialism, reflected mainly in drama; 3) ideologically, modernism took irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis, and they wrote about the alienation of human beings in their distorted and ill relationship between man and nature, man and society,man and man, man and himself; 4) in literary trend, modernism was a reaction against realism with its major concern with the psychological rather than the realistical, the abnormal rather than normal, the spiritual rather than the material, and chaos rather than order.2.the plot , character and language of Mrs. Warren’sProfession: the play about the economic oppression of women. Mr.Warren used to be a prostitute and is a boss of a prostitution. He exposed the social root and the essence of the ugly appearance and connected the theme of corrupted women with the corruption of capitalism and criticized the capitalist system and the hypocrisy and horror of it. He makes the trick of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. He would take an unconventional character, a person with the gift of insight and freedom, so as to reveal at every turn shock notions, prejudices and dishonesties. His language is true to life. Each person speaks the language that suits to his position.3.The characteristic and meaning of Yeats’ poetry: Yeatsgave a significance to the ordinary events of life in his poetry. The new vigor of his verse is reflected in theprecise and concret imagery, the strong passion, and the active verb forms. The early passive and dreamy mood was replaced by anger, disillusion and bitter satire. His style is both simple and rich, colloquial and formal, witha quality of metaphysical wit and symbolic vision, whichindicates that Yearts has already been on his way to modern poetry.urence’s “Songs and Lovers”: the novel certainlyreflects the problems of Lawrence’s young age. It is taken as a typical example and lively manifestation of Oedipus Complex in fiction, as the result of Lawrence’s long-range study of psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud. But the theme of the novel is usually said to concern the effect of maternal love on the development of a son. The didactic elements in the novel and the looseness in structure are often criticized by some critics.5.The art of Joyce: his own style is a straightforward one,lucid, logical and leisurely; subtelety, economy and exactness are his standards. But when he tries to render the so-called stream of consciousness, the style changes;incomplete, rapid, broken wording and fragmentarysentences are the typical features, which reflect the shifting, flirting, disorderly flow of thoughts in the major characters’ mind. To create his modern Odyssey---Ulysses, Joyce adopts a kind of mock-heroic style. The essence of the mock-heroic lies in the application of apparently inappropriate styles. He achieves this mainly by elaborating his style into parody, pastiche, symbolic fantasy, and narration by question and answer from an omniscient narrator.。

Jane Eyre 简爱中英文双语介绍

Jane Eyre 简爱中英文双语介绍

Jane Eyre《简爱》(Jane Eyre),是19世纪的英国文学名著,1847年出版,作者是英国的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)。







Jane Eyre is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë。

It was published in London, England,in 1847 by Smith, Elder &Co。

with the title Jane Eyre. The first American edition was released the following year by Harper & Brothers of New York。



英语文学作品赏析50题1. In the poem, the image of the rose often represents _____.A. love and beautyB. sadness and painC. anger and hateD. fear and anxiety答案:A。


玫瑰在诗歌中通常象征着爱与美,选项A 符合常见的文学象征意义。

选项B 中悲伤和痛苦一般不由玫瑰来代表;选项C 愤怒和憎恨与玫瑰的象征意义相差较大;选项D 恐惧和焦虑也不是玫瑰常见的象征。

2. The rhyme scheme of the poem is _____.A. ABABB. AABBC. ABBAD. ABCD答案:A。


ABAB 是一种常见的韵律模式,在很多诗歌中被使用。

AABB 是每行的韵脚相同;ABBA 则是首尾押韵;ABCD 是没有固定韵律规律。

3. The main theme of the poem is about _____.A. nature and its beautyB. human relationshipsC. war and destructionD. the passage of time答案:A。


选项B 人类关系在诗中未重点体现;选项C 战争与破坏并非主题重点;选项D 时间的流逝在诗中没有突出展现。

4. In the poem, the use of metaphor can be found in _____.A. "The stars are like diamonds in the sky."B. "The wind sings a gentle song."C. "The tree stands tall and proud."D. "The river flows swiftly."答案:A。



