New Passat Factory in Germany
德国大众的创建是由德国工人党的Adolf Hitler发起的。
因此,他成立了德国大众汽车协会(German Volkswagen Association)以推动汽车产业的发展。
英国占领区的管理者卢卡斯(Ivan Hirst)决定继续生产大众甲壳虫,认为它是一辆实用且经济的车辆。
大众汽车历史1937年,"Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH"公司成立1937-19451937年3月28日,"Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH"公司宣告成立,随后于1938年9月16日更名为"Volkswagenwerk GmbH"。
1938年早些时候,在今天的沃尔夫斯堡,大众汽车公司开始建厂,用以生产由Ferdinand Porsche设计的新款车型。
技 术Байду номын сангаас横
轻 型 汽车技 术
2 1 ( 总 27 0 0 3) 4
据我们所 知 ,还 没有 哪个竞 争对 手在这 一领 域拥 有
带 全力 自动 刹 车 和 行人 保 护功 能 的碰 撞 警 示
系 统能 帮 助驾 驶 者在 车速 不超 过 每小 时 2 公 里 时 5
这样领先 的技术 。”
8 5% 。
本 次 “ 爱 生命 的创新 ”研讨 会 再 次巩 固了沃 珍 尔 沃 汽车在 环 保 和安 全技 术方 面领 先 地位 , 时展 同
行 人 探 测
现 出沃 尔 沃 作 为一 个 豪 华 汽 车 品牌 在 科 技 创 新 方
面 的强大实 力 。
■ ◆
大 陆集 团准 备量 产 新 一代前 窗显 示器
避免撞到行人。如果车速高于此值 , 能尽量减小 则 碰撞时 的车速 , 降低碰撞造成的损害。在多数情况
下 , 系统 可 以降低 7%左 右 的碰 撞 力 。考虑 行人 此 5
死亡事故的基数是很大的 , 所以如果死亡风险能降 低 2 %, 项新 功 能将 产 生 巨大 的社会 影 响 。在一 0 这 些 特 定 的情 况 下 ,这 一 技术 最 多 能 把 死 亡率 降低
需安装空间比第一代产品减少了近一半。 这可以让更多驾驶员受益于新一代前窗显示器。 汽车制造商可使用 前窗显示器在驾驶员视线正前方显示各种行车信息 , 例如速度、 导航细节和警告信息。这可以让驾驶员将注 意力集中于路面, 同时又不漏掉重要信息。这有助于提升安全性 , 因为该系统只用平均一秒钟的时间来读取 中央控制台屏幕上的信息 , 在车速为每小时 5 公里时 , 0 这相当于汽车向前行驶了约 1 米。 4 大陆集团工程师的最重要目标之一是减少安装空间。 虽然驾驶舱空间有限, 但仍然必须为用于显示高质 量虚拟彩色图像的光学系统保留最小 的空间。如同扫视后视镜和旁视镜一样 , 驾驶员可以看到虚拟图像 , 但 不是挡风玻璃上的平面、 静态画面 , 驾驶员会感到它 “ 漂浮 “ 在约两米远处的引擎罩上方。 大陆集团车身电子系统部通过新一代前窗显示屏满足了汽车制造商对定制产品的需求 ,同时实现了成 本优化。 模块化概念允许客户按照其需要使用各种图释要素 , 并能在众多车型上显示高质量的图像 。 这为显 示来自驾驶员辅助系统或导航系统的信息提供了理想的基础。驾驶员因此能够直接显示和使用这些信息而 无 需使 眼光脱 离路 面。 ( 林 品)
Service Training 2007
Magotan 技术培训
MB C- Klasse Toyota Camry
Honda Accord Toyota Reiz
Service Training 2007
Magotan 技术培训
大众 Emden工厂
大众 Mosel工厂
Service Training 2007
Magotan 技术培训
MB E-class BMW 5 series
Service Training 2007
Magotan 技术培训
安全装备 ACC带有自动距离控制的车速控制装置 AFS动态前部灯光系统(仅带有双氙灯的车辆) 轮胎气压监控显示 侧气帘
外部装备 18英寸轻金属轮毂;19英寸轻金属轮毂(VW所独有)
内部装备 仪表和中控台采用木质装饰 行李箱饰垫采用两种材料:橡胶和编织物
加长的中控台,并带有手臂 支架/储物格/储钱匣 四周镀铬饰条
6向电动座椅 后行李箱12V电源 后座电动窗帘
带有雨滴/光强传感器自动 变暗后视镜 回家/离家功能 车速控制装置 侧窗镀铬饰圈
Service Training 2007
带有雨滴/光线传感器自动变暗后视镜 回家/离家功能/车速控制装置 侧窗镀铬饰圈 多功能显示器 Climatronic自动空调
5.2018年10月31日,全新一代帕萨特All New Passat正式上市,新车基于MQB平台打造。
c:\iknow\docshare\data\cur_work\\大众电脑编号大全奥迪大众控制器编码编码原则:A:用设备读出旧电脑(或找一相同配置车辆读出电脑版本号)B:将电脑版本号1 字不漏记录到维修日志C:根具电脑版本号和索引号寻找代换的电脑注意:已经爆炸的气囊电脑不可以二次使用B:根据车辆配置或老的脑版本号记录用控制器编码功能写如代换电脑注意: 25-IMMOBILIZER 电脑的CODING 号码代表的是通讯波特率不需要进行控制器编码提示:换电脑零件号9位,索引号1-3位必须一样,硬件名称,制造商代码,硬件版本号最好相同WSC:维修站号码,不用理会它,这样同样的CODING号码才能编入。
这里是一个C5 98年和2001年的气囊电脑大家可以看到索引号J 和G 电脑的管脚都不一样(如果没有索引号哪就是水货电脑不可以CODING)4B0 959 655 J Airbag Audi [不检测安全带开关]:00204 (电脑有50个管脚)4B0 959 655 J Airbag Audi [要检测安全带开关]:00101 (电脑有50个管脚)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Front+Seite 2001 Coding:00004 (电脑有84个管脚)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Front+Seite 2001 Coding:00104 (电脑有84个管脚)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Front+Seite 2001 Coding:00106 (电脑有84个管脚)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Front+Seite 2001 Coding:00204 (电脑有84个管脚)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Front+Seite 2001 Coding:00206 (电脑有84个管脚)*****************************************************气囊电脑6QO-909-605A零件号索引号控制器编码VEHICLE EQUIPMENT PART # INDEX CODE#Driver's,Pass. A/B 1J0 909 603 AN 16718Driver's,Pass. A/B 6Q0 909 601 0C 12355Only Driver's A/B 1J0 909 603 AP 16720Only Driver's A/B 6Q0 909 601 OB 12354Dr's,Pass.+Side A/B 1J0 909 608 AR 16722Driver'ss+Side A/B 1J0 909 608 AS 16723C 00067J 00074Dr's,Pass.+Side A/B+ 1J0 909 609 A 00065Elec. Belt TensionerDr's,Pass.+Side A/B+ 6Q0 909 605A 02 12338Elec. Belt TensionerDr's,Pass.+Side+Head 6Q0 909 605F 02 12338A/B+Elec. Belt Tens.Dr,s+Side A/B+Elec. 1J0 909 609 B 00066Belt TensionerDr's+Side A/B+Elec. 6Q0 909 605A 01 12337Belt TensionerDr's,Side,Head A/B+ 6Q0 909 605F X1 12337Elec. Belt TensionerDr's,Pass.,A/B with 6Q0 909 605A 03 12339Kneebar,Side A/B+Elec. Belt TensionerDr's,Pass.,A/B with 6Q0 909 605F 03 12339Kneebar,Side+Head A/BElec. Belt Tensioner 6Q0 909 601 OM 12365Dr's,Pass. A/B withKneebarDr's,Pass. A/B with 6Q0 909 605A OM 12345Kneebar,Side A/B+Elec. Belt TensionerDr's,Pass. A/B with 6Q0 909 605F X4 22580Kneebar,Side+Head A/B+Elec. Belt Tensioner***************************************************** 上海大众B51CD 909 601 AOL AIRBAG VW51 123646Q0 909 601 AXG AIRBAG VW5:0004 225993A0 907 389 ABS ITTAE 20 [上海大众] 045053A0 907 389 ABS ITTAE 20 [一汽大众] 036043A0 907 389 ABS ITTAE 20 [奇瑞ABS+] 036046Q0 909 601 E AIRBAG 123436Q0 907 397 E ABS 00010974B0 959 655 G Airbag Fron+Seite 2001 000044B0 959 655 G Airbag Fron+Seite 2001 00104**************************************************************发动机电脑电脑内进汽负压传感器AUDI part no. 4A0 907 473 D Maade in GermanyII 04.05.1995MOTORSTEUERGERA T MMPFI V6-ZYLHELLA...Part NO.5DA 007 193-024A0 953 234 IMMO AUZ9Z0 S3 32 95 28 D76 000004D0 907 379 D ABS BOSCH 5 7402 000248A0 959 655 B Airbag V AUDI D00 007664A0 820 043 H Klima-V ollautomat D05 000604A1 919 033 HD C4-kombiinstrument d20 1995-04 00062***************************************************************** 发动机电脑电脑内进汽负压传感器手动变速器1994年IMMO 与众不同ST93c46x16 在PCB背面IMMO 数据定义4A0 953 234 IMMO: AUZ9Z0R6601234 D69 Coding: 00000 WSC 000004A0907473D 2,6L MPFI HS D01 CODING:000604D0907379D ABS BOSCH 5 7402 CODING:061698A0959655A AirBag IV AUDI D00 CODING:010224A0820043G Klima-Vollautomat D05 CODING:00060***************************************************************** 1G0 953 257 IMMO VWZ3Z0A1235467 10400 (用01配钥匙)4A0 953 234 IMMO AUZ9Z0 S3 32 95 28 D76 00000 (用01配钥匙)330 953 253 IMMO VWZ9Z0W1234567 00000 (用21配钥匙)3BD 920 820 A B5-KOMBIINSTR VDO-V26 (仪表) 05145 (用21配钥匙)3BD 920 806 B KOMBI+WEGFAHR SP VDO VOL 05125 (用21配钥匙) 4609188DA C5-Kombininstr Un4 D-9280AC5 02042 (用21配钥匙)4B0 962 258 E Zentrdverrie.1 DW A D34 [中文显示仪表]04683用21配钥匙******************************************************************* 2001 C501-01 ENGINE3B0 909 552 AD 2.4L V6/5VCODING:04552VIN:VBA24 B2130 17825 IMMO:AUZ720Y167561202-01 AT4B0 927 156 AL AE5 01V 2.4L 5V ROWCODING:0001317-01 仪表&IMMO4B0 962 258 E Zentrdverrie.1 DW A D34 (中文显示仪表)CODING:04683VIN:VBA24 B2130 17825 IMMO:AUZ720Y167561217-10-09 -Adaotoution 1270 改公里数可用17-10-04 语言选择不可用,可见是固定语言显示03-01 ABS/ASR3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FrontCODING:0003108-空调4B0 820 043 AF A6-Klimavoll automatn D65CODING:001602002上海大众B5 V6 2.8L 自动波全车电脑版本号底盘型号: 3B - B5 VW Passat可测试系统地址码: 01,02,03,08,15,17,19,36,46,55,56地址码:01 - 发动机零件号码: 3B0 907 551 CP 2.8L V6/5V G 0001Coding 号: 08051 维修站号码: 00000底盘号码: LSVCE 29F42 12345 67 IMMO SN: VWZ7Z 0A412 3456地址码:02 - 自动波零件号码: 8D0 927 156 DJ AG5 01V 2.8l5V RdW 1111Coding 号: 00113 维修站号码: 66187地址码:03 - ABS /ESP零件号码: 1J0 907 379 Q ABS/EDS 20 IE CAN 0001Coding 号: 13604 维修站号码: 00000地址码:08 - 空调系统冷气/暖气零件号码: 3B1 907 044 J CLIMATRONIC B5GP 0003Coding 号: 17000 维修站号码: 66187TDC: 00603 - Footwell/defroster Flap Positioning Motor (V85)37-10 - Faulty - IntermittentTDC: 01271 - Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68)37-10 - Faulty - IntermittentTDC: 01272 - Positioning Motor for Central Flap (V70)37-10 - Faulty - IntermittentTDC: 01274 - Air Flow Flap Positioning Motor (V71)37-10 - Faulty - IntermittentTDC: 01341 - Control Module in Instrument Panel On Comfort CAN (J285) 27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent地址码:15-Airbags 气囊系统零件号码: 1C0 909 605 B XJ AIRBAG VW51 04 02 * XJ为软件索引号Coding 号: 22602 维修站号码: 66187地址码:17-仪表与IMMO零件号码: 3BD 920 806 C KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V01Coding 号: 07125 维修站号码: 11111底盘号码: LSVCE 29F42 12345 67IMMO SN: VWZ7Z 0A412 3456TDC: 01316 - ABS Control Module49-00 - 没有通讯地址码:19-网关零件号码: 6N0 909 901 Gateway K<->CAN 0001Coding 号: 00004 维修站号码: 01313 /ENGINE+A T+AIRBAG0 - IMMO2 仪表啥也不管理/IMMO3 仪表为默认只管理发动机和自动波+1 - Automatic Transmission 自动变速器+2 - ABS Brakes 防报死系统+4 - Airbags 气囊+7 - Steering 方向助力(所以啊上海大众菠萝的网关CODING 是00014) ABS Brakes, and Airbags, (1+2+4 = 7) = 00007.