



《MUN代表手册》第一章参加模拟联合国的准备(4-6节)(2010-05-08 00:09:33)转载▼分类:不要遗忘专业标签:法律模拟联合国决议草案伊拉克教育第四节确定与会立场一、确定与会基本方针出席一次国际会议,首先要通过调查研究,了解有关国家、组织或机构发起和推动召开该次会议的目的,该次会议可能达成的成果及与本国利益的利害关系,在这个基础上确定出席会议所要实现的基本目标。
















一、会议日程 ....................................................... 12 二、会场安排 ....................................................... 13 三、郑州市第七中学位置和会场分布 ................................... 14
第二章 参会学校和主席团成员
第一节 参会学校和代表国家
学校 二七区陇西小学 河南省实验小学 河南省实验学校郑东小学 金水区纬五路二小 金水区纬五路一小 经开区朝凤路小学 经开区外国语小学 平顶山市卫东区雷锋小学 汝州市实验小学 新乡外国语小学 鑫苑外语小学 郑东新区外语小学 郑州市二七区外国语小学 郑州市蒲公英小学 中原区淮河路小学 中原区伊河路小学 河南省第二实验中学 河南省实验中学 漯河实验中学 郑东新区外语学校 郑中国际 郑州 57 中 郑州 88 中 郑州二中 郑州回中 郑州市第 102 中学 郑州市第 16 中学 郑州市第 19 中学 郑州市第 47 中学 郑州市第 7 中学 郑州市第 8 中学 郑州外语中学 郑州市第七中学
8 姜牧云 Slovakia
9 李宗锴 UNEP
10 李林静 UNEP
11 周毅明 GA
Republic of Korea 中国科技大学
12 兰啸雨 Slovakia
13 刘许文泰 Uganda
主办: 河南省电化教育馆 河南省未来青少年教育研究中心 河南省模拟联合国青少年活动组委会



