
小蝌蚪找妈妈情景剧英语Little Tadpole Looking for Mom小蝌蚪找妈妈Act 1: By the pond, a group of tadpoles swim around, looking for their mother.第一幕:池塘边,一群小蝌蚪游来游去,寻找自己的妈妈。
Tadpoles (in unison): Mom, where are you?小蝌蚪(齐声):妈妈,你在哪里?(Suddenly, a small tadpole spotted a big frog)(突然,一只小蝌蚪发现了一只大青蛙)TadpolesA:Mom, we finally found you!小蝌蚪A:(妈妈,我们终于找到你了!)(小蝌蚪们游向大青蛙,却被大青蛙拒绝)big frog:I am not your mother. Your mother has two big eyes, a big mouth, four legs, and a tail.大青蛙:我不是你们的妈妈,你们的妈妈有两只大眼睛,一张大嘴巴,四条腿,一个尾巴。
(The tadpoles left disappointedly.)(小蝌蚪们失望地离开)Tadpoles (in unison): Mom, where are you?小蝌蚪(齐声):妈妈,你在哪里?Act 2: The tadpoles continue their search for their mother and suddenly come across a turtle.第二幕:小蝌蚪们继续寻找妈妈,突然发现了一只乌龟。
Little Tadpole B: Mom, we finally found you!小蝌蚪B:妈妈,我们终于找到你了!(The tadpoles swim towards the turtle)(小蝌蚪们游向乌龟)Turtle: I am not your mother. Your mother has two big eyes, a big mouth, four legs, and a tail.乌龟:我不是你们的妈妈,你们的妈妈有两只大眼睛,一张大嘴巴,四条腿,一个尾巴。


幼儿园情景剧《小蝌蚪找妈妈》 幼儿园情景剧


英文情景剧《小蝌蚪找妈妈》The Tadpoles Look for their Mommy

The Tadpoles Look for their Mommy蝌蚪:Today is nice day, I want to go outside to play. “What a nice day! What fresh air I like sunny day”.鸭子:Mommy, I am here, come and catch me , I am here! 蝌蚪:Everyone has a mommy , but who is my mommy , who is my mommy ,I want my mommy , I will look for my mommy.蝌蚪:Are you my mommy?鸭子:No , I am not your mommy ,I am a duck , I am little duckl ings’ mommy.蝌蚪:Do you know my mommy? What does my mommy look like?鸭子:Your mommy’s name is Fr og. Your mommy has two big eyes and one big mouth.蝌蚪:I see . Thanks you. I will go and look for my mommy, See you later.蝌蚪:(遇见一只金鱼)She has two big eyes and one big mouth. She is my mommy. mommy, mommy.金鱼:No, I am not your mommy, I am a fish, I am little fish’s mommy.蝌蚪:Do you know my mommy ?what does she look like ?金鱼:Your mommy’s name is Fr og, She has a big white belly.蝌蚪:Thank you, I will go and look for my mommy , see you later.蝌蚪:(遇到一只螃蟹)She has big and white belly , she is my mommy, mommy mommy螃蟹:No, I am not your mommy ,I am a crab ,I am a little crab’s mommy.蝌蚪:Do you know my mommy ?what does my mommy look like ?螃蟹:Your mommy’s name is Frog ,she has four legs and green back.蝌蚪:Thank you ,I see, see you later.蝌蚪:(遇到青蛙)She has two big eyes ,one big mouth, big andwhite belly, four legs and green back, she is my mommy ,mommy ,mommy ,you are my mommy.青蛙:Yes, My dear baby, You are my baby, I am your mommy, come on, please.蝌蚪:Mommy ,mommy ,I love you演唱歌曲《I love you mommy》《when someone smiles》。


