3.1 云服务器的选择
云服务器应选择能适应各种传感网络和通信网络的 OneNET 物联网云平台 [7]。OneNET 物联网云平台会不断刷 新显示的数值,实现数据接入与数据异常监督,当出现数据 异常触发函数给开发板发送信息。用户能够通过云平台提供 的界面实现远程监控和控制,对农作物的生长环境和生长状
1 系统设计方案
基于多传感器信息融合的农作物监测系统与一般智慧农 业不同,不仅能实现农作物温湿度等生长环境的检测与调节, 还加入了农作物生长状态实时检测与防虫害预警系统 [3]。整 个系统分为大数据采集模块、大数据分析模块、显示模块、 农作物状况检测模块、设备控制模块和视频监控模块 [4]。大 数据采集模块由田间传感器、空气监测设备、虫害检测系统 和视频监控构成,通过这些设备可获取空气数据、害虫样本、 分布密度和作物受害程度等数据并上传至云服务器。大数据 分析模块能够对云服务器中存储的数据进行综合分析,通过 自动控制或者手动调控达到实时调节与病虫预警的目的。农 作物状况检测模块通过与图库中相应作物的各种状态进行比
3.2 系统开发环境
系统硬件选用 C51 单片机,通过系统中的传感网络来感 知环境。主控制板在 Keil4 MDK 环境下开发,将 C 语言作 为eNET 物联网平台,完成数据的存储、 智能控制、远程查询和控制等功能。系统为 B/S 三层构造, 它的运转环境分为客户端、中央控制器和硬件执行机构 。 [8-9]
(School of Information Engineering, Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, Xi'an Shaanxi 710100, China)
Abstract: Real-time monitoring and remote control of parameters such as temperature, humidity and light in the growing environment of crops are important means of agricultural production modernization. For this reason, the author designed a crop monitoring system based on multi-sensor information fusion. The system combines the Internet of Things cloud platform with big data analysis technology to realize the real-time monitoring function of crops, can combine system data to realize automatic control, complete automatic irrigation, and achieve the purpose of improving agricultural production efficiency.
科技信息SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION2010年第15期多传感器数据融合技术概述黄惠宁刘源璋梁昭阳(桂林理工大学土木与建筑工程学院广西桂林541004)【摘要】多传感器数据融合技术是一门新兴前沿技术。
【关键词】数据融合;多传感器;方法Overview of the Multi-sensor Data Fusion Technology【Abstract 】Multi-sensor data fusion is the front line of technique.rencently,the technique of Multi -sensor data fusion had attained attention widely.It ’s principle and methodology had benn applied in so many fields.Introducing the fundamental principle and basic processing ,This paper had set focus on the contrast of the three levels of Multi-sensor data fusion and had analysed differences of them and had discussed the developing tendency.【Key words 】D ata fusion ;Multi-sensor ;M ethods0前言数据融合是关于协同利用多传感器信息,进行多级别、多方面、多层次信息检测、相关、估计和综合以获得目标的状态和特征估计以及态势和威胁评估的一种多级自动信息处理过程。
它由于用途广泛、使用灵活,已有系列化产品,使用中只需设定三个参数(Kp,Ti 和Td)即可。
关键词:机器人,机器人控制,PID,自动控制To enable the robot to complete a variety of control means various tasks and actions performed. As a computer system, the key technology, computer control technology, including a very wide range, from the robot intelligent, task description to the motion control and servo control technology. Both needed to achieve control of various hardware systems, and includes a variety of software systems. The first robot uses sequential control mode, with the development of the computer, the robot uses a computer system to integrate the functions of mechanical and electrical equipment, and the use of teaching and playback control. With the development of information technology and control technology, and expanding the scope of application of the robot, intelligent robot control technology is moving in the direction of development, there has been off-line programming, task-level language, multi-sensor information fusion, intelligent behavior control and other new technologies. Technology will facilitate the development of a variety of intelligent robots.Today's automatic control techniques are based on the concept of feedback. Elements feedback theory consists of three parts: the measuring, comparing and implementation. V ariable measurements concern, compared with expectations, with the error correction control system response regulator. The key to the theory and application of automatic control is made after the correct measure and compare, how best to correct the system.PID (proportional - integral - derivative) controller as the first practical controller has 50 years of history, and still is the most widely used industrial controller. PID controller is easy to understand, without the use of an accurate system model prerequisites, and thus become the most widely used controller.It is due to the widespread use, flexible, has a series of products, the use of simply setting three parameters (Kp, Ti and Td) can be. In many cases, it does not necessarily require all three units, which may take one to two units, but the ratio is essential to the control unit.Keywords: robots, robot control, PID, automatic control引言信息技术是当前高技术发展中的主流技术,它的发展对其它技术会产生极大的影响。
