EE 360C Algorithms and Data Structures using C++
perimeter and the area */
Result: r =1.500000 l = 9.42, s= 7.07
< data type> < variable name >[,< variable name2>……];
•Data is the object be processed by algorithm
•Data types in C:
integer 1.Basic Types
real(float) character enum array 2. Tectonic Types structure union 3. Pointer 4.NULL
(1) VARIABLE NAME:keep to rules for identifier
Nonce value
In a program,we can quote variable by variable names
variable name
2. Sort
symbolic CONSTANTS
can be differentiated by writing format
1. Concept
Its value can be changed during program
2. Three elements of variables
CCF推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录修订版发布CCF(China Computer Federation中国计算机学会)于2010年8月发布了第一版推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录,一年来,经过业内专家的反馈和修订,于日前推出了修订版,现将修订版予以发布。
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《程序设计、算法与数据结构(一)》教学大纲课程编号:0812000217课程名称:程序设计、算法与数据结构(一)英文名称:Programming,Algorithm and Data Structure I学分:3 课程性质:必修总学时:48 其中,讲授48学时,实验0学时,上机0学时,实训0学时适用专业:网络工程建议开设学期: 1先修课程:无开课单位:计算机与通信工程学院一、课程简介《程序设计、算法与数据结构(一)》是计算机科学与技术、软件工程、网络工程、通信工程专业基础课程,是课程群的启蒙课,也是学生进入大学后的第一门程序设计类课程,其目的是以C语言程序设计为基础,使学生熟悉C程序设计的基本语法,通过大量的编程练习,引导学生进入程序设计的殿堂,培养学生基本的数据结构和算法分析能力,为后续课程的学习打下基础。
(支持毕业要求 2.1能运用数学、自然科学及网络工程的基本原理,识别和判断网络工程问题的关键环节。
计算机文化基础系列常识-图灵奖获奖者介绍连载(二十)尼克劳斯·沃思(Niklaus Wirth)——PASCAL之父及结构化程序设计的首创者凡是学过一点计算机知识的人大概都知道“数据结构+算法=程序”这一著名公式。
提出这一公式并以此作为其一本专著的书名的瑞士计算机科学家尼克劳斯·沃思(Niklaus Wirth)由于发明了多种影响深远的程序设计语言,并提出结构化程序设计这一革命性概念而获得了1984年的图灵奖。
著名的斯坦福大学门槛极高,怎么会看中了这个来自欧洲小国的毛头小伙子呢?原来在20世纪50年代末、60年代初的情况下,沃思的计算机经验和成就相当引人注目:在苏黎世工学院时,他曾听过瑞土的计算机先驱斯帕塞(A.P.Speiser,他曾出任IFIP的主席)的课,用过由斯帕塞开发的计算机ERMETH(虽然作为学生,机会并不多);在莱维大学时,沃思学了数值分析,用过Alvac ⅢE计算机(虽然这台计算机经常出故障而不能开机);在伯克利时,沃思先是有一台Bendix G —15计算机可用,后来又参加了为IBM 704开发NELIAC语言编译器的科研小组。
NELIAC的全称是Navy Electronics Laboratory International Algol Compiler,即美国海军屯子学实验室国际A]eoJ编泽程序语言,该语言用于数值计算和一些逻辑处理,其特点是用自己的语言写自己的编译程序,然后进行自编译,是一个类似于Algol 58但具有开创性意义的语言。
数据结构与算法 Data Structures and Algorithms
高级数据结构和算法分析Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis主讲教师:陈越Instructor: CHEN, YUEE-mail: chenyue@ Courseware and homework sets can be downloaded from /dsaa/教材(Text Book)Data Structures andAlgorithm Analysis in C(2nd Edition)Mark Allen Weiss陈越改编Email: weiss@参考书目(Reference)数据结构与算法分析(C语言版)魏宝刚、陈越、王申康编著浙江大学出版社 Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++数据结构算法与应用——C++语言描述(英文版)Sartaj Sahni McGraw-Hill & 机械工业出版社 数据结构课程设计何钦铭、冯雁、陈越著浙江大学出版社课程评分方法(Grading Policies)Research Project (23 or 25)Discussions(14)Homework (5)Q&A (0.5 each)Total 45Final Exam (55)Discussions(14)Form groups of 3 or 428 in-class discussion topicsEach takes 3~5 minutes14 = 28 10 / 20Research topics (23 or 25)◆Done in groups◆16 topics to choose from◆Report (18 or 20 points)◆In-class presentation (5~10 minutes, 5 points)◆The speaker will be chosen randomly from all thecontributors◆If there are many volunteers, only one group willbe chosen◆If there is no volunteer, I will talk about itHomework (5)✓Done independently✓10 problems✓Collected before the end of the next class meeting ✓ 5 = 10 10 / 20✓Late penalty: 2 points/weekQ&A⏹For volunteers only⏹0.5 point for each question asked/answered ⏹come and claim your credits after each classsession。
A Brief Architectural History of the Computer – cont.
In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a loom that used punched cards
A Brief Architectural History of the Computer – cont.
Can we define the date of the computer “invention”?
A Brief Architectural History of the Computer – cont.
The Abacus - 500 B. C. (Greeks and Romans Civilization)
In early 1800s, Charles Babbage and Augusta Ada Byron (“the first computer programmer”) –mechanical calculating machine, called “analytical engine”.
A Brief Architectural History of the Computer – cont.
CPU – Memory Organization
Levels of Representation
High Level Language Program (e.g., C) Compiler Assembly Language Program Assembler Machine Language Program Machine Interpretation Control Signal Specification
数据结构与算法 (2)
First started programming : have no ADT
–Writing the same code over and over
Data Sagtrauincture can be defined as:Exa•mAtpolemfiocr DADatTa: tahreecsoidneglteo arenadd the 1ea.Ak♠stcheWehcayAtebotoon•adohcmkAfAdwsoaafoanwtebrntwndinoadoatc-ihwha,ndmaiblsttatfiyetbauewcaihirspcstncahtheipaeotcdotaordeintimooaotniscforadnpcanofpnatoeotentaosdtprhidfriostmasaaetaheiatmystcahetlibopatokeidisrtlpcaenymedtatpogyeswedieepnesrdntaonanedhcadtttthaaapiiitesttsoneotayafai.ngaardndntresoseaeddt,,
bank toopdeertaetrimoninse tellers.