如果把这车的CODING号码改为00006 就会多出TDC:01316如果把这车的CODING号码改为00014 就会多出TDC:01316 和TDC:01309 TDC: 01316 - ABS Control Module49-00 - 没有通讯TDC: 01309 - Power Steering Control Module (J500)49-00 - 没有通讯补充部分:大众电脑编码大全奥迪A6 2.8L01)3B0 907 551 BF 2.8L V6/5V G01 001 CODING:0455202)4B0 927 156 AJ AG5 01V 2.8L5V USA 3132 CODING:0000403)3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00 CODING:0003115)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Fronttseite 2001 CODING:0000435)4B0 962 258 J Central Lock/Alarm D35 CODING:0673145?)4B0 907 357 LEDCHTWETTEREGLER D004 CODING:0000536)4B0 959 608 Sitzmamnory R1 F 000 CODING:0000056)4C0 035 186 Radio D02 CODING:0020766)4B0 919 283 ParkingSystem A6 Row D18 CODING:0110617)4C0 920 930 A Ch-kOMRIINSTR VDO D12 CODING:0016208)4B0 820 043 AF A6-Klimavnllautomat D65 coding:00160奥迪A6 2.4LVIN:VBA24B013014521 ?15??01)3B0 907 552 AD 2.4L V6/5V G 0000 CODING:0455202)4B0 927 156 AL AG5 01V 2.4L5V RHW 2526 CODING:0001303)3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00 CODING:0003115)4B0 959 655G Airbag Fronttseite 2000 CODING:0000435)4B0 962 258 E Zentralverrieg.DWA D34 CODING:0468345)4B0 951 178 A (?Unnenmumueberw) D04 CODING: 0000136)4B0 959 760 A Sitzmemnry D0556)4C0 035 186 Radio D02 CODING:0020766)4B0 919 283 Parkingsystem A6 ROW D18 CODING:0010617)4C0 920 930 A C5-KOMHI INSTR VDO D09 CODING:0006208)4B0 820 043 AF A6-Klimavcllautomat D65 CIDING:00160大众奥迪1.8L01)4R0 906 018 CA 1.8L R4/5VT 0003 CODING:0450203)3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00 CODING:0002215)4B0 959 655G Airbag Frongt+Seite 2001 CODING:0000435)4B0 962 258J Central lock/Alarm D35 CODING:0000156)4C0 035 186 Radio CODING:0020117)4C0 920 900A C5-KOMRI INSTR VDO D12 CODING:00144 08)4B0 820 043H A6-Klimauollautomat D64 CODING:00140宝来1.8L01)06A 906 032 LD 1.8L R4/5VT 0001 CODING:0453002)01M 927 733 LL AG4 Getribe 01M 4956 coding:0000003)1c0 907 379K ASR PRONT MK60 0103 CODING:002150515)1C0 909 601 2K Airbag VW51 0004 CODING:1287546)1C0 959 799C 18 Komfortger BF HLO 0003 CODING:00259 56)3BD 035 186 Radio 5GD 0001 CODING:0040317)1J5 920 826A KOMRITWEGFAHRSP VDO V04 CODING:05122 08)3B1 907 044C CLIMATRONIC C 2.0.0 CODING:0110019)6N0 909 901 Gateway k<->CAN 0000 CODING:000062002上海大众B5 V6 2.8L 自动波全车电脑版本号地址码:01 - 发动机零件号码: 3B0 907 551 CP 2.8L V6/5V G 0001Coding 号: 08051 维修站号码: 00000地址码:02 - 自动波零件号码: 8D0 927 156 DJ AG5 01V 2.8l5V RdW 1111Coding 号: 00113 维修站号码: 66187地址码:03 - ABS /ESP零件号码: 1J0 907 379 Q ABS/EDS 20 IE CAN 0001Coding 号: 13604 维修站号码: 00000地址码:08 - 空调系统冷气/暖气零件号码: 3B1 907 044 J CLIMATRONIC B5GP 0003Coding 号: 17000 维修站号码: 66187地址码:15-Airbags 气囊系统零件号码: 1C0 909 605 B XJ AIRBAG VW51 04 02 * XJ为软件索引号Coding 号: 22602 维修站号码: 66187地址码:17-仪表与IMMO址码:36- 司机侧座椅调节零件号码: 3B1 959 760 D Sitzverstellung 0101Coding 号: 0000000 维修站号码: 00000地址码:55-射灯控制零件号码: 4B0 907 357 LEUCHTWEITEREGLER D004Coding 号: 00015 维修站号码: 66187宝来汽车电脑器件型号01- 发动机:06A906032EQ 1.6L 5V MQ2004680CODING:00031 WSC:00000VIN:LFVBA 11JX2 30499 94 IMMO_SN:VWZ7Z 0B642 230915-安全气囊:1C0909601 2K AIRBAG VW 510006CODING:12875 WSC:1031503 -ABS电脑:1C0907379L 0101ABS FRON 7MK60CODING:0001025 WSC:0000025-IMMOBILZER 电子防盗:Bitte Adresse 17 engeben46-中控与适系统:1C0959799 2M Komfortgerat HLO 00001 CODING:00259 WSC: 000001C1959801A 1M TJrsteuer FS KLO 000917-组合仪表(防盗)电脑版本:1J5920806b komb1+wegfarlrsp vdo v02 coding: 01102 wsc: 00000VIN:LFVBA 11JX2 30499 94 IMMO_SN:VWZ7Z 0B642 230919 - 网关:6N0909901 Gateway k<-> can 0001coding:00006 wsc:00000AUDI A4 1.808 -空调系统4A0 820 043DCODING 000400006000061桑塔纳2000时代骄子安全气囊1C0 909 601 2N AIRBAG VW51 0008CODING:12878 WSC:01234C5 发动机4D0 907 551 AH CODING 号码01 - ENGINE 发动机系统4D0 907 551 AH 2.8L V6/5V MOTR HS D04Coding: 06201 WSC 06335宝来汽车电脑版本号01- 发动机:06A 906 032JB 1.6L 5V A T AG4 4629 CODING:0003302-自动变速箱零件号码01M 927 733 KK 组件AG4 GETRIEBE 01M 4989 Coding 号00000 17-组合仪表(防盗)电脑版本:1J5920806C komb1+wegfaHrsp vdo v02 coding: 01102 wsc: 00000 46-舒适系统零件号码1C0 959 799 组件1M KOMFORTGER atHLO 0002 Coding 号00259 斯科达法比亚气囊电脑V AG NUMBER Index CODING=========== ===== =====1J0 909 603 AS AIRBAG 167231J0 909 603 AT AIRBAG 167242002 Jetta 1.8T 电脑版本号01 --发动机: 06A 906 032 HF 1.8L R4/5VT G 0004Coding: 07550 WSC 1362202 -- 自动波09A 927 750 T AG5 Getriebe 09A 019303 -- ABS: 1C0 907 379 K ASR FRONT MK60 0103Coding: 0018945 WSC 0002817 -- 仪表/IMMO : 1J5 920 926 AX KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V11 Coding: 07204 WSC 2258519 -- 网关6N0 909 901 Gateway K<->CAN 0001Coding: 00006 WSC 2258546 -- 中控与舒适系统1C0 959 799 C 1H Komfortger醫HLO 0003 Coding: 00257 WSC 0002856 -- 收放机3B7 035 180 Radio NP2 0055Coding: 00031 WSC 00028美规原装奥迪A6.2.8L 手动自动两用波箱电脑型号发动机电脑:4D0907551AH 2.8L V6/5V MOTRAT D02CODING:06252波箱电脑:4B09271156G AG501V 2.8L5V USA 8509CODING:00001ABS电脑:8E0614111M ABS/EDS5.3 OUA TTRO D31CODING:06169仪表电脑:4B0919930RX C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D15CODING:07262空调电脑:4B0820043G A6-KLIMA VOLL AUTOMA T:D61 CODING:00160中央控制门锁:4B0962258C CENTRALLOCK/ALARM D30 CODING:15885宝来1.6L A/T发动机的CODING:00033 ABS:0001025A/T:00000仪表:01102音响:00001舒适性系统:00259捷达:1.6l A/T发动机的CODING:04030 A/T:03604SRS:00065防盗:09600 捷达都市先锋发动机:04003 A/T:00000 ABS:03604一汽新A6address 01Protocol: KW1281Controller: 3B0 907 551 CK Component: 2.8L V6/5V 0002Coding: 08502Shop #: WSC 00000Address 03Protocol: KW1281Controller: 3B0 614 111Component: ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00Coding: 00032Shop #: WSC 00000Address 17Protocol: KW1281Controller: 4C0 920 930 BComponent: C5-KOMBIINSTR. VDO D12Coding: 00162Shop #: WSC 0000001-发动机4B0 906 018 CL 1.8L R4/5VT G 0001Coding: 16551 WSC 00008WVWPD63B61P269969 VWZ7Z0A355186302-自动波4B0 927 156 DA AG5 01V 1.8l5VT RdW 1313 Coding: 00013 WSC 0000803 -ABS 3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00Coding: 00021 WSC 0002817 -仪表&IMMO 3B0 920 925 B KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V13 Coding: 07235 WSC 00008WVWPD63B61P269969 VWZ7Z0A355186346 - 中控与舒适系统1C0 959 799 C 08 Komfortger醫HLO 0001 Coding: 00257 WSC 00008A6.2.8 波箱控制单元编码4B0927156G AG5 01V 2.8L5V USA 8509编码号是00001原装奥迪A6电脑型号美规原装奥迪A6.2.8L 手动自动两用波箱电脑型号发动机电脑:4D0907551AH 2.8L V6/5V MOTRAT D02 CODING:06252波箱电脑:4B09271156G AG501V 2.8L5V USA 8509 CODING:00001ABS电脑:8E0614111M ABS/EDS5.3 OUA TTRO D31 CODING:06169仪表电脑:4B0919930RX C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D15 CODING:07262空调电脑:4B0820043G A6-KLIMA VOLL AUTOMA T:D61 CODING:00160中央控制门锁:4B0962258C CENTRALLOCK/ALARM D30 CODING:15885菠萝转向助力电脑编号6Q0 423 156 Q LenkhilfeTRW V250Coding: 10140 Code: WSC 12345polo 波罗1.4L MT 全车电脑版本号01-ENGINE //01-10-d 188 (含EPC 电子油门控制)036 906 034 DM MARELLI 4MV 4837Coding: 00071 WSC 1234503 - ABS 6Q0 907 379 L ABS FRONT MK60 0101Coding: 0001097 WSC 1234508 - 空调6Q0 820 045 Klimaanlage X084015 - AIRBAG 6Q0 909 601 E 07 AIRBAG VW5 0007Coding: 12343 WSC 1234517 - 仪表/IMMO 6Q0 920 800 KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V16 Coding: 00141 WSC 57952LSVFA49J732012842 VWZ7Z0C683158519 - 网关6N0 909 901 14 GA TEWAY CAN 1S33Coding: 00014 WSC 1234546-J393(T23+T12C)舒适系统6Q0 959 433 G 4W Komfortgera 0002 Coding: 00064 WSC 12345 (coding 为00264 可多控制后面2个门) J386(T12d+T8h+t12e)左前门: 6Q2959802A 4W Tusteuer.FS KLO 0001 J387(T8i +T6p+T12f)右前门: 6Q2959801A 4W Tusteuer.BF KLO 0001 56 - 收放机6QD 035 152 Radio 5GD 0001Coding: 00001 WSC 1234509 - 电源与继电器管理6Q1 937 049 C 00 BN-SG. 1S33Coding: 25612 Code: WSC 1234544 - 转向助力6Q0 423 156 Q LenkhilfeTRW V250 Coding: 10140 Code: WSC 1234503 - ABS 6Q0 907 379 L ABS FRONT MK60 0101 Coding: 0001097 WSC 12345上海大众菠萝全车电脑版本号15 6Q0909601E 07 AIRBAG VW5 0007 CODING:1234317 6Q0 920 800 & ........... 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德 国 大 陆 在 上 海 开 设 新 总 部 和 研 发 中 心
据 美 国《 橡胶 世界 》 报道 , 界驰 名 的汽车轮 胎及 零 部件 供 应 商——德 国 大陆公 司 已经在上 海 世 杨 浦 区开设 新 的亚洲 总部 和研发 中心。该研 发 中心 旨在 加 强其 在 市场 的领 先 地位 , 中 国市场 增 为
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Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia Others Others Others Others
Russia Russia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sweden Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom China China China China China China China China China China China China India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Thailand Vietnam Vietnam South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa
Offices & Plants Volkswagen Argentina S.A. General Pacheco Plant Cordoba Plant Volkswagen do Brasil Ltda. Sao Bernardo do Campo Plant Sao Jose dos Pinhais Plant Taubate Plant Sao Carlos Plant Windsor Plant Volkswagen de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Puebla Plant Silao Plant Volkswagen of America, Inc. Chattanooga Plant, Volkswagen Group of America Chattanooga Operations, LLC Audi Brussels S.A./N.V. Brussels Plant Volkswagen Sarajevo d.o.o. Sarajevo Plant Skoda Auto a.s. Mlada Boleslav Plant Kvasiny Plant Vrchlabi Plant Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. Molsheim Plant Osnabruck Plant, Volkswagen Osnabruck GmbH丂(Former: Karmann Osnabruck Plant) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen Plant Leipzig Plant Audi AG Ingolstadt Plant Neckarsulm Plant Dusseldorf Plant Volkswagen AG Wolfsburg Plant Wolfsburg Plant Brunswick Plantp Emden Plant Hannover Plant Salzgitter Plant Wolfsburg Plant Dresden Plant Zwickau/Mosel Plant Chemnitz Plant Kassel Plant Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. Gyor Plant Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Sant'Agata Bolognese Plant Volkswagen Poznan Sp. z o.o. Poznan Plant Volkswagen Motor Polska Sp. z o.o. Legnica Plant AutoEuropa Automoveis, Ltda. Setubal, Palmela Plant Nizhny Novgorod Plant
