hotel operation management
酒店管理与数字化运营英语1. Hotel management -酒店管理2. Digitalization -数字化3. Operation -运营4. Efficiency -效率5. Technology -技术6. Revenue -收益7. Customer satisfaction -客户满意度8. Online booking -在线预订9. Reservation -预约10. Occupancy rate -入住率11. Marketing -市场营销12. Guest experience -客户体验13. Staff training -员工培训14. Inventory management -库存管理15. Property maintenance -物业维护16. Financial analysis -财务分析17. E-commerce -电子商务18. Loyalty program -忠诚度计划19. Room service -客房服务20. Feedback -反馈21. Cost control -成本控制22. Reputation management -美誉度管理23. Health and safety -健康与安全24. Infrastructure -基础设施25. Data analytics -数据分析26. Mobile applications -移动应用程序27. Online reviews -网上评论28. Social media presence -社交媒体影响力1. Hotel management plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of a hotel.酒店管理在确保酒店顺利运营方面起着至关重要的作用。
2. Digitalization has transformed the way hotels operate and interact with customers.数字化改变了酒店的运营方式和与客户的互动方式。
3 市场营销部 Sales & Marketing Department 3.1 公关部 public relations department 市场营销总监sales 3.2 市场营销总监sales & marketing director 3.3 销售经理 sales manager 公关经理public 3.4 公关经理public relations manager 3.5 客户经理 account manager 3.6 美工 artist
11 安全部 Security Department 保安部经理 security manager
12 娱乐部 Recreation Department 娱乐部经理 recreation manager
三、酒店管理专业技能 我校首届酒店“经理论坛” 我校首届酒店“经理论坛”: 到会的酒店业界精英建议: 到会的酒店业界精英建议: 应增开《营养学》 茶文化与茶艺》 应增开《营养学》、《茶文化与茶艺》、《酒店 主题产品设计》、《酒店设施设备管理》等课程; 主题产品设计》 酒店设施设备管理》等课程; 应加强《交际礼仪》 酒店专业英语》 应加强《交际礼仪》、《酒店专业英语》、《旅 游政策法规》 职业道德》等课程的教学; 游政策法规》、《职业道德》等课程的教学; 应推行“英语六级等级证+酒店从业资格证+ 应推行“英语六级等级证+酒店从业资格证+机动 车驾驶证”的技能达标培养模式; 车驾驶证”的技能达标培养模式; 应实施顶岗实习一年以上时长,等等。 应实施顶岗实习一年以上时长,等等。
2009年湖南省实现旅游总收入1099.47亿元, 2009年湖南省实现旅游总收入1099.47亿元, 年湖南省实现旅游总收入1099.47亿元 同比增长29.08% 旅游产业成为湖南继机械、石化、 29.08%, 同比增长29.08%,旅游产业成为湖南继机械、石化、 食品、有色、文化、轻工产业之后的又一个千亿元 食品、有色、文化、轻工产业之后的又一个千亿元 产业。 产业。 2009年湖南省现有星级宾馆1100多家 年湖南省现有星级宾馆1100多家, 2009年湖南省现有星级宾馆1100多家,实有床 21.6万张 据测算, 万张。 位21.6万张。据测算,湖南省星级宾馆床位需求量 40万张以上,按国内通行的床位数/员工数=4 万张以上 =4/ 在40万张以上,按国内通行的床位数/员工数=4/1 湖南省旅游星级宾馆约需从业人员10万人左右 10万人左右, 计,湖南省旅游星级宾馆约需从业人员10万人左右, 每年还在以20% 20%( 万人)以上的速度递增。 每年还在以20%(2万人)以上的速度递增。星级宾 馆高中层管理与基层员工占总员工的比例按1 员工占总员工的比例按 馆高中层管理与基层员工占总员工的比例按1/5计, 湖南酒店业直接从业人员中“高中级管理人员 管理人员” 湖南酒店业直接从业人员中“高中级管理人员”约 2万人左右,每年还在以20%(0.4万人)左右的速 万人左右,每年还在以20%(0.4万人) 左右 20% 万人 度递增。 度递增。
拓新·瑞尔大酒店Torking Royal Hotel餐饮部运营管理手册Operation Management Manual目录Composite catalog第一章部门概述 (4)第二章部门组织结构 (5)第三章部门岗位说明书餐饮部经理 (6)—8餐饮文员…………………………………………………………………9—10西餐经理………………………………………………………………11—13中餐经理………………………………………………………………14-16 西餐主管………………………………………………………………17-19 中餐主管………………………………………………………………20—22康乐主管………………………………………………………………23-24 西餐领班………………………………………………………………25—27酒吧领班………………………………………………………………28—30中餐宴会领班…………………………………………………………31-32 传菜领班……………………………………………………………33—34管事领班………………………………………………………………35-36 西餐服务员……………………………………………………………37-38 西餐咨客………………………………………………………………39—41康乐服务员……………………………………………………………42—44洗碗工…………………………………………………………………45—46酒吧服务员……………………………………………………………47—48传菜员…………………………………………………………………49-50 中餐宴会服务员………………………………………………………51-52 中餐咨客………………………………………………………………53-55 音控师…………………………………………………………………56—58营业员…………………………………………………………………59-60 第四章管理规范与工作标准MIB—RE—FB-A-001 餐饮部员工考勤制度………………………………61MIB-RE—FB-A—002餐饮部员工仪容仪表规范制度……………………62MIB-RE-FB—A—003餐饮部员工行为举止规范制度……………………63MIB—RE—FB—A-004餐饮部员工劳动纪律制度………………………64-66MIB-RE-FB—A—005 DJ会议室管理制度…………………………………67MIB—RE—FB—A-006餐饮部安全操作规定……………………………68—74MIB-RE-FB-A—007餐饮部班次交接班制度 (75)MIB—RE-FB-A-008餐饮部班前会制度 (76)MIB-RE—FB—A-009餐饮部布草管理制度………………………………77MIB—RE-FB—A-010餐饮部菜牌和酒水牌的管理制度…………………78MIB—RE-FB—A—011餐饮部餐具使用保管管理制度 (79)MIB-RE—FB—A—012餐饮部出品准备工作标准制度…………………80—81MIB-RE—FB-A-013餐饮部储藏和存货标准制度……………………82—83MIB-RE-FB—A-014餐饮部服务工作质量管理制度 (84)MIB-RE-FB—A—015餐饮部服务和出品管理制度……………………85—88MIB-RE-FB—A-016餐饮部各营业点、酒吧钥匙的管理制度 (89)MIB-RE-FB—A-017餐饮部酒水存酒制度 (90)MIB—RE—FB—A-018餐饮部酒水领用及保管制度 (91)MIB—RE-FB—A—019餐饮部培训制度 (92)MIB—RE—FB—A—020餐饮部损耗管理制度……………………………93—94MIB-RE-FB—A—021餐饮部物资管理制度………………………………95第五章餐饮部作业指引及流程WI-RE—FB —A—001中餐厅的服务程序与标准作业指引…………96-113WI—RE—FB—A—002酒水服务程序与标准作业指引………………114—124WI-RE—FB-A—003管事部的作业指引……………………………125—137WI—RE—FB-A-004宴会服务程序作业指引………………………138-148OP—RE-FB—A-001西餐厅自助早餐工作流程………………………149OP-RE-FB—A-002西餐厅自助晚餐工作流程………………………150OP-RE—FB-A-003特色餐厅工作流程……………………………151-152OP-RE-FB-A—004餐饮部工作程序与关键问题…………………153-158第六章运作表格大堂吧每日台账…………………………………………………附件001 中餐吧每日台账…………………………………………………附件002 康乐部每日报表…………………………………………………附件003第一章部门概述餐饮部是由酒店副总经理直接领导下的,保障宾客店内消费舒适、安全、消费环境优雅、卫生、服务热情周到,饮食品种多样,口味丰富的重要经营性部门;餐饮部全面负责与酒店整体经营相符的餐饮经营活动,确保酒店内消费客人的饮食、会议接待任务的圆满完成,根据市场需求随时调整经营品种,争取最大限度地吸引客户、创造盈利;餐饮部包括中餐厅、宴会厅、西餐厅、酒吧、康乐等,是酒店重要的创收部门,餐饮部的主要任务是生产高质量的饮食产品,并通过为客人提供热情、周到、细腻的服务,使宾客获得物有所值,赏心悦目的就餐享受,充分体现管理理念;(与此同时餐饮部还应努力控制餐饮部成本,提高餐饮经营的利润水平)高质量的餐饮产品不仅意味着要符合卫生标准,而且要在色、香、味、形、器等方面不断创新,餐饮部不仅为客人提供高质量的餐饮产品,而且要为客人在温馨、典雅、富丽堂皇且具有浓郁文化艺术色彩的就餐环境中享受到笑容可掬、服务人员热情周到,宾至如归的细致服务;使客人得到物质上和生理上的满足而且得到精神上和心理上的极大享受;Organization Chart 组织结构图Food &Beverage Department of Torking Royal Hotel 拓新·瑞尔大酒店餐饮部级别Level编制OrganizationD4 1 D5 5 D6 11 D8 4 D9 7 D10 83 Total 111F & B Manager餐饮部经理D4×1 Western Restaurant Manager西餐厅经理D5×1Western Restaurant Captain西餐厅领班D6×3Waiter服务员D10×15Bar Captain 酒吧领班D6×1 Bartender 服务员D10×4Hostess 咨客D9×2Chinese Restaurant Manager中餐厅经理D5×1Chinese Restaurant Supervisor中餐厅主管D5×1C&B Captain中餐宴会领班D6×5Waiter服务员D10×29Hostess咨客D9×4Recreation Center Supervisor康乐主管D5×1Waiter服务员D10×5Bus Boy Captain传菜领班D6×1Pantryman传菜员D10×15Stewarding Captain管事领班D6×1Dishwasher洗碗工D10×15Sound Engineer音控D8×1Clerk文员D9×1Sales Assistant营业员D8×3Western Restaurant Supervisor西餐厅主管D5×1Page 7 of 161 修订日期:二0一四年八月十五日第三章岗位说明书餐饮部餐饮经理职位说明书一、职位基本信息Position Basic Information职位名称Position name 餐饮部经理岗位编号Post numbering FB001所在部门Department 餐饮部直接上级Supervisor 副总经理岗位编制Post staffing 1人职位类别Job category 中层直接下属人数Direct subordinates 3人编制/修订日期Compile / revision date 2014—4—12 职位关系Position relationship注:1、职位基本信息中职位类别分别有:高层、中层、基层,根据岗位实际选择填写;2、职位关系中本岗位名称请用红色字体标注;二、职位设置基本目标The basic goal of the Position在副总经理领导下,协助制定、组织实施酒店餐饮战略,全面负责制订并实施餐饮部工作计划和经营预算,督导餐饮部日常运转管理并进行成本控制;三、职责权限及考核标准Responsibilities and assessment standards序号NO 。
