语文试题第 1 页(共8 页)11.文言句读参考答案。
北京市西城区2010年抽样测试高三数学试卷(文科)本试卷分第I 卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第I 卷1至2页,第Ⅱ卷3至5页,共150分.考试时长120分钟.考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回.第I 卷(选择题共40分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项.(西城·文·题1)1.设集合{|1}P x x =>,{|(1)0}Q x x x =->,下列结论正确的是( ) A .P Q = B .P Q R = C .P Q Ü D .Q P Ü 【解析】 C ;(1,)P =+∞,(,0)(1,)Q =-∞+∞.(西城·文·题2)2.下面四个点中,在平面区域4y x y x <+⎧⎨>-⎩内的点是( )A .(0,0)B .(0,2)C .(3,2)-D .(2,0)- 【解析】 B ;直接将坐标代入即得.(西城·文·题3)3.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,246a a +=,则5S 等于( )A .10 B .12 C .15 D .30 【解析】 C ;24362a a a +==,于是33a =,53515S a ==.(西城·文·题4)4.若0m n <<,则下列结论正确的是( )A .22mn> B .1122m n⎛⎫⎛⎫< ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ C .22log log m n > D .1122log log m n >【解析】 D ;由指数函数与对数函数的单调性知D 正确.(西城·文·题5)5.甲乙两名运动员在某项测试中的6次成绩如茎叶图所示,1x ,2x 分别表示甲乙两名运动员这项测试成绩的平均数,1s ,2s 分别表示甲乙两名运动员这项测试成绩的标准差,则有( ) A .1212,x x s s >< B .1212,x x s s =< C .1212,x x s s == D .1212,x x s s <>甲乙012965541835572【解析】 B ;1215x x ==,222222221211(6116)(7227)66s s =+++<=+++.(西城·文·题6)6.阅读右面的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出的结果为( )A .1321B .2113C .813D .138【解析】 D ;1,1,220x y z ===<;1,2,320x y z ===<;,8,13,2120x y z ===>,故输出138. (西城·文·题7)7.已知双曲线2213y x -=的左顶点为1A ,右焦点为2F ,P 为双曲线右支上一点,则12PA PF ⋅最小值为( )A .2-B .8116- C .1 D .0【解析】 A ;12(1,0),(2,0)A F -,设(,)(1)P x y x ≥,2212(1,)(2,)2PA PF x y x y x x y ⋅=--⋅-=--+,又2213y x -=,故223(1)y x =-,于是2212114545816PA PF x x x ⎛⎫⋅=--=--- ⎪⎝⎭,当1x =时,取到最小值2-.(西城·文·题8)8.如图,平面α⊥平面β,αβ=直线l ,,A C 是α内不同的两点,,B D 是β内不同的两点,且,,,A B C D ∉直线l ,,M N 分别是线段,AB CD 的中点.下列判断正确的是( )A .当||2||CD AB =时,,M N 两点不可能重合B .当||2||CD AB =时,线段,AB CD 在平面α上正投影的长度不可能相等C .,M N 两点可能重合,但此时直线AC 与l 不可能相交D .当AB 与CD 相交,直线AC 平行于l 时,直线BD 可以与l 相交 【解析】 C ;若,M N 两点重合,由,AM MB CM MD ==知AC BD ∥,从而AC ∥平面β,故有AC l ∥,故B 正确.第II 卷(非选择题 共110分)二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. (西城·文·题9)9.i 是虚数单位,1i 1i+=+ .【解析】 11i 22+;11i 1ii i 1i 22-++=+=+. (西城·文·题10)10.在边长为1的正方形ABCD 内任取一点P ,则点P 到点A 的距离小于1的概率为 .【解析】 π4;当P 点在阴影内部时,满足到点A 的距离小于1,概率满足几何概型,故所求的概率为面积比21ππ144⋅=.(西城·文·题11)11.已知||2a =,||3b =,,a b 的夹角为60°,则|2|a b -= .222(2)44cos6013a b a a b b -=-⋅︒+=.(西城·文·题12)12.已知2,0()12lg ,0x x x f x x x ⎧-=⎨+>⎩≤,若()2f x =,则x = .【解析】 1-当0x ≤时,由22x x -=得,1x =-(正值舍);当0x >时,12lg 2x +=,解得x =(西城·文·题13) 13.在ABC ∆中,C 为钝角,32AB BC =,1sin 3A =,则角C = ,sinB = . 【解析】 150°由正弦定理知sin 31sin sin 22AB C C BC A ==⇒=,又C 为钝角,故150C =︒;11sin sin()sin cos cos sin 32B A C A C A C ⎛=+=+=⨯= ⎝⎭. (西城·文·题14)14.设函数()f x 的定义域为D ,若存在非零实数l 使得对于任意()x M M D ∈⊆,有x l D +∈,且()()f x l f x +≥,则称()f x 为M 上的l 高调函数.现给出下列命题:①函数1()2xf x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭为R 上的1高调函数;②函数()sin 2f x x =为R 上的π高调函数;③如果定义域为[1,)-+∞的函数2()f x x =为[1,)-+∞上m 高调函数,那么实数m 的取值范围是[2,)+∞;其中正确的命题是 .(写出所有正确命题的序号) 【解析】 ②③;①中()f x 为减函数,故不可能是1高调函数;②中,(π)()f x f x +=,故②正确;2()(1)f x x x =-≥的图象如下图所示,要使得(1)(1)1f m f -+-=≥,有2m ≥;1x -≥时,恒有(2)()f x f x +≥,故2m ≥即可,③正确.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分,解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. (西城·文·题15) 15.(本小题满分12分)一个盒子中装有4张卡片,每张卡片上写有1个数字,数字分别是1、2、3、4.现从盒子中随机抽取卡片.⑴若一次抽取3张卡片,求3张卡片上数字之和大于7的概率;⑵若第一次抽1张卡片,放回后再抽取1张卡片,求两次抽取中至少一次抽到数字3的概率. 【解析】 ⑴设A 表示事件“抽取3张卡片上的数字之和大于7”,任取三张卡片,三张卡片上的数字全部可能的结果是(1,2,3),(1,2,4),(1,3,4),(2,3,4).其中数字之和大于7的是(1,3,4),(2,3,4),所以1()2P A =. ⑵设B 表示事件“至少一次抽到3”,第一次抽1张,放回后再抽取一张卡片的基本结果有:(1,1)(1,2)(1,3)(1,4)(2,1)(2,2)(2,3)(2,4)(3,1)(3,2)(3,3)(3,4)(4,1)(4,2)(4,3)(4,4),共16个基本结果.事件B 包含的基本结果有(1,3)(2,3)(3,1)(3,2)(3,3)(3,4)(4,3),共7个基本结果. 所以所求事件的概率为7()16P B =.(西城·文·题16) 16.(本小题满分12分)已知α为锐角,且πtan 24α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭.⑴求tan α的值;⑵求sin 2cos sin cos2αααα-的值.【解析】 ⑴π1tan tan 41tan ααα+⎛⎫+= ⎪-⎝⎭,所以1tan 2,1tan 22tan 1tan αααα+=+=--,所以1tan 3α=.⑵2sin 2cos sin 2sin cos sin cos2cos2αααααααα--=2sin (2cos 1)sin cos2sin cos2cos2ααααααα-===,因为1tan 3α=,所以cos 3sin αα=,又22sin cos 1αα+=,所以21sin 10α=,又α为锐角,所以sin α=所以sin 2cos sin cos 2αααα-.(西城·文·题17) 17.(本小题满分14分)如图,在三棱锥P ABC -中,PA ⊥平面ABC ,AC BC ⊥,D 为侧棱PC 上一点,它的正(主)视图和侧(左)视图如图所示. ⑴证明:AD ⊥平面PBC ; ⑵求三棱锥D ABC -的体积;⑶在ACB ∠的平分线上确定一点Q ,使得PQ ∥平面ABD ,并求此时PQ 的长.侧(左)视图正(主)视图PDCBA【解析】 ⑴因为PA ⊥平面ABC ,所以PA BC ⊥,又AC BC ⊥,所以BC ⊥平面PAC ,所以BC AD ⊥.由三视图可得,在PAC ∆中,4PA AC ==,D 为PC 中点,所以AD PC ⊥, 所以AD ⊥平面PBC , ⑵由三视图可得4BC =, 由⑴知90ADC ∠=︒,BC ⊥平面PAC ,又三棱锥D ABC -的体积即为三棱锥B ADC -的体积,所以,所求三棱锥的体积111164443223V =⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=.⑶取AB 的中点O ,连接CO 并延长至Q ,使得2CQ CO =,点Q 即为所求.OQABC DP因为O 为CQ 中点,所以PQ OD ∥,因为PQ ⊄平面ABD ,OD ⊂平面ABD ,所以PQ ∥平面ABD , 连接AQ ,BQ ,四边形ACBQ 的对角线互相平分,所以ACBQ 为平行四边形,所以4AQ =,又PA ⊥平面ABC , 所以在直角PAD ∆中,PQ .(西城·文·题18) 18.(本小题满分14分)椭圆C :22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>,且过(2,0)点.⑴求椭圆C 的方程;⑵设直线l :y x m =+与椭圆C 交于,A B 两点,O 为坐标原点,若OAB ∆直角三角形,求m 的值.【解析】 ⑴已知241c a a ==,所以2,a c ==222a b c =+,所以1b =,所以椭圆C 的方程为2214x y +=.⑵联立2214x y y x m ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=+⎩,消去y 得2258440x mx m ++-=,2226480(1)1680m m m ∆=--=-+,令0∆>,即216800m -+>,解得m < 设A ,B 两点的坐标分别为1122(,),(,)x y x y ,i )当AOB ∠为直角时,则21212844,55m x x m x x -+=-=,因为AOB ∠为直角,所以0OA OB ⋅=,即12120x x y y +=, 所以212122()0x x m x x m +++=,所以222888055m m m --+=,解得m =;ii )当OAB ∠或OBA ∠为直角时,不妨设OAB ∠为直角, 由直线l 的斜率为1,可得直线OA 的斜率为1-,所以111y x =-,即11y x =-, 又2214x y +=,所以211514x x =⇒=1112m y x x =-=-=,依题意m <0m ≠,经检验,所求m 值均符合题意,综上,m的值为(西城·文·题19) 19.(本小题满分14分)设数列{}n a 为等比数列,数列{}n b 满足121(1)2n n n b na n a a a -=+-+++,n *∈N ,已知1b m =,232mb =,其中0m ≠. ⑴求数列{}n a 的首项和公比; ⑵当1m =时,求n b ;⑶设n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若对于任意的正整数n ,都有[1,3]n S ∈,求实数m 的取值范围. 【解析】 ⑴由已知11b a =,所以1a m =;2122b a a =+,所以12322a a m +=,解得22ma =-;所以数列{}n a 的公比12q =-;⑵当1m =时,112n n a -⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,121(1)2n n n b na n a a a -=+-+++,………………………①,2311(1)22n n n b na n a a a +-=+-+++,……………………②, ②-①得23132n n n b n a a a a +-=-+++++,所以111223111123212nn n b n n ⎡⎤⎛⎫---⎢⎥ ⎪⎡⎤⎝⎭⎢⎥⎛⎫⎣⎦-=-+=----⎢⎥ ⎪⎛⎫⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦-- ⎪⎝⎭,1222162(2)39929nnn n n b -++-⎛⎫=+--= ⎪⎝⎭.⑶1[1]212113212nnn m m S ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎡⎤⎛⎫⎝⎭==⋅--⎢⎥ ⎪⎛⎫⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦-- ⎪⎝⎭,因为1102n⎛⎫--> ⎪⎝⎭,所以由[1,3]n S ∈得1233111122nnm ⎛⎫⎛⎫---- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭≤≤,注意到,当n 为奇数时,1311,22n ⎛⎫⎛⎤--∈ ⎪ ⎥⎝⎭⎝⎦;当n 为偶数时,131,124n⎛⎫⎡⎫--∈ ⎪⎪⎢⎝⎭⎣⎭, 所以112n⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭最大值为32,最小值为34.对于任意的正整数n 都有1233111122nnm ⎛⎫⎛⎫---- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭≤≤,所以42233m ≤≤,解得23m ≤≤,即所求实数m 的取值范围是{|23}m m ≤≤.(西城·文·题20) 20.(本小题满分14分)已知函数2()()e x f x x mx m =-+,其中m ∈R . ⑴若函数()f x 存在零点,求实数m 的取值范围;⑵当0m <时,求函数()f x 的单调区间,并确定此时()f x 是否存在最小值,如果存在,求出最小值;如果不存在,请说明理由.