1-3 Model for an Abstract Data Type
In this section we provide a conceptual model for an Abstract Data Type (ADT).
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ SecondEdition–Course DesignIntroductionThis course design is based on the book Data Structures andAlgorithm Analysis in C++ by Mark A. Weiss, the second edition. The purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ understanding of data structures and algorithms as well as improve their programming skills in C++. The contents of this course are divided into two parts, theoretical knowledge, and practical programming applications.Theoretical KnowledgeChapter 1 Basic ConceptsIn this chapter, students will learn the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms, including their definitions, characteristics, and applications. In addition, students will be guided to understand the relationships among data structures, algorithms, and programming languages.Chapter 2 Algorithm AnalysisIn this chapter, students will learn how to analyze the efficiencyof algorithms. They will be introduced to the concept of big-o notation, which is a standard measure of how an algorithm performs. They will be able to classify algorithms based on their time and space complexities. They will also be able to compare and contrast different algorithms based on their efficiency.Chapter 3 Lists, Stacks, and QueuesIn this chapter, students will learn about linear data structures such as lists, stacks, and queues. They will be able to describe the features of these data structures and their implementation in C++. They will also learn to analyze the performance of operations such as insertion, deletion, and search.Chapter 4 TreesIn this chapter, students will learn about the hierarchical data structure - trees. They will be able to identify the different types of trees, understand their features, and implement them in C++. Studentswill also learn about tree traversal algorithms and the balance ofbinary trees.Chapter 5 HashingIn this chapter, students will learn about the implementation ofhash tables in C++. They will be introduced to hash function design, collision resolution, and probing methods. They will understand the performance analysis of different hash table implementations.Chapter 6 Priority Queues (Heaps)In this chapter, students will learn about priority queues and will explore the various implementation methods, including heap structures. They will understand the relationship between binary heaps and priority queues. They will be able to describe and implement heap-sort algorithms.Chapter 7 SortingIn this chapter, students will learn about various sorting algorithms, including insertion, merge, quick, and radix sorts. Students will be able to describe their features and analyze their efficiency. They will also learn the key steps required for implementation.Chapter 8 The Disjoint Set ADTIn this chapter, students will be introduced to the disjoint-setdata structure. They will learn about classical algorithms, including Kruskal’s algorithm, for solving the minimum spanning tree problem.Practical Programming ApplicationsAlgorithm VisualizationThis part ms to help students improve their programming skills. Students will be trned to design and implement visualization tools that demonstrate various algorithms such as sorting and pathfinding. Theywill use C++ programming language and third-party graphics libraries.Data Structure DesignIn this part, students will be divided into groups of two or threeto design and implement their own data structure. They will be required to submit design documents and technical reports. After implementation, they are expected to demonstrate their data structures and present their work in class.Project Design and ImplementationThis part ms to help students integrate all the knowledge and skills they have learned so far. Students will be required to complete a project related to data structures and algorithms. They will need to identify the problem, design the solution, and implement the algorithm using C++. The project can be either a standalone application or a library.ConclusionBy the end of the course, students will have an in-depth understanding of various data structures and algorithms. They will have learned to analyze their efficiency and implement them using C++. They will also have completed two programming projects and developed marketable programming skills.。
data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdf (2)
data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdfTitle: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis: A Comprehensive ReviewIntroduction:Data structures and algorithm analysis are fundamental concepts in computer science. They form the backbone of efficient and optimized software development. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the book "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" in its English original version PDF format. The review will cover the key points, structure, and significance of the book.I. Overview of the Book:1.1 Importance of Data Structures:- Discuss the significance of data structures in organizing and manipulating data efficiently.- Explain how data structures enhance the performance and scalability of software applications.1.2 Algorithm Analysis:- Describe the role of algorithm analysis in evaluating the efficiency and performance of algorithms.- Highlight the importance of selecting appropriate algorithms for different problem-solving scenarios.1.3 Book Structure:- Outline the organization of the book, including chapters, sections, and topics covered.