The Theme of Jane EyreJane‘s natural disposition is stubborn,and because of the early death of her parents, she has to live with her aunt and her families. Her aunt is so ruthless that she sends Jane into the orphanage which has the most harsh rules. So, during her early age,Jane has went through many kinds of bitterness.But her spiritual world therefore becomes more fortitude. After growing up, she goes to the reinfeldt's castle to become the family teacher of Mr Rochester's children. In her eyes,Rochester is arrogant but full of charm, and Rochester considers her as the only one can talk to.And they fall in love with each other.In their wedding,Jane knows that Rochester had married, his wife is the crazy woman!To pursue freedom and equality,Jane flee from him.But after a long time, she knows her real love is Rochester. She goes back to reinfeldt's, but the castle has been burn into ruins by the crazy woman,and Rochester also blind to save her. Among the ruins, Jane looking for Rochester,and they hug each other, no longer separation.It explains such a theme: the value of a man = dignity + love.One theme is Jane's dignity.In Mrs. Reed home, 10-year-old Jane,has to face her cousins' discrimination and abuse. But she expresses a strong resistance spirit. When her cousin beat her, she responds to; When her aunt exclaims that their children get away from her, she shouted "they do not deserve with me together"; When she is imprisoned in the room,thinking of the abuse, she shout loudly "unfair" from the heart. At the orphanage, Jane's resistance character become more distictive. This is a clear contract with her friend Helen,who is oppressed cruelly but believes in "love your enemy". But Jane detests the principal and the ruthless teachers. She said: "if she uses the root note hit me, and I will take it away from her hand, and break it in front of her."It fully demonstrates that she unwilling humiliation and won't surrender to the fate.Another theme of the novel is Jane and Rochester's love. Jane Eyre's love view deepen her personality. She thinks love should be set up on the basis of equality spirit, and should not depend on social status, wealth and appearance.Only when men and women both truly love each other,can they get real happiness. On the pursuit of happiness, Jane showed unusual pure, simple thoughts and feelings and indomitable courage. She doesn't because of the servant status give up the pursuit of happiness.Her love is pure, noble.She doesn't interested in his weath. She loves him because he can treat her equally,and take her as a friend.As Rochester speaking, Jane Eyre likes a stream of fresh wind, so that he is braced up.In the past,Rochester had been used to the hypocrisy of the society. And Jane Eyre's simplicity, kind and independentpersonality recall his pursuit and yearning for the life.Jane sympathize for the unfortunate fate of Rochester, thinking his mistake is caused by the objective environment. Despite his ugly, and later he becomes a bankruptcy disabled,what she sees is his inner beauty and sympathize with his unfortunate fate.So, eventually marry him.In the novel,there are two basic melody of Jane's pursuit of life: passion, fantasy, resistance and perseverance;desire for the happiness and freedom of life and the higher realm of spirit pursuit. The theme of the novel is expressed through the rough life experiences of the orphan girl, success in making an heroin who is courageous and tough.Analysis of Major CharactersJane EyreThe development of Jane Eyre’s character is central to the novel. From the beginning, Jane possesses a sense of her self-worth and dignity, a commitment to justice and principle, a trust in God, and a passionate disposition. Her integrity is continually tested over the course of the novel, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of herself so as to find contentment.An orphan since early childhood, Jane feels exiled and ostracized at the beginning of the novel, and the cruel treatment she receives from her Aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation. Afraid that she will never find a true sense of home or community, Jane feels the need to belong somewhere, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.” This desire tempers her equally intense need for autonomy an d freedom.In her search for freedom, Jane also struggles with the question of what type of freedom she wants. While Rochester initially offers Jane a chance to liberate her passions, Jane comes to realize that such freedom could also mean enslavement—by l iving as Rochester’s mistress, she would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feelings. St. John Rivers offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles. He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. Jane eventually realizes, though, that this freedom would also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check.Charlotte Brontë may have created the character of Jane Eyre as a means of coming to terms with elements of her own life. Much evidence suggests that Brontë, too, struggled to find a balance between love and freedom and to find others who understood her. At many points in the book, Jane voices the author’s then-radical opinions on religion, social class, and gender.Edward RochesterDespite his stern manner and not particularly handsome appearance, Edward Rochester wins Jane’s heart, because she feels the y are kindred spirits, and because he is the first person in the novel to offer Jane lasting love and a real home. Although Rochester is Jane’s social and economic superior, and although men were widely considered to be naturally superior to women in the Victorian period, Jane is Rochester’s intellectual equal. Moreover, after their marriage is interrupted by the disclosure that Rochester is already married to Bertha Mason, Jane is proven to be Rochester’s moral superior.Rochester regrets his former libertinism and lustfulness; nevertheless, he has proven himself to be weaker in many ways than Jane. Jane feels that living with Rochester as his mistress would mean the loss of her dignity. Ultimately, she would become degraded and dependent upon Rochester for love, while unprotected by any true marriage bond. Jane will only enter into marriage with Rochester after she has gained a fortune and a family, and after she has been on the verge of abandoning passion altogether. She waits until she is not unduly influenced by her own poverty, loneliness, psychological vulnerability, or passion. Additionally, because Rochester has been blinded by the fire and has lost his manor house at the end of the novel, he has become weaker while Jane has grown in strength—Jane claims that they are equals, but the marriage dynamic has actually tipped in her favor.Helen BurnsHelen Burns, Jane’s friend at Lowood School, serves as a foil to Mr. Brocklehurst as well as to Jane. While Mr. Brocklehurst embodies an evangelical form of religion that seeks to strip others of their excessive pride or of their ability to take pleasure in worldly things, Helen represents a mode of Christianity that stresses tolerance and acceptance. Brocklehurst uses religion to gain power and to control others; Helen ascetically trusts her own faith and turns the other cheek to Lowood’s harsh policies.Although Helen manifests a certain strength and intellectual maturity, her efforts involve self-negation rather than self-assertion, and Helen’s submissive and asceticnature highlights Jane’s more headstrong character. Like Jane, Helen is an orphan who longs for a home, but Helen believes that she will find this home in Heaven rather than Northern England. And while Helen is not oblivious to the injustices the girls suffer at Lowood, she believes that justice will be found in God’s ultimate judgment—God will reward the good and punish the evil. Jane, on the other hand, is unable to have such blind faith. Her quest is for love and happiness in this world. Nevertheless, she counts on God for support and guidance in her searchSt. John RiversSt. John Rivers is a foil to Edward Rochester. Whereas Rochester is passionate, St. John is austere and ambitious. Jane often describes Rochester’s eyes as flashing and flaming, whereas she constantly associates St. John with rock, ice, and snow. Marriage with Rochester represents the abandonment of principle for the consummation of passion, but marriage to St. John would mean sacrificing passion for principle. When he invites her to come to India with him as a missionary, St. John offers Jane the chance to make a more meaningful contribution to society than she would as a housewife. At the same time, life with St. John would mean life without true love, in which Jane’s need for spiritual solace would be filled only by retreat into the recesses of her own soul. Independence would be accompanied by loneliness, and joining St. John would require Jane to neglect her own legitimate needs for love and emotional support. Her considerat ion of St. John’s proposal leads Jane to understand that, paradoxically, a large part of one’s personal freedom is found in a relationship of mutual emotional dependence.Character Contrast of Rochester and John in Jane Eyre Jane Eyre is a famous novel written by Charlotte Bronte. Jane is the heroine of the book, and she finally married Edward Rochester and they lived a happy life together. There is a person who may be easily neglected——St. John Rivers. He was Jane’s cousin, and also proposed to Jane. But Jane chose Rochester after struggling. There are remarkable differences between Rochester and St. John.Even the adjectives used by Charlotte Bronte for the two male characters are opposite: Rochester is fire and St John is ice.Jane is affected by both men. Bronte wrote, “I was almost as hard beset by him (St John) now as I had been once before, in a different way, by another(Rochester). I was a fool both times. To have yielded then would have been an error of principle; to have yielded now would have be en an error of judgment.”Jane was affected by Rochester because she loved him so much, because he saw what she was and appreciated and encouraged her. She was affected by Rivers because she owed him her life, because he was one of her few relatives, because she was too depressed to resist his efforts and finally because he possessed a character that didn’t explode with anger to help her channel her own against him. When Rochester offered Jane a love without marriage, and John offered her a marriage without love, she gave up all them. Eventually she got the love with marriage, and she chose Rochester as her better half.Edward Rochester, as Jane’s employer and the master of Thornfield, was a wealthy, passionate man with a dark secret that provides much of the novel’s suspense. At first, he seemed indifferent to his employees, including Jane. He was a strange man according to the account of Mrs. Fairfax, “His character is unimpeachable. He is rather peculiar. He is considered a just and liberal landlord by his tenants, but he has never lived much amongst them.”( VolumeⅠ, Chapter Ⅺ, 166) So Jane was curious about him, and cautious when talking with him.Despite Rochester’s stern manner and not particularly handsome appearance, Edward Rochester wined Jane’s heart, because she felt they were kindred spirits and because he was the first person in the novel to offer Jane lasting and a real home. Bronte wanted readers to know that Jane was not attracted by Edward’s appearance but because she recognized something good in his soul.Rochester seemed to be a Gothic hero. He was haunted by his shameful past. He was rash and impetuous when he was young. His problems of Bertha Mason and Celine Varens were partly the result of his recklessness. On the other hand, he was a sympathetic figure. First, he didn’t abandon Adele Varens though he didn’t believe she was his daughter. Second, he stuck to taking care of Bertha though he had suffered so long. What was worse, he was blind and lost one arm for saving his servants when Bertha set big fire. So we can draw a conclusion, actually Rochester was a great man.“While Rochester is a prototype of the fiery, passionate, unconventional man,St. John is his opposite: cold, hard-hearted and repressed.”(Harvard Blue Sky Most popular Study Guides)St. John River was a handsome young clergyman who was the brother of Diana and Mary Rivers. When Jane arrived at Moor House, hungry and penniless, fleeing from Thornfield Hall, John offered her shelter. Although Jane became close friends with the Rivers sisters, she found that St. John had a “reserved, an abstract, and even a brooding nature.”“Now, I did not like this, reader, St. John was a man; but I began to feel he had spoken truth of himself, when he said he was hard and cold. The humanities and amenities of life had no attraction for him...As I looked at his lofty forehead, still and pale as a white stone…I comprehended all at once that he would hardly make a good husband.”( VolumeⅢ, Chapter Ⅷ) From Jane’s words, we can see John was not a ideal husband.He was a pious Christian and humble to work for God. It is easily noticed from his words, “I cannot accept on his behalf a divided allegiance. It must be entire.”(Page 411), and “I, for instance, am but dust and ashes.” (Page 411) .But from the long conversation between and John and Jane, when he asking Jane to marry him and be the wife of a missionary, his aggressive and controlling in his interactions with others exposed. He was entirely alienated from his feelings and devoted solely to an austere ambition. He said, “But, as it is, either our union must be consecrated and sealed by marriage, or it can not exist.” When Jane regarded him as a brother, he answered, “We cannot——we cannot”with short, sharp determination.When I saw thus words during reading the book, I doubted whether John loved Jane or not. He never said “I love you” to Jane, nor did he remember to shake hands with her when living. He just wanted a wife he can “influence efficiently” and “retain absolutely”, rather someone he beloved.So there are sharp distinguishes between Rochester and St. John. Jane described Rochester’s eyes as flashing and flaming, whereas she constantly associated St. John with rock, ice and snow. St. John was self-centered whileRochester not. To match Jane, Rochester tried to change himself. He tried to understood Jane and expressed his feelings truly, sincerely and faithfully. But John didn’t try to change himself. He selected Jane as his wife after noticed Jane’s abilities and good qualities, but he himself did nothing.John vented his passions while John repressed it. Although he “flushed” and “kindled”at the sight of Rosamond Oliver, he would rather turn himself into “an automation” than succumb to Rosamond’s beauty or fortune. What’ s more, Rochester gave Jane freedom while John threatened Jane like a “shackle” through his assertion of his “masterhood”. Optimistic critics point to Jane’s description of St. John as her reminder that the marriage she rejected would offer her much more stifling.By entering into marriage, Jane did enter into a sort of “bond” and get in many ways. This “bond” was the “escape” that she had sought all long. If Jane accepted John’s request, how different her life would be.。