英语短剧台词小蝌蚪找妈妈英语短剧小蝌蚪找妈妈The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈This is a big and nice pool. The water is clean and the lotuses are beautiful. One morning, some butterflies and dragonflies are flying over the pool.Butterflies:Hello!Dragonflies: Hi!Mothers: Be careful! Have a good day! Goodbye!Bs/ Ds:Bye, Mom!( 两只小蝴蝶与两只小蜻蜓一起跟着音乐飞来飞去、玩耍)At the corner, some little tadpoles are sleeping.T1(伸懒腰,侧耳倾听)isten! Listen! So noisy. Let’s go and see.T2:OK. Wow! A new world! How nice!Bs/Ds: Good morning.Ts:Good morning. Who are you?Bs:We’re butterflies.Ds:We’re dragonflies. Who are you?Ts:We’re little tadpoles. Let’s be friends.Bs/Ds: All right. Let’s sing and dance.Ts: OK.(小蝌蚪、蝴蝶、蜻蜓边唱“Ten Little Good Friends”边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈和蜻蜓妈妈过来了)Ms: My darling!Bs/Ds: Mummy! Mummy! These are little tadpoles, our new friends.Ms: Nice to meet you.Ts:Nice to meet you.Ms: Darling, are you hungry?Bs/Ds: Yes, yes, we are hungry.Ms: Let’s go home.Bs/Ds: OK. Goodbye, little tadpoles.Ts: Bye!The little tadpoles are swimming in thepool. They’re sad now.------[hide=-1]T3(哭泣): Where’s our mummy?T1: Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Let’s go and look for her.(鱼出场)Ts: Mummy! Mummy!F: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T4: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?F: No, I’m not.T4: Where’s my Mummy?F: Sorry, I don’t know.(鸭子出场)D: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T5: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?D: No, I’m not.T5: Where’s my Mummy?D: Your mummy has four legs. You can go there and look for her.(乌龟出场)Tor: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T6: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?Tor: No, I’m not your Mummy. Your Mummy is green. She’s over there.(青蛙出场)Ts: Mummy! Mummy!M: Here I am! Here I am!Ts: Mummy! Mummy! We miss you.M: Honey, I miss you, too. Let’s swim together, Honey.Ts: We love you, Mummy. Let’s go.(青蛙妈妈带领小蝌蚪们离开)英语短剧小蝌蚪找妈妈The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈This is a big and nice pool. The water is clean and the lotuses are beautiful. One morning, some butterflies and dragonflies are flying over the pool.Butterflies:Hello!Dragonflies: Hi!Mothers: Be careful! Have a good day! Goodbye!Bs/ Ds:Bye, Mom!( 两只小蝴蝶与两只小蜻蜓一起跟着音乐飞来飞去、玩耍)At the corner, some little tadpoles are sleeping.T1(伸懒腰,侧耳倾听)isten! Listen! So noisy. Let’s go and see.T2:OK. Wow! A new world! How nice!Bs/Ds: Good morning.Ts:Good morning. Who are you?Bs:We’re butterflies.Ds:We’re dragonflies. Who are you?Ts:We’re little tadpoles. Let’s be friends.Bs/Ds: All right. Let’s sing and dance.Ts: OK.(小蝌蚪、蝴蝶、蜻蜓边唱“Ten Little Good Friends”边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈和蜻蜓妈妈过来了)Ms: My darling!Bs/Ds: Mummy! Mummy! These are little tadpoles, our new friends.Ms: Nice to meet you.Ts:Nice to meet you.Ms: Darling, are you hungry?Bs/Ds: Yes, yes, we are hungry.Ms: Let’s go home.Bs/Ds: OK. Goodbye, little tadpoles.Ts: Bye!The little tadpoles are swimming in the pool. They’re sad now.