工程部设备 AV设备 户外家具设备 印刷品设备 财务部、人力资源部设备 保安部设备 办公用品及设备 员工服装、员工餐厅设备 健身房设备、泳池器材、 更衣柜等杂项
涉及的行业门类多,品种繁杂 HOE品项有一万多种,涉及上百个 生产制造行业。 注重造型及外观工艺,结构简 单,体积小 如酒店常用的吹风筒布套,一般都 刺绣有酒店的标识、易拉袋口,精 致美观。
感谢您பைடு நூலகம்聆听
餐饮类 客房类 后勤类
玻璃器皿类 不锈钢器皿 餐饮布草 餐饮部设备 自助餐用品及设备 宴会家具 厨房用品 陶瓷用品 管事部用品和清洁 工具、清洁剂等
客房布草 客房卫生纸 客房一次性用品 电话机 客房杂项 客房清洁设备 前厅和洗衣房车类 清洁剂 前厅保管柜等杂项 大堂吧咖啡机等杂项
使用简单,方便,适应面广, 无需专业人员操作 如酒店客房电话机人性化设计了 许多直拨按键,方便客人根据不 同需求直拨电话。 部分为定制产品,个性化强 如餐厅的器具必须根据酒店的菜 系进行采购,客房皮具根据酒店 客房的装修风格和酒店品牌的主 色调进行定制。
供应商资格预审:在确定入围供应商前必须对供应商进 行资格预审,以确保参与投标的酒店用品供应商所具备 的资质、能力、专业和经验、诚信和口啤都在大致相同 的水平上,且符合酒店档次和品质的要求,以避免不良 供应商、无案例服务经验、皮包公司参与竞争,使招投 标工作失去公平性,同时避免可能对日后的实际采购所 带来的不可估量的损失和麻烦。 评标的标准:避免单一以价低者得的定标方式,尽量采 用综合评分法来进行评标,以实现对供应商综合实力的 评选前提下获得最有利于酒店的供货商。
FCS 分为FCS UBIS (计费系统)、FCS V oice mail (叫醒系统)、FCS e-connect (发送任务系统)一、FCS UBIS (计费系统)①计费页面1、如果在Extension 前面有@ ,表示该电话是酒店内部分机,该分机所产生的费用不用抛入Opera 系统;2、TYPE 有五种:A (Admin ) G (Guest ) V (VIP ) B (Business Center ) O (Operator )3、Destination 分为:Inc (Incoming Calls )、HP (Hand phone 本地手机) 、IDD、LOC( Local call)STD(即DDD)INC 表示来电,HP ,STD, IDD (酒店拨出去的电话)4、Basic Charge (基本费用)Surcharge(服务费,酒店内部分机所拨打的电话是无服务费的)5、当一条红色的话单并前带有*,则表示该笔费用可能是漏抛的,此时须跟前台确认该费用是否抛入客人的账单里,如果没有,必须让前台手工入账。
6、Error transaction 可以查找所有漏抛的费用。
请勿多次点击,否则会造成系统卡死③如何退出FCS1、⑴点左上角的红色STOP 键,⑵会弹出一个页面让你选择YES 或者NO ,点击NO, ⑶又会会弹出一个页面让你选择YES 或者NO ,继续点击NO, ⑷输入密码:000切记:不要点击右上角的×,也不要点击Close the window . 如果不小心退出了FCS。
重新开启FCS系统2、如果不小心点击了STOP 键,点NO .NO ,会弹出让你输入Password的界面,点击Abort④夜审之前及夜审之后我们应该做什么?1、夜审开始之前,点击左上角的File ----点击Day end Report2、夜审结束后,点击Release Precessed CDR Date⑤如何手工抛帐1、点击Manul Posting 或者Activate , 输入密码(000),点击Posting to PMS,输入相应的房间号,费用,时长即可。
商务英语 酒店安全健康
The significance of the hotel safe and healthy安全防事故工作是酒店运营、行政管理的基本工作,要做好它,必须依靠全体员工的共同努力,端正思想意识,摆正自己在安全防事故工作中的位置,加强经常性安全教育,把安防管理规章制度落到实处,把握重点,抓薄弱环节,认认真真把各项工作做到位。
Safety and accident prevention work is the basic work of hotel operation, administrative management.In order to do it well , must rely on all staff to make efforts, to correct ideology, to straighten out his own position in Safety and accident prevention work , to strengthen regular safety education,To implement the security management rules and regulations,grasping the key points, grasping the weak links, Conscientiously put all the work done in place. Safety and accident prevention work is one of the important contents of the management of the hotel, is a regular, comprehensive work in hotel building. It involves all the hotel constructions, throughout all the activities, is the common responsibility of all staff and must work together so that we can doit well. 125安全工作人命关天,党和政府历来高度重视安全管理工作,而酒店的安全管理工作是酒店经营、服务、效益的基本前提和重要保障。
酒店管理专业的英文范文Hotel management is a field that involves overseeing the overall operation of a hotel, resort, or hospitality establishment. Professionals in this field are responsiblefor ensuring that guests have a positive experience during their stay, and they also work to maximize the hotel's profitability.One of the key responsibilities of hotel management is to oversee the daily operations of the hotel. This includes managing the front desk, housekeeping, maintenance, and food and beverage services. Hotel managers are also responsiblefor setting and achieving financial goals for the hotel, such as increasing revenue and controlling expenses. They may also be involved in marketing and promoting the hotel to attract new guests and retain loyal customers.In addition to overseeing the day-to-day operations, hotel management professionals also play a crucial role in ensuring the overall satisfaction of guests. This includes addressing any complaints or issues that may arise during a guest's stay, as well as actively seeking feedback from guests to continuously improve the quality of service provided.Another important aspect of hotel management is staff management. Hotel managers are responsible for recruiting, training, and managing staff members, including front desk clerks, housekeeping staff, and restaurant and bar employees. They must ensure that all staff members are properly trained and motivated to provide excellent service to guests.Hotel management also involves strategic planning and decision making. This may include identifying new business opportunities, such as expanding the hotel's amenities or services, or making necessary changes to the hotel'soperational processes. Hotel managers also work to ensurethat the hotel remains in compliance with industry regulations and standards.In order to succeed in