【解析】 ⑴设()f x 有零点,即函数2()g x x mx m =-+有零点,所以240m m -≥,解得4m ≥或0m ≤;⑵2()(2)e ()e (2)e x x x f x x m x mx m x x m '=-⋅+-+⋅=-+, 令()0f x '=得0x =或2x m =-, 因为0m <,所以20m -<,当(,2)x m ∈-∞-时,()0f x '>,函数()f x 单调递增; 当(2,0)x m ∈-时,()0f x '<,函数()f x 单调递减; 当(0,)x ∈+∞时,()0f x '>,函数()f x 单调递增. 此时,()f x 存在最小值. ()f x 的极小值为(0)0f m =<.根据()f x 的单调性,()f x 在区间(2,)m -+∞上的最小值为m ,解()f x =0,得()f x 的零点为1x =2x =结合2()()e x f x x mx m =-+⋅可得在区间1(,)x -∞和2(,)x +∞上,()0f x >. 因为0m <,所以120x x <<,并且1(2)2x m m --=+=4|2|4(2)1022m m m m -+---+-->===>,即12x m >-,综上,在区间1(,)x -∞和2(,)x +∞上,()0f x >,()f x 在区间(2,)m -+∞上的最小值为m ,0m <,所以,当0m <时()f x 存在最小值,最小值为m .。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题5分,共40分;在每个小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一个是符合题目要求的)1.设集合B x A x B A ∉∈==且若},6,4,2{},4,3,2{,则x 等于 ( )A .2B .3C .4D .6 2.已知命题1cos ,:≤∈∀x R x p ,则( ) A .1cos ,:≥∈∃⌝x R x p B .1cos ,:≥∈∀⌝x R x pC .1cos ,:>∈∃⌝x R x pD .1cos ,:>∈∀⌝x R x p3.设变量y x ,满足约束条件⎩⎨⎧-≥-≥+1,3y x y x ,则目标函数x y z 2+=的最小值为 ( )A .1B .2C .3D .4 4.“1ln >x ”是“1>x ”的( )A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件5.如图,三棱柱ABC —A1B1C1的侧棱长和底面边长均为2,且侧棱⊥1AA 底面ABC ,其正(主)视图是边长为2的正方形,则此三棱柱侧(左)视图的面积为 ( )A .3B .32C .22D .46.在数列}{n a 中,.2,,111≥+==-n n a a a n n 为计算这个数列前10项的和,现给出该问题算法的程序框图(如图所示),则图中判断框(1)处合适的语句是 ( )A .8≥iB .9≥iC .10≥iD .11≥i7.等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若0,087<>a a ,则下列结论正确的是( )A .87S S <B .1615S S <C .013>SD .015>S8.给出函数)(x f 的一条性质:“存在常数M ,使得|||)(|x M x f ≤对于定义域中的一切实数x 均成立。
北京西城区2010年3月高三理科综合练习题参考答案一、选择题(每小题6分) 13.D 14.B15.B 16.C 17.A 18.A19.C20.D21.实验题(18分) (1)① C (2分)② A C (2分)③ m 1OP = m 1OE +m 2OF (2分)(2)① 如图2、3所示(6分) (安培表内、外接皆可) ② 如图4所示 (3分)③ 4.5—5.5 (3分)22.(16分)解:(1)当f=mg 时,雨滴达到最终速度m v ,则mg kSv m =2即 g r v r k m 32234πρπ= (4分) 得 krgv m 34ρ=(4分) (2)由牛顿第二定律得ma f mg =-,则 ma vkS mg m =-2)2( (4分)即 g a 75.0= (4分)23.(18分)图2 图3图4/V(1)由rv mBvq 2= (2分)得 mBqr v =(2分)(2)等效环形电流的大小mBq r qv T q I ππ222=== (2分)(3)当磁场反向时,洛仑兹力方向也会相反,由此可知库仑力F 一定指圆心,A 带负电。
磁场反向前粒子的速度为v 1,有rmv F q Bv 211=+ (2分) 磁场反向后粒子的速度为v 2,有rv m F q Bv 222=+- (2分) 两次形成等效电流分别rqvI π211= (2分)rqv I π222=(2分) 所以 rv v q I I I π2)(2121-=-=∆ (2分)得 mBq I π22=∆ (2分)24.(20分)(1)对v 2—x 图象中x =0到x =0.4m 的斜直线,由匀变速公式v 2=2ax 可知,该段图线的斜率为线框的加速度, a =5.0m/s 2(2分) 又根据牛顿第二定律有 mg sin θ=ma (2分)sin θ=a /g =1/2得θ=30o(2分)(2) v 2—x 图象中x =0.4m 到x =1.0m 的线段对应线框匀速通过磁场的过程。
北京市西城区2010 年高三抽样测试理科综合能力测试本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷1至6页,第Ⅱ卷7至14页,共300分。
以下数据可供解题时参考:可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Si 28 S 32第I卷(选择题共20小题,每小题6分,共120分)在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项。
下列有关ATP的叙述错误..的是()A.ATP和ADP的相互转化保证了机体对能量的需求B.ATP由3个磷酸基团和1个腺嘌呤构成C.有氧呼吸的第三阶段为人体细胞活动提供的ATP最多D.人体细胞内形成A TP的场所是细胞溶胶和线粒体2.治疗性克隆有何希望最终解决供体器官的短缺和器官移植出现的排异反应。
下图表示治疗性克隆的过程,下列说法正确的是()A.上述过程利用了动物体细胞融合技术B.上述过程实现了动物细胞的全能性C.胚胎干细胞的不断增殖和分化潜能保证①过程的进行D.①、②过程不进行DNA复制和蛋白质合成3.下列有关生物多样性利进化的叙述中,不.正确的是()A.细菌在接触青霉素后会产生抗药性的突变个体,青霉素的选择作用使其生存B.蜂鸟细长的喙与倒挂金钟的简状花萼是它们长期协同进化形成的相互适应特征C.异地新物种的形成通常要经过突变和基因重组、自然选择及隔离三个基本环节D.自然选择能定向改变种群的基因频率,决定了生物进化的方向4.下列有关种群和群落的叙述中,正确的是()A.用样方法调查种群密度时,应先选取样方再确定调查对象B.用标志重捕法调查种群密度时,应用鲜艳的颜色标记被捕获的动物C.群落的水平结构常表现为群落中的生物呈集群分布或斑块状镶嵌分布D.火灾过后的草原上发生的群落演替属于初生演替5.下列有关人体特异性免疫的说法中,正确的是()A.人体对花粉或某些药物产生的过敏反应:是先天性免疫缺乏病B.血清中的抗体与破伤风杆菌结合并抑制其繁殖属于细胞免疫C.体液免疫中,效应B细胞与被感染的细胞接触使其裂解死亡D.切除胸腺后,人体的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能都会受到影响6.下列既法不正确...的是()A.可用中和法处理酸性或碱性工业废水B.垃圾填埋正成为垃圾处理的发展方向C.使用纤维素和淀粉为原料制成的微生物降解塑料,可治理“白色污染”D.向煤中加入适量石灰石,可减少其燃烧产物中的s02,降低对大气的污染7.下列说法正确的是()A.用氨水洗涤附着银镜的试管B.用CCl4作萃取剂直接从海带中提取I2C.用向下排空气法收集NH3,并用湿润的蓝色石蕊试纸验满D.制乙炔时滴加饱和食盐水是为了减缓电石与水的反应速率8.下列离子方程式书写不正确的是()A.Cl2通入FeCl2溶液中:Cl2+Fe2+=Fe3++2Cl-B.Na2CO3溶液显碱性:CO-23+H2O HCO-3+OH-+3H2↑C.Al和NaOH溶液反应:2Al+2OH-+2H2O=2AlO-2D.少量SO2通入氨水中:SO2+2NH3·H2O=2NH+4+SO-23+H2O放电充电 800℃1200℃ 1200℃ 9.X 和Y 元素的原子在化学反应中都容易失去电子,形成与Ne 原子具有相同电子层结构的离子,且X的原子序数大于Y 的原子序数。
注意事项1答题前考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔在答题卡上填写姓名、准考证号然后再用2B 铅笔将与准考证号对应的信息点涂黑。
1据图可知A 乙村人比甲村人先看到日出B②点比①点流水侵蚀作用强C甲村落规模通常比乙村落小D乙村的降水量远远多于甲村2该区域A植被类型为亚热带常绿阔叶林B交通闭塞严重制约经济的发展C农业生产常年受到台风的危害D夏季山区可能会出现泥石流图2中数字代号表示新加坡2°N、巴黎49°N、乌鲁木齐47°N、开普敦34°N4个城市。
3图中①④分别代表的城市是A开普敦、巴黎、乌鲁木齐、新加坡B乌鲁木齐、巴黎、开普敦、新加坡C乌鲁木齐、开普敦、巴黎、新加坡D巴黎、乌鲁木齐、新加坡、开普敦4下列说法正确的是A①地冬至日的白昼最长B②地沿岸的洋流是寒流图2 C③地降水集中在7月份D④地正午太阳高度最大来源:学科网皖江长江安徽段国家级承接产业转移示范区利用江、浙、沪等沿海地区产业部门“腾笼换鸟”之机形成了纺织、家电、汽车产业基地。
5沿海地区产业部门“腾笼换鸟”的主要原因是A消费市场呈饱和状态B地价、劳动力成本高C 能源、资源消耗殆尽D交通枢纽的地位下降6对皖江沿岸工业带发展有促进作用的是A地处我国中部地区水热资源非常丰富B主要依靠水运联系长江三角洲及周边地区C汽车等产业吸引大量零部件配套企业聚集D以电子信息产业中的高端产品为发展目标2008年1月广西昭平县茶叶生产因自然灾害造成很大损失受灾茶园面积约6万亩特别是海拔350米以上的中高山茶园普遍受害。
n E /eV 4 -0.853 -1.51 2 -3.4 1 -13.6 ∞ 0北京市西城区2010年高三抽样测试㈡理科综合能力测试(物理部分)13.下列事例中表明光子不但具有能量,而且象实物粒子一样具有动量的是 A .康普顿效应 B .光的偏振现象 C .光的色散现象 D .光的干涉现象 14.氢原子的部分能级如图所示。
用单色光照射处于基态的氢原子,氢原子吸收光子后跃迁到n =3的激发态,此后氢原子又放出光子。
在此过程中,氢原子A .吸收光子的能量可以是任意值B .吸收光子的能量是某一确定值C .放出光子的能量可以是任意值D .放出光子的能量是某一确定值15.下列叙述中正确的是 A .狭义相对论认为,物体静止时的质量与运动时的质量相等 B .在光的衍射现象中,亮条纹位置是光子到达几率大的位置 C .宏观物体的物质波波长非常小,容易观察到它的波动性 D .不确定关系表明,可以同时准确地确定粒子的位置和动量16.如图所示,一闭合金属圆环处在垂直圆环平面的匀强磁场中。
若磁感应强度B 随时间t 按如图所示的规律变化,设图中磁感应强度垂直纸面向里的方向为正方向,环中感应电流沿顺时针方向为正方向,则环中电流随时间变化的图象是 ABCD17.如图所示,空间中有一静电场,在x 轴上场强E 随位置x 的变化规律为E (x )=-kx ,其中k 为大于0的常数,单位为V/m 2,x 的单位为m 。
有一带正电的试探电荷在x=0.4m 处由静止释放。
则试探电荷 A.释放后将一直沿x 轴正方向运动 B .释放后将一直沿x 轴负方向运动 C .在x =0.4m 处的电势能最大 D .在x =0.4m 处的加速度最小18.一简谐机械波沿x 轴正方向传播。
在t 1=0、t 2=1.0s 时刻该波的波形曲线分别如图中实线、虚线所示。
为该机械波上的两个质点,它们平衡位置的坐标分别为x a =2.0m 、x b =8.0m 。
2010北京西城高三一模数学理(word版 答案免点数)
北京市西城区2010届高三抽样测试(数学理)(高三一模)本试卷分第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,第I 卷1至2页,第II 卷3至5页,共150分。
第I 卷(选择题 共40分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分。
1.设集合{|1}P x x =>,2{|0}Q x x x =->,则下列结论正确的是 A .P Q = B .P Q R =C .P QÜD .Q PÜ2.函数sin cos y x x =+的最小值和最小正周期分别是 A.π B .2,2π-C.πD .2,π-3.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,246a a +=则5S 等于A .10B .12C .15D .304.甲乙两名运动员在某项测试中的8次成绩如茎叶图所示,1x ,2x 分别表示甲乙两名运动员这项测试成绩的平均数,1s ,2s 分别表示甲乙两名运动员这项测试成绩的标准差,则有A .1212,x x s s ><B .1212,x x s s =<C .1212,x x s s ==D .1212,x x s s <>5.阅读右面的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出的结果为A .1321B .2113C .813D .1386.某会议室第一排共有8个座位,现有3人就座,若要求每人左右均有空位,那么不同的坐法种数为A .12B .16C .24D .327.已知平面区域1,||1,{(,)0,,{(,)0,1,y x y x x y y M x y y x ≤+⎧⎫≤-+⎧⎫⎪⎪Ω=≥=⎨⎬⎨⎬≥⎩⎭⎪⎪≤⎩⎭,向区域Ω内随机投一点P ,点P落在区域M 内的概率为A .14B .13C .12D .238.如图,平面α⊥平面β,αβ=直线l ,A ,C 是α内不同的两点,B ,D 是β内不同的两点,且A ,B ,C ,D ∉直线l ,M ,N 分别是线段AB ,CD 的中点。
北京市西城区2010年高三抽样测试英语试题2010.5 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。
例:What is the man going to read?A.A newspaper. B.A magazine. C.A book.答案A。
1.Where did this conversation most probably take place?A.At the airport. B.At the post office. C.On the train.2.Why do the man and the woman decide to take the underground?A.It’s direct. B.It’s cheap. C.It’s fast.3.How much does the woman weigh now?A.145 pounds. B.140 pounds. C.135 pounds.4.What is the disadvantage of Professor Smith’s class?A.Uninteresting lectures. B.Difficult test questions. C.Too many students.5.For what class hasn’t the man prepared?A.Biology. B.Chemistry. C.English.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。