评价简爱这本书作文"Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte is a timeless classic that tells the gripping story of a young orphan who overcomes adversity and finds love and happiness.《简爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特的经典小说,讲述了一个年轻孤儿克服困境,找到爱和幸福的感人故事。

One of the most compelling aspects of "Jane Eyre" is the character development of the protagonist, Jane. From her humble beginnings as an orphaned child at Gateshead Hall to her transformation into a strong, independent woman at Thornfield Hall, Jane undergoes a remarkable journey of self-discovery and personal growth.《简爱》最吸引人的地方之一是主人公简的性格发展。


The theme of love in "Jane Eyre" is also a central focus of the novel, as Jane navigates her feelings for her enigmatic employer, Mr. Rochester. Their complex and tumultuous relationship challenges societal norms and expectations, leading to a powerful exploration of the nature of love and its ability to transcend barriers of class andcircumstance.《简爱》中关于爱情的主题也是小说的中心焦点,简在处理和她神秘雇主罗切斯特先生的感情时。

jane eyre 英文原版阅读

jane eyre 英文原版阅读

jane eyre 英文原版阅读"Jane Eyre" is a classic novel written by Charlotte Brontë, first published in 1847. It tells the story of a young orphaned girl, Jane Eyre, who grows up to become a governess and falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester. The novel explores themes of love, independence, social class, and the struggle for personal identity.Reading the original English version of "Jane Eyre" can be a rewarding experience. The language used in the novelis rich and evocative, and it provides a glimpse into the social and cultural norms of 19th-century England. By reading the original text, readers can fully appreciate the nuances of Brontë's writing style and the depth of the characters and their emotions.In addition, reading "Jane Eyre" in its original English version allows readers to engage with the novel's historical and literary context. They can explore the use of language, the portrayal of gender roles, and thedepiction of societal issues such as poverty and the treatment of orphans. This deeper understanding of the text can lead to a more profound appreciation of the novel and its enduring relevance.Furthermore, reading the original English version of "Jane Eyre" can also be beneficial for language learners. The novel offers a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures, providing an opportunity for readers to improve their English language skills. Additionally, the exposure to authentic English literature can help learners develop a better understanding of idiomatic expressions and cultural references.In conclusion, reading "Jane Eyre" in its original English version offers readers a chance to immerse themselves in the language, themes, and historical context of the novel. It provides a rich and rewarding literary experience, as well as an opportunity for language learners to enhance their English proficiency. Whether for the sake of literary appreciation or language acquisition, delvinginto the original English text of "Jane Eyre" can be a valuable and enriching endeavor.。



简爱读书笔记英文版Jane Eyre, a novel by Charlotte Bronte, published in 1847, is considered one of the classics of English literature. The novel tells the story of the titular character, Jane Eyre, from her childhood in poverty and abuse to her adult life as an independent andstrong-willed woman. As I read this book, I was struck by its themes of love, morality, and personal growth, and I have created this reading journal to document my thoughts on this timeless novel.Chapter 1: As I read the first chapter of Jane Eyre, I was immediately drawn into the story of a young girl who seems to be alone in the world. Jane's isolation and rejection by her peers struck me as a universal experience that many people can relate to. Her inner strength and intelligence are apparent from the first few pages, and I found myself rooting for her to overcome her circumstances.Chapter 10: In this chapter, I was struck by the recurring theme of morality in the novel. Jane is faced with a difficult decision when she discovers that her employer, Mr. Rochester, intends to marry a woman who is already married. She faces a moral dilemma: should she reveal the truth and risk losing her job, or keep quiet and compromise her integrity? Ultimately, shechooses to follow her conscience, even though the consequences are uncertain.Chapter 23: As I read about the development of Jane's relationship with Mr. Rochester, I was struck by the complexity of their connection. It is not simply a love story, but one that involves equality, trust, and mutual respect. Jane becomes Mr. Rochester's equal and his intellectual match, and I found their relationship to be one of the most interesting aspects of the book.Chapter 28: In this chapter, Jane comes face-to-face with the consequences of her earlier decision to follow her conscience. She is accused of a crime she did not commit and is forced to flee. I was struck by the unfairness of Jane's situation and the vulnerability of her position as a young woman in Victorian society. This chapter highlights the resilience of Jane's character and her determination to find her place in the world.Chapter 38: As I read about Jane's reunion with Mr. Rochester, I was struck by the themes of redemption and forgiveness. Mr. Rochester's tragic circumstances have changed him, and he is now less arrogant and more humble. He is redeemed in Jane's eyes through his acceptance of his past mistakes and his willingness to change. Their happy ending feels all the more satisfying because of the personal growth that both characters have experienced.Overall, Jane Eyre is a novel that explores the complex themes of morality, love, and personal growth. Its titularcharacter is a strong role model for young women, and her struggles and triumphs continue to resonate with readers today. As I read this book and reflected on its themes, I found myself inspired by Jane's strength and determination, and I am grateful for the opportunity to experience such a classic piece of literature.。



