σxy σyx σxz+dσxz σxz σyz σxy+dσxy σxx+dσxx σzx σ
dy σzz
Finite Element Method by G. R. Liu and S. S. Quek
Dynamic equilibrium equations Hence, equilibrium equation in x direction
Stress and strain Stresses at a point in a 3D solid:
σ xz = σ zx
σ zy = σ yz σ xy = σ yx
σyy σyz σyx
σzz σzx σxy σxz σxz σxy σzx σzz σzy σxx σyz σyy σyx
Dynamic equilibrium equations Equilibrium of forces in x direction including the inertia forces
(σ xx + dσ xx )dydz − σ xx dydz + (σ yx + dσ yx )dxdz − σ yx dxdz + (σ zx + dσ zx )dxdy − σ zx dxdy + fx
c11 =
Eν E(1−ν ) , c12 = (1− 2 )(1+ν ) ν (1− 2 )(1+ν ) ν
G= E 2(1+ν )
c11 − c12 =G , 2
Finite Element Method by G. R. Liu and S. S. Quek
美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 2 课文
Lesson 2 Who Are America‟s Hispanics ?The answers may surprise youBy Michael Barone1. As you walk around the Cisco Brothers, furniture factory in South Central Los Angeles, you‟d hardly guess that Francisco Pinedo is the boss. Short and slight[1], wearing jeans and speaking rapid-fire[2] Spanish to his workers, he seems younger than his 35 years. Pinedo came to the United States in 1976 from Jalisco, Mexico, a 13-year-old boy who spoke no English. He dropped out of the 1 1th grade to work for a furniture manufacturer to support his family. Later he and his wife, Alba, borrowed everything they could to buy a one-bedroom, no-windows house for $36,000.2. Today the Pinedos own Cisco Brothers which employs 115 and last year sold more than $9 million worth o f furniture to stores around the world. “Being American offers you almost every opportunity,” says Pinedo, who speaks English fluently and has applied for U.S. citizenship.3. His is one of the success stories written by what the Census Bureau[3] calls Hispanics: people of Latin American or Spanish origin. Whether recent immigrants or descendants of people who lived in the Southwest before the Pilgrims[4] came to America, they are all members of one of this country‟s most important ethnic groups—and one of the least understood. Consider these facts:4. The Census Bureau estimates that there are 28 million Hispanics in the United states today, ap¬proximately one in ten of us. That number is projected to reach 53 million in the year 2020, or one in six Americans. Most of that growth will not be because of immigration, legal or illegal, but will come from the natural increase among Hispanics already here.5. Like Fransisco Pinedo, most Hispanics come from humble backgrounds —many from unthinkable poverty. But the large majority are not poor or on welfare. Indeed, Hispanic men havea higher labor-force participation rate than the national average.6. Some Hispanics speak only Spanish —but the overwhelming majority growing up in the United States see English as their primary language.7. In recent years the public spotlight on America‟s Hispanics has often focused on drug crime, urban poverty and illegal immigration. But beyond these publicized problems are millions of ordinary, and many extraordinary, people. Who are they — and what will be their impact on the nation‟s future?8. The Ninth of 12 Children, Danny Villanueva grew up in California and Arizona border towns. His father was a minister and a supporter of Cesar Chavez‟s United Farm Workers. His diminutive[5] mother insisted that her sons raise themselves through athletics. After every game, win or lose, she would ask, “Did you give it all you had?[6]“9. Villanueva was, by his own description, “short, fat and slow—but nobody outworked me.” He became the kicker for the Los Angeles Rams[7], then helped found the Spanish-language Univision television network[8]. Today he is head of the nation‟s first Hispanic investment fund[9], its high-rise offices overlooking the mansions of Beverly Hills[10].10. Family ti es, like the strong partnership between Villanueva‟ s parents that gave him a future, re¬main important to today‟ s young Hispanics. Many of the men working in Francisco Pinedo‟ s factory, for instance, are about the same age as the characters on TV‟s “Seinfeld” or “Friends.” [11] But instead of hanging out[12] with contemporaries, most are married with children.11. According to the most recent statistics, 37 percent of Hispanic households are composed of two parents raising minor[13] children—as compared with 25 percent of non-Hispanic Americans. Divorce is significantly less common among Hispanics than among non-Hispanics.12. Sleepless in El Paso. As a boy, Cesar Viramontes crossed the Mexican border to El Paso, Texas, knowing no English. He dropped out of high school to work in a laundry. Then he and his wife saved enough money to buy a laundromat[14] When the fashion for prewashed[15] jeans started, the Viramontes family got into the business. Closing the laundromat at 10 p.m., they‟ d set the machines spinning with jeans from local manufacturers. Then they‟ d clean out the blue water and lint[16] before customers arrived at 7 a.m. All for 15 cents a pair.13. When did they rest? “We didn‟t,” says Cesar Viramonters. “You can sleep when you‟re 60.” Today the family owns International Garment Processors, which employs more than 750 workers at two large plants just outside El Paso. The company processes 50,000 garments a day for Levi Strauss[17] and other makers, and grosses [18] more than $30 million a year.14. America‟s Hispanics are known as hard workers. “Latinos[19] have a strong work ethic[20] and strong loyalty to employers,” says Jose de Jesus Legaspi, a real-estate developer who came to Los Angeles from Mexico as a teen-ager. Their attitude, he says, is: “I‟m asked to do this job, and 1 go and do it. If I need more money, I‟ll get an extra job.”15. Statistics back up Legaspi‟ s opinion: the percentage of Hispanic men in the labor force in 1996 was 80 percent, well above the U.S. average of 67 percent. And many are entrepreneurs: the number of Hispanic-owned businesses rose to 863,000 in 1992, with receipts of $77 billion.16. All Together Now. In 1994 (the last figures available)[21], Hispanic income per person was only 57 percent of the national average—reflecting low earnings by immigrants with little English and few marketable skills. But often several people in each family work, so average Hispanic household income was 73 percent of the U.S. average.17. This is one way immigrants work themselves up to the middle class. Mexican-born Elena Lomeli is a top assistant to Laurie Gates, a pottery designer whose work appears in leading department stores. Arriving here in 1969 at age 13 and knowing no English, Lomeli baby-sat and did housekeeping. Today sh e helps transform Gates‟ s designs into finished products. “I surprise myself every day by what we do here,” she says.18. The Language Crisis. When Miami lawyer Nicolas Gutierrez, Jr., was interviewed on Span¬ish-language television, his Cuban-born family called him later to “correct what 1 got wrong,”[22] he says. Although he grew up hearing Spanish at home, he spoke English in school, college and law school—and speaks it today in his business and personal life.19. Today, in many workplaces and with family and friends, Spanish is usually the choice for Hispanic immigrants. As a result, many critics of immigration worry that Hispanic America will become a separate, Spanish-language community.20. It‟s an old controversy, one that also raged early this cent ury when Italian, Polish and Jewish immigrants did not learn English. But the second generation did. And the experience of Nick Gutierrez and many others is reason to believe that things are no different today.21. Indeed, more than three-quarters of U.S.-born Hispanics have a solid command of English[23]. And in a 1996 poll conducted for the Center for Equal Opportunity, 51 percent of Hispanic parents said that learning to read, write and speak English was the most important goal of their children‟ s education; only 11 percent said the same of Spanish.22. Unfortunately, public schools—the great entryway to American success for the children ofearlier immigrants—have not served Hispanic students well. Part of the problem: the “experimental” bilingual educat ion programs started a generation ago. Technically voluntary[24], these programs enlist many Hispanic children regardless of parents‟ wishes. States such as California and Illinois can keep pupils in bilingual classes for five years. The effect is to hold back children from learning the English that they need and their parents desire.23. And because many Hispanic students are thus ill-prepared when they get to college, bilingual programs have even found a foothold there. Herman Badillo, a former New York City Congressman of Puerto Rican descent, spoke to one student from Hostos Community College, a bilingual branch of the City University of New York. The woman had failed a required English-proficiency test twice. “She couldn …t speak fluent English, and she‟d majored in gerontology and gotten a job in a nursing home,” Badillo said. “If she‟s working with elderly people who don‟t speak Spanish, it will be a calamity.”24. Clearly, reform of bilingual education programs is long overdue[25].25. Citizens Who Vote. Eighty years ago it was said that Italian immigrants would never be ab¬sorbed into mainstream society. Yet in time they became unequivocally American. Today, writes cultural critic John Leo[26], ” Hispanics are blending into the general population at l east as fast as earlier white ethnic groups did.”26. In the past two years Hispanics have become U.S. citizens at a record pace[27]. Already the largest ethnic minority, they will in time be the largest voting bloc—maybe even the majority—in several of our largest metropolitan areas. And competition for Hispanic votes is