1.C (A项中,一脉相承,间不容发(fà);B项中,嘉奖,缴费(jiǎo);D项中,斡旋,渲染(xuàn))2.B (香饽饽:比喻受欢迎的人或物。
打擦边球:打乒乓球时,侥幸打了从对方球台边擦过的球,使对方难以接住而使己方得分;比喻行为已经达到规章制度所能容许的边缘而又尚未出格)3.A(“当推孔夫子”后的句号应放在引号内)4.C (A项中,句意杂糅。
郢人有遗燕相国书者 / 夜书 / 火不明 / 因谓持烛者曰 / 举烛 / 而误书举烛 / 举烛非书意也 / 燕相国受书而说之 / 曰 / 举烛者 / 尚明也 / 尚明也者 / 举贤而任之 / 燕相白王 / 王大悦 / 国以治。
治则治矣,非书意也!(标记“/”处,每断对3处,得1分;在“/”之外每断错3处,扣1分,扣完为止)语文试题答案第 1 页(共 4 页)11.在下面横线处写出诗文原句。
北京西城区2010年4月抽样测试 2010.04.0913.华裔科学家高锟获得2009年诺贝尔物理奖,他被誉为“光纤通讯之父”。
下列关于光导纤维的说法中正确的是A .内芯的折射率比外套的大,光传播时在内芯与外套的界面上发生全反射B .内芯的折射率比外套的小,光传播时在内芯与外套的界面上发生全反射C .波长越短的光在光纤中传播的速度越大D .频率越大的光在光纤中传播的速度越大14.太阳内部持续不断地发生着4个质子(H 11)聚变为1个氦核(He 42)的热核反应, 核反应方程是2X He H 44211+→,这个核反应释放出大量核能。
已知质子、氦核、X 的质量分别为m 1、m 2、m 3,真空中的光速为c 。
下列说法中正确的是A .方程中的X 表示中子(n 10)B .方程中的X 表示电子(e01-) C .这个核反应中质量亏损Δm=4m 1-m 2D .这个核反应中释放的核能ΔE =(4m 1-m 2-2m 3 c 215.下列叙述中不正确...的是 A .对α粒子散射实验的研究使人们认识到中子是原子核的组成部分B .电子衍射现象的发现为物质波理论提供了实验支持C .电子的发现使人们认识到原子有复杂的结构D .天然放射现象的发现使人们认识到原子核有复杂的结构16.已知地球同步卫星的轨道半径是地球半径的k 倍,则A .第一宇宙速度是同步卫星运行线速度的k 倍B .第一宇宙速度是同步卫星运行线速度的k 倍C .地球表面附近的重力加速度是同步卫星向心加速度的k 倍D .地球表面附近的重力加速度是同步卫星向心加速度的k 倍17.一理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比n 1 : n 2=5 : 3。
原线圈两端接一正弦式交变电流,其电压u 随时间t 变化的规律如图所示。
2010年北京西城区高考模拟试题(考试时间60分钟满分85分)请把答案填写在试卷末页的答题卡上!第一节:语法单选题(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. Paper money was in _________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _________ thirteenth century.A. the, 不填B. the, theC. 不填, theD. 不填, 不填2. —Which of the three ways shall I take to the village?—_________ way as you please.A. EachB. EveryC. AnyD. Either3. —I don’t mind telling you what I know.—You _________. I’m not asking you for it.A. mustn’tB. may notC. can’tD. needn’t4. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people _________ to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.A. beginB. beganC. have begunD. had begun5. The worker hunted for jobs in New York for months, _________ he could not find any work.A. andB. yetC. orD. and but6. _________ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.A. WhileB. SinceC. BeforeD. Unless7. The news reporters hurried to the airport ,only _________ the film stars had left.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told8. Scientists say it may be five or six years _________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. when9. I don’t know _________ the day after tomorrow.A. when does he comeB. how will he comeC. if he comesD. whether he’ll come10. Is this the factory _________ he worked ten years ago?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one11. The old man, _________ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.A. to workB. workingC. to have workedD. having worked12. It is said that Renmin Hospital _________ in 2012.A. rebuiltB. will rebuildC. will be rebuiltD. would be rebuilt13. Jane _________ 2,000 English words by the time he was seven.A. learntB. learnedC. had learnedD. has learned14. Mr. Smith, _________ of the _________ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; boringB. tiring; boredC. tired; boredD. tiring; boring15. _________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)Best ServiceNot too long ago ,an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly. A guest 1 out of our Polynesian Village resort (度假胜地) at Walt Disney was asked how she 2 her visit .She told the front-desk clerk she had had a (n) 3 vacation, but was heartbroken about 4 several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet 5 .At that moment she was particularly 6 over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, 7 this was a memory she especially treasured.Now, please understand that we have no written service rules 8 lost photos in the park. ___9 , the clerk at the front desk 10 Disney’s idea of caring for our 11 .She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of 12 film ,promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian Luau.Two weeks later the guest received a 13 at her home .In it were photos of all the actors of our show, 14signed by each performer. There were also 15 of the public procession (游行队伍) and fireworks in the park, taken by the front-desk clerk in her own 16 after work. I happened to know this 17 because this guest wrote us a letter .She said that 18 in her life had she received such good service from any business.Excellent 19 does not come from policy (政策性的) handbooks .It comes from people who ___20 —and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude.1.A.working B.checking C.trying D.staying2.A.expected B.realized C.paid D.enjoyed3.A.disappointing B.wonderful C.uncomfortable D.important4.A.taking B.dropping C.losing D.breaking5.A.developed B.taken C.washed D.loaded6.A.silly B.nervous C.calm D.sad7.A.when B.where C.as D.which8.A.covering B.finding C.making D.keeping9.A.Excitedly B.Fortunately C.Therefore D.Quietly10.A.understood B.reminded C.trusted D.discovered11.A.workers B.guests C.managers D.clerks12.A.printed B.shot C.unused D.recorded13.A.film B.card C.camera D.packet14.A.frequently B.personally C.alone D.actually15.A.rules B.pictures C.handbooks D.performances16.A.case B.work C.time D.position17.A.story B.place C.photo D.show18.A.only B.almost C.never D.nearly19.A.advice B.experience C.quality D.service20.A.care B.serve C.like D.know第三节:阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)AHe was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, his tiny body so moved the salvage (救援) workers that they called him “our baby.” In their home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby’s grave (墓), carved with the words: “To the memory of an unknown child.” He has rested there ever since.But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. “This is our baby,” says Magda Schleifer, 68, a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt named Maria Panula, 42, who had sailed on the Titanic for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had gathered, Panula gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children, including a 13-month-old boy named Eino from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing. “We thought they were all lost in the sea,” says Schleifer.Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby’s grave, scientists have compared the DNA from the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now, the family sees: no need for a new grave. “He belongs to the people of Halifax,” says Schleifer. “They’ve taken care of him for 90 years.”Adapted from People, November 25, 20021. The baby travelled on the Titanic with his .A. motherB. parentsC. auntD. relatives2. What is probably the boy’s last name? .A. SchleiferiB. Eino.C. Magda.D. Panula.3. Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child’s grave on Nov. 5 .A. 1912B. 1954C. 2002D. 20044. This text is mainly about how .A. the unknown baby’s body was taken from the north AtlanticB. the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova ScotiaC. people found out who the unknown baby wasD. people took care of the unknown baby for 90 yearsBUse your American Express Card to enjoy one-day privileges at four of America’s greatest museums. Note the participating museums, and their exciting special exhibitions that you will not want to miss, listed below.New YorkThe Noguchi MuseumNoguchi and GrahamDecember 1, 2004 —May 1, 2005Noguchi’s long-term collaboration with dancer Martha Graham is regarded by many as a high point in the history of both modern dance and art. The exhibition highlights nine of the sets created through this collaboration.For more information: BostonIsabella Stewart Gardner MuseumChairsFebruary 11 —May 8, 2005Italian furniture expert Fausto Calderai and Indian photographer Dayanita Singh present an exhibition of chairs from the museum’s collection and “chair photographs” from around the world presented in a Veretian-style hall housing world-famous masterpieces.For more information: www. PhiladelphiaPennsylvania Academy of the Fine ArtsIn Full View: American Painting (1720-2005)January 11 —April 10, 2005Founded in 1805, the Pennsylvania Academy has been home to America’s artists for 200 years. The Academy collects and exhibits the works of famous American artists, and is well-known for training fine artists. 2005 at the Academy begins with the largest exhibition of the Academy’s distinguished American collection in the institution’s history.For more information: SeattleSeattle Museum of GlassMurano: Glass from the Olnick Spanu CollectionThrough November 7, 2004This exhibition includes over 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Murano, the island of glassblowers near Venice, Italy. Watch live glass-blowing shows in the Hot Shop and see other modern glass exhibitions.For more information: 5. Which of the following websites offers information about the furniture show?A. B. C. D. 6. All the sentences below are true but .A. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts has been in Philadelphia for 200 years.B. More than 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Italy will be exhibited in Seattle.C. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum will hold a funiture exhibition during February 11 - May 8, 2005.D. Martha Graham is really a great dancer but not a good partner.7. If you want to know the history of American painting, you may visit .A. The Noguchi MuseumB. Seattle Museum of GlassC. Isabella Stewart Gardner MuseumD. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine ArtsCWe are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, other, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed —no examination is perfect —but to have external tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards. There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in school or on teachers. This would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on the efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.Without external examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them — a form of favouritism will replace equality. At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. This defendence of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favoured school.The opponents of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils. According to these people, there must be no special, different, academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area: all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection. The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.These people are not just against school organisation, but are at war with the whole idea of modem competitive society and they are using children in schools for their destructive(破坏性的)purposes. There is no reason why we should allow such people to determine the way our schools are organised when it is to the obvious disadvantage of the pupils, of the schools and of our society as a whole.8. The word “favouritism” in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that ________.A. bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs.B. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs.C. poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets.D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success.9. What would happen if examinations were taken away according to the author?A. Schools for bright children would lose their reputation.B. There would be more opportunities and excellence.C. Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.D. Children’s job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation.10. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. Most students from poor families can’t get a good job.B. Some people are using students to destroy our society.C. The writer thinks it a good way to choose a job by computer.D. The opponents of the examination want to reorganize schools.11. The opponents would agree that _________.A. computers should be selected to take over many jobsB. particular people should not be chosen for particular jobsC. well-respected schools should be got rid of as soon as possibleD. the students are not equally treated if they take external examinationsDBeing considered a leader in our society is indeed of high praise. Leadership means power, commands respect and, most important, encourages achievement. Unlike vitamin C, leadership skills can’t be easily swallowed down. They must be carefully cultivated.Different from popular belief, most good leaders are made, not born. They learn their skills in their everyday lives. But which do they develop? How do they (and how can you) get others to follow?Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world. It is also an act of generosity (慷慨) that ’s never forgotten.Giving credit is more effective than even the most constructive criticism (批评) , which often hurts rather than helps. Kenneth Blanchard, the author of The One-Minute Manager , agrees. “Catch people doing something right!” he says, “Then tell everyone about it.”Take informed risks. “The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise,” says management adviser Marilyn Machlowitz, “Sky divers don ’t go up in an airplane without checking the parachutes (降落伞) befor ehand.”Because the idea of risk also carries with it the possibility of failure, many of us usually wait for others to take charge. But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail, and not die a thousand deaths. Pick yourself up and start all over again.Encourage enthusiasm (热情). “When people understand the importance of work, they lend their mental strengths,” says Lee Ducat. But when they get excited about the work, all their energy gets poured into the job. That ’s a great force! Is this the best way to create excitement? Be enthusiastic yourself. You will be followed by everyone.12. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? _______.A. Leadership Is of Skills and TechniquesB. Leadership Is Very ImportantC. Not Many Can Be LeadersD. How to Be a Leader13. The part “Always give credit ” tells us that a leader should _______.A. give helpful criticismB. regard others as real heroesC. praise people for their good performancesD. praise everyone14. To be a good leader, you should _______.A. not be afraid of any risksB. think twice before taking risksC. try to avoid any possible failuresD. know what a thoughtless exercise is15. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? _______.A B C DEBefore going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer (温度计) for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear. _(16)__________ . We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven . If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer.Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale. Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide.__ (17) ___ _______ .The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury (水银) inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid ) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts (收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line ishigh in the glass tube.__ (18)____ _____ _.First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw (吸管) through the nail hole.__(19)_______________.Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily.__(20)______________.As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.A. We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other thingsin our daily lives.B. Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same waywhen they are heated or cooled.C. Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.D. The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will expand and rise even higher.E. They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees.F. Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where thestraw is struck into the cap to seal (把…粘住) them together.G. People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.。
北京市西城区 2010年抽样测试高三数学试卷(理科)2010.5本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分.考试时间120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)一、选择题:本大题共 8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分. 在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项.1. 已知集合A 、B 满足A B A = ,那么下列各式中一定成立的是( ) A. AB B. B AC. A B B= D. A B A =2. 在复平面内,满足条件(1+z ⋅i)=2的复数z 对应的点位于 ( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限3. 设向量a =(1, x -1),b =(x +1,3),则“x =2”是“a //b ”的( ) A. 充分但不必要条件 B. 必要但不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件4. 已知一个平面a ,那么对于空间内的任意一条直线a ,在平面a 内一定存在一条直线b ,使得a 与b ( )A. 平行B. 相交C. 异面D. 垂直5. 已知函数()sin f x x =,()f x ¢为()f x 的导函数,那么( )A. 将()f x 的图象向左平移2p个单位可以得到()f x '的图象 B. 将()f x 的图象向右平移2p个单位可以得到()f x '的图象C. 将()f x 的图象向左平移p 个单位可以得到()f x '的图象D. 将()f x 的图象向右平移p 个单位可以得到()f x '的图象6. 如果数列{}(R)n n a a Î对任意*,N m n Î满足m n m n a a a +=?,且38a =,那么10a 等于( )A.1024B. 512C. 510D. 2567. 设斜率为1的直线l 与椭圆22:142x y C +=相交于不同的两点A 、B ,则使||AB 为整数的直线l 共有( )A.4条B. 5条C. 6条D. 7条8. 根据程序设定,机器人在平面上能完成下列动作:先从原点O 沿正东偏北α(20πα≤≤)方向行走一段时间后,再向正北方向行走一段时间,但α的大小以及何时改变方向不定. 如右图. 假定机器人行走速度为10米/分钟,设机器人行走2分钟时的可能落点区域为S ,则S 的面积(单位:平方米)等于( ) A. 100p B. 100200p - C. 400100p - D. 200北京市西城区 2009年抽样测试高三数学试卷(理科)2009.5第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共110分)二、填空题:本大题共 6 小题,每小题 5 分,共 30 分. 把答案填在题中横线上 . 9. 函数ln(1)y x =-的反函数是___________.10. 设(2,2),(0,4)AB AC ==uu u r uuu r,则ABC V 的内角A =___________.11. 若291()ax x-的展开式中常数项为84,则a =___________,其展开式中二项式系数之和为_________. (用数字作答)12 设P 为曲线1cos (2sin x y q q q ì=-+ïïíï=+ïî为参数)上任意一点,(3,5)A ,则||PA 的最小值为______________.13. 已知一个球的表面积为144p ,球面上有P 、Q 、R 三点,且每两点间的球面距离均为3p ,那么此球的半径r =___________,球心到平面PQR 的距离为__________.14. 已知集合{1,2,3,4}A =,函数()f x 的定义域、值域都是A ,且对于任意i A ∈,i i f ≠)(. 设4321,,,a a a a 是4,3,2,1的任意一个排列,定义数表12341234()()()()a a a a f a f a f a f a ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,若两个数表的对应位置上至少有一个数不同,就说这是两张不同的数表,那么满足条件的不同的数表的张数为_________.三、解答题:本大题共 6 小题,共 80 分. 解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()cos (sin cos )1f x x x x =-+. (Ⅰ)求()f x 的值域和最小正周期; (Ⅱ)设(0,)a p Î,且()1f α=,求α的值.16.(本小题满分12分)甲,乙两人射击,每次射击击中目标的概率分别是11,34. 现两人玩射击游戏,规则如下:若某人某次射击击中目标,则由他继续射击,否则由对方接替射击. 甲、乙两人共射击3次,且第一次由甲开始射击. 假设每人每次射击击中目标与否均互不影响. (Ⅰ) 求3次射击的人依次是甲、甲、乙的概率;(Ⅱ) 若射击击中目标一次得1分,否则得0分(含未射击). 用ξ表示乙的总得分,求ξ的分布列和数学期望.17.(本小题满分14分)如图,在直三棱柱111ABC A BC -中,1,1,2AB BC AB BC AA ^===,D 是AA 1的中点.(Ⅰ) 求异面直线11AC 与1B D 所成角的大小; (Ⅱ) 求二面角C-B 1D-B 的大小;(Ⅲ) 在B 1C 上是否存在一点E ,使得//DE 平面ABC ? 若存在,求出1B EEC的值;若不存在,请说明理由.18.(本小题满分14分)C BC 1 B 1A A 1D设a ∈R,函数1,0,())1,0.a x x f x x a x ⎧-+<⎪=-->(Ⅰ) 当a =2时,试确定函数()f x 的单调区间;(Ⅱ) 若对任何x ∈R ,且0x ≠,都有()1f x x >-,求a 的取值范围.19.(本小题满分14分)已知AOB V 的顶点A在射线:(0)l y x =>上, A , B 两点关于x 轴对称,O 为坐标原点,且线段AB 上有一点M 满足||||3AM MB ?. 当点A 在l 上移动时,记点M 的轨迹为W .(Ⅰ) 求轨迹W 的方程;(Ⅱ)设P (-1,0),Q (2,0),求证:2MQP MPQ ??.20.(本小题满分14分)已知f 是直角坐标平面xOy 到自身的一个映射,点P 在映射f 下的象为点Q ,记作()Q f P =.设1P 11(,)x y ,2132(),()P f P P f P ==,1,(),n n P f P -=L L. 如果存在一个圆,使所有的点*(,)(N )n n n P x y n Î都在这个圆内或圆上,那么称这个圆为点(,)n n n P x y 的一个收敛圆. 特别地,当11()P f P =时,则称点1P 为映射f 下的不动点. (Ⅰ) 若点(,)P x y 在映射f 下的象为点(2,1)Q x y -.○1 求映射f 下不动点的坐标;○2 若1P 的坐标为(1,2),判断点*(,)(N )n n n P x y n Î是否存在一个半径为3的收敛圆,并说明理由.(Ⅱ) 若点(,)P x y 在映射f 下的象为点(1,)22x y x yQ +-+,1P (2,3). 求证:点*(,)(N )n n n P x y n Î.北京市西城区 2009年抽样测试参考答案高三数学试卷(理科) 2009.5一、选择题:本大题共 8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分.二、填空题:本大题共 6 小题,每小题 5 分,共 30 分.9. e 1(R)x y x =+? 10. 45o 11. 1,512 12. 4 13. 6, 14. 216注:两空的题目,第一个空2分,第二个空3分. 三、解答题:本大题共 6 小题,共 80 分. 15.(本小题满分12分)(Ⅰ)解:()cos (sin cos )1f x x x x =-+2sin cos cos 1x x x =?+11cos 2sin 2122x x +=-+---------------------------2分11(sin 2cos 2)22x x =-+1)242x p =-+,---------------------------4分因为1sin(2)14xp-??(其中x ÎR ),1)42x p ?+?即函数()f x 的值域为.---------------------------6分 函数()f x 的最小正周期为22T p p ==.---------------------------8分(Ⅱ)解:由(Ⅰ)得1())142f p a a =-+=,所以s i n (42p a -=,----------------------------9分因为0<<a p ,所以72444p p p a-<-,----------------------------10分所以32,24444p p p pa a -=-=或, 所以,42p pa a ==或.---------------------------12分 16.(本小题满分12分)(Ⅰ)解:记 “3次射击的人依次是甲、甲、乙” 为事件A . ---------------------------1分由题意,得事件A的概率122()339P A =?;---------------------------5分(Ⅱ)解:由题意,ξ的可能取值为0,1,2, ---------------------------6分11123237(0)++33334349P x ==创创=; 12121313(1)+33434472P x ==创创=; 2111(2)=34424P x ==创. 所以,x 的分布列为:---------------------------10分x的数学期望7131190129722472E x =???.---------------------------12分17.