多模态融合多模态融合 1多模态机器学习MultiModal Machine Learning (MMML),旨在通过机器学习理解并处理多种模态信息。
包括多模态表示学习Multimodal Representation,模态转化Translation,对齐Alignment,多模态融合Multimodal Fusion,协同学习Co-learning等。
多模态融合Multimodal Fusion也称多源信息融合(Multi-source Information Fusion),多传感器融合(Multi-sensor Fusion)。
早期融合中,各模态特征经转换和缩放处理后产生的融合特征通常具有较高的维度,可以使用主成分分析( PCA) 和线性判别分析( LDA) 对融合特征进行降维处理。
早期融合中模态表示的融合有多种方式,常用的方式有对各模态表示进行相同位置元素的相乘或相加、构建编码器—解码器结构和用LSTM 神经网络进行信息整合等。
多传感器融合系统特点及体系结构所谓多传感器信息融合(Multi-sensor Information Fusion,MSIF),就是利用计算机技术将来自多传感器或多源的信息和数据,在一定的准则下加以自动分析和综合,以完成所需要的决策和估计而进行的信息处理过程。
本文研究了移动机器人避障系统,设计了一种超声串扰消除方法,使用 EKF 融合包含光电鼠标传感器在内的三个传感器进行定位,结合稀疏自动编码器与 基于 EKF 的模糊神经网络算法进行避障。搭建了移动机器人平台,通过机器人 避障平台验证了 2PSK 调制方式下的超声测距方法,增强了其抗干扰性;验证了 定位融合算法的有效性,提高了定位精度;也验证了避障算法的可行性。 关键词:避障;多传感器信息融合;超声串扰;模糊神经网络;稀疏自动编码器
(1)通过对机器人避障需求的分析,设计了移动机器人避障系统的总体方 案,设计了多传感器系统和信息融合方案。
(2)通过对超声测距会出现的串扰问题进行分析,提出了一种基于 2PSK 调制的超声测距方法,消除了串扰,提高了测距精度。
(3)研究了扩展卡尔曼滤波算法(Extended Kalman Filter,EKF),设计了 一种基于 EKF 的数据融合定位算法,融合了惯性传感器、编码器、光电鼠标传 感器的数据进行定位,并通过实验测试,验证了定位的精度和算法的有效性。
fuzzy neural network; sparse auto-encoder
第 1 章 绪论 .................................................................................................................1 1.1 课题来源.........................................................................................................1 1.2 课题研究的背景及意义.................................................................................1 1.3 相关领域国内外研究现状.............................................................................2 1.3.1 机器人避障技术的研究现状 .............................................................2 1.3.2 超声串扰消除方法的研究现状 .........................................................4 1.3.3 多传感器信息融合技术的研究现状 .................................................6 1.4 本文的主要研究内容和组织结构.................................................................7 1.4............................................................7 1.4.2 本文组织结构 .....................................................................................7
塔筒底部和基础有角度的变化与垂直沉降、塔筒各 段及联接处的形态变化等状况,数据的采集精度要 求达到毫米级。为了实现上述功能,需建立一个基 于物联网的风力机塔架倾斜、沉降、变形的数学模 型及算法。由于风机自振、外部震动、仪器故障、 设备停电、电磁干扰等异常情况的影响,传感器采 集到的数据可能会产生误差,因此需要对数据进行 预处理以剔除数据中坏值数据、空值数据的影响, 提高系统报警和预测精度。多传感器信息融合技术 是将来自多传感器或多信息源所获取的信息和数 据,在一定的准则下加以自动分析和综合评估,以 完成所需要的决策和估计而进行的信息处理过程 [6] 。常用的理论方法包括加权平均融合法、卡尔曼 滤波法和人工神经网络法等[7]。传感器采集的风力 机塔架安全及形态数据有大量、实时、动态等特性, 所以优选采用人工神经网络法进行数据融合和预处 理,以加强传感器采集数据的实时性和可行度,提 高信息利用率和处理速度。
感器在线监测系统[5] 两种类型。这两种系统通常集 中在对塔架基础不均匀沉降、塔筒沉降倾斜等方面 的实时数据采集及信息处理,但是对于因为极端载 荷作用、材料疲劳、法兰变形、焊缝开裂、螺栓松 动等原因造成的塔架形态特征异常状况很难做出判 断。上述系统大都缺乏对传感器一段时间内采集的 海量数据进行有效甄别和处理的能力,难以对塔架 未来安全及变化趋势做出有效预警。在空气动力载 荷、惯性力和重力载荷、运行载荷和其他载荷作用 下,如何保障风力机塔架的整体结构安全及长期稳 定运行,是新型风力机塔架安全在线监测系统研究 急需解决的1 卷第 2 期
Multi-sensor Information Fusion
I. INTRODUCTION Along with the constant development of China's modernization process and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people need better producing and living environment, and they pay more attention to the ecological environment. So the real-time monitoring of environmental factors (water, dust, smoke, noise, air quality, etc.) becomes the focus work of the environmental protection departments. They often put the monitoring device in every monitoring point, and there are three data acquisition ways: artificial way, specialized lines, and wireless sensor networks. But these ways all have significant drawback: artificial way is neither convenient nor a waste of manpower and resources; specialized line is difficult to achieve in remote areas; wireless sensor networks is greatly influenced by the weather and geographical conditions [1]. Aiming at these problems, some experts have made encouraging progress. Wireless sensor networks can solve the data transmission problem in environment monitoring system [3]; however, the accuracy of the data which return from the area by wireless sensor networks is not very well, especially when the external environment mutation, it will return clear distortion data. In recent years, multi-sensor information fusion technology has been rapidly developed and applied in many sophisticated application areas [4]. In view of the current low accuracy, reliability in environmental detecting, we propose an environmental detecting system based on multi-sensor information fusion technology, which can get more accurate information than any single sensor in a shorter period of time with smaller price. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the system structure and the process model are discussed, and choose the adaptive one to apply in the system. In section 3, the method of multi-sensor information fusion based on Neural Networks is illustrated in detail, and then we propose an improved ART
