Delayed Infections After Posterior TSRH Spinal Instrumentation for Idiopathic Scoliosis Revisited
二、术中血流动力学监测的方法1. 动脉插管动脉插管是术中血流动力学监测的一种常用方法。
2. 中心静脉压监测中心静脉压监测是另一种常用的血流动力学监测方法。
3. 肺动脉压监测肺动脉压监测是一种更为精细的血流动力学监测方法。
1. 心脏手术术中血流动力学监测在心脏手术中尤为重要。
2. 肝脏手术肝脏手术通常涉及大量的输血和液体管理。
3. 骨盆腔手术骨盆腔手术涉及的损伤及手术创伤较大,易发生术中失血和感染等并发症。
术前诊断 英文单词
术前诊断英文单词全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Preoperative diagnosis refers to the process of identifying a medical condition or disease before a surgical procedure is performed. This is an essential step in ensuring the success of the surgery and the overall health and wellbeing of the patient. Preoperative diagnosis involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests to determine the precise nature of the condition that requires surgical intervention. In this article, we will discuss the importance of preoperative diagnosis, the various methods and tests used in the process, and how it impacts the overall outcome of the surgery.There are several methods and tests used in the preoperative diagnosis process, each with its own strengths and limitations. These include:第二篇示例:Preoperative diagnosis refers to the process of determining a patient's medical condition before surgery. This is a critical stepin the overall surgical process, as the diagnosis will help guide the surgeon in planning and carrying out the procedure. There are various methods and tools that can be used to make a preoperative diagnosis, including physical examinations, diagnostic tests, and medical imaging.第三篇示例:Preoperative diagnosis refers to the process of identifying a medical condition or disease before a surgical procedure. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the surgery and the overall health outcomes of the patient. In this article, we will explore the importance of preoperative diagnosis and some commonly used English words related to this topic.The first step in the preoperative diagnosis process is the evaluation of the patient's medical history. This involves gathering information about the patient's past medical conditions, surgeries, allergies, medications, and lifestyle habits.A thorough review of the patient's medical history can help the healthcare team identify any potential risks or complications that could arise during surgery.Another important aspect of preoperative diagnosis is the physical examination. This involves a comprehensive assessmentof the patient's vital signs, physical appearance, and overall health status. The healthcare team may also perform specific tests and screenings to evaluate the patient's organ function, blood levels, and overall fitness for surgery.Laboratory tests are often used as part of the preoperative diagnosis process to help identify any underlying medical conditions or abnormalities. Common laboratory tests include blood tests, urine tests, imaging studies, and electrocardiograms. These tests can help the healthcare team determine the appropriate course of treatment and surgical intervention for the patient.Imaging studies, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, are also essential tools in the preoperative diagnosis process. These tests can provide detailed images of the patient's internal organs, bones, and tissues, helping the healthcare team identify any abnormalities, tumors, or other conditions that may require surgical intervention.In addition to medical tests and screenings, the healthcare team may also use diagnostic procedures such as biopsies, endoscopies, and cardiac catheterizations to further evaluate the patient's condition before surgery. These procedures can helpthe team gather more information about the extent of the disease or condition and determine the best course of treatment.Once the preoperative diagnosis is complete, the healthcare team can develop a comprehensive treatment plan for the patient. This plan may include medication management, lifestyle changes, physical therapy, and surgical intervention. The goal of the treatment plan is to optimize the patient's health andwell-being before, during, and after surgery.Commonly used English words related to preoperative diagnosis include:1. Diagnosis: The identification of a medical condition or disease based on the patient's symptoms, medical history, and test results.2. Preoperative: Referring to the period before surgery, including the evaluation, preparation, and planning for the surgical procedure.3. Evaluation: The process of assessing the patient's medical history, physical examination, and test results to determine the appropriate course of treatment.4. Medical history: A record of the patient's past medical conditions, surgeries, medications, and lifestyle habits that can help guide the preoperative diagnosis process.5. Screening: The process of testing or examining a group of people to identify those who may be at risk for a particular medical condition.6. Laboratory tests: Blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic tests used to assess the patient's organ function, blood levels, and overall health status.7. Imaging studies: X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and other tests that provide detailed images of the patient's internal organs, bones, and tissues.8. Treatment plan: A detailed outline of the patient's course of treatment, including medication management, lifestyle changes, and surgical intervention.9. Surgical intervention: The use of surgery to treat a medical condition or disease, typically after a thorough preoperative diagnosis process.In conclusion, preoperative diagnosis is a critical step in ensuring the success of a surgical procedure and the overall health outcomes of the patient. By conducting a thoroughevaluation of the patient's medical history, performing physical examinations and tests, and using diagnostic procedures as needed, the healthcare team can develop a comprehensive treatment plan to optimize the patient's health and well-being. By familiarizing yourself with the commonly used English words related to preoperative diagnosis, you can better understand the importance of this process and play an active role in your own healthcare journey.第四篇示例:Preoperative diagnosis is a crucial step in the medical field, as it allows healthcare professionals to accurately assess a patient's condition before they undergo surgery. This process typically involves a series of tests and examinations to determine the nature of the patient's illness or injury, and to plan the appropriate treatment.。
