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1. Abacus:n. 算盘
They also learned to use the abacus.(他们还学习珠算。

2. Abase:v. 使谦卑,使降低
The president is not willing to abase himself before the nation.(总统不愿在全国人民面前降低自己的威信。

3. Abate:v. (指风势、疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退
The storm began to abate slightly.(风暴开始稍有所减弱。

4. Abdicate:v. 正式放弃(官职、权利),让位,退位
King Edward Ⅷabdicated in 1936 to marry a commoner.(国王爱德华八世于1936年退位与一个平民结婚。

5. Abduct:v. 诱拐,拐走,绑架
Detectives have not ruled out the possibility that she was abducted.(侦探尚未排除她被绑架的可能性。

6. Aberrant:a. 不循常规的,不走正路的
It reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians hostile to China’s development and becoming powerful.(这是美国一些反华政客仇视中国发展和强大的变态心理的表现。

) 7. Abhor:v. 憎恨(某人,某事物),厌恶,讨厌
They abhor all forms of racial discrimination.(他们憎恶任何形式的种族歧视。

8. Abject:a. 1.(情况)凄惨的,绝望的2. (人、动作或行为)无耻的,下贱的
This policy has turned out to be an abject failure.(这一政策最后以惨败而告终。

What an abject performance!(多么卑劣的行为!)
9. Abode:n. 房屋,家
With no fixed abode(居无定所)
10. Abominable:1.可憎的,可恶的2. 糟糕的,极坏的
Their cruel treatment of prisoners was abominable.(他们虐待犯人的做法令人厌恶。

The sanitary conditions in this restaurant are abominable.(这家饭馆的卫生状况糟透了。

The CD is so abrasive that it doesn’t work.(CD磨损的厉害,不能在用了。

If you criticize Pablo, he becomes very abrasive.(如果你批评帕布罗, 他就会变得非常粗暴。

)2)Abstain:v. 1.戒绝(喝酒)2.放弃(投票等)
His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine.(他的医生嘱咐他戒酒。

In thereferendum many people abstained.(在这次公民投票中许多人弃权。

3)Abstention:n. 1.戒绝2.(投票)弃权
4)Abstinence:n. 禁欲,节制
Abstinence is the best medicine.(节制有度是良药。

Don’t have cocaine abusively.(不可滥服古柯碱。

Good manners ban abusive language anywhere.(讲礼貌就是在任何地方都不能讲粗话。

He is plunging into an abyss of despair.(他陷入了绝望的深渊。

7)Accede:v. 1.同意2.就职
Will you accede to her request?(你答应她的请求吗?)
When his father died,the princeacceded to the position of head of state.(父王去世后,王子继承了国家元首的职位。

The island is accessible only by boat.(这座岛只能坐船去。

9)Accession:n. 就职,登基
His accession to the important post was a big event.(他就任这一重要职务是一个重大事件。

)10)Acclaim:v. 欢呼,喝彩,称赞
They acclaimed the astronauts.(他们以欢呼迎接宇航员。

It was acclaimed as a great discovery.(那被赞誉为伟大的发现。

1. Accompanist:n. 伴奏者,和奏者
2. Accredit:v. 1. 认为(某说法等)出自某人2. 委派
The discovery of distillation is usually accredited to the Arabs of the 11th century.(通常认为,蒸馏法是阿拉伯人在11世纪发明的。

Our envoy was accredited to the new government.(我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。

3. Accrue:v. 增长,增加
Interest accrues on a bank accout.(银行账户的利息在增长。

4. Acquiesce:v. 默认,顺从,默许
After a lot of persuasion, he finally acquiesced.(经过多次劝说,他最终默许了。

Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.(政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相。

5. Acquittal:n. 无罪的判决
Of the three cases that went to trial, two ended in acquittals.(所审理的三个案件中, 有两个以无罪而告终。

6. Acrimony:n. 严厉,辛辣
They parted without acrimony.(他们分手时没有相互反唇相讥。

This book review was written with acrimony.(这篇书评语调刻薄。

7. Acumen:n. 敏锐,聪明,洞察力
political acumen(政治才干)
business acumen(营业本领)
8. Adamant:a. 坚定不移的,强硬的
We are adamant on the building of a well-off society.(在建设小康社会这一点上,我们是坚定不移的。

9. Addictive:a. (使人)上瘾的,沉迷的
The problem with video game is that they’re addictive.(电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。