- Emphasize the logical progression of concepts, starting from basic data structures to advanced algorithm analysis.II. Data Structures:2.1 Arrays and Linked Lists:- Explain the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of arrays and linked lists.- Discuss the implementation details, operations, and time complexities of these data structures.2.2 Stacks and Queues:- Define stacks and queues and their applications in various scenarios.- Elaborate on the implementation, operations, and time complexities of stacks and queues.2.3 Trees and Graphs:- Introduce the concepts of trees and graphs and their real-world applications.- Discuss different types of trees (binary, AVL, B-trees) and graphs (directed, undirected, weighted).III. Algorithm Analysis:3.1 Asymptotic Notation:- Explain the significance of asymptotic notation in analyzing the efficiency of algorithms.- Discuss the Big-O, Omega, and Theta notations and their usage in algorithm analysis.3.2 Sorting and Searching Algorithms:- Describe various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort.- Discuss searching algorithms like linear search, binary search, and hash-based searching.3.3 Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms:- Define dynamic programming and greedy algorithms and their applications.- Provide examples of problems that can be solved using these approaches.IV. Advanced Topics:4.1 Hashing and Hash Tables:- Explain the concept of hashing and its applications in efficient data retrieval.- Discuss hash functions, collision handling, and the implementation of hash tables.4.2 Graph Algorithms:- Explore advanced graph algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm, breadth-first search, and depth-first search.- Discuss their applications in solving complex problems like shortest path finding and network analysis.4.3 Advanced Data Structures:- Introduce advanced data structures like heaps, priority queues, and self-balancing binary search trees.- Explain their advantages, implementation details, and usage in various scenarios.V. Summary:5.1 Key Takeaways:- Summarize the main points covered in the book, emphasizing the importance of data structures and algorithm analysis.- Highlight the significance of selecting appropriate data structures and algorithms for efficient software development.5.2 Practical Applications:- Discuss real-world scenarios where the concepts from the book can be applied.- Illustrate how understanding data structures and algorithm analysis can lead to optimized software solutions.5.3 Conclusion:- Conclude the review by emphasizing the relevance and usefulness of the book "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis."- Encourage readers to explore the book further for a deeper understanding of the subject.In conclusion, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" is a comprehensive guide that covers essential concepts in data structures and algorithm analysis. The book's structure, detailed explanations, and practical examples make it a valuable resource for computer science students, software developers, and anyone interested in optimizing their software solutions. Understanding these fundamental concepts is crucial for building efficient and scalable software applications.。
一.计算机基础理论1>算法与数据结构***(1)《The art of computer programming》Vol 1,2,3,4The Art of Computer ProgrammingAuthor: Donald.E.Knuth/~knuth/t aocp.htmlBook Info: 这部书被誉为20世纪最重要的20部著作之一,与Einstein的<<相对论>>并列,是计算机科学领域的权威著作.全书共分7卷,目前已经出版了3卷,被誉为"计算机程序设计理论的荷马史诗","可与牛顿的<<自然科学的数学原理>>媲美的巨著".作者数学方面的功底造就了本书严谨的风格,虽然本书不是用当今流行的程序设计语言描述的,但这丝毫不损伤它"程序设计史诗"的地位.道理很简单,它内涵的设计思想是永远不会过时的.The Art of Computer Programming 原计划要出七册,但目前只完成了三册.该书有日文,俄文,西班牙文等许多国的版本.其中,中文版由国防大学出版社发行.The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd Edition)Author: Donald.E.KnuthPublisher: Prentice HallAmazon Reviews: Book Info: 卷1为基础运算法则,该书以基本的编程概念和技术为开始,然后讲述信息结构--计算机内信息的表示法,数据元素间的结构关系以及处理它们的有效方法.主要应用于模拟,数字方法,符号计算,软件和系统设计.许多简单和重要的运算法则和技术已添加到前一版本中,精确的初步计算部分已经修改,以适应当前趋势.The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd Edition) Author: Donald.E.KnuthPublisher: Prentice HallAmazon Reviews: Book Info: 第2卷对半数值算法领域做了全面介绍,分"随机数"和"算术"两章.本卷总结了主要算法范例及这些算法的基本理论,广泛剖析了计算机程序设计与数值分析间的相互联系.第3版中特别值得注意的是Knuth对随机数生成程序的重新处理和对形式幂级数计算的讨论.The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching (2nd Edition)Author: Donald E.KnuthPublisher: Prentice HallAmazon Reviews: Book Info: 卷3为分拣和搜索,这是本书的第1个修订版,它是对计算机分拣和搜索的一流技术的最全面的研究,它扩展了卷1中数据结构的处理方法,将大小数据库以及内存和外部存储都包含在内.本书包括对计算机方法仔细检查的选择方案,和其效率的大量分析.本书该版的独特之处在于优化了的分拣,以及对通用散列法和排列法的新的理论论述.作者简介:Donald.E.Knuth(唐纳德.E.克努特,中文名高德纳)是算法和程序设计技术的先驱者,是计算机排版系统TeX和METAFONT的发明者,他因这些成就和大量创造性的影响深远的著作(19部书和160篇论文)而誉满全球,在计算机科学领域享有崇高的威望,是计算机科学界公认的大宗师.作为斯坦福大学计算机程序设计艺术的荣誉退休教授,他当前正全神贯注于完成其关于计算机科学的史诗性的七卷集.这一伟大工程在1962年他还是加利福尼亚理工学院的研究生时就开始了.Knuth教授获得了许多奖项和荣誉,包括美国计算机协会图灵奖(ACM Turing Award),美国前总统卡特授予的科学金奖(Medal of Science),美国数学学会斯蒂尔奖(AMS Steele Prize),以及1996年11月由于发明先进技术荣获的极受尊重的京都奖(KyotoPrize).现与其妻Jill生活于斯坦福校园内.Donald.E.Knuth人生最辉煌的时刻在斯坦福大学计算机系渡过,获得了美国计算机协会图灵奖,成为本领域内当之无愧的泰斗.英文原版下载/redirect.php?tid=347 54计算机程序设计艺术第1卷基本算法(第3版)(英文影印版) / Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd Edition)Donald E.Knuth / E.KNUTH / 2002-11-1 / 清华大学出版社 / 第1卷:基本算法(第3版)[英文影印版] / 80.00计算机程序设计艺术第2卷半数值算法(第3版)(英文影印版) / Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd Edition)(美)Donald E.Knuth / 2002-09-01 / 清华大学出版社 / 83.0 / 精装计算机程序设计艺术(第3卷)-排序和查找(英文影印版) / Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching (2nd Edition)(美)Donald E.Knuth / 2002-9-1 / 清华大学出版社 / 85.0 / 精装***(2)《Introdution to algorithm》Author:Thomas H.Cormen ,Charles E.Leiserson ,Ronald L.Rivest ,Clifford SteinAmazon Reviews: Book Info: 简称为CLRS的<<算法导论>>,被称作"计算机算法的圣经".