多传感器信息融合技术研究多传感器信息融合技术(Multi-sensor Information Fusion Technology)是一种通过整合多种传感器信息来获得更好结果的技术。
第1章 绪论1.1多源信息融合的一般概念与定义1.1.1定义多源信息融合(multi-source information fusion)又称为多传感信息融合(multi-sensor information fusion),是20世纪70年代提出来的,军事应用是该技术诞生的源泉。
由于早期的融合方法研究是针对数据处理的,所以有时也把信息融合称为数据融合(data fusion)。
目前能被大多数研究者接受的有关信息融合的定义,是由美国三军组织实验室理事联合会JDL(Joint Directors of Laboratories)提出来的[1-3],从军事应用的角度给出信息融合的定义。
定义1.1.1 信息融合就是一种多层次、多方面的处理过程,包括对多源数据进行检测、相关、组合和估计,从而提高状态和身份估计的精度,以及对战场态势和威胁的重要程度进行适时完整的评价。
邓 巍,丁为民
(南京农业大学 工学院,南京 210031)
摘 要:多传感器信息融合在现代军事 C3I(指挥、控制、通信与情报)系统中,以及许多民事领域得到了
现象 H
融合中心 uf
现象 H
u1 S 2 u2
图 1 典型拓扑结构
1) 融合中心应该且能够得到什么层次的多源
2) 如何从多源信息提炼融合信息?这是多源
2) 经典推理方法。在先验假设已知的情况下, 推理描述一个假设条件下观察到的事件概率。它完 全依据数学理论,严格地应用并需要先验概率分布 知识,但先验概率往往是不确知的。
3) 贝 叶 斯 法 。贝 叶 斯 法 解 决 了 经 典 推 理 方 法 的 某些困难。在给定一个预先似然估计和附加证据条 件下,更新一个假设的似然函数。允许使用主观概 率,但同样存在许多缺点。
还有许多方法,在此不再一一列举。各种信息 融合方法各具特色,任何一个融合算法都包罗不了 信息融合的完整内涵,它们只是信息融合过程中的 不同数学计算方法。随着各种研究的继续深入,必 将产生更有效的方法。 1.6 信息融合的过程问题
信息融合依赖于各种信息资源,因此数据融合 系统必须包括多信息的获取,即多传感器系统。信 息融合过程中,多传感器系统与信息融合中心紧密 相关,前者为后者提供信息资源,后者加前者的输 出,使前者的观测结果成为可靠输出。
《信息合融》综述1 信息融合的发展历史与现状近二十年来,传感器技术比获得了迅速发展,各种面向复杂应用背景的多传感器信息系统大量涌现,在一个系统中装配的传感器在数量上和种类上也越来越多。
在这样的情况下,多传感器信息融合技术(Multi-sensor information Fusion,MIF) 应运而生。
关键词:多传感器信息融合;加权融合;欠观测系统;增量模型;增量滤波AbstractMulti-sensor information fusion filtering theory has been widely used in many fields such as aviation, aerospace, navigation, industrial process control, target tracking and so on. Information fusion can make full use of the observation information from different sensors, so as to obtain an optimal description of the system state and ensure the reliability of the system. In complex environment, if all kinds of errors or error information for the multi-sensor system can be effectively identified and eliminated, the accuracy of system state estimation can be further improved. Kalman filtering algorithm is a very common state estimation method. Its recursive form and small data storage make it better than the other general filtering algorithms. However, in the actual application process, due to the influence of the surrounding environment, errors caused by the measuring equipment itself, or improper selection of models and parameters and other reasons, the systematic errors in measurement data often drift with time. Such system observation errors are often difficult to be verified or calibrated, and the direct use of traditional Kalman filtering algorithm will also cause large filtering errors.To solve this problem, the Kalman filtering algorithm and fusion algorithm for the multi-sensor systems under poor observation condition are studied based on the incremental equation in this paper. The main contents include the following aspects: Firstly, a new incremental equation is proposed for linear discrete systems under poor observation condition. Moreover, the incremental Kalman estimators are proposed based on two incremental equations. They can effectively solve the state estimation problem for the systems under poor observation condition, which can not be solved by the traditional Kalman filter algorithm.Secondly, under the linear minimum variance optimal fusion criterion, the multi-sensor weighted state and weighted measurement fusion incremental Kalmanestimators are presented for the systems under poor observation condition. They improve the state estimation accuracy for the multi-sensor systems under poor observation condition.Finally, considering the incremental observation noise as colored noise, the local and weighted measurement fusion incremental Kalman estimators with colored measurement noises are proposed. Compared with the incremental Kalman estimators with white measurement noises, the estimation accuracy is further improved.Applying above algorithms, the specific simulation application examples are given, and the simulation results show the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed algorithm in this paper.Keywords: multi-sensor information fusion; weighted fusion; systems under poor observation condition; incremental model; incremental filtering目录中文摘要 (I)Abstract ........................................................................................................................... I I 第1章绪论 .. (1)1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 (1)1.2 多传感器信息融合估计发展概况 (3)1.3 Kalman滤波理论的研究现状 (6)1.4 典型欠观测系统 (10)1.5 本文的主要研究内容 (11)第2章欠观测系统的增量观测模型 (12)2.1 预备知识 (12)2.1.1 射影理论和新息序列 (12)2.1.2 分布式三种加权融合和集中式融合算法 (14)2.2 两种增量观测模型 (16)2.3 本章小结 (17)第3章欠观测系统增量Kalman估值器 (18)3.1 引言 (18)3.2 增量Kalman估值器 (18)3.2.1 增量Kalman滤波器 (18)3.2.2 增量Kalman预报器 (21)3.3.3 增量Kalman平滑器 (23)3.3 仿真研究 (24)3.3.1 仿真实例1 (24)3.3.2 仿真实例2 (26)3.4 本章小结 (28)第4章多传感器欠观测系统信息融合增量Kalman估值器 (29)4.1 引言 (29)4.2 问题阐述 (29)4.3 加权状态融合增量Kalman估值器 (30)4.3.1 局部增量Kalman估值器 (30)4.3.1 加权状态融合增量Kalman估值器 (31)4.4 加权观测融合增量Kalman估值器 (33)4.4.1 局部增量Kalman估值器 (33)4.4.2 加权观测融合增量Kalman估值器 (34)4.5 仿真研究 (35)4.5.1 仿真实例1 (35)4.5.2 仿真实例2 (37)4.6 本章小结 (38)第5章带有色观测噪声的加权融合增量Kalman估值器 (39)5.1 引言 (39)5.2 问题阐述 (39)5.3 带有色观测噪声的增量Kalman估值器 (40)5.3.1 增量ARMA模型 (40)5.3.1增量Kalman估值器 (41)5.4 带有色观测噪声的增量Kalman融合估值器 (42)5.4.1 局部增量Kalman估值器 (42)5.4.2 加权观测融合增量Kalman估值器 (44)5.5 仿真研究 (46)5.5.1 仿真实例1 (46)5.5.2 仿真实例2 (49)5.6 本章小结 (52)结论 (53)参考文献 (55)致谢 (62)攻读学位期间发表论文 (63)独创性声明 (64)第1章绪论1.1 课题研究的背景与意义控制系统从发展之初到现在已经逐渐进入到智能化的时代,这意味着人们不仅对于控制系统各方面性能的要求越来越高,要求控制系统的结果更为精确,而且需要控制系统在更加多样复杂的环境中的应用中更加稳定的发挥好的作用,这种需求不仅体现在军事领域中如雷达系统、导弹制导、无人机侦探、智能控制指挥等方面,现在也更多的在民用领域如智能机器人、物流系统、农业、工业开采勘探生产、汽车飞机智能驾驶等方面发挥着重要的作用。
9 个基于多传感器的经典应用方案设计
所谓多传感器信息融合(MulTI-sensor InformaTIon Fusion,MSIF),就是利
本文介绍基于多传感器的9 个经典应用设计方案。
本设计将LabVIW 软件、多传感器、计算机结合,构建了一个空气流量
整个发动机温度场测试系统是由光源、发动机温度场测试的零部件、镜头、CCD 图像传感器、图像采集卡、图像融合处理和温度识别计算机5 大部分组成。
关键词:无人驾驶传感器融合融合算法信息融合多传感器Summary of Multi-sensor Fusion Research on Driverless VehicleLuo guorongAbstract:Sensor perception and recognition is a key technology of driverless vehicles, which is the basis of path planning, intelligent decision making and automatic control. It is a new technology of automobile development in recent years. This paper discusses the concept,classification, architecture and main algorithms of multi-sensor fusion technology, and summarizes the development requirements and future prospects of multi-sensor information fusion.Key words:Driverless; Sensor Fusion ;Fusion Algorithm; Information fusion;Multi-sensor。
关键字:传感器,信息融合,滤波器,应用,发展Multi-sensor information fusion theory and its applicationAbstract:As the development of science and technology, sensors have been widely used. Multi-sensors have the advantage of covering the shortage, which stimulated the development of the technology of multi-sensors information fusion.In 1960, R.E. Kalman published his famous paper describing a recursive solution to the discrete-data linear filtering problem. Since that time, due in large part to advances in digital computing, the Kalman filter has been the subject of extensive research and application, particularly in the area of autonomous or assisted navigation.The Kalman filter is a set of mathematical equations that provides an efficient computational (recursive) means to estimate the state of a process, in a way that minimizes the mean of the squared error. The filter is very powerful in several aspects: it supports estimations of past, present, and even future states, and it can do so even when the precise nature of the modeled system is unknown.The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical introduction to the principal of multi-data fusion,and have a introduction of the widely used kalman filter then illustrate it with a practical application.Keywords: sensors, information fusion, filter, application, development1、引言信息融合或信息融合技术也称为多传感器融合技术,作为一种多源信息协调处理技术术语,在不同的问题领域,其实现方法、步骤和增益优化准则都不同。
一种多元信息融合技术的方案实现夏寅辉;白廷柱;徐长彬;殷金坚;何文忠【摘要】The concept,the theory and application fields of multi-sensor information fusion are discussed.Based on this,a scheme of multi-sensor information fusion is presented.The multisource battlefield informationsare captured and apperceived by using multi-sensor information fusion technology,and the potential targets are detected and identi-fied by information fusion algorithm.Thus,the estimations of targetstate,battlefield situation and threat can be ob-tained accurately,which achieves the full dimensional battlefield perception in the future battle.%对多元信息融合的概念、原理、模型进行了论述,基于以上论述提出了一种基于多传感器信息融合的设计方案。