10. Additive:a. 粘性物质(如黏胶)
1.Adorn:v. 装饰
2.Adrift:ad. & a. (船只)漂泊着(的),未曾系牢的
3.Adulterate:v. 掺入(劣等或不纯的物质),掺杂
例如:adulterate milk with water(奶中兑水)
4.Adultery:n. 通奸,私通
5.Advent:n. (重要事件等的)到来、来临
6.Adversary:n. 对手,敌手
7.Adverse:a. 不利的,相反的
8.Adversity:n. 逆境,厄运,苦难
9.Advocacy:n. 辩护,提倡,拥护
例如:He is insistent on the advocacy of new scientific methods.(他坚持提倡新的科学方法。

)10.Aerobics:n. 有氧健身操
1.Aerospace:n. 航空宇宙
2.Affable:a. 友善的,和蔼可亲的
3.Affiliate:v. (指团体)加入(联合),使隶属,附属于
They affiliated themselves with the same political party.(他们加入了同一政党。

4.Affinity:n. 1.构造相似,特点相近,关系2.喜爱3.亲和力
mutual affinity(相互吸引)
It’s important that you share an affinity with your husband.(和丈夫有共同的爱好是十分重要的。

He felt a strong affinity to the Russian girl.(他深受那个俄国姑娘吸引。

5.Afflict:v. 使身体(精神)痛苦,折磨
Famine and war still afflict mankind.(饥饿和战争仍使人类遭受痛苦。

6.Affront:v. 侮辱,冒犯
I was affronted by his actions.(他的行为冒犯了我。

7.Afoot:ad. & a. 在进行中
A plan was afoot to seize power.(夺权的计划在进行中。

8.Afresh:ad. 重新
His complex anger flamed afresh, and Ruth was in terror of him.(他的无名火又冒上来了, 罗丝见他真害怕。

9.Aggravate:v. 加重(病情、负担等),使恶化
The lack of rain aggravated the already serious lack of food.(缺少雨水加重了业已严重的食物短缺。

10.Aggregate:v. 总数,合计
The audiences aggregated a million people.(观众总数达100万人。

1.aggrieved:a. 1. 受委屈的
2.agile:a. 敏捷的,灵活的
3.agitate:v. 1.鼓动,煽动2.使焦虑
例如:She was agitated because her train was an hour late. (她乘坐的火车晚点一个小时,她十分焦虑。

4.agonizing:a. 使人痛苦的,折磨人的
5.ailing:a. 感觉不舒服的,生病的
6. ailment:n. 轻微的病痛
7.ajar:a. (门等)微开着,半开着
8.alias:n. (尤指罪犯使用的)化名,别名,假名
9.alibi:n. 不在犯罪现场的证据
10.align:v. 使成一线;校准;公开支持(某人、集体或观点)
例如:Align the ruler and the middle of the paper.(使尺子与纸张的中部成一条直线。

The senator aligned himself with the critics of the proposed reforms.(这位参议员公开支持对拟议的改革提出批评的人。

1.ambience:n. 气氛
2.ambivalent:a. (对事物等)抱有矛盾心情的
例如:I must have acquired ambivalent attitude towards women from her.(我对妇女的矛盾态度一定是从她那里学来的。

3.ambush:n. 埋伏,伏击
4.amiable:a. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的
例如:The next-door neighbours are very amiable people.(隔壁的邻居很和蔼。

5.amnesia:n. 健忘症
6.amnesty:n. (对政治犯人的)大赦,特赦
7.amoral:a. 非道德性的
例如:a completely amoral person(一个完全不懂是非的的人)
8.anaemia:n. 贫血症
9.anesthetic:n. 麻醉剂
例如:local anesthetic (局部麻醉)
general anesthetic (全身麻醉)
10.anarchic:a. 无政府状态的,无法无天的
例如:The situation in the country is becoming increasingly anarchic.(这个国家的局势日益混乱。

1.anew:ad. 重新,再度
例如:He’s determined to begin his life anew.他决心重新开始他的生活。

2.anguish:n. 极度痛苦,烦恼
例如:She cried out for anguish at parting.分手时, 她由于痛苦而失声大哭。

3.animosity:n. 仇恨,深恶痛绝
4.annihilate:v. 消灭,歼灭
例如:We annihilated the enemy.我们歼灭了敌人。

5.annuity:n. 年金
6.anomaly:n. 异常或反常(现象、事物)
7.antagonize:v. 使成敌人,引起…的敌意(反感)
例如:Don’t antagonize the neighbors by making a noise.别吵吵闹闹,惹邻居讨厌。