本书的主要作者来自麻省理工大学计算机,作者之一Ronald L.Rivest 由于其在公开秘钥密码算法RSA上的贡献获得了图灵奖,目前是算法的标准教材,美国许多名校的计算机系都使用它,国内有些院校也将本书作为算法课程的教材.另外许多专业人员也经常引用它.由于TAOCP只出版了3卷,CLRS比较起前者来则显得内容更为全面,基本包含了所有的经典算法.本书程序全部由伪代码实现,这更增添了本书的通用性,使得利用各种程序设计语言的程序员都可以作为参考.语言方面通俗,很适合作为算法教材和自学算法之用.国内的很多作品名为数据结构,从本书中断章取义,把数据结构与算法混为一谈,搞得作者自己都迷迷糊糊.这也是我不十分愿意向大家推荐国内作品的原因.你会发现现在基本上所有的数据结构与算法书籍都会将本书作为参考文献之一,更可以说明一个问题,本书是作为读者进行算法学习的最佳选择.作为本书的补充内容,我愿意向大家推荐下面的学习资料:你可以通过这个地址找到本书的所有练习答案: .为了更好的学习本书中的内容,最好的指导当然是来自作者本身讲述本书的课程,读者们可以通过http:// 03fall2001.html获得课程的录像.中文版/thread-31351-1-1.htm l习题及答案/thread-33989-1-1.htm l算法导论(第二版影印版) / Introduction to Algorithms(Second Edition)(美)科尔曼(Corrmen,T.H.) / 2002-5-1 / 高等教育出版社 / 68.0 / 平装***(3).Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C (Second Edition)Author:Mark Allen WeissPublished:September 1996Web site:/~weiss/Amazon Reviews: Book Info: 本书曾被评为20世纪顶尖的30部计算机著作之一,作者Mark Allen Weiss在数据结构和算法分析方面卓有建树.他的数据结构和算法分析的著作尤其畅销,并受到广泛好评.已被世界500余所大学用作教材.***(4)Programming Pearls, 2nd EditionAuthor: Jon BentleyPublisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 2 edition (September 27, 1999) Amazon Reviews: Book Info: 如果让程序员们列出他们最喜欢的书籍,Jon Bentley的<<编程珠玑>>通常可以位于经典之列.如同珍珠来自于曾经折磨牡蛎的沙粒,程序设计的珍珠也来自曾经折磨程序员的实际问题.Bentley的珍珠建立在坚实的工程学基础上,在洞察力和创造力的王国中为那些恼人的问题提供了独特而巧妙的解决方案.通过一些精心设计的有趣而且颇具指导意义的程序,本书对众多实用程序设计技巧及基本设计原则作了清晰而机智的描述.因此,<<编程珠玑>>得到各个层次程序员的青睐并不让人感觉意外.为了反映当今的程序设计方法和环境,Bentley在本书中彻底更新了第一版里的大多数素材.此外,他还增加了以下三个方面的内容,调试和计时 2.集合表示 3.字符中问题对原来的所有程序都重新进行了改写,并生成了等量的新代码.您可以从本书网站()获取所有程序的C 或C++实现.McConnell <<Code Complete>>***(5)The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th Anniversary EditionAuthor: Frederick P, Brooks,Jr.Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (August 2, 1995)Amazon Reviews: Book Info: IBM大型电脑之父 Fred Brooks 二十余年开发经验的汇集,远谋深虑,字字珠玑.技术之巧与人文之美的完美结合.本书自第一版以来,畅销二十余年不衰,是软件领域绝无仅有的必读经典.作者简介:Frederick P 曾荣获美国计算机领域最具声望的图灵奖(A.M.Turing Award)桂冠.美国计算机协会(ACM)称赞他"对计算机体系结构,操作系统和软件工程做出了里程碑式的贡献."Brooks 博士是北卡罗莱纳大学 Kenan-Flagler 商学院的计算机科学教授.他被认为是"IBM 360系统之父",曾担任了360系统的项目经理,以及360操作系统项目设计阶段的经理.凭借在上述项目中的杰出贡献,Brooks博士以及Bob Evans和Erich Bloch在1985年荣获了美国国家技术奖(National Medal of Technology).Brooks博士早期曾担任IBM 公司Stretch和Harvest计算机的体系结构设计师.Brooks 博士创立了北卡罗莱纳大学的计算机科学系,并在1964~1984年期间担任系主任.他还曾任职于美国国家科技局和国防科学技术委员会.他目前的教学和研究方向是计算机体系结构,分子模型绘图和虚拟环境设计.***(6)The Pragmatic ProgrammerAuthor: Andrew Hunt,David ThomasPublisher: Addison WesleyPublished: November 24, 1999Amazon Reviews: Book Info: 本书直击编程阵地,穿过了日益增长的现代软件开发的规范和学术,对核心过程进行了审视----该过程采取了供需结合的工作方式和令人欣喜的可维护代码.本书包含的内容从个人责任和职业发展到保持代码的灵活性,使之易于改编和重用.本书由各个相对独立的章节组成,其间不乏好玩的轶事,详细的实例和有趣的对话,描述了软件开发各个方面的最好实践和主要缺陷.无论你是一个新入门的编码者,一个有经验的程序员,还是负责软件项目的经理,通过每日学习这些课程,都会在个人生产力,准确率和工作满意度上有快速的增长.你所学到的技巧和开发习惯和态度将为你在职业生涯中取得长期成功奠定基础.你将成为又一Pragmatic Programmer.数据结构C++语言描述》58.00(Data Structures C++) William Ford,William Topp 刘卫东沈官林数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述》49.00Sartej Sahni 汪诗林孙晓东等机械工业出版社计算理论导引(第2版) / Introduction to the Theory of Computation(美)西普塞 / 2006-7-1 / 机械工业出版社 / 36.0 / 平装 / 唐常杰自动机理论、语言和计算导论(原书第2版) / Introduction to Automata Theory,Languages,and Computation,Second Edition程序设计语言:原理与实践(第二版) / Programming Languages:Principles and Practice,Second Edition程序设计语言-实践之路 / Programming Language Pragmatics(美)斯科特 / 2005-3-1 / 电子工业出版社 / 88.0 / 平装 / 裘宗燕计算机程序的构造和解释(原书第2版) / Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,Second Edition[美]艾伯森等 / 2004-02-01 / 机械工业出版社 / 45.0 / 平装 / 裘宗燕《Algorithm in c/c++/java 》【Data structure andalgorithm】1。
Autodesk Fusion 360 3D 制造教程指导书说明书
Introduction to 3D Modeling for ManufacturingInstructor guideCourse duration: ~930 minutesLevel: BeginnerProduct: Autodesk® Fusion 360This instructor guide is a comprehensive tool for facilitating this in the classroom. Prepare to teach this course by thoroughly reviewing this document, as well as all related course materials and resources.We’ve summarized the core Fusion 360 skills in Introduction to 3D Modeling for Manufacturing course so you can familiarize yourself with them before delivering this learning content in the classroom. It’s always recommended that you work through the course yourself in preparation for each lesson.Learning objectives:•Summarize the parametric CAD workflow.•Identify interface aspects of Fusion 360.•Create parametric and freeform designs with mechanical motion.•Apply appearances and physical materials.•Create a detailed technical drawing.•Create rendered images.Each module is listed below along with suggested time allocations for instruction. The referenced demonstrations are based on the step-by-step instruction included in the course. Review the video tutorials and step-by-step print guides for the detailed instruction in each module.This course teaches several topics covered in the Autodesk Certified Associate in CAD for Mechanical Design certification exam. We’ve included relevant certification exam objectives covered within each module.Getting startedTotal time required: 20 minutes Discuss objectives: 3 minutes Demonstrate: 10 minutes•Review course overview andlearning objectives•Download the course resources and software•Create an Autodesk ID•Install the software•Review the starter activity and articlesHands-on time: 5 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutes Introduction to modelingTotal time required: 110 minutes Discuss objectives: 3 minutes Demonstrate: 15 minutes•Create a project in the data panel •Create and edit a sketch•Create and edit a 3D model•Produce a 2D drawingHands-on time: 35 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutes Datasets:reciprocating saw.f3dbrake rotor.f3d Certification exam objectives:• 1.1.1. Digital Project Creation• 1.1.2. Sub-folder Design andManagement• 1.1.3. Import of Legacy Data• 2.1.1. Create a sketch on a plane or planar face• 2.1.2. Edit a sketch• 2.1.3. Apply dimensions to a sketch• 2.1.4. Apply constraints to a sketch• 2.3.1. Create solid features• 2.3.3. Apply a fillet or chamfer• 4.1.1. Create a detailed drawing froma designAssignments:•Practice exercise: 10 minuteso Sketch constraints.f3d •Challenge exercise: 30 minuteso Simple bolt.f3d•Module quiz: 15 minutes • 4.1.2. Place views on a drawing sheet • 4.1.4. Add drawing model dimensions and notesIntroduction to parametric sketchingTotal time required: 110 minutesDiscuss objectives: 3 minutesDemonstration: 15 minutes•Create a sketch reference plane•Create sketch parameters•Link dimensions and parameters •Create a sketch spline•Project sketch geometry Hands-on time: 30 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutesDatasets:Sketch projections.f3d Assignments:•Practice exercise: 15 minuteso Saw blade.f3d•Challenge exercise: 30 minuteso Gear Housing Cover.f3d Module quiz: 15 minutes Certification exam objectives:• 2.1.6. Create a sketch projection from an edge or face.• 2.2.1. Create an offset construction plane.Introduction to parametric modelingTotal time required: 150 minutes Discuss objectives: 3 minutes Demonstration: 15 minutes•Use a canvas image•Project edges into a sketch•Create a sketch spline•Apply appearances and physical materialsHands-on time: 35 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutes Datasets:•defeature link.f3d•saw_image.png•Assignments:•Practice exercise: 15 minuteso Trigger lock.f3d•Challenge exercise: 60 minuteso Blade Release.f3d•Module quiz: 15 minutes Certification exam objectives:• 2.1.1. Create a sketch on a plane or planar face.• 2.1.3. Apply dimensions to a sketch.• 2.1.4. Apply constraints to a sketch.• 2.3.1. Create solid features.• 2.3.3. Apply a fillet or chamfer.Introduction to freeform and direct modelingTotal time required: 150 minutesDiscuss objectives: 3 minutesDemonstration: 15 minutes•Create a form body•Use Edit Form•Insert edges•Merge edges and vertices•Use direct modeling tools Hands-on time: 40 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutesDatasets:Trigger with mechanics.f3dSaw handle casing.f3d Assignments:•Practice exercise: 15 minuteso crease.f3d•Challenge exercise: 60 minuteso Trigger form.f3d Module quiz: 15 minutes Certification exam objectives:• 2.5.1. Demonstrate how to use the press pull feature.• 2.5.2. Use Delete to remove a feature.• 2.6.3. Use Edit Form to scale aselection.• 2.6.4. Use Edit form to translate aselection.• 2.6.5. Use Edit Form to rotate aselection.• 2.6.6. Use Thicken to convert a surface to a solid form body.Introduction to assembly modelingTotal time required: 105 minutes Discuss objectives: 3 minutes Demonstration: 15 minutes•Create a component•Create a joint•Edit joint limits•Drive a joint•Create a rigid groupHands-on time: 25 minutes Review objectives: 2 minutes Datasets:Reciprocating saw motion.f3d Assignments:•Practice exercise: 15 minuteso General joints.f3d•Challenge exercise: 30 minuteso Assembly Modeling.f3d •Module quiz: 15 minutes Certification exam objectives:• 3.1.1. Create a component from abody.• 3.1.2. Create a new empty component.• 3.1.3. Organize and manage assembly components.• 3.2.1. Use Align and Capture Position to position components.• 3.2.2. Apply an as-built revolute joint.• 3.2.3. Apply a slider joint.• 3.2.4. Create a rigid group ofcomponents.• 3.3.1. Create a motion link.3.3.2. Edit a motion link.Introduction to technical drawingsTotal time required: 135 minutes Discuss objectives: 3 minutes Demonstration: 15 minutes•Create an exploded viewanimation•Place views on a drawing sheet•Add dimensions and annotations to a drawing•Add GD&T annotations•Create a parts table•Modify a title blockHands-on time: 30 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutes Datasets:Blade guard assembly.f3d Assignments:•Practice exercise: 10 minuteso Projected view.f3d•Challenge exercise: 60 minuteso Saw Mechanism.f3d•Module quiz: 15 minutes Certification exam objectives:• 4.1.1. Create a detailed drawing froma design.• 4.1.2. Place views on a drawing sheet.• 4.1.3. Edit a drawing view.• 4.1.4. Add drawing model dimensions and notes.4.1.5. Modify a drawing title block.Introduction to renderingTotal time required: 90 minutesDiscuss objectives: 3 minutesDemonstration: 15 minutes•Create a form body•Use Edit Form•Insert edges•Merge edges and vertices•Use direct modeling tools Hands-on time: 15 minutesReview objectives: 2 minutesDatasets:Reciprocating saw.f3d Assignments:•Practice exercise: 10 minuteso Custom appearance.f3d •Challenge exercise: 30 minuteso Saw Casing Concept.f3d Module quiz: 15 minutes Certification exam objectives: n/aAssignments:•Course Assessment: 45 minutes •Course Challenge: 120 minuteso Saw Assembly.f3d Module: Next stepsTotal time required: 30 minutes Review individual student outcomes for end of course test: 10 minutesCreate a student study plan: 10 minutes Retest using the end of course test: 5 minutes Review certification objectives: 5 minutes。