中考英语文学创作英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>"Jane Eyre" is a renowned classic English literary work. Written by Charlotte Bronte, it tells the story of an orphan named Jane Eyre.Jane Eyre endures a difficult childhood. She is sent to live with her cruel aunt, Mrs. Reed, at Gateshead Hall. There, she is treated unfairly and suffers from the cold - heartedness of her aunt and cousins. However, Jane is a strong - willed and independent girl. She refuses to be cowed by their ill - treatment.Later, Jane is sent to Lowood School. The conditions there are harsh, but she meets her friend Helen Burns, who is kind - hearted and patient. Helen's influence helps Jane to grow in her own way. Jane stays at Lowood for several years, becoming a teacher herself.As an adult, Jane becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester. Mr. Rochester is a complex character. He is brooding, passionate, and has a dark secret in his past. Jane is attracted to his intelligence and his complex personality.The main theme of "Jane Eyre" is about love, independence, and social class. Jane struggles with her feelings for Mr. Rochester while also maintaining her sense of self - worth and independence. In a society wheresocial class is highly important, Jane, as a poor governess, challenges the norms by falling in love with a wealthy man.This novel is of great significance in literary history. It was one of the first novels to focus on a female protagonist's inner thoughts and feelings so deeply. It also challenges the traditional Victorian ideas about women and social class.1. <问题1>What is the main character Jane Eyre like?A. Weak - willed and dependent.B. Strong - willed and independent.C. Cruel and cold - hearted.D. Shy and timid.答案:B。



《简爱》英文读后感范文3篇1. "Jane Eyre" – A Classic Tale of Love, Growth and Independence"Jane Eyre" is a classic novel that has long been regarded as a masterful work of literature. It is a story of love, growth, and independence, set against a powerful backdrop of Victorian society. Jane Eyre is an orphaned girl who grows up in a harsh and restrictive environment, but she remains strong-willed and determined to make her own way in the world. The novel is a journey of self-discovery and self-realization, as Jane struggles with her own passions, fears, and desires, and tries to find her place in the world.One of the strongest themes of "Jane Eyre" is the treatment of women in Victorian society. Bronte's portrayal of Jane's struggles to define herself and to assert her independence is a call to action for women everywhere. It is a novel that celebrates the power of individuality and the human spirit, and shows that even in the most difficult circumstances, we can find the strength to be ourselves.2. "Jane Eyre" – A Timeless Tale of Love and Redemption"Jane Eyre" is a timeless novel that has captured the imaginations of readers for generations. It is a story of love and redemption that has stood the test of time, and continues to inspire and move readers today. The novel tells the story of Jane Eyre, a young woman who has grown up in extreme poverty and hardship. Despite her struggles, Jane is a strong-willed and intelligent young woman, who is determined to make her own way in the world."Jane Eyre" is a novel that speaks to the human spirit. It is a story of love and redemption, that shows us that even in the darkest of times, it is possible to find hope and happiness. The novel is a powerful reminder that we are all capable of great things, and that no matter what life throws at us, we can always find a way to overcome our obstacles.3. "Jane Eyre" – An Iconic Novel of Feminism and Empowerment"Jane Eyre" is an iconic novel that has become synonymous with the feminist movement. It is a powerful story of empowerment and self-determination, that has inspired generations of women to stand up for themselves and fight for their rights. The novel tells the story of Jane Eyre, a young woman who is determined to make her own way in the world, despite the restrictions placed upon her by society."Jane Eyre" is a novel that celebrates the power of the individual.It is a story of a young woman who refuses to be beaten down by the world, and who fights for her own happiness and independence. The novel is a powerful call to action for women everywhere, and is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Itis a novel that will continue to inspire and empower women for generations to come.4. "Jane Eyre" – A Novel of Moral Complexity and NuanceAt its core, "Jane Eyre" is a novel of moral complexity and nuance. Through the character of Jane, Bronte explores complex issues of morality and ethics, and challenges the reader to question theirown beliefs and values. Jane's story is one of struggle and hardship, but it is also a journey of self-discovery and redemption.One of the most powerful themes of the novel is the idea of forgiveness and redemption. Throughout the story, Jane is faced with many difficult choices and is forced to confront her own past mistakes. But despite the weight of her own guilt, she is able to forgive those who have hurt her and find redemption in her own eyes.Another important theme of the novel is the concept of social class and the role it plays in shaping our lives. Jane is acutely aware of the limitations placed upon her by her class and station in life, but she refuses to be defined by them. Through her experiences and struggles, Bronte challenges the reader to examine their own perceptions of class and the impact it has on their own lives.5. "Jane Eyre" – A Masterful Work of Literary CraftsmanshipBeyond its powerful themes and complex moral questions, "Jane Eyre" is also a masterful work of literary craftsmanship. Bronte's prose is elegant and lyrical, and her characters are richly drawn and fully realized.The novel is structured in a way that is both compelling and effective. Bronte expertly weaves together multiple narrative strands to create a story that is both immersive and engaging. She skillfully uses foreshadowing and symbolism to build tension and deepen the reader's understanding of the story and its characters."Jane Eyre" is also notable for its powerful use of language. Bronte's descriptions of the natural world are lush and evocative, and her dialogue is sharp and witty. Her use of dialect and regional idioms adds authenticity to the characters and lends the novel an air of authenticity and realism.In conclusion, "Jane Eyre" is a novel that has endured for over a century, and continues to captivate and inspire readers today. It is a novel of profound moral complexity and nuance, that challenges the reader to examine their own beliefs and values. It is also a work of literary artistry and craftsmanship, that showcases the power of language and the enduring appeal of a great story.。