青少年特发性脊柱侧凸康复治疗现状与进展王莉;黄晓琳;谢凌锋;徐群【期刊名称】《中国康复》【年(卷),期】2017(032)003【总页数】5页(P249-253)【关键词】脊柱侧凸;康复治疗【作者】王莉;黄晓琳;谢凌锋;徐群【作者单位】华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复医学科,武汉 430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复医学科,武汉 430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复医学科,武汉 430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院康复医学科,武汉 430030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R49;R687脊柱侧凸是一种三维的脊柱和躯干扭转异常,包括在冠状面上的侧方弯曲,水平面上椎体旋转和矢状面上脊柱正常生理曲度改变[1]。
青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis,AIS)是脊柱侧凸中最常见的类型,发病率约为2%~3%[1],最新调查显示其在我国的发病率为5.2%[2]。
关于AIS的治疗,2011国际脊柱侧凸矫形和康复治疗协会(The International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment,SOSORT)指南推荐:Cobb角<10°时只需观察随访;Cobb角10°~20°时,一般选择特定性运动疗法;Cobb角20°~45°时,推荐支具治疗,同时配合运动疗法;Cobb角>45°时可考虑手术治疗[1]。
研究生医学英语Unit 2翻译
3 Unit 2Definition and Classification of Pneumonia 肺炎的定义和分类When the word pneumonia is used in medical practice, it almost always refers to a syndrome caused by acute infection, usually bacterial, that is characterized by clinical and/or radiographic /ˌreɪdɪəʊˈgræfɪk/放射影像学signs of consolidation/kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ 实质、实变of a part or parts of one or both lungs. The use of the term has however been greatly extended to include non-bacterial infection of the lungs caused by a wide variety of microorganisms. Pneumonitis /ˌnjuːməʊˈnaɪtɪs/ is occasionally used as a synonym /ˈsɪnənɪm/同义词for pneumonia, particularly when inflammation炎症/ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ of the lung has resulted from a non-infectious cause such as in chemical or radiation injury.当肺炎这个词在医疗实践中使用时,它几乎总是指由急性感染引起的综合征,通常是细菌感染,临床上和/或放射学上的以肺部分或单肺弥漫性或双肺弥漫性实变为特征。
这一决定的结果是研究中心的首席执行官DonArnone和剑桥桥大学物理学系的教授Michael Pepper先生于2001年成立了Teraview公司一作为研究中心的子公司。
TPI imaga 2000是第一个商品化太赫成像系统,该系统经优化用于成品片剂及其核心完整性和性能的无破坏检测。
中国现代医生2021年2月第59卷第6期·五官医学·CHINA MODERN DOCTOR Vol.59No.6February 2021颞下颌关节滑膜炎属于一类炎症疾病,在颞下颌关节病中较为常见,是一种关节囊或滑膜的急慢性炎症,诱发因素为牙合、外伤、大张口等,关节局部在运动时出现疼痛是其主要的临床表现,该病会降低患者的开口度,同时极易反复发作,给患者带来巨大的痛苦[1-2]。
1资料与方法1.1一般资料回顾性选取2016年11月至2019年11月我院治疗的颞下颌关节滑膜炎患者100例,按照治疗方法分为药物治疗组(n =50)和超短波治疗组(n =50)。
方法回顾性选取2016年11月至2019年11月我院治疗的颞下颌关节滑膜炎患者100例,按照治疗方法分为药物治疗组(n =50)和超短波治疗组(n =50),药物治疗组患者采用双氯芬酸钠缓释片治疗,超短波治疗组患者在药物治疗的基础上同时采用五官超短波电疗机进行治疗。
结果超短波治疗组患者治疗后较治疗前的DI、PI、CMI 降低幅度均显著高于药物治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
超短波治疗组患者治疗后较治疗前的VAS 评分降低幅度,最大前伸位移、最大张口度升高幅度均显著高于药物治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
学术英语 医学 Unit 4 Text A 翻译
Unit 4 Text A传统中医和现代西医的融通人们对传统医学和补充医学的兴趣正在引起医疗界、政府部门、媒体和公众等美国社会各界的关注。
针刺基于1997年美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)专家共识会议审查的证据,NIH 专家共识发展小组保守建议针刺可以作为多种疾患的辅助疗法、替代疗法或综合管理方案的一部分。
病理结果如下:腺瘤1例,腺瘤伴局部高级别上皮内瘤变3例,黏膜内癌2例,黏膜下癌1例(浸润深度500 μm),炎症性改变1例。
【关键词】内镜下黏膜剥离术;齿状线Clinical effects of endoscopic submucosal dissection for rectal lesions close to the dentate line LiYixuan, Rong Long, Xu Ying, Nian Weidong, Wang Huahong. Department of Gastroenterology, PekingUniversity First Hospital, Beijing 100034, ChinaCorresponding author: Wang Huahong, Email: wwwanghuahong@【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the clinical outcomes in patients after endoscopic submucosaldissection (ESD) for rectal lesions close to the dentate line. Methods The clinical data for eight patientswho had lesions close to dentate line and accepted ESD treatment in Endoscopy Center of PekingUniversity First Hospital from May 2012 to October 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. En bloc resectionrate, R0 resection rate, histopathologic diagnoses, complications, and tumor recurrences were assessed.Results The en bloc resection rate and R0 resection rate were 87.5% (7/8) in the patients. Thehistopathologic diagnosis were as follows: adenoma in 1 case, adenoma with local high-grade intraepithelialneoplasia in 3 cases, intramucosal adenocarcinoma in 2 cases, submucosal adenocarcinoma in 1 case (deep ofsubmucosal invasion is 500 μm), and inflammation in 1 case. Postoperative complications fever, bleeding andproctostenosis were seen in 1 case each. No recurrence or residual developed during the follow-up period.Conclusion ESD for lesions close to the dentate line demonstrated safety and effectiveness.【Key words】Endoscopic submucosal dissection; Dentate line内镜下黏膜剥离术(endoscopic submucosal dissection,ESD)是治疗结直肠肿瘤的一种微创且安全成熟的手段[1-3]。
·综述·内镜黏膜下切除早期胃癌后并发迟发性胃穿孔的临床特点王俊杰,陈浩龙,韩振国,李红倬,樊体武(长治医学院,太原 030000)通讯作者:韩振国,电子邮箱:1286619415@ 李红倬,电子邮箱:lihz0999@ 樊体武,电子邮箱:302862113@摘要:目前,内镜黏膜下切除术(endoscopic submucosal dissection ,ESD )已经成为无淋巴结转移风险的早期胃癌的标准治疗方法。
ESD 虽然具有显著的优点,但它依然可以引起一些并发症。
ESD 术后并发迟发性胃穿孔是其中一类较为罕见的并发症,然而,一旦该并发症发生,患者的症状通常较重,大多需要紧急处理。
为使更多的研究人员关注该并发症,推动关于该并发症的调查研究,获得更为可靠的数据及结果,从而促进该并发症在临床的预防、治疗及恢复,以减少患者的病痛,本文总结了一些该并发症相关的研究,对ESD 术后并发迟发性胃穿孔的发生原因、临床表现、治疗方法、预后及预防等临床特点进行综述 。
关键词:内镜黏膜下切除术;早期胃癌;迟发性胃穿孔; 内镜封堵术The clinical characteristics of delayed gastric perforation after endoscopic submucosal dissection WANG Jun-jie, CHEN Hao-long, HAN Zhen-guo, LI Hong-zhuo, F AN Ti-wu Changzhi Medical Collage, Taiyuan 030000, Shanxi, ChinaAbstract: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a standard treatment for early gastric cancer with a negligible risk of lymph node metastasis. Delayed gastric perforation after ESD is a rare complication. However, once this complication occurs, the symptoms are usually severe and most patients should be treated emergently. Until now, related researches have two main problems. For one thing, the sample size and source are limited; for another, the results of these researches varied widely. In order to prompt more scientists to pay attention to this complication, to do further researches on it and to acquire more reliable results, which can promote the better management, prevention and recovery of this complication, thus minimize the pain for the patients, we summarized some related researches and introduced the clinical characteristics such as reasons, clinical manifestations, management, prognosis and prevention of this complication.Key words: Endoscopic submucosal dissection; Early gastric cancer; Delayed gastric perforation; Endoscopic closureDOI:10.16689/11-9349/r.2018.02.020近年来,内镜黏膜下切除术(endoscopic sub-mucosal dissection ,ESD )已经成为无淋巴结转移风险的早期胃癌的标准治疗方法[1-3]。