Topic I: Global cooperation to protect the marine environmentIntroduction to the problemThe marine environment can be described or characterized at a number of different scales, ranging from ocean-level processes through to those that occur at species and genetic level (Connor et al. 2002). The scales of relevance here are marine landscapes, habitats and species; their inter-relationship can be expressed as follows: Species provide the globally accepted original classification of biological diversity, with well-established rules of taxonomy to distinguish between different types. Their classification is arranged in a hierarchy of genera, families, orders, classes and phyla. Habitats comprise suites of species (communities or assemblages) that consistently occur together, but which are derived from different parts of the taxonomic hierarchy (e.g. kelps, molluscs and fish in a kelp forest habitat). Their classification can also be structured in a hierarchy (biotopes, biotope complexes, broad habitats), reflecting degrees of similarityMarine Landscapes comprise suites of habitats that consistently occur together, but which are often derived from different parts ofthe habitat classification hierarchy (e.g. salt-marsh intertidal mudflats, rocky shores and sub- tidal mussel beds in an estuary). Different types of pollutionPollution from shipsShips can pollute waterways and oceans in many ways. Oil spills can have devastating effects. While being toxic to marine life, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) found in crude oil, are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in the sediment and marine environment. Discharge of cargo residues from bulk carriers can pollute ports, waterways and oceans. In many instances vessels intentionally discharge illegal wastes despite foreign and domestic regulation prohibiting such actions. It has been estimatedthat container ships lose over 10,000containers at sea each year (usually during storms).Ships also create noise pollution that disturbs natural wildlife, and water from ballast tanks can spread harmful algae and other invasive species.Atmosphere pollutionGraph linking atmospheric dust to various coral deaths across the Caribbean Sea and FloridaAnother pathway of pollutionoccurs through the atmosphere. Wind blown dust and debris, including plastic bags, are blown seaward from landfills and other areas. Dust from the Sahara moving around the southern periphery of the subtropical ridge moves into the Caribbean and Florida during the warm season as the ridge builds and moves northward through the subtropical Atlantic.Dust can also be attributed to a global transport from the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts across Korea, Japan, and the Northern Pacificto the Hawaiian Islands. Since 1970, dust outbreaks have worsened due to periods of drought in Africa. There is a large variability in dust transport to the Caribbean and Florida from year to year; however, the flux is greater during positive phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The USGS links dust events to a decline in the health of coral reefs across the Caribbean and Florida, primarily since the 1970s.AcidificationIsland with fringing reef in the Maldives . Coral reefs are dying around the world.The oceans are normally a natural carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Because the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are increasing, the oceans are becoming more acidic. The potential consequences of ocean acidification are not fully understood, but there are concerns that structures made of calcium carbonate may become vulnerable to dissolution, affecting corals and the ability of shellfish to form shells.Oceans and coastal ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle and have removed about 25% of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activities between 2000 and 2007 and about half the anthropogenic CO2 released since the start of the industrial revolution. Rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidification means that the capacity of the ocean carbon sink will gradually get weaker, giving rise to global concerns expressed in the Monaco and Manado Declarations.Plastic debrisMarine debris is mainly discarded human rubbish which floats on, or is suspended in the ocean. Eighty percent of marine debris is plastic - a component that has been rapidly accumulating since the end of World War II. The mass of plastic in the oceans may be as high as one hundred million metric tons.Discarded plastic bags, six pack rings and other forms of plastic waste which finish up in the ocean present dangers to wildlife and fisheries .Aquatic life can be threatened through entanglement, suffocation, and ingestion. Fishing nets, usually made of plastic, can be left or lost in the ocean by fishermen. Known as ghost nets, these entangle fish, dolphins,seaturtles, sharks, dugongs, crocodiles, seabirds, crabs, and other creatures, restricting movement, causing starvation, laceration and infection, and, in those that need to return to the surface to breathe, suffocation.Remains of an albatrosscontaining ingested flotsamMany animals that live on or in the sea consume flotsam by mistake, as it often looks similar to their natural prey. Plastic debris, when bulky or tangled, is difficult to pass, and may become permanently lodged in the digestive tracts of these animals, blocking the passage of food and causing death through starvation or infection.Plastics accumulate because they don't biodegrade in the way many other substances do. They will photodegrade on exposure to the sun, but they do so properly only under dry conditions, and waterinhibits this process.[50] In marine environments, photo degraded plastic disintegrates into ever smaller pieces while remaining polymers, even down to the molecular level. When floating plastic particles photo degrade down to zooplankton sizes, jellyfish attempt to consume them, and in this way the plastic enters the ocean food chain. Many of these long-lasting pieces end up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals, including sea turtles, and black-footed albatross.Historical PerspectiveThe oceans had long been subject to the freedom of-the-seas doctrine - a principle put forth in the seventeenth century essentially limiting national rights and jurisdiction over the oceans to a narrow belt of sea surrounding a nation's coastline. The remainder of the seas was proclaimed to be free to all and belonging to none. While this situation prevailed into the twentieth century, by mid-century there was an impetus to extend national claims over offshore resources. There was growing concern over the toll taken on coastal fish stocks by long-distance fishing fleets and over the threat of pollution and wastes from transport ships and oil tankers carrying noxious cargoes that plied sea routes across the globe. The hazard of pollution was ever present, threatening coastal resorts and all forms of ocean life. The navies of the maritime powers were competing to maintain a presence across the globe on the surface waters and even under the sea.A tangle of claims, spreading pollution, competing demands for lucrative fish stocks in coastal waters and adjacent seas, growing tension between coastal nations' rights to these resources and those of distant-water fishermen, the prospects of a rich harvest of resources on the sea floor, the increased presence of maritime powers and the pressures of long-distance navigation and aseemingly outdated, if not inherently conflicting,freedom-of-the-seas doctrine - all these were threatening to transform the oceans into another arena for conflict and instability. In 1945, President Harry S Truman, responding in part to pressure from domestic oil interests, unilaterally extended United States jurisdiction over all natural resources on that nation's continental shelf - oil, gas, minerals, etc. This was the first major challenge to the freedom-of-the-seas doctrine. Other nations soon followed suit. In October 1946, Argentina claimed its shelf and the sea above it. Chile and Peru in 1947, Ecuador in 1950, asserted sovereign rights over a 200-mile zone, hoping thereby to limit the access of distant-water fishing fleets and to control the depletion of fish stocks in their adjacent seas.Soon after the Second World War, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Venezuela and some Eastern European countries laid claim to a 12-mile territorial sea, thus clearly departing from the traditional three-mile limit.Later, the archipelagic nation of Indonesia asserted the right to dominion over the water that separated its 13,000 islands. The Philippines did likewise. In 1970, Canada asserted the right toregulate navigation in an area extending for 100 miles from its shores in order to protect Arctic water against pollution.From oil to tin, diamonds to gravel, metals to fish, the resources of the sea are enormous. The reality of their exploitation grows day by day as technology opens new ways to tap those resources.In the late 1960s, oil exploration was moving further and further from land, deeper and deeper into the bedrock of continental margins. From a modest beginning in 1947 