hotel management, professionals in this field must possess a diverse set of skills. Strong leadership and communication skills are essential, as hotel managers must be able to effectively lead and motivate their staff. They must also have strong financial acumen and be able to analyze and interpret financial data to make informed decisions about the hotel's operations.A solid understanding of customer service and the ability to anticipate and meet the needs of guests are also crucial skills for hotel management professionals. Additionally, a background in hospitality or business management can provide the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage a hotel.Overall, hotel management is a dynamic and challenging field that requires strong leadership, management, and customer service skills. Professionals in this field play a critical role in ensuring the success and profitability of a hotel, and they have the opportunity to create memorable experiences for guests from around the world.。
酒店客房高空作业管理制度及流程英文回答:Hotel Room High Altitude Operation Management System and Process.Introduction:In order to ensure the safety of hotel guests and staff during high altitude operations, it is important to have a well-defined management system and process in place. This system should include guidelines, training, and equipment to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. In this article, I will discuss the key elements of a hotel room high altitude operation management system and process.1. Risk Assessment:Before any high altitude operation is carried out in a hotel room, a thorough risk assessment should be conducted.This assessment should identify potential hazards and determine the appropriate measures to mitigate them. For example, if a worker needs to clean windows on a high floor, the risk assessment should identify potential fall hazards and determine the use of safety harnesses and other protective equipment.2. Training and Certification:All staff involved in high altitude operations should receive proper training and certification. This training should cover topics such as safe work practices, equipment usage, emergency procedures, and risk management. For example, staff members should be trained on how to properly secure themselves when working at heights and how torespond in case of an emergency, such as a sudden gust of wind.3. Equipment and Tools:Hotel rooms should be equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to carry out high altitude operations safely.This includes items such as safety harnesses, ladders, scaffolding, and personal protective equipment. Regular inspections should be conducted to ensure that all equipment is in good working condition and meets safety standards.4. Standard Operating Procedures:Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be developed and implemented for high altitude operations in hotel rooms. These SOPs should outline step-by-step instructions on how to safely carry out each task. For example, the SOP for cleaning windows on a high floor could include instructions on how to properly secure the ladder or scaffolding, how to use safety harnesses, and how to handle cleaning chemicals safely.5. Communication and Coordination:Effective communication and coordination are essential during high altitude operations. All staff members involved in the operation should be aware of their roles andresponsibilities. For example, the person responsible for operating the lift should communicate with the worker on the high floor to ensure a smooth and safe operation.6. Emergency Response:In case of an emergency during a high altitude operation, there should be clear procedures in place to ensure a prompt response. This includes having emergency contact numbers readily available, conducting regulardrills to practice emergency response, and having first aid kits and medical personnel on standby. For example, if a worker falls from a height, there should be a designated person who knows how to administer first aid and call for medical assistance.中文回答:酒店客房高空作业管理制度及流程。
酒店运营管理流程Hotel operation management process:酒店运营管理流程:Running a successful hotel requires a well-organized and efficient operational management process that encompasses various aspects such as customer service, housekeeping, maintenance, sales, and marketing. From the moment a guest enters the hotel to the time they check out, each step of their experience must be carefully managed to ensure their satisfaction and enjoyment.经营成功的酒店需要一个组织良好、高效的运营管理流程,包括客户服务、客房清洁、维护、销售和营销等各个方面。
Customer service is undoubtedly one of the most critical aspects of hotel operation management. From the reservation process to check-in, and throughout their stay, guests expect exceptional service that meets or exceeds their expectations. This requires a teamof well-trained and courteous staff who understand the importanceof personalized attention and prompt response to guest needs.客户服务无疑是酒店运营管理中最关键的方面之一。
hotel management