软件人员推荐书目(都是国外经典书籍!!!)软件测试编程C++CC# .软件人员推荐书目(一) 大师篇一、科学哲学和管理哲学【1】"程序开发心理学"(The Psychology of Computer Programming : Silver Anniversary Edition)【2】"系统化思维导论"(An Introduction to Systems Thinking, Silver Anniversary Edition)【3】 "系统设计的一般原理"( General Principles of Systems Design)【4】"质量?软件?管理(第1卷)—— 系统思维"(Quality Software Management:Systems Thinking)【5】 "成为技术领导者——解决问题的有机方法"(Becoming A Technical Leader:An Organic Problem Solving Approach)【6】"你的灯亮着吗?-发现问题的真正所在"( Are Your Lights On? How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is)【7】 "程序员修炼之道"(The Pragmatic Programmer)【8】"与熊共舞:软件项目风险管理" (Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects)【9】 "第五项修炼: 学习型组织的艺术与实务"( The Fifth Discipline)二、计算机科学基础【10】 "计算机程序设计艺术"(The Art of Computer Programming)【11】"深入理解计算机系统"(Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective )【12】 "算法导论"(Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition)【13】"数据结构与算法分析—— C语言描述(原书第2版) "(Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C, Second Edition)【14】"自动机理论、语言和计算导论(第2版)"(Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation(Second Edition))【15】"离散数学及其应用(原书第四版)"(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications,Fourth Edition)【16】 "编译原理"(Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools)【17】 "现代操作系统"(Modern Operating System)【18】 "计算机网络(第4版)"(Computer Networks)【19】"数据库系统导论(第7版)"(An Introduction to Database Systems(Seventh Edition))三、软件工程思想【20】 "人件"(Peopleware : Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd Ed.)【21】 "人件集 —— 人性化的软件开发"( The Peopleware Papers: Notes on the Human Side of Software)【22】 "人月神话"(The Mythical Man-Month)【23】"软件工程— 实践者的研究方法(原书第5版)"(Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, Fifth Edition)【24】"敏捷软件开发-原则、模式与实践"(Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices)【25】 "规划极限编程"( Planning Extreme Programming) 【26】"RUP导论(原书第3版)"(The Rational Unified Process:An Introduction,Third Edition )【27】 "统一软件开发过程"(The Unified Software Development Process)四、软件需求【28】"探索需求-设计前的质量"(Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design)【29】 "编写有效用例"(Writing Effective Use Cases )五、软件设计和建模【30】 "面向对象方法原理与实践"【31】"面向对象软件构造(英文版.第2版)"(Object-Oriented Software Construction,Second Edition )【32】"面向对象分析与设计(原书第2版)"(Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications,2E )【33】 "UML面向对象设计基础"(Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML)【34】"UML精粹—— 标准对象建模语言简明指南(第2版)"(UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (2nd Edition))【35】"UML和模式应用(原书第2版)"(Applying UML and Patterns:An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process,Second Edition )【36】 "设计模式精解"(Design Patterns Explained)【37】 "设计模式:可复用面向对象软件的基础"( DesignPatterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented software)【38】"面向模式的软件体系结构卷1:模式系统"( Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1: A System of Patterns)【39】 "软件设计的艺术"(Bringing Design to Software)六、程序设计【40】 "编程珠矶"(Programming Pearls Second Edition )【41】 "C程序设计语言(第2版?新版)"(The C Programming Language )【42】"C++ 程序设计语言(特别版)"(The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition)【43】 "C++ Primer (3RD)"【44】 "C++语言的设计和演化"(The Design and Evolution of C++)【45】 "C++ 编程思想(2ND)"(Thinking in C++ Second Edition)【46】 "Effective C++" & "More Effective C++"【47】 "C++编程艺术 "(The Art of C++ )【48】 "Java 编程思想:第3版"( Thinking in Java, Third Edition)【49】 "Effective Java"七、软件测试【50】 "测试驱动开发(中文版)"(Test-driven development:by example )【51】"面向对象系统的测试"(Testing Object-Oriented System: Models, Patterns, and Tools)【52】"单元测试之道Java版—— 使用Junit"/ "单元测试之道C#版——使用NUnit" (Pragmatic Unit Testing:In Java with JUnit / Pragmatic Unit Testing:In C# with NUnit)八、软件维护和重构【53】"重构-改善既有代码的设计"(Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code)九、配置管理和版本控制【54】"版本控制之道—— 使用CVS"(程序员修炼三部曲第一部:Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS)十、领域专题(网络、平台、数据库相关)【55】 "TCP/IP详解"( TCP/IP Illustracted)【56】 "Unix网络编程"(UNIX Network Programming)【57】"UNIX环境高级编程"(Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment)【58】 "UNIX 编程艺术"(The Art of Unix Programming)【59】 "数据访问模式 —— 面向对象应用中的数据库交互"软件人员推荐书目(二) 拾遗篇【1】"系统思考"( 第五项修炼的核心,经理人处理复杂问题的利器) (Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking)【2】 "模式分析的核方法"(Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis)【3】"计算机科学概论:第8版"(Computer Science : An Overview (8th Edition))【4】"计算机科学导论"(Foundations of Computer Science: From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation)【5】 "编码的奥秘"(CODE)【6】"具体数学:计算机科学基础(英文版.第2版)"(Concrete Mathematics A Foundation for Computer Science(Second Edition))【7】"数据结构与算法分析C++描述(第2版)(英文影印版)"(Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++(2nd ed.))【8】"数据结构与算法分析—— Java语言描述"(Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java)【9】"数据结构、算法与应用:C++描述"(Data Structures,Algorithms and Applications in C++)【10】"数据结构与算法分析(C++版)第二版" (Practice Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (C++ Edition) (2nd Edition))【11】 "数据结构 C++语言描述"(Data Structures C++)【12】 "图论简明教程"(A Friendly Introduction to Graph Theory )【13】 "操作系统概念(第六版)"(Operating System Concepts,Sixth Edition)【14】"操作系统:设计与实现(第二版)上册、下册(新版)" (OPERATING SYSTEMS:Design and Implementation(Second edition))【15】"分布式系统-原理与范型"(Distributed Systems:Principles and Paradigms )【16】"4.4 BSD操作系统设计与实现(中文版)"(The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operation System)【17】 "莱昂氏UNIX源代码分析"(Lion' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition With Source Code)【18】 "Linux内核设计与实现"(Linux Kernel Development)【19】 "编译原理及实践"(Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice)【20】"数据与计算机通信(第七版)"(Data and Computer Communications, Seventh Edition)【21】 "数据库系统概念"(Database System Concepts, Fourth Edition)【22】"数据库管理系统:原理与设计(第3版)" (Database Management Systems(Third Edition))【23】"数据库原理、编程与性能(原书第2版)" (Database-Principles, Programming, and Performance Second Edition )【24】 "最后期限"(The Deadline:a novel about project management)【25】 "死亡之旅(第二版)" (Death March, Second Edition )【26】"技术人员管理— 创新、协作和软件过程"(Managing