Jane,Eyre,英文简介简介 英文

Jane,Eyre,英文简介简介 英文

Jane,Eyre,英文简介|简介英文"Jane Eyre" (Jane Eyre) is the British writer Charlotte Bronte's novel, is a biographical works.The work tells the story of a young woman who grew up as an orphan in the pursuit of freedom and dignity in all kinds of hardship, adhere to the self, and finally get the story of happiness. The novel shows the heroic ups and downs of love and romance, praising the exclusion of all the old customs and prejudices, the success of shaping a dare to resist, dare to fight for freedom and equality of women's image.Jane Eyre is an orphan, she was born in a poor priest family. Soon the parents died one after another. Young Jane foster care in uncle and parents home. After the death of his uncle, Mr. Reed, Jane lived a decade of discrimination and abuse. Aunt regarded her as a thorn in the eyes, and herand her children isolated, since then, her confrontation with her aunt more open and resolute, Jane was sent to the Rover orphanage.Orphanage discipline is tough, hard life, the president is a cold hypocrite. Jane Eyre continues to be physically and physically devastated inthe orphanage. Due to poor living conditions, the orphanage often has children to die, her best friend Helen died of tuberculosis. Helen died after the orphanage has made a big improvement. Jane has been educated in the new environment for six years and has been teaching in this school for two years. As Miss Tan Boer left, Jane Eli tired of the orphanage in the life, advertised to seek the tutor's career. The butler of the Sanfield Manor hired her. The manor of the manor Rochester often travels outside, and her student is a girlof less than 10 years old, Adelaara, and Rochester is her protector.One day at dusk, Jane loves to go out for a walk, and meet the owner who has just returned from abroad. This is the first time they meet. Later, she found her master is a character melancholy, moody man, her attitude is goodand bad. The whole house is empty and sometimes hear a creepy strange laughter. One day Jane was awakened by his laughter in his sleep and found thatRochester's room was burning, Jane Eve awakened him and helped him with the fire.After Rochester comes back there is a regular banquet. In a banquet to a man named Ingmar beautiful lady gallant, Jane love was called into the living room, but by Blanche mother and daughter of the cold, she endured humiliation,left the living room. At this point, she has fallen in love with Rochester. In fact, Rochester has also fallen in love with Jane, he just wanted to try Jane love love for their own. When he marries Jane Eyre, she promised him.On the eve of the wedding, Jane loves to see an abominable woman in the hazy, wearing her wedding dress in front of the mirror. The next day, when the wedding in the church quietly, suddenly someone to prove: Mr. Rochester 15 years ago has been married. His wife was originally that was locked in thethird floor of the chamber of the crazy woman. The law hindered their love and plunged them into deep pain. In a desolate night, Jane Eli left Rochester. On the way to find a new way of life, Jane Ephre meal, begging along the way, surviving, and finally in the Ze room by the priest St. John shelter, and in a local primary school to teach. Soon, Jane loved that his uncle died and lefther a legacy, but also found that St. John is her cousin, Jane love decided to separate the property. St. John is a fanatical believer, intended to travel to India. He asked Jane to marry him and go with him to India, but the reason is simply Jane love to be a missionary wife. Jane loves to refuse him and decided to look at Rochester again. She returned to the Thornfield manor, that house has become a ruin, crazy woman set fire after the fall of death, Rochesteralso injured disabled. Jane Eyre found him and was shocked, and finallymarried him, got his ideal happy life.A lot of use of psychological description is a major feature of this novel. The book is thoughtful, the plot ups and downs, to the reader to create a gloomy atmosphere, but not from a middle class family background. The author also describes the Quotes of the hero between the sincere love and natural scenery, rich and strong feelings. In the landscape depiction, the author ofthe artist's aesthetic point of view to appreciate, with the painter to grasp the light and shadow harmony. The colorful scenery is fine and vivid."Jane love" in the content structure has the following characteristics:First, the structure of "Jane Eyre" is a "Divine Comedy" style of art.Jane's love has gone through the purification of the hen of the hell (Gateshard and Rover), and finally the arrival of a great real world (with Rochester and the birth of a symbol of newborn) Next generation). Second, the author used to render the atmosphere, nightmares, hallucinations, premonitionto create the atmosphere of hell, to build a fable environment. In Gateshard, Jane Eyre felt from the life of the "gloomy atmosphere of worship" to see when the hidden "ghost", while the suppression of terror, creepy "red house" is almost into the hell Incarnation. In Rover, "death became a frequent visitorhere", "the walls covered with gloomy and terror", exudes the "death of the stench", for Jane Eyre, is undoubtedly just jump out of the fire pit, but was dropped A more terrible hell. In Thornfield, crazy women like ghosts appear frequently, storms continue to attack mulberry house. Third, in order to give an ordinary love novel to the classical meaning and the myth of the connotation, the author repeatedly quotes the "Bible", myth, epic, classical masterpiece, historical scriptures Shakespeare's writings. Fourth, this novel is a great feature of passion and poetic. The masters of the novel, Rochester and the heroine, Jane Eyre, both men and women, express their passion with the words of the poem.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



Films about Jane Eyre
Thank YOU
Hale Waihona Puke The authorPlot Summary
Jane Eyre is a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest Engli Sh orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: 1.) Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; 2.) Her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends but also suffers privations 3.) Her time as the governess and she falls in love with her employer, Edward Rochester 4.) Her time with the Rivers family, where her cold cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; 5.) Rochester becomes disabled in a fire and Jane get reun ion with him and marry him.
Jane Eyre



《简爱》读后感英文版3篇1. A Tale of Resilience and Self-Discovery: My Reflections on Jane EyreI recently finished reading Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece, Jane Eyre, and was simply blown away by the depth and complexity of the novel. At its core, Jane Eyre is a story of resilience and self-discovery, as the titular character overcomes immense challenges and learns to trust her own instincts in the face of societal pressure and restrictive gender roles.Despite the many obstacles that Jane faces, she remains determined and strong-willed throughout the novel. Her fierce independence, coupled with her sense of morality and empathy, makes her a truly unique and inspiring protagonist. I found myself rooting for her at every turn, even when it seemed like the odds were overwhelmingly stacked against her.Of course, Jane's journey is far from easy, and she faces many trials and tribulations on the road to self-discovery. Her abusive childhood, her struggles with romantic entanglements, and her ongoing battle for independence all serve to make her journey all the more compelling. What I appreciated most about Jane, however, is that she never loses sight of her own worth and value as a person, even when others try to tear her down.Overall, I would highly recommend Jane Eyre to anyone who is looking for a powerful and thought-provoking read. It is a true masterpiece of English literature, and one that will stay with me for a long time to come.2. The Power of Self-Awareness: Lessons from "Jane Eyre"Charlotte Bronte's classic novel, "Jane Eyre," is a remarkable work of literature that is still widely read today. The protagonist, Jane Eyre, is an inspiring character who, despite the many obstacles she faces, manages to find her own path in life.At its core, "Jane Eyre" is a story of self-awareness, as Jane struggles to understand her place in the world and the forces that shape her destiny. Through her experiences with love, loss, and personal growth, she comes to realize that she is not defined by the circumstances of her birth, but rather by her own strength of character and perseverance.One of the most powerful lessons that readers can take away from "Jane Eyre" is the importance of self-awareness. By understanding our own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, we can better navigate the challenges of life and move towards greater fulfillment and happiness. Through Jane's example, we are reminded that we are capable of great things, even in the face of adversity.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers today. Its themes of self-discovery, perseverance, and self-awareness are universal, making it a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and insight into the human experience.3. Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery: My Journey with "Jane Eyre""Jane Eyre" is a novel that has long fascinated me, and I recently decided to revisit this classic work. As I read through the novel once again, I was struck by the depth of emotion and insight that Charlotte Bronte brings to her storytelling.At its heart, "Jane Eyre" is a tale of love, loss, and self-discovery. The relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is complex and nuanced, with both characters struggling to reconcile their feelings for one another with the social norms and expectations of the time. It is a love story that is both tragic and hopeful, reminding us of the power of human connection and the resilience of the human spirit.But beyond the romance, "Jane Eyre" is also a tale of personal growth and self-discovery. Through her experiences with loss, betrayal, and hardship, Jane learns to trust in her own instincts and find her own sense of purpose in life. Her journey is a powerful reminder of our own capacity for self-reflection and self-improvement, even in the face of great adversity.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a timeless masterpiece that speaks to the human condition in profound ways. Its themes of love, loss, and self-discovery are as relevant today as they were when the novel was first published, making it a must-read for anyone seeking greater understanding of the human experience.4. Gender Roles and Social Expectations in "Jane Eyre"One of the major themes in "Jane Eyre" is the restrictive gender roles and social expectations of the time. Jane's struggle to find her place in a society that values conformity and submission is acentral theme in the novel.Throughout the novel, Jane is constantly reminded of her place as a woman, and the limitations that society places on her because of her gender. From the very beginning, she is taught to be meek and obedient, and to never question authority. However, as Jane grows older and begins to assert herself, she realizes that the expectations placed upon women are unjust and hypocritical.Through Jane's journey, we see the importance of challenging these societal norms and expectations. Despite the many obstacles she faces, she never loses sight of her own value and worth as a person. She refuses to conform to the expectations of others, instead choosing to forge her own path in life.One of the most powerful moments in the novel is when Jane asserts her independence and leaves Mr. Rochester, despite the great love she has for him. This act of bravery and self-respect is a reminder that we are not defined by our relationships or the expectations of others, but rather by our own sense of self and purpose.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a powerful commentary on gender roles and societal expectations, and a reminder that we must fight against injustice and inequality in all its forms.5. The Importance of Empathy and Compassion in "Jane Eyre" Another important theme in "Jane Eyre" is the importance of empathy and compassion. Throughout the novel, Janedemonstrates a deep sense of empathy for those around her, even when they do not show her the same kindness in return.This sense of empathy is particularly evident in Jane's relationship with Bertha Mason, Mr. Rochester's first wife. Bertha is a troubled and mentally ill woman who is kept hidden away from society, and is often the subject of ridicule and scorn. Despite this, Jane shows great compassion towards Bertha, recognizing the tragedy of her situation and the injustice of the way she is treated.Through Jane's example, we see the power of empathy and compassion, and the transformative impact it can have on those around us. By showing kindness and understanding, we can break down barriers and cultivate deeper connections with those around us.In addition to Bertha, Jane's empathy is also evident in her relationships with other characters in the novel, such as Helen Burns and St. John Rivers. Through these interactions, we see the importance of seeing beyond surface-level differences and recognizing the humanity in all people.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a powerful testament to the importance of empathy and compassion in our lives. It reminds us that by showing kindness to others, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and make the world a better place.。