护理论著CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS 留置导尿管多适用于病情危重患者、各种手术后患者,术后留置导尿管,可帮助持续引流尿液,降低手术切口张力,促进伤口愈合,通过留置导尿管可准确记录患者尿量变化,测量尿比重等。
两组患者疾病一般资料结果比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。
纳入标准:研究已取得患者本人同意;患者术前未合并泌尿系统感染疾病;需排除术后留置导尿管<24h 的患者。
观察指标:评估两组患者术后3d 膀胱功能恢复情况。
论著·社区中医药CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS脊髓损伤神经源性膀胱患者常伴有不同程度排尿障碍,主要表现为膀胱的储尿和排尿功能障碍,严重者可出现反复膀胱感染、肾积水、肾功能不全乃至肾衰竭,神经源性膀胱是脊髓损伤患者死亡的主要原因之一[1]。
逆行肾内输尿管软镜碎石日间手术病人延迟出院的危险因素朱洁清,黄莉燕*,黄佩绿,彭雪娟广西医科大学第一附属医院,广西 530021Study on risk factors of delayed discharge in patients undergoing retrograde intrarenal surgery ZHU Jieqing, HUANG Liyan, HUANG Peilv, PENG XuejuanThe First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Guangxi 530021 China CorrespongdingAuthorHUANGLiyan,E⁃mail:****************Abstract Objective:To analyze the risk factors of delayed discharge in patients undergoing day surgery of retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS),and to provide clinical basis for formulating measures to reduce the delayed discharge rate.Methods:The clinical data of patients who underwent RIRS day surgery in the urology ward of a tertiary Grade A hospital from July 2019 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed.The patients were divided into normal discharge group (hospitalization time ≤48 h)and delayed discharge group (hospitalization time>48 h).U Logistic regression were used to analyze the risk factors of delayed discharge.Results:A total of 786 patients with RIRS day surgery were included in this study, among which 119 patients (15.14%) were delayed in discharge.Logistic regression analysis showed that age(OR=1.159,95%CI 1.124‐1.195),operation time(OR=1.092,95%CI 1.060‐1.125),pain(OR=6.552,95%CI 3.292‐13.043),postoperative fever(OR=2.824,95%CI 1.269‐6.285)were independent influencing factors for delayed discharge in patients undergoing RIRS day surgery.Conclusions:Patients undergoing RIRS day surgery have a risk of delayed discharge.Nursing staff should pay attention to the risk factors affecting delayed discharge in patients with RIRS day surgery,strengthen the evaluation and management of perioperative risk factors, and carry out precise intervention for patients with high risk.Keywords retrograde intrarenal surgery, RIRS; day surgery; delayed discharge; influencing factors; nursing care摘要目的:分析逆行肾内输尿管软镜碎石(RIRS)日间手术病人延迟出院的危险因素,为减少RIRS日间手术病人延迟出院制订措施提供依据。
延迟超敏反应原理或机制英文回答:The principle or mechanism behind delayed hypersensitivity reactions is a complex process involvingthe immune system. When the body is exposed to certain antigens, such as allergens or pathogens, it triggers an immune response. In the case of delayed hypersensitivity, the immune response is delayed and occurs several hours to days after exposure to the antigen.One key player in delayed hypersensitivity reactions is the T cell, specifically the CD4+ T cell. Upon initial exposure to the antigen, the antigen-presenting cells (APCs) process and present the antigen to the CD4+ T cells. This interaction activates the CD4+ T cells, leading to their proliferation and differentiation into effector cells.The effector cells, known as T helper 1 (Th1) cells, release cytokines that recruit and activate other immunecells, such as macrophages and cytotoxic T cells. These immune cells then migrate to the site of antigen exposure and initiate an inflammatory response. The inflammatory response is characterized by the release of various chemicals, including histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes, which cause redness, swelling, and itching.The delayed nature of the hypersensitivity reaction is due to the time required for the activation and migration of the immune cells to the site of antigen exposure. This delayed response is different from immediate hypersensitivity reactions, such as allergies, which occur within minutes to hours after exposure to the antigen.Delayed hypersensitivity reactions can manifest in various forms, such as contact dermatitis, tuberculin skin test reactions, and certain autoimmune diseases. For example, contact dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen or irritant, resulting in a delayed inflammatory response. Tuberculin skin test reactions are used to diagnose tuberculosis and involve the delayed hypersensitivity response to the purified proteinderivative (PPD) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.In summary, delayed hypersensitivity reactions involve the activation and migration of immune cells, particularly CD4+ T cells, which release cytokines and initiate an inflammatory response. The delayed nature of these reactions is due to the time required for the immune cells to reach the site of antigen exposure. Understanding the principle and mechanism behind delayed hypersensitivity reactions is crucial for the diagnosis and management of various immune-mediated conditions.中文回答:延迟超敏反应的原理或机制是一个涉及免疫系统的复杂过程。
•536•中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 2021年5月第 56卷第 5期C h i n J O t o r h i n o l a r y n g o l H e a d N e c k S u r g, M a y 2021, Vol. 56, N o. 5•国外研究进展-美国突发性聋临床实践指南(2019)高压氧治疗解析苏林马鑫余力生北京大学人民医院耳鼻咽喉科100044通信作者:马鑫,Email:135****9195@【摘要】2019年美国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学会发布了更新版突发性聋指南,与2012年发布的初版指南相比,新版指南对高压氧在突发性聋中的应用的陈述有了较大变化本文拟对美国2019年版指南纳人的高压氧相关证据资料进行解读分析,同时对我国0前高压氧治疗突发性聋的诊疗与研究现状做简要综述:Interpretation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in American sudden hearing loss clinicalpractice guideline (2019)Su Lin, Ma Xin, Yu LishengDepartment of O torhinolaryngology, Peking University Peopled Hospital, Beijing 100044, ChinaCorrespondingauthor:MaXin,Email:135****************突发性聋是耳科临床常见疾病,病因和发病机制不明,目前诊治方案尚未统一。
高压氧治疗指个体在高压氧舱中 吸入压力大于1个绝对大气压的纯氧的治疗。