in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore oil production, still less than a million tons in 1954, had grown to close to 400 million tons. Oil drilling equipment was already going as far as 4,000 meters below the ocean surface.The oceans were being exploited as never before. Activities unknown barely two decades earlier were in full swing around the world. Tin had been mined in the shallow waters off Thailand and Indonesia. South Africa was about to tap the Namibian coast for diamonds. Potato-shaped nodules, found almost a century earlier and lying on the seabed some five kilometers below, were attracting increased interest because of their metal content.And then there was fishing. Large fishing vessels were roaming the oceans far from their native shores, capable of staying away from port for months at a time. Fish stocks began to show signs ofdepletion as fleet after fleet swept distant coastlines. Nations were flooding the richest fishing waters with their fishing fleets virtually unrestrained: coastal States setting limits and fishing States contesting them. The so-called "Cod War" between Iceland and the United Kingdom had brought about the spectacle of British Navy ships dispatched to rescue a fishing vessel seized by Iceland for violating its fishing rules.Offshore oil was the centre of attraction in the North Sea. Britain, Denmark and Germany were in conflict as to how to carve up the continental shelf, with its rich oil resources.It was late 1967 and the quietness of the sea was slowly being disrupted by technological breakthroughs, accelerating and multiplying uses, and a super-Power rivalry that stood poised to enter man's last preserve - the seabed.It was a time that held dangers and promises, risks and hopes. The dangers were numerous: nuclear submarines charting deep waters never before explored; designs for antiballistic missile systems to be placed on the seabed; supertankers ferrying oil from the Middle East to European and other ports, passing through congested straits and leaving behind a trail of oil spills; and rising tensions between nations over conflicting claims to ocean space and resources.The oceans were generating a multitude of claims, counterclaims and sovereignty disputes.The hope was for a more stable order, promoting greater use and better management of ocean resources and generating harmony and goodwill among States that would no longer have to eye each other suspiciously over conflicting claims.On 1 November 1967, Malta's Ambassador to the United Nations asked the nations of the world to look around them and open their eyes to a looming conflict that could devastate the oceans, the lifeline of man's very survival. In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, he spoke of the super-Power rivalry that was spreading to the oceans, of the pollution that was poisoning the seas, of the conflicting legal claims and their implications for a stable order and of the rich potential that lay on the seabed.Significant documents―Marine and coast sustainable development blueprintThe United Nations convention on the international oceanAthens protocolAgenda 21: put forward in United Nations Conference on 1992-Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio deJaneiro, BrazilThe northeast Atlantic oceans environmental protection conventions 1954- International convention of preventing oil pollution of the sea 1972-convention of preventing dumping waste or other matter pollution of the seaCurrent situation and global challenges: Enormous disparities currently exist between the actions taken by different countries. The preservation of marine arouses global awareness and calls for international cooperation.Some countries have turned their thoughts into actions, taking the lead in the protection of marine. Take Australian government for instance, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) manages the National Plan, working with State/Northern Territory (NT) governments, the shipping, oil, exploration and chemical industries, emergency services to maximize Australia’s marine pollution response capability. The National Plan Management Committee (NPMC) provides strategic management of the National Plan while the National Plan Operations Group (NPOG) handles operational functions.The measurements have been accepted universally, and triggered wider emphasis throughout the globe, especially during this very occasion, where the marine is under the onslaught ofnumerous technical innovations. As for some countries which abut oceans, they tend to utilize the marine resources in every way that the resources can be utilized. Being confronted with brand new fishing methods, many countries choose to pollute rather than protect. Ship sourced pollution seems to be increasingly serious that calls for worldwide actions. Another action taken up by Australia is that all the individuals are entitled to report the incident to AMSA or the local marine authority if had witnessed a vessel polluting. The polluting actions shall include, first, any quantity of oil, waste oil, fuel oil, sludge, lube oil, etc; second, any discharge from a ship involving washings of chemical or dry cargoes; third, any plastic material and garbage disposed of in the sea within 12nm of land.It seems like not a single country can really deny the fact that the pervasive and influential technologies has already been used in marine exploitation, and of course, the certain countries are enjoying the benefits that have been brought with. With such merits and edges, technology speaks for itself. It is not the technology itself to blame for, but the awareness that worthy rational consideration. There are several countries have been taking steps towards marine conservation.Past International actionsUnder the international cooperation proposed by UN, marineprotection has been placed on a higher level.European Union has adopted an instrument, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, in 2008, which offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to the protection of all European marine waters.The Directive involves many implementation challenges, which are addressed through a Common Implementation Strategy between the Commission and the Member States and a regional approach to the implementation of its objectives.Marine conservation is a long-run project and serves forlong-term benefit of general interest, therefore, the certain project shall be given priority to.Proposed solutionIn 2009, UNEP in collaboration with the Government of Kenya produced the publication Kenya: Atlas of Our Changing Environment which revealed the grave extent of the forest’s depletion – over 25 percent of forest cover has been lost over the past two decades to ecosystem encroachments like unplanned settlements and illegal logging. Based on these findings, a ten-point plan was prepared by the Mau Forest Task Force together with other major stakeholders. UNEP and the Government of Kenya are now working to restore this vital ecosystem.The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992. This conference,which has also come to be known as the ―Earth Summit,‖ marked the beginning of a new round of world conferences focusing on the analysis of development problems. This ―new social cycle‖ of United Nations conferences was launched in response to the wishes of Member States and has led to a renewal of efforts first made 20 years ago to find solutions to the most pressing problems coming to the fore on the global stage. These conferences have also contributed to the ethical and political consolidation of a cooperation regime based on new international legal principles.The Conference in Rio de Janeiro laid the groundwork for a new world consensus on sustainable development and on global conventions dealing with emerging issues such as biological diversity and climate change.1 This led to the creation of institutions and to the formulation of government strategies and policies for the promotion of sustainable development. It also prompted steps to address this issue within the spheres of education, culture and the media.Bloc positionWestern Asian Note: Western Asia Region includes the following 13 countries only: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab republic, United ArabEmirates and Yemen.The present report portrays the wide gap currently separating between the requirements of sustainability and the reality of economic development politics in the Western Asia Region. Despite the facts that SD has become one of the basic commitments of the Western Asia Region since Rio1992, much more remains to be done to transform the principle into daily practice. The report is a stock-taking, almost nine year after Rio, of what has been attempted and achieved in the Western Asia Region by national governments, regional and sub-regional bodies to implement the concepts of Sustainable Development (SD). The report also sets out the major issues that the roundtable believes prevent the attainment of coherent and strong SD policies in the Western Asia Region. On the positive side, National & local agenda-21 (LA-21), National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDS), cross-sector National Environmental Strategies (NES) and National Environmental