大众公司英文介绍Volkswagen is a German automobile manufacturer headquartered in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. Volkswagen is the original and top-selling marque of the Volkswagen Group, the biggest German automaker and the second biggest automaker in the world.大众汽车是德国一家汽车制造公司,总部位于德国下萨克森州的沃尔夫斯堡。
Volkswagen has three cars in the top 10 list of best-selling cars of all time compiled on the internet: the Volkswagen Golf, the Volkswagen Beetle, and the Volkswagen Passat. Volkswagen ranks first in spending the most money on research and development.据网上统计,大众旗下有三个居于畅销车前十的品牌:大众高尔夫、大众甲壳虫和大众帕萨特。
Shanghai Volkswagen (officially Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd.) is headquartered in Anting, and a joint venture between Volkswagen Group and SAIC Motor. It was founded in 1984 and produces cars under the Volkswagen and Škoda marques. This contract is to make passenger cars in Shanghai with a limit of 50— 1 —per cent foreign ownership.上海大众(上海大众汽车有限公司)总部设在中国安亭,是大众集团与上海汽车集团的合资企业,成立于1984年,生产大众和斯柯达品牌的汽车。
德国名牌(German brand)Yici DEUTZ (the world's first engine factory)Vorwerk Vorwerk, a carpet factory that started at the beginning of its development, has become a large multinational group that covers many business areas and has branches around the worldLeica Leica (one of the most famous camera brands in the world)Zeiss Carl Zeiss (Carle Cai Si (Carl Zeiss) is an innovative technical leader in the fields of optics, precision engineering and electronic observation.)Billion Infineon Infineon Technologies (one of the leading global semiconductor company)RAPOO Rapoo (wireless peripherals technology experts, is committed to the global PC users to provide high performance, high quality computer peripherals products)Maico, one of the oldest and largest hearing diagnostic companies in the world, is one of the largest hearing diagnostic companies in the worldInterton (one of the leading companies in the world of hearing aid technology)Aodesheng hearing aids Audioservice (in a leading position in the world of hearing aids)Volkswagen Fuchs (the world's largest independent lubricantproducer)Malaysia tire Continental (world's third largest tire manufacturer, Europe's largest auto parts supplier)Meyer MEYER (specializing in the production of high-end men's trousers, which is rich in tradition, but also full of elegance and modern style)Fraas V.FRAAS (V.F company has formed its own unique technology, no pollution in the conditions of production, to achieve zero pollution of international environmental standards, became the first European environmental protection enterprise certificate)Sen Sen beer Weihenstephan (founded the University of science and technology of Sen Sen technology center, constantly cultivate world-class beer brewers)Rimowa (from the trunk and started to expand to a professional photography box, industrial box and custom box in three major areas, there has been, in countless Hollywood movies and even in the Porsche sports car brand and Lufthansa also invited RIMOWA for their exclusive design)NUK (the famous brand of world high quality baby products produced by MAPA, Germany, enjoys a high reputation in the world baby products market)HAUBER (HAUBER hauber fashion company become involved in all manufacturers group of women's Series)CAMEL ACTIVE (the logo of "really wearing" fashion brands)Biggs Best Care (with profound medical background and unique beauty chain marketing is famous in the world, 35 countries and regions in the world, with hundreds of thousands of beauty salon)THOMAS SABO (Germany and other European countries have identified their leading position in sterling silver jewelry design)MARCCASNE Ma Cassini (known as "rational beauty")OSRAM OSRAM (OSRAM is known for its excellent light source products, has become one of the world's two largest light source manufacturers, is a wholly owned subsidiary of SIEMENS)Maybach Maybach, the legendary brand of "Maybach" - symbolizes perfection and expensive carsGMG (a new super sports car brand)Passat Passat (car brand, Passat has a long history, feeling more like a gentleman from the German traditional family)Dortmund Deuter (Europe's most famous bag production and design business)Dr. Martin Dr. Martens (this brand of shoes sells very well all over Europe)Deliffe Doliva (adhering to the strict German industry attitude, each drop of olive essence comes from Italy Tuscany special virgin olive oil, world famous olive oil brand)Allmilmo (leading the international love MIMO kitchen product design trend, and to design the personalized and excellent style known in the world)Meissen, the ancient porcelain of Europe, is called "white gold" by the European aristocracyAccor ARTDECO (ARTDECO has the most professional and the most complete makeup, hand and foot care and skin care products)S.Oliver (Germany's largest, leading fashion retailer)FISSLER Fissler, one of the world's oldest and oldest pot brands,It's also one of the most expensive pots in the worldRoters LOTOS (the world's most expensive glasses supplier)Goldwell GOLDWELL (technology in Germany leading position in the industry)Sagitar Sagitar (or orthodox inheritance of German gene and PQ35 platform is a masterpiece, leading in the peer models, many technical details and even reached the level of luxury car)Grosee (design of high quality, precious, fashion jewelry and leather design, noble, elegant lady with charming temperament)Global Trek&Trave1 (the world's highest visibility, tourism, business, sports and function of men's casual fashion)Jiabao Gabor (done by the fine process of the footwear industry in Germany and excellent quality, also will be the trend of transformation and daily business concept of the perfect combination, make customers comfortable walking at the same time filling fashion)SOTX SOTX (professional sports fields set sportswear, feather network equipment and other products in one of the world famous brand)Sha Leroy Salewa (the world's leading outdoor sports brand)SAP, the world's largest provider of business management and collaborative business solutions, and the third largest independent software provider in the worldCypress kitchen Nobilia (German cypress kitchenware with the market share of the first performance) to become the European kitchen industry leaderAnd TIBHAR (more than 100 in the world and products within the scope of national sales. And in France is the first brand of table tennis is one of the most influential throughout Europe. The brand currently and brand is to various countries and regions around the world to expand)Lt Joola (the world's top tennis Master International Table Tennis Federation, International Olympic Committee ping-pong equipment suppliers, and achieved good results by using the developed equipment be too numerous to enumerate)Walker Volkl (tennis top international brands, from German fanatical pursuit of high quality)FALKE (the largest and oldest underwear brand in Europe)Katie Tony Cardydony (noble, refined and fashionable symbol)WMF, the most famous kitchen table brand in Germany, is famous for its high quality and varietyOFFERMANN (in Germany, OFFERMANN is the oldest leather and product brand)Caram CALAMAR (world famous leisure clothing brand series, represents a classic, simple European style fashion)Cool kuhle fashion brand of young upstart, leading the young upstart's urban frontier life with "fashion and simplicity" styleHenkel Henkel (set up three global business units: detergent and household care, cosmetics / beauty products and adhesive technology)Odbo (creative and design covering clothing, leather goods,shoes, watches, glasses, umbrellas, etc.) has been standing in Germany and Europe's major markets, and other world-class brandsSchwarzkopf Schwarzkopf (World professional salon brand one of the top three: Wella, L'OREAL, Schwarzkopf)BMW life BMW Lifestyle (try to accurately grasp the latest trends in clothing evolution, the use of European advanced fabrics, the traditional materials and artistic performance combined)Global record company universalclassics (the world's largest record (audio, video products, publishing, distribution) group in twentieth Century)Ariel Bilang (technical advantages that Ariel has quickly become one of Europe's largest washing powder brand in a few short years)Wella Wella (professional companies, one of the main salon and special products in the global retail market has a considerable share of music (Dallmayr) because of its coffee Meyer is the royal family favorite for Bayer)Grant GrandosCoffee coffee (the famous coffee brand in Germany)KreisKaffee