
二、教学内容1. 词汇:本单元的词汇涉及日常生活场景,如学校设施、日常活动、个人喜好等。
2. 语法:重点讲解一般现在时的使用,以及可数名词和不可数名词的区分。
3. 功能用语:学会用英语进行自我介绍,询问和描述日常活动。
4. 阅读:通过阅读短文,提高学生的阅读理解能力和词汇积累。
5. 写作:练习书写简短的自我介绍和日常活动描述。
三、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过设计贴近学生生活的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习语言。
2. 合作学习:鼓励学生进行小组合作,通过交流和讨论提高语言运用能力。
3. 情景教学法:创设真实或模拟的情景,让学生在情境中学习和使用英语。
四、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)通过图片、视频或实物展示,激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣。
2. 新课呈现(15分钟)- 词汇呈现:利用多媒体教学工具,呈现本单元的核心词汇,并进行操练。
- 语法点讲解:通过例句和练习,讲解一般现在时的用法和可数名词与不可数名词的区别。
3. 听力训练(10分钟)播放与本单元话题相关的听力材料,让学生练习听力理解,并回答相关问题。
4. 口语练习(15分钟)- 自我介绍:学生用英语进行自我介绍,包括姓名、年龄、爱好等。
- 情景对话:模拟真实情景,如在学校、在家等,进行角色扮演练习。
5. 阅读训练(15分钟)阅读短文,让学生回答问题,总结文章大意,并学习新的词汇和表达。
6. 写作指导(15分钟)指导学生如何书写简短的自我介绍和描述日常活动的段落,提供模板和例句,让学生进行模仿和创作。
7. 总结与作业(5分钟)总结本课所学内容,布置相应的作业,如词汇复习、听力练习、口语录音等。

为了快速吸引学生的注意力和兴趣,我将以一个趣味小游戏作为新课导入。我会准备一些卡片,上面写着不同的日常行为动词,如“stand up”,“sit down”等。然后,我会邀请一位学生上台,展示一张卡片,并做出相应的动作。其他学生需要迅速模仿这个动作。通过这个游戏,学生们能够在轻松愉快的氛围中复习已知的日常行为动词,同时激发他们对新课的兴趣。
在新知讲授阶段,我会采用逐步呈现知识点的方式,引导学生深入理解。首先,我会通过展示一幅图片或情景,引入一个新的日常行为动词和相关的疑问词和句型。例如,我会展示一幅图片,上面有一个学生在画画,然后我会问学生:“What is he doing?”,并引导他们回答:“He is drawing.”。接着,我会用同样的方法引入其他动词和句型。通过这种方式,学生们能够在具体情境中理解和记忆新的知识点。
人教版七年级英语下册Unit 5的教学内容主要围绕着日常生活中的行为规范和礼仪展开。本节课位于整个课程体系的第二单元,承上启下,是学生在初级阶段进一步拓展英语听说读写技能的重要环节。本节课的主要知识点包括:日常行为动词的用法,如“stand up”,“sit down”,“open the door”等;询问和描述他人行为的疑问词和句型,如“What is he/she doing?”,“Can he/she…?”等;以及不定冠词a/an的用法。


文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、总结报告、党团资料、读书笔记、读后感、作文大全、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as contract agreements, documentary evidence, planning plans, summary reports, party and youth organization materials, reading notes, post reading reflections, essay encyclopedias, lesson plan materials, other sample essays, etc. If you want to learn about different formats and writing methods of sample essays, please stay tuned!七年级下册英语课教案(优秀5篇)教案是备课的展示与体现,至于采取何种形式还得根据教师实际而定。

二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握教材中的基本词汇、句型和语法结构,能够进行简单的日常对话。
2. 过程与方法:通过多种教学活动,如角色扮演、小组讨论等,培养学生的英语思维和交际能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:通过学习不同文化背景下的英语材料,培养学生的跨文化意识和尊重多元文化的态度。
三、教学重点1. 词汇的积累和正确使用。
2. 基本语法结构的掌握和运用。
3. 听力理解能力的培养。
4. 口语表达的流畅性和准确性。
四、教学难点1. 学生对英语语法的理解和应用。
2. 学生在实际交流中运用英语的能力。
五、教学方法1. 情景教学法:通过创设真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生在特定情境中学习和使用英语。
2. 任务型教学法:设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和使用英语。
3. 合作学习:鼓励学生进行小组合作,通过交流和讨论提高英语能力。
六、教学过程1. 导入新课:通过多媒体展示、歌曲、故事等方式激发学生兴趣,引入新课主题。
2. 呈现新知:清晰展示新词汇、新句型和新语法点,确保学生理解。
3. 操练巩固:通过对话练习、角色扮演等活动,让学生在实际语境中运用新学知识。
4. 拓展应用:设计相关练习,如填空、改错、翻译等,帮助学生巩固所学知识。
5. 课堂小结:总结本课重点,布置课后作业,鼓励学生进行自主学习。
七、教学评价1. 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、小组讨论、作业完成情况等,及时了解学生的学习进度。

初中七年级英语下册教案1TeachingPlanBackgroundinformation(背景知识):Students:52MiddleSchoolstudentsLessonduration:45minsTeachingcontents(教学内容):Unit2Topic1Ihaveasmallnose.SectionATeachingaims(教学目标):1.Learnsomenewwords:(1)Learnwordsaboutpartsofthehead:nose,eye,head,face,hair,ear,mouth,neck(2)Learnsomeothernewwords:guess,know,wide,right,girl,boy,have,has,small,big,round,sho rt,long,2.Learnsomeusefulsentences:(1)I/You/We/Theyhave…(2)She/He/Ithas…(3)---Doyouhave…?---Yes,I/Wedo.No,I/Wedon’t.(4)---Iknow.---You’reright.3.Learnhowtodescribepeople’sappearances.Teachingfocus(重点):wordsaboutpartsoftheheadandadjectivesof descriptionTeachingdifficulties(难点):Theusagesofhaveandhas Teachingprocedures:(教学步骤)Step1Warm-up第一步热身greetingsingasong:Headandshoulders.Step2Review第二步复习(1)通过复习,培养学生根据卡片信息进行简单交流的能力。