Action Plans (NEAP) have been formulated in most of the Western Asia Region providing blueprints for action and setting time-bound goals and targets.Since UNCED, 1992 there has also been a fast growing participation by the major groups through NGOs, civil societies, trade unions, and private sectors in the environmental decision-making process in the region. On the institutional level, some countries of the Western Asia Region have made substantial progress in setting up for SD. Furthermore,national councils or coordinating bodies in the field of SD and NGOs are flourishing in some countries of the Western Asia Region.A major positive development was the declaration of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for Environment (CAMRE) in their meeting in Abu-Dhabi, UAE on 3r d of February 2001, that there is an urgent need for alleviation of poverty and improvement of living standards and economic conditions of the Arab citizen through programs of SD. This declaration including its associated commitments was later adopted at the Arab summit meeting in March 2001 in Amman giving the declaration the legitimacy and momentum for implementation at the regional level. Unfortunately, the roundtable discussions revealed that most of the countries of the Western Asia Region are faced with inadequate technical, human and financial resources. The regional situation is further complicated by unfavorable international atmosphere. The main challenge facing most decision-makers in the Western Asia Region is how to effectively integrate multi- sector SD policies in a consolidated strategy. Despite all their efforts to avoid the prevailing piece-meal approach, governments in the Western Asia Region are still away from achieving inter-linkages, interdependencies, synergy and coherence in their policy initiatives and policies. The roundtable was able to identify and sum-up four major obstacles, which impede the achievement of SD in the Western Asia Region, these are: 1.Inadequate freshwater supplies andpoor land resources. 2. Lack of peace and security in the region. 3. Inadequate monitoring and access to credible information. 4. Inadequate public participation in decision-making led to ineffective governance for SD. Freshwater supply in the Western Asia Region was found to be highly variable in time and space. The collection of hydrological, meteorological, ecological and socio-economic information for water resources management is still severely hindered at the field level by inadequate resources and financial constraints. Most countries of the region have developed water policies to manage water scarcity by devising programs based mostly on resources development and to a much lower extent on demand management. The situation at the regional level is also aggravated by the social and cultural impact of globalization on societies including uneven distribution of the benefits of development, rapid pace of technological change and the information revolution. This resulted into faster socio-economic growth, created new opportunities and consequently yielded higher living standards in most of the developed world. However, these benefits were unevenly distributed and the Western Asia Region was almost marginalized. The imbalance between the fast expanding global markets and the inadequate access to the market by countries of the Western Asia Region has hindered their beneficial integration in the world economy. There is a general feeling of suspicion among countries of the Western Asia Region that it is a dubious conceptthat will signify increase social economic and ecological 4 vulnerability. Some efforts are underway to formulate an Arabic Economic Alliance. The impact of these efforts remains to be seen. In face of prevailing unemployment, poverty and weak infrastructures in some countries of the Western Asia Region, the roundtable expressed deep concern that there is a danger that SD could take a backseat and its priority reduced as the social & political pressures for accelerated economic development overwhelm governments. On the positive side, the age structure is in favor of all countries of the Western Asia Region where youth represent a relatively high percent of the societies. At the regional level, the Western Asia Region has to assess their degree of success and/or failure in reconciling their economic and environmental agendas. Countries of the Western Asia Region should co-operatively be able to define the characteristics of modern SD governance tools & trends that reflect the practical lessons learned from our shared past experience. These should definitely include the need to carefully set priorities, pursue cost-effective solutions and seek synergy in policy reforms that result in environmental improvements while promoting socio -economic development. AfricanOn the basis of the UNEP GC decisions on support to Africa and NEPAD, UNEP and a number of UN agencies, continue to work together within the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), a mechanism forcoordinated UN support to the African Union (AU) and its NEPAD program, under the overall coordination of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). UNEP is the governor of the cluster on Environment, Population and Urbanization of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM). Through its Addis Ababa office, UNEP has a strategic role and presence which facilities closer cooperation in furtherance of the African Union Commission (AUC) programs, including NEPAD. The UNEP Addis Ababa office also takes part in the UN partnerships aimed at extending support to the implementation of the actions recommended by the regional coordination mechanism particularly with respect to the UN clusters of support to NEPAD. In addition, UNEP as the secretariat of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) continues to support the implementation of the decisions of AMCEN and its work program, which is an integral part of the action plan for the environment initiative of NEPAD. It will be recalled that AMCEN led the process for the development of the action plan for the environment initiative of NEPAD. Financial supports for NEPAD programs and projects. During the period from July 2010 to April 2011, UNEP continued to extend support to NEPAD through the provision and mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of a number of activities. The specific areas of support include the following: Program Area 1: Combating land degradation, drought anddesertification It will be recalled that recognizing the pervasiveness and severity of land degradation and its impact on livelihoods and on the economies of sub-Saharan African countries, and to complement the Global Environment Facility country partnership program targeting that problem, the World Bank initiated the Terror Africa program. Terror Africa is a global partnership designed as a multi-partner platform organized around three programmatic outcomes, with a view to enabling African Governments and their partners to scale up the mainstreaming and financing of effective and efficient country-driven sustainable land management approaches. It serves to focus attention, facilitate sharing of knowledge and best practices, galvanize advocacy and make the case for increased investment in support of sustainable land management interventions. In Kenya, UNEP has, during the period in consideration, been supporting the country to restore the Mau Forest Complex, which is the anchor of Kenya’s natural resources. In 2009, UNEP in collaboration with the Government of Kenya produced the publication Kenya: Atlas of Our Changing Environment which revealed the grave extent of the forest’s depletion – over 25 percent of forest cover has been lost over the past two decades to ecosystem encroachments like unplanned settlements and illegal logging. Based on these findings, a ten-point plan was prepared by the Mau Forest Task Force together with other major stakeholders. UNEP and the Government of Kenya are now working torestore this vital ecosystem. Programmatic Area 4: Conservation and sustainable use of marine, coastal and freshwater resources The implementation of the marine, coastal and freshwater resources component of the action plan for the environment initiative of NEPAD continues to be implemented through the Abidjan Convention for Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African region (Abidjan Convention) and the Nairobi Convention for Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region (Nairobi Convention).Latin AmericaLatin America and the Caribbean, only Barbados, Haiti and Peru suffer from water stress,6 although there are various areas of other countries which are in this situation (northeast and northwest Mexico, areas of the Pacific coast of Central and South America, some areas of the Andean Plateau and extensive areas of Patagonia). Whereas in other regions of the world the population clearly perceive water shortage to be the main limitation on their development processes and have generated a special culture in this respect, in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean there is only an incipient awareness of the need for rational management of water resources because of。