【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2016(046)003【总页数】4页(P317-320)【关键词】信息融合;目标识别;目标定位;多传感器【作者】夏寅辉;白廷柱;徐长彬;殷金坚;何文忠【作者单位】华北光电技术研究所,北京 100015;北京理工大学,北京 100081;华北光电技术研究所,北京 100015;华北光电技术研究所,北京 100015;华北光电技术研究所,北京 100015【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN29随着传感器技术、电子技术、信号处理技术及精密机械加工技术的迅速发展,系统集成的传感器越来越多,系统的环境适应能力越来越强,获取的信息越来越多。
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MULTI-SENSOR INFORMATION FUSION TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMART AIRCRAFTByDr. Buddy H. Jeun and Honorary Professor Allan Whittaker, Senior IEEELockheed Martin Aeronautics CompanyMarietta, GeorgiaABSTRACTThis paper explores the possibility of applying multi-sensor information fusion technology to the development of smart aircraft. This technology integrates information from multiple sensors and extracts tactical information to detect, track and identify time critical targets at any time, in any place and under all weather conditions. Such target information will help the war fighter avoid fratricide and deploy weapon systems for surgical strike. Finally, the smart aircraft helps the war fighter establish air superiority in the air, on the land and at sea.The architecture of a smart aircraft includes the pilot and flight crew, vehicle interface unit, multi-sensor correlation processor, multi-sensor image fusion model, multi-sensor track fusion model, multiple target identification fusion model and multiple sensors such as: Radar, CNI, EW, IFF Visual, Electro Optic and IR.The multi-sensor track fusion model computes a fused track from the sensor trackers. A Multiple Target Identification Fusion model creates integrated target identifications from identification of multiple targets. Similarly, a Multi-Sensor Image Fusion model creates an integrated target image from multiple sensor images.In traditional aircraft, the pilot and crew extract tactical information from a huge amount of multi-sensor information. This processing is time consuming and subject to human error. A future smart aircraft with Multi-Sensor Information Fusion technology will have access to accurately correlated fused information. Fused information assists the pilot and crew to detect, track and identify targets more rapidly and accurately. Such platforms are truly smart aircraft.1INTRODUCTIONThe smartness of the fighter aircraft can be characterized by the following qualities:(1)Quickly assess the tactical information from the multi-sensor and multiple targetenvironments.(2)Positively detect, track, and identified the time critical targets at any time and any placeunder all weather conditions.(3)Accurately deploy weapon system for surgical strike to the enemy target.(4)Preciously discriminate targets from friends and foes, to avoid friendly killing.Most aircraft development involves multiple sensors. Some sensors such as synthetic aperture radar can provide picture like images at very long range. Sensors, such as radar, IFF, electro-optic cameras and infrared images, can provide tactical information to detect, track and positively identify targets. All of sensor needed to integrated in order to generate the tactical information for the smart aircraft. Integration of multiple sensors is not a simple task, as it requires the application of mathematical concepts and computer algorithms. These form the bases of multi-sensor information fusion technology, which directly influences the development of smart aircraft.Multi-Sensor Information Fusion (MSIF) technology includes a Multi-Sensor Track Fusion (MSTF) model, a Multiple Target Identification (MTIDF) model and a Multi-Sensor Image Fusion (MSIF) model. The MSTF model creates fused tracks from the multi-senor trackers. The MTIDF model creates fused target identifications from the multi-sensor and multiple target identification system. The MSIF model creates the fused image from the multi-sensor image information system.Multi-sensor fusion technology is the tool to achieved multi-sensor integration. Aircraft without multi-sensor fusion information technology operates less effectively on the battlefield. Aircraft with multi-sensor