教学重难点重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police重点句型:1. What does your mother do? She is a teacher.What does your father do? He is an engineer.2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer.教学工具多媒体教学过程Step One Warming activityHave some free talks.Ask students thesequestions:How many people are there in your family?Who are they?Do you love your family?Where’s your home?Step Two PresentationShow the picture of Pan Changjiang’s family. They are a happy family,learn the word “actor”.Actor is a job,do you know other jobs?Show the PPT, learn other new words ,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,waiter Reporter,hospital ,bank clerk and so on.Do 1a as quickly as you can. Check the answers.Step Three New drillsT: I’m a teacher. (Ask one student What do you do?) Help the student answer I’m a student. Then ask several students.T: What do you do?S1: I’m a student.(Point to another boy)T: What does he do?S1: He is a student.T: What do you do?(Ask a girl)S2:I’m a student.(Point to this girl,ask another student)T:What does she do?S3:She is a student.T:What does your mother do?S4:She is a farmer.T:What does your father do?S4:He is a worker.Ask some Ss to answer the questions.Open your books,do 1b.Play the tape.Step 4 Task 1Make a survey and report about your group.Name Mother’s job Father’s jobStep 5 Task 2Play a guessing game.Step 6 Exercises1.I want to be a d_____ like Hua Tuo.2.My sister is a nurse,she works in ah_______.3.Cheng Long is a famous a____,Gong Li is afamous a_______.4.The two boys want to be __________(policeman)when they grow up.5.--What ___ you ___(do)? --I am a teacher.6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问)____ ____ he ____?Step 7 Summary and HomeworkMake a survey ,ask your parents or three of your friends using the question” What do you want to be?” and fill in the chart.课后小结本节课的不足之处,由于本节课的内容较简单,所以在各个任务环节的难度梯度不是很明显。

2021七年级英语下册教学设计教案5篇教案一:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握情态动词can的用法,询问和描述能力。
2. 学生能够用英语表达自己的兴趣和特长。
3. 培养学生的团队合作精神,提高口语表达能力。
教学内容:1. 词汇:guitar, piano, dance, sing, draw等。
2. 句型:Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. / No, Ican't.教学过程:1. 导入:通过展示不同乐器的图片,引导学生谈论自己的兴趣爱好。
2. 新课呈现:教授情态动词can的用法,引导学生用Can you…?句型询问他人能力。
3. 操练:分组进行角色扮演,让学生在实际场景中运用所学句型。
4. 巩固:进行课堂小游戏,检验学生对词汇和句型的掌握程度。
5. 作业:让学生课后用Can you…?句型调查家人或朋友的能力,并记录下来。
教案二:Unit 2 What time do you go to school?教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握时间表达法,询问和描述日常作息。
2. 培养学生的时间观念,提高生活自理能力。
教学内容:1. 词汇:o'clock, usually, often, always等。
2. 句型:What time do you go to school? I usually go to school at 7 o'clock.教学过程:1. 导入:通过谈论学生的日常作息,引导学生关注时间表达。
2. 新课呈现:教授时间表达法,引导学生用What time do you…?句型询问他人作息。
3. 操练:分组进行对话练习,让学生在实际场景中运用所学句型。
4. 巩固:进行课堂小游戏,检验学生对词汇和句型的掌握程度。
5. 作业:让学生课后记录自己一周的作息时间,并用所学句型进行描述。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、总结报告、党团资料、读书笔记、读后感、作文大全、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as contract agreements, documentary evidence, planning plans, summary reports, party and youth organization materials, reading notes, post reading reflections, essay encyclopedias, lesson plan materials, other sample essays, etc. If you want to learn about different formats and writing methods of sample essays, please stay tuned!七年级英语下册教案【优秀5篇】教学计划(课程计划)是课程设置的整体规划,它规定不同课程类型相互结构的方式,也规定了不同课程在管理学习方式的要求及其所占比例,同时,对学校的教学、生产劳动、课外活动等作出全面安排,具体规定了学校应设置的学科、课程开设的顺序及课时分配,以下是人见人爱的本店铺分享的5篇《七年级英语下册教案》,可以帮助到您,就是本店铺本店铺最大的乐趣哦。
初中英语七年级下册 Unit7. SectionA(1a-2d)说课稿

初中英语七年级下册 Unit7. SectionA(1a-2d)说课稿一. 教材分析《初中英语七年级下册Unit7. SectionA(1a-2d)》是人教版新目标英语的重要内容。
二. 学情分析面对七年级的学生,他们已经掌握了基本的英语语法和词汇,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握日常生活中常见的活动词汇,如watch TV、listen to music、do homework等;理解本节课的主要句型,如“What doeshe/she do?”“He/She watches TV.”等。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:学生能够掌握日常生活中常见的活动词汇和主要句型,进行简单的日常交流。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.教学方法:采用任务型教学法,让学生在完成任务的的过程中,自然地学习和运用英语。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:教师通过提问学生日常生活中喜欢的活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入新课。
3.Practice: 学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学知识进行日常交流。