模拟联合国大会培训手册 (基础版一、 MUN 大会的构成• 一个 MUN 大会往往由若干个委员会构成,每个委员会拥有自己的议题。

• MUN 的参与者以代表团为单位,共同代表一个国家。

一个国家往往有多名代表,这些代表将被分派到 MUN 大会下的各个委员会中。

• 一个委员会由一个主席团负责。

• 一个主席团包括:主席:负责主持会议,按照联合国正式的程序规则监督并推动会议进程主席助理:负责点名、录入发言人名单会议指导:负责审阅代表提交的会议文件Pager (意向条传递员——志愿者二、会议流程和规则•1. 点名在这一阶段,主席助理会按国家字母顺序依次点出国家名,被点到的国家举起国家牌,并回答:到。



在我们的模联中,确定议题阶段,主席分别在赞成首先讨论议题 A 和赞成首先讨论议题 B 的国家中,随机点出 3名代表进行发言,发言时间为 90秒。


主席会请需要发言的代表举国家牌, 并随机读出国家名,代表们发言的顺序即主席点名的顺序,当代表们听到自己国家被点到之后,便放下国家牌。



如果代表已在发言名单上,并且还没有发言, 则不能在其发言之前追加发言机会。




2. 发言(1无论是正式辩论还是非正式辩论,代表们发言应严格控制在规定时间内,如果超时,主席会终止代表的发言。

在会议中,主席会用提醒代表的发言时间剩余 30秒。




会议介绍模联(MUN),即模拟联合国(Mode United Nations)的缩写,是组织学生模拟联合国某些工作的活动。













东北地区模拟联合国 通用指导手册1.8版

东北地区模拟联合国 通用指导手册1.8版

目录1.0 模拟联合国通用会议规则流程Model United Nations--Rules of Order (3)1.1. 点名与开始会议Roll call and the start of the conference (3)1.2. 设定一般性正式辩论发言名Set the General Speakers‟ list (3)正式辩论Formal Debate (4)让渡给他国代表 Yield the time to another delegate (4)让渡给问题Yield the time to questions (4)让渡给评论Yield time to comments (5)让渡给主席Yield the time to the Chair (5)非正式辩论Informal Debate (5)问题Point (5)动议Motion (6)1.5. 文件编号规则Rule of document number 91.6. 工作文件Working Paper (10)决议草案Draft Resolution (10)起草国Sponsor (10)附议国Signature (10)阅读时间the reading time fora document (11)1.7.4 讨论与通过决议草案TheDiscussion And the Pass of a DraftResolution (11)修正案Amendments (12)友好修正案Friendly Amendment (12)非友好修正案Unfriendly Amendment (12)修正案提交 The Submission of the Amendment (12)修正案讨论 The Discussion of the Amendment (12)修正案表决 The Voting of the Amendment (13)修正案表决之后 After Voting foran Amendment (13)其他Other (14)1.9. 结束辩论和投票程序Closure of Debate and the V oting Procedure .. 14提出表决propose the vote (14)点名Roll Call (14)1.9.3 表决Vote (15)通过与否决The Pass and Fail of the Document (15)起草国的反对The Veto from a Sponsor (15)1.10. 意向条Pages (15)委员会主席Dais of the Committee (16)答辩权Right of ‘Reply’ (16)2.0 礼仪 (17)2.1. 行为 (17)2.1.1 仪表 (17)2.1.2 穿着 (17)2.1.3 举止 (17)2.2. 语言 (18)2.2.1 会场语言 (18)2.2.2 交际中的语言 (18)2.3. 其他 (19)3.0 中文文件写作 (20)3.1. 立场文件写作指导及范例 (20)3.2. 工作文件写作指导及范例 (23)3.3. 决议草案写作指导及范例 (24)3.4. 修正案写作指导及范例 (27)4.0 Document Writings in English Committees (28)Position Paper (28)Working paper (30)Draft Resolutions (31)Amendments (33)5.0 主席标准 (34)5.1. 主席团人选确定的流程 (34)5.1.1 邀请制: (34)5.1.2 选拔制: (34)5.2. 主席需提供的信息: ............................ 34 5.3. 主席团成员类别和职能: .. (34)5.3.1 主席(Chair): ............................. 34 5.3.2 会议指导(Director): ............... 34 5.3.3 主席助理(Rapporteur): ........... 35 5.4. 法槌的使用规则 ..................................... 35 6.0 媒体记者规则 (36)6.1. 媒体代表权限 (36)6.1.1 职能 .................................................. 36 6.1.2 权限 ............................................ 36 6.2. 媒体会场规则 .. (36)6.2.1 媒体代表驻场规则 ....................... 36 6.2.2 一般新闻发布会规则 . (36)6.2.3 临时新闻发布会的规则 ............... 36 6.2.4 稿件提交规则................................ 37 6.3. 写作指导 . (37)6.3.1 消息 ................................................... 37 6.3.2 通讯 ................................................... 37 6.3.3 采访 ................................................... 38 6.3.4 评论 (38)7.0 序言性行动性条款词库 (39)7.1. 序言性条款常用词汇 ............................. 39 7.2. 行动性条款常用词汇 ............................. 40 8.0 鸣谢 ................................................................. 41 附录 (41)备用标签页1.0 模拟联合国通用会议规则流程Model United Nations--Rules of Order本文以传统美式规则为基础,适用于联合国大会及各下属委员会、理事会,不完全适用于安全理事会等适用特殊规则的委员会。