Technical People:Innovation,Teamwork,and the Software Process)【27】 "个体软件过程"(Introduction to the Personal Software Process)【28】 "小组软件开发过程"(Introduction to the Team Software Process )【29】 "软件工程规范"(A Discipline for Software Engineering)【30】"快速软件开发——有效控制与完成进度计划"(Rapid Development)【31】 "超越传统的软件开发 —— 极限编程的幻象与真实"【32】"敏捷软件开发-使用SCRUM过程(影印版)"(Agile Software Development with Scrum)【33】"解析极限编程:拥抱变化(影印版)"(Extreme Programming Explained:Embrace Change)【34】"敏捷软件开发工具——精益开发方法"(Lean Software Development:An Agile Toolkit )【35】 "敏捷软件开发(中文版)"(Agile Software Development )【36】"特征驱动开发方法原理与实践"(A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development )【37】"敏捷建模:极限编程和统一过程的有效实践"(Agile Modeling:Effective Practices for eXtreme Programming and the Unified Process )【38】"敏捷项目管理"(Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products)【39】"自适应软件开发—一种管理复杂系统的协作模式" (Adaptive Software Development:a collaborative approach to managing complex systems)【40】"Rational统一过程:实践者指南"(The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP )【41】"CMMI精粹--集成化过程改进实用导论"(CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement )【42】"CMMI——过程集成与产品改进指南(影印版)"(CMMI : Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement )【43】 "领域驱动开发"(Domain-Driven Design:Tacking Complexity in the heart of software)【44】 "创建软件工程文化"(Creating a Software Engineering Culture)【45】 "过程模式"(More Process Patterns : Delivering Large-Scale Systems Using Object Technology)【46】 "软件工艺"(Software Craftsmanship)【47】 "软件需求"(Software Requirements)【48】"软件需求管理:统一方法"(Managing Software Requirements:A Unified Approach)【49】"软件复用技术:在系统开发过程中考虑复用" (Software Reuse Techniques Adding Reuse to the Systems Development Process )【50】"软件复用:结构、过程和组织"(Software Reuse Architecture,Process and Organization for Business Success )【51】"分析模式:可复用的对象模型" (Analysis Patterns :Reusable Object Models )【52】 "Design by Contract原则与实践"( Design by Contract by Example )【53】 "UML 用户指南"(The Unified Modeling Language User Guide )【54】"UML参考手册"(The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual)【55】"系统分析与设计(第5版)"(Systems Analysis and Design, Fifth Edition)【56】"软件构架实践(第2版)" (Software Architecture in Practice,Second Edition)【57】"企业应用架构模式"(Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture )【58】"软件体系结构的艺术"(The Art of Software Architecture:Design Methods and Techniques)【59】"软件构架编档"(Documenting Software Architectures:Views and Beyond)【60】 "OO项目求生法则"(Surviving Object-Oriented Projects)【61】 "OOD启思录" (Object-Oriented Design Heuristics)【62】"对象揭秘:Java、Eiffel和C++"(Objects Unencapsulated: Java, Eiffel and C++)【63】"软件开发的科学与艺术"(The Science and Art of Software Development)【64】 "程序设计实践"(The Practice of Programming)【65】"代码阅读方法与实践"(Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective )【66】 "代码大全"(Code Complete)【67】 "重构手册(中文版)"(Refactoring workbook)【68】"程序设计语言——实践之路"(Programming Language Pragmatics )【69】 "高质量程序设计指南--C++/C语言"【70】 "C程序设计(第二版)"【71】 "C++程序设计"【72】"C++面向对象程序设计"(Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition )【73】 "C++ Gotchas(影印版)"(C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design )【74】 "Essential C++ 中文版"(Essential C++)【75】 "C++经典问答"(C++ FAQs (2nd Edition) )【76】 "C++ Templates中文版"(C++ Templates: The Complete Guide )【77】"C++标准程序库—自修教程与参考手册"(The C++ Standard Library)【78】 "C++ STL(中文版)"(C++ Standard Template Library )【79】"泛型编程与STL"(Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library )【80】 "C++多范型设计"(Multi-Paradigm Design for C++ )【81】"C++设计新思维(泛型编程与设计模式之应用)"(Modern C++ Design : Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied)【82】 "C++沉思录"(Ruminations on C++)【83】 "Accelerated C++ 中文版"(Accelerated C++)【84】"Advanced C++ 中文版"(Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms )【85】"Exceptional C++(中文版)" "More Exceptional C++(英文版)" (Exceptional C++, More Exceptional C++)【86】"C++编程惯用法—— 高级程序员常用方法和技巧" (C++ Strategies and Tactics )【87】 "深度探索C++对象模型"(Inside The C++ Object Model)【88】"Applied C++ 中文版——构建更佳软件的实用技术"(AppliedC++: practical techniques for building better software )【89】 "C++高效编程:内存与性能优化"(C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization)【90】"提高C++性能的编程技术"(Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques)【91】 "代码优化:有效使用内存"(Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage )【92】 "大规模C++程序设计" ( large-Scale C++ Software Design)【93】"Java编程语言(第三版)"(The Java Programming Language,Third Edition )【94】 "UML Java程序员指南"(UML For Java Programmers)【95】 "最新 Java 2 核心技术"(Core Java 2)【96】 "Java编程艺术"(The Art of Java)【97】"J2EE核心模式(原书第2版)"(Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition)【98】 "应用程序调试技术"(Debugging Applications)【99】"软件测试"(Software Testing A Craftsmaj's Approach(Second Edition)【100】"软件测试求生法则"(Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing:A People-Oriented Approach)【101】"功能点分析—成功软件项目的测量实践"(Function Point Analysis:Measurement Practices for Successful Software Projects)【102】"走查、审查与技术复审手册—对程序、项目与产品进行评估(第3版)"(Handbook of Walkthroughs,Inspections,and Technical Reviews:Evaluating Programs,Projects,and Products,3rd ed. )【103】 "配置管理原理与实践"(Configuration Management Principles and Practice)【104】 "软件发布方法"(Software Release Methodology)【105】 "Lex 与 Yacc(第二版)"(Lex & Yacc,Second Edition )【106】"用TCP/IP进行网际互联"(TCP/IP网络互联技术)(Internetworking With TCP/IP)【107】 "TCP/IP路由技术"(Routing TCP/IP)【108】"Windows 程序设计(第5版)(上、下册)"(Programming Windows (Fifth Edition) )【109】".NET构架技术与Visual C++编程"(.NET Architecture and Programming using Visual C++ )【110】"Microsoft .NET程序设计技术内幕" (Programming Microsoft.NET)【111】 "Microsoft C# Windows程序设计(上、下册)"【112】"基于C++ CORBA 高级编程"(Advanced CORBA Programming with C++)【113】 "计算机图形学"(Computer Graphics)【114】"计算机图形学:C语言版(第2版"英文影印版)"(Computer