8.antibody:n. 抗体
9.antidote:n. 解毒剂
10.antipathy:n. 憎恶,反感
例如:I feel an antipathy against their behaviour.我对他们的行为很反感。

1.anus:n. 肛门
2.apathy:n. 漠不关心,冷淡
3.apex:n. 定点,最高点
4.apiece:ad. 每个
例如:He gave the boys a shilling apiece.(他给男孩子们每人一先令。

5.apoplexy:n. 中风
6.apparel:n. 衣服,服装,衣物
7.appease:v. 使满足,平息,抚慰
例如:The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.(普遍认为,这一举措是试图安抚批评政权的人。

8.append:v. 添加,附加(指加于信末之后)
例如:The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.(律师在合同后又附加了两页。

9.appendicitis:n. 阑尾炎
10.apposite:a. 适当的,恰当的
例如:This is a veryapposite comparison.(这是一个非常妥帖的比喻。

1.appraisal:n. 评定,鉴定
2.apprehension:n. 忧虑,恐惧
3.arbiter:n. 仲裁人,公断人
4.arbitrate:v. 仲裁,公断,裁决
例如:A committee was created toarbitrate between the management and the unions.(已成立的委员会在资方与工会之间进行仲裁。

5.archaic:a. 过时的,陈旧的,古代的
例如:The system is archaic and unfair and needs changing.(这一制度早已过时且不公平,需要改革。

6.archetype:n. 1.原型,典型
7.archipelago:n. 群岛,群岛周围的海
8.archive:n. 1.档案,文献2.档案馆
9.ardent:a. 热情的,炽热的
例如:an ardent supporter of European unity(欧洲统一的热烈支持者)
10.arduous:a. 困难的,艰巨的
例如:Finally, I completed the arduous project on time.(最后,我按时完成了这项艰巨的工程。

1. Babble:v. 含糊不清地说胡言乱语地说
The babies babbled as they played.(婴孩们一边玩一边咿咿呀呀地学说话。

2. Baffle:v. 使困惑,使难倒,使受挫
The question baffled me completely and I couldn't answer it.(这个问题把我彻底难倒了, 我答不出来。

3. Baleful:a. 凶恶的,有害的
The robber gave me a baleful look.(那强盗用威胁的眼光看着我。

4. Balk:v. 犹豫不决,举棋不定
I wanted to buy the dress, but I balked at the high price.(我本想买这件连衣裙, 但一看价钱太高

5. Badger:v. 缠着,问个没完
The children badgered me into taking them to the cinema.(孩子们吵着要我带他们去看电影。

6. Ballast:n.压载物,压舱物v. 给……装压舱物
7. Ballistics:n. (有关枪炮发射的)弹道学
8. Balm:n.护肤膏;香膏
Lip balm(润唇膏)
9. Balustrade:n. 栏杆,扶栏
She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs.(她俯身在阳台栏杆上对楼下的人们喊着。

10. Banal:陈旧的;平庸的;乏味的
Making banal remarks was one of his bad habits.(他的坏习惯之一就是喜欢说些陈词滥调。

1. Bandwagon:n. (尤指政治上或商业上的)潮流,浪头
2. Bane:n. 祸根,灾星
3. Banish:v. 1. 放逐,驱逐出境2. 忘却,不去想
例句:He wasbanished to an uninhabited island for a year.(他被放逐到一个无人居住的荒岛一年。

4. Banter:n. 嘲弄,戏谑,挖苦v. 取笑,逗弄,开玩笑
例句:The actress exchanged banter with reporters.(女演员与记者相互开玩笑。

5. Baroque:a. 巴洛克风格(17世纪欧洲流行的一种艺术风格)的
6. Barter:v. & n. 以物换物,以等价物作交换
例句:They bartered farm products for machinery.(他们用农产品交换机器。

7. Bash:v. 使劲打,狠打,痛殴n. 重击,猛攻
例句:Have a bash at…尝试一下
8. Bashful:害羞的,羞怯的,腼腆的
9. Bazaar:n. 1.义卖2.(东方国家的)市集,商店(集中区)
10. Beckon:v. 向(某人)示意,召唤
例句:He beckoned me to come nearer.(他招手叫我去。

1. befit:v. 适合于,对……适应
Maria's clothes befit the occasion. 玛莉亚的衣服适合这个场合
2. begrudge:v. 1.对……不满2。