二、教学目标1. 通过研究本教材,学生能够掌握每个单元的重点词汇,了解基本的语法规则。
2. 学生能够准确理解和使用每个单元的课文内容,培养英语听说读写的综合能力。
3. 学生能够通过听力练提升自己的听力水平,能够听懂简单的英语对话和短文。
4. 学生能够通过口语练提高自己的口语表达能力,能够进行简单的英语对话和问答。
5. 学生能够通过阅读练提升自己的阅读理解能力,能够理解简单的英语文章。
三、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:重点词汇、基本语法规则、课文内容的理解和运用、口语表达的练和提高、阅读理解能力的培养。
2. 教学难点:理解课文中的长难句,正确运用语法规则,进行连贯的口语表达。
四、教学方法与活动安排1. 教学方法:采用多种教学方法,如师生互动、小组合作、游戏活动等,激发学生研究的积极性和兴趣。
2. 活动安排:每个单元的教学可以按照以下步骤进行:- 课前预:学生预课文内容,了解重点词汇和基本语法规则。
- 听力练:学生通过听力练提高自己的听力水平,能够听懂简单的英语对话和短文。
- 课文研究:学生跟读课文,理解课文内容并进行相关练。
- 语法练:学生进行语法练,巩固语法知识。
- 口语练:学生进行口语练,提高口语表达能力。
- 阅读练:学生进行阅读练,培养阅读理解能力。
- 小结与评价:对本单元的研究进行小结和评价,帮助学生巩固所学知识。
五、评价与反馈1. 通过个人作业和课堂表现评价学生的语言能力和研究情况。
2. 针对学生的不足之处给予及时反馈和建议,帮助学生改进和提高。
3. 定期进行测试和考试,评估学生的研究成果。
六、教学资源1. 教材:七年级英语下册教材。
2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑等用于呈现教学内容和活动。
3. 音频设备:用于播放听力材料。

3、语法知识方面:掌握一般现在时与现在进行时的构成形式与用法,一般运去时的构成形式与用法,祈使句的用法,情态动词“can"的用法,there be结构的用法,介词的用法。