information fusion technology can detect, track and identified the time critical targets quickly with great precision. Smart aircraft with multi-sensor information fusion technology can help the war fighter to avoid fratricide and help the aircrew to established superiority in the air, land and sea.2MULTI-SENSOR CORRELATION (MSC) PROCESSORThe objective of the Multi-Sensor Correlation (MSC) processor is to provide the logic and algorithms for the fusion processor. The MSC processor estimates the linear relationship between two given feature vectors X and Y, according to the correlation coefficient between X and Y. The equation to calculate the correlation coefficient between two feature vectors X and Y, can be expressed as following:Let:X ={x1, x2, x3,……………x n} be the feature vector of an objectY ={y1, y2, y3,…………….y n} be the feature vector of another object Then: the correlation coefficient between the two feature vectors X and Y is:C xy = X•Y / (X•X - X•Y + Y•Y)(1) [Jeun, 1997]Where: C xy is the correlation coefficient between feature vectors X and YX•X is the dot product of XX•Y is the dot product of X and YY•Y is the dot product of YDecision rules concerning the correlation coefficient might include the following:(1)If the Coefficient of Correlation (C xy) satisfies the following condition: 0.95 <= C xy <=1.0,then X and Y are most likely correlated(2) If the Coefficient of correlation (C xy) satisfies the following condition: 0.0 <= C xy<=0.95,then X and Y are most likely uncorrelated.The boundary condition, 0.95, is selected based upon the feature vector elements’ precision.3MULTI-SENSOR TRACK FUSION (MSTF) MODELThe objective of the Multi-Sensor Track Fusion (MSTF) model is to create the fused track from the multi-sensor trackers. Figure 1 depicts a Multi-Sensor Track Fusion model block diagram.Figure 1: The Multiple-Sensor Track Fusion Model block diagram depicts the analysis paths that provide the Aircrew with meaningful and useful knowledge.The MSTF model automatically generates fused tracks in the mission computers for the aircrew to make quick tactical decisions. The fused tracks can be use for accurate detection of objects in the battle space.The MSTF model consists of multiple sensors, trackers and multi-sensor correlation processor and the vehicle interface unit, and the aircrew. The multiple sensors provide sensor reports as the input vector to trackers, and the trackers generate the feature vector for the target. The feature vector indicates kinematics parameters, such as position vector, velocity vector and acceleration vector of detected targets. The multi-sensor correlation processor is use to compute the correlation coefficients between the tracks. The multi-sensor correlation processor also used to discriminate tracks. The vehicle interface unit (VIU) serves as the communication between the Multi-Sensor Correlation Processor and the aircrew.The output of the trackers, have the following feature elements inside each feature vector: {Latitude, Longitude, Bearing, Target Range, Range Rate, Ground Speed, Course or Direction, Altitude}. These feature elements are the tactical kinematics parameters that can characterize, detect and track targets. [Jeun, Whittaker, 2002]4EXAMPLE OF MSTF MODELConsider that the multi-sensor track fusion model consists of only two sensors and one is a radar sensor (radar tracker) the other one is IFF sensor (IIF tracker).Example #1:Suppose the radar tracker, computes a feature vector for track #1, denoted as T1: T1 = {5.0, 10.0, 75.0, 60.0, 2.0, 150.0, 75.0, 20.0} and suppose the IFF tracker, outputs a feature vector for the track #2, denoted as T2: T2 = {10.0, 40.0, 85.0, 65.0, 2.0, 140.0, 65.0, 85.0}. The correlation coefficient between the two feature vectors is equal to 0.87. Therefore the result of the fusion action is that the track #1 and track #2 are two distinct tracks.Example #2:Suppose the radar tracker, produces a feature vector for track #1, denoted as T3: T3 = {30.0, 20.0, 60.0, 70.0, 2.0,100.0, 60.0, 30.0} and suppose the IFF tracker, defines a feature vector for the track #2, denoted as T4: T4 = {30.0, 20.0, 60.0, 70.0, 2.0, 100.0, 60.0, 30.0}. The correlation coefficient between the two feature vectors is equal to 1.0. Therefore the result of the fusion action