SDUW国际青年文化节SDUWMUN 2009模拟联合国会议会议手册目录认识模拟联合国Page 2会议日程安排Page 5会议准备Page 6会议流程与规则Page 8MUN名词解释Page 11文件写作指导Page 13奖项设置及要求Page 15 主办方:学生国际交流协会议题背景手册会议时间:4月18日—19日Page 16 会议地点:网络楼报告厅附录舞会地点:大学生活动中心Page 19认识模拟联合国一、模拟联合国的起源模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。














哈尔滨工业大学英语夏令营模拟联合国会议手册第一章会议介绍模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是世界各国官方和民间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。



第二章议题设置Committee:United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)Topic A: Global Carbon MarketFacing the grievous situation of global warming, the world has attempted numerous approaches to solve the problem, among which establishing a global carbon market that applies market theory to solve environmental problems stands out. First mentions of the concept of carbon markets can be traced back to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) and Kyoto Protocol (2003). Since 1997, three major global carbon markets – International Emission Trading (IET), Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have been established. They triggered the growth of global compliance carbon market, including the famous European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading System (EU ETS). However, despite its growth, carbon transaction worldwide still lacks a uniform certification and registration, nor does it have a central body to ensure its smooth operation. Here comes the main focus of our discussion: How to set up a widely accepted global carbon market in light of political obstacles and economic concerns? To come up with a satisfactory solution, three aspects deserve careful consideration: 1. The type of market (should it be a compliance market or voluntary market or both). 2. The control of the process (how to take control of the entire process while at the same time not violate the sovereignty of countries). 3. The balance between benefits for developing and developed nations (how to distribute carbon credits and fund among developed and developing countries).Topic B: Oil spillOil spill is a serious problem concerning both the environment and human health. In recent decades, international organisations have raised concerns regarding the negative impacts of oil spills. A typical example is the setting of The International Maritime Organization (IMO), a body of the United Nations, to set international maritime vessel safety and marine pollution standards, among which the “Marpol” is a benchmark.In spite of efforts like this, we recently experienced the tremendous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, both a huge waste and a hazard to the environment. Looking back at this disastrous incident and looking at the argument of compensation issues between British Petroleum and the US, we can see hundreds of omission of safety precautions that led to the catastrophe. Additionally, we also saw what the laws and many conventions lacked.As an environmental organisation, UNEP does not centre its work on special technologies like using chemicals to clear the oil. What UNEP is concerned about is the prevention of such tragedy through improvement on management and the legislation progress. We would like delegates to focus on: 1. The establishment of an effective system for safety norms in oil transportation internationally. 2. The legislation of laws defining the responsibilities of each party in case of an accident? (Should the country be responsible for oil transportation or only the corporation should bear the blame?) By answering such questions, we hope to bolster the security in oil transportation.第三章机构设置1.主席团委员会由四名工作人员组成的主席团主持会议和管理。



会议指导手册Conference Training Handbook模拟联合国的会议组织在模拟联合国会议里,参加者(Delegates)以及代表团(Delegation)为单位,共同代表一个国家(to Represent A Certain Country),在模拟联合国会议中的不同委员会(Committee)里,以国家代表的身份进行演讲(Republic Speaking)、辩论(Debate)和游说(Lobby)等,争取国家利益的最大化。


同学们在进行了较为充分的准备后都能在其中参与正式辩论(Formal Debate)、非正式辩论(Informal Debate),并且广泛参与协商和合作(Negotiation and Collaboration),以争取其所代表国家的国家利益能在特定一体(Topic Area)的决议(Resolution)中得到充分体现。


委员会结构一个委员会由一个主席团(Members of the Dais)负责。

主席(Chair)主持会议,其任务是按照联合国正式的程序规则监督并推动会议进程(Oversees Debate and Guides Delegates Through the Rules of Procedure)。


规则与技巧模拟联合国会议通过严格按照联合国会议(Formal Rules of Procedure)的规则进行,以保证每位代表都有平等的发言权(Equal Opportunity to Be Heard)。



Sample Page To: Russia From: China We have to combine the two Working papers to form a Draft Resolution.
Sample Page To: the Chair From: Germany Delegate of Germany wants to be added on the Speakers’ List.
联合国大会(The General Assembly) 经济与社会理事会(The Economic and Social Council) 安全理事会(The Security Council) 国际法庭(The International court of Justice) 跨政府组织(Intergovernmental Organizations——IGOs) 非政府组织(Nongovernmental Organizations——NGOs)
在场上个人有任何不适,需要主席团 的帮助和解决


发言名单上所有国家已发言,并且没有任何代表追加发言,会议 直接进入第二阶段----决议草案的拟定及投票表决阶段。


立场文件Position Paper PP
工作文件Working Paper WP ——会中
这项活动在欧美已经拥有超过50年的历史,它是由世界各国官方和民 间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。模拟联合国活动发源于美国,自诞生至今, 吸引了全球超过200,000名高中生和大学生,全世界每年举办近400个模拟联合国 会议。尽管“模拟联合国”在许多国家进行得如火如荼,但它一直到90年代中 期才进入中国,北京大学、人民大学、外交学院、西安交通大学等高校在为这 一活动的推广作着不懈的努力。