------[hide=-1]T3(哭泣): Where’s our mummy?T1: Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Let’s go and look for her.(鱼出场)Ts: Mummy! Mummy!F: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T4: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?F: No, I’m not.T4: Where’s my Mummy?F: Sorry, I don’t know.(鸭子出场)D: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T5: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?D: No, I’m not.T5: Where’s my Mummy?D: Your mummy has four legs. You can go there and look for her.(乌龟出场)Tor: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T6: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?Tor: No, I’m not your Mummy. Your Mummy is green. She’s over there.(青蛙出场)Ts: Mummy! Mummy!M: Here I am! Here I am!Ts: Mummy! Mummy! We miss you.M: Honey, I miss you, too. Let’s swim together, Honey.Ts: We love you, Mummy. Let’s go.(青蛙妈妈带领小蝌蚪们离开)英语短剧小蝌蚪找妈妈The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈This is a big and nice pool. The water is clean and the lotuses are beautiful. One morning, some butterflies and dragonflies are flying over the pool.Butterflies:Hello!Dragonflies: Hi!Mothers: Be careful! Have a good day! Goodbye!Bs/ Ds:Bye, Mom!( 两只小蝴蝶与两只小蜻蜓一起跟着音乐飞来飞去、玩耍)At the corner, some little tadpoles are sleeping.T1(伸懒腰,侧耳倾听)isten! Listen! So noisy. Let’s go and see.T2:OK. Wow! A new world! How nice!Bs/Ds: Good morning.Ts:Good morning. Who are you?Bs:We’re butterflies.Ds:We’re dragonflies. Who are you?Ts:We’re little tadpoles. Let’s be friends.Bs/Ds: All right. Let’s sing and dance.Ts: OK.(小蝌蚪、蝴蝶、蜻蜓边唱“Ten Little Good Friends”边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈和蜻蜓妈妈过来了)Ms: My darling!Bs/Ds: Mummy! Mummy! These are little tadpoles, our new friends.Ms: Nice to meet you.Ts:Nice to meet you.Ms: Darling, are you hungry?Bs/Ds: Yes, yes, we are hungry.Ms: Let’s go home.Bs/Ds: OK. Goodbye, little tadpoles.Ts: Bye!The little tadpoles are swimming in thepool. They’re sad now.------[hide=-1]T3(哭泣): Where’s our mummy?T1: Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Let’s go and look for her.(鱼出场)Ts: Mummy! Mummy!F: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T4: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?F: No, I’m not.T4: Where’s my Mummy?F: Sorry, I don’t know.(鸭子出场)D: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T5: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?D: No, I’m not.T5: Where’s my Mummy?D: Your mummy has four legs. You can go there and look for her.(乌龟出场)Tor: Good morning, Little Tadpoles.T6: Good morning, Madam. Are you my Mummy?Tor: No, I’m not your Mummy. Your Mummy is green. She’s over there.(青蛙出场)Ts: Mummy! Mummy!M: Here I am! Here I am!Ts: Mummy! Mummy! We miss you.M: Honey, I miss you, too. Let’s swim together, Honey.Ts: We love you, Mummy. Let’s go.(青蛙妈妈带领小蝌蚪们离开)11文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.。