2019年8月,美国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学会(AA0-HNS)发布了更新版突 发性聋指南(简称2019版指南)_、与2012年3月发布的初 版指南(简称2012版指南)相比\新版指南对多项关键行动声明(key action statement)进行了修改,其中关于局压氧 治疗突发性聋的陈述有了较大变化本文对2019年版美 国指南高压氧部分纳人的证据资料进行分析,深入解读有 关高压氧治疗突发性聋的修改依据,同时对我国目前高压 氧治疗突发性聋的诊疗与研究现状做简要综述:-、2019年版美国突发性聋指南高压氧条目证据解读2012年版指南中关于高压氧治疗的声明为“临床医师 可以为发病3个月内的突发性聋患者提供高压氧治疗”,推 荐强度为“可选择”。
"末次随访时采用HSS评分评价膝关节功能:优11例,良7例,可1例,优良率为18/19"结论后内侧入路川型中T型锁定板内固定治疗胫骨平台后外侧骨折显露充分,有利于骨折解剖复位,疗效良好°关键词:胫骨平台后外侧骨折'内固定术'后内侧入路中图分类号:R687.32;R687.32文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-0287(2021)03-0435-04The type!medium locking T$hapee plate for treatmeet of tiCial plateau posterolateralfracthre with posteromeeial approack GAO Xian-ting$ZHU Aiaiang$XX Xing-Zai$KONGXiang-rO$LIU Xu%Dept of Orthopaedics$Suqian Hospital0^ffriatej t Xuzhou Mepical Urnerspy$Suqian$Jiangso223800,China)Abstract:Objective To explore the clinical eWicacc of type)medium locking T-shaped plate for treatment of tibialplateau posterlaterl fracture w ith posteromedial approach.Methods The19patients with posterlaterl fracture oftibial plateau were treated by type)medium locking T-shaped plate via posteromedial approach.At10months postoperation,Rasmussen fracture reduction anOomicai sere criterion was used to evaluOe the fracture reduction quality,and HSS score was used to assess the knee f unction at the last follow-up.Results All patients were followed up for10〜24months.Bone healing were attained within12〜15weeks.After operation,no complications such as internalfixation loosening,articular surface collapse,fracture alignment dXorder,incision deep infection and traumatic arthritiswere found.In one patient,the joint texion and extension exercise was not coordinated due to obesity,and the activitywas limited,who was obviously imprved Oter exercise with CPM machine.At10months postoperation,the fracture reduction quality was excellent in15cases,good in4cases,according to the Rasmussen score criterion;and the texionrange of knee joint was110°〜135°.At the last follow-up,HSS score assessment result was excellent in11cases, goodin7,fair in1,with the excellent-food rate of18/19.Conclusions The type)medium locking T-shaped plate with posteromedial approach for treatment of tibial plateau posterlaterl fracture is clear expousro,which is benefit for anatomical reduction,with good efect.Key worls:tibial plateau posterolateral fractures;internal fixation;posteromedial approach胫骨平台后外侧骨折是一种特殊类型的骨折,为膝关节在屈曲位时受到轴向或轴向外翻应力,股骨外課撞击胫骨平台后方所致,主要累及胫骨平台作者单位:徐州医科大学附属宿迁医院骨科,江苏宿迁223800作者简介:高先亭,男,主任医师,主要从事创伤、关节外科研究, E-mao:sqg at@ 的后柱,从而导致后柱劈裂、塌陷骨折[1-2]o由于平台后侧结构复杂,手术难度大,以往重视不够,治疗效果差[3]"罗从风等%2009年)根据胫骨平台CT 影像学结果提出了三柱分型理论,为手术提供了新的思路"选择合理的手术入路和内固定方式来有效地恢复关节面平整,对减少后期负重造成骨折再移位及创伤性关节炎的发生极其重要°2017年1月~2019年1月,我科采用后内侧入路皿型中T型锁定板(大博医疗科技股份有限公司)内固定治疗19例胫骨平台后外侧骨折患者,疗效良好,报道如下。
椎弓根螺钉系统内固定术后迟发感染的处理发表时间:2011-08-29T08:42:14.373Z 来源:《中外健康文摘》2011年第18期供稿作者:张向群[导读] 近年来,脊柱内固定技术发展很快,取得了良好的临床效果。
张向群(湖南省浏阳市人民医院骨科湖南浏阳 410300)【中图分类号】R687.3【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-5085 (2011)18-0216-02【关键词】脊柱迟发感染内固定椎弓根钉近年来,脊柱内固定技术发展很快,取得了良好的临床效果。
1 资料与方法1.1临床资料自2002~2008年,我院共收治胸腰段脊柱骨折后路椎弓根螺钉系统内固定术后迟发性感染患者8例;腰椎滑脱椎弓根螺钉系统内固定术后迟发性感染患者3例;男7例,女4例;年龄20~46岁,平均31岁;初次手术至发生脊柱内固定迟发性感染时间为20周~2年;2例就诊时手术切口附近局部包块形成;2例引流管口红肿;4例手术切口破溃、窦道形成;其余患者主诉背部不适和(或)疼痛。
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SPINE Volume26,Number18,pp1990–1996©2001,Lippincott Williams&Wilkins,Inc.Delayed Infections After Posterior TSRH Spinal Instrumentation for Idiopathic Scoliosis RevisitedB.Stephens Richards,MD,and Khaled M.Emara,MDObjective.To determine the incidence of delayed in-fections in idiopathic scoliosis treated with TSRH instru-mentation,proper wound management after instrumen-tation removal,and whether the previously identifiedbacterial trend remains consistent.Methods.All patients with idiopathic scoliosisՆ2years after surgery with posterior TSRH instrumentation were in-cluded.Those cases with delayed infections were retrospec-tively reviewed.Time of presentation(infection)from index operation,clinical picture,sedimentation rate,presence of pseudarthrosis,organisms grown on culture,type of woundclosure,and duration of antibiotics were examined.Results.A total of489patients were identifiedՆ2years postoperation;23had delayed infections(4.7%).Time ofpresentation averaged27months after initial surgery.Spon-taneous drainage occurred in15patients,fluctuance in6,and neither in the remaining2(pain and fever).Sedimenta-tion rate averaged48mm/hr.All patients had instrumenta-tion removed.Primary closure(1stage)was performed in14patients,and delayed primary closure(Ն2stages)wasperformed in nine patients.All wounds healed uneventfully.Cultures at the time of instrumentation removal grew Pro-pionibacterium acnes in12patients,Staphylococcus epider-midis(or Staphylococcus coagulase-negative)in4,Micro-coccus varians in1,and Staphylococcus aureus in1.Fivepatients had negative cultures.After removal,patients re-ceived parenteral antibiotics;in21of these patients this was followed by oral antibiotics.Conclusions.Low-virulent skin organisms are primar-ily responsible for delayed infections.Intraoperativeseeding followed by subclinical quiescent periods ap-pears to be the method by which infection occurs.Theincreased bulk and modularity of modern instrumenta-tion systems can lead to inflammation and bursa forma-tion,thus contributing significantly to the activation ofthese infections.Primary wound closure results in suc-cessful wound healing.Delayed closure after48hours isunnecessary.Short-term postoperative parenteral antibi-otics(2–5days)followed by short-term oral antibiotics(7–14days)is recommended.