(本小题满分14分)方法一:(Ⅰ)解:如图,设F 为BB 1的中点,连接AF ,CF , Q 直三棱柱111ABC A B C -,且D 是AA 1的中点,C 1 B 1A 1111//,//A F B DA C AC \, C A F \?为异面直线11AC 与1BD 所成的角或其补角. -----------2分 在Rt ABF V 中,BF AB ^,AB =1,BF =1,AF \=CF =在ABC V 中,,1,AB BC AB BC ^==Q AC \=在ACF V 中,AC AF CF ==Q ,60CAF \?o ,\异面直线11AC 与1B D所成的角为60o.----------------------------4分(Ⅱ)解:Q 直三棱柱111ABC A B C -,1B B BC \^, 又1,AB BC AB BB B ^=I ,BC \^平面1AB B .---------------------------5分如图,连接BD ,在1BB D V 中,112BD B D BB ===Q ,22211BD B D BB \+=,即1BD B D ^,BD Q 是CD 在平面1ABB D 内的射影,1CD B D \^,CDB\?为二面角C -B 1D -B 的平面角.---------------------------7分在BCD V 中, 90CBD?o , BC=1, BD =tan BC CDBBD \?=,\二面角C -B 1D -B的大小为.---------------------------9分(Ⅲ)答:在B 1C 上存在一点E ,使得//DE 平面ABC ,此时11B EEC=.----------------------10分以下给出证明过程.证明:如图,设E 为B 1C 的中点,G 为BC 的中点,连接EG ,AG ,ED , 在1BCB V 中,1,BG GC B E EC ==Q , 1//EG BB \,且112EG BB =, 又1//AD BB ,且112AD BB =, //,E G A D E GA D\=, \四边形ADEG 为平行四边形, //DE AG \,---------------------------12分又AG Ì平面ABC ,DE Ë平面ABC , \//DE 平面ABC.---------------------------14分方法二:(Ⅰ)如图,以B 为原点,BC 、BA 、BB 1分别为x 、y 、z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系O -xyz ,则111(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,2),(1,0,2),(0,1,2),(0,1,1)B C A B C A D ,111(1,1,0),(0,1,1)AC B D =-=-uuu u r uuu rQ ,---------------------------2分1111111111cos ,2||||AC B D AC B D AC B D ×\<>==-×uuu u r uuu ruuu u r uuu r uuuu r uuu r , \异面直线11AC 与1B D所成的角为60o.---------------------------4分(Ⅱ)解:Q 直三棱柱111ABC A B C -,1B B BC \^, 又1,AB BC AB BB B ^=I ,C 1 1BC \^平面1ABB D . ---------------------------5分如图,连接BD ,在1BB D V中,112BD B D BB ===Q ,22211BD B D BB \+=,即1BD B D ^,BD Q 是CD 在平面1ABB D 内的射影,1CD B D \^,C D B \?为二面角C -B 1D -B的平面角.---------------------------7分(1,1,1),(0,1,1)DC DB =--=--uuu r uu u rQ ,cos ||||DC DB CDBDC DB ×\?=×uuu r uu u r uuu r uu u r \二面角C -B 1D -B 的大小为a rco s . -----------------------------9分 (Ⅲ)同方法一.---------------------------14分 18.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)解:当0x <时,1()2f x x=-+, 因为21()0f x x ¢=>, 所以()f x 在(,0)-?上为增函数;---------------------------3分当0x >时,()2)1f x x =--,()f x ¢=,---------------------------4分由()0f x ¢>,解得23x >,由()0f x ¢<,解得203x <<, 所以()f x 在2(,)3+?上为增函数,在2(0,)3上为减函数. 综上,()f x 增区间为(,0)-?和2(,)3+?,减区间为2(0,)3.---------------------------7分(Ⅱ)解:当0x <时,由()1f x x >-,得11a x x -+>-,即 11a x x>+-, 设 1()1g x x x=+-,所以1()[()()]113g x x x =--+--≤-=-(当且仅当1x =-时取等号),所以当1x =-时,()g x 有最大值3-, 因为对任何0x <,不等式11a x x>+-恒成立, 所以3a >-;---------------------------10分当0x >时,由()1f x x >-)11x a x -->-,即a x <-设()h x x =-211())24h x x =--,12,即14x =时,()h x 有最小值14-,因为对任何0x >,不等式a x <-恒成立,所以14a <-.--------------------------13分综上,实数a的取值范围为134a -<<-. ---------------------------14分 19.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)解:因为A , B 两点关于x 轴对称,所以AB 边所在直线与y 轴平行.设M (x , y ),由题意,得(),(,)A x B x -,----------------------------2分所以||,||AM y MB y -=,因为||||3AM MB ?, 所以3(3)3y y x -+=,即2213y x -=,----------------------------5分所以点M的轨迹W的方程为221(0)3y x x -=>.-----------------------------6分(Ⅱ)证明:设000(,)(0)M x y x >,因为曲线221(0)3y x x -=>关于x 轴对称,所以只要证明“点M 在x 轴上方及x 轴上时,2MQP MPQ ∠=∠”成立即可. 以下给出“当00y ≥时,2MQP MPQ ∠=∠” 的证明过程.因为点M 在221(0)3y x x -=>上,所以01x ≥.当x 0=2时,由点M 在W 上,得点(2,3)M ,此时,||3,||3MQ PQ MQ PQ ⊥==, 所以,42MPQ MQP ππ∠=∠=,则2M Q P M P Q∠=∠; --------------------------8分当02x ¹时,直线PM 、QM 的斜率分别为0000,12PM QM y y k k x x ==+-, 因为0001,2,0x x y ≥≠≥,所以0001PM y k x =≥+,且0011PM yk x =≠+,又tan PM MPQ k ∠=,所以(0,)2MPQ π∠∈,且4MPQ π∠≠,所以22t a n t a n 21(t a n )M P Q M P Q M P Q ∠∠=-∠00002220000212(1)(1)1()1y x y x y x y x ⨯++==+--+,---------------10分因为点M 在W 上,所以220013y x -=,即220033y x =-,所以tan 2MPQ ∠000220002(1)(1)(33)2y x y x x x +==-+---,因为tan QM MQP k ∠=-, 所以t a M Q P M ∠=∠,-----------------------------12分在MPQ ∆中,因为(0,)2MPQ π∠∈,且4MPQ π∠≠,(0,)MQP π∠∈,所以2MQP MPQ ∠=∠. 综上,得当00y ≥时,2MQP MPQ ∠=∠.所以对于轨迹W 的任意一点M ,2MQP MPQ ∠=∠成立.-----------------------------14分 20.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)○1解:设不动点的坐标为000(,)P x y , 由题意,得000021x x y y ì=ïïíï=-ïî,解得0010,2x y ==, 所以映射f下不动点为01(0,)2P .---------------------------2分○2结论:点(,)n n n P x y 不存在一个半径为3的收敛圆. 证明:由1(1,2)P ,得234(2,1),(4,2),(8,1)P P P --,所以14||6PP =,则点14,P P 不可能在同一个半径为3的圆内, 所以点(,)n n n P x y (n ÎN *)不存在一个半径为3的收敛圆.--------------------------5分(Ⅱ)证明:由1(2,3)P ,得271(,)22P -.由1()n n P f P +=,得11122n n n n n n x y x x y y ++ì+ïï=+ïïíï-ï=ïïïî,---------------------------7分所以11111,1n n n n n n x y x x y y +++++=+-=+,由21()n n P f P ++=,得112112122n n n n n n x y x x y y ++++++ì+ïï=+ïïïíï-ï=ïïïî, 所以221311,2222n n n n x x y y ++=+=+,---------------------------9分即22113(3),1(1)22n n n n x x y y ++-=--=-, 由1230,30x x -??,得30n x -?,同理10n y -?,所以223111,3212n n n n x y x y ++--==--,所以数列212{3},{3}(n n x x n ---?N *)都是公比为12的等比数列,首项分别为12131,32x x -=--=, 所以112121113(),3()222n n n n x x ----=--=?, 同理可得1121213112(),1()222n n n ny y ----=?=-?.---------------------------12分所以对任意n ÎN *,|3|1,|1|2n n x y -??,设(3,1)A,则||n AP =所以||n AP £,故所有的点*(N )n P n Î都在以(3,1)AP x y存在一个半径为的收敛圆.即点(,)n n n-------------------------14分倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。
北京市西城区2010 年高三抽样测试文科综合能力试题2010.05第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共140分)本卷共35小时,每小题4分,共计140分。
表1项目地区垦殖指数(%)人均占有耕地面积(公顷/人)1950年2000年1950年2000年亚洲14.717.50.310.14欧洲31.328.80.380.27北美洲12.012.4 1.310.81非洲 5.8 6.30.870.27大洋洲 2.0 6.0 1.31 1.84世界9.711.00.510.265A.地形多种多样,以平原为主B.季风气候显著,气象灾害较少C.地域辽阔,矿产资源丰富D.农垦历史悠久,人口数量最多6.2000年与1950年相比()A.欧洲因人口增长较快,所以人均耕地面积减少B.大洋洲因人口负增长,所以人均耕地面积增加C.北美洲垦殖指数的增长率低于世界平均水平D.非洲因机械化水平高,导致垦殖指数上升图3是我国东部某地区岩石与1月均温等值线分布图,读图,回答7~9题。
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2010年北京西城区高考模拟试题(考试时间60分钟满分85分)请把答案填写在试卷末页的答题卡上!第一节:语法单选题(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. Paper money was in _________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _________ thirteenth century.A. the, 不填B. the, theC. 不填, theD. 不填, 不填2. —Which of the three ways shall I take to the village?—_________ way as you please.A. EachB. EveryC. AnyD. Either3. —I don’t mind telling you what I know.—You _________. I’m not asking you for it.A. mustn’tB. may notC. can’tD. needn’t4. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people _________ to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.A. beginB. beganC. have begunD. had begun5. The worker hunted for jobs in New York for months, _________ he could not find any work.A. andB. yetC. orD. and but6. _________ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.A. WhileB. SinceC. BeforeD. Unless7. The news reporters hurried to the airport ,only _________ the film stars had left.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told8. Scientists say it may be five or six years _________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. when9. I don’t know _________ the day after tomorrow.A. when does he comeB. how will he comeC. if he comesD. whether he’ll come10. Is this the factory _________ he worked ten years ago?