KreisKaffee, the world's first vacuum bag, has been developed as instant coffee, which is well received in Europe and the Soviet UnionOpel Opel (Opel's logo is "lightning" pattern, which shows the car like wind power, and also show its research achievements in aerodynamics)Dunlop DUNLOP (the world's first tire DUNLOP, DUNLOPhigh-performance tires for the world's many famous manufacturers and high-performance car modification company)Rice technology Miji (German rice technology will always be committed to improving the quality of life of kitchen life products research and development)Zwilling ZWILLING (one of the oldest brands in the world, Cutlery Tableware Design, Zwilling of Germany is not only a symbol of elegant taste of life. Hardness is close to diamond's "M66 collection tool", and is one of the top cutting tools in Germany so farSennheiser Sennheiser (from the family business into a giant enterprise, the world-renowned audio field in all areas in the world market, dealers, production, sales and research business, the world recognized leader in professional microphone and headset manufacturer)Bertelsmann Bertelsmann (Bertelsmann direct group through the club and online business sales of media products and services, in the global market ahead)Bayer Bayer, a research based international group, focuses on pharmaceutical care, crop science, and innovative materialsBASF BASF (global leading chemical company)Thyssen Krupp (Thyssen Krupp has made outstanding contributions, the European steel industry and machine manufacturing industry is a microcosm of the German heavy industry is Germany's fifth largest industrial company)Deutsche Post Deutsche Post (Germany's State Post Office, is the leading European logistics company, and focus on becoming the world's first)Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank (integrated bank, the world's largest financial sector in Europe and plays a pivotal role in the world, Deutsche Bank is the world's most active warrants issued one of the turnover accounted for nearly 40% of the European market)Munich reinsurance Munich Re Group (in more than 150 countries in the world engaged in non life insurance and life insurance two types of insurance business)Metro Metro, the global wholesale market leader, Metro International Management Organization Limited in Dusseldorf, Germany, controls global salesDeutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom (the largest independent Telecom Company in Europe)Allianz Allianz, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, is also the premier financial institutionFilin Geer voehringer, the largest European touring car furniture manufacturerMARCCAIN (Mei Kaien of Germany's top brand, a very international brand)Betty Barclay (only in the most advanced shopping malls to find BETTY BARCLAY series clothing)Angell AIGNER (AIGNER is famous for leather materials and design, and gradually extended to men and women fashion, accessories, watches, glasses, perfume, etc.)Mondi MONDI (design and production of the first knitting series of twenty styles in Germany market, in addition to MONDI represents a brand, but also represents a unique fashion style, not only provides full dress and configuration, is admired by fashion)BOSCH BOSCH (founded in 1886, BOSCH group ranked 94 in the world's top 500, BOSCH group is the world's leading automotive technology, industrial technology, consumer goods and building intelligent technology manufacturers)Lufthansa Lufthansa Group (Lufthansa is Federal Republic of Germany's largest international airline, now, Lufthansa has become one of the world famous big airline freight even ranked first)Shuya Schiesser (fine fabric and safe color technology, personal comfort draping, 130 years underwear expert is adepiction of the details are shining with exquisite quality life, enjoy life for people and equipment)Dove Dove (nearly 50 years of history in the beauty industry, Dove is the world's most famous female brand, Unilever is the most valuable brand)Hansgrohe (the world's top brand Hansgrohe bathroom worldwide)Kadewei Kaldewei (the first European brand plate bathtub, shower tray manufacturers, is currently the only manufacturer, the world can produce 3.5 mm thick steel bathtubs occupied 60% of the German market and 40% of the European market, European kadewei all use five star hotel bath)Grohe GROHE (Europe's largest, the world's leading manufacturer of bathroom products, accounting for about 8% of the global market share)ARTINI (yatianni by flashing fashion jewelry, eternal light women's unique temperament, internal and external dissemination of intoxicating charming charming)Lange nge&Sohne (a famous German leisure table, Lange watch hundred years has been one of them the envy of everyone)Audi Audi (Audi automobile company is the Volkswagen subsidiary, headquartered in Germany Ingolstadt, about 450 thousand cars)Porsche Porsche (world famous car brands)Lagerfeld (LAGERFELD successfully combines the elegance of ready-made clothes with the elegance and elegance of Haute Couture), becoming a classic in the fashion industryEscada Escada (the world's top fashion brands from Germany)Ttiumph Triumph (Ttiumph not only leads the global underwear market, but also has become the first brand in Asia for more than 40 years)Volkswagen Volkswagen, one of the world's leading auto makers, is one of the world's leading auto makersMercedes - Benz Mercedes-Benz (one of the ten companies in the world, Germany the largest car company by sales, according to the second output, but also the world's most famous, the largest bus and heavy truck manufacturer, Benz Corp is the world's oldest manufacturers, manufacturers are operating style consistent from beginning to end)BMW BMW (BMW is the world famous automobile enterprises, is also considered to be the forerunner, luxury car manufacturing industry and production of world-renowned aircraft engines, SUV and motorcycle enterprise group, ranked the world's top 20 automotive companies)Merck Merck, the world's leading pharmaceutical company, ranks first in global pharmaceutical companiesBeck beer Beck's (Beck beer playing its mainstream role in the European bar)Rodenstock RODENSTOCK (a long history in the world and enjoy academic leadership of optometry, optical company is Germany's most famous one)Boss HUGO BOSS (the world's most famous suit the production and vendors)Schneider Schneider (Schneider electric company as an electrical company, specialized in electrical industry has a long history and great strength, transmission and distribution, industrial control and automation is the two major areas of Schneider electric hand in hand)Eupa International Group EuPA (depending on the global international research and development team and management team, has now become a world renowned marketing one multinational group, the main products of iron, toaster annual output ranks the first, the global coffee machine annual output ranked the world's top five)BOLN Baolan (one of the largest manufacturing enterprises is the world professional Yuba)NIVEA NIVEA (one of the top cosmetics brands in the world)SIEMENS Siemens (one of the largest electrical engineering and electronics companies in the world)Puma puma (PUMA Puma has developed into a large multinational companies, many products, sales all over the world, for the vastnumber of sports enthusiasts to provide the best sports goods)Adidas Adidas (in the world of sporting goods), adidas has always represented a special status symbol, and this symbol is called "the three line of victory". Since its founding in 1948, Adidas helped countless athletes to create success, the achievements of many feats. Therefore, Adidas can also be regarded as the best example of public trust and respect。
中考英语工业机械单选题80题1. In the factory, the workers use a lot of ______ to produce goods.A. machinesB. carsC. bikesD. buses答案:A。
2. The ______ in the workshop need to be repaired.A. printersB. computersC. lathesD. televisions答案:C。
3. The factory bought some new ______ to improve production.A. planesB. shipsC. robots答案:C。
4. The ______ is the most important equipment in this factory.A. ovenB. fridgeC. craneD. sofa答案:C。
5. We can see many different kinds of ______ in the industrial park.A. flowersB. animalsC. toolsD. books答案:C。