[Key words:delayed infec-tions,spinal instrumentation,Propionibacterium acnes,Staphylococcus epidermidis]Spine2001;26:1990–1996 Multiple hook-screw-rod spinal instrumentation sys-tems,one of which is Texas Scottish Rite Hospital (TSRH)spinal instrumentation,have been used for the treatment of spinal deformities over the past12–15 years.These modern modular systems have provided greater versatility in the correction of scoliosis than did the earlier Harrington instrumentation.Unfortunately, these newer systems increased the amount and bulk of instrumentation being implanted.Over time,several stud-ies emerged reporting delayed spontaneous drainage in sco-liosis patients,ranging in occurrence from1%to 6.7%.2,4,8,11,13Some authors concluded that this delayed drainage represented an aseptic process resulting from an inflammatory soft tissue reaction to fretting corrosion of the metal implants.4,13Others conclude that these episodes of drainage represented delayed bacterial infections.2,8,11 In1995,we reported on what we considered delayed deep wound infections in thefirst149patients at our institution treated with posterior TSRH instrumentation for idiopathic scoliosis.8Ten patients with delayed infec-tions were identified(incidence,6.7%).The infections were diagnosed an average of25months after the initial procedure.Cultures taken from specimens at the time of instrumentation removal identified several low-virulent skinflora,which had been considered nonpathogenic in humans20years ago.These organisms included Propi-onibacterium acnes,Staphylococcus epidermidis,and Micrococcus varians.We found that P.acnes required an extended duration(7–10days)of incubation to be iden-tified.If thefinal culture reading had been completed at 72hours,the causative organism clearly could have been missed.This fact was borne out in a similar study of22 patients reported by Clark and Shufflebarger in1999.2In theirfirst10patients,cultures were performed for only 72hours and were negative in nine.Subsequently,when cultures were continued for7days,11of the remaining 12patients were positive.S.epidermidis was the pre-dominant organism in their report.This study was undertaken to determine1)the inci-dence of delayed infections in a larger idiopathic scoliosis population treated with TSRH instrumentation,2)the proper wound management after instrumentation re-moval,and3)whether the previously identified bacterial trend(low-virulent organisms)has remained consistent over time in a larger population.Materials and MethodsAll patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital who were atϾ2years after their primary surgery with posterior TSRH instrumentation were included.A total of 489patients were identified who had been operated on be-tween May1988and December1997.Surgery was performed by eight different staff orthopedic surgeons.From this popula-tion23patients were identified who had developed delayed infections.Medical records and radiographs of these23pa-tients were retrospectively reviewed to determine age of theFrom the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children,Dallas,Texas. Acknowledgment date:November8,2000.Revision date:February23,2001.Acceptance date:March29,2001.Device status category:11.Conflict of interest category:12.1990patient,duration of the operation,perioperative use of antibi-otics,loss of blood,amount of blood salvaged with the use of cell saver,type of bone graft used,length of fusion,number of hooks and crosslinks used,presence of risk factors(such as urinary tract infections or previous spinal operations),dura-tion of follow-up after the initial operation,clinical presenta-tion for the delayed infection,erythrocyte sedimentation rate, presence of pseudarthrosis,organisms grown on culture,type of wound closure(primary or delayed)performed after the removal of the instrumentation,duration of antibiotic treat-ment,and outcome.Tissue removed at the time of surgery was not histologically examined for the presence of metallic debris.ResultsTwenty-three patients(20female,3male)presented with delayed infections,for an incidence of4.7%.For these 23patients,the average age at the time of the index operation was14.7years(range,12.4–19years),the average duration of the operation was4hours13min-utes(range,2hours50minutes to6hours20minutes), and the average estimated blood loss was877mL(range, 150–2500mL)(Table1).All of the patients received cefazolin intraoperatively and for24–48hours after sur-gery.An average of11levels were included in the arth-rodesis.All of the patients received autologous iliac crest bone graft to the fusion site.Eighteen of the patients received intraoperative salvage of autologous blood with use of the cell saver;the average blood return for these patients was335mL(range,120–900mL).Fourteen patients received before surgery donated autologous blood during the surgical procedure.Risk factors were identified retrospectively for only two of the patients.One patient(case5)had a reopera-tion6weeks after the initial procedure because of dis-lodgement of an inferior hook.Another patient(case7) had abused drugs intravenously;this was not known by the surgeon at the time of the initial procedure.Twelve patients(cases1–4,7,8,10,12,14–16,and 20)were operated on by one staff surgeon who had op-erated on92of the489patients.The remaining11pa-tients had been operated on byfive staff surgeons,as follows.Cases9,13,and17occurred from a group of 115patients;cases5and21occurred from a group of92 patients;cases11and22occurred from a group of84 patients;case6occurred from a group of42patients; and cases18,19,and23occurred from a group of34 patients.Two other staff surgeons had operated on the remaining30patients;none of these patients had a de-layed infection.There were no apparent substantial dif-ferences in operative technique,personnel,or equipment to explain the higher prevalence of infection seen in two of the staff surgeons–patient populations.None of the23patients who presented with delayed infection had an acute postoperative infection or any signs of an impending postoperative infection.The delayed infec-tions were diagnosed at an average of27months(range, 11–79months)after the initial procedure(Table2).Spon-taneous drainage occurred in15patients,fluctuance was present in six,and two patients clinically presented only with pain and fever(Figure1).None of the patients had exposed instrumentation.There was no clinical evidence toTable1.Data on the Initial Operation for ScoliosisPatientNo.SexAge atOperation(yr)Date ofOperationDuration of Operation(hrϩmin)EstimatedBlood Loss(mL)Cell Saver(mL)AutologousPacked Blood(U)No.of Vertebraein ArthrodesisNo.of Hooks/No.of Crosslinks1F132/28/894ϩ1560037521210/2 2F13.53/9/893ϩ258502501108/2 3F14.23/14/892ϩ50600120N/A108/2 4F133/21/893ϩ401300N/A11210/2 5a F12.44/27/895ϩ15150042021410/2 