1. 教学目标:(1)学习英语童话《小蝌蚪找妈妈》的基本故事情节。
2. 教学内容:(1)学习单词:frog(蛤蟆)、mother(母亲)、pond(池塘)、river(河流)、snake(蛇)、bird(鸟)、duck(鸭子)、turtle(乌龟)(2)学习句型:1. Look, there's a frog in the pond.(看,池塘里有只青蛙。
)2. Little frog: Excuse me, have you seen my mother?(小蝌蚪:请问,您见过我的妈妈吗?)3. Snake: What does your mother look like?(蛇:你的妈妈长什么样?)4. Bird: Your mother doesn't look like a snake or a bird.(鸟:你妈妈不像蛇或鸟。
)5. Duck: Your mother doesn't look like a duck.(鸭子:你妈妈不像鸭子。
)6. Turtle: Your mother looks like...you!(乌龟:你的妈妈长得像……你!)7. Little frog: Yes, my mother looks like me.(小蝌蚪:是的,我的妈妈长得像我。
)3. 教学步骤:(1)导入活动:与学生一起观看有关青蛙和池塘的视频,引出话题。

The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother小蝌蚪找妈妈【英语剧本】这是一个又大又漂亮的池塘。
( 两只小蝴蝶出场,飞来飞去、玩耍。
)小蝌蚪们:(小蝌蚪伸懒腰,蝴蝶们把小蝌蚪吵醒了,小蝌蚪侧耳倾听,)L isten! Listen! Let’s go and see.小蝌蚪2:OK. Wow! How nice! (看到外面的世界很漂亮)小蝴蝶们: Good morning.小蝌蚪1: Good morning. Who are you? (你是谁啊?)小蝴蝶们: We’re butterflies. Who are you?小蝌蚪2: We’re little tadpoles. How are you?小蝴蝶们: Fine. Thank you! Let’s sing and dance.(让我们一起唱歌和跳舞吧)小蝌蚪们: OK.(小蝌蚪、蝴蝶边唱“How are you” 边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈过来了)蝴蝶妈妈: Oh, My babies!小蝴蝶们: Mummy! Mummy! They are little tadpoles.(介绍他们是小蝌蚪)蝴蝶妈妈: Nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你们)小蝌蚪们: Nice to meet you, too.蝴蝶妈妈: My babies, are you hungry?(宝贝,你们饿了吗?)小蝴蝶们: Yes, yes, we are hungry.(摸摸肚子,很饿)蝴蝶妈妈: Let’s go home.(我们回家吧)小蝴蝶们: OK. Goodbye, little tadpoles.(蝴蝶妈妈带着小蝴蝶们飞回家)小蝌蚪们: Goodbye.(小蝌蚪在荷叶下游涞游去,他们现在很难过)小蝌蚪3(哭泣): Wu------ Where’s mummy?小蝌蚪1: Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Let’s go and look for her.(别哭,别哭。
英语剧本 小蝌蚪找妈妈

小蝌蚪找妈妈(Tadpoles=T Duck=D Ducklings=d Goldfish=G Turtle=Tu Frog=F)入场:唱歌We’re little tadpoles, swimming in the water. I have a black coat.I have a big head. I have a long tail. We’re happy!我们是小蝌蚪,在水里游泳。
d: Mummy, mummy, we’re hungry.小鸭子:妈妈,妈妈,我们饿了。
D: Let’s go home and eat.鸭子妈妈:我们回家吃东西吧。
Song: <Yummy. Yummy>唱歌:<Yummy. Yummy>T1: Look, mummy. That’s good.小蝌蚪1:你看,我们的妈妈,真好!T: Mummy, mummy.蝌蚪们:妈妈,妈妈。
D: I’m not your mummy. Your mummy has bi g eyes.鸭妈妈:我不是你们的妈妈,你们的妈妈眼睛大大的。
T1: Oh, thank you. Bye-bye. Let’s find our mummy.小蝌蚪1:哦,谢谢。
T: Looking, looking for mummy. Where is my mummy? Mummy has big eyes. Where is my mummy?蝌蚪们:找妈妈,找妈妈。
妈妈在哪里/G: I’m a goldfish. I hav e big eyes.金鱼:我是条金鱼,我有大大的眼睛。
T1: Look, look. She has big eyes. She is our mummy. T: Yes.小蝌蚪1:你看,你看,他有大大的眼睛。
儿童英语剧本:小蝌蚪找妈妈,Little Tadpoles

完整英语 版剧本
Tadpoles : Mummy Mummy! ● Turtle : Oh, no, I’m not your mummy .Your mummy has four legs Tadpoles : Where is our mummy? ● Turtle : Over there. Tadpoles : Thank you! Goodbye!
Little Tadpoles
little tadpoles
there are a lot of baby tadpoles swimming in the pool happily.
One day, the baby tadpoles saw a lot of small ducks playing games with their mother freely. So they decided to look for their own mother.
● Frog: I’m tadpole’s mummy, I heared my babies are looking for me,where is my babies? Tadpoles :look! big eyes ,a big tummy, four legs and green back. She’s our mummy. ● Frog : YES, come on baby. T: Why we look difference? Why? ● Frog : My dear, you are young now,as time goes by. You will look like me. Tadpoles 1 : Really? Tadpoles 2: YES! She is your mummy! Tadpoles : Mummy! mummy!