hotel managementHotel ManagementIntroductionHotel management is the overall coordination, administration, and organization of all activities and operations that take place within a hotel. It involves a range of tasks and responsibilities, including managing staff, ensuring guest satisfaction, maintaining hotel facilities, and implementing effective marketing strategies. This document aims to provide a comprehensive overview of hotel management, covering various aspects such as staff management, guest services, maintenance, and marketing.Staff ManagementOne of the crucial aspects of hotel management is staff management. This entails hiring and training competent employees, assigning them appropriate roles, and monitoring their performance. The success of a hotel largely depends on the professionalism and competency of its staff members. Hotel managers must possess excellent leadership skills to effectively guide and motivate their teams. Additionally, they must ensure that the staff is well-coordinated and efficiently working towards achieving the hotel's goals.Guest ServicesEnsuring guest satisfaction is paramount in hotel management. Hospitality is at the core of this industry, and therefore, providing exceptional customer service is crucial. Hotel managers must establish and enforce high service standards, ensuring that guests have a pleasant and memorable experience during their stay. This involves training staff to handle guest inquiries, complaints, and requests promptly and efficiently. Furthermore, hotel managers must analyze guest feedback to identify areas of improvement and implement strategies to enhance the overall guest experience.MaintenanceMaintaining the physical facilities of a hotel is another crucial aspect of hotel management. Guests expect clean, comfortable, and properly functioning rooms and amenities. Hotel managers must ensure regular maintenance, including routine inspections, repairs, and upgrades. This involves coordinating with various departments, such as housekeeping, engineering, and maintenance, to ensure that the hotel is well-maintained and meets safety and quality standards. Additionally, hotel managers must manage the procurement of necessary supplies and equipment to support the smooth operation of the hotel.MarketingEffective marketing strategies play a vital role in attracting guests and increasing hotel occupancy rates. Hotel managers must develop comprehensive marketing plans to promote their hotel brand and attract potential customers. This includes conducting market research to identify target markets, analyzing competition, and creating innovative marketing campaigns. Hotel managers must utilize various channels such as social media, online platforms, and traditional advertising methods to reach a wider audience. Additionally, they must establish partnerships with travel agencies, tour operators, and event organizers to generate additional bookings and revenue.Financial ManagementHotel management also involves effective financial management to ensure the hotel's financial stability and profitability. Managers must develop and monitor budgets, control costs, and analyze financial reports. They must consider factors such as staffing expenses, operational costs, marketing expenses, and other overheads to maintain a healthy financial balance. Additionally, hotel managers must strive to maximize revenue through strategic pricing, upselling, and implementing revenue management strategies.ConclusionHotel management encompasses a wide range of responsibilities to ensure the smooth operation and success of a hotel. From staff management and guest services to maintenance and marketing, hotel managers must possess a diverse set of skills to effectively manage all aspects of a hotel. This document has provided a broad overview of hotel management, highlighting its key components. By understanding and implementing effective hotel management practices, hoteliers can enhance guest satisfaction, increase revenue, and maintain a competitive edge in the hospitality industry.。
酒店管理英语作文Hotel management is a dynamic and exciting field that requires a blend of organizational skills, customer service expertise, and a keen eye for detail. It's not just about running a smooth operation; it's about creating an exceptional experience for every guest.In the day-to-day hustle and bustle of hotel operations, managers have to juggle multiple tasks. From overseeingroom cleaning and maintenance to managing the front deskand restaurant, there's always something to keep track of. But it's not just about getting things done; it's about doing them well.Customer service is a crucial aspect of hotel management. Guests expect to be treated with respect and attention, and it's the manager's job to ensure that every staff member delivers that. From a warm welcome at the door to a helpful concierge service, every interaction counts.Technology is playing an increasingly important role in hotel management. From online booking systems to smart room technology, managers need to stay up-to-date with thelatest trends to provide a seamless experience for guests. It's not just about being tech-savvy; it's about understanding how technology can enhance the guest experience.Training and development are also essential for hotel managers. Ensuring that staff are properly trained and have the skills they need to excel in their roles is crucial for the overall。