5b6/14/894ϩ30750350N/A13/4 6F15.27/24/894ϩ30500N/A298/2 7M198/15/893ϩ401800900N/A1110/2 8F14.73/8/903ϩ306002401118/2 9F14.64/19/904ϩ201000N/A11010/2 10F14.79/18/905ϩ0160049021312/2 11F15.112/12/904ϩ30120024021311/2 12F12.810/20/923ϩ508004751108/2 13F151/6/944ϩ10900245N/A1413 14F14.96/28/943ϩ50500125N/A87 15F13.99/2/944ϩ30100035011413 16F15.46/19/955ϩ10250050021211/2 17M16.810/25/956ϩ201300675N/A119/2 18M17.44/27/964ϩ50400125N/A910/2 19F14.47/9/963ϩ30500130N/A1011/2 20F16.37/2/963ϩ20422125N/A98/2 21F13.57/18/964ϩ45100020011211/2 22F13.84/23/973ϩ55150N/A N/A910/2 23F156/11/974ϩ0600N/A11211/2 N/Aϭnot applicable.1991Delayed Infections Revisited•Stephens Richards and Emarasuggest erosion of the skin over prominence of instrumen-tation.The average erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) for the18patients for whom this information was available was48mm/hours(range,17–100mm/h).For the two pa-tients whose clinical presentation included only back pain and fever(cases17and23),the ESRs were92and94 mm/h.All of the patients were taken to the operating room for removal of their instrumentation.Granulation tissue was seen around the rods and was frequently dark in color when it was in proximity to loose hook–rod or crosslink–rod interfaces.The tissue was not sent for histologic evaluation.After removal of the instrumentation and debridement of the tissues,pri-mary closure(one stage)was performed in14patients. Delayed primary closure was performed in nine patients. In eight of these nine patients the wound was closed during the second operative intervention(2to4days later).In the remaining patient,the wound was irrigated and debrided twice before delayed closure on the6th day.All of the wounds healed uneventfully.Cultures of specimens taken from deep within the wound were performed on all patients.P.acnes was identified in12patients,S.epidermidis(or Staphylococ-cus coagulase-negative)in four patients,M.varians in one patient,and rare S.aureus in one patient.Of these18 positive cultures,five(cases1,2,3,11,and21)grew in liquid media only.Five patients had negative cultures despite prolonged incubation(cases6,12,18,20,and 23).Three of thesefive patients(cases12,18,and23) received cephalexin orally for1–2weeks shortly before instrumentation removal,which may have significantly impacted the culture results.Preoperative superficial wound cultures were obtained in several patients.Three were positive for organisms different from those ob-Table2.Data on the Delayed InfectionsPatient No.TimeSinceOperation(mos)Sign of InfectionESR(mm/hr)Pseudarthrosis Type of ClosureOrganism Grown onCultureParenteralAntibiotics(days)Oral Antibiotics(days)141Drainage,low back191stage S.epidermidis Vancomycin11Cloxacillin28Rifampin28 232Drainage,crosslink282stages,3days apartP.acnes Cefazolin14Clindamycin28311Drainage,crosslink261stage P.acnes Cefazolin2Gentamicin2Cephalexin14 Tetracycline60415Fluctuance,low back67T8–T91stage P.acnes Cefazolin5Cefaclor14 5a45Drainage,crosslink201stage S.epidermidis Cefazolin10Gentamicin2Cephalexin14 5b618Drainage,mid back—2stages,3days apartNo growth Cefazolin5—724Drainage,crosslink811stage P.acnes Cefuroxime14Cephalexin? 830Drainage,crosslink321stage P.acnes Cefazolin4Cephalexin12 979Pain,fluctuance,low back—2stages,4days apartP.acnes Cefazolin7Cephalexin141015Fluctuance,crosslink52L1–L21stage Coagulase-negativeStaphylococcus Cefazolin5Cephalexin3Tetracycline141120Drainage,crosslink252stages,3days apartMicrococcus varians†Cefazolin5Cephalexin16 1228Pain,fluctuance,low back371stage No growth*Cefazolin7Cephalexin141342Pain,fluctuance,fever,midthoracic 1002stages,3days apartP.acnes Cefuroxime6Ciprofloxacin71420Drainage,mid thoracic181stage P.acnes Cefazolin4—1524Pain,drainage,mid thoracic—1stage P.acnes Oxacillin3Gentamicin3Cephalexin10 1617Drainage,mid thoracic—L2–L31stage withreinstru-mentationP.acnes Cefazolin5Cephalexin211711Pain,fever922stages,3irrigated anddebrided in6daysRare S.aureus Cefazolin13Cloxacillin71843Pain,drainage,mid thoracic172stages,1dayapartNo growth*Cefazolin5Cephalexin42 1927Pain,drainage,low back182stages,2days apartS.epidermidis Cefazolin6Cephalexin142017Drainage,mid thoracic—1stage No growth Cefazolin4Cephalexin10 2126Pain,drainage,low back961stage P.acnes Cefazolin6Cephalexin282217Fluctuance,low back(crosslink)512stages,2days apartP.acnes Cefazolin8Cephalexin302318Pain,fever941stage No growth*Cefazolin4Cephalexin14 ESRϭerythrocyte sedimentation rate.*Cephalexin for1–2weeks shortly before instrumentation removal.1992Spine•Volume26•Number18•2001tained on deep cultures:Clostridium beijerinckii(case5), S.aureus(case7),and S.epidermidis(case9).After instrumentation removal,all patients received parenteral antibiotics for2–14days.Twenty-one of the patients then received oral antibiotics for approximately 1–9weeks(Table2).Pseudarthrosis was noted in three patients(cases4, 10,and16).In two of these patients(cases4and10),the pseudarthrosis was identified at a level in which two hooks,oriented in opposite direction,had been placed in one intervertebral space.One of the three patients(case 16)had exchange of instrumentation at the initial reop-eration.She then received antibiotics for4weeks.Nearly 2years after reinstrumentation her wound has remained healed.Another of the three patients(case4)was rein-strumented8months after her instrumentation removal because of curve progression.She developed a recurrent infection with P.acnes4months and8months after the reinstrumentation.The wound was debrided and then closed primarily over intact instrumentation,and the pa-tient took clindamycin orally for5months.The incision in the back healed without redness or swelling and re-mained so2years after the reinstrumentation.Thefinal patient presenting with pseudarthrosis was not reinstrumented.DiscussionSeveral reports of delayed,or late-developing,deep infec-tions after treatment for scoliosis with multiple hook-screw-rod instrumentation systems have been published re-cently.2,4,6,8,10,11In a previous study conducted at this institution,Richards found10cases(6.7%)of delayed in-fection in149patients who had been treated with TSRH instrumentation.8Those10patients are incorporated into