加盟故事部落少儿英语培训:幼儿园英语童话剧本:《小蝌蚪找妈妈》幼儿园要举办英语成果展示会,英语童话剧也被排上了节目单,其中,小蝌蚪找妈妈的英语童话剧就是一个十分不错的题材,让幼儿从童话剧中知道自己在慢慢长大……童话剧《Little T adpoles Looking For Their Mommy小蝌蚪找妈妈》人物:小蝌蚪、青蛙妈妈、小鸭、鸭妈妈、小鱼、鱼妈妈、螃蟹、螃蟹妈妈、小乌龟、乌龟妈妈背景:春天的小池塘里,河面上漂着荷叶、水草,河边的柳树迎风飘舞T——T adpole 小蝌蚪D——小鸭、鸭妈妈G——小金鱼、金鱼妈妈C——螃蟹、螃蟹妈妈Turtle——乌龟、乌龟妈妈(Spring comes.The little tadpoles are missing their ommy .)T: We are little tadpoles. Who is our mommy Where is our mommy他们游向鸭妈妈、D: Quack! Quack! Quack! I am a duck.T: Mommy! Mommy!D: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am duckling’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy Where is our mommyD: Your mommy is frog. She has two big eyes.T: Thank you ! See you !"他们游啊游,看见了小金鱼和金鱼妈妈、G: Swim. Swim. Swim. I am a goldfish.T: Mommy! Mommy!G: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am goldfish’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy Where is our mommyG: Your mommy is frog . She has a white belly.T: Thank you ! See you !" 他们游啊游,看见了小螃蟹和螃蟹妈妈C: Cut. Cut. Cut. I am a crab.T: Mommy! Mommy!C: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am crab’s mommy.T: Oh, who is our mommy Where is our mommyC: Your mommy is frog . She has four legs.T: Thanks ! Goodbye !"他们游啊游,看见了小乌龟和乌龟妈妈、Turtle: Swim. Swim. Swim. I am a turtle.T: Mommy! Mommy!Turtle: I’m sorry. I’m not your mommy. I am turtle’s mommy. T: Oh, who is our mommy Where is our mommyTurtle: Your mommy is frog . She has a green back..T: Thanks ! Goodbye ! (一只青蛙向小蝌蚪游来)T1: Two big eyes!T2:White belly!T3: Four legs.!T4: Green back!T: Mommy! Mommy!F: Oh, my dear babies. You come! I love you.T: I love you, too! Mommy!。

话剧:小蝌蚪找妈妈第一幕:旁白:Spring comes, there are a lot of baby tadpoles swimming in the pool happily.One day, the baby tadpoles saw a lot of small ducks playing games with their mother freely. So they decided to look for their own mother.蝌蚪1:Look, they are so happy.蝌蚪2:let’s look for our mother,OK?蝌蚪全部:OK!蝌蚪3:But, where is our mother?蝌蚪4:let’s go ask Mother Duck.蝌蚪全部:Mother Duck! Mother Duck!蝌蚪1:Have you seen our Mummy?蝌蚪5:What does she looks like?鸭妈妈:Your mother has a big mouth and two big round eyes.蝌蚪全部:Thank you! Bye!第二幕:旁白:The baby tadpoles swam away. At this time, they saw a big fish with two big round eyes.蝌蚪1:Look, she must be our Mummy. Because she has two big eyes.蝌蚪全部:Mummy, Mummy, Mummy!大鱼妈妈:I am not your mother. Your mother has four legs.蝌蚪全部:Oh, thank you!第三幕:旁白:Baby tadpoles swam and swam..Woo, they saw a big tortoise with four legs were coming.蝌蚪1:Look, she has four legs. She must be our mother!蝌蚪全部:Mummy, Mummy, Mummy!乌龟妈妈:Hehe, I am not your mother. Your mother has a white stomach. 蝌蚪全部:O! Thank you! Bye bye!第四幕:旁白:Baby tadpoles were a little sad,but they didn’t give up. They went on. After a while, they saw a white geese.蝌蚪1:Look! She has a white stomach. She must be our Mummy!蝌蚪全部:Mummy, Mummy, Mummy!白天鹅妈妈:I’m sorry! I am not your mother. Your mother has greenclothes. And she can sing “gua gua gua”.蝌蚪全部:oh, thank you!第五幕:旁白:then , Baby tadpoles swam away once again. Suddenly, they saw a frog singing “gua gua gua” on the lotus leaf.蝌蚪1:Hello, Have you seen our mummy?青蛙妈妈:I am your mother! Don’t you know me?蝌蚪3: But why aren’t we look alike?青蛙妈妈:Oh, my dear! Because you are too young. You’ll look like me when you grow up.蝌蚪4: Really?青蛙妈妈:YES!蝌蚪全部: Mummy, Mummy, Mummy!蝌蚪5:Mummy, we are so happy!蝌蚪1:Let’s sing a song, OK?蝌蚪全部: Twinkle, twinkle, little star!How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high!Like a diamond in the sky!所有小朋友都上台:Twinkle, twinkle, little star!How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high!Like a diamond in the sky!所有小朋友都上台:Thank you!(全体下台)。