becoming as politically crucial as past battles for immigrants‟ votes.27. Texas and California, the nation‟s two largest states, with the two largest Hispanic populations, have already de veloped very different Hispanic politics. Hispanics in Texas‟ s Congressional delegation, for example, include a conservative Republican as well as both conservative and liberal Democrats. In California—with 54 electoral votes, 20 percent of those needed to win the Presidency—Hispanic voters tend to favor government-spending programs[28] and activism, positions that usually help liberal Democrats. But they are also likely to support capital punishment[29] and oppose abortion, views that help Republicans.28. In any event, the GOP[30] could pay a high price if it is perceived as engaging in immigrant-bashing[31]. In 1994, for example, one in four Hispanics voted for California‟s Proposition 187[32], which barred state aid to illegal immigrants. But many resented Republican Governor Pete Wilson‟ s ads for the measure, which they thought labeled all Hispanics as lazy. Two years later the Republicans‟ share of the Hispanic vote sharply declined.29. Whatever they may be in the future, Hispanic preferences and priorities are likely to strongly influence the direction of our politics and government. But it will be American politics.30. Consider Texas Congressman Silvestre Reyes. Growing up in a small Texas town, he learned English at school, served in Vietnam and then got a job with the Border Patrol[33]. In 1993 he devised Operation Hold the Line[34], which stationed agents at the border along the Rio Grande and vastly reduced the flow of illegal immigrants. In 1996 he was elected to Congress.31. A reporter once a sked him, “How do you guys celebrate independence day?”32. “With fireworks and a picnic,” Reyes replied.33. The writer was surprised. “I had no idea you celebrated the 16th of September [Mexico's independence day] that way,” he said.34. Reyes explained: “I‟m talking about the Fourth of July.”From Reader‟s Digest, January, 1998V. Analysis of Content1. Hispanics may refer to____________.A. Americans of Latin American or Spanish originB. recent immigrants to America from South AmericaC. descendants of people who lived in the Southwest before the Pilgrims came to AmericaD. immigrants from Spain2. From the article, we know that ___________A. the number of Hispanics will reach 53 million in 2020 because of increasing immigrationB. most Hispanics are poor and on welfareC. the employment rate of Hispanic men is higher than the national averageD. the Hispanics see Spanish as their primary language3. Which of the following statement is wrong ?A. Family ties remain important to today‟ s you ng Hispanics.B. All Hispanic men are likely to hang out with their contemporaries.C. Divorce among Hispanics is not so common as among non-Hispanics.D. Hispanic families are relatively stable.4. What‟s the effect of the “experimental” bilingual edu cation programs to Hispanic children?A. They can speak both Spanish and English fluently.B. It holds back children from learning the English that they need and their parents desire.C. It has well prepared Hispanic students.D. It helps the children to learn English.5. In 1996 the Republicans‟ share of the Hispanic vote sharply declined because___________A. Hispanics in California are against the Republicans‟ platformB. Hispanics in California are for liberal Democrats‟ platformC. California‟s Proposition 187 is unreasonableD. the Republican Governor Pete Wilson had bashed HispanicsVI. Questions on the Article1. Why does the author say one would hardly guess that Francisco Pinedo is the boss?2. In recent years, what have been the publicized problems with Hispanics?3. Can you tell how Cesar Viramontes succeeded in his business?4. Will Hispanic America become a separate, Spanish language community as many critics worry?5. Why is the competition for Hispanic votes becoming as politically crucial as past batties for immigrants‟ votes?VII. Topics for Discussion1. How do you interpret Pinedos‟ words “Being American offers you almost every opportunity”?2. Is bilingual education necessary for Hispanics?。
Powerpoint_Slides_to_Chapter_01 WITH NOTES
11. Understand how this book is organized
Its Nature and Purpose
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.
The Systems Model of Management
5. Explain the concepts of productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency
6. Describe the evoபைடு நூலகம்ution of management and some recent
contributions to management thought
Time Spent in Carrying Out Managerial Functions
Managerial Skills and the Organizational Hierarchy
The four skills for administrators are: Technical Human Conceptual Design skills
Productivity implies effectiveness and efficiency in individual and organizational performance Effectiveness is the achievement of objectives Efficiency is the achievement of the ends with the least amount of resources (time, money, etc.)
June 10, 2015
1 / 11
Consider a monopoly market. There are two types of consumers. A fraction λ is type 1 and the rest is type 2. The utility function of a type 1 consumer is θ i v ( qi ) pi where qi is the quality of a good and pi is the price. The cost of producing quality q is cq , c > 0.
Since θ 1 is indi¤erent between the two contracts and q2 > q1 , the single-crossing condition implies that θ 2 must prefer (q2 , p2 ) to ( q1 , p1 ) .
June 10, 2015
7 / 11
Basic Properties
If the participation constraint for θ 1 is satis…ed, so is θ 2 ’ s. This follows from θ 2 v ( q2 ) p2 θ 2 v ( q1 ) p1 0. θ 1 v ( q1 ) p1 .
Hence, qi such that θ i dv dq = c for i = 1, 2 and pi = θ i v (qi ). Illustrate with a diagram.
Fundamentals of Linux Operation System and ProgrammingPresenter : Yuan Dong , yuandong@Keywords : Linux ; Fundamentals ; ProgrammingTeach format : By English and ChineseAiming : Linux R&D software engineer, follow the step of international development work How to learn it well : more practise in your computer, exercise explanation every chapter, Linux serverExamination :Reference book :(1) My textbook based on my development experience(2)Using Linux , by Tackett, Jack.; Burnett, Steven Forrest. Indianapolis, Ind. Que, 1998.(3)Using Linux , by Ball, Bill. Indianapolis, Ind. Que, 1998.UNIX Operation SystemAn operating system is a special computer program (software) that controls the computer (hardware). The operating system serves as a connection between the consumers and the resources, often coordinating the allocation of limited resources among numerous consumers. The resources include, for example, the CPU, disks, memory, and printers and the consumers are running programs requiring, access to the resources. As an example, a user (or a program} requests to store a file on the disk, the operating system intervenes to manage the allocation of space on the disk, and the transfer of the information from memory to the disk.When a user requests program execution, the operating system must allocate space in memory to load and access the program. As the program executes, it is allowed access to the Central Processing Unit(CPU). In a time-sharing system, there are often several programs trying to access the CPU at the same time.The operating system controls how and when a program will have its turn in the CPU, similar to a policeman directing traffic in a complex intersection. The intersection is analogous to the CPU; there is only one available. Each road entering the intersection is like a program. Traffic from only one road can access the intersection at any one time, and the policeman specifies which road has access to the intersection, eventually giving all roads access through the intersection.History of the UNIX Operating SystemLate 1960s A T&T development of MULTICS1969 A T&T Bell Labs UNIX system startsEarly 1970s AT&T development of UNIX systemMid 1970s University of California at Berkeley (BSD) and other universities also research and develop UNIX systemEarly 1980s Commercial interest in UNIX systemDARPA interest in BSDLate 1980s Development of standardsOpen Software Foundation (OSF) foundedEarly 1990s POS1X, standardization of the interactive user interfaceThe UNIX operating system started at Bell Laboratories in 1969. Ken Thompson, supported by Rudd Canaday, Doug Mcllroy, Joe Ossana, and Dennis Ritchie, wrote a small general purpose time-sharing system which started to attract attention.When the UNIX operating system reached the University of California at Berkeley,the Berkeley users created their own version of the system. Supported by the Department of Defense, they incorporated many new features.AT&T recognized the potential of the operating system and started licensing the system commercially. To enhance their product, they united internal UNIX system development that was being completed in different departments within AT&T, and also started to incorporate enhancements that Berkeley had developed.Later success can be attributed to• A flexible user interface, and an operating environment that includes numerous utilities.• The modularity of the system design that allows new utilities to be added.• Capability to support multiple processes and multiple users concurrently.• DARP A support at Berkeley.