Graphics: C Version, Second Edition )【115】 "计算机图形学(第三版)"(Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 3e)【116】"Windows游戏编程大师技巧(第二版)"(Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, 2nd)【117】 "顶级游戏设计:构造游戏世界"(Ultimate Game Design: Building Game Worlds)【118】 "汇编语言编程艺术"(The Art of Assembly Language )【119】"软件剖析――代码攻防之道"(Exploiting Software:how to break code)【120】 "编写安全的代码"(Writing secure Code)【121】"应用密码学(协议算法与C源程序)"(Applied Cryptography:Protocols,Algorithms,and Source Code in C)【122】"网络信息安全的真相"(Secrets and Lies:Digital Security in a Networked World)【123】 "数据仓库项目管理"(Data Warehouse Project Management)【124】 "数据挖掘概念与技术"(Data Mining:Concepts and Techniques)【125】 "人工智能"(Artifical Intelligence: A new Synthesis)【126】 "神经网络设计" (Neural Network Design)【127】 "网格计算"(Grid Computing)【128】"工作流管理—模型方法和系统"(workflow management:models,methods,and systems)。
Niklaus Wirth说:算法+数据结构=程序,不说废话了,下面列出一份数据结构算法书目,先从最著名的说起1.原书名:The Art of Computer Programming作者:Donald E.Knuth难度:*****个人评价:*******推荐程度:****本书是算法分析的经典名作(用经典不太恰当,应该是圣经或史诗),被科学美国人列为20世纪12大科学名著之一(和Dirac的量子力学,Einstein 的广义相对论,von Neumann 的博弈论的著作等齐名)。
”2原书名:Introduction to Algorithms作者:Thomas H.Cormen,Charles E.Leiserson,Ronald L.Rivest,Clifford Stein难度:***个人评价:*****推荐程度:*****本书俗称CLRS(作者名字的简写),算法的经典教材,堪称算法分析著作中的“独孤九剑”。
写一封简历英语作文包括教育经验技能英语ResumeName: John SmithContact Information:Email:*******************Phone: 123-456-7890Education:Bachelor of Science in Computer ScienceXYZ University, 2016-2020- Relevant coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Database SystemsSkills:Programming Languages: C++, Java, PythonWeb Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScriptDatabase Management: SQLOperating Systems: Windows, LinuxSoftware: Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative SuiteWork Experience:Software Developer InternABC Company, May 2019-August 2019- Developed and maintained web applications using Java and JavaScript- Assisted in troubleshooting and debugging software issues- Collaborated with team members to meet project deadlinesProjects:Social Media Analytics Tool- Developed a tool to analyze social media data using Python- Used data visualization techniques to present insights to users- Project showcased strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independentlyVolunteer Experience:TutorXYZ Community Center, 2018-2020- Tutored students in computer science topics- Developed lesson plans and provided tailored instruction to meet students' needs- Enhanced communication and interpersonal skills through working with diverse group of learnersLanguages:English (native)Spanish (intermediate)References available upon requestOverall, my education in computer science combined with relevant work experience and technical skills make me a strong candidate for software development positions. I am eager to continue to learn and grow in the field and contribute to innovative projects. Thank you for considering my application.Sincerely,John Smith。
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SPtr(const SPtr<T>& p) { _ptr = p._ptr; _ptr->inc(); } ~SPtr() { if (_ptr->dec() == 0) delete _ptr; }
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EE 360C
Algorithms and Data Structures using C++
EE 360C
Algorithms and Data Structures using C++
A “Smart” Pointer Implementation
Smart Pointer Template Implementation
template<class T> class SPtr { RefCnt<T>* _ptr; /* hide new/delete to disallow allocating a SPtr<T> from the heap */ static void* operator new(size_t) {} static void operator delete(void*) {} public: SPtr(T* p) { _ptr = new RefCnt<T>(p); _ptr->inc(); }
#include <assert.h> template<class T> class RefCnt { T* _obj; int _cnt; public: RefCnt(T* p) : _obj(p), _cnt(0) {} ~RefCnt() { assert(_cnt == 0); delete _obj; } // dereference operator, returns pointer to object T* operator*() { return _obj; } int inc() { _cnt++; return _cnt; } int dec() { _cnt--; return _cnt; } };
. . .
SPtr<T> RefCnt<T>*_ptr
void operator=(const SPtr<T>& p) { if (this != &p) { if (_ptr->dec() == 0) delete _ptr; _ptr = p._ptr; _ptr->inc(); } } T* operator->() { return *(*_ptr); } };
Multiple SPtr<T> template instances point to a single RefCnt<T> instance, which holds a pointer and a reference count to an instance of a class T (e.g., String). The SPtr<T> template is a handle that is used to access a reference counted object and which updates the reference count. • on construction of a SPtr<T> instance, the count is incremented • on destruction of a SPPtr<T>the count is decremented. • when the last SPtr<T> object is destructed, the RefCnt<T> is deleted, which in turn deletes the object of type T.
String* get_token(istream& s) { String* token= new String; ... // get token from stream return token; }
How/when does the String object get deleted?
String *s = get_token(cin); ... delete s; You have to remember to delete the object, and this may be a problem if you pass the pointer around to other procedures and the “ownership” of the object becomes unclear. You have to remember to delete the object later, and also make sure that you did not put the pointer into a data structure somewhere that could result in a pointer pointing to an object that you delete too soon (caled a “dangling pointer”). StringPtr get_token(istream& s) { String* s = new String; ... return s; // calls StringPtr(String*) constructor with s } { // some scope in which get_token is called StringPtr sp = get_token(cin); ... sp->length(); // calls StringPtr::operator->(), then String::length() } // StringPtr is deleted when scope is exited, and so is the String object 8/5/00 2 of 8