酒店经理英文作文带翻译As a hotel manager, my main responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the hotel and to provide excellent service to our guests. This involves overseeing the daily activities of the hotel, managing the staff, and making sure that the guests' needs are met.作为一名酒店经理,我的主要责任是确保酒店的顺利运营,并为我们的客人提供优质的服务。
I also work closely with other departments, such as the housekeeping and maintenance teams, to ensure that the hotel is well-maintained and that any issues are addressed promptly. Additionally, I am responsible for managing the hotel's budget and finances, and for implementingstrategies to increase revenue and improve the overall performance of the hotel.我还与其他部门密切合作,如客房服务和维护团队,以确保酒店的维护良好,并及时解决任何问题。
One of the most important aspects of my job is to ensure that our guests have a positive experience during their stay. This involves addressing any complaints or issues that may arise, and making sure that our staff is trained to provide excellent customer service. I also work to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for our guests, and to anticipate their needs in order to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience.我的工作中最重要的一个方面是确保我们的客人在入住期间有一个积极的体验。
【关键词】酒店,管理系统,JSP,B/S结构Design andImplementation on The hotelmanagementsystem[Abstract]Withtherapid development ofcomputer network, Internet technology is more and morewidelyused, the n etwork coverage areaexpands unceasingly,hasbrought the ho telindustrycomputer application vigorousdevelopment opportunity. Computer network andmanagement system, new will be improve theefficiency ofhotel management,improvethe service level ofone of the importantmeans.So the cityhot el informationmanagement systemis aindispensablemodern hotel management tool.This system realizesa virtual hotelguest room manage ment system.The backgroundmanagement system is divided into administrator management,staffmanagement, custom er reservation query threeindependentmodules.This system p rovidesthe administrator implementsthe following functions: guest room management,statistics, membership management, customer management,operator management. Provides operatorswith reservations will add and query functions, guest room, custo mer change rooms feature,customerscontinue to room, guest roomcheck,check thebill, change passwords, and other functions; Provides memberswith reservation,booking history query,bill query,modifythe information, andother functions. Through these function module design, basically meet the daily operationmanagement of the rooms in the hotel, thecustomer from the reservation to check-inandthe system operation process.This systembased on B/S mode,the front desk USES the JSPdevelopmenttechnology,the background using MySQLas t hedatabase management system,the development environment is MyEclipse,server usingtomcat,developed aWeb technologybased B/S structure of thehotel management system[Keywords]hotels, management system, JSP,B/S structure目录1前言.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
那么,“酒店管理”用英语应该怎么说呢?“酒店管理”常见的英文表述有“Hotel Management” 或者“Management of Hotel” 。
我们先来详细分析一下“Hotel Management” 这个短语。
“Hotel” 这个单词大家都比较熟悉,意思是“酒店、旅馆”。
“Management” 则表示“管理、经营”。
将这两个词组合在一起,“Hotel Management” 就直接而清晰地表达了“酒店管理”的意思。
再看“Management of Hotel” ,它的结构是“管理(Management)+酒店(of Hotel)” ,同样传达了“酒店管理”的含义。
在实际的应用场景中,比如在学术研究领域,我们可能会看到这样的表述:“The study of Hotel Management focuses on vario us aspects of running a hotel efficiently”(酒店管理的研究重点在于高效运营酒店的各个方面。
)在商务交流中,人们可能会说:“I have extensive experience in Hotel Management” (我在酒店管理方面有丰富的经验。
)在招聘信息中,也经常能看到:“We are looking for professionalswith expertise in Hotel Management” (我们正在寻找具有酒店管理专业知识的专业人士。
比如“Hotel Administration” (酒店行政管理)、“Hotel Operations Management” (酒店运营管理)、“Hotel Service Management” (酒店服务管理)等等。
I. IntroductionThis hotel management system aims to establish a standardized andefficient operation mode for the hotel. It covers various aspects of hotel management, including security, service, personnel, and other related issues. The system is designed to ensure the smooth operation of the hotel and provide guests with high-quality services.II. Security Management1. Security Personnel Management: Security personnel should undergo pre-employment physical and psychological examinations. They must complywith the hotel's dress code and maintain a neat and tidy appearance. Security personnel should have a strong sense of responsibility and dedication, strictly abide by labor discipline, and maintain the normal operation order of the hotel.2. Security Patrol and Inspection: Security personnel should carry out regular patrols and inspections in designated areas, and ensure the safety of guests and property. They should respond promptly to emergencies and report any suspicious activities to the hotel management.3. Fire Safety Management: The hotel should establish a fire safety management system, including fire prevention, fire control, and fire rescue. All staff must be trained on fire safety knowledge and skills.4. Emergency Response Plan: The hotel should formulate emergency response plans for various emergencies, such as fires, natural disasters, and medical accidents, and conduct regular emergency drills.III. Service Management1. Front Desk Management: Front desk staff should greet guests warmly, assist with check-in and check-out procedures, and provide informationon hotel facilities and services.2. Housekeeping Management: Housekeeping staff should clean and tidy guest rooms according to the established standards, and promptly respond to guests' requests for services.3. Restaurant Management: Restaurant staff should provide high-quality food and services to guests, and ensure the restaurant's hygiene and safety.4. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Management: Laundry and dry cleaning services should be provided according to guests' needs, and ensure the quality and timeliness of service.IV. Personnel Management1. Recruitment and Selection: The hotel should establish a recruitment and selection system to ensure the quality of employees. Candidates should meet the required qualifications and pass the interview.2. Training and Development: The hotel should provide regular training and development opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.3. Incentive and Disciplinary Measures: The hotel should establish incentive and disciplinary measures to motivate employees and maintain discipline.4. Employee Health and Safety: The hotel should ensure the health and safety of employees by providing proper working conditions and equipment.V. Other Management1. Financial Management: The hotel should establish a sound financial management system to ensure the proper use of funds and reduce costs.2. Facility Management: The hotel should ensure the maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment to ensure their normal operation.3. Environmental Protection: The hotel should adhere to environmental protection policies and implement measures to reduce energy consumption and waste.VI. ConclusionThis hotel management system is designed to ensure the smooth operation of the hotel and provide guests with high-quality services. All staffshould strictly comply with the system's requirements and work together to create a harmonious and efficient working environment.。
IntroductionThe luggage room of our hotel is a vital part of the guest experience. As a place where guests can safely store their luggage, the luggage room must be managed effectively to ensure the safety and convenience of our guests. This management system is designed to outline the policies, procedures, and responsibilities related to the operation of the hotel luggage room.I. Management Principles1. Safety First: Prioritize the safety of guests and staff by maintaining a secure and well-maintained luggage room.2. Convenience: Provide a convenient and user-friendly luggage room service for guests.3. Efficiency: Streamline the luggage room operation to ensure a smooth and efficient service.4. Environmental Protection: Adhere to environmental protection principles in the luggage room operation.II. Responsibilities1. Hotel Management: The hotel management is responsible for the overall management and supervision of the luggage room, including the appointment of a luggage room supervisor and the establishment of relevant regulations.2. Luggage Room Supervisor: The supervisor is responsible for the daily operation of the luggage room, including staff training, safety management, and ensuring the implementation of the luggage room management system.3. Luggage Room Staff: Staff members are responsible for providing luggage room services, such as receiving, storing, and delivering luggage, as well as maintaining the order and cleanliness of the luggage room.III. Policies and Procedures1. Luggage Receptiona. Guests must fill out a luggage receipt before depositing their luggage.b. The luggage receipt will be kept by the guest as a proof of luggage storage.c. The luggage room staff will carefully inspect the luggage to ensure it is safe and in good condition before accepting it.2. Luggage Storagea. Luggage will be stored in designated areas, with each guest's luggage clearly labeled.b. The luggage room staff will ensure that the luggage is stored safely and securely.c. Guests are responsible for the security of their luggage and should not leave valuable items unattended.3. Luggage Retrievala. Guests can retrieve their luggage by presenting the luggage receipt.b. The luggage room staff will verify the identity of the guest before delivering the luggage.c. If a guest cannot retrieve their luggage, the luggage room staff will contact the hotel management for assistance.4. Lost and Founda. The luggage room staff will promptly handle any lost and found items.b. Guests who find lost items should report them to the luggage room staff.c. If a guest loses their luggage receipt, the luggage room staff will verify the guest's identity before providing a replacement.5. Security Measuresa. The luggage room is equipped with security cameras to monitor the area 24/7.b. The luggage room staff will perform regular security checks to ensure the safety of the luggage.c. Access to the luggage room is restricted to authorized personnel only.IV. Training and Evaluation1. The hotel management will provide regular training for luggage room staff to ensure they are familiar with the luggage room management system and safety protocols.2. The luggage room supervisor will conduct periodic evaluations of the luggage room staff to ensure the proper implementation of the management system.ConclusionThe luggage room management system of our hotel is designed to provide a safe, convenient, and efficient luggage storage service for our guests. By adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in this system, we aim to enhance the overall guest experience and ensure the satisfaction of our guests.。