• Standardization of the interface definition to promote application portability.Features of UNIXThe UNIX system provides a time-sharing operating system that controls the activities and resources of the computer, and an interactive ,flexible operating interface. It was designed to run multiple processes concurrently and support multiple users to facilitate the sharing of data between members of a project team. The operating environment was designed with a modular architecture at all levels. When installing the UNIX system, you only need install the pieces that are relevant to your operating needs, and omit the excess. For example, the UNIX system supplies a large collection of programdevelopment utilities, but if you are not doing program development you need only to install the minimal compiler. The user interface also effectively supports the modular philosophy. Commands that know nothing about each other can be easily combined through pipelines, to perform quite complex manipulations.The Operating SystemThe kernel is the operating system. It is responsible for managing the available resources and access to the hardware. The kernel contains modules for each hardware component that it interfaces with. These modules provide the functionality that allows programs access to the CPU, memory, disks, terminals, the network; and so forth. As new types of hardware are installed on the system, new modules can be incorporated into the kernel.The ShellThe shell is an interactive command interpreter. Commands are entered at the shell prompt, and acted upon as they are issued. A user communicates with the computer through the shell. The shell gathers the input the user enters at the keyboard and translates the command into a form the kernel can understand. Then the system will execute the command.You should notice that the shell is separate from the kernel. If you do not like the interface provided by the supplied shell, you can easily replace it with another shell.Many shells are currently available. Some are command driven and some provide a menu interface. The common shells that are supplied with the UNIX system include both a command interpreter and a programmable interface.There are four shells that are commonly available in the UNIX system environment. They are• Bourne Shell (/usr/old/bin/sh)—the original shell provided on AT&T based systems developed by Stephen Bourne at Bell Laboratories. It provides a UNIX system command interpreter and supports a programmable interface to develop shell programs, or scripts as they are commonly called. The programmable and interactive interfaces provide capabilities such as variable definition and substitution, variable and file testing, branching, and loops.• C Shell (/usr/bin/csh)—the shell developed at the University of California Berkeley by Bill Joy, and is provided on BSD-based systems. This shell was referred to as the California Shell, which was shortened to just the C Shell. It was considered an improvement over the Boirne Shell because it offered interactive features such as a command stack which allows simple recalling and editing of previously entered commands, and aliasing which provides personalized alternative names for existing commands.• Korn shell (/usr/bin/ksh)—is a more recent development from Bell Laboratories developed by David Korn. It can be considered an enhanced Bourne Shell because it supports the simple programmable interface of the Bourne Shell, but has the convenient interactive features of the C Shell. The code has also been optimized to provide a faster, more efficient shell.• POSIX Shell (/usr/bin/sh)—POSIX-conformant command programming language and command interpreter residing in file /usr/bin/sh. This shell is similar to the Korn shell in many respects; it provides a history mechanism, supports job control, and provides various other useful features.What is POSIX?The IEEE POSIX Standards are all currently entitledInformation Technology --Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) --Part xx: ....The original, trial-use, standard published in 1986 was actually called IEEE-IX (IEEE's version of UNIX). However, this was rapidly changed to POSIX in time for the second printing (also in 1986).The standard is heavily influenced by UNIX® -- and in the latest revision now merges with The Open Group's Base Specifications which comprise the coreof the Single UNIX Specification -- in the mid eighties there was a plethora of UNIX operating systems, most of which had names ending in X (e.g. HPUX, AIX, PNX, Xenix, etc), and that certainly influenced the naming decision.The following quote appears in the Introduction to POSIX.1: "The name POSIX was suggested by Richard Stallman. It is expected to be pronounced pahz-icks as in positive, not poh-six, or other variations. The pronounciation has been published in an attempt to promulgate a standardized way of referring to a standard operating system interface".More Features of UNIX• Hierarchical file system• Multi-tasking• Multi-userHierarchical File SystemInformation is stored on the disk in containers known as files. Every file is assigned a name, and a user accesses a file by referencing its name. Files normally contain data, text, programs, and so on. A UNIX system normally contains hundreds of files, so another container, the directory is provided that allows users to organize their files into logical groupings. In the UNIX system, a directory can be used to store files or other directories.The file system structure is very flexible, so if a user's organizational needs change, files and directories can be easily moved, renamed, or grouped into new or different directories through simple UNIX system commands. The file system, therefore, is like an electronic filing cabinet. It allows users to separate and organize their information into directories that are most appropriate for their environment and application.Multi-taskingIn the UNIX system several tasks can be performed at the same time. From a single terminal, a single user can execute several programs that all seem to be running simultaneously. This means that a user can edit a text file, while another file is being formatted, while yet another file is being printed.In actuality, the CPU can execute only one task at a time, but the UNIX operating system has thecapability to time-shareing the CPU between multiple processes that are scheduled to run at the same time. So, to the user, it appears that all programs are executing simultaneously.Multi-userMulti-user capability allows more than one user to log in and use the system at the same time. Multiple terminals and keyboards can be attached to the same computer. This is a natural extension of the multi-tasking capability. If the system can run multiple programs simultaneously, some of those multiple programs should be able to support other user sessions, In addition, a single user could log in multiple times to the same system through multiple terminals. A big advantage of this architecture is that members of a work group can have access to the same data at the same time, either from a development or a user viewpoint.Here are a few reasons why people are switching to Linux:• It's free. That is, Linux is a freely redistributable clone of the UNIX operating system (OS). You can get it free from someone who has it, or download it from an Internet site or a bulletin board system (BBS), or you can buy it at a reasonable price from a vendor who has packaged it (probably with added value) and who may also provide support services.What makes Linux so different is that it's a free implementation of UNIX. It was and still is developed by a group of volunteers, primarily on the Internet, who exchange code, report bugs, and fix problems in an open-ended environment. Anyone is welcome to join in the Linux development effort .• It's popular. It runs on the inexpensive Intel 386/486/Pentium PC architecture and supports a broad range of video cards, audio cards, CD-ROM drives, disk drives, and other devices.There are some very busy Internet newsgroups where Linux is discussed by an international community of users and developers, as well as email mailing lists .• It's powerful. You will be pleased to see how fast the system runs, even with many processes running and with multiple windows open. Linux makes excellent use of the hardware. Manycommercial operating systems (namely MSDOS) make little use of the advanced multitasking capabilities of the 80x86 processor. Linux is native to this architecture and uses them all. A Linux machine with a reasonably fast processor and a sufficient amount of RAM can perform as well, or better, than expensive UNIX workstations. Linux on a modest PC runs faster than many UNIX workstations.• It is of good quality, and runs high-quality software applications. Linux is being developed publicly with hundreds of programmers and users refining it, but with the individual vision and focus of its originator, Linus Torvalds.• It has full UNIX features. Linux is a true multi-user, multitasking operating system that supports multiple processors on some systems. It uses the X Window System graphical user interface (GUI) and offers several different easy-to-use, configurable window managers. Full networking support (TCP/IP, SLIP, PPP, UUCP, among others) is available.• It's highly compatible with MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows 95. You can install Linux along with other disk partitions that contain MS-DOS or other operating systems. Linux can directly access MS-DOS files from the floppy or hard drive. Linux does not run under MS-DOS, Windows, or any other operating system: it is completely independent of them, but features have been added to allow the separate systems to work together.• It is small. The basic OS will run on 2 MB of system memory, and a carefully configured system complete with GUI and window manager will run well on 4 MB. A good basic distribution will fit in 40 MB of disk storage. (If this seems like a lot of disk space, it's because Linux provides a lot of utilities.)