Don’t begrudge his just reward. (他的酬劳是应得的,你别妒忌。

We should not begrudge our neighbour’s richness.(我们不应该嫉妒邻人的富有。

3. beguile:v. 1.使着迷,使陶醉2.欺骗,诱骗
Beguile sb. into doing sth.(骗某人干某事)
4. Behead:v. 砍头,斩首
He was beheaded for high treason. (他因叛国罪被砍头。

5. belie:v. 掩饰,使人对……产生错觉
The gentle lower slopes belie the true nature of the mountain.(低缓的山坡掩盖了这座山的真实
6. bemoan:v. 1.悲叹,哀泣,痛哭2.惋惜,不满于
The farmer bemoaned his loss.(农夫抱怨他所受到的损失。

7. bemused:a. 困惑不解的,茫然的
8. benchmark:n. 基准点,参照点
The benchmark Shanghai composite index closed down 95.02 points.(上海复合指标基准关盘时下降了95.02点。

9. benediction:n. 祈福,祝福
The priest pronounced a benediction over the couple at the end of the marriage ceremony.(牧师在婚礼结束时为新婚夫妇祈求上帝赐福。

10. beneficiary:n. 受惠者,受益人
Her husband was the chief beneficiary of her will.(她丈夫是她遗嘱的主要受益人。

Benevolence:n. 1.仁慈,慈善,慈悲2.善意,善行3.捐款
He did it out of pure benevolence.(他做那件事完全出于善意。

Benign:a. 1.和蔼的,慈祥的2.(肿瘤的)良性的
Bequeath:v. 遗赠,遗留
His father bequeathed him a big fortune.(他父亲给他留下了一大笔遗产。

Bequest:n. 遗产,遗赠物
Bereaved:a. 丧亲人的
Beset:v. 困扰;不断攻击
She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.(她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。

Bicker:v. (为小事)吵嘴,争吵
The two children were always bickering.(那两个孩子总是争吵。

Bigot:n. 偏执的人,顽固者
Bilateral:a. 双边的,双方的
Bile:n. 1.胆汁2.坏脾气
1.Billiards:n. 台球
2.Billow:n. 1. 波浪般滚滚向前的东西(如烟、火等)2.巨浪,波涛
3.Binge:n. 狂饮,纵饮
例如:They went on a binge last night.(他们昨晚饮酒作乐去了。

4.Bipartisan:a. 两党的
例如:The new road will bisect the town.(新马路将把城市分成两部分。

6.Blackmail:n. 1. 敲诈,勒索2.胁迫
7.Blanch:v. (使)变苍白
8.Blare:v. 发出响而刺耳的声音
9.Blatant:a. 极明显的,公然的,无耻的
例如:His treatment of his secretary was ablatant example of managerial arrogance. (他管理的傲慢作风在他对待秘书的态度上表露无遗。

10.Blemish:n. 污点,痕迹v. 玷污,损伤
例如:His reputation was blemished by that article.(他的名声被那篇文章玷污了。

1.bona fide:a. 真正的,真诚的
例如:The report should be made bona fide and without malice.(那报告应该是真实无诈的。

2.bonfire:n. 野火,营火
3.booby trap:n. 1.恶作剧把戏2.伪装地雷
4.boon:n. 恩惠
5.boost:v. 推动,促进
例如:These changes will help to boost share prices.(这些变化将有助于提高股票价格。

6.bootleg:v. 走私
例如:He wanted to run bootleg whisky to the border , and get into the big money.(他要把私酿的威士忌酒偷运到边界去赚大钱。

7.booze:v. 痛饮n. 酒宴
例如:She’s been off the booze for a month now.(到现在她已经一个月滴酒不沾了。

8.bountiful:a. 慷慨的,大方的
例如:If the British were as bountiful as the Americans, donations to charities would more than treble.(如果英国人像美国人那样慷慨,那么给慈善事业的捐赠将超过现在的3倍。

9.bounty:n. 1.奖金,赏金2.慷慨
10.brainstorming:n. 合力攻关,献计献策
1.brainwash:v. 对…进行洗脑
例如:Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves。


3.bridle:n. 马缰v. 1. 给…套笼头2.约束,控制3.动怒
例如:She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying.(她对暗示她说谎的言论嗤之以鼻。

)4.brittle:a. 易碎的,脆弱的
Kate is a person who hasbrittle confidence.(凯特是一个信心容易动摇的人。

5.brothel:n. 妓院
6.brunette:n. 深褐色头发的百种女子
7.brunt:n. 首当其冲
例如:bear the brunt of sth. 首当其冲
8.brusque:a. 轻率地,鲁莽的
例如:The doctor spoke in a brusque tone.(医生不客气地简单说了几个字。