我最喜欢的书是简爱英语作文九年级全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Book: Jane EyreIntroduction:Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, is my all-time favorite book. It is a classic novel that tells the story of a young orphan girl who overcomes many challenges to find love, happiness, and self-empowerment. The themes of love, social class, and the struggle for independence make this book a timeless literary masterpiece.Characters:The protagonist of the novel, Jane Eyre, is a strong and independent woman who defies societal expectations and follows her own path in life. Despite facing many obstacles, she remains true to herself and never compromises her values. Mr. Rochester, the brooding and mysterious master of Thornfield Hall, captures Jane's heart with his enigmatic personality and tragic past. Other memorable characters include Helen Burns, Jane's compassionate friend at Lowood School, and St. JohnRivers, the cold and stern clergyman who offers Jane a different kind of love.Plot:The novel follows Jane's life from her unhappy childhood as an orphan raised by her cruel aunt and cousins to her journey as a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with Mr. Rochester. The revelation of Mr. Rochester's dark secret forces Jane to flee Thornfield and start a new life. She finds refuge with the Rivers family, who provide her with love and support. In the end, Jane inherits a fortune and returns to Mr. Rochester, who has lost his sight in a tragic accident. Their love endures despite the obstacles they face, and they are finally able to find happiness together.Themes:One of the central themes of Jane Eyre is the quest for personal identity and self-discovery. Jane struggles to find her place in a world that seeks to oppress and diminish her, but she refuses to be defined by society's expectations. Through her journey, she learns to trust her own instincts and stand up for herself. Another important theme is the power of love to overcome adversity. Jane and Mr. Rochester's love for each othertranscends social barriers and allows them to find fulfillment and happiness in each other.Conclusion:In conclusion, Jane Eyre is a novel that has captured my heart and mind since I first read it. The character of Jane Eyre is a timeless heroine who inspires me to be true to myself and never give up on my dreams. The story's themes of love, independence, and self-empowerment continue to resonate with readers today, making it a beloved classic that will always hold a special place in my heart.篇2My Favorite Book: Jane EyreJane Eyre is a novel written by Charlotte Bronte, which was first published in 1847. It tells the life story of a young orphan girl named Jane Eyre, who faces many challenges and hardships in her life but always remains strong and independent.I first read Jane Eyre when I was in ninth grade, and it instantly became my favorite book. The character of Jane Eyre resonated with me in so many ways. She is a strong and independent woman who knows her own mind and is not afraid to speak up for herself. Despite coming from a difficultbackground and facing numerous obstacles, she never loses her sense of self-worth or her determination to make a life for herself.One of the things I love most about Jane Eyre is the way it explores themes of love, social class, and morality. The relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is complex and multi-layered, and it is fascinating to see how their feelings for each other evolve over the course of the novel. I also admire Jane's sense of justice and her refusal to compromise her principles, even when faced with difficult choices.Another aspect of the book that I find compelling is its exploration of the role of women in society. Jane Eyre is a strong feminist character who challenges traditional gender roles and expectations. She is not content to be a passive victim of her circumstances, but instead takes control of her own destiny and refuses to be defined by the limitations placed on her by society.Overall, Jane Eyre is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages. Its powerful themes, complex characters, and beautiful prose make it a book that I will always cherish and return to again and again. It has truly earned its place as my favorite book, and I cannot recommend it highlyenough to anyone looking for a compelling andthought-provoking read.篇3My Favorite Book is "Jane Eyre""Jane Eyre" is my all-time favorite book. Written by Charlotte Brontë, this classic novel tells the story of a young orphaned girl, Jane Eyre, who overcomes adversity to find love and happiness.The reason why I love "Jane Eyre" so much is because of the character of Jane herself. She is a strong, independent woman who refuses to be oppressed by society's expectations of what a woman should be. From a young age, Jane displays a fierce sense of justice and a desire for equality, making her a truly inspirational character.Another aspect of the book that I appreciate is the love story between Jane and Mr. Rochester. Their relationship is complicated and fraught with obstacles, but it is ultimately a story of true love and acceptance. Mr. Rochester sees Jane for who she truly is and loves her unconditionally, despite her humble beginnings and social status.The writing style of Charlotte Brontë is also a major draw for me. Her prose is beautifully descriptive and evocative,transporting the reader to the moody, gothic landscapes of Thornfield Hall and the Yorkshire moors. Her vivid descriptions of nature and the characters' emotions make the story come alive in a way that few other books can.Overall, "Jane Eyre" is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages. Its themes of love, independence, and personal growth are universal and serve as a reminder that no matter what challenges we face, we can always persevere and find happiness in the end. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read that will both entertain and inspire.。



本科生毕业论文从女性主义的角度分析《简爱》An Analysis on Jane Eyre from the Perspective ofFeminist摘要十九世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特的作品《简爱》因其独特的思想内容和表现手法,一直被看作是英国文学的经典之作。