七年级英语下unit2全英文教案五篇第一篇:七年级英语下unit2全英文教案七下第二单元教案第一课时(Section A 1a-2c)(Listening & speaking)Language functions: Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is.It’s on Center Street.Where is the supermarket? It’s next to the library.It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket.Vocabulary: post office, park, bank, supermarket, pay phone, street , across from , in front of ,behind, there, avenue, bridge, Across, across from, next , next to ,between, front, in front to, behindImportant point: Is there a supermarket ? Yes, there is./No, there is not where is ……? It is in front of ……Difficult point: Is there a supermarket ? Yes, there is./No, there is not where is ……? It is in front of ……Learn to ask for and give directions in conversations.Ability target:Train students’ listening and speaking skills.Train students’ communicative competence.Emotion target:All the buildings make our city beautiful.Thank the designers and the workers.Thanks for their hard work.Teaching steps: Step1 Warming-up and revision 1.Enjoy the chant of Grade 6’s Unit 2(以小学熟悉的chant能快速地引起学生的兴趣,让他们迅速地投入上课状态,同时此chant为后面做好铺垫)Where is the post office ? Next to the hospital.Where is the hospital? Next to the cinema.Where is the cinema ? Next to the bookstore.Where is the bookstore ? Go straight ahead.2.Greeting &revise Unit 1 Where are you from? What language can you speak?Where do you live?I live in China/Zhejiang/Pingyang/---Then ask ―What’s this ?‖---It’s a map.---Yes.It’s a map of China.Is this a map?(Show the map of 1a)Step2 word-teaching 1.Direct Ss’attention to the picture on the screen and ask Ss ―What’s this?‖,present the names of the places on the board.(用ppt引出地点,学生可以更直观地感知并掌握单词)2.Give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.(中学生爱表现自己,这步设计可以更好地让学生学习英语的乐趣)Step 3.Match ,listen and pratice1.Finish 1a then check.2.Do 1b listen and check.(提高学生听的能力)3.Work in pairs,then ask two pair to act(让学生在使用中学习英语,以增强信心)Step 4.Teach the prepositions 1.Revise-Where is the soccer ball?(温故而知新)It’s in/on/under the box.2.Teach It’s near/next to /behind/in front of /across from/between –and--(让学生更好地理解这些介词的意义)3.Put the prepositions on the board, have Ss repeated.4.Finish 2a then check 4-6-2-3-5-15.Show the picture one by one by asking and answering--Where is the pay phone?--It’s on/-the Green Street(及时复习巩固)Step 5.Listening 1.Reading the words &sentences before listening(培养学生的听力技巧)2.Play the tape ,listen & check (及时反馈,即使评价,提高学习效率)Step 6.Consolidation and pairwork 1.Fill the blank ,then check(提高上课学习效率,巩固新知识)2.Pairwork : Where is the---? It’s across from/ next to/ between… and …/ on/in front of/behind---(提高学生听说与交际能力)Step 7.Homework 1.Pair works,two students draw the map, one acts as a policeman, the other acts as a a person who is ask the way.2.Draw a sketch map of your home to school or the way to your partner.3.Finish homework 2-1,2 Blackboard design-Is there a...? post office-Yes,there is.It’s on...street./ libraryNo,there isn’t.hotelWhere is the----? restaurant-It’s on/in front of / behind/across from/ bank Near/next to /between—and--supermarketparkpay phone第二课时(Section 3a-4)(Reading & speaking)一.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Ability ObjectTrain students’ listening and speaking skills.Train students’ communicative nguage goals:learn to ask for and give directions on the street.Moral objects On weekends or holidays, invite your friends to your house to have a good time.4.Teaching Key points: Review the key words in this unit二、Teaching steps: Step 1.Warming-up and revisionDaily GreetingStep 1.Warming-up and revision(温故而知新)Daily Greeting(融洽师生之间的关系)Is there a post office near your house ?……Where is---?Then ask some questions about the picture of 3aStep 2.Pesentation.(传授新知识)--Is there a supermarket in the picture?---Yes it is.--Where is it?---It’s between the hotel and the post office.---There is a traffic sign.What does it mean?---It means ―Turn left ‖What other traffic signs do you know? What do they mean?,In the same way present turn lright、/take the...turning.go straight Go up/go down/on the left /right /on your left /right step 3.Reading and speaking1.Read the conversation and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.Then show the position(训练学生的听说读的能力)2.T—Paul SS—Nancy Ask and answer Can you draw the line.?Who can ?Show the line.3.Work in pairs step 4.Work on 3b(巩固新知识,加强英语的综合运用能力)1.Work in pairs(T-go around to guide the student)2.Ask some pairs to act Step5.Summary and Consolidation1.Summary(学习方法指导,加强培养学生的自主学习能力)-Excuse me.Is there a/an … near here?-Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.-Where is the …?-Just go straight and turn left.It’s down Bridge Street on the right.It’s …behind next to between … and …across from in front ofon-Thank you very much.-You’re welco me.2.Pairwork Who is the most warm-hearted policeman?(提高学生的听说与交际能力)--Excuse me.Where is the bank ?--go straight down Center Street, turn left at Xingfu Street There is a bank on the right.It’snext to the bookshop…Step 6.Guessing Game.(游戏是学生喜欢的活动形式,其可以增加学习英语的趣味性)Goal: This activity provides an oral review of where a place is.Procedures: Invite a student to come to the front of the classroom.And then describe a place which thestudent are familiar with.For example, he or she may say, it is on Center Stree t.It’s next to the supermarket.While he or she is describing the rest take turn asking.Is it a school ? Is it a pay phone? Etc.The game goes on until they can guess it.(提高学生综合运用英语的能力)Step 7 Homework(作业是课堂的延续)1.Summary the sentences of asking and directing the direction2.Write down the route from your home to your school..Draw a picture of your ideal neighborhood.Make up a dialog between a police officer and a passer-by.Blackboard Design-Excuse me.Is there...? go straight Where is...? turn leftWhich is the way to...? turn righ tCan you tell me the way to...? take the...turning第三课时(SectionB 1a-4b)(Listening Reading &writing)一、Teaching aims 1.Vocabulary:open, dirty, old, market, quiet ,house,welcome ,garden, enjoy, walk through ,beginning,tour, visit, place,have fun ,if hungry, 2.Ability target: Train students’ listening ,speaking ,reading &writing skills.Train students’ communicative competence.3.Moral Object Everyone in school take the responsibility to keep our environment clean and tidy.二、Key Points Key Vocabulary.Target language三、Teaching difficulties 1..Practice the adjectives using thetarget language, 2.Train students’ listening ,speaking ,reading &writing skills.3.students’ communicative competence.四、Teaching steps: Step 1.Warming-up and revision Enjoy an English song(用歌曲自然地把学生引入课堂,且能激起学生学习英语的兴趣)Greeting.(融洽教师与学生之间的了解,融洽彼此的关系)Draw a stick-figure picture on the screen,have Ss say the routes between places.Point to two supermarkets.one is big,one is small, have Ss tell the difference, elicit the two adjectives big、small fromSs.(自然地导出新课的内容)Step 2.word-teaching.Show three pairs of items,elicit the three pairs of antonyms.clean-dirty new-old queit-busy.Reinforce with examples Ss familiar with,for example our class is clean,but the W.C is dirty,etc.(在使用中学习英语,在学中用,体现了新课程的理念).Refer to 1a,2a, in Section B.Step3.ListeningWork on 2a,2b.(训练学生的听力,以提高他们听的能力)Check the answers in 2b by asking one student to draw the map of Michaels’ neighborhood on the board.Step 4.Reading (加强学生阅读策略的培养,并为下一步的写打下基础)1.Ask Ss ―Do you have a school trip?‖ ―Do you want to havea school trip?‖―Why?‖etc.Elicit the newwords and phrases.2.work on 3a Before-Reading.Tell Ss that it’s importannt for us to get information from a tour guide if we want to have a tour.Ask Ss ―What info rmation can you from a tour guide?‖elicit answers from Ss.(take notes as Ss answering)the place to visit: the way to the place: how to go to the place:how is the place: While-Reading.Have Ss look at the lists of the items on the board and find the information about in 3asection B..Have one student put the answers on the board..Tell Ss to read the passage aloud,go around and monitor them and help with pronunciation.After-Reading.Say―I don’t live in Yuyang , tell me some interesting places in Yuyang ?‖.Elic it information from Ss,Step 5 working on 3b&writing1.working on 3bthen check(提供一些阅读信息,提供写导游指南的素材)2.Tell Ss to chooose one of the places and write down the four items of the place,and try to link theinformation into a tour guidar..Select some tour guides from Ss at random,check them on the screen,have Ss judge the best one.Step 6.Homework(温故而知新)1.Pair works,two students draw the map, one acts as a policeman, the other acts as a a person who isask the way.2.Draw a sketch map of your home to school or the way to your partner.Blackboard Designclean dirty welcome garden district new old take a walk through quiet busy beginning hungry...Period 4(Revise of Unit 2)一.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge objectsReview all the key words presented in this unit.Read an e-mail and draw a route2.Ability ObjectTrain Ss’ Reading and writing skill.Moral objects On weekends or holidays, invite your friends to your house to have a good time.4.Teaching Key points: Review the key words in this unitTeaching steps:Step 1.Warming-up and revisionEnjoy an English song(提高学生的学习兴趣)Greeting.Step2 work on shelfcheck-3.1 Scan and find the answers to these questions.(培养快速阅读的能力)(1)When is he arriving?(2)Does he know the way?(3)What does Mike do? 2.Read an e-mail and draw a route 3.read aloud then fill the letter of Jenny(训练学生英语写作的能力)Step 3 Summary1.Summary:(培养学生及时总结的能力,并做一定的示范)Asking the Way:Excuse me.Is there a …near here?Where is the nearest …?Can you tell me how I can get to the…? Can you tell me how to get to the …? Could you tell me the way to the …, please?Which is the way to…?Do you know the way to…Showing the Way:Go down this street./ Walk along this road.Take the first turning on the right./Turn left at the first turning.It’s on your right/left./ It’s next to …It’ll only take you about 10 minutes if you walk there.Step 4 Pairwork(灵活运用所学词汇和句型,培养学生的观察力和对信息的整合能力,训练学生的口语表达能力和演讲技巧)---Excuse me ,where is----/Is there a---Work in pairs---actStep 4 Exercise(目的:复习巩固相关词汇与句型;激发同学之间用英语相互交流的欲望,增强学生的学习兴趣,增进同学之间的友谊)1.Fill in the blanks1.There’s a cinema next ____ the shop.2.