一汽大众和上汽大众认可实验室英语表达全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC-Volkswagen Approved LaboratoriesHi there, kids! Have you ever wondered how car companies ensure that their vehicles are safe and reliable? Well, today we're going to explore the world of approved laboratories at two major automakers in China: FAW-Volkswagen andSAIC-Volkswagen.First, let's talk about FAW-Volkswagen. This company is a joint venture between China's First Automotive Works (FAW) and the German automaker Volkswagen. They have several approved laboratories where they test their cars to make sure they meet all the necessary safety and quality standards.One of their most important labs is the Crash Test Laboratory. Here, they use special machines to simulate what would happen if a car were involved in an accident. They crash the cars into walls or other objects at different speeds and anglesto see how well the car protects its passengers. It's like a big science experiment, but with real cars!Another cool lab they have is the Environmental Test Laboratory. In this lab, they test how well the cars perform in different weather conditions. They have special rooms where they can simulate extreme heat, cold, humidity, or even sandstorms! This helps them make sure their cars can handle any kind of weather.At the Noise and Vibration Laboratory, they test how much noise and vibration the cars produce. Nobody likes a car that's too loud or shaky, right? The engineers use special equipment to measure the sound and vibration levels and make sure they're within acceptable limits.SAIC-Volkswagen is another big automaker in China, and they have their own set of approved laboratories too. Like FAW-Volkswagen, they have a Crash Test Laboratory where they simulate accidents to test the safety of their cars.One unique lab they have is the Emission Test Laboratory. Here, they measure how much pollution the cars produce from their exhaust pipes. They want to make sure their cars areeco-friendly and don't harm the environment too much.At the Durability Test Laboratory, they put their cars through tough tests to see how long they can last. They drive the cars over bumpy roads, through water, and even simulate years of use in just a few months! This helps them make sure their cars are built to last.Both FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC-Volkswagen also have laboratories where they test the performance of their cars. They have special rooms where they can simulate driving up steep hills or on slippery roads to see how well the cars handle these conditions.So, as you can see, these approved laboratories play a really important role in making sure the cars we drive are safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly. The engineers and scientists who work in these labs are like real-life superheroes, using their knowledge and technology to protect us all.The next time you're riding in a car made byFAW-Volkswagen or SAIC-Volkswagen, remember all the hard work and testing that went into making sure it's a great car. And who knows, maybe one day you'll become an engineer or scientist and get to work in one of these amazing laboratories yourself!篇2My Big Adventure at the Volkswagen Labs!Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Last week, I had the most amazing experience - I got to visit the certified testing labs for Volkswagen Group brands like Volkswagen and Škoda! It was super cool and I want to tell you all about it.My dad works for Volkswagen, and he took me on a special tour of their labs. We started at the FAW-Volkswagen lab in Changchun. FAW stands for First Automobile Works, which is Volkswagen's Chinese partner company. This lab is huge - it's like 10 football fields big!First we went to the engine testing area. They have these gigantic rooms full of car engines hooked up to machines. The engines run for hours and hours while computers check everything about how they are working. There are sensors that measure stuff like power, fuel efficiency, emissions, noise, and vibration. The engineers use all that data to make the engines run perfectly.Next was the vehicle testing area, which was my favorite part. They have these cool rolling roads where they can test drive carsinside! The roads have sensors built into them to simulate different driving conditions. They can make the rollers feel like a bumpy road, an icy road, or even a super steep hill. There are big fans that blow air to mimic wind, rain, and extreme temperatures too. It's like a mini weather world for cars!They also have special chambers that can get incredibly hot or freezing cold. This lets them test the cars in the most extreme environments from a desert to the Arctic. There are altitude chambers that depressurize the air to mimic driving up a giant mountain. And they have chambers that spray the cars with salt water or slush to check for rust and corrosion. It's wild!One of the weirdest things I saw was the acoustic testing lab. It's this crazy quiet room surrounded by thick concrete walls. Inside, it's quieter than being out in the middle of nowhere on a silent night! They put cars in there and use super sensitive microphones to listen for any strange noises and vibrations. Even the tiniest squeak or rattle gets detected and fixed before the car goes into production.They also let me see their climatic wind tunnel, which was awesome. A car gets strapped down while massive fans blow hurricane-force winds at it from every angle. This allows the engineers to check for wind noise and make sure the cars areaerodynamic at crazy high speeds. I'm pretty sure I got blown away a few times just standing next to it!After the FAW-Volkswagen lab, we hopped on a plane and flew to Shanghai to tour the SAIC Volkswagen lab. SAIC is Volkswagen's other big Chinese partner. This lab was just as gigantic and high-tech as the first one.At the SAIC lab, I got to see them test an electric car by driving it around on rollers while hooked up to these big generators. The generators drained the battery to simulate a super long drive and checked how efficient the motors and battery system are. Going electric is really important for the future, so making sure those cars work perfectly is crucial.They even have a special lab just for electromagnetic compatibility testing, which sounds super technical but is really important. Basically, they check that signals like radio, GPS, Bluetooth and cell phone signals don't interfere with the car's computers and electronics. And vice versa - they make sure the car's systems don't mess with signals you need. With all the crazy tech packed into modern cars, that electromagnetic stuff is no joke!Another wild area I saw was the squeak and rattle lab. It's this vault with a special silent floor and walls with millions of tinyholes in them. Air gets pumped through those holes to vibrate parts of the car in a very precise way. Then sensor-covered dummies are placed inside to detect any annoying squeaks or rattles that the vibrations cause. That's an engineer's worst nightmare -篇3Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen Recognized LaboratoriesHey there! Today I'm going to tell you all about Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen recognized laboratories. It's a pretty cool topic if you ask me. You might be wondering what a recognized laboratory even is. Well, let me explain!A recognized laboratory is a special place where really smart scientists and engineers test out car parts and vehicles to make sure they are safe and work properly. These labs have to follow strict rules and meet high standards set by major automakers like Volkswagen.Volkswagen is a huge car company from Germany that makes popular models like the Golf, Jetta, and Beetle. In China, they have a partnership with a company called SAIC to make and sell Volkswagen cars locally. This partnership is called SAIC Volkswagen.SAIC Volkswagen has quite a few recognized laboratories in different cities across China. These labs get to test out all kinds of vehicle components and systems from engines to brakes to electronics. The scientists and engineers run experiments and collect data to check if everything meets Volkswagen's tough quality requirements.One of the biggest SAIC Volkswagen recognized labs is the Volkswagen Asia Pacific Proving Ground near Dalian in northern China. This place is massive – it has over 100 different test tracks and facilities spread across nearly 200 square kilometers! That's bigger than some small cities.At the Proving Ground, they can test cars in all sorts of extreme conditions like high temperatures, freezing cold,off-road terrain, you name it. There are even special tracks designed to simulate things like cobblestone roads from historic European cities. How cool is that?The lab staff drive the test cars relentlessly at the Proving Ground to check for any potential issues. They