关键词:简爱;夏洛蒂.勃朗特;女性主义;平等和自由AbstractCharlotte Bronte is an outstanding woman writer in the 19th century English literature, her work Jane Eyre has been regarded as the classics of the English literature due to its unique content and way of expression. Since the work has been published, it has attracted the attention of the literary critics. Especially the pursuit of female independence and equality, making the heroines of Jane’s image loads the Western women’s awakening of feminist consciousness in the 19th century. There is no lack of the image of rebellious women in English literature, but like Jane Eyre, as humble, ordinary, plain but who have no “minority” women, so consciously against the strong patriarchal society, be regarded as unprecedented.This paper reveals the wake of the gender conscious and the social position of women in Victorian period through the analysis of the heroine from the feminist perspective. The status of women in the Victorian period has improved by the development of female consciousness, but still affected by social class and social status.Key words: Jane Eyre;Charlotte Bronte; female; equality; freedomTable of ContentsAcknowledgements .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



介绍简爱这本书的英语作文"Jane Eyre" A Classic English Novel"Jane Eyre" is a novel written by Charlotte Bronte, published in 1847. The novel tells the story of Jane Eyre, a young governess who falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester.The novel is set in the early 19th century, and it tackles themes such as class, gender, and religion. One of the main themes of the novel is the struggle of the individual against societal constraints. Jane Eyre is a character who rebels against the expectations of her society, which dictate that she should be submissive and obedient. She is independent, strongwilled, and passionate, and she refuses to compromise her values in order to conform to the expectations of others.Another important theme of the novel is the search for identity. Jane Eyre grows up as an orphan and she struggles to find her place in the world. She is constantly searching for a sense of belonging and a feeling of being loved. Her journey takes her through many challenges, including a difficult childhood, a challenging job as a governess, and a tumultuous love affair with Mr. Rochester."Jane Eyre" is a classic novel in English literature, and it has been widely admired for its vivid characters, its compelling plot, and its deep exploration of complex themes. The novel has been adapted into countless films, TV shows, and plays, and it has remained a favorite among readers for over a century. It is a testament to the power of literature to create timeless stories that resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds.。



简爱英文短句摘抄作文英文:Jane Eyre is a novel written by Charlotte Bronte. It is a story of a young orphan girl named Jane Eyre, who faces many hardships and struggles in her life. Throughout the novel, Jane is constantly reminded of her lowly status in society and the obstacles she must overcome to achieve happiness and success.One of the main themes in the novel is the struggle for independence and self-respect. Jane refuses to be defined by her social status or gender and strives to create a life for herself that is meaningful and fulfilling. She rejects the traditional roles assigned to women and instead pursues her own dreams and ambitions.Another important theme in the novel is the power of love and the importance of emotional connections. Janefalls deeply in love with Mr. Rochester, despite theirdifferences in social status and age. Their relationship is complicated by the presence of Mr. Rochester's insane wife, but Jane remains loyal and steadfast in her love for him.Overall, Jane Eyre is a powerful and inspiring novel that explores the themes of independence, love, and self-discovery. It is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.中文:《简爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特写的一部小说。