this current report,which has expanded the number of pa-tients treated with TSRH instrumentation.A lower inci-dence(4.7%)of delayed infections was found in this cur-rent report.Another retrospective review of idiopathic scoliosis patients treated by a single surgeon with either Cotrel–Dubousset or Moss–Miami instrumentation re-ported a1.7%incidence of delayed infections(22of1247 patients).2For thefirst10patients in that study,cultures were performed for only72hours and were negative in nine patients.After a report by Richards,7they extended the duration of the cultures and had a positive report in11of the remaining12,the majority being S.epidermidis or P. acnes.In still another report by Viola et al,11delayed infec-tions developed in eight patients(unknown incidence).11S. epidermidis or P.acnes was responsible for seven of the eight cases.In that study the ESR averaged57mm/h in their patients,an abnormal elevation similar to that found in this current study(48mm/h).Delayed infection may result from one of two possible pathways.Thefirst pathway results from intraoperative seeding of the low-virulent skinflora,followed by a qui-period.2,8,11At some point in the future,the infec-becomes clinically evident with the presence of backfever,localized swelling along the incision,and/orspontaneous drainage.This time interval between primarysurgery and the presentation of infection averaged2.3years(range,0.9–6.7years)in this study and3.1years(range,1.2–8.5years)in the Clark and Shufflebarger study.2Westrongly believe,as did Clark and Shufflebarger,2that thispathway is responsible for the majority of the infections.Unfortunately,this mechanism of intraoperative seed-ing remains conjectural and is difficult,if not impossible,to prove.Support for this mechanism,however,was pro-vided in a study by Dietz et al in1991.3They describedpositive cultures of low-virulent organisms(P.acnes andcoagulase-negative Staphylococcus)in a series of40pa-tients who underwent routine culture of the operativesite during elective clean orthopedic(nonscoliosis)oper-ations.The patients had no evidence of infection at thetime.The bacteria,which are normal skinflora,werethought to have been carried into the wound during theoperation.The authors concluded that it remained clin-ically difficult to know whether these organisms could beresponsible for a true delayed infection(such as thoughtto be the case in this present study)or whether the presenceof these organisms is only a coincidentalfinding.In partic-Figure1.This16.7-year-old girl(case14)presented20monthsafter her primary posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion witha draining sinus in the midthoracic region of her incision.Her deepcultures grew P.acnes.1993Delayed Infections Revisited•Stephens Richards and Emaraduring the primary operation and2)to minimize the amount and bulk of instrumentation being implanted. Intraoperative antibiotics should be routinely used.A wide surgical preparation should be performed,and after draping,the operativefield should be sealed with an io-dine-impregnated adherent plastic barrier.Incisions should never extend to the edge of the drapes because of the likely violation of the barrier.Irrigation should be used frequently during the procedure.Although topical irrigation(bacitracin or polymyxin)has been shown to decrease bacterial growth on cultures obtained intraop-eratively during clean spine surgery,its efficacy is un-proven in the prevention of wound infection.9Use of subcutaneous drains should be considered to decrease hematoma formation.Doing so diminishes the possibil-ity of persistent hematomas or drainage through the in-cision,both of which create favorable bacterial culture media.However,no studies have shown conclusively that the use of drains will prevent infection.Perhaps the most significant problem is the nature, bulk,and modularity of modern implant systems.With these more extensive implants,bursal formation can de-velop over prominent areas of the rod system,particu-larly the crosslinks.In some patients this soft tissue irri-tation likely establishes an environment conducive to growth of these surgically introduced low-virulent or-ganisms,which then develop into clinically apparent de-layed infections.Decreasing the size of the implant and minimizing the modular components(to lessen the po-tential for loosening),all the while maintaining sufficient strength of the construct,should be goals addressed by surgeons and spinal instrumentation companies alike. With this belief that less instrumentation might decrease the delayed infection rate without altering the surgical results,the concept of single-rod instrumentation evolved at our institution.12Initial mechanical testing found the single-rod construct withfixation at every level to be as resistant to torsional stress as a double-rod con-struct over10vertebrae.Unfortunately,an unacceptable rate of instrumentation failure and pseudarthrosis oc-curred with the use of a single rod,and this is no longer used.Continued efforts to decrease the amount and size of instrumentation are being made.A second potential pathway leading to the delayed infections includes hematogenous seeding and has been described previously by Heggeness et al.6The organisms responsible for the delayed infections in their study were also P.acnes and S.epidermidis.Although we believe the evidence strongly suggests that these patients with late-developing drainage(even those with negative cultures)represent delayed bacterial infec-tions,this opinion is not universally shared.Initially,there were reports that the late drainage represented an aseptic result many of the patients were culture negative at72 hours,and the process was thought to be noninfectious. Wimmer and Cluch13continue to believe that late drain-age,without pyogenic appearance,is an inflammatory re-sponse to metal corrosion secondary to micromotion be-tween components.They reported delayed drainage in6of 94patients who had undergone Cotrel–Dubousset instru-mentation for idiopathic scoliosis.None of their patients had positive cultures despite incubation periods of10days. Based on theirfindings,their conclusion that these episodes of