• Full source code is freely available for Linux• It's supported. The biggest line of support is the Internet and its many thousands of Linux newsgroup participants, but you can also contract for support from an independent company or buy a supported version of Linux from one of its distributors.INTRODUCTION TO LINUXIn narrow technical terms, Linux is just the operating system kernel, offering the basic services of process scheduling, virtual memory, file management, and device I/O. In other words, Linux itself is the lowest-level part of the operating system. However, most people use the term "Linux" to refer to the complete system-the kernel along with the many applications that it runs: a complete development and work environment including compilers, editors, graphical interfaces, text processors, games, and more.Linux can turn any 386, 486, Pentium, or Pentium Pro PC into a workstation. It will give you the full power of UNIX at your fingertips.A Brief History of LinuxUNIX is one of the most popular operating systems worldwide because of its large support base and distribution. It was originally developed as a multitasking system for minicomputers and mainframes in the mid-1970s.The real reason for UNIX's popularity? Many hackers feel that UNIX is the Right Thing-the One True Operating System. Most versions of UNIX for personal computers are quite expensive and cumbersome.Linux is a freely distributable version of UNIX developed primarily by Linus Torvalds* at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linux was originally developed as a hobby project by Linus. It was inspired by Minix, a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum, and the first discussions about Linux were on the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.minix.Linux was developed with the help of many UNIX programmers and wizards across the Internet.Today, Linux is a complete UNIX clone, capable of running the X Window System, TCP/IP, Emacs, UUCP, mail and news software. Almost all major free software packages have been ported to Linux, and commercial software is becoming available. More hardware is supported than in original versions of the kernel. Who would have ever guessed that this "little" UNIX clone would have grown up to take on the entire world of personal computing?System FeaturesLinux is a complete multitasking, multi-user operating system (just like all other versions of UNIX). Linux also supports multi-processor systems (such as dual-Pentium motherboards).The Linux system is mostly compatible with a number of UNIX standards (inasmuch as UNIX has standards) on the source level, including IEEE POSIX.1, and BSD features.In order to increase the amount of available memory, Linux also implements disk paging: that is, up to 256 MB of swap spaceSoftware FeaturesBasic Commands and UtilitiesVirtually every utility you would expect to find on standard implementations of UNIX has been ported to Linux. This includes basic commands such as ls, awk, tr, sed, bc, more, and so on.Many text editors are available, including vi, GNU Emacs.One interesting note is that most of the basic Linux utilities are GNU software. These GNU utilities support advanced features not found in the standard versions from BSD or AT&T.Programming Languages and UtilitiesLinux provides a complete UNIX programming environment, including all of the standard libraries, programming tools, compilers, and debuggers that you would expect to find on other UNIX systems. Within the UNIX software development world, applications and systems programming is usually done in C or C++. The standard C and C++ compiler for Linux is GNU's gcc, which is an advanced, modern compiler supporting many options. It's also capable of compiling C++ (including AT&T 3.0 features) as well as Objective-C, another object-oriented dialect of C.Besides C and C++, many other compiled and interpreted programming languages have been ported to Linux, such as Smalltalk, FORTRAN, Pascal, LISP, Scheme, and Ada.The advanced gdb debugger has been ported, which allows you to step through a program to find bugs. Other tools include GNU make , used to manage compilation of large applicationsNetworkingLinux supports the two primary networking protocols for UNIX systems: TCP/IP and UUCP. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the set of networking paradigms that allow systems all over the world to communicate on a single network known as the Internet. With Linux, TCP/IP, and a connection to the network, you can communicate with users and machines across the Internet via electronic mail, Usenet news, file transfers with FTP, and more. There are many Linux systems currently on the Internet.How to get Linux operation systemLinux is free software, no single organization or entity is responsible for releasing and distributing the software. Anyone is free to put together and distribute the Linux software, as long as the restrictions of GPL ((General Public License,简称 GPL)。
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August 17, 2005
The 2005 Imperial Oil Summer Institute for Computer Studies Teachers
Presentation Outline
• Computer Engineering at UW • Computer Engineering Education Trends • UW Initiatives for Improving Computer Engineering Education • What Can You Do At Your School? • Conclusions
Computer Engineering: Education Trends and Initiatives The 2005 Imperial Oil Summer Institute for Computer Studies Teachers, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Computer Engineering: Education Trends and Initiatives The 2005 Imperial Oil Summer Institute for Computer Studies Teachers, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Third and Fourth Year
• In third and fourth year, the laboratory studies require substantial engineering analysis and design
– A few students are simply unable to make this transition – Critical thinking skills are essential
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Chapter 0: Introduction
• 0.1 The Role of Algorithms • 0.2 The Origins of Computing Machines • 0.3 The Science of Algorithms • 0.4 Abstraction • 0.5 An Outline of Our Study • 0.6 Social Repercussions
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Ethical Theories
• Consequence based: What leads to the greatest benefit?
• Duty based: What are my intrinsic obligations?
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Computer Science
• The science of algorithms • Draws from other subjects, including
– Mathematics – Engineering – Psychology – Business Administration – Psychology
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History of Algorithms
Lecture2中英文字幕Unit6 Go shoppingLecture2 Sales and promotionHello, everybody.大家好In this session we are going to focus on the main idea and structure of our text on p.78.这节课我们主要来讲解一下78页课文的大意及文章结构。
Do you know how to find out the main idea of an article?你们知道如何找出文章的大意么?Let’s watch a video clip to figure it out.让我们来看一段视频短片What have you learnt from the video clip?从这段视频中你们学到了什么?To find out the main idea, we should try to find the topic.想找出文章的大意我们应该先找到文章的主题Repeating words in the text can help us to find the topic.文章中重复出现的词有助于我们找出文章的主题Look! What are the repeating words in our text?看!这篇课文中重复出现的词是什么?As we can see technique and response are repeated many times in the text.正如我们所看到的,technique和response是课文中重复出现的词。
Response means the way to resist the techniques ,response在这篇文章中的意思是应对促销手段的方法so the main idea of the text is sales techniques and the ways to resist the techniques.所以这篇文章的大意就是促销手段和应对方法A sales technique is a selling method that is used by a sales person or sales team to make money and help sell more effectively.促销手段是销售人员或销售团队为了赚钱或卖出更多商品而采取的销售策略The way to resist the techniques means the way to fight against the sales techniques.应对方法是指应对这些促销手段的方法。
Lecture slides 4
• Remember:
– profit is not the same as cash, and cash is not the same as profit
Why do we need it?
• Statement of C/I is prepared using accruals concept • Without cash a business will fail • A business can be highly profitable but not survive due to lack of cash
• Current Ratio
Current Assets . Current Liabilities
• Quick Ratio = Current Assets– inventory Current Liabilities – the quick ratio is sometimes also called the ‘acid test’.
• Debt to Capital Employed = Non-current Liabilities Capital Employed
Capital employed = Equity + Non-current liabilities
Investor Ratios
Div Per Share 100% Market Price per Share – Note: You need market price to calculate this but it may not be available. • Dividend Cover = Profit for the year before ord dividend Ord Divs paid and approved • Interest Cover = Profit for the year before interest Annual interest charge • Dividend Yield =
Figure 1 8 .3 Dat a t ree for aSafeHom e c om ponent
Analysis Classes
Analysis classes are derived by examining each use-case A grammatical parse is used to identify candidate classes A UML class diagram is developed for each analysis class
Hale Waihona Puke 11Sequence Diagram
new cust o mer
:Product Component
:Billof Mat erials
FloorPlan Reposit ory
BoM Reposit ory
d e sc ri b e s ro o m * p l a c e s ro o m in f loor plan
The Interaction Model
Composed of four elements:
use-cases sequence diagrams state diagrams a user interface prototype Each of these is an important UML notation
Comprehensible—all stakeholders understand the purpose of the package Cohesive—the package addresses functions that are closely related to one another Loosely coupled—functions or classes within the package collaborate with one another, but collaboration outside the package are kept to a minimum. Hierarchically shallow—deep functional hierarchies are difficult to navigate and hard for end-users to understand; therefore, the number of levels within a use-case hierarchy should be minimized whenever possible.