look at things like acceleration, braking distances, engine performance, emissions, wind noise, and so much more. If any problems are spotted, the engineers get to work fixing them right away.Another major recognized lab for SAIC Volkswagen is the Volkswagen Asia Pacific Environmental and Certification Center in Chengdu. Here they conduct tests specifically related to environmental regulations and emissions standards.At this lab, they measure tailpipe emissions like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter from vehicles. They also check for things like noise pollution and test components for restricted materials. Following environmental rules is super important for any automaker.In the certification side of the lab, they put cars and parts through standardized tests to ensure they meet all applicable regulations and safety requirements. Once testing is complete, vehicles can get certified for production and sale in China and other markets.There are several other SAIC Volkswagen recognized labs located in cities like Shanghai, Nanjing, and Yizheng. Each focuses on specialized areas of testing like engines, transmissions, electrical components, materials science, and more.No matter which lab, all the scientists, engineers and technicians have to be really well-trained experts in their fields. Many have advanced degrees like masters or doctorates. Theyuse extremely precise equipment and follow detailed scientific methods in their work.The data and results from these recognized labs get carefully analyzed by the wider Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen teams. Anything that needs improvement gets addressed through design changes and further testing iterations. The goal is to constantly enhance the quality, safety, and environmental performance of Volkswagen's vehicles.Well, that's my overview of Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen's recognized laboratories! As you can see, a whole lot of serious science and engineering goes into developing and testing modern cars before they hit the road. Pretty neat stuff if you ask me!Let me know if you have any other questions about these labs. I may be just a kid, but I find this automotive testing process fascinating. Gotta make sure our cars are as safe and eco-friendly as possible, right? Anyway, thanks for reading!篇4Volkswagen Cars and Their Special LaboratoriesHi there, kids! Today, we're going to talk about something really cool – the special laboratories that Volkswagen has in China. You might be thinking, "Laboratories? That sounds like something scientists use, not car companies!" But trust me, these labs are awesome, and they help make Volkswagen cars even better.Let me introduce you to two important companies first: Volkswagen FAW and SAIC Volkswagen. These are the companies that make Volkswagen cars in China. FAW stands for First Automobile Works, and SAIC stands for Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. Together, they team up with Volkswagen from Germany to build amazing vehicles for people in China and all over the world.Now, let's talk about the special laboratories that these companies have. They're called "authorized laboratories," which means they've been officially approved and given permission to do really important work. Think of them like superhero headquarters, but instead of fighting bad guys, they're fighting to make cars better and safer!Volkswagen FAW has its authorized laboratory in Changchun, a city in northeastern China. This lab is like a giant playground for car experts! They have all sorts of cool machinesand equipment to test every part of a Volkswagen car. They check things like how well the engines work, how strong the materials are, and even how the car handles in different weather conditions.One of the coolest things they do is called a "crash test." Don't worry, no one gets hurt! They take a brand new car and make it crash into a wall on purpose. This helps them see how safe the car is in an accident and make sure it protects the people inside. It's like a stunt show, but with really important lessons learned!Over in Shanghai, SAIC Volkswagen has its own authorized laboratory too. This one is even bigger and more advanced! They have special rooms that can recreate extreme temperatures, from freezing cold to scorching hot. This helps them make sure the cars work perfectly no matter where they're driven.They also have a huge testing area called a "proving ground." It's like a giant racetrack, but with all kinds of different roads and surfaces. They can test how the cars handle on bumpy roads, steep hills, and even in water! It's like a wild adventure course for cars.But the coolest part of the SAIC Volkswagen lab is their wind tunnel. This is a massive room with powerful fans that can createincredibly strong winds. They put the cars inside and see how well they perform in super windy conditions. It's like a giant hair dryer for cars!All of this testing and experimenting helps Volkswagen make sure their cars are safe, reliable, and fun to drive. The engineers and scientists who work in these labs are like car superheroes, using their knowledge and skills to create amazing vehicles.So next time you see a Volkswagen on the road, remember all the hard work and cool science that went into making it. And who knows, maybe someday you'll be the one working in one of these awesome laboratories, helping to build the cars of the future!篇5My School Trip to the Volkswagen Factories!Last week, my class went on the coolest field trip ever! We got to visit the Volkswagen factories here in China and learn all about how they make cars. It was so exciting!We first visited the FAW-Volkswagen factory in Changchun. FAW stands for First Automotive Works - it's one of the biggestauto companies in China. When we arrived, we had to put on safety vests and hard hats to keep us safe while walking around the huge factory.Our tour guide Mary first showed us the Stamping Shop. That's where these gigantic machines with massive robotic arms stamp out the metal body parts for the cars from huge rolls of steel! The machines were so loud, we had to wear ear protection. But it was awesome to watch the robots rapidly cutting out the roof, doors, and other pieces.Next, we went to the Body Shop where all those stamped pieces get welded together into the basic frame of the car. There were loads of robotic welding arms quickly assembling the skeletons. I've never seen so many sparks flying everywhere! The robots could weld the pieces together perfectly in a way no human could.After that, we got to see the Paint Shop. This is where the car bodies get their shiny colored paint applied. First, the bodies get dunked in a tank of anti-rust solution to protect the metal. Then robotic painters precisely spray on every coat of primer, base color, and clear coat. The paint booth was huge and looked like a cool futuristic aircraft hangar!The last stop on the tour was the Final Assembly area where all the separate components like the engine, transmission, electrical wiring, seats, and dashboard get installed into the freshly painted bodies. There were big robotic arms lifting and lowering the heavy car bodies down the line as humans worked alongside them installing parts.At the very end, each completed Volkswagen car got Put through vigorous testing like having its engine revved up, brakes checked, and body alignments measured with lasers and sensors.I was amazed at how technologically advanced car manufacturing is nowadays!After our FAW-Volkswagen tour, we visited the SAIC Volkswagen factory in Shanghai a couple days later. SAIC stands for Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation - another big Chinese automaker that partners with Volkswagen.Their factory was just as enormous and impressive! We saw a lot of the same processes like the stamping, welding, painting, and final assembly. But they also had some different areas we hadn't seen at the other plant.One really neat place was the Acoustic Lab where they test how quiet the cabins are. They put the whole car body inside this completely sealed room that blocks out all exterior noise. Thenthey can crank up the engine and stereo system to measure noise levels from different seating positions. The room looked like part of a spaceship!Another specialized area we toured was the Climatic Wind Tunnel. Here, they can replicate extreme weather conditions like blistering heat, sub-zero cold, intense winds, heavy rain, and more! Then they test the car's heating/AC, windshield defrosting capabilities, and overall durability. It