is that track #3 and track #4 most likely characterize the same target5MULTIPLE TARGET ID FUSION (MTIDF) MODELThe objective of the Multiple Target ID Fusion (MTIDF) model is to provide target identification information for the aircrew to make accurate decisions concerning target selection and target prioritization.Figure 2: Multiple Target Identification Fusion block diagram shows the analysis paths that provide the Aircrew with meaningful and useful knowledge.The aircrew can use the target identification information from the MTIF processor to accurately deploy weapons onto enemy targets. Most the smart aircraft with fusion technology, can clearly determine where the enemy aircraft are, in the multi-sensor and multiple target environment. The MTIDF model determines the fused target identification from the multiple targets.The fused target probability for the multi-sensor and multiple targets can beexpressed as:Ρ(S1/T k)P(S2/T k)……P(S n/T k)P(Τk / S1.S2.S3…….S n) = (2) [Hall, 1992]ΣP(S1/ T i )P(S2/T i ) ….. P(S n/T i)Where P(Τk/ S1.S2.S3…….S n) is the probability of target T k given in multi-sensorenvironment.For a single sensor and mulitple targets, the fused target probability reduces to thefollowing:P(S/T k)P(T k / S) = (3) [Jeun, 1979]ΣP(S/T i)This expression is exactly the same as the probability of association.6EXAMPLE OF MTIDF MODELFigure 3 is used to illustrate the different views of two targets, T1 and T2 as seen by Sensor #1, Sensor #2 and Sensor #3. The basic question to be answered can be formulated as the following:“Are targets #1 and #2 observed by sensor #1, sensor #2 and sensor #3 the same target”?Sensor #2Sensor #1T1Sensor #3Sensor #2Sensor #1T2Sensor #3F igure 3: Potentially two targets as “seen” by three different sensors, where the colored regions indicate the fused target probability.Application of the method shown in [Jeun, 1995] results in the following estimated fused target probabilities for the target set presented by Figure 3. The estimated fused target probability of target#1 (T1) is calculated to be P(T1/S1,S2, S3) = 0.20and the calculated fused probability of target#2(T2) is estimated to be: P(T2/S1,S2,S3) = 0.80. Because the fused probability of T2 is greater then the probability of T1, we therefore conclude that target #1 and target #2 are two distinct targets.7MULTI-SENSOR IMAGE FUSION MODELThe objective of the Multi-Sensor Image Fusion model is to produce consistent images from multiple sensor images. The Multi-Sensor Image Fusion model block diagram in Figure 4 showsFigure 4: Multi-Sensor Image Fusion block diagram portrays the analysis paths that provide the Aircrew with meaningful and useful example of processes that can be employed. The Edge Detector method and Coherence Change Detector method, and Fourier Descriptor method are widely used image analysis techniques. [Delp, Mitchell and Jain, 1986]Multiple pictures, like images, can produce information overload, making it impossible to be interpreted by human mental processing. In order to reduce this information overload requires some automatic integration, or better yet, application of the multi-sensor image fusion technique to process the pictorial images.8EXAMPLE OF MSIF MODELTo help understand the use of the MSIF model consider the objects pictured in Figures 5 and 6.Figure 5: An first image with three distinctly shaped and colored objects, two of which are different from Figure 6 and one of which, the pale blue moon, is common to Figure 6.Figure 6: A second image with three distinctly colored and shaped objects, two of which are different from Figure 5 and one of which, the pale blue moon, is common to Figure 5.Figure 5 contains the following images: (1) A red star with feature vector X1 = {0, 1, 7, 0, 5, 7, 3, 5, 1, 3}; (2) A pale blue moon with feature vector X2 = {1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 6, 7, 3, 3, 2}; and (3) A bright yellow sun with feature vector X3 = {1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3}. Figure 6 portrays the following images: (5) A dark blue triangle with feature vector Y1={1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4}; (6) A pale blue moon with feature vector Y2 ={1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 6, 7, 3, 3, 2}; and (7) A bright green cylinder