Lecture 12 Slides
Stanford CS193pDeveloping Applications for iOS!Fall 2013-14AgendaCore Data!Storing your Model permanently in an object-oriented database.! Homework!Assignment 5 due Wednesday.!Final homework (Assignment 6) will be assigned Wednesday, due the next Wednesday.! Wednesday!Final Project Requirements!Core Data and UITableView!Core Data Demo!Next Week!Multitasking!Advanced Segueing!Map Kit?Core DataDatabase!Sometimes you need to store large amounts of data or query it in a sophisticated manner.! But we still want it to be object-oriented objects!!Enter Core Data!Object-oriented database.!Very, very powerful framework in iOS (we will only be covering the absolute basics).! It’s a way of creating an object graph backed by a database!Usually backed by SQL (but also can do XML or just in memory).!How does it work?!Create a visual mapping (using Xcode tool) between database and objects.Create and query for objects using object-oriented API.Access the “columns in the database table” using @property s on those objects.!Let’s get started by creating that visual map …Get started with Core Data! by creating a Data Model!using New File …ThisThis section.Don’t accidentally pick this one.template.Name of the Data Model! (the visual map between classes and database Entities).The Data Model file.!Sort of like a storyboard for databases.The Data Model consists of ...AttributesEntitiesRelationships… and Fetched Properties!(but we’re not going to talk about them).Click here to add an Entity.Then type its name here.!We’ll call this first Entity “Photo”.!It will represent a database entryabout a photo.Entities are analogous to “classes”.An Entity will appear in our code as anNSManagedObject (or subclass thereof).Now we will add some Attributes.! We’ll start with the photo’s title.! Click here to add an Attribute.Then edit the name of the Attribute here.We’ll call this Attribute “title”.Attributes are analogous to “properties”.Notice that we have an error.!That’s because our Attribute needs a type.Set the type of the title Attribute.!All Attributes are objects.!Numeric ones are NSNumber.!Boolean is also NSNumber.!Binary Data is NSData.!Date is NSDate.!String is NSString.! Don’t worry about Transformable.Attributes are accessed on our NSManagedObject s via the methods valueForKey: and setValue:forKey:.! Or we’ll also see how we can accessAttributes as @property s.No more error!Here are a whole bunchmore Attributes.You can see your Entities and Attributes ingraphical form by clicking here.This is the same thing we were just looking at, but in a graphical view.Let’s add another Entity.And set its name.A graphical version will appear.These can be dragged aroundand positioned around thecenter of the graph.Attributes can be added in the graphical editor too.We can edit the name of anattribute directly in this box …… or by bringing up the!Attributes Inspector …There are a number ofadvanced features you canset on an Attribute …… but we’re just goingto set its type.Similar to outlets and actions, we can ctrl-drag to create Relationships between Entities.A Relationship is analogous to a ! pointer to another object”! (or NSSet of other objects).From a Photo’s perspective,!this Relationship to a Photographer is“who took” the Photo …… so we’ll call the Relationship“whoT ook” on the Photo side.A Photographer can take manyPhotos, so we’ll call this Relationship“photos” on the Photographer side.See how Xcode notes the inverserelationship between photos and whoT ook.We also need to note that there can be many Photos per Photographer.The type of this Relationship in ourObjective-C code will be NSSet(since it is a “to many” Relationship).The type of this Relationship in ourObjective-C code will be anNSManagedObject (or a subclass thereof).The double arrow here means !a “to many” Relationship !(but only in this direction).The Delete Rule says what happens to the pointed to Photos if we delete this Photographer .Nullify means “set the whoT ook pointer to nil ”.Core DataThere are lots of other things you can do!But we are going to focus on creating Entities, Attributes and Relationships.!So how do you access all of this stuff in your code?!You need an NSManagedObjectContext.!It is the hub around which all Core Data activity turns.!How do I get one?!There are two ways ...!1. Create a UIManagedDocument and ask for its managedObjectContext (a @property).!2. Click the “Use Core Data” button when you create a project (only works with certain templates)! (then your AppDelegate will have a managedObjectContext@property).!If you study what the template (e.g. Master-Detail template) does, you’ll get an idea how it works.! We’re going to focus on doing the first one.UIManagedDocument!It inherits from UIDocument which provides a lot of mechanism for the management of storage.! If you use UIManagedDocument, you’ll be on the fast-track to iCloud support.!Think of a UIManagedDocument as simply a container for your Core Data database.! Creating a UIManagedDocumentNSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];NSURL *documentsDirectory = [[fileManager URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectoryinDomains:NSUserDomainMask] firstObject];! NSString *documentName = @“MyDocument”;NSURL *url = [documentsDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:documentName]; UIManagedDocument *document = [[UIManagedDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:url];This creates the UIManagedDocument instance, but does not open nor create the underlying file.How to open or create a UIManagedDocument!First, check to see if the UIManagedDocument’s underlying file exists on disk …!BOOL fileExists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[url path]];!… if it does, open the document using ...![document openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) { /* block to execute when open */}];!… if it does not, create the document using ...![document saveToURL:url // could (should?) use document.fileURL property hereforSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForCreatingcompetionHandler:^(BOOL success) {/* block to execute when create is done */}]; What is that completionHander?!Just a block of code to execute when the open/save completes.!That’s needed because the open/save is asynchronous (i.e. happens on its own queue).!Do not ignore this fact!Example!self.document = [[UIManagedDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:(URL *)url]; if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[url path]]) {[document openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {if (success) [self documentIsReady];if (!success) NSLog(@“couldn’t open document at %@”, url);}];} else {[document saveToURL:url forSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {if (success) [self documentIsReady];if (!success) NSLog(@“couldn’t create document at %@”, url);}];}// can’t do anything with the document yet (do it in documentIsReady).Once document is open/created, you can start using it!But you might want to check the documentState when you do ...!- (void)documentIsReady{if (self.document.documentState ==UIDocumentStateNormal) {// start using document}}Other documentState s!UIDocumentStateClosed (you haven’t done the open or create yet)! UIDocumentStateSavingError (success will be NO in completion handler)! UIDocumentStateEditingDisabled (temporary situation, try again)! UIDocumentStateInConflict (e.g., because some other device changed it via iCloud)!We don’t have time to address these (you can ignore in homework), but know that they exist.Okay, document is ready to use, now what?!Now you can get a managedObjectContext from it and use it to do Core Data stuff!!- (void)documentIsReady{if (self.document.documentState == UIDocumentStateNormal) { !NSManagedObjectContext *context = self.document.managedObjectContext;// start doing Core Data stuff with context}} !Okay, just a couple of more UIManagedDocument things before we start using that context …Saving the document!UIManagedDocument s AUTOSAVE themselves!!However, if, for some reason you wanted to manually save (asynchronous!) …![document saveToURL:document.fileURLforSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForOverwritingcompetionHandler:^(BOOL success) {/* block to execute when save is done */}];Note that this is almost identical to creation (just UIDocumentSaveForOverwriting is different).! This is a UIKit class and so this method must be called on the main queue.Closing the document!Will automatically close if there are no strong pointers left to it.!But you can explicitly close with (asynchronous!) …![self.document closeWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {if (!success) NSLog(@“failed to close document %@”, self.document.localizedName); }];!UIManagedDocument’s localizedName method …@property (strong) NSString *localizedName;// suitable for UI (but only valid once saved)Multiple instances of UIManagedDocument on the same document!This is perfectly legal, but understand that they will not share an NSManagedObjectContext.! Thus, changes in one will not automatically be reflected in the other.!!You’ll have to refetch in other UIManagedDocument s after you make a change in one.!!Conflicting changes in two different UIManagedDocument s would have to be resolved by you!! It’s exceedingly rare to have two “writing” instances of UIManagedDocument on the same file.! But a single writer and multiple readers? Less rare. But you need to know when to refetch.! !You can watch (via “radio station”) other documents’ managedObjectContext s (then refetch).! Or you can use a single UIManagedDocument instance (per actually document) throughout.How would you watch a document’s managedObjectContext?!- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{[super viewDidAppear:animated];[center addObserver:selfselector:@selector(contextChanged:)name:NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotificationobject:document.managedObjectContext]; // don’t pass nil here! }- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated{[center removeObserver:selfname:NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotificationobject:document.managedObjectContext];[super viewWillDisappear:animated];}NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification!- (void)contextChanged:(NSNotification *)notification{// The erInfo object is an NSDictionary with the following keys:NSInsertedObjectsKey// an array of objects which were insertedNSUpdatedObjectsKey// an array of objects whose attributes changedNSDeletedObjectsKey// an array of objects which were deleted}!Merging changes!If you get notified that another NSManagedObjectContext has changed your database …!… you can just refetch (if you haven’t changed anything in your NSMOC, for example).!… or you can use the NSManagedObjectContext method:!- (void)mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:(NSNotification*)notification;Okay, we have an NSManagedObjectContext, now what?!We grabbed it from an open UIManagedDocument’s managedObjectContext@property.!Now we use it to insert/delete objects in the database and query for objects in the database.Inserting objects into the database!NSManagedObjectContext *context = aDocument.managedObjectContext;NSManagedObject *photo =[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@“Photo”inManagedObjectContext:context];!Note that this NSEntityDescription class method returns an NSManagedObject instance.All objects in the database are represented by NSManagedObject s or subclasses thereof.!!An instance of NSManagedObject is a manifestation of an Entity in our Core Data Model*.! Attributes of a newly-inserted object will start out nil (unless you specify a default in Xcode).! !* i.e., the Data Model that we just graphically built in Xcode!!How to access Attributes in an NSManagedObject instance!You can access them using the following two NSKeyValueCoding protocol methods ...!- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key;!- (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key;!You can also use valueForKeyPath:/setValue:forKeyPath: and it will follow your Relationships!! The key is an Attribute name in your data mapping!For example, @“thumbnailURL” or @“title”.!The value is whatever is stored (or to be stored) in the database!It’ll be nil if nothing has been stored yet (unless Attribute has a default value in Xcode).!Note that all values are objects (numbers and booleans are NSNumber objects).!Binary data values are NSData objects.!Date values are NSDate objects.!“T o-many” mapped relationships are NSSet objects (or NSOrderedSet if ordered).!Non-“to-many” relationships are NSManagedObject s.Changes (writes) only happen in memory, until you save !Remember, UIManagedDocument autosaves.!When the document is saved, the context is saved and your changes get written to the database.! UIManagedDocumentDidSaveNotification will be “broadcast” at that point.!!Be careful during development where you press “Stop” in Xcode (sometimes autosave is pending).But calling valueForKey:/setValue:forKey: is pretty ugly!There’s no type-checking.And you have a lot of literal strings in your code (e.g. @“thumbnailURL”)!What we really want is to set/get using @propertys!!No problem ... we just create a subclass of NSManagedObject!The subclass will have @property s for each attribute in the database.We name our subclass the same name as the Entity it matches (not strictly required, but do it). !And, as you might imagine, we can get Xcode to generate both the header file @property entries, and the corresponding implementation code (which is not @synthesize, so watch out!).Select both Entities.! We’re going to have Xcode generate NSManagedObject subclasses for them for us.Ask Xcode to generate NSManagedObject subclasses for ourEntities.Which Data Models to!generate subclasses for! (we only have one Data Model).Which Entities to!generate subclasses for! (usually we choose all of them).Pick which group you want your new classes to be stored! (default is often one directory level higher, so watch out).This will make your @property s be scalars!(e.g. int instead of NSNumber *) where possible.! Be careful if one of your Attributes is an NSDate, you’ll end up with an NSTimeInterval@property.Here are the two subclasses of! NSManagedObject that were generated:! Photo.[mh] and Photographer.[mh]@property s generated for all of our Attributes!! Now we can use dot notation to access these in code.Depending on the order Xcode generated Photo andPhotographer, it might not have gotten whoTook’s type(Photographer *) right (it might say NSManagedObject *).!If that happens, just generate again.Inherits from NSManagedObject.Photographer also got someconvenient methods for! adding/removing photos that this Photographer has taken.。
remote sensing system
– aircraft, satellite
NASA/JPL SIR-C Education Program NASA/JPL SIR-C Education Program Sean M. Buckley – sean.buckley@
– you may use something other than C or Fortran for homework and projects, e.g., Matlab
– VV return will be stronger than HH return for vertically-oriented objects [Henderson and Lewis, p. 141]
im aging plane squint angle
C = I + jQ = Ae jψ where A = I 2 + Q 2 and ψ = tan −1 ( Q I )
– mixing gives in-phase & quadrature
pulse 1 sample N s -1 pulse 2 sample N s -1 pulse N p -1 sample N s -1 pulse N p sample N s -1
pulse 1 sample N s pulse 2 sample N s pulse N p -1 sample N s pulse N p sample N s
2 - listening materials transcript
Listening 2 – Teaching MaterialsPPT Teaching instructionsSlide 1 - IntroductionSlide 2 – Learning Goals<1mSs to read through the learning goals. Individually, or one by oneSlide 3 – Presentation #1 Dealing With Stress10m1. Each Student to give a 3 minute presentation regarding their understanding of AdvancedListening 1 – Lecture 2; Genes and Gene Therapy2. After the presentation the teacher is to ask at least 3 questions regarding the content.See teacher guide for list of possible questions, but of course, the teacher may usehis/her own questions pertaining to the content.Slide 4 – Tao Presentations2mSs to read through one by one. After several classes, students should be able to remember all 10 taos of presentationsSlide 5 – Presentation Analysis – Good Organization and LogicSs to read through words on slide.Ss to give one example per studentSlide 6 – Presentation Analysis – Good Organization and Logic - PREP5mAfter all animations are complete, Ss to present one simple idea using the PREP structure. E.g. Blue is the best color. The main reason is because it reminds us of the sky and this lets us relax when in difficult times, giving us a sense of calmness and serenity. Blue is definitely the best color.Slide 7 – Presentation Analysis – Good Organization and Logic - PREP<5mA single argument well made is generally more effective than many more points skimmed over.A second idea will demonstrate a depth to the argument.A third adds solidity and verification.The reason for the first point gives way to the second point. Because of the first explanation, you can give a reason for the second pointThe solidity of the third point is based on the explanation of the second point.Slide 8 – Listening Skill #1 (Review)<20m1. Introduce the first article. Students are to use their previous class’ skills of pre-listeningsecond article. Ss to brainstorm questions and answers, and possible expectedvocabulary about the ar ticle, having been given only the title of the article, ―Who gameme my hair color? My mother or my father?‖ (8)2. Listen to the presentation and make preparations for a 3 minute presentation (focusingon PREP organization: intro, body, summary) (10)3. Ss to give a presentationSlide 9 – Listening Skill #2 – Identify Main IdeasQuickly go through, saying that we will cover each in detail.Slide 10 – Listening Skill #2 – Discourse markersEach student to give two examples for each sentence (5)Slide 11 – Listening Skill #2 – Rhetorical questions<5mAsk students to explain, through guided questioning the meaning of rhetoric questions.(e.g. if you ask a question to your audience, do you always want them to answer your question? (no), so what is a rhetoric question?Each student to give 1 example of each, then make up one of their ownn.b. the included examples have included most question openings, with most modals. Ss should be able to create from this basic example infrastructureSlide 12- Listening Skill #2 – Repetition and pace<5mRepetition of word.Repetition of sentenceRepetition of statement.State your point. SlowlyState your point with a short pause before the key word(s) and a short pause after. Then repeat the point.Slide 13 – Listening Skill #2 - Visual Aids<5mStudents to comment on each type of visual aid in a Mini-presentation (30 seconds per presentation, zero preparation)Slide 14 – Tao of Presentations<1mA quick reminder for the students about the goal of the class before preparing the presentation. Slide 15 – Presentation #2Remainder of time1. Brainstorm questions, answers, vocabulary, Ss to use these sentences with discourseparker precursor. (5). Watch the article (what’s wrong with our food system?) on ce (5),making sure that students have had ample time to preview the article throughbrainstorming and question creation so that they may listen to the article more effectively.2. Prepare a 3 minute presentation focusing on a good organization and logic. (3)3. Give the presentation to the rest of the class. (5)1. make sure all students are stood up, giving the presentation to the class, notsitting down reading, or making the presentation in a conversational style.Slide 16 – SummarySlide 17 – EndLecture transcript:Dyned Advanced Listening Lecture 2Genes and Gene TherapyPart 1So now, I’ve been talking about genes and talking about genes. What is a gene? What do I mean by a gene? Well, here is that DNA, and, as you all know, it’s a double helix. And each DNA, as I said, is the place that all the information resides to build a living organism. How does it do this? Well, within the DNA there are words; there’s a code. And a section of this DNA is a gene. And this section of this DNA has the informa tion to say whether you’re brown-eyed or blue-eyed. It has the information to say whether you’re tall or short. It has the information to put your fingers at the end of your arm instead of coming out of your head. In fact, there’s a remarkable series of mutations in the simple housefly in which a single mutation caused the leg of a fly to come out of its head. A single change! So that this is all exquisitely controlled. You have genes that code for proteins that control things, and genes that code for proteins that are actually parts of you. So that, as we go through today, each of these will be explained in more detail, and you can see how this is a job in engineering. Also very important is understanding how this relates very much to what we know about something like cancer.What I have here is a picture of DNA, and it’s replicating DNA, which means you make a copy of each strand. Every time a cell in your body duplicates, you have to make an absolutely precise copy of that DNA. It’s critically important th at this happen. And in fact, it takes about three billion of these nucleotide letters to spell human being.When I told you that there was a code, this is what I have shown here. Each of these letters is called a base, and there are four of them in DNA. So we have four codes... four code letters that we can use. And the order of these bases – the letters – the order of these is what we read out. And the order of these bases codes for the information that gives you a specific kind of protein. Okay?Part 2Now, DNA has two jobs. The first job is to replicate, or copy itself extremely accurately. So as I said, there are three billion of these to spell human being. We can’t tolerate mistakes in the range of one in a million. That’s pretty amazing. The results wo uld be absolutely disastrous. Because of this... Because of this, the cell has the most exquisite mechanism for ―spell check.