IntroductionHotel management system is a comprehensive set of rules and regulations designed to ensure the smooth operation of a hotel. It covers various aspects such as customer service, housekeeping, security, and staff management. This document aims to outline the hotel management system, emphasizing the importance of adhering to these rules and regulations to maintain the hotel's reputation and profitability.1. Customer Service1.1 Greeting and Check-inUpon arrival, guests should be greeted warmly by the receptionist. The receptionist should provide guests with a copy of the hotel's policies, procedures, and amenities. During the check-in process, the receptionist should ensure that all necessary information is recorded, including guest names, contact details, and payment methods.1.2 Room AllocationThe receptionist should allocate rooms based on the guest's preferences and availability. In case of room unavailability, the receptionist should offer alternative room options or assist the guest in finding alternative accommodation nearby.1.3 Room ServiceGuests should be informed about the room service menu and operating hours. The room service staff should ensure that all orders are prepared promptly and delivered to the guest's room with a smile.1.4 Complaint HandlingIn case of a guest complaint, the receptionist should listen attentively and address the issue promptly. The guest should be informed of the steps being taken to resolve the problem and be assured that their concerns are being taken seriously.2. Housekeeping2.1 Cleaning StandardsHousekeepers should maintain high standards of cleanliness in all rooms, ensuring that they are tidy, hygienic, and well-equipped. The cleaning schedule should be adhered to, and rooms should be checked before and after each cleaning to ensure guest satisfaction.2.2 Laundry and Dry CleaningLaundry and dry cleaning services should be provided within a specified time frame. Guests should be informed about the pricing and delivery options for these services.2.3 Linen and Towel ReplacementHousekeepers should replace linen and towels regularly, ensuring that they are clean and fresh. Guests should be informed about the procedures for requesting additional items.3. Security3.1 Access ControlThe hotel should implement strict access control measures to ensure the safety of guests and staff. All doors should be equipped with locks, and keys should be issued only to authorized personnel.3.2 Fire SafetyFire safety is of utmost importance in a hotel. All staff should be trained in fire safety procedures, including the use of fire extinguishers and evacuation plans. Fire drills should be conducted regularly to ensure preparedness.3.3 Security PatrollingSecurity personnel should conduct regular patrols throughout the hotel to monitor and prevent any suspicious activities. Guests should be informed about the hotel's security measures and encouraged to report any concerns.4. Staff Management4.1 Employee HandbookAll staff should be provided with an employee handbook that outlines the hotel's policies, procedures, and expectations. The handbook should be updated regularly to reflect any changes in the management system.4.2 Training and DevelopmentThe hotel should invest in the training and development of its staff to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent customer service. Regular training sessions should be conducted to address any gaps in knowledge or skills.4.3 Performance AppraisalsPerformance appraisals should be conducted regularly to assess the performance of staff members. These appraisals should be used toidentify areas for improvement and recognize outstanding performance.ConclusionThe hotel management system is crucial to the success of a hotel. By adhering to these rules and regulations, the hotel can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for its guests. It is the responsibility of all staff members to uphold these standards and contribute to the hotel's reputation and profitability.。