9.brutish:a. 野兽般的,残忍的
10.budge:v. (使)微微移动
例如:I heaved with all my might but still couldn’t budge it.(我用尽全力也没能把它拽动。

1.bulk:n. 容量,体积,数量
2.bullheaded:a. 愚笨固执的,顽固的
例如:Terry is so bullheaded; he won’t listen to anybody else’s opinion.(特里是个牛脾气,他听不进去别人的意见。

3.bum:n. 1.屁股2.流浪汉,乞丐,懒汉
4.bungalow:n. 平房
5.buoyancy:n. 1.浮力2.乐观情绪3.(物价、商业活动)回升,保持上涨走势
6.burrow:n. 洞穴,藏身处v. 1. 掘洞穴2. 寻找,翻找
7.bustle:v. 匆忙,奔忙n. 热闹的活动
例如:She is always bustling about the house.(她总是为家务忙个没完。

8.buttock:n. (半边)臀部
9.buzzword:n. (流行的)专业词语
10.bypass:n. (绕过市镇的)旁道,迂回道v. 回避,绕过
例如:Hebypassed his colleagues on the board and went ahead with the deal.(他未征求董事会中同事的意见就做了这笔交易。

1. Cabaret:n. (餐厅、夜总会等的)歌舞表演
That nightclub has a good reputation for its cabaret.(那家夜总会的歌舞表演十分有名。

2. Cache:n. 藏物处;(电脑)快速缓冲贮存区v. 藏匿,贮藏,躲藏
Police discovered a cache of weapons in the room.(警方在房间里发现了一批隐藏的武器。

3. Cackle:1. (母鸡)咯咯叫2. (刺耳的)咯咯地笑
4. Cajole:v. (以甜言蜜语)哄骗,诱骗
The little girl cajoled her father into buying her a new dress.(这小姑娘哄得她爸爸给她买了一件新衣服。

5. Calamity:n. 灾难,极不幸的事件
If we had been careful such a calamity would not have befallen us.(假如我们谨慎的话, 这种灾难不会降临到我们的头上。

6. Calligraphy:n. 书法(艺术)
7. Callous:a. 无同情心的,硬心肠的,冷漠的
His cruel and callous comments made me shiver.(他残酷无情的批评令我胆寒。

He is callous about the safety of his workers.(他对他工人的安全毫不关心。

8. Callow:a. 年幼的,未成熟的,无经验的
9. Cameo:n. 1. 刻有浮雕的宝石2. (文艺或戏剧)小品
10. Camouflage:n. 伪装,保护色,掩饰v. 用伪装遮掩(某人或某事物)
The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage.(北极熊身上的白色的浓密软毛是一种天然的伪装。

He tried to camouflage his real intentions by talking about friendship and so on.(他大谈友谊之类的话,以此来掩饰他真实的意图。

1. candid:a. 忠实的,率直的,坦诚的
He was quite candid about the way the case had been handled.(对于这个案子的处理手法他直言不讳。

I felt she was being less than candid with me.(我感觉她对我一点都不坦白。

2. canny:a. 精明的,机警的,不易受骗的
3. canoe:n. 独木舟
4. canon:n. 1.教会法规2.(行为或思想的)规范,准则3.(任职大教堂的)教士
5. canter:n. (指马)小跑,慢跑
Black Beauty went cantering round and round the ring.(“黑美人”绕着表演场缓缓地跑着。

)6. canvass:v. 1.在或向……游说(以争取选票或调查意见)2.(向某人)投降(指根据商定的条件)
We are canvassing for the Republican candidate.(我们在为共和党候选人拉票助选。

7. caprice:n. 反复无常,善变(形容词形式:capricious)
Don’t act on caprice. Study your problem.(不要任性行事,研究一下自己的问题。

8. capsize:v. 使(船)倾覆
9. cardiac:a. 心脏(病)的
They managed to revive the injured driver with cardiac massage.(他们通过心脏按压使受伤的司机苏醒了过来。

Death is caused by cardiac failure.(心脏衰竭引起死亡。

10. caress:n. 抚爱,轻吻v. 抚爱,轻轻拥抱
She caressed his cheek lovingly.(她深情地抚摸着他的面颊。

1.charisma:n. 1.号召力
2.chaste:a. 纯洁的,贞洁的
3.chic:n. & a. 别致(的),时髦(的),讲究(的)
4.chime:n. 钟声v. 符合,一致
例如:chime in with sth. (符合某事)
6.chivalry:n. 1.骑士精神2.(男对女的)彬彬有礼,男士风度
例如:He was admired for his chivalry. (他因他的骑士风度而受到景仰。

