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Solution for Control Traverse with Additional Gyro -s ide
Adjustment Based on Robust Total Least Squares
Si Yajun,He Yanlanr
(Jiansu Geologic Surveying and Institute , Nanjing 211102, China)
Abstract :Control network with additional gyro-side is useful for accuracy of underground traverse,traditional method for control traverse with additional gyro-side is to apply least squares estimation to compute parameters of model taking gyro azimuth and observation data of traverse as variables. However,the method based on least squares estimation can not take into account the fact that both observation vector and coefficient matrix have random error,and the work environment may lead that observation data has gross error which has influence on computing parameters of model. To overcome the shortage of traditional method,solution for control traverse based on total least squares is proposed in this paper. To take into account the condition that both observation vector and coefficient matrix of mathematical model have random er- ror,and to get over the influence that gross error existing in observation vector and coefficient matrix have,the iterative algorithm based on Lagrange function is presented to solve the problem,and Huber function is also applied to overcome the influence that gross error has on computing the parameters. At the last of paper,an instance of control traverse with gyro -side is used to demonstrate the proposed solution to be feasible,and differences of accuracy among the proposed solution and traditional algorithms are also discussed.
Key words : gyroscopic orientation ; control traverse; robust estimation ; total least squares
根据《辽宁省测绘科学技术进步奖评选办法》规定,辽宁省测绘地理信息学会开展了 2017年辽宁省测绘科学技术进 步奖评选工作。
按照《辽宁省测绘科学技术进步奖评选办法》规定,经初审、分组函审、专家评审会审定等程序,评选出 获奖项目61项,其中,一等奖18项,二等奖28项,三等奖15项。
此次获奖,充分肯定了沈阳市勘察测绘研究院在2017年取得的丰硕测绘地理信息成果,该院将以此为契机,逐步提 升自身科研及服务水平,在2018年奋进前行,再创佳绩!
(来源:http :///sykcy/,2018-03-20)。