____ the left side ofthe room, there’s a desk.3.-I’m sorry I can’t help you.-_______________________________.4.Please come to the front and stand ____________ the class.5.A: ________ _______, where is the nearest police station, please?B: I’m _______, I don’t know.Please ________ that man.A: Thank you _______ ________ _______.Excuse me, where is the police station, please?C: _______ over there, next ________ the post office.A: Thank you ________ _______.C: Not ________ _______.6.A: Excuse me.Which is the____ to East Park, please?B: Let me see.Er, walk _______ this road and ____ right.Go ____ until you _____ the end.You’ll___ the park in front of you.7A: Excuse me.Can you tell me ____ to the post office, please?B: Sure.Go ____ this street and ____ right.Then you’ll see a tall building.That’s the _____ ____, and it s between the zoo ____ the fruit shop.You can’t _____ it.A: Is it ____ from here?B: No, it s quite near.It’ll only ____ you about 10 minutes if you walk there.A: Thanks a lot.B: You’re welcome.答案见课件Step 5.Homework()1.Write a letter to your friend who will visit you but he doesn’t know the way.?2.Finish the exercises below : 1.请问,去车站怎么走?Excuse me.Could/ Can you tell me the way to the station?2.请问,去警察局怎么走?Excuse me.Which is the way to the police station? 3.请问,去动物园我该走哪条路? Excuse me.Which way shall I take to the zoo?4.劳驾,最近的邮局在哪儿?Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?5.请问,你能帮我找到那家水果店吗?Excuse me.Could/Can you help me find the fruit shop6.劳驾,往第十四中学怎么走?Excuse me.How can I get to No.14 Middle School?7.劳驾,附近有医院吗?Excuse me.Is there a hospital near here8.劳驾,去书店怎么走第二篇:全英文教案 Unit2Teaching Plan(45mins)Unit2 English around the world Part 1 :Analysis of teaching materialThe theme of this class is “English language and its development, different kinds of English”.Researching the topic of the development of the history of English language, which can make students strengthen the understanding of the English language, especially for the understanding of the trend of English development.After finished this class, the students can comprehend the variety levels and plurality of English language, which can help students develop the consciousness of intercultural.Part 2: Teaching Aims1.Knowledge Objects①Talk about English and its development, different kinds of English.②Talk about the difficulties in language communication.③Learn to make dialogue by using request & command.④Learn to transfer from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.⑤L earn to organize ideas and give opinions by the way of brainstorming.2.Ability Objects(1)Important word and phrase Subway, elevator, petrol, gas, official, voyage, conquer, native, come up, apartment, actually, base, at present, gradually, vocabulary, make use of, latter, identity, fluently, frequently, usage, command(2)Grammar and sentence①English is a language spoken all around the world.②Thereare more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.③The number of people who learn Engl ish as a foreign language is more than 750 million.④In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.3.Moral ObjectsLet the students obtain the knowledge about the development of English language by reading, expand international horizons, aggrandize the culture consciousness, arouse their enthusiasm for English learning.Part 3: Teaching Key Points and Teaching Difficulties1.To be able to get the main idea from the text.2.To be able to solve the problem by analyzing.3.To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.Part 4: Teaching method1.Scenario communication method2.Task based Language Teaching method3.The heuristic teaching methodCreate the scenarios, lead in the topic, group discussions and exchange, inspire the learning initiative of student with the heuristic teaching method Part 5:Teaching Procedures Step1: Warming upLet the students look at the following picture, then ask them some questions like these: Which words in the picture are British English or American English? Which country do you think has the most English learners? Step2:Lead inI play a short video about people from England making voyages to conquer other parts of the world, then ask the students: Why is English the most widely used in so many countries? Why has English changed over time?Step3:Fast reading1.Let the students read the text as quickly as they can, then decide whether the statements are true or false:(1)There is no difference between American English and British English.(2)Written English is the same in both American English and British English.(3)Sometimes people from the two countries have difficulty in understanding each other.(4)The English language in the world always stay the same as the language used in Britain.2.Show the students some important words and expressions.(1)include包括,包含(2)play an important role / part in 扮演重要角色(3)even if / though 即使,即便(4)a large number of 许多,大量的(5)communicate with 和...交流(6)be based on 建立在......的基础上(7)make use of 利用,使用 Step 4: Careful reading 1.Let the students read the passage carefully and then make a time line of the development of English.2.Let the students read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words from the text.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as ___ as a ___ English speaker.One reason is that English has a large ___.It also has different usage in different English speaking countries.If you use “flat”instead of “___”, people in America will know you have learned British English.If you use the word “___”instead of “lift”in Britain, people will know you have studied American English.3.Let the students listen to the text carefully and repeat the sentences.Step 5 :Group workAsk and answer the questions like these: When did five to seven million people speak English? Why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries? Which country may have the largest number of English learners? Step 6 :Practice Retell the history of English and tell the differences of ancient English and modern English, British English and AmericanEnglish.Step 7:SummaryAnswer questions: Tell us what did you learn from this lesson? Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?Then give “The road to modern English”.Step 8:Homework1.Go over the text and try to learn all the useful words and expressions in this part by heart.2.Write a passage about your English learning.Part 6: After-class reflectionThe essential aim of English teaching is to promote the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the ability of comprehension, and to strengthen their consciousness of cross cultural communication.The four skills link closely, and they do not exist in isolation, this lesson will integrate these four links to the whole teaching process, which make students basically achieved the knowledge of this lesson and enable students to systematically understand the knowledge they have learned.At the same time, we can achieve the teaching aim of this class.第三篇:七年级英语下unit2课件七年级英语下unit2课件Can you play the guitar?一.Knowledge and abilities goals:1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar2.How to use Model verb” can”.3.Listen ing and speaking skills and communicative competence.二.Teaching method: Listening and speaking methods.Pair works.三.Moral goals: Encourage students to express their abilities.Content of courses: In this period, students will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chess club, swimming club, etc.students will learn the drills :Do you want to join…club ?Can you …?四.Importance and difficulty: canTeaching Aids: A tape recorder.Some pictures.A projector Some sports things, such as volleyball, basketball, etc.Preparation test paper for lessons before class.五.Teaching Time: 4 periods Period 1(Section A: 1a-2d)授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:2016年___月___日____午第____节1.Knowledge Objects: Learn to talk about abilities.Know something about the culture of clubs.Can you/he..?What can you do? What club do you want to join?can, can’t, draw, dance, swim, speak, walk.2.Teaching key point: can3.Teaching Difficult point: can4.Teaching Procedures:Step 1.Lead-inEnjoy a song I’m a musicianT: Do you want to be a musician? S:T: Can you play the piano? S…T: What can you do? S: I can…T: What about you? S:T: OK, now please show your talent and tell us what you can do.Ask one of the students come to the front and do the action.Ask other students to guess what he or she can do.Step 2.PresentationT: Look at the pictures.What are they doing? S:Step 3 Pair workLook at the pictures.Ask and answer like this:A: Can you play basketball?B: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Can you…?Step 4 PresentationShow some pictures of famous stars.Practice the third person “he, she, they”T: Where can you play chess? S:T: Yes, in a chess club.This term, we have a lot of clubs.What club do you want to join? S…T: Sounds great.Can you…?S: Yes, I can/ No, I can’tIf the answer is negative, guide students to say:S: No, I can’t.But I can learn it from others.Step5 Pair work A: What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the…A: Can you …?B: Yes, I can.No, I can’t.But I can learn it from others.Step 6 ListeningListen to 1bListen to 2a and 2b.Tell them to give special attention to listening activity(names of the clubs).Finish the tasks.Step 7 Pair workLook at 2b and talk about what the people can do the clubs they want to join.Step 7 Role-play the conversation 2d T: If you like telling stories.What club can you join?S: Story telling club.T: Right.Please read the conversation following the recording.Who wants to join the story telling club? Then role-play the conversation.Step 8 Explain some language points.Step 9 Homework第四篇:七年级上册英语unit2教案Period 1 Section A 1a1c Ⅰ.教学准备1.教师:录音机和录音磁带,多媒体课件、麦克风、自己的家庭照片。