英语小短剧<小蝌蚪找妈妈>剧本The Little Tadpole [ˈtædpəul] Looking for Her Mother播放背景音乐:旁白:This is a big and nice pool. The water is clean and the lotuses[ˈləutəs] are beautiful. One morning, two butterflies are flying over the pool. 蝴蝶出场:随着背景音乐起舞Butterfly:mommy,today is a nice day,let’s go to play.OK?Butterfly’s Mother: OK!Be careful!Have a good day! Bye-bye!Butterfly: Bye-bye, Mommy!(小蝴蝶随着音乐的节奏飞来飞去)旁白:At the corner, some little tadpoles are sleeping.背景音乐结束T1(伸懒腰,侧耳倾听)Ts:Listen! So noisy. Let’s go and see.Ts(倾听): Wow! A new world! How nice!B: Good morning.Ts: Good morning. Who are you?B: I’m butterfly. Who are you?Ts: We are little tadpoles.Let’s be friends.B: All right.Let’s sing and dance. OK?Ts: OK!(music.song14---Colors/34小蝌蚪、蝴蝶跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈过来了) Butterfly’ Mother: Oh! My darling!B: Mummy! Mummy! They are little tadpoles, my new friends.Butterfly’ Mother: Nice to meet you.T:Nice to meet you,too.Ms: Oh ! my Darling, are you hungry?B: Yes, yes, I’m hungry.Ms:OK! Let’s go home.T:Oh!Do you know Where’s my mommy? `Butterfly’s Mother:Sorry,I don’t know.But I know your mommy have two big eyes.T:OK.Thank you!Goodbye!B: Goodbye.(蝴蝶妈妈把小蝴蝶们带走了。