‖ It actually is able to scan the DNA that’s being copied for mistakes, and any mistake that happens is immediately fixed. Now, in this story lies one of the most surprising results that has happened only in the past five years in our understanding of one specific kind of cancer. Let me start by reminding you that we now know that cancer is a disease of our genes, and we can screw up our genes in many different ways. Colon cancer, it turns out, happens because in the colon you have rapidly replicating cells all the time, and what’s mutant –what’s wrong in a person who gets colon cancer –is that the spell check is screwed up. It can’t fix mistakes. So what happens is you get the accumulation of mistakes in DNA, and as you’re accumulating these mistakes in DNA, you screw up the control of growth, and you grow a tumor. Now this has been quite a remarkable result and I’ll come back to thi s again when I talk about breast cancer in much more detail. But this is actually a cause of cancer that results directly from the need to accurately copy DNA every time it divides.Part 3Now the other job of DNA is to give you new information, of course. So, we have to put a copy in each cell because that has to be read very carefully and very properly to give you theinstructions to have that cell do what it’s supposed to do. A liver cell does something different than an immune cell, does something different than a skin cell. And there has to be very careful controls that let you do all these things.Now, how do we understand this? What is the point of this gene? What is the point of the information transfer? And how do we in the laboratory manipulate these things to try to understand how this happens? Well, basically, here is a summary of what I’ve been telling you about? You have DNA. Within the DNA are these genes. Through a whole series of reactions in the cell, you wind up with specific proteins. Each gene contains the information for a specific protein.Part 4As you all know, cystic fibrosis is a very debilitating disease. It’s inherited. And children who contain the mutation in the gene... so a gene that is coding for something that you need to bec orrect to have proper lung function... A single gene. There’s a mutation in that single gene: that child can’t clear the lungs of mucus, and that’s because there isn’t correct transport of ions across the cells, and that’s not important. But it’s a single gene! A mistake in a single gene prevents these children from clearing mucus in their lungs. What happens when mucus builds up is that bacteria get trapped, infections occur, inflammation occurs, and these children rarely live more than into their twenties, sometimes a little longer.Well, just in the last few years, what happened was that the gene that has to be correct to not have cystic fibrosis was identified, mapped on the human genome, isolated, made more of, sequenced. You got ahold of the protein because you had tons of it. And it was determined exactly what this protein was and how it worked. Then, the correct gene was isolated, and this has now first been done successfully in rabbits who had the same thing, so that you had rabbits that couldn’t cle ar their lungs. The pure normal gene was isolated in bulk quantity and put back into the lungs of these rabbits, clearing their cystic fibrosis.This has now just begun with human children. So there is a way now... and this is... It’s going to take a while before this truly hits the clinics. It’s very much in experimental stages, but it’s happening. And there is a way now of taking the correct human gene, and one possibility is to put it in an aerosol in which the human gene is wrapped in a little fat gobulet. And you spray it in just like I do when I spray for my asthma. You spray it in. The gene in this fat globlet then travels to the bronchioles in the lungs, can combine with other cells. And there you have a gene making a normal product, and that normal product permits these kids to clear their lungs and live. This is gene therapy.Gene therapy, I want to stress, is at its infancy, because it can be used and will be used for an entirely new medicine in the 21st century. But I keep wanting to stress that we have a long way to go before this will be in the clinics. There are many problems with this and many ways of doing this, but, mark my words, it’s going to happen, and it’s happening already.Possible QuestionsLecture 2, Part 1What types of things do genes determine? Do you think genes have a role in determining ourpersonalities?Lecture 2, Part 2What do you think the second job of DNA will be?Lecture 2, Part 3What were the main points of Professor Shapiro’s summary at the end of Part 3?Lecture 2, Part 4How do you feel about gene therapy? What are some reasons why some people might oppose gene therapy?Would you consider gene therapy if you had cystic fibrosis? Would you consider being a test case for a new type of gene therapy?What do you think about the future of gene therapy? What do you know about the most recent advances in this area?Classroom ArticlesArticle 1 – TranscriptWho gave me brown hair? My mother, or my father?Generally speaking, you don't get "the" gene for a particular trait from either your mother or your father; you get (almost) all of your genes from both of them. When you combine that with the fact that most physical traits are governed by more than one gene, the interactions can get complicated.Here are the basics of how it works. This is a simplification, but explains a whole lot of how inherited traits like hair and eye color work, so listen carefully. Your genes are made up of pairs of bits of DNA. For each gene, there are a range of possible DNA sequences that exist in our species. All of these possible values are called alleles; in general terms, each allele is connected to some specific variation of a physical trait. Supposing that a single gene determined eye color, there would be an allele for blue eyes, an allele for hazel eyes, and soon (eye color is actually determined by more than one gene, but it's a good example to get an idea for what an allele is).For any gene, you have two alleles. They may be the same, or they may be different. Depending on the gene, and on the alleles, different things will happen if the alleles are the same or different. So-called dominant traits will show up if you have either allele for that trait; recessive traits will show up only if you have both alleles for that trait.Now, how do your parents figure into this? For every gene, you get one allele from your mother, and one from your father. Because you have the same number of genes as your parents, you have half of your mother's alleles, and half of your father's. It's basically random which ones you get, which is why your genetics is different from your siblings' -- they also have half of your mother's genes, just (probably) not the same half.On to the (simplified) specifics of hair color.The important thing here to remember is that there are only two genes that control hair color. The first is the brown/blond gene, which has the dominant brown allele and the recessive blond allele. The second hair color gene is the redness gene, where having reddish hair is a recessive trait.So, because you have blond hair that's not reddish, we can see that you yourself have at most one redness allele in your red hair gene. You might have none, or one of your parents might have been carrying the red hair gene around for generations. You might have redheaded children, or you might not.Because you have blond hair, and because blondness is a recessive trait, we know you have the blond allele for both of your blond/brown hair color alleles. Because both of them are the same, that means that both of your parents gave one to you -- you (and every other blond) gets your blond hair from both of your parents! They both have brown hair, which means they both have one brown and one blond allele; brown is dominant, so the blond allele doesn't get expressed in their hair color, but it does get passed on to you. Your mom's mom was blond, so she had both blond alleles, so she must have passed the blond allele on to your mother.You can see that the way this works is that brown hair will tend to win out over blond, but the blond alleles will stick around in families, and sometimes two of them will come together and make blond hair where everyone else is brown.(There's another set of genes that controls how dark your hair is; the more of these genes that carry the dominant 'dark hair' allele, the darker the hair will be).Article 2 – TranscriptWhat’s wrong with our food system?Hello. My name is Birke Baehr and I’m 11 years old. I came here today to talk about what’s wrong with our food system. First of all, I’d really like to say that I’m really amazed about how easily kids are led to believe all the marketing and advertising on TV, at public schools, and pretty much everywhere else you look.It seems to me that corporations are always trying to get kids like me to get their parents to buy stuff that really isn’t good for us or the planet. Little kids especially are attracted by colorful packaging and plastic toys. I must admit: I used to be one of them.I also used to think that all of our food came from these happy little farms where pigs rolled in mud and cows grazed on grass all day. What I discovered was this is not true. I began to look into this stuff on the internet, in books, in documentary films, in my travels with my family. I discovered the dark side of the industrialized food system.First, there’s genetically engineered seeds and organisms. That is when a seed is manipulated in a laboratory to do something not intended by nature, like taking the DNA of a fish and putting it into the DNA of a tomato. Yuck! Don’t get me wrong—I like fish and tomatoes, but this is just creepy.The seeds are then planted then grown. The food they produce have been proven to cause cancer and other problems in lab animals. And people have been eating food produced this way since the 1990s! Most folks don’t even know they exist.Did you know that rats that ate genetically engineered corn had developed signs of liver and kidney toxicity? These include kidney inflammation, lesions, and increased kidney weight. And yet almost all the corn we eat has been altered genetically in some way. And let me tell you: corn is in everything!And don’t even get me sta rted on the confined animal feeding operations called CAFOs. Conventional farmers use chemical fertilizers made from fossil fuels that they mix with the dirt to make plants grow. They do this because they have stripped all the soil of all the nutrients from growing the same crop over and over again.Next, more harmful chemicals are sprayed on fruits and vegetables—like pesticides and herbicides—to kill weeds and bugs. When it rains, these chemicals seep into the ground [and] are run off into our waterways, poisoning our water too!Then they irradiate our food, trying to make it last longer so it can travel thousands of miles from where it’s grown to the supermarkets.So I asked myself, ―How can I change? How can I change these things?‖ This is what I foundo ut: I discovered that there’s a movement for a better way.Now, a while back I wanted to be an NFL football player. I decided that I’d rather be an organic farmer instead. And that way, I can have a greater impact on the world.I learned about this guy named Joel Salatin. They call him a lunatic farmer because he grows against the system. Since I’m home schooled, I went to go hear him speak one day. This man, this lunatic farmer, doesn’t use any pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified seeds. And for that, he’s called crazy by the system.I want you to know that we can all make a difference. By making different choices, by buying our food directly from local farmers or neighbors who we know in real life. Some people say organic or local food is mor e expensive. But is it really? With all these things I’ve been learning about the food system, it seems to me that we can either pay the farmer or we can pay the hospital. I know definitely which one I would chose.I want you to know there are farms out there—like Bill Keener in Sequatchie Farms in Tennessee—whose cows do eat grass and whose pigs do roll in the mud just like I thought. Sometimes I go to Bill’s farm and volunteer so I can see up close and personal where the meat I eat comes from.I want you to know that I believe kids will eat fresh vegetables and good food if they knew more about it and where it really comes from. I want you to know there are farmers markets in every community popping up. I want you to know that me and my brother and sister actually like eating baked kale chips. I try to share this everywhere I go.Not too long ago my uncle said that he offered my six year old cousin cereal. He asked if he wanted organic toasted o’s or the sugar coated flakes—you know, the one with the big striped cartoon character on the front? My little cousin told his dad that he would rather have the organic toasted 0 cereal because Birke said he shouldn’t eat sparkly cereal.And that my friends is how we can make a difference: one kid at a time. So next t ime you’re at the grocery store, think local, choose organic, know your farmer, and know your food. Thank you.。
Windows Programming Concepts
• The nature of the interface between a user and a Windows application is such that a wide range of different inputs is usually possible at any given time.