with feature vector Y3 ={2, 2, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4}. X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2 and Y3 are obtained applying Friedman’s code. [Fu, 1982]The question that needs to be answered is the following: Can an Aircrew flying a smart aircraft, equipped with a MSIF model, positively identify the objects contained within the images presented by Figures 5 and 6?The results from the Multi-Sensor Image Fusion model are:(1)The fused image pale blue moon appeared in both Figure 5 and Figure 6, because thecorrelation coefficient between X2 and Y2 is 1.0(2)The red star and bright yellow sun in Figure 5 are distinct objects. They have nothing incommon with other images in Figure 5 and Figure 6, because:(a)The coefficient of correlation between X1 and X2 is 0.69(b)The coefficient of correlation between X1 and X3 is 0.54(c)The coefficient of correlation between X3 and X2 is 0.91(d)The coefficient of correlation between X1 and Y1 is 0.69(e)The coefficient of correlation between X1 and Y2 is 0.58(f)The coefficient of correlation between X1 and Y3 is 0.58(g)The coefficient of correlation between X3 and Y1 is 0.77(h)The coefficient of correlation between X3 and Y2 is 0.91(i)The coefficient of correlation between X3 and Y3 is 0.66(3)The dark blue triangle and bright green cylinder are distinct objects. Again they havenothing in common with other images in Figure 6 and Figure 5, because:(a)The coefficient of correlation between Y1 and X1 is 0.69(b)The coefficient of correlation between Y1 and X2 is 0.81(c)The coefficient of correlation between Y1 and X3 is 0.77(d)The coefficient of correlation between Y3 and X1 is 0.58(e)The coefficient of correlation between Y3 and X2 is 0.73(f)The coefficient of correlation between Y1 and Y2 is 0.81(g)The coefficient of correlation between Y1 and Y3 is 0.88(h)The coefficient of correlation between Y3 and X2 is 0.669CONCLUSIONS(1)Multi-sensor integration is widely accepted as a technology that is ready to be usedin product development and production environments.(2)Personnel need to become knowledgeable in fusion technology so that it too can beapplied in these environments.(3)The examples of the Multi-Sensor Track Fusion model, the Multiple TargetIdentification Fusion model and the Multi-Sensor Image Fusion model usedsimulated information. Nevertheless, only a smart aircraft equipped with thesemodels can quickly and positively identify the objects contained with the imagescontained in Figure 5 and Figure 6.(4)The fusion techniques outlined in this paper were mathematically proven. However,further testing with real time sensor input data is required before they can be appliedto real world problems.(5)The fused track, fused target ID and fused target image are all expressed in a multi-dimensional feature vector. The algorithm developer and the software engineer, whowork with fusion technology, need to be knowledgeable in the mathematicalprocessing techniques.10 REFERENCES1[Jeun, Whittaker, 2002] Buddy H. Jeun and Allan Whittaker, Improve Strike Capability With The Statistical Pattern Recognition Technology, National Fire Control Symposium, Seattle, Washington, 2002.2[Jeun, 1999] Buddy H. Jeun, Application Of Neural Network, Statistical Pattern Recognition And Fusion Technologies To The Multiple Target Classification Problem, National Fire Control Symposium, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1999.3[Jeun, 1997] Buddy H. Jeun, A Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Model, Joint Service Combat Identification Conference, San Diego, California, 1997.4[Jeun, 1995] Buddy H. Jeun, An ID Fusion Model, Joint Service Combat Identification Conference, Monterey, California, 1995.5[Hall, 1992] David Hall, Mathematical Techniques In Multi-sensor Data Fusion, Artech House Publish Company, New York, 1992.6[Jeun, 1979] Buddy H. Jeun, Design And Implementation Of Statistical Pattern Recognition Model, Ph. D. Dissertation, Collage Of Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri, 1979.7Delp, Mitchell and Jain, 1986] Delp, Mitchell and Jain, Machine Vision, School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1986 8[Fu, 1982] S. K. Fu, Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Application, Prentice Hall, New York, 1982。