二、教学目标1. 培养学生研究英语的兴趣,提高英语听说读写能力;2. 开发学生的思维能力,培养其独立思考和解决问题的能力;3. 引导学生自主研究,提高其自学能力;4. 帮助学生树立正确的研究态度和价值观。
三、教学内容和安排单元一:学校生活- 教学内容:介绍学校的各种设施、学科和课程安排。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:学校设施介绍- 第二课:学校科目介绍- 第三课:我的课程表单元二:家庭与朋友- 教学内容:描述家庭成员、朋友和家庭活动。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:我的家庭- 第二课:我的朋友- 第三课:家庭活动单元三:日常生活- 教学内容:介绍日常活动和惯。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:我的日常活动- 第二课:日常惯- 第三课:日常生活中的问题与解决方法单元四:购物- 教学内容:研究购物相关的词汇和句型。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:购物场所- 第二课:购物物品- 第三课:购物对话单元五:健康与运动- 教学内容:研究有关健康和运动的知识。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:健康饮食- 第二课:运动项目- 第三课:我的运动日记单元六:节日与庆祝- 教学内容:介绍不同节日的庆祝活动。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:春节- 第二课:圣诞节- 第三课:其他节日单元七:环境保护- 教学内容:研究保护环境的方法和意义。
- 教学安排:- 第一课:保护环境的意义- 第二课:环保行动- 第三课:我的环保计划四、教学方法本教案采用多种教学方法,包括听说读写结合的综合教学法、任务型教学法、情景教学法等,以提高学生的综合语言能力。