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Dimensions International College Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management 4Assignment for :Hospitality Operation ManagementSubmittedByCHEN KE YU5 November 2010Task 1:Assuming that the three key goals of the hotel general manager are to achievea)Targeted Return On Investment for the owners / investors,b)Customer satisfaction, andc)Team motivation,Show how general manager directs and co-ordinates the various hotel functions to achieve three goals.a) If GMs need to return on investment,mean this hotel should increase revenue.The room is the main income. It could change sales methods to attract customers.Such as through the investigation to know which room a few days less than sales, it can be considered in those days discount. then you can attract more customers to this hotel.In addition,book rooms also have an impact on income. For the hotel, if booked in advance before the arrival of customers suddenly canceled the reservation, or later than the time of booking a few days to arrive, or even simply does not appear, will reduce the hotel's revenue, because the room was the room that no one intended to to play back empty. To reduce this loss, can take some of the ways to prevent:a)Check the booking. Some of the guests well in advance to book a room, in thisperiod of time prior to arrival, there will be some of the guests for variousreasons can not be scheduled to arrive or cancel the trip. However, not allcustomers will take the initiative to inform the hotel will change, before thearrival of the guests and customers by telephone or letter checked several times,once to change to make quick adjustments, and notify the relevant departmentsto spare room to re-book or sell to non- Guest Bookb)Increase the guaranteed class reservations, advance deposit or credit cardguarantee required. This would risk onto the customer, can effectively preventthe decrease in hotel revenue</bbs/show_7_610605.html> We can find some travel agencies, because the travel agents have a lot of guest. We can reduce the price and Cooperation with more travel agencies. We can reduce the price for travel agents guest to go to hotel's restaurant Well, here you can increase revenue.In addition, we also increase the staff requirements, and provide staff training. Employees can make customers feel their passion, so that customers feel this hotel has good service. Then, they will talk with my friends this hotel good service attitude. At the same time we need to do some publicity, so that it can attract more customers to this hotel.b) Customer satisfaction means how is the feel about the service for customer,thecustomer satisfied the service or not.Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Ifthe hotel's service low than customer expectation. Then, the customer will not satisfy the hotel. So, the guest will tell his friend some bad thing about the hotel. If the hotel’s service almost same as customer expectation. Maybe the guest will come back to the hotel next. If the hotel's service better than customer expectation. The guest will feel happy, cause they choice a good hotel. Then, they want to share with his friend. Customers will recommend this hotel to his friends. So, more and more guest will come to the hotel. So, Customer satisfaction is very important for hotel's revenues. < /view/995381.htm>In the hotel, it is very important to improve the customer satisfaction. Then,how to improve the customer satisfaction? We can collect customer opinion through the survey. We can know what the customer opinion through this way. Then, we can improve the service and facilities according to survey. Except this way to know how to improve the customer satisfaction, we also can know different department in hotel how to satisfactory customers. Involve the front office, housekeeping, food and beverage, facility engineering and maintenance, safety and property security.Guest reservations is important department for hotel. This department can provide GMs with data that is very helpful in making a variety of decisions. For example, someone make a reservation in this hotel, But he can't come this hotel at last. Then, the GM can make a decision to cancel this reservation and other guest can get in this room. Guests will supply specific information when they contact a hotel for a reservation.Guest services include concierge, bell staff, and desk staff .Desk staff involve front desk:arrival and prearrival.Front desk:arrival--When a guest arrives at a hotel, it the responsibility of the front office staff to greet the guest and complete the registration process as quickly ad efficiently as possible. This is process is however, more complex than it may seem each time a guest interacts with a member of the hotel staff, the hotel makes an impression on that guest, be it a positive or a negative one.<David K.Hayes,Jack D.Ninemeier.>The staff of front desk must enthusiastic to chat with guest. Then the guest will feel warm. This department is important for hotel. Cause the guest must go to Front desk first time. Include check in or check out.HousekeepingThe housekeeping department in a hotel is responsible for the hotel’s cleanliness. Because that is true, every guest or visitor to the hotel will be able to readily see the results of the housekeeper's work. When a hotel's housekeeping staff is effective, guest satisfaction is high, employee morale is good, and ultimately the hotel is profitable. <David K.Hayes,Jack D.Ninemeier.>Housekeeping is very important for hotel。