The Analysis of Jane EyreAbstractJane Eyre is written by a famous English critical realist woman novelist Charlotte Bronte in 1864. Although having more than 152 years by now, it is popular with a lot of people because of the heroine-Jane Eyre. As an E ngland goes,” beauty is but skin-deep.”A person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as everlasting beauty. The theses focus on the analysis of the beauty, on the assumption that more people may act like “Jane” and possess inner beauty. First, it introduces the author Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre’s path of the life, as well as its historical background of this work. Second, it mainly analyses the character of in Jane Eyre through her life experience in terms of psychology, language, mentality, behavior and so on to reflect the theme. Third, it is about Jane’s love. It expresses the Jane’s longing and pursuit for the most beautiful characteristic of human beings, which enlighten us greatly. Finally, it has discussion Jane’s persona lities and concludes that Jane is a beautiful feminist.Key wordsFemale; independence; dignity; freedom; equal; beautyTextHistorical backgroundThe early year of the Victorian Age was a period of the rapid economic development. England developed into a rich, advanced industrial country. However, there are many social problems, for instance the sharpest contrast between the rich and the poor and rigid social hierarchy. In this period, women were still regarded as the second-class hierarchy. However some outstanding women appeared, such as woman writer Bronte sisters. They were the great English realist of the time. They created bourgeois civilization, showing the misery and suffering of the common people. Although capitalist has appeared, old convention and prejudge remaineddominant. At that time, women were employed as a cheap labor and forced to do very hard jobs, and they didn’t get the vote until the 1918. so in the late period of Victorian Age. A feminist started fighting for women’s equality and fr eedom, and for their educational and employment opportunities. Petition to parliament advocate women’s suffrage were introduced as early as in the 1840.Jane Eyre’s path of lifeJane Eyre is full of tears, misery and starvation, but she constantly strives to become stronger and has the courage to fight continuously for freedom and equality. She becomes strong-mind and persistent in struggling against her fate. The path of her life mainly divided into four phases.1. Life in Gatesheed and Lowood institutionJane Eyre is an orphan, so she is brought by her uncle. After her uncle Mr. Reed, Mrs. Reed sends Jane to the school. The Jane go to Lowood, a charity school, the school condition is very harsh and the girl could not keep the simplest standard. The school headmaster is very serious and hard-hated person who prevent the girl from having normal mental growth. The bad condition and imperious rules made all the pupils lose their clever child nature and make most of them tend to catch disease easily. Helen dies of consumption. Jane survives for her tenacious will power. She spends more than eight years at Lowood. During the eight year, Jane becomes the teacher after six year’s hard working.2. Tutor in Thornfield HallAfter year of misery in Lowood School, Jane advertises for a position for governess. Finally she is employed to teach a eight years old girl Adele whose custodian is Mr. Rochester master of Thornfield Hall. Through not too long knowing about each other, Rochester give her a sense of belonging. At the same time, Jane find herself fall in love with him deeply. However, unfortunately, on the morning of her weding day, Jane knows the fact that Rochester has married Bartha Mason some fifteen years earlier and now Bartha still alive and living in Thornfie ld. No matter how sorrowful Jane is, she leaves Thronfield finally.3. Life in Moor House and the Manor house FerndeanJane used out all her stored money for the coach, so she had to suffer starvation. Because of having no money and hungriness, Jane is forced to sleep outdoors. She actually beg for the food. She is almost died on the Moors. Luckily, St. John River and his sister saved her with great effort. After a period, St. John finds that Jane is helpful for his missionary if he takes Jane as her wife. Therefore, he tries to persuade Jane to marry him and travel India as a missionary.4.Jane comes back to ThornfieldJust at this moment, Jane realized what she has loved. Jane immediately hurries back to Tthornfield and found it has been burned into ground by Mr. Rochester’s wife who is died in the fire. At here, Rochester and Jane rebuilt their relationship and soon get married. Jane and Rochester enjoy the perfect equality in their life together.Form Jane’s path of life, we know that Jane’s life is full of tears, misery and starvation; however, she never gave up the determination in struggling against her fate and maintains her dignity. Through analysis of her characters, we learn that Jane is brave enough to uphold her independent personality and dignity, although she possesses neither wealth nor physical beauties, which was a symbol of a women’s social position in her times. On the other hand, Jane suffers a lot of individuals who threaten her autonomy. She combats the injustice with great courage, and maintains her justice, freedom and human dignity and morality. Meanwhile, Jane is also a sincere, wit, simple-mind, kind hearted and magnanimous young girl with passion and reason. As for Jane’s love, her marriage is based on equality, respect and honesty. She looks down upon the marriage for money and refuse to be a puppet in noble family. She truly loves Rochester instead of his money and social status.The main character of Jane EyreFrom the point of the writer’s point of view, what she gives us is not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality. She is a marvelous figure, and it is safe to say that Jane Eyre gives reader treasures spirit.A.Self-respect and pursuit of freedom and independenceAfter Jane accept Mr. Rochester love, Rochester would marry jam as a noblewoman and buy jewels and expensive clothes for her, which remained Jane greatly of poverty. Jane forbids Rochester’s desire to buy them, because she loves him without regarding others. She refuses to have sexual relationship with him because she does not want to lose her independence for her passion. Just as they are the holding wedding in the church, Mr. Martha comes in with a lawyer declare that Mr. Rochester still has a wife who are still alive. Although his wife had gone mad for many years, Rochester has been trying to convince Jane to stay with him and Jane also love Rochester deeply. However, Jane is very sorrow and conflictive in her heart. Jane fells from eager happy woman to a cold and lonely girl again. All of her hopes are died. No matter how Mr. Rochester persuades her to stay, Jane state “I am a free woman with an independent will, which I now extend to leave you.” Jane leaves Thornfield quite without dawn.B.Pursuit of equalityJane struggles continually to achieve equality and to overcome oppressions. In addition to social hierarchy, she must fight against patriarchal domination. In Jane’s mind they are equal with which is different from other servants who think that they are inferior that those upper class. At Lowood Intuition, the school headmaster is severe and very hard-hearted, especially arbitrary, which made other person yield to him, but Jane is unwilling obey with him, because Jane is believe that they are equal in mind. Therefore, after two years of teaching experience, Jane goes Thronfield Hall as a governess through advertisement. When Jaen arrives at Thornfield, Mrs. Fairfax treat him kindly, Jane feels very comfortable because she fells equality in their conversation.C. Passion and reasonJane’s life is full of passion but she is reason as well. In her childhood, Jane struggle for freedom and independence with passion. When Jane heart that Rochester will get married with a noble beautiful Miss Blanche Ingram, Jane can not keep crying to Rochester “Do you think I stay here and become nothing to you? Do you think I am poor, humble and plain? I am soulless and heatless. Y ou think wrong!” When Jane know they love each other sincerely and deeply. Jane also arranges her lifelike before as a governess, keeping her dignity and independence. When Jane know Rochester has married and his wife alive, Jane is passion in heart. Jane stay in a room lonely think much and says “I must go: that I perceive well.” Jane realizes that such freedom can also mean enslavement by acting Rochester’s mistress. She would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feeling. St. John River, unlike Rochester, is a young handsome clergyman, even though he was cordial and courtly. However, Jane fined he is stubborn and detached. By listening to his voluble Calvinist speech, Jane realizes that he does not find happiness in religious faith. St. John restrains his love and passion of her love, Jane almost accept his offer of marriage, but ultimately can not turn her back on passion, Jane still love Rochester with passion. So she forcefully foreboding make her back and want to know how Rochester is. When Jane meets Rochester at Ferndean, she has many words to say with him, but she does not say. She controls her passion and knows how to do with reason.D. Benignancy and kindheartednessWith constant efforts, Jane becomes a teacher. After two years of teaching experiences, Jane advertises for a governess to teach Adele. Adele is a little girl whose mother abandons her and Rochester is her custody. When Jane knows the fact, she gives the little girl mote attention and love, likely Jane is her sister and mother. Therefore, Jane is welcomed in the Rochester’s family.In all, the analysis of Jane above shows that Jane is different from other woman in the male-dominated society. Her unique character and beautiful soul make her more beautiful than other beautiful heroine in famous novels. Jane’s character inspires not only women but men. Her influence exert beyond her era and across culture. Jane’s beauty enlighten that heart is an engine of the body, and brain is the source of the thought, and a great soul is ensemble northern star to guide us in a long journey.The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit into a definite pattern and, being neither a novels of “manners” in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs. Radcliffe. What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addressesissues which were at the time rather controversial.The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central character-the reader enters the word of Jane Eyre and is transported through her experiences at first handThe novel is primarily a love story and a “romance” where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. The romantic elements are present in two forms in Jane Eyre. The family aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent River one, and the love romance is dealt with in the Thronfield and Ferndean episodes. Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel. There is also a strong element of realism in the novel. The sense of place is very strong. We are able to experience both exterior and interior settings in a sense of vivid derive passages. The central characters are also realistic and their confrontations and sufferings change them in a believable way.Bibliography1. Liu Bingshan. A Short History of England Literature [M]. Henan People Press, 1993.2. Phillips Brian. Ppular Study Guide. Tianjin: Social and Technical Printing House, 2003.3. 范文彬,“《简爱》与妇女意识’。

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“„Unjust!- unjust!‟ said my reason, forced by the agonising stimulus into precocious though transitory power: and Resolve, equally wrought up, instigated some strange expedient to achieve escape from insupportable oppressionas running away, or, if that could not be effected, never eating or drinking more, and letting myself die.” (Chapter 2) “不公呵,不公!”我的理智呼 喊着。在痛苦的刺激下我的理智变得早熟,化作 了一种短暂的力量。决心也同样鼓动起来,激发 我去采取某种奇怪的手段,来摆脱难以忍受的压 迫,譬如逃跑,要是不能奏效,那就不吃不喝, 活活饿死。
On the surface: • Jane Eyre‟s life during her childhood and her love story with Mr. Rochester when she grew up In fact: • A woman who kept resisting against people surrounding her for her own values and dignity
——我的心灵跟你一样丰富,我的心胸跟你 一样充实!要是上帝赐予我一点姿色和充 足的财富,我会使你同我现在一样难分难 舍,我不是根据习俗、常规,甚至也不是 血肉之躯同你说话,而是我的灵魂同你的 灵魂在对话,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓, 站在上帝脚下,彼此平等——本来就如 此!”
When she found Rochester had a legal wife and their wedding was interrupted, her reason told her that she should leave the man though she understood the result of leaving might be hunger or even death. She still left Thornfield and Rochester determinedly. In this way, she safeguarded her dignity, as a free human being with an independent will.
The Theme of Jane Eyre
12119班 毛敏
To portray(刻画) and praise a great new female image who has female consciousness(女性意识) and a high . the patriarchal sense of dignity in society(男权社会) to pursue her own personal values
That‟s all! Thank you!
• “ But women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts, as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer” (chapter 12)一般都认为女人应当平平静静,但女 人跟男人有一样的感觉。她们需要发挥自己的才 能,而且也像兄弟们一样需要有用武之地。她们 对严厉的束缚,绝对的停滞,都跟男人一样感到 痛苦。
“ I have as much soul as you,- and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God‟s feet, equal,- as we are! ”(Chapter 23)
With high sense of dignity
• Dare to resist against injustice • Pursuit of spiritual liberty and equality (between men and women, different classes) • Pursuit of independent personality (especially about love)