人教版中学七年级英语下册全册说课稿一. 教材分析人教版中学七年级英语下册全册说课稿的教材内容主要包括10个unit,每个unit由Section A、Section B、Self Check和Practical Writing组成。
二. 学情分析在七年级下学期,学生已经掌握了基本的英语语音、词汇和语法知识,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本册书中的10个unit的词汇、语法和日常用语,了解相关话题的文化背景。
四. 说教学重难点1.教学重点:每个unit的词汇、语法和日常用语。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.教学方法:采用任务型教学法、情境教学法和交际教学法,引导学生主动参与课堂活动,提高实际运用英语的能力。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过与学生生活相关的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入新课。

课程名称:初一下英语教学目标:1. 让学生掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型。
2. 培养学生的英语听说读写能力。
3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的语言运用能力。
教学重点:1. 本单元的核心词汇和短语。
2. 句型结构的理解和应用。
3. 通过实际情境,提高学生的语言交际能力。
教学难点:1. 学生对新词汇的快速记忆和运用。
2. 句型结构的灵活运用,特别是在口语表达中。
教学方法:1. 采用情景教学法,通过创设情境,让学生在实际对话中学习和运用语言。
2. 利用多媒体教学,增加课堂的趣味性,提高学生的学习兴趣。
3. 组织小组合作学习,鼓励学生之间的交流与合作。
教学过程:1. 导入新课(5分钟)- 通过播放与本单元主题相关的视频或图片,激发学生的兴趣,引入新课主题。
2. 词汇教学(10分钟)- 逐一呈现本单元的新词汇,通过图片、实物或动作等方式帮助学生理解词义。
- 进行词汇游戏,如“快速反应”或“单词接龙”,加强记忆。
3. 句型结构教学(15分钟)- 讲解本单元的关键句型,通过例句让学生理解句型结构。
- 引导学生进行句型转换练习,加深理解。
4. 听力训练(10分钟)- 播放与本单元主题相关的听力材料,训练学生的听力理解能力。
- 通过提问,检验学生对听力材料的理解。
5. 口语练习(15分钟)- 组织学生进行角色扮演或情景对话,实践所学句型和词汇。
- 鼓励学生大胆开口,提高口语表达能力。
6. 阅读训练(10分钟)- 提供与本单元主题相关的短文,指导学生进行阅读。
- 通过提问和讨论,检验学生的阅读理解能力。
7. 写作指导(10分钟)- 指导学生如何运用本单元的词汇和句型进行写作。
- 让学生尝试写一篇短文,教师提供反馈。
8. 课堂小结(5分钟)- 总结本节课的重点和难点,强调学生需要掌握的内容。

初中英语七年级下册 Unit7 SectionA(grammar-3c)说课稿一. 教材分析本课是人民教育出版社出版的初中英语七年级下册Unit 7 Section A (grammar-3c)。
二. 学情分析通过对学生的了解,他们在六年级时已经学习了简单的英语语法知识,对一般现在时态有一定的了解。
三. 说教学目标根据新课程标准和新大纲的要求,本节课的教学目标如下:1.知识目标:学生能够掌握一般现在时态的构成和用法,理解主语和谓语动词的一致性。
四. 说教学重难点1.教学重点:学生能够掌握一般现在时态的构成和用法,理解主语和谓语动词的一致性。
五. 说教学方法与手段为了实现本节课的教学目标,我采用了以下教学方法和手段:1.情境教学法:通过设定各种真实的语境,引导学生运用一般现在时态进行交流,提高他们的语言运用能力。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过与学生谈论日常生活中的习惯,引出一般现在时态的概念,激发学生的学习兴趣。

人教版七年级英语下册说课稿:UNIT 3 Period 1 (Section A 1a-1c)一. 教材分析人教版七年级英语下册Unit 3 Period 1(Section A 1a-1c)的主要内容是介绍一般现在时态。
二. 学情分析根据对七年级学生的了解,他们已经掌握了基本的英语语法知识,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握一般现在时态的构成和用法,理解主语和谓语动词的一致性。
四. 说教学重难点1.教学重点:一般现在时态的构成和用法,主语和谓语动词的一致性。
五. 说教学方法与手段本节课采用任务型教学法,结合多媒体辅助教学手段,以学生为主体,教师为主导,充分发挥学生的积极性和主动性。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:教师通过提问方式引导学生回顾已学过的一般过去时态,为新课的学习做好铺垫。

2021年七年级下册英语说课稿(精选3篇)七年级下册英语说课稿1今天我要谈论的是新目标英语七年级下册Unit 8 I’d like some noodles. Section A 我将分七个部分来介绍,即教学素材分析、学情分析、设计理念、教学目标、教学重、难点、教学辅助手段和教学流程。
围绕What would you like?等问题,学习“想要什么”的表达。
四、教学目标:1、知识目标:2、能力目标: 培养运用英语交际的能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化。
3、情感目标: ⑴体会英语学习的乐趣,做到在“用中学,在学中用”。