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one11. The old man, _________ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.A. to workB. workingC. to have workedD. having worked12. It is said that Renmin Hospital _________ in 2012.A. rebuiltB. will rebuildC. will be rebuiltD. would be rebuilt13. Jane _________ 2,000 English words by the time he was seven.A. learntB. learnedC. had learnedD. has learned14. Mr. Smith, _________ of the _________ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; boringB. tiring; boredC. tired; boredD. tiring; boring15. _________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)Best ServiceNot too long ago ,an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly. A guest 1 out of our Polynesian Village resort (度假胜地) at Walt Disney was asked how she 2 her visit .She told the front-desk clerk she had had a (n) 3 vacation, but was heartbroken about 4 several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet 5 .At that moment she was particularly 6 over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, 7 this was a memory she especially treasured.Now, please understand that we have no written service rules 8 lost photos in the park. ___9 , the clerk at the front desk 10 Disney’s idea of caring for our 11 .She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of 12 film ,promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian Luau.Two weeks later the guest received a 13 at her home .In it were photos of all the actors of our show, 14 signed by each performer. There were also 15 of the public procession (游行队伍) and fireworks in the park, taken by the front-desk clerk in her own 16 after work. I happened to know this 17 because this guest wrote us a letter .She said that 18 in her life had she received such good service from any business.Excellent 19 does not come from policy (政策性的) handbooks .It comes from people who ___20 — and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude.1.A.working B.checking C.trying D.staying2.A.expected B.realized C.paid D.enjoyed3.A.disappointing B.wonderful C.uncomfortable D.important4.A.taking B.dropping C.losing D.breaking5.A.developed B.taken C.washed D.loaded6.A.silly B.nervous C.calm D.sad7.A.when B.where C.as D.which8.A.covering B.finding C.making D.keeping9.A.Excitedly B.Fortunately C.Therefore D.Quietly10.A.understood B.reminded C.trusted D.discovered11.A.workers B.guests C.managers D.clerks12.A.printed B.shot C.unused D.recorded13.A.film B.card C.camera D.packet14.A.frequently B.personally C.alone D.actually15.A.rules B.pictures C.handbooks D.performances16.A.case B.work C.time D.position17.A.story B.place C.photo D.show18.A.only B.almost C.never D.nearly19.A.advice B.experience C.quality D.service20.A.care B.serve C.like D.know第三节:阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)AHe was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, his tiny body so moved the salvage (救援) workers that they called him “our baby.” Intheir home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby’s grave (墓), carved with the words: “To the memory of an unknown child.” He has rested there ever since.But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. “This is our baby,” says Magda Schleifer, 68, a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt named Maria Panula, 42, who had sailed on the Titanic for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had gathered, Panula gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children, including a 13-month-old boy named Eino from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing. “We thought they were all lost in the sea,” says Schleifer.Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby’s grave, scientists have compared the DNA from the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now, the family sees: no need for a new grave. “He belongs to the people of Halifax,” says Schleifer. “They’ve taken care of him for 90 years.”Adapted from People, November 25, 20021. The baby travelled on the Titanic with his .A. motherB. parentsC. auntD. relatives2. What is probably the boy’s last name? .A. SchleiferiB. Eino.C. Magda.D. Panula.3. Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child’s grave on Nov. 5 .A. 1912B. 1954C. 2002D. 20044. This text is mainly about how .A. the unknown baby’s body was taken from the north AtlanticB. the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova ScotiaC. people found out who the unknown baby wasD. people took care of the unknown baby for 90 yearsBUse your American Express Card to enjoy one-day privileges at four of America’s greatest museums. Note the participating museums, and their exciting special exhibitions that you will not want to miss, listed below.New YorkThe Noguchi MuseumNoguchi and GrahamDecember 1, 2004 —May 1, 2005Noguchi’s long-term collaboration with dancer Martha Graham is regarded by many as a high point in the history of both modern dance and art. The exhibition highlights nine of the sets created through this collaboration.For more information: BostonIsabella Stewart Gardner MuseumChairsFebruary 11 —May 8, 2005Italian furniture expert Fausto Calderai and Indian photographer Dayanita Singh present an exhibition of chairs from the museum’s collection and “chair photographs” from around the world presented in a Veretian-style hall housing world-famous masterpieces.For more information: www. PhiladelphiaPennsylvania Academy of the Fine ArtsIn Full View: American Painting (1720-2005)January 11 —April 10, 2005Founded in 1805, the Pennsylvania Academy has been home to America’s artists for 200 years. The Academy collects and exhibits the works of famous American artists, and is well-known for training fine artists. 2005 at the Academy begins with the largest exhibition of the Academy’s distinguished American collection in the institution’s history.For more information: SeattleSeattle Museum of GlassMurano: Glass from the Olnick Spanu CollectionThrough November 7, 2004This exhibition includes over 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Murano, the island of glassblowers near Venice, Italy. Watch live glass-blowing shows in the Hot Shop and see other modern glass exhibitions. For more information: 5. Which of the following websites offers information about the furniture show?A. B. C. D. 6. All the sentences below are true but .A. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts has been in Philadelphia for 200 years.B. More than 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Italy will be exhibited in Seattle.C. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum will hold a funiture exhibition during February 11 - May 8, 2005.D. Martha Graham is really a great dancer but not a good partner.7. If you want to know the history of American painting, you may visit .A. The Noguchi MuseumB. Seattle Museum of GlassC. Isabella Stewart Gardner MuseumD. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine ArtsCWe are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, other, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed —no examination is perfect —but to have external tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards. There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in school or on teachers. This would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on the efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.Without external examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them —a form of favouritism will replace equality. At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. This defendence of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would b e a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favoured school.The opponents of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils. According to these people, there must be no special, different, academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area: all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection. The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.These people are not just against school organisation, but are at war with the whole idea of modem competitive society and they are using children in schools for their destructive(破坏性的)purposes. There is no reason why we should allow such people to determine the way our schools are organised when it is to the obvious disadvantage of the pupils, of the schools and of our society as a whole.8. The word “favouritism” in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that ________.A. bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs.B. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs.C. poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets.D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success.9. What would happen if examinations were taken away according to the author?A. Schools for bright children would lose their reputation.B. There would be more opportunities and excellence.C. Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.D. Children’s job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation.10. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. Most students from poor families can’t get a good job.B. Some people are using students to destroy our society.C. The writer thinks it a good way to choose a job by computer.D. The opponents of the examination want to reorganize schools.11. The opponents would agree that _________.A. computers should be selected to take over many jobsB. particular people should not be chosen for particular jobsC. well-respected schools should be got rid of as soon as possibleD. the students are not equally treated if they take external examinationsDBeing considered a leader in our society is indeed of high praise. Leadership means power, commands respect and, most important, encourages achievement. Unlike vitamin C, leadership skills can’t be easily swallowed down. They must be carefully cultivated.Different from popular belief, most good leaders are made, not born. They learn their skills in their everyday lives. But which do they develop? How do they (and how can you) get others to follow?Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the bestleadership technique in the world. It is also an act of generosity (慷慨) that ’s never forgotten.Giving credit is more effective than even the most constructive criticism (批评) , which often hurts rather than helps. Kenneth Blanchard, the author of The One-Minute Manager , agrees. “Catch people doing something right!” he says, “Then tell everyone about it.”Take informed risks. “The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise,” says management adviser Marilyn Machlowitz, “Sky divers don ’t go up in an airplane without checking the parachutes (降落伞) befor ehand.”Because the idea of risk also carries with it the possibility of failure, many of us usually wait for others to take charge. But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail, and not die a thousand deaths. Pick yourself up and start all over again.Encourage enthusiasm (热情). “When people understand the importance of work, they lend their mental strengths,” says Lee Ducat. But when they get excited about the work, all their energy gets poured into the job. That ’s a great force! Is this the best way to create excitement? Be enthusiastic yourself. You will be followed by everyone.12. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? _______.A. Leadership Is of Skills and TechniquesB. Leadership Is Very ImportantC. Not Many Can Be LeadersD. How to Be a Leader13. The part “Always give credit ” tells us that a leader should _______.A. give helpful criticismB. regard others as real heroesC. praise people for their good performancesD. praise everyone14. To be a good leader, you should _______.A. not be afraid of any risksB. think twice before taking risksC. try to avoid any possible failuresD. know what a thoughtless exercise is15. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? _______.A B C DEBefore going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer (温度计) for thetemperature. This helps us decide what to wear. _(16)__________ . We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer.Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale. Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide.__ (17) ___ _______ .The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury (水银) inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid ) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts (收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line is high in the glass tube.__ (18)____ _____ _.First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw (吸管) through the nail hole.__(19)_______________.Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily.__(20)______________.As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.A. We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other thingsin our daily lives.B. Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same waywhen they are heated or cooled.C. Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.D. The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will expand and rise even higher.E. They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees.F. Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where thestraw is struck into the cap to seal (把…粘住) them together.G. People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.。