was crazy to see the simulated blizzard happening inside the tunnel with temperatures way below freezing!My favorite part was the Rollover Test area where they take the entire car body and strap it into a machine that can violently roll it a full 360 degrees in every direction! This lets them check if the car roof can withstand rolling over without caving in on the passengers. I'd never seen anything like it - we all thought it looked like a wild amusement park ride!At the end of the SAIC Volkswagen tour, we got to sit in the brand new models they had on display. The interiors were so luxurious and loaded with the latest tech features like huge touchscreens, massaging seats, and semi-autonomous driving aids. I could've spent all day just pushing all the buttons and trying out all the cool gadgets!Overall, the Volkswagen factory trips were the most fun I've ever had on a school field trip. I had no idea how incredibly advanced and high-tech automobile manufacturing is these days. All the robotics, testing labs, and sheer scale of the operations just totally blew my mind. I'll never look at cars the same way again after seeing firsthand the incredible work that goes into engineeringthem. Maybe I'll even want to be an automotive engineer myself when I grow up! Thanks Volkswagen for the awesome tours!篇6The Awesome World of Volkswagen Approved LaboratoriesHey there, kids! Have you ever wondered where your family's car comes from? Well, it all starts with some really cool places called "approved laboratories." These are special places where super smart people work hard to make sure your car is safe, reliable, and fun to drive!At Volkswagen, there are two main approved laboratories: FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen. Let me tell you all about them!FAW-Volkswagen: The Awesome Automobile WizardsFAW-Volkswagen is like a magical factory where they make some of the coolest cars ever. It's a joint venture between Volkswagen (that's the company that makes your car) and a Chinese company called FAW (which stands for First Automobile Works).Inside this amazing place, you'll find some of the most brilliant minds in the world. They're like scientists, but instead of mixing chemicals in test tubes, they use their smarts to create awesome cars. Isn't that cool?These car wizards have to follow strict rules and guidelines to make sure every car they build is safe and reliable. They test everything from the engines to the brakes to the seats, and even the air conditioning! They want to make sure you and your family are always comfortable and safe when you're driving.But it's not just about safety – these wizards also make sure the cars are fun to drive! They test how the cars handle on different roads, how fast they can go, and how smooth the ride is. That way, you can enjoy every single car ride, whether you're going to school or on a family vacation.SAIC Volkswagen: The Superstar Automobile InnovatorsNow, let's talk about SAIC Volkswagen. This is another awesome approved laboratory where they make even more incredible cars!SAIC Volkswagen is a joint venture between Volkswagen and a Chinese company called SAIC Motor (which stands for Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation). Together, they create some of the most innovative and exciting cars you've ever seen!Just like at FAW-Volkswagen, the brilliant minds at SAIC Volkswagen work tirelessly to make sure every car they build is safe, reliable, and fun to drive. They test everything from the engines to the brakes to the seats, and even the air conditioning – just like the wizards at FAW-Volkswagen.But what makes SAIC Volkswagen extra special is their focus on innovation. These superstars are always trying to come up with new and exciting features to make your car even cooler. Maybe they'll invent a car that can fly one day! (Just kidding, but how awesome would that be?)From Self-Driving Cars to Eco-Friendly EnginesSpeaking of innovation, did you know that bothFAW-Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen are working on somereally cool new technologies? Like self-driving cars! Imagine being able to sit back and let your car drive itself to school or to your friend's house. How awesome would that be?They're also working on making cars that are better for the environment. You know how sometimes cars can make a lot of pollution? Well, these brilliant minds are trying to create engines that are cleaner and don't hurt the planet as much. That way, we can all enjoy driving without worrying about harming our beautiful Earth.But Don't Worry, It's All Safe and Fun!Now, I know all this talk about testing and safety might sound a little boring. But trust me, it's actually really important –and really cool! These approved laboratories make sure that every car you and your family drive is safe, reliable, and fun.So the next time you're cruising around in your family's awesome Volkswagen, remember all the hard work and brilliance that went into making it. And who knows, maybe one day you'll grow up to be one of those super smart scientists working at an approved laboratory, creating the cars of the future!Well, that's all for now, kids. I hope you enjoyed learning about the awesome world of Volkswagen's approvedlaboratories. Keep being curious, keep exploring, and keep having fun!。
V olkswagen00000商英101 201007042044 李小晋00000Main idea0000About volkswagen 00000The history of volkswagen00000Eight well-known cars00000the main style of cars00000Cars model000V olkswagen00000country:german 0000set up:1937 000industry:car, finance service and so on00000headquater:Autostadt Wolfsburg00000company slogan:Das Auto.00000company including:Volkswagen Audi NSU (Seat) Skoda Bentley BugattiLamborghini suzuki000The history of volkswagen000V olkswagen was founded in 1938, headquartered in W olfsburg, Germany, is Europe's largest automobile company in the world auto industry, one of the most powerful multinational corporations. In 2004, V olkswagen Group of consumers to the global total of 5,000,000 vehicle sales. Group now has 8 well-known car brands: V olkswagen (Germany), Audi (Germany), Lamborghini (Italy), Bentley (UK), Bugatti (France), Seat (Spain), Skoda (Czech ), V olkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge (Germany). V olkswagen Group in the world has 68 wholly-owned and shareholding enterprises, business areas include automotive R & D, production, marketing, logistics, services, auto parts, car rental, financial services, automobile insurance, banking, IT services. 000V olkswagen brand has always provide customers with the best cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, originality of design and almost all vehicle segments in the best quality products. In addition to its car products, including Golf, Passat, Lupo and Polo and other medium-sized and small cars, also included, such as Phaeton and Touareg luxury car. 000In 1984, V olkswagen set up in China's first joint venture Shanghai V olkswagen; another in Changchun in 1991 to establish a second joint venture - FAW-V olkswagen.0000eight brands0000V olkswagen (Germany), Audi (Germany), Lamborghini (Italy), Bentley (UK), Bugatti (France), Seat (Spain), Skoda (Czech )0000the main style of the car00000Porsche00000911 Boxster Cayman Panamera Cayenne 00000Audi00000AudiA0QS RSQ A1 A2 A3, A3-3,Door ,S3 A4,A4L A4-Avant, A4-Cabriolet, S4, S4-Avant, S4-Cabriolet, RS4, RS4-Avant, RS4-Cabriolet A5,A5 coupe,A5 sportback,A5 Cabriolet,S5 Cabriolet,RS5 Cabriolet A6, A6L, A6-Avant, A6-Allroad, S6, S6-Avant ,RS6 A7 sportback A8, A8L, S8 Q3 Q5 Q7 TT Coupe, TT Roadster ,TTS R4 R8 R100000Skoda000Fabia Octavia Superb Yeti Roomster00000Lamborghini00000Aventador Reventon Murcielago Estoque Gallardo Countach Diablo Miura00000Bugatti00000Veyron Continental Mulsanne00000Seat00000Leon Ibiza Altea Toledo Exeo00000 Cars model000V olkswagen000Audi000Lamborghini00000Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to come to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable. Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.0000Bentley0000BugattiSeseat00000Skoda0000Scania00000Porsch000。