7.chloroplast:n. 叶绿素
8.cholera:n. 霍乱
9.cholesterol:n. 胆固醇
10.choppy:a. 波涛汹涌的
1.chromosome:n. 染色体
2.chronology:n. 1.年代学2.编年表
3.chubby:a. 圆胖丰满的,微胖的
例如:his progression from chubby teenager to handsome movie star(他从胖乎乎的少年成长为英俊的电影明星。

4.chuck:v. 1.抛掷,投掷2.放弃,抛弃
例如:Chuck me the ball.(把球抛给我。

5.chum:n. 好友,密友
6.churn:v. 剧烈搅动,(波浪)翻腾n. 搅乳机
例如:churn sth out 大量生产;大量炮制
churn sb up 使心神不安(或担忧、害怕、生气)
churn sth up 掀起,搅动(泥土或水);使…翻腾
7.cinder:n. 煤渣,矿渣,熔渣
8.circumstantial:a. 1.(指描述)详细的2.(指证据)有充分细节却无法证实的
例如:A circumstantial report about the debate。


We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial .(我们应该指出,证据完全是依情况而定的。

9.circumvent:v. 绕过,巧妙地回避
例如:Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.(船只在外国注册以逃避有关雇佣和安全的规定。

10.clad:a. 穿着衣服的,被覆盖的
例如:a scantily clad young woman(穿着很少的年轻女人)
1.coerce:v. 强制(威胁)某人做某事
例如:I wascoerced into joining the gang.(我被迫加入匪帮。

2.coexist:v. 共存
例如:A heart of light and a soul of darkness cannot coexist.(光明之星与黑暗之魂永不共存。

3.cog:n. 1.(齿轮的)轮牙,轮齿2.不重要但不可少的人
4.coherent:a. (言语、思维等)有条理的,连贯的
例如:To establish a coherent and comprehensive population policy.(制订周全谐协的人口政策。

5.cohesive:a. 凝聚的,凝结的
例如:Development of an enterprise depends on its cohesive force.(企业发展要靠增强企业凝聚力。

6.collaborate:v. 1.合作,协力2.(与敌人)勾结
例如:The work gets done more quickly when we collaborate.(我们一旦合作,工作做起来就更快了。

7.collate:v. 1.(仔细)核对,对照2.(书籍装订前)整理
例如:When both versions of the story were collated, major discrepancies were found.

8.collude:v. 共谋,勾结,串通
例如:She was charged on the supposition that she hadcolluded with her husband in the murders.(她被指控涉嫌与丈夫合谋杀人。

9.colon:n. 结肠,大肠
10.colossal:a. 巨大的,庞大的
1.colossus:n. 巨大,巨物
2.colt:n. 马驹
a:n. 昏迷,昏厥
mensurate:a. 相称的,恰当的
例如:Salary will be commensurate with experience.(薪金将与资历相称。

mentate:v. 作实况报道,评述
例如:Who will be commentating on the game?(谁来对这场比赛做现场解说?)
munion:n. 1.(信仰、思想、感情等的)交流,共享2.圣餐
patible:a. 可和谐共处的,兼容的
例如:Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth?(保护环境的措施与经济增长协调吗?)
posure:n. 镇静,沉着,泰然自若
punction:n. 内疚,悔恨
10.con:v. 哄骗,欺诈
例如:I was conned into buying a useless car.(我上当受骗买了辆不能用的汽车。

1.confide:v. 1.吐露(秘密等)
She confided all her secrets to her best friend.(她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了所有的秘密。

2.configuration:n. 构造,外形,布置,结构
3.confinement:n. 1. 幽禁,监禁2.分娩3.限制
4.conflate:v. 合并,合成
The issues of race and class are separate and should not beconflated.(种族与阶级问题各不相关,不能混为一谈。

5.congenial:a. 令人愉快的,情投意合的
6.congenital:a. (疾病)先天的;生就的
He has a congenital inability of telling the truth.(他生就不会说实话。

7.congested:a. 堵塞的
Many of Europe’s airplanes are heavily congested.(欧洲许多机场都十分拥挤。

8.conjecture:v. 推测,猜
We can only conjecture about what was in the killer’s mind.(我们只能推测杀手当时在想什么。