福州一中首届校际模拟联合国大会代表会议手册主办单位:福州第一中学承办:福州一中模拟联合国社TABLE OF CONTENT目录1.WELCOME LETTER秘书长欢迎信 (3)2.INTRODUCTION OF MODEL UNITED NATIONS模拟联合国活动介绍 (5)3.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE大会议程 (7)4.INTRODUCTION TO FIMUN2010 STAFF主席团及组委会介绍 (8)5.CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES会议要求和注意事项 (12)6.INTRODUCTION TO COMMITTEES AND TOPICS委员会议题介绍 (17)7.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE会议简要流程 (20)8.CONFERENCE PAPER WRITING 会议文件写作 (23)9.LOCATION会场位置 (28)秘书长欢迎信尊敬的老师,亲爱的模联代表们:你们好!我是福州一中高二(14)班学生,本次大会秘书长李可睿。









• • • • • • • • 1.在每次会议时应提早或按时到会 2.认真学习相关知识 3.注意会场纪律,提高会议效率 5.注意个人形象与社团形象,增强团队协作 6.认真对待每次的模联会议 7.不以模联为逃课等其他行为的借口 8.积极表现自我,把握发言机会 9.不中途退出模联,有特殊情况需提早请假
无垠文海 邀你畅享

• • • • • • • • 模拟联合国大会流程: 1.点名 2.确定议题 3.建立发言名单 4.正式辩论 5.非正式辩论 6.投票 7.通过决议
• 1.代表制:有单代表制和双代表制。像北京大学英文会场, 有些代表会搞模联但是英文不好,就和一个英文好的同学 组队,这就是双代表制。 • 2.简单多数:参会代表人数的百分之五十,不为整数则向上 补齐,为整数则加一。简单多数是一般程序性问题投票使 用的,比如有代表动议休会10分钟,这时候投票只需满足 简单多数即可 • 3.三分之二多数:参会代表人数的三分之二,也称绝对多 数,不为整数则向上补齐,为整数则加一。三分之二是决 定议题、结束辩论、通过决议草案、修正案、指令草案时 使用的
welcome to your future!
什么是联合 国
联合国(英文名称:United Nations,缩写UN)是1945年第二次世 界大战后成立的国际组织,是一个由主权国家组成的国际组织。 在1945年10月24日在美国加州旧金山签定生效的《联合国宪章》标 志着联合国正式成立。 联合国致力于促进各国在国际法、国际安全、经济发展、社会进步、 人权及实现世界和平方面的合作。 联合国现在共有193个成员国,总部设立在美国纽约、瑞士日内瓦、 奥地利维也纳、肯尼亚内罗毕等地。



E-mail: rucmun@
World in Eyes, Future In Hands
Renmin University of China Model United Nations Association
Delegate ['deligit] n. 代表 vt. 派…为代表;委任 A delegate is a member of a group representing an organization (e.g., a gover nment, a charity, an NGO, or a trade union) at a meeting or conference between organizations of the same level (e.g. trade talks or an environmental summit between gover nments; or a meeting of student unions from individ ual colleges at a nationa l student union conference). 1 æʃ] n. 破碎,大败,冲突 Smash [sm [smæ ə'b æl] Cabal [k [kə 'bæ adj. 非常的,了不起的 v. 粉碎,溃裂,使破产
Current events
� 2008 牛津大学模拟联合国大会
2008 年 10 月 31 日-11 月 2 日,来自世界各地的近 400 名代表,将带着他们对国际 议题的独到见解和对朋友的真挚友谊,齐聚具有悠久历史的英国牛津大学,参加一年一 度的牛津大学模拟联合国活动。牛津大学的模拟联合国活动虽然举办时间不长,但已成 为欧洲同类活动中的佼佼者。牛津模拟联合国大会在议题设置上并不求全求大,而是力 图在小而精的会议中营造亲切宜人的气氛,为青年学子们一个展示自我,相互结下友谊 的平台,为他们的青春刻下一个美好的印迹。



属于会议的过渡期, 在这个时期, 很多份工作文件会被更充分地讨论, 国家集团也更为明显, 各国的根本利益也逐步显露,如果会议进程较快,会进入到决议草案撰写环节。 分组会议(五) :共 分钟
属于会议的末期,国家集团根据工作文件撰写决议草案,并对决议草案进行充分讨论,提出 相应的修正案。 分组会议(六) :约 分钟
前言 学术标准手册使用说明
亲爱的各位代表: 大家一个更加
明确、清晰、完整的会议学术标准,以利于代表们更有效地学习规则、利用规则。 本《学术标准手册》继承了往届会议的主要学术思想并有所损益,是 年北京大学全国
中学生模拟联合国大会官方制定的唯一学术标准,会议期间,与学术相关的所有问题,均以本手 册作为依据。若出现本手册未涉及问题,当届大会组委会具有最终解释权。 本手册第一部分为 会议概述 ,主要为一般委员会的会议进程提供参考标准,以有利于会议 在相对稳定、客观的环境下进行,但此标准并非会议进程的唯一标准,代表不必拘泥于此。第二 部分和第三部分分别为 中文委员会学术标准 和 英文委员会学术标准 ,主要介绍了常规中文和 英文委员会的规则流程、 文件范例和主要用语, 常规中文和英文委员会涉及的规则均以此作为唯 一参考标准。需要指出的是,在第二部分和第三部分的学术标准中,均未涉及危机部分,如以上 委员会在会议进程中遇到危机,请参考第五部分。第四部分为 特殊委员会学术标准 ,在二零一 三年北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会上,共有五个特殊委员会,它们分别是主新闻中心 ( ) 、 联合国大会第五次紧急特别会议 ( )和国际劳工组织( ) 、 历史安全理事会 ( ) 、
二十国集团领导人峰会( 将介绍除 和
) ,本部分
之外三个特殊委员会的相关职能 ,需要注意的是,由于主新闻中心与