小蝌蚪找妈妈的英语作文The Journey of a Tadpole to Find Its Mother.In a quiet pond, filled with the sounds of rippling water and the songs of frogs, a tiny tadpole woke up to the wonders of the world. It was a warm summer day, and the sun cast its gentle rays on the surface of the pond, sparkling like diamonds. The tadpole, with its large, black eyes and transparent body, looked around curiously, eager to explore its surroundings.Unlike other tadpoles, this one had a special mission – to find its mother. It remembered the brief moment when it had been released from the warmth of its mother's embrace, a fleeting touch that was now a distant memory. With a sense of determination, the tadpole began its journey.The pond was a bustling ecosystem, teeming with life. There were other tadpoles swimming around, some frolickingin the shallows, others busy grazing on algae. The tadpole observed them for a while, learning from their behaviors.It learned to forage for food, to avoid predators, and to navigate the pond's currents.As days passed, the tadpole grew stronger and more confident. It ventured further from the shore, into deeper waters where the algae were richer and the predators more cunning. Each encounter was a learning experience, and the tadpole emerged stronger and wiser.One day, while grazing near a cluster of reeds, the tadpole saw a frog sitting on a lily pad. Its skin was the same shade of green as the reeds, and its eyes were fixed on the horizon. The tadpole felt a familiar pull towards this frog, a feeling that was deeper than curiosity.As it swam closer, the tadpole's heartbeat accelerated. Was this its mother? The frog turned its head towards the tadpole, and their eyes met. There was a moment of silence, filled with recognition and longing. Then, the frog's mouth curved into a smile, and she said, "You've grown so much,my little one."The tadpole felt a surge of joy and relief. Its journey had been long and arduous, but it had found its mother. They embraced in a tender hug, a moment of pure happiness.The frog explained that she had been watching over the tadpole, protecting it from harm. She had seen it grow and learn, and she was proud of its achievements. She told the tadpole about the world beyond the pond, about the beauty and wonders that awaited it.The tadpole listened intently, its eyes wide with amazement. It couldn't wait to explore this new world and make its own mark. But first, it had to complete its transformation into a frog.With the guidance of its mother, the tadpole found a quiet corner of the pond. It stopped eating and began to rest, conserving its energy for the upcoming change. Days turned into weeks, and gradually, the tadpole's body began to transform. Its tail shortened, and its legs grewstronger. Its skin darkened, and its eyes became more alert.Finally, one sunny morning, the tadpole emerged fromthe water as a frog. Its leap into the air was a symbol of freedom and new beginnings. The mother frog watched proudly, knowing that her little one was now ready to face the world.Together, they ventured out of the pond, into the vast green expanse that awaited them. The journey of the tadpole had come to an end, but a new adventure had just begun. And as they walked hand in hand, the sun shone brightly, promising a future filled with hope and dreams.。

故事小蝌蚪找妈妈英语作文1. The little tadpole swam around in the pond, searching for his mother. He felt lost and scared, wondering where she could be.2. He asked the fish and the frogs if they had seen his mother, but no one had any information. The tadpole felt even more alone in the big pond.3. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him. It was a big frog who asked him what was wrong. The tadpole explained his situation, hoping for some help.4. The big frog smiled kindly and told the tadpole that his mother was just on the other side of the pond. The tadpole's heart leaped with joy at the news.5. He swam as fast as he could to the other side, and there she was, his mother, waiting for him with open arms. The tadpole was overjoyed to be reunited with his family.6. From that day on, the little tadpole never strayed far from his mother's side. He learned to appreciate her love and guidance, knowing that she would always be there for him.。

教学目标:1. 培养幼儿的表演能力和团队合作意识。
2. 帮助幼儿理解并表达剧中人物的情感。
3. 培养幼儿对亲情和友情的认知和感受。
教学重点:1. 学习《小蝌蚪找妈妈》剧本的基本内容和角色。
2. 学习如何通过表演来传达情感和意义。
教学准备:1. 《小蝌蚪找妈妈》的剧本。
2. 蝌蚪和其他角色的道具服装。
3. 角色卡片,包括蝌蚪、鱼、母鸡和青蛙。
4. 剧场背景和舞台道具。
教学过程:引入活动:1. 引导幼儿回忆蝌蚪找妈妈的故事,询问他们是否知道该故事的主要内容。
2. 向幼儿介绍今天的活动,即通过表演儿童剧来展现蝌蚪找妈妈的故事。
角色分配:1. 让幼儿参与角色分配的游戏,每个幼儿抽取一个角色卡片,并解释该角色在剧中的重要性。
2. 根据幼儿的兴趣和适应能力,确定每个幼儿的角色。
剧本练习:1. 对每个角色进行简单的剧本练习。
2. 让幼儿小组合作排练各自的角色,引导他们在表演中展现角色的情感和意义。
舞台布置:1. 帮助幼儿一起设计和制作舞台布景和道具,使其符合故事的情节和环境。
2. 安排幼儿围绕舞台排练,确保每个角色都知道自己的位置和出场顺序。
表演展示:1. 在幼儿园内或家长会等场合,安排儿童剧表演。
2. 播放音乐,让幼儿按照预定的顺序逐个出场,并展示他们所扮演的角色。
3. 演员在舞台上逐渐表现和传达情感,让幼儿受到鼓励和认可。
讨论与反思:1. 在表演结束后,引导幼儿进行讨论,回顾表演中的情节和角色。
2. 提问引导幼儿讨论关于剧中情节的问题,如蝌蚪为什么要找妈妈,亲情和友情的意义等。