• The responsibility is left to the programmer who must decide what use can and cannot be done on an application.
• To help the users with computer interaction, the operating system provides a series of objects called Windows controls
Windows Programming Concepts
• These user actions are received by the operating system in the first instance, and are all consider by Windows as events .
Windows API
• Windows Programming Concept
– GUI(Graphical User Interface) – Event - Driven Programs
Translation techniques
Teach students the basic translation techniques, such as literal translation, free translation, and adaptation
Context understandin g
English courseware PPT template
• Course Introduction • Basic English knowledge • Advanced English skills • Introduction to Cultural Background • Learning Strategies and Skills
Writing skills
Writing prompts
Structured writing
Provide thought provoking writing prompts that resource students to express their ideas clearly and coherently
Promote globalization and intercultural communication
Enhance cultural diversity and multiple learning
Previous cultural conflicts and misunderstanding s
Teaching method
Lecture method
Provide detailed explanations and examples of language rules and usage
Parentheses define sub-computations-complete these to get values before evaluating larger expression
- (2+3)*4 - 5*4 - 20
Operator precedence:
- In the absence of parentheses (within which expressions are first reduced), operators are executed left to right, first using **, then * and /, and then + and -
© 2014 中北大学软件学院
Page 1-12
Some simple examples
>>> 3 + 5
8 >>> 3.14 * 20
>>> (2 + 3)*4 20
>>> 2 + 3*4
© 2014 中北大学软件学院
Page 1-13
Performing simple operations
terms –
高级语言使用更多抽象的形式转换矩阵,计算函数 In a compiled language, those abstractions are converted back into low level instructions, then executed 编译类语言,那些抽象形式的语句就会先转换为低级指令,然后再 执行。
© 2014 中北大学软件学院 Page 1-6
Meaning of the Sentences
2 I worked full time, went to school full time, smoked, and lived off fast food and soft drinks.
Meaning: I had a full-time job and then studied as a fulltime student; I smoked and had fast food and soft drinks almost all the time.
Meaning of the Sentences
6 Studies show that overweight people who exercise have a lower death rate than “normal” weight people who do not.
than being thin. Studies show that overweight people who
exercise have a lower death rate than “normal” weight people
who do not.
Para. 2
Para. 3
Text B
People often justify their judgments about fat people by saying that people choose to be fat. Choose? Who would choose life as a fat person in this weight-obsessed culture? There are many false ideas about fat people in society: that all fat people have eating disorders or emotional or mental issues; that if they really wanted to lose weight they could.
• Value of a firm =
(1 r
(1 r
t1 (1 r )t
Ownership & Control
• Principal-agent problem
• Conflict that arises when goals of management (agent) do not match goals of owner (principal)
• Models reduce complexity by focusing only what is important
• Example: photo with all details (complex) versus map with only roads (simple model) to get from A to B
Chapter 1 Managers, Profits and
Managerial Economics & Theory
• Economic theory helps managers understand real-world business problems
• Uses simplifying assumptions to turn complexity into relative simplicity
• Owned by others & hired, rented, or leased
• Owner-supplied resources
• Owned & used by the firm
Flip-flops (触发器)
• Flip-flop: A circuit built from gates that can store one bit.
(触发器是由门所构造的可存储1个位的电路 ) – Has an input line which sets its stored value to 1 (它有一条将其存储值置为1的输入线) – Has an input line which sets its stored value to 0 (它有一条将其存储值置为0的输入线) – While both input lines are 0, the most recently stored value is preserved (当两条输入线同是0时,最近存储的值保持 )
Computer Scien源 教授
pyuanlin@ 信息学院 软件学院
College of Informatics & College of Software Technology
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
College of Software Technology, SCAU
01 -10
1 、上课认真听讲,并做好笔记,下课自学。培养 学习自觉性。有不懂的问题及时询问老师。
2 、功夫下在平时。考试前临时抱佛脚的学生,即 使及格,绩点也不会高。平时积累方能提高素质和能 力,“学习能力”是人最重要的一种能力。 3 、几乎所有课程都会有学生反映“进度太快”, 但这是大学教学不同于高中的特点。必须快速适应大 学的学习方式,跟上进度,不把事情留到第二天。
College of Software Technology, SCAU
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Changes in Comparative Advantage
o Thus far our analysis has assumed comparative advantage did not change. o However, if productivity changed at different rates, comparative advantage could shift from one nation to another.
Comparative Advantage - Example
The U.S. can produce twice as much wine as the U.K. but four times as much cloth. Therefore the U.S. should specialize in producing cloth while the U.K. specializes in producing wine.
Increasing Opportunity Costs
Absolute Advantage - Example
Since the U.S. can produce more cloth, we should produce cloth and trade it to the U.K. for wine, for which the U.K. has greater capacity.
Production Gains
o Without trade or specialization, world production is
80 autos and 120 bushels of wheat.
o If both nations specialized based on their
comparative advantages, world production would increase to 120 autos and 160 bushels of wheat.
for the U.S. and A to C for Canada or elsewhere along the Trading Possibilities Lines.
Distributing Gains from Trade
o comparative advantage => only outer limits for the terms of trade o based on domestic cost ratios o form no-trade boundaries and region of mutually beneficial trade
MRT (cont.)
In this graph the MRT equals 0.5 because wheat output falls by 20 when auto rises by 40
Basis for Trade
o The MRT or opportunity cost for each nation will indicate the direction of trade. o The MRT or opportunity cost can also indicate the potential gains from trade. o We begin with an assumption of constant opportunity costs. o Benefits will be measured in terms of both improved production and consumption.
Dynamic Gains from Trade
1) increased income leads to increased savings which leads to increased investment 2) greater options in supply chain 3) increased output level can lead to benefits from economies of scale 4) improved competition can lead to lower prices for consumers and a greater variety of products offered to consumers
Terms of Trade Estimates
export price index o terms of trade = × import price index 100 o prices of exports rise in relation to imports shows improvement o 2006 terms of trade data using 2000 as the base year
o popular from 1500-1800 in Europe o assumption that a trade surplus (exports > imports) would lead to a nation obtaining more gold which would lead to increased domestic production and employment o policy implication was for domestic government to limit trade through tariffs, import quotas, and other methods
Foundations of Modern Trade Theory: Comparative Advantage
Chapter 2
Copyright © 2009 South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Consumption Gains
o If the U.S. trades 60 autos for 60 bushels of wheat,
then consumption will increase in each country.
Consumption Gains (cont.)
Graphically consumption could increase from A to C
Absolute Advantage
o Adam Smith – Wealth of Nations o cost differences determine the patterns of international trade o based on natural and acquired resources o labor theory of value – amount of labor required determines the cost of any good o principle of absolute advantage – trade is beneficial when each country is a least cost producer of one of the goods being traded
Production Possibilities Schedule (PPS)
PPS - various combinations of two goods that a nation can produce using all available factor in Substitution (MRT)
Comparative Advantage
o David Ricardo o trade as mutually beneficial even if one country is more efficient than another o principle of comparative advantage – each nation should specialize in production of those goods for which it is relatively more efficient with a lower opportunity cost o not possible for one country to have a comparative advantage in everything
Equilibrium Terms of Trade
John Stuart Mill – Theory of Reciprocal Demand o terms of trade determined by the relative strength of each nation’s demand for the other nation’s product o nations of roughly equal size => gains from trade distributed roughly equally o one nation larger => smaller nation attains most of the gains from trade because trade occurs closer to the larger nation’s existing price ratio – “importance of being unimportant”
Price-Specie-Flow Doctrine
o David Hume o counter argument to mercantilism o trade surplus possible only in short run o inflow of gold or other form of wealth will lead to an increase in the price of domestic goods o higher prices for domestic goods will eventually lead to increased imports and decreased exports