三、国家列表及分配第二部分:简易规则流程说明一、正式辩论 Formal Debate1、点名在这一阶段,主席助理会按国家字母顺序依次点出国家名,被点到的国家举起国家牌(Placard),并回答:“present(到)”。








Academic Standard Handbookof Peking University National Model United Nations Conference for High School Students 20162016年北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会学术标准手册编订人员:刘欣羽(秘书长,北京大学经济学院2013级本科)樊仁敬(副秘书长,北京大学社会学系2013级本科)何雨辰(学术总监,北京大学元培学院2014级本科)王星程(学术总监,北京大学元培学院2014级本科)杨泽毅(学术总监,北京大学哲学系2014级本科)特别说明:“北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会”,会议名称、活动标志由北京大学所有,未经允许,不得用于与本会议无关的活动或其他商业性目的的组织或活动。



目录前言 学术标准手册使用说明 ............................................................5 第一部分 会议规则与流程 ...............................................................6 •会议流程参考标准 .....................................................................6 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(中文)议事规则 ......8 总 则 (8)第一章 会场和人员 (8)第二章 会议 (9)第三章 代表权利与义务 ...............................................................18 快速规则流程参考 ........................................................................20 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(中文)议事规则示意图 ......21 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(中文)用语范例 ......22 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(英文)议事规则 ......24 Rules and Procedures ..................................................................24 Introduction to the Staff ...............................................................24 The Process: Committee Session ......................................................26 Quick Reference Guide ..................................................................33 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(英文)议事规则示意图 ......34 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会常规委员会(英文)用语范例 ......35 •北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会特殊委员会学术标准 (36)一、联合国经济社会理事会(ECOSOC ) (36)二、联合国志愿人员组织伙伴关系论坛(UNV Partnership Forum ) (38)三、世界卫生组织非洲地区委员会(WHO-RCA ) (40)四、欧洲经济区理事会(EEA Council ) (43)五、国际法庭(ICJ ) ... (47)六、联合国国际组织会议(UNCIO ) (54)第二部分会议文件 (57)一、立场文件Position Paper (57)二、工作文件Working Paper (61)三、决议草案Draft Resolution (63)四、指令草案Draft Directive (71)五、修正案Amendment (71)第三部分模拟联合国会议学术准备指南 (73)第一节准备阶段 (73)一.背景指导文件阅读指导 (73)二.资料检索指导 (76)第二节会议阶段 (86)前言 学术标准手册使用说明亲爱的各位代表:大家好!大会的《学术标准手册》(Academic Standard Handbook )继续着自己每年一次更新的步伐。



Committee SimulationIntroduction of the Dais 主席团介绍2. Roll Call 点名Moderator:Before setting the agenda,the Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetic order. Delegates,please raise your placard and answer “present”when your country’s name is called.主席:在设定议题之前,主席助理将按照字母顺序进行点名。


Rapporteur:Afghanistan.Afghanistan:Present.Rapporteur:Afghanistan is Present.主席助理:阿富汗。



Moderator/Rapporteur:With__countries present,this conference is in quorum. The two-thirds majority is __, the simple majority is__. Delegates late for the Roll Call,please send a page to the Dais to notify your presence.主席或主席助理:本阶段会议共有__个国家出席,符合大会规定。



3.Setting of the Agenda 确定议题Moderator:Now we are going to set the agenda. Topic A is__ and Topic B is__. Are there any points or motions on the floor? China.主席:现在我们开始确定议题。

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认识模拟联合国一、模拟联合国的起源模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。














其中哈佛全美模拟联合国大会(Harvard National Model United Nations Conference, HNMUN)是美国历史最悠久、规模最大、影响最深远的模拟联合国大会,委员会有近30个,参与人数近3000人。


























富于朝气的年轻人在这个舞台上尽情地展现自己的风采!模拟联合国的活动长期受到了联合国总部的支持与帮助,给与许多国家的模拟联合国活动以函电鼓励和赞扬,并在联合国官方网站上建立了关于全世界模拟联合国的专版网页:/cyberschoolbus/modelun/index.asp会议日程安排4月18日8:30—8:50 会议开幕式8:50—10:00 立场表述正式辩论10:00—11:30 非正式辩论提交决议草案地点:网络楼报告厅下午:各国家代表团会下自由磋商休息地点:各代表团自行选择19:00—21:00:MUN青年外交舞会地点:大学生活动中心二楼舞厅4月19日8:15—8:45 会议代表合影地点:主楼广场9:00—10:00 决议草案讨论10:00—11:00 修正案讨论投票表决11:00—11:30 颁奖仪式闭幕式地点:网络楼报告厅会议准备一、会议资料准备(一)初步调研在确定本队所要模拟的国家之后,就可以开始正式准备会议所用的实质性数据了,首先就是要通过报刊、书籍、网络资源获取一个国家对某一个问题的立场观点。





