delayed drainage represent an aseptic process is under-standable.However,with the high yield of positive cultures found in our study,we remainfirm in our conclusion that the delayed drainage is most likely representative of bacte-rial infection.Once late-developing drainage orfluctuance has de-veloped,the most important step in its treatment is re-moval of all components of the instrumentation.This is the only way in which the infection can be eliminated because the organisms remain protected by a biofilm (glycocalyx)that is adherent to the rods.5Antibiotics and the body’s immune system cannot effectively penetrate this barrier.When the soft tissue and bone surrounding the implants are inspected,it is clear that these deep infections represent soft tissue infections and not osteo-myelitis.The fusion mass of bone around the rods is viable and never is sequestrum seen.Once the instrumen-tation has been removed,primary closure of the wound at the same operative setting is effective and well toler-ated by the patient.In the14patients who had primary closure in this report,there were no complications re-lated to the wound.Delayed primary closure appears to be equally effective,but the patient is subjected to addi-tional procedures2–4days after thefirst operation.It appears that delayed primary closure is unnecessary in achieving successful wound healing.This conclusion was further substantiated by Clark and Shufflebarger.2 The two organisms responsible for the majority of the deep infections in this and in other series are P.acnes and S.epidermidis.These two skinflora have been clearly recognized in the recent literature as being causative of implant-related infections.1,2,8,10,11,14P.acnes requires an extended period of incubation before identification;final culture results in this clinical setting should not be reported out at72hours.After5days of incubation there may be several colonies in the anaerobic or thioglycolate culture.These colonies will then need to be replated,iso-lated,and interpreted.Its identification may require up to 10days.P.acnes should not be dismissed as a contaminant.The postoperative role of antibiotics is becoming bet-ter defined.The duration of parenteral antibiotics in this report ranged from2to14days.The duration of oral antibiotics thereafter ranged from1to9weeks.Thosea clinical outcome as those receiving longer periods of antibiotic treatment.It appears reasonable that paren-teral antibiotics be given for 2–5days followed by oral antibiotics for a period of 7–14days.This conclusion is also further substantiated by the Clark and Shufflebarger study.2They used parenteral antibiotics for 2–3days fol-lowed by oral antibiotics for 10days and achieved excellent wound healing.First-generation cephalosporins (cefazolin followed by cephalexin)are quite effective in the treatment for P.acnes and S.epidermidis (if not methicillin-resistant).Because identification of these organisms may take up to 10days,antibiotics should be used after surgery even in the absence of early positive cultures.In summary,the incidence of delayed deep wound infection was found to be 4.7%in a large population with idiopathic scoliosis who were treated with TSRH instrumentation.Low-virulent skin flora (particularly P.acnes and S.epidermidis )continue to be responsible for the majority of these delayed deep wound infections.Af-ter instrumentation removal,primary wound closure at the same time is satisfactory in achieving excellent heal-ing of the wound.First-generation cephalosporins are effective in eliminating the offending organism once the instrumentation has been removed.Short-term postop-erative parenteral antibiotics followed by short-term oral antibiotics are recommended.1.Brook I,Frazier EH.Infections caused by Propionibacterium species.Rev Infect Dis 1991;13:819–22.2.Clark CE,Shufflebarger te-developing infection in instrumented idio-pathic scoliosis.Spine 1999;24:1909–12.3.Dietz FR,Koontz FP,Found EM,et al.The importance of positive bacterial cultures of specimens obtained during clean orthopaedic operations.J Bone Joint Surg Am 1991;73:1200–7.4.Dubousset J,Shufflebarger H,Wenger te “infection”with CD instru-mentation.Orthop Trans 1994;18:121.5.Gristina AG,Costerton JW.Bacterial adherence to biomaterials and tissue:the significance of its role in clinical sepsis.J Bone Joint Surg Am 1985;67:264–73.6.Heggeness MH,Esses SI,Errico T,et te infection of spinal instrumen-tation by hematogenous seeding.Spine 1993;18:492–6.7.Richards BS,Herring JA,Johnston CE,et al.Treatment of adolescent idio-pathic scoliosis using Texas Scottish Rite Hospital (TSRH)instrumentation.Spine 1994;19:1598–605.8.Richards BS.Delayed infections following posterior spinal instrumentation for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis.J Bone Joint Surg Am 1995;77:524–9.9.Savitz SI,Savitz MH,Goldstein HB,et al.Topical irrigation with polymixin and bacitracin for spinal surgery.Surg Neurol 1998;50:208–12.10.Schofferman L,Zucherman J,Schofferman J,et al.Diphtheroids and associ-ated infections as a cause of failed instrument stabilization procedures in the lumbar spine.Spine 1991;16:356–8.11.Viola RW,King HA,Adler SM,et al.Delayed infection after elective spinalinstrumentation and fusion.Spine 1997;22:2444–51.12.Wattenbarger JM,Richards BS,Herring JA.A comparison of single-rodinstrumentation with double-rod instrumentation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Spine 2000;25:1680–8.13.Wimmer C,Cluch H.Aseptic loosening after CD instrumentation in thePoint of ViewFrederick R.Dietz,MDI was asked to write this Point of View commentary because of a small study I performed concerning the sig-nificance of positive cultures in clean orthopedic opera-tions.The study I performed consisted of swabbing and biopsying the base of the wound after the approach in 40orthopedic operations of various types.We found posi-tive cultures in 58%of the cases.The vast majority of these positive cultures were coagulase-negative Staphy-lococcus.The next most common group was Propi-onibacterium acnes .All of the positive coagulase-negative Staphylococcus cultures had fewer than five colonies or grew in broth only.P.acnes was the only。