幼儿园小品剧《小蝌蚪找妈妈》教案幼儿园小品剧《小蝌蚪找妈妈》教案一、教学目标1. 能够借助剧情理解蝌蚪与青蛙之间的关系。
2. 能够通过角色扮演发挥自己的表现力。
3. 能够认识蝌蚪的生长过程,了解蝌蚪到成为青蛙的转变过程。
二、教学内容1. 角色扮演,演绎剧情;2. 通过图文、视频、实验等方式让幼儿认识蝌蚪的生长过程;3. 通过集体游戏,加深幼儿对蝌蚪与青蛙之间关系的理解。
三、教学重点1. 让幼儿通过剧情理解蝌蚪与青蛙之间的关系;2. 让幼儿通过角色扮演体验戏剧表演的乐趣;3. 让幼儿了解蝌蚪到成为青蛙的转变过程。
四、教学准备1. 剧本原版或电子文本;2. 资料图片或视频,包括蝌蚪生长的过程与青蛙形态等;3. 实验工具:蝌蚪、青蛙模型;4. 茶杯、碗、勺等实验用具;5. 小动物模型,如虫子、小鱼等。
五、教学过程1. 唤起感受:(1)出现蝌蚪、青蛙、水生动物的资料图片,帮助幼儿形象感受水生动物的生存环境,如水草、小鱼、虫子等。
2. 学习重点:(1)理解剧情:通过讲故事、读画册等方式,让幼儿了解蝌蚪寻找妈妈的遭遇,以及在寻找妈妈的过程中掌握了成为青蛙的技能。
3. 学习细节:(1)学习理解剧情:讲故事、读画册等方式,让幼儿获得剧情信息。
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(The Tadpoles Look for their mommy)
旁白:The tadpoles are looking for .their mommy.on day,a tadpole says:“everyone has a mommy .but who is our mommy.”
Tad A:who is a mommy?
Tad B:I want a mommy.
Tad C:I miss mommy.
Tad D:why not look for our mommy?
Tad A B C D:Good i idea!Let’s go.
旁白:They are swimming around.Then they meet a duck.
A B C D:Is she our mommy?
Are you our mommy?
Duck:“No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a duck.your mommy has two big eyes.”
A B C D:“Thank you.see you.”
旁白:They are swimming around.Then they meet a fish.
A B C D:Are you our mommy?
Fish:No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a fish .your mommy has a big mouth.
A B C D:“Thank you.see you.”
旁白:They are swimming around.Then they meet a turtle.
A B C D:“Are you our mommy?”
Turtle:No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a turtle.your mommy has a green back.
A B C D:Thank you.see you.
旁白:At this time.a frog is comming.She has two big eyes.a big mouth.a green back.
A B C D:Are your our mommy?
Mommy:Sure.my dear e on.
A B C D:Mommy,mommy.I love you.
Mommy:I love you,too.
Pulling the carrots(拔萝卜)
旁白:One day,Three rabbits are playing in the garden.They are happy.
Rabbit A:Look.a big carrot.
Rabbit B C:Ok,Let’s pull it out.
A B C:One,Two,Thee,Pull!
Carrot:No,I don’t like you.
旁白:Three rabbits are very hungry and look around.A frog is comming.(放青蛙的叫声)
A B C:Frog,frog,help.
A B C Frog:one,two,three.pull.
Carrot:Oh,no,I dont’t like you.They are looking for help.now,A monkey laugh at them.and say:what are you doing? (旁白:猴子的叫声)
A B C:monkey,monkey,help.
A B C:Frog
Carrot:No,I don’t like you.
(旁白):The carrot is too big,we can’t pull it out.Let’s call other animal for e on.Now,A tiger is comming.(老虎的叫声)
A B C D:Tiger tiger.help
A.B.C.Frog.Monkey.Tiger:Wow,We are the winner.So big!
一起唱歌:Ten little carrots.。