以下是一份针对初中英语七下课程的说课稿示例:课程名称:初中英语七年级下学期教学目标:1. 培养学生的英语听说读写能力,提高语言实际运用能力。
2. 通过学习,使学生能够理解并使用基本的英语语法结构。
3. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识,了解不同文化背景下的英语使用习惯。
教学内容:1. 词汇:本学期将学习约300个新词汇,涵盖日常生活、学校生活、节日等主题。
2. 语法:重点教授一般过去时、现在完成时、被动语态等语法点。
3. 阅读:选取适合学生水平的英语文章,提高阅读理解能力。
4. 写作:练习写日记、书信、故事等,加强书面表达能力。
5. 口语:通过角色扮演、情景对话等方式,提高口语交流能力。
教学方法:1. 情景教学法:通过模拟真实生活场景,让学生在实际语境中学习和使用英语。
2. 任务型教学法:设计各种任务,鼓励学生通过合作完成,培养团队协作能力。
3. 多媒体教学:利用多媒体资源,如视频、音频、PPT等,提高课堂的趣味性和互动性。
4. 互动式教学:鼓励学生提问和发表观点,提高课堂参与度。
教学资源:1. 教科书:选用适合学生水平的英语教材,作为教学的主要依据。
2. 辅助材料:包括词汇卡片、语法练习册、阅读材料等。
3. 网络资源:利用在线英语学习平台,提供额外的学习资源和练习。
教学评价:1. 形成性评价:通过课堂表现、作业完成情况等,持续跟踪学生的学习进度。
2. 终结性评价:通过期中和期末考试,全面评估学生的学习成果。
教学难点与应对策略:1. 难点:学生对英语语法的掌握不够深入,尤其是时态和语态的使用。
2. 难点:学生在口语表达时缺乏自信,不敢开口。
课后作业:1. 词汇练习:每天背诵一定数量的单词,并能正确使用。
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整理了关于七年级英语下册教案及说课稿,希望对大家有帮助!七年级英语下册教案及说课稿范文一、说教材(一)教材概述本课是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 8 I d like some noodles.第一课时。
主要语言点要求掌握would like的用法,列出具体句型。
Words: noodle beef cabbage potato special size bowl muttonSentences: What kind of noodles would you like? / What size bowl of noodles would you like?I d like some .(2)、语言技能目标:能运用所学词汇、句型点餐,能在真实情景中熟练运用。
3、含有would like 的特殊疑问句及其回答。
难点: 1、would like 的用法及其与like在用法上的区别。
2、教具准备:教学卡片、PPT幻灯片、录音机、粉笔、黑板磁铁3、分步设计及依据(多媒体课件制作)Step1:在任务活动中热身活动一:chant活动二:Guessing games活动三:利用挂图引导学生观察在英语国家人们的点餐习惯及基本流程活动四:学生俩俩合作,试着模仿课本上主人公点餐,找出不认识的单词及主要句型并加以勾画,并小组汇报员说出自己的问题,然后再带领全班同学共同解决Step2 教师带领学生一起操练新学词汇及句型Step3 通过三个活动进行任务型教学,让学生在完成任务的过程中再次熟练对新学语言点的练习,之后让小组汇报员汇报任务完成情况,教师以此来检测学生的掌握情况Step4 Summary以PPT幻灯片来展示本节课所学内容,把词汇和句型分别归纳、总结以便学生在脑子里形成一个完整的知识体系4、板书设计六、教学效果预测七、教学反思1、教学内容要形式多样,避免课堂的死板、生硬2、尽量合理组织教材,整合教材内容以便适合本班学生的实际学习情况3、课件制作要充满色彩,并且简洁明了,注意不要把学生的注意力吸引在观看幻灯片上而忽略了其真实的学习作用4、拓展学生文化视野,把中西饮食文化习惯放在一起对比,让学生了解英语国家饮食文化习惯并要求学生养成健康的饮食文化习惯5、充分发挥学生主动作用,让主动会话,增加学生语言运用能力的灵活性教案设计Unit 8 I d like some noodles.I. Analysis of the Teaching Material1. Status and functionThe topic of this unit is about food. The students will learn how to order food ortake-away. In this unit, the students will be able to use would like to express their needfor food and learn how to ask others information andprovide their personal informationduring the process.2. Teaching aims and demands1). Knowledge objectsa. To master how to order food or take-away;b. To master the modal verb would and what questions.c. To master the usage of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2). Ability objectsd. To use would like to talk about the need for food.e. To improve students ability of communication and social practice.3). Sensibility objects:Let the students experience the happiness of learning English, cultivate their abilityto do things and foster the spirit of cooperation in group activities.3. Teaching difficult points and focus:1)To learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns.2)To learn how to order food.3)To use would like to express their need for food andlearn how to order food.II. Target Language1) what would you/he/they like to eat?I d /He d /They d like some...2) What kind of noodles would you/he/they like?I d/He d /They d like beef and tomato noodlesIV. Vocabularynoodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, tomato, cabbage,carrot, dumplings, porridge, soup, green tea, orange juice, would likeV. Teaching Time45 minutesVI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Warm up.1) Show some pictures about sports and let the students answer the questions below:After doing these sports, what s your feeling?Are you tired ?Are you hungry?2) Let the students thinking the question: If you are hungry, what would you like to eat?3) Show some pictures of food that they have learned.Step 2. Lead into.1)T: No food left! But don t worry, let s go to the restaurant to have a big meal.Look! What can you see in the restaurant?Yes, There are many kinds of food there. You can choose whatever you like .2)Show the new words.3)Questions:A: What kind of vegetables/meat/food/drink would you like?B: I d like someLet the students to learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns. Let the students make some dialogue.Step 3. Let s chant.Step 4. Noodle House.1) Show some pictures about noodle specials.meat+vegetables special1/special2 .(let the students to guess the meaning of the word special )2) Make dialogueA: What kind of noodles would you like?B: I d like and noodles.Step 5. Pairwork and guessing game1) Pairwork . (Make dialogues.)2) Game: Who is the winner?Ask a boy and a girl come before the blackboard, and then ask two students to make adialogues. The boy or the girl who find the right special will win one score .aftersome pairwork, see who is the winner? The boy or the girl.3) Guessing game.Step 6. Role Play (In the Nodle House)A customer and a waiter. (Make a dialogue)Let the students express their need for food and learn how to order food.Step 7. SummaryStep 8. ApothegmStep 9 A Flash I m hungryLearn the song.Step 10. Homework英语篇章教学研讨一、关于英语篇章教学的理解Rosenblatt将阅读理解分为了四个层次:字面理解层次、推理层次、评价理解层次、欣赏层次。