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【关键字】运输车名的中英文对照:Aerostar 航空之星日本三菱Alcyone 阿尔雄Alfa 阿尔法意大利阿尔法.罗密欧Alfa Romeo 阿尔法·罗密欧意大利阿尔法.罗密欧Alfasud 阿尔法苏意大利阿尔法.罗密欧Alfetta 阿尔菲塔意大利阿尔法.罗密欧Alizee 阿利齐Allante 艾伦特Allas 阿特拉斯Alliance 联盟美国通用Alpina 阿尔宾那德国宝马Alpine 阿尔宾法国雷诺Alto 阿尔托日本铃木AMX 阿曼士美国汽车公司Applause 赞许(喝采)Argerta 阿金塔意大利菲亚特Aries 阿力士美国克莱斯勒Aristo 阿历斯托Aro 阿罗罗马尼亚穆西尔机械厂Ascona 阿斯科纳德国欧宝Ascot 阿斯科特Aska 阿斯卡日本五十铃Aspen 白杨美国克莱斯勒Astina 阿斯丁娜Aston Martin 阿斯顿·马丁英国阿斯顿.马丁.拉格达Astra 阿斯特拉英国伏克斯豪尔Astramax 大阿斯特拉Astravan 阿斯特温Astro 阿斯特罗Astron 阿斯特朗比利时范胡尔Atlas 阿特拉斯日本日产Atrai 阿特莱日本大发Atrai 阿特雷日本大发Audi 奥迪德国奥迪拉苏Aurora 曙光(奥罗拉) 加拿大奥罗拉Austin 奥斯汀英国利兰Austin Healey 奥斯汀·希雷英国利兰Autobianchi 奥托比安西意大利奥托比安西Autosan 奥托桑波兰萨诺克Avalon 亚洲龙Autozam 奥托兰姆Avallone 阿瓦龙巴西阿瓦龙Avenir 阿凡尼尔Avia 阿维亚捷克阿维亚BBallade 叙事曲日本本田Barkas 巴尔卡斯东德依发Baretta 贝雷塔Bedford 贝德福特英国伏克斯豪尔Beetle 甲虫Belmont 贝尔蒙特英国沃尔斯蒙Bently 本特里英国本特利Bently Mulsanne 本特里·马尔森英国劳斯莱斯Beretta 贝雷塔美国通用Berliet 贝利埃法国雷诺Besta 别墅塔Bighorn 大角羊Bitter 彼特尔德国比特尔Blazer 传播者美国通用Blizzard 暴风雪日本本田Bluebird 蓝鸟日本日产B M W 宝马德国宝马Bobcat 山猫美国福特Bongo 紫羚羊日本松田Bongo 本格台湾福特六和Bongo Brawny 本格·布罗尼Bonneville 博纳维尔美国通用Bova 博瓦Bova Futura 博瓦·未来Bronco 烈马美国福特Brougham 四轮车美国通用Bucegi 布切奇罗马尼亚布拉索夫汽车厂Bugatti 伯嘉迪德国伯嘉迪Buick 别克美国通用Buick Electra 别克依勒克拉美国通用Bus 巴士CCaball 卡布尔日本日产Cabrio 卡布里奥Cabstar 货车之星日本日产Cadillac 凯迪拉克美国通用Cala 卡拉Calais 卡莱斯澳大利亚通用.霍尔簦斯Calibra 卡里布拉Camargue 卡马哥英国劳斯莱斯Camaro 卡玛洛美国通用Camper 野营者Campo 坎普Camry 佳美日内丰田Canter 奔马(坎特) 日本三菱Capella 卡佩拉日本马自达Capri 卡普里美国福特Caprice 随想曲美国福特Caralier 卡瓦利Caravan 卡拉万(捷龙) 日本日产Caravan 商队美国克莱斯勒Caravelle 卡雷维尔(卡罗维拉)美国克莱斯勒Caraveue 卡拉维尔Cargo 货运英国福特Carina 卡利那Carlton 卡尔顿英国沃克斯豪尔Carol 颂歌日本马自达Carpati 喀尔巴千罗马尼亚布拉索夫Carry 运载日本铃木Catalina 卡特琳娜美国通用Cavalier 骑士美国通用Cedric 公爵日本日产Cedric Cima 公爵·西玛日本日产Cefiro 塞菲洛(风度)Celebrity 名人美国通用Celica 赛利卡日本丰田Century 世纪美国通用Cervo 牡鹿日本铃木Chairman 主席韩国双龙Challenger 挑战者美国克莱斯勒Champ 箭步美国克莱斯勒Charade 夏利日本大发Charade 神秘Charger 突击者巴西克莱斯勒Chariot 古战车日本三菱Charmant 魅力日本大发Chaser 追击者日本丰田Checker Marathon 切克·马拉松Cherokee 切诺基美国汽车公司Chevette 雪维特美国通用Chevrolet 雪佛兰美国通用Chevrolet Monza 雪佛兰·蒙札美国通用Chrysler 克莱斯勒美国克莱斯勒Cielo 蓝天日本丰田Ciera 西拉Cimarron 西马仑美国通用Citation 嘉奖美国通用Cirrus 席勒斯Citroen 雪铁龙法国雪铁龙City 城市日本本田Cityliner 城市班车Civic 市民日本本田Civilian 平民日本日产Clelo 蓝天Clio 克利俄Clipper 快马日本日产Club 俱尔部美国福特Clubman 交际家英国利兰Clubstar 俱乐部之星德国恩斯特.奥韦尔特Coaster 考斯特(沿海航行家)日本丰田Colosior 歌洛西欧Colt 小马美国克莱斯勒Colt 科尔特美国可莱斯勒Colt Arrow 科尔特箭美国可莱斯勒Commodore 海军准将德国欧宝Comodoro 卡门多乐巴西通用Concerto 协奏曲Concord 协和美国汽车公司Condor 神鹰日本日产Condor 30 神鹰30 日本日产Conguest 征服Continental 大陆美国福特Cordia 科迪亚日本三菱Cordoba 科尔多巴美国克莱斯勒Corniche 险路英国劳斯莱斯Corolla 花冠日本丰田Corona 可热纳日本丰田Corrado 科拉德Corsa 考尔沙(科莎) 德国欧宝Corsica 科西嘉美国通用Corvette 克尔维特美国通用Cosmo 宇宙日本马自达Cougar 美洲狮Countach 库塔什Coupe 科普CR-X CR-XCredos 克利多斯Cressida 克里斯达Cresta 登峰Croma 克罗玛Crown 皇冠Crown Victoria 维多利亚皇冠Cruiser 巡洋舰Csepel 却贝尔Cultus 崇拜Cuore 库雷Cutlass 短剑Cutlass Ciera 短剑叙拉Cutlass Calais 短剑卡莱斯Cutlass Cruise 短剑巡洋舰Cutlass Supreme 超级短剑DDacia 达西亚Daf 达夫Daihatsu 大发Daily 戴利(每日)Daimler Double Six 戴姆勒·双六Daimler/Benz 戴姆勒/奔驰Dakota 达科他人Dasher 冲击者Dat 德胜Datsun 达特桑Dawoo 大宇Daytona 代顿De Soto 迪·索托De Ville 都市Deauville 迪维尔Debonair 快乐(雅仕)Delica 精致Delica 德利卡Delta 德尔塔Deville 德维尔Diablo 迪艾保Diamante 亮饰Dino 恐龙Diplomat 外交家Diplomat SE 外交家SE Dodge 道奇Domingo 多明戈Drogmoller 德勒克默勒Dyane 黛恩Dyna 黛娜EE Class E 级Eagle 鹰Eclipse 爱克里普斯Econoline 伊克诺莱恩Elantra 埃兰德拉Eldorado 埃尔多拉多Electra 厄勒克特拉Electre 依勒克娜Elf 埃尔夫Encore 重奏ERF 厄夫Escore 警卫Escort 护卫者Escudo 埃斯库多Espace 埃斯佩斯(逃遁) 希望(贵族)Estelle 埃斯特拉Estima 艾斯蒂马Eterna 爱特那Eurostar 欧洲之星Every 埃弗里Exa 艾克萨Excalibur 埃克斯卡利伯Exceed 超越Excel 卓越Express 快速FFairlady 贵夫人Familia 家族FAP 法普Fargo 远行Farorit 佛渥特Faster 快捷Faun 福恩Ferrari 法拉利Felstar 福星Festiva 喜庆Fiat 非亚特Fiero 菲罗Fiesta 节日Fighter 战士Fiore 费雷Firebird 火鸟Fivenza 非文查Fleetwood 弗利特伍德Flying Spur 飞行驹Florian 御马Foden 福登Ford 福特Ford Festiva 福特·喜庆Ford Mustang 福特·野马Forte/L200 强音/200 Forward 前进Fox 狐狸Freighter 货运者Freightliner 弗莱特莱纳Fronte 福隆特FSO 华沙Fuego 浮果Fury 激怒者Fuso 扶桑Futura 未来GGacel 加塞尔Galant 华丽Galant Sapporo 华丽·札幌Galant/Eterna 华丽/埃特娜Galloper 奔马Geminett 葛米内特Gemini 双子星座General 上将Geo 吉奥Germany 日尔曼Gloria 格洛里亚GM 通用GMC 吉艾姆西Golf 高尔夫Golf Caddy 高尔夫·凯蒂Golf Scirocco 高尔夫·海风Gordia 科迪亚Grace 优雅Granada 格雷那达Granada Scorpio 格雷那达·天蝎座Grand Am 大艾姆Grand Am 大阿门Grandeur 壮士Grand Fury 大怒者Grand Prix 大普里克斯Grand Prix 大布力克斯Grand Voyager 老航海家Grand Wagoneer 大瓦格耐尔Gremlin 格里莫林Griffin 格里风GTO GTOHHaven 天堂Heuliez 厄里耶Hi Lux 海拉克斯Hiace 海艾斯(海狮)Hijet 海捷特Hilux 海拉克斯Hino 日野Homy 舒适Homy 安宁Honda 本田Horizon 哈里逊Hornet 荷尔勒Hummer 蜂鸟Hyundai 现代II-Mark 艾-马克Ibiza 伊比扎Ibiza Designer 伊比扎·设计师IFA 依发Ikarus 伊卡露斯Impala 英帕拉Imperial 帝国Impreza 徽号Impulse 脉冲Infiniti 无限者Integra 英特格拉(形格) International 万国Isuzu 五十铃Iveco 依维柯Iveco/Magirus 伊维柯/玛吉鲁斯JJaguar 积架(美洲豹)Jalpa 加尔帕Javelin 标枪Jazz 爵士Jeep Cherokee 吉普·切诺基Jeep Renegade 吉普·叛逆者Jeep Wagoneer 吉普·瓦格耐尔Jelcz 耶尔奇Jetliner 喷气班机Jetta 捷达Jimny 吉姆尼Jubilant 欢乐Jumbocruiser 巨型巡洋舰Junior 少年Justy 杰斯蒂KKadett 土官生Kelleners 凯伦纳尔斯Kia 起亚Kombi 康比LLada 拉达Lada Niva 拉达·尼瓦Lada Riva 拉达·里瓦Lada Samara 拉达·萨玛拉Lag 拉格Lag Galaxy 拉格·加拉克西Lagonda 拉格达Laguna 拉格娜Lamborghini 拉伯基尼Lancer 枪骑兵Lancia 兰西亚Land Cruiser 陆地巡洋舰Land Rover 兰德·罗孚Langley 兰利Lantra 蓝雀Laser 莱塞(激光)Laurel 桂冠Legacy 力狮Le Car 莱卡Le Mans 莱曼斯Le Mans 利蒙斯Le Sabre 马刀Le Sabre 内沙布利LeBaron 黎巴让(男爵)Leeza 利扎Legacy 莱加西Legend 传奇(里程)Leone 雄狮Leopard 豹Lexus 凌志Leyland 利兰Liaz 利亚兹Liberta Villa 利博塔·维拉Libertavilia 自由别墅Lincoln 林肯Lincoln Continental 林肯·大陆Lincoln Mark VII 林肯VII Lincoln Town Car 林肯·城市Liteace 莱特艾斯(小霸王) Lotus 莲花Lotus Esprit 莲花·精灵Luce 光辉Lumina 鲁米娜Lynx 林克司MMaestro 艺术大师Magirus/Deutz 玛吉鲁斯/道依茨Magna 马格那Magnum XE 麦加XEMajestic 莫扎迪斯Malaga 玛拉伽Malibu 马力布MAN 男士Manta 曼塔March 前进Mark 马克Marpuis 候爵Marvie 马维尔Maserati 玛萨拉蒂Master 主人Masterace 马斯特艾斯Matado 斗牛士Maxima 马克西姆(千里马) Mazda 马自达Medallion 大奖章Mehari 梅哈丽Mercedes-Benz 奔驰Mercedes-Benz 梅塞德斯/奔驰Mercury 墨丘利(商业神,水星) Merkur 默克Merkur Scorpio 默克·天蝎座Metro City 地下铁道·城市Metro Mayfair 地下铁道·贵族宅区Metroliner 地铁班车MG 罗孚Micro 迈克罗Midi 米迪Mightyboy 好少年Milano Verde 米拉诺·沃德Minica 米尼卡Minica/Econo 米尼卡/艾柯诺Minicab 米尼卡布(小出租车) Mira 米拉Mirada 米拉达Mirage 幻影Mitsubishi 三菱Moke 毛驴Monaco 摩纳哥Mondial 蒙迪尔Mondial 世界Monte Carlo 蒙特卡洛Montero 蒙特罗Monza 蒙查Morgan 摩根MP MPMPV MPVMR2 MR2Muscel 穆塞尔Musso 牧手NNeoplan 尼奥普兰Neoplan Jettliner 尼奥普兰·喷气班机New Yorker 纽约人Newport 新港Ninety-Eight 九十八Nissan 日产(尼桑)Nissan Diesel UD 日产柴油机UD Nissan Vanette 日产·瓦内特Nova 新星Nova 新星NSX NSXNX Coupe NX库普Nysa 尼萨OOdyssey 朗程Olds Cutlass 奥斯莫比剑Oldsmobile 奥兹莫比Omega 欧米加Omni 全方位Opel 欧宝Orion 猎户座Oshkosh 奥史考士PPacer 领步人Pair 搭档Pajero 帕杰罗Palt 帕尔特Panda 熊猫Panorama 全景Pantera 豹Parati 帕拉蒂Parisienne 巴利查尔Park Avenue 公园大道,林荫大道Parkuay 小径Passat 帕萨特Pathfinder 探路者(小旋风) Patrol 侦察兵Pegaso 毕加索Persona 角色Peugeot 标致Phanton 鬼怪Phoenix 凤凰Pickup 皮卡Pinzgauer 平兹高尔Plymouth Executive 顺风·董事Polo 马球Polonez 波罗乃兹Polski Fiat 波兰菲亚特Pontiac 旁蒂克Pony 小马Porshe 保时捷Porter 搬运工Power Ram 壮公羊Prairie 大草原Prega 布拉格Prelude 序曲Presea 普雷西President 总统Previa 子弹头(大霸王) Primera 普利美拉(导火线) Prince 王子Prisma 棱镜Probe 探索Proceed 行进Puch 普赫Pulsar 脉冲星Punto 蓬图QQazz 昆特Quantum 量子Quattro 卡特罗Quint Integra 昆特·英蒂格拉RRabbit 兔Raider 袭击者Rambler 漫步者Ramcharger 公羊装运者Ranchero 牧场主Range Rover 兰治·罗孚Ranger 漫游者Rascal 调皮鬼Reatta 雷塔Regal 豪华(国王)Regata 利加塔Renault 雷诺Revue 里威玉Rex 雷克斯Rioma 利马Ritmo 节奏Riviera 瑞威拉Roadster 罗茨特Robur 罗伯Rocky 洛矶Rodeo 竞技Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯Roman 罗曼Ronda 巡逻队Rosa 玫瑰Rover 罗孚(路宝)Rover Sterling 罗孚·斯特林Rover Vitesse 罗孚* 维特斯Royal Monaco 皇家摩纳哥SSaab 绅宝Sable 黑貂Safrane 塞夫兰Safari 狩猎远征Safari 游猎Samara 翅果Samba 桑巴Samber 大鹿Samurai 武士Sana 桑纳Santana 桑塔纳Sapporo 扎幌Saturn 钍星Saurer 索瑞尔Savanna 草原Savanna RX-7 草原RX-7 Saviem 萨维姆Scania 斯堪尼亚Scimitar 短弯刀Scirocco 斯洛克Scorploroyale 苏柏耶鲁Scorpio 斯格皮奥Scoupe 斯库普Scrum 斯克拉姆Seat 喜悦Seat 西特Seddon Atkinson 塞登·阿特金森Senator 议员Sentra 山特拉Sera 西拉Serena 色莲娜Seville 塞维尔Shadow 幽灵(幻影)Sharan 莎拉Shelby 谢尔比Shogun 将军Shuttle 穿梭Sierra 赛拉Sierra Sapphire 塞拉·蓝宝石Sigma 西格马Silver Spirit 银灵Silvia 西尔维亚Silvia/Gazelle 西尔维亚/羚羊Skoda 斯柯达Skyhawk 天鹰Skylark 云雀Skyline 天际Skyliner 航空班机Silhouette 影子Soarer 滑翔机(舒乐)Solara 太阳Sonata 奏鸣曲Sovereign 元首Space 空间Spaceliner 航天班机Space Wagon 太空车Spanmor 诗鹏Spectron 斯佩克特隆Spider 蜘蛛Spirit 幽灵Sprint 疾跑Sprinter 短跑家Sprinter Carib 短跑家·加勒比人Sprinter Carib 短跑家卡利勃Sprinter Trueno 短跑家托雷托Sportage 体育时代St. Regi s 圣锐吉斯Stanza 斯坦扎Stanza 司坦桑Star 星Starfire 星火Starion 司特让Starlet 小星Statesman 政治家Stellar 斯太勒Sterling 斯特林Stevr 斯泰尔Stout 斯托特Strada 道路Stratus 云彩Subaru 速霸陆Suburban 郊区居民Sunbird 太阳鸟Sundance 太阳舞Sunny 小太阳Sunny/Laurel 小太阳/荣誉精神Sunny/Vannete 小太阳/瓦内特Super Carry 超级运载Super Exceed 豪华超越Super Salon 超级沙龙Supra 萨普拉(舒跑)Supra 超级Suzuki 铃木Swift 雨燕(迅捷)TT-Type T型车T aft 塔夫特T albot Horizon 塔尔伯特·地平线T asmin 塔斯明T atra 太脱拉T aunus 陶奴斯Teamstar 郊游队之星Telstar 通讯卫星Tempo 天霸Tercel 特色Terrano 特兰诺Testarosa 特斯塔罗莎Thema 旋律(思玛) Thunderbird 雷鸟Tiara 三重冕Tiger 虎Tipo 伙伴Titan 大力神TN Acty 梯恩·阿克泰Toledo 托莱多Today 今日Top Executive 最高经理Topaz 蜂鸟Topkick 托普基克Toronado 托罗纳多Touring 旅行Townace 唐艾斯Toyoace 丰田之花Toyopet 丰田宝贝Toyota 丰田Trabant 特拉贝特Tracer 探索者Traffic 运输Traneit 人造卫星Trans AM 特兰斯AM Transfer 转运Transit 特兰西特Transporter 运输者Tredia 特雷迪亚(特德)Tristar0 三星Trooper 骑兵Turbo 路华Turbostar 涡轮之星Turismo 图力士姆TVR TVRTwingo 天高UUnimog 乌尼莫克Uno 乌诺Urban 郊外VVan 先锋Van Hool 范胡尔Vanagon 凡拉冈Vandura 范杜拉Vannette 瓦内特Vantage Volante 优势·飞鼠Vauxhall 沃克斯豪尔Vectra 维克特拉Vega 伟加Vetter 费特尔Vigor 活力Viki 维基Visa 维莎Vist 维斯塔Vistaa 展望Vitara 维塔拉Vnimog 乌尼莫克Vivlian 平民Volare 沃拉尔Volkswagen 大众Volumaex 沃露梅克斯Volvo 富豪(沃尔沃)VW 大众WWagoneer 瓦格耐尔Warszawa 华沙Wartburg 瓦特堡Wide 宽广Wrangler 牧游者xXantia 仙提亚此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。