9.connoisseur:n. (艺术品、美酒等的)鉴赏家
10.connotation:n. 含蓄,涵义
1.Dab:v. 轻触,轻扑、
dab one's cheek with powder [a powder puff](用粉[粉扑] 轻扑面颊)
dab one's eyes with a handkerchief(用手帕轻擦眼睛)
What a daft thing to say!(怎么说这样的傻话!)
3.Dainty:a. 娇美的,晴朗的;秀丽的,精致的n. 美味的食物;珍品
The little girl wore a dainty dress.(小姑娘穿着一件漂亮的连衣裙。

The rain hardly dampened the ground.(这场雨连地面也没有打湿。

don't dampen your anger, please release it!(别压抑你的愤怒,请释放出来吧!)
This guy is a dandy, just keep him away from you.(这人是个花花公子,离他远点。

8.Dangle:v. (使)悬荡,(使)悬垂
Huge earringsdangled from her ears.(她耳朵上挂着一对大耳环。

The prison was cold and dank.(监狱里又冷又湿。

The dappled horse now began to go ahead.(花斑马开始领先了。

1.Decry:v. 责难(公开)谴责
eg: The old poet decried the mediocrity of today’s writing.(老诗人抨击了现代文体的平庸无奇。

2. Deductible:a. 可扣除的
3.Deem:v. 认为,相信
eg: Don't you deem that it is your duty to help?(你不认为助人是你的责任吗?)
4.Defame:v. 诽谤,中伤
eg: They’ve been defaming us for years.(多年来他们一直在中伤我们。

5.Defer:v. 1.延缓,拖延2.顺从,尊重
eg: defer to 遵从,听从
6.Defile:v. 使肮脏,亵渎(神明)n. 山中的狭道
eg: I felt defiled by the filth.

7.Definitive:a. 1.确定的,不能改变的2.决定性的
8.Deflate:v. 1.放(轮胎等)的气,缩小2.泄气3.紧缩(通货)
eg: I was quite deflated by her lack of interest in my suggestions.(他对我的建议兴趣不大,令我感到十分气馁。

9.Defoliate:v. 毁掉(树木、花草的)叶
10.Deform:v. 毁坏……的外形,使成畸形
eg: He was born with a severely deformed foot.(他生下来就有一只严重畸形的腿。

1.defraud:v. 诈取,欺骗
例如:He defrauded his employers of thousands of dollars. 他诈取了他的雇主一大笔钱。

2.deft:a. 灵巧的,机敏的
3.defunct:a. 已死的,已废止的
4.defuse:v. 1.拆除(炸弹等的)信管2.缓和,平息,消除危险
例如:Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was defused.警方封锁了这个地区直到炸弹被拆除为止。

The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it.专家们试图拆除引信时炸弹爆炸了。

5.degenerate:a. 退步的n. 堕落者v. 退化,堕落
6.dehydrate:v. (使)脱水,除去……的水分
例如:People can very quickly dehydrate in the desert.人在沙漠里很快就会脱水。

7.deliberation:n. 1.考虑,研讨,商议2.审慎,从容,沉着
8.delimit:v. 确定……的范围(界线)
例如:to delimit the epidemic area and the protection area划定疫区和保护区
9.delineate:v. 描绘,描述,勾画……的轮廓
10.delirious:a. 精神错乱的,胡言乱语的
1.deliverance:n. 解救,拯救
2.delude:v. 误导,欺骗,哄骗
例如:She deluded everyone into following her.(她骗得每个人都听信她的。

3.deluge:n. 暴雨,洪水v. 淹没,涌现
例如:The minister was deluged with questions.(部长穷于应付像洪水般涌来的问题。

4.deluxe:a. 华美的,豪华的,高级的
5.delve:v. 1.搜寻,翻查2.探索,钻研
例如:Hedelved into the family archives looking for the facts.(他深入查考这个家族的家谱以寻找事实根据。

6.demean:v. 1. 使丢脸,贬低自己,降低……的身份2.贬损
例如:Shedemeans herself by doing his dirty work.(她替他干卑鄙的勾当,贬低了自己的人格。

7.demeanour:n. 行为,举止
8.demented:a. 疯狂的,精神错乱的
9.demo:n. 示威游行
10.demobilize:v. 使复员,退伍,遣散(军队)
例如:After the war the soldiers weredemobilized.(战后军人都遣散了。

1.demonic:a. 神通广大的,魔鬼似的
2.demoralize:v. 使士气低落,使泄气
例如:They have left the teaching profession, demoralized and undervalued.(他们已经离开了教学行业,意志消沉,受人轻视。

3.demote:v. 使降职,使降级
例如:The boss demoted her to a less responsible position.(上司把她降到较次要的职位。

4.denizen:n. 生活在特定地方的人(动植物)
5.denominate:v. 给…命名,表明
例如:Securities that are denominated in dollars.(以美元记数的抵押品)
6.dent:n. 缺口v. 使凹陷
例如:I’m afraid I’ve dented the car.(恐怕我把车子撞瘪了一些。

7.deodorant:n. 除臭剂
8.deplete:v. 大量削减数量(能力、价值),消耗
例如:Our supplies of food are rather depleted.(我们的食品供应大大地减少了。

9.deplore:v. 哀叹,对…深表遗憾
例如:We deplore the accident.(我们对这一事故深感遗憾。

10.depopulate:v. 使人口减少
例如:Ever higher dues ruined trade and depopulated towns.(越来越高的苛捐杂税使商业凋敝,城镇人口减少。

1.depose:v. 1.罢免,废黜
例如:The president was deposed in a military coup.(总统在军事政变中被废黜。

2.depository:n. 储藏室,仓库
3.deprecate:v. 反对,对…表示不赞成
例如:a deprecating comment(表示反对的言论)
4.depreciate:v. 1.(货币)贬值,降价2.轻视,贬低
例如:New cars start todepreciate as soon as they on the road.(新车一上路就开始贬值。

5.deregulate:v. 撤销对…的管制规定,接触对…的控制
例如:deregulated financial market(放宽了管制的金融市场)
6.desegregate:v. 废除…的种族隔离
例如:The government ordered to desegregate schools.(政府下令废除学校的种族隔离。

7.desiccate:v. (使)变干燥,使干涸
例如:desiccated coconut(椰子干)
8.despondent:a. 苦恼的;泄气的;沮丧的
例如:She was becoming increasingly despondent about the way things were going.(她对情况的发展越来越失望。

9.destitute:a. 1.贫困的2.缺少的,毫无…的
例如:When he died, the family was left completely destitute.(他死时家里一贫如洗。

10.deterrent:n. 阻碍物a. 威慑的,遏制的
例如:Hopefully his punishment will act as adeterrent to others.(对他的惩罚希望能起到杀一儆百的作用。

1.detest:v. 厌恶,讨厌
例如:I detest people who tell lies.(我讨厌那些说谎的人。

2.detour:n. 弯路,兜圈子,离题v. 绕道,使离题
例如:We made a detour to avoid the heavy traffic.(我们绕道走,避开繁忙的交通。

3.detract:v. 贬低,诋毁,减损
例如:The defect detracts greatly from the value of the vase.(这瑕疵大大地降低了花瓶的价值。

)4.devastate:v. 摧毁,破坏,毁灭
例如:He wasdevastated by the rude remark.(他被粗鲁的言论搅昏了头。

5.deviant:a. 不正常的,越轨的
例如:Deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.(反常举动是某些精神疾病的特征之一。

6.devious:a. 1. 迂回的,曲折的2.不坦率的,不大老实的
例如:He was as devious as his adversary was ruthless.(他的对手冷酷,他也同样阴险。

7.devoid:a. 缺少…的,没有…的
例如:This house is totally devoid of furniture.(这所房子里一件家具都没有。

8.dexterity:n. 灵巧,熟练
9.dialectic:n. 辩证法
10.diarrhoea:n. 腹泻
1. eavesdrop:v. 偷听(私人谈话)
You should not eavesdrop our talking.(你不应该偷听我们说话)
2. eccentricity:n. 古怪,怪癖
My wife has many eccentricities.(我老婆有很多怪癖。

3. eclectic:a. 折中的,兼收并蓄的,综合的
4. ecstasy:n. 狂喜,入迷
She was in a trancelike state of religious ecstasy.(她的宗教狂热已使她处于恍惚状态之中。

5. eczema:湿疹
6. eddy:n. 漩涡,涡流v. 旋转,回旋
The hurricane is eddying toward us.(龙卷风正向我们旋转而来。

7. edgy:a. 1.紧张的,急躁的2.刀口锐利的,尖锐的
She’s been a bit edgy lately, waiting for the exam results.(她正在等待考试结果, 所以最近有些焦躁不安。

8. edict:n. 法令公告
9. edifice:n. 宏伟的建筑物
10. eerie:a. 怪异可怕的
1.egoism:n. 自我主义,自私注意,利己主义
2.electrify:v. 1.使充电,使电气化2.使激动,使兴奋
3.electrode:n. 电极
4